The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 29, 1887, Image 1

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( ESTABLISHED I*so. I ) J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor. | A TICKET AND PLATFORM THE EMPIRE STATE DEMOCRATS COMPLETE THEIR WORK. Frederick Cook to Run Against Grant for Secretary of State—Edward Wemple for Comptroller and Law rence Fitzgerald for Treasurer— Charles E. Taber for Attorney Gen eral. Saratoga, Sept. 28.—The day opened dark, gloomy and cold. The Committee on Contested Seats did not adjourn till 6 o’clock this morning, and it is said left things pretty much in the same shape as recommended by the State Committee. At precisely 11:10 o’clock the clerk of the State Committee, Mr. Baucus, called the convention to order for a moment only to make an announcement. The announce ment was that all members of the Commit tee on Resolutions were requested to meet at Gov. Dorsheimer’s room at once. This was received with some surprise, as it fore shadowed some trouble with the platform, and it was generally thought to bo on the civil service reform plank. CALLED TO ORDER. At 11:23 o’olook, Chairman Raines rapped the convention to order. D. Cady Herrick, presented the report of the Committee on Credentials, and it was unanimously adopted. Judge Campbell presented the report of the Committee on Permanent Organization, winch continues in office, tho temporary of ficers. The report was adopted. The convention then took a recess for an hour. The report of the Committee on Creden tials, which was adopted, divides the seven ty-two seats of New York city evenly be tween the county Democracy and Tainmn liy. Irving hall was shut out. The convention was again called to order at 1:18 o’clock. Gov. Dorsheimer presented the report of the Committee on Resolutions. TRIBUTES TO DEAD LEADERS, Before the platform was read the follow ing resolutions were adopted; Whereas, Since the Democratic party of New York last met in convention it has lost by death its honored statesmen, Horatio Seymour and Samuel J. Tilden, and within the period many other noble leaders have finished the work com mitted to their hands. Resolved, That the names of Messrs. Tilden, Seymour, Hendricks, and McClellan and Han cock are those of great and upright men which recall the honor to be wou in faithful public service, while remembrance of them requires all other Democrats to aid in maintaining and advancing the standard of integrity which they sustained. Resolved, That upon this first assemblage of the Democratic convention for the State since the retirement of Mr. Manning from the Tress ury Department, we desire to express our ad miration of the wisdom and success which marked his administration of that department. THE PLATFORM. The platform was then read as follows: The unnecessary Federal taxation of the last fiscal year exceeded Sloo,ipuo,o(K). Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation. Therefore the De mocracy of N’ew York demand that Federal taxation be straightway reduced by a sum not less than Sl00,(Xl0.tX) a year, and also respect fully urge upon Congress that a measure shall be adopted which will, in the language of the President's inaugural address, ‘'relieve the people from unnecessary taxation, having due regard to the interests of capital invested and workingmen employed in American indus tries.” Taxes to be first reduced or altogether removed are those on imported raw materials, which now assist and promote foreign compete tion with ourselves in our own markets and prevent or hinder the sale of our surplus products in foreign markets. Along with lh< no taxes should be forthwith remitted or reduced taxation which increases the cost to our wage earners of the common necessaries of life, and the price of the common daily clothing of all our people. Be sides these there are several hundred articles among the articles now taxed which should be swept off the tax list into the freelist, thereby diminishing the cost of collecting all our seaport taxes and casting away those w hich are petty, needless and vexatious. We also urge an immediate enactment of the measure prepared by Messrs. Manning and Hewitt and reported to the last House by the Committee of Ways and Means to systematize, simplify and economize the machinery for the "collection of Jjthe customs revenue, ami espeei ally for making correct appraisements of foreign values where ad valorem rates of duty shall bo retained. To all citizens bom in foreign lands and to the multitude of our native citizens, who desire to obtain and securely hold their homes, the Democratic party has rendered inestimable ser vice in reclaiming from speculative railroad corporations, public lands, which such corpora tions. by tLo corrupt aid of Republican admin istiations, had seized to be disposed of for their private gain. Many millions of acres of these lands have been so recovered by the Democratic administration, and returned to the people for the use of actual settlers. The Democratic party is the proved friend of all who have come to our country seeking to become partners in its welfare and citizens ohe dient to its laws. There is in our America bread enough and work enough for nil, and the Federal laws now on the statute books for tho promotion and protection of foreign emigra tion do not, in our opinion, if they shall lie faith fully executed by the proper Federal and State authorities, require present enlargement or amendment. The Democracy of New York reiterate their support of the civil service laws of the United States, and of the State of New York, and of their purpose to uphold them both. In view of tlie radical change in administration methods which grow out of the civil service laws, and the difference of opinion which exist in relation l hereto we deem the subject one which might appropriately be submitted to a popular vote. Notwithstanding the decided decrease in the ordinary expenditures of the government. faith