The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 12, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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F . QRIDA’S MBTROPOLIS. , Op>-qo of Tramps Menacing the Safety Of L fe and Property. J\cKsr>N\ iLix. Fla.. 2ov. tl.—Presi d' nt Daniel, of the Board of Health, has ap roiuted Col. John E. Hart, Mr.W. A. Bourn B,:d Capt. J. W. Fitzgerald, the special committee of the board to co-operate with a similar committee of the City Council to take up the mutter of public the C \ meeting of the sjiecial committee of ten appointed to make arrangements for the entertainment of the Traveling Passenger y- nts - Association, which will hold its an jiual convention in Jacksonville Jan. 10, isss was held yesterday. l'he following programme was agreed upon subject to approval at a subsequent meeting of the committee; (hand reception on 1 uesday evening in llie SuteTropical Exposition building under the direction of the reception committee of tie Exposition, and possibly a short sail on llie river in the course of the afternoon. Trip to the bar and back on Wednesday (>n one of the river steamers, and a banquet nt one of the hotels in the evening. Trip to St. Augustine on Thursday or Friday. . flie following sub-eomnuttces were ap * 'on Subscriptions— J. H. Norton, E. J. Triav an l J. H. Stephens, nil Transportation (in conference with Fal passenger agents' committee)— Jcffer v m Lamar, George Cecil and \V. It. Moran. Committee on Banquet, and Refreshments _ ,1. H. McGinnis, C. B. Rogers ami B. If. * Another meeting will be held Monday to perfect all arrangements. There is a camp of tramps, numbering some fifty, now located near the city. Dur ing the dav very few are seen around, hut tit night they all return from their begging or thieving excursions and make a night of it They are a dangerous class, and it is a bard matter to say what can be done with them. The Duval county officials refuse to feed them when arrested, or jiay for their incarceration, and they are thus permitted to be at liberty and to'prey on the people. Their presence accounts for the mysterious tires, robberies and even murders that so often occur of late. Sheriff Holland pro poses to break up this nest of vagabonds if it is a possibility. F. v. Wight man, one of the jurors chosen in the Uamie murder trial yesterday, whs excused after the panel was completed, as his physician certified that he w as unable to sit on the case. At the opening of court this morning the same large attendance was noticeable. Gloss attention was paid to all t he proceedings and the trial was made the mhject; of much inquiry on the streets. The defense is that (farnie committed the ret while temporarily insane, as lie was drunk and aggravated by the bannering of his companions. Half the witnesses were examined up to noon. Garnie is free to-night, the jury on their second ballot having acquitted him, de claring, in substance, that drunkenness is an excuse for murder. They were out twenty minutes and stood eight to four for acquittal. The second ballot brought over all the doubting ones. The crime was without one single pardon able feature, and the verdict will lie severe ly disapproved. Already to-night on the streets is heard caustic comments on the ‘"majesty” and “justice” of the law. One prominent gentleman remarked, “All you have to do now is to fill up on beer or whis ky, and Jacksonville justice excuses every crime in the calendar.” As it was a saloon row, the Prohibitionists will use it for all it is worth. The lawyers and doctors completed their Pines to-night. The former are Bisbee, Adams, Call, Goodell, Stousell, Mcßride, Harris, Wirtz and Jones. The 11, D.’s are Nowell, Blair, Wallett, Mitchell, Buck, Hart. Bacon, Blair and Leonard. These include all the most dignified of these pro fessions, and the spectacle to-morrow will doubtless attract hundreds to the fair grounds. Pensacola Pointers. Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 11. —The steam prs Twin and the Bessie M. .carried full loads of passengers to Fort Pickens to-day to witness the war dance of Geroniino's Band. The dance will be continued throughout to-morrow. Col. Bangdon, who is in com mand of the station, lias taken extraor dinary precautions in the issuacnes of passes that no disorderly persons may be ad mitted to the fort. Weather Indications. 1 Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Fair weather, light to fresh north -1 westerly winds, becoming variable, stationary temperature. 'o-nnarlsou of mean temperature at Savan nah, Nov. 11 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. ; Departure Total Mean Temperature 1 from the Departure i Mean Since for 15 years JCov. 11. ‘ST --or ! Jau. 1,1887. 