The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 10, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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HOW TO 3"COMB FLUMP. Ways to Acquire Symmetrical Form and Graceful Outlines. From the Epoch. It may be safely asserted that seven, if not eight, of every ten young ladies would le improved in face and figure by the addi tion of ten or fifteen pounds to their weight. >'ow, in most cases where the want of plumpness is not the result of (tositive dis ease calling for medical treatment, these extra pounds—beauty pounds they might called, because they add the finishing t uch to tieauty —may be easily acquired in H few months by cutting out the following hints and pasting them on the mirror, where they may be daily seen and heeded: The famous Mr. Banting, who reduced bis weight by more than fifty pounds in one year, found that sugar was the most fatten ing thing that he could cat. Hence, to in crease your weight cat cakes, puddings, scrap, honey, candy and pastry, always taking care that it be. crisp and digestible, for indigestible food is the chief cause of leanness. New England pie crust is proba ble responsible for the appearance of the typical gaunt Yankee. Other fattening articles of food are tender lamb, salmon and (els, milk and cream, corn bread and but ter. and those vegetables which grow tmder ground, and of which sugar is made—beets, turnips, etc. Boiled or baked potatoes, mashed on the plate and seasoned with salt and fresh butter, make a delicious dish, rapidly fattening. Eat often and very slowly, for it is not the quantity that is eaten, but the amount that is thoroughly digested that nourishes the system and rounds the bodily contour. Bismarck’s private physician, Dr. Schwen inger, owes his international reputation to his success in diminishing the Chancellor’s weight. The secret of his method is never to allow his patient to drink with his meals, or if he does drink, to do so very sparingly. Hence follows the converse rule, that if you covet stoutness you should drink freely with your meals, always, however, in such a way as not to interfere with the digestive proc esses. That is, you should never drink while you have food in the mouth, for the food ought to be moistened by the saliva alone. Ice water, too, should die always avoided. It chills the stomach and is the cause of thi ?e ourths of the indigestion snd consequent leanness prevalent in this country. Mountain tourists know that ice water never quenches the thirst, yet we constantly spoil our water by putting in ice. The ice should never be allowed to oome in contact with the water we drink, but only with the outside of the pitcher. In this way we avoid also the danger from microbes hiding in impure ice. Air is food as much ,as beef, the only dif ference being that beef is assimilated in the stomach, air in the lungs. Hence, if you wish to be plump become an air glutton. Breathe all the fresh air you can get, and avoid foul, stuffy air, especially at night, as you would putrid meat. Always breathe through the nose, and cultivate the habit of slowly tilling the lungs with twice as much air as you commonly inhale, exhaling it again slowly. This purities the blood and stimulates the appetite. Take frequent warm baths before retiring or cold sponge baths in the morning, followed by brisk friction with a coarse towel. Brain rest is especially indicated in the case of those who object to leanness. Mod erate brain exercise is, indeed, essential to perfect health, hut excess should he care fully avoided. Emotional excitement and worry are fatal to the chances of becoming plump and pretty. If an annoying thought haunts you, forcibly fix your attention on something. Above all never allow such thoughts to torment you after retiring, and thus to pass disagreeably into your dreams. Eight hours of dreamless sleep in a well ventilated room form the most potent cos metic known to man or woman —the straightest road to phimpuess and beauty. POPULARITY OF WHIST. Why it is a Great Boon to Many Per sons. From the Few York Evening Pont. The reason for the increasing popularity of whist, and consequently increasing desire to learn it are not, we think, far to seek. It is not wholly a game of ski Ik like chess, and therefore does not impose that severe strain on the nerves which makes chess an impos sible game in the evening to poor sleepers especially if they are very fond of it. More over, although whist makes a constant de mand on the attention and the memory, it makes it through frequent changes of situa tion, which keep the faculties on the alert, without severely tasking them. It is there fore very welcome to people who suffer from somnolency after dinner, or people who are thrown much together without having any thing particular to say to each other, or who are thoroughly familiar with each other’s views on everything worth talking about; and, above all, to people who have lost, or have never