ful soldiers, sailors and their families huve been generously remembered, and the annual pen sion fist, under Democratic control, shows pay menta in number and amount largely in excess of those during the years of Republican admin istration. The Democracy of tho State of New York de plore the wrongs inflicted on Ireland by the co ercive and despotic power of tlie English gov ernment, and express to that suffering jieordo the earnest hope that they may speedily enjoy the blessings of homo rule, and of civil liberty. We favor a revised excise law, applicable without unjust discrimination throughout the State. We oppose all sumptuary laws needless ly interfering with the personal liberties and reasonable habits and custom* of any jiortinn of our citizens. We believe that the excise reve nues, like other proper local revenues, should bo applied in lessening local burdens und to a re duction of local taxation. The platform then s|K'aks in favor of a liberal Policy toward the Slate canals, and against ask [ng or accepting Federal aid for them; favors local self-government for cities: favora protec tion to the farm and dairy Interests against, simulated products; favors regulation by law of the hours of lalior, hot more than ten hours a da.v and weekly iwyment* in cash; declares fav orably to all legislation for the promotion and protection of lalior interests; commends the ex being Stale legislation, and heartily indorses the administration of David Hill, Governor of New York, and pledges to him full confidence and support. CLEVELAND IN DORS Ell. Tho platform conclude* • follow*: The Democracy of New York approve the ad mini limiioii of Grover f 7. : veiauo , Pre*id**ut of •he United,Hiat>'M It has won the respect and '‘infldenOH of all citizen* without regard to I oily. It has removed that apprihrusinu of danger wldeii would attend * ehunge of jsirty in the Federal administration whkdi had liecone* a serious oliilvi h- to tlie maintenance of our system of free jzoi eminent, depending upon tim iMipiiku will ff has liromrht tun * Isiiwsu y . nid slinphi-iiy to the noitdtirt *f iffairs |t baa om't**j waste of pubfi* monies lid Hi si si id of* 111 (Lair dens loti to u*igiUi ■iinal imrfsWM It based acted fw-mkliai rrfori" §£he JKn filing Iff to#. of the civil service. It has maintained the na tional character for justice and forbearance in dealing with foreign countries. Its manage ment of the Treasury has been signally wist* and prudent, and it has teguu the reconstruction of our naval establishment with a thoroughness that promises the restoration of our ancient, prestige upon the sea, wherefore we, represent ing the Democracy of New York, in convention assembled, again plialge to tlie President our strong and unwavering confidence and support. The plank rolating to workingmen was well received. The indorsements of Gov. Hill and Presi dent Cleveland were greeted with tremen dous applause, which continued for several minutes, though that in regard to the Pres ident was the most tumultuous. The planks relating to the civil service, canals and liquor traffic were received with great applause. The platform was unanimously adopted. An attempt to add another resolution was, amid much laughter, referred to the Committee on Resolutions. Frederick Cook was nominated by accla mation for Secretary of State, Edward Wemple for Comptroller, Lawrence J. Fitzgerald for State Treasurer, and Charles E. Taber for Attorney General. The ticket was completed by the nomina tion of John Bogert for State Engineer and Surveyor, and the convention adjourned. OLIVER AMES AT THE HEAD. The Bay State Republicans Nominate a Strong Ticket. Boston, Sept. 28. —The corridors of the Tremont House were filled with delegates to the Republican State Convention at an early hour this morning. The main topic of dis cussion was the nomination for the Attorney Generalship, which seemed to have been practically settled in favor of Hon. Albert E. Pillsbury, of Boston, as against District Attorney Jackson Watterman, of Pittsfield. The organization was complete 1 this morn ing with tho following as chairmen of the committees: Permanent Organization, Ar thur Lord of Plymouth: Credentials, J. Henry Gould of Medfield; Resolutions, Wil liam F. Draper of Hopefleld; Ballots, Ed ward Glines of Somerville. The Committee on Organization ra gorted in a few minutes, and Francis W. .ockwell, of Pittsfield was made chairman. Mr. Rockwell was greeted with great ap plause, and addressed the convention at con siderable length. At the conclusion of Mr. Rockwell’s speech the Chairman of the Committee on Resolu tions reported the platform, which was unanimously adopted. Tho convention nom inated by acclamation Oliver Arnes for Governor; J. Q. A. Brackett for Lieutenant Governor; H. B. Pierce for Secretary of State; Alanson W. Beard, of Boston, for State Treasurer; Charles R. Laad, of Spring field, for Auditor, and A. J. Watterman for Attorney General. The platform favors a protective tariff: favors liberal appropriations for the recon struction of our navy, for internal improve ments and for proper national aid to edu cation; and also pensions for disabled soldiers and sailors. It says; ‘‘To meet the further question of the treasury surplus, wo recommend such a reduction of internal revenue taxation as the exigencies of the case may require. The time has come for Congress to carefully consider the ques tion of the internal revenue system and of the tariff on sugar, and tho improvement of the administration of our custom laws, es pecially m regard to fraudulent undervalua tion.” It declares for an honest ballot, both North and South It pledges the party to maintain the existing civil service law’ of the commonwealth, and approves of tho national civil service law, and demands that it be extended to other departments not now under its provision. The platform then attacks the Democracy’s administra tion of this law. It demands a cessation of the compulsory coinage of silver, the pas sage of a national bankrupt law, and pro tection of the fishery interests without yielding any international rights. It favors most thorough restriction of tho liquor traffic. It also favors the submission to the peoplo of a prohibition amendment to the constitution. The rest of the platform deals with State matters. The convention udjourned. COLLAPSE OF A STRIKE The Knights of Labor Lose 700 Mem bers as a Result. Louisville, Sept. 28.