The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 11, 1887, Image 9

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< ESTABLISHED lfcftO. ) 'i J. H. EhTILL, Editor and Proprietor ) EXTRA. 4:00 P. M. allfoohdiMie HORRIBLE STRUGGLES ATTHE ROPE'S END. HOW THE NIGHT PASSED ' Hurrah for Anarchy,’* the Death Cry of Fiacher Death Results Thirteen and a-Half Minutes After the Trap Fell—No Disturbance in the City A PtrOßff Force of Police About the Jail. Chicago, Nov. 11.— Anarchists Parsons, Fischer, Engel and Spies, the convicted Hayraarket murderers, have l/een throttled ov the law, the self-same that they had hoped to throttle. Their scaffold drop fell at it :54 this morning. At 9:10 o'clock this morning Chief Deputy Gleason arrived at. the jail with the fatal documents authorizing th execution. Mr. Gleason immediately went into cios conference with the Sheriff in a private adartinent that was eked and bolted at once on I.hc inside. While they were still conferring Spies’ in ertial fever bad so increased as to induce him to order a glass of Rhine wine, which war. brought to his cell and swallowed at a rulp. A few minutes were then occupied by him in writing autographs for officers attached to the Sheriff's office. SINGING THE MARSEILLAISE. At 10 o'clock Fischer was singing the Marseillaise, in which tha other prisoners Joined. At 10 o'clock Parsons. Fischer and Spies asked for twenty minutes each ou the gal lows, in which to make speeches. The sheriff d'.l not immediately return any answer to the request. Following close upon the telegraphic re port from Springfield this morning that, Gov. Oglesby had decided once for all, the deputies commenced at, 10:37 o'clock dis tributing tickets to the reporter-who were to watch the inarch to the gallows. The .neatest bustle and excitement prevailed in the jail office, hut Spies in his cell continued writing ou uninterruptedly, and the others i emained equally nonchalant, notwithstand ing the confusion that marked the beginning of the end. At 10:54 o'clock the reporters were ad mitted into ihe cell room to view the exe cution. They were conducted to the north corridor and seated within a few feet of the scaffold. At 11:12 o'clock the condemned were eat ing their final lunch. At 11:2a o'clock the Sheriff commenced to rend the death war rant to Spies. The death warrant was read first to Spis, then to Fischer and then to I.ngel. and at 11:48 o'clock the Sheriff was nearly through with Parsons. Spies, Engel and Fischer were in their couds standing at the grated door and saying adieus to friends in the visitors’ age. At 11: t! o’clock the death march to the •affold started. A already stated, the trap fell at 11:5-4 o'clock. Fischer died very hard, as did also Spies. Parsons also struggled and kicked fearfully. Fischer’s last win ds were, “Hurrah, An archy!” The pulse of all the Anarchists stopped beating in thirteen and a half min utes. At 12:13 o'clock the coffins for the An- Hr, fists, plain black, with hut the silver I- .Ms of the screws for ornaments, were car i "and to the gallows. CHICAGO’S HANGING SYSTEM. A Mysterious Way of Cutting the Rope that Does the Work. Chicago, Nov. 11.—All the common prisoners, to the number of about 200, were •"ft in their usual cells last, night. The practice of hanging at Chicago is to not re move them until a few Deni's before tho X‘-cutioii takes place. Sheriff Matson de eided to* follow the old rule. At the ap pointed time all of those located in the tier* of cells facing north, and which partly com mand a view of Hie scaffold, are nmrehed into rim tiers facing south, where not, a glimpse of the execution can be bail. The gallows for the present hanging are located in the extreme northeast corner of : he ceil room. An inspection was made of 'hem during the night by an Associated I’ick reporter. They are the largest ever ' rected in Cook county. They were origi "ally built for swinging off three Italians, " ho killed a fellow-countryman and shipped is remains in a trunk to Pittsburg. Vt! lie time the murderers were hung the trap was cade to comfortably hold three men, but to '• commodate the Anarchists it lias beenen urged to the extent of two feet, and a lmlf in width, THE ROUTE TO THE GIBBET. To reach the scaffold the men who are to he executed are escorted from the jail office through the lower corridor of the cell room to the iron stairway, which leads to Uio scowl tier. This is a distance of ten feet. ' rum the ground floor, and the platform of the gallows is even with this tier. The woodwork of this structure ts painted or rather stained a very dull reddish brown, and as seen by the dim light of the gas jets was anything but pleasant to look upon The weird effoet, ws heightened by n little gentry lex which is located just hack of the trap. Tn this is stationed li e man who really is the executioner. Into this box extends a rope. At a given sinnal the unknown man inside cuts the '■ope with a bran new and especially sharp ended chisel of wide dimensions by striking ,! ’e chisel a heavy blow with a mallet, down CG3B the trap a distance of six feet, and at Me same tune the murderers ere launched iota eternity. HOW THE NIGHT PASSED. All the Condemned Nonchalant- Par sons Sang a Song. Chicago, 111., Nov. ll.