The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 15, 1887, Image 1

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( ESTABLISHED I*3o. i 1 .1. 11. Efc t ILL, Editor and Proprietor. } ANARCHY'S DEATH KNELL THE LOWER COURT’S DECISION AFFIRMED. November 11, the Date Fixed for the Execution of the Seven Men Con demned-An Effort Will be Made to Carry the Case to the United States Supreme Court. Ottawa, 111.. Sept. 14.—The Supreme Court this morning delivered au opinion in the Anarchist case, affirming the judgment of the court below. The execution is to take place Nov. 11, l>etweeu it anil 4 o’clock. The opinion was written by Judge Magru der, who announced that the judgment of the court below is affirmed as to all and as to each and every one of the defendants. An opinion has been prepared setting forth the reasons of the affirmation of the judg ment. NOT FREE FROM ERRORS. Judge Sheldon announced that he concurred in the opinion. Judge Mulkeysaid: “It is not iny intention to offer a separate opinion as I should have done. I desire to avail myself of this occa sion to say that while I concur in the con elusions reached and also in the general view’s as entered in the opinion filed, I do not wish to bo understood as holding that the record is free from error, for Ido not think, it is. I am nevertheless of the opinion that none of the errors complained of are of such a serious character as to require a reversal of judg ment, In view or the number of defend ants on trial and the great length of time consumed in the trial, the vast amount of testimony offered and passed upon by the court, and the almost numberless rulings the court was required to make, the wonder to me is that errors were not more numerous and of a more serious character than they are. In short, aftering having fully examined the record and giving the questions arising on it my very best thought, with an earnest and conscientious desire to faithfully discharge my whole duty, I am fully satisfied that the opinion reached vin dicates the law, and does complete justice between the people of the State and the de fendants fully warranted by the law and evidence.” THE FORMAL ORDER. Justice Sheldon: “In this case the court orders that the sentence of the Superior Court of Cook county of the defendants in the indictment—August Spies, Samuel Fielden, R. Parsons, Adolph Fischer, Engel, Louis Ling and Michael Schwab—be car ried into effect by the Sheriff of Cook county on the 11th day of November next, on Friday, between tne hours of 10 o’clock in the foi'enoon and 4 o’clock in the after noon on that day.” The judgment of the court w as unanimous. The opinion makes 60,000 words. The Anarchists had no counsel here to represent them before the court when the decision was announced, and no steps were taken in their behalf. They have fifteen days in which to file a motion for a re-hearing, and thirty days from the close of the term to file a petition in support thereof This will not act as a stay of sentence, and they will have to show very strong grounds before the Court would consent to the issue of a stay of execution until a re-hearing could be had next term. ” PREMONITIONS OF THE DECISION. Chic AO*'. Sept, 14. —A special to the Mews from Ottvwa says: “At 0:30 o’clock this morning Justice Magruder began the an nouncement of the decision in the Anarchist case. Just before the opening of the court every one seemed to have a feeling that something was going to happen. Before the hour for the convening of the court the lawyers an i reporters seemed to have that feeling, and conversed with each other in subdued tones. Even Barker, the janitor, who has waited upon every •Justice of the Supreme Court that has sat upon the bench in Ottawa, trod around in opening and dusting the court room as if he were afraid of breaking the deathly stillness that pervaded the entire building. Deputy Smith faltered, and his voice trem bled as he pronounced, "Hear ye, hear ye,” as the Justices filed into court, headed by Chief Justice Sheldon. They appeared more dignified than ever. The Chief Justice waved his as sociates to their seats even with more state liness than is his wont. His nod to the Sheriff was more stiff, and his ‘: open court” less audible than on the previous day’s of the term. READING THE DECISION. Justice Magruder appeared flushed and nervous as he entered the court, room, the cause of which was evidenced a few mo ments later, when Chief Justice Sheldon turned to him and in a voice, which would have liera inaudible save for the deathly stillness which pervaded the room, said: “Justice Magruder, have you any announce ment to make;” The flushed appearance of the Justice changed to that, of a pallor and bis voice was husky as he responded: “In the ease of Yugust Spies ami others against the people of the State of Illinois, No. oil Advisenu'iu Docket.” The Chief Justice nervosuly turned the leaves of the court docket to the ease indicated, when the Justice read the decision of the Court in the “Anarchist cases.” As he commenced reading lie regained his composure. Ills voice was dear and dis tinct, until the order fixing the death penalty and date of execution, was reached, when his reading became la bored, his voice husky, and his manner showed that it was with the greatest emo tion that lie performed the duty he had been delegated by his associates to perform. Hav ing voiced the decision of the court in the most celebrated ease tliut the court has ever been called upon to decide, the Justice who marie the announcement r.t once left the bench and retired to his room. HOW THE ANAIICIIUTS OOT THE NEWS. The first official information that reached thin city was a telegram from the Court C'lerk at Ottawa to the .State's Attorney’s office hero, saying: “Anarchist eases affirmed. Execution Nov. 11.” Mr. Purcell, of the State’s Attorney’s of. flee, ran