—The strike in tho woollen mills of this city, which was begun two months ago, has collapsed. The weav ers demanded an increase of wages, and were supported in their action by tlie Knights of Labor. The null-owners refused to take back any of the strikers who would not sign an agreement to give up all alle giance to tlie Knights and come back at tho old wages. The mills were closed. Re cently the employes began to seek their old places, and nearly all of the weavers have agreed to the conditions. Two mills are at work and another expects to begin to morrow. It is a very severe defeat for the Knights of Labor, who lose nearly 700 mem bers after supporting that number for two months, each having drawn from $2 to $5 per week from the lalior treasury. RISE OF THE RIO GRANDE. Heavy Losses Suffered by Settlers on Both Sides of the River. Galveston, Sept. 28. —A special to the New* from Brownsville says: “It is re ported that great distress prevails on both sides of the Upper Rio Grande country on account of the high water. It is said that entire farms are under water and that fam ilies residing near the river have tioeu washed out and have lost all they had. A large number of these tainilies have lost their entire crops reaped during the past season. The river has overflowed its banks for miles, and looks like an ocean. The water is still rising at Brownsville. Edinburg and La Pueblo, situated sixty miles almve Brownsville, have been washed from the face of the earth, and at .Santa Mara the water is gradually making its way to itestroy that place.” Made Cholera. New York, Sept. 38. — One additional death from cholera has occurred nt Swine burg Island since last night. No new ims have been reported, and no ilaugcr is appre hended of a spread of the plague. SICILY'S returns. Rome, Sept. 28.—The cholera return* for the |at twenty-four hour* are a™ follows: Mown mi. sixty-eight new cane* and two doatlis; Palermo, ono new case and three .jatbs. In Cleveland's Honor. Chicago, Sept. 38. —Mayor Rod* i**iind a proclamation this afternoon requiting all liunimsoi liinixes and manufo/luriug establishment* to close on Oct 5, declaring that iky u public holiday, on account of tlie Pre-leul'* visit, lie also suggested that buildings along tlie line of iiiur ib bo deco rated will, flag*. Baltimore's Mayoralty. Ha LI iso* it, Mil.. Kept. ile. -lien H C. Izitroi* wa. to-day, unanimously nomi listed um lim Democratic . aixfldai* for Maya* He *■*- twice Uoai elwtod no Urn sniuo office SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21), 1887. SHOT OX GERMAN SOIL RESULT OF THE PUBLIC PROSE CUTOR’S INQUIRY. Two Blood-Stained Spots Mark the Place Where the Wounded Game- Beater Died—The Press of Each Country Very Conservative In Com menting. Berlin, Sept. 28.—1 tis stated that tho Frenchmen shot on Saturday on tlie fron tier were shot on German soil, this being proved by blood stains on the ground. Two soldiers who accompanied Kaufmann aver that they saw the Frenchmen trespassing on German territory, and shouted to warn them. The Frenchmen paid no heed to their cries and attacked Kaufmann’s party. The Germans then fired, all concerned being at the time on German soil. RESULT OF THE INQUIRY. The public prosecutor at Colmar has made inquiry into the circumstances con nected with . the shooting affair on tiie Franco-German frontier on Satur day last, and reports that Kaufmann, the soldier who was detailed to assist tho forest guard in preventing poaching, and who did the shooting, saw twelve persons in the pine forests on German territory, walk ing in the direction of the French frontier. Kaufmann called three times for the party to halt, but no attention was paid to lus sum mons, and he fired. Then seeing guns lev eled at him from behind some trees on the French boundary, he retreated from his po sition. One of the forest guard named Lin hop was a witness to the whole affair, and corroborates Kaufman’s statement. TWO SPOTS OF BLOOD. Two large blood spots were found on the French side, five yards from the frontier, which are taken ns evidence that the game tieatcr for tho Frencii party who died from his wounds, dragged nimself to the spot after being wounded ami lav there for some time. No blood marks or footprints were seen on the German side of the frontier, there being a high growth of heather thereabouts. Owing to the density of the undergrowth and trees it would have been impossible for Kaufmann, from the spot where he fired, to have seen the place where the blood marks were, or to have shot any one there. It is therefore assumed by the public prosecutor that the shots were fired and took effect on German territory. The North German Gazette deplores the incident, and says: “We must await tho re sult of the judicial inquiry before taking any action in the matter.” A HOLDING REDEEMED. One of Lansdowne’s Tenants Estab tablishes a Precedent. Dublin, Sept. 28.—The largest tenant on the Marquis of Lansdowne’s Luggacurrau estate has redeemtxl his holding by paying the amount of tlie judicial decree and costs. His example will be followed by other ten ants. SIR HARCOURT SPEAKS. London, Sept. 28. —Sir William Vernon Hareourt addressed a meeting of Liberals at Lewes to-day. He denounced the govern ment policy in Ireland as base and brutal. The course of the ministry, he said, was re volting to the free peoplo of England, who would not long endure to see a sister country so maltreated. The Tories aimed to maintain their privileges by forcing mat ters, and opposed freedom, conciliation, and self government to Ireland. We hailed the prospect of the contest reaching a climax. He aid not doubt that home rule would win. whelhan’s murder. Galway, Sept. 28.