—At l o'clock this morning a change was made in the death watch. Deputy Hn-lkec had been guarding Spies since 8 o'clock. He reported that he had quite a long talk with the An archist. Spies declared that lie hud no reason to lie afraid, and then launched into a i irade against the courts. He asserted that the Judges who had any connection with the case had reason to tremble, while the Anarchists could hold up their heads and walk to their death with steady foot steps. The deputy also related the manner in which Rev, Dr. Bolton was received bv Spies. The divine asked bint if ho would not accept spiritual consolation. Spies, with a shake of the head, declared that be had no use for any clergymen. “I’ll pray for you all night,” cried the doctor. “Pray for yourself,” retorted Spies. “You need it more than I.” PARSONS SINGS A SONG. At 11 o’clock last night Spies lay down on his cot and closed his eyes but he did not sleep. Several times he got up for a drink of water,but his every movement betokened a firmness which was astonishing. So it was with the rest of the Anarchists. Par sons bad the nerve to entertain his guard with a song. His selection was “Annie Laurie ’’ He snug the sweet song entirely through and when he finished rested ins head on his hands for a few moments and then repeated the song. His fortitude was the wonder of all who heard him. TESTING THE GALLOWS. Between i and 3 o'clock this morning the Sheriff and his assistants tested the gallows. Heavy bags of sand were attached to the rope and the t raps were sprung. The ma chine worked to perfection, and in all re spects was satisfactory to tiie authorities. Then the usual quiet prevailed in the jail. The only noise in the cell room was the low voices of a few deputies, the turning of a key in the lock, and the rapid ticking of a telegraph instrument which was telling tho world of the lart hours of the four An archists. THE NEWSPAPER NIGHT WATCH. During the long hours of the night the only newspaper men w ho wore admitted to tin inner precincts of the jail were the rep resentatives of the Associated Press. They had quarters in what is known as the lawyer’s cage, and were within 10 feet of the Anarchists. Vt, -4 o'clock one of t hem made a tour of tho lower corri dor, where Spies, Parsons, Fischer and Engel were confined. In each cell were two stalwart guards, who stood w atch over the Anarchists. The former chatted in low tones, and whispered jokes among them selves to while away the time. THE ANARCHISTS ASLEEP. But the talk and whispered jokes were all lost on tho prisoners. Each one was in the heaviest of slumbers. Spies lay on one side with his head on his arm and slept ns peacefully as a babe. Fischer had turned over on his back and the consequence was that he frequently let out a snore tliat echoed in a startling man ner through the silent corridors of the building. Engel lay motionless, as did Parsons, ex cept that at times the latter started uneasily as if dreams were coursing through his tnind. WATCHFULNESS OK THE GUARDS. Then at intervals the silence was broken by the steady walk of an armed guard, who made a tour of the lower corridor to see that all was well. The only other disturbing ele ment was the mewing of the jail cat, which kept up a noise so persistently that at last a deputy bore down, captured and removed her to the basement, where her cries could not be heard PARSONS ANNOYED. Some time after midnight Parsons com plained that the hum of conversation in the Jailor's oflioc annoyed him and prevented hint from sleeping. The wooden door be tween the office and cell room was closed •nd the Anarchist dropped into an uneasy slumber. In the office a busy crowd of report er stood w riting at a high desk or lounged about talking with the deputies. Occasion ally heavy steps sounded on the iron stairs outside, and the door was opened, revealing a candidate for admission to all. From within the lawyers’ cage came the sharp, metallic click of the Associated Press in struments dispatching tho gather ing incidents of Ihe ni.s;ht. Along the otherwise silent corridors sound oil the slow. regular tramp of the deputies composing the death watch to and fro ceaselessly in front of the eel! doors, behind which were the four forfeited lives. At brief intervals, when the hum of conver sation sank low, could be heard the meas ured tick of the clock on the office wall marking the time for those for whom time would soon bo no more. ON THE STREET. * On the street armed policemen paced their beats, and all who had no business in tho neighborhood were promptly ordered to move on and if they did not move at once 1 thev were arrested. The jail proper occupies Illinois street from the front of tho building, while that, part used by the Criminal Court fronts on Michigan street. On the latter front is the mam entrance, through which all who enter must pass. This opening was guarded by a heavy double iron door, which was kept closed and fastened bv a padlock and chain. Immediately within the door stood two trusty |>olicetnen, armed with breech-loading rifles and carrying thirty-eight rounds each in a convenient cartridge box. GOV. OGLESBY'S DECISION FINAL. Springfield, 111.. Nov. ll.