The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 02, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Cljc|Hormngflch)s VornmfT News Building, Savannah, Ga. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 18S7. Reqtsi ,-jrcf at the Poet Office in Savannah. The Morning News is published every d*v h the vear. and is served to subscribers in the city, by newsdealers and earners, on their own ac count. at ‘-'A cents a week. $1 00 a month, $0 00 for eix months and $lO 00 tor one year. The Morning News, by mail, one month, f] 00: tluee months. $2 50; six months. $, r > (XJ: cue year. $lO 00. The Morning, bp moit. six times a week (without Sunday issue), throe months, $8 00; six months. $1 do one year. So 00. The Mohning News. Tri-Weekl) Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, three months, $1 25; six months. $2 50; one year. $5 00. The Si'ndav News, by mail, one year. $-2 (10. The Weekly News, by mail, one year, ft 25. Subscriptions payable in advance. Rernit by postal order, cheek or registered letter. Cur rency sent by mail nt risk of senders. Tins jiaper is kept on file and advertising rates may lie ascertained at.the office of the Ameri can New:-pals- Publishers' Association, 102 Temple Court, New York City. letters and telegrams should he addressed “Morning News, Savannah, (la.” Advertising rates made known on application INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings— Magnolia Kucainpment No. 1. I O. O. F.: Golden Rule Lodge No. 12, I. O. O. F.: Georgia Chapter No. 8. R. A. M.; Equitable 1-oan and Building Association. KpeiHal Notices —As to BUN Against British Steamship ilughonden: Cast Off Clothing So licited by Georgia Infirmary Aid Association; As to Crew of Nt rwegian Bark Treia; Felt Hats, at Jaudon s; All-Souls-Day. R. E. Cobb, Super intendent Coast- Line Railroad. Notice —G. S. McAlpin. SteamshipSchedule*— Ocean Steamship Cos.; Baltimore Steamship Cos Cheap Cor, m\ Advertisements— Help Want ed: Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Lost: Board; Miscellaneous. Aiction Sale— Sundries, by I. P. Laßoehe’s Sons. Secretary Bayard doubtless thinks that time is a great avenger. ' Several of the large cities are doing everything possible to secure the national conventions. Chicago seems to have tho best, chance. There seems to be a general scarcity of coal. Prices have been advanced in the East, and at St. Louis and Chicago a famine is threatened. Labor troubles are the cause of the short supply. Dr. McGlynn is in danger of making his political programme too long. His last addition to it is a proposition to build at public expense two great viaduct railways under Xew York for the free transportation of the people to and from their business. Charleston doubtless prides herself upon her ability te draw a crowd without any such attraction as either Atlanta or Macon bad. She is having a big time this week, and the weather seems to have been ordered for her especial benefit. The value of a great newspaper's “good will,” even after years of litigation and mis management, is illustrated in the sale of the Chicago 'limes. The sum paid for the prop erty is understood to have been $ 1,200,000, of which SBOO,OOO was for the name and “good-will.” Mr. Blaine is taking a course of gynmas tic lessons in Paris. He may show in this way that he is not a physical wreck, but it will hardly help him in the great mill which will be fought in November next year. He is foredoomed to another black eye. and ail the gymnastic training in the world will not save him The New Orleans Times D~ ' 'era/, which is a protection journal, ;'-j New South will gain little it t * J > agriculture to mining, manufi v- -es etc. ’ And yet the protective tariff is hostile to agriculture. It is pleasant to hear one protective journal sjoeak w-ith some respect of agriculture. Most of such journals have apparently only contempt for the farmers. The New York Star charges Assistant District Attorney Niooll, who made a repu tation as a public prosecutor in the New York boodle cases, with having accepted a bribe. It assarts that in accep ting the independent nomination for District Attorney against the regular nomi nee of his party he sold his principles for a bribe. The shafts of the Star are aimed at a shining mark. Mrs. Schnaubelt, mother of the man who, it is alleged, threw the bomb at the Hay market massacre, has just returned from Germany. It is said she brings alfi lav its from her son revealing the whole dynamite conspiracy, the effect of which is to clear Parsons, B;:hwab, Fieldeu and Fischer from ooniplicity in it. while it convicts Spies, Engel and Lingg. Thi's-may be a last des perate attempt to secure a delay. Washington correspondents write as if it wwe settled that Secretary Lamar will go on the Buprrnu Court bench and lie sue ceeeed in his present office by Assistant Sec retary Muldrow. This arrangement would please everybody apparently, except those who are determined to see in everything the President does evidence that he is unduly influenced by the Southern counselloi-s. It *onses these partisans to see a Federal office given to any man who lives south of Mason and Dixon’s line. A little while ago the newspapers were full of the details of the terrible attrocities perpetrated by Apache Indians on white settlers. Now the story conies of persecu tion of peaceful Indians by the whites, who Mize their cultivated lands and cattle with out recompensing the owners. This is done in spite of the efforts of the military to pro tect the Indians, and seemingly with the concurrence of the civil authorities. This course of conduct on the of the whites may very well lead to another war if it was not the real cause of former ones. Senator Cullom thinks the next Congress will take up the question of a government telegraph system and that a proper measure will meat with"general support. There Is no doubt that the recent, telegraph consoli dation, giving the Western Union prac tically a monopoly of the whole business, will make the idea of a government service in connection with the post office more popular than ever, but it is hardly probable that the people will consent to the inaug uration