acquired, the habit of steady r acting, or whose eyesight will not bear books. This class —the class who, for one reason or another, cannot read hooks in the evening—is a very large one, and one which newspaper reading is increasing enormously. The newspaper never, or rarely, asks any body to keep his attention fixed more than a minute or two on one topic, unless by way of narrative, and a man who has read noth ing but newspapers for a few years finds by the time lie reaches middle life that he can heither read a book nor play any game of pure skill. For him whist is a great boon. It keeps him wide awake, and has just chance enough in it to treat him every few minutes to small •surprises. It in this somewhat re sembles a game common in England—of guessing during a ride or drive what there is at the other side of the next hill —in which the Duke of Wellington used to say he had passed all his military life. That is, you are pretty sure not to be wholly right, hut you are also sure never to be very far wrong, and your errors are certain to he excusable enough to be interesting, and oven some times flattering. The problems whist presents are, indeed, very like those which meet people in the course of n quiet, uneventful life, such as ques tions of dress, of housekeeping, or farm, or jaunting. They require close .-retention to, and memory for, details, some knowledge of character, and just philosophy enough for the chapter of accidents. Whist has none of the ittental anxiety or harrowing regrets or self-reproaches of chess. There is nlwayrf chance enough in it to save one’s self-love, but not enough to furnish the wild excitement of jioknr, or baccarat or rouge et noir. We doubt if any man, whatever his s|)ecial jiowers or accomplishments in other fields might, be, lias ever become a bril liant whist player without taking great pride in it, and without being ready to sac rifice to it almost any other form of sociul enjoyment. His Artless Heathen Way. From the Chicago Tribune. Wong Chin Foo is a Chinaman who avows himself a heathen without a qualm of con science or the slightest change in his in h'-rited color. He ha* some heathenish "ays, moreover, that distinguish him from many of the civilized and enlightened chil dren of this Christian country. Home years s£°. in the course of his wanderings in the " 't, ho descended on Peoria, 111., and an nounced a loeture, the price of admittance fixed at 25c. An unaccountable apathy in regard to Chinese heathens pre vailed in the metropolis of Central Illinois, and the lecture, financially speaking, was a ioilure. After (laying hall rent Mr. Wong t hin Foo had only $1 with which to meet a printing bill of several times that amount, instead of using the money to pay his rail way fare out or the city he turned It over to the printer* whom he owed, and walked out df the city in lit* artless, heathenish way. i heri) is a tradition In Peoria that ho after wards paid that printing bill In full. n° ,<lr • fas* of KOZODONT'H po wr r, Just folk to a lady for half an bear; !! her breath la aweet, it hei teeth ara whit*, 1L p* -1 Corns are dean. If her gums are bright, Mouth If pure and her teeth are clean, usee Um hoZODOJi'f. thou, wa woo:.. HUNTING FOR FROGS. How the Croakers are Speared and Served up by Wisconsin Epicures. From the. Mi 'wanker Sentinel. “Ever go frogging? No? Well, you ought to go. Talk about a deer. They’re no wilder than a ripe frog. You have to be very cunning. I like the early morn ing best for spearing. Getting in a boat, I am paddled noiselessly around the grassy shores of some lake, where I find the frogs blinking their big, watery eyes, just pre paratory to going to rest for the day. The frog is a night bird, you know, and many persons, especially those who hunt them for market, go flogging hv lantern light. Sometimes they wade along the shores slow ly, but the best way is to use a boat and jack-light. You can go more stilly and al ways have better success.” The reporter dropped into a popular downtown restaurant a few days later and just in time to hear a gentleman in sporting attire exclaim: “Ah there, Charley, a dozen frogs will he about my size to-day.” * The reporter sought the chef. “Who eat frog legs?” repeated he. “Well, you see. the sporting people are particularly fond of them. In fact they are eaten by Americans generally, although it was originally a French dish, as we all know, and so distinctively so that France became popularly styled the nation of frog-eaters. To stigmatize a Frenchman as a frog-eater has come to be an ancestral chestnut. Very few Germans will eat them. I don’t know whether it is because of any squeamishness or whether they dislike frogs, just because their hated neighbors, the French, make so much of them. Whatever the reason, they won’t eat them. Our Milwaukee frog supply is obtained from the little lakes, marshes and creeks over the State, and Wisconsin is a great frog State. Just now the receipts of hams are quite large