The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 05, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 * TV V," M m SI.. cat kfv "nai , rote * cabin or TRI. NORTH Condition Itb* >'•■ York N v*** Fifty or siitr 1. vine Onfter <me Roof Re! -titi •* . Rnnt#> <wr.H. it- 1% to MljiKtu Wwoi-* T*e pwrfto tm C*. ' that pi inted * forwhie •r:i <n?i: st T. • Nee l nob* TnniV Cabin, 'bv .’.tin* M ■ilington R Uni* Hhe pictniw the i-A l n v "in.- I *. cabin ikuit *o •■!4i** hmw.' •• Ji IV carden [•tel, m trout hut snui!;, *r* mi •* and mu *t nibble for Unde To 1. hi* *'if* end the nm rtf lit tie wool!) -he.ui add Vo tbair dr on: for* Dmf •* - *t. * BMW e Tr'rvrM Tb- now n.-w ” •ni' Cainn i* m ®f* Nortt. end 1 n on i* whit- - in - cabin l* fcM ty or Pit* i n-~- a- large. mid l no longer nalief: ** pwlu*i but ■ tsinr ***nt iioviw F.tTy or MX’ In< * Touts ins-upy the now "rahi-o.” To- '*io same *me little room That muat **r> " a Jiwwin; ro cm diniag room. and. :. .a * - a*t hxmo as suiidrv and k:t-otjou T' •V. i orn Aunt Chi *• arn 4 move tier tu' out J ’-• irv*t;a:r and send the children i *ur a,*j oat uu Jot* the *ky. over -h*- gi a • It .- no' built neat !* r bouao of it oiw "If may to- that the carter is ' i ditau with both* -ca" i*-: ed hoi’' rid tht*. wti *a*re an age: a' ibeir Ktuthani li -tarr. „ir**i a.) cv-iwoer. .no bie, t • mnatmli -a i:. ualv to p)en*e bis pi tr us ■t itrißg r largo ft!- anco 'it prx H. *u 1 ho purer the tene- BMBt the IvTgo, tin laiaii . No repairs, no ja*titer, rat taferritiftii to fwv f.i . '■ eouini-dot n ; o u r.' -hail That I till I th vwrwrKcb-tti. wii! exi**-t li.iomaj ed * and I 1.0 if it, will apply for it No, the cal -i. i a- Vmae; near *thf h i~ w o an of a*r i even tie* spare to nui .1 the rmtdmrn • • - r' ti. i: r .w v We u*i *ilid thou, a- e <lo tue eievaVut n i \o* tti.- M.*?*■_ law w u <alor. -.tory a!ir Minty, behind earii other, litrrall. oHI ’ll aoh (daer, for 1 1 lore 'tea ter of hl*t>’ry tuat foul fatnilitu a tr. t uoi. live :n tour •vrnert. of m room, and get on in tolerable jewrw Uli <Ae of them itegiliu to t ike bo ird*u*. If there are l >ir.t they are !i: tie iwure than cloetu dark, ill vectiiat 1. -row. wvi In the improvei tene ment* that ta\ per cent there i a gcti- a I laurviiy 'ft eterr tweuve faun .ee lieie then- is alt a< tot water, the ne entity for ravin/, ’ne heat of a lire and toe misery ot i.tuinng .-l.tthes, all da\ aud every day lfi. a von agent hatal-. you J) per <Vnt. inr. .*•• un your tenemetil invest inert, b. and. in iDe .-ye and asli where he Ik*, lacua. t!ie laundry You will liul that no w si. . t*-. the h mse can nave water witij >ut i-vUiws her own fire: it be a mercy if •bsre is even any water at a.l above the llrsT h.r~r " “I OT : VEBTROTTEN The tan in f -vit of the new- Cncle Torn > cabin a si i ct. of fruits and Vegetables. I sit they ire uarts. They aie ir.>u{ut here liecaui e tfcd are unsalable anywhere else A chi Id beg. for a uanaoa “it’s only a penny ijui i *.t o very rutt tC The peiic y was Trxwr.f u buy in'lk pehaps the f- uit is a |ootl a* 'hi riilk The child gets the banana and the mother is too busy to stop work i ung crouch to see tliai she eats oo'y the port the 'xin't verv rotten ' the vr v rnu an a vis conuitio.v leaving <ut the OTe /eat ure of Southern siaveryTuv-t •.!• .lave rould be bougnt rad sold, the at h->r taken the gnamd that the . condition c f the sia ves of New York i. a aumirol tr ja w.rsj than was that of the Southern ata The Sxith-.rr -utve liad a i ••chance;’’ here *. a chance ttdit he aught I have a goof masPv "Toe ten*:nant-hou-o slave ha. bc dtalea for those who iiave be gnn that cagrwiaueu there ;> no b'W of b> tter <ia; v Upc 1 ? Tom in the Sh-lhv houeehold'c ad nortung to feer but that sud den loss of wealth t: light wort for him a -hang* of carter, but Inch T>m of tlie t-wment iasto f aar his ma growing noh. has t fear tbet the tinkle ot mere*, mg ducats In hi. (net will ma- e biin re joice in a"1 itKTea-e the extortion that . thrives so well on t uant' who have forgo: ten to exp. tl. It- The ’.Southern Uncle T .m had hu mp of earning, of laying if only penny bv penny, w m-thinc Tic Nortnem Uncle Tom never can -a tr. is not enough from *av to da; to live* even decently, undone lavak in a lav 's vsark. one hoar of sseknem n luther icsiher cr cnild, leave, a gap that it seems ;r-'l nev.r again .-an thev on-lge over. Thy uevsr can ’catch up.’ The fsjuthem ’lom bad hi. family, per iinp. tom friuu hi ami-, never again to Isy <ye- on daughter id ton. Tb.nk vo- that the Northern Tom can tv family about him: \j the stave R.dti -.a*is.l tier b.y 1 1 her hri .-t sal ran nwav tbsl .'he might not have to him up dip. from the venen aut >iuseeve s day -tin Jiiiaa with a child in bei arms. iv>f to keep him. but to git e him up: tola; h-tc in the crib at the founlling ta . • !■.(. **s will be taken by • tr is- know . her-a'ter not as 'Johnny, 1 but a No. g. 716, o- to give him to benevolent a en‘s wiio • U Tiim 4 buu a oome ut the V t ” Sadilew and a!! • !bo calloutness. tnat mis e- • rvsxiiK.