—The con ference between Oapt. Black and Gov. Oglesby was at an end at 9 o'clock this morning and the Governor announced his final and irrevocable decision. Heemphafei callv refused to further interfere in behalf of the condemned men. GUARDING THE JAIL. Hundreds of Police Armed to the Teeth , Ready for a Riot. Chicago, Nov. 11.—At fi o'clock this morning 800 policemen, armed with rifles, bayonets, revolvers and full cartridge lio.tes, were on duty at the jail. Chief Ebersold was in command in person, his staff being Capts. Buckley, Hub bard and Schaaek. A battalion of t hree companies of police,that was quartered in the jail and Criminal Court building since 1h new order* went into effect, did duty inside the building to-day. The offi cers in command were instructed to dispose of their men. a detail having been made for every advantageous post. A COMPANY ON THE OUTSIDE. In addition to the battalion on the inside there was a force on the outside, coirirswsi of a company from each of the five pre cincts, commanded by a lieutenant, and Hiree companies from the Central detail. This force' was armed with rifles, and sur rounded the entire block in which the jail is situated, which in addition to these cor dons of police was inclosed by ropes. The lieutenants had orders lo station thoir com panics in open order, with loaded pieces and fixed bayonets, and were especially instruct SAVANNAH. GA„ FRIDAI NOVEMBER 11, 1887. cd to hold their positions, no matter wbat happened, until they received .orders from their superior officers. OBJECTS OF THE ORDER. The object* of the order were these: The men were to be deployed iti open or der ,-n if they were attacked, especially with bombs, the execution, would not be su great, wriile at the same time the police would It- aide to return tho lire with greater effect and less duugei- t-.i themselves, and in case of attack th- v were not to break, but hold their position till rc-ent'oieed or called back. A police official said in speaking of the arrangements that the chief desire in case of attack was to keep the police from Icing thrown into confusion. If this could be prevented they need not fear ny mob. The entire force was to tie held in the pi wit-ion described until as late in tin: day as might be thought w ise. The members of the police department noton duty at the jail were to be held in reserveat the various stations in readiness to mass at any point at a moment's notice, except a very few who were lo be out on post. De tectives were -tationed outside the police lines and mingled with the crowd. Lieut. ISteele was there to look after his men. A STORY OF THE CRIME. Sketches of the Men who Played the Leading Roles. A more striking procession of civic events may never again be witnessed than the one having its latest outcome to-day. The supposed absurdly theatrical demon strations with red banners and black that took place in the streets of Chicago not, two winters ago, followed soon afterward by the picturesque, yet ominous, Sunday gatber erings of tatterdemalions, foreigners and demagogues ou the broad common at the lake front, are now recalled ns tho quick forerunners of secret cellar-drillings by hundreds of ignorant, fanatical riflemen in the purlieus throughout the city. Then catne tho cool, deliberate dynamite exper iments by carefully-selected masked rep resentatives in the woods skirting the suburbs. Later on, secluded in the quiet of down-town back rooms, DARK CONCLAVES of wild i<lead but brainy, unscrupulous leaders eagerly discussed as their long coveted opportunity the just-beginning de velopment of tho workingman’s concerted movement for a uniform eight-hour day. How the gigantic, peaceful, strikes were turned into ri ts, how the entire world was startled by the blood-chilling liontb massa cre in the llaymarket; then the majestic State trial, the amazing bravado of the one American defendant, the horribly grotesque marriage of another one of the prisoners— every detail of these strange occurrences and the extraordinary tram succeeding, now presents itself again as if the whole had passed but yesterday. The key-note of it all is found in the platform of THE MYSTERIOUS I. A. A. International Arbeiter- (Workingmen’s) As sociation—of which organization August Spies and his seven co-defendants were leading members and upholders. In the International platform it is urged that “the present system under which property is owned by individuals should bo destroyed, and that all capital which has been pro duced by labor should lie trans formed into common property by force.” Eighty “groups” of this dangerous association existed in the United States, chiefly at the great industrial centres, Chi cago alone being the ill-starred possessor of seven. Only a portion of the members were armed, yet the number of this class in Chicago exceeded 3,000, every man of whom attended regular military <b-ill, had his own rifle and revolver, and could obtain DYNAMITE AND BOMBS for the asking. The unarmed members of the groups were constantly in contact with their armed brethren and in hearty sym pathy with their purposes and their princi ples. It was this compact, well-disciplined I. A. A. that had for it organs three now noted newspapers—the Arbeiter Zeitung, the Alarm and the