The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 14, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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SHIPPING intelligence. "*^nNIAT!. : RE ALMAS AC-THIS DAyT St'S Rise* 8:86 St'S Sets 8:88 High Water at Savasnah 7:l!am. 7:24pm Monday, Not 14. 1837. arrived yesterday. Steamship Donat (Get). Kuhn, New York, in hallaat—Richardson & Barnard. Bark Albert Schultz. Thatcher, Boston, with ~ ul ino to order; vessel to Master. * Ehvood Burton,W arrington Philadelphia, iritli coal to order; vessel to Master. Scbr Chas C Dame, Daniels, Baltimore, with truano to ordoi; vessel to Master. h steamer St Nicholas, Usina, Feraandina and way landings-C Williams. Agt. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Chattahoochee. New York. Scbr Annie Bliss, Newburg, N Y. MEMORANDA. New York, Nov ll—Arrived, brig .Ino Shay, Conklin, Fernaodina; scbrs Ida C Schoolcraft, l’oove. Jacksonville: Florida C ngdon, French, ncc Henry P Mason, Percy, Fernandlna; Edw C A true. McLaughlin, do; Red Wing, Johnson, 'Liverpool, Nov 11—Arrived, steamship Ila wnrden.lßrl, Wilson, Savannah via Queenstown. Barcelona. Nov 8 Arrived, steamships Ama rv llj„ (Br), Black, Savannah: 13th, Hartlepool i Kvau. Philadelphia. Pernambuco, Nov 11—Arrived, bark Lennatin , j ; ,Berglof, Pensacola. Buenos Ayres, Sept 23—Arrived, bark Kate Carnie (Non. Loverson. Brunswick, Ga. North Sydney, C B, Nov B—Sailed, steamship lm ermay (Br), Mitchell, from Montreal, Savan Kio Janeiro, Oct 17—Sailed, bark Meduza (Non. for Pensacola, Boston, Nov 11—Anchored off Highland Light, sclir Douglass Hovey, Thompson, Fernandlna for Boston. Brunswick, Nov 10—Sailed, bark Bonita (Nori, Olson. Buenos Ayres; scbrs Joseph Sheppard, , ash, Boston; JennieS, do; 11th. Fannie Whit more, Whitmore, do; Geo M Adams, Saunders, Perth Amboy. Charleston, Nov 11—Arrived, bark Pohona (Br), Tybee. Coosaw, SC. Nov 11—Sai ed. steamship Elphin stone (Br>, Dobson. United Kingdom. Darien, Nov B—Cleared, scbrs Satilla, Skolflekl, Sat lla river: 10th, Henry Souther, Hupper, New Haven: Flora Rogera, Frauds, New York. Georgetown. S C, Nov 11—Sailed, sohr Thos J May. Davis. Philadelphia. Galveston, Nov 11—Cleared, schr Jonathan Jlay, Little, Pensacola. Jacksonville, Nov S)—Arrived, schr Caroline Hall. Lollis, Perth Amboy. Port Royal. S C, Nov 11—Sailed, schr Rebecca Jl Walls, for Philadelphia. Perth Amboy. Nov 11—Sailed, bark Tillid, Stetson, Savannah. Matanzas, Nov 9—Sailed, schr J B Atkinson, Donahoe, Feraandina. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Pensacola. Nov B—The sale of the schr Scotia and her cargo of lumber, advertised to take place yesterday, has been postponed until fur ther orders from the underwriters. Jacksonville, Nov 7—An auction sale was held of the recovered cargo of steamer Panama (Sp), on the beach 50 miles be ow Titusville on Satur day. Avery large portion of that saved had disappeared; one-half on the beach was given to the salvors and the rest sold. Eight hundred dollars was realized for fully $25,000 tvortli of property. Among the fortunate find of the wreckers was one gross of gold watches, valued a t SB,OOO or $9,000, but watches and tinder are both missing. The wreckers worked all night before the agent arrived, and carried off thou sands of dollars worth of property. Twenty-five to forty thousand dollars worth of the heavier portion of the cargo is now lying in 15 feet of water and could be secured if right measures were taken at once. RECEIPTS. PersteamerSt Nicholas, from Feraandina and way landings—329 bales cotton, 100 empty bbls, 74 boxes oranges, 11 bbls oranges, 6 bales hides. J box and goods. 