The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 18, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED I*so. I I J. H. ESTILL, Editor nud Proprietor, f DRY GOODS ! PUBLIC BENEFACTORS, THE INAUGURATORS OF LOW PRICES ! / T I “No P ent U P Utica contracts our powers, T" IZ3 f Y iV_ y jL V JL I But the Dry Goods trade of Savannah is ours.” y j Tlie I >emon of’ IIig;li Prices is* I^)ead; Om* Peculiai* System of* IjO\v r Prices l*Jllecl Him. (THE LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN THE SOUTH,) Stands To-Day a Monument to Our Past, Present and Future Method of Square Dealing. Dress Goods Department ON TUESDAY Complete Opening ligli Class Novelties AND Sli[il less Goods. We shali open on TUESDAY, September 30th, all the latest importations of English, Scotch ami French Dress Goods, representing all the latest novelties. We shall also display a full line of American Dress Fabrics m handsome styles. We will on TUESDAY offer four OPENING BARGAINS, Which are real genuine bargains and have never been sold before at any such price. They are as advertised, and are in all the desirable Pall colors, being in eveir way worthy of atten tion, as they are about HALF PRICE BARGAIN 1. 2.000 pieces of Fine Twill Cashmere, in all the new' Fall shades, at 5c.; a big drive. BARGAIN 2. 1,000 pieces of Double Fold English Body Cashmere at 12j4jc. ; decidedly cheap. BARGAIN 3. 500 pieces of Buffalo Serges, all the new Fall shades, very stylish, Hoc.; a great bargain. BARGAIN 4. 100 pieces very fine French All Wool Hair-Line bft'ipes and Checks, 42 inches wide, in twenty different styles, cost to import 15c. and would lie considered cheap at sl, we shall offer at 59c. per yard. Velvet Department. ON TUESDAY WE WILL HAVE A GRAND EXHIBITION OF Silk Velvet Plushes AND HIGH PARIS NOVELTIES FOR- — FALL SEASON 1887. We shall open on TUESDAY, Sept. 20tb. all the new im|mrtatioiiM t.i both plain and fancy bdk Velvets, Plusln sand Satins, comprising the largest an t most vayied and iierl’ert eollce •'"ns of new ideas than it has ever been our privilege to exhibit before In this depart- Hunt, will offer 1 lot Brocade Velveteens. In all colors, at 4Ne,would Is* cheap at idle, 1 lot 21 Inch Velveteen, in nil colors, at 49c.; settml value 75c. 1 lot 3tl inch Velveteen, iu all colors, best quality, at (Vic.; sold everywhere for Hoc. 1 lot I>i Inch Silk Velvet, in all colors, at SBC,; remarkably cheap. 1 lot 22 Inch Fils Velvet, in all colors, at 81 I*l good value fur SI .45 1 lot Winch Hilk Velvet, in all colors, at fl *5; a superior finality. On account of Holiday our store will be cioacd *'** MONDAY, the IStU. ffhe JEofnine ffoto^. Glove Iplnt! Kid Gloves. BecopM Mflprters FOR YEARS. We have succeeded in closing out a lot O. K. Kid and Swede (iloves from a manufacturer, which we shall offer on Tuesday to our custom ers at a very small profit to ourselves. 2 BIG BARGAINS IN Kid Gloves. 1 lot 4-button Ladies’ Kid and Swede Gloves* embroidered back, all the new tan shades, at 50c. per pair; would be cheap at sl. 1 lot Ladies' 5-hutton scolloped top, embroid ered back, French Kid Gloves, in black and tan goods, that are actually worth 81 25 per pair, at only ?se. 1 lot High Novelty Kid Gloves, all new shades, for street and evening wear, heavy embroidered backs, 4-buttou, the very latest importation; price $2 25. Sold in New'York at $3. Hosiery Department OVERCROWDED WITH NEW GOODS. Unprecedented Bargains FOR ONE WEEK. 103 dozen Misses' Solid Color Ribbed Hose, sizes 0 to fast colors, a good School Hose, 9c.; would be cheap at liVjjc. 