at, once to the jail with the dis- Patch. Following on his heels was a mes senger carrying a telegram for August fipU* that had I .eon sent from Ottawa hy an ngent of the Anarchists. The turnkey,who took the dispatch to cell Uf> and shoved it through the bars, lingered a moment to watch the effect, it would have on spins. The Anarchist took the message, glanced firmly at 1 lie turnkey and then withdrew to the darker end of the cell, in two minutes or mo ho called gently to the old man who sit* as a death-watch outside flio burred door, and asked him to hand the telegram to Parsons. From him it went to all the others and reached Neehe, who is only under sentence of imprisonment. Newspaper man had been rigorously shut out from the condemned men, and all ob servations hud to bo taken from outside of the cage, übout ten yards from the coll door. TIUKD TO ACPKAH COOL. It oouhl tie dimly seen thut each of the condemned men mode ostentatious efforts at roohiMt and bravado. They took seats ni their .■ell doors and road newspapers and hooka, smoked cigars, and once lung, the iltoning | bomb maker, whistled. Their wives and friends had been with them for an hour dur ing the morning, but about thirty minutes before the news oanie they were all ex cluded and the prisoners were locked up, each alone. Sheriff Matson had remained away from the jail. By his orders during the night the guards had all been doubled, in cluding the court bailiff-,. There were twenty of the Sheriff’s men on duty, ten turnkeys and guards that, are on regular duty at the jail, and six policemen who pa trolled the alleys on the outside. Capt. Schaack brought with him four detectives, this morning, who were stationed at the jail courts. Upon Capt. Schaaek the protection of the jail devolved. He professes to experience no fear of any attempts to break into the jail, and says he has taken every precaution. CROWDS AROUND THE JAIL. From the appearance of the streets on the exterior of the jail any one could tell that some great event was going on. As the news spread citizens coatless mid some bareheaded left their places of busi ness and rushed toward the jail to verify the report. Among the crowd, which was growing thicker every moment, blanched faces of rough looking foreigners could be darting hither and thither, jabber ing excitedly, with ugly grimaces, and clinching their fists as they talked to on© another. Tiie police would permit no loit ering, and therefore the crowd kept march ing up and down, discussing the all-absorb ing topic. A reporter was Capt. Black's first informant of the decision. During the moments occupied in giving the Anarchist's senior counsel the dread information, his face was a study. His underjaw dropped, his right hand went up to his forehand with a lightning-1 jerk,, and the Captain gasped: “Is it possible, ~'V, to hang!” the last resort. Great as was his apparent surprise, his manifestation of disappointment was great er. “The only remaining course for us to pursue,” said he, “is by taking the case to the United States Supreme Court. I shall imme diately go before the Supreme Court at Ot tawa and ask for reasonable time to secure a certified transcript of the record for pre sentation to the Supreme Court at Washing ton. Such proceedings are rare, but I have no doubts of tho court’s decision on that point. ” Capt. Black rose and paced the floor, with long strides, refusing to speak further. Judge Garey, who presided at the trial of the Anarchists, was surprised out of his usual calm reserve when the news of the decision reached him on the bench, where ho was trying another case. When assured that the report was true he said, “Well, all I have to say is that the verdict was a just one.” The venerable jurist thoughtfully passed his hand across his forehead for a moment and then resumed his occupation. TO FIGHT TO THE END. Joseph It. Buchanan, the Socialist editor who has charge of the Anarchist defense fund, said that should the State Supreme Court refuse to grant an appeal to the United States Supreme Court, or not pass on the matter in time to have their decision act as a supersedeas before the date set for the execution of the sentence, application will be made to a Justice of the United States Supreme Court tor a supersedeas. If these proces-es fail an apjieal to Executive clemency will lie made. Petitions for clemency will be presented to Gov. Oglesby. OGLESBY THE ONLY HOPE. W. A. Foster, one of tho lawyers for tho defense at the time of the Anarchist trial, said this evening that notwithstanding the talk of an appeal to the United States Su preme Court, the only hope now was in the mercy of Gov. Oglesby. Mr. Foster claimed to have no doubt whatever that tho sentence of four of the seven would be commuted. “Upon what do you base that opinion?” was asked.” “I have reason for believing that officers representing the prosecution will use their efforts to bring afxiut such results. I have not only my opinion that that will lie the case, but I have their word for it.” “Which of the Anarchists will have their sentences commuted, if any?” “I do not believe that Samuel Fielden, Michael Schwab, or A. R. Parsons will ever be hanged, and very much doubt whether Adolph Fischer will. As to the others, at present, I must confess, it looks pretty blue.” “Why should these four lie let off easier than the others!” “The testimony as to them was so differ ent, and their conduct and actions, as proved, was such as to warrant a difference in punishment ” Late this afternoon the condemned men were allowed to take exercise in the county jail court and speak to their friends, who were freely admitted. The prisoners had agreed among themselves to talk to no one for publication, and all attempts to interview them were resolutely resisted. Mayor Roche said that the police have been directed to permit no meeting of Anarchists, and