14 sacks rice. 1 box clothing, tv, bbl egg plants, 1 box oranges, 2 tubs butter, 1 box shoulders, 1 bbl shoulders, 1 bbl terrapins, 1 bbl glass. 2 sacks potatoes, 1 keg wine, 1 box jelly, 1 bdi caue, 1 box cigars, 1 basket fish. EXPORTS. , Per steamship Chattahoochee, for New York— -2.401 bales upland cotton. 477 bales sea Island cotton, 128 bales domestics and yarns, 268 bids rice. 64 bbls spirits turpentine, 962 bbls rosin, 1 car lumlver. 15 bales hides. 3 bbls shrimp, 9 libls fish, 177 pkgs mdse, 276)4 tons pig iron, 4,188 pkgs fruit and vegetables. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Chattahoochee, for New York— Miss A Stewart’, Miss A Fie uing, T J Colton, G A Brown, M McG Stewart, Mrs E Salosiiin, Mrs J Doran, and 2 steerage. PersteamerSt Nicholas, from Feraandina and way landings—.las K C.arke, Thos Gignilliatt, S Stershire, F A Weil. Chas Rothschild. J H Aiken. Mrs Mclntosh and daughter, J G Burpee, B Hazard. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. Nov 12—Fwdg Office. S. F & W Rv, R B Cassels, J H Heuuessy. E J Wall, A Ehrlich & Bro, Davis & Son H M Comer & Cos. Lee Roy Myers & Cos, Blodgett, M & Cos. M Boley A Son. Watson & P, W W Gordon & Cos, M Maclean. Herron A G, C L Montague A bio, MY& D I Mclntire, Woods & Cos, Garnett, S & Cos, J S Wood & Bro, J P Will iams ATIo. Per steamer St Nicholas. from Fernandina and way landings — Jno Flannery & Cos, Pearson & S, O W Tiedeman, Why land & Cos, H Myers & Bros. W W Gordon & Co,’ Banner Bros, E F Bryan, F F Livingston, Rieser & S, M T Henderson, M F Weil, D Y Dancy, Butler & S, B H Levy & Bro. W D Simkins & Cos, Nissells & Cos, Pike & Sons, Dutton & W, J S Wood & Bro, H M Comer <£ Cos, Meiuhard Bros & Cos, MY& D I Mclntire, Per kins & Bonn, Warren & A, Peacock. H & Cos. G S Palmer, Hamnioud, H & Cos, Baldwin & Cos, J Morgon, Herron & G. Woods & Cos, Chas Ellis, B Greyson, Chickering Sons. Per Savannan. Florida and Western Railway. Nov 13—Transfer Office, Jno Flannery & Cos. M Laski, S Cohen. Harms ,fe J. steamer Ethel. Mehdel &D, C E Stults, M Y Henderson, J S Collins, Lilienthal St Son, Warnock &W, N O Tilton. Southern Cotton Oil Cos. G M Heidt & Cos, J S Collins it Cos, Savannah Steam Bakery. P H Ward, E A Schwarz, S Guckenheimer & Son, A T McKay. W B Mull A Cos, Lauuey & G, J J Mc- Mahon, McDonough &B, M Y Henderson A S Bacon, A A Aveilhe, M Ferst A Cos, Lovell <t L, H Myers & Bros. McDonough it Cos, H Freid, M Philips, G Wallers: Cos, Epstein & \V,Lloyd it A, A.l Miller & Cos, H Solomon it Son, Rieser A S, CR R, \V D Simkins & Cos, A Ehrlich & Bro, R B Cassels. Dale, D A Cos. Ludden AB, Cohen A B, J D Weed A Cos, Kiinpp&Co, N Lang, P Townsend. Tlios West. S Cohen, G W Allen, J A Sullivan, D Y Dancy, Butler AS, G M D Riley, Einstein A L, W W Gordon A Co,T Feeley, Chas Ellis, M Maclean, J S Wood A Bro, Woods A Cos, Garnett, S A Cos, Herron A G,J P Williams A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, Baldwin & Cos, E T Roberts, C L Jones. Per Central Railroad. Nov 12—Fordg Agt, W W Gordon A Cos. Warren AA, Herron AG, H M Comer A Cos, Garnett, S A 00, Woods A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Montague A Cos, J S Wood A Bro, F M Farley, M Maclean, Hammond, H A Cos, R D Bogart, J C Thompson, Jno