The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 23, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISHED 1850. 1 ) J. H. EfeTILL, Edilor and Proprietor f RUSSO-GERMAN ENMITY. emperor william and the czar NOT TO MEET. An Interview is Considered a Waste of Time and Would be Unpleasant for Both Parties- Each Country Making Hostile Military Demonstrations and Import Laws. (Copyright 1887 by the New York Associated Press.), Oct. 23.— The Official Press in repeating its denial of the report that the Czar was to have a meeting with Emperor William, uses language of plain and almost ostentatious enmity toward Russia. An in terview is declared to he not a mere matter of indifference, but is objected to by high personages in Germany. The personal re lations between the Czar and Emperor Wil liam, once so important a factor in European politics, can no longer continue on their old footing of friendship as the position of Germany toward her allies, Austria and Italy, forbids it. The anti-German pro clivities of the present Czar are contrasted with the lifelong friendship of his father for Emperor William and his people, and the conclusion is drawn that an interview would be unpleasant to both sides. OTHEII EVIDENCE OF FRICTION'. Besides these strongly suggestive com ments there is increasing evidence of strained relations between Berlin and St. Petersburg. The Russian press censor per mitted yesterday’s Navoe Vremya to pre dict such early action by Russia in Bulgaria as would defeat the objects of the triple al liance, *and show that Russia is neither isolated nor incapable of carrying out her victorious policy. The Pan-Slavist papers are having free play in denouncing Germany. The Czar’s route for returning to Russia is subject daily to surmise as it is considered unadvisable that he touch Ger man soil and the frozen Baltic may make his way homeward a matter of limited choice. ‘Yesterday the route fixed was Riga or Libau if the ice blocked Cronstadt. Any way it is declared that the Czar must not pass through Germany. The economic war between Russia and (Germany has had fresh development in the Czar’s ukase giving English and French imports preference rates. English goods ob taining a remission of 20 per cent, because England levies no duty on Russian corn ana French goods a 10 per cent, rebate be cause of the limited duty levied by France on Russian corn. The obvious aim of the edict is to strike a blow at German trade. WAR PREPARATIONS. To these evidences of hostilities are now Htlded increased military preparations on the frontier. A nvtable cessation occurred in this work a>•*•>„' the progress of the negotiations between ’ Prince Bismarck and Prince DeGiers for an entente on the East ern question, but since the triple alliance became known there has been feverish ac celerations ol the work on the fortifications st Warsaw, Ivan, Garod, Brest and Lilo visk. Gen. Gourko is to organize an im mense camp near Warsaw. New fortifica tions are also being constructed around Ka vono and Bielastok. Some activity is noticeable along the Austrian frontier. The German War Office responds by enlarging the camp at Grandenz. construct ing six new forts around Thorn and strengthening the works at Posen, Golgna, Pillan and Konigsberg. The energies of the War Office are at present concentrated on the eastern frontier. Regarding Prince Bismarck’s reply to the new prohibition of German trade, it will be seen immediately upon the meeting of the Reichstag tba, in the bill raising the duties an corn the attack is to be resumed. Russian securities have again been offered indiscriminately for sale. The present re mit, of this tension of the relations is an increased bitterness and enmity between Lie two peoples. The Russian press prophe i ies that important diplomatic action will be taken by the Czar’s government soon after his return to Moscow. These menaces, however, do not alarm Germany, which is confident of her own strength and the se curity of the triple alliance. AN AMBIGUOUS, COMMUNIQUE. An ambiguous offidal communique com ing from Moscow to-night, is giving rise to various surmises as to the Czar’s designs. Count Laursdorff, director of the Czar’s diplomatic bureau, who has just returned from Copenhagen, brought an utterance from the Czar which, as given to the press, is that “An immediate solution of the Bulgarian crisis should be found.’’ Not a word more isoom municated to explain the act. Well in formed officials regard the utterance ns a pacific one, and it is supposed to point to some new diplomatic scheme for a settle ment of the Bulgarian question. ITALY AND THE VATICAN. The Bismarck-Crispi arrangement to es tablish h modus rire-ndi between the Holy •fee and Italy has not prospered. Advices from Rome to the Germa nin state that I’riuce Bismarck intimated to the Vatican that he was authorized to inform the Holy Bee what concessions the Italian government was disposed to off er. At the same time f’rinee Bismarck declined to be responsible for the conduct officially of the negotiations, aud merely offered to be a friendly medium. The Vatican’s reply was a query whether Italy would acknowledge the absolute inde pendence of the Holy See with the restitu tion of part of Rome ns the Pojie’.s sine nun non. Sig. Crispi did not entertain these terms, and Prince Bismarck’s action in the meantime has cooled. Anew cause for a fierce quarrel lias arisen in the law abolishing the Polish language in the schools in the Polish speaking provinces of Posen, West Prussia and Silesia. The Catholic press declares that the clergy will not obey the law, and that they cannot share in a campaign against the' national language In '•' hich the people learn their religious and moral duties. A portion of the Progressive press approves this defiance of the Catho ’ics and predicts that in the struggle with the church the government will find the decree paralyzed. The Post says it does not consider it a re mote assumption that Russia will adopt strong anti-German attitude on more serious matters than the question of impe rial visits. Russia’s reserves, Moscow, Oct. 23.