The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 24, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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STORIES OF GREELEY. Some that May ba New or May be Old, but are Interesting Just the Same. From the Leicistou Journal. “Yea, I used to know Horace Greeley very well," said a leading Ellsworth merchant in conversation with tha Journal tho other day. "Of all the eccentric men I ever knew, I think he was the most peculiarly so. I had occasion to call into the Tribune office often when Mr Greeley was there, and I never shall forget a little incident that, fortunate enough, made a good me chanic out of a poor newspaper man. Mr Greeley, you know, prided himself that the columns pf the Tribune were always accu rate, and that, too, the Tribune never got left on any important item of news. "On the reportorial force of the Tribune at the time I speak of was a dashing young Massachusetts fellow, a man, so New York newspaper men said, who had a good nose for news. The young man had been con nected with the Tribune but a week when one afternoon he was summoned into the editorial sanctum by Mr. Greeley himself. I happened U) be chatting with Mr. Greeley at the time, and remember the scared look of the reporter's countenance when ho ushered himself before the great Greeley and the conversation that then took place. •• ‘Young man,’said Mr. Greeley, ‘there is to boa dinner at R to-night and I shall speak. Be there at 8 sharp and report me. I want a column and a half.’ “The reporter bowed himself out of the sanctum. As further developments proved, the newspaper man had made arrange ments to take his girl to the opera that evening. He was up a stump what, to do. He was afraid of Mr. Greeley and he was afraid of his girl. He consulted with a reporter friend of his on a rival paper to the Tribune, and his friend thus talked: ‘Oh, that's nothing. Guess you haven’t been in New York long! How much did Grcelei say he wanted* Column and a half* Oh, that will be all right. You just get into your claw-hammer and take the gal to the opera. 1 know what Greeley will talk about. I’ve been to dinners lots of times and heard his speeches. After the opera come over to my office and I’ll dictate Greeley's after-dinner spoeoh, you write it down, and I’ll wager a five-dollar note that the editor will compliment the report. “The Tribune reporter took his girl to the opera. He didn’t enjoy himself very much, and after the curtain fell and the girl was home he sought his reportorial friend and found him in his den. They ‘wrote up’ Mr. Greeley, and put over the article the most breezy headlines in their newspaper ver nacular. The speech was printed on the first page of the Tribune. “The next morning Mr. Greeley came down town and tumbled into the editorial chair at 7 o’clock. He took up the Tribune, and the first thing his eye fell upon was Horace Greeley’s ringing speech at R—-s last evening. 'He read the article to the end without a word. He then threw the Tribune into the waste basket and pulled the bell for the manager. “ ‘Who wrote that article*’ said Mr. Gree ley, when the man had appeared. “ ‘The new man,’ replied the manager. “ ‘Send him up!’ roared Mr. Greeley. “The reporter who took his girl to the opera the night before came up. Mr. Greeley was white as a sheet when the youth backed into the sanctum. “ ‘Did you write that article!’ thundered Mr. Greeley, referring to the half column of headlines under which was Mr. Greeley’s speech. “ ‘Yes, sir,’ said the reporter; ‘I followed you the best I could. You know you spoke uncommonly fast last night, and there was a noise and 1 had to stand up.’ “‘Spoke uncommonly fast, did I?’ thun dered Mr. Greeley. ‘Young man, you lie! I was sick last night and didn’t go within three miles of R—s, and didn’t make any speech.’ “Mr. Greeley grab Vied the retreating form of the pencil pusher and actually booted him down stairs and into the street. “The editor tried to recall the great edi tion of tho Tribune, but it was too iate. He sent men all over the city with instructions to buy every morping Tribune in New York. (Said he: ‘Buy them at any cost!’ “Mr. Greeley paid as high as 50c. a copy for some of the papers, but the speech that he didn’t make was the gossip of all New York for a week. The reporter never dared to show his face to Mr. Greeley after that night. He dropped the scribe's pen like a boiling hot potato, and went West, I believe. He made a splendid mechanic. “On the way to the Tribune office every morning Mr. Greeley always stepped into a periodical store and bought tne Tribune and every paper printed in New York,” continued the Ellsworth merchant. “He told me one day that he always bought his own paper when he was within three min utes’ walk of the Tribune building. He couldn’t wait, as ho said. “I’ve seen Mr. Greeley walk into church when the parson was praying, making a tremendous racket as he trudged up the aisle to a front seat, throwing a big bundle of m wspapers into tlic pew and then himself. Hi. pew was the next in front of mine. In' five minutes after lie was comfortably set tled among his newspapers he was napping. People used to tell mo that the ablest preacher in New York city couldn't keep Horace Greeley awake of a Sunday morn ing.” AN INDIAN FIGHTER. (Sen. George A. Forsyth and His Re markable Experience. From the Chicago Mai.'. Gen. George A. Forsyth is at the Chicago Club on a short furlough from his Arizona post, after several years’ absence from Chi cago. Not many people who were acquaint ed with the man would suspect that “Sandy” Forsyth’s quiet, almost retiring, demeanor belongs to one of the famous soldiers of tho army. Particularly is he noted as an Indian tighter. In the old turbulent days they used to say on the frontier tiiat Forsyth was one of the few army men who could start after depredating savages and whip them with out wasting time in military re i tape. His best fight and one of the most gallant ever seen on the plains was at Beecher’s Island, nearly twenty years ago. With fifty-one men, mostly scouts and frontiersmen, Forsyth encamped olio night on this little island, in tire (at the season) dry fork of the Republican river. At daybreak the camp "as aropeed hv war whoops and shots on every side. The bills were covered with more than a thousand Indians, led by Ro man Nose, a celebrated chief. Back of them wore their squaws and children wniting to terminate with horrible mutilation the slaughter of the white men. The battle be gan. The Indians were armed with the most approved rifles and liad plenty of am munition. They poured in volley after vol ley. By A o’clock all of Forsyth's horses were killed, and twenty-three of his men were deader wounded. The little command lin and sparingly, but every shot of the fron tiersmen told. At 10 o'clock 400 of the mounted ludians were drawn up ut a solid phalanx by Roman Nose and harangued by the medicine man. Tho others acted us ar tilery, pouring n deadly lire into the scouts which compelled each man tosurink behind the breastworks they had improvised of dead animals. Tins continued bait' an hour mid then to the sound of the bugle the charge was made. The savage host, a mag nificent, sight, thundered down upou tile gallant little band W hen 60 feet a way tin* m-otitK sprang to tbelr feet and their rifles '■racked. The eliaige faltered under the ' Withering fire, hosiiab'd and broke, almost i at arm’s length from Forsyth and hi* men, I leaving u score of savage* ami Roman Noso , mid the medicine muu dead ou tho field. ( ,‘Cnn they do any better than that '"asked nandy" of Grover, his chief scout. "1 have lieen on the plains thirty ynra, General " the latter answered, “mid never ***4l''* a charge. They can't do I*4 ter ” I >ri h' k them yet," Mel Forsyth i Ihe savages made uinHle-r attempt to di* ' '“•If" the Oefendcrs and were again re- i Pulsed. Night Utn fight, having ] "GyIII with nearly hall his goummivJ, uihar dead or disabled, lua surgeon daotl. I himself wounded in both legs and in the h“ad, provisions exhausted, and the nearest help a hundred miles away. "Sandy” grasped the favorable points of the situa tion. He caused the unwound and to dig 6 feet for water, strengthen their intrenCh ments by throwing up earth, and prepared for a famine by cutting steaks from the dead animals. No words were needed to cheer the men. They were all fighters. One, a lad of IS, had fought all day with an arrow sticking in his