The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 23, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, t. Savannah. Ga., Oct.. A’. 4p. it. \ Cotton -The market was dull and jioraew'mt - though not quotably low,::- There were tew- hovers in the market, ami the bulk of the buying whs by hut one buyer.. The total sales for t he* day were *4,768 bales, tin 'Change at the opening call, at .10 a. m.. the market was ,v ported firm and unchanged, with sales of • :trO bales. At the second call, at Ip. m„ it wis dull, the sales being' 1,016 hales. At the • bird and last call it closed quiet, and easy, with furthbr sales of 352 bales The following are the official closing spot quotations of the, Cot tou Exchange: Middling fair 3 5-16 Good middling. 014 Middling 0 fine middling 8 13-16 Sea Island- The market was quiet, but firm g, 1 unchanged. There were no sales reported during the day. We quote: Common Georgias 1.- Common Flondas (*' ® l7 rt Medium 18)$®19 Medium fine 19!5(ij1964 Fine SO <®2U)s Extra fine 21 ® Choice 22 ® Comparative Cotton Statement. | Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Oct. 22, 1887, AND| for the Same Time Last Year. 1887-88. ij 1880-87. j _ ' iSLud AAmd.' t/p,and j ;Stock on band Sept. 1 575! 6.sis| 1.149! J Received to-day 1,073* r t 9f<sj 3,221, 6,760: Received previously '! 1,770 830,211 1,7 h? 249,£25; 1 Total H 3,418! 344,014 ({ 4,167) 2C0.589; it " - i Exported to-day t' 30! h.yto; ' 116, 1,995 Kxi orted previously .. 1,289; 220,141! 1,3*34; 143,164 Total '! 1,319! 9,m-t LMOj 145,159 Stock on Land and on ship , * board this day \\ S.O?'.' 2,617 115,730 Rice—The market was quiet and steady. There is a good demand for the better grades, for which values are firmer. The sales during the dav were "00 barrels. The receipts of rough to date were 230.086 bushels, and the shipments of clean thus far were 7,309 barrels, distributed as follows: To New York 1,596 barrels, to Balti more 1,149 barrels, to Philadelphia 547 barrels, to Boston 288 barrels, to the interior 3,729 bar re's. The stock of rough on hand is 92,284 bar relsandof clean 3.719 barrels. The following are the official quotations of the Board of Trade. Small job lots are held at )s@)4c higher: Fair t... 4KOMW Good Prime 4‘lq®j Rough— Tide water $1 10® 1 25 Country lots 80® 95 Nava:, Sro*< ; -ri\. ma, bet for spirits turpen tine was very firm. There was a fair inquiry, and about 600 barrels were disposed of at 32c for regulars. At the Board of Trade ou the opening call the market was reported firm at 8144 c for regulars. At the closing call it \va ; firm at 82c for regulars,with sales of 300 casks Rosin—The market was firm, but somewhat nominal, owing to a, diff -renee in the views of buyers and sellers. At the Board of Trade on (he first call the market was reported firm, with buvers and sellers apart, at the following quotations: A, B, C and 1) 90c. K 95c, F 97)$e, G and H $1 00. I $1 05, K $1 25, M. $135. N $1 55, window glass $2 10. water w-hite $2 60. At the last call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day. 440 1,395 Received previously 130,468 3-34,734 Total ..133,431 413,5.37 Exported to-day 1,759 4,019 Exported previously 119,642 .342,214 Total .121,401 346,263 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 12.050 67,274 Receipts same day last year 309 1,842 Bacon—Market steady: demand good: smoked clear rib sides. SAfce; shoulders, 6 Wc; dry salted deal- rib sides, 8c; 10n.4 clear, shoulders, 6c; hams, 13c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Oct. 02. noon —Stocks quiet but steady. Money easy at 3 per cen:. Exchange —long, $4 HI ®4 82; short, §4 is®4 85)$. State bonds dull and featureless. Government bonds dull but steady. 5:00 p. in.— Exchange quiet but steady at $4 *®l 6. Mouey easy at 3 percent., closing offered at 3. Sub-Treasurv balances—Gold, $132,- 00.