Anarchist. Excepting handsome, youthful liOuis Lingg, who, though taking a conspicuous part, was a mere acting agent, each of THE EIGHT HAYMARKET DEFENDANTS was directly connected with one of these papers. August Spies, a keen, cynical Hessian, with tile subtle intellectual vigor of an lago, was editor-in-chief of the Arbeiter. The jaunty, dare-devil little Texan, Albert It. Parsons, brother of a Confederate General, presided over the Alarm. At the head of the Anarchist George Engel, another Hessian, but of a coarse, brutal type, out- Herodod the most blood-thirsty ut teranees of bis compeers. While Sam Kielden, the Englishman, sullen looking, shaggy and forbidding but as an agitator simply volcanic, and Oscar Neebe, the jiolished, attractive German-American or ganizer. were more especially concerned in other than journalistic branches of the propaganda, they were, nevertheless, among the directors respectively of the .Harm and the Arbeiter Zeitung. The gaunt Bavarian Michael Schwab was Spies’ assistant editor, and his fellow-countryman. Adolph Fischer, he of the poisoned dagger, was the Arbeiter s head foreman. Not one of these men—however they might split hairs, could candidly deny i hat he was instrumental to a greater or less degree in helping on the catastrophe at the Hay market. Of the legal guilt of each nothing need lie said further than its cer tainty was put to test* seldom if ever par alleled. During the long months preceding the bomb-throwing the defendants one and all were incessantly active in AGITATING AND ORGANIZING in “demonstrations’ and “experiments.” Their speeches and articles fairly bristled with impassioned appeals fqr the laboring people to provide themselves with firearms and dynamite. Specific instructions were given how to handle and use the explosive, and how to make bombs and how to procure weapons. All this was stated tty the conspirators to be making ready for the coming “social revolution.” Wbat was meant, by “social revolution” was not left to lie vaguely inferred, nor was the time when it was to be inaugurated n dim uncer tainty of thefuture. The “revolution ' was frequently defined ill speech and wriling as a sudden, bloody, forcible upheaval of the right of private ownership of property, then the bringing about of a state of so ciety in which all property should he held in common. Incredible as it may seem, the avowed purpose was. TO DELUGE THE CITY IN BLOOD of the property owning classes, first, destroy ing the police and militia, who were derided as their special champions. The jieriod of confusion developing from the mammoth strikes of May 1.1889, was definitely un noun<-l months before as the time when the fearful bolt should fall. Pitiless us was this programme, and difficult as a belief is that it ever was contemplated by men, the facts as stated were abundantly proven in court The diabolism was fully shared in by women. Especially so was this the case in the FANTASTIC PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS, like the red-flag procession of ragamuffin* with torches that, attempted at night to en ter tho magnificent n*\v Board of Trade when the dedication festivities of the insti- . s f 4| \ \ yf * w \ j i .ii rw h /jV J hc/rac SCHWAB \ \itf tution had for the tire) being transformed the huge building into scene of social bril liance without a loopreeedenf. The re pulsive, blasphemingintruders of both sexes were sternly ireed back at the muzzle? of three dozepolice revolvers. In affairs like this the dusky wife of Parsons, and otb* no less desperate women seemed in leir proper element. Of the many other deer outbreaks preced ing the Hayntarke tragedy, the most startling at the timtperbaps, was the iu rade Thanksgiving <y, when, in ridicule of President Cleveland proclamation, nearly a thousand uncouthnen and women of the slums, headed by bnnerof black andjsd, traversed the choicyjggidenoe avenues wildly yelling and seoffi:g it tfie well-dressed peo ple who crowded to we windows, anxious to learn the causeifdumult. The city authonles affecte. 1 for some reason to ignore all bullitions of the mob. Asa result of this OFFICIAL NDIFFERtNCE, when the time cam at last for the eight hour labor distunance and the simulta neous inauguratioiof the secret ly cherished “revolution,” the marchists wore a power indeed, and the tolice weie ignorant of danger. It is truethat the Chicago papers contained timely ktirnat ions of the plots, but owing to the lec.uliar atutude of tho high municipal .uthorities, the articles were treated as r®k sensatipialiam. J ust one day bfore the tine set for the strikes, Louis Liigg, the bonw-maker. slip ped into his lodgings a heavy, auspicious looking box, 8 fed in length. The tiox con tained a large invoice of lyn&mite. Its delivery at Liagg’s lodging- was the first immediate preparation for T/ie BLOODY RKSU/r of five da}"* later. For maty weeks pre vious Lingg 110/l been puremsing and ex perimenting with dynamite as the paid agent of one of tho seven International “groups," but subsequent eveits showed be yond any reasonable doubt that this par ticular explosive made the. bomb that was heard round the world. The bomb was, with fifty others, manufactured by Lingg under the auspices af the International