—Tho inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Constable Whelhan bv moonlighters was continued to-day. The government an nounced the withdrawal of the prosecution of Callinan, one of tho prisoners, who has turned Queen’s evidence. The evidenee showed that five constables had secreted themselves in Fanner Sexton’s house The prisoner came to the house and knocked twice on the door. Sexton asked: “Who’s there?’ They replied: “The police, open the door.” Sexton opened the door, where upon three of the prisoners, two of whom were armed w ith rifles ami one with and re volver, rushed in to attack him with stories. The polico theu emerged from their hiding place, and n desperate struggle ensued. The fight lasted fully twenty minutes, and both the policemen and tho prisoners were severely injured. Finally three men were overpowered and arrested. During the melee accomplices outside of the house murdered Constable Whelhan who had boon left on guard. At this point the inquiry was adjourned. AUGUSTA’S SYMPATHY. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 28. —A largely at tended meeting under the auspices of the Augusta branch of tlie National League, was held to-uiglit at the Emmet Club Hall. Hon. Patrick Walsh, Hon. James B. Cumming, Congressman George B. Barnes, of Georgia, and Congressman George I) Tillman, of South Carolina, spoke, and letters were read from Hon. Martin V. Calvin, Capt. F. W. Dawson, of Charleston, Col. C. C. Jones, Hon W. C. Benet and other prominent gentlemen. Resolutions were adopted condemning coer cion in Ireland and the suppression of free speech, the right to assemble and the policy of the Tory government in general. A tlis l.atcb from Atlanta was road announcing like condemnation of the English govern ment by the Georgia State Senate und the news was received witli applause. BELL’S CASE TO BE APPEALED. Acting Attorney General Jenks Criti cises the Boston Opinion. Washington, Sept. 28. Acting Attorney General Jenks to-day received a printed copy of tho opinion of the United States Court in Boston dimsissing the government suit against the Bell Telephone Company. He said this afternoon that he had read it carefully, and did not regard it as good law. He had, therefore, instructed Unite! States Attorney Galvin, at Boston, to take an appeal Pi the United States Sujirerue Court, lie aid he did not care to dwusa the opinion further than to remark that he considered it eiToneoiw, and believed that it would not tie sustained by the higher court. Interstate Commerce Canos Washington, Kept 28.—Tim Interstate Commerce Commiatiou resume* it* sessions ill Washington Oct. 12. Its present docket contains about forty ea*es, which aro a oigood for hearing before Nov. 10. The dwrleabm, H. C., colored passenger case will be heard on < let. Ilf Southerners at Washington. WaSIIINgTos. Kent. 28.---Cong|o*stna*i dements, of (• ty . ■u, rqieiit most of the day on iiusiiiSM at tn’ * up. til. J L Yon go, of Pie cols, who we* Ad I'utaJit tiniunul of Florida during Hoy. fin*Luiu * miunuistraiioii, is hare. An toarUkmiHps ML tick Havas*. WmjH It*. A *l*<h of earth ifiieke was felt at Hague Loday, SCOTCHMEN CHAGRINED. They Lay the Blame for the First Defeat on Capt. Barr. Londos, Sept. 28.—The yachtsmen of the Clvdo are astounded at the result of yester day's contest between the Thistle and Vol unteer, und a mujority are despondent re specting the result of the series of ruces. Many blame Capt. Barr, of the Thistle, for standing in toy close to land, and reason that it was by doing so that ho lost yester day’s race. Capt. Campbell, of tho yacht Silent, says he remains hopeful of the re sult, and claims that the Thistle’s best chances are in the outside or run race. The Chronicle says: “The next race, if tho weather lie more propitious for tlie Thistle, may lie the reverse of yesterday’s contest, in which event public interest will be in tense until the final raco on Saturday. Meanwhile Americans may lx* congratula ted upon having gallantly held their own, and upon their prospect of still retain ing the cup.” The Standard says: “Tlie nows of the Thistle’s defeat will cause almost as much surprise as regret among English yachting men Much, however, affords hope that when tlie yachts meet to-morrow the result will be reversal. The Volunteer had the good fortune of getting tho first streak of wind. The Thistle was hampered by tho accompanying steamlxiats, tlie same us wus the Galatea Inst year.” COULDN’T BE EXAMINED. New York, Bept. 28. —It was impossible to find a vacant dry dock in New York harbor to-day so that the cutter Thistle could not bo examined on her bottom in time for to-morrow’s race. Her owners think it possible that the paint recently plan'd on her lot,tom has blistered and roughened, and thus re tank'd her speed yesterday. Pope Leo’s Jubilee. Rome, Sept. 28. —The jubilee receptions at the Vatican have begun. The Roman Congregation to-day presented the Pope with an offering and received the Pope’s blessing. Tlie Roman police have seized the Pope’s jubilee medals, which are in scribed: “Pope Loo XIII., Pontifex et Rex.” It is expected thut. the Vatican will protest against the seizure and will point out that the law of guurimto's recognized the Pope’s right to the title of sovereign. A Remonstrance by tho Pope. Rome, Sept. 28.—Mgr. Galinbert.i has remonstrate! with the Russian government in behalf of tho Holy flee against the treat ment to which Catholics ure subjected in Poland. Polish Forbidden. Berlin, Sept. 28.—The government has forbidden the use of tho Pqish language in the Prussian Poland schoofl. STATE CAPITAL SIFTINGS Session of the Convict Court—The Cap itol Commissioning. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 28.