-. OOO; currency $11,939,000. Government bo it, dull but steady: four percents IS-ifq; four and a half per cents 108)4. State bonds dull and featureless. The stock market to day was du'l and tame almost from the opening to the close. Trees actions were confined chiefly to traders The opening was heavy at declines ranging from \,4 per cent., to which was shortly added further small losses, which, however, were re gained. Extreme dullness then overspread the list until the last hour, when pressure was brought upon Northern Pacifies and Oregons. There was a reaction of small fractions from the lowest figures in the last few minutes, and the close was quiet but steady to firm at near the lowest prices of the day. Everything with out exception is lower to-night, Oregon Naviga tion being down 2 1 . j. Northern Pacific preferred 116, Oregon Transcontinental in l Lake Erie and Western preferred 1)4 per cent, e.udi. and the remainder fractional amounts. Sales aggre gated 110.000 shares. The following were the closing quotations: Ala. classA, 2to 5.10514 Sew Orleans Pa- Ala, class B, os. 105 ” cific, Ist mort... 81 Georgia 7s, mort.*lo34 N. Y Centi al 108 N. Carolina Os 121* Norf. &W. pref... 3134 N. Caroima is 95 Nor. Pacific 20)4 So. Caro. (Brown) " pref... 42)4 consols 1054 Pacific Mail 35 Tennessee set 699* Reading 614 Vlrginia6s 48t Richmond & Ale.. ft Va. coasolidated. 45 Richmond * Dan v 150 Ch’peake* Ohio. 44 ltichm'd *W. Pt. 2!?s Northwestern. .107)4 Rock Island 11l “ preferred... 139 St. Paul 7244 Dela.and Lack .. 12534 " preferred .11 14 Erie 274 Texas Pacific 234 East Tennessee... 10 Tenn. Coal A: Iron. 254 Lake Shore 9234 Union Pacific 47)4 L'ville & Nash 59 N. J. Central 72-jq Memphis* Char. 474 Missouri pacific... 91 Mobile * Ohio 10 Western Union . 70)4 Nash.* Chatt’a.. 72 Colton Oilcertifl.. 27)4 *Asked. tßid. The weekly statement of the associated banks, issued by the clearinghouse to-day, shows the following changes: Reserve Increased $2,103,025 I Alans decreased 809.900 Specie increased 2,263,200 Legal tenders Increased 2 3,500 Deposits increased 1,734,700 < 'iixulation increased 17. 100 Banks now hold $9,36.3,225 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. COTTON. Liverpool. Oct. 22, noon.—Cotton quiet and without hauge; middling; uplands sVid, mid dling Orleans sfcjd; sales 10,000 bales, for specu lation and export 2,000 bales; yesterday's &ales were increased by late business by I.WX) bales; receipts 13/XK) bales- American 10.000. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. Octo ber delivery 5 14-Old: October and November B 12-ft4d; November and "December a 10-(>4d; De cember and January 5 10-oid; January and February ft 10-04d: Februaryand Marchs 11-04d; March and April 5 13-04d; April and May ft 15-C4d: May and June 5 17-64d. Market quiet but steady. 1 p. in.—'The sales to-day included 7,100 bales of American. Futures—Uplands. low middling clause. Octo ber delivery 5 15-5 id. sellers; October and No vember 5 12-64d, buyers; November and Decern ber :> 10-54d, buyers; December and .January B 10-G-kl, buyers; January and February 5 10-C4U, buyers; February and March ft 11-Otd, buyers; March and April ft i:J-54d,buyers; April and May B 15-04d, buyers; May and June 5 1-04(1, buyers. Market closed stea iy. New Your, Oct. 22, noon. —Cotton dull; middling uplands 9%°, middling Orleans 9%°! sales 23!) bales. Futures—Market, opened easy, closed quiet, with sates as follows; October delivery 9 i-Vt •77c, November *) olc, December 9 00(& 9 53c, January 9 0309 01c, February 9 71@9 69c, March 9 77<&9 76c. ft-00 p. m.—Market closed dull; middling uplands 9*V£c. middling Orleans sales to (lav 123 bales. lasi evening lit); uet receipts 23 baler,, gross 11,764. Future*—Market closed quiet, with sales of >3,h00 halos, as follows: October delivery 9 77 78c, November 9 61 9 U2c. December 9ft*e January 9 61(39 62c, February 9 69@970e, March 9 76®9 77c, April 11 M®9 Sso, May 9 U 2.1 '.i 9-<c. Green i Co.'s report on cotton futures says: •‘Considering the lib - al movement of preceding sessions, the contract market for cotton has been very dull even for Saturday, and 110 really in .v feature was developed. The absence of new buying orders, aula de-ire to take profit by small longs, made ottering* a little exces si re, and about 3 to 4 points were lost, at which the close was dull, hut the bull element evi dently stood iiehind the position, and was pre pared to is mi bat and neutralize any direct pres sure."’ Galveston. Oct. 22 Cotton firm; middling 9c; net receipts 5.559 bales, gross 5,830; sales 1,409 bales; 5t0ck75.563 bales. Norfolk.. Oct. 22.—Cotton steady: middling 9)qe; uet receipts 2,879 bales, gross 2,189; sales 1,622 bales; stock 30,967 bales; exports, to Great Britain 8,186 bales, eoastwise 2,291. Baltimore, Oct. 22 Cotton quiet but steady; middling 94c; net receipts none, gross 8.38 bales: sales 650 bales; stock 6,014 bales; ex ports, coastwise 116 bales. Boston, Oct. 22.— Cotton quiet; middling 93jc; net receipts 131 bales, gross 354; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, Oct. '22.—Cotton firm; middling 9 3-10 c; net receipts 2,224 hales, gross 2,224; sales none; stock 29,159 bales; exports,coastwise I, bales. Philadelphia, Oct. 22.—Cotton firm: middling 9kj|c; net receipts 56 boles, gross 180; stock 6,822 bales. New Orleans, Oct. 22. Cotton easier; mid dling 9 l-16c; net receipts 42,046 bales, gross 13,703: sales 3,500; stock 173,937 bales; exports, to France. 6.100 hales, eoastwise 2.342. Mobile, Oct.22.—Cotton dull: middlingDc; net receipts 745 bales, gross 745; sales 500 bales; stock 16,100 bales; exports, coastwise 1,335 bales. Memphis, Oct. 22—Cotton firm; middling 9c; receipts 6,251 bales; shipments 3,900; sales 2.350; stock 86,151 hales. Augusta. Oct. 22.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling 9c; receipts 2,708 bales; sales 1,496 bales. Charleston, Oct. 22.—Cotton steady; middling 94c; uet receipts 3,727 bales, gross 3,727; sales 500: stock 53,033 bales; exports, to the con tinent 8,051 bales, coastwise 1.782. Atlanta, Oct. 22.— Cotton firm; middling Si pi:. receipts 2,274 bales. New Yore, Oct. 22.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton porta to-day 39,5.18 bales; exports, to Great Britain 13,282 bales, to the continent 11, to France 6,100; stock at all American ports 577,977 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2.087.367 bales, of which 1,567,467 bales are American, against 1,685,551 and 1.323.4.1 hales, respectively, last year. Receipts at all interior towns for the week 190,097 hales. Re ceipts fiom plantations 321,919 bales. Crop in Sight, 1,734,969 hales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, Oct. 22,'noon.—Wheat firm, with fair demand; holders otter sparingly. Coni firm, with fair demand; new mixed Western 4s 84-i- New York, Oct. 22, noon.—Flour quiet but firm. Wheat better. Corn stronger. Pork dull; mess sl4 50® 14 56. Lard steady at $6 70. Old mess pork dull at sl3 75 Freights stead}’. 5:00 p. m.—Southern Hour quiet aud un changed. Wheat—spot firm but very quiet, with an absence of export interest; No. 2 spring 834 e; No. 2 red, October delivery 83e, Novem ber' 88.40, closing same. Corn—options dull and a shade easier; cash tinu an 1 in moderate de mand; ungraded 52)4® 62%e; No. 2, 524® 58)4e delivered, spot and to arrive; No. 2. Octo ber delivery 524<', November 52®52)5c, closing 52c. Oats without change of importance, ruling steady but quiet: No. 2. October delivery 3244 c, November 324 c, closing same; mixed western 32®34c. Coffee, fair Rio, on spot nominal at 19)4c; options fairly active but irregular,closing firm; No. 7 Rio. October delivery 16 90c, No vember 16 80(1)16 85c. Sugar quiet but firmly held , refined quiet. Molasses quiet and un changed. Cotton seed oil quiet. Hides firm. Wool closed quiet but steady. Pork closed steady. Beef quiet and unchanged. Beef hams steady at sls 75®16 00. Tierce beef dull. Cut meats quiet but steady. Middles dull and nomi nal. Lard a trifle higher but very quiet; Western steam, on spot $6 70, December de livery $6 40<&6 46. Freights steady. Chicago, Oct. 22.