Associa tion, which furnished the money, and of which the celebrated defendants wero not members simply but leaders. Next day, May 1, tho eight-hour strikes began in earnest, and by nightfall when the first intelligent estimates were obtainable, 30,000 men walked the streets idle. Prompt ly in the morning. Sunday, when the churches throughout the city were resound ing with the swelling hosannas, the stuffy little Bohemian Hall on Etnrna street was crowded with membors of THE LEHR AND WEHR VIREIN, mi inner circle of the omnipresent Inter national. Detailed plans for the near-at hand conflict w ith the police were submit ted bv Editor Engel and listened toby Spies' lieutenant, Fischer. These plans were the ones followed almost to t,bo letter at the Haymarket, but, the decision to do so was giot reached at this meeting. Instead it was determined to take action at another gath ering of the Lehr mid Welir, in a larger hall and more central location, to be assem bled within twenty-four hoirs. This was to t>e in Greif’s Hall, Monday night, Mav 3. The Arbeiter Zeitung, of which Spies and Schwab wore the editors and managers, • •ailed together the armed men who were to engage in this SPECIFIC COMPACT TO MURDER. The Sunday evening edition, published a few hours after the Bohemian Hall meet ing, contained this cabalistic legend: “Y —Komme Montag Abend.” (Y -Come Monday Nigbt). This was the summons to the armed sections to meet, ns they did, Monday night at Greff's. The call was published again Monday afternoon, indi cating the importance of the matters to come liefore the meeting. The Sunday issue of the Arbeiter had n significant art) cle urging “quick and immediate action,” adding: “By Monday or Ti’esrlag the. con flict, m"st hare reached, its highest inten sity, else success mill then be doubtful." Almost, before the ink ou this could dry, Spies was at the Sunday afternoon meeting of the Central lather Union arranging to have himself dispatched to McCormick’s factory- the following day to address the thousands of strikers otit along the old Black road. From the top of a freight car, on the prairie near McCormick's, next afternoon— Monday—Spies lielched into the ears of 18,000 excited strikers, mostly foreigners, the hottest harangue ever uttered hy him in public. He spoke in the German lan guage, of which he is more master even than of English. The effect of his words was like magic "ON to m’cormick’s!” was the cry. The maddened horde, urged forward by Spies. Lingg and other danug Anarchists present, rushed at the gpeat factory like so many w ild tieasts. They had caught up bowlders and clubs on the wiv, and in an Instant the thousand win dowr, of the factory were being shivered in countless fragments. Then it was that patrol wagons, loaded with police, the horses covered with foam, dashed through the crowd from behind. It is admit ted by Spies that he ordered the mob, many of whom were flour ishing revolver*, to resist the attempt, of tho police to quell tho riot. Of course the victors wore the police, but that to Spies, according to his own accounts, was not. of main concern. The blood of workingmen i had beendrawm, und when he satisfied him self that such a result w’as produced, the j Anarc hist leader coolly withdrew, though I the battle was at its height. Taking a street car direct to the Arbeiter Zeitung office,Spies, after a hurried consul tation with Schwab. Neebe and others, de cided to call the Haymarket mass meeting, and then wrote THE INFAMOUS “REVENGE CIRCULAR.” Twenty-five hundred copies were issued as quickly as printers could work, and everytmng wns now ripe for (ho murder compact meeting that night in Greff's base ment, the same that had been called by the Arbeiter Zeitung that day and the day before. In this connection the exact w ord ing of the circular, especially the lutter por tion, foreshadowing the slaughter of the morrow, the fatal May 4, possesses peculiar interest. Spies wrote: REVENGE! REVENGE! WORKMEN, TO ARMS! Men of labor, this afternoon the bloodhounds of your oppressors murdered six of your Virolh era ot McCormick's. Why did they murder them’’ Because they desired to be dissatisfied with the lot to which your oppressors have as signed to them. They demanded bread and they gave them lead for an answer, mindful of the'fact that tints people are most effectively silenced. You have for many, many years en dured every humiliation without protest; have drudged from early in the morning till late at. night : have suffered all sorts of privat ions, have even sacrificed vour children. You have done everything to fill the coffers of your masters— everything for them; and now, when you ap proach them and implore them to make your burden a little lighter, as a reward for your sac rifices thev send their bloodhounds the police -at you in order to cure you, with bullets, of vour dissatisfaction Slaves, we ask and ron jnce you. bv all that is sacred and dear to von, avenge the atrocious murder which has been committed on your brothers to-day, aud which will likely be committed upon you to morrow. Laboring men, Hercules, you have arrived at the cross" ay. Which way will you decide? For slavery and 'hunger nr for freedom and hread * If you' decide for the latter, then