The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 27, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1830. 1 •| j. il. Eh'J'ILL, Editor uud Proprietor. ( OLD VETERANS GO WILD. the MACON DEMONSTRATION THE ACME OF ENTHUSIASM. Fain Causes a Postponement of the Review Until To-Day, but the Old Soldiers Organize an Impromptu O r ,e - The Ex-President Greatly Moved Hugging an Old Flag. Macon, Ga., Oet. 26.—The third day of ♦be State Fair was a great success as re gards attendance. Every train arriving last night and this morning was packed passengers. Hotels, boarding-houses aud many private residences are crowded to overflowing. The nuinbor of visitors is es timated at 35,000 to 30,000. The number would have been fully 50 000 but for the terrible weather. It commented raining yesterday, continued all night and showers fell during the day. Notwithstanding that fact, a great multitude thronged the fair grounds. Many new exhibits were in position to-day, and the exhibition presents a completed and lerfeet appearance. The display is univer sally considered brilliant and highly success ful. Several delayed exhibits arrived this afternoon from the Piedmont Exposition. A iarge crowd is expected to attend the fair to-morrow. Trains arrived to-night heavily laded. THE REVIEW POSTPONED. Owing to the severe weather the veterans review by Hon. Jefferson Davis, appointed for this morning was postponed until to morrow morning. The management was unwilling to subject the illustrious chieftain to exposure and thus jeopardize his health and perhaps life. When the Committee notified Mr. Davis of their decision, the grand old man said ho was in their hands to do as they and the people saw fit, but as far as he was concerned, neither wind nor rain would prevent him making the review. When the veterans and visitors generally were told the post ponement, there was no dissenting voice, but they made the welkin ring with shouts for Mr. Davis, and declared that they would not sanction any exposure- of that venerable and dearly loved form. Everbody has concluded to remain over to-morrow, and participate in the demonstration and ovatiou to the ex-President. Mr. Davis could not possibly obtain a stronger testi monial of the great love the people bear him than the manner in which they re ceived the announcement of the postpone ment of the review. AN IMPROMTU REVIEW. So great, however, was the enthusiasm of the veterans tbit several thousands formed a procession this afternoon at 1 o'clock, Col. William Ross commanding, and with bullet-torn and tattered battle flags marched to the residence of Col. J. M. Johnston, where Mi-. Davis is stopping, and entered the extensive grounds and passed in review before Mr. Davis, who was sitting on the porch with his family, Gov. Gordon, Senator Cclquitt and other distinguished gentlemen. The veto.ans and a great mul titude of citizens assembled in front of the house. Senator Colquitt gracefully presented President Davis in a beautiful address. Mr. Davis arose, strengthened bv the excitement of the oc casion, and made a few remarks of glowing eloquence and melting pathos. He was greeted by wild and enthusiastic cheering. The demonstration exceeded anything of the kind ever seen in Macon. Veterans wept, hurrahed, aud yelled. It was an in spiring scene. Gov. Gordon followed Mr. Davis in a speech full of patriotism that thrilled and delighted every one. A DRAMATIC EPISODE. A dramatic episode occurred during the ovation. Capt. T. L. Massenburg, the late gallant commander of the Jackson Artil lery . bore in the line of march the old and tattered flag of the Jackson Artillery, which passed through twelve battles. When Mr Davis saw it he wept in great emotion, clasped it to his bosom, and then waved it over his bead, which action was received with great shouts by the throng He also tore a piece from its fold. The veterans desired to shake hands with him, but he did not have sufficient strengtii for this ordeal, and they had to be content with a sight of him, and a few re n larks. AT THE FAIR GROUNDS. About 3 o’clock the weather began to • lour and Mr. Davis and a distinguished party drove to the fair grounds, where he "as greeted by 20,000 enthusiastic people. He made a short address. Gov. Gordon, [Senator Colquitt, ex Gov. Wats, of Ala bama, Gen. Henry R. Jackson, Gen. Clem ent Evans, and other eminent leaders ad dressed the multitude. To-morrow occurs the review of veterans. The young men's torchlight procession to night under command of Col. Wiiey "as grand and elaborate. Sev eral thousand torches and many transparencies were in the procession. AU the houses on the line of march were brilliantly illuminated, and many bonfires "ere burning. Cannons were firing and tiicre was a great pyrotechnic display. The procession jxsssed in review before Mr. Davis at the Johnson, residence. It was the finest demonstration of the kind ever made in Macon. Several elegant presents were given Miss Winnie Davis to-day. GEORGIA’S CAPITAL CITY. Supremo Court Decisions—Col. How ard Somewhat Better. Atlanta, Oct. 26. —The following Su preme Court decisions were handed dowu to-day: George Powell vs. Moore, Marsh & Cos.; ftom Fulton. Affirmed. Hall et al. vs. Huff et al.; from Fulton. Affirmed. C. D. Kennebrew vs. the State; from the Hi tv Court of Atlanta. Affirmed. The hist is one of the old liquor cases which were prolific during the inaugura tion of prohibition. Cl. Thomas Howard is reported much bettor to-day, having partially recovered Hie use of uis ufleeted limbs. Strong hopes arc entertained that lie will get well. Mr. Franklin, of Thomas county, who had an attack of typhoid fever More the legislative session closed, is still at St. Joseph's Hospital. lie has iiad a hard time of it, and it