—There was little of special interest in any of the markets during the early part of the ■ ession on ’Change to day. Wheat was well sustained until the last hour of the session, when there ivas a decline to a point be low yesterday’s figures. The most active fea ture of the market was the sales of wheat, when December option about noon touched 754 c:. Two prominent bear operators sold the market from that figure down to 73c They were fol lowed by a goodly number of "taiiers,” and the concerted action of all together made a very heavy market, though the price was only a small fraction less than the opening. Receipts continue large at the principal primary points, while shipments are only moderate. December ojiened at 73)$c, sold to 734 c, off to 73c, and closed at the latter figure. Corn ruled quiet most of the session, with trading only mode rate. The feeling was easier, due mainly to anticipated larger receipts for Monday and an increase in stocks of about 1.000.000 bushels the past week. The market open‘d a shade under yesterday. Tile elo ng prices were steady for a liine.tben ruled weaker, declining )gc,changed some and closed 4@)4c lower than yesterday, with May at 44>4c. Oats opened steady, but the demand was meagre. Other markets be came easier, aud oats followed with 1 -45 14 c de cline. The market was quiet and dull. The provision market was slow and easier. Offer ings were fair, particularly of pork. Buyers did not take hold readily, and prices declined 10c, but rallied and closed 5c lower than yester day. January sold at. sl2 02t$®12 121$, and closed at sl2 05. Lard remained steady, with light trading. Stocks show a reduction during the week of 90,000 tierces; November at §0 16® 6 174- May at $8 50® 6 52)4; short, ribs were slow at $6 10(3.8 124 for January. Cash quotations were as follows; Hour in fair demand anil steady. \V •'•a., N>. i spriug 7' ■ 7.1-4.:; No. 2 red 7l)jc. Corn, No. 2, 40?ie. Oats, No. 2. 25)s ''V2 V,e Mess pork. sl3. Lard, per liH) lbs, $6 30. Short rib sides, loose, $7 05. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 60 eft 2!i Short clear sides, boxed. $7 35@7 49. YVhisky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows. Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat — Oct. delivery 70M 71 ! 4 70S, Nov. delivery — 71 ; q 72J s 71 U, Cor - ;. No. 2 Oct. delivery— 403-4 40)£ 40?4 Nov. delivery.... 41 41 40)| Oats No 2 Oct. delivery 25)4 20 ri 25)4 Nov. delivery.... Miss Fork— Jan. delivery... sl2 12)$ sl2 12)$ sl2 02)$ Laud— Oct. delivery $6 25 $6 30 $6 30 Nov. delivery 6 17)$ C 17)$ 0 15 Short Ribs— Oct. delivery $7 05 $7 05 $7 05 Jan. delivery 6 12)$ 6 12)$ 6 10 Bai,T!More. Oct. 22.—Flour, prices unchanged; Howard street and Western superfine S2 ~7\ <t r 2 75, extra $3 00®3 6:l. family $3 75 ut. \ 60. city mills superfine $3 37eJ2 69, extra $3 00(g,3 62; Rio brands $4 2‘i'iji4 55. Wheat Southern quiet but firm: red 78®82c, amber 79<igj83c; Western quiet but firmer; No. 2 winter red, on spot 79)4 (3i3')e. Corn—Southern quiet but steady: new white 43®47c, new yellow 45(®49c; Western dull and nominally steady. Cincinnati, Oct. 22.—Flour firm. Wheat dull; No. 2,74 c. Corn quiet. Oats firm. Bulk meats null. Hogs quiet. Louisville, Oct. 22.—Wheat steady; No. 2 rod winter, on spot 76c. Corn steady: No. 2 mixed 45c. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed, 28)$c. Provisions quiet. St. Louis, Oct, 22.—Flour quiet but steady. Wheat firm at opening and higher; cables were strong but gradually became weaker; prices declined : ki<fi)sc later on esti mates of 1,000.000 bushels increase in visible supply and declines elsewhere; closed steadier at about yesterday's quotations: No. 2 red. cash 71V$7f72)$e, October delivery 71)$<a71?4c, closed at 7Hso hid. Corn firm and Lie better; cash 39)4 @4o)se; October deliver)' 39)$c, closing 39)$c bid. Oats qiiiei and easier: cash 24'$4f 24'V. October delivery 24)$<‘ bid. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions dull. New Orleans, Oct. 22.—Sugar easier but not quotably lower. Molasses, open-kettl > active but lower, choice 46e. strictly prime 15<g)47c, trood prime 42® 48c. prime 40@ilc; centrifugals firmer, strictly prime 33®36c, common 22c. naval sro iks. New York. Oct. 22. noon.