The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 24, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ITEMS IN THREE STATES. GEORGIA, FLORIDA AND SOUTH CAROLINA PUT IN TYPE. A South Carolina Lady Narrowly Es capes From Death Under a Train at Atlanta—Hazelhurst’s Steady Prog ress—The Provable Cost of the Last Legislative Session. GEORGIA. Emanuel county Sui>erior Court convenes tiext Monday. An attempt is being made to establish an ice factory at Valdosta. Two thousand eight hundred bales of cot ton have been received at Boston to date. Several valuable diamond pins were se cured by pickpockets during President Cleveland’s visit to Atlanta. The Colored Baptist. Church Association is now in session in Valdosta, with a large attendance of preachers and delegates. A drunken negro attempted, a few days ago, to kill John Glenn, of Stewart county. Mr. Glenn escaped unhurt, and the negro "is in jail. Boston will have a 33-column folio weekly Jiaper soon, to be called the Boston World. lenjamin Mcltendon will be editor and pro prietor. Two well-known Athens ladies were rob bed by pickpockets last week. One of them enroute from Chicago lost all of her money, trunk, checks and jewelry. Athens expects to entertain 50,000 visitors .luring fair week. J. H. Dorsey lias written to Atlanta for several hundred cots, which will be put up during the fair. Macon Presbytery will convene with the Friendship Presbytery at Mount Tabor church at Friendship. Sumter county, next Thursday night, and continue several days. Wednesday, Old Soldiers’ Day, will be a, public holiday at Macon. AU the stores will be closed, and everybody will devote himself to entertaining the old soldiers and visitors. The mail service between Reidsville and Statesboro, Baxley and Mount Vernon, will be tri-weekly after July 1, 1888. A tri weekly route from Reidsville to Johnston Station will be established at the same time. Lebbeus Dekle is going to put up a hand some brick store on his lot next to Flipper's, on Lower Broad street, Thomasville, which will lie occupied by Ernest Dekle. The contract has been let, and the work will be pushed. A few weeks since one of the Tallahassee papers published a notice of a Keiffer pear, raised near that place, which weighed twenty-six ounces. John T. Perdue, of Quitman, has raised one weighing thirty one ounces. The purchases of the Brunswick post office from the department in September, 1886. amounted to $941 40. In September, 1887, they amounted to $1,354 80, a gain of $4lB 40—another evidence of the advance which the city is making. Detectives have been at work in trying to ferret out the EllaviUe depot safe robbery, which occurred about three weeks ago, and are about to fasten it close at home, on one that would have been last suspected. A negro has been offered $35 to implicate an other party. The Atlanta police have not yet learned who, with some blunt instrument, dealt Hiram Ray, who died there Friday, the fatal blow on the head. Ray was drunk, and had a fight with someone unknown. Ray was a somewhat notorious character with pugilistic tendencies. At Atlanta Friday night, a white man, supposed to be J. L. McWilliams, of Pan thersville, DeKalb county, was run over and killed at the Central railroad crossing on Mitchell street The man was crossing the track when a freight train backed down upon him. He was crushed to pieces. Summit is one of the growing towns of Emanuel county. A large number of houses have been erected, and still the improve ment goes on. It is the terminus of Wad ley's railroad, and that firm and Mr. Malsby have one of the largest stores in the coun try. Stdlmore is also one of the coming towns, with Messrs. Brinson & Brinson as the leading spirits. Last Saturday, some negro men were in the store of W. H. Glover, at Anders* in ville, when a white man called Toodles Subers, walked in, picked up a hatchet and struck . one of the nrgroee on the head with the edge of it, cutting a long deep gash. Dr. B. L. Joiner was called in to attend the wounded man. The negro is still alive. The cut ex tends into the brain <me or two inches. Bubers has not been arrested. Sam Jones opened the prohibition c,..n --paign at Atlanta yesterday with a lecture at DeGives’ Opera House. A list contain ing over 2,500 signatures, petitioning for an election, has been presented to Ordinary Calhoun, and from that it will only be necessary to secure the names of 900 quali fled voters, to warrant the Ordinary in issu ing his election proclamation. That this will be done there can be no doubt. Treasurer Hardeman said Friday that he had not yet received all the the legislative pay rolls and could not yet say what the adjourned session cost, but he was certain that $136,000 would not be too much. The session last winter cost the neat sum of $62.- 000, which, added to the $130,000, makes the grand total for the year’s session of the General Assembly SIBB,OOO. This amount covers a period of 157 days and is at the rate of nearly $1,300 per day. Hazelhurst is still booming. There is not a house to rent in town, and there are ap plications for houses every day. Several houses will be erected. Mr. Lewia’ brick store is rapidly going up, and will be Completed by Dec. 1. Judge B. N. Williams hfjs com menced grinding his oane. The Judge savs he planted for thirty barrels of sugar, but will not make more than ten. The cane is very sweet this year, but does not make up for the damage caused by the drought. Yesterday evening late a little negro boy named Berry Brown was playing with an other boy in the woodyard of Ivey Bros, near the park. In running from the other boy Berry ran against the frame of one of the wood wagons with such force as to knock him down. His cries brought some of the people who live near by, and when picked up it was found that be'had received such a lick on the head that it was thought that he would not live, the skull being frac tured. Macon paid last season to the attractions at the Academy of Music something over $17,000. There were just fifty-one