~ tnu: . * bring a iiiotbe:- tr <s* h* * •i! V. _u ‘ •. t .jl. --■! # - ii " in, , n Ihu no ft- -I h* iter or < iottung A 'let hu’-ji .. f iavtn obc t amt Uict Ufcn dk! Vr, Virfchia *t' utte.l* f.e*- fro.u uieo • -Ci that spring toiu f-o'*rty, wh-cb probably own iri*e tw > taird. of .i to< cnues* on ■artL Th" NuuiVtrj ttavr va* kept in ignora-nv. ha */r* wronged stultified, atu ed. lou rbt raid sold TV- Norther.' •lire is kef. in ignorance in the sight o' knowledge: bet* rr-nmad, stultified, abu -*i lu.d made w ." I- Cocie Tom hau to *-•• bis wife aid cl\>t beat the N'lrtbern Tom Inarm to Vrat his wife and child himself. rnr reaction. The Soutl*rn planter acknowledges that one of the worst tvil of *iaver. was the reaction os tlx * ihocrtcr The writer think* tlen i- in' iu> row ie>n <m th-- ncti tjum the terni-tii an-je davrrv ** H-- member,’' soe sal's, “'the jerstilenc.- bmdut: m thou.- de| . |.< - they an-eeting* a a thut ‘ain't rare vttan.' Kemenib -r *hat the sewer-: i;*s nnnert Murray H li some of Us uit teuea>* nt. Ramtunber tliat when yr;: ailed lmeii is sent to a washerwoman J j> know not where it goes ur whence it ra* • laick " V*l: ''■ hi cau only lie sui flat .f tt *os ;l bu* In a re-1 whli: the ab r lily.!'--* tint mai-age* to inw whit* to t..t -t rface. tVnen ym go to the into ot~n ▼ office for a wet-nurse, or, wone still, fora u> care fory-airorder crowing bight aud dar, retnemher the haunt! l>v <-.,n>e l ro;the ta-tee and habit*tbes arith them R-m -ntwr to what are luring driven the giti* tbrt will not. or a me.: ‘;ivo - at.' snd so live in degraiiatK a that orags <h".n with them— you know not srta.u nnil AS A RF.MEDV. Asa ren -wjy for these evils the writer ad vocate. •reform, U-gjitmu with lb laud lords, and ui eo.v hr oil -ay:,. It u the horn * ! fca cause, the poverty: it la the tene neot toat .* the root of th" evil; debasing, unfitting*** inmates to be either good or i ctufati Dt <itlxen. Reform th employer nd rate, from him high--: wags bet ore vo lave *vf< rtnd the land’oro. a*>d you will niy *■** the tenai.t* stayu g along in -Jw' *a#*e old place*, with their rent* ram si. #i< a not resjiotiMbie for the pover jr, but "Vo ore for taking advant age of lie now/(y, We ar>- not to give these |jeoj4- teniJi. a* a ehar.'y we are to take inot ey for sci-at we i ive th an, hilt having tiaeti .art ey we are to give them fieir money’* worth. 'f a uiao j-ai a yw. Cl -V* a week, you are to give ' ,in. two rooms and a scullery, with sep. rale mink aa! dMt This you can do, ad stbirraw a'i |*t '-ent. dive lend n< ou* *i v.i i!■*', ’ • ut ‘•••senirobw tot lh* dw imei' M . - *' **"i Ilf* <i|fi ffhjute '*h hu h’ m**w “■ + lm tai* ut ♦' * s -* * * ntvUi -I# 4 *i' * ** **' 4 • It * * “-V tv no*. ‘\ n m* * * Ml,e Ml. -!*' ~♦ * M**l * H' l '•** 1 n; ii) \ i'i. T lir 1i . ’• ni ititii 'i*'* if* r -Mi itb" ti‘fl tin’ Imi in it” .1 wi *•< > tum tH**’ ♦ h<> MMAim uUir t*‘i MU tiK *mi ndiwl. •? v.'im! tt< t4* I•! ww !•**' I’JiariT- Nf> !*•*'’* ♦ !•*' nmi 1 Hui ! ;h*i rmut . HUii tin Uuitimi tan4l *trd t v*i, frtam worn AL Ff ES'.'O TRkCEST Booth and Barren Play rTidar a BooP leas Tbantre .1. Ra-aas Cm / V-<h*. itir V' .f' - f .sis*? ' Tbfw en. .nuit tragwdian. Ve~c> R*.:A and Barrett, have bad an etprenwi* e ild W estctTi ways, and jiush r Kansas C’.ty tvin.-h is until ur and bai thev .i. n.H soon forgot 7’bt- cußiiiany was i*s,Aswi tootwu. nitne new Vt seder ilrand insew S 'use lasi Monday Tta- htmse is tlie pr-*t> ert > til s tvtsß'ge W Warder, lue ;n*x f the Kaw, and res! eataSe tnUiiona."- H started il ju sin tw, nay* lore the -i;ioi..iig. at>J his horn.® and th bonurof aU Kansas fit) were daaed oa thi fact that the budding, whkh is. ca sh'mid is l , five sto*"s-s high, would he <s*a pueted a time The opining t->k j.ia.s- on Tnesday mgtt Cistr-wd ol -dou..y . and til • teiegran.. srmt Kansas C.t indicate! that tb- >s*c mg was a grand ucvwss the a y drt i* l k Is-ing the - - mine, of the aad;hi. :uii' ->w mg to A defect in ’he . leatmg ujsoaratus, P J Toom“y. the scetne aid sd who is pain mg the scenery, came downipwn Kan sas City yortcruay and toll Mr Lr-'V. of th- Bo AU-tlarr- it ..■aiiani-. all a- .i .* When Sii la-r ' left JC s.* Oty .. week ago the wails were not up an and .ot a hit of plastering had to n dar><- totCai. Warder was sanguine, and den iared that evert ng wonU 1 all right Mr T.omey say. th wall, are at:H nr.t up>. and MBo .lh arxi Barrett ie o teu play .ng itwv Ta-wlay night without a ro>f in tue theatre, arsi the fresh bre.a-s of the Ka isa. p.-uU. -s have t-.yoi with the cm i. ol Mr Barr-ft a-rff the ioug riii-'icb of Mr it mth. wuile it waved the t-iga. of the s ijiers . :al k_s-oi the fair shoulder, of the Kates*. I ity laou ties who liraved the elements. IU full dress to * !he stmgiiishe i actors At 6 o’clock lu-slay evening the house n- full of scalTdliug and tar new la “J [duster wa> wet and A force of I s- 1 men made tlie scafToi ling dissappeai ii: e snow in the sun. an l Col. Warder st.rnd on ihe edge of the stage roof and >upe- | tr.aied the job At f* ch k the se-aT.d-.liug was down and the doors were torowu open. The scenery was all readv, but only one set could is* used, and the entire plcy of ••< ithello’’ was given with this one set The actors wanted to play in overcoats and s<al skin sacks, bat btavv woolens were substi tuted and the whole tragedy was given A coup!