50 dozen Misses' Plain Solid Colei's and Black Hose, full regular made, fast colors, double gauge. 19c.; a bargain at Ssc. 100 dozen Ladies Solid Colors anil Black Hose, fine gauge, fast colors, full regular made, sold 50 dozen last weak, 21c., worth no less than 86c. 76 dozen ! adieu Solid Color and Fancy Hose, Handsome Styles, full regular fast colors, extra long, at tsc.. reduce 1 from 75c. 250 dozen Lad es' Brilliant Lisle Thread Hose in Black only, goods which have never liefore been sold for less than 75c. per pair, at only ilk-. 200 dozen Ladies' fllack and Solid Colors Silk Hose, extra quality, double heels and toes, 75c. per pair, actual value $1 25. Our stock of Ladies’, Misses’and Children - 8 Merino Underwear is now’ complete at 25c., 35c., 48c., 73c., 98c., which we guarantee to be su perior to any similar goods sold in the city at 23 per cent. more. HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. BIG- DRIVES. Job Lots at Half Regular Price. 1 lot White Hemst itched Handkerchiefs, fancy embroidered, at se. 1 lot Lode s' White and Fancy Border liem stitched Handkerchiefs at 3c.; worth double, ! lot ladies' White and Fancy Herder Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 9c.; cheap for 1 dot Ladies' White and Fancy Border Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 12j£c.; well worth 17c. 1 lot Ladies' White and Fancy Border Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs at 17c.; very cheap. 1 lot Ladies' White and Fancy Border Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, novelties, at 19c.; worth 30c. 1 lot Ladies' Extra Fine Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 29c.; never offered less than 40c. 1 lot Gents' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 17c.; a derided bargain. 1 lot. Gents' Pure Linen ileinstho ied Hand kerchiefs at 25c.: worth 85c. I lot Gents' Pore Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs. white ami colored borders, at 86c.; re duced from 50c. Ladies’ Collar Department. ALL THE NEW NOVELTIES. THREE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. 300 dozen I sidles White Linen Foliar*, any size, price 5c.; sold elsewhere t 10c. am'dozen Lillies' Linen f v 'llars in white fancy and mourning (ooff. to match), now and stylish. prto* 9c ; unreal uat 16c. jjUO dozen !zillion Linen Collars In white, fanev and uiouiiiiig muff* to match), nobby styles, all price liftr. ; worth at least Rkt. On aw- stat of boil lay, our slot* anil ha closed on MoMizY, the ikth. SAVANNAH, GA„ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1887. Linen Department. Altmayer’s Ss tlie I s lace, AND FROM TUESDAY ON IS THE TIME. To purchase your WINTER SUPPLY of I.inen Goods. It is certainly to your advantage to examine our stock. Surprising Bargains FOR THIS WEEK. NOTE PRICES. 3(10 dozen Huck Towels, all linen, at ltc each, or 81 10 per dozen. 225 dozen Huck Towels, all linen, 22x38, at 12)4c or 81 40 per dozen. 175 dozen Damask Towels, 24x44. extra heavy, at 8° SPECIAL! 500 dozen 24x14 Linen Damask Towels, knot fringe and fancy borders, beautiful patterns, at 29c. each, or 83 40 pier dozen. We positively as sert that no sue!) goods can lie purchased, not even in New York city, at $4 per dozen. 