perform ances, the largest receipts Tieing that of Robison & Crane, $1,117 35, and the smallest that of the Saturday night per formance of the Booth-Barrows company, $53. To this amount add the concerts and performances at Masonic Hall and the cir cuses, and the total will be about $20,000 paid out to professionaljpeople to amuse the Meconites. /''apt. Daniel G. Candler died in Gaines ville, last Friday in his 76th vear of his age. Capt. Candler was born 'in Columbia county, Feb. 32, 1812. He had filled many offices of honor and .profit in several coun ties of the State. He was one of the first to take up arms in the lost cause, and went out as Captain of the famous Banks County Guards, and made a good officer until they reorganized at Yorktown, when he retired from the command of this company and re turned home. Mrs. W. W. Austell, of Atlanta, who is suing her husband for divorce, was Miss Ideline Lochrane, a daughter of the late Judge O. A. Lochrane. Mr. Austell is the son of the late Gen. Alfred Austell, who was one of the wealthiest citizens of At lanta at the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Austell have lived for several years in a pretty home on Peachtree street, and their domestic troubles have caused quite a sensation in social circles. Mrs. Austell is a very beautiful woman, and is quite fond of society life. Old man Will Arter is a great coon hunter, and his wife smokes a pipe. They live on neighbor Avera's place, nour Quit wan. and belong to the colored persuasion, A few days since After brought home a pound of powder and told his wife to put it in his powder-horn. Sirs. A. was smoking her pipe, as usual, and continued to smoke as she slowly poured the powder into the horn. Several of the children were present, watch ing the proceeding. 4 The explosion came, according to the regular laws governing such matters. The family are all badly burned, and one of the children may die. Last .'Saturday night as I)r. Goldin of Buchanan was going home, from visiting a patient, a liear ran to the side of his buggy and wanted to ride, but the doctor objected and struck him over the head with the butt of iiis whip, and drove off and left him. The liear also attacked a woman near the Twentieth district court ground, but she got away without in jury. Wednesday night, at Ault & Gold in’s saw mill, Perry Sanders was attacked by the bear. A party will be organized to hunt for the bear as his room is better t han his company. From the actions of the liear it is supposed to have been tame at one time. A woman has been for several days serv ing out a ten days’ sentence in the city prison at Macon. Friday a man was placed in an adjoining cell for drunkenness. When be was aroused from his stupor and began to sober up, he made the discovery that he was a next door neighbor to a woman, and an acquaintance sprung up. She told him how she drank a few glasses of beer and fell a victim to the bowl, and so worked upon his sympathies that after an afternoon of courtship they became engaged, and ugreed to marry as soon as Recorder Baxter would let them out. Although they oould not see each other they seemed satisfied that fate had decreed it thus, and each had at last found an affinity. The firm of Dodge, Meigs & Cos., the widely known manufacturers of Georgia pine timber, of Til Wall street, New York, have been increasing their business and have sold their mills, railroad and a portion of their timber lands at Normaudale to the Normandale Lumber Company, of which Norman W. Dodge, one of the firm, is the President. They have also sold their lands and mills at Kt. Simon's Mills, near Bruns wick, to the St. Simon's Lumber Company. Norman W. Dodge is also President of this company. These changes are made between the members of the firm, who control nearly all the stock, merely for their pwn conve nience and in view of some large improve ments which they are soon to make. At Atlanta Saturday above the noise and tumult in the depot a piercing shriek was heal'd. Mrs. George Bryson, of South Caro lina, was in the depot her husband,and mistaking the exposition train for one going to Augusta, they attempted to board it as it moved through the ear shod. The man got on all right, but the woman missed her foot ing and fell. Her dress was caught by a portion of the car and she was dragged fifteen or twenty yards. Her left foot in some way was thrown across the track and two of her toes were mashed off. She was rescued from her perilous tMisit.j on by Patrol man Newt Holland and Watchman Flynn. Her husband had her placed in a carriage and driven to the house of a friend, where the proper medical attention was secured. FLORIDA. A shipment of oranges came over the road from New Smyrna to Orange City last week. A great many strangei-s are now in Gads den county in search of lands on which to locate. The water in the flat woods around Orange City is said to be the highest since the storm of 1880. Ezra J. Neher, of Keuka lake, had six valuable carrier pigeons, which he had im ported at considerable expense, but the sportsmen thereabout have shot five, and the remaining one is badly wounded. Clay county truck farmers have been in their glory for a week jiast. Bounteous rains have fallen, seed have been planted, plants have been set out, and all nature seems to be smiling upon the efforts of the farmers. The schooner Issae N. Curlan, which re cently set sail from Green Cove with a cargo of lumber from the mill of the Messrs. Blaine Bros., is said to have carried the largest, cargo, of lumber that ever crossed the it... Johns bar, she went out with 000 feet, Five prisoners escaped from the county jail at Gainesville Friday. They were Lov lck Lundy, charged with arson; Ed Danzy, in for a fine; Handy Bonnet, for hog steal ing. and Charlie Washington, for petit lar ceny. Abe Sanders was the one caught in the brush. Palatka News: One of our fellow citizens who, a week ago,was not particular how he got to Jacksonville, so he got there, has been heard from. He told a friend at Jack