Flannery A Cos, J P Williams A Cos. G Walter A Cos, Butler AS, Order, Ellis, Y A Cos, Pearson A S, Theo StelTen, MY A Ii 1 Mclntire. Teeple A Cos, 0 H Carson, J D Weed A Cos. Lloyd A A. J G Butler, George Me vent. Southern Cotton Oil Cos. Mrs R V Brin son, M Y Henderson, I () Haas, II Myers A Bros, E Lovell A Son, Harms A J, E A Schwarz, G L Orme, A 11 Champion, G V Hecker A Cos, W W Fraser, Palmer Bros, W I Miller, Nathan Bros, L I tendon. H Solomon A Son. D D Arden, P.ev L Bozsen. Ludden AB, Adam AF, Mendel AD, A Ehrlich A Bro. M Boley A non, Menken A A. L Putzel, R D McDoneil, Dr D Cox. T D Rock well, Blodgett, M A Cos, McDonough A Cos, An drew Houston Stillwell, P A M. C T Christie, R V Brinson, Peacock, H A Cos. C M Gilbert A Cos. Slater, M A Cos, S Guckenheimer A Son. .1 T Griffin, A Hanley. Meinhard Bros A Cos, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, B H Levy A Bro. Per steamship Nacooehee, from New York— A R Altmayer A Cos, M A Burle, L Bruner, Theo Basch, Bendlieim Bros A Co,T P Bond A Cos. Rev E Calferty, M Boley A Son, O Butler, Byck A’ S. SWBrancn, W(1 Cooper, Crohan AD. E M Connor. J S Collins A Cos, Collat Bros, Geo W Clark, Dr T J Charlton. A H Cos per, Davis Bros, Mrs H C Cunningham. I Dasher A Cos, LE Davis, G Davis A Sou, Decker A F. J A Douglass A Cos, Jno Durst, A L I'eshouillons, M J Doyle, H A Dumas. Eokman A V, A Ehrlich A Bro, T H En right, G Eckstein A Cos, Einstein A L. J H Estill. Epstein A W, l Epstein A Bro, A Falk A Son, W Estill. M Ferst A Cos, Fleischman A Cos, Fay A E. K B Fletcher, Fretwell A N. Frank A Cos, B M Oarfunkel, C 4 A Gemunden, W W Gordon A Cos, Mr Gordon, Mrs Win Gordon, C M Gilbert A Cos, J P Germaine, SLGerst.. O F Graham. Gray A G’lt, Grady, DeL A Cos. 8 Guckenheimer A Son, F Gutman, A Hanley, I G Haas. R Haltiwanger, Hirsch Bros, J J Haines. G M Heidt A Cos, Dan'l Hogan, Hymes Bros A Cos, M G Htlmken. R S Jones. F M Hull. Kavanaugh A B, P O Kessler, E J Kieffer, P H Keirnan, A Krauss, Lloyd A A, Mrs C A Lumar. J F I.a Far, N Lang. B Lasky, Lindsay AM, Lfpprnau Bros. Jno Lyons A Cos. A Leffier, D B Lester, E Lovell A Son, H Logan, Ludden AB. Marshall House, P .Manning. P E Masters, Meinhard Bros A Cos, W B Mull A Cos, C H Morrell, J McGrath A Cos, R D McDoneil, Men ken A A, Mohr Bros, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, H Miller, A J Miller A Cos, D P Myerson. Nathan Bros, A S Nichols, J O Nelson A Cos. G Noble, J Ogden, Mrs (4 T Nichols. Jno Nicolson Jr, TJ O'Brien, Palmer Bros, N Paulsen A Cos. K Plnt shek, M Prager, A Quint A Bro, Theo Roderick, L B Rogers, Rieser A S, Rich A M, J J Reilly, W F Reid, C D Rogers, R Salas, E A Schwarz, CF. sanherg, H L Schreiner, C E Stults. .1 G Sexton, V\ I) Simkius & Co,Solomons A Co.Strauss Rros, H Solomon A Son, P B Springer.G \V Tiedeman, H Suker, .1 C Thompson. P Tuberd.v, A Ttuinen baum. Southern Ex Cos, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, Dr JJ Waring, J D Weed A Cos, AM AC W West, D Weisbein. Wylly AC, stmr Katie,W U Tel Cos, S, F A W Ry, C R R, Ga A Fla 1 S B Cos. LIST OF VESSELS Up, Cleared and Sailed for this Port. STEAMSHIPS. Coningsby (Br), Robinson, Philadelphia, sld Nov Invermay (Br), Mitchell. Montreal, sld Nov 7. F.lsie (Bn, Thompson, Cardiff, sid Nov —, Bayswater (Br), Taylor, Montreal, sld Nov 1. Gen Gordon tßr), Clayton, Leghorn, sld Nov 5. BARKS. Carolina Falauga (Itali, Seotto, Liverpool, sld Aug 13. Franeisca de Villa (Sp), Perares, at Liverpool