The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 16, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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WILLIAM’3 STOMACH. H!s Mother Said it Would Keep Him Poor; Ho Thinds it Him Rich. T'fOiii the Philadelphia- XeuiM. At Cai“‘ May a fow days ago I was sitr ting with a friend with a tureen of terrapin between us. My friend is one of the wealth iest men in Philadelphia, and one of the ex ceptional fow who in tho pursuit of wealth has not forgotten how how to enjoy it after Laving amassed it. I complimented him upon tho enjoyment lie evidently derived from the delicacy before him. "Why,” lie said, with a laugh, "my ruothor told tut- that my stomach would always keep me poor.” Noticing my leak of surprise, he told me a tale by way of explanation that I propose repeating to you. “I was born,” he said, “in Virginia. I was not one of the F. F. V’s; candidly, I was only poor white trash. My people were very poor. The flrst day I ' was sent to school I was given a small piece of dry bread for my niiddav lunelieorf. It was not palatable, and besides, the other boys, as they munched their apples and gingerbread, laughed at me. The next day I was again provided with a small piece of dry bread, but before I went to school I walked into a grocery store and said to the proprietor: "Mr. Brown, mother wants a small sam ple of your 12c. cheese, and a small sample of 3'our 14c. cheese. Wrap them up in separate pieces of paper, please, and write the price on the outside. The grocer did so, and then I wont to his rival across the way and said, as I n-ogneed two small bottles with which I h..d provided myself: ‘Mr. Smith, mother wants a sample of your lOe. molasses and a sample of your 12c. Write the prices on the bottle, please.’ The grocer did as I requested, and that day I enjoyed what to me was a bountiful lunch. Of course my crime was discovered, and then it was my mother said to me: ‘William, your stomach will always keep you poor.’ "When I became of age, tired of the pov erty and limitations of my surroundings, I went to New York. When I reached there I had exactly $4 in my pocket, and I had not the slightest idea what I was to do for a living. As I landed at the foot of Cort landt street I was warmly greeted by a Hebrew with whom I had been acquainted in my native town. ‘How much money have you?” he asked mo excitedly. When I told him the size of my fortune he looked rather disappointed, but finally said: ‘I, too, have $4. vVe will put the two sums together and I will make your fortune. Give me your money.’ I did not know what he was about to do with my money, hut I handed it forth. ‘Come with me,’ he said. We walked to 220 Broadway. In a large room was an excited crowd. There were in it merchants, clerks, hod carriers, stevedores, clergymen, negroes, women. My friend handed our joint capital to a man behind a long counter and received in return a slip of pa|ier. I asked no questions, but awaited develop ments with interest. After some time a sort of shiver went through the crowd as a man began writing some figures on a blackboard. As one after another appeared my companion became violently excited, and final!}’ he slapped me on the back and shouted: ‘We have won. Comeback here at 3 o’clock.’ I wandered idly about until that time, and when I retnrned my friend was awaiting me ‘We were in luck,’ he said joyously, and handed me S4B. 1 had won it at policy. “That small sum of money appeared like a gigantic fortune to me. I wondered what I could do with so much. ‘One thing at least 1 will have,’l said to myseif; ‘I will have a good dinner.’ You see that un fortunate stomach of mine was quick to assert itself. I had heaivl people speak of the Astor House, and thither I journeyed. It was in the month of February, and very cold. I wore no overcoat, ana, to tell the truth, the texture of my linen was visible through the seat of my pantaloons. As I entered the big eating saloon in the hotel I could plainly see that the waiters looked upon me contemptu ously. I knew nothing then of gas tronibmical delicacies, and so I ordered rare roast beef and a number of vegetables. The dinner was shoved at me with scant cour tesy. I devoured it ravenously, for I was hungry. I had just finished it when, on the ledge back of the eating counter. I espied a Slate of large and luscious strawberries. ty stomach immediately took possession of me and forced me to call out to the waiter: ‘Give me a dish of those strawberries.’ The man turned around and looked at me in blank amazement. ‘Hurry up,’ I said, in a loud and lordly voice, ‘I have no time to waste here.’ “The waiter said not a word, but in a dazed sort of a way began placing the ber ries one by one in a small saucer. ‘Oh, don’t stop to count them,’ I exclaimed in a voice that could be heard all around me, ‘fill up the dish.’ I noticed that people were look ing toward me, and that their glances indi cated not disdain, but interest and wonder. It only required ton of the big berries to fill the dish placed before me. I covered them with powdered sugar and then poured some rich cream over them. They were indeed delicious. In a princely sort of a way I called for my check when I had flninished. I was handed two pieces of paste board. The first oue called for Si 40. This was for the beef and v'ege-. tables. The second called for $lO. "That was for tho straw berries. Great Jehosaphat; Strawberries $1 each! I must confess it was a staggerer. 1 felt that the eyes of every ono in the room were upon me. and I guess they were. ‘William,’ I said to myself, you may be a fool, but don’t Show it. Dou’t lot them know that, after all, you are nothing but poor white trash!’ I stepped up to the cashier’s desk, picking my teeth nonchalantly with a toothpick, and pulled out my S4B. The sum was in small bills, and made a large roll. I paid the two checks in a careless sort of wav, and then I deliberately walked back to where I had eaten and throw the waiter a silver, dollar. That capped tho climax. As I walked out everv waiter in that, place was satisfied that I was a millionaire in disguise. Derision had given way to defer ence. “As I walked forth from the hotel two men accosted me. In some way, I cannot tell you how, they made my acquaintance, and in a short time they had induced me to acconipuny them into a room where a game of chance was in progress. They wished me to play. I protested that I was only a poor young man with hut a few dollars in my possession. The men winked slyly at one another and laughingly poked me in the ribs. ‘You arc a cute one,’ said one, ‘but I ani not afraid to back you for $1,000.’ There was some movement in the game, nnd then it was announced that I had won* SI,OOO, and that sum was actually handed mo. Then it was announced to me that the stakes had be increased to $5,000, and 1 was requested to produce that sum or a check for it. Check! I had never hail a bank ifccount in all my life. “I quietly said that 1 reckoned I wouldn’t play any more. Then ensued a rather ex citing scene. All tho men in tho room made n combined assault upon me. I was a lusty, active youngster in those days, and I succeeded in reaching the street with only a fmv scratches os the result of the oacounter. But still I had the SI,OOO. You sou they were bunco man. I did not know it then, but I know it now. They hail witnessed the strawberry incident, anil thought 1 was an immensely wealthy young countryman. I kept the monav I had obtained from them, and it was tbo foundation of my for tune. So, you see, my mother was wrong nlxiut this stomach of mine, which I have treat, vl kindly ever since in grateful re nienibranceof what it did for mo.” A MAN WltTa MEMORY. Tba Courage and Coolness of a Con federate Spy. From the tfeie Yl&lc Alls. Just before Hbernmn advanced on his Deorgta campaign a man suppoxsl to be a * on federate spy, wu one day arrested iu a 1 nion lump, lie was ill Federal uniform, but bis look and Iwiimv were nuinutaka- , Wjr bvuiLem. Hu uUuiXd to buioua to a I regiment in anotliej 1 camp about two miles a "'ny, and he was sent to the guard house until his assertions could be verified or dis proved. I was officer of the day at comp that day, and that is how I came to learn so many of the particulars of the affair I am relating. It was in the camp of a Wiscon sin regiment that the spy, who gave his name as George Swift, was arrested. He had come there ostensibly to visit friends, but some of the boys had seen him slyly taking notes, and he had asked .such ques tions as no private Federal soldier would have any use for. It was pretty generally understood that the Confederates were using every exertion to secure knowledge of Sherman’s strength and movements, and the boys had no sooner got the idea that the stranger was a spy than they gave infor mation to me and I put him under arrest. I saw a glance that he waJ of Southern birth. That was not so much against