sonville: “What you dink! I got avay from Palatka, and was within four miles of In terlachen, when I hear a man die of yellow fever dere. I vas so near as dot.” The postmaster at Orange City has sue-, needed in getting a direct mail service be tween Orange City and Lake Helen, not withstanding the ik istmaster at the latter place attempted to prevent such a service for the convenience of tko public going into effect. Heretofore it took a letter just twenty-four hours to go from oue office to the other, going up and down the Jackson ville, Tampa and Key West railway to get into incoming pouch from the North. Sanford Journal: Coming from Orlaudo Friday night on the fast mail the Journal editor fell in with Dr. Oppenheiwer, of Bartow. He informed us that he had au thentic information that them was a case of yellow fever at Bartow—a refugee who hail escaped from Tampa by private conveyance through the country, thus evading the quar antine. We stated that Dr. Wylly, the President of the State Health Protective As sociation, lived at Hanford, and that we supposed we could get correct information from him. We applied to Dr. Wylly, and with such unsatisfactory results that wo are without opinion as to tne correctness of the report. For the past week Charles Vogt, of New York, has been purchasing lands near Quincy with a view of establishing a tenantry sys tem for the purpose of raising tobacco. One feature is to pay ‘Joe. per pound for all to bacco grown, and prepared for market, on these lands, whatever the market price may be, giving to the tenant the privilege of selling the crop, for a greater price to any purchaser, subject to the conditions of using the seed, planting, handling, etc., under direction or Mr. Vogt. In addition to these land affairs he will establish a cigar factory in the Dismukes block, which will grow larger and larger, as may be justified by its financial success. The Messrs. Blaine Bros., who have been making extensive preparations for some time past to establish their car factory in Green Cove, have reached a period in their operations which will soon develop into active shape. Their main large buildings have completed, the ma chinery is being placed, and within a fort night they will begin operations. A build iug in which to complete the cars has been commenced; this building will lie too feet in length, and the cars, complete, painted, and ready for business, will be run out on to the tracks of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad. When the factory gets into good running order it will turn out, on an average, two cars per day. Mr. Parsons, who lives in the neighbor hood of the car shops at Hanford, came very near losing his life recently in consequence of his deafness. He was walking on the track with an open umbrella on his shoul der, hiding almost his entire body. A train of cars was being pushed on the same track, in rear of the gentleman. Mr. McCandliss and another road em ploye wore on the cars, and after it "’as sct'ii that the person walking paid no attention to the signals from the engine nor the approach of the train, and would iu a moment more lie killed, unless ho stepped aside, it occurred to Mr. McCandliss ‘who the person probably was, and he had just time to wave the engineer to apply brakes, stopping the train right at the gentleman, who proved to tie Mr. Parsons. Had air brakes not been on the engine, lie would certainly have been crushed to death. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1887. SOUTH CAROLINA. Both a State and a National bank are in process of organization at Sumter. The ordination and installation of the Rev. B. F. Wilson as pa-tor of the Presby terian church at Spartanburg took place Sunday in the Methodist church before a large audience. Capt. R. S. Desportes returned to Colum bia Thui-sday from a tour through Georgia. He has been to the cotton manufacturing towns of that State gathering information about cotton mills. On his way home he stopped in Atlanta and examined the water filter system in that city, The canvass for subscriptions to the cotton null will tie begun next week and vigorously pushed. Capt. Desportes is devoting much of his time to this enterprise. Simon Crier, the colored constable who shot and killed Thomas Parker, colored, on Wednesday night last at Bulow’s place, in St. Andrew’s Parish, appeared in court with his counsel, Mr. Moultrie Clement, and asked for bail. The testimony taken before Acting Coroner J. P. Clement, and the verdict of the Coroner’s jury were read, showing that Parker had been shot while resisting arrest and while he had a gun full-cocked and leveled at the constable. Judge Aldrich granted bail in the sum of SSOO. Isaac M. Bryan, of Greenville, has re turned from Washington, where he made a few days ago an argument before the United States Supreme Court, in the case of the United States versus Henry Fox, using the mails to defraud. Henry worked the counterfeit money sawdust racket at Rock Hill. He was convicted in the United States Court here, and sentenced to twelve months in the Columbia penitentiary, and also to fifteen months in Auburn. The pres ent hearing was on a motion for a rule to issue to the Marshal to show cause why a writ of habeas corpus should not be granted. The Supreme Court heard Mr. Bryan’s argument and reserved its decision. At Anderson, one day last week, an old gentleman, Jonathan Pickerel, living in the extreme northwestern portion of the county, walked into the store of J. B. Watson & Cos., and told Mr. Watson he wished to pay him what lie owed him. Mr. Watson re marked that he had no account against him. Mr. Pickerel thereupon drew from his pocket an old bill of some cotton he had sold J. B. Watson & Cos. in the fall of 1873. He showed Mr. Watson that in that trans action he had received sl3 25 more than was due him through a mistake made by the bookkeeper. Mr. Pickerel bad thrown the bill among some other papers and last week, while looking through the lot, acci dentally detected the mistake which