will be several weeks before he can bo moved. lb ere was a sudden revival in the liquor prosecutions to-day, eleven cases being made against lending wine room men. The evidence in these cases was gathered during the exposition. They will probably come to t rial to-morrow. Miss .Snilio <)ohnon, of Atlanta, very popular in society circles, married to-night '•urli Hagan, of Richmond, u wealthy .voung gentleman of a good family. A re ception was hold afterward at J. H. Porter’s residence. T-.nke County’s Vote. 1 avarks, Fla., Oct. 30. —The vote for *oe county seat of Lake countv at the elec* I'pa held yesterday stands: For Tavares •tfi, for Leesburg 747, for Eustis .561, scat tering 845, XUe otHcial count will not nia •at ialiy change these figures. FOUR DIE AND ELEVEN GET SICK. Tampait s Divided on the Necessity for Pecuniary Aid from Outsiders. Tampa, Fla., Oct. 26.—T0-day’s fever record is eleven new cases and four deaths, those of Mrs. J. Yutner, W. C. Smith, H. L. Whitman and J. Culpeck. The weather is hot and sultry. Dr. Maxwell has arrived and is at work. I)rs. Weedon, Benjamin and McArthur were on the streets to-day. A LACK OF HARMONY. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 3<i.—There seems to be a great want of harmony among the Tampa authorities. Mr. Coopin', editor of the Tampa Journal, writes that no aid is needed, and sends the following: Tampa. Fi.a., Oct. 23, IBS7. At a meeting of the citizens held this after noon the following resolution was adopted, with instructions that a copy of the same, signed by the chairman and secretary, be trans mitted to you: Resolved, That Dr. King Wylly, having made an appeal for the city of Tampa, we desire to state that the name of our Mayor was used by him in error as signed to that appeal, and that the appeal was not authorized by the citizens, and that while we gratefully accept the offerings of our sister cities, we desire to exhaust our own resources before accepting further aid. W. A. Givens, Chairman. Lamont Bailey, Secretary. In strange contradiction to this comes the appeal of the 'Relief Committee. By wire last night they requested aid, and Dr. C. J. Kenworthy received the following this morning: Tampa, Oct. 26, 1887. Dr. C. J. Ken worthy, Jacksonville: The outlook is darker than ever. Further aid is greatly needed. Contributions should be sent to the First National Bank of Tampa, for P. (J. Wall, Jr., Treasurer. Hugh MacFarland, Chairman Relief Committee. The citizens of Tampa should unite, for all are interested in their welfare, and all needed aid will be sent them at once. But on the face of such contradictory news, it is difficult to know what to do in the mat ter. THE GOVERNMENT’S AID. Washington, Oct. 20.—The Surgeon General has received a telegram from Dr. Porter, in charge of tho relief measures at Tampa, Fla., saying: “We do not as yet need professional assistant*. There have been about 225 to 250 cases of vellow fever, and 44 deaths up to date. There were 14 new cases yesterday. About 80 are sick in town.” Information was also received to the effect that the hospital will have to be en larged so as to afford additional accom modations. BANGS ACQUITTED. Tho Judge Convinced that tho Shot Was Fired in Self-Defense. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 26.—Witnesses for the defense were examined in the Bangs- MaeWiiliams case this forenoon. Nothing sustained the conspiracy theory, but public sentiment demanded that the exact truth in the matter be learned, as far as possible, and that the case then be dropped if Bangs was elf ared. All the testimony was in at 2 o’clock, and after the eoiuisel had summed up an ad jurnment was spoken of. Tee Judge re marked that it was unnecessary as he had given very close attention to the evidence, and could pass upon the case at once, and in a few minutes. He then said that from the evidence adduced he was convinced of the killing of MacWitliams, and that it was done by Bangs, and that it was done in selfdefense, and therefore he ordered the discharge of the prisoner. The decision was applauded by the spectators and many persons approached Bangs and shook his band, which apparently affected him sen sibly. Bangs statement was prenounced straight forward, cioar and inteligent, and several bystanders said that it would acquit bim iu any court. While Capt. John 1., Atnazein, in charge of the stevedoring department of tho Clyde line, here, was in the freight house this noon, a careless drayman, in searching for his goods, overturned a heavy case on the (’aptaiu's left ankle, breaking the bone. He was sent home, and is doing well. He is one of the best known transportation men on the St. John’s river. Col. C. P. Atmore, General Passenger Agent of the Louisville and Nashville sys tem, is in the city. TOWED INTO PENSACOLA. A Tug Picks Up Two Waterlogged Vessels Lumber Laden. Pensacola, Fla., Oct. 26.—The steam tug Juno towed into port this morning the American schooner Beotia, 386 tons, George Shearer master, bound from Mobile to Cai barien with a cargo of lumber. The vessel was waterlogged and dismasted. The same tug also towed in this afternoon the schoon er Minnie Irwin, laden with a cargo of lum ber. There was no one board of her and she is dismasted and waterlogged. It is said 6be was bound to Key West, Fla. Andrew Preva, a colored employe of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, while coupling a passenger coach to a box car in the yard this morning, was crushed very se verely. He will probably recover. This evening at 8 o'clock, A. C. Blount, Jr., one of Pensacola's most premising young lawyers, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Daisy Dorri, one of Pen sacola’s fairest daughters. The ceremony took place at Christ church, Rev. J. J. Scott officiating. FLORIDA’S RAILROADS. The Commission Suspends the Opera tion of its Rules. Tallahakse, Fla., Oct. 26.