The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 09, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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t >i • '.vi,. savan'va:i m vrket. OFFK'K Ol’ THK MORNIW NEWS, I Savannah. Ua.. Oct. 8,4 p. m. l Con 'JN -Tint riuu kct was firm with a good flfatii'i lat quotations. The salos for tljo day w ,. n . 485 bains. On ’Change at the opening i-ail, at 10 a. m., tin' market was reported quiet and unchanged, with sales of 4-'4 bales. At the second call, at 1 |>. m.. it was Arm, the sales l„,j nK !,B:>r> hales. At the third aud last call, a t 4n. in., it closed flrin aud unchanged, with further sales of UB6 bales. The following are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair !> 1-16 (to il middling Middling R-H Eon iniddliug. 8 9-16 s ;„a Island- -The market was very quiet and unch-inTd. There were no sales reported dur the day. We quote: i vimmon U%®l7 Medium t IS flood * 16 Kino 19t4®90 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Oct. 8, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. ! 1887-88. j I 1886-87. ! u77ip ,and Stock ou hand Sept. 1 j 575| 6.818 1.149) 4,3<) Received to-day 472| 8,6731 492 7,427 Received previously 588 j 228,841 424 149,967 j Total 4,635 214.332! I 2,066 161.6981 Exported to-day 20( 4,125 ; 138 1,512 Exported previously 263 132.543! i 308 72,231' j Total 2831 186.668'; _ 4461 78.743[ i?tork on hand and on ship i board this day li 1,352 107,061, 1,019. 87,953 Rice —The market was quiet but steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were 262 barrels. Tiie following are the official quota tions of the Board of Trade. Small job lots are held higher: Fair *% Good -•• • • • 4 %('/4% Prime— 5 (&5% Rough- Tide water Si 10® 1 2o Naval Stores- The market for spirits turpen tine was very tirm and advancing. There was a good demand, and fully 700 casks changed bands during the day at 31c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 31c for regu lars. At the closing call it was firm at 31c for regulars. Rosin— I The market continues quiet, hut steady and unchanged. There was a fail inquiry, the sales being about 1,260 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the tlrst call the market was reported steady at the following quotations: A. B. C and D 90c, E 96c, F 97%e, G and H 81 00, I SI 05. K Si 25. M Si 35. N Si 55, window glass $2 10. water white $2 60. At the closing call it was unchanged. naval stores statement. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77.408 Received to-day 437 1,245 Rjeeived previously 123,808 313,253 Total 126,788 391,906 Exported to-day 1,900 4,917 Exported previously 114,111 323,503 Total 116,011 328.420 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 10,i <7 63,486 Recsipts same day last year... 683 1,202 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Oct. 8, noon. Stocks active but weak. Money easy at 4 per cent. Exchange -loog, $4 79fc* 1 8U; short, $4 84® 4 84%. State bonds dull but steady. Government bonds dull and heavy. 5:00 p. m —Exchange dull but steady. Money palsy at 4 per cent., closing at 4. Sub-Treasury balances- Gold, §132,318,000; currency $12,831.* OX). Government bonds dull and rather heavy; four per cents 124%; four and a half per cents I<)**4. State bonds dull but steady. The stock market was quite feverish find regular, but generally weak to-day. on ales chiefly for short account, though some of the active stocks met with excellent support. The temper of the room was bearish, and London had selling orders in most of its specialties. The most important drive was made at Pacific Mail, which dropped rapidly 1% percent., and was followed by* Manitoba and St. Paul and Duluth, the latter suddenly dropping 3 per cent. Western Union and trunk lines, with the exception of Erie, were quite firm, however, and good buying was noticed ail over the list after the first break. The news of the day was of no special importance, and dealings were marked by few features of interest. The open- mg was weak at declines ranging up to % per cent , and on moderate business soon declined from %(8)1% per cent. Farther on, under the lead of Pacific Mail and Manitoba, a slight re action occurred in the first hour, but the down ward movement was quickly resumed ami still lower prices were reached in the entire list. St. Paul being specially prominent in the decline. St. Paul and Duluth suddenly dropped 3 per cent, just at the close, which was fairly active hut heavy at or near the lowest prices reached. Everything is lower, and Pacific Mail lost 1% per cent.; Erie, Manhattan and Omaha 1 per cent. each, and the remainder fractional amounts. The following were the closing quota tions: Ala. class A, 2to 5.104% New Orleans Pa- Ala. class B, ss. 104% cific, Ist mort... 81 Georgia 7s, rnort. .105% N. YCent'al 106% N. Carolina 65—120% Norf. & W. prof... 40 N. Carolina 4s 95 Nor. Pacific 21% So. Caro. (Brown) “ prof .. 