had gone unnoticed for fifteen years. As soon thereafter ns was convenient he came to Mr. Watson and asked to be allowed to re fund the money. The Greenville furniture factory, which was built several years ago and has since been operated through many changes of, ownership and with varying success, prom ises some interesting litigation. R. M. Pickens & Son have owned and operated the factory for sometime, though the prop erty is still in court. It is stated that about Oct. 1 the firm of It. M. Pickens & Son was dissolved. Since then Dantzler & Mackey, furniture dealers, contracted a lease of the factory until Jan. 1 next. They made the contract with It. M. Pickens, and were to take possession on Oct. 20. Tuesday Blythe & McCullough, attorneys for J. C. C. Turn er, the other leading furniture dealer in the city, served notice on Dantzler & Mackey that Turner had leased the property and notifying them of his intention to carry out the contract. Mr. Turner says he leased the factory from R. M. Pickens & Son, and made payment on it. Dantzler & Mackey will take {xissessiou, and it is supposed there will be some developments when they do. Gov. Richardson had intended leaving Atlanta on his return to Colombia, at 6 o'clock Thursday morning, but the blockade at the union dejiot was so great that it was impossible to get near the train. At 5:30 Thursday afternoon, acting under the ad vices of Train Dispatcher Gibbes, the Gov ernor and his party, numbering about twenty, took a street car for the Air-Line carshed, about two miles from theKimbail House, and after walking in mud and dark ness for half a mile further, found their way to a passenger car, into which they were securely' locked. This car, after re maining at the shed about two hours, was taken to the union depot, and attached to a north-bound train of ten cars, which were all well {lacked. By keeping the Governor’s car locked until the departure of the train, at 9 o’clock, its occupants were enabled to retain seats which they would otherwise have been unable to hold against a mob of excursionists, who were crazy to leave the citv. It was really by the courtesy of Mr. Gibbes and Master of Trains Lockard that the ladies of the party were enabled to return home through the terrible crush. Tiie following named persons have been suggested as delegates from the old settler farmers to attend a meeting, on the Fair grounds on Wednesday, Nov. 9. These and all others hereafter suggested, should notify Col. O. P. Duncan, the President, at Union, so that free transportation may be furnished them: Abbeville county—R. A. Griffin, Ninety-Six; Wade E. Cothran, Bradley, 8. C.; Janies M- Latimer. Lowndesville, 8. C. Aiken county—Gen. 11. L. llavson,Beech Is land; Capt. M. T. Holly and Col. T. W. Whatley, Aiken. Charleston county—W. G. Hinson, E. I*. Rivers, Charleston; A. H. DuPrc, McClellanville. Clarendon county —C. 8. liamb. Forest; E. N. Piowden, For eskin ;L. H. Deschamps, Fulton. Colleton county—Dr. H. M. Shuler, J. M. Stokes. St. George’s; P. C. Johnston, Branchville. Faiiiield county—Stephen Gibson, Horeb; Thomas Lyles,' Lylesford; James A. Mc- Crarey, Gladden s Grove. Hampton county —Capt. E. H. People, Lawton ville; Rev. W. F. Hogarth, Brunson; James R. Mixson, Cummings. Kershaw county—Lewis J. Patterson, Liberty Hill; TV. ‘E. Johnson, Allen McCaskell, Camden. Isixington county—A. P. West, Lcesville; Abram Ueigar, Columbia; J. S. Swygert, Colum bia. Marlboro county—J. R. Webster, Bunnettsville; J. Woodley, Bennettsville; John P. Smith, Bennettsville. Newberry countv—Joseph Caldwell, Newberry: Dr. W. M. Dorron, Newberry; Allen Hawkins, Prosperity. Williamsburg county—Capt. John A. Salters, Salters; N. G. Urahams, Seanton; W. J. Haselden, Johnson ville. York county—Dr. Thomas Campbell, Clo ver, 8. C.; Col. J. K. Bratton, McConnels ville; Col. J. W. Kawlingson, Rock Hill. The State Agricultural Bureau is in formed by Secretary Holloway, who is in Columbia on business connected “with the State Fair, that he is in possession of infor mation from all sections of the State that the attendance at the approaching fair will be far greater than ever before, that stalls are being secured for the accommodation of stock from all sections of the State, and that the exhibition of poultry will be the finest ever shown there, and in order to ac commodate the increafed number of poultry the officers are providing additional accom modation. All the buildings, fencing, etc., have been whitewashed and the grounds thoroughly cleaned of weeds, the whole presenting an interesting appearance to Ihe thousands of visitors to the fair. The following appointments of marshals for the State Fan- have been mude: Abbeville, Col. A.W. Smith; Aiken. Luther A. Holley; Anderson, Maj. A. S. Todd; Barnwell, Col. P. B. Ilagood; Beaufort, T. D. Darlington; Berkeley, J. Stoney Pringle: Charleston, C. Fitzsimmons; Chester, J. Dunovan: Claren don, H. B. Richardson; Colleton, William J. Fishburne; Darlington, Bright William son; Edgefield, N. J. Evans; Fairfield. H.B. McMaster; Georgetown, Charles F. Allston; Greenville, Mat. William W. Williams; Hampton. Maj. M.B.McSwceney; Kershaw, J. D. MeDownll; Horry, Col. J. L. Qualtle bauui: Lancaster, Leroy Springs; Laurens, J. C. Darlington; Lexington, S. P. Drafts; Marion, W. J. McKerriu; Marlboro, L. E. Evans; Newberry, L. W. Jones; Oconee, D. A. Bieniaim; Orangeburg, A. It. Taber; Richland, Frank Sims; Simrtanburg, Col. Hugh Farley; Sumter, W. B. Sanders; Union,Nat Gist; York. Robert Lindsay. No appointments have yet been made for Pick ens and Williamsburg counties. M. A. Ransom, a farmer in Aiken county, has furnished the Stole Deuiulmout of Ag rieulture a report on an experiment ho hits rnado this year on one acre in cotton. It shows what can be accomplished with a proper System of fertilization and cultiva tion. The land on which the crop was made was good pino land, with clay subsoil. It was in oats last year, but has been mod erately well fortiHzfd for several years. The land was broken early in March, with a turn plow, running six or seven inches deep. In bedding, a six-inch shovel plow was used, followed in the same furrow with a long bull-tongue, breaking to the depth of ten or eleven inches. Planted on a low flat bod, and -‘knocked off” with board. A good stand was obtained. Chopped out in the usual way before “running around.” First plowing or siding was done with a culti vator, subsequent plowings with a sweep. " The general plan observed was deep breaking and shallow cul tivation. The entire cost of pro ducing the crop, according to an item ized statement furnished the department of agriculture, including labor, fertilizers and average rent of land, was $54 02. The pro duct ivas 901 pounds of lint cotton, which sold at 9c. per pound, giving a return of $Bl 09, to wTiirh must be added the value of the seed, 50 bushels at 20c.