do not delay a moment: then, people-to arms! This must tie your motto. Think of the heroes whose blood has fertilized the road to progress, liberty and humanity, and strive to Itec-imn worthy of them. Your Brothkbs. Neebe and other notables of the I. A. A. took horses, awl in person scattered the cir cular broadcast, not falling to leave copies with the rank and file of the International “arm>4 sections” gathering in Greifs Hal), 54 West Lake street. That the circular gave the impulse to t he action of the armed sections at this Monday night meeting, and inspired the adoption of THE PLAN OF BOMB THROWING agreed upon, I* apiareiit from the fact 'hat. its contents were first fully discussed. Then the complete detailed plan of the particular met hod of inaugurating the wholesale mur der for which they originally organized was formally considered and adopted, the time for the slaughter (sting left for the Arbeiter Zeitung to designate by publishing the signal word “nine” (peace). This Tatter feature was the work of Adolph Fischer, who had como to the meeting straight from the Arbeiter Zeitung, where h had been assisting Spies and Schwab. That Fischer was carrying out. the plans of his superiors appears more clearly from the circumstances that it was he who MANOEUVRED THE “ARMED SECTIONS’ out of their idea of holding the Hay market meeting in the morning instead of at night, as Hpies and the other leaders had decided. A darker picture is not to be found in his tory than this spectacle of four-score mur derous conspirators in the wretched saloon, basement, remorselessly plotting the mas sacre that occurred not a hundred yards distant, before another midnight jwis-vod. Rudolph Hobnaubelt, the thrower of the Haymarket bomb, was among the eighty or more assassins who composed this horrible meeting. Though adjournment did not come till tong after ll it was not 7 o’clock next morning, Tuesday, when Ixiuis Lingg, a member of this identical “armed section," opened the chest of dyna mite that had lain untouched in hi* lodgings since four days before. Under his expert directions, six of the men who attended the murder meeting of the previous night, quickly set to work then nud t here filling globular shells with dynamite. Early as was the hour, Fischer was also at work getting out the handbills calling the Haymarket mass meeting. Tho hand biliy last words were: “Workingmen, arm Yourselves and appear in full force I” What Spies, Schwab and the other leaders were doing that day may be partly inferred front tho BURNING APPEALS FOB RESISTANCE, and rails “To Anns:'’ thfttappeared itt their newspaper organs that, eveumg. “flnUe, punned bv Spies’ own hand, stared out ot the .1 rfiiiltr Zeiltiiifl. After the jiapeis were off mid their editors bad swallowed a hasty supper, it is known that .Spies. I'm sons', Schwab, Fieldon, Fischer, mid other ruling spirits, mostly merit tiers of tlie-slt'- smite ’‘untied sections 1 ’ that belli the tireit s Hall cimeluve, went Intpeloee session at the International lieadituit'ters in the . Irhiiifer Ztituny building, where report* by inessen ger and telephone were received as the moitieuts spell. I.ingg’s crew of bomb-makers were still assiduously at work. For some reason he himself was unable to remain with them all (lie time, and the evening tonnd him eursing their slow progress, It was some time after i :50 p. tn.—tlie hour mentioned for the Haymarkot meeting to begin-- when Lingg put into a little trunk what, bombs were ready some titty or sixty— anil started with' las burden for the ap pointed rendezvous, an Anarchist’s saloon near by, Known ns Nfit's Hall, 58 Clybourn avenue li" was met on the way by a mes senger who hail coiue to hurry him along. The trunk was left ojien in a passage way of the saloon, and without more ado men iiegau dropping in quietly, alone or in couples, POCKET! N<t A BOMB OK TWO each and vanishing into the darkness. This celeritv may have somewhat mollitiod Lingg,' but bis delay was not the only stumbling block of the reds. Twenty-five thousand people, the An archist leaders estimated,would lie gathered together in the Haymarkefc. This was not an extravagant expectation, when 13.<HX) had been so easily massed near Mc- Cormick’s. But fear of further riot ing kept pretty much evervlsxly at home except about 2,000 • men. nearly all of them unmistakably An archists. Undoubtedly th > smallness of the crowd made the Anarchist ktatklrs pause. “The social revolution” backed by a mob of workmen, 25,000 strong, had changed to a prospective fight between Anarchists ulone on one side and the jiolice in force on the other, it was evident to the most casual spectator in the linymnrket that a hitch existed soincwberc, and apparently the meeting’s managers were all completely at sea. . The great dim lighted square was n deci dedly uncanny scene, with its scattered groujis of gesticulating, tranipisli-looking occujiants lining the sidewalks and pouring in nnd out of the rickety surrounding .sa loons. The Arbeiter Zeitunp conference of loaders had been a prolonged one, and when at last Spies, Parsons, Fieldon mul the rest rcuched the Haymarkot Square they seemed BENT ON A WAITING GAME. It will probably never tic known whether the evident hesitancy