of such an enterprise while the evils of the monopoly bear no heavier than they do. The heat of our elections is too groat now, and were the places ol' many thousand more go\ eryment employes made depend ent upon their results, they might become so hot as to endanger good government and peace. Wuit until the idea of a non partisan civil service is generally accepted. Savannah Harbor. i IVliat lias become of tho new project for i the improvement of Sivannnli harbor? No ; body seems to know whetue •or nil t’leSec j rotary of War hus approved it. H vo the I Cotton Exchange, Bon'd of Tnulo, city authorities and business men gone rally lost all interest in it? If they haven't it would i seem to be about time for them to find out what its chances are for being put into such a shape that Congress can act upon it dur ing the session which begins next month. A couple of years ago the business inoil of this city regarded the improvement of Savan nah harbor as of so mu'di importance that they called a river and harbor convention, in which were representatives of the South Atlantic States and cities The convention was a very enthusiastic on-*, and promised to accomplish great things. It was not with out influence in the right direction, but those who were chosen to keep alive interest in river and harbor improvements o i the South Atlantic coast seem to be tired, at leu nothing has been heard from them for a good long while. In the West the people who are interested in the improvement of rivers and the building of canals arc very active. Lutely they held a convention at Memphis, and it is safe to say that when Congress meets the West will be on hand to see that her public improvement projects are not neglected. In fact, Western men are always looking after the interests of l heir section. That is why it gets about all it asks for. Untiring and intelligent work is what tells in getting appropriations for rivers and harboi-s. There may be those in this city who are looking after Savannah’s harbor. If there are they are making no noise. Perhaps a little noise would be a good thing. It would let the Secretary of War and Congress know that this city is not asleep, and that there is, something it wants, and wants greatly. The plans and estimates for securing 28 feet of water from the cross tides to the sea, which were authorized by Congress of last year, were completed months ago. Have they been placed before the Secretary of War yetlf they have not they should be at once. Congress only acts upon the book of estimates submitted to it by the Secretary of War. If that book of estimates goes to Congress before the project for securing 38 feet of water in Savannah harbor is approved by the Secretary of War, the probabilities are that the project will be in no more advanced state two years hence than it is ut prosent. At that rate of getting Savan nah’s harbor improved the work of secur ing the necessary appropriations will de volve upon a generation not yet upon the stage of action. The estimates for the new project call for SOOO,OOO for the next fl -cal year, and the estimates for the unfinished work on tho improvement to secure 43 feet of water call lor SIBO,OOO. If the new project d<<esn‘tget into the book of estimate* Savannah harbor will receive about -?90.0<K) in the next river and harbor bill—perhaps not so much. From this showing does it not appear as if an extraordinary effort should be made to get an appropriation for the new project in the next river and harbor bill? But what is necessary to be done.' Let the Secretary of War be urged to approve the new proj ect at once in order that the estimates may be placed in the book of estimates. There is not much dependence to be placed upon letters to persons supposed to have influ ence at Washington. T- e Representative from this district ought to look after this matter personally, and if he is so situated that he cannot go to Washington at once, a representative of tho city should be sent. Whoever goes should spare no effort to accomplish what is de sired. Secretary Whitney’s Illness. Accounts of the illness of Mr. Whitney, Secretary of tho Navy, vary greatly. In some of the dispatches it is stated that he is a very sick man and may not be able to at tend to his duties for several weeks, and perhaps months. In other dispatches he is reported to be improving so rapidly that he will be in a condition to look after matters in tho Navy Department very soon. It seems rather strange that no mention was made of his illness until the announce ment was published that he was unable to go to his oflice, and that his physician had ordered him to give no attention whatever to business. Very conflicting stories as to the cause of his sudden and rather alarming illness are told. One is that he has overworked him self, and that his devotion to his official duties has almost destroyed his health. Another story, however, is that his work, as the head of the Navy Department, is not by any means as exacting as some of his friends would like to make it appear, and that if he had nothing else to bother him he would seldom suffer from sickness of any kind. The truth probably is that while Mr. Whitney does not neglect his duties he eats too many big dinners and docs not take enough exercise. When he entered the Cabinet it seemed to be understood that he should be the conspicuous feature of the social side of the administration. He has an accomplished wife and plenty of money and entertains admirably. Ever since he has been in Washington he has been noted for liis grand dinners and his great recep tions. It is probable, therefore, that he Ims taken into his stomach a great deal more than was good for him, and is now paving the penalty of his folly. No doubt he will be able to go to Wash ington and loos, after his office in a few days. Of course he will have to continue to play a leading part in the social world at the capital, but if he could hire somebody to eat his share of the big dinners which he will give, and to which he will be invited, his health probably would steadily improve. Prince Kraiiotkine, the eccentric Russian who spends his time between writing scien tilic works and serving the State as a con vict, is naturally much interested in the lute of his fellow Anarchists, who stand in the shadow of the gallows in Chicago. In a re cent article he tells the friends of the con demned men that in case they are executed, the wreaking of vengeance upon the authori ties would be justifiable. He doubtless looks upon these fellows as martyrs, and in doing so differs very greatly from the great body of the people, who think the real martyrs were the policemen who died while in the performance of their duty. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun mentions a current rumor that Secretary Whitney’s sudden relinquish ment of his duties as head of the Navy De partment may be final. No reason i given lor such action. It is to be hoped that the rumor is unfounded, as perhaps no member f Mr. Cleveland’s Cabinet has had more important duties to iierform, or lias met public expectation more fully. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1887. i Gone for Good. The reward of >IOO offered for the re<-np tmv of John Walsh lias not been claimed. There is no probability that it ever will be. John Walsh did not linger long around Augusta after lie escaped from the convict camp near that city. Doubtless lie was well provided with Hie necessary means for making his escape to a safe locality. John Walsh shot to death an inoffensive old man, Mr. Dawson, who was clerk of the Marshall House, and a soft-hearted Jury sent him to the penitentiary lor life, instead of inflicting upon him the full penalty of the law. He was sent to the convict, camp and must have been permitted a great deal of freedom there. If he had bieu guarded carefully the chances are that, he would be there yet. There is good reason for thinking that Walsh expected to escape. Early in the summer it was reported in this city that lie hail escaped. The Governor was asked if the report were true, and, on July 19, he re plied that it was not. On Aug. 19, however, Walsh did escape, and notwithstanding the paltry reward off 190, offered by the lessees, in whose keeping he was, nothing has been heard of him since by the prison authori ties. Wtiat is to be said of a convict system that produces such results? Is it to be won dered at that citizens become indifferent about the prosecution of thieves and intir deiers? Is it strange thut when a heinous crime is committed the exasperated people resort to lynch law? An extraordinary effort was made to con vict Walsh. There was no question about liis guilt. The only question was whet her there was backbone enough in the commu nity to convict a white man of murder. The Solicitor-General did his duty so well and so ably that he v, as commended on every side, but he did not succeed in getting the kind of a verdict that he sought. The com munity rejoiced, however, that justice had not been wholly defeated But there would have been no rejoicing if it had been known how great the chances for es cape from the convict camp were. The camp proved to be only a sort of resting place on the way to freedom. What has the State done to find this man who was under a life sentence? Nothing, unless the reward of SIOO offered by the lessees is regarded as the act of the State. The man who startled and arouse* 1 this com munity by his terrible and unprovoked crime is free, and the time and money spent in convicting him were virtually wasted. Is it remarkable, therefore, that the people ol Georgia find fault with their conviet sys tem? Its abuses horrify them, and its shortcomings excite their indignation. The South and Southern Capital. A great deal of Northern capital is find ing its way into the South, but the amount of it is not so large us the public have been led to believ >. In nearly all the towns in the Southern States which have had a rapid growth within the last few years the great majority of the investor have been South ern men, and tho capital they have con trolled has been either their own or that of companies or organizations composed of Southerners. Mr. Samuel Noble, the chief owner of Anniston, Ala., said a few days ago that it was surprising how many securities had remained locked in strong boxes in the olden Southern towns until the building boom struck the new Southern towns, Many of these securities were held before the war by the same families who held them until a few years ago. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Centra! rail road stock, for instance, was placed upon the market a year ago, when it went a long wa v above par, by those who had owned it for a quarter of a century or more. According to Mr. Noble these strong boxes of families have furnished the most of the money to build Birming ham, Bessemer and other Southern towns which have enjoyed such marvelous pros perity within the last few \ ears. The South’s industries are becoming more and more diversified, and where this chang ing condition of affairs is the most marked there the indications of prosperity are greatest. Even the farmers are begin ning to appreciate the advantage there is in diversified crops. Twenty years ago there was no thought of making a hay crop anywhere in the cotton belt. Excellent hay is now made in the vicinity of this city aud in Florida. Doubtless the same is true with respect to other parts of the cotton-growing section; and no doubt hay pays a larger profit than cotton. The Paper Towns. On his return from the West, a week c so ago, Mr. Chauncey M. Depew said that the wild cat real estate schemes to which his attention was callod frequently along the route he traveled were certain, in tiie near future, to be productive of a plentiful crop of curses and tears. The men who engineer the schemes are happy, and they have good reason to be, but those who pul their money in the lots of paper towns are certain, in many instances, to go to bed sup perless some of these days. A gentleman in this city, who had lately returned from u sale of lots in one of the well boomed paper towns, said, a day or two ago, that the scene he witnessed at that sale —it was in a Southern State— surpassed anything of the kind he had ever before seen. The crowd present was large and excited. The