to allow no incendiary speeches to be made. COMMENTS OF SPIES’ PAPER. The Arbeter Zietung, of which Spies was editor, in announcing the decision says: “The Supreme Court in Otttawa, the legal instrument of the capitalistic reign, has af firmed tho outrageous verdict which decided that seven of our best comrades shall suffer death for advancing the cause of the laboring people and that nil eighth shall serve h fifteen year sentence in the penitentiary. We are, however, ad herents of Spies and his comrades, and we will not cry out for revenge at an opportu nity, but we will do everything that re mains to be done.” EXCITEMENT IN NEW YORK. New York, Sept. 14. —The news of the affirmation by the SupreYne Court of Illinois of tho decision of the lower court in tho case of the condemned Anarchists caused great excitement among the New York Socialists and Anarchists. Herr Most was furious. His Anarchist paper Dv fretheit, had just gone to press when the news came. The forms were ordered from the press, Most posted a notice saying that he could not be interviewed until 4 o’clock, and that at that hour the paper would be published containing an editorial on the matter, addressed “To the Work ingmen of all Countries.” He character ized the ’Judges who made the decision as “infamous and bloodthirsty fools," and the jury as corrupt. Nov. 11 was the day set for the murder of those “heroes.” Capi talists wished to sec blood flow to show tne people that they were law and could do as thev pleased. “Workingmen,” says he, “will you peaceably allow this to take place —allow punishment of representatives who have identified themselves with your cause, these Finals of your class!'’ He asks that no stone he left unturned to assist the condemned, and says workingmen must show their military strength. An indigna tion mass meeting must be held ut once, and money raised to fight the battle of justice for the salvation of the martyrs. A mass meeting will be bold next Monday night in Union Square to protest against the hanging of the condemned men. Oerinaii-Araericuns Banished. Berlin, Sept. 14.—'Two brothers named Juergensen, who returned to their native village (Albersim), oa the Island of Fohr, four mouths ago, after an absence of twenty years in America, have been ordered U leave Prussian territory. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1887. NEW YORK REPUBLICANS. A TICKET NOMINATED AND A PLATFORM ADOPTED. Fred D. Grant the Candidate for Sec retary of State—Senators Evarts and Hiscock Each Declined to Act as Chairman of the Convention- Pur port of the Platform. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 14.—Full delega tions to the Republican Convention arrived during last evening. Consultations respect ing nominations and organizations con tinued till nearly t'J o’clock to-day. Sena tors Evarts and Hiscock declined to be con sidered aspirants for the chairmanship of the convention, and both agreed to urge Seth Low for pro tem, and Warner Miller for permanent chairman. Tho State committee, after Mr. Miller acqui esced in this arrangement, so voted. Yesterday afternoon Senator Hiscock called upon ex-Seeretary -Miller at his rooms at Congress Hall, and a friendly in terview occurred. Both expressed a desire for the Republican party’s success, and pledged their best efforts thereto. Later Senator Miller returned Mr. His eoek’s call, and then it was arranged that a conference of leading men should take glace. Messrs. Hiscock, Morton, Miller and urleigh came together and were two hours in consultation. The general purport of the platform was considered and the shaping of the State ticket discussed. After prayer Hon. Seth Low assumed the temporary chairmanship and addressed the convention. At the conclusion of Mr. Low’s speech the regular committees were appointed and a recess was taken until 4 o’clock. When the convention re-assembled at 4 o’clock United States Senator Warner Miller was chosen permanent President. The committee on platform not being ready to report another recess was t aken. THE TICKET. Ujion coming together again the conven tion finding that the Oommittee on Resolu tions was not yet ready to report, proceeded to the nomination of candidates. The ticket nominated is as follows: Secretary of State—Fred D. Grant. Comptroller—Judge Jesse Lamoreux, of Saratoga. State Treasurer—James H. Carmichael, of Erie. Attorney General—James A. Dennison, of Fulton. State Engineer and Surveyor—O. H. P. Cornell, of Tompkins. A resolution was t hen adopted looking to tho appointment of a colored man ns an extra member of the State Committee. The platform arraigns the Democratic party for shortcomings, and asserts the ne cessity of Republican restoration; declares for protection, and that the tariff laws when changed shall be changed by their friends; approves the temperance legislation of last winter; attacks President Cleveland for fa ithlessness to civil service reform and Gov. Hill for his vetoes; declares for advanced civil service reform; improvement in the tax laws; cheap transportation; pure prima ries and elections, and sympathizes with Irish home rule. ERIN’S EXCITEMENT. Another Death at Mitchellstown— Chamberlain’s Visit. London, Sept. 14. —The Stanrlnrd this morning says: “The government will make a fatal blunder if they defeat the purpose of the law by converting imprisonment under the crimes act or any other act into a term of honorable and easy detention. If Mr. O'Brien claims to boa martyr be cannot expect to be in elegant recluse.” Mr. Chamberlain's visit to Coleraine, in Londonderry, will he made the occasion of a great Unionist demonstration. The rail ways will run special trains toaecomnmdate visitors to the town. A temporary’ build ing will be erected capable of holding 5,000 persons. An address will be presented af firming the necessity of union and urging an early land settlement and local government for Ireland the same as in Great Britain. Mr. Chamberlain, it is expected, will announce his scheme of a local govern ment alternative for home rule. It is reported that the Duke of Devonshire has been converted to Mr. Gladstone’s Irish policy, and that he is trying to induce his son, Lord Hartington, to abandon the dissi dent party. Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, has gone to Dublin. ANOTHER DEATH AT MITCHELLSTOWN. Dublin, Sept. 14.—Casey, one of the men who was wounded with buckshot during the melee Friday at Mitchellstown, lias died from the effects of lps injuries. On Sunday he swore to a deposition identifying the con stable who shot him. At the inquest to-day over the victims of tho Mitchellstown conflict Head Constable Doherty’s evidence differed from tho state ment made by Chief Secretary’ Balfour in the House of Commons. A Scotch tourist gave testimony that agrees with the Nation alist version of the affair. The English home rule deputation were welcomed by an immense meeting in this city this evening. Messrs. Rogers, Cony tienre and Pickersgill, English members of Parliament, made addresses Several ladies also spoke. Great enthusiasm prevailed. While returning from the funeral at Mitchellstown, this evening, a mob of about .‘IOO persons completely wrecked the houses of several obnoxious tenants in Galliy, who were oonqieiied to flee for their lives. The police and escort were stoned by the mob, and compel led to tuke refuge in the barracks. FRANCE READY FOR REVENGE. Gen. Berearet and Deputy Coles Make Significant Speeches. Paris, Sept. 4. —At a military banquet given in Toulose last evening Gen. Berearet, commander of the Thirteenth Army Corps, doelured that France now knew her strength and that she was ready and awaited re venge. M. Coles, memlier of the Clmmlier of Deputies, said the recent mobilization experiment showed that the army was now in a position to give Franc" the reveng" for widen she impatiently waited. The speeches have excit •< I serious comment. The evening papers endeavor to soften the effect of the speeches made at the mili tary lianquet at Toulouse last night, and assert that no importance must he attached to them. Thev blame the speakers, and say that the tlernum press will bo sure to make an outcrv because of the speeches, and admonish France to remain quiet and dignified. Counting Up the Cholera Cases. Home, Sept 14.—During the |Mut twenty four hours there were four uow eases of cholera and four deaths in Catania, fifty one new cases and twenty two deaths In Mresiiia, and four new cases and two deaths ia Palermo. The disease has made its appearance in Taranto. 100 Houses and 12 People Burned. London, Hept. 14.—One hundred house* have been destroyed by fire In Nevel, Rus sian Poland, and'twelve persons have been burned to death. B. & O’S DIRECTORS. Mr. Burns Explains the Plan for Fund ing the Debt. Baltimore, Sept. 14.— The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compa ny wasdietd to-day at the company’s office. William F. Burns presided. Mr. Burns stup'd that u temporary arrangement for $6,000,000 had been made, as author ized by the board at its last meeting, so that negotiations were still in progress for the permanent funding of the debt, and that when these were suffi ciently advanced the whole matter would be submitted to the Finance Committee, and by that committee it would be com mitted to the board for its action. As stated heretofore t he negotiations contemplate that a syndicate shall buy $5,000,000 of the Con solidated main line mortgage bonds, and $5,000,000 of preferred stock , that the entire issue of tho Consolidated main fine mortgage bonds would bo $'.14,000,00:1 and with the ex ception of $5,000,000, whiehiwill be taken by the syndicate, the remainder will be used for retiring at maturity the existing main line mortgage, and for sinking fund purposes, thus saving to the company the annual cash appropriations now required for the sinking fund. Mr. Burn# stated that the syndicate was not in the Interest, of any other corporation and (hut the manage ment of the Baltimore and Ohio company would he as free ns ever from the domina tion of any rival interest. Mr. Burns called the attention of the board to the fact that tho earnings of the company for August were $2,084,000, the largest earnings of any month in the company’s history, and that unless something unforeseen occurred the earnings for September would lie greater than those for the month of August. AN ARMY OF PENSIONERS. 406,007 on the Rolls $70,045,230 Wanted This Year. Washington, Sept. 14.—Pension Com missioner Black in his annual report makes a number of recommendations for legisla tion in the lino of greater liberty to pen sioners; among others that additional cleri cal force lie allowed to enable the Commie sioner, without making extraderaands upon the clerks now in service, to complete and satisfy the Mexican pension claims, of which 8,000 have been allowed since the mssage of the act. At the close of the year 406,007 pensioners were on the rolls, classified as follows: 304,445 army invalids; 85,010 army widows, minor children and dependent relatives; 3,281 navy invalids; 1,07.8 navy widows, minor children and dependent relatives; 1,060 survivors of the war of 1812, and 11,- 831 widows of those who served in that war: 7,503 survivors of the war with Mexico, and 805 widows of those who served in said war. ADDED TO THE ROLLS. There were added to the rolls during the year the names of 55,104 new pensioners,and the names of 2,707 whose pensions had been previously dropped, were restored to the rolls, during the simo period the names of 17,677 pensioners wore dropped from the rolls for various causes. , The amount paid for pensions during the year was $73,457,581, an increase in the amount over the previous year of $9,069,750. In the aggregate 1,091,- 300 pension claims have been filed since 1861, and in the same period 676,148 claims of all classes have been allowed. An ap propriation of $79,045,230 is asked for the next fiscal vvr. That for the current year was $78,701,230. CARLISLE’S PLANS. He Will be a Candidate for Re-election as Speaker. Washington, Sept. 14.