him, for at that time we had plenty of Tennessee and Kentucky men with us. ‘‘What command do you belong to?” I asked. “The th Illinois,” he replied. I asked what brigade and division, who was his Captain and various other things, and he returned nvhat seemed to be straight answers to every question. When I asked who he had come to visit in the Wiscousin regiment he was lame. He mentioned the name of a mau no one had over heard of. It was on this point alone that I held him. A messenger was at once sent after the Illinois Captain named, and in about an hour he appeared. The supposed spy was taken to the tent of the Brigade General, and as soon as brought face to face with the Captain he saluted aud said: “Capt. Morton, ,the people here seem to think I am a Confederate spy.” “And who are you?” queried the Captain, astonished. “Do you ask that?” reproachfully in quired the man. “Who should I be but George Swift of your own company?” “You can’t be. I never saw you before in my life.” “Why, Capt. Morton!” The two men looked at each other as if doubting their own senses, and the General asked of Swift: "How long have you been with his com pany?” , “Four months, sir. I came down as are cruit from Pekin.” “Who is your Orderly Sergeant?” “Sergt. White, sir.” “Who are your commissioned officersJ” "Capt. Morton, First Lieut. Green and Lieut, Davis. The latter is home on a fur lough.” "How many men in the company?” “Fifty-eight, sir.” “Who are your tent mates?” “Oscar Jackson, Thomas Parker and John Pridgeon.” “Well, Captain?” queried the General, as he turned to Capt. Morton. The Captain was clean beat. He was dead sure that no such man belonged to his company, and yet the suspect had an swered every question as straight as a string. “I’ll stake my life that I never saw this jnan before,” the Captain finally answered, “and I know every man in my company by name.” The spy was ordered to strip to his shirt, and for the flrst time his coolness seemed to desert him. He reproached the Captain for permitting this indignity, but slowly dis robed. In one of his boot legs was a pocket, and in this pocket we found a paper bearing figures as follows: A....1d... 27 1.... “ ...9,000 c....“ ....i.eoo There were four or five sets of these mem oranda, running from one to “4d.” When asked to explain the meaning of them, he said they were some old examples in alge bra he had been working out with the boys. In a few minutes we were satisfied that the paper read: “Artillery in first division, twenty-seven pieces.” Then “I” stood for infantry and the “C” for cavalry. We were satisfied, and yet we were not, for as soon as we made it out the way I have given it to you, Swift said: “General, Capt. Morton does not seem to be a good baud to remember faces. Will you please send for the Orderly Sergeant and my tent mates? If I cant show bv them that I have been with company G four months you can order me hung as a spy.” The cool proposition staggered the Gen eral. Had we discovered the paper in the man’s pocket instead of his boots he would have been allowed to walk off. The discov ery looked suspicious, aud he was ordered back to the guard house and the persons sent for. Two hours later he wascoufronted bv the Orderly Sergeant. '“Sergeant, do you know this man?”asked the General. “No, sir.” "Isn’t he a member of your company?” “No, sir.” “You are dead sure of this?” “I am, sir.” Swift actually grinned as if it were a good joke, and said: “Perhaps . I have changed skins with somebody since I came out of camp this morning. Sergt. White, your given name is Thomas. You came from Chicago. Yon have been twice wounded. Your father was down to see you last week. You got love letters from your girl in GaLsburg. You are 32 years old. You have a brother Ben in company E. Hear me call the roll of our company: Allbright, Allison. An drews, Arkwright, Bement, Beamer, Bost wick, Carter, Corliss, Costigan, Cummer ford—” And the mau rattled off forty or fifty names as fast as he could speak, and got them all correct, too. The Sergeant looked from his Captain to the prisoner, and then pinched himself to see if he was awake or asleep. "I—l never saw him before,” he finally stammered, “but he must belong to the comtMiny.” ‘“res,’ ho certainly must,” added the Cap tain. “Well, take him back to camp with vou. Sergeant,” observed the General. “Hold on, though; didn’t we send for his tent mates?” “They are here, sir.” “Weil, we’ll seo if they recognize him.” The three men were