The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 01, 1887, Image 1

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{ ESTABLISHED ISJVO ) ) ,1. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor. f CLEVELAND ON HIS TRIP. A BIG OVATION ALL THROUGH PENNSYLVANIA. Only a Small Crowd at Washington to See the Start—A Thousand People at the Station at Baltimore - Twelve Thousand Turn Out and Cheer at Altoona. Washington, Sept. 30.—Aliout fifty per sons gathered in front of the White House this morning to witness the departure of President and Mrs. Cleveland on their Western trip. The weather, which had been rainy and disagreeable for the past three days, cleared off beautifully this morning, just in time to verify the pro verbial good lurk of the President. At 11:45 o’clock carriages drew up at the north front of the Executive Mansion and tiie President, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Folsom, and Lena, Mrs. Cleveland's maid, entered and were driven to the Pennsylvania railroad station. The President wore his usual black suit, while Mrs. Cleveland was dressed in a brown silk bodice, with a white sprig skirt, and bonnet to match. THE TRAIN. At t he station the special train had been run back nearly to the entrance of the building. An ordinary car had been attached for the accommodation of the railroad and train men, which is to be detached at Baltimore. At that city the cars of the special train, which are now headed by the P. P. C., will he reversed so as to bring the observation compartment in the rear. The train looked very handsome in its new paint and glisten ing bronze fittings. Through the plate glass windows could be seen baskets of jacquemi not roses and other cut flowers which had been provided by Mr. Pullman. A CURIOUS CROWD. From the waiting rooms a curious crowd eyed the train and every member of the party as they arrived. Marshal Wilson was early at the station. He was followed by Secretary Fairchild and Col. and Mrs. ,I.a mont with their two children arrived next and went immediately to the train. Sec retaries Whitney and Endicott preceded the Presidential party hy a few minutes. Ur. Bryant and Mr. Bisseil had already arrived and taken their places in the train. At ft; SO o’clock the President made his ap pearance at the station. He was escorted bv Marshal Wilson and Mr. Baldwin, Su perintendent of the Pullman Company. Mrs. Cleveland and her mother came next and the maid followed them. NEWSPAPER MEN ON HAND. Quite a crowd of newspaper men, railroad officials and other favored persons had been admitted to the platform. Most of them raised their hats and the salutes were re turned hy the party. Secretary and Miss Bayard hurried up at this moment and braided the train with the President and Mrs. Cleveland. Engine No. hi. in charge of Engineer Frank Carver, had just backed down and coupled on to the train, which was under direction of Conductor C. A. Haverstiok. The members of the Cabinet and Mrs. Folsom and Miss Bayard said fare well, and at precisely 10 o’clock the train moved off on its long journey. AT BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Sept. The Presidential train reached this city at 11:10 o’clock this morning. The announcement that it would arriveatthat time attracted about 1.000 persons, fully one-half of whom were ladies, and for them the gates of the station were opened as soon as the train stopped. Presi dent and JL' S - Cleveland were seen about the centre of the Pullman ear. He sat near a window, and to a request to go to the platform he shook his head. As soon as a messenger could reach him a dispatch was put in his hands asking him to stand on the platform while passing Hanover junction. The President wore a light slouch hat. which he removed only once. At, 11:15 o'clock sharp the signal was given, and the train pulled out anil proceeded on its way. There was no demonstration by the people assembled at the station. CHEERED THROUGH PENNSYLVANIA. The President’s special train made no stop after leaving Baltimore until it reached Harrisburg, It slowed down when passing through York, Penn - , where the President stood upon the rear platform, and bowed to the multitude that lined the roadway on both sides. The country bet ween Baltimore and Harrisburg is very thickly settled, and everybody seemed to know exactly when to look for tno President’s train, as workmen from the roadside factories, and machine shops, the children in the country schools and apparently the entire population were upon tiie lookout and greeted the dying train with cheers anil the waving of Imtid kei chiefs and hats. Harrisburg was reached shortly alter 2 o’clock. Several thousand people thronged the depot and cheered as the train slowly made its way through the mass of humanity, which could not he driven hack by policemen. The Central Democratic (.Tun and a band marched to the station and joined with the populace in ex tending a cordial welcome. The train stopped about five minutes. The President and Mrs. Cleveland stood on the rear plat form and howed to the people. SMACKS TOO MUCH OF HOMAGE. Milwaukee, Sept. 80.- By a vote of 97 to 1:2 the West Side Turner Society, the most influential in the State, to-day de clined an invitation to join the procession on the occasion of President Cleveland's visit. The reason assigned is that the hon ors to lie (mid the President smack too much of the homage paid royalty in Europe. The South Side and Verwaerts societies took similar action. AN OVATION AT ALTOONA. Altoona, Pa.. Sept. 30.