—Chairman McWhorter, of the Railroad Commission, arrived to-day, and after further appeals from the railroad officials the operation of the rules relating to freights and passenger rates was suspended until Dec. 1, so as to give all the roads ample time in which to present their claims on standard rates fixed by the commission. The Iward will be in session henceforth to hear complaints in particular cases. All of the railroad offi cials who have been ibeforo the commission left to-night on a special train for their homes in East Florida to prepare statistics, etc., for use in appeals for taking individual roads out of the operation of the rules es tablished by the commission. Gov. Perry could not go to Macon be cause of the press of important business. Grand Lodge Officers. MACON, Ua., Oct *l.—The M. W. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was called from refreshments to labor this morning at the usual hour. The constitutional hour for the election of Grand officers having arrived the Grand Lodge proceeded to elect officers, with the following result: Most Worshipful Grand Master—John S. Davidson. Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master— James M. Rush in. Right Worshipful Senior Grand War den— Reuben Jones. Right Worshipful Junior Grand War den —J. H. Estill. Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer— Joseph E. Wells. Right Worsliipful Grand Secretary—A. M. Vvolihiu. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1887. RICHMOND FEARS RAIN. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE POURING INTO THE CITY. Decorating Retarded by the Inclement Weather—Many Military Companies Arriving from Every Part of the South—The Procession Expected to Eclipse Anything of the Kind in the City’s History. Richmond, Va., Oct. 20.—A fine, misty rain has been falling here for seventy-two hours and threatens to seriously interfere both with the State Fair and with the cere monies connected with the laying to-morrow of the corner-stone of the Lee monumeut. The people of Richmond, however, are busily engaged in preparations to make the occasion one of the most notable in the history of the city. Rain may interfere, but it cannot diminish the interest felt here by the thousands who have been at tracted hither to witness and participate in the ceremonies Military organizations from a distance have been arriving during the day and more are expected to-night and to-morrow morning. All trains are bring ing crowds of visitors, and it is anticipated that the gathering of people from abroad to-morrow will be very great. The inclement weather has greatly delayed the work of putting the city at its’ best, but the display of bunting and other decorations on business and private houses all over the city is not only profuse but creditable and tasteful. The national flag and colors predominate everywhere, but here and there are seen the Virginia and various foreign flags, as well as an occasional Confederate battle-flag. All the hotels are full to overflowing, and every available place of rest is being eager ly sought for and promptly utilized. The < onunittee of Lee Camp of Veterans, hav ing matters in charge, have been assiduous in the work of providing for all who may come. To-morrow’s procession, which is expected to move at 10:80 o’clock in the morning, will embrace a combination of civic and military organizations rarely before seen in Richmond. oov. lee’s reception. Gov. Fitzliugh Lee to-night held a public reception at the executive mansion, which was attended by a great crowd, including many prominent persons who are in the city to participate in to-morrow’s ceremonies. Among them were a nuiulier of ex-Confed erate officers who during the late war were closely connected officially with Gen. R. E. Lee. There were also a number of promi nent Northern people present. Gov. Lee was attended by his staff in uniform, and the reception was a most brilliant affair despite the inclement weather. Ihe Democratic State Committee was in session here several hours to-night discuss ing matters in connection with the present campaign, and receiving reports from vari ous districts in the Slate. These reports were of tiie most satisfactory character, in dicating that the majority in the next Gen eral Assembly is likely to be as large as that of the last body. SAVING THE NEGROES. Rev. Tennell’s Memorial Re-read Be fore the Council. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 26.—The Mis sionary Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church resumed its session to-day, and was ojiened with prayer by Rt. Rev. Bishops AVilmer and Coxe, assisted by Rev. Dr. S. O.Sevmour, of Hartford, Conn. The business of the day was proceeded with The memo rial read by Rev. W. V. Tenneil yesterday, relating t<> work among the colored people, was re-read. It declared that it was a mis take to suppose the colored people would take care of themselves, and urged in creased work among those people, who it declared had been stimulated, and anxiously expected more care within a short time. It spoke of the necessity of securing colored young men to take holy orders, as they were needed to work among their own race, and it also spoke of the necessity of paro chial and industrial schools in the South and West, and denied the rumor that there was any idea of establishing an African Protestant Episcopal church. A resolution providing that the commis sion on work among the colored people be instructed to inquire into the character and efficiency of the theological schools for the education of the colored people throughout the country, was adopted. A resolution, providing