—'The two hundred thou *snd reserves called out at the beginning of Octolier after a three weeks drill have been cent to their homes. The condition of the men and the spirit aud discipline through mit the empire are reported to be excellent. I he shooting of the troops surpassed all ex lactations. Pig Iron Jones’ Call. Pittsburo. Pa., Oct. 22.—The Chronicle belcgrajih to-day printed Chairman B. F, Jones’ '-all for the National Republican ‘ omm it tee to meet at the Arlington Hote Bt "’ashingtop at 10:30 o’clock in the morn *‘>g on Dec. 8, to fix the date of the National Republican Convention. Cuban Clgarmakers Strike. Havana, Oct. 32.—Part of the cigar Marker* employed in this city have gpm ®ut on a strike. CHURCHILL AT NEWCASTLE). He Severely Criticizes Gladstone’silrish Policy. London, Oct. 22. Lord Randolph Churchill, speaking at Newcastle to-day, declared that Gladstone’s proposals regard ing Ireland, as they now stood, meant the breaking up of the union and the ruin of the empire. Ho denied that the govern ment had lightly adopted coercion. They had tried to rule Ireland by the ordinary law until the plan of campaign ren dered this impossible. The plan of campaign, he said, was exactly similar to the “no rent” manifesto, which had been Mr. Gladstone's justification for coercion. Lord Randolph ridiculed the idea that the Parnellites had changed their methods and aims. Mr. Gladstone ought to la? the last to denounce the Irish police, for they had got at loggerheads with the people in carrying out repeated Gladstone coercion acts. If political changes were henceforth to be effected by public disturbance and defiance of the law, England's prosperity would quickly fade. POLITICS IN FRANCE. Clemenceau Saya the Electors are All Mixed Up. Paris, Oct. 22. —M. Clemencau, in a speech to the electors of Toulon, said that the present political situation resulted from a general confusion of ideas. Every Cabinet since that of Dufaures, he said, had pursued the same policy, and had broken its prom ises. He declared that he would remain immovable, and would only support a gov ernment which introduced serious reforms. He said that union among the Republicans in home and foreign affairs was more neces sary than ever. The condition of Europe was everywhere one of disquiet and uncer tainty. Referring to the interview between Big. Crispi, the Italian Prime Minister, and Prince Bismarck at Freidrichsrube, M. Clemencau said that when the two states men met and conferred the nations asked who would bear tbo cost of their agreement and what rights would be violated. The meeting at which M. Clemencau spoke was a noisy one. No resolutions were adopted. MEXICO WON’T MITIGATE. Tho Leaders in the Nogales Affair Will be Shot. El Paso, Tex., Oct. 22.—The Mexican officers who were concerned in the Nogales outrage last spring, and were sentenced to be shot by the judgment of the special court martial, have been confined in jail since then, pending an appeal for mitigation of punishment, which was strongly indorsed by the State Department of the United States government. The punishment was deemed too severe, and a lengthy correspondence has taken place between the two governments in regard to the matter. The two officers are Col. Francisco Ar vigus and Lieut Guttierrez. It now trans pires that the appeals for mercy have been ineffectual, and that the sentence of the court martial will after ali be put into execution. The day has not yet been set, but an order in the premises is expected from the War Department in the City of Mexico at any hour. EVICTION RESISTED. Vitriol, Boiling Tar and Red-Hot Iron Used Against the Officers. Dublin, Oct. 22. —An attempt was made to evict a widow named Foley from her house at Ballykerogue, county Wexford, to-day. Twenty-eight men defended the house and the attempt was a failure. The emergency men were fought with vitriol, boiling tar and red-hot iron. The military were summoned. Thomas Joseph Condon, Nationalist mem ber of Parliament, has been arrested at Mitchellstown charged with having intimi dated voters. CLEVELAND AT WASHINGTON. The Party Greeted With no Demon * stration on Its Return. Washington, Oct. 22. —Everybody on the Presidential special was up at sunrise this morning. Toilets were rather hastily made. Coffee was served just as the God dess of Liberty that crown* the dome of the capitol came into view. Good-byes were said, and at the appointed time to the minute, 6:40 o’clock, the train came to a stop at Washington. The President was heartily glad to get home, though as heartily glad that he went away. During the three weeks of his journeying he had traveled 4,500 miles passed through seven teen States, crossing three of them twice, and had seen and been seen by (variously estimated bv different members of the party) at from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 of American citizens. a quiet entry. There were no brass bands, no committee men and no crowds at the station here, and it is nothing uncomplimentary to the people whom the President has visited to say that every one of the tourists was glad of it. President and Mrs. Cleveland and Col. La ment entered the carriage and went to the White House. Postmaster General and Mrs. Vilas were driven to their home. Dr. Bryant and Mr. Bissel went to breakfast with the President, after which they took trains respectively for New York city and