• of big stoves were" placed where the boxes ought to be. and the audi-nee went au i wamied up between the nets. Warmed apartments were provided foi me -ta a Many of the ladies had cotne out :n full dress and sat in their wrajis. The thermometer in the nouse, owing to the cold wave and dampnews. was nea. lv down to zero. Wpdnesdav afternoon "Juliu.. Caaar” was given with one scene, an 1 another per formance was given last night under the shilling moon and the blunting stars. The proscenium piece is not up an,, the top of the 'urtam and the flies are hid by drapings of blue tissue oil pa The b >xe. are not in and the chairs in the parquet and dre® circle are not in. t-nipo. ary cluurs being used. There are lour laic-mes altogeihe". There is a temporary railing around one in place of lb- fn:.t. hut the uppe galleries have no racing at ah. It is exiiecbsi that the few feet of wall yet incompleted will be put up an l the roof put on by to-night, but >n far the week of tragedy in Kan es ' itv af the Warder is without nai-alie. 1 :: '.ue anuaisof the moiern siage. \Vedti* day night ia order to fill contract for steam heat. Col. Warder h.r~d a lot of threshing-machine. a:id attaciieil the boiler-pipe to the steam n-ating pips and pumped 't-ain in tlie i-ifle.- then re. The tragf.lmn. had to play in the house, because there is a guaraute ■ of |l s .iXHj :,.r the week. Enough seats liave been sold to cover it A Dog and Buffalo Fight On ting for October contains no accunt of a fight between a buffalo and bull log. written tr, Mr. H. <. Carter, of the I'nit.d State, army. The fight too ; place in Texas in 1871, A herd of buffal vs had bke-ked the march of ieri Mackenx e s cavalry, and the tiooper had tired into them. "One gigantic bull, a leader, was peaces': he was i>adly wounded. As wa. tie- case on n vriy al! marc I it* of troops changing station <>L the frontier, ninny dogs of all ages, sizes and degrees had. under on*ft*t. accompanied the column to the Orianat river: here many of the worthle curs were left or drowned wli,t- fortiing; but there were several remaining, and it was these that ha 1 turned the buffalo down the column There wa* jneiy th-ui a large white Ki • dldog, minting to the Kgtan> > ti' b • He was s 'i o-ure. T-: k<l .<e- x J to ■ cv :.t lb- *la;<:.*•' ttrvsl^. *’ H *••.?! 'Cs -n Mil .r\ ..'lev the Mumped ■>. ..• off d.w g b*r Us. they rus .utl v.ii V.- u’oiii-'iie •xslutnn With Th. r pecaV. ro ling ga.l. But King, tint ieill-log MngWsi out the im men*e woun<bsi lea 1 r. who nos slaegemsl bis speed and was falter ing in hi* trace*. He iprang at hi throw with great cocr-ige. fa<ene,l u|rm him. and the luttle <s>m menewl. w-itli the i-o uinn a. si ert sped* tor*, '’he Imll swot and >wn ufwi hi< mss In.t o groat ss hi* drcngtii that !v <|ii'.(-kly are e and whirled the dog over if. gtc-st cii cle* over his lieud King hail l*- -u tiught never to let go Th" en'ir nmand now wab-heii with breathless atten'.ou the ap taietuly unesyua' * ufgt". etpe-t-ng every moinvlit to see U." dog crushed to death Ikiwni went the bub again on In* kue*. this time not from nuy weak tie*.. but to gore the dog: rising, be would stamp h - |e-t in hi> raee. then, shaking him awhile, h" would resume swirrri./ and .napping him like a wbipse and through the air The foam, now b!oly. flis-ked the bmg. tawnv tie- and of th<- bi->i bull. His eve* nourh ‘ - . •■al--1 in the long mat*"d hair tliat covi-issi hi. -Jmggy head, tta-hoi lire. The log kept hi. ground, h -w --j ever, and graduali'. ‘.. • i.u.i grew weaker: he roae toll:* fe-t ie- ‘ten. lie could no longer thro i the and >n < ir-le* alove hi* head All w*r- looking for the struggle to nnd. Impatient* vc> alreodv displayed upn the men's face*, when til danly Uen. .M.i io-nzle .hotit'd. “Kill the amtiukl and put him out of his misery!' It wa* a merciful cotn mand Two men stepped forward to the enormous bea*'—n > on hi* ktuv>- and rocking toauii iro. the dog still tool i ng "ti —and placing their carbine* tieiiind foe left shoulder, to reach a vital punt, tired. He gave one great <jtliver. one last sp ismodic spread hi'nself unon tiienrairie ilead Not till tlien did Kmg let go. So gi"a? had l*s-n the courage i/f this favorite dog in his fearful struggle that mouth* a: ter, when an order had teen issued for all our dog!—always an accumulative nuisance at a frontier jiont—to be exterminated. King, the white bulldog belonging to the Fourth Cavalry Band, was exempt by a special order. Uro* pumping the Kand pipe of the water works at Haiidonfleld. N J., so full of water 11! the water ran over til" lop, there were wa-hed out lie- lushes -if .ixty-tlires- Swallows lr is supposed tbe> m,st.sjk th" si and ; i'" for a caminey. ami. Info it. w -k tlie water and i/ere drowned. The pipe w ill be cov ered with wire netting. Tlir MOUNINfI '!" S\rui MW. NO\ F.MBKK 1".. W 'fTISo# tiWWMD tvA* • O A ’Mil*# ?*** K* % 4 m-iAt • 0 W’ ***" U*lft Hi# w “ ■* * 4iii fmi U* ‘ * ' ir <nl: 4MH***- m "•*** ** * • ' - ’ till' A' '• i •*4 *'- * Ilf IMMMIMItK* *r •H* '**• *”• ngi*ii Mtiei +*+ * mm * .Hi) *m mut** *Hr* • ffpmtmmk ♦ • i* twfl % *f iMMft aJlr’tt*** nmif ♦•if 4 • r M#t m •m****‘& ■■**** M '• ftNlt twmdr 41 ll * ' ttl • '&*** mrM * ***** • nil#' tt ' lU** V a* *uw i * f i/tM iiuu* *i *&+ s**'-+ ** * + A* * w * Ih4 2%' ** \r*c\+ <% ■’<***+ * ffoßi iWflftin tMfeAW* #!•> 41”** 4k* • <>: af a.-s t!s '!•* TfW t- o* * • ’k . writ. A*- us Bn. eOats CISC ta. wjcaistet* iDMrwioßA'v * lahetna t ** ax*4 fins-üße* a. i.m*w "ha 7s , ws**iv' px B.rttn® the a*ira (“aiue trod '***’* •’* AM/*lW;ls*, bCTr s s ISDIe ■ " .