—a low price— slo—making the aggregate return s9l 09. Deducting cost, $54 02. leaves a net profit on the yield of the acre of $37 07. Deducting from the cost of production the value of the seed, it will be seen that the cost of growing the crop was less than sc. per pound. Mr. Ransom conducted the experiment at the request of the department, and he says in his report that while the result is nothing w onderful, it is so satisfactory—ss7 per acre profit—as to make it an exceedingly favor able showing for the intensive system of fanning, which he thinks should be fol lowed more generally by farmers. WHAT TO DO WITH OUR GIRLS. The German and Danish Solutions— Insurance and the Basis of Them. Manchester (Eng.) Policy >[older. The English young lady, delicately reared and left ne&ly at the death of her parents, has two alternatives—to be a governess or to be a companion; and either of these posi tions is thankless, slavish and under paid. In this country- “caste” may be retained in a much greater latitude of occupations, but the problem everywhere exists, what to do for that ever-large number of tender, helpless, inexperienced girls who are sud denly “cast upon their own resources” — they have no resources. A write# in the North A merican He view describes a Ger man invention to meet this problem. “All over Germany exists what are called ‘Sparcassen’ (savings banks), which corre spond in a measure to the endowment plan of the American insurance companies. At the birth of a girl the father anil mother in sure her (kasfen sie ein) in such a case for as much as they are able to bestow on the fu ture of their new born baby girl. The amount is paid annually. The casse lays out the money in behalf of the insured, at inter est, chiefly in reulestate. In this way the money accumulates, and at 18, on her ma jority, the girl is th<‘ possessor of a snug little capital. This will serve her to study any favorod profession, go to some good con servatory, or start in business; and last, but no least, buy her trousseau, if she have a chance to follow woman’s truest mission. How much better a yearly outlay w-ould be, for some people iu moderate circumstances, than in costly toys and extravagant dress, by which children are brought up to expec tations.” And the “Maiden Assurance Company” in Denmark is thus described. “The nobleman—for the association is pe culiarly for this class—as soon as a lemale child is born, enrolls her name in a certain association of noble families and pays a cer tain sum, and thereafter a fixed annual amount to the society. When she has reached the age of, we believe, 21, she be comes entitled to a suite of apartments in a large building of the association, with gar dens and park about it, inhabited by other younger or older noble ladies who have, in like manner, become members. If her father should die in her youth, and she should desire it, she has a shelter in this building, and at a time fixed, her income. When she dies or marries all this right to in come lapses, and the money paid in swells the endowment of the association. The plan has worked well for generations in Co penhagen.” CUTICURA REMEDIES. SKIN, SCALP, BLOOD. HAVING been a sufferer for two years and a half from a disease caused by a bruise on the leg and having been cured by the Outicura Remedies when all other methods and remedies failed, I deem it my duty to recommend them. I visited Hot Springs to no avail and tried several doc-tors without success, and at last our Frincipal druggist. Mr. John P. Finlay tto whom shall ever i**el grateful), spoke to me about Cutici’RA, and I consented to give them a trial with the result that I am perfectly cured. There is now no sore about me. 1 think I can show the largest surface where iny sufferings sprang from of anyone in the State. The CJutioura Remedied are the iiest blood and skin cures manufactured. 1 refer to Druggist John P. Fin lay and Or. P. (*. Montgomery, both of this place, and to Dr. Smith, of Lake Lee. Miss. ALEXANDER BEACH, Greenville, Miss Mr. Beach used the Outicura Remedies, at our rwjucot, with results as alx>ve stated. A. B. FINLAY & CO., Druggists. SAVED MY MOTHER’S LIFE. Fver since I can remember my mother lias suffered from a milk leg. Nothing would do her any good. She had the best me heal talent, but they all did her no good. She Miffered with her leg for thirty yearn and- never knew a well day. She would have to sit up haif the night holding up her 1 *g and moaning. She had no peace. She used all the nest known remedies in the country without effect. I ussed her to tr? your ( Yth tra Remedies. Got her a bottle of Oit-icura Re solvent, and 'Shu took it, and has taken in all about six or seven Ixutles, ami now she is a well woman today. Her leg is entirely healed, and her health was never better. She can go out every day. something she has not done in ten years, so you see I cannot help stating to you about your wonderful Cutioura Remedies You have saved my mother’s life. I cannot find words to express my gratitude. I have adver tistsl voiy CcTicctiA Remedies far and near. EDWARD LUKDKR, 1506Broadway,N. Y. Outicura. the great skin cure, and Outicura Soap, prepared from it, externally, and