—The Presiden tial party arrived here at, 6:23 o'clock this afternoon on time. About 12,000 people crowded the depot and surroundings. As the train pulled into the station the hand played an enlivening air, but the music was drowned by the incessant cheering of the assemblage. The President and his wife made their appearance on the rear platform of their car anil were greeted with deafening cheers. Mrs. Cleveland, however, soon retired to the centre of the ear. -ahere she viewed the crowd from a large window and pleasantly acknowledged numerous hows made by those nearby. The train stopped six minutes, being de tained one minute on account of tiie crowd. No speeches were made. a natural gas illumination. PiTTßUßa,Hept.Bll.—'The President's train reached the Union station twenty minutes behind the schedule time, a stop having •>e"n made at Homewood, in the city limits, for twenty minutes to witness the illumina o! a natural gas standpipe, which, front the height of nearly 120 foot, sent a pillar of Are fully fifty feet almva the pipe. The crush "I people here, who hoped merely to get ; a glimpse or the Presi dent, was enormous, and actually endangered his life. A strong effort was made to induce him to extend his stop to twenty minutes, but without avail. As soon as the train came to a stop Sunt. Pit earin conducted the ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union to Mrs. * ieveland, and Mrs. li. H. Jones Presented a iieautiful testimonial which had been prepared. In the mean lime various Democrat-in orgenirntinns. the members of which had been drawn up in line for some time, crowded upon the platform of the rear car. upon which the President had taken his position. The train waited but five minutes, and as it passed along the tracks of the Pan Handle railway and into the tunnel, westward-bound, the crowd slowly dispersed. The President, as he parted from the last membefl of the Citizen's Committee said that he had seen just enough of Pitts burgh to induce him to promise that in the ; early future he would return to see more of it. THE G. A. R. Election of a Now Commander-In- Chief for the Ensuing Year. St. Louis, Sept. 30.—Judge Rae, of Min nesota, was to-day elected Commander-in- Ohief of the Grand Army of the Republic on the first ballot by a ma jority of 34. Mr. Vandervoort proposed a resolution to the effect that “while we recognize that dis approval of any measure presented to him bv Congress is a constitutional prerogative of the President to be exercise*! hy him ac cording to his discretion, jet we cannot feel that this involves also the privilege of going beyond the bounds of that power to officially insult broken down and needj - men. to whom the nation owes everything. And that the de pendent pension trill passed by the Forty ninth Congress, and vetoed hy the Presi dent was the least measure of justice that could have been asked of the nation, for the men to whom it owes its salvation.” • This was overwhelmingly defeated, and the regular report of the committee was adopted. The Committee on Resolutions presented majority and minority reports on the $S a month or service pension bill. The majority of the committee reported against the measure and the minority of five reported in its favor. DEBT REDUCTION. $16,500,000 Wiped Out During Sep tember—Bond Purchases. Washington, Sept. 30. —The estimated reduction in the public debt for the month of September is $16,500,000. An unusually large demand has been made for internal revenue stamps for to bacco, principally for cigarette stamps, and the bureau of engravjqg and printing is busily engaged in printing an extra supply of those stamps. It is said at the Treasury department, that dealefs in tobacco believe that t-lie short crop for this j'ear will result in an increase of prices for that commodity and are preparing themselves accordingly. The amount or the bonds offered to the Treasury Department to-day was $57,000, which is less than on any day since the daily purchases began. This fact is regarded at the department as indicating that the gov ernment has practically secured all the floating bonds that can he obtained at the present rates fixed by the department’s cir cular. and that the stringency of the money market has been sufficiently relieved for the present. A RIVER STEAMER BURNED. One Man Known to Have Perished and Two Others Missing. Memphis, Tenn., Sept, 30. —The steamer T. B. Sims plj’ing between Memphis and St. Louis, was burned this morning at 3:45 o’clock at Island Forty, sixteen miles above this city. She was en route from St. Louis and had about 275 hales of cotton and 6,000 barrels of flour and meat. So far as known only one life was lost, a young man named Burch, from Illinois, who was a passenger. The Sims was formerly the I). R, Powell, and was purchased by Capti. T. B. Sims sev eral months ago from the Anchor Line Com pany for $20,000. The lioat and cargo are a total loss. The fire caught on the lower deck aft of the boilers, anti spread with great rapidity. The boat was at once headed for the Arkansas shore and made fast until the passengers and crew escaped. She afterwards drifted down the river some two miles anti lodged against an island. The charred remains of one man was found in the wreck, and he is sup posed to be Burch, the only one lost, al though a negro roustabout and a white deck passenger are also reported missing. The Hints uas insured for $16,000 in Bt. Louis and Wheeling companies. Her cargo was insured in St. Louis, excepting the cotton, which was covered by - open policies of con signees in local companies here. OBERLY’S LETTER. The Illinois Association Bound to Test the Matter. Washington, Sept. 30.