350 dozen 21x4-* fancy Huck and Damask Tow els, knot fringe, lace borders, at 25c. each, actu ally worth 40c. 100 dozen extra fine large size Damask Towels at 40c., equal to anything sold elsewhere for6sc. 3,700 yards plain and fancy Linen ( rash, at 2,250 yards check Crash, very heavy, at 127gc. 1,800 yards 20-inch check and plain Linen Crash, at 17^c., usually sold for 25c. DRIVES ! 85 pieces 54-inch Turkey Red Table Damask at 2Ste, very cheap. 23 pieces 50-inch Turkey Red Table Damask at 45c., actual value (>oc. 15 pieces 02-iach Turkey Red German Table Damask at 00c.. \v< 11 worth 86c. 20 pieces 72-inch Turkey Red German Table Damask, new patterns, best goods. at 86c. 20 pieces I/oom Damask, heavy, at 22c. 35 pieces Loom Damask, handsome patterns, at 20c., worth 40c. 17 pieces extra heavy Loom Damask, 56 inches wide, at 3'K .. good vain * at. 50c. 1 lot 56 inch Bleached Damask at 30c.. sold everywhere for s<:e. 1 lot 62 inch Bleached Damask at 40c., cheap and serviceable. 1 lot 6 i-inch R'e ched Barnsley Damask, hand some patterns, nt 6V., decided valus lor 85c. 1 lot 72 inch Bleached Bar.isley Damask, satin finish, extra he ivy r at sl, cannot be purchased anywhere less than #1 25 Very Attractive! 125 dozen Turkey Red Doylies, 18 inches square, at 50c. i#*r dozen. 100 nozen Turkey Red Doylies, 20 inches square, at 65c.. reallv tvoitti fsc 175 dozen Turkey fU;I Doylies. largest size and best quality, ut 05c., usually sold at .*1 85. 100 dozen white and red border Linen Doylies at sk* ier dozen. 150 dozen fancy Linen Doylies, largo size, at 60c p r dozen: will not last long. 75 dozen white Damask Doylies, with colored borders, at H6c.: a great bargain. 50 dozen white aud colored l>order Linen Doy lies. large siz*\ at Si per dozen, worth $1 35. 1 lot very fin** white and colored border Linen ?! 3"). awfully cheap. 1 lot % white Linen Napkins at 85c. per dozen, reduced irom sl. 1 lot % white L*non Napkins, handsome pat terns, nt $1 25 per and >zer, worth $1 75. 1 lot 27-inch xKpiuiv white Linen Napkins at $1 46 per doz *n, mwer s >ld less than 32. 1 lot 27-inch s<pmr * whtic Linen Napkins at $2 25 ; very fine gXHIa. Three Interesting Bargains! 150 dozen p ire silk B Jth Towels most durable goods manu.r, :t i; 1 and, nt 15c., 25c. and •V'c. Pur chase at once. Quantity confined to 150 dozen. BLANKET DEPARTMENT Arrangeil on basement floor. Good light Plenty of room. Large stock. DID YOU SAY EARLY? Not a bit ton early to bo thinking about them. It Is a rare Unio for blanket buyer.., too. We of fur a ti-pound rgxfii Inch Blanket at $5, wlilrh wo believe offer bigger money value than any others we ever sold. They would cost us to-day more than we are selling the n for. A little finer, If yon prefer, ax) pairs, a few weeks ago; iiot a public word about tnem, and almost half gone. 11-4 87 50, T„> 489 50, 18-1 *9 50,14-4 $lO 60. BED COMFORTS. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS! 110 dozen lied (Jomfort* at We 90 down Boil Comforts nt 66c. 15 down Hod (lomforui t 7ne. 15 doz in Bel ( 'milfoils at sl. Id dozen Bed Comfort ~ extra large, $] 25. 10 dozen Bed Comfort*,Oil H.ulod Calico, hand some |*a*tern,. $2. 50 dozen hate-n and Cretonne Bed (Jomforts. new patterns, at ¥2 41, $8 and S3 76, 6 dozen Hilk Boa Comforts, nnnst goods, at $9 each. On Mixwint of holiday.o ir (tors will ba dosed j oa MO ADA , the istth tost BOYS’ CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Second Floor—Take the Ele vator. As heretofore we show un exceptional bargains in this department. Suits—Woolen Suits! 