Ccti cura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, inter nally, are a positive cure for every form of skin and blood from pimples to scrofula. Sold every where. Price: Citicura, 50 cents; Soap. *5 cents: Resolvent. sl. Prepared by PorrKß Ditro and Chemical Cos., Boston, Mans. Send tor “How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 l>ages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PJJU|PLKS. him-kb earls, chapped and oily skin Mm prevented byCvticuraMedicati dSoap. cjslj \o mn\m about me i In one minute tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster relieves w Rheumatic, Sciatic, Sudden. Sharp and Nervous Pains, Strains and Weatvii ss. The first and only pain killing plas ter. cts. Wll EAT GRA \t H>. A DELICIOUS. BREAKFAST DISH HECKER’S Wheat Granules. SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY ■—FOB New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION Bs.’ 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 38 00 STEERAUE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New Yoksj. CABIN $22 BO EXCURSION 36 00 STEERAUE I8 60 THE magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to sail a* follows—standard time: TO NEW YORK. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Capt. H C. Dagoett, TUESDAY, Oct. 25. at 1 p. u. NACOOCHEE. CaDt. F. Keupto.v, FRIDAY, Oct. 28, at 3:30 p. a. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. J. IV. Catharine, SUNDAY, Oct. 30. at 5:00 p. a TALLAHASSEE. Capt. W. H. Fisher, TUES DAY, Nov. 1, at 6 p. m. TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. 11. C. Lewis, THURS DAY, Oct. 27. at 2:30 p. a. GATE CITY, Capt. E. It. Taylor, THURSDAY, Nov. 3, at 7 p. m. TO PI [ILADELPIIIA. [FOR FREIGHT ONLY.] DESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howes, MONDAY, Oct. 24, at 12:00 m. JUNIATA. Capt. S. L. Askins, THURSDAY, Oct. 27. at 8:30 p. w. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to O. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Com’y. For Baltimore. CABIN sl2 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 THE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap - pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, THURSDAY, Oct. 27, at 4 p. M. WM CRANE, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, Nov. 1, at 6 p. M. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, MONDAY, Nov. 7, at 11 A. m. WM CRANE. Capt. Billups, SATURDAY, Nov. 12, at 4 p. M. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing (owns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and tile Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO.. Agents, 114 Bay street. SIC -A. ROUTE. STEAMER ST. NICHOLAS, Capt. M. P. USINA, \\7TLL LEAVE Savannah from wbarf foot of * Lincoln street for DOBOY', DARIEN, BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA, every MON DAY and THURSDAY at 6 p. m.. city time, con necting at Savannah with New York. Philadel phia. Boslon and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nandina with rail for Jacksonville anti all points ill Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Sat ilia river. Freight received till 5 p. m. on days of sail ing. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk or consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat <■' WILLIAMS, Agent. For Augusta and Way Landings, STEAMER KATIE, Capt. J. 8. BEVILL, TTTILL leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at in Vi o'clock a. m. tcity timej for Augusta and way landings. All freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN'S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. r PHE steamer ETHEL, t 'apt. W. T. Gibson,will 1 leave for aiiove MONDAY'S and THURS DAY'S at 6 o'clock p. m. Returning arrive WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS at 8 o'clock p. m. For information, etc., apply to W. T. GIBSON, Manager. Wbarf foot of Drayton street. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE Tampa, Key West, Havana, SEMI-WEEKLY. SOUTH BOUND. I.v Tampa Monday and Thursday 9:30 p. m. Ar Key West Tuesday and Friday 4 p. m. Ar Havana Wednesday and Saturday 6 a. m. NORTHBOUND. I.v Havana Wednesday and Saturday noon, l.v Key West Wednesday and Saturday 10 p.m. Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday 0 p. m. Connecting: at Tani|>a with 'Vest India Fast Train to and from Northern and Fas tern cities. lor stateroom accommodations apply to City Ticket Office S., F. & W. R'y, Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship lane, Tampa. C. D. OWENS, Traffic Manager. H. S. HAINES, Ueneral Manager. May 1, 1867. IKON PICE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED FITE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE. J. D. WEED Si CO. SHIPPING. Compagnie GenerateTransatlantique —French Line to Havre. IJETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier > No. 48. N. R., foot of Morton street. Trav elers by tins line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the Channel in a small boat. Special train leaving the Company's dock at Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage checked at New York through to Paris. LA GASCOGNE, Santelli, SATURDAY, Oc tober 2i), 3 p. M. LA BRETAGNE. deJouselin, SATURDAY, November 5, 8 a. m LA NORMANDIE, PE Keiisabiec, SATUR DAY’. November 12, 2 p. m. PRICE OF PASSAGE (including winel: TO HAVRE—First Cabin, Winter rate SIOO and $80; Second Cabin, $00; Steerage from New York to Havre, $25: Steerage from New Y’ork to Paris, S2B SO: including wine, bedding and utensils. LOUIS DE BEBIAN, Agent, 3 Bowling Ureen, foot of Broadway, New Y ork. Or J. C. SHAW, Eso., 20 Bull street, Messrs. WILDER & CO., 120 Bay street, Savannah Agents. Niederlandisch-Amerikanische Darnp fsc h iff-fah rts-G ese Ii sc haft. Roeniglich - MsderMisclie Post, Rillige Route nach und von Deutschland. Postdampfer aegein von New York und Holland jeden Sonr,abend. I. Cajuete (einzeineFahrt) $42 I Esteurbillets SBO 2. - “ “ 52 I “ 00 zwiscHENDECK 10 den billigsten Freisco. GEN. AGENTUR: 25 South William street, New Y'ork. GEN. PASS AGENTUR: 18 and 20 Broadway, New York. AGFA'TEX:—At Savannah. Go.