* W- *ii*a 'V. if. WtZ'A til* g'rtL3 i • ’- W.A %• *e ( -,iw aotsi a scss-y Having e,: L le* ,-tC arwel Is Hat. aßs pr brt ag% m * sW •u..rdie fa f*tuea t-naei M3 ta. a ..ert („ tat - virl t v a v* h oaaki I bv ihe iTe. isaa-ssis'v A orr s. eßcii sa t S t_)firisijfc,. take • .ohHS f-gae>* he - r a. amS after iw tnck v. wsus_ • vjt ark. .-.(iidkeaisihfi t* death by Is-v EhJ -1" T tie day he 4 r a teie-iil O viv ih ; (I dob Me K, f etsd Tie s -•*’ ce •*. the teiweinor being cfcslged to ske fy :.:n w-.i with Btiffthf two <4 lheart** ites-ugh the .-ireef. ttV- :.vk ChrMOm ttwc en grate to Mart hr i. tat .ng al- antageo* the t;,c -is k<im! i .*1 extended by the o*l vert*. Here. :n ltk>.. he otmuoai a gratsT of land trail L/vJ Baltdaore. sis uii. v this Uv-gu* m wticn be- Yi ia v'awis fie 1* ame i l the saletarT a even of the O .t v. aiw the late crmunwl t • A an imps* tant jat in th • House of b .:**snee. of which he v a mnnter The iesreodar*. of the Car;* sms ’>ere ■tw ai jm-vsij jewner/v. a- lit Mm the estate feu .at.* t> hand* of lsAe.c A:itn -vj. wh" had married into t.‘. • fane tv of Chnitaoß. and thetr booae of oid K..g.ish bricks r.-r-in part upxi the land until th.- day After tae c nristijon ..a! .uai ried, hern.-, aad died the family gradual, v dwin died away, are! 'he estate passed into the hand of Rn-iMird France. K. -nanl France was tn- lotterv tug of Mary iand. The Btate reco nir*M au 1 ieg.i :zed"tl-.e b isir.e-. and Ru umt i- iuncv vax-d rich ami pros; - n>ns He built a jralr e (the word is u-ed adviaedlyi oa M->uut Yoraou square, aua be tiougiit an estate oil the (Sist-ru suore Here he built "The Villa.” with V- re.l tower overtopping t‘i trees. In inngnificenco nothing in tlie vicinity ri vai.t.! it. Th- re were winding waits awl fc on tains, rich vases and marble statuary, glass houses and everything vise tha T money ; couM buy to make complete a gentieiiiaiis couutry seal. It w. the wonder oi all the i-ountry roun.lab- ut. overs had -win- "The Anchorage,” the seat f Com. L iwnlas. and “The Best.” tbt beautiful home of Admiral Buchanan, ecnlruutliig one anothet- on the river just below. So enviable was the pnepenty of Rich ard Fraiu-e that a u-an named F.r edlKMit set up an illicit lottery known as the "Lot tery Policy Company and which in tire made such inroads into 111-hard France's laisi ness that he was for eu to abmit Broad l>ent into teirt.-rn-hi/. Then Broad bent also waxed rich am*, prosperous, and built bitn a supe* b place beyond th- limits ot Chai les street, a pm.-ed now ownel by the Perrottee. But the ronscienct of Maryland had lx come tender. In tune the lottery license to Richar i France v;>- revoked. He then, with Broailbent. w nt to Delaware, which l*:a. c.small Star*, he. with givat simpii ! city, b.swight upihr Ijegisiatur-. Th.s was not in each case apn vale sa,e. One of the memliers also had a lender conscience. For him I.ietard Frame built a church, where In constituents worshipped f->r many a I year. Tin n Ikdaware in its turn became sensi tive to the enurmlt of the lottery and re soked the li.-en-e >f llichard Fran-e. Meanwhue Broadl-ent liad tiee.i piu' dering the bu-rn-N* with rapid hand. It i-ecame necessary to buv up other B'ate*. In tins effort Richard francs- failed Kalfltsl and plundered when the lottery king came '<> take stock of himself and his i*-i- -ngings he found uc was in debt every wliere and ruined man. bhung lack to ■ • . rare in the des[ieratfon of hi. atTairs h s j-rrson is seized for debt, a'-d he died there in prison, and a paupei. In the wreck tlie Villa was so'd to Henrv May of Baltimore This a- bef- -re the late war 111 his hand* the carve ot the pace was renewed. It nas still the finest pace tor mile- about, and a,:ain were re:i"we.l the s--viiv of hospitality and of luxury which di*?ingui-h-1 the okl Ml" laud days. T!-I1 the war Iwokc out. Tfilh g >-at shivniiiias Henrv May iniinedusiely in ist t*l hi-fortune in Hi' "oker we a lions*r nsmevl Carson in Baltimore. AH went wed until th- surrender Of (Sen. 1 .*-•. whet, gold declme-f aud swerit Henry May alov with infultl **d margins. But between a-n 1 a-.d rur- st-iod the brokt-r ( arwm. ia -acdote-l bv May, went ilovu i-. the —:* i ri nbe -al|e‘ upon U* dwnt to protect him A *.ir ••• - lifo-ign' and, against the feehu** and t. s*-r -t• a • community, -i w.-.s an bv Hn v JT tie li-svm '"ai* „ nev !r - V'-’-1 • t -l-ed a few p-.uuti netrt * -S-S klt W •• -f, ■ - so-- It i ■kiu' UUI -I ;.d* • U t . >1 lue\iUirx'- ti.. e L.night ov • y o*.np man named ftanda-i. who. with h yonm: and vay w le.tnore than revivtsi it -*>‘,d inpi: W.ion for luxunor hospitality The fu was fait at-1 funou-. and with it slipped away ti e greet t.-rtuuc to w n:c j Kand tli Ind aim heir In a ii-w vears,ut-c-lv ruine l. young Kaiulaii wva - . gre up Pn- Viiin, and now. t i -*-*t. :iv ~n huml >•- life a- a rmli-wd employe, while be wife support* her-e f tu some f-inmine vo •-anon. i be Villa was then bought by a man from lliwii with Point, a. it is known ,n lulls it couutv, named Braiiy. Ureeowi.