brought in and in side of five minutes Swift was a doomed man. He had come into camp four or five days previous, claiming to be looking for a friend, and had bribed tho boys to let him into the tent. He mades his excursions through the division from this point. He must have been a man with a wonderful memory, and had gained oceans of infor mation without seeming to pump anybody. He tried to brave it out against the throe men, but other members of the company were sent for, and his nerve at last gave way. A court martial was convened, and four days after his capture Swift was hung. While he died game and would admit noth ing, it was satisfactorily settled that he came from Johnston’s army, and that he was old in the business. I was at the foot of the gallows when he mounted it, and when tho noose was put over his head I heard him say: “Gentlemen, it’s a d—n fine morning to start on such a journey as mine.” •Buohu-Palba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kid noy, bladder end urinary disease*.. (1. At druggists. “Rough on Bile” PHI*. Small granules, small done, big results, pleasant in operation, dou’t disturb tho stomach. 10c. and 26c. “Rough on Dirt.” Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect washing |xiwdcr found at lust! A harmless extra fine A1 article, pure and clean, sweet ens, freshens, bleachm and whitens without slight. t injury to finest fabric. IJriaqiialivl for flttt linen* and laesa, general household, kitchen and laundry use. Bottom water, nav.s. lalmr and ->up A'tied to utaivlcpia vent* yellowing. Sc.. Ilk:.. Hoc. in givcor*. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1887. SPEED ON THE RAIL. An Engineer Telle Wily It Is Some times Safer to Travel Fast. “Of course an accident on a railroad is an event that can occur any time, uo matter how great tho precautions are,” said an old West Shore engineer to a New York Star man, who found him sittiug on a box in the depot yard, while a “hostler" was grooming his “iron steed,” just in from a day’s run. “I have railroaded many years—at least twenty—and my experience has been varied aud at times existing. I have faced death more than once, aud have averted many possible disasters by keeping a cool brain and a firm hand upon the throttle. “I have run directly through tho jaws of death to save the lives of the passengers, whereas had I endeavored to have shunned the danger ahead many lives would have been lost. “On general principles there Is less danger in running a train swiftly than slowly. The reason is Obvious. 1 have run my train — when behind time —at as high a speed as 05 and 70 miles an hour, and have passed safely over loose rails that would have throwo my engine and cal's from the track had I been running more slowly. The momentum car ried me over safely. “An engineer seldom, if ever, thinks of his personal safety at the expense of those whose lives are intrusted to his care, but I have driven ahead at great velocity over dangers that, had I previously known of their existence, I would have slowed up. and, as I before said. I have speeded where I knew there was danger, and that very spurt of speed has saved my train. “Engines will jump the track quicker over light places at moderate speed than at express time, and we are as safe in running around curves at a high rate of speed as when at twenty miles an hour, in fact, safer. You see, the incline of a track—or the rails on one side of a curve being higher than those opposite—is decidedly necessary for fast running, and there is no danger in the elovation. A train carries itself around a curve with the momentum it has gained before reaching the point. If an engineer made a spurt just before or as he reached the curve, his engiqo could hardly fail to jump. Again, if brakes are put on hard and the wheels thus clogged instead of al lowing the coaches to swing readily and easily as they reach and round the curve, the liumping of one car against tho other might send all off the track. “The secret of the rapid running around curves lies in the fact of the rail elevation on one side, and that the flanges on the wheels hug the rails with a death grip, thus making the pressure so great that it is al most impossible to leave the track uncere moniously. , “An engine in good order is as tractable as a lamb, and apparently endowed with human intelligence. I can tell you of a cir cumstance that makes me believe an engine has human intelligence, locomotively speak ing. In 1878 I