*—'There was n short session of tho convict coift this after noon. The principal witness was James M. Smith, one of the lessees. He controls the Oglethorpe camp. There was nothing of special public importance in his evidence. He asserted that the convicts under his con trol are well cared for, well ;fed, and well clothed. One or two guards were examined, but nothing was elicited. There are throe wit nesses yet to be examined, ufter whicli the argument will begin. The arguments will consume considerable time, as it is under stood that there will bo three speeches for the State and five for the lessees. CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. The Capitol Commission met this morn ing in the Governor’s office There were present Commissioners Howell, Cook and Thomas, and absent Commissioners Alex ander and Miller. The Governor stated that he nad not submitted to the Attorney General tlie question as to tie bond of the contractors. Commissioner Howell sub mitted a report on sewerage, to gether with several bids for putting down a sower. On motion it was resolved that the bid of A. P. Stewart & Cos., to do the work as specified for 8362, using vitri fied 12-inch pipe, properly jointed, etc., us per specifications, bo aeoeptod. Estimate No. 32, of $9,881 53, was approved. The Commissioners’ salaries, amounting to $3,026 84 were approved. The Commission adjourned to meet Oct. 22. COLQUITT’S CHANCES. A Belief that He Will Succeed Secre tary Lamar. Washington, Kept. 28. —The President is expected to wait until Congress meets lieforo nominating a successor to the late Justiee of the United States Supremo Court. He thinks it well thut tho appointee to this place should be confirmed by tho Senate before he takes his seat on the bench. The present members of the Supreme Court also prefer this course. They will carefully do the extra work during tlie October term rather than run the risk of tlie formal rejec tion, by the Senate,of u non apjxdntoo to Ixj a member of the court and actually oxer oise the functionsof judge. The recent efforts of the friends of gentlemen in Louisiana, Texas and other States to have their respective candidates appointed to the vacancy has only strengthened the Presi dent's conviction that tojcretarv Lamar is the man for the place. He will be confirm ed if appointed, for he is very popular in the Senate, It is Ixilieved here that Senator Colquitt will be his successor at the head of the Interior Department. BOND OFFERINGS. Secretary Thompson Entirely Satisfied With the Result. Washington, Sept. 28.—T0-day’s offer ing* of tmiids to the government amounted to $253,900, of which $153,950 were 4% per cents., and $99,950 4 perosnti. Acting Sec retary Thoni|>son said this after noon that lie could only account for the slimline** of the offcnngK on tlie theory that the hokieni of tlie Ixino* did not care to convert them into money. It might, however, he added, !*■ regard'd w it healthy sign us tending to show that the $29,000,000 recently put upon the market by the operations, of tile department, hud averted tlie ixoxihillly of a panic and hud brought about a feeling of greater confidence and security. L— tliaii $5,000,000 L now needed, lie —id. to meet the sinking fund requirement of $14,1*10')0 ami there are ■till nine day* within which to obtain thut amount according i-> tie- terms of 1 1.. cir cular. Application* (or the iiiepuyinunl of interest were received to-day on hood* amounting to 117D.1M, making total to dale of $96,959/1011 Cook County’* Uoodlera. CNIUun, hvjrt 28. -Til* HmOm Attorney I* stdJ ciig.i M**t in —tiling up Um* affair* of tii* omul y tosilM*. uud (4 w* learned to-day t lust an fur mM|mis i iil* have tow W baited soil J M W Jotas, Who paid over $4 .4Ai Maixiei 'tr'dbars, wU-v s** up #)(*/, *i*d Elijah Jinkiuag' who o*4lls 18.5115. A FIZZLE IN A DRIZZLE. THE G. A. R. PARADES AT ST. LOUIS HIDDEN UNDER UMBRELLAS. Thousands of tho Veterans Leave the City In Disgust - The Encampment Opened in the Exposition Hall Gen. Fairchild Delivers tho Annual Ad dress. St. Louis, Sept. 88. —Rain continued to drop down steadily this morning, and with increased showers. Everything was drenched, and the ardor of the citizens and soldiers wus dampened. Thousands of vet erans, after awaiting twenty-four hours in the rain to realize t he promises of tlie signal service office for fair weather, started for home. Yet there wore nituiy thousands left, and Grand Marshal Grier issued an order to prepare for the pa rale. Tlio army moved at 10 o’clock. The oolunfn was formed in toil divisions shortly before It o’clock. A Ixxly of police headed tho procession, followed next by Grand Marshal Grier, und his aids, and tho Commander in Chief, and liis staff of 100 mounted officers, anil next came tho war Governors und invited gu**sts in close car riages. Tho men in tho prix'easion wore al most all equipped with umbrellas or rub ber coats, or Doth, mid had their trousers rolled up. As tho guests in carriages were obliged to keep the windows closed, but little was soon of them. The department of Mis souri wus given the right of tlie line, mid they mustered several thousand strong, Gen. Sherman and the reviewing officers stood in the rain, which came harder as the procession passed the reviewing stand. It took wie Missouri Division twenty-five minutes to pass. The colored posts were cheered. Tattered battle flags called forth enthusi astic cheers. At 1:30 o’clock tho Sons of Veterans brought up tho rear, mul ranks were broken. OPENING THE ENCAMPMENT. The encampment opened in due form in tlie entertainment hull of the exposition building at 3:30 o’clock this afternoon The Commander-in-Chicf, Gen. Fairchild, pre sided. In his annual address he gives the total number of members borne on tho rolls of tho order at the last national encampment .us' 326,199. The number reported June 30, 1887, was 372,674 an actual gain in flvoquarters of 46,157. The increase of members in the ninety days ending June 30, 1887, in good standing was 15,016. 