forehead. Another man had his eye knocked out by a bullet, but said nothing till night. Two scouts were selected to make the desperate attempt to pierce the Indian line and reach Fort Vi allace. They procured moccasins from the feet of slain savages. They walked a mile backward to give the Indians the impression tiie tracks were those of their own men approaching the island. The following day the Indians fired scarcely a shot. That night two more men from the besieged tried to get through to the fort, but were driven back. The next day the attack was renewed. The sav ages tried the old fiag-of-truce artifice. By exposing themselves they endeavor to draw the fire of the scouts, thus exhausting the latter’s ammunition. Not until the fourth day did the redskins begin to withdraw, fairly beaten, though the odds in their favor were seventeen to one. Two days later the cavalry guidon qf re inforcements from Fort Wallace appeared over the horizon and “Sandy” and his men were relieved. THE RESURRECTIONIST CABBY. How a British Cabby Earned a Title from His Brother Jehus. From the Liverpool Courier. “But the ruinmiest start I ever did hear of," said the patriarchal driver, “was that that caused a cabman, who is dead now, to be known as the ‘Resurrectionist.’ He was a day man, and was going home about 11 o’clock with his four-wheeler, and had stopped for a last drink at a public house, when a man who was at the bar spoke to him. Tho man said he was in trouble. He had lost a child, and being out of employ ment he had no means of burying it, and of all things he was anxious to avoid the dis grace of having it buried by the parish. He had managed to buy a coflin, he said, and his idea was to take it at night-time to some cemetery aud bury it himself in consecrated ground. “ ‘Aud if you are agreeable to take me and the little box as far as Ceme tery,’ he says, ‘I will w illingly give you a crown for your trouble. I’d carry it there myself, only it might be awkward if I was stopped with a coffin in my posses sion.’ “It was a queer kind of a job, but the cabman had had|bad luck all day, and it was five shillings easy earned, and he agreed ‘on condition that the coffin was only a little one.’ “ ‘She was only nine months old when she died, pretty ereeter,’ said the chap, wiping his eyes with his coat cuff, ‘and small at that.’ “So the cabman stayed at the corner, and presently the chap came back with the little coffin in a black bag and with a garden spade hid under his coat. They drove to the cemetery and round to tho back part of it, and the chap having put the coffin and the spade over the palings, climbed over him self. He wasn’t very long gone, and when he returned ho gave the cabman a crown. “ ‘I shan’t ride back with you,’ says he, ‘the job has upset my nerves, and I snail be the better for a walk.’ “So he went off, and the cabman, begin ning by this time to think there was some thing wrong about the business, took one of his lamps and looked into the cab, aud there on the mat was a lady’s gold necklet, new, and with the shop ticket still on it. and an odd car-ring as well, which was also new. lie was quite sure now that there was some thing wrong, and after having a short drive round while he thought, it over, he came back to the cemetery palings, and got over at the same spot the chap had, lasing a lamp with him, and found, a:; he had ex pected, that it was easy to trace tho foot steps in the soft earth from the place where tiie chap had jumped, and he traced on till they came to an end, and then he kicked up the loose soil, and hardly a foot deep was the little cofliu buried in the bag. As soon as he lifted it he was made aware by a clinking sound inside that he was not far out in his suspicion, aud without staying to open is to see he drives with it straight to the police station, and there it was lound that it contained more than £T()0 worth of jewelry that had been stolen from a shop at the West End a few nights before. And the chap got took on the cabman’s descrip tion of him and received seven years, and the cabman, who was ever afterward known as tne ‘Resurrectionist,’ he got £IOO from the jeweler. And there is no doubt the money was the death of him,” said the narrator, when the meeting