200 Boys’ School Suits, $1 50, sizes 4 to 12, con sidered a positive bargain at $3. 116 different styles in Boys’ Suits, sizes 4 to 12, at $3. We cannot buy the same goods for less than $5 to-day. Don’t conlound this with a sale of odds and ends. Above lot were made to our order and did not exactly come up to sample. Manufacturers say rather than take ’em back to sell them for what they’ll bring in Savannah. Hello! Hello! Everybody in the city march round to front entrance at 9 a. m. TUESDAY, and get a suit of clothes for $3, price elsewhere SB. THE GREAT SNAP. 100 Boys’ Suits, brown corkscrew, substantially made, $3 50, worth $6. TICK! TICK! TICK! with the regularity of the pen dulum of a clock our sales are increasing daily. ISO Boys’ All-Wool Suits, Harris eassi meres and Bannockburn tweeds in all latest styles, price $5, wifrth SB. Boys’ Corduroy .Suits—an immense lino nt prices that will captivate and astonish you. The Boys’ Clotting Department is just as safe a piano for a boy to (leal as the shrewdest man that ever lived, and if the father of the boy don’t like the boy's pur chase nil that is necessary is for the father to select what does suit him or got hin money back. Of course, this isn’t much, but it’s our method of selling pood clothing and the people seem to like it. Cnildron’s Kilt Suits, all-wool, blue and brown cheviots, handsomely made $.5; don’t fail to see them. Reduced From $7. 50 Suits, sizes 4 to 13, reduced to $3 50. An elegant lino in Beys’ Dress Suits, sizes 4to 13, 84, 84 SO and 85. Can’t bo bought elsewhere at any price. 500 pairs Boys' Odd I’ants, all-wool, sizes 4 to 14, at sl. 81 25 anil 81 50; worth threo time, uniount askod. Don’t lead yourself to think we only have 50c. pants and $3 suits. Far from it. Cheviots, Cftvuimeres, Blarneys, Bannock burns, Corkscrews, French Tricots, in fa. t, wc keep nil kind, of Boys’ Clothing, and wo sell ’em to you right. SPECIAL. 1 lot Boys’ Knee Pants, sizes 4 to 13, at 25c., 35c. and 50c. 50 more Children’s All- Wool Kilt Suits, sizes 2 to 6, at 75c., reduced from $1 25. FRIETSTDS Wc want to do just SIO,OOO more business in yds depart ment this year than we done last. Will yon help us, and, at the same time help your self by a saving of from $i to $3 on each purchase. Store Closed Monday on ac count of Holiday. indie anil Flan 1 Dej ufcT'tmeiit. PATRONIZED BY EVERY ONE. ATTRACTIONS FOR ALL. Come any hour of the day, come any day In the week, and you will find this popular department crowded with purchasers. We Shall Ofler Some Remarkable Bargains This Week. 5,000 yards Fast Color Calicoes at 3c. per yard. 35,000 yards St amlard Calicoes,new styles, per feetly fast, at l}. t e. fier yard; *old everywhere for sir. 185 pieces Madras Dress Gingham, elegant styles, at Bj£c. per yard; worth while to ex amine. 3 cases one-yard wide Dress Cambric, sarin finish, beautiful patterns, at Bl£c.; actual value 10c. 3 cases 4-4 Bleached Shirting, heavy, soft fluish, at 614 c. per yard; sold freoly last week for 7H*c. 2 cases 4-4 Bleached Shirting, heavy, soft finish, equal to the celebrated Wamsutta, at m-- 38,'KM yards Double Width Unbleached Sheet ing, serviceable goods, for 12'<4e. V3,|S*l yards 9-4 Bio Idled Sheeting, equal to New York Mills, at 17We. 5 oases 10 4 Bleached Sheeting, Boston Mills, at 22c. for a drive. 115 pieces best quality Feather Ticking at 16c.; reduced from 2 k' 2.600 yards one-yard wide Furniture Crotonne at J2yeo., good value for 20c. 1 gpTen.