was running on a Western road, and left Chicago on ooe of the storm iest nights I ever saw. I had orders to speed, as I had a theatrical party on board, and I was thirty minutes late, owing to some connections with anoi her and inbound Western train. I pulled out of the depot in good style and was soon speeding through the snow flakes at the rate of forty five miles an hour. I continued at this rate for about three hours, when suddenly, and without any apparent reason, my engine jerked. I at once thought we had struck something on the track and either had thrown it aside or had passed over it. In three minutes more the engine jerked again and seemed inclined to stop. I was non plussed. I had carefully examined the ma chinery in every part during the afternoon and I knew everything was all right when we started. A minute later there was another jerk, and about a couple of minutes after that another and very vio lent one. I slowed up, and after riding very slowly a mile further the moon came' out brightly. An eighth of a mile ahead of me was a curve, arid I in tended to again let out after passing that goint. Just as we turned the curve iny roman yelled out: ‘Let her up; something ahead!” lat once pulled down hard, and, what do you think, we stopped about thirty feet from where a tree had been blown across the track. The train hands, with the assistance of the male passengers and axes we had on board, cut the tree so that we could swing it across the track, aud after nearly two hours’ delay we started again. Talk about speed! I made that train almost fly through the air, and my loss of two and a half hours’ time in all from Chicago to Detroit, Mich., was reduced to 53 minutes. Railroading is not the easiest life in the world, especially for engineers.” PAIN KILLER. rhoier&Morbus fVajnps I °l‘ e j|iant\oe^ Complaints ||YSenterY J7ll Cured by# teaspoonful of Perr/David?m flier in a little Pfilpor Sugar and Water All Druggists Sell it. jo SEEDS. Buist’s Reliable Cabbage and Turnip SEEDS, JUBT RECEIVED FRESH AT OSCEOLA BTJTLER S 1 ; UNDERTAKER. \V. 1). DIXON. UNDERTAKER ft CAMS It I* A Lie KlfflM or COFFINS AND CASKETS, 46 Bull street. He*kloc* 59 Liberty street, bA\’A>.‘<AlL UJbVfiUiA. MILLINERY. KROUSKOFPS Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New’York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that wo sell fine Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, aud we are now offering full lines of fine Milafts in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses aud Children in an endless variety of shapes RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. S. KROTJSKOIYF. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. rriadjn the^Crucibk Abont twenty years ago I discovered a little sore on my cheek, and the doctors pr>” ■onneed it cancer. I have tried a number of physicians, oat without receiving any perma nent benefit. Among the nnmber were one or two specialists. The medicine tncy applied wax like fire to the sore, cansing intense pain. I saw a statement in the papers telling what S. S. S. had done for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before 1 had used the second bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer was healing np. My general health had been had for two or throe years—l ban a backing congn ana spit Dlood contin ually. I had a severe pain in my breast. After taking six bottles of S. 8. 8. my coagh left me nnd I grew stouter than I had been for several years. My cancer has healed over all but ij a little spot about the size of a half dime, and it is rapidly disappearing. I would advise •very one with cancer to give S. S. S. a fair trial. Mas. NANCY J. McCONAUGQBY, Ashe Drove, Tippecanoe Cos., Ind. Feb. 16, 1886. < Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable and seems to cure cancers by forcing oat the Imp* titles from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Bkm Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawers, Atlanta. Ga. IKON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia. CASTING! OP ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS a B TTAS induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than |W 11 ever. To that end no pains or expense has been spared to maintain their HIGH STANARD OF EXCELLENCE. B Thes*' Mills are of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to the B B operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. They are heavy, Btrong and durable, run light and even, and are guarani teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured tttffllWrWiw cane. ■RHBBmfIHBI AH our Mills are fully warranted for one year BjiMyvLiitjaagxMwg ite?HßgjpW9Hly||gjHW Our Pans Ix-ing east with the bottoms down, R possess smoothness durability ami miiforiiiitv of ttneJkiwiw KAR^SIU'ERIi >R TO THOSE MADE IN y Having unsurpassed facilities, ’ w WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Alwayj on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Wm. KLehoe A Cos. N. B —The name “ KEHOE’S IRON WORKS.’ is cast on all our Mills and Pans. LITHOGHUPHYi THE LARGEST LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH. THE Morning News Steam Printing House SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS A. Lithographing and Engraving Department which is complete within itself, and the largest concern of the kind in the South. It is thoroughly equipped, having five presses, and all the latest mechanical appliances in the art, the best of artists and the most skillful lithog raphers, all under the management of an experienced superintendent. It also has the advantage of being a part of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, banks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give this house an opportunity to figure on their work, when orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant It, a special agent will be sent to make estimates. J. H. ESTILL. NASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. SAVANNAH, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Sasli, tors, Ills, Mantels, Pen ils, And Interior Finish of nil kind*. Moulding*. NVwcl Post*. KstimiiOft, Prlcn IJftt*, Mould iiijf Hook*, rim! any information In our Urm fumuhol on application. Typi'*****, Yellow Pino, oak. Au and Walnut LUMPER on liaad and in any ipwmtitr, furnKht*! promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMB AN Y, Savannah, Ga EOTXCATIOWAJU For Full Information of the Above Schools CAM* ON OR ADDHBKS HOENSTKIN <fc MAC CAW, 104 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. University of Georgia. P. H. MELL, 1). 1)., LL. D., Chancellor. THE 87th session of the Departments at Ath. ens will begin Wednesday, Octolrer 5, 1887. TUITION FREE, except in I,siw Department. LAMAR COBH, Secretary Board of Trustees. EMORY COLLEGE' OXFORD, CrA. THE INSTITUTION enters upon its fifty-first session October 18, 1887, with enlarged fac ulty and increased facilities. For Catalogues anil information write to " ISAAC s. hopkins. President WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS OCT. 5, 1887. Location beautiful Life home like. Educa tion thorough. Health, Manners and Morals carefully guarded. The best, instruction in Literature, Music, Sci ence and Art. Twenty experienced officers und teachers. Low rates. Apply for Catalogue to W. C. BASS, President, or C. W. SMITH, Secretary. Miss Randolph's School 1214 EUTAW PLACE, BALTIMORE. MI). r UWO or three vacancies are still open for the I coming session, which commences SEPT. 20th Applications should be made to the slime address. QCBOOL FOR HOYS, Oglethorpe Barracks C Second session begins Oct. 3. Careful and thorough preparation of boys and young men for College, University sir business.' For cata logues, address the Prlncliial, JOHN A. CROW THER, Savannah, Ga. FURNISHING GOODS. • Go to LaFar’s New Store AND SEE HOW CHEAP HE SELLS Summer Hats. I Fa VF. your measure taken A T the game time, and T 1 RY a set of his excellent SIIIRTS made to order. & WHILE THERE INSPECT IUB LINE OF TJ NLA UNDRIED SHIRTS, Monarch dress shirts, Boston garters in silk and cotton. Rubber garments of all kinds. Embroidered night shirts Linen handkerchiefs at all prices. Lisle thread underwear. 'A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SCARFS. Shawl straps and hand satchels, Anew line of HAMMOCKS, with PILLOWS and SPREADERS, just in; also a lot of NEW BATHING SUITS, at L air ar’s, 29 BULL STREET. FKI IT .lAHS. WOODBURY, OKM, MASON'S, and other approved FRUIT JARS, at JAB. S. SILVA A BON’B. PRINTER ANI) BOOKBINDER, THE OLD RELIABLE! GEO. N. NICHOLS, Printing and Binding, 93*4 Hay direct. New Machinery! New Materials! Best Papers! Best Work! No Brag. No Muster. No Humbug. i i—i 11 i.n.i IRON PIPE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL to GALVANIZED TIFF., AT MUCH LESS MUCK. J. D, WEED & CO, FRUIT AND GROCERIES. READ! READ! HEAD EVERY WOl! D. B. Lester IS SEbLINQ NEW PACK TOMATOES CHEAP. CHOICE LOBSTERS 15c. per can. GOOD AMERICAN SARDINES 6c per box. TEN LARGE CAKES OF SOAP for 25c. GOOD TEA 35c., 50c. and 75c. per pound. A PURE TABLE WINE $1 per gallon. NEW SWISS CHEESE CHEAP. A PURE MIXED CANDY 15c. per pound. BEST ENGLISH TABLETS 25-.