July 28. Agostina S (Ital), Bertolotti, Liverpool, sld May 13 via Table Bay, at Rio Janeiro In distress Aug 24. Phison (Aus), Cosulich, at Venice Aug 15. Sarah (Br'. McMullen, Bahia, sld Aug 13. Stanley (Nor), Clausen, Buenos Ayres, sld Sept 16. Olof Glas (Sw), Andersen, Cevita Veehia, sld Sept 10. Linnea(Nor), Hansen, Santos, sld Aug 18. Hesperia ( Nor), Nielsen, Hamburg, sld Sept 15. Medusa (Ger),Schmidt.Grangemouth,sld Sept 15. Felix Mendessohu (Ger). Fretwurst. at Bremen Sept 9. Almaria (Nor), Jacobsen, Buenos Ayres, sld Aug Lovfald I Nor ), Langfeldt, Bergen, sld Oct—. Glimt (Nor), Olsen, Santos, shiabout Sept 12. Niobe (Non, Olsen, at Buenos Ayres, Sept, 27. Remittent (Nor), Pedersen, Liverpool, sld July 31 via Buenos Ayres. Subra (Nor), Otterbek, Hamburg, sld Oct 1. Brodrene (Nor), Bie, Liverpool, sld Oct 3. Welgunde, Meehan, at New York, Oct 7. Magdalena, (Nor), Gunderseu, Cuxhaven, sld Oct 15. Nightingale (Nor), lugebrethsen, Liverpool, sld Oct 15. Sjomanden (Nor), Lunde, Montevideo, sld Sept 15. Agnes Campbell (Nor), Nielsen, at Buenos Ayres Aug 31. Candeur (Nor). Nielsen, Barcelona, sld Oct 21. James L Preudergast (Br), Bates, ltouen, sld Oct 23. Amaranth (Nor), Barentsen, Port Vendres. sld Oct 21, Konoma(Br), Thompson. Liverpool, sld Oct 25. Actaeon (Nor), Steen. Valencia, sld Oct 5. Lucie Radtuan (Ger), Grethe, St Vincent, C V, sld Oct 14. Unione P (Ital), Zino, Genoa, sld Oct 26. Unione (Ital), . Oporto, sld Oct 22. Meteor (Ger), Voss. Stettin, sld Nov l. Bessie (Br), Karsten, Bermuda, sld Nov 1. Tillid, Stettin, New York, sld Nov 12. BKIGS. Clara Pickens, Eddy, Richmond, up Nov 11. Robert Dillon, Leighton, New Y T ork, up Nov 12. SCHOONERS. Alfaretta Campbell, Campbell, Philadelphia, sld Bessie Morris, Wheat on. Elizabeth port, up Oct 30. A Deuike, Townsend, Baltimore, eld Oct 25. Charmer, Robbins, New York, sld Nov 9. Aaron Reppard. Lake, Boston, up Nov 3. Welcome R Beebe, Smith. New York, sld Nov 9. Benj F Lee, Steelman, at Baltimore Nov 11. Island City. Voorhees, at Baltimore Nov 11. Samuel Dillaway, Brendige, at Baltimore Nov 11. Sarah D Fell. Loveland, at Baltimore Nov 11. M K Rawley, Alley, New York, up Nov 8. BOOK NOTICES. Universal History. Being the Natural His tory of the Earth and its Pre-Human Inhabi tants, by Edward Hull, LL. D., Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland, with an illus trated diagram drawn by the author. J. B. Lippincntt Company, Philadelphia, publish ers. Cloth, $125. In this volume of 150 pages one can gain the leading facts and ideas of geology. It is a valuable summary of all that is known of the subjects of which it treats, and is especially valuable to those who wish to be come acquainted with that which is most interesting in geolog^. Farm Apn.iAxcEs: A practical manual Ed ited by George A. Martin. O. Judd Cos. pub lishers. 751 Broadway, N. Y. This volume contains a large amount of matter that is of very great interest to farmers. It has nearly 200 illustrations with instructions so complete that the read er cannot fail to understand them and fully appreciate whatever advantages they may have. A farmer who has a knack for handling tools can save himself many a dollar by making use of hints to bo ob tained from this book. Damon’s Ghost. By Edwin Lassetter Bynner. Ticknor & Cos., publishers, 211 Tremont street, Boston. This is the latest of Ticknor's paper series of choice reading. The characters depicted in it are full of entertainment