—Spirits turpentine Arm at. 35c. Rosin firm. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin firm at $1 20® 1 27)5. Tur pentine firm at 3V. Charleston'. Oct. 22. Spirits turpentine firm at Stow. Rosin firm: good strained 85c. Wilmington, Oct. 22.—Spirits turpentine.steady at 82c. Rosin firm; strained 77)$c, gooil strained 32>yc. Tar firm at $1 15. Crude turpen tine Arm; Hard $1 00; yellow dip $1 75; vir gin $1 75. RICE. New York. Oct. 22.—Rice steady. New Orleans, Oct. 22.—Rice unchanged. Circular irom Hubbard, Price & Cos, (Through John S. Ernest, Southern Manager.) New Y'ork. Oct. 22.—Our market to-day has shown that those who thought well of cotton at present prices have been well supplied, and with the short interest eliminated by the reeent advance, prices show a disposition to rare. This is not so marked here as in the offer, of s st cotton from the South, where the holders are evidently well satisfl'd with the values now ruling With an evident d .,|> sition on the part of owners to avail themselves of the present market a decline would seem to he the natural result were it, not for the strength of October her- Kalli Bros, stale tlielr Intention to receive the cotton as tendered, and it is believed there fore that they field a *bort interest in tout r’onth extensive enough to warrant their selling HIE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1887. Decembers as a hedge at a loss of $1 per bale on all Ihe purchases of cotton now made by them for October delivery. An effort is Icing made to bring cotton here from near by points, so the possibility exists that mole cotton will be tendered them,’ but such a strong house may take all the cotton and ask for more. With tiiis exception the situation Here is weaker than for a long time pas:. A late cable reports the Man chester market disappointing aud Liverpool irregular in prices, with the appearance of an easier market. The feeling here is decidedly weaker since the close. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE AI..U tN.U>—THIS DAY. Run Risks 6:09 ScnSets . 5:21 High Water at Savannah . .12:59 am. 1:81 e u Sunday. Oct 23, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah. Smith. New Y'ork— c G Anderson. Agent. Steamship Dessoug, Howes, Philadelphia—Cl G Anderson. Steamship Chattahoochee. Daggett, New Y’ork —C G Anderson. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. Fisher. New York—C G Anderson. Agent. Steamship Win Crane. Billups, Baltimore—J B West * Cos. Steamship Kate (Br), Durkie, Liverpool—A Minis * Sons. Steamship Foscolia (Br), Le Templier, Riga— Jas B West & Cos. Johanne (Nor), Muller, London—Holst & Cos. Schr Three Sisters, Simpsou, Wilmington, Del —Master. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Hartlepools (Bri, Barcelona. Steamship Win Crane, Baltimore. Bark Sirrah (Nor), Rotterdam. Schar Three Sisters. Wilmington, Del. MEMORANDA. New Y’ork, Oct 20—Cleared, schr James E YVoodhouse, Douglass, Jacksonville. Port Natal. Sept 15—Arrived, bark Velkommen (Nort, Pedersen, Fernandina. St Vincent, Oct I— Sailed, barks Ceylon (Ger), Niemann, Savannah; St Christopher (Ger), Schultz, do. Brunswick, Oct 19—Arrived, schr Edward G Taulane Barrett, New Y’ork. Galveston, Oct 19—Cleared, bark Vidette, Tun ne 1. Pensacola. Jacksonville, Oct 17—Arrived, schrs Sarah C Smith, Knott, New York; Flora Condon, French, Belfast; City of Jacksonville, Stillwell. Balti more. Outside, schr Hopkins (? William H Hopkins), Barrett. Philadelphia. Pensacola, Oct 20—Arrived up, barks Magdala (Nor), Petei-sen. Rio Janeiro; San Giovanni E (Ital), Besselo. Buenos Ayres. Cleared, bark Dato (Nor), Hoyeland, Grave lines. Philadelphia. Oct 2)—Cleared, steamship Eel lingbam (Br), McGregor, Coosaw, S C. Perth Amboy, Oct 19—Arrived, bark St Mary’s, Mears, Savannah. Providence, Oct 20—Arrived, bark Stephen G Hart, Pierson, Brunswick. New York, Oct 21—Arrived, steamships Um bria from Liverpool; LaGasg irgnefrom Havre. Arrived out, Etruria, New Y’ork for Liverpool. Fernandina. bark Commerce. Chase, New York; schr Chas A Colunib, McGee, New Bed ford; bark Enula. Nash, Stonington; schr Marie J Saunders, Ingei’soU. Charleston; steamship Y’emassee, Platt, New York; schr Normandy, Wyman, Boston. Cleared, schr Omma Heather. Lacy. Balti more: brig Leonora. Monroe, New Y’ork: schr Centennal, Kulau. Baltimore steamship Yem assee, Platt, New York. RECEIPT3. Per Central Railroad, Oct 22—5,618 bales cot ton, 32 bales yarn. 48 bales domestics. 