— Ex-Speaker and Mrs. Carlisle left this afternoon for Wichita, Kan., to spend three weeks with their sonß, who are practicing law there. Air. Carlisle has some land business to attend to in Ken tucky the latter part of next month, so that he will not come to Washington again liefore the middle of Novenilier. He will be a candidate for the Speakership and will of course be re-elected. He has never thought of any other course, nor has the President suggested any other to him. He can serve his party lietter in the Speaker ship than at the head of tho Ways and Means Committee. The House will select the Committee on Elections. It. will not take long to decide the contest of Thoehe vs. Carlisle. Thoebe has no ease at all. His testimony is so inconsequential that Mr. Carlisle did not think it necessary to take any testimony in reply. TO SELL HIS FATHER’S SWORD. The Historic Blade Presented t<^ Lieut. Morgan Must Go. Washington, Sept.. 14.—A letter re ceived in this city from the son of Commo dore Charles Waugh Aljgjgan, of 1812 fame, directs tho sale of a valuable und historic sword, which was presented to the Commo dore by the State of Virginia, in honor of his intrepidity and valor as a lieutenant of the United Htatesfrigate Codstitution at the capture of the British frigates Guerrier and Java on Aug. 19, 1812, and Dec. 29, 1813. The scabbard and handle of the sword are of gold and the blade is of the finest tempered steel. On the scabbard, in bas-relief, are representations of the naval victories which tho sword was given to com memorate. The sword has lain more t.lmn thirty yearn in the vault of a local bank, and the son who now owns it resides in Eng land, and desires it to bo sold to supply his necessities. CLEVELAND'S TRIP. Mrs. Cleveland, Secretary Bayard and Col. Laraont Will Go. Washington, Sept. 14. —It is tho present intention of the President to leave the city for Philadelphia to-morrow afternoon about 4 o’clock. He will probably tie accompa nied by Airs. Cleveland, Secretary Bayard and Col. and Mrs. Izunont. The private car of President Kolierts, of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, has been placed at the disposal of the’party. Arriving at Philadelphia they will be met by a commit tee and escorted by the First City Troop, willl be conducted to the Lafayette Hotel. Offerings of Bonds. Washington, Hept. 14. —The offerings of per cent, bonds to the Treasury to-day aggregated $5,175,900, at prices ranging from 107 98-100 to 110. Acting Hecretary Thompson accepted $4,199,500 of bonds offered at price* ranging from 107.98 to 108.74. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Stock. New York, Hept. 14.—Two hundred shares of Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad preferred slock and fifty share* of common stock of the same road were sold at the Real Estate Exchange today. The par value of each share of both common and preferred stock is SIOO. The figures realized were sl6 ner share for preferred stock and ssl per snare for common stork. Delivery of the stock for Friday was not guaranteed The counsel for the road made the usual protest, but it was not headed. DEFINING HOURS OF TOIL' MR. McCORD’S BILL DISCUSSED IN THE HOUSE. The Father of the Measure Sets forth the Benefits Which its Passage Will Bring About—Messrs. Gamble and Harrell Oppose the Bill as Legisla tion in Favor of a Class. Atlanta, (la., Sept. 14. —In the Senate to-day House bills for second reading were taken up. Air. Denny's bill was referred to commit tee and 200 copies nrdenxl printed. On motion of Air. Jackson, the Glenn bill was taken up and put upon its passage, the original bill and substitute by the Senate Educational Committee. Senator Wright, of the First district, moved that the bill lie made tho special order for Thursday next. On this the yeas were 14 and the nays 14. President David son voted ave, and the bill >xill be heard next Thursday. In the House. The Horn* met at 9 o’clock this morning. The bill of Mr. Candler, of DeKalh, to pay to Mrs. A. E. Word the full imi-diem of the late Senator E. Al. Word was recommitted. The special order was taken up. It was tho hill by Air. McCord, of Richmond, to fix and regulate the hours of labor in all cotton and woollen manufactories, no as to provide' for only ten hours of work per day. Air. AlcCord supported the hill in a well defined line of argument. He said the Slate was committed to the policy of the bill. Georgia has always taken an interest in everything beneficial hi her people. He cited the laws of several States in support of the bill. In Connecticut and California the eight-hour law is in vogue. In Mary land the ten-hour law is in force. Tho laws of several States were read in regard to the age which children must attain before working in manufacturing establishments, and also those affecting tho employment of females. A message was received from the Gover nor rft this juncture, announcing approval of the following acts: To appropriate $9,000 for completing the Georgia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. To establish a system of public schools in the city of Covington. To incorporate the Norffi and South Short Railway Company. To extend the limits of Atlanta, so as to put Piedmont Park under police regulu tio s - DEMANDED BY THE PEOPLE. Mr. Lamar, of Richmond, said it had been argued that the bill under discussion was unconstitutional and radically wrong. This was untrue. The people demanded it, and thev were always conservative. The bill should pass, for