61.0 57.0 ! —4 0 I- - 5X4-0 Comparative rainfall statement: ~ ~ . , . Departure Total lean Daily, Amount f rom thie , Departure Amount for for Mean Since 16 tears. |Nov. 11, 87.1 or _ tj an . i, ISB7. .OS 00 i— .OS j —11.95 Maximum temperature 74. minimum tem perature 56 The height of the river at Augusta at 1:38 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time! wife 6 8 feet—a fall of 0.2 during the past t wenty-four nours. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Nov. 11, 7:36 p. >t.. city time. Temperature. Direction. | f Velocity. J. Rainfall. Name or Stations. Portland : 34| W ] .(KlSnowfng. Boston. i 30 W ] .IT* Snowln.;. Block Island ; 88 MV:.... Clear. New York city ... 58 X’ " Cloudy. Philadelphia 43 MV].. j ... Cloudy. Detroit.. 30 N .. j Clear. Fort Buford las s F. Fair. St. Vincent *1 NWi Clour. Washington city . 42 N'W ... 'Cloudy. Norfolk 4o NWi (I Clour. Charlotte 00; MV] 'Clear. Hatteras ! —i Titusville 00 MV . . j Clear. Wilmington 50 NW .... Clear. Charleston 30 W 0 .... (.'lcar. Augusta I 5t W . .. .'Clear. Savannah 08' W i Clear. daeksonviUe 00; W 6 Clear. Cedar Keys 64 NW i; Clear. Key West 78 XWI2! .. Clear. Atlanta 51 W 10 ... Clear. Pensacola 88 MV . .Clear. Mobile 06 NW H .... Clear. Montgomery .... 56 SW ...... Clear. Vicksourg 58i Clear. Now Orleans HOlClear. Shreveport 53 MV. . . Clear. Fort Smith 52. . I.— Clour. Galveston 63 S E Clear Corona Christi... 58 NW 6, T* Fair. 1 aiestuie . . . 58 Jf Clear. Browneevllie 50 W ;10i .14 Cloudy. KioGrandO. j 541 N OT* Raining. Knoxville i 50! N Clear. Memphis i 58 NW .. .... (dear. Nashville I 02: N Clear. Indianapolis ! 88, N ..] Clear. Cincinnati ] 43 N j.. Clear. Pittsburg 40 MV 1..!.... Cloudy. Huffalo S3 NW!.. .OlSnowing, Cleveland 40 MV ..! ... Clear. Marquette 82 MV;..1.... Clear. Chicago 88 NW .... Clear. Ihiluth So. N '.. .... Clear. ht. Paul 86 i E 1 ' Clear. Davenport 88-NE Clear. airo 52 N E ...... Clear. •Si. Louis 40 X F Clear. Leavenworth... . 5418 E ....... Clear. Omaha OOjg E ~]....1C1ea.. Aankton 48|s Ei.J ... Clear. Bismarck 46 NEI 1 . Clear. Peadwood 44. W • Clear. Cheyenne 831 NWi.. 1... .Clear. N 01-th Platte 52 B E .. j Clear. Dodge City | M'S W ..... Clear. banka Fa | 4S|B El..'....|Clear. * Y denotes trace of rainfall. 0. N. Bamsivar Signal Corps, MEETINGS. \VOHKI\GMEYS BEVKVtILEM MMk 4 1 VXli)\. Attend a special meeting at your Hall THIS (Saturday) EVENING at. 7:30 o'clock. By order THOMAS KEENAN, I’resident. J. T. Fitzhunkry, Recording Secretary. SPECIAL. NOTICES. A/fret IIS' 1 mm Is inserted under “Special Xoliees" will be charged $1 00 a Squareeach Insertion. " NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship SYL VIA must be presented at our office by 12 o'clock noon, THIS DAY, or payment will be debarred. WILDER it CO., Agents. NOTICE. • All bills against the British steamship WOL VISTON must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock noon. THIS DAT, Nov. 12, 1887, or payment will be debarred. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Agents. SPECIAL NOTICE. To Whom it Mag Concern: Notice is hereby given to any and all parties interested in the British steamship NAPLES and or her cargo of cotton, that in consequence of the recommendation of the Board of Survey and (lie decision of the Naval Court in the mat ter of complaint before them, the xvet cotton lately discharged from my vessel will not be reloaded upon said ship and carried forward to Liverpool, lint said cotton is held here subject to the disposition of parties interested, upon satisfaction of the liens existing thereon. As said cotton is daily deteriorating, prompt action is desi. ed, in order that further interposi tion on my part may be unnecessary. C. RULFFS, Master British Steamship Naples. Savannah, Ga., Nov. lOtli, 1837. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given to any and all parties interested in the British steamship RESOLUTE and her cargo of cotton that in consequence of tlie recommendation of the Board of Survey and the decision of the Naval Court in the mat ter of complaint before them, the wet cotton lately discharged from my vessel will not be re loaded upon said ship and earried forward to Liverpool: hut said cotton is held here subject to the disposition of j turtles interested upon satisfaction of the liens existing thereon. As said cotton is daily deteriorating, prompt action is desired, in order that further interposi tion on mv pail may Ire unnecessary. R. C. RI'AVLKY, Master British Steamship Resolute. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 0, 1887'. NOTICE. Books of subscription to the Capital Stock of “THE CITIZENS’ BANK OF SAVANNAH" will be opened at the office of the Citizens’ Mu tual Doan Company, No. 94 Bryan street, on THURSDAY, November 10th, 1887. THE CORPORATORS. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES A\D CAP TAINS OF \KSSELS. Office Health Officer, ) Savannah, Ga,, Nov. 1, 1887. f From Nov. Ist to May Ist. unless otherwise ordered. Captains of vessels having clean records, will be allowed tocome to the city after t heir vessels have been inspected by the Quaran tine Officer. Captains of vessels which are subjected to un ballasting at the Quarantine Station, will re turn to their vessels when unballasting is com menced, and there remain until this work is completed, in order to expedite tante. J. T. McFarland, M. D., Health Officer. NOTICE. ________ Savannah, Ga., Nov. 8, 1887. Tho shareholders of the GERMANIA FIRE COMPANY, of Savannah. Ga.. are hereby noti fied to present their shares within thirty days from date, to the undersigned to receive their pro rata from tho sale of the. Germania Fire Com pany's Building. Office hours front 10 until 2 o'clock at 147 Con gress street JOSEPH ROOS, President. TIIE MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING IIOCSE, 3 Whitaker Street. The Job Department of the Morning News, embracing JOB AND BOOK PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING AND ENGRAVING, BOOK BINDING AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURING. is the most complete in the South. It is thorough ly equipped with the most improved machinery, employs a large force of competent workmen and carries a full stock of papers of all descriptions. These facilities enable the establishment to execute orders for anything in the above lines at the shortest notice and the lowest prices con sistent with good work. Corporations, mer chants, manufacturers, mechanics aud business nten generally, societies and committees, are requested to get estimates from the MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE before send ing their orders abroad. J. H. ENTILE, ILMKII’S Fit COKUECTOK. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for tho restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Elver Corrector and take no olher. 81 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D„ Pharmacist. Savannah, Oa. AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE. TAVO NIGHTS ONLY. MONDAY anil TLESDAY, Nov. ii and 15. THE GREATEST MUSICAL COMEDY ON RECORD. Two Oid Cronies! Rendered by the Great Wills llenshaw amt Ten Broeck, At the Head of the Most Powerful Vocal and Comedy Artists Ever Engaged for One Play. A Production Brimful of Bright, Catchy Original Music. Besides Selections from tho Latest Opera. Scats on sale at DAVIS BROS'., Nov. 12. Next Attraction—THE WOULD, Nov. 16 and ir, I'OKT'R AITS. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. 13. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager of the Great South ern Portrait Company. \N inspection of samples of our Portraits at our office, with Davis Bros., 42 and 41 Bull street will greatly interest those who contem plate having small pictures of themselves, their friends, living and deceased, copied ami enlarged in OIL, WATER COE di, INDIA INK, BAS TELLE and CP,AVON. We guarantee a per fect likeness end excellence of work. We have about! TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND GRADES IN SIZES OF ENLARGED Bolt Til UTS from Bxlo to 60x00, and our prioea are from #2 to S3OO each. EMPLOY FORTY AHT TSTS' lioen twciitv-six years in the bushiess*, have ’a 6,000 candle power ELECTRIC LIGHT, and are fully prepared with all proper er peril tion and skill to execut ■ all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We respectfully soliclty our orders l* HAY IS, Secretary and Manager Tho Groat Southern Portrait Cos. Stats or Weather. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A WORD. .4 D VF.n ENTS, 15 fiords or more, in this column inserted for OXE CEXT A WOUD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want, to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure: indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. PERSONAL. kkr OVER GUESS WHO.”—Thanks for the 1 J advice and compliments nt Park Hall Thursday evening. r pHE gentleman who took my umbrella by A mistake at Edwards’ Barber Shop last Saturday week will return to 199 Broughton street. HELP WANTED. Y\’ANTED, a youth with a fair knowledge of v v bookkeeping to assist in office w ork aud make himself generally useful. Address, in own handwriting, stating salary expected, P., this office, AA7ANTED, a colored boy from 12 to 14 to 1 v come for three or foar hours in the morn ing to help about the yard. Apply 152 Gaston street, second door west of Whitaker. Y\ r ANTED, a capable girl to assist with it housework and sewing. Apply at 152 Gaston street, second door west of Whitaker. IA EI.TABLE WHITE NURSE WANTED: one J\) willing