that the Council suggest to the commission consideration of associating with its members representa tives of the colored race from whom infor mation of important* might bo obtained that could be gleaned from no other source, was presented. Bishop AVillianis stated that the only persons who can be asked to consider that quest ion are the Board of Managers of the general society, which noxt meets in 1889. The resolution was thus re ferred. RUINED BY THE IVES GANG. The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Road Declared Insolvent. Hamilton, 0., Oct. 36. —Judge Vande vere, of the Butler county Court of Com mon Pleas, to-day granted the petition of George J. Duckworth, a stockholder of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad, for the appointment of a receiver, and for an injunction against the directors and of ficers of tho company restraining them from issuiug any more obligations of the com pany to take up the obligations of Ives & Staynor, the dethroned President and Vice President. The decision was a complete triumph for Mr. Duckworth. In nineteen findings of fact the court decided tluit substantially all of the allegations made by Mr. Duckworth were true. The assets of the road w ere found to bo about $8,000,000 and the liabilities about $17,000,- 000. It was also found that there is prac tically no money on hand to meet the lia bilities and the road is insolvent. It is found that the management wasbad. A receiver will he appointed. The action of Judge Cox at Glendale to night in issuing an order of stay completely expunges and annuls nil the proceedings of Judge Van Devier’s Common Pleas Court at Hamilton. The case will start to-morrow from the very beginning in the Ohio State Circuit Court at Cincinnati, and will be tried over as if there had never been a hear ing of it. Norfolk and Western’s Earnings. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 36.—The state ment. of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company for September shows net earn Inga of $186,305, an increase of $48,450 as com pared with the sarno month last year. For the nine months ended' Sept. 30, the net earnings were $1,310,296, un increase of $290,313, as compared with the correspond ing period of I*Bo. Troops Concentrating at Fort Custer. Chicaoo, Ocf. 26. —Troops are being con centrated at Fort Custer, Mont., for the purpose of arresting the disorderly and de fiant Crow Indians. There are sixteen com pany's of soldiers there now, and two more are on their way from Missouri. Gen. Dud ley will probably take the field in person. SIR BLUNT’S TRIAL. No Conclusion Reached—A Meeting of the League. Dublin, Oct. 20. —The trial of Sir Wilfrid Blunt at Woodford, was resumed to-day. Mr. Harrington, as counsel for the defense, applied to the court for a summons to com pel the attendance of Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary, as a witness in order to show whether the information had been sworn to as stated in the proclamation, t hat the pro posed meeting at Woodford last Sunday would lead to a breach of in.'* p. ace. Mr. Ronan, oounsul for the prosecution, denied the right of the defense to ask what had happened in the Council at Dublin. The magistrate said that Mr. Harring ton’s application was founded on the as sumption that the statements in the procla mation were false, and the court was not competent to decide the question. Hoaring of the evidence was then re sumed. The solicitor for the defense made a formal affidavit in support of the application for the summoning of Mr. Balfour aud the case was adjourned. THE SUPPOSED DYNAMITER. London, Oct. 26.—An inquest was held today on the body of the Supposed dyna miter who died suddenly in South London. His name was Josepii Cohen and lie seems to have hailed from Philadelphia. Nothing sensational was developed by the inquest. The convention of the national league will open at Cardiff Saturday and will last three days. Commoner^T. I’. O'Connor, J. O’Connor, O’Riley, Foley and Biggar and a number of Welsh'members will speak. The resolutions to be presented to the conven tion declare that the meeting represents 2,000,000 of the Irish ruce settled in Great Britiau; that “we believe that Ireland will never be peaceful and prosperous until she has control of tier own affairs,” and “that we will stand with the people at home until their rights are won.” Col. Dapping, agent of the Gwedore estates, writes to the Times demanding that Mr. Gladstone retract and apologize for the erroneous statement made by him, on au thority of Prof. Stuart, regarding Col. Dapping’s action in the matter of the Gwe dore evictions ITALY’S POLICY. Slg. Crispi Speaks In Favor of Peace Throughout Europe. Turin, Oct. 26.—At a political banquet given in his honor last evening, Sig. Crispi, Prime Minister, replying to a toast, said that his government would be a gov ernment of liberty, both civil and religious, and that ho would ask in return, devotion to the law and respect for justice. After say ing that there was no danger that peace would be disturbed abroad, he turned to home affaire. He referred to the toler ance which the nation had shown to the manifestations often pronounced on the part of the Vatiean and its partisans, and said: “Should fresh sacrifices become necessary the government will not hesitate to appeal to the people for support. Our army avoids polemics, and devotes its efforts to improv ing itself. Our workmen d.T not assemble and make violent speeches. They work and economize. Therefore there is nothing to fear in regard to peace at home. Re ferring to the fears caused in France by his recent journey he declared that they were groundless, lie could never lend himself to the weaving of a plot against a nation which had so greatly contributed to Italy’s redemption. War with France would be as deplorable in case of victory as it would l>o in defeat. While working for our own good we work also for the benefit and peace of ail nations. In these efforts we are not alone. That man of genius, Prince Bismarck, has also labored for peace. We will work with him. When I left him recently he said to me: ‘ AVe liave rendered service to Europe. AVe wish peace with honor.’ ” Referring to Italy’s African policy, Sig. Crispi insisted that the blood of the Italian soldiers slain by the Abyssinians must be avenged, and that when the necessary posi tions were retaken, Italy would be prepared to negotiate with Abyssinia and to open all her markets to that country. As to the eastern question, it was the Italian govern ment’s wish to favor the aspirations of na tions desiring to be free, while maintaining as far as possible, respect for existing trea ties. This policy was most useful, insuring general peace. France’s Budget. Paris, Oct. 26.—The Budget Committee to-day rejected by a vote of Bto 5 the ap propriation asked for the embassy to the Vatican. Oassiiner Perier, chairman of the com mittee, thereupon resigned. This item is always rejected by tne Radicals, but is restored every year by the Chamber of Deputies. A rupture is reported between the Bona partists and other groups of the Right. At a meeting of Radicals it was decided to insist on discussion of the budget before any interpellation can be marie. Russia Ready. Berlin, Oct. 20. — An article printed yes dav in the Moscow Gazelle referring to the recent maneuvers of the Russian's reserves excites great distrust. After declaring the entire success of the measure, similar to mobilizat ion, the article concludes with the words “Russia as well as France can say we are ready.” The tone of the article is ex plicitly official and throughout is suggestive of a menace to Germany. An Explosion Causes Loss of Life. Dunkirk, France. Oct. 20,—A terrible explosion occurred at Deputy Trystram's petroleum refinery to-day. Fire broke out immediately and the building was gutted. The flames spread to adjoining saw mills, which are still burning. (Several persons have perished in the flames and seven seri ously burned have been taken to hospitals. A Rap at Chamberlain’s Speech. London, Oct. 20.—The Net vs says that Lord Salisbury must already regret the rashness of his choice. Mr. Chamberlain’s temper is much against him in politics and is likely to be fatal in diplomacy. He seems to have forgotten that American citizens, whether of English or Irish blood, are not propitiated by insult. Fighting on the Servian Frontier. Belgrade, Oct. 26. —A sharp engage mont has taken place on the frontier of Kcr via between Albanian brigands, who had attempted a raid into Kervia, and a force of frontier guards. Ten Servians and twenty Albanians were killed. Two Hervia bat talions have been ordered to the frontier. AVUson’e Explanation. Paris, Oct. 26.—M. AAHIson, son-in-law of President Grevy, attributes tho tumult of the meeting of his electors at Tours yes terday to a coalition of his bitter enemies, the Monarchists and irreceucileables. He says his intention is to ignore their attacks. Scotland to Challenge Again. London, Oct, 26.—At a meeting of tho Royal Clyde Yacht Club at Glasgow, to day, it was resolved to challenge again for the American cup in the name of Mr. Charles Hweet. The new champion will be a cutter. BALTIMORE’S BOLTERS. THE REGULAR DEMOCRATIC CAN DIDATE ELECTED. A Majority of 4,205 Roiled Up -One Fatal Affray at tho Polls, but the Election Otherwise Passed Off Peace fully—Another Fight Expect ed at the State Election. Baltimore, Oct. 26.—The friends of the rival candidates for Mayoralty honors were in the field early this morning, and when the (lolls wore opened long lines of anxious voters were in readiness to deposit their ballots. The day opened cloudy and cold, hut the full strength of both tickets was being voted and the contest seemed remark ably close. Both sides seemed confident of victory. No business houses were closed, though the merchants generally took more than usual interest in the contest. Considering the exciting campaign pre ceding it the election passed off with unusual quietness. There were a few disturbances of small importance, and one fatal shooting affray, in which Edward Allors', an Inde pendent Democrat, shot and killed Edward barley, one of the regulars. Allers’ friends claim that the shooting was accidental, but lie was placed under arrest and will be charged with murder. The vote (tolled ag gregated <55,075, of which Latrobe, Dem., got 34,W0, and Bartlett, Hep., 30,485, giv ing Latrobe a majority of 4,205, a Democratic gain of nearly 2,000 since the election for Mayor two years ago. Tho newly elected City Council will consist of 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans in the first branch, and seven Democrats and three Republicans in the second branch. The result of the election was a groat surprise to the Republi cans, who counted largely upon the Re formers’ aid and were confident of victory. Already cries of fraud are heard, and re newed efforts will be made to carry the State at the Gubernatorial election two weeks hence. WOOL AND WOOLEN GOODS. Figures from the Annual P,eport of the Bureau of Statistics. Washington, Oct. 2tt. —The printed re port of Col. XV. F. Switzeler, Chief of tho Bureau of Statistics, on wool and manufac tures of wool, is now ready for distribution and is considered by the bureau to be one of the most valuable documents it has ever put forth. The report shows that the uum her of sheep in the United .States rose from 10,000,000 in 1850 to 51,000,000 in 1884, but declined to 45,000,000 in 1887. This marked