—JOSEPH COHEN & CO., and M. S. COSULIOH & CO. RAILROADS. East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia R. R. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. Commencing Oct. o. 1887, the following Schedule will be in effects EASTERN LINE. Fast Night Express. Express. Lv Savannah 7:00 am 1:30 pm 7:36 pm Ar Jesup 8:42 am 3:20 pm 9:55 pm Lv Jesup 3:35 p m 3:30 a m Ar Brunswick 5:35 pm 6:00 am Lv Jesup 8:50 am 11:07 p ui Ar Eastman 12:12 pm 2:00 am Ar Cochran 12:58 pm 2:37 a in Ar Hankmsvilln. 8:00 pm 11:4.5 am Lv Hawkinsviile ..10:05am 5 :S5 ain 11:15 ain Ar Macon 2:2opm 7:30 am 3:55 a m Lv Macon 2:25 pm 7:30 am 4:00 am Ar Atlanta 5:45 n m 11:00am 7:20 am Lv Atlanta 6:00 pin l:u0p m 7:35 a m Ar Rome 9:00 p m 4:10 p m 10:40 a m Ar Dalton 10:22 p in 5:30 p m 12:00 n n Ar Chattanooga 7:oot>m I:Bspm Lv Chattanooga... 9:3oam 10:00pm Ar Knoxville I:sopm 2:ooam Ar Bristol 7:85 p m 6:20 am Arßoauolie. 2:15 am 12:45 p m Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 a m 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro ... 6:2oam 4:20 pm At Luray 7:50 am 6:43 pm Ar Shenando' J’n . 10:53 a m 9:35 p m Ar Hagerstown.. 11:55 pm 10:30 pin ... .... Ar Harrisburg 3:30 pm 1:20 am Ar Philadelphia 6:50 pm 4:45 am Ar New Y'ork 9:35 pin 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown 12:50noon Ar Baltimore 3:45 pm Ar Philadelphia... 7:49 pm Ar New York 10:85 pm Lv Roanoke 2:20 a m 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4310 am 2:45pm ArY\ashington— 12:00noon 9:4opm Ar Baltimore 1:27 p m 11:35 p in Ar Philadelphia .. 3:47 p m 3:00 am Ar New York. ...6:20 pm 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg 6:15 am 3:05 p m Ar Burkville 9:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10am 7:lspm Ar Norfolk 2:25 pm 10:00 pm Via Memphis aud Charleston R. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:25 am 7:10 pm Ar Memphis 9:15 pm 6:10 am Ar Little Rock. .. 7:10 a m 12:55 pm Via K C., F. S. and G. R. R. Lv Memphis 10:30 am Ar Kansas City 7:40 am Via Cin. So. R'y. Lv Chattanooga... B:4oam ,:10pm Ar. Louisville 6:45 pm 6:30 am Ar Cincinnati 7:00 p m 6:50 am Ar Chicago 6:50 am 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis 7:45am 6:4opm Train leaving Savannah 7:35 pm, arriving at Chattanooga 1:35 pm, makes close connection ■with N. C. & S. L. for Sewanee, Monteagle, Nashville, St. Louis and Chicago. Train leaving Savannah at 7:06 am, Macon at 2:25 n in and Atlanta at 6:00 p m is fast train for the East, and goes directly via Cleveland, car rying through sleeper to Cleveland, making close connection at Cleveland with train leaving Chattanooga at 10:00 p m. Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Savannahat 7 85 pm for Macon and Atlanta, Brunswick at 6:40 a m for Cleveland. Rome at 4:10 p m for Washington viaLynchtmrg:Chattanongaat 10:00 p m for Washington via Lynchburg: also one for New York via Shenandoah Valley, and at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lynchburg; Chatta nooga at 7:10 pm for Little Rock; Brunswick at 8:30 p m for Atlanta; Jacksonville at 7 p. in. for Cincinnati. B. W. WRENN, G. P. A T. A., Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. ELLIS, A. G. P. A.. Atlanta. SUBURBAN RAILWAYS. Savannah and Tybee Railway. Superintendent's Oefxck, I Savannah. Ga., Oct. 15, 1887. f Oi\ and after MONDAY, Oct. 17. the running of trams during the week will be discon tinued until further notice. The Schedule for Sundays WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: raw N °- *• No. S- Leave Savannah 9:80 am 3:00 pm Arrive Tybee 10:30 ain 4:00 p m . _ , No. 2. No. 4. Leave Tybee 11:00 am 5:45 p m Arrive Savannah 13:00 m 6:45 p m Tickets on sale at Depot Ticket Office and at Fernandez's Cigar Store, corner Bull and Broughton streets. C. O. HAINES, _ .Superintendent and Engineer. Coast Line Railroad. Suburban Schedule. CATHEDRAL CEMETERY, BONAVENTURE AND THUNDERBOLT. The following schedule will be observed on and after MONDAY, Oct. 3. 1887. week days (Set. special schedule for Sundae.) ~ ®“ T “ nnah ,ci, y Mme). 7:10, 10:35, a. m., 0.00, 4:00. *♦>:&) p. m. Ueave Thunderbolt. 5:50, 8:00 A. m., 12:30, 4:00, Leave Bonaventure, 6:00. 8:10 a. m . 13-30 I-in 0:.M) p. m. * ’ • •Saturday night last tar leaves city 715 in stead of 6:45 t Last car leaves Thunderboit 8:40 instead of 0:30, un formerly. Tako Broughton street care 25 minutes before departure of Suburbau trains. _____ E** COBB, Supt. City and Suburban Railway. ( )**"* WKDNERDA X \.dobir 'l ie u!Ie W ‘“ E schedule wIU run on the Out- I A " niVE '-kave isle leave ■ | 11TY. OP HorE. HONTOOMEHY a - ”>• 8:40 ■m. 8:13 a. m 7 750 a m ” ♦l'~oOd m } : 2°h- m -i lino pi id'. _ •°°P- ll| [ 6.00 p. m. j;3u p. m . | 5-fju U 1 Every Monday morning there will he a train for Montgomery at 7:00 a m a " train will be omitted Sundays 7-ai 1, ,urd *>'* this ,rai “ leaves city nt M p.m. J. H. JOHNSTON, ————Brr.bident. M^onwa,Tnns m a a n'l' f^l Rave their (rnlers^proumtly 1 filled n T BfeVfeS Sfc RAILROADS. SCIIE DU L K CENTRAL RAILROAD. except Sunday’ n &iS “**ed t. which areda^ , 'S e standard time, by which these trains run. is 86 minutes slower than Savannah city time: T _ No. 1. No. 3. Vo r I ,' V^ a Z? nnah T:loftm 6:20 pm 5-4bnm Ar Guyton 8:07 am 2:To pm Ar Milieu. ... .0.40 am li : 03 nn prU Ar Augusta. .11: r, am B ' lopiu Ar Macon 1:40 pm 8:20 am Ar Atlanta ...5:40 pm 7:15 am. ArColumbus. .9:35 pm 2: spm * Ar Montg’ry..7:2sam 7:13 pin "! * Ar Eufaitla.. .4:87 am 4:10 pm * Ar Albany... 11:05pm 2:55 pm Train No. 9+ leaves Savannah 2:00 p. ni • nr~ rives Guyton 2:55 p. m * ' m ’’ ar ' Passengers for Sylvania, Wrights villa Mil ledgevdle andEatouton should take 7-10 a ™ train. Passengers for Thomnston, Carrollton Per,-. Fort Games, Talbotton, Buena Vista BlakoTi and Clayton should take the 8:20 p. m. train* 7 r . . No. 2. No. 4. v r , o~ kv Augusta. 12:10 pm 9:10 pm 8 ' Lv Macon... 10:35 am 11:00 pm Lv Atlanta.. 