4 bales hides, 5 pi:gs paper, 112 pkgs tobacco. 39.000 Ks lard, 25,00(1 lbs bacon. 938 bushels oats. 25 hols meal, 26 bbls beer, 130 ht buls beer, 370 qr bids beer, 2 bbls whisky, 2 hf bbls whisky, 33 pkgs furniture, 23 head horses, 2 ears lumber. 1 ear wood, 1 ear doors and sashes, 95 tons pig iron, 9 cases liquor; 1 bbl sugar, 80 pkgs mdse, 7 bbls oil, 5 cars cotton seed, 1 pkg hardware, 1 car grits. EXPORTS. Per steamship Kate (Br). for Liverpool—s,o66 bales upland cotton, weighing 2,465,886 pounds. Per steamship Foscolia (Br). for Riga—7.92s bbls rosin, weighing 3,593,845 pounds—Paterson, Downing & Cos. Per bark Johanne (Nor), for L0nd0n—2,693 bbls spirits turpentine, measuring 137,393 gal lons—Paterson, Downing & Cos. Per schr Three Sisters, for l\ ilmington, Del— -240,545 feet p p lumber—Dale, Dixon & Cos. Per schr Sarah D Fell, for Baltimore-387,864 feet p p lumber Stillwell, Pike * Milieu. Two of Fortune’s Favorites Happy. Mrs. Henry Helfrich, at (54 Shipley street, San Francisco, said: “Yes, indeed, it is true, my husband won $2,000 in the Louisi ana State Lottery drawing of the oth ult., aad we are both very glad of it. My hus band has bought a nice little property ou Turk street, where we intend to live in a short time.” He is foreman confectioner of Messrs Sehroth & AVesterfield. He con firmed his wife’s statement. He had never expected sucii a stroke of good luck as this. After considerable difficulty in finding YVil liam Dowling, a workman in the employ of the Oakland Has Company, he said; “Yes, when the list was published I looked for my ticket and found it crumpled up into a bail in one corner of my vest pocket. I unrolled it and compared it with the list, when, for a moment , I thought I must be drunk or crazy, but, when I looked again I found that I was right and my number had got me $2,000.” He is said by his employers aud fellow-workmen, to be an honest, hard working man, aud all seem to rejoice at his good fortune. —San Francisco (Cat.) Call, Sept, 0. PIANOS. lliSflb STEINWAY PIANOS. GABLER PIANOS. ROSENKRANZ PIANOS. HEYL PIANOS. PELOUBET ORGANS. PIANO STOOLS and COVERS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. IMPORTED STATIONERY. TOYS. Schreiners Import House. snow CASES. SHOW CASES s;; CASES ARTISTIC STORK fixtures, cabinet WORK, CEDAR CHEST. State Wants. Ask for Pamphlet. Address TE.iRY SHOW CASE CO.. Nashville, Tenm MEDICAL. 7i>,A WILL CURE ffiS&f ' Ing. Itching, or ifi CQa Froirudir.g Ti LtO. Falls. Cure Guaranteed. Prf ee per Bo .r, 60 cent a un and $ 1. CC. \ Jars, lor use m tiitir J praotloe, 52.00. i Dr. Williams* Indian Pile Ointment lx sol<f *" or ou rerp’Dt of price hv tliß ** WllllS’ns Mi g Cos., Cleveland, 0. T'O COUNTY’ OFFICERS.—Book* and Blansk 1 required by county officers for the use of the courts, or tor office use. supplied to order by the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Whitaker afreet. Savannah. ABBTRAC TS OF TITLE. Abstracts of Title, ♦-office- • Isaac Beckett. CAST SIDE OF BULL STKCET, NEAR BAY. SAVANNAH. GA. ABSTRACT Of VM t TITtCR TO ALL LA NOB N Tll CITV AND COUNTY FROM THC SmifBCNT OP QCOROIA TO OATf. WITH FULL INFORMATION AS TO THKIR CHARACTER AND •UPPIOICNCT. dact cceajiezv £> /xttCzftoT /t/zccc£ of ctJ aj.