46% consols 105 Pacific Mail 36*v^ TennasseeCs Reading 60% Virginiafis 48 Richmond & Ale.. 6 Va. consolidated. *5 ) Richmond & Danvlso Ch'peake& Ohio. 5% Richrn'd £ W. Pt. Chic. <i Northw'n.lo9% Terminal 23% “ preferred.. .140 Rock Island 114 Dela., Lack A W.. 125% St. Paul 74% Erie t 27% ** preferred .113 East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 23% new stock 10% Tenn. Coal *£ Iron. 24% Lake Shore 93 Union Pacific 50% L'ville&Nash 59% N. J. Central 71% Memphis & Char. 49 Missouri Pacific... 92% Mobile & Ohio 10% Western Union... 77% Nash. A Chatt’a.. 70 CottonOilTrust cer 26% ♦Asked. The weekl v statement of the associated hanks, issued by the clearing house today, shows the following changes: Reserve decreased $ 904.350 Loans increased 3,393,3 h) Specue df*creased 170,3 X) L‘gal tenders increaseii 403,0 )0 Deposits increased 4,548,2^) Circulat ion decreased 15,70< > Banks now hold $8,112,650 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. cotton. Liverpool. Oct. 8, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton steady a, d iu fair demand; middling uplands 5 3-10d, middling Orleans 5 5-16d; 10,<)O) bales, for speculation and export 10,0*X) bales; receipts j.lOn bales—all American. Futures -Uplands, low middling clause. Octo ber delivery 5 5 C4<l; October and No vember 5 o-64(q)5 3-64d: November and Decem ber 5 3 2-64(1; December and .Jumiary 5 3 6id, also 5 2-6ld; January and February • 2-64d; February ari(i March 5 4*64(1, jdx" 5 3-64d; March and April 5 7 641, also f>s 64d; April and May 5 9-64(3k5 H-641; May u cl Junes li-64d, also 5 10-64d. Market dull at the decline. 1 p. m.~The sales to-day included 8,490 bales ol American. Futures -Uplnnds, low middling clause, Octo ber delivery 5 5-64d; October and November 5 3 64(1; November and December 52-64d; De ceml>er and January 5 2-64d; January and February 52-6ld; B'ebruary and March 5 3-64d, buyers; March and April 5 5-64 J, buyers; April and May 5 7 64d, value; May and June 5 9-o4d, v alue. Market close,d we/xk. • csterday's sales w.M'e increased by late busi ness by j,SOG bales Brazilian and 500 Surat us. New York, Oct. 8. noon.—Cotton quiet; mid fl‘hig uplands 9 7-16 c, middling Orleans 9 9-16 c; fcdoH m l)ales. Futures—Market opened firm, closed steady, jvitdi sales as follows: October delivery 9 32(Q) jj ;370, November 9 25(5)9 3Jc, December 9 * 30c, January 9 82t3)9 37c, February 9 46c. March 9 ssc. •>:(K) p. in.—Market closed quiet; middling uplands 9 7-10 e, middling Orleans 9 9-16 c; aales 990 bales, last evening 46; net nx*eipts l >alcs, gross 2.018 bales. 1* utures—Market closed st<‘ady, with sales of f9.800 bales, as follows: October delivery 9 37c; November 9 30c. December 9 30c, January J 3c, February 9 40c, March 9 56c, April 9 6:lc, May 9 70c. .*?L ,een & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: The contract market for cotton has shown fair animation and cpnsjdei able strength during ‘ v ’• gr ater portion of the day. Cable was a trifle easier, but the principal influence came tVoui tun crop report furnished at New i irleans, ini eating some reduction in the percentage and speaking less encouragingly of the top crop than anticipated. This alarmed shorts working on close margins, and created a cover ing demand on which points were secured. A full gain, however, was not supp >rted, and at the close, while the tone appeared steady, it was at 2tf£,3 points shading from extreme figures, and buyers evidently less plenty." Galveston, Oct. B.— Cotton firm; middling 8 11-l6c; net receipts 4,621 bales, gross 4.621; sales 1.172 bales; stock 57,388 bales; exports, to Great Britain 6,010 4 wiles. Norfolk, Oct. B.—Cotton firm: middling 9c; net receipts 2,776 bales, gross 2.776; sales bales; stock 17,553 bales; exports, coast wise 1,194 bales. Baltimore. Oct. B.— Cotton quiet but steady; middling 9 3-16 c; net receipts 2 bales, gross 514; sales none; stock 3,827 bales; sales to spinners 25 bales; exports, coastwise 31 bales. Boston, Oct. S.—Cotton quiet; middling 9%c; net receipts 202 bales, gross 202; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, Oct. B.—Cottonsteady; middling 8*4,0; net receipts 3.128 bales, gross 3,128; sales none; stock 20,461 bales; exports, to Great Bri tain 3.800 hales, coastwise 34. Philadelphia, Oct. B.—Cotton dull; middling 9%c; net receipts none, gross none; stock 3,209 bales. New Orleans, Oct. B.—Cotton firm; mid dling 8 13-16 c; net receipts 10,392 bales, gross 11,902; sales 5,250: stock 110,413 bales; exports, coastwise 2,473 bales. Mobile, Oct. B.—Cotton firm; middling 8 11-1 Go; net receipts 2,120 bales, gross 2,360; sales 1,000 bales; stock 12,014 bales; exports, coastwise 1,500 bales. Memphis, Oct. B.