bidding was lively and the prices obtained were excellent. Some of the purchasers had come on foot from adjacent settlements, and others in palace cars from far distant points. All felt certain that money was to be made out of the lots. They stood in the deep clay mud under the stunted oaks, the water from whose dripping leaves cooled their heated brows, biddiug against each other with an eagerness of manner which indi cated that they were afraid that somebody would wrest from them a fortune which they regarded as almost within their grasp. Some of these balloon towns may come to something, but the investors in most of them will never get their money back. The managers of them are shrewd and capable. They understand their business thoroughly. The investors, however, make their pur chases with their eyes open. They have a ehanoe to see all there is to be seen. If they are deceived they have only themselves to blame. * The great Vermont marble pool is about to go to pieces. As is usually the case, the larger producers were unwilling to give the smaller a fair proportion of the mutual earnings. Not content, w ith squeezing the public, they want to cheat each other. The registration in New York is 2,835 less than last year, and the falling off is niustly in the four Assembly districts which gave a majority to George over Hewitt. This looks discouraging for the laud agitator. CURRENT COMMENT. What Forakor May Have to Eat. From the Philadelphia F.crord ( Dem .) Foiaker is pinning liis Jeff Haris love ditties to eveiy sour-appte tree in Ohio; anil, because o sneh Ingrafting, ho may. by and by. have to eat a parcel of So Join apples, as n donkey eats thistles. The Financial i kies Clear. From the Chicago .Un i' (Hep.) Cash is flowing back from the great West and South toward tbe fiscal centres- uud the strin gency in the lummy markets m b-ing i-elieved. lloi for the menace oi a leaden stock market aud tbe anticipated, but still unfelt danger of collapse of divers real estate booms the finan cial skies would be uncommonly clear. 0 A Protest Against the Way Gordon is Treated. From the Cincinnati Enquirer (Dem.) Trt 1872, one Horsce Greeley, candidate for tbe Presidency ol' tbe Culled htates. and who. in ca pacity as journalist, bu 1 probably written tie ire bitterly about tbe South than any other of our disunginshed men. passed down toward the I lulf delivering a senes o’ speeches in behalf of his own cause. Everywhere he was received with great courtesy mi l listened to attentively and with respect Thai was at a period wuen the war feeling was still prevalent Now a quarter of a century lias intervened. But when South ern speakers come to us they seem to be black guarded by a partisan press. Is it that there is no decency north of Mason and Dixon s liue? BRIGHT BITS. A sportsman who can’t bag anythin* else can bag his trousers by crawling on his bauds and knees behind fences— -Vetc Haven Sews. A Georgia farmer made SIOO off an acre planted in watermelons, and a neighboring doc tor made S2OO off tbe same acre..—Post-Dis patch. In Turkey a man is allowed to have four wives, but one of the consequences is that he has to take his shoes off under the gas light away down at the corner of the street.—Corner vitle Journal. Blobson Von never saw such n devoted tat her ns Dunipsey. He just swears by bis hdifren. Popinjay—How different from Bigsby! He just swears at his.— Burlington Free-Press. "There are five gold dollars,” said old Hearty to his young grandson, “one for each of your birthdays. What more could a little shaver like you wish? ’ “Only that 1 was as old as you, grandpa,” re plied the young iliiam-ier. - - Judge. "Now, Mary Ann. ' said tho teacher, address ing the foremost of the class in mythology, "who was it supported the world on his shoul ders?” "it was Atlas, ma'am.' "And who supported Atlas?” “The book doesn't say, but I guess his wife supported him.—l hirayo Sunday National. “Pa, won't you give me anew dress! I want one so much.” "i ll speak to your mother about it.” The child's w istful expression was turned into disappointment. "Surely, mamma will know if its necessary." "Yes,” replied (lie cuild, demurely: "I sup [xise so. But when you speak to her touch her easy, para, or she might want one for herself."— Exchaiu e. Oh, these womeii! A hrakeman on a railway exacted from his wife that she would always signal from a particular window of their little house as his train went by, and ever since he has always seen the fluttering kerchief. But the other day the train happened to run by slowly, and lie saw—a dummy in a familiar gown, leaning against the window casing, with a dish-cloth pinned to its sleeve!— Yonkers Statesman. "Oh. I’m almost tired to death!” "Why. where have you been!" "Been into Lutestring's, trying to match my black- silk. They've got the sauciest gills there I ever saw " "I know it." "The girl that waited upon me almost set me wild She was polite enough, Lord knows, and so patient, you know. But she couldn’t fool me. I know well enough she was mad enough inside, the deceitful creature! I wonder why Lutestring has such people in his store."— Pos ton Transcript He Knew Br.—“ Well," he remarked, as he met a Woodward avenue grocer, "so poor H. has gone to the wall." “You don't tell me!'’ “Yes; he can't pay ten cents on the dollar." “It surprises me, and yet it doesn't. I saw a little transaction five years ago which satisfied me that he would eventually bring up with a sudden jerk.” "What was that?" "Way. lie bought a horse right here in front of my store without even asking me to look at the annual's teeth and tell his age.—Detroit Free Press. Uses of Boys.— First Omaha Florist — Young De Pink is a slow payer, isn't he? Second Florist— Last week be )>ayed up the bill be owed me and made all sorts of apologies; said he had forgotten all about. "Eh? Did you sue?" “No; the last time he ordered a bouqet sent to his girl I made out an itemized bill for the past throe years, giving the address each bou quet went to.” “Yes.” "Well, the boy made a mistake and delivered the bouquet to De Pink and the bill to the girl.