Buffalo. The artist arid two journalists went their several ways. The Pullman cars were un coupled for the first time in three weeks, and tho President's special train ceased to be. President and Mrs. Cleveland took breakfast at the While House early this morning and then drove out to their coun try home at Oak View, where they spent the day. THREE BLOWN TO ATOMS. An Oven Used for Japanning Explodes iu Connecticut. Watbrbury, Conn., Oct. 33. —At Briston at noon to-day an oven used for japanning at the works of J. H. Sessions & Sons ex ploded with terrible force, immediately set ting the building ou fire. There were ten male employes in the room at the time. When the iire was extinguished shortly afterward, three dead bodies were taken from the ruins. The dead were: Willie Young, aged 14. Bert Cleveland, aged 15. John Shane, aged 31. The others wore severely injured. There is no reason given tor the explosion, nor is any person responsible for the accident. A Mayor Shot and Killed DesMoiNeh, la., Oct. 33.—This evening at Maxwell Ferry Ackers ente e I the office of Mayor J. O. French and sin t and killed him. He then shot T. B. Scliuetzer, but not fatally, and after pursuing others, turned and shot himself, dying imme diately. No causo for the murder is known. Saloon Keepers to Break Stone. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 33.—Three saloon keepers convicted, on pleading guilty, for selling liquor on Sunday in this city havo boon sentenced to break stone in the county jail for thirty days. A number of other similar cases are to follow. SAVANNAH, GA„ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1887. TAMPA’S TALE OF DEATH. TWENTY-THREE NEW CASES IN THE PAST 24 HOURS. Conflicting Reports as to Whether There Were Any Deaths or Not— Jacksonville and Other Cities Raise the Quarantine Against Palatka Hillsborough County, of Course, Quarantined. Tampa, Fla., Oct. 22.—Twenty-three new cases of yellow fever have developed in the past twenty-four hours, but no deaths have occurred. The weather is cool. Four cases are considered critical. The Mayor’s appeal for aid, while considered unnecessary by many, is being responded to liberally. RAISING THE QUARANTINE. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 33. Dr. Mitchell lias just returned from Toeoi, where he had an interview with the Putnam county health board, all being very satis factory. The board ordered the quarantine against Palatka off, taking effect to-mor row. All the other counties were notified of this action and they will follow suit. Ocala and Leesburg have ordered theirs ended in the morning. The committee who had charge of the fund raised for the Charleston sufferers held a meeting this forenoon. There was $393 89 on hand yet of that fund and they decided to send S2OO of it at once to Tampa, and the chairman was empowered to send the balance if it was needed. President Cole man, of the Jacksonville. Tampa and Key West railway, gave SSOO as the road’s con tribution to the fund. Theodore Hudnutt, of Terre Haute, has sent SIOO for the suf ferers. Jacksonville has raised SI,OOO and will increase that figure. The Board of Health had a meeting this morning, but no particular business was transacted. A FROST. A light frost fell here this morning. The quarantine against all points in South Florida, except Tampa and Hills borough county, has been declared off by the Jacksonville Board of Health, and this example has been followed by the other cities of the State. A rigid cordon will lie maintained around Hillsborough county, and it is believed that there is now no danger of the disease spreading outside of Tampa. The Timrs- Llnion'n report from Tampa is: “Twenty new cases to-day and two deaths. The dis ease is of a very mild type. The weather is cool and favorable.” PALATKA PLEASED. Palatka, Fla., Oct. 22.—Ocala and Gainesville are satisfied that there is no yel low in this city and have raised the quaran tine against Palatka. The Jacksonville Board of Health has finally agreed to raise the quarantine against Palatka, to the great relief of the jxxiple of both cities. There is a conviction among the business men of Jacksonville that there was no excuse for it. Hernando county sends assurances to-day that it never quarantined against this city. ADVICES TO THE GOVERNMENT. Washington, Oct. 22.—Surgeon General Hamilton has received a telegram from Deputy Collector Spencer, at Tumpa, Fla., saying that there were eight new cases yes terday, five last night, and two deaths yes terday. He says that the hospital has been finished and that, the nurses from Savannah have arrived. He also states under date of Oct. 21 that there have been 150 cases and 25 deaths reported to date. A telegram was also received from Dr. Ames, Secretary of the Board of Health of Putnam county, Florida, in which Palatka is situated, saying that there has been no yellow fever in that county since the death of the refugee from Tampa at Interlachen, on Oct. 13. BANGS ACQUITTED. The Jury Declares That He Fired the Shots in Self Defense. Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 32.