to make herself useful. Address, with reference, WHITE, care News office. AXTED, a steamboat engineer to make V one or tw o short trips. Apply to J. W. TYNAN. am ITfE wish to make arrangements with sales it ladies for the coming holidays. SCHREI NER’B TOY HOUSE. TTK'ANTED, compAent white nurse. Address * v NURSE, News office. CIANDYMAKF.It WANTED; a good, steady 1 thorough hand. Address B. T. KUHI., Or lando, Fla. 11 J ANTED, agents to sell the Universal But v T ton Fastener. Write for sample and price to G. BUKGETT, Bdx 147, Columbus, Ohio. EM PLOY M ENT IVA NTEI>. ITT"ANTED, by a Carolinian, who thoroughly v * understands the turpentine business, a position as manager or woodsman; can distill also. Address TURPENTINE, care Morning News, Savannah. Ga. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. VI ” ANTED, by a gentleman, a good southern IV room. Address SOUTHERN ROOM, this office. WANTED. 100 Butcher’s Green Salted Hides, v Address, stating price, A. B. C., T. O. Box 95. AX 7 ANTED, a combination horse; must be V > gentle. D. C. BACON. ROOMS TO RENT. A '""nice FRONT ROOM," furnishedTVith water and bath same floor. 41 Jefferson street. I TOR RENT, ibree connecting rooms, bath and closet. Duffy street, 6 doorseast of Abercom. N ICE, large furnished rooms to rent to gentle men; table boarders wanted. Mrs. JANE ELKINS, Abercom and President streets. ITTOR RENT, south front rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with water and bath. 56 Broughton street. NO. 13 Abercom street, handsomely furnished rooms, en suite or singly; also table board. Rooms will be vacant Monday, lith. FTOR RENT, tw o floors, containing eightrooms and bath room, over my store northeast corner of Broughton and Barnard streets; pos session given Nov. Ist, Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer. HOUSES AM> STORES FOR RENT. T TOR RENT, store and two houses on Ander- JT son, between Price and Habersham. Apply next door. I POP. SALE, a Madstone. Address JOHN . BROWN, care Morning News office. 17TOR RENT, brick store and dwelling corner 4 Montgomery and Hunt ingdon streets. ROBT. H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer. _____ ITOR RENT, that desirable residence on the 1 southeast comer of Stnue and Montgomery streets Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. I TOR RENT, the store 165 Congress street. Market square. For terms apply to GEO. W. OWENS. 113 Bay street. F TOR RENT, brick house, two-story on base ment, corner Gaston and Barnard. Apply to LAUNEY A GOEBEL, 14. l Rronghton. I NOR RENT, brick store inn Broughton street, ’ between Drayton and Bull;possession given October Ith. Apply to LEWIS CASS. I .TOR RENT, the most desirable resience on Taylor street, two doors west of Abercom strei t: possession given from Is! Oct. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 88 Bay street. TTOR RENT, brick store 156 Congress street; r three stories on cellar: possession given im mediately. Apply to WALT HOUR A RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. ITOR RENT, desirable brick residence comer 1 Liberty and Abercom streets; possession Oct Ist. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. K 7 Bay street. I TOR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. 8: Bay street, situate in Hutchison's Block, next l o corner of Abercorn: has splendid cellar and is splendid stand for any business: second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON, Jn„ 111 Bryan street. FOR SALE. 170 E SALE, Ramie Roots, two years old: sl4 per thousand. Address \V. BARNWELL, Savannah, Oa. (T UOOEKY AND BAR to be disposed of irr.- I mediately; satisfactory reasons given; paying concern; good position. Hare opportu nity for a good man. A chance that seldom oc curs. Address A. W., care Morning News. ITOR SALE, ten thousand feet of second hand 4 White Bine Beards, aud live thousand feet of Hemlock Joist, in lots to suit. Apply at 78 Bay street. ITOK SALE. 1.000 bushels Rust Proof Seed V Gals. Address R. G. STONE, Boat on, o*. ITOR SALE, town lots and farms, nearjack- V sonville, Fla.: a wholesale and retail busi ness of general merchandise, established 21 years ago. Address AUGUST BUKSING, Jack* sonville. Fla. ]TOU SALE. Lith*, Shingles. Flooring, Celling, 4 Weatherboard mg and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 2H. HKI’PARD A CO. ITOR BALE. Splendid salt water river-front building lots, and five-acre farm lots wiflt river privileges, at HOMEDEW: building lots in Savannah, near Last Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland: several good iarm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Apply to Drt. FAL LIUANT, 151 South Broad street from 9 to 10 x. M. - ■ FOUND, F POUND, a dark hnv horse at WARNOCK A 1 WILLIAMS' WAGON YARD. board! no. I HOARDERS WANTED with or without > hoard, large, pleasant rooms, well fur nished- willing to rent furnished rooms if preferred. MRS. K VLQSHIN, 194 Bryan. PtO ARDING In private family; large and small > rooms; pleasant locality. Address 8., News office. (-1 OOD, wholesome boarding at reasonable . rates to be bad at 87 ♦Vliilalo-r street. FHOTOGK AI’HY. Photograph y—special notice—vricei reduced. Fine Cabinet Fbotograpns a specialty. Price, $2 for six or J3 a dozen. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. A T the top in quality, at the bottom in price*. J\ LAUNEY & GOEBEL’S Fine Photographs. ( ons. Pastels. Waler Color*, Inks, etc. Aud ( on' forget that now is the time for holiday or ■ ers. Cloudy weather no hindrance. Come. REWARD. rtUQ A REWARD l have recovered two of the missing volume* of the bound files of the Mousing Xkws. The following are still wanting; July to December, 18d>. July to December, 1861. July to December, 1662. Tbe volumes are undoubtedly in this city, probably in some law office, as lawyers are gen erally the borrowers of our flies. There is $lO waiting for the return of each or any of the above volumes, “and no questions .lskod J. H. ESTILL. —■■■■ MISCELLANEOUS. (CANARY BIRDS, male and female; lino as- J sortment cages cheap; cups, baths, seed and mocking bird food at GARDNER'S, 30)$ Bull street. VLL ladies using Boracino Toilet Powder are delighted because they And it highly per fumed and a superior article. ■pURF. SCUPPERNONG WINE, only for sick- I uess or communion purposes, for sde by ROBERT H. TATKM, Bay street, near Barnard. 1 SLOWER SEED, Dutch Bulbs and Fresh ’ Teneriffe Onion Seed for sale at G ARD NER’S. 30)4 Bull street, _ HAIR, Tooth, Nall. Clothe* and Shoe Brushes; the largest, best und cheapest assortment at HEIDT’S, NEWNAN Strawborrv Plants for sale by GARDNER, Agent, 80)4 Bull street, CN ET THE BEST, a ten-cent package of T HEIDT’S CELEBRATED COUGH DROPS, JtRESH Cut Flowers doily at GARDNER’S, 30)4 Bull street. 17MNEST assortment of baskets in Ihe city at 1 GARDNER S, 30)4 Bull street. I‘ ADIES ARE OFFERED plain needlework at J their own homes (tow n or country) by a wholesale house; profitable; genuine; good nay can lie made: everything furnished: particulars free. Address ARTLSTFc NEEDLEWORK CO., 135 Eighth street. New York City. TANK THOUSAND SPONGES, all sizes. 10c. U oneh, at McGLASHAN’S, 187 Broughton street, under Turner Hall. (A RE AT BIG HARNESS aud Carriage Sponges \ Y at 10c., 15c., 25c.; nice assortment of Lap Robes. Horse Blankets aud Toy Trunks. NMD UNGER & RABUN. . (a as. oil and water wells drilling. VX —lnterview's and correspondence solicited. R. W. EVANS it CO., St. James Hotel, or Box 274, Cincinnati, O. LUDDEN <fc BATES S. M. H. fill II Do you want to purchase a Piano? If so, bear iu mind that it is to your interest to invest in one of American manufacture, for they are far more reliable for use in this trying climate than any other. Aside from this they contain more really valuable improvem -nts; are sweeter in tone, more powerful, more durable, and insure greater returns for amount invested, as well as costing less to keep in tune and good order generally. RELIABLE In every sense of tbe word, as thousands of satisfied purchasers can testify. We can fur nish you a good Piano of American make at $2lO And with it furnish free a fine Plush Stool, Embroidered Cover, Instruction Book, Premium Al bum and Six-Year Guarantee. And furthermore, if you reside within the city limits we will keep the Piano in tune for one year without charge. WIG SKIiL THE CHICKERING, MASON & HAMLIN, MATHUSHEK. BENT & CO. and ARION PIANOS. All of which are sold on easy Installment Plans. If you want an Organ, we can meet you with tha celebrated MASON & HAMLIN. PACKARD ORCHESTRAL and BAY STATE ORGANS. Smallest monthly payments imaginable ac cepted. Ciive us a call. LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music House. CLOTH i XG, | I J V^GISTEg^ AGENTS FOR ABOVE RENOWNED Stiff and Silk Hats, ALSO American Natural Wool Sanitary Underwear. Clothing Department Complete in all its Branches. APPEL & SC HAUL, One-Price Clothiers, 163 Congress Street, OPPOSITE THE MARKET. (JON Tit AUTO Its, P. J. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. 