breaking up, we all rose to tako our leave. “It got him into drinking habits, and he never got out of ’em till they settled him.” Lovely Woman at the Bank From the Buffalo Courier. A gentle, lovely woman entered a Main street bank yesterday. She wanted a check cashed, so she went to the receiving teller’s window and thrust tho check in. The teller shoved it hack. “Next winder,” he said. “Next winter! I can’t wait till next win ter,” exclaimed the lady. “I said next winder,” shouted the teller, “w-i-n-do-w, winder; tother winder.” “Oh. yes, but this is the receiving win dow, isti’nt it!” “Yes, but you can’t get any money here.” “But I’m going to receive it, ain’t I!” “Not. here you ain’t, go to the other win der, lady: hell fix you.” The lady was still uncertain, but she went and shoved in her check. The polite official thrust it back. “It’s not'indorsed, madam,” said he. “Not indorsed! What does that mean!” “Is your name Tucker?” “P'raps it is and p’raps it isn’t. What business is that o’ yours:’’ “Is this your name on the face of this check!” “Yes, it is.” “Well, you've got to indorse it.” “That's what you said before. What do you mean!” “You must write your name across tho back of it.” “But my name’s on it already.'’ “On the front. That ain’t enough; it must be across the back.” “Oh, well, gi’me it.” She took it and carefully* wrote her name upside down across the bottom of the check, aud handl'd it in. “You indorsed it wrong, madam.” “How'd I know how you wanted it! Why didn’t you tell me!” “I thought 1 did: here, write it across the top, so." and the teller painfully showed her, aud with much grudging she complied. The teller thereu|)oii cashed her check with two silver dollars. “1 ain't going to take those,” se said. “Gi’ me bills.” The tidier sighed and gave her two one dollar bills, whereupon She picked up her parasol ami departed. Hebrews In Saratoga. From the Springfield ftepublirAn. The famous edict of Judge Hilter, against the Jews proclaimed a few year* age, at Saratoga has had the results o familiar to Students of history. The Jews have multi plied nt Saratoga nt an astonishing rate. Over half of the hotel population this sum mer at that resort are Jew*, an increase ,n tatnly of 100 per cent since ihe edict. Several of the hotels are now owned by Jews, which Is an innovation; and there k a rumor that a Jewish syndicate is waiting to buy in Hilton's own hotel, the Grand Union, when it goes under the hammer next year with other pro|Tty of the Stewart estate. A battle in the auction room be tween Hilton and a sou of Israel would lie a fructifying spotacie, and if Hilton should receive a notice to quit the preni -but the subject is too nalniui to ootiteiuuuth*. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1887. FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC. E. & E. Enterprise and Energy Will Tell, and that Accounts for the Steady Increase in Business —at the— MAMMOTH STOHES LINDSAY & MORGAN, 169 and 171 Broughton Street. ! * 15* *• 'HI *r. ■ Call and see their magnificent display of Furniture?' and Carpets. Ilaviug an experienced buyer for each department of our business we think we can secure for our customers bargains, and keep up with the changes in style. Neither trouble nor expense spared to please our patrons. fWßest of workmanship and very low prices. LINDSAY & MORGAN. MILLINERY. W M aid Ottos Fin ! FALL AND WINTER. Kroiiskoffs! Kroiskiffs! The Leader of Fashion. We are now opening the Latest Novelties in Early Fall and Winter Millinery, consisting of the largest assortment this side of New York. We have just opened and have on display on our front tables 200 different shapes in Black and Colored Straws, consisting of all the very latest shapes, such as the Volunteer, Westminster, Sterling, Monopole, Larchmont, St, Germaine, Just Out, Zingare, etc. In Birds and Wings we have all kinds, from the Canary to the Eagle, or all die Birds of Paradise, in all new shades and combinations. Tips the same. In Velvets and Plushes we are leaders in prices and shades, as we always have been, and shall continue. In Novelty Stripes, etc., we have the largest assortment; also, Novelty Trimmings. In Ribbons we have the latest novelties, just as the}’ are imported, and prices