6:soam 7:15 pm . LvColumbus 10:30 pm 12:15 nm LvMontgry. 7:25 pm 7:40 am LvEufaula.. 10:1’pm 10:47am .. Lv Albany.. 4:45am 11:55am m* Lv Milton.... 2:2Bpm 3:20 am vfn'ißL Lv Guyton.. 1:03 pm 5:07 am e -St™ Ar Savannah 6:00 pm 6:15 am 8:00am a Train No 10Heaves Guyton 8:10 pTmT; arrives Savannah 4:25 p. m. ' Sleeping cars on all night trains between Sa vannah, Augusta, Macon and Atlanta, also vZ con and Columbus. lar Train No. 3 leaving Savannah at 8:20 p m Wi stop regularly at Guyton, but at noother ° Passengers between Savannah Train No. 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Millen and Savannah to take on passen gers for Savaunah Connections at Savannah witn Savannah Florida and YVestern Railway for aU points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths ™ No Depot Office 30 minutes before departure of each train. J- C ; SHAW. E. T. CHARLTON, Ticket Agent* Gen. Pass. Agent. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway. [All trains on this road are run by Central Staudard Time.] rpiME CARD IN EFFECT JUNE 19, 1887 A Passenger trains on this road will run daily as follows: WEST INDIA FAST MAIL DOW! J' head rrp. ,‘ : 26am Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pm 12:30 pmLv Jacksonville Lv 7:ooam 4:4opm Lv Sanford Lv I:lsam 8:00pm Ar Tampa Lv 8:00pia PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. i5"55 v (2£“ ST.-Sf" -•—-* ISS.SJ Pullman bullet cars to and from New York and Tampa. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 a m Lv Savannah Ar 7:58 pm B:42am Lv Jesup..... Ar 6:l6pm 9:.i0 a m Ar Waycross Lv 5:05 pm 11:26 ain Ar Callahan Lv 2:47 p m 12:00noonAr Jacksonville Lv 2:05 pm 7:ooam Lv Jacksonville Ar 7:45 p m 10:15 am Lv Waycross. Ar 4 ;40 p m 12:04 pm Lv Valdosta Lv 2:56 pn 12:34 p m Lv Quitman Lv 2:28 p m 1:22 pm Ar Thomasviile... Lv 1:45 pm 3:35 pin Ar Bainbridge Lv 11:25 auj PmAr Chattahoochee.. .TLv 11:30 am Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and New Y’ork, to and from Waycross and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:30 pm Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pm 3:20 pm Lv Jesup Lv 10:32 am pm Ar. Waycross Lv 9:23am 7:45 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 ain 4:15 pm Lv . Jacksonville Ar 9:45 am 7:2opm Lv Waycross ATtAiam Pm Ar. —j.. Dupont Lv 5:80a m 3:25 p ill Lv i,ake City Ar 10:45 a rrx 3:45 pm Lv Gainesville Ar 10:80 a ra 6:5a p 111 Lv. . Live Oak Ar 7:10 am 8:40 pm Lv .7 Dupont Ar 5:25 am 10:5o pin Ar T otnosvlUe Lv 8:25 am l£2aniAr Albany. Lv I:2sam Pullman buffet cars to as4 from Jacksonville and St. Louis vie ThomakTfllo, Albany, Mont gomery and Nashville. ALBANY EXPRESa 7:85 pmLv Savannah Ar 6:loam 10:05pm Lv ........Jesup Lv 3:lsam • : m.Ar Atlanta Lv 7:05 pm 12:40am Ar Waycross Lv" 12:To~am 7:25 am Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 p m ‘ :0 ° P ru Lv Jacksonville Ar 7:25 a m l:usam Lv Waycross Ar 11:80pm j.:30 a m Ar Dupont Lv 10:05 pm f:•*“ Ar Live Oak'" Lv 6:55 pm 10:30am Ar Gainesville Lv 8:45 p m 10:45 a m Ar . Lako City Lv 3:85 pin 2:5.5a mLv ..Dupont Ar 9:35 pm 6:30 am Ar Thomasviile Lv 7:00 p m H-4* ala Ar Albany .Lv 4:oopm Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to aud from Jacksonville and Sa vannah and to and from Savannah and Atlanta* JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 pmLv Savannah Ar B:3oam 6:10 p m Ar Jesup Lv 5:25 am Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 am, (ar rive Augusta via Y emassee at 12:30 p m), 12:2® pm aiui_ 8:_23 p m; for Augusta and Atlanta at i :00 am, o:15 p m and 8:20 pm; with steamships tor New York Sunday, Tuesday and Friday; for Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at 3:30 a m and 3:SS pm; for Macon and Atlanta 10:30 a m and 11 ;t p m. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 10:00 a man4 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Fernandinaat, 2:47 p ra; for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc , at 11:27 a ra. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:58 a m and 7:30 p m. At GAIN ES Y’ll*l*lsfor Ocala, Tavares, Brooks ville and Tampa at 10:55 a m. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Montgom ery. Mobile. New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTA HOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:11 pm. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at BREN’S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING Superintendent Charleston k Savannah Railway Cos. /“CONNECTIONS made at Savannah withSa- V ' vannah, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time touth meridian), which is 36 minute* slower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 38+ * 78* Lv Sav’h. ..13:36 p m4:oopm 6:45a m 8:23P M Ar Augusta 12:30 pm Ar Beaufort 6:08 p m 10:15 am - Ar P. Royal 6.20 p m 10:30 am * ArAl’dale. 7:40 p m B:lspm 10:30am * Ar Chaston 4:43 p m 9:30 p m 11:40 a m 1:25 a u> SOUTHWARD. S3* 35* 27* Lv (Ta'ston 7:10 a m 3:35 p m 4:00 a rn Lv Augusta 12:35 pm - LvATdale.. s:loam 8:07 p m Lv P. Royal. 7:00 am 2:00 pm Lv Beaufort 7:12a m 2:lspm .... Ar Sav’h.,. .10:15 am 6:58 p m 6:41 a in •Daily between Savannah and Charleston. ♦Sundays only. Train No. 7s makes no connection with Port Roy al and Augusta Railway, and stops only at Kiugelaud, Green Pond auu ftavenel. Train 11 stops only at Yemnssee and Green Pond, and connects l or Beaufort and Port Royal daily, and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trams 35 and 66 connect from and lor Beaufort and Port Royal daily. * „ y or tickets, sleeping car reservations and au other information apply to WM. BREN- Special Ticket Agent, fi Bull street, and at ('harleston and Savannah railway ticket omoe, at Savannah, Florida ani Western Railway del ot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. Jink 6, 1887. _ KIESLING’S NURSERY, White Bluff Road. PLANTS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, CUT- I FLOWERS furnished to order. Leave u-rs at DAVIs BROS.’ corner Bull and Yw* awoehi. Teachoue call 24ti.