— Before the Coroner's jury in the Mac Williams case this forenoon, T. A. Judson squarely contradicted Winter, one of the witnesses who testified that he saw the shooting. Jud son testified that he knew Winter well, and that when the shooting occurred he (Jud son) was in the rear of Houston’s place, and that Winter was there all the while. Gibbert, a gunsmith, testified that Mac- Williams usually earned one blank cart ridge in his pistol. Mr. Pope said he had a witness who would testify that he saw Houston and Bangs standing on the corner listening to Mac Williams’ Thomas. The other side then said they desired other witnesses called and furnished a list of them. A stop was put to this by the constables refusing to serve the subpoenas without some guarantee of their bills. Chairman Robinson, of the County Com missioners. had told ihom the county would not pay the bills and the constables said they could not afford to serve the papers for nothing. The jury then closed the doors for a conference, aud on their being opened announced a recess to 3 o’clock. But they said they proposed to finish the inquest then. The jury rendered a Verdict of justifiable homicide to-night. The finding was that MacWiUiums came to his death by gunshot wounds inflicted by George Bangs, and they found further that the killing was one in self defense. Bangs is under arrest, with Houston. Winter and Thomas, and will ap pear Monday for examination. For some days travel between Enterprise and Titusville on tho Jacksonville, Tampa ami Key West railroad, has boon stopped, owing to heavy washouts along the line of track near Deep creek. The line Is now in good order, and trains will resume travel from to-day. THE SUB TROPICAL. President Paine, of the Bub-Tropical, says all the work is going forward very satisfac tory. The work on the buildings and grounds is a month ahead of their expecta tions. The first, installment of the Bahama exhibit came this weak, and another is ex pected next month. Clarence Burnside, tbo commissioner for the Bahamas, expects to have a very complete exhibit. Another thing that Mr. Paine spoke of was the ca pacity of Jark-onville and the near suburbs to accommodate the people. He Itad been to Atlanta and knew what a crush meant, and the Bub-Tropical management pro posed to havo ample accommodations here. Another Hearing for tho Anarchists. Washington Oct 22. —The UnitSl States Supreme Court has decided to bear further arguments upon the application for a writ of error in the case of the condemned Chicago Anarchists and has set the hearing for Thursday next at noon. The Court has also decided to allow tho State of Illinois to appear in these proceedings and has notified Attorney General Hunt to be present and make an argument in behalf of tho State in opposition to the petition for a writ of error. Further orders in the ease will tie made when the court reassembles on Mon day. The determination of the court to hear further arguinont, not only for but against the application, indicates, according to ob serving lawyers, merely that the court does not want to seem precipitate in its action on the application. It is not thought it will be granted. A BIG BLAZE AT ST. LOUIS. The Fire the Moot Deetructive for a Year Past. St. Louis, Oct. 22. —The most destructive fire that has occurred in this city in more than a year broke out at 6 o’clock to-night in the Woodman, Todd Company's whole sale boot and shoe establishment at No. 413 Washington avenue. It soon communicated to John Martin & Co.’s wholesale clothing house, next door on the east ami in the same building and then sweeping swiftly through both stores ignited the rear part of the large five-story warerooms of the Scarrett Furni ture Company, Nos. 609, 611 and 613 Fourth street, which was filled from cellar to garret with furniture. Here the fire raged with great fury, aud in the course of an hour the entire building was gutted, and all its con tents destroyed. ANOTHER FURNITURE HOUSE. In the store south of the Scarrett build ing, No. 607, was the Mitchell Furniture Company, the fourth and fifth stories of which building were entirely ruined ami the lower floors flooded with water. North of the Scarrett building. Nos. 615 and 617 were occupied by Leonard Roos, an extensive furrier. These stores were also completely gutted ami their contents either wholly destroyed or damaged beyond *ppan\ Adjoining Woodman, Todil Co.’s establishment on Washington avenue was Koemer’s saloon and restaurant. This was crushed by a falling wall and afterward burned. On tho corner of Fourth street and Washington avenue, within an angle made by, the stores of John Martin & Cos., and the Scarrett Furniture Company, stands the large retail dry goods store of William F. Crowe & Cos., which escaped fire, but part, of its west wall was broken in by the falling of the east wall of Martin <M Co.’s building, and goods were damaged by water and smoke to the amount of about SIO,OOO, which is covered by insurance. SOSIE OF THE LOSSES. The second and third floors over Koern er's saloon were occupied by A. Weiss & Cos., manufacturers of underwear and cloaks. Their loss is $30,000 ami their in surance SIO,OOO. Other losses, as near as they can be ascer tained to to-night, are: Scarrett Furniture Company, loss $125,000, insurance $75,000; Woodman Todd Company, loss SIOO,OOO, insurance $50,000; John Martin & Cos., loss S7S,(XX) to SIOO,OOO, insurance $50,000; Leonard Roos, loss on stock, fixtures, etc., $75,000, nearly covered by insurance. Mr. Roos also had a large amount of furs of all descriptions belonging to ladies which he hart kept through the summer on storage, and which were insured for about SBO,OOO. The value of them is not known. They are without doubt en tirely destroyed. The Mitchell Furniture Company lose $15,000, and have insurance of $12,000. Mr. Koerruer’s loss is $12,000, and has insurance of $6,000. The total loss will fall but little short of $500,000. About 7 o’clock to night the Paulri Jail Building and Manufacturing Company’s works on DeKalb street, between Barton and Trudeau streets, took fire and were de stroyed. The loss is $30,000 on stock and SIO,(NX) on buildings. The property is in sured for between $170,000 and $40,000. The concern has contracts for jails nt Lake City and other places to the amount of $350,000. WINDING UP B. & O. The Offices in Maryland Consolidated with the Western