-jd stock of Plain and Fancy Scrim at 10c., 12j<jc.. 15c. and 2,c. per yard, Wc hfcve just closed cut a jobber's stock of White and Ke I Flannc Is at very much under regular prices In order to insure a speedy disposal we will sell at toe following low prices: 75 pieces All Wool Red Flannel at 16c. pei yard. 75 pieces 35 iucii All Wool Red Flannel at 21c per yard; sol I regularly for 30e. 50 pieces 27-inch All Wool Rod Flannel at 2.">0. per yard: absohi'ely worth 85c. HO pieces Red Twilled, ' try heavy, at 25c. per yard: would lie cheap for Jsc. 33 pieces extra heavy Rod Twilled Flannel at 37bje.; positively worth .Vic. 2, pie-es White Shaker Flannel at 10c. per yard; surprisingvaiu, 45 pieces White Wool Flannel at I7Jq>o. per yard. 35 pieces White Wool Flannel at 25c. and 85c ; worth regularly 35e. and 50c. New arrivals in Elder Downs, Gilbert's Opera Flannels, Basket Flannels, and other Fancy Flannels at prices tliat will astonish. Ribbon. Department. Ribbons Retailed at Wholesale Prices. The extensive patronage given thi* depart ment is sufficient guarantee tliat our variety cannot be equaled, and our prices are the low est. on TUESDAY, the 20th, we will offer All Kllk Hatui and Gro* Grain Ribbons, in ail the new fall shades, price—No. 7,10 c.; No. 9, 12'qjC.; No. 12, 15c.; No. Ui, 30c. Jersey Department. Take the Elevatorto Second Floor. I We will commence on TUESDAY, the 20th, the greatest .ale tills season of Ladies' and Jlisse:, Jerseys. We have p irclm ed the entire stock of a largo jobber of the-"' pnu-ki ut 50c. on the dollar, and offer our customers dll t bo iiuuefiut of this great purchase. 100 dozen Indies' Black Tailor-Made Jersey?, worth sl, FOE 40c. 1 lot Ladies’ Black and Colored All Wool Jer seys, actual value $1 80, NOW 98c. 1 lot Indies' Black All Wool Jerseys, Tailor- Made, Superior Goods, wrath $2 50, FOR $1 00. Examine them. JUST RECEIVED, Wanting' Jackets, TWO SPECIAL LOTS. Haute will let placed m sale TL’FXDAY, hep iwiber Ik Kb 600 Izullee Walking Ji.cKi-Ik: 4 stcb good*, nil w*ii. in (‘necks an I Miauls, all sire*. Utl -r ma/le. a i'll ait In teesi. very noM.y gleets. jru< t4-ih. leizltlo I) worth #7. 250 Lad) m Hrown, Navy aud Hhek Actrsetuio Jackets, this shumju > go sis. very. *tyi*U, nrue* 84 76; would I# a tuukuln at ft On acc'mtil f holiday our star* will U Immkl uu MONDAY held lk4 Gents’ Furnishing Department LARGEST VARIETY, Lowest Prices. Only First-Class Makes Kept in Stock. On Tuesday, Sept. 20th, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. 500 dozen Gents' Unlamlrlod Shirts, Linen Bosoms and Wristbands, at 25c., 48c. and 76c., the latter being equal tu any $1 shin in the city. 175 dozen Gents' Unlauudried Shirts, plaited or plain bosom, at sl. Money cannot purchase a better article. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. 75 dozen Gents’ Laundries! Shirts, all sizes, at 50c. each. We guarantee it equal to any 75c, Shirt In the city. 100 dozen Gents' i-nundried Shirts, all sizes, nt. 7.5 c each. We guarantee it equal to any fl Shirt in the city. Our stock of Gents' Fine Dress Shirts at ?1, Si 28 and $l 47 cannot be equalled for, flt, finish and wear. JOB LOT. 125 dozen Gents' French Percale Shirts, Un lauudried, latest patteriv. witli double set of UtilT-i and Collnri of stylish shapes attached, all at the astonishingly low price of 55c. Same goods laundned sell for $1 25. 