decline occurred mainly in the Southern and Western States, notably Texas, and is attributed in great part to the decline in the price of wool since 1884. The value of our woolen product of 1850 was $25,000,(XX) in round numbers, and of our imports $10,000,000, both together being about $1 95 per capita of, our popula tion. In 1800 $50,000,000 in value were produced and $43,000,000 imported, together being about $2 (il per capita. In 1870 the product reached $110,000,000, and the importations $35,000,000, being $3.78 per capita. In 1880 the product had grown to $ 1 (14,000,(XX), and the imports were valued at $31,000,000, being $3.91 per capi ta. Thus, while our product of woolens has increased since 1850 nearly seven fold, our imports have increased about 02 per cent, but the consumption )>er capita has doubled, which the satisticiar says, indicates in a striking manner the advancement of wealth and comfort in the style of living among the people of this country. ARGUMENTS FOR THE AN ARCHISTS But Two Attorneys on Each Side of the Case to be Heard. Washington, Oct. 20. —While there has iieen no agreement among the counsel nor any order of the Supreme Court as to the time to be allotted for argument to morrow on tlie application for a writ of error in be half of the condemned Chicago Anarchists, it is tho prevailing opinion that but two at torneys will he heard on each side. The oral arguments in support of tho application will be made by Gen. Butler and Hon. J. Randolph Tucker, of Virginia, and Gen. Pryor, will file a printed brief. The arguments in opposition to the application, will be made by Attorney General Hunt, of Illinois, and State’s At torney Grinned, of Chicago. The court will probably make a ruling to-morrow morning just before the argument begins, as to the time which will be allowed to each side. The general expectation is that the Su preme Court will rofuse the writ of error asked for by the Anarchists. Its decision will probably be rendered tho day after the argument is finished, so that no undue delay may be attributed to them. In the event that the decision is against their clients the counsel for tho Anarchists will appeal at once for the executive clemency of Gov. Oglesby. Nov. 11 is the day set for the execu tion. _ _ __ Merchant Terrorized. Galveton, Tex., Oct. 2<i. —A special to the Neivs from Brownsville says: “Wealthy merchants at Rio Grande City are in a state of terror, owing to the threats of Mexican bandits who threaten thoir lives and those of their families. The surrounding country is terrorized, ami men are afraid to leave their homes to visit their rnnehes, and other interests near by. It is understood that ttie Governor of the Htate has been appealed to for aid that their lives and property may be protected against the outlaws.’’ Won’t Take the Court House Lot. Washington, Oct. 20.—The Supervising Architect of the Treasury to-day received tho offer of the County Commissioners to sell the government the county court house property in Savannah as a site for the Fed eral building, should the barracks site not he finally taken. The Supervising Archi tect at once replied that even if tho bar racks site should not bo finally taken the county court bouse would not tie considered, because the lot is too small. 300 Chinese Sailors Drowned. San Francisco, Oct. 26 —The steamship Gaelic arrived this morning from Shanghai and Hong Kong, and brings advices to the effect that on Sept. 15 the Chinese transport Way Lee was lost in Pescadores, and 280 Chinese and live Europeans were drowned, it is also reported that the steamer Anton encountered a typhoon, during which the second officer and twenty-four Chinese were washed overboard and drowned. Fire Destroys a Palace. Vienna, Oct. 26.—Price Czartoryski’s castle at Justavska, near Cracow lias been destroyed by fire. The contents of the picture gallery, which occupied the whole of the second story, were lost. The gallery contained a valuable collection of art curios. Queen Victoria’s Thanks. Lonpon, Oct. 26 —Queen Victoria has sent a dispatch to the Mirzam of Hydabrad, through Lord Dufferin, Viceroy of ludia, expressing her warm appreciation of his magnificent offer and reciprocating his friendship. BPURGEON SECEDES. He Says the Baptist Union Requires Treason to Jesus. London, Oct. 2rt.—Rev. Spurgeon has withdrawn from the Baptist Union. In an nouncing his decision to withdraw, and re plying to his critics he says: “To pursue union at the expense of truth, is treason to Jesus. To tamper with his doctrine is to liecomea traitor to him. Wo have before us the wretched spectacle of professedly ortho dox Christians publicly avowing union with those who deny faith. Call the fall of man ti table, and deny the personality of tile Holy Ghost.” Replying to the question why he does not start anew denomination ho says that it is a question for which he has no liking, that there are enough denominations already, and that if another were formed thieves and robbers who have entered other gardens walled around would enter it also, so nothing would he gained. Baptists generally regret Kev. Spurgeon’s decision and arejurging him to reconsider it. KINGSTON’S INCENDIARIES. One Sentenced to 21 Years and the Other Life Imprisonment. Kingston, Ont., Oct. 26. — This morning the Police Court wascrowded to suffocation with curious people who wanted to hear the sentence imposed upon the self-confessed incendiaries who were captured yesterday morning. Newman was given twenty-one years on two charges ot arson, both terms to run concurrently. Andrews the court considered doubly guilty; as an older man. He had not only planned, but had encouraged crime, mid was committed to the penitentiary for life. The sentences fell like thunderbolts on the prisoners. These sentences are the most severe a police magistrate has ever imposed. MISS HUBBS’ ROMANCE. She Got a Husband Easily, But She Now Wants to Get Rid of Him. Prom Hie New York Sun. Carbonoale, 111., Oct. 24. In May, 1884, during the strawberry season here, Miss Petina N. Hubbs, a pretty young woman living in Desoto, was visiting an aunt living at Mill Creek, in Union county. Miss Hubbs picked a box of strawberries one day, on which she wrote: Cabbondalk, 111. This box contains the sweetest Ix-rries shipped this season. 