-h Point i* be ter kie>wn in this *ect) ti a* that port of ttroe.iw ch on whicu *tinid tiu:' m-table resort much frequeii'ed a dozen vi-a’ . ugo by to* men of "B.r Six " aud the Bluatom dub The cooll y marvelled much at the ireut of a man of the type of Brads, t hlacksuiith. i; ,* said, but , a Ida- wbo uad found hi. trade moat lucrative, since be was able to possea the Villa. lie uad none of the qualifications for a country life. He was the owner of a superb pU . wit* it* walks aud fountain*, its vuses, it* marble goils and go-niis-ses half clotliel in touage. Tliat fact sn itied to con tent him. He strutted about iu his shirt sleeves, and if it -no inclined him, in his bare feel. The iK-ighboi*- <s .i . Ito marvel, amt in time left this new a -i 'i imge type at the Villa to his own compauv and habits of Hie. Alter a time there came a .-uinor, told nlxut mysteriously by the negrH*s. of the yacht flitting about the river, and of a strange man, bearded and old, vx-n bv chance, but furtively keeping out of the way. So isolaf-d ls the Villa, tae tongue of laud Ktretching - -ut far into t!i“ water, and the gtitf*. as u-’ial ktpt l<*-ke l. that there ismld lie no te-ster plais* tor -suv-ealment. The rumor siesmd further nid was mu tiruied in deta by the cur.--us negTiies. Then came the news o: Boss Tweed'sUM-npe. Some people iKiieinberisJ tha' *.hc owner of the Villa came from Orwnwich l'- int. a : iiauut of Bs* Tweed's. Otle-i - renierilier—l that m the earlier <Uys of the occupant of : the Villa he bail been hear t to *av be knew or had met Boas Tweed. There were stories of the sort of men who were the nldchair i maker's friends, ami sforie* of bow he en ' rrcheti them. So the rumor grew, and was j continued in the belief of tbo |m>pie of the **t i w m(|„ml .***f ta* *#> *o*w - -*wee ef tbe t ,1* a> w ■tv ekoae* tw b- 'A'* .... I m*l Bamitaiwf •**.• H twwefanw . •i| < 0t tl . e*ll BiPivßwl *-4 •mw A .I* T. AW* U* IL le. • (•>■-* 4 itieve ■ ■* —*,I—l If **— r*. twtwnat* we m ah* aw— wm #** • Umt* Be •mwH m*mo,l bv these In** Ml wax BMtevwi -ki '••fit if nut Ift ghw MAifw* uh the k * ftlvl its '**, g. g hgvta**> * that -*■ wwe 6**ift. • si-> * fM*lwc h. •e'kfi* imn evyfttDb fc#*h r in* at- --% tw Vd'sft * jm-AI U the >• -i ogee * the t** ** *iw * I * —el twy •a whew thw *f*f*iv. hew tad Bun m rnb Tie* •• rv w whuwwbi . twvwiwe he a.*i h• > w*ftls n** Ile ) wht down •' 1 M lulV a Battev*> tlMBt wy w (me Mv *• it**wlel4p* i ■■** <w. art - u<t> 'Me tee d* >uiertv kou'itg; prer It •** here T* .“I lay •** vs* 1 d4 from hetw hw ** *ft*n away b MCA by the eat f i Kivamel t fteeuartaUc yvAtwiaw <4 - * -yvßSkd who • * i.i -* thw p tit,' i*i wßy at t a htanwH h* a Vw • atw 4ne t l *fc U. wte-a it a alb- wwb ~ty *f f tt* j*rtrwi|Mt • 'h*s s tttwigs.: a I!• : r*>. the tnuiig lnaa A self, ami tamifb unqiaeat -nwi chan 7ba V V ha* taiirn <nn * -igh wrtat". tie walk* are nvwrgnwrn. tie ft> li ta i!- t t tevse. adtb naarble gob cvwthrv'wn. WTaea ut ftTott utwe < ui*si.* a pine of glass *w nuftia*-- atr*- -■ an iv.ia:iw,t >t never rs* owtri IV f'r h still k- t .-i.-.-cd. but the iafii .n a-e.-ev*, v g si**- thrvugi t h**" a:**r. Tjw Villa ,- . a -.•* place wi h it* |>a*t grand-sir ami -m-n. viee.. but th ting> r is ;*<ated fiitn a: it. ami every on* wonden •Wat te-x f AI.BX BT EDWARD SKEI 7HED. Mr. Hale-and Tells of Him a- He Saw Him at Hom*jurg Psoa th* 'l. (. \nti c,..v.s ifll 'idi.lh I-*wf4edn-c mbolu'vd to .he Prince cf Wales at Horn.urg tanmg. raniiing after hau. The etiquette often •-*■•• is not in notice h’tn. Not oo- person .r n doM -ii-i |sb kiui oo th.* ls* eve looks at him Hi- :lgun- is a- ar .* t tat of one cf tb* trees In the ;wrk. an I tn-ike. no sen ■wtiou. "T le cure” at H imborg isauexac’- ih/ b isinw j. On* must be up ai 7 o’clack ia the mar ling at iat st, aid he u* iai course is t* ta*. 1 one gin-- of ict'r :rim the :a- irite *u ing at 7 o’clo.'k and wdk for a quarter of in t ar; th -n u -*s-oml g.uss and n waig for *noth r qu-irie.- of ai- hour: u thin! glass’il l a for an ho ir. This lirinqs br-wktast t.nn-, and one allowed for 1 ;vaktt two egg- c.nd one cup of coffee without m Ii; or sugar. After breakfast, : skill** ill ai“c 'on ii. pine leaves. Lunch eon at t; tv o glasses ot water and in hour’s walk from I to .7; dinner at 0, and the 'ashiouabic hour to retire is !*. T iere are ao sauo* oi um-ookisl vegetables, no raw i*-uit or salk.fs or wine except a lit' ic hock, iiermitteil One who k*eps this up or three weeks is bel eved to get the full b nefi; of the cure” ind to be ready for another -easoii of pl< usure of hard work. Tl * Prince ..f i\ ales ta .es his cure like a Ut e man, prom.smg hunself. no doubt, that t iere is a gr->l tune e It takes a close ihs**rver t' detect in inn the slender Iv >y h > visited n> ic MOO. He is not tall and s-t >ut, an l wore in the ark at H unburg a sui -of the coi'ir of a or niamou ts*nr, a calico shirt, red cravat, uutelined lea:lier shoes, sol brown hat. with a ’ n>ad ligun- l ribbon, cirried a stick, and wis fulloweil by an Esquimaux • log. white a. snow and too dignifies, to wag : his tail Th • Prince generally walktvi with a rush, os if <. had a severe duty to wrfonn and meant V g-t through with it. and 1 e was always i oninamed by a lady, usually ' someone el*' - .-tor occasionally lis own sirter, tlie Pi incess t'hristian. Ho .-as not : an obtrusive pei-sen. and thue u -re no ! ceremonies a siut. only he. " c all • red to I go about his m-uie a having for ti* time the coveted ■ sio.