Union. Baltimore, Oct. 22. —About one hundred operators employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company were to-day noti fied that their services would not be required after Oct. 31, and notice was issued that all the offices of that company in Mary land would bo at once consolidated with the Western Union offices, except in Baltimore, Cumberland and Frederick. The heads of the various departments of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad this afternoon attended a farewell reception tendered them by Itobert Garrett at his country seat near this city. Mr. Garrett leaves to-morrow for the City of Mexico where lie has rented a house for the winter. It is announced that lie has definitely abandoned his proposed plan to erect anew hotel, which was to have been the finest in the city, and that he is likely to withdraw from several enter prises witn which his name has been promi nently connected. SUMMONED TO PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Oct, 23. —Sergeant-at- Arms Johnson, of the City Councils, left here to-day for Baltimore to serve notice upon Robert W. Garrett to lx? present Fri day next at a meeting here of the Councils’ sub committee having in charge the matter of the bond of the Baltimore and Ohio Tele graph Company, which, it is claimed, has forfeited $30,000 by its merging with the Western Union company. While it is thought Mr. Garrett may not come to the city, the service of the on him will avoid delay in the prosecution of the suit by reason of bis absence. FIDELITY BANS CASES. Twenty-Eight True Bills Brought in by the Grand Jury. Cincinnati, Oet. 23. —Miss Josie Holmes, private Secretary of Harper in the Fidelity Bank, was arrested last night by United States officers in a north-bound railway train at Hamilton. She was brought to this city at midnight and put in jail. There is a belief that the United States officers will make numerous Fidelity arrests. The expected sensations in the Fidelity National Bank indictments began to de velop at 10:30 o'clock this forenoon. It is now known that twenty-eight true bills have been found. SOME OF THE CARES. The cases so far as divulged are as follows: Vice President K. 1,. Harper—Five indict ments. fifty-seven counts. Cashier A. Baldwin—Four indictments, fourteen counts. Josie Holmes —Four indictments, five counts. Assistant Cashier Benjamin E. Hopkins- Four indictments, forty-eight counts. These indictments are for violation of the statutes at large governing national banks and for fraud. .1. W. Wilwhire, the broker who led in the disastrous wheat deal, using Fidelity Bank funds, has four indictments against him, with eleven counts. W. H- Chatlield and Henry Pogue, the directors who signod the May reriort of the Fidelity Bank to the Comptroller of the Treasury, have been indicted for signing false returns and were arraigned this morn ing. Thirty-Five Reported Rilled. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 33.—A special from Cheboygan, Mich, to the Evenin'/ Journal says: ‘‘The' Canadian propeller Ontario is reported to nave been blown to pieces by an explosion of her boiler la the north channel, near Bruce Mines, uud thirty-five people killed. No particulars can be obtainod, it being isolated from auy port or telegraph station.” Lx-Minister Washburn Dead. Chicago, Oct. 22. Hon. E. B. Wash bum, ex-Minister co France, died to-night. G EN.LEEA N DA BELINCOtN THB MONUMENTS TO THEM AT RICHMOND AND CHICAGO. “Little Abe," the Grandson of the Dead President, Unveiled the One in Lincoln Park Yesterday—Richmond Preparing for a Tremendous Crowd on Thursday. Richmond, Va., Oct. 23,—'The laying of the corner-stone of the monument to bo erected here to the memory of Gen. Robert E. Lee will take place next Thursday. The event promises to boa marked one in the history of this already historical city. The day selected by the Lee Monument Associa tion is the big day of the State fair, and the indications point to an immense influx of visitors and probably the largest gathering ever seen in Richmond. Clamp No. 1, of Confeder ate Veterans, has been assigned the post, of honor, and the committees from the camp having charge of the details of the ceremo nies have worked assiduously for several weeks, and their labors will doubtless result in a most creditable demonstration. Invi tations have been sent to many who fought, on the Union side during the late war, and nearly all have signilled their intention of being present. SOME OF THE PROMINENT GENERALS. Among the ex-Conlederate Generals who will participate are Fitz Lee, now Governor of Virginia, Wade Hampton, Cooke, Me- Coombe, Cox, Walker, Early and others, while others, including Beauregard and Longstreet, have sent letters of regret. Volunteer militia from several of the South ern States, as well as thousands of Confed erate veterans, will also lie present. Those having the affair in charge feel confident that their undertaking will lie a graud suc cess, and will make the occasion one never to lie forgotten by all the participants and visitors. .he corner-stone will lie laid by the Grand Lodge of Virginia Masons, who will be escorted by 150 mounted Knights Templar and several hundred Blue Lodge Masons. A BIG PARADE. The programme ulro includes a grand military and civic procession to the grounds, where an oration will be delivered by Col. Charles Marshall, of Baltimore, Gen. Lee’s Adjutant General, aud a poem written by the late James Barron Hope, of Norfolk, will be road by Capt. W. Gordon McCabe, of Petersburg. The citizens have already commenced decorating t heir houses, and the whole populace seem to be infused with the spirit of the occasion The monument is to tie erected just outside of the western corpo rate limits of the city, overlooking the Con federate Soldiers Home. It will occupy a position in the centre of what will be known as Lee Park, the ground for which was do nated by the owner for this purpose. LINCOLN’S STATUE. “Little Abe” Unveils It at Lincoln Park, Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 22.