28 DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. I ESTIMATES promptly furnished for building !i of any class. _ goApr SOAPS! SOAPS! PEARS’, RIEGER’S. COLGATE'S, ( LEAV ER'S, EECKELAER'S, HATLEY'S, LU BIN S, RUMBLE'S MEDICATED Just received at BUTLER’S PHARMACY. FRUIT AND GROCERIES. IEW CURRANTS, New Citron, New Nuts. | Choice Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart. Rock Candy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, at THE Mutual Co-Operative Association, BARNARD AND RROUGHTON ST. DANE. NEW RAISINS, PATRAS CURRANTS IN BARRELS, Vostizza Currants in Cases CITRON IN 50 POUND TIN BOXES, Tint FINEST INPOIITEI). NEW NUTS AMD FIGS. As Fruit Cake is better with somt age, would it not be well to buy the Fruit at oncef. A. M. & C. W. WEST. FEED. HAY, GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED —FOR— STOCK AND CATTLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Private <fc Family Trade —ALSO— FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND PRODUCE. IGO BAY STREET. W. D. SIMKINS & CO. 75 BARRELS APPLES. OS BARRELS EATING AND COOKING At) PEARS. 511 Barrels HEBRON POTATOES, 26 Sacks RIO and JAVA COFFEE, LIQUORS and WINES of all kinds, SUGAR, CANNED MEATS, Choice FLOUR, CANNED GOODS, NUTS and R AISINS. New TURKISH PRUNES, New CITRON, BUTTER CHEESE, LARD, SUGARS, SOAP. STARCH. CRACKERS, BROOMS, PAILS, CRANBERRIES, GRAPES, etc. For sale at lowest prices. A. H. CHAMPION. HEATERS. ECONOMY OF MONEY! ECONOMY OF FUEL! ECONOMY OF LABOR! One ton of Coal, scientifically burned, heating as many rooms as four in open grates, by using our HEATERS. Cornwell & Chipman, 167 BROUGHTON STREET. See what Dr. B. S. Purse says about them: Messrs. Cornwell 'h Chipman: Gents—The Range and Baltimore Heaters placed by your firm in my residence are giving satisfaction. The Range is perfect in its workings, and in addition heats the dining-room and chamber above. With the Heaters I can warm either of the rooms above that which the Heater is in, and with leas fuel than I could one room with an open grate. I believe that, the saving in fuel will soon repay one for their cost, without speaking of their cleanliness and convenience. I take pleasure in recommending your firm to all who wish anything in that line. Truly yours, B. S. PURSE. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to be found si. A. L. Desbouillons, SI BULL STREET, the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything" you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opera Glasses at Cost. CHIMNEYS. M ERS CH^stubemts & I r jANOAU OTHERS SKGULG US; I-. 1 MACBETH & rOl ( S'WcwsKEysi f 'i if you DON'T want i< S B&B-EkbH abe AKNOYED by Constant | J BREAKING Or CHIMNEYS BEST CHIIREY HIDE r *<or: 3 PorSale Everywherei to ade 6 nix iw ED AWAC2ETH4 t C!I fMS > WT.HJi.roxt seminary 'C?;rTSBijfISHAV Wauie r.varly iflOOt tlirn tSM-tlfsoa'iwwi. hundred lights every even - in*, and (Mine mine the cel arated PEART TOP CHIT NE Y 8 mye- i. r. cr: '-P arui tdginpnt ie that ten would rather pay a dollar ad >rer r them than fifty cents a dozen (or nv other Chtm (y we have, overused. 1,. H?W t Tyi%WB|TB M VOCR STATIONER FOR IT. Poes the work of one costing $lOO. Indorsed by LEAPING BUSINESS MEN. GEO. BECKER A CO SO Great Jones St., New York City. Send for Circular. LEGAL NOTICES. Cv EORGIA, Chatham Cocxtt. In Chatham I Superior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac D, Lnßoche, Henry Love, Abraham Backer, L Franklin Dozier, Win E. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche E. Choppin, Arthur D. Choppin, George R. Beard, Emma Estlle Hodgsdn, Mary 1.. Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodg. sou, George ii. Hodgson, and Joseph C. Hodg son: t ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a petition in writing, w herein she alleges that a certain deed to lots and 13 in Stephen ward. In the city of Savannah, was made by ISAAC 1). LaRCH HE and SAMUEL P. BELL, acting as Commissioners under a decree in equity in Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or aro representatives of parties, or are interested adversely to her title to said lots of land, which said deed, a copy of Which in substance Is attached to said petition and duly sworn to, hears date the oth day of June, 1 siiti, and the original of which dei'd said petitioner claims has been lost or de stroyed, and she wishes said copy established in lieu of said lost original. You are hereby commanded to show cause, if any you can. at the next Superior Court lo beheld in and for said county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, why said copy deed should not be established In lieu of the tost or destroyed original. And it further appearing thf.t some of you, towii: AbruUam Backer, L. Franklin Dozier, Wm. E. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche E. Choppin, Ar thur B. Choppin, George R. Beard, Emma Fj telle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodgson, George H. Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson reside outside of the istate of Georgia, It is therefore further ordered that you so Ye scalding outside of the State of Georgia he served by a publication of said rule nisi for three months before the next term of said court to wit: Three months lie fore the FIRST MON DAY IN DECEMBER NEXT in the Savannah Morning News, a public gazette of this State, published in this county. Witness the Honorable A P. Adams, Judge of said Court, this 3Ttli day of August, A. I). 