111 1880 there were 60,634 members. In the last five quarters there have been mustered into tlie Grand Army 73,355. There were reported June 30, 1887, in gfxxl standing 836,562, suspended 25,220, by delinquent reixirts 10,892. The total at tho last returns borne upon tho rolls was 372,074. MONEY SPENT FOR CHARITY. The amount reported expended in charity from March, 1386, to March, 1887. inclusive is $253,934. This money was distributed to 17,607 comrades and their families, and 8,999 others were assisted, giving 26,606 in dividuals who had received bene fits during the year. In eonclu-' sion he said: “In fraternity, charity and loyalty, we stand proud of tho fact that there is not now, nor has there ever lieon any bitter fooling of hate for those of our fellow citizens who were once in arms against us, but now being loyal, have long ago taken their old time places in our hearts, never, we devoutly hoj*, to he removed therefrom. We have not now nor have we at any time since the war closed hod any disposition to open again the bloodv chasm which once unhappily divided this jieoplo. We not only will not ourselves reopen that dreadful abyss, but we will with loyal people. North anil South, protest against all attempts which others may make to do so by holding up for especial honor and distinction anything that per tains to or in any manner glorifies the cause of disunion. FRIENDLY RIVALRY. “With the peoplo of the South wo only seek to continue friendly rivalry long ago entered ujxm in the effort to make our be loved land great and prosperous, and its jieople intelligent, happy and virtuous. We Ivill rival them in exalting ull that pertains and honors this great Union, and in condemning everything that tends to foster a hostile sentiment thereto. Wo will rival them in earnest eu deuvor to inculcate in tho minds of all citi zens of this country, and especially of our children, heurtfelt love for the United States of America, to the end that tlie present und coming generations shall in any part of the land believe in and maintain true allegiance thereto, based upon paramount resjieet for and fidelity to its constitution and laws, which will lead them to discountenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, incites insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the efficiency and wrma nency of our free institutions, and will iriqx*) them to encourage the spread of universal liberty, equal rights and justice to ail men, and to defend these .sentiments, which are quoted from tlie fundamental law of our order, with their lives if need lx*, and to the further end that they shall so revere the emblems of the union thnt under no circumstances ean lie coupled with them in the same honorable term* symtxils of sentiment which are antagonistic to its per petuity.” Tho conclusion of the address anil the allusion to tho South, mot with a most hearty response, and was greeted with cheers. PLAYING WITH GUNS. One of the Woapons is Accidentally Discharged. CoLUMHUB, G A., Sept. 38.—Throe young men named Watley.Wulsh und Britton were out hunting on tho Echols place in Ala liama, two miles north of Brownvillo, and took shelter in an out house to get out of the rain. Britton and one of the other men engaged in n play with their guns, each holding the brwxffi of his own gun, and pointing it at tin* other, when one of the guns was discharged. The wad bxik effect in Britton’* arm entering alxmt the wrist, and ranging upward to the elbow. .It is thought that the arm will have to be ampu tatof Tho dead Ixxly of the negro woman found in tlie river yesterday ha* lieon identified a* tii it of Daisy King It i* not yet known whether her death wo* the result of murder or suiiuiU'. .- .ai. -1 1 ' Observing Yorv Klppur. Pensacola, Fla.. Kept. 38. —All the lh brew mcrcluuil* hsd their placwi of hui Ixw cU—l toda y lor the piir|*me of cel* Mating lb* least of "Yoin Klppur,” or Day of A tot Mi 11 MSI t. liuMia—i wus aiioul *Ua ■riutnl during Um* ilsy, and tin* city looked lined, A fiM'SO mas si W water a. M atwaaSs. lis4 s $lO toll • hitfti b* put lulu hi* |uk*t**ik Hemg unwaeo Lo • srrytoy luouey to that n* • |ito le 8a Lag'S wliere he had plai**’*l the 1 I, and, *>4 Is-ilig alii* to Htai it. eutw baled to i-ad It*** fob iw 4 lie U**> *44 lit* Jaxihat l**A furs bile s AoUer aix4 xiiwxk Its tx*N Th* ttmiaav letNxt lie ful as —la u—da sfUm 14m* Jtottog issii hast 4*iae tod STARKE SIFTINGS. Groat Interest in the Coming Prohibi tion Election. Stahkk, Fr,A., Sept. 28.—There is con sidernblo interest manifested here in the election for or against prohibition which comes off Oct. 14. The saloons all dose on the last day of September, fourteen days before the election, so we will practically have prohibition in this town and county for fourteen days at any rate The general opinion is that the couuty will go dry by u large majority. Already jsirties are coming in looking for houses, and there baa been some important sales of real estate. Starke is to nave a bank very soon. The building for t hat pur pose is now approaching completion, ami is a large two-story brick, making a very handsome appearance. t'apt. J. C. Richard, who was so seriously wounded in the face by George Miller, is on the streets again. The lull I was located and extracted bv the attending physician, Dr. Tat<' Powell, only a few days ago, since which his improvement mus been very rapid. Little Johnnie Beal, of Fernandinu, was very painfully injured yesterday on his way home front Waldo. He was sitting ut. the window of o passenger coach on the Florida, Railway and Navigation road fast mail, and carelessly allowed his arm to hang out for some distance when it came in con tact witli the swinging door of aimilding at Tempos, dislocating the Is hum at the ellsiw joint, cutting and contusing the liinh con siderably. Ho was returned to Starke on the next train going south, and turned oor to the company's surgeon, I>r. Tab' Diwell, for treatment. Dr. Powell replace l the dis located boat's, and returned him to his parents on the next train. The newspaper mania is rampant in Hbirke at present. We art' to have during the next few days three papers—two weeklies and one daily. The latter is to lie cabl'd the Florida Reflector. It will make its first appearance Oct. 3. The Saul Florida Courier came out lost week, and was certainly a credit to its projectors, Mr. Trimble and Miss Emma Hogan. GEN. HOPKINS DEAD. He Was Born in Georgia and Once Fought a Duel. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 2s. Gen. Ed ward Hopkins, Collector of the Port of Jacksonville, died this morning at 3 o’clock at his residence, of chronic bladder trouble. He was in the 77th year of his age. Gen. Edward Hopkins was a native of Mclntosh county, Georgia, lie was at one timo Collector of the Port of Darien, and ho held a similar position here at the time of his death. Ho came to Florida in 1368 and settled on his plantation at Han Diego thirty years ago. He was a general of Florida militia, and at one time was elected to the Legislature. In 1860 he was the Whig or Union candidate for Governor against Milton, the war candidate, uml made a brilliant canvass of the State, but was defeated. The war trumpet having sounded, he offered his services and was elected a Colonol of the Fourth Florida regiment. This imsition, however, he was soon forcod to resign, owing to his ill health. Since the war he had always taken an ac tive part in politics, and during the years of 18(18 and 1809 was Mayor of Jackson ville. Among his nearest relatives is Dr. Hop kins. or Thomasville, Go., who is his brother. The General wus a gentleman of the old school, and came of an aristocratic family. He will Is) remembered by old Georgians as having fought a duel with double-barreled guns with Gen. ('hai les Floyd, and in the duel Gen. Hopkins was severely woundod, and up to his death he always limped from the shot. In Savannah and other parts of Georgia the family connection is large. Arrange ments are being made in this city to have an imposing funeral to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock. BOSTON BRIEFS. A Branch of the Iron Hall Organized —Cotton Rolling In. Boston, Ga., Sept. 28. —Branch No. 552 of theJOrderof the Iron Hall lias been organ ized here with Dr. J. T. Culpepper as Chief Justice, and R. G. Stone as Accountant. Tho “Holiness Meeting” closed hero Sunday night lust, several having confessed “Chris tian perfection.” Those attending the meet ing say it was tho I set ever held, and was productive of much good. The City Fathers are putting cisterns on Broad street, and will have a fire engine soon. A six weeks’ drought was broken to-day by a copious rain. Two thousand bales of cotton have been marketed here up to the present time. One thousand bales more are expected. It is rumored that a newspaper will bo started here soon. The sugar cane crop has been cut short fully 25 per cent, by the recent drought. The fast mail trains are stopping at this place now, which is a great convenience to the traveling public. HORSES SHOW THEIR HEELS. The Results of the Day's Races at Saratoga and Louisville. New York, Kept. 28.—At the Prospect Park races today the weather was very un pleasant. Tho events were os follows: First Rac*— For all ages; seven-eighths of a mile. Bpeolalty won, with Cyclops second ami Pasha third. Time I:SBS4. Second Rack- For two-year-olds; selling; three-quarters of a mile. Omaha led from the iilart to the finish, with Tboora second and Waif third. Time 1:17. Third Rack. Boulevard handicap, for throe year-olds and upward; one mile and a half. Rupert led from the start to the finish, with Kurus second and Hamum third. Time liiitvk,. Fourth Race. Maple stakes, for two year olds; three-quarters i" a mile George Oyster won, with Leo H. second and King Crab third. Time 1:16. Finn Hack- I land leap for 3-year-olds and tipwanls; one and one sixteenth miles. Hurved won, with Rdmnmil second and Itoaz third. Time | ;.V)b, Mutuals paid ll.'iK, Kixtii Race Handicap for all ages; three quarters of a mile. Umpire won by a length, with cins'taw second “sate. Kits third. Time 1:17. AT CHURCHILL DOWNS. IjOUlmvillk, Kept. 98.—The attendance at Churchill Downs, to day, was very small. The track was ankle deep 111 mud. The fa vorites were Isabel in three races. The events were as follows: Kiiist Race- Keren furlongs Prtde of the (ires! won. leading the entire distance; Brum! head was second with Our Friend third. Time liWfc. hn uni Rack five furlongs. Bonita llelle won. vt I til Clay Hbs'kbin second and India third. Time IMIAM Third Race Helling fsjns*; one mile Conk ling won after leading the entire way, with John Morris second aisi Minnesota third. Ttnui Fourth its x Ms furlongs laws ICvawa won, witli Itlshy second sod Fanny Htiwsi thiol Time tVI Finn Raj a *n*e note Kiel seventy yards. Tain (I Kiianue passnd under Ue wire first by bait a lengtb IL le Judges awarded Jim fs>ug|JW a tool, ledding I hat l l Mienter s brush infeilMt him iiesi lie ni.leb isMrnyied with hi# stint. Big Three Uurd, was given second money. Tim • i : fcMA I PRICE glO A YEAR. I 1 ft t ENTS A COPY, f SENATORS STICK IT OUT. THE SUBSTITUTE FOR THE GLENN BILL INSISTED ON. A Vote of 21 to 14 In Favor of Stand ing by Their Action—Resolutions of Sympathy for Ireland Unanimously Adopted The Sale of the State Hoad Again Discussed. Atlanta, Ga., Kept. 28. In the .Senate to-rlay Mr. Janies, of the Thirty-sixth dis trict, moved reconsideration of the action of the Senate on tho Confederate soldiers pension bill. The motion was lost. The resolution to provide for the lease op sale of certain land belonging to tho State hi Calhoun, Gordon county, was taken from the bible and [mssud. The bill to make county officials incom petent in grand juries passed. On motion of Mr. Jackson, of the Thirty seventh, district tho Glenn bill was again token up for action as the House had refused to concur in tho