the fact that it affects females and children, if for nothing else. There were 900 women nlone employed in the Engle and Phoenix Mills, at Columbus, who would be much benefited. Air. Harrell—lf the Legislature has the power to regulate the hours of work, has it not also tho power to regulate wages? Air. Lamar—l think not. Wo cannot regulate wages, but we can fix the hours of work. The nill does not come in contact with wages. No nation can thrive in inanu facturing that does not look to protection of the “bone and sinew.” If such manufactur ing Htates ns Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and others have tried this “ten hour law,” and it has worked so well, it does seem that it would work well in Georgia. If we pass this bill the cream of labor will flock into the State. Air. Gamble, of Jefferson, thought that tho work should lie left optional. He was willing to limit the work of all under 16 years to ten hours, but all others should fie allowed to work a* they saw fit. If we pass this bill the next Legislature will lm asked to regulate work on farms, and the next one will be asked to regulate the hours of den tists. and finally classes will be asking for regulations. Mr. Harrell, of Webster, thought this bill the most mischievous law brought before the House He did not see how the Legis lature had the right to make legislation of this kind for any class. It is just as right and proper to take up any other class and tell them they can work but ten hours, ff this bill is right, why should it be applied to employes in factories and not to tlio fanning interest*? Labor should lie free. It ought not to bolong to any corporation or firm. It is free. We should let every person do his own contracting and work just as many hours a day as lie pleases. The bill places one class of citi zens in a different attitude from other elasaes. If the legislature passes this Mil it will not lie two years until every class will be here demanding the passage of the “ten hour law.” Mr. Wheeler moved that when the House adjourns it be to meet at 7:30 o’clock to-night. Pending this the House adjourned. ATLANTA’S WINE ROOMS. They Will be Allowed to Run Till Thoir Licenses Expire. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 14. —The wine rooms which have city licenses for three months will fie allowed to run that long, and those which have them for six months or over, will be allowed to run until Jan. 1, 1888. The vetibsi riglita of the eltv licenses are not to lie interfered with by the police power of the Slate, lux a use the languages of the wine room bill does not plainly Indi cate such interference. The SSO State tax was paid for the year ending Dee. 31, 1887, mid the tax collectors will be instructed by the Comptroller General to collect the $lO,- 000 tax from all wine rooms on that date, whether their city license has expired or not, if thoy continue business after Jan. 1. In the meantime the SIO,OOO tax will be col lected from wine rooms whose city licenses expire previous to Dec. 31, at the date of expiration, unless such wine rooms close. decatup.'b rioters. Alexander Lovojoy, one of the Decatur rioters, has had a preliminary trial and been sent to jail. The funeral of Dr. Donald Fraser took place this afternoon at Decatur. The exer cises were held at the Presbyterian Church, of which he was pastor. The Committee on Corporation* has de cided to report favorably on the bill to amend the charter of the City of Atlanta providing for the fixing of the license, etc., and prescribing the limits for the sale of liquor in this county in tho event that the Anti-Prohibitionists should win in the next election. The bill is amended so that its provisions shall not go into effect until rati fied by the people. The will of Louis E. Borcheim was filed for probate witli the Ordinary this after noon. He leaves an estate of several thou sand dollars. Atlanta’s Big Bose Ball Bchome. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 14.—Tho Director* of the Piedmont Exposition Company re endeavoring to arrange with* the Detroit and Bt. Louis lse Mill club* for one or more games during the exposition. They hope to have the schedule of the world's championship games lietween the two eluhe so arranged that one or more may he played in the xp>i*lt4m grounds sometime be tween Oct. 1A and Oct. 20. HELD UP BY HIGHWAYMEN. Tho Gftnc Believed to be Part of ft Band of Train Robbers. Chicago, Sept. It. —A special to the 1 ink's from Kyle, Tex., says: "Monday night the Lockhart and lading stage, carry ing the mails, was robbed by throe masked highwaymen. There were only three pas sengers in the stage, all of whom were made to surrender their valuables at the points of revolvers. Even the driver was relieved of his watch. The mail jiouche* were left untouched. It is generally tie lieved that the robbers belong to the gang of train robbers who were run to cover lost Saturday near the little town of Manchaoa, below Austin. It is known that at least three of that hand broke through the cordon of ollleers at Mancbaca and escaped unharmed, o-s they stole flesh horses about, fifteen miles from Mancbaca. A posse of citizens left hero last evening to guard nil the roads lending toward Mexico in the hope of capturing the during highwaymen.” MINERS COMPROMISE. An Advanco of O Per Cent, in Wages Granted. Pi! 11. A DELPHI A, Kept. 11. —At a confer ence held at Pottsville to-day between the demand committee of the Minors’ and Ist borers’ Amalgamated Association and the officials of tho Philadelphia and Reading Coal and iron Company an amicable agreement was reached by which the strike in the Hchuylkill region will be averted. By the agreement wages are to bo advanced 8 percent., 'oeginning Kept. 1, and this is to continue four months. If at the expira tion of that time, Jan. 1, there is no settlement of the I/ehigh district strike, this arrangement, is to continue, or a new one he amicably made If, however, the Lehigh strike is settled, then it is agreed that the Lehigh basis will immediately go into effect in the Hchuylkill region. In the Lehigh region to-day all was quiet and un changed. GENIUSES OP THE SANCTUM, The National Editorial Association in Session. Denver, Col., Sept. 14.