180 dozen Gents' Percale Shirts, handsome goisis, at 75c., $1 and SI 26; very cheap. .50 dozen Boys' Unlaundried Shirts, splendid goods, at 50c.; sold everywhere at 75c. 150 dozen Gents’ Bicycle Shirts, new styles and colors, at 75c.. sl, $1 25, $1 50, $3 and $3 60. Examination solicited. 100 dozen Boys' Flannel Shirts, all sizes and colors, at lowest prices JOB LOT. 60 dozen Boys' Percale Waists, size 4 to 12 years, handsome patterns, for this week only, 15c.: positively worth double. 40 uoxeu Hoys' indigo Percale Waists, size 4 to 12 years, at hoc.; not sold anywhere less than 6; ic. 100 dozen Gents' I.inen Collars, latest shapes, at 10c. each, or ?! tier dozen. 75 dozen Gents' Linen Cuffs, latest shapes, at 15c. each. A lull stock of E. & W. Collars and Cuffs in all sizes und shapes. 1 lot Gents' bilk Scarfs, Batin lined, at 25c.; worth Me 1 lot Gents'Hilk Scarfs, Satin lined, at 35c.; Gents' Furnishing Stores sell at 65c. I lot Gents'Silk Scarfs, Satin lined, at 50c.; sold everywhere for 75c. I lot Gents'bilk Scarfs, Satin lined, at 75c.; finest goods out; actual value $1 25. A Big Drive in l'uur-iu hand and Dude Bows at 33c., 33c. aud 3 '(*.: worth double. 25 dozen Gents' Fancy Striped Half Hose, seamless, at 2!c.; very cheap for 85c. 37 Gents' Merino Half Hone, fast colors, at gbc eaeti or ?l 50 a box; a decided bargain. 50 dozen Fancy Siriped Lisle Hose, finished seams, at 25c. each; a genuine bargain. Prepare for the Winter. 500 dozen Gents' Merlono Vest* at 36e., 50c., 75c. and Si Best value shown for the money. 75 dozen Gents' Ail Wool Vests at ?1 30; very cheap. 1 lot Gents* All Wool Camel's Hair Undersuit* at $3 je-r cult; verv fine goods On. stock or Pure 1 y*■ Medicated Red Flannel Hhlris at " V., $1 25, $1 50 and $1 73; cannot, lie surpavsed for 26 per cent. more. I lot (rents’ Faticy Striped Wool Drawers, sl/es 3H, hi) and 32, at $1 13; worth positively Quantity limited. UMIJRKI-LAS.—We call attention touSpocial Bargain lu S-lk Rain Umbrellas. Ladies’ Muslin Underwear Department. 2d FLOOR - TAKE THE ELEVATOR. Good goods and low prices will surely make th'-ir mark, and iu none of our departments lias ltd) been more fully verified than in ijclics' Cotton Underwear. For more tlum two years w e have utterly refused to allow uuy gomis in this department that were not Well Made and of Go-d Material. (Mir stock is now complete. Our goods are the best for the price to be found iu Kavanaab. I-a lies, please examine for your i .-Ives. Wc call attention to 75 dozen laches' Aigul Dresses at 45c. Please examine. K", dozen Ladies' Chemise, trimmed with Igtce, at 25c. Please examine no dozen Ladies' Corset Covers at 27c. Please examine. las dozen Ladies' Skirts, Cambric Ruffle, at IW-. Please examine. 35 dozen Ladies' Drawers, Bunch Tucks, at 26c Please examine. IS FA.2TB' WEAR. Full Line. Good Goods, Low Prices. Millinery Department. 2d FLOOR- TAKE THE ELEVATOR. We are receiving dally, and will place on dis play. tile early iiart of next week, all the lyuding Shape* ami Stylus iu Tiiixmcii Hath and Bossiers, ALSO Untbimmcd Hats, Plain axu Farcy Ktsnogs. Fancy Velvzts asp Ahtrachash, Fancy Featheks ano Fi.owkhs. Birim' W isos, Flunks axij Tips. Trimming I )opartment. Dress Trimmings and Buttons DireiA liilfiortut ion. I oil <-wt Novelties. Immense Variety to Select From. < mr stock of Dress Trimmings slid Buttons is arriving dally, and include* everything taut is In (•-ifiiiriil