—Civil Service Commissioner Oberly consulted the Presi dent about his letter to the Illinois Demo cratic Association before sending it, so that it can be accepted as the administration’s view of such organizations. Naturally it has greatly disturbed the members of the half dozen organizations of Democratic clerks under the style of State associations, formed under the present administration. They see that thej' must disband, but first the Illinois Democratic Association, accord ing to its President, proposes in some way to test Commissioner Oberlv’s construction of the law in the courts. They claim, of course, that they are purely social in char acter. ANARCHY'S FIGHT. A Copy of the Illinois Supreme Court Record to be Made at Once. Ottawa, 111., Sept. 30. —Lawj-er Salo mon this morning gave an order for tho transcript of the record in the Anarchist case, the purpose being to present-it to tho Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Salomon has been here since yesterday. He says the placing of the order was caused bj' his desire to limit Clerk Taylor to ten days’ time in which to prepare a copy'. Oct. 15 was finally settled upon ns the date, when the record must be completed. Deputy Clerk Snow at once started to Chicago to engage the necessary number of type-writers to complete the work. Gould and Pacific Mall. New York, Sept 30.—-The Pacific Mail Company’s directors held a meeting to-day and accepted the resignations of Directors Wehrbach and V under hoof, and selected Jay Gould and C. P. Huntington to fill tho vacancies. Henry Hart resigned the Presi dency of the company, and his place was immediately filled by the election of George J. Gould. Pamplico Light. W ashington. Sept. 30. —The light house board gives notice that on, or about Octo lier, 10, 1887, the light heretofore shown at Pamplico point light station, on the south side of the entrance to Pamplico river, North Carolina will bo discontinued. The old tower aud keeper's dwelling will lie left ; standing as day marks. Censure Opposed. Bt. Louis, Befit. 3. — The committee on resolutions of the Grand Army to-day re ported life >ii Paul Vandervoort’s resolution censuring the President for vetoing the de pendent pension bill, recommending that i tin resolution lie rejected. SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER I, 1887. AMERICA KEEPS THE CUP. SCOTLAND’S SLOOP TOO SLOW TO BEAT THE VOLUNTEER.. The Yankee Craft Wins the Second Heat by 11 Minutes and 48*4 Seconds The Scotchman Beaten by 14 Min utes and 49Vy Seconds in the Wind ward Work—The Volunteer Loses 2 Minutes and 45)n Seconds Coming: Home. New York, Sept. oO. — Of all the races for the America's cup none was ever sailed before under the conditions which pre vailed at to-day’s race, and none was ever more fairly won than this, in which the Volunteer defeated the Scotch cutter Thistle over an outside course of 40 miles. The only regret the people have who saw the race, is that the Thistle was not able to show more seaworthy qualities, and thus make the contest a closer one. Half an hour after the start it was plain that the Thistle was a beaten boat unless a fluke and shift of wind should save her from what promised to be an overwhelming defeat. In the twenty mile thrash to windward the centre board type told so heavily against the keel that the cutter was beaten 10 minutes and 40 seconds. The Thistle re deemed herself a little coming home before the wind by gaining 2 minutes and 26 sec onds on the Volunteer. BEATEN FROM THE START. When the gun to start was given the Thistle and Volunteer were southeast of the line, not 200 yards apart, each working gradually to the line. The Thistle was nearer and went away on her trip nearly four lengths ahead of the Volunteer. The yachts started as follows: n. M. a. Thistle 10:40:21 Volunteer 10:40:8054 They went over on the starboard tack, and the Volunteer at once l>egan to out-point and out-foot her opponent. The course was north, northwest for twenty miles to windward, and return before the wind. The weathering qualities of the yachts were seen at once. The Vol unteer outpointed the cutter by nearly two points, and won the race by the mas terly manner in which she went to windward. The first tack which was a long one—seven miles— decided, virtually, the race. The Volunteer got to windward of the Thistle in a way that satisfied all spectators who knew anvthing about it that the American boat would win on each tack that followed. The Volunteer continued to get to windward and to get ahead as well. FIVE TACKS AGAINST SIX. The Volunteer took five tacks in reaching the outer mark, and the Thistle required six. This is remarkable, in that every time the cutter went about, she did it in quicker time than the sloop. The yachts rounded the outer mark as follows: h. m. s. Volunteer 2:2:40 Thistle :41:00 The boats set their spinnakers coming home, and the question as to whether the broad cutter could go fast enough before the wind to make up the latter's gain in the windward work was soon to be decided. The Volunteer had a lead of fully two miles and a half when the Thistle rounded, and that was not dimin ished very much on t he run. The Thistle was the first take in her spinnaker, but the Volunteer followed suit immediately. This move was occasioned by the fact that neither boat could make the lightship with the wind aft. and a haul-up was necessary on the run home. The wind let up as well.- It dropped to ten miles an hour. The American sloop crossed the line winner by 11 minutes 48*4 seconds. The following" table gives figures, THE FIGURES Including sixteen seconds allowance that the Volunteer had to give the Thistle, on a a forty mile course : Actual Corrected Name. Start. Finish. Time. Time. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Volunteer.. 