-\ of a private citizen; and those wf- > met i.Un said he vvim and to be a eoiiqiaiiion ble man, who ashed many que-ti uis nii inueh inteiu genie, aid did not have to b ive many jokts expu* ned to him. If he desire to form an acquainfat ce, we presume his overtures are rarely de-lined. We are not aware that the American Minister has leccnled a "reverence” J'or the Prince. He often meets the Princo, and testifies to ids good fellowship. The -Yince fold him tbet he eas anxious to tin t Mr. B aine. and w :en he did meet he ine he tranteai to -sv him again. The l’u ice of Wales possesDa points of peculiar iira-rest. He may very soon be the of Great Britain and 1-eland and the Snipe or of Inuia. But he is not playing the despt ~ He is as eu;eful in the cultivation of the i rts of ptqiu.anty as if he were a candidate f >r the IV. -. ii-ncv He is one ot the cl'-t stu dent- of cun-et t h story, and he is much of the very .boriously engaged in public dutie:’. many c’ which are thrown uno i him by th* widow! lod. and ugo and infiri lities of hi.- mother. He has made it a |K>i it tc lie polite to A uericaus. Is th*t a r msou wh lie should ‘-e particularly obnoxious to as; It is not na i policy to cultivatep!e isanl rertttions with the otter Ent i*h sjieuking peottle. The ucation ot the t" nice, : s the }V:ni-*-. ha- of < ourse been a def run* nt to him. for royalt ' is a that must [wi-s away But fex men krtiw so well tin* * eak n-s- if it as the l’t i- J >1 Wale* He is a verv good pul lie fAer, and then are many of his sot ache* ’ re.t could not rnve i***n wr-ttea to m a<.j memorized. This e who I::. •". hue iu ie sfieaks very well indeed, 'nd b - * manly voice, an l his vu'-bI it: i • *' ..'.lt he is gift* 1 in i, i. a• ,i| •- - 1 humoreil and ' gnat onpi )v -■ i. ;ve re- oi i*:oices of Males, and iiuiil'l ha'*e eta id for it. Aorfl!*!*' ' r -jj. -uman" to Clatu foritir.: n. the FaJerlaud. ’ o -* *he i Wsm H- ral’l. B-tiDGtr'ORT, C >‘ v . Nov. I.—The Ger man Coustii at New Cork lias notified Fred erick Sta Hie tha’ ui order to save his estat* in Germane h-> must return to the “Fuder '" H- ri ■smlb* was drafted into tlie i-'- nnsih a-tnv last s -ring, and in order tr, ••vaib-doing inUitarv duty tic 1 to this coun !--,- Hi* „t. liii-v died ami left him r •orTuuc t iiSi.dOO : larks. Young Stalhe ti-.d -a ; - upi-ti’d hi* cvlncation nt the i' ol H*iJ*lburg. (Sermanv He -s talent**!. *i--ak. fe ir languages tlneutlv, and tie* >ite l.i- < - . la* (Rmn -ur ■ -it by th> sironk'O? go-si brei>d -7:-.g whi. r-lune out a t.tne* in lii.isrupa ti >n as coachnma. le ernrsl aneogago inenl -a- < -.** miui'i W' tii \li‘ and ill's. Ni*l s*m .-Mv-M-i. ut Ureei’s I’arm. <‘t. Me is lull, weii Inn! tlon-1 toinulexi-m an i tin'- I siv.tic. j-'- iblv .at* ut vt-urs old. lie . gij-uuni ir lio'-o- tired : i a goid eiu- I nroidereil n , -s.h ' f. coritiiroy trott- | -■rs. and wc , ' i ud.-tg s velvet cap. On sundry : nu. •gi. in -nts wns em broidered'-. ' - "mc ' <t. H“ wri'uul pro ceevl to w * weari:'.- >! r-d satin vest, with- an 1 G riuan eugle ilwo ratmg the 1 r - He sun/ rapturously, and in hi* room over t i stables played upon the flute, flageolet and guitar. Thestables on the Uvord homestead a>l join the grou <l* of I ipp’s Hot -! quite a fashionable summer resort. Pining the l>a*t s>-ason the dll bet strain.* of th • “Beggar siun-ii: ' w . nas ov r into theo sn window* o. th" note; One or two of the fair suinmei guest- w-'ie att.ra--te*l bv this music, and He r Staliv . in hi- nsl ve*. and p-d laissl ja • "t. wh* he obje. ;of eonsid craide coil joctin • . II- wa •>. iv a coach i man. yet iu-tk-t .* J ms iv tob-lieve he was, ! indee i. a noble i>-f ig.e in disguise, lie re : fraineii from a/eo-’iat ntr with any one. Whenever iv- had leisure he would fish m the *<hi and. the waters oi which ia;i tlie Shore , skirtiug tie A'vnrd gMsleus. He lia 1 sev I Its ri clothes nml I--' "ii Iwi le.slv lia ! selectisl this lu -le of ife to iu le hi* i< lent it'. Nowthat h:s pn rents aiodea i, and fortu ie awaits him h" will a' once re turn to Germanv. Wh -ther iie will lie coin ' nelled to io military dutv he do-s not know, neither do -* he know whether ho is tuui'e to punishment. Should he remain I hen- longer, bis proja rty will t confis -1 cat- and. r rsrHKi, ixvirtTlovn. • •. R*>K TV frvs ul ot Imirn k>* mm (awi; mmA Joiui V K*>*a aod , - . , . ■: • a.:-vt if* MMMI * H. tta< R, - ? r. n-nW** G awl ivv .um>. tium irnauw>s, t |) duck kRrrnHM. UK I l.t.l>lk —** A rO T ■ E • * II M rut Jk-TK Hurt lb* w*t treretn g -if tlx* GBGROIA H aKb OF HUMMACKCTICjU. EV.OI IMKK *u! taaa plocv in ATI. ANT A TVuraWt N..t tO. to riatnin* cat.b • tab • . gre.-rt ltwai* to qutlWwl Mffcyta 1 All tl •M'lj At <br oWwoflT .1 tv IVw.-r n PMVtliitASArrAo ti**.* n, ~r bare a !„>• .* fi*o ibv_pr*>i. -r Rrevi . lYar-i,*--. *! H*ura Thro re M. 4 nnAt-vo* U> rmtinv thx <lrug burvH ; \KE \"TIHU> thA PKiWiWTrritiN* ■iHiMtaui!; (>- UtwnutG) g.n*t all unlK-cnred rawntora -it t"r|xMlti*< aw Pharnmo A *ww rt VWrilMaT -**. I’**' By .Ui T 4 KI'W BARRY. M D.. rhairmaa. >I-E tAI. NOTICES. .tAnhxw'ah <aarrt*l WM tor "Special ,W*i mfl hr rtnrjrl ft DO a Squai-r each Aaanttm. "" NOTICE. Savan.vah. Ga.. Sot. 4. IST Wr. :hn undvruir.nM. a*rer to wrmalr “eatch a* catch-can," bv*l thm* S .nit of live ihi (aila, •t the Savannah Thwatre. ot FRIDAY EVEN IN';. Not. 11 IV7. for Our Hundred Dollars iwriUr, two shoulder* and one hip or two hip. and.Hw shoulder to constitute a fall Referee to be agreed upon one t! day before the mu - eh takes place. TAM WC'VRTHY. JOHS MUHLF.R. NOTICE. Sav.vnsah. iii., Sov 8, ISS7. The shareholders of the GERMANIA EIRE r -MPA NY. f Savannah. Ga.. are hereby notl tle !o ji.i-.