— Omaha World. Levi Vnnt any vine, elegant suspenders to day? Somethings vat vill throw oudt der chest, hold up der bants, ami keep you in der vay you should go? Impecunious Scribe—Get out of this! I’m hard enough strapped already without any assistance from you. Levi—Ah. yah, I see' You suspended pay ment! Then duke those to brace up vith. I’d let— Hut just here a pair of woarv shears cut short the thread of Levi's remarks, and he concluded to suspend business himself for the rest of the day.— Charlestown Entei-prise. PERSONAL. Perry Belmont is called Patrick by the Eng lish papers and he very strongly objects. Sig. Campanini says that he lias been farming on bis little estate near Milan for the last two years. John Russell Young, it is said, has returned to (he New York Herald, and is writing for the editorial page. li.g i ion. k Majesty is now hard at work pracuc ng archery, a accessary portion of the education of Celestial rulers. Senator Mokrill's health, which was poor when Congress adjourned, has been fully re stored by five mouths in the Vermont hills. George Fp.ancis Train has given up liis revo lutionary crusade, and is preaching the doctrine of tiie Turkish bath to reporters in Kansas City and Omaha Presumin' Chary, who recently placed his class flag on the spire of Bowdoiu College Chap el is a i.-nredvi of Congressman Cilley, who who lost his life in a duel. Prig. Maria Mitchell, on commencement day ai Vassal-, giv-s a breakfast purty in the dome ol her observatory. After breakfast come poems, sonnets aud epigrams. M. Wilson, son-in-law of I ’resident Orevy, has aged ten years in appearance during his present trouble. His auburn hair and beard have in the short time become tinged with gray- Lord Randolph ('Himcmi-r. does not contem template a trip to Canada, as was reported, hut lie and his wife will visit Lady Randolph's father, Leonard Jerome, in New York, during November. Anton von Werner is painting a picture of Kaiser Wilhelm ut the age of 90, sitting sur rounded by his family. It is to lie a Jubilee present to Queen Victoria from the Germans resident in England. A Dakota bachelor succeeded in Vetting his ltnly love out of her father’s house, but be was arrested when lie stole back after her clothing, and was committed to jail by the Justice of the Peace whom he had retained to marry him. Princess Olympia Hariativhki. whose gowns are the talk and wonder of all feminine Paris, is one of the Czar’s confidential emissaries to crowned heads. It is said that she is now entrusted with a private mission to Emperor William. The Duke of Grafton is in feeble health. His eldest son and heir, the Earl of Euston, was married some years ago to a woman of the town, from whom iu* has in vain endeavored to obtain a divorce. The future Duchess is now living with a low betting man. Cardinal Gibbons passed through El Pase, Tex . on Saturday en rente from California to bis Baltimore home, lie was called upon by leading Catholics on both sides of the Rio Grande, ami was much affected by the exhibi tion of religious deiotiou anil fealty. Mrs. Mi lock-Craik was a conspicuous advo cate of the legalization In England, of marriage with a deceased w ife’s sister, in order that the law might be uniform at home and in the Colo nies, and not long before her death she offered, iu promotion of this reform toiniseue her "Han nah," with anew preface dealing with the ques tion. HE HAD AN ITEM. Why Some Men Do Not Get Their Stories Into Newspapers. From the St. Lou is Republican. “Say. mister, I want you to do them fellows up," said an excited looking young gentleman who strode into the Republican office at an early hour this morning. “What fellows?' he was asked. “These policemensaid he, “who go around breaking in neopie'saloors with sledge hammers for nothing. '* Then lie went on to narrate a harrowing story of devastation, the main features of which were that a party of inno ent young men were in the haoit of congregating in a room over Robinson, the tailor, at No. 600 Pine street, where they never thought of playing p>lfer. but occasional ly indulged 1n a little game of whist for the in significant stake of $1 a corner. According to his statement there was no game even of this character going on last night, the room being empty, with the door closed, but not locked. This te-ing the case, a force of ten policemen with sledge hammers pounded the door in with out even trying the bolt. Of course they found no one in and looked very sheepish over their bad luck. “Now’, v. ill you put that in?" said he. “Certainly/' lie was answered. “Just give me your name?" Tf is he did promptly, and it was written out in plain view. “Say, but I ain't the feller who runs that thing, f don't rent the room. I just come around here to see you for a friend." “Well, who does run it?*' Again a prompt response with a very nice sounding name, which was also written out for him. “All right now," said the reporter. “The item goes." The fiery manner of the young man had grad ually undergone a change, as the two names stared up at him from the sheet of white paper, and after fidgeting awhile as if something was wrong he leaned forward and said timidly, as if afr *id someone would hear him— “ Say, you ain't g an' to put them names in. are you?" “We have to have some authority for our statements, you know." “Yes. but that’s my real name,''said he, with the accent strongly on the real. “So much the better; we will know who we are depending on." “Yes; but, (> Lordy, I*ll lose a seventy-five dollar job if some people know' l was up there.” “Well, but we can't do them up without au thority." By this time the young man was humid with perspiration, and he said, pleadingly, as he rose to go: "Just leave out that whole blamed item, now', won’t you? I don't want no trouble." A Romance of the Grip-Car. From the Chicago Mail. You have seen and heard of the grip-car —how ungainly it looks and how death-dealing it ap pears You wouldn't suppose that there was any romance connected with the grip-car. I boarded one going south (he other evening and turned up my coat collar to face the blast. I soon had my attention called to a woman who occupied a seat to the right of the driver. I also noticed very soon thereafter that whenever the driver