-ifua/'uup zst //tc, and. ccuv A*ecntM'<vucl /fu/ jutrrk/ cut eU/crrCAy of //cu ‘/{juz.'tZy tJLLjxJtort cjtZftA* zt'AfKJ /ciik '"Acia cu yrjuz/l CZu. omjoL, u oUtuM/tuy of fia&ozuayo 'EdtcsrfdSC&r' '/As* ' / “ i '' fla&nc HOOTS ANI) SHOES. Tie Post Office Location SETTLED AT LAST. TIIE OLD RELIABLE SHOE HOUSE OF , JOS.ROSENHEIM &CO. at the same old place, 135 BROUGHTON STREET, where you will find the best line of GENTS’ S*: OO SIIOKS ever brought to this market. This is not an empty Brag, Boast or Bluster, but an assertion we are prepared to stand by. An ex amination will convince the most skeptical. JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO., RANGES, STOVES, UOl SKFUKMSIiING GOODS, ETC. CL ARKE&DANIELS Dealers in Portable Ranges, Cooking, Parlor. Office and Laundry Stoves, and a nice line of House Furnishing Go ds. Table Cutlery, Pla ed and Pearl Agate Ware, Coal Hods Sifters, etc. Also, agent for the celebrated Charter Oak, which is guaranteed to do absolutely perfect cooking, pro ducing the tood juicy, tender and thoroughly cook-d, and a saving of 30 per cent, of the nutrirneni and cost attained with more economy of fuel and less labor than any cooking apparatus made Their appliance for hea'ing water for pressure boilers is the simplest and most effective devised. Our Ranges and Stoves are selected for their conve nience, operation and DURABILITY. They are sold as cheap as any of the same quality, weight aud finish can be sold. Our desire to plea-e, combined with long practical expe rience at the business, enables us to warrant the successful operation of every one sold by us, or we will refund the money willingly Call and examine or send for circular. CLAIIKE & DANIELS, GUARDS ARMORY, Corner YVhitaker and. York Sti’fetH, Savannah, fr^oreta. < IA)1 HIV. 158 BROtTOH rON STREET, K CLOTHING HOUSE ! CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY Hats and Men’s Furnishing Goods. OUSTOM I)EPARTMENT. SUITS MADE TO ORDER AM) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. menkenTabrahams, New York Oflioo, 650 Broadway. MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mechanics. corporations, and all others in need of printing, lithographing, and blank books can have their orders promptly filled, at moderate prices, at the MOR VING NEWS PRINTING HOUbE. 3 Whitake • FOR MEN. FOR YOUTHS. FOR BOYS. FOR CHILDREN LAWYERS, doctors, ministers, mere bants, j mecbaolcii and cithern having books, inaga zi’ ea, ftiid other printed work to he b>>uti(l or r 1 bound can have such work done in the best st vl * of the binder’s a:t at the MOItNINU NEW6 i WNDSRY, 8 An take; btr-et FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTIXG, ETC. EMIL A. SCHWARZ™ Furniture & Carpets, New Designs, Elegant Assortment, Low Prices and No Misrepresentations. Relying upon our hitherto successful method of offering all grades of goods at low figures, we now offer our fall stock of FURNITURE and CARPETS wita this end in View, having devoted much thought and labor to the selection of same to meet the varied requirements of our trade. The improvement in our selection of goods is marked and will Ist apparent to you upon a careful inspection of our goods EMIL A. SCHWARZ, 125 and 127 BROUGHTON STREET. DRY GOODS, ETC. 'SPECIAI7 MUMIIIT! OPENING OF Fall and Winter Goods AT Mi 4 tor's, SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET. ON MONDAY MORNING We will exhibit the latest novelti s in Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres and Silk Warp Heoricttas, Black Nun’s Veiling, Suitable for Mourning Veils. Mourning Goods a Specialty English Crapes and Crape Veils, Embroideries and Laces. Housekeepers’ Goods Irish Table Damasks, Napkins and Towels of th<* beat manufacture, und selected especi:ill> with a view to durability. Counter)>anei an Table Spreads, Cotton Sheetings, Shirtings and Pillow Cm ngs in all the lje*t brand*. Hosiery, Gloves. Handkerchiefs—Regularly made French and English Hosiery for laditu and children, I 'all riff an Hosiery. Gentlemen and Boys’ Half Hose, Ladies’ Black bil*. Hosiery, Kid Gloves. Indies’ and Gentlemen’s Linen Handker chiefs in a great variety of fane prints, an< full lines o heiu ued-stitchdd and plain hem uted White Handkerchiefs. Gentlemens Lauudried and t’nlaundried Shirts. Bays’ Shirts, Gentlemen’s Collars au< Cuffs, Lilies’ Collarsaud Cuffs. Corsets—lmported aud Domestic. In grea variety, aud in the most graceful and healt approval shapes. Vests—Ladies', Gentlemen’s aud Children’'* Vests