10:40:50)4 4:31:47 5:4*:5#J4 5:42:58)4 Thistle 10:10:21 4:35:12 5:51:51 5:64:45 In the windward work the Volunteer beat the Thistle 14 minutes and 4!)’4 seconds. On the run before the wind the Thistle beat the Volunteer 2 minutes and 45)4 seconds On board the Royal Clyde flagship Mohican, which accompanied the racers, were Com. Carruthers, of the Kingston Yacht Club; Sir Lionel West, British Min ister to the United States; Capt. Timson and William Clark, of New York, and Mrs. Vice Com. Bell, of the Thistle. All on board soon gave up hope except Mrs. Cell. From the first her confidence in the ability of the Thistle to win was of the firm est. "Never mind,” she said, "it is acknowl edged that the thistle is weaker than the Volunteer sailing in the wind, but I hope she”l make it up on the pun home.” MR. CLARK GIVES IN. •‘There’s no question as to which is the better boat,” said Robert Clark to-night. “I was not satisfied Tuesday, but I am to day. This is a fair race, and we are fairly beaten.” Mrs. Bell said subsequently: ‘‘Of course I am sadly disappointed at the result, but the V olunteer has certainly beaten us nobly and fairly. After all it must Vie the centre board which has done it.” “The Volunteer is treating the Thistle just as the Thistle treated the Irex,” said Capt. Timson as the Volunteer rounded the stake boat. “It has been a fair race and splend idly sailed. We are squarely beaten and must simply take it as the fortune of war. Of course we all had faith in the Thistle. We would not have come over here with a boat which wo expected would be beaten, but there is no doubt now which is the fast est. boat.” Com. Clark, Robert Claik, Dr. Donald, Mr. Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Hillard, Vice Com. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. York, Mr. Wat son, and their friends, will bid farewell to the Mohican and Thistle, and sail for Europe on the Citv of Rome. Oct. 12. William Clark will keep the Thistle over here and in February ; with his family und a party of friends, will take a cruise to the West Indies, and next fall will take her back to the Clyde. The Glasgow Scotchmen are greatly dis appointed over the result of the race, but they admitted that (he Thistle was fairly beaten. It- is lieheved that if a race for the cup is again to be sailed in American waters a Scotch yacht, to he successful, must have a centreboard. LONDON NOT EXCITED. London, Sept, 20. — There was little ex citement in London over t he result of to day’s race, except among Americans, who awaited with keen interest the bulletins an nouncing the progress of the yachts. SCOTLAND’S GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT. Glasgow, Sept. Istrgecrowds of o\- - cited people surrounded the cable com panies’ offices all the afternoon awaiting new* of to-day’s race between the Thistle and Volunteer. Tin c were confident, that the Thistle would win. CENTREBOARDS THE FASTEST. London, (let. 1, 5 a. m. —The Post says: “The American victory is complete, al- . though the result does not discredit the j Scotch challengers. The Americans I have fairly shown that for j the mere purpose of racing their j cenfrelxiad sloop is faster than , the English deep-keeled cutter. It must bo remembered that tho Thistle is only the first attempt to borrow some of the good quali ties of American boats, and it is probable that the designer will prove capable of further developing his models. The mere fact that for three successive years the centreboard has emphatically had the best of the English keel confirms the opinion that if we mean to win we must send over a centreboard boat, but at the risk of leav ing the cup in America we hope that no one will resort to this expedient.” A TRANSATLANTIC SPIN. The I’ost, confesses that the Thistle was fairly and squarely beaten. It suggests that a race from New York to Liverpool lie arranged between the two yachts. The News regrets that the rai-e was not sailed in English waters. Tho American course, it says, is imperfectly known to English captains. The News adds: “England has to learn a lesson from America in this branch of shipbuilding and had better set about it at once.” The Chronicle, says: “The result of the race is decisive. We must accept our de feat wit h good grace.” The Daily Telegraph says: “The Thistle was beaten handsomely on her merits. The Volunteer is a better and swifter ship all round. The triumph stamps American builders as at present our superiors and teachers in the art of designing last craft.” A REVIEW OF TRADE. Omens Which Indicate That Better Times are Near- at Hand. New York, Bept. 30. —R. G. Dun & Co.’s review of trade for the week says: Tho Treasury purchases of bonds have greatly changed tho feeling in tho money market, but without giving much relief as yet to legitimate business. There are two money markets just now; money on call for speculation, on good col laterals, is in ample supply, but money on time for commerce or industry on commercial paper is almost, as scarce as it was a fortnight ago. As long as bankers feel uncertain regarding the financial future they prefer to keep their resources within reach, and though commercial pa|ier has been somewhat more sought, and advances to customers on legitimate transactions are somewhat more free, the change is not yet great. TRADE GOOD. Meanwhile trade is at all points nctiveand large in volume, with a qppefitl feeling prevalent, and the lack of available funds is by many attributed rather to the swelling volume of business than to absorption of capital in enterprises or speculation. There is at present no new symptoms of danger ous activity in speculation or real estate. Operations at the West have much abated, though prices are still maintained. Cotton is moving freely, and wheat less actively, farmers being indisposed to ac cept current prices. While exchanges continue to show pay ments through banks exceeding those of last year hy 15 per cent, outside of New York, there is unquestionable shrinkage in the volume of