—The third an nual meeting of the National Editorial As sociation commenced hero yesterday after noon, Hon. C. H. Jones, of Jacksonville, Fla., presiding. About 250 delegates were expected, but the refiort of the Committee on Credentials showed an attendance of aliout KM, which in view of tho difficulties, and obstacles thrown in the way was con sidered as indicative of vitality in the idea, and object of tho association. The reports of the corresponding Secretary Pabor, and Secretary Gilbert were read, and adopted, At the evening wwsion Committees were appointed to consider tho question of trade journoals, and the law of libel. TEXAS’ RECENT VOTE. Tho Majority Against the Prohibition Amendment, 02,364. Austin, Tex., Sept. 14.—The returning board yesterday canvassed the vote of the counties on t,lio several constitutional amend ments voted upon on Aug. 5 last. The total vote of the State in favor of the prohibition amendment was 129,273 and against prohibi tion 221,627, leaving a majority against pro hibition of 92,354. These figures aro subject to revision. The returns of several enmities ex hibit apparent, errors. The other amend ments were all defeated by- majorities rang ing from 00,000 to nearly 150,000, the amend incut extending the legislative session being defeated by the largest majority. MANITOBA’S RAILROAD. The Federal Government May With hold tho Subsidy. Ottawa, Ont., Kept. 14. —Persons in the confidence of the Dominion Ministers stale that if Manitoba does not at once back down from her position in regard to the Rod River railway, the Federal government will withhold the pay ment of the next hnlf year’s subsidy to the Manitoba government. In that way they hope to cripple the provincial govern ment financially and prevent the carrying out of the contract* for the construction and equipment of the railway from Winnepeg to the boundary line. BULGARIA’S HARD ROAD. The North German Gazette Predicts Alexander’s Speedy Downfall. Berlin, Kept. 14.—The North ffennan Gazette, commenting on the street attack upon Karaveloff in Sofia, says: "Tho out rage is a characteristic result of tho raising of the state of siege. That such rioters should lie praised ns good patriots by the highest authority is something entirely’ novel, to the merit of which nobody will contest prior claims. The present Bulgarian ruler’s policy in having recourse to such ex pedients cannot be trusted by Europe. The suspicion arises that it is the lieginning of the end.” Fire at Syracuse. Syracuse, N. Y., Kept. 14.—Fire broke out in n vacant storeroom on the top floor of the fourth story brick buildings Nos. 15 and 17 South Clinton street this evening, causing damage to t.lin extent of SIOO,OOO. Ackerman & Skinner, boot and shoe deal ers, occupying the first floor, J. Atwell, a dealer in dry goods on the second floor, and 11. P. Stone, a manufacturer of children’s shoes on the third floor, aro losers. The in surance is $70,000. All Acquitted. New Orleans, Sept. 14.—A special dis fAtch to the Time*-Democrat, from New load says: "The State hus failed to make out a case against the officer* of the steamer (}. W. White, wnlcb was burned neur Bayou Kara last season, resulting in great loss of life. The officers were indicted on this account, but tho jury returned a ver dict of not guilty.” Four Track Layers Killed. Leadvillk. Col. Kept. 14.—A construc tion train on tho Aspen Extension of the Midland rood, consisting of an engine, two cars of railroad iron, ana 257 track layers, was derailed near Like ivimhoa yesterday morning. Tho care were turned completely over, burying the men under tho iron, kill ing four, and seriously injuring sixty-one. The engineer ami fin-man camped unhurt. Ex-Gov. Blackburn Dead. Louisville, Ky., Kept. 14.—Ex-Gov. Luke P. Blackburn, who no* been lying at the point of death at Frankfort, Ky.. for weeks past, died there tit 2:35 o'clock this afternoon. His last hit dligilible words were spoken Knt unlay last and were: “Oh, the beauty of religion," A Panic in OU. PiTTunrno, Pa., Kept. 14.—There ha* been a panic in oil yesterday and to-day. Oil opened at 78c. yesterday and closed at 69c. to day, a fall of 13c. in two days. No failures are reported, however. ( PRICE 10 A YEAR. I ) ft CENTS A COPY, f SARASOTA’S BLOOD STAIN, THE TRIPLE MURDERER KILLEO BY HIS CAPTORS. It Was a Case of Life and Death Witt* the Sheriff—The Murderer’s Own Story of hU Brutal Work -He Waa Killed by the Ptetol Abbie Carried. Manatee, Fla., Sept. 12.- The revolt ing murder, of bis wife and two children, by Delos Given, which occurred about four miles west of Kara Kota, on Friday morning. Kept. 9, a brief account which appeared in the dispatches of the Morning News, cul minated Haturrdny afternoon, just before sundown, about one and a half miles south of Manatee village, in the killing of the murderer by Charles Whittaker, who with Sheriff A. K. Watson, was bringing Given to Manatee village, for tho purpose of lieing carried by the steamer Margaret, next Wednesday, to Tampa, to be pat liu jail, there being no jail in this county. From Maj. Alden J. Adams. Justice of the Peace, and who acted as Coroner at thi* inquest, the following statement of the fuels in th case wore obtained: After tho Coroner's inquest over the bodies of Green s wile and children. Green hud, liecn committed by Acting Coroner Greer., of Kara Kota, and turned over’ to Sheriff' Watson, to lie carried to Manatee, as before* stated. Green was a powerful man physi cally, lieing aliout six feet high and weigh