in fall and winter weights. Parasols—The latest novelties in Plain am Trimmed Parasols. Orders All orders carefully and promptly executed, and the same care aud attentior given to the smallest as to the largest cotnmis sion. Samples sent free of charge, and good guaranteed to be fully up to the quality shown in sample. Sole agent for McCALL’S CELEBRATED BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS Am pattern sent post free on receipt of price aud measure. CROIIAN & DOONER. CORNICES. CHAS. A. COX, 40 BARNARD ST., SAVANNAH, OA., —MANUFACTURER OF— GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES AND TIN ROOFING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tbs only house using machinery in doing work. Estimate* for city or country work promptly furnished. Agent for the celebrated Swedish Metallic Paint Agent for Walter's Patent Tin Shingles. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. - THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY. I REN'CH CLOCKS, etc., is to be found si A. L. Doshouillons, 21 BULL STREET. the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES, Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opera Glasses n,t Cost. PDUMBER. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. E. Wakefleld, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, tS Barnard street, SAVANNAH. OA Telephone 873. CONTRACTORS. P. J. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, d3 DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. ESTI M A TEH oniptiy furnished for budding of auv class. GROCERIES. NICHOLAS lang; 19 Barnard Street, Savannah, Ga., Only Depot in the State —FOR THE— Smoked Meats, Bolognas and Sausages 01f THE FAMOUS MAICTFACTURE OF Albert Peiser, New York,' ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST GOODS ON THE CONTINENT. STRICTLY “KOSHER" ONLY —ALSO KOSHER BEEF FAT, m A superior article for Frying anil Cooking pur poses, and cheap in price. Also headquarters for SWISS CHEESE. GER MAN PICKLES, etc., etc., IMPORTED and DOMESTIC GROCERIES in full line. __ NEW CURRANTS, New Citron, New Nuts. Choice Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart. Rock Candy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, at •THE Mutual Co-Operative Association, BARNARD AND BROUGHTON ST. LANE. DRY GOODS. I AM PREPARED TO OFFER A VERY~AT TRACTIVE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods Among which will <e found RARE GEMS IN COMBINATION SUITS. (NO TWO A LIKE. 1 My stock of domestics in SHEETING, SHIRT ING. PILLOW-CASE COTTONS are unsur passed. CALIFORNIA and WHITNER BLANKETS in variety. INFANTS' and CRIB BLANKETS, TABLE DAMASK NAPKINS, DOYLIES and a great variety of HUCK aud DAM.vSK TOWELS from 20c. to trie. GERMAINE’S, 132 Broughton street, next to Furber's. TETTER! NE. A Honseiiols Necessity! N'O family Is spared from the visitation of skin diseases in some form, in a warm cli mate; hence every household should bo pro vided with a box of , TETTERINE! The Greatest Success Ever Discovered, for the cure of INFANTS’SORE HEAD, BOILS, TETTER, ECZEMA, KING WORM, ITCHING PILES, PRO I USE DANDRUFF, GROUND ITCH, BURNS, eh-. It is the antidote for itching and scaly skin diseases of every kind.*, Paisles* and Fbaorant. Sold by druggist*. Seut by mail on receipt of 60c. J. T. SiIUPTRINE k BR0„ SAVANNAH, GA. FRUIT AND GROCERIES. PEARS! CALIFORNIA PEARS. QUINCES and < i RAPES, DOMESTIC GRAPES, .MALAGA GRAPES, COCOANUTB, LEMONS, APPLES, CABBAGE, ONIONS, TURNIPS, PUiAiOES, FLORIDA. ORANG-ES, GRAIN AND HAY. SEED OATS, SEED RYE, BRAN, FEED EYES, etc., B. E. PEAS. 0100 Prices to Large Buyers. 169 BAY STREET. W. D. SIMKINS & CO. DRUGS AND .MEDICINES. Don’t Do It! Don’t Do What? TT7HY don’t walk our tony streets with that VV nice dre or suit, of clothes on witli Stains or Grease Spots in. to which toe Savaunah dust KticKM ••closer than a orotuer,” when Japanese Cleansing Cream will take them out clean as anew pin. 26c. a bottle. Made only by J. R. HALTIW ANGER, At his Drug Stores, Broughton and Drayton. Whitaker and Wayne streets. 7