tins sesaou. Gur variety Is larger 1 ami firps** lower taan ever lief ore Be.air J kzlginga and PiMseinenterlea. Fur and iivtiv-r Ti’iuiiuiug*, Mourning I Paoncuue-io; a* anil Msrnireil Trim mm, *. Fancy lira els and Cord*. Iliai k Ltim.Ule and lies.! j I riiigealu Kodlrn* Varieties j On account of holiday, i/ui sior* will is ciossd I vu UQUUAX. Hum ' I PRICE ?10 A YEAR. I f S CENTS A COPY, f Shoe Department. Ist Floor, to Left of Main Enhance. We smile with satisfaction, at the corner we have in the Shoo business of this city. Low prices did it. We cam didly believe that we are sell ing as many shoes as any other two houses combined. Pin this on your memory. We sell a child’s kid, button, spring-heel shoe, sizes 5 to 8, for 50c. We sell a child's pebble-goat, spring-heel shoe, sizes 8 to 11, for 75c. We can accommodate you with an infant’s kid, hand-sewed shoe, sizes 1 to 5, for 25c. WE HAVE DONE MORE TO GIVE YOU LOW PRICES IN SHOES THAN ALL THE OTHER HOUSES COMBINED. We can sell you a lady’s American kid, button shoe, all solid leather, newest style lasts, silk-worked button holes, sizes 2i to 8, D and E widths, $1.25; price elsewhere, $2. WE ARE PROGRESSIVE. No in telligent lady will pay $2 and $2 50 elsewhere for the same shoe we sell for $1 50. AN EXTEN SIVE LINE TO SELECT FROM. Nobby, stylish shoes, made of French kid, for La dies who wear odd sizes, C, D and E widths, $2 per pair, worth $5. We have been called the MURDERERS of high prices. If a man who can make two bladea of grass grow where only one grew is a public benefactor, what would you call the firm who can sell you two pairs of Shoes for what you would pay elsewhere for one? We have an elegant line of ladies’ shoes, evening hmx>rx, etc. Indies’ very fine steel beaded evening slippers, $3 49; New York price, *1 Curroooa kid, button shoe*, for street wear. Krewh kid button shoes for full drees. mothers should ask for our “l’ansy Shoe,” for misses’ wear. Best school shoe ever made. Sizes 11 to 3, widths C, D and E, #1 75. Boys’ Monitor school shoes, size* Ito 5. Price |1 50, worth $2 50. Gentlemen’s Shoes. Wc show unexceptional bargains in this particular line of shoes. Whether you want h and a Quarter lace shoe, or a #5 French calf, IrnnJ-sewed shoe, it makes no difTerence to us. Wo will give you just as much attention, and we will guarantee to save you from Sic to $2 on every pair of shot* purchased of us. Wedon't Moyouril 2S shoo will cost you elsewhere $3 Sft, but we know it to be a fact that the same shoe sella elsewhere for $ 1 7ft. Mind, flOc. savoil. Our •ft Fivnch calf shoe, genuine hand-sewed, lace, clastic or button, any style toe, will •oat you elsewhere |7. If you don't believe (t, Just invest, f7 or •* in the best shoe you can purcha*' In the city, and we will guar* ante.- out ffishoe is as good, if not superior. No tetter shoo can be made than our $3 gentlemen’s hand sewed shoe. We aell a good, reliable, all solid gentlemen’s shoe, any style and werrant every iialr, for $2. 1 0 M aud comiiare. We sell a genuine FhiUdclphie <ttlr skin shoe,seemleM losings, any *ty£s toe, for t-l, as much suiwrior to James Moans’ or W. h. Douglass' f.i shoe aa morning is to evening. BY THE WAY, w whiU like to renrnd i>ur friends living •ail of this city tiiat Miy orders mu noted to us will have our own special attentem. Hbuas for (Isolation and gen.-joi country wear at ettraordiuary low prices Mere closed MON IM T on of biJj4fcV>