threw down one of his levers as he straightened himself the woman said something to him and that he answered her. They w r ere very attentive one to the other until the train reached a certain intersec tion, where the woman got off But before she did so she held up her mouth, and the driver kissed her. I found out in my own way that this was that driver's sweetheart That his hours of work interfered with his courting her as the young society man courts his inamo rata That for him there was no lingering at the gate, and that she came out to meet him on his car, and took a ride with him as I have de scribed. I would like to put that sort <f love against some kinds that I have heard of. 1 would like to make a small wager that it won't culminate some years later in a divorce court. A Dead Albatross Brings News of a Wreck to Australia. From the London Telegraph. The French Foreign Office has information from the Governor of West Australia relative to the wreck of a I-Yi nch vessel on Orozet Island. of a shipwreck reached Australia in a peculiar manner. A dead albatross was found on the coast of Freemantle some months ago with a tin plate tied around his neck, on which were inscribed the words written in French: “Thirteen shipwrecked persons have taken refuge on Crozet Island, Aug. 4, 1887." The Governor, to whom the bird w. s brought, telegraphed immediately to the Admiral at Syd ney. li is believed ibat the shipwrecked jht sons are the crew of the three-masted vessel Ta inaris of Bordeaux, belonging to Bordes & Son. She left that port last December for Nouma, and has not since been heard of. Her crew were thirteen in number. The L’rozet and Marion Islands are situated to the southeast of the Cape of Good Hope in 48° of longitude and 4(3° of latitude They abound with game and fish are plentiful on the coasts, so that the sailors will scarcely have much suf fering to undergo from hunger. The poor alba tross had winged its flight over 2.000 miles of ocean in order to deliver its message at Free mantle. Just Ons for a Sample. From the Chicago Herald. "Have you a Faber S B?” asked a seedy young* raan in a Madison street store where artists’ materials are sold. “Yes; single lead or a box?” “Let me try a lead. '' The clerk produces the costliest movable black lead that is manufactured, the v isitor inserts it in h‘S pencil, screws it so that the lead is clamped, and then writes, as if to test the quali ty of the Either. “What do von get for these by the box?” “Sixty cents.” “How much per gross?” “Fourteen dollars and forty cents, with 15 per cent, off.” “Can you have them ready for me in an hour?” “Certainly.” “All right, I*ll cull for them.” He. is out of hearing before the clerk remem bers that the movable lead which was inserted in the pencil for a trial went off tvith the seedy young man. This is the newest trick. A Technical Point. From the 7’/m odo Tribune. “I have called in. sir,' said a stranger to the red-headed editor of a Missouri paper, “to tcli yon that your reporter, whose name I think i, Hillus, is a measly dog.” The editor came out from behind his desk, kicked the visitor out of doors and across tile sidewalk, and went back to his work with the remark that no man could talk about a brother of his in t hat style. “Mr. Billits.** said a man who enme in a few minutes later, “have you a brother that does re porting for your paper ?” ‘•Yes, sir. replied the editor. “Well, sir, 1 am sorry to say it, but my opinion is that he's a villain, a scoundrel, and a coward y sneak.” “You're right, sir,” was the reply. “I agree with you perfectly. I kicked that other fellow out," the editor explained to a bystander, “on a technical point. Ills remark reflected upon the parentage of the family.” How Grant Gained a Victory. From Hamper's for November. It being the fashion nowadays to relate inci dents of ihe great war. J venture to repeat one told by Col. H , an officer as rental kabie for the fertility of his imagination as for Ids great military sagacity. He usually introduced his story to any group of gentlemen whom lie sought to inter st, by the query: “Hid you ever know what was the turning-point at the liattie of ?” On receiving a negative reply he would explain as follows: “Right in the middle of that battle Gen. Grant came riding np to me on the field, looking more perplexed than 1 bail ever seen him appear to I>e before ‘Oh. Char ley,’ said he to me. ‘what shall I do? The day is going against me: ail is lost. What shall 1 do?' I looked at him a minute ‘Why, Lis,* said 1 ‘don't you know?’ He declared he didn't. I smiled. ‘Oh, Charley,'said be, ‘help me out of this?' Then I told him to move up his centre, deploy his right, and strike the enemy hard on his left wing. Lis did it, and the battle was won.” Indian Summer. From the Century for November. As frosty Age renews the early tire Whose eager flame in liazy warmth appear*, And brings again, across the shadowy rear*, The vanished dreams that kindle and inspire; As time repeats the hour of youug desire In sinoother laughter and more tranquil (ears, And childish pleasures mixed with needless fears Stir through the pulses of the withered sire So when November, sharp with frost and sleet And moaning winds about the rocky height. Has reaped the shining forest to his hand, Thecbarui of Spring returns in mellower heat, To veil the leafless hills with purple light And brood In peace above the naked land. Gov. Oolkhby. of Illinois, began his career as a carpenter at $1 50 a dnv. After he had worked for some time at the liench he made a strike for the bar. After practicing law for awhile he fought in the Mexican war and was oue of the California geld diggers of ’4. When he came back from digging gold he entered the political arena, and has been three times elected Governor ot Illinois. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, is to have a little jubilee of bis own next year. He has kept a throne down lor forty years. During a period of two months nenHy $5,000 worth of horses and carriages have been stolen within a radius of 15 miles from the Dover (X, H.) City Hall. Glanders has attacked a son of Representa tive Pierce, of the Illinois Legislature, the infec tion having been communicated by a sore on one of the minds of the young man. The engagement of Mr. Brown and Mollie Garfield, it is now said, is not broken, and the going abroad of the latter had nothing to do with it. They will be married next summer. A New York thief, who followed and ab stracted from an express wagon a valuable package the other day at Cleveland. 