some branches of business. WOOL SALKS FALL OFF. The wool sales at Boston are in quantity less than half those of last year, and since Jan. 1 show a decrease of 26t 2 per cent. Woolen goods are in moderate demand, and cottons, though far from active, are steady at current prices, after an unusually largo distribution. < )ne feature of ill omen is that the aver age liabilities of the firms failing for the past quarter amounted to $37,679, against anly $14,000 for the same quarter last year, indicating an unwholesome expansion of credits in some directions. The failures for the third quarter of 188, number 1,938 in tho United Btates and3oo in Canada, against 1,932 in the United Btates for the third quarter of 1880 and 258 in ( onada. The in crease in nurbber is trifling, hut tho reported liabilities of Uio firms failing in the United Btates tor the quarter were $78,022,556, against $27,227,030 for the same quarter last year, and in Canada $2,996,529, against $1,921,018 last year. While the volume of liabilities was much swelled by a few heavy speculative disasters, the fact that a large increase appears in every- section of the country indicates marked expansion of com mercial obligations. DECAPITATION DAY. Over a Hundred City Employes of Chicago Discharged. Chicago, Bept. 30. —This was execution day in the city hall, there being just 103 decapitations in the various departments under the control of Public Works Com missioner Swift. When the ukase went forth ordering this wholesale discharge of city employes. Aldermen and politicians crowded into Commissioner Swift's office, and that official was overwhelmed with questions and protests. Such a clear ing out is unprecedented in Chicago. Commissioner Swift denied that poli tics had anything to do with it. He claimed that it was purely a measure of economy, as it hail boon discovered that for a time during the winter a certain number could he spared. The places would be filled again whenever necessary. It was impossi ble to tell whether the discharged men were all Democrats, or whether their places would be filled by- Republicans. TENNESSEE’S VOTE. The State Carried by the Anti-Prohibi tionists by a Small Majority. Chattanooga. Bept. 30. Semi-official returns from forty-seven of the ninety-six counties show the same majority for the anti-prohibitionists as was given for Robert Taylor, the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor in 1886. It is a remarkable coinci dence that, in these counties, wl.<*e party lines have been obliterated, that the major ities are altered less than ,'kiii in the aggre gate. The iinlications are that the amend ment is defeated bv 10,000 majority. FIFTY COUNTIES HEART) FROM. Nashville, Bept. 30. - Returns: from fifty counties, representing about 68 per cent, of the vote cast, shows a majority of 9,088 against the prohibition amendment. ’I he vote exceeds that cast at thelast Guber natorial election. TRAIN ROBBERS FOILED. Three Shots Fired at the Train Men by the Fugitives. Kansas City, Sept. 30.—The Journal'* special from Big Springs, Tex., says that as nn east-bound passenger train stopped at Odessa for water three masked men made an attempt to capture the train, but the train hands resisted and drove them off. As the robbers retreated they fired three shots at, the train. One entered the sleep - ing car and passed within one inch of a passenger's head, and another grazed a hraketnan’s head, knocking him senseless. Officers ?iiT> l*i hot pursuit The would-be robliers left ft cap and mask. Bharp’a Stay. New York, Kept. 30,- Sheriff Grant was this morning served with the order granting a stay in the Shorn raw BACON'S VUIKAS A BOMB THE RESOLUTIONS TO SELL THE STATE ROAD HIS WORK. Opponents of the Proposition Claim That It Is In the Interest of the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia System Messrs. Harrison and Felton Glad He Was Beaten for Governor. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 30. — In the House to-day, Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, offered a resolution that until further orders the ses sions of the Legislature shall he from 8 o’clock in the morning to 12:30 o’clock in the afternoon, and from 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon to 6:80 o’clock in the evening. After some discussion tho resolution was adopted. The special order of the day, which was continuance of consideration of the hill to sell or lease the Western and Atlantic rail road was resumed, with Mr. Watts, of Stew art, on the floor. He quoted a number of reports, and gave some statistics showing the value of the property. He wus opposed to the sale.and want ed the property held for the lieneiit of the children of the Stale. Mr. Atkinson, of Coweta, opposed the sale of the road in the strongest manner possible. The bill, stripped of its disguise, meant to sell property and nothing else. He charged that the resolutions to sell the road were drawn hy some man who was not, a member of the House. Some unseen hand was the master of the scheme. Mr. Harrison interrupted the speaker by say-ing that if the resolutions were adopted he would give the name of the man who wrote them. If not ho would not givo the name. a. o. bacon the man. Mr. Atkinson—Name him now. I want to hear his name, and then I will prove my assertion that tho hill means nothing hut sale. [Applause.] Mr. Harrison—l will state that he is the man that the gentleman from Coweta voted for at the last election for Governor. 