—Cotton steady; middling 8*440; receipts 4.558 bales; shipments 3,708; sales 3,350; stock 50.273 bales. Augusta, Oct. B.—Cotton quiet; middling B%c; receipts 2,369 bales; sales 1.131 bales. Charleston, Oct. B.— Cotton steady; middling 8 1116 c; net receipts 3,810 bales, gross 5,810; sales 1,000: stock 40.229 bales; exports, to Great Britain 3,861 bales, to the continent 5,400, coast* wise 1.769. New York, Oct. B.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 43,192 bales; exports, to Great Britain 13,677 bales, to the continent 5,400; stock at al! American ports 429,990 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,731,358 bales, of which 1,172,658 bales are American, against 1.337,332 and 973,583 bales, resjieetively. last year. Receipts at all interior towns for the week 163,298 bales. Re ceipts from plantations 280,224 bales. Crop in sight, 1,104,598 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool, Oct. 8,12:30 p. m. -Wheat quiet but steady, with fair demand: holders offer men** rately. Corn firm; new mixed Western 4s 7%d. Bacon, long clear 43s 6d; short clear 435. Lard, prime Western 33s 6d. New York, Oct. 8, noon.—Flour quiet but steady. Wheat unchanged. Com easier. Pork dull; mess $l5 00(2)15 25. Lard steady at $0 85. ()Id mess pork steady at $1 4 25(&14 50. Freights dull. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern quiet and un changed. Wheat—options ruled very dull dur ing the entire session; prices were steady at the outset but afterwards weakened and declined closing heavy; spot generally firm: No. 2 red, October delivery 81 ki(&Bl%c, November 82g;82 1 4C, May BHyj vvSB*v. closing 88(40. Corn quiet but firm: options dull, but without quota ble change*: No. 2. October delivery 52%c; No vember 52%e; May 53% <■' 53%c, closing at 53%c Oats a shade easier but less active; No. 2, Octo ber delivery 32%(fji.33c; November 33%c; No. 2, spot 32%(g,33c: mixed Western 31(g)&4c. Coffee, fair Rio, on spot firm at 19%c; options about 10 points higher, closing firm; No. 7 Rio, October delivery 17 3oc; November 17 3.3c, May 17 30(3)17 35c Sugar firm but quiet; refined firm. Molasses quiet and nominal. Cottonseed oil quoted at 33c for crude, 42@43c for refined. Wool quiet and generally steady; domestic fleece 26(&34c, pulled 14(f032c, Texas 9(3)22e. Pork dull. Beef quiet and unchanged. Hams steady and quiet. Tierced ivef dull: city India mess 14(g) 15c. Cut meats dull and weak. Mid dles dull and nominal. Lard a shade higher but very quiet: Western steam, on spot $6 ho. No vember delivery $6 59(5)6 61, May $6 88 Freights steady. Chicago. Oct. B.— The principal interest on 'Change to-day was in the wheat pit. The mar ket was in the hands of the local crowd and the tactics of Thursday were repeated, with like success on the part of bears, a decline of %(3.?4C under hard pounding. November opened at 71%c and sold down to 70%e; December started at ?2%c. the closing point on Friday, and sold at 73c and then down to 72%c, reacting to 72%c t hirty minutes before the close. May opened off a point at 78*4c aud declined %c to 77%e. The lowest prices of the day were 'reached just, at the close, when October sold at 6964 c. November at 70 %c, Decem!>er at 72%e and May at T7%c. Corn was quiet ami little changed. Fluctua tions in futures were not outside of %e. Re ceipts were quite liberal—s2s cars. There were few outside orders and business in the pit was limited. O *tober closed at 40%c, November sold at 42%fi 42,Hjc; December closed at 42c. aud May sold from 4544 b to 45%0, closing at the outside. Oats were lifeless. Values seemed inclined to be a little easier, but limited trading prevented any essential change. 111 the provision market the yellow fever scar*' in Florida was used to knock October short ribs off 27%c from yester day's close, but the purchase of a few small lots by scalpers caused a rally of 15c. sal*** were 12%c lower than yesterday at $6 20. Lard exhibited considerable firmness and advanced 2%e. October sold at $6 47%(&G 50, November at $6 32% and closed at $6 30: January at $6 35(&6 37%. January i>ork declined sc, but reacted 2%. closing at $l2 27%. Gash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat. No. 2 spring 69%(?2) 69(4c; No. 2 red 71%c. Corn, No. 2, 42%c l>i<F. Oats, No. 2. 25%c. Mess pone, per barrel, $l4. per 100 lbs, $6 52%(ff 6 55. Short rib sides, loose, $T 30. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 20 o*s 30; short clear sides, boxed, $7 70(2,7 75. Whisky $1 10. Leading futures range 1 as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— Oct. delivery. .. 70 70 68% Nov. delivery.... 71% 70% 70% May delivery 78% 78% 77% Corn, No. 2 Oct. delivery.... 42% 42% 42% Nov. delivery.... 42% 42% 42% May delivery.. . 45% 45% 45% Oats. No. 2 Oct. delivery 25% 26 25% Nov. delivery.... 