0., was Killed a few moments later by a locomotive, in tront of which he attempted to cross. A newspaper correspondent traveling on the Pacific coast notes the curious fact that the stronghold of prohibition sentiment in Wash ington Territory is found in the hop-growing district between Lacoma and the# Cascade mountains. Several months ago a fire broke out in the workings of a colliery near Pottsville, Pa. Two or three days later Eddie Ferguson, the 16 year old son of the superintendent, broke through the shallow crust. The skeleton of the lad has now been discovered, lying full length and face downward. St. Louis has decided to adopt the electric motor for three of its street-railways. A com mission was sent on to Philadelphia and New York, which reported that the experiments wit nessed were entirely satisfactory. The mem bers have made up tileir minds that electricity is the coming motive power. Prof. F. E. Boynton says that a region of country twenty miles in diameter, where North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia come to gether, “contains more interesting and rare u'ants than can lie found in any spot in the United States occupying the same urea.” He calls the district “a botanical bonanza." D. M. Spinney, of Anniston, Ala., has a horned snake which he killed while out hunting. There were two of them, not over a foot apart, and when Mr. Spinney first discovered them they appeared in the act of springing at him. Thev were about one foot long with a hard horn on the end of their tails, which is their weapon of defense They have been known to kill small trees by goring ttieir horns through the bark. This species is also known as the hoop snake. Says the Danville Commercial: “One of Charles Adair's favorite hens choked to death the other day in a mysterious manner and he determined to investigate the matter by a post mortem examination, which disclosed the fact that the had died from suffocation caused by a large lump of chewing gum becoming lodged in the wind-pipe in such a way as to cut off the necessary amount of atmosphere to keep a healthy hen in good health. This is a sad warn ing to young ladies who chew' gum. To old maids it will make no difference—they can't be choked off." S. D. Smolianinoff. a Russian inventor and scientist who claims to have discovered a method of firing nitro glycerine from common shells and common guns, has a permit from the War and Navy authorities to make experi ments at Newport, using government guns and shells. His secret lies in rendering the nitro glycerine perfectly inert to concussion or to detonation by heat. Furthermore, he claims to be able to explode lhs shell at any point or after penetration. He will conduct experiments at the torpedo station, after which he proposes to illustrate his idea in all the countries of Europe. A well-known belle of New Orleans has a passion for Brazilian bugs, which are supposed to live on air. She wears them in her hair and about her dress, not only In pr.vate but in pub lic. Sometimes, when in a hurry to get home, she will patronize tne Democratic street car, where she is the observed of all the passengers on account of the bugs crawling over her gar ments. These bugs do not roam at will; they can go a certain distance and no farther, for they are held by’ a fine gold chain, which is pinnPd to her dress. Some years ago this was a popular freak of fashion, and there is a possi bility of its being revived. Of all the reflex celebrities, the man who looks or thinks he looks like the late President Arthur, and w ho travels on the strength of such resemblance, is the most complacent. He is large and florid, and he wears his whiskers and moustache after the manner of the late Presi dent. He made quite h reputation in Broadway saloons and cafes while the late Gen. Arthur was alive, and on the death of that distinguished and amiable gentleman he had the good taste to stay under cover for a month or two. Now’, however, he is abroad again, posing as a hero of a chance resemblance, and smiling when he is alluded to as the “ghost." The suddenness with which lightning rods have fallen into disuse is rather a curious fact. A few’ years since every’ business house and pri vate residence was bristling with rods and points, while the lightning-rod agent was the most in tolerable* nuisance that ever Imposed upon the public. It was formerly thought that the rod w’as a genuine protection to houses, and for years people labored under this delusion. But the fact is that the rod is not a necessity, and is oftentimes a source of positive danger. A resi dence or business house is just about as safe in a storm without a rod as with one, and the peo ple of tills generation have learned this fact. About four months ago Mrs. Settles, the wife of Andrew Settles, a farmer living near Lathmp, Mo., was in the garden at work with her son. a loy about 14 years of age. Two snakes were noticed fighting, and Mr*. Settles commanded her son to kill them, which the boy dH. mash ing their heads with a lice. Mrs. Settles witched the fight and the killing of the snakes with in terest, and one week ago she gave birth to tw ins. Both of them have flattened heads like a snake and had to be separated on account of their hostility to each other. The family bad intended to keep the matter from the newspa pers, and nothing has been said of it up to this time. English treasury officials are considering the request from the Astronomical Society for a grant to enable England to take part in the grand project, first proposed at the last astro nomical congress in Paris, of making a complete photographic map of the heavens by appliun cs now perfected. It is believed that several mil lion stars could be photographed. France and Au-tria bave already made grants for the pur pose, mid it