was caused bythede lav of Lingg’sconfederates, a proposed aban donment of the outbreak, or the hrqic that the police would attack and attempt to dis ix-rso the dangerous looking crowd tiefore the speaking should begin, thus relieving the lei tilers from appearing to incite riot. Finally, an hour uud o half late, Hpies, Parsons and Fielden addressed the crowd, in the order named, using a wagon for their rostrum. The first two, in eoin|xirison with their usual harangues, were tame as a pair of doves. Gradually the crowd thinned out. No police interfered, and the chance the “reds" had waited months for was nearly gone. The meeting would be a laughing-stock to the public, the leaders would he discredited by even their own ilk, and THE RUBE-SIGNAL would mean not the “social revolution" begun, but the International Association collapsed. , Fielden was worthy the occasion. lie had been in the background on the wagon wit 1 1 Sylinaubelt, the boinb-tlimwer. Spies and other directing minds, who saw plainly that something must he done, and quickly. Therefore, when his turn came, Fielden stepped boldly to the front, discarding nil pretense of mildness. Ho electrified the rulibie at once. The crowd swayed excited ly backward and forward in the narrow shadowy confines of Desplaines street, into which they had come from tin' open square, and press,l eagerly closer to the flickering gasiamp that lighted the speaker's shaggily bearded and jKiwerful form. When lie tragically urged the wrought-up mob, stuuding in plain view of a |o!ica station, to “throttle and kill the law,’’ the disguised officers in the crowd saw the necessity of PROMPT ACTION. mid word was passed to their commander. Capt. Binifleld, following tbo plain direc tions of Ilie State law covering exactly such cases, gave orders to liavo the meeting dispersed. Seven companies of police, 175 men, led by himself and Capt. Ward, marched in platoon, extending from curb to curb, the short diatom-o on Desplaincs street from the station to the speaker's wagon. As the police approached. Fielden shouted to the crowd: “Here come tho blood-hounds. You do your duty, and I'll do mine.” Capt. Ward, in a loud voice, called out: “In the name of the people of the State of Illinois, 1 command you to peaceably disperse.” Fielden, stepping flown from the wagon, gave the “rube ex clamation: “We are peaceable." Instantly the bomb was thrown, the first in free America. , A sputturing spark in the air, on tlie ground a blinding burst—that was all. (Slackness was everywhere. The pygmy • racking of the pistol-shots out from Ihe mob-jammed sidewalks, a few tall forms in I lie street rapidly closing together, the flash and smoke of volley after volley from them Hiul the rear platoons, then tho din became hideous with the groaning of mangled men, and the yells of rage and fear in the wild scramble for pscape. THE SEQUEL lias stretched out to today. Foremost it b - cludes the death of seven bomb-slain police, and the slow recovery of sixty officers wounded. The Immediate arrest of all the chief malefactors, barring Parson* alone, was followed by their prompt arraignment for murder June 81, before Judge Joseph E. Clary, who proved himself as able as he is worthy. Tlie escape of Hchnaubelt, the actual thrower of the bomb who was set free before his importance had been sus spected, was a blunder only equaled by the mistake on the opposite side when Par sons made his sensational voluntary sur render. THE FIRST DAY IN COURT. Two month* precisely was the length of the trial, engrossing from day to day the at tention of the civilized world. Whatever legal talent could do was exhausted by the defense under the direetten of Capt. Black, while State's Attorney GrinneU directed the prosecution with a skill reaching every iHiittt. Heath sentence* for all but Neebe, and the penitentiary for him; the tour of American dtics by European Hocialists, Liebknecht, the Herman parliamentarian, and Aveling, the English scientist, in an at tempt to give prestige to the condemned and gain sympathy for them; the effort to make seDtimentaUMn have an eifect through the ostentatious love-inaking of Spies and Miss Van Zandt and their subsequent proxy marriage—all these followed each other m rapid succession. Next came tho introduc tion of the Anarchist*' cause as an issue PRICERIO A YEAR > '( B CENT* A COPY, f in Chicago polictics, resulting in th* crush ing DEFEAT OF THE BED FLAG advocates. Abraham Lincoln’s ex-partner. Leonard Swotf, presenting the defendant*’ case to the Supreme Court of Illinois cientcd anew sensation, but his effort* were no more effected than subsequent ones for the “reds'’ by Gen. Butler, Roger Pryor and J. Randolph Tucker before the highest court of the nation. George Francis Train nnd his queer exploits were in singular contrast with the grave legal pro ceedings an I the bitter struggles m th* trades unions. Tho splits caused by friends of the con demned in two of the greatest-brotherhood* in the world—Knights of I.ab<>rand Turn ers -have had fur-reaching effects, but t.h attention of people at large has been much more strongly arrested by the events of the past few days. Beginning with Parsons' extraordinary demand for liberty complete or death, and Spies’ equally surprising ap peal for a little lease of life, everything seems to have combined, if possible, tomaka this period exceed iu world-wide interest the duys of the Haymnrket massacre. COTTON BEARS CRUSHED. Several Houses Said to be Short Over 100,005 Bales Each. New York, Nov. 10.