from Muskego, Boscobel and Prairie du Chen. The supply is larger this year than last, but it is still much short of the demand, as so many more people calls for them. Big frog legs measure from eight to ten in length, and for this size we pay from 80c. to $1 ’2O a dozen. We dish thetn out at from $1 30 to $1 50 a dozen, and fix them up so that seven legs make a dozen. At this size they will run about six legs to the pound. We pay from 3oc. to 60c. a dozen for the smaller ones, and get from 75c. to 80c. for them on the table. We are going, to have some monsters in to morrow. They are on their way, and wish you would call in and see them.” “How do you prepare them?” “There is only one way to dish up frogs, and that is to fry them like oysters, in a batter of cornmeal and eggs. They musn’t be too well cooked, and if just right, a more tempting dish was never set before an epi - cure. They are such a great delicacy, too. Why, we have numerous calls from inva lids for frogs’ lees, who say such a diet has been prescribed by the attending physician. A sick person can eat, enjoy and digest a dish of frogs, when any other meat you might name would produce almost mortal agony or very harmful results.” MISNOMERS OF THE MAPS. One of Our Drawbacks is Nonsensical Nomenclature. Bishop Coxe, writing in the September Forum of “American Geographical Names,” scolds in these words: The disposition to repudiate or repeat is in itself injurious to the popular mind; it im poverishes, robs us of our resources and creates a habit of beggarly imitation. Look at the post office list ot “Franklins,” “Pikes” and “Washingtons.” Then we have “Pike ville,” “North Pike,” “South Pike,” “Pike Centre,” “East Pike,” and “West Pike.” Why not “Turnpike” and “Pickerel ?” The odious terminal “ville” is worn to shreds. Our language furnishes us with many very graceful endings for such uses. Of these Miss Cooper gives us a good store with di rections for use, in her charming “Rural Hours.” The Saxon, Danish and Norman endings to be found in English Geography are happily instanced; and surely Mr. Snooks would be as well pleased to have his village called “Snooksby,” or “Snooks bury,” or “Snookham,” or “Snookswyck,” or “Snookschamp,” or “Snooksdell,” or “Glensnooks,” or simple “Snooks” by itself as to see it lettered at the railway station, with ever-recurring poverty of invention as “Snooksville.” The worst of it is that we borrow termin ation with shocking contempt of propriety, suffixing “mont” to a patronymic like “Dick” where there is neither mount nor ant-hill to justify it. We have “Dovedale” where there is neither dale nor dove; and over and over again such forms as “Dart mouth” where there is no Dart and no mouth—in short, no river, and, of course, uo mouth of a river to suggest it. We have “cliff” where all is a dead level; and “plain” —even “Cham-plain”—where ail the scenery is mountainous. Probably the worst of our follies, on practical grounds, is the application of “Washington” to an enormous Territory, soon to be admitted as a State. One would think the final “ton” sufficiently indicative of a town or city to be left to the grand use it so well deserves in the name of the Na tional capital. But no; after peppering the maps with this noble name, and making it a bv-word in its senseless recurrence always, everywhere, and ad nauseam, for moun tains, hills, vales, villages, country corners,' and favorite racing stallions, it must now be pulled out, like a coverlet, and spread over the boundless wilderness. Betrayed by a Match. From the Chicago Herald. t, A popular actor had a lady friend to whom he turned over the bulk of his rapturous let ters. One day she was reading a scented note that had a monogram carefully worked over at its head. There was an address to which an answer could be sent, and the lady gave it back to the actor, saying that it was pei’haps worth answering. Not a week af terward lie told his friend that he had seen his inamorata and she was the wife of A well known club man. “That’s impossible,” said she. “Someone is personating that lady and doing her an awful wrong. You do not know New York ladies very well and can be deceived.” “I tell you it is Mrs. ,” he insisted. “I have been to her house to supper. She en tertained me right royally the other eve ning, and to-night I am going to take her to the casino in the park as a sort of return feast.” “I cannot believe Mrs. , with a hand some husband, with a h&ppv home, with little children about her to keep hor feet from straying, would risk all this tor nothing, worse than—nothing," said the dissenting friend. “I’ll tell you how I’ll prove it to you,” cried the actor. “I am to meet her at 11 o’clock in Seventeenth street, near Fifth avenue. She will send for a carriage and be waiting in it for me. I will take a coupe there and you shall go with me. It will go hard, but, I shall show you hor face. Then my cab will take you home.” The desire to discomfit her oversure friend, and (icrhaps female curiosity again, led to an acceptation of this invitation. The lady occupied a box at the theatre, and left it, when Mr. -—’s dresser came to fetch her. The pair whizzed into Seventeenth street and pulled up close behind a coach that was drawn up in the shadiest part of the street. Evidently its occupant was on the alert, for a hand fluttered out of the vehicle as the actor stood beside it. He o(>ened the door, but just as he wa* stepping in he paused, pretended that he had dromied something, struck ft intoh and groped about between tn# wheels. Tho betrayed woman in the carriage leaned out, with fane unveiled. Th# man lighted a wax mateh and held it just above the lady's head, so its rays lighted up her fare and showed unmistakably who she was to the woman In tho coupe drawn close In behind. With a nod of triumph at the astonished countenance he knew wa* watching from the rear, our boro ex- C * “*Heri it ia,” picked up hla Imaginary low, jumped into the coach and rattled off to tho park. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1887. FURNITCKE, CARPCTS, MATTING, ETC. LINDSAY I MORGAN, —THE Fnrnitnre and Carpi Butin - OF SAVANNAH, 169 AND 171 BROUGHTON STREET. If an excuse be deemed necessary for thus bringing our name and business before the public, we hope the following will be deemed sufficient, and do something toward accom plishing our object: We have l>een in the business nliove indicated all our days, beginning in a very small way, and, thanks to our many friends, we haven't been unsuccessful, although we have had to work hard and pay the closest attention. We are going to continue, whether business tx> dull or lively, profits great or small, or competition even greater than ever before, relying upon the continued success, through the strict adherence to the following rules, which have heretofore characterized us: Ist. To keen good work, rather than cheap, and sell it at a living profit. 2d. To deal honorably with all and be just, even at the expense of liberality. od. To refrain from misrepresentations of every kind or the underrating of competi tors' goods. 4th. To keep pace with the times in styles and quality. sth. To realize that being human, we are liable to make mistakes, which should be promptly corrected. 6th. To see that all our salesmen are courteous to our customers and true to us. 7th. To mind our own business. Bth. To try and merit the good will of those who patronize us, and be grateful for the same. September Ist. 1887. MILLINERY. . . at KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell fine Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New Y r ork. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of fine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. S. KROUSKOFF. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. : - A a v "7 a Y 4 Jig -' • •• -sr ECZEMA ERADICATED. Gentlemen—lt Is due yon to ssy that I think Im entirely well of eczema after name* •ken Swift's Specific. I have been troubled with it very little in my face since last spring. At the beginning of cold weather last fall it made a slight appearance, but went awsv and bar never returned. S. S. if. no doubt broke it up: at least it put my system in good condition and I got well It also benefited my wife greatly in case of sick headache, and made a perfect cun <>f a breaking out on my little three year old daughter last summer. Watkinsville, Ga., Feb. 13,1886. f Kay, JAMES V. M. MORRIS. Cnatise ou Biooa cad Skin Diseases mailed free. Tax Swlst Srxrinc Cos., Drawer 3, Atlanta, ttfc IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS, Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia. CASTING- OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS m W T TAS induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than tOßyßpt 1 A ever. To that end no pains or expon.-* has been spared to maintain M their HIGH STANARD OF EXCELLENCE. {■ Thus- Mills are of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with I,'} heavy WROUGHT IKON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to tho B H operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. Tnojy are heavy, strong and durable, run light even, and are guaran jjj ..SSriwffAll our Mills are fully warranted for one year. ffiy— i possess sin —•times.,, durability the tvu u' 1 \v \ v KKl< ,K To THOSE MADE IN WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. AY m. fvelioe <Sr Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOK'S cast on all our Mills and Pans. SASH, )molts, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. SAVANNAH, GA, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Mi, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, few is, And Interior Finish of all kinds, Moulding*, Baluster*. Newel Posts Estimates. Price Lists. Mould ing Hook*, and any Information In our ltne furnished on application. Cypress. Yellow Finn, Oak, Asa and walnut I.L MHEK on band and in any quantity, furnished