1 mean the Hon. A. O. Paeon, of Georgia, one of the purest and most honorable men in this Btate. Mr. Atkinson continued by saying that he had succeded in unmasking the author of the scheme. Mr. Bacon was Corjxiratinn Attorney of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad. He had voted for Mr. Bacon, but regretted his action now that he know the truth. Mr. Felton, of Bartow, arose at this juncture, and interrupting the speaker, said: “Mr. Speaker, I voted for,and advo cated Mr. Bacon's election; i now rejoice at his defeat.” [Applause]. Mr. Atkinson called upon the Legislature to save the Btate from this damnable plot to steal the Western and Atlantic railroad. The effect of the majority reixirt ito ad vertise the property so as to depreciate its value. If the bill was passed to sell the road, the people would arise in their strength and another session of the Legislature would be held to repeal the bill. He did not lie lieve that the people of North .Georgia wanted the road sold, simply because the legislature had refused to allow the Ma rietta and North Georgia railroad to extend its line to Atlanta. He wanted the property held for the benefit of the children of tiie State. HARRISON BACON’S FRIEND. Mr. Harrison said a moment ago he had occasion to give to the House the author of the resolution that he had introduced. He said he was, and ever should lie, his friend. “Maj. Bacon and myself oppose the sale of the road. Ho has always Imen opposed to the sale of the road and is now. He is my friend and lam his.” Ho made this statement in justice to Maj. Bacon. Mr. Huff asked if A. O. Bacon wrote the resolution. He wanted a straight and categorical answer. Mr. Harrison said the resolution was written with a type-writer. He did not know who wrote it. Tim resolution came to him in an envelope from A. O. Bacon. He asked him to draw tho resolution and he did so. Mr. Huff wanted A. O. Bacon’s resolu tions just a< they read before the com mittee acted upon them. He wanted tho original resolutions introduced bv Mr. Har rison and now known to be Mr. fiucon’s. Mr. Gordon, of Chatham, said that the Finance Committee knew nothing about who wrote the resolutions. They' were known as the Harrison resolutions. He was opposed to characterizing the resolutions as the Bacon resolutions. Mr. Harrison said that it was his desire to give Maj. Bacon the credit if the resolutions were passed, but not to do so in the event that they were defeated. Mr. Huff insisted on the reading of the Bacon resolutions, and the Clerk read them. MB. ARNHEIM’B OPPOSITION. Mr. Arnheini said that he always had been opposed, and was now, to the sale of the Western and Atlantic railroad. The majority report did not propose to sell the property - . A good deal had been said about the injury that would be done to the public school fund. He favored the majority re port of the Finance Committee. Mr. Featherston, of Floyd, said that when the lessees got the Western and Atlantic railroad for $20,600 per month it was the understanding that no charge would be made for betterments, and that none would lie allowed. Had any other idea prevailed the lessees would have been required to pay much more than this. The committee’s majority report said that the property to lie advertised for sale should lie in accordance w ith the sched ule on file in the executive office. From this it would appear that the State did not pro pose to either sell or lease the tietterments. lie thought it was not advisable to adver tise the road either for stile or lease until the preseut lease has expired. NEW BILLS. At tho afternoon session of tho House the following new business was introduced: By Mr. Walker, of Putnam —A bill to ap propriate SSOO for the purpose of providing a home or house of refuge for such unchaste women and girls as may express a desire to forsake their sinful habits, and return to the paths of v i rtue. By Mi - . Preston, of Jasper—A bill to al low all Confederate soldiers of the Btate to jioddle without license. By Mr. Williams, of Jackson—A bill to prov idc for the payment of jurors who are summoned to try questions of damage aris ing from the laving out of public roads. By Mr. Candler, of DeKaili—A resolution for the relief of the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. The following bills were read the third time and passed: The bill of Mr. Howard, of Fulton, to amend the charter of the Atlanta and Hnw kinsville Railroad Company. The hill of Mr. Coggins’ to amend the charter of the town mi Belton. The hill of Mr. Felton, of Bartow, to amend the charter of the town of Adairs vilie. The bill of Ml - . Felton, of Bartow, to authorize M. A. Harden to chise up private wavs on his place in Bartow county. The hill of Mr. Schofield, of Bibb, to amend section 4,670 of Ihe Code w ith refer ence to a reduction of the terms of the sen tence of the conviets now in the iieniten tiary, for good behavior. Mr. Schofield briefly set forth the objects of the bill, and j explained that under the present law the provisions of this hill would not ho carried out without tho consent of the lessees. Ho wrote the hill at tho suggestion of ('apt. Reese, the Superintendent of the convict camn at the Dade county coal mines, and exhibited letters from the presidents of the three penitentiary companies in the State, saying that they had no objections to it. \ T [ion this showing the bill was passed without a dissenting vote. The bill of Mr. Belt to change the time of holding the session of the Superior Court of Burke. The bill of Mr. Harper to incorporate the North Georgia and St. Andrew’s Bay rail road. The bill of Mr. Harper, of Carroll, to in corporate the Carrollton, Marietta and Western railroad. The hill of Mr. Greece, of Clay, to re quire tho registration of the voters of Clay county. The bill of Mr. Clay, of Cobb, to incor porate the Lookout Mountain, Lula and Gadsden Railroad Company. The bill of Mr. Johnson, of Echols, to in corporate the town of Tarver or Echols. The bill of Mr. Rawls, to change the man ner