1 know this to be true, for I picked them with my own liiuiilh. I’btina Bi bbs The box. with others, was shipped in due time to Chicago, and nothing more was thought of the affair. About a month later, however. Miss Hubbs received a letter from a young gentleman in Beloit, Kan., signing his name William Busby. He said that w’hile in Chicago ho had purchased the box of berries on w hich she had written, and also requested the privilege of corres ponding with the lady. The request was granted, and in a short time the couple en gaged in a very interesting correspondence. In the course of time the young man made a declaration of love, and the result was finally a marriage in the following year in Kansas. The union was a happy one for a year, notwithstanding the fact that, young Busby was a floor man, working as a day laborer to support himself and wife. At the end of the year the young couple were overjoyed when it was learned that Busby had fallen heir to $!!(),000, left him by nn uncle in Scotland. It being necessary for Busby to return to Scotland to obtain h.s inheritance, it was agreed by husband and wife that Mrs. Busby should return to De soto to visit her widowed motmr, and there await the return of her husband. Months passed, during which time Busby had returned from Scotland to his prairie home, being in actual possession of over $25,000, winch he was lavishly spending in Beloit. The wife learned of her husband's safe return, and wrote numerous letters to him, to which she received no answer. Doubting that he hail returned, and that he had really come into possession of such a fortune, she wrote to the Postmaster at Beloit for information, who immediately assured her of her husband’s good fortune of his presence in that town, and added that ail letters she addressed him iiad been promptly delivered to Busby in person. For tile til’s!, time the former strawfierry flicker began to doubt the genuineness of her husband’s fidelity since the acquisition of riches. Her attorneys soy the lady has discovered other startling and disagreeable Hungs concerning her husband, and that she has taken steps to secure a divorce. ST. LOUIS WINS THE LAST GAME. The Weather Cold and the Players Quit After Six Innings. St. Louis, Oct. 26.— The concluding game of the world’s championship series was played here to-dav before 800 people. The weather was cold and the players were ready to quit at the conclusion of the sixth inning. The Ht. Louis men did the clever est and hardest hitting that they have done, and won tho game with ease, although there was clearly no intentional let down in the work of the 1 fetroits. Both sides wore guilty of errors, but most of them were difficult plays, the hitting being sharp. Tho score by innings was: Ht. Louis 3 4 0 1 1 o—o Detroit 0 1 1 0 0 o—2 Base bits- Ht. Louis 11. Detroit 8. Errors—Ht. Louis 5, Detroit 7. A Now Base Ball League. Chicago, Oct. ‘M. —The now Western Base Ball Association met hero to-day with delegates from St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Desmoincs, Milwaukee, Min neapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. After con siderable discussion a league was formed of these eight cities, and Sam Morton of Chicago wits elected President, Secretary and Treasurer. Madison Goes Wet. Athens, Oa., Oct. 2<5. —For several weeks past, the citizens of Madison county have been very much excited over the prohibi tion election which took place yesterday at Danielsville, the county site. Much hard work had been done on both sides, but it was generally thought that the prohibition ist* would carry the day. Kven the liquor men had almost despairingly given up the fight, but it seems that it was foreordained that the wet ticket should triumph in the county, and thus ttie day was carried. One more desperate rally among the liquor men did the work, and by hard fighting they carried the flay nearly two to one. Senator A. H. Colquitt, of Atlanta, was invited to-day by the Northeast Georgia Fair Association to tie present at the open ing of the fair on Tuesday next. Crescent City Chips. Crescent City, Fla., Oct. as.— I The cool, bracing weather of the past few days has given much courage to those who aro stricken with the yellow fever “scare.” On Tuesday evening lost the Presbyterian church was filled with friends who came to witness the nuptials of Mr. David Gautier ami Miss Katie Atkins. Denver has recovered the express office and will soon have the post office. Our public school is progressing very sat isfactorily. bo, also, is the one at Groves dale. I PRICE gJO A YEAR I 1 ft cE.vre a copy, f FRIENDS OF THE FORESTS j MEETING OF THE CONGRES3 AT HUNTSVILLE. Some of the Prominent People Present —Several Interesting Papers Read- Drift of the Resolutiohs—A Memorial to Congress and a Letter to President Cleveland. Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 26.