grumpily vale royal MANUFACTURING* COMPANY. Savannah. Oft TRADE MARK. EDUCATIONAL,. For Full Information of the Above Schools CALL ON OR ADDRESS HOENSTKIN Ac M ACC AW. 101 Bay Street, Savannah, (*a. Ti Hr college GAINESVILLE, GA. I.SS7-ISSB. FOR LADIES ONLY Prof. C. B. LaHatte, President. Prof. Lamout Gordon, A. M., President of Faculty. Prof. Edward Tuffwell, A. M., Vice President Miss A. B. Whaley, M. S., Lady Principal. Miss G. Bramley, A. 8.. i Miss E Montross. A 8., V Assistants. Miss M. Hooker, A. 8., 1 • . Mias F. Dawson. M. M., Music. BEGINS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. Thorough education, healthy location, tertns low, good home, unequalled advantages, teach ers all graduates. Apply early. Send for circu lar. LEXINGTON, KV Cheapest & Best Business College in the World FHfthunt Honor ami Gold Modal over all other Colleges, a World’s (Exposition, for System of llook-Kerpliitf an* General Uualncaa Education. 8000 Graduates It lunlnes*. 10 Teachers employed. Coat of Full Ilualnrai ?ouint*w Including Tuition. Stationery and Board, about l>oo thort-lf and. Type-Writing A Telegraphy, speolallied Ho Vacation. Enter Now. Graduates Guaranteed Success. For circulart, Address Ephraim W. *iulth. Principal, or Wilbur U. Smith. Presideut, la-x In* ton, Ky EMORY COLLEGE, OXFORD, GA. 'T'HE INSTITUTION enters tipon its fifty first X session October 12, IHB7, with enlarged fac ulty and increased facilities. For Catalogues and information write to ISAAC 8. HOPKINS, President. EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL, Near Alexandria. V.'i. L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Principal; L. HOXTON, Associate Principal; With able Assistants. A Preparatory School for Boys. Founded 18311. Session opens Sept. 28, 1887. Catalogues sent on application. VIRGINIA FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON’, VA. Mrs. Gen. J. E. B. STUART, Principal. THE FALL SESSION opens Sept. 15th, 1887, with efficient teachers in every department and superior advantages. Terms reasonable. Send for cat. logne and apply early. Edgeworth Boarding and Day School for Girls 122 West Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. MRS. H. P. LEFEBVRE, Principal This School will reopen on THURSDAY, the 22d of SEPTEMBER. The course of instruction embraces all the studies included in a thorough English education, and the French and German languages are practically taught. Moreland park ILITARY ACADEMY, Near Atlanta, Ga. Chas. M, Neel, Supt. NOTRE* DAME OF MARYLAND. CIOLLEGIATK INSTITUTE for Young Yadies ) and Preparatory School for Little Girls, Kmbla P. 0., three miles from Baltimore, Md. Conducted by the Sißters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. SOUTHERN - ™ SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 915 and 917 N. Charles Street, Baltimore. Mrs W. M. Cary, I Established 1842 French the Miss Cary. ( language of the School. MAi l'lVs I'MVCiMTV SCHOOL, Kllioott City, Md. SIXTH SESSION opens 15th September. For catalogues address CHAPMAN MAUPIN, M. A., Principals CLOTHING. i Fall & Son INVITE INSPECTION OF THEIR STOCK OF CORRECT STYLES Clothing, Furnishingi and Hats •vITH THE ASSURANCE THAT SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED TO ALL THEIR CUSTOMERS. CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. jL. jb. hull, Wholesale Grocer, Hoar, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. TNKFBH MEAD and ORITS In whit# sacks. 1 dill slulf <of all kinds always on hand Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS: every variety. Special price* ear load lots HA Y and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed OmCS, NR BAY. WAMCHOCMK, No. 4 WADI.EY BTRECT lust (JasilraJ Railroad BLACKHERH V .K IC K. SAJvipLK nori'r.KS FREE. 2s. y ;' J fH—HI LDREIr-T^# tv **. * nß'iy! A?s** * Iv \- f MIHALOVITGHS HUNGARIAN 1 : P. V ■' AN. E rF,C, E NT^M E^.p(,£fe f fDIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY # I CHOLERA MORBUSaTI " f! - rtCRS '.a; TfiE * n _ if: |D(p| IMPORTED AND BOTTLED BY MIHALOVITCH, FLETCHER & CO., CINCINNATI, OtilO FOR SALK HV—— A. Ehrlich <te Bro., Solo Agejitp, Savannah, Gra., AND ALL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, LIQUOR DEALERS AND WINE MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE. "lIT’HOGKA PHY. THE LARGEST LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT-IN THE SOUTH. THE Morning News Steam Printing House SA V ANN AIT, GEORGIA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS A Lithographing and Engraving Department which Is complete within itself, and the largest concern of the kind In the South. It is thoroughly equipped, having five presses, and all the latest mechanical appliances In the art, the best of artists and the most skillful lithog raphers, all under the management of an experienced superintendent. It also has the advantage of being a part of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, banks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give tjj is house an opportunity to figure on their work, when orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant it, a special agent will be sent to make estimates. J. H. ESTILL. GAS FIXTURES, HOSE, ETC. JOHN HICOLSOI, Jr. DEALER IN . Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ ■—AND Mill Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam [Packing, SHEET GUM, Hydrant, Steam and Suction HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 30 and 32 Dravton St. KOOU PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY BILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton IKON PIPE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LLtJH PKJCE J. D. WEED & CO. UNDERTAKER. * w 7 £>. i> i x o k . UNDERTAKER dramm in am. sinus or COFFINS AND CASKETS, 48 Mull street. Krakinuoe Mi Uhsrty street. BA VANN AH. UtCOWti* OFFICIAL. QUARANTINE NOTICE. Office Health Officer, I Havan.naii, Ga., Aug. 29, 1887. ( From and nfter this date, the city ordinance which specifics the Quarantine requirements to tie observed at the jx>rt of .Savannah, Ga., will be must rigidly enforced. Merchants and all other pnrties interested w ill be supplied with printed copies of the Quar antine Ordinance upon application to office of Health Officer, and are requested to keep copy of this publication. From und after this date and until further no tice all steamships and vessels from or having touched at South America. Central America, Mexico, West Indies, the Bermudas, Italy, Sicily, Malta. Marseilles and the Guinea coast of Africa, direct, or via Ameri can oorts, will be subjected to Quaran tine detcutu u and be treutedos from infected or suspected ports or localities, viz.: Section 9, Quarantine /{etjulations. Captains of such vessels will have to remain at the Quarantintt Station until their vessels are relieved. All steamers and vessels from foreign porta not included above, direct or via American ports, whether seeking, chartered or otherwise, will be required to remain in quarantine until boarded and passed by the Quarantine Officer. Settlin' the captains nor anyone on hoard of mtckvtmk nth le ■ allotted to come In the city) or land until the rennets are inspected ana* passed by the. Quarantine Ofilner. As ports or localities not nerein enumerated are reported unhealthy to the Sanitary Authori ties, Quarantine restrictions against same will be enforced w ithout further publication. The quarantine regulation requiring the flying of the Quarantine flan on vessels subjected to detention or inflection will be rigidly enforced. Notice is hereby given that tne Quarantine Officer is instructed not to deliver letters to ves sels which are not subjected to Quarantine de tention, unless the name of consignee and state ment that the vessel is ordered to some other port upimars upon the face of the envelope. This order is made necessary in consequence of the enormous bulk of drumming letters sent tw the station for vessels which are to arrive. Ship chandlers arc informed that provision* in large quantity cannot be received at the Quarantine Station, unless for vessels ordered from tlds pert, and it must then he sent down by tlie tug boat at the time when vessel is to be towed to sea. J. T. MrFAKLAND, M. D., • Health Officer. ordinance! AH ordinance —To amend the Police rules and regulations and to ivlieve Private E. F. Davis from the 01 >eration <>t the rule amended, f kction I, Be it onluined by the Mayor and Al dermen of tin- city of Savannah.ln Council assem bled, that Rule 112 of the police rules and regu lations adopted on the the 17th day of March, IHKI. be so amended as to read us follows: Policemen wounded or disabled whilst in the perforinance of duty, or made ill by unusual ex- IHSMirc or service, will receive their pay for the period thus lost, in ordinary eases of sickness it shall is- discretionary with the Chief of Po- Uoe, whether or not to recommend pay for the time thus lost, ami his recommendation for such payment shai! secure the same if the recom mendation is concurred in bv the Police Com mittee, but not otherwise. Time lost in every case t.lnill lie so stated on the pay roll. Bet. 2, Ik: It further ordained that the sum of twelve clonal's and ninety-six cent*, deducted from the pay of Puliccruau E. F. Davis, shall be refunded to him. Sec. 8, Thai nil ordinances, rules and regula tions in conflict with this ordinance are hereby n pealed. < Ordinance passed in Council August 10th, 1887. RUKUB E. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frank E. Kbbahem. Clerk of Council. This Belt or Kegeaera- ■J'jSo fxf . tor is made expressly a' ! ■ ”li/!PV..y fol I lie < UICof Jerailge w V'tAL.J 1 " die generative t >r\7/QoYri'nL t'jt I organs. A coittlnuoue W%k.tLC\ RjC ,BLL T A stream of Ek-trlcßy FORI' |S rnmating thro' ilia . \Mr\* most restore ■ ~ML sr . / them to healthy aatiou. Ill,f rwn .sfV '■ tiji* aittsssa* fjuzriasrcdtasst ‘aJws likehl C*). M W Oim UhuMnc Hi 5