—There is a bear punic on the Cotton F.xohsnge, and reports of trouble are current. Different future* have advanced sixty points since noou, on the publication of the crop reports confirm ing the estimates of a short, crop and placing this year’s crop at 0,800,000 bales. Novemlier advanced from 0.98 to 10.511, December from 9.00 to 10.50, January from 10.09 to 10.0 c, February from 10.10 to 10.75, Match from 10.81 to 10.87, May from 10.85 to 10.05, nnd June from i0.43 to 11. Several houses are said to be short over 100.000 bales each, nnd one house is reported to have had to provide 8300,000 additional margin. WASHINGTON’S New York Getting Ready U> Celebrat* the Centennial Anniversary New York, Nov.' 10.—A number of well known citizens, met at the Fifth Avenue Hotel to-night and made preliminary ar rangement* for a celebration here on April 30, 1880, of the centennial anniversary of the first inauguration of Washington as President. Committees have been ap- IKiinled by the Historical Society and Chamber of Commerce. The Governors of nil the States and Territories have neen aeked to be present, nnd Congress will be requested to provide for participation in tho celebration by the national government. LORD MAYOR SULLIVAN- Tho Government’s Appeal, of Coura*, Successful. Dublin, Nov. 10.—The government'* ap peal from the decision of Magistrate O'Don nell in dismissing the case of Lord Mayor HulJivnn, who was charged with publishing in his paper, The A a ion, reports M meet ings of suppressed branches ot the national league, was decided to-day. The court or dered the case to bo referred back and re heard. Closing Trafalgar Square. London, Nov. 10. — Committee*of leading workingmens’ radical clubs held excited meetings to-day and decided to organize the fullest force to oppose the police edict clos ing Trafalgar Square on Sunday. Robert Graham. Member of Parliament for the Northwest division of Lanarkshire, an advunced Liberal, will attempt to speak iu Trafalgar Square, on Sunday next in order to teet the legality of the police order closing it. Princeton** President Resigns. Princeton, N. J. Nov. 10.—The fall meeting of the Boardof Trqptces of Prince ton College was held to-day. President. MeCosh tendered hi? resignation in a speech of some length, congratulating the trustees up nt he prosperous condition of the col lege. The only reasons he has for retiring are his years mid his unselfish desire to see the college in the hands of a younger man. Ho will probably reto.n the chair of Philos ophy, if not in an active capacity then as an emeritus professor. Tennessee’s Temperance Alliance. Nakhvit,i.k, Nov. 10.—The State Conven tion of tiie Tennessee Temperance Alliance was organizer yesterday by electing ex- Congrcwsman G. O. Dibrelf President and G. V . Armistead, of the few, Secretary. A large number of resolutions were read and referred without action to tbe Commit tee on Platform. The convention is called to take action deemed appropriate in view of the result of the recent election on the prohibition amendment. Six hundred dele gates are in attendance. Secretary Lamar’s Judgeship Washington, Nov. 10. — There is a* longer any doubt that during the first feW days of the coining session of Congress the President will nominate Secretary Lamar to till the vacancy on tlie Supreme Bench caused by the death of Justice Woods, and at, t'-i same time Postmaster General Vilas will >• nominated to succeed Mr. Lamar as Secretary of the Interior. Lovering to be Made Marshal. Washington, Nov. 10—Henry Bacon Lovering. Democratic candidate for Gover nor of Massachusetts, will be appointed United State* Marshal for Massachusetf m>on the expiration of the term of Gen. N. H. Banks next month. Cardinal Gibbons at Richmond. Richmond, Va., Nov. 10.—Cardinal Gil> bons arrived here this morning from th Mouth. He was received quietly, and will leave for Baltimore to-morrow morning. Tills is his first visit to Richmond since his elevation to the Cardinalate Not u Single Indictment. Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 10.—The grand jury of the Unit'd Stares Court for the Middle District of Alabama, which ha| been in session here for several days, ad journed to-day without finding a single in dietment. Store Keepers and Gauger*. Washington, Nov. 10.—The Acting Sec retary of the Treasury to-day appointed the following store keepers and gauger*! Thoma* Horne, at Farmington. N. C., and James A. Norris, at Stanley's Creek, N. C. Gov. Gordon’s Son Resigns. Washington, Nov. 10. —Frank Gordou, of Georgia, Examiner of Public Land* ii tbe General Land Office, has resigned. Hs is a son of Gen. Gordon. Races Postponed. Washington, Nov. 10.—Today’s races of the National Jockey Club were postponed until to-morrow on account of rain. Bhot and Killed. Memphis, Tenx., Nov. 10.—A difficulty oeoored ut noon yesterday at Horn Lake, Miss., between Alex Wood and Henry Douglas, which result'd in the former being shot and killed.