of electing tlie trustees of the Effingham Academy. The bill of Mr. Adams, of Elbert, to au thorize the Elberton Male College to sell certain lands. The bill of Mr. Adams, of Elbert, to au Ihorize the trustees of Elberton Female Col lege Institute to sell the property of the In stitute. The House then adjourned. In tho Senate. In the Senate to-day the following bills passed. To provide for the appointment and com missioning of a Surgeon for each light bat tery of artillery of volunteers. To make the license to sell liquor in Eman uel county SIO,OOO. To authorize Ordinaries to issue fl. fas. for fees and costs in their courts. To allow prohibition counties to keep a dispensary for tho sale of liquors for modi einal and sacramental purposes. Mr. Daniel called for the yeas and nays on the passage of the bill. The yeas were ill and the nays were 8, so the bill passed. Mr. Hawke* gave notice of motion to re consider. On account of all the business before the Senate being exhausted, and as nothing more could he done until some business came from the House, the Senate adjourned until Monday. STATE CAPITAB SIFTINGS. Dr. W. G. Owens Dead -Convicts Re moved to Dade County. Atlanta, Ga., Kept. 30.—Dr. W. G. Owens, one of Atlanta’s most promi nent physicians, died this morning after a critical illness of several days. At one time he was a professor of the Southern Medical College. He will Is' buried to-mor row by the Knights of Honor, of which he was a member. Seventy convicts of James M. Smith that have been at work on the Covington and Macon railroad have been removed to Sena tor Brown's eoal mines in Dade county. Jessie W. Rankin, J. C. Hollman, David A. Boatie, and William A. Clayton were today elected additional directors of the Capital City Bank. Philip Breithenbaeher and Jacob Vaughn, upon the recommendation of Police Judge Anderson, have been excused from serving their sentence of twenty-five days in the city stockade, upon the payment of a fine imposed for selling liquor at their wine rooms. SWANN IN THE SYNDICATE. The Central Said to be in Good Luck in Getting Him. Nf.w York, Kept 30.—The Georgia Cen tral syndicate has been in almost continuous session for the past three days. The only result yet known is that James Swann, of Inman, Swann & Cos., has been admitted to the combination. This is regarded as a valuable addition to the list of strong names which previously constituted the syndicate. It doubly identities the widely known and enormously rich firm of Inman, Swann & Cos. with the combination, and practically insures the complete successor any future plan t hat may lie adopted. Irunann, Swann & Co.’s strength in all matters with which ttiqy are connected is greatly augmented by the perfect harmony in which the leading members of the co-partnership work. Mr. Swann is a gentleman of large private fortune, though exceedingly modest and quiet in the man agement of his affairs. in all matters of magnitude he ads in hearty co-operation with his partner, John 11. Inman. The two make a team of rare ability, influence anil financial resources. James Swann would to day be a man of far greater uronAiance In the metropolis if he did not so liersisU'ntly pull track from anything like personal parade. In circles, however, where conservatism, sagacity and financial respon sibility are estimated most highly he has a place of enviable distinction and strong in fluence. His admission to the Central syn dicate does not involve the withdrawal of any one of the previous members. Sylvania’s School. SvLVANfA, Ga., Kept. 30.—Tho fall term of the Sylveniu Academy opened Tuesday morning. Prof. J. M. F. Erwin has been principal of this school for the past twelve months, anti the trustees have engaged his services for the ensuing year. Miss Rosa Douglas leaves to-day to attend boarding school in Charleston. A Mill Burned at Hartwell. Hartwell, Ga., Sept- About 4 o’clock this evening Smith Bros., mill at this place was totally destroyed by fire. The building caught near the top from sparks from the engine. The loss is about $3,000, with uo irrv.. tutee. SUMMONED TO APPEAR. Lord Mayor Sullivan and Mr. O’Brien to be in Police Court. Dublin, >Spt. ;*.—Timothy D. Sulli van, Lord Mayor of Dublin, who is proprietor of several newspapers, and William O’Brien, publisher of United Ireland have been summoned to mri“nr in Police Court on Widnesday noin\to answer a charge of pub lishing reports of the doings of the sup pressed branches of the National League. Gormany to Indemnify the Widow. Paris, Sept. ISO. —Count von Munster, the German Ambassador, has informed M. Flouruus that the German government, w ithout awaiting tho issue of the judicial inquiry, has decided to grant an indemnity to the widow of the gamekeeper who wtis shot. The amount is to be fixed later. KAUKMANN UPHELD. Berlin, Sept. SO. —The Conservative and most of the Government newspapers hero compare the German with the French ver sion of the frontier incident and approve Kaufniann's act, declaring that he otfly obeyed inst ructions. Succumbed to Cholera. Rome, Sept. tk).