and combine in an intricate and delightful plot. It is a very good story in many ways. Adrift is the Wilds. By Edward S. Ellis. A. L. Burt, publisher. New York. Paper cover, price, 35 cents. This is a story of adventure, and can hardly fail to interest boys. Even those who are long past boyhood will find it well adapted to filling an idle hour. For Her Daily Bread. By Litere, with preface by Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, Rand, McNally A Company, publishers, 148 and 134 Monroe Street, Chicago. Paper cover. 35c. This is a very interesting story. Col. In gersoll says of it: “I have read this story, this fragment of a life, mingled with frag ments of other livas, and have been pleased, interested and instructed. It is filled with the pathos of truth and has in it the humor which accompanies actual experiences.” MAGAZINES. The November number of the Writer has a number of interesting and instructive articles. The Writer, Boston, Mass. The November issue of the New P, inceton Review opens with a very fresh and inter esting study of “Shelley,” from the pen of Mr. Charles Dudley Warner. Rev. George Woolsey Hodge outlines “A Scheme for Church Reunion,” in a significant discussion of the celebrated proposals made by the ho use of Bishops of the Protestant Episco pal ehur h. Under the title of “The American Idea,” Mr.George Cary Eggleston comments sharply on some late develop ments of labor associations. Dr. William Nast, who was a schoolfellow of the famous German theologian, con tributes a deeply interesting chapter of “Recollectionsof David Friedrioh Strauss.” “Dean Pluniptre's Dante” is made the sub ject of a critical paper by Dr. Marvin R. Vincent, in which the defects of work are clearly pointed out. The New Princeton Review is now firmly established as the representative of the most intelligent and scholarly class in the country. A. C. Arm strong & Son, New York. The November number of The Cosmopol itan opens with a bountiful frontispiece of a buffalo bull. Julian Hawthorne’s article on “The Noble Art of Self-Defense,” illustrated handsomoly by M. J. Burns, is certain to at tract attention, because of its advocacy of pugilism and the author’s personal reminis cences of Heenan and Sayers. “The Califor nia Ranch,” by Ella Sterling Cummins, isan illustrated article, giving in an attractive way a mass of information in regard to the groat farms on the Pacific Coast. Shirley Dare, in an article on “A Brighter Outlook for Women,” advocates the revival ia a modified form of the convent for the bene fit of unmarried and widowed women that depend upon themselves for support. Har riet Prescott gives a sequel to “Uncle Mason’s Money,” under the title of “The Pretty Spendthrifts.” F. D. Murfree’s story’of “The ‘Show’ that, Came to Sequat chee Valley,” and M, Fulauo’s “The Story of the Priest,’ are unusually excellent. Scblicht, Field Company, New York city. NOW-THK TIMK TO ACTIVE fluctuations in the Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks, Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to orders received by wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Full information about the markets in our book, which will l> forwarded five on application. H. D. KYLE, Banker aud Broker, SR Broad aud 34 New Sts. Now York City. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1887. LOTTERY. OFFICIAL DRAWING —OF THE— LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY, SINGLE NUMBER. CLASS “L,” Drawn at New Orleans, La., on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1887. FULL PRIZES: -Vo. Prize] No. Prize. ,Yo. Prize. 