1887. BAkNARD E. BEE, Clerks. C..C. C. R. R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT, Attorneys for Petitioners. A true copy of the original rule nisi issued in the above case. BARNARD E. BEE, Clerk S. C.. 0. C. PETITIONS FOR INCORPORATION. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. (t EORGIA. Chatham Coustv.—To the Ku- X perior Court of said County: The petition or A. LF.FFLKR, EDWARD LOVELL, H. A. PALMER, RUFUS E. LESTER, H. II HULL, JOHN SCHWARZ. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON. J. H ES I ILL, J. .1. DALE. GEO. B. CLARKE and T. 11. WILLIAMS respectfully shower h that they desire, for themselves and for such other persons as may lie associated with them, to lie incorporated under the name and style of -THE SAVANNAH COLD STORAGE AND ICE MANUFACTURING COMPANY.” That the object of their association and the particular business they propose to carry on is: First. The storage of goods on consignment and the sale of the same on commission, and a general warehouse business. Second. The manufacture and sale of ice. That the amount or capital to be employed by them iu paid business, actually paid In. is fifty thousand dollars, and they desire the privilege of increasing the capital stock of said couqiany from time to time to such sum or sums not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars as they from time to time may determine, theaiaid stock to he divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. That the place of doing business of said cor poration will be Chatham county, Georgia, with Its principal office in the city of Savannah, in said county. That they desire to be incorporated as afore, said for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said term, with power to purchase, own, lease and occupy lands, buildings, ways, rights, ease ments, w harves, machinery, steam engines, live stock, cars, carts and other vehicles, and other real estate aud personal property, and rights and privileges, and Gy sell, mortgage, sublet or convey the same or any part or parcel thereof with the appurtenances, and to re-invest at pleasure, to make by-laws not inconsistent with the laws of the land, to have and to use a cor porate seal, to burrow money and to issue obligor tions or bouds therefor ami to secure the same by deed, mortgage or otherwise; to sue and to tie sued in its corporate name, Gy enter Into con tracts and to employ agents and servants, and generally to have, enjoy aud exercise the cor porate [lowers and privileges incident Gy private corporations for business purposes as prescribed by the laws of Georgia. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and their associates may he incorporated for the purposes aforesaid lor the term aud with the powers aforesaid Arm petitioners will move the court for an order of incorporation at the n it December term of the Superior Court of Chatham county to be held on the first .Monday, being the fifth dav of December, 1887. LESTER & RAVENF-L, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Petition for incorporation filed in office and recorded this fid day of October. A. D. 18:7. BARNARD E BEE, Clerk 8. C., C. C. State of Groboia, Chatham Cor.vnr, I CtKRK'e urai t: SUPERIOR CiYfBT. 1 J, Barnard E. Bee. Clerk of said Superior Court, do certify r hut the foregoing is a true extract from the Minutes of said court, and that the same was filed and recorded on this 8d dav of October, A. D. 1887. BARNARD E. BEE, C! rk S. C., C. 0. SEEP OATS. Rust Prof Oals, Seed Rye, APPT.ES. POTATOES, ONIONS. CABBAGES. And all kinds of VEGETABLES and FitUITS By every steamer. 25 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay, 50 Cars Corn. GRITS. MEAT., CORN EYE BEAN, PEAS, and toed of all kinds. 100 BAY STREET. Warehouse in S., F. & 'V. R'y Yard. T. P. BOND & CO. STOVES AND l l its At KB. 155 AND 157 CONGRESS ST. LOVELL & LftTTIIfIORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE. STOVES AND RANGES, TINWARE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS BROOMS AND WOODENWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, etc.,etc. SAVANNAH, - HA. ■ —1,....... lIAKPAV ARE. EDWARD LOVELL l SONS HAVE MOVED BACK TO OLD STAND, 155 miOIOIITON STREET. IKON PIPE. rustless iron pipe. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT .MUCH LESS PRICE. J. D. WEED & CO. Empty Syrup Barrels -FOR SALE BY- C. M. GILBERT & CO., COR, BAY AND BARNARD STS. Wo want AGENTS in every city and town. BIG COMMISSIONS. C. H. PORSETT’S COLUMN. ON MONDAY I WILL SELL AT AUCTION A PIANO. ANVIL, NEW COOKING STOTT, IRON SAFE, LAYER RAISINS, OLD JUNK. MASON’S BLACKING, TABLES, NEW BED STEADS. SIDEBOARD, LARGE DRESSING CASE, BUGGY. SEWING MACHINE, CAR PETS. GAS FIXTURES. LAMPS, STUFFED BIRDS. CASTORS, PLATED KNIVES, FORKS. SPRING WAGON, SPOONS, BILLIARD TABLE, WHATNOT, EXTENSION TABLE. PICTURES, SADDLE, BEDSTEAD. For further details see Monday * advertise* meat, A Valuable Corner in Yaraacraw, WITH OTHER DWELLINGS. C. H. Dorset!, Auctioneer, Will sell at the C'ouit llottßo on TUESDAY, December Bth, 1887, during tho usual hours of sale, the. following well paying property In Yamacraw, to-wit: Lot and improvement* on the nortbeaat cor ner of. Margaret and Farm street*:. On this lot there are two dwellings oa Margaret street, a store and dwelling at the corner of Margaret, and I arm, a dwelling at the corner of Farm ami Harrison, and two dwellings on Harrison street. This property is always tenanted, a portion being leased u! a party doing a good business who has been there for years. Tite total rental of the property is S ’*' per month. ” IN CHOCTAW WARD. Half Lot anH Tenement C. H. Dorseft, Auctioneer, Will s<*ll at the Court House ou TUESDAY. December 6th, 1887, during the usual hours or pale The northern half of lot No. 67 Choctaw ward and the improvements, consisting of a two story tenement containing four rooms. Terms cash. Near the S., F. & W. Railway. HOUSE AND LOT. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will rell at. the, Court House on TUESDAY, Re oetnber, 6th, 1887, during the usual hour* of sale, South half of Lot No. 14 Crawford ward oast, 46x5(1 move or less, ou the corner of Reynold* and Perry street lane. Thu Improvement* con sist of a two story residence containing eight rooms u iid piazza, also a store with separate yard, stable and kitchen: water in cacti yard A 1 metal roof. Let fee f imple. This property is very convenient to the Savan nah, Florida and Western railway and to the Savannah and Tybee railway: ulsogy the lum ber yards The house is solidly buJt and in very good condition. N. B.—Parties w fishing to treat at private sale can secure easy ten***. C On Henry Street Near East Broad. HOUSE AND LOT, C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House on Tuesday, Decern her 6th, during the usual hours of sale. IsYt No. 53, on the north side of Henry street, near East Broad, having a fronton Henry street, of forty feet, more or less, and a depth of one hundred aud sixteen 0161 feet more or less to tniffy street lane, together with the improve ments thereon, consisting of a four-room houae with two fireplaces. TERMS CASH FOR SALE On West Broad street, west side, between Huntingdon and Gwinnett streets, a lot fifty feet front by eighty one feet deep, cornering on a lane, with the Improvements, consisting of • one story house. Price SI,OOO. Terms easy. —AIM— Between Halt and Gwinnett, a i-it fifty feet front, and eighty-one (set '•rep, cornering on Gwinnett end Maple streets, with a one-story house, for $1,300. —ALSO— A lot i No. 9) forty feet front by eighty-five feet deep on Gwinnett street, for five hundred aud fifty dollars. Terms easy. -ALSO — Two lots on Maple street, Nos. 17 and 30, each 40x100, for $550. Terms easy. The above lots are a portion of that high and beautiful plateau on West Broad and Gwinnett streets, which has just been platted, and from which eleven lots have already been *o',d. These are good lots and wooden building* can be erected upon them. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will offer at the Court Houae, on TUESDAY, December 6th, unles* sold previously at private sal*, The eastern portion of Lot No. 81 Calhoun ward, measuring 10x100, and the improvement*, consisting of an exceedingly pleasant and - f well loc\ted RESIDENCE on Gordon street near and east of Drayton. This residence has four rooms in the base ment, four on the parlor floor, four bedrooms and a bath room, and two rooms in the attic. The lot is subject to an annual ground rent to the city of $4l 63H. The location, surroundings and convenient size of this residence will recommend it to those who arc looking for nice homes. TERMS CASH. EXECUTOR'S SALE. C. H. DORSETT. Auction*™. By virtue of the provisions of the will. Itwlll sell before the Court House door in the ciy of Sa vannah, on TUESDAY, December tttb. !887, during the legal hours of stale, the following, as the proper! yof ELIZABETH A. BAILEY, deceased, fur the purpose of distribution: All the southern portion of lot No. 11 White word, situut“d on the northeast corner of Lin coln and Bolton streets, haring a frontage of 13 feet and 0 inches, more or leas, on Bolton and 70 feet, more or less, on Lincoln, and the law provoments thereon. Terms cash. ROBERT D. W ALKER, JB. Executor, 3