--nt their share, within thirty days fr .hi .Late, to the undersigned toreceiv - their pro rata from t lie sale of the Germania Ene Com pany's Building. . Iffice nonrs from 10 until 2 o'clock at 147 Con gress street JOSEPH ROOS. President. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEE.* AND CAP TAIN* OE 1 EeSEhS. Orrictt Hea'.tb hirirnt. I Savakn.. h, Ga., Nov. 1, ltii*7. f From Nov. Ist to May Ist. unless otherwise ordered. Captains of vessels having clean records, will he allowed tocome to the city after their lessels ha\e been inspected bythe Quuniu tine Officer. f vessels which are subjected to un ballasting atThe Quarantine Station, will re turn to their vessels when unballasting is com menced, and there remain until this work is completed, in order to expedite same. j. T. McFarland, il. D„ Health Officer. DR. HENRY B COLDI.NU, dentist; Office corner Jones and Drayton streets. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. J. D. MARTIN HAS RETURNED TO THE CITY ELMERS LINER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by emiuent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. Si 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D„ Pharmacist. Savannah. Ga. PROPOSALS WANTED. PKOPOSALS WILL be received at tin office of the Clerk 11 of Council until It’M. MONDAY, Novem ber Tth. for rebuilding the city's wharf at the foot of Whitake street Specillcations may Iw seen at the office of the Cilr Surveyor. The right to reject any or all bids j e-ei veil * JOHN ti. HOW ART). City Surveyor. SEALED BIDS FOR COUNTY BONDS. Madison. Fla.. 1 ctulier 7, IHST. oEALED BIDS v.ill b- rec rived by the Board .s of County Commissioners of Madison countv. at the Clerk's office in Madison, until the ir.TH DAY OF NOVEMBER. BW', for the purchase of all or any part of the issue of the Coupon Bonds of Madison county, limited in amount to seventy five thousand dollars, of the denominations of five hundred and one hundred dollars each tone hundred and twenty-five of each denomination! and bearing interest at the rate of six < t>) tier centum per annum. ITinci pui payable at the office of the County Treasury in Madison, Florida, on the first day of June, A. D. line. Redeemable at tbe pleasure of the Countv Commissioners at any time after the first dnv of June, A. D. 1 HU”. Coupons for in terest |iavahl at the County Treasury on the t.rst day lit June in each and every year All bids for bonus shall specify amount of Is.nds bid for, the time when the ladder will comply with his bid. and shnll specify whether hid is in current money or in past due indebted ness of the county. No bids entertained below pur The County Coiiiiuuisioners r -serve the right to reject any and all bids. Address CHANDLER 11 SMITH, Chairman Board County Commissioners Madi son County. Ha. DISSOLUTION. • -Ja | and after the lOch instant the business now conducted by me will be carried on by Messrs. T. J. DAVIS A CO., and I beg for the new firm the patronage of my many friends ho have been so literal to me. and feel assured that the lies firm will give them the same at tention as the) received from me, Mh DAVIS having been my head man fur the past four years Messrs. T. .1. DAVIS and J 0. HARDEE or* authorized to collect all bills due tie* retiring firm. G. S. McALITN. PORTRAITS. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. 13. DAVIS, Secretary' and Manager of the Great South ern Portrait Company. \N Inspection •' -amples of our I'orfraltsat our office, wit). Davis Bros., 4'd and -41 Bull et, will rreaii. inierest those who conteni ■,ic lukviii;. "r u.mines of themselves, their . neuds, living iu Uieceax-d. copied aud enlarged m OIL. WATER COLOB. INDIA INK, I’AS -lELLE and CRAYON. We guarantee a per fect likeness and excellence of worn. W e have ib-mi TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND ■ UADKS IN Sl/fcS OF ENLARGED ROR ru MTS from kxlO to OxM". and our prices are rum $4 to SSOu each EMt’LOY FORTY ART .STS: been twenty six years in the business; uve üBJM* candle- |xwer ELECTRIC LIGHT, ~lid are fully pr|iared with all proper ex|iedi lion and skill to execute ail orders promptly .ml satisfactorily. We respectfully solicit your rders. L B. DAVIS, ieiretarv and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. (■WYLER DESK CO , ST. LOUIS. MO. MwuFAcruMmar eiNf DESKS, TANK COKNTEPB J (S* cnßßlßtcaa BANK. COURT HODPi;, 1 iW-GOVT.ENMENT WOS < and i? FINE OFFICE FStNgS S Best Work anti Fewest I -icei s Guaranteed. lOOptgellLw'l rxt erw:4n-*. Weston and Saranal ZR-A-ILW-A-'X". Summer Excursions Commencing SUNDAY, MAY I'm. this Com pany will aril round trip tickets to CHARLESTON, By following Trainsaod at following Rates: By train leaving Sundays only. t B AN a a "w turning, leave Stitt p M . same day ....... f1 00 Rv train leaving Sun-lav only a, 6:4N a. re turning. leant Charleston TI-. May morn ing $2 on By train leaving Saturday at Kk it , return ins, leave Charleston Monday t.voreing $2 7KI By train leaving Saturday at littE p *. • return ing. leave Charleston Monday n irning s■'! ft) Tickets for sale at WM BREN S. Bull street, and at l)rp.t. E. P M S ViNEY. Gen l'a-s. Agere CLOT If <1 N(>. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR Fall Stock is now complete and we will tx pleased to show our friends and thr public the prevailing and correct styles in , CLOTHING, URMSIIISGS 4 H.VF ; For the season, whether they call to supply themselves or only to sec “what is to be worn." _ Respectfully, 1 FALK k SIS, Mto’s, Boys’ and Children’s Outfitters. Our Fall and Winter Catalogue is ready for distribution. AT SEA! So many dazzling promises are held out that the would-be buyer is now puzzled as to which IS the best place to provide himself with Winter Clothing. We offer no inducements beyond it chance to select from the LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY, BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES, And rest our reputation on there claims. The public doesn t expect nor claim more. DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, FURNISHINGS. HATS. NECKWEAR, FURNISHINGS FOR GENTS, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Come and see us, and if we can't treat jon as well or better than any other house, try elae where. 161 CONGRESS. B. H. LEVY & BRO. <; ROCERIES. NEW CUREAITS, New Citron, New Nuts. Choice Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart Rock Candy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock ot Staph* and Fancy Groceries, at THE Mutual Co-Operative Assochtion, " RD AND BROUGHTON ST. .ASF VI Fli EXTRA SIKH E Mo JUST n half barrels mackkhiMMl.. „ p vr P Am.‘BERT &CO O. JVL- oiN/cffHN Bust Proof Dais. Seed Rye, APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGES, And all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS By every steamer. 25 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay, 50 Cars Corn. GRITS. MEAL, CORN EYE BEAN, PEAS, and feed of all kinds. 155 BAY STREET. Warehouse in S., F. 4 W. R'y Yard. T. P. BOND & CO. HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay. Jacksonville, Fla. WINTER AND SUMMER. r F 'IIF MOST central House in the itj Near A Post Office, Street Cars and nil Femes New anil Elegant Furniture. Uectrk Kolia, Baths. Etc. &.* SO to S3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. DUB'S SCREVEN HOUSE. r |'Hlß POPULAR Hotel Is now provl led with 1 a Passenger Elevator .the only one iu ttio cityinmi has been remodeled und’mwlv fur nished The proprietor, who bv recent simliasn lsalso the owner of the eatabUahmei t. spans, neither |>.ns nor expense in the enter aumient of his guests. The patronage of Fieri U visit ors is earnestly invited. Tlio tabi of its, Screven House is supplied with eve j luxury that the markets at home or abroad ci •• afford. Nil 1-1 INERT ill m PLATSHEK'S, 1.33 Broughton Ftreot, Asa preface wo * culd rp mark that the crowd- visiting our establishment during- our recent opening days hive pro claimed unanimously our lino of Millinery, Fancy floods Cloaks, etc, wen well vfru-d. tin* prettiest and mo>t reason able in prices. Vll are now invited to inspect those- bril liant offers we make th:s week: do;its! floats! Goats! !*• Kiiit All si/.ts of (thi lin** an.l i-A'li.*.. <Vo t study yoor orn int. ivt bv in ig f.t*r st*H*k . i . inti. ' all wool Xewia.t *ketK. f i 4to 12. ii i*' stiijM*s ami *-h> ks. with m i with out U Its. at $3 2ft. S3 ftti j-4. n4 50 ai l t'pward; *'Y.*r* one a bargain. >T.n.os* ail wool Sh irt TV Jking for a?*-, to lb. mad** fn in h a,f4*>t c •mima; n vi’ i till.i without Satin liod. at $2 5*2 ‘.ft $ 1 30, £4 ea. h; Mip -rb iodtACOpw nts. laHi irs all wool WplkirvT in all the neu.* ,t imported and domcdt.e effruts. i?t 5i i'i. Si 50, $3, S-'i 50, 3-1 and upward. \c.y raid uflfrn s. Wraps! Wraps! Short Wraps for Toadies, mvie frort al 1 wo l. h**a\ i textures, neatly ti\n r.ei ar*i perftvn fliii: g. at $1 50, ft 7ft and them loft lies' Si*al Plush Short Wraps, n neat \ari ty, at prices to please all. Call and ex amine. klli GLOVES" TO SLIT EVERYONE, WINES AND LIQUORS. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Fiic Old Rye, Bourbon a’.d Horn W ikkies, Choice Old Ports ami Sherrie, Old Jamaica and St Fr. t fini Pure Old Peach and Appk Brand;, Old Tom and Holland Gins, Old Manor Malt Whisky (Best MaVi, Old Hehnessy and Martel Brandy. If you want anything in the way of Fine Imported and Domestic: LaIQUOR^ —GO TO 0. B. LESTER'S, .11 Whitsker Street, SAVANNAH, - GA. DRY GOODS. I AM PREPARED TO OFFER A VERY AT TRACTIVE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods *i mng which w.'li be foun ! RALE GEMS IN COMBI'.AT '.N SUITS. i. (NO TWO ALIKE.! , *Jv ,u. l Et** - SHIFT I> ...snoi-sln )V t' oE '■ iTTHNS aiv ■l4 p OR tu ikttd WHITNIJR BLASJkfc allely , IM AM -and CRIB HI, \NKET* TAB. E ! DAMASK s . PKINB, In >Y I IES and n ' I va .eiy of HICK and DAMASK TOWEIS mm | •Mt. to,)c. GERMAINE S, M- llroin; Tton street, next to Furboi . IX OD I’KODUCTS. forest filj Is. F am tnn ting an extra quality of GUTS and MEAL, and can recommend it to the .rode as superior to any in this market. Would be pleased to give special prices on application We have on hand a choice lot of EMI IV SACKS, which w:s are selling cheap. BOND, HAYNES & ELTON PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. 160 L hlf [f-mw YEAfIS-1887. At Die Suslucss, and P wllli (lit- Maslc nil the Time. GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTING, BINDING —AND— HI.AXK HOOKS. Evcrvlliliiß cninplrfe for IM n-Hf Work. INo slouch, work "Mfti. Kj it nor work.