-. per pound. I am ottering GREAT BARGAINS in FINE OLD SHERRY and PORT WINES. D. B. LESTER, 21 Whitaker Street. <x R A PE FINE GRAPES IN SMALL BASKETS Pears, Apples, Cabbages, Onions, Potatoes, Lemons. Florida Oranges. Seed Rye and Oats, GRAIN, HAY A.NTU FEED, Large buyers arc urged to get our prices be fore buying. 169 RAY ST, W. D. SIMKINS & CO, A. M. & C. W. WEST, GROCERS, LIBERTY & WHITAKER STS., HAVE THEIR USUAL LARGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OF Staple and Imported Groceries And Table Luxuries, and are ready for the new season's business. Particular attention given to orders from families who live away from Savannah. FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY MILLS: Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Hapes&Elton BRICK. Wm.P. Bailey & Cos., BRICK MANUFACTURERS, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, In large quantities, at their yard on the SPRING FIELD PLANTATION, and will deliver the same in any part of the city upon the shortest notice. The best Well Brick, Pressed Brick, Hard Brown Brick, Gray Brick, Soft Brown Brick. Office—Corner Bull and Broughton, at SI MON GAZAN'S CIGAR STORE, where all or ders will receive prompt attention. PAINTS AND OiU JOHN G; BUTLER^ Y*7HITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS, \y VARNISH, ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, SASHES, DOORS. BLINDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR aqp LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1865. CHRIS MIKPHY, 1365. ~~ House, Sign and Ornamental Painting I EXECUTED NEATLY and with dispatch. j Paints, OU, Varnishes, Brushes, WindiMf Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished otsp plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS, Rear of Christ Church. J AS. S. SILVA & SON OFFICIAL. ~ QUA KA A TIN K NOTICE. OmcE Health Omncia, 1 Savannah, Ga., Aug. 9,1887. ( From and after this date, the city ordinance which specifies the Quarantine requirement* to be observed at the port of Savuimah, Oa., will he moot rigidly enforced. Merchant* und ull other parties interested will he mipplied with printed copies of the Quar antine Ordinance upon application to office of Health Officer, and are requested to keep copy of this publication. From and after this date and until further no tice all steamships and vessels from or having touched at South America. Central America, Mexico, West Indies, the Bermudas, Italy. Sicily. Malta, Marseilles and the Ouinea coast of Africa, direct, or via Ameri can ports, will lie subjected to Quaran tine detention and be treated os from infected or suspected porta or localities, viz.: Section #, G uarantine Ncijulations. Captains of such vessels will have to remain at the Quarantine Station until their vessels are relieved All steamers and vessels from foreign porta not included atiove, direct or via American ports, whether seeking, chartered or otherwise, will be required to remain in quarantine until boarded and passed by the Quarantine Officer. Neither the captains nor anyone on board of nu h u. tieln will be allowed to come to the city or land until the. crssets are inspected und pasted by the Quarantine Officer. As ports or localities not herein enumerated are reported unhealthy to the Sanitary Authori ties, Quarantine restrictions against same will be enforced without further publication. The quarantine regulation requiring the flying of the Quarantine flan on vessels subjected to detention or nugiectionwitl be ricriiUy enforced. Notice is hereby given that the Quarantine Officer is instructed not to deliver letters to ves sels which are not subjected to Quarantine de tention, unless the name of consignee and state ment that the vessel U ordered to some other port appear* upon the face of the envelope. Tills order is made necessary in consequence of mo i*i" rmo nuik or drummtag letters sent to the station for vessels which are to arrive. Ship chandler* are informed that provisions in large quantity cannot Is* received at (he Quarantine Station, unless for vessels order* -i from this port, and it uiuat then ho sent down by the tug boat si tlm time a lieu vessel is to be towed to sea. J. T. McFARLAND, MD„ Bsailh tube*r. 5