20U 26% ‘26% May delivery 29% 30 30 Mess Pork— Year, per barrel.sl2 00 $ $ Jan. delivery.... 12 27% 12 27% 12 27% Lahd—- Oct. delivery $6 50 $6 50 $6 50 Nov. delivery — 6 27% 6 32% 6 30 Jan. delivery 6 35 6 37% 6 37% Short Ribs— Oct. delivery $7 20 $7 35 $7 35 Jan. delivery — 6 20 6 25 6 20 Baltimore. Oct. B.—Flour firm, active demand; Howard street and Western superfiue $2 37 2 75, extra $3 00:3)3 6>, family $3 85'5)4 35, city mills superfine $2 37(3)2 62, extra $3 00(Q)3 50; Rio brands 5). Wheat Southern quiet but firm; red 89(g)32e; amber 82<&S4c; Western lower, closing dull; No. 2 winter red, on spot 79<&79%c. Cora—Southern firm but dull; white 58®60c, yellow Western firmer but dull. St. Louis. Oct. B.—Flour firm but dull. Wheat —No. 2 red, cash 70%@71%e; October de livery 70%(&70%c\ closing at 7(>%c; May 79% (& 78c. Corn firm: cash 40%(g)40%c: Octoberde livery 40c: May 41%®41%c. Oats steady: cash 24%c. October delivery 24%c. May 2844 c. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions lower: Pork insu lar: $l4 50 for new mess. s6 40. Dry salt meats—boxed shoulders $5 67%, long clear sides $7 50, clear ribs $7 67%. short clear $7 30(3). 7 35. Bacon—boxed shoulders $6 37%, long clear $8 50, clear ribs $8 50. short clear $8 55(3)9 00. Hams steady at $12(9)11. Cincinnati, Oet. B.—Flour dull. Wheat lower; No. 2 red 76c. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed 4.5 c. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed 28%c. Provisions— Perk quiet: repacked $l4 25. Lard firm at $6 40. Bulk meats firmer; short rib $7 75. Bacon easier; short rib £8 75, short clear $9 25. Whisky steady at $1 05. Hogs qiuet. Louisville, Oct. B.—Provisions quiet: Bacon —clear rib sides s•> 87%. clear sides $9 50, shoulders $6 37%. Bulk meats—clear rib sides $:) 50, shoulders $5 75. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar cured. $l2 50 for large and small average. Grain -Wheat quiet; No. 2 red winter, ou spot 74c. Corn, No. 2mixed, 4i%c. Oats, No. 2 mixed 27%c. New Orleans, Oct. B. — Coffee in light de mand; Rio cargoes and common to prime 21 %c. Cotton see 1 products dull and nominal; prime crude oil summer yellow 37@3Sc. Sugars scarce and firm; Louisiana new centrifu gals, choice yellow clarified 6%c, prime yellow clarifiedo%c. Molasses ajnrco but firm; Lou isiana open kettle, new prime to strictly prune 6oc; Louisiana syrup 39®45c. naval srons. London. Oct. B.—Spirits turpentine 25s 7%d. New York, Oct. 8, noon. —Spirits turpentine firm at 33% a ’>3He. Rosiu firm at $1 05® 1 12%. 5:0) p. m.—Rosin steady at $1 05(y)l12%. Tur pentine steady at 33%e. Charleston, Oct. B.—Spirits turpentine quiet at 3 )%o bid. Rosin firm: good strained 85c. Wil’minoton, Oct. B.—Spirits turpentine firm at 31c. Rosin firm; strained 75c, good strained 80c. Tar firm at $1 30. Crude turpen tine firm; liard $1 00; yellow dip $1 65; vir gin $1 65. RICE. New York, Oct. B.—Rice steady. New Orleans, Oct. 8.-Rice unchanged. Circular from Hubbard, Price & Cos. (Through John 8. Ernent. Southern \fana<jer.) New York. Oct. 8.-Cotton has certainly fur nLVed two 6Ui3vi*OA to-dav. The first in the THE MOKXING NEWS: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 0, 1887. advices from Liverpool, where an advance was expected, and the second iu New York, where the foreign advices were expected to furnish the ammunition for an assault ou prices. (Mir cables state that Liverjxxd exjxvts a bureau report of 79, and that they are no longer dis posed to follow the advance. The large spot sales in that market are strange iu the face of the indisposition uf buyers to go on with pur chases from this side, and we find the same state of affairs existing in the South from the frev offers made this afternoon The Cotton WovUi (succeeding the National Cotton Ex change) furnished an estimate of the condition of the crop, giving it at 80.1, with the following averages by States: Virginia 83, North Carolina 85, South Carolina 85, Georgia 80, Florida hi. Alabama 81, Mississippi 80, Louisiana 81. Arkun sas77. Tennessee 76, Texas 78. This report is thought to foreshadow the bureau report ex l>ect**d on Monday, and it has had the effect of strengthening our future market. The market has been hardening on the entire day, and sell ers have been few and far between, so that the execution of orders of any magnitude has been difficult, while the greater part of our larger operators do not seem disposed to follow the advance. The rise of the past week has been so constant as to prevent them from taking a stand ou the short side. They think an advance at the moment would be premature, when Europe shows so plainly a disposition to refrain from buying on the basis now reached. We should say the feeling In the Exchange is one of fear to fight the advance further, but that this disposition without support from outside cor ners may lead to reaction. % SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATUre das Sun Risks 5:59 SuhSets 5 :36 High Water at Savannah. .. .12 21 a u. 1:01 p u Sunday, Oct 9, lt>B7. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta. Catharine, New York—C G Anderson, Agent. Schr Island City, Voorhees, Baltimore, with merchandise to order; vessel to Dale, Dixon & Cos. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTERDAY. Bark Mustang (Nor), Birkeland, Santos, in ballast—Holst & Cos. ARRIVED AT TYBEE YESTERDAY. Bark Aouila (Aus), Tichiaz, Genoa, in ballast— M S Cosulich & Cos. CLE ARE D* YESTERDAY. Steamship Nacooohee, Kempton, New York— C G Andersop. Bark Sirena(Aus), Cosulish, Genoa—M S Cosu lich & Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY Steamship A moor (Br), Liverpool. MEMORANDA. New York, Oct 6—Cleared, bark John F Rott man, Nash. Fernandina; sclir Andrew Nebinger, Smith, King's Ferry Sailed, steamships Edinburgh (Br), Brunswick: Tonawanda, Darien. Genoa, Oct 2—Arrived, ship Indus (Ital), Riek etti, Pensacola. Prawle Point, Oet 6—Passed, bark Livingstone (Nor), Sakkestadt, Pensacola for Delfzyl. Apalachicola, Oct 6—Arrived, bark Fredsal (Nor), Norlierg, Buenos Ayres \ia Pensacola; schr Anna Cook, Galveston. Boston, Oct o—Arrived, sehrs L A Burnham. Watts, 6t Simon's, Ga; Agues I Grace, Hatch, Port Royal, S C. Baltimore, Oct o—Cleared, schr City of Jack sonville, Stillwell, Jacksonville. Cape Henry, Oct s—Passed, schr, supposed the San Domingo, Bennett, from Feruandina for Washington, D C. Georgetown, I) C, Oct 6—Arrived, schr E A Gaskill, Wilson, Fernandina. Fernandina, Oct 6—Arrived, brig Leonora, Monroe, Brunswick; schr Bessie Whiting, Day ton. New York. Jacksonville, Oct 4 Arrived, sehrs Red Wing, Johnson, Bangor; Ida C Schoolcraft, Booye, Philadelphia. Cleared, schr E V Glover, Ingersoll. New York. Philadelphia, Oct <s—Arrived, sehrs Pearl of Orr's Island, Cbristopben, St Augustine; Wm H Hopkins, Barrett, Paiatka. Delaware Breakwater, Oct s—Passed out, steamship Cartagena (Kr). Philadelphia for Sa vannah. Portsmouth, N H, Oct 6—Sailed, schr Peter H Crowell, Olsen, Fernandina, to load for New York. Vineyard Haven, Oct 6 Arrived, sehrs Mag gie G ft art. Williams, Boston for Brunswick: Bloomer, Buell, Boothbay for Pensacola; former sailed. Fernandina, Oct B—Arrived and cleared to re turn, steamship Yemassee, Platt. New York; arrived, bark New Zealand (Nor), Johnsen, Buenos Ayres: sehrs Henry P Mason, Percy, and ('has F Fabens, Howe, Boston; Emma Heather. Lacy. Philadelphia. New York, Oct 8- Arrived out, steamship La Gascogne. New York for Havre; Weiland, New York for Hamburg. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad, Oet 8—6,794 bales cot ton. 10 hales yarn, 15 bales domestics. 2 pkgs paj>er. 20 bales hides, 8 rolls leather, 1,003 lbs feathers, (K) pkgs tobacco, 2,804 lbs bacon, 115 bbls rosin, 18 bbls spirits turpentine, 10 bbls meal, 545 lbs fruit. 2u bf bbls beer. 180 qr bbls beer, 15 bbls whisky. 30 bbls flour, 109 head hogs, 2 horses, 43 bushels rice, 13 cars lumber, 105 tons pig iron, 4 pkgs machinery, 134 pkgs mdse, 3 pkgs carriage material. 2? bales paper stock. 6 pkgs empties, 50 bbls cotton seed oil, 7 cars cot ton seed. 88 keys w lead. 57 pkgs hardware, 17 bales plaids. 82 cases eggs. 9 cafs coal. Per Savannah, Florida anJ Western Railway, Oct 8—2,06-1 1 wiles cotton. 43 > bbls rosin. 271 bbls spirits turpentine, 17 cars lumber. 1 car wheels. 1 car wood, 413 empty kegs, 49 empty bbls, 17 bales hides, 1 car iron. 1 car cattle, 16 bbls whisky, 35 pkgs paper, 117 boxes oranges, and mdse. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, Oct 8—67 bales cotton, 54 bbls rosin. 1 car furniture, 14 bbls potatoes, 10 bbls rice. 15 sacks iieanuts 51 caddies tobacco. 10 boxes tobacco. 16 cases goods, 3 bbls whisky. 10 bdls brooms. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff and way landings—274 bales cotton. 150 bbls rosin, 62 bids spirits turpentine, 1 bbl bottles, 3 bbls potatoes, 1 pkg harness. 1 bdl bedding 2 coops chickens, 2 boxes eggs, 1 bbl eggs, 1 bale hides, 41 sacks rice. EXPORTS. Per bark Sireua (Am), for Genoa—3.Bls bbls resin, weighing 1,751,890 pounds; 8,400 white oak staves. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff and way landings -J W Boykin, Miss Boykin, Mas ter Boykin. RH Ex ley. Miss Rushing, Miss S Mfttzvar. Mrs Ex ley. Miss Arnold. Per steamship City Augusta, from New York —L J Dinkier. V L Silva. Capt Blair and wife, Catherine Cusker, Miss G Gurney, Miss M En gel hard t, Miss Z Abbott, A K D donest. U Fuller, P Hurley. A W Sandlev, M J Lutz, J K Russell, Miss L Deßenne, A \V Davis, Mrs J K Russell and child. Mrs II J Porter, J (’ Crocker and wife, W II Hatsenplug, C H MBs K Ilassenplug, Miss .1 Hassenplug, K Deßeane, A B Jeffers, W A Gilberr, Mis* E Warfield, Mrs D B Hull and infant, M Livingston and wife. Dyer Pearle and wife, J M Alexander and wife, G A Whitehead Jr. tf A Schreiner. Miss M Sagers, Mrs A M Sagers, Mrs M A Hammond, 13 Joseph, Miss L J Gould, Miss.N Waring, Mrs G Hollinshed, Mrs G Hutchinson, ESastmAn, J W Burke Steerage—E Rodriauez, II Shagen, T Hark, E 31 Brav. J Gunner, w Fien. F Friesen. H Atkinson, (' Hartfelder, N Olsen, W McFall, J Me Fall, J Knox, P Griffin. Jersey City will have a tax rate of $2 90 per S lOO the coining year. COTTON SEED WANTED. 