320.. 200-25874....$ 100 51001...$ 100 416.. 100j25965.... 100 51772.... 100 540.. 900! 96223.... 200 51877.... 300 01L... 200 26278... 1000 51935.... 100 973.. 100126282.... 100 52711.... 100 998.. 200 26676... 500 52820... 100 1092 100 26699.... 100 52870 500 1330 100 26790.... 100 53134 100 1476.. 100 27159.... 200 53276.... 100 1565.. 100 27166... 100 53505.... 1000 1831.. 200 27211.... 100 58616.... 100 1840.. 100 27295.... 800 53670.... 500 2125.. 200 27393.... 100158806.... 100 2182.. 100 27705.... 100 53916.... 100 2403.. 100 27738.... 200154058.... 100 2632.. 100 27817... 100,54194.... 300 2659.. 100 27823.... 100 54310.... 100 2091.. 100 28090.... 100[54-138 ... 100 2900.. 100,28106.... 100154377.... 100 3007.. 100 28129... 800 54401.... 300 3127.. 200; 28348.... 100*54414 200 3569.. 100128776.... 1000 54739.... 200 4000.. 100128892.... 100 54793... 200 4282.. 31)0|28988.... 100 54824... 100 4412.. 100 29456... 100 55163... 100 4585.. 200 2952! .... 300 55174.... 800 4652.. 100 29591.... 500 56287.... 100 4720.. 100 29898.... 100 55306.... 200 4812.. 100.30001.... 100 55344 100 4840.. 300:30081.... 100 56943.... 500 5287.. 300|300e2.... 800 56013... 100 5308.. 200:30261.... 100 56015.... 100 5357.. 100*30371 101X1 56065.... 100 5438.. 100 80507.... 100 66189 800 5447 100180589 300:66809.... 500 5180.. 100:30771.... 100:56348.... 100 5597.. 300:30390.... 800 56347.... 300 5740 100 30826.... 100 56410... 300 5902 100 31095.... 100 56658.... lOnO 5934.. 300 31208.... 100 66715 100 6838.. 100 31239.... 100 60901.... 500 6338.. 500:31553.... 800 66968 100 6379 200,31607.... 600 56980.... 100 6487.. 100131655.... 100 57231 500 6645.. 100:31926.... 300 57391 100 6810.. 300132016 ... 100 57601 100 6890 ... 20)! 32059.... 100 578)1 800 6992.. 100,32173.... 300 58123.... 800* 7045.. .. 800132194.... 800 58154.... 100 7115 ... 100 32266... 100 58104.... 100 7824 900 32408.... 800 581 >5 500 7867.. 300 32527... 800 58230 100 7466.. 100 32643.... 200 58258 100 7482.. 100 329.52,... 800 58290.... 100 7948.. 100 38057... 100 58652 100 7985.. 300 33128.... 100 58696... 1000 8174.. 100 33101.... 300 58316 200 8256.. 100 33238.... 100 58830.... 100 8613 100 33401.... 500 .;8840 300 8659.. 100 33432.... 100 59096.... 100 8728.. .. 100 835*7... 100 59117.... 100 8755.. 900 88738.... 100 59339 ... 300 9134.. 200 33829.... 100,59439.... 200 9173.. 100 1 38913.... 300 59561 3<X) 9296.. 100 83943.... 800 59564.... 500 9454 500 34104.... 100 59671 100 9990.. 100 34208.... 10 1 59755 21X1 10092.. 200 34284.... 800 59825.... 100 10330 100 34869.... 100 60016.... 100 10453.. 100 31881.... 100 60489 100 104.56.. 900 84046.... 1000 60618.... 100 10462 200 350,15.... 200 60854 200 10494 100 35102.... 30. 60097 900 10.544 200 35189.... 100 60863 100 10569.. 300 35211.... 100 61056 100 1060!.... 300 35213.... 100 61158 200 10644.. 200 35.96.... 900 61185.... 200 10683. .. 100 35426 ... 100 61261.... 100 10858.. 100 35473.... 500 61499.... 100 11004.. 900 85588.... 103 61052.... 1000 11020.. 103 35591.... 100 61690 100 11600.. 800 35857.... 200 61820.... 100 11654.. 200 35879.... 200 61848.... 200 11713.. 200 35933... 100 62035.... 200 11755.. 200 35945... 200 62122.... 200 11885.. 300 86049... 300 62219 ... 100 11892.. 100 30187.... 100 62279.... 100 12158.. 100 36234.... 