is expected that Russia ami Ger many will also join. England's aid is specially ne*-d *d for the use of the observatory at the ('ate of Good Hope and the one which is to be built in New Zealand. It is said that the United States will also tie invited to join. The phot# graphic telescope to be used costs about SIO,OOO. Wnr.s the politicians return from Albany or Saratoga special preparation is made for their reception at a big saloon across the way from the exit at the Grand Central depot. The free lunch counter is made marvelously attractive and an extra stock of liquor is put'iu. Politi cians know it as the Travelers' Recuperator. When the politicians are to go out similar prep arations are made in an khe.r barroom on the Vanderbilt avenue side of the Hudson Rivir station. This place is in ihe rear of a grocery store, and is known only to too initiated There is no style there, but there is rivalry wiib t e Travelers' Recuperator for the praises f cus tomers for the liquor and lunch. This place is known as the Travelers’ Fortifier. Every poli tician has been there. It is an interesting fact, shown by the immi gration statistics just issued at Washington,Unit immigration from Bohemia and Hungary, and from Poland, has been steadily decreasing for the current year. For the month of September there was a falling off as cornua red with Septem ber. 18W, in Bohemian and Hungarian immigra tion of kit. For tie nine montns ending sept .to, there was a falling off of 2,989. In immigra tion from Poland the falling off for the mouth was a JO, and for the nine months 1 .102. In the case of all other count ties there lias been an in crease. England and Wales taking the lead with an increase tor the nine months of 20 UNO Sweden and Norway follow.with an increase for the same pelt'd of 19,607, Ireland with one of 18,096, and Italy with one of 17.049. Just west of the Wilson creek bridge, on the Billingsly farm, near Aurora, Ind., is a huge gravel bank that for the last half century has been used by the county and the various road superintendents to get all their needed supply of gravel for public highways, etc . and a very large excavation has beeu made into the hill side fronting the river. A few days ago while digging gravel as usual, the workmen found buried in the bank, at a depth of 18 feet from the surface, two twelve pound shells and one six-Douud shot. The shells are a foot in length and weigh, with the substance that has cor roded to them, fourteen pounds each. The only explanation of how those heavy missiles of war wh * re f ond is that during the war of 1812 Gen. Laughery engaged in a skirmish with the enemy In this vicinity, in which two men were killed near the creek, and the tradition descended from the pioneers asserts that some cannonading was done from the opposite range ot Kentucky hills, and the strange balls now unearthed were then tired into the bank BAKING POWDER. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for m< ,rc i hanu quarter of a century It i, used by the United gtnres Govern meal In dorsed by the beads of the Great Universities u the Strongest. Purest am! most Ileal! hful Dr Price's the only Bakin? Powder that dot* not contain Ammonia, I.itne or Alum. Sold only in Cana. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO yew mm _ omi Aoo. st. mm DRY GOODS, ETC. Extraordinary Inducements IN’ Black Dress Silks FOB THIS WEEK: Elegant Black Gros-Grain Silk, Cashmere finish, worth SI 85, at 98c. Extraordinary Rich Black Surah Silk, worth $1 35, at 99c. Handsome Black Satin Duchesse,worth Si 37W, at 97Wc. Rich Black Silk Rhadame, worth $1 50, at 31 29 Black Gros-Grain Silk, rich satin finish, worth 81 50, at $1 23. Black Satin Marvelleux. heavy quality and rich lustre, worth Si 75 at $1 46. COLORED SURAH SILKS Fine quality Surah Silks, in dark and delicate evening tints, worth $1 25. at 96c. Priestley's Fine Silk Warp Henrietta Cloths. Priestley's Silk Warp Nun's Veilings, from 75c. to $2 a yard, suitable for mourning veils. We also carry complete lines of Cashmeres* Crapes and all the staple and fancy weaves in new mourning fabrics. SPECIAL. All Wool French Cashmeres, in blue and jet black at 49c., 59c. and 71c., worth 65c., 75c. and 85c. CROHAN & DOONER, Successors to B. F. McKENNA & CO., 137 BROUGHTON ST. ZON WEISS CREAM. ZONWEi's^' FOR THE TEETH Is marie, from New Materials, contains no Acid*, Hard Grit , or injurious mailer It is Pubs, Kbi-ined. Pxbfsct. Notuinq Lies It Ever Known. From Senator Coggeshnll.—“ltakeplc ore In recommending gouweias on account of lit efficacy and purity.” From Mrs. Gen. I.ogan’s Dentist. Dr. E. Js. Carroll, Washington, 1). C.—*‘l have had Eon weiss analyzed. 11 la the most perfect deatl trice I have ever seen.” From Hon. t han. P. Johnson. Ex. T.t. Gov. of Mo.— ‘Zonwel-M cleanses the, teeth thor oughly, Is dwterte, comenlem. very pleasant, and leaves no after taste. Sold by all druggists. Price, 35 cents. Johnson & Johnson, 23 Cedar St., N.Y. t 1 *; --..J., 1 , 1 For sale by LIPPMAN BROS., Lippman’B Block, Savannah. SHOES. We are the acrenfft for the JAKES MEANS $4 SHOE and tin JAMES MEANS SHOE. MR ANS *4 SHO* nndfrfvlfoh. It fits like a 'Tig, and RFOriRKS * BjiKAKING rfectly eaay the first tim* * n. It wli? natinfV the moil lout. JAMES JVIXANS SHOE it absolutely tht inir shoe of Its price whlcr lias ever been placed ci V, tontively on the market ' i in which durability befi U Ash fbr the James H^cTySM^^nl'e. Meant $2 shoe fur Boys <:IJ rd >ur Store ami try on a pair of these Shoe* A. S. IS ICHOLa, 188 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. -A.- 33- ECULL, Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. I7RESH MEAL and GRITS in white sacks. Mill stuffs of all kinds. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also COW PEAS, every variety. Choice Texas Red Hum croof Oats. Spocial prices car load lota HAY and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis* faction guaranteed. OFFICE, r> ABF.RCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE, No. 4 WADLEY STREET, on line Central Railroad. FRESH BULBS. Hyacinths, tulips, crocus, snow DROPS and JONQUILS. Also PANSY and VIOLET SEED. AT—ri STRONGS Ea-wUG STORE.