21 CENTS Per Bushel (sl4 per ton) paid for good COTTON SEED Delivered in Carload Lots at Southern Cota Oil Cos. Mills —AT— SAVANNAH, GA., ATLANTA, GA., COLUMBUS, GA. Price subject to change unless notified of ac ceptance for certain quantity to bo shipped hy a ful nr- dale. Address nearest mill as above. CLOTHING. it the Head of the Heap! A ND only our second fall season. Being very xY busy since Sept. Ist with our Custom De partment, we have neglected to inform our Friends and the public at large that wo have on hand and ready for inspection one of tno most complete lines of CLOTHING For all shape men, boys and youths ever ex hibited in our Forest City. Our style of doiue business STRICTLY ONE PRICE TO ALL, with each and every article MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES (which has met with so much favor since we commenced busi ness! is sufficient to guarantee satisfaction in every respect. We have every department complete, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, to which we call particular attention to styles, assortment and prices. Our specials this season are as fo lows: Special Custom Department—Armenian Natu ral Wool Sanitary Underwear (recommended by all physicians), Screven's Patent Elastic Seam Drawers |to seat in) them is to buy them], Earl & Wilson’s Collars and Cuffs, Ward's Reversible Linen Covered Paper Collars, Chocolate Color Imitation Camel Hair Underwear, Miller's New York Fine Stiff and Silk Hats. Our buyer is at present in New York, where he will bi for the next ten days, ami the public can depend on anything new or novel in our line which has come out since the season opened. Remember the number, 163 CONGRESS STREET, opposite the market. APPEL & sen atl; ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND GENT’S FURNISHERS. FALL 1881 We are pleased to announce that we are now exhibiting samples from which to make selections for Clothing to Order, and feel confident that this season will add greatly to our already widespread popularity 10 this branch of our business. We are showing all the newest designs, colors and textures of materials, the l>est productions of foreign and domestic markets, and guaran tee stylish, easy and graceful fitting garments, thoroughly made, and at moderate prices. We would advise the placing of orders with us early, that the garments mav be finished in time. Although we have largely increased our facilities in this department we may not be able to keep pace with the demand later on. If goods do not please in every particular our customers are requested not to take them. Satisfaction is guaranteed. To our old customers we make the above an nouncement. satisfied with the result Of those who have never dealt with us we ask a trial. Respectfully, A. KICKABOUT AN ALL-WOOL SUIT WITH EXTRA PANTS AND CAP TO MATCH FOR BOYS FROM 4 TO 14 YEARS FOR 161 CONGRESS ST„ B. H. LEVY & BRO. STOVES AND FURNACES. Cold Weather. We are now getting in our HEATING STOVES, and have already commenced a run on them. Let us have your ordei-s and get everything fixed for the first cold snap without delay. LOVELL & LATTiiViORE, HARDWARE AND STOVES, Congress Strpnt, Savannah, On. REMOVAL We have removed to 167 Broughton, three doors west of Barnard (formerly oeeu pied by Mr. Cormack Hop kins.) COBHWELL & CHIPWAH. REAL E6TATV. W. J. MARSHALL. H. A. M'LSOO. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction aud General fomnissiou Merchants, •-DEALERS IK— Real Estate and Stocks and Bonds, Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF HOUSES AND COLLECTING RENTS. LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Mabsuui/h Omci, I Savannah, Ga., October 4th. IW. ( ON the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER, INBT, between the lawful hour, of sale, be fore the Court House door, in tile city of Saian nah. Chatham county. Georgia, and under the direction of the Committee on Public Rales and City I-iOta, will lie aold the following property, for arrears of ground rent due the Mayor and AJdeniien of the city < Savannah: J/>t number six (6 > Calhoun ward and the im provements thereon, ten (10/ <piarterK ground rent due by William M. Davidson ROBERT J. WADE, City Marshal. DRY (iOOHS, ECKST E IN’S! ELEGANT DISPLAY OF 1 Fall Novelties in Silks, Velvets, Robes and Dress Goods. We are Showing a Very Large and Superior Stock of Imported Silks in Surahs, Rhadames, Merveilleux, Gros Grains, Faille, Francaise, Armures, Ottomans, Moire, Brocade One Special Bargain in Surah, at sl. One Special Bargain in Gros Grains at Sse. One Special Bargain in Rhatlames at 75c, One Special Bargain in Armures at $1 85. One Special Bargain in Watered at #1 15. In Suit and Dress Goods we have this season the finest; assortment wo have ever brought out. MR. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN has spared neither time, labor or money to place before the ladies of Savannah the richest line of novelties of both imported and domestic manufactures. Fine Combination Suits $7 50 to S4O. Fine Plain and Fancy Suiting 15c. to $5 yard, Fine Fancy Velvets and Plushes 50c. to $lO yard. Special—One case Double Width Cashmeres 80c., worth 40c. One lot All-Wool Extra Wide Plain Colors and Fancy Dress Goods 49c. yard, worth 75c. One lot All-Wool 0-4 Tricots, in Navy Blue, Bottle Green, Seal Brown, Garnet, Gray, Tan and Black, at 70c. yard; they are sold everywhere else at 85c. FLANNELS for Sacks, FLANNELS for Wrappers, FLANNELS for Dress Goods, FLANNELS for Children's Dre-ses, FLANNELS for Infants’ Cloaks, FLANNELS for Genets’ Shirts, FLANNELS for Skirts. In fact we have the prettiest variety of Fancy Flalinels you could wish to see. Scarlet Medicated Flannel 35c. yard. Take a sample and see if you can match it at 45c. We are offering Fine White Wool Flannels at 50c. yard, inches wide. You can’t buy it regular under (Vic. Bargains in Fine California Wool Blankets, Crib, Cradle and Carriage Blankets. 11-4 White Wool Blankets at #:! 75, worth $5. 4-Button Roal Kid Gloves, in the new Tan Shades, Embroidered Backs, 75c. pair. The New Oxydized Silver anil White Metal Girdles 85c., 30c., 50c., 75c. Just Received a New Line of Gents’ Fall and Winter Suitings and Pantaloon Cloths. ECKSTEIN’S POPULAR STORES. MILLINERY. KUO USKOKF’S' Opeig of fc Fall Season 1881. However attractive and immense our previous season’s stock in Millinery has been, this season we excel all our previous selections. Every manufacturer and importer of note in the markets of the world is represented in the array, and display of Millinery goods. We are showing Hats in the finest Hatter’s Plush, Beaver, Felt, Straw and Fancy Combinations. Ribbons in Glacee, of all the novel shades. Fancy Birds and Wings, Velvets and Plushes of our own im portation, and we now offer you the advantages of our im mense stock. We continue the retail sale on our first floor at wholesale prices. We also continue to sell our Celebrated XXX Ribbons at previous prices. TO-DAY, 500 dozen Felt Hats, in all the new shapes and colors, at 35 cents. S. KROUSKOFFS MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOUSE, BROUGHTON ST. RANGES, STOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. CLARKE & DANIELS Dealers in Portable Ranges, Cooking, Parlor, Office and Laundry Stoves, and a nice line of House Furnishing Goods, Table Cutlery, Plated and Pearl Agate Ware, Coal Hods Sifters, etc. Also, agent for the celebrated Charter Oak, which is guaranteed to do absolutely perfect cooking, pro ducing the food juicy, tender and thoroughly cooked, and*a saving of 30 per cent, of the nutriment and cost attained with more economy of fuel and less labor than any cooking apparatus made Their appliance for heating water for pressure boilers is the simplest and most effective yet devised. Our Ranges and Stoves are selected for their conve nience, easy operation and durability. They are sold as cheap as any of the same quality, weight and finish can be sold. Our desire to please, combined with long practical expe rience at the business, enables us to warrant the successful operation of every one sold by us, or we will refund the money willingly. Call and examine or send for circular. GUARDS ARMORY, Corner Whitakar and York Streets, Savannah, G-eororia. TRUNKS AND SHOES. Low Quarter Shoes at Cost. *> In order to make room for our Large Fall Stock, which will soon be coming in, we have concluded to make a.rushing sale of the balance of our stock of GENTS’ FINE LOW QUARTER SHOES. We have sold our stock of these goods down closer this season than we have for years past, and being determined not to carry any over to next year, we offer to close them out AT MANUFACTURERS’ COST. Remember the old saying, “the early bird catches the worm,” so don’t wait until the best lots are gone. JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO., 135 RItO Uci IITON STREET . LOTTERY. 0k OmWiiiiOh ■ L,S,L. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. “TW do hereby certify that we. supervise the arrangements/or all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of the Louisiana state Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and u>e authorise the Company to use this certijk'ate, with f'U> similes of our signature* attached , in its adver tisements." Commissioners. We the vndersiqned Banks and Ba nkers wdl patj all Prizes drawn in the Louisiana State Lot teries iru he presented at rmr counters . J. H. OGLESBY, Pres. Louisiana Nat’l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat’l Bank. A. BALDWIN. Pres. .New Orleans Nat’l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank, itnprecedentecTattraction'. U Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated in 1 s>S for 2.% years by the Legis lature for Educational and CuArit&blo purposes —with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reservo fund of over sf>so.(V<o has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State con stitution, adopted December *id, A. D. IH7U. The only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single .\umher Drawing* taka place monthly, ami the Seinl-Alineal Draw inkn regularly every li.t month* (June and December). A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WII A FORTIFYB. TENTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS K, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. October 11, lkS7—'JOJth Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. (y Notice—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150.000.. $150,008 I GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000.. . 50,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000.... 20,000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000.... 30.000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000. .. 20,000 20 PRIZES OK 1,000 ... 20,000 50 PRIZES OF 500.. 25.000 100 PRIZES OF 300. .. 30,000 200 PRIZES OF 200.... 40,000 500 PRIZES OF 100.... 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of S3OO $30,000 100 “ “ 200,... 20,000 100 “ “ 100... 10,000 1.000 Terminal “ 50... 50,000 2,179 Prizes, amounting tj $535,000 Application for rates to elubs should be made only to the office of the Couu>any in New Or leans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nary fetter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. U. Address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. New Orleans, La. RFMFMRFR That the presence of Gen r\ L. I VI L. IVI DL. r\ era i s Beauregard and Early, who are in charge of the drawings, is a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity, tirnt the chances are all equal, and that no ona can possibly divine what number will draw a Prise. ItEMK.MHEH that the payment of all Prizes is 4l AHAYI'KKD BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets ara signed by the President of an Institution whoss chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any mutations or anonymous schemes. ( KM EXT " 11 RECEIVED! A CARCtO OF Portland Cement! DIRECT FROM EUROPE, —FOR SALE LOW BY— ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH, GA, PORTRAITS. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. 13. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager of the Great South ern Portrait Company. AN inspection of samples of our Portraits at our office, with Davis Bros., 42 and 44 Bull street, will greatly interest those who contem plate having small pictures of themselves, their friends, living and deceased, copied and enlarged Ui OIL, WATER COLOR. INDIA INK, PAS TELLE and CRAYON. We guarantee a per fect likeness and excellence of work. We have about, TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES ANB GRADES IN SIZES OF ENLARGED POR TRAITS from Bxlo to 50x90, and our prices are from $2 to S3OO each. EMPLOY FORTY ART ISTS; been twenty-six years in the business; have a ti,9)o candle-power ELECTRIC LIGHT, and are fully prepared with all proper expedi tion and skill to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We resjiectfully solicit your orders. L. B' DAVD3 Secretary and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNL (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. WINTER AND SUMMER. THE MOST central House in the ci y. Near Post Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electrio Bells. Baths, Etc. $2 50 to $3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI. Proprietor. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. fpHIS POPULAR Hotel is now provided with A a Passenger Elevator (the only one in the city) and has been remodeled and newly fur nished. The proprietor, who hv recent purchase is also the owner of the establishment, spares neither pains nor excuse in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House" Is supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad can afford. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, 43 Barnard street, SAVANNAH, GA. Telephone 373, 7