substitute pussed by the Senate. Ho then moved that the Senate adhere to its aetion in passing the substi tute, on which motion Mr. Wright, of tho Flint, called the yeas and nays. Tho call Wfis sustained, and the Senate adhered to the substitute by a vote of 21 to 14. Those voting in favor of adhering to the substitute were Messrs. Atwood, Brant ley, DoJnmette, Hamilton, Hand, of tho Ninth, Hand, of the Eighth, Jackson, James,Livingston, McLeodJNorthcutt.Peek, Powell, Pringle, Ritchie, Roberts. Rusk. Bimnions, Smith, of the Sixth, Wofford and Wright. Those who voted against it wore Messrs. Brannon, Courtney, Daniel, Dilworth, Favor, Foster, Gut-rry, Hawkes, Laiukin, Lewis, McCants. Robbins, Smith, of tho Twenty-fifth, and Wright, of the First. President Davidson, Senator from the Eighteenth district, introduced tho follow ing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted, and supiiortod them in a handsome speech: Wiieii sah, The Irish people are now engaged in a constitutional struggle for the right of self government in oraer tliat they may is- secure in lierson, property aud the pursuit of happiness, and Whereas, The present governing power in Great Brilain has suspended in Ireland tho ordinary operation of the law, placing the |am .pie of that country at the mercy of an ir n<s|Kiiisihlu constabulary and wresting from them the acknowledged privileges of British citizenship; therefore, lie it h'rohr/l, by the General Assembly of tha State of Georgia, That the most heartfelt, sym pathy of the people of tills Htate Is extended to the i*oopie of Ireland in their laudable and pat riotic struggle for home rule. Resolved, Titat, as a people of almost ex clusive English origin, inheriting pride in tho struggle which, beginning at Knnriymede. has built up the constitutional fabric of English lllierty, wo protest against the denial to the peo ple or Ireland of the right of public assemblage, of free speech and of eonstltutloiial agitation for tho Improvement of their rendition. Resolved, That his Excellency tho Governor, transmit copies of these resolutions to tl.q Earl of Salisbury, to the Kt. Hon. William Glad stone ami Charles Stewart Parnell. The next business was tho consideration of the hill of Mr. Livingston of tho Seventh district, amending the tax law so as to re lieve nurserymen from u tax of $75 iivevery county where their agents sell trees. Tha committee amended by making the tax $5, and tho hill us thus amended pussed. In the House. 11l tho House to-day Mr. Berner, of Mon roe, moved to reconsider the aetion of the House yesterday in defeating tho bill pro hibiting peddling on tho lauds of another without the consent of tho owner, which was sustained. The House then took up the special order of the day, which was the consideration of the resolution by Mr. Harrison, of Quitman, providing for the sale or lease of the West ern anil Atlantic railroad. Mr. Harrison took the floor and briefly explained the objects of the resolution, which was to ad vertise for bids for the lease or sale of tha property, and that all bids received were to lie presented to the next Legislature for itts consideration. After a lengthy discussion of the mattotf by various members, Mr. Harrison intro duced a resolution providing for the contin uance of tlie consideration of this bill at the afternoon session. A substitute was offered to make the bill the continuing special order for the morning session, which substi tute wus adopted. Tho Committee on Finance made a report favoring the passage of the additional ap propriation hill to supply the deficiency in the appropriation bill for 1887-1888. At tlie afternoon session tho bill to incor porate the Commercial Bank, of Augusta, as amended by the Senate, was taken up, and tho Senate amendments concurred in. The bill to reguluto tho manner of con ducting educational institutions in this Htate, and to protect the rights of the colored aud white people, and to provide jienaltles for infractions of its provisions i known at tha (Menu bill), was taken up on motion of Mr. Harrison, of Quitman, who urgod that tha House insist upon its refusal to accept the Senate’s substitute. By a unanimous vote the House refused to concur, and insistodon the original bill. The bill to authorize the wardens of the Episcopal church of Columbus to sell and convey certain property, was taken up and the Senate amendment concurred in. Mr. Kimbrough’s bill to prevent stock from running at large in Lee county, was passed. The bill to provide for an additional ai>- propriation to meet the deficiency in the general appropriation act for the years 1887 and 1888, was passed. Mr. Candler’s bill to continue the existe enco of the Htoue Mountain circuit, amend ed by the Senate so as to read Douglas The bill of Mr. Felton, of Macon, to amend the charter of Montezuma, passed. Mr. Aruheiin’s bill to incorpcirate the Al bany, Cuthbert and Western railroad, | )l tHSI m | Mr. McCord’s bill toVamend section 3322 of tho Code, passed. Mr. M<"Cord’s bill to Incorporate the Au gusta, Gibson and Handersville railroad, jiassud. Mr. McCord’s bill to incorporate the Au gusta and Thomasville railroad, leased. Tho House thou adjourned. FORGED A CHECK. A Bank Teller s Vigilance Leadd to the Arrest or a Crook. Jacksonville, Fla., Kept 28.—-A young man to-day forged the name of Farwell & Page, furniture dealers, to a check for $438. He presented the check at the First National Bank for fiaymeiit but the teller, suspecting tliat the check wax bogus, telephoned to tils firm. As anon as the man saw that tha teller was making inquiries bs ran from the bank, less lug the check, Mr Fur well inn iiedlauly euapaited a young man who had . -Miic into bt --tore tills morning to buy lurniture, and notified Mat offbwrv Tim Immnl was filially cajAurad on hay *u<t, and kleiiUliail by Ulw tellur He was Own ivsMMiltnsi to Jan lie refuse* Ut give his nsiw Th* is IWHM I Is ais-Al 27 years of age aud iWniod to be (rum N.w Y xrh* |