209 623,4.... 200 12393.. 100 30355.... 900 62411.... 100 12488 1000 36405.... 100 02680 100 12527.. 100 86803.... 100 62694 200 12588.. 200 30782.... 1000 62809.... 100 12675.. 100 3688!.... 300 62876.... 100 12813.. 101,36892.... 100 69904.... 100 12831.. 200 36907.... 200 62973.... 900 13149.. 100 37007... 800 63028.... 100 18219 ... 100 87262 ... 100 68097 100 18883.. 300 37263.... 500 63123.... 800 13357.. 100 37277... 500 63305.... 200 18367.. 100 37486.... 100 63317.... 100 13389.. 100 37540.... 200 6.3319... 200 18401.. 100 37786.... 100 633.14.... 100 13504). 5000 37800.... 100 63435.... 200 13569.. 200 38016.... 100 63401.... 100 13596.. 200 38)128.... 200 63618.... 500 13726.. 100:38286.... 100 63742 600 13799.. 100 38299.... 100 63881.... 100 13829.. 100 38506.... 100 j 63061.... 100 13891.. 100 38643.... 800 68976 100 18351.. 100 38710.... 100 64028.... 100 13095.. 300 38717.... 100 61)06 100 11255.. 200 38873.... 100 64H15 100 14400.. 100 38885..,. 11X164185 100 14.559.. 100 39425.... 10.: 64399 100 14628.. 100 30440.... 10.! 04.4)4.... 100 14710.. 100 31449... 200 64689 100 14832.. 100 30811.... 500 64719.... UK) 14091.. 100 3HH98.10000 64940 200 15219 ... 200 39975.... 20 65085 100 15281.1000(1 40013... 10 0339)-... 1000 15383.. .. 10 40307.... 300 A3 03.... 100 15511.. 30' 40375.... 20, 65834 ... 200 15530.. 1(4.40458.... lilt 66004 200 151)38 10U 40.)80.... 20 66105 100 1531.... 100 40089,... 30.66100 100 15933.. 100 4040.... 100 60345 1000 16080.. 100 41052 ... 100 66435 100 16090 ... 100 41392.... 200 66555 100 16116.. 200 41378.... 100 66812 ... 100 16183.. 109 41454.... 100 66850.... 100 16884.. 100 41463.... 100 66983.... 300 10356 ... ' 100 41470... 10c 67082 200 16193.. 100 41,84.... 100 67111.... 20,) 16463.. 100 41521.... 30, 67308.... 10 16648.. 200 41.373.... 90, 107808 900 16086 500 41634 ... 100167312 100 16330.. 500 42139.... 10" 67349.... 500 16659.. 100 42118... lOu 67387 100 16959.. 100 42346... ack- 67418 100 16974.. 100142271... 26, 67464.... 300 17217.. 100 42467.... 10. 61666.... 10J 17228.. 200 43i46... 51) 67849.... 100 17236.. 106 42126.... 20, 61982 200 17250.. 30.143747.... 50 6,8014... 100 17488.. 20) 42*12.... 10 68038 500 17762.. 100 42845... 10 68060.... 200 17984.. 100 42881... 10 68225.... 300 18070 300 12)97 10 68311 100 18096.. 100 4.3026.... 10 68440.... 300 18136.. 100 43.00.... 100 00045 300 18287 100 43304.... 200 6e752.... 500 18341.. 300 43347.... 200 68951.... 200 18198.. 100 43588... 100 68069.... 100 18347 ... 100 43572... 300 !>056 5000 18583.. 31X143060.... 100 69192... 100 18953 ... 200 43.197.... 20 / 69310 ... 200 19032.. 100 44012... 2XI 50000 19051 ... 100 441.36.... 500 69417.... 300 19389.. 300 44717... 100 69495.... 100 19360.. 100 44749.... 100 69.393... 100 19693.. 100 44750.... 100169626. ~. 300 10721.. 100 44)41.... 100;-784.... 100 19735.. 100 45015.... 200 60 97... 200 20236.. 100 45230... 200 .Ol 13 20000 20273.. 200 45284 ... 100 70.97. .. 100 21277.. 100 46673... 11X170217.... 100 20373.. 2XI 15748.... 10670872... 100 2)393.... 100 15863.... 100 70554... 200 20539.. 100 45980... 200 70566.... 300 20575.. 100 4CU02.... 100 70597.... 100 20577.. 100 46110.... 200 70052 100 20638.. 100 16213.... 10, 70753 .. 100 20672.. . 100 46240 ... 300 70974.... 500 20686.. 100 46257.... HJ 71177 100 21936.. 100 46508.... 200 71251 300 21045.. 100 46817.... 100 71268.... 100 21181.. 800 46901.... 300 71391 500 21219 100 40986... 200 71407 100 21856.. 