—The great statue of Abraham Lincoln was unveiled this evening at Lincoln Park, in the presence of a large crowd, by “Little Abe" Lincoln, son of Robert T. Lincoln. Thomas F. Witherow, one of the trustees of the Bates’ fund, out of which the cost of the statue was defrayed, formally presented the figure to the Lincoln Park Board, and W. C. Gaudy replied in behalf of the board. The oration was delivered by Hon. Leonard Sweet, whose intimate political, social and domestic rela tions with the great President have made him one of the best, informed men now liv ing on Lincoln’s life. Asa condensed biog raphy of Lincoln it lias not been excelled, and it contains anecdotes and reminiscences which have never before been published. A RUSH FOR CALIFORNIA. The Santa Fe Road Unable to Carry All the People. Santa Fe, N. M., Oct 22.—1n the past ten days upwards of 5,000 persons have passed down the main line of the Santa Fe road, en route to California. Last night a west-bound train was run in three sections, and about 1,500 persons were on board. Triple-headers will be run during the remainder of this month. Passengers say thut many are compelled to wait several days at Kansas City before they can secure accommoda tions on the Santa Fe trains. The recently issued circular letter of the Southern Pacific Company to various Transcontinental lines advocating the buying up by the California Terminal lines of the return jwrtions of these tickets to California, which are now selling at $6O, with six months limit for each, in order to keep them out of scalpers’hands, has precipitated a great war in transcontinental rates. The move was a direct stab at the Santa Fe road, and from passengers who came in from Kansas City last night it was learned that the war is on in earnest. The Santa Fe and Union Pacific roads are both crowding the fight. At first they made west-bound rate for the Missouri river #4O, but within three days past this lias been cut to #2O, and many of those who v. cnt through last night arc traveling at this rate. It is thought the Southern Pacific will now carry out its threat to handle California passen gers from the middle and Western States for $l5. COULD’T FIGHT THE STANDARD. The Alpha Oil Company of Michigan to Cry Quits. Chjcauo, Oct. 22. —A special to the Tribune from Detroit says: “The managers of the Alpha Oil Company, a young rival of the Standard oil monopoly, have made an assignment. Its capital with thut of branch institutions, was $6,000,000. Its leading spirits are the moat prominent oil men of Detroit and Michigan, with a sprink ling of Cleveland millionairs. Judge Mars ton is Secretary and Treasurer of the International Company which ha; some patents as the Alpha-Ameri can branch of the organization. He says the International company is not affected by the troubles of the Alpha com pany and that the latter concern will be re organized and continued. Mon ty had been so lavishly sgieut that the supply *,'ave out. The wages of the workmen were not paid an<l lawsuits were commenced representing the claim* of laboring tnen. The company deeded its property to Mr. Hall for #lO 000 and Mr. Hall assigned to Mayor Thurber, of Marquette. According to the receipts this leaves Thurber as the practical owner. The outcome w ill be a matter oi great financial moment in Detroit and Michigan. The company lia* constructed a pi)>e line to ties Canadian oil fields, built immense machine shops and started n bank to conduct its finances.” The St. Andrew’s Bay Scheme. Cincinnati, Oct. 22. —Only one indict ment outside of the Fidelity cases has been reported, and that is that of Lewis A. Leon ard, formerly of the and of the lute Sun, for making an unlawful use of the mails in promoting the St. Andrew’s, Fla., scheme, in which 1 .eonard is con cerned. He was arraigned this morning. FELL DEAD IN COURT. An Uncommon Incident in a Petty Case at Augusta. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 23.—An extremely sad and sensational occurrence was wit nessed by the attendants upon the Re corder’s Court this morning. Two Augusta factory girls appeared before the court upon a charge of lighting. Among the wit nesses was Mrs. Emma Lakey, a resjiertable woman of the factory district, Judge Dun bar presided and Lieut. Hood was the officer of the court. Mis. Lakey was the first wit ness called. She advanced to the witness stand, where the oath was administered, when she held up her hand in compliance with the rules, answered yes and imme diately fell upon the floor dead. A few moments before she was a picture of health, being a large, rosy-cheeked woman, and just before being called upon was laughing with friends. The body was removed and an in quest held. The jury returned a verdict of death from heart disease. While Lewis Wright (colored) was cross ing the Port Royal railroad trestle, adjoin ing the Sa van mill river bridge, this after noon he fell, striking a projecting timber, which also fell, killing him instantly. The body was fearfully mangled. Hamburg was this afternoon again the scene of another shooting scrape. Norvel Smith, a convict captured a few days ago, stole a gun from Thomas Butler which he sold to Jerry MUledge. Butler found it in Mill edge's possession and de manded that it bo returned. This the ne gro refused to do, when a rough and tum ble tight, ensued, and but for interference Butler would have come out second best. When the nogro was pulled off Butler quick ly jumped to his feet, drew a revolver and fired, but missed his mark. The negro then rau and Butler fired again, striking him on the spinal column about the small of the back. A physician was summoned and pro nounced the wound fatal. Butler was not interfered with, and probably will not be as Hamburg is a somewhat lawless town. GEORGIA’S CAPITAL CITY. The Governor Signs 100 Bills and Has 176 Still Before Him. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 22.—The Governor has been busy all day signing bills, and he put his signature to an even 100. There are yet 175, but several of these he will not sign. The Governor and his staff will attend the State Fair in Macon next week. He re quests that all I lie members of his staff meet him in Macon Monday night. The Exposition closed to-night with two successful weeks so far as crowds go. The exhibitors to-night are moving to Macon, where it is expected the crowd will be as large. Gov. Gordon will enter the State cam paign in Ohio next week, where he has con sented to deliver a series of political ad dresses. The appeals to the Governor from prominent Ohio Democrats huve been so urgent that he has finally consented to take the stump, where he proposes to answer Foraker’s continued assaults on the South and to pledge the fealty of the ex-Confed erates to the general government. COLUMBUS CHAPTERS. Prominent Citizens of Brownsville Fight and Become Friends. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 23.—A. F. Suebbs, formerly editor of the Brownsville Investi gator, and A. B. Young, a prominent citizen of Brownsville, had a light last night. Neither one was seriously hurt and they have since made friends. Two negroes were arrested here to-day charged with attempting to wreck a train on the Columbus and Western road about ten days ago. One of them, Itarise Ed munds. admitted the offense and said they did it to get revenge for having been dis charged from the road. Dr. E. A. Flewellen, formerly General Manager of the Columbus and Western railroad, left to-day for Mexico, to take a position on the Mexican railroad. Judge Smith will adjourn Marion Supe rior Court Monday, until the following week. The directors of the Mobile and Girard railroad held a meeting here to-day, but no business of public importance was trans acted. A NEW FAD. Warming Pans and Thistle Down the New Craze. New York, Oct. 22.—Just now a com paratively new fad has broken out among fashionables. It is installing as prime fa vorite, among the other antiques, the old fashioned brass warming pan, which is now hung in the hall or library near the fire place. They really do give a cheerful look with their brass covers, which arc kept pol ished with dazzling b. ightuess. They bring large prices when offered for sale. So any one who has one tucked away in some gar ret letter bring it forth, for they possess j. prize, as they are something not likely to be reproduced. 1 saw wbat I thought was rather a strange fanev the other day, a lady had the first tooth her little boy shed set in a ring. I don’t know if it be the coming of the “Thistle” to our shores, or to whut the craze is due, but just now the thistle forms a very important part of our decorations both for ourselves and our houses. Pillows stuffed with thistledown are fashionable and com fortable. They are usually covered with silk of some of the wood shades, upon which is embroidered a thistle and leaves in its natural color. Sometimes a quotation is also worked. 1 saw a white wood table the other day. the top covered with white plush on which was painted a thistle blossom, while at the opposite corner was a satin bow of thistle color, which indifferent from lilac in being more pink. Panels on which this ties are painted are very pretty; either bur laps or the finest Japanese mattings is need for these. I was also shown a whole set of white enameled furniture tile other day, on which thistles were painted; it is for a room the ceiling of which is to tie painted in a thistle design. The most beautiful thistle I have seen was of jewelry; it was either for lace pin or pen dant. The blossom was composed of ame thysts, the shading of fine diamonds, the green stalk and leaves of emeralds and green enamel. It was ona of the most splendid ornaments I ever saw; it deserved to be, for it cost a great many hundred dol lars. Many people are cultivating thistles In flower pots. Its blossom grows to a very large size and of a very beautiful color. They really look very pretty, particularly if growing ina brass flower pot. Ido not see why they are not quite as at tractive as ihe cactus. To add to tiie craze for thistles, 1 was entertained at luncheon the other day by a handsome blonde who wore a robe of white silk mull embroided with thistles and adorned with innumerable bows of ribbon of the same shade. Evelyn Baker Harvier. Hanged Protesting Innocence. Little Rock, ARK.,Oct. 22.—1n Augusta, Ark., yesterday. Joe Simmon* (colored, who assassinated R. J. Byrd, a prominent merchant at Gray’s station, last winter, was hanged. His last words were a denial of bis guilt. I PRICE @in A YEAR l t 5 CHATS A COPY, f LYNCHERS STORM A JAIL THEY SECURE THEIR MAN ANl> ADORN A TREE WITH HIM. Abduction and Murder of a Farmer’?i Daughter the Crime of Which He Was Accused -He Protests His Inno cence to the Last, but is Not Believed. i xniANAPOi.iR, Ind., Oct. 22.