—The South ern Forestry Congress met in this city to day. Delegates are present from Washing ton city, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida and Alabama. Among the prominent delegate; are Hon. A. O. Lane, President of the Con gress and Mayor of Birmingham; A. 11. Logan, Rhelbyville, Ky.; Hon. Sidney Root, Treasurer, of Atlanta, Gn.; Judge A. M. Brown, Elizabothton, Ky.; Judge Wyly and J. M. Macy, of Muinfordsville, Ky. | Dr. Carl Mohr, of Mobile; Hon. J. M. Cull man, of Cullman, Ala’; Hon. T. T. White, of DeFuniak Spring, Fla.; Hon. B E. For • now, of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Eilec Call Long, Corresponding Secretary, of Tallahassee, Fla. The address of welcome was made by Mayor Mas ten, of this city. The opening address, by President Lane, was a most admirable paper on the situa tion of our forest supplies and tho necessity of action on the part of the American peo ple to secure the best method for their preservation and the wisest use. A MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS. Au indorsement was asked to a memorial and bill to lie introduced before the Fiftieth Congress of the United States providing for the protection of timber lands belonging to the government. After a clear presentation of the mattai by Prof. Fernow, a resolution to the above effect was unanimously adopted. Treasurer Boot read his report, showing proper expenditure of the small sum re ceived by donations and the necessity for a larger fund. President Lane being called away by a telegram, Hon. Sidney Root was called to the chair. The afternoou session was devoted mainly to the business of the Congress, taking shape in resolutions, the substance of which was as follows: “Tho action of tho Governors who have appointed an arbor day was commended, and those who have not are urgently requested to do so; that the Governors of States be re quested to embrace in their annual messages recommendations to the Legislature* look ing to representation of their States at the Forestry Congress Conventions, and also that they advise such legisiat.ian as will secure protection and proper utilization of our forest resources. A LETTER TO PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. A letter was prepared asking President Cleveland to rail the attention or Congress to the deficient legislation in regard to the protection of government, timber lands. A resolution was adopted asking Congress to make an appropriation in the interest, of the lumber industry, for the purpose of ob tains proper statistics of our merchantable lumber supply. Strong anil excellent addresses wer* made by Judge Brown, Dr. Mohr, Judge Macy, Prof. Fernow and others in explanation and support of various proposi tions contained in the resolutions. From these talks was also elicited the gratifying information that interest, was rapidly grow ing in all the States in favor of the observ ance of Arbor Day, and that an intelligent! appreciation of important forestry work was perceptibly ob the increase. Interesting letters were read from the Governors ot almost every State In the Union. THE OFFICERS ELECTED. The following officers were elected for t he ensuing year: President —Kx-Gov. Bullock, of Georgia. Vice President —Judge Brown, of Ken tucky. Second Vic* President —Dr. Carl Mohr, of Mobile. Secretary—Mrs. Ellen Call Long, of Tal lahassee, Fla. Treasurer—Sidney Root, of Atlanta, Ga. Recording Secretary—D. B. Gra,ce, of Birmingham. The President-elect was empowered to ap point a Vice President from each State. A resolution was adopted to empower the President, and two secretaries to confer with a similar committee from the Ameri can Forestry Congress in regard to the uni fication of the two Congresses next year at Atlanta, Ga., which was appointed as the next place of meeting. There will lie a public session at 10 o’clock to-morrow, when a number of papers from distinguished people will he read, and Prof. Kerrow, chief or the Forestry division of the Department of Agriculture, will de liver an address. A letter from Jefferson Davis will also he read. Three memorial trees will be planted, one dedicated to President Cleveland, one to Col. O’Shaughnessy and one to Maj. Mae tin. The Congress will adjourn to-morrow, RACING IN THE RAIN. The Second Day at Ivy City More Disagreeable than the First. Washington, Oct. 26.—This was the second day of the fall meeting at Ivy City. The weather was more disagreeable than yesterday, with a drizzling rain and very cold east wind. The attendance was good and the races were well contested, with the track much better than was expected. The events were as follows: First Race—Six furlongs. Fordhara won. with Ritta R. second and Vance third. Time 1:16^, Second Race— Mile and a furlong. Riobard wen. with VViirred second and Banner Bearer third. Time 1:57. Third Race—Mile and a furlong. Kingston won, with Stuyvesant second. Only two started. Time I:SHW. Focrth Race—Seven furlongs. Eolian won, with Hanover second and Mamie Hunt third. Time 1:284i. Fifth Race—Mile. Knight of Ellerslie won, with Brail second and Valiant third. Time 1:44J4. Kissimmee Topics. Kissimmee, Fla., Oct, 26.— The weather has been quite cool for the past few days, and an early frost is hoped for. The steamer Sadie, from Salem, Mass., owned by Capt. A. S. Kinsiuah, of the famous Southport plantation, tied up at the Okeechobee wharf, on Saturday last, with 1.000 bushels of corn raised by Capt. Kins man—his products assuming such propor tions as to compel the purchase of a steamer for his own use. K. H. Skelding, cashie# of the Kissimmee City Bank, has resigned that position to take effect Nov. 1. and will take up his tem porary abode in New York. Capt. R. E. Rose, general agent of the Florida Sugar Manufacturing Company, lias received twenty-two carloads of the machinery and works of the refinery, and expects more daily. Capt. Rose has been shipping rice from his plantation, receiving the highest market price. To Fight a Comer in Cotton. London, Oct. 27, 3 a. m.—Concerted measure* were decided upon at Manchester yesterday to defeat’the corner in Egyptian cotton.