100 17152... 100 71111190000 21449.. 100 47191.... 300 71448. .. 100 21489.. 100 47194... 100 71464.... 100 21513.. 100 47270.. .v 200 71502.... 300 21741.. 100 47339.... 10) 71555 B(X> 21844.. 200147440.... 100 71660.... 100 21864.. 200; 47047.... 300 71677.... 800 21950.. 100147683... 100 71757.... 200 22-00.... 200;47958 ... 100 71805.... 100 22346.. 100143177.... 300 71 68.... 300 22490.. 100148221... 200 71947.... 200 22507 100'43310.... 100 72036.... 200 22513.. 106 18368... 100 72434.... 100 22659.. 100 48479.... 100 72435.... 600 22671.. 200|48694.... 300 72884.... 200 22702.. 200 i 48776,... 100 72992...' 300 23103.. 100! 48890,... 100 73050.... 200 23373.. 200 48916.... 100 73)74 .. 100 23515.. 200 4 9260.... 200 73458 100 23609.. 100 49317.... 200 73619 100 23715.. 800.49346.... 100 73597 100 28798.. 300 49.147.... 800 73599.... 100 23917.. 1000 49314.... 100 73910.... 100 24032.. 100 19410.... 100 73921.... 200 24103.. 200 49511.... 100 73983.... 100 24167.. 100 49540... 200 74023... 100 24252.. 200 49871.... 200 74109.... 300 24340.. 1000 50035.... 100 74177 800 24358.. 100 50137.... 100 74,86... 100 24363.. 100 50,58... 100 7424).... 100 24370 ... 1000 50283 ... 100 743'2 200 24378.. 100150596.... 100 74458 100 24385.. 200150626... 500 74697.... 100 21450.. 1001507 90.... 100 74989.... 100 2441)8. .. 100 5)0791.... 500 75-.... 100 24592 ... 100 50910 ... 200 7.5073.... 100 246*5.... 300 50M88.... 31X1 75639 100 25179.. 100)51175.... 1(4) 75,1X11.... 800 25246.. 800 512-41... 200 75946.... 100 253.7.. 100 51313... 200 75985... 100 25414.. 200 51453... 200 76971.... 200 25481.. 100 5)1407... 200 76124.... 200 25667 ... 200 51553.... 300|7025L... 200 LOTTERY. No. Prize. < No. Prize. No. Prize. 76295.. 100 84850....$ 100 91840....$ 100 76299.. 100 84820.... 800 91865.... 1(3) 76.884 ... 300 84826 100 91936.... 100 76510.. .. 100 84855... 100 92073... 100 71)630.... 200 84856.... 200 92075.... . 100 7> 851.... 800 84904.... 500 92403.... 100 70979.. 100 8 1989.... 100 02604.... 100 77054.. 100 84996.... 200 93170.... 100 77071.. 200 61997 200 93368.... 1(H) 77093.. 800 86297.... 100 93375... 100 77108.. 800 86417.... 100 98415... 100 77126.. 100 86533 ... 100 93418.... 100 77469 ... 300 86590.... 100 93451.... 100 77409.. 100 86710,... 100 93692.... 100 77581 ... 500 86819.... 800 93982.... 100 77661.. 100 85905.... 100 04037.... 100 78039.. 200 86991 ... 100 94050.... 800 78204.. 100 86263... 800 94138.... 100 78465.. 200 86267.... 200 94225.... 200 78523.. 100 86539.... 100 94285.... 200 78070.. 100 86572.... 500 94467.... 100 78711 ... 100 86675 200 94471.... 300 78804 ... 300 86689 ... 100 S* 1.533. 5000 79041.. 100 86692,... 100 $4537.... 100 79283.. 500 80726.... 100 94708.... .900 79264 ... 100 86757.... 100 94139.... 200 79567.. 100 86760 ... 100 04821.... 100 79671.. 200-86864.... 600 94939... 300 79580.. 100,86990 ... 800 05275.... 200 70746.. 100,87213.... 100 05279.... 200 79805.. 100! 87224.... 100 95352.... 100 80280.. 1000 87317.... 200 95389.... 800 8086i).... 600 87327.... 200 95528... 800 80386.. 500187872.... 100 95560.... 300 80398.. 100 87491 300 05772.... 200 80558.. 100 87844 500 96017.... 200 80003 .. 100|8788 100 96019.... 300 80604.. 300 87911.... 100 96059... .500 80742 ... 100 88210,... 100196562.... 800 80826.. 100 88838 100,96594.... 100 80923. .. 100 88378 100j96019.... 800 80921. .. 100 88619 200 96652.... 100 80968.. 100 88094... 200;90076.... 600 80992.. