The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 19, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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commercial. I 3AVANNt-3 MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS.)_ J Savannah. Ua., Oct., 18. 4 p.m. l Cotton—The market was very quiet for the j flrsi half of the day, but after the decline it be- j came steadier and more active, the day dosing with a larger amount of business than was ofli- j daily reported The total sales for the day j were 1,634 bales. On ’Change at the opening | ail at 10 a. m., the market was reported dull j and unchanged, with sales of 65 bales. At the second call, at 1 p m„ it was dull and easy „, decline of l-10c for all grades, the sales be ing 102 bales. At the third and last eall, at 4 m and closed dull and easy, with further sales of 1 bales. The following are the offi cial closing sjiot quotations of the Cotton Ex change: Middling fair Good middling t 016 Middling 8 10-]6 Low middling s a Island —The market was quiet, but steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were 106 bags at about quotations, as follow’s: Common 16l<s@17 Medium 1® & f’ne !*© Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Oct. 18, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1887-88. 1886-87. Maud UplaHd Island.\ U P tand ______________________ II J Stock on hand Sept. 1 57f> 6.81 K . 1,149 4.304 Received to-day • 62 9,57 1 ■ Received previously 1,760 301,256 1,725 215,068 j Total 2,386 :i 6t< Exported to-dav Extorted previously i 755 198,652 1,116 121,628 Total ' 865' 202,651** 1.116* 130,228 I I . -A7| — StcM-k on hand and on ship- . 1 board this day II 1,000; 113,957;’ 1,H20, 96,745 Rice—The market was dull and unchanged. The sales for the day were only 167 barrels. The following are the "official quotations of the Board of Trade, small job lots are held at )4@ Me higher: Fair Good 4|tj<% — Prime 4)4@0 R TiT' water 51 Country lots 802) 95 Naval, Sroßßs—The market for spirits turpen tine was very firm, with buyers ottering 32c for regulars and holders asking higher. The sales for the day were, only 50 casks at 32c for regu lars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported ilrm at 32c for regulars. At the closing call it was firm at 32c bid fur regulars. Rosin—The market continues quiet, but steady. The sales for the day were 915 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported steady, at the following quotations: A. B, C and P 90c. K 95c. F 97)4e, G and H Si 00, I SI 05, K $1 25. 51 SI 35, N Si 55, window 2lass $2 10. water white $2 60. At the last call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 465 1,071 Received previously 128,740 329.235 Total .131,748 407,714 Exported to day 183 2.395 Exported previously 119,115 834.588 Total ~ 119,298 336,983 Stock on hand and on shipboard today 12,450 70.731 Receipts same .lay last year 388 3,190 Financial —Money is easy. Domestic Ex hanye— Easy. Banks and bank ers are buying sight drafts at Vs per cent dis count, and selling at 14 per cent discount to par. hoi eian Exchange —The market is easy. Commercial demand. $4 82)4; sixty (Jays, $4 7245; ninty days, $4 77$$: francs, Paris and Havr \ commercial, sixty days, $5 28*4; Swiss, $5 29)4; marks, ninety days. 94. Securities--There is some demand for Cen tral railroad stock and debentures, and for long date bonds Stocks and Bonds- City Bonds—Quiet. _ At lanta 6 per cent long da’e, 108 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent. 118 bid. 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked; Au gusta Os longdate, 108 bid. 110 asked; Columbus 5 (ier cent, lit) bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, January coupons, 100 bid, 101 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. November coupons, 191 bid. 101)4 asked. State Ronds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s. 1889. 101 bid, 102 asked; Georgia new 4)4 5 , 105 bid, 103 asked; Geor gia 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons. 103)4 bid, 105 asked: Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks—Centra] common, 120 bid, 121 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed. 131 bid, 131 c asked; Georgia com mon-! I .© bid, 197 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 126 bid, 127 asked; Central 6 per cent certificates, PA) bid, 100)4 asked; At lanta aid West Point railroad stock, 109 bid. 111 asked: Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates. 108 bid, 104 asked Railroad Romls Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 ]>er cent interest, coupons October, 114 bid, 116 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1897, 114 bid, 115 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893, 109 bid, 110 W asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 106 bid, 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mortgage indorsed 8 percent, coupons January and July, maturity, 1889. 102 bid, 10% asked; Montgomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 106)4 bid. 108 asked; .Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage. 50 years, 6 per cent, 100 bid. 101)4 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage. 111 bid, 112 asked; Charlotte. Co lumbia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 asked; Western Alabama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent. 106 hid, 107 asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid, 141 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent. 111)4 bid, 112 asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and 8 mtli ern first mortgage, guaranteed, 115 bid, 116)4 asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaranteed by Central railroad, 102 U bid, 103 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds, indorsed by Cen tral railroad, 104 bid, 106 asked; Columbus and Western 0 per cent guaranteed. 107 asked; City ami Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per cent, 10.3)4 bid, 109 asked. Rank .stocks—Nominal. Southern Batik of the State of Georgia. 198 bid. 202 asked; Mar chants'National Bank. 158 bid. 162 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company. 95 hid, 97 asked; National Bank of Savannah. 120 bid. 121 asked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Com pany, 107 bid, lOSassod. tins Stocks —Savannah Gus Eight stock, ex dividend, S >'9 bid, 2! asked; Mutual Gas Eight stock, 20 bid. 23 asked. Bacon—Market steady; demand good; smoked clear rib sides. 84jc; shoulders, 664 c; dry salted clear rlh sides. 8)40; long clear, 8c; shoulders, 6J4c; hams, 13c. flAoniNu and Ties- -Market irregular. We quote; Bagging— 2*4 9>s, 8f.i048)4c; 2 lbs, 7%(f0 ■■V; 134 lbs, o)4<a7-Me, according to brand and quantity, iron ties—Arrow and other brands, none: nominal, $! 25 jwr bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Butter -Market steady; oleomargarine, 14® 16c; choice Goshen, 20c; gilt edge, f3(323c; creamery, 25G;28c. i'uiUAug Northern. 1141120. Cheese—Market nominal: small demand; stock light. We quote, li@i!6c. Coffee—The market is firm. Wo quote for Small lots: Onllnur.v. i!4c: fair, *>!4c;gooJ, -’lc; choice, 22a; pealaerry, 24c. Dried Fruit— Apples, evaporated, 12c; peeled, ■He. Peaches, peeled, 19c; unpeeled. s@ic. Currants. To. Citron, '2sc. . Dry Goods -The market Is firm: business fair. We quote; Prints, 4(s>oe: Georgia brown shirt, big, :i-4. 4j<c; 7-8 do, 5)4c; 1-4 brown sheeting, Jove; white osnulmrgs, t%@10o; checks, 6)4(3) i°: yarns, 85c for best manes; brown drillings, 7rg.7J4c. M-u -We quote full weights: Mackerel—No. I 57 MCmlO (; No. 8. half barrels, nominal. 8600®? 00; No. 2. $7 00<R8 50. Herring—No. 1, 20e; sealed, 95c; coil, 6<&,Bc. k torn -Market steady; demand moderate. We quote: Extra. $3 70@3 85; fancy, $* 50® j N>: choice patent. $3 10®5 35; family, $4 10® Fai-iT-Gemons-Domand light. We quote: *3Uo®B 50. Apples, Northern, sjoo®B 75. Grain—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. We quote: White corn, job lot;, 09c; carload lots. oOe; mixed corn, job lots, 66c; car load lots, 02c, Gats steady; demand good. We quote: Mixed oats, 45c: carload hr I■■ Bran, 51 10. Meal, 62Kc. Grist, per bushel, 67) 4e. Hay—Market very firm, with a iu.r demand; dock amide. We quote job lots: Western, $1 10; carload lots, $100; Eastern, n>ne; North ern. none. Hides, \yooL, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts litftit; dry Hint, 11c; salted, 9c; dry butcher. Bc*. Wool—Receipts ; prime, in bales, Xssc; burry. 10® 16c. Wax, 18c. Tal low, S(ft4c. Deer skins, flint, 90c; salted 10c. Otter skins. 50c®$4 (X). Iron—Market Arm; Swede, 4Vi(ftfic; refined, 2fcc. Lard—Market steady; in tierces, 7%c; 60 tins, 7%c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime Is iu fair demand, and is selling at SIBO per barrel; Georgia, $! HO per barrel; calcined plaster, $1 60 per barrel; hair, 4c. Rosend&le cement. $1 50; Portland cement, $2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Hour bon, $1 50(ft5 50; rye, $1 50®tf 00; rectified, $1 00® 1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market Arm; fair demand We quote: 3d, $3 8); 4d and sd, $3 15; 6d, $2 90; Bd, $2 65: lOd to 60d, $2 40 per kejf. Nuts—Almonels—Tarragona. 18®90c; Ivicas, 17<ftl8e; walnuts, French, 12c; Naples, 18c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoa nuts, Barracoa, $5 *25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, '.'(ftlOc; lard, 57c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, B*4 (ft 10c; water white, neatsfoot, 62<ft.S0c; machinery, 25@30c; linseed, raw, 45c; boded, 4Sc; mineral seal, lbc; fireproof, 18c; home light, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel, $3 73. Potatoes —Northern, $3 00®3 25. Peak—New crop in light supply and demand; cow peas, mixed, 50®75c; clay, 75c®$1 00; speckled, 75c®$1 10; black eye, $1 50(ftl 75; white crowder,' $1 sU(ftl 75. i*RUNE3—Turkish. sJ^c; French, 10c. Raisins —Demand light; market steady. Loose new Muscatel, $200: layers, new $8 00; London layers, new $3 ‘-25 per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is qmet; carload lots. 05c fob; job lots, 75 (ftSOc. Shot—Drop, $1 40: buck, $1 65. SroAR —The markers higher; cut loaf, 7*4c; standard A, extra (', tic; yellow C, granulated. powdered. 7*4c. Syrup—Fionda and Georgia syrup, 45c; the market is quiet for sugarhou -e at 30®40c; (’uba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugarhouse molasses. 20c. Touacco— Market dull: demand moderate. ■ We quote; Smoking, 23c® $1 .5: chewing com mon, sound, 2,5®30c; fair, 30®35c; medium. 3.** <ftsoc: bright, 50®75c; flue fancy, 85®00c; extra fine, 90c(ft$l 10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies, 40(ft50c. Lumber—There is a continued improvement in the demand over previous weeks, and prices remain firm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes Si3 50® 17 00 Difficult sizes 16 oo®2l 50 Flooring boards 10 00®.21 50 Shipstutf 18 50®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® ll 00 800 44 “ 10 00® 11 00 900 44 44 11 00® 12 00 1,000 44 44 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $6 no® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 44 44 8 00® 9 00 1,000 44 44 9 00<&10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber —By sail—Vessels are freely offer ing and tonnage is in good supply. Freight limits are from $5 00®G 23 from this and the near Georgia ports i<*the Chesa peake ports, Philadelphia, New York. Sound pi|"ts and eastward. Timber, 50c®$1 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and windward, nomiuai; to South America, sl3 00® 14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll 00®12 0-J; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27®285; lumber. £3 15s. Steam—To Now York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $r 00; to Boston, $) On. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal. Foreign— Cork, etc., for orders, 3s, and, or, 4s Gd; Adriatic, rosin, 3s 3d; Genoa, rosin. Bs. Coast wise-Steam—To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin HOc, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—By steam—The market is steadier. Liverpool direct 9-32d Antwerp 19-old Bremen direct 19-64.1 Fteval direct 11-32A Havre direct 5-1 Gd Genoa direct 11-32d Barcelona direct 11-32.1 Amsterdam direct 19-6 Id Liverpool via New York lb 9 32d Liverpool via Baltimore $Mb 9-32.1 Liverpool via Boston 9-32(1 Antwerp via New York lb 19-64 U Havre via New York $ lb 11-16.: Bremen via New York $ lb 11 -16*• Reval via New York 25-641 Bremen via Baltimore lb Gsc Amsterdam via New York 00c Amsterdam via Baltimore 70c Boston bale $1 75 Sea island t* bale 2 00 New York $ bale 1 50 Se.i islanu $ bale ... 175 Philadelphia bale 150 Sea island $ bale 1 5 Baltimore # bale ] 25 Providence # bale 1 50 By sail— Genoa 5-!Gd Rica—By steam— New York $ barrel GO Philadelphia barrel GO Baltimore $ barrel 60 Boston $ barrel CO COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls pair $65 ® 75 Chickens, %to 44 grown 40 6% 60 Ducks $ pair 60 ® 8 J Geese $ pair 1 00 .0.1 25 Turkeys jair 125 Or 200 Eggs, country, per dozpn 20 Qr, 22 Peauuts—Fancy h. p. Va. tb Oh M Peanuts—Handpicked. %Mb ® 5;. Peanuts—Ga. bushel, nominal.... 75 (m 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds bush— 50 ® (> * Sweet potatoes, yel. yams $ bush... 50 ® GO Sweet potatoes, white yams bush 40 (& 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts ample; demand light. Eogb—Market very firm, with a good demand and in good supply. Peanuts—Fair stock; demand moderate; mar ket steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand; nominal. Sweet Potatoes—ln fair demand; receipts light; demand fair. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Oct. 18, noon.—Stocks dull. Money easy. Exchange—long, $4 short, $4 85 14 (5,4 855 j. State bonds neglected. Government uouds anil but steady. 5:00 p. m.—Exchange strong and active. Money easy at 2(410)4)4 percent., closing offered at 2. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold, $132,219,000; currency $18,092,000. Government bonds duli but firm; four per cents* 12); four and a percents 108)4. State bonds dull but steady. The stock market was less active to-day, but after a short period of weakness became strong, and made marked advances in a few cases over yesterday's figures. High prices from London were reflected in the improved feeling 011 the street. Advices of a defalcation on the other side induced some selling for foreign account, and the liears made an attack iqiou the list, which brought prices down front %fit ,l)4 per cent., with the greatest pressure against Read ing. Then- was some strength displayed by Richmond and West Point on minors ti nt buy ing was with reference lo a c.mnge ot' central. The opening was strong at advances from 1 gd/ •ig per cent, over yesterday's close, although the improvement was not maintained. After some few slight further gains the entire list gave way, and under the lead of Union Pacific and Northern Pacific preferred losses of from !4$ 2(n per cent, were established. Aetivty turn disappeared, but tlie tone of the dealings be came firm, and by noon most of the losses had been regained. Some selling was indulged in alter that time, but the Impression upon prices was verv slight, aud the rise was qiiindy re sumed, with Vanderbilts and weak stocks of the iorenoon in the lend. The firm tone was not again interrupted, and the close was quiet but firm and close to best prices of the day. and with almost everything higaer. The total busi ness amount• Ito 3 M.OOO shares. were the closing quotations: Ala. class A, 2to 3.103 New Orleans Pa Ala. class b, 3s. 10) eifle, Ist inort... 81 Georgia ii, inort.*lo3)4 N. Y Central lO'MJ N. Carolina 6a .... 120 Norf. &W. pref... 5041 N. Carolina 4s— 93 Nor. Pacific 2JM So. Caro. (Brown) " prof... 42>4 consols 10H4 Pacific Mail B Mi Tennessee set 69>4 Reading 6044 Virginia Us +4B Richmond & Ale.. 5 Va consolidated. 15 Richmond ,t IlanvlfO Cb’poakcA Ohio. 4)4 Biclun'd & Vf. Pi. 23-ft North we - *rn . .106 Rock island 118 “ preferred.. .138)4 St. Paul 71 “4 Dela.audLack .121)4 “ preferred .liWi Erie 2i)i Texas Pacific 23 East Tennessee... IRv Tenn. Coal A Iron. 21 Ijike Shore 92 Union Pacific 45'^ L'vllle<t Nash.... 57 N. J. Central :i4< Memphis tk Char.*4s Missouri Pacific. 804 Mobile Ohio ... 9)4 Western Union . <5 Nash. & Chatt’a.. 72 Cotton Oil certiii...27 >4 A.ked. +Bld. OOTTOX. Liverpool, Oct. 18, noon.—Cotton (lull and gttiiui'uiiy iu buyers tavor; middling uplands THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1!', 1887. 6*4d, middling Orleans 5 7-Pkl; sales 8,000 bales, for speculation and export 1,000 bales; receipts 30,000 bales - American 33,100. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Octo ber delivery 5 9-6ld; October and November 5 7-64d; December and January 6-64d; January and February 5 0-64d; February and March 5 7-G4d; March and April 5 9-G4d; April and May 5 11-G4d; May and June 5 13-04d. Market dull at the decline. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 5,600 bales of American. Middling uplands 5 3-16d, middling Orleans 5%1. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Octo ber delivery 5 9-G4d. buyers: October and No vember 5 7-64d. buyers; November and Decem ber 5 6-64d, sellere: December and January 5 G-G4d, buyers; January and February 5 6-64(1, sellers; February and March 5 7-64d, buyers; March and Aprils 9-64d, buyers; April and May 5 11 G4d, buy ere; May and June 5 18-64(1, buyers. Market dull. 4 p. m.— Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, October delivery 5 9-64d, buyers; October and November 5 7-64a. buyers; November and December 5 *>64d, value; December and Jan uary 5 (>-64d, value; January and February 5 6-64d, buyers; February and March 5 7-64d, buyers; March and April 5 9-64d, buyers; April and May 5 11-64d,buyers; May and June 5 13-G4U, buyers. Market closed steady. New York, Oct. 18, noon.—Cotton quiet; middling uplands 9y£c, middling Orleans 9>£c; sales 134 bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: October delivery 9 69c, November 9 42c, December —c, January 9 46c, February 9 55c, March 9 68c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed dull; middling uplands 9Uc, middling Orleans iVKc; sales to day 202 bales; net receipts 100 bales, gross 8,*280. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 114,700 bales, as follows: October delivery 9 03® 9 64c, November 9 47c. December 9 15®0 46c, January 951 c, February 95S </,9 59c, March 9OG ®9 07c, April 9 74®9 75c, May 9 82 e 9 83c. Green & Co.'s re port on cottou futures says: “The market for cotton options has retained a slightly unsettled tone, and made another good record of business, with the latest absorbing power again demonstrated. There was an in dication of a further desire to sell this morning, and some hammering by operators, who have recently spilled their long cotton, but after the loss of 4(5;5 points, the demand was ft mud to be taking all offering, and a reaction followed that restores values to last evening's figures, and closed the market steady. The general condi tions as reported from the South were without much change. There was less special attention given to October to-day." , Galveston. Oct. 18.—Cotton quiet; middling 9c; net receipts 6.877 bales, gross 0,877: sales 2,097 stock 60,574 bates; exports, to Great Biitaiu 8,593 l>ales, coastwise 4,473. Norfolk, Oct. 18, —Cotton steady: middling 9 l-l(*c; net receipts 5,780 bales, gross 5.780; sales 2,154 bales; stock bales; exports, coastwise 1.027 Itales. Baltimore. Oct. 18.— Cotton steady; middling 9%c; net receipts none, gross 1,248 Dales; sales none;stock 4,960 bales; exports, coastwise 1,401 bales. Boston, Oct. 18. — Cotton quiet ; middling 9%c; net receipts 240 bales, gross 2,333; sales none ; stock none: exports, to Great Britain 1,431 bales. Wilmington, Oct. 18.— Cotton firm; middling 9c; net receipts 2,318 bales, gross *2,318; sales none; stock 24,295 bales; exports, coastwise 1,068 bales. Philadklphia, Oct. 18.—Cotton firm: middling 95fce; net receipts 65 bales, gross 116; stock 7.641 bales. New Orleans, Oct. 18.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 8 15-lbe; net receipts 19,255 bales, gross 21,8u4; sales 4.750; stock 154.956 bales; exports, to Great Britain 6,200 bales, to the continent 7,125 bales. Mobile, Oct. 18.—Cotton quiet; middling net receipts 3.17S bales, gross 3.281; bales; stock 15,030 bales; exports, coastwise 2,155 bales. Memphis, Oct. 18.—Cotton steady; middling 9c; receipts 3,108 bales; shipments 2,445; sales 3.3)0; stock 77,772 bales. Augusta. Oct. 18.—Cottou dull and easier; middling B>£c; receipts 2,426 bales; sales 1,381 bales. Charleston, Oct. 18.—Cotton quiet; middling 9c; net receipts 3,048 bales, gross 3,048; wiles 1.000; stock 55,501 bales; exports, to the conti nent 3,775 bales. New York, Oct. 18.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-dav 55,880 bales; exports, to Great Britain 18,419 bales, to the continent 18,267. Wo France 15,920 ; stock at ail American ports 519,467 bales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, Oct. 18, 12:30 p. m.—Wheat firm, with fair demand; holders offer moderately; receipts of wheat for the past three days were 347,000 centals,including 148,000 centals of Ameri can. Coru quiet; demand fair; the receipts of American corn for the past three days were 28.000 centals. Weather fine. New York, Oct. 18, noon.—Flour quiet but unchanged. Wheat lower. Com better. Pork dull and weak; mess sls 00. Lard w*eaker at $6 79. Old mess porit dull and weak at sl4 00 Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.— Southern flour unchanged and dull. Wheat—options opened a trifle higher, closing firm; spot grades firm but rather quiet; No. 2 red, October deli very 81*4 <<3.BHsc, Novem ber 81 ; k|((ft82c. Corn higher and fairly active; No. 2, October delivery 51c; November Oats Y\ c lower but fairly .active; .No. 2. October delivery 32 5-l0 c Novem ber 32t£(jx,326£C. No. 2. spot quiet but steady. Coffee, fair Rio, on spot ea.v at 19{4c; options 15(op20 points lower out mod erately active; No. 7 Rio, October delivery 17 20 <BO7 30e; November 17 25(&17 36c. Sugar firm and unchanged; fair refining 4 15-10£'5c: refined firm and active. Molasses quiet. Cotton seed oil quoted at 34c for crude, 48c for refined. Hides quiet. Wool dull. Pork dull but un changed; mess sl4 00 for old. sls 00 for new. Beef unchanged. Tierced beef quiet. Lard 10 (ft 13 points lower but fairly active; Western steam, output $6 65@(i 75. October delivery $6 dull; cotton, per steam, grain, per steam. 2? 4 d. Chicago. Oct. 18.—The markets to-day opened substantially where they closed yesterday, but the feeling soon became bearish, the chief weak ness being iu provisions. Trading was more spirited on the floor to-day than on Monday, but during most of the session was spasmodic and principally of o scalping nature. December wheat opened at 72’ 4c and dropped to 71%(&72c under a nruuounced disposition to sell the arti cle. This was followed by a reaction to the closing figures of yesterday, and before the close there was a return of the weakness of t:e morning, the bears trying in vain to pound De cember below 78c. On the afternoon board an other reaction occurred, and December recov ered its loss and closed at 72*4(3*7 2%;:. Receipts continue large at Northwestern points and mod erately light at other points. Corn was almost featureless. Trading was very tame and lim ited, and at times the pit was entirely quiet, many of the traders being attracted to the pro vision pit. The demand for cash corn was slightly uetter than yesterday. May corn opened ar 4 ivfC and closed at 44-1&c. There was light trading in futures in oats and the market was extremely narrow, there being barely ation m prices. The general tone was weak and all months were easier. Provisions snowed some wakening of the old-time life. Traders found it necessary to again take possession of tne pit, and for the first day in mauy weeks the mancet claimed omethlug like general atten tion and proved more than ordinarily interest ing. Considerable activity characterized busi ness, yet the movement was bearish and lower prices the rule. Unexpected receipts of live hogs developed an unusual desire to sell. Pack ers who have been heretofore conservative in sidling against their ant.cipated production joined the ranks of Hellers, and with excessive offerings severe depression followed. Based on last night’s closing, toe day's decline amounted to 20c on January pork. 100> .1214c on different deliveries of lard, 2!<e on October short ribs and 10c on January short ribs. January was most active delivery throughout. It sold, for pork, from sl2 15 early down to $119714; tor lard from SO 2.'(i6 221-5 down to $6 07J4, and for Khort ribs from $0 15 down t< $6 OodrG Pork closed for Jar nary at sl2 0234; bird at a>6 15, and short rins at $6 u7L.. Cash quotations,were as follows: Flour in fair demand. Wheat. No. 2 red Corn, No. 2. Oats, No. 2. Mess pork at :#Vfti3 25. Lard, per 100 lbs, $0 20 ►moulders. box>sl, $• •> 70. short clear sides, boxed. $7 40. Whisky $1 10. Leading future> ra 14s! as follows: Ope.nag. Higoeju Closing. No. 2 Wheat— Oct. delivery.... 69>g 69% 69% Nov. delivery.... 79 >4 7<J7o*4 May delivery.... 77% 77% 77% Corn, No. 2 Oct. delivery.... 4f% •• • . 41 40 % May delivery — 44 ; , 44% 44% Oats No. 2 Oct. delivery.... 2T9G 85% 25^ Nov. delivery.... 25L May delivery— 29 % Wtyfa 29^ Mess Pori— Year, per barreLill 75 $ $ Jan. delivery— 12 25 12 25 12 0234 I iAHD —- Oct. delivery $6 17U $6 1734 $ 15 Dec. delivery.... 6 6 12% 0 07*4 May delivery— 6 45 ... Short Rin*— Oct. delivery $7 05 $— $ Jan. delivery . 6 l.i*, 615 6 07*4 Baltimore, Oct. 18.—Flour firm but quiet; Howard street and Western superfine $2 37(ft 2 75, extra $3 mills sunerfiiie $i 37 a2 62, extra $3 00(ft3 50; Rio brands $1 50. Wheat Southern fii ly active and H.eacly ; red rtOCi>B2e; aiuber 80 (ftß4c. Western dull out steady: No. 2 winter red, on spot Coni -Southern quiet but •teady; wuite yellow 53(^54c Sr. ix> is. Oct. 18.—flour dull and Red very quiet. Wheat—cash Unit: futures '-60.He lower; No. 2 red, cash October de livery May Corn lower; cash 40>4c; October delivery 4Po, May 40t{®40tiio. Oats, cash October delivery 24c V)id, May 2MUjc. Whisky steady at $1 OS. Provisions dull: Pork, sl4 00®$14 60. Lard nominally lower at S 10. Haras >sier at slu SO® 12 50. Cincinnati, Oct. 18.— Flour dull. Wheat steady: No. 8 red Corn weaker; No. 2 mixed4BVsc. Oats quiet: No. 2 mixed Pro visions—Pork slow at sl4. Lani weaker at $R 20. Bulk meats dull; short ribs $7 SO Bacon easy; short ribs $8 25, short clear $8 82)4. Whisky firm at $1 05. Hors slow and weak: common and light $8 50@4 60, packing and butchers' $4 8.M&4 70. LonisviLUt, Oct. 18.— Wheat firm, with light supply; No. 2 red winter, on spot and to arrive 7ti)4c. Corn active ami Arm: No. 2 mixed 45c. Oats firmer; No. 2. 28®'Hc. Provisions quiet. New Orleans, Oct. 18.— Sugar easier; centri fugals. choice white 6c. choice yellow clarified 5 13-16®5J6C. prime ditto sss®s94c. Molasses —ceutrifugals, strictly prime 36c. NAVAL STORES Liverpool, Oot. 18.—Spirits turpentine 27s 6d. New York, Oct. 18, noon.—Spirits turpentine firm at S3c. Rosin firm at $1 05(o 112)4. 5:00 p. m. —Rosin quiet at $1 05@1 12)4. Tur pentine dull at S4)4@B4^c. Charleston, Oct. 18.— Spirits turpentine quiet at 82c. Kosiu firm; good strained Ssc. V Wilmington, Oct. 18.— Spirits turpentine firm at 32c. Rosm firm; strained 80c, good strained Ssc. Tar firm at $1 15. Crude turpen tine firm; hard $1 00; yellow dip $1 65; vir gin $1 65. RICE. New York, Oct. 18. —Rice firm New Orleans, Oct. 18.—Rice quiet but steady Circular from Hubbard, Price & Cos. (Through John S. Ernest , Southern Manager.) New York, Oct. 18.—Our market has pre sented to-day a very sensitive front, respond ing quickly to any demand from the bulls, as is quite natural after the success of their last movement. Opening at a slight decline, the offerings were quickly taken by such resting orders as were in hand, and when Liverpool failed to show further weakness the covering of the room traders carried values to above those ruling last evening. Since the close, however, the market has been easier, with offerings be low the official quotations against purchases of c< dton the exporters have made in Southern markets. Orders from Europe are at lower limits than can be filled at the present prices in Southern markets, and the course of the mar ket for the next few days will depend upon which of these two interests first gives way. Receipts continue on a liberal scale, and so far we are without the complaint of exhaustion to justify the bureau figures on the crop. The feeling in Liverpool is as sensitive as here, and while tbev will probably pay more attention to the Southern quotations than to ours, traders generally expect better advices from that source to-morrow. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ' 'MiN'LCruitE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Bun Rises 6:06 ScnSets 5:25 High Water at Savannah. .. .9:53 a m. 10:13 p m Wednesday. Oct ID, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Wetherby (Br), Smith, Philadel phia, in ballast—Wilder & Cos. teamship Maud (Br), Claxton, Philadelphia, in ballast—A Minis & Sons. Brig Hyperion, Henly, Las Palmas. Grand Canary Islands, in ballast—Jos A Roberts & Cos. Schr Win H Fredson, Biddle. New York, with general merchandise to order; vessel to Jos A Roberts & Cos. Schr Caleb S Ridgeway, Randolph, New York, with guano to order; vessel to Jos A Roberts & Cos. Steamer Grace Pitt, Crofut, Beaufort and Port Roval—Master. Steamer Pope Catlin, Swift, Doboy, Darien, and Brunswick—Master. (Not previously.) ARRIVED BELOW YESTERDAY. Bark Ribes (Aus), Rocovich, Bordeaux, in bal last—M S Cosulich & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY Steamer Seminole, Strobhar, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluffton—H A Strobhar, Manager. SAILED YE4TERDAY Steamship Nacoochee. New York. Steamship Hawarden (Br), Reval. Bark Pomona (Nor). London. Schr Belle Hooper, Baltimore (not previously). Schr Geo Walker, Providence (not previously). MEMORANDA. Bull River. S C, Oct 15 —Arrived, schr Willis S Shepard, Reeves, Port Royal, SC, for Clark's Cove. Dover, Oct 16—Passed, steamship Albania (Bn. Simmons. Savannah for Bremen. Hurburg, Oct 15—Arrived, bark Alliance (Nor), Salvesen, Brunswick. Loudon, Oct 16— Arrived, steamship Crimdon 1 Bn. Wilkie, Bull River, S O; Preston (Br), Brown, do. Barbados, Sept 28—Arrived, bark Okohan (Gen, Buenos Ayres, and sailed Oct 4 for Bruns wick. Sepl 21—Sailed, barks Svea (Nor). Brunswick; FOtb. Ottawa (Nor), Pensacola; Pons Aelli (Nor), Brunswick; Oct 1, Maria Stella (Itai), Brunswick. North Sydney, Oct 13—Sailed, steamship Grandholm (Br), Wasson. Norfolk 1? Savannah). Apalachicola, Oct 16—Cleared, schr C H Pos ter, Bernard, Philadelphia. Brunswick, Oct 12— Cleared, barks Aukathor (Non, Thorsen, Rotterdam; 13tb, Saturn (Nori, Olsen. Amsterdam. Ooosaw, 8 C, Oct 16—Sailed, steamship Hun garia (nr), for United Kingdom. Jacksonville, Oct 14—Cleared, schrs Amelia P Schmidt, Pushley, New York; Belle Russell, Steelman. Albany. Fernandina, Oct 18—Arrived, harks Okohan (Gen, Dade. Barbados; Anna & Marie, Sebum berg, Santos; brigs Abbie Clifford. Ktorer, Fal mouth: John F Eotman. Nash, New York; eclirs Edwin 1 Morrison, Lavender, and W L White, Wbiteniore, Boston; Florence Rogers, McLeod, Brunswick. Cleared, bark Lovespring (Nor), Havelsen, Montevideo; schrs Etta M Barter, Barter, New York; Samuel B Hubbard. Smith, Barbados. New York, Oct 18— Arrived, steamships The Queeu. Liverpool; Nevada, Airived out. steamships Devonia. New r York for Glasgow; Egypt, New York for Liverpool. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Philadelphia, Oct 16—There are strong reasons to believe that the bark Bristol, Capt Hardy, which sailed from Hurricane !s!ai,d. Me, July 20 for Pensacola, has been lost at ses with all hands, as no tidings have been received of her since that date. The missing bark was laden with 800 tons of stone valued at $3,000, con signed to the government for the improvement of the harbor at Pensacola, and it is surmised that, she encountered the hurricane ot Aug 26, sprung aleak and foundered. The Bristol was owned in Damariscotta by I) Chapin & Cos, where she was built in 1874. She was a double decke l vessel of 5112 tons register. Ship City of Boston, from Pensacola for Liver pool, wrecked at Bahamas, lost her entire cargo. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that fog bells, struck by machinery, have been established at Mount Desert, Saddleback Ledge and Half-way Rock light stat ions. Maine. 1 Miring thick and foggy weather these bells will lie sounded a single blow at intervals of 10 seconds. By order of the Lighthouse Board. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad, Oct 18—6,716 bales cot ton, 24 bales domestics. 2 bales bides, 7 sacks bran, ii bales plaids, 10 roils leather, 1 pkg paper. 1,041 lbs feathers, 47 pkgs tobacco. Scars coal. 223 lbs bacon, 140 bbis spirits turpentine, 13 bf bbls whisky, 20 bbis whisky, 174 hbis rosin, 523 lbs fruit, -14 pkgs furniture, 15 cars lumber. 12) bbis flour, 1 car wood, 110 pkgs wood iu shape, 4 bills syrup. 1 case liquor. 51 bbis cotton seed oil, 12 pkgs carriage material. 37 pkgs mdse, lOdoz brooms, 4 cars cotton seed, 70 pkgs hardware. 2 bids paint, 35 cases eggs. Per -Jiia lestou and Savannah Railway, Oct 18—187 bales cotton. 17 fcbls spirits turpentine, 41 bbis rosiu, 1 car plow castings. 20 sacks rice, 15 bbis rice, 20 Mils potatoes, 25 sacks peanuts, 10 bags coffee, 3 sacks kanit, 225 kegs nails, ami mi lse. Per Savannah, Florida and AVesfern Railway, (let 14— ],d.,w bales cotton, 473 bids rosin. 346 bbis spirt.s turpentine. u 2 cars lumber, 2 cars furniture. 5 cars live stock, 16 boxer toon-co, 1.5 bales liny, 250 empty kegs, 3 cars clay, 1 car cot ton seed, 2 cars iron, 7 . bales hides. 2 cars wood, 2 cars brick, 50 boxes lemons, 234 ooxes oranges, and mdse. EXPORTS. l’et steamship Nacoochee. for New York— -3,377 bales upland cotton, >O6 tons pig iron. 80 b iles sea islund cotton, 14 bales domestics, l.iW) bbis rosin. 85 bbis spirits turpentine, ! bale nines, 23 turtle, 158 boxes fruit. 121 pngs mdse. Per steamship Juniata, for Philadelphia -63t) balss cotton. 718 empty kegs. 181 bbis rosin. 210 bales domestics. 03 bbis spirits turpentine, is bbis linn, 160 bills rice, 41.577 feet lumber, 87)4 tons pig iron. S3 bales paper stock, 10 hales plan straw. 12 bbis terrapins. 134 boxes fruit, 20,u25 shingles. 127 pkgs mdse. 1 lot old Iron. PASSENGERS Per steamship Nacoochee, for New York— Maj and .Mrs A C Davenport, II Blun. E West, J Steffens. E T J'ones, and 1 colored. ‘ Per Central Railroad. Oct i—Fordg Agt, W W Gordon & Cos. H M Conior * Cos, D M L<"e •Ir, Jno Flannery & Cos. Siontaguo & Cos, R D Bogart. F M Farley, Warren &A, Decker A F, Hammond, II & Cos, Herron A G, Baldwin A Cos. M Maclean. War nock A W, J S Wood A Bro, W A Haems, Butler A 8. Garnett, S A Cos, C Kills, 51 Y A D I Metntire, J P Williams A Cos, DeLeon Guano Cos, G Waller A Cos. Savannah Guano Cos, John Merrvmau, WW Chisholm, Woods & Cos, Pearson AB, J C Thompson, D Y Dancy, J K Gar many, A Mtncy, H Myers A Bros, G Davis A Son. L Putrel, Ludden A 11, A Ehrlleh A Bro. C H Price, A H Champion. Lindsay A 51. A F Kulil man, A .1 Stiller A Cos, S Cohen, Harms A J, L J Gazan, Smith Bros A Cos. Lee Roy Myers A Cos, C E Stulls, Rieser A S, I Epstein A Bro, Mrs SI E Gray, 0 H Carson, G W Tiedeman.W C Jackson, Dyck AS, Peacock, H A Cos. Ellis, Y A Cos, A 8 Butler, S Guckenhetmer A Son, 51 Ferst A Cos, W S Cherry A Cos, J D Weed A Cos, W M Bent J McGrath A Cos, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, H J Ivey, Stillwell, P A M, Eckman A V, F Ward, 51 J Sullivan. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. Oct IS—Transfer Office, Jno Flannery A Cos, McDonough A Cos, Lindsay A M. City of Savan nah, Ohlander Bros, W P Silvn Lippman Bros, A R Altmnyer A Cos. O Butler, McGiilis A st, Jos Goette, H Myers A Bros. P Tuberd.v, G Davis A Son, GSV Tiedeman, FI 51 levy, Cornwell A C, L A McCarthy, sloore, H A Cos, 51 Ferst A Cos, Mohr Bros.W D Simkins A Cos, Smith Bros A Cos, S Guckonheimer A Sou, Bendheim Bros A Cos. R Delaney, Rieser AS, Sirs C E Heyward, J A Hardee, D Y Dancy, 51 Boley A Son. E Geffkin. Dale, D A Cos, A A Aveillse. J P Williams A Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro. 51 \ Henderson. Woods A Cos, slrs J H Jones, W W Gordon A Cos, 51 .Maclean, Garnett, 8 A Cos, J S Wood A Bro, Fsl F'arley, H 51 Comer A Cos, Herron A G. Montague A Cos, 51 Y A D I Slclntire, Ellis, Y A Cos, E T Roberts. Peacock, H A Cos, C L Jones. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, Oct 18—Transfer Office. SI. Newton, Wilcox, G A Cos, Blodgett, 5T A Cos. A R Salas A Cos. A Leffler, H A Ulrno, G Eckstein A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, A H Champion, M Y Henderson, Baldwin A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, Montague A Cos, Garnett, BA’ Cos, Woods A Cos. J S Wood A Bro, It M Comer A Cos, M Y A D 1 Mclntire. Decker A P'. BROKERS. NOW-TIIE TIME TO SPECULATE. ACTIVE fluctuations in the Market ofTer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks, Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention j<iven to orders received by wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Full information about the markets in our book, which will be forwarded free on application. H. D. KYLE, Banker and Broker, 88 Broad and 31 New Sts. New York City. A. L. IIA RTlil LXLx K.~ SECURITY BROKER. BUYS AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stock* and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York Quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IBz?oItSzex'S ORDERR EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. Private direct wire to our office. Constant quotations faorn Chicago and New York. COTTON EXCHANGE. MILLiINERY. OUR GRAND TALL OPENING OF IfcijihjWs TAKES PLACE Monday & Tuesday, Oct 24 & 25. Great Creations! Marvels of Fashion! And the latest productions of London, Paris, and our own Metropolitan Centres. WATCH THE DATES AND BE SURE TO VISIT. NEVER WILL SUCH A SIGHT BE SEEN AGAIN. PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton Street. tW sVatch local columns this week for further announcements. GROCERIES. HEW CUREAITS, New Citron, New Nuts. Choice Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart. Rock Candy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, at TELE Mutual Co-Operative Association, BARNARD AND BROUGHTON ST. LANE. < lOCOAN UTS FANCY APPLES, ONIONS, CABBAGE, POTATOES, TURNIPS, GRAPES, PEARS, LEMONS. BLACK EYE PEAS (new), FLORIDA ORANGES, HAY AND GRAIN, SEED OATS, SEED RYE, BRAN, FEED, eta Close prices on large lots. 169 BAY. v W. D. F T|frrT '' n & CO. DRY GOODS. E C K 8 T E I N’S! ELEGANT DISPLAY OF Fall Novelties in Silks, Velvets, Robes and Dress Goods. We are Showing a Very Large and Superior Stock of Imported Silks in Surah* Rhadames, Merveilleux, Gros Grains, Faille, Francaise, Armures, Ottomans, Moire, Brocades, One Special Bargain in Surah, at sl. One sjiecial Bargain in Gros Grains at 85c. One Special Bargain in Rhailaines at 75c, One Special Bargain in Armures at $1 25. One Special Bargain in Watered at, $1 15. In Suit and Dress Goods we have this season the finest assortment we have ever brought out. MR. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN has spared neither time, labor or money to place before the ladies of Savannah the richest line of novelties of both imported and domestic manufactures. Fine Combination Suits $7 50 to S4O. Fine Plain and Fancy Suiting 15c. to $5 yard, Fine Fancy Velvets and Plushes 50c. to $lO yard. Special—One case Double Width Cashmeres 20c., worth 40c. One lot All-Wool Extra Wide Plain Colors and Fancy Dress Goods 40c. yard, worth 75c. One lot All-Wool <F4 Tricots, in Navy Blue, Bottle Green, Soal Brown, Garnet, Gray, Tan and Black, at 7!)c. yard; thov are sold everywhere else at 85c. FLANNELS for Sacks, FLANNELS for Wrappers, FLANNELS for Dross Goods, FLANNELS for Children's Dresses, FLANNELS for Infants’ Clonks, FLANNELS fol Gents’Shirts, FLANNELS for Skirts, in fact we have the prettiest variety of Fancy Flannels you could wish to see. Scarlet Medicated Flannel 85c. yard. Take a sample and see if you can match it at 4.5a We are offering Fine White Wool Flannels at 50c. yard, inches wide. You can’t buy it regular under 65c. Bargains in Fine California Wool Blankets, Crib, Cradle and Carriage Blankets. 11-4 White Wool Blankets at $3 75, worth $5. 4-Button Real Kid Gloves, in the new Tan Shades, Embroidorod Backs, 7oc. pair. The New Oxydized Silver and White Metal Girdles 35c., 80c., 50c., 75e. Just Received a New Line of Gents’ Fall and Winter Suitings and Pantaloon Cloths. ECKSTEIN’S STORES. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS a 1 TT AS Educed uh to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than lUH# I 1 ever. To that end no nains or extieiue has been spared to maintain Wjf their HIGH BTANARD OF TCXOKLLKNOF. These Mills art' of the BEBT MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made ion*? to prevent danger to the fR operator), and rollers of the Ixjst charcoal iron, all turned up true. 7 Tnev are heavy, strong und durable, run light and even, and are guarmn ***** dupable of grinding the heaviest lully matured All our Mills are fully warranted for one year. Our Pans U*iug cast with tin* bottoms down, jgjr ff'£smoothness, durability und uniformitv of thndcijea- TO THOSE MADE IN WE GUARANTEE OUR TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Wm. tvehoe & (Jo. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE’S IRON WORKS.' to cast on all our Mills and Pans. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. President. SAVANNAH, GA. T LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK. POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. MANUFACTURERS of SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, SIOULDING3 of all kinds and descriptions CASINGS and TRISIMINGS for all classes of dwellings, PEWS and PEW ENDS of our own design and manufacture. T RNED and SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH IIANDLES for Cotton Hooks, CEILING, FLOORING, WAINSCOTTING, SHINGLES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves. - - . ■ 1 " ■ —i 1 'a SUSPENDERS. ELASTIC SUSPENDED WiTKOUT MffilEK 1 H) Combining Comfort and OurabHifv filj kjQNO RUBBER USED IN THESE GOODS. NICKEL PLATED $ KJjJ BRASS SPRINGS FURNISH THK ELASTICITY. SjfiAsk Your Dealer ior~T}iem!l MW) Bent by Mail, Poat Paid, oi* i.tceipt, of v>ru at the following List (gi-—-J-'-yA (©A A Quality, Plain or Ty. w.b, SCID Quality, pl'n oi fancy web SI 2S ■ 7BjE plain .ilk w.b I SO Sk? * ,CO ' F iancy “ f M’F’C GQ„! W STOVES A.NI> FURNACES. STOVES. -yyE are now in our new quartern on Bnoroa ton, neaji Baxnajid. Our quantity, quality and variety of STOVES are unsurpassed by any firm in the city. If you want a good article at a reasonable price call on Cornwell & Chipman, 187 BROUOHTftN STREET. ESTABLISHED 1845. iy E have a lot of very celebrated STOVES and RANGES, and will take special pleasure in showing them and their quotations to our friend* and customer*. If you have a Stove to buy go to LOVELL & LfITTIMQRE, 155 AND 157 CONORESS STREET, Savannah, - Georgia. ( ONDENBED MILK. • Highland Brand Condensed Milk. A Pure Milk condensed to a syrupy consistency. FOR SALE AT STRONG'S DRUG STORE, Corner Bull and Berry street lane. - ■ ■ WOOD. A. S. BACON, Planing Mill, Lumbfr and Wood Yard, Lilwrty ami East Brews! sts.. Savannah, Oa ALL Planing Mill work correctly aud prompt ly done Good , lock Dre.<sed ami Hough Lumber. FIRE WOOD, Oak. Pine, Lightwood aud Lumber Kind : *. POHTK.VITB. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Tj. 33. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager of the Great South ern Portrait Company. AN inspection of samples of our Portraits a, our office, with Davis Bros., 42 and 41 Bull street, will g, eatly interest those who contem plate having small pictures of themselves, their friends, living and deceased, copied and enlarged in OIL, WATER COLOR, INDIA INK, PA3- TELLE and C’RAYUN. We guarantee a per fect likeness ami excellence of work. We have about TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND GRADES IN SIZES OF ENLARGED POR TRAITS from Bxlo to 50x90. and our prices are from $2 to SBOO each. EMPLOY FORTY ART ISTS; been twentv-six years in the business; have a 8,000 candle-power ELECTRIC LIGHT, aud are fully prepare! with all proper expedi tion and skill to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We respectfully solicit your orders. L. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. TURKISH DELIGHT. mmmf 1 UlllVLull A FINE CONFECTION IMPORTED FROM CONSTANTINOPLE Try a Small Box, at A. M. & f. w, WEST’S. DESKS. PPHTYLERDESKCO e • ST. LOUIS, MO. MmfUFAcmjMß* fink > OLsM/ DEST9JDANK COUNTEKI BANK. COUKT HOUS&y - ■ Vi • < : T 2 -et Wort and Lowest Frio* ** ~- a Cu Hrr.nUed, ICO page 7