ing 180 pounds, and for this reason, tint more particularly on account of that enormity of the crime, the Sheriff very prudently and properly hail pla<-ed hand cuffs on him. Klioriff Watson started for Manatee, put ting his prisoner in a wagon in charge if Charles Whittaker, a young man living at Sarasota, he being on horseback, ri ling im nnsiintoly in the rear. The Sheriff, just be fore starting, lmd pla>vd in the wagon the hatchet ana chisel with which Green had done his cruel work, and Watson, having observed Green turn up the cloth under which the instrument* had liecn placed, jus# n little before starting, and while Given’s, back was turned took I hem out of the wagon and put them In his saddlebags, a very timely precaution. Both tho Sheriff nndl Whittaker were armed with pistols, the former having a JH-enlihrv Smith & Wesson, and the latter having a 44-ralibre Englisa self-cooker, which wu* in his hip pocket, that stock sticking out. AS THEY NEARED MANATEE VILLAGE Whittaker noticed that Green became morel nervous in his manner, and just about tbiri time the horse made a kind of turn to goi into the Kara sola road, and Whittaker, in leaning over to rein him luu-k, turned his body, which threw his bin and the butt of the pistol in an exposed position toward (ireen, who as quick as thought grasped tho butt of the pistol and endeavored to turn the muzzle toward Whitaker’s peivon. Whit taker ns quickly grasped the cylinder of the pistol and held on tightly, in this way keep ing it from revolving as Green was strag gling to pull the trigger. Sheriff Wafsorv seeing the struggle, risle up and covered! (boon with hi* pistol, telling him he would kill him if he did not desist. Green then took his luind away, saying ho meant no harm, and was merely testing Whittaker’s courage. The Sheriff told him if Imdnred to attempt anything of the kind again lie would kill him instantly. Green's eyes fairly blazed, and, clinching his teeth and opening his lips, he threw’ hi* body with great force against Whittaker, forcing him out of the buggy, over the wheels to tho ground, ho falling on top. Whittaker with much difficulty freed him selt and started to run, elmely pursued by liis assailant. Whittaker, finding that Green was gaining on him, and the Sheriff shouting to him to “shoot.,” turned and fired, striking Green in the middle of the stomach, but he never winced or slackened his speed The Sheriff, at this time, waa unablo to fire, Whittaker lieing in an exact lino with Green, but was gaining on the murderer, ami when within a few feet, lieing nearer to him than Whittaker, Green turned on the Sheriff,who at, this moment fired, intending to disable the prisoner, but the ball merely grazed hi# arm; again the Sheriff pulled down on hiinJ this time right iu his luce, but the pistol hung fire, and Green grabbed the muzzle. Being a powerful man a:iy way, and witki maddened determination, he sought to wrench the pistol from tho Sheriff’s hands, tearing the skin from the latter’s hands in his maddened efforts, and, at one time, the Sheriff did lose his grasp on the pistol, bud again renewed It. Green, in the meantime bail got the Sheriff ratkar under him, anoi held him hi In a vise, the Sheriff trying to turn the pistol against Green’s body so as tof shoot him, and Given doing all in nis power" to do the same to the Sheriff, and at one time in tho melee hud dealt the Sheriff a. terrific Wow across the face with his hand cuffs. Tho Sheriff shouted to Whittaker, “its a life and death cas% kill him.* Whittaker then ran up, (Wt his pistol' against Green's head, just above the ear. mid fired. Green relaxed Ills hold, openeif his eyes wide, gave a shudder, and fell over dead. And so ended the life of a human (lend, who lews than thirty hours before had. committed a crime, which for heinousnes* and cold and premeditated cruelty, as the horrid circumstances disclose, is without m parallel in the nnnnls of crime. The horse ami buggy and the Sheriff’s horse had both runaway at the start, but were captured in the road and brought back. Watson and Whittaker then went to the village and re ported the matter. Coroner Adams then nail a jury summoned, who went out to wher* the inurdeivr lay stark and cold in the Eil nut toes; his lace upturned and & xivy rainstorm having come on In the meantime afler he was killed, those who saw him sav his whole appearance presented a most shocking sjiectacle. But there was not u single feeling of pity or regret in the crowd who viewed this unnatural, inhuman liusliniid and father. The jury of Inquest made a very full and search mg examination of the Sheriff and Mr. Whittaker, and returned the following verdict: "We, the jury, find that Delos R. Green came to his death at tho hands of Sheriff A. 8. Watson and his guard while resisting said officer* in the discharge of their official duty, and that suld killing was necessary, unavoidable and justifiable.” A COFFIN WAS PROCURED from the village, tho dead man placed in it, ;d Sheriff Watson, with two or three young men, carried tho corjise back to Sarasota, to lie laid side by side with the victims of hi* terrible work. The Sheriff states that he avoided killing Green to the last, and that it was onlv done when there appeared to bo no help for it. It ' was true that lie hail oil handcuff*, but with his great strength and his murderous mania, be was a terrible assailant. Strange to say, Green was shot in the ax act, jiart of tho head where hi* wife and both children hod been struck with the butt of hi* hatchet. It is also a littie curious that the pistol with whir'' Green was killed was owned by ('. K. Abbie, and found on hi* body at the time he was murdered t Kara Kota. This name pistol, and the large dirk-knife, Abbia had tieeu In the habit of carrying on hi* person, were both exhibited at the trial ot Willard, Anderson slid Bacon. I incluae m