—During the last twenty four hours .TJ new cases of cholera and 27 deaths wore reported in Messina, and 5 cases and !3 deaths in Catania. < PRICE tO 4 4 EAR. I i a < eats a copv. f PUTTING IN’ A BIG BILL. THE PACIFIC ROAD ASKS THB COMMISSION FOR SIOO,OOO. An Insinuation by the Counsel for tha Corporation That the Commissioners Intended to Try to Charge Illegal Expenses to the Government—A Denial by the Commissioners New York, Kept. 30. -In the course of tho Pacific railroad investigation today Commissioner Anderson asked Counselor A. A. Cohen if ho was ready to produce tho check stubs drawn by Mr. Huntington between 187 t! and 1880, and the letter pre .s books of the Central Pacific’s New York office for the same time. Mr. Coben replied that ho had not. It was none of his busi ness. Commissioner Anderson—Aro you not present as a representative of the Central Pacific railroad i Mr. Cohen—l am. Mr. Anderson- -Then this commission asks von as such representative to produce tha exhibits called for. A BILL AGAINST THE COMMISSION. Mr. < 'ohen—l don't feel called upon to do so, and have not communicated your desire to the company. I will attempt the produc tion when my client directs me so to do. The Central Pacific railroad has already ex pended nearly SIOO,OOO for the transporta tion of the food and wine of this commis sion, and also in providing an immense mass of documentary evidence. I don’t feel that the railroad should be called upon to pay out any more money for this commission until it, has shown some evidence of an in tention even to consider the claim we have against it now. Mr. Anderson—This is mere evasion of the question. COHEN GROWS HOT. Mr. Cohen—No, sir. It is not, and I will not jiermit you to use such language in ad dressing me, Mr. Anderson. The act which authorizes your appointment does not allow you to abuse any one, or act in any other than a gentlemanly manner, and you shall not address me in any other way. Mr. Anderson replied that the answer was nevertheless an evasion, and again made a demand upon the Central Pacific railroad , through Air. Cohen for the exhibits called for. Mr. Cohen again reverted to the bill against the commission, and, drawing a copy from bis pocket, was very anxious to read the items. THE COMMISSIONERS OBJECT. A chorus of negatives from the commis sion was the answer to his request. The commission said that it wanted the bill laid before it so that it could determine just what the government should, and what it should not, say of the claim under the con tract with the railroad, which was an ar rangement by which the members of the commission were to pay any individual claim. Commissioner Littler said that he did not propose that the government should pay for the transportation of his wife because she accompanied hi in. ALL THAT IT ASKS. Gov. Pattison said that the commission had called for an itemized bill under this contract, and desired to lie in the same po sition as any other person or persons in its dealings with the railroad. Mr. Cohen said he would present the hill at the afternoon session of the commission. Commissioner Anderson desired to know if the Central Pacific railroad proposed to attempt to place the members of the com mission in the position of desiring the gov ernment to pay for the eutertaininent of their wives and children, and Mr. Cohen re plied that he knew nothing about the mats ter further than the bill that had been sente him for presentation. At the afternoon session Gov. asked Mr. Cohen to read the bill for trails* portation incurred by the commission. Mr. Cohen declined, but Gov. Pattison insisted, because Mr. Cohen had made soma statements reflecting on the commission, amt the bill was read, thus: For the commission projier $1,917 For engineers 5.'77 Gov. Pattison said that when the bills were passed upon the money would be paid. Then the commission adjourned, subject to the call of the chair. SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS. An Attempt at Galveston to Stop Their Publication. Galveston, Sept. 30.—C01. R. G. Low, of the Galveston Xnrs was arrested tbi* afternoon charged wit h laboring on Sunday in violation of the law and with "compell ing and obliging his employes to labor on Sunday.” Col. lowe refused to give hail and was temporarily released on parol pending a hearing to-morrow before Crim inal 1 )istrict Judge Cook on a writ of hahea3 corpus. The last Legislature passed a sweeping Sunday law. and through its editorial columns the .Veins has urgently demanded strict enforcement of the law. Numerous minor arrests have been made during the past month, but this attempt to enforce the law against the .Vrm.v for pub lishing a Sunday issue excites general inter est here and throughout Texas. Col, fowe proposes to carry tho case to the Supreme Court on the ground that the special ex emption to sell Sunday newspapers carries with it the right to publish them on Sunday. __ MUST PAY THE PENALTY. A Motion for Arrest of Judgment Overruled in Louisiana. New Orleans, Sept. 30. — A dispatch from Baton Rouge to the Picayune, says; “The motion in arrest of judgment in tha case of the State against William A. Strong, ex-Necretary of State, convicted of the em bezzlement of State funds, was overruled by Judge Burgess to-day. and Strong was sen tenced to two years at hard labor in the penitentiary and fined $4,350, which Amount was ordered to be restored to the State. Strong him a careworn expression, showing that he has suffered greatly since his con viction." Racing at Brooklyn. New York, Sept. .>O. —Following is a sum marry of to-day's races at the Brooklyn Jockey Club's grounds: First Rack Mile Favor won w ith Theodo sius second and Miss Fol and third. Time MUG. H econo Race Five eighths of a mile. Speed well won with Ballstou second and King Idle third. TimeldM. Third Rack One and one eighth miles. Diadem won. with Harvard second and Bessie June third. Tjtpe 2:00. Fourth WjM, (>ne and one elvhth miles. Grey Cloud won, with Volante second and Eolao third. Time 1:69. Finn Rack Three quarters of a mile. Brad ford won, with Peart Jennings second and Mute third. Time 1:17. Sixth Rack One and one sixteenth miles. Joe Mitchell won. with Belmont second and Orlando tnird. Time I:.V4j. Perils or the Deep Wife (in the cabin, seriouslyl- What 's the trouble on deck, Charlie? Yacht Owner The ilh sheet is lost over board. Wife Well, why don t ihey come and lake one ooi of Lhe stateroom*.' Tid-RUs.