—Early tbit morning a mob of about 200 men made sn assault on the jail at Delphi, Carroll coun ty, their purpose being to secure the person of Amos Green, who is charged with mur dering Miss Luella Mabbitt. Green had until Wednesday been confined in prison at Michigan City to avoid possible lynching, but on that day was brought to Delphi, where his trial was to be held. The Sheriff did not anticipate any trouble and had taken no precautions. When the assault was made he had only one deputy to assist him. The mob hammered in the wooden door leading to the residence part of the tail and twenty masked men, armed, rushed in and demanded the keys of the jail keeper. They were refused, when a man with a sledge hammer and cold chisel broke the looks and forced the doors. Green wrenched off a piece of water-pipe aud tried to defend himself, but was ouickly overpowered and taken from bis cell, placed in a wagon, and driven out of town in the direction of Wal nut Grove, several miles east, and not far from where the murdered girl lived. Thera the lynching took place. protested his innocence. A special to the News from Delphi sari that Green protested his innocence of the crime charged against him to the last. When the appointed spot had been reached the leader of the mob told Green he must either produce Luella Mabbitt or die. He called for Mabbitt., the. father of the miss, ing girl, and standing face to face with him he stated that Luella was alive, and living with a man named Samuel Fane, at Fort Worth, Tex. He was asked why he had not produced her, and said his attorneys had ail vised him to the contrary. Convinced that he was lying, a rope was stretched around his neck by tha mob and he was drawn under a tree. Green stood upon the seat as erect ns a statue, h'i hands pinioned and the rope so tightly drawn that he was almost choked. Tba crowd was as orderly as a Sheriff’s posse could have been, had Green been going to his death in accordance with the mandates of the law. Green’s body was not cut down till morning, alter it had been viewed by thousands. Green was one of the most desperate criminals that ever afflicted Indiana. In August, IHBO, he abducted and is supposed to have murdered Luella Mabbitt, a far mer's daughter. He was captured in Texas last July with his brother Bill Green, also a murderer, and both were taken to Michigan City for protection from mob violence. Bill Green is now on trial in Miami county,and Amos’ ease would have come up here to-day on a motion for a change of venue. ONLY A FIGHT ON PAPER. The Sanguinary Battle Reported in Indian Territory a Myth. Rt. Louis, Oct. 22.— A dispatch from the agent of the Associate'll Press at Fort Smith, Ark., says the reported conflict with out laws in Indian Territory lacks confirmation. The United States Mondial here has full facilities for getting news from the Terri tory, but hasnorepor of the affair ref err <<l to. Deputy Marshal, ast in from the scene of the reported conflict say there is no truth in the report. Tiainor, the reported leader of the outlaws, stands indicted for murder and whiskv selling, but has no gang with him. Certain parties are endeavoring to create the im pression that, lawlessness prevails in Indian Territory, in order to get United State* troops there, and there is a good deal of apprehension that trouble may grow out of the Cherokee election when the National Council meets. DETROIT DEFEATED. The Weather so Cold that the Game is no Criterion. New York, Oct. 22.—Detroit and St. Louis played the last gtime iu the East of their series for the championship of the world to-day. Both teams started to-nigkS for Detroit, where they will play the final game. The weather was such as to preclude any such attendance a would havo been ou the grounds under ordinary circumstance*. It was exceedingly cold and the few I spei-tators present were kept constantly l on the move in order to kevf up 1 circulation. The players seemed to be afraid of the ball and handled it very ten derly. Many plays were missed that, under ordinary circumstances, would have hum easily accomplished In the seventh inning the umpire called the game, on account of the extreme cold. The game was uninter esting. The players suffered so much from cold as to make good fielding imnosgible, though but few errors were made. The score was as follows: Detroit 0 0 0 0 1 ft— 1 St. Louis I I 0 0 0 0— 5 Base hits—Detroit 5, St. Louts 10. Errors-Detroit 3, St. Louis 2 RACING ON TWO TRACKS The Pimlico and Lexington Meeting* Still in Progress. Baltimore, Oct. 22.—Following is a sum ! ranry of to-day’s races at Pimlico. First Race —For I wo year olds; three quarter* of a mile. king (’rah won, with Vauce second and Sight Unseen third. Time 1:23. Second Rack-Free handicap sweepstakes; one and three-sixteenth miles. Royal Arch won, with Vosburg second and Lelogos third. Time 2:!li. Mutuals paid S4. Third Race— Bowie stakes for all ages, with $2.1)00 odded: two and a half miles. Duoboyns won, with Klkwood second and Barnum third. Time 4:40. Fourth Rack—For beaten horses; mile. Ban ner Bearer won. w ith Valiant second and Favor third. Time USOV*. Fifth Race—Free handicap steeplechase, full steeplechase course. Will Davis fell and went j out of the race. Warrington won, with Justice Mack second and Jim McGowan third. Time 6:20. AT LEXINGTON. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 22.—Following i* a summary of to-day's races here: First Hack—Five-eighths of a mile. Flitter won. with Little Bis second and Hector third Time 1:08W. Second Rack—One and three quarter miles. Insolence wen, with Barn burg second and Brao ahan third. Time 8:033*. Third Rack—Mila. Bad re won, with Cast steel second and Ocean third. Time I:44t^. Fourth Rack—One and one-sixth miles. Osceola won, with Panama second and Myrtls third. Time 1:67. Morris Fox, of Dunbury, Conn., is said to be the youngest telegraph operator in ths country. He is 13 years old, and he beg&u work when only 9. He is on expert, aud will soou take a position in one of the mos* important offices of that city. The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy art unequalled.