lower than the lowest. School Hats ! School Hats ! It R O TJ S K O 1" F ’ CJ-OTIIING NEW FIRM. Menken & Abrahams, SUCCESSORS TO K. I I . ABRAHAMS The old and reliable Clothing House, long known for its integrity and correct dealing are now receiving their New Fall and AVHnter Stock, Which has been selected with great care. Having bought all our goods for cash we intend giving the PUBLIC, PATRONS and FRIENDS the benefit in purchase price. STRICTLY ONE PRICE TO ALL. Id X AIM IM PI OTXU MEN’S CLOTHING, YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, HATS AND GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, ALL LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITIES. Suits Alad.© to Order on Short Notice. Parties in the country sending orders can have same expressed C. O. Id., free OF charge, with privilege of returning if not uited. AI FNN IvFNs & ABRAHAMS, 150 BROUGHTON S'I'RKKT. NEW YORK OFFICE, 650 BROADWAY. LITHOGRAPHY. THE LARGEST LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH. THE ). Morning News Steam Printing House SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THIS WELLv KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS A Lithographing and Engraving Department which is complete within Itself, and tho largest Concern of the kind In the South. It Is thoroughly eoulpixwt. having five presses, and all the latest mechanical appliances in the art, the best of artists and the most skillful lithog raphers, all under the management of an experienced superintendent. It also has the advantage of being a pari of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle-orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, banks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give this house an opportunity to figure on their work, when orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant it, a special agent will be sent to make estimates. J. H. ESTILL. K DU CAT ION A I*. The Savanuah Academy Will open its Nineteenth Annual Session on MONDAY., the 3d of October. Instruction given in Ancient and Modern Languages, Mathematics and English. Catalogues at all of the book stores. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 r. m., commenc ing the 28tn. JOHN TALIAFERRO, Principal. CHARLES W. PAIN. Untv.Va.,First Assistant. THE OffiSORPE SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES AND CHILDREN. \\7JLL be opened on TUESDAY, Oct. 11, nt ' T 189 Drayton street, faring park extension. Mrs. R. W. Barnwell will assume charge of the Pear ling Department. It being expedient to have a resident French and Herman teacher, t he services of Mlie. Marie F.ngelhnrd, a teacher of large experience. have I teen secured. For all desired information address. MRS. L. G. YOUNG. Principal, Corner of Barnard and Bolton streets, Savan nah, (ia. liberal} of Geoim tl o P. H. JIF.LL. I). I)., LL. ft, Chancellor. THE 87 th session of the Departments nt Ath ens will begin Wednesday. October 3. 1887. TUITION FREE, except in Department! LAMAR COBB, Secretary Hoard of Trustees. EPI SCOPAL HIG h'sCHOOL. Near A.lagtancli'ia. Va. L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Principal; L. HOXTON, Associate Principal; With able Assistants. A Prepiirat svy Soliool tor Boys. Founded 18.19. Session opens Sept. 28, 1887. Catalogues sent On application. Edgeworth Boarding and Day School for liirls 122 West Franklin Ftreet, Baltimore, Md. \[llS H. r. LKFKBVRE, Principal. This sfl School wIU reopen on rHURSDAY, the 2sJd of SEPTEMBER. The couc oof instruction embraces all the studies inoltid *d in a thorough English education, and the I reuch and German anguages are practically taught. NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND. pOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE for Young Yndies and Preparatory School for IJttle Girl®, Ernlila P. 0., three miles from Baltimore, Md. Conducted by the Slaters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIIM 013 and 917 N. Charles Street, Baltimore. Mrs. W. M. Cary, / Established 1842 French the Mias Cary. f luuguagc of the School. MAUPIN'S PMYKHMTY SCHOOL, Kllieott City, Md. LI IXTH SESSION oi>ens 15th September. For t’ catalogues addin s CHAPMAN MAUPIN, M. A., Principal. OC'HOOL FOR BOYS, Oglethorpe Barracks. O Second session begins Oct. 8. Careful and thorough preparation of boys and young men for College, university or business For enta il. goes, address the Principal, JOHN A. CROW THKR, Savannah, On. LOTTERY. iHHMI CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. "He do hereby certify that toe. super vis*. the a nximgemsmts for alt the Monthly and & nu- Annual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the name are conducted ivi*h honesty , fairness, and m good faith toward all parlies, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate , with f'ic • similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements." Commissioner*. We the under sinned Hanks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in the Louisiana State l/)t ieviei w’iir : - *"*/ he presented at our counter i. J. H OGLESBY, Pres, Louisiana Nat’l Bank PIERRE LANAUX Pres. State Nat'l Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. ttnprecedented'attraction'. L Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated in up for 25 years bv the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes —with n capita! of $).0)0,(100- to which a reserve fund of over k.ViO.OOO bus since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State con stitution. adopted December ad, A I). ism. The only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the profile of any State. It never scales or postpones. It* (Iran.l Single A umber Drawing* lake f dace monthly, aud the Scml-Annual Itraw iigs tegiilnrly every six nionths (June and Decent Iwr). A SPI.KMIII) OPPORTUNITY TO WIN \ FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS K. IN THE ACADEMY OK MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, October 11, ISS7- 2Untli Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. *35 r ‘ Notice —Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. 1.13 T or 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000 $1.50,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,<X> . 50,000 1 GRANI) PRIZE OF 20,1X10 .. 30.000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 .. 21.1 XX) 4LA K<) E PRIZES OF S,(XX) ... at),000 SO PRIZES OK J,OOO ... 2(i,iXX) to PRIZES OK 500 ... 25.000 100 PRIZES OF 300 .. 80,000 200 PRIZES OK 200.... 40,IXid 800 PRIZES OF 100.... 60,000 APPItOXIMATIOV PRI7.ES. 100 Approximation Pri/.es of snnr> $30,000 100 “ ” 3X1.... 20,000 100 “ •• 100 10,000 l,tX) Terminal “ 50 50,000 2,17!) Prizes. amounting t n $585,000 Application for rales to rlubs should Ist made only to the office Of the Company in New Or leans. • For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New Yoldr Exchange in ordi nary letter Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAI PIIIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans. La. “"dESSS** *55 Early, who aw in charge of Uuo drawings, is a Eiarautee of absolute fairness anil integrity, at the chances are all equal. and that no on* can i*MMLdy divins what number will draw a trust. BKMKVtnEIt that the payment of all I’rUe* I i* t.UVH \ MKKD BY Mil It N ATION 11, UA VKs of New (irlnans. anil Uut Ticket* a rs 1 algned by the Prsnldeut of an InstitnUoii whoso cltariered rights am reoognlaad in the highest 1 Courts; therefore, is- want of any hull atoms or anon vi iiotM setsiuns* XTN) COUNTY OFFICERS. It.s.ks aud Blaiuk 1 ft required by ivunlf officers for the nan of , the 'self's, or for office mss, supplied lo or K'l b . the MORNING Nfe, A S PRINTING lIOUUJC, * Wb.uuptr su eel. u* vauuab * | BLACKBERRY .TCTCE. SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. ( /women! &'■ j |T>—^CHlLfißEN^—^ iMIHALOVITGHS HUNGARIAN §#DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY ;• CHOLERA Morbus;;; Rn,- -f iliKtriAfiv Uyf{ _4 v :■ ®.J fesJlSlilly'* wisAM IMPORTED AND BOTTLED BY MIHALOVITCH, FLETCHER * CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO - TOR MU BY A. Ehrlich St. Bro., Sole Asrents. Savannah, Ga., AND ALL WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL DPI (JOISTS, I.rQUOR DEALERS AND WINE MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS mm I TAS induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than WSPHp I I ever. To that end no pains or expense has been spared to maintain their Hl(ill STANAUD OF FXVKLLKNCK. These Mills are of the BJCBT MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT Hit >N SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to the mm wjff operator). ami rollers of lb** best charcoal pig iron, uli turned up true. M Tnev are heavy, strong and durable, run light and even, and are guaraa* FT?,- teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured fjrs. 3sH All our Mills nre fully warranted for one year. Fans t"*ing cant with the bottoms down. Ve'n&Atlb3gr<OTßwa jM>HKess smoothness, durability and uniformltv or THE , Uar\L , \V I Y KRIUR TO THGBE MAJ> * : IN rm-ngBL 5S Having unsurpassed facilit. A, ' ‘ WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. "W m. Kelioe £& Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE'S IRON WORKS,' is east on all our Mills and Fans. SASII, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal ManulkiuringCo. " r SM *&d„.. SAVANNAH, GA. T LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. MANUFACTURERS of SASH. DOORS. BLINDS, MOULDINGS of all kind* and description* CASINOS and TRIMMINGS for all elassaa nf dwelling.!, REWB and PEW ENDS of our own di-sign and manufacture, T RNKD anil SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH HANDLES tor Callao Hooks, CEILING, FLOORING, VVAINSCOTTING, SHINGLES, Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves. GAS nXTDm HOSE, BTC. JOHN NICOLSON, Jr. DEALER IN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ AND M ill Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam 3?acking, SHEET GUM, Hytai, Steam M Section HOSE, IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 30 nncl 33 Dravton St. IIAUIXWAKE. EDWARD LOVELL & SONS, HARDWARE, Iron and Turpeotine Took Office; Cor. State and Whitaker street*. Warehouse: iss and 140 stab* Manat. -M’aBfJJJEJ J'l XW-yMWII. I ill., WOOD. A. S. BACON, Plaoinc Mill. Lnmbxr ant Wood Vird, Lilwrty and East Broad ata., Savannah. Ua. ALL Planing Mill work correctly and prompt > ly doisa Good atook Druased and Rough Lumber. TIRE WOOD, Oak, Plu, Llgbtwood and Luiobsr Kind bugs SUPREME COURT DOCKET. Supreme Court of Georgia. CLERK'S OFFICE. ) Atlanta. Qa.. Sept. 13, 1887. ( IT appeam from the docket of the Supreme Court of lie- State of Georgia, for the Octo ber term, 1887, that the order of circuit*, with number of eases from each county and lr*a the City Cuuitu, in an follow*: ATLANTA CIRCUIT. Fulton 37 (2 continued), City Court of At lanta 17 54 STONE MOUNTAIN CIRCUIT. Dr Kalb 9 9 MIDDLE CIRCUIT. Bulloch 1, Jefferson I, Serlvou 2, Tattnall 1, Washington 10 U AUGUSTA CIRCUIT. Burke 1, Columbia I. McDuffie 2, Richmond 10, City Court of Richmond county 6 20 NORTHERN CIRCUIT. Glasscock 1, Hancock l Madison 2, Ogle thorpe 2, Taliaferro 2, Wilkes 2 10 WESTERN CIRCUIT. Clarke 2, Gwinnett 4(1 continued), Oconee 2. 7 NORTHEASTERN CIRCUIT. * Hall 8, Lumpkin 2 10 BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT. Cobb 3, Milton 2 ( CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. Bartow 18 (2 continued), Catoosa 3, Dade 2, Gordon 4, Murray 2, Wl.dtfleld 2 29 ROME CIRCUIT. Floyd 4(1 continued), Hu raison 3. Polk I. ... 8 COWETA CIRCUIT. Coweta I. Dougins 2, City Court of Carroll ton 7 lo FLINT CIRCUIT. Ilenry 1 (1 continued!, Monroe 1, Newton 3, like 2, Rockdale 4, Spalding I. Upturn 1.... 13 OUMULOKK CIRCUIT. Baldwin 4, Greene 3, daxpor 1. I’ 1 9 MACON CIRCUIT. Bibb 11 (2 continued). Houston 3 (2 con tinued), Crawford I, City Court of Macon 13 (1 continued) 28 CHATTAHOOCHEE DISTRICT. Chattahoochee 1, liar rig 1. Musi 'gee It. Tal bot 7, Taylor 1, I ,'ity Court of l oiiuntMlft 1.. St, PATAULA CIRCUIT. Clay 3, Early 2, Quitman 2, Terrell 5 12 SOUTHWESTERN CIRCUIT. Lee 3, Macon 3, Sumter 14 (1 continued)...... 19 ALBANY CIRCUIT. Calhoun 2, Decatur 9. Dougherty 10. Mitchell 1, Worth 1 . . IS SOUTHERN CIRCUIT. Brooks 1 | v . OIJoNKK CIRCUIT. Dodge i, Dooly I il ootlin)e.|L Irwtn 1, Latt p'.l 1, M)>iilgo:uei y 2, Pulaski 4 1} BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. Appling I, Glynn 5. Pcruet, A are y, Wayne I IS EASTERN CIRCUIT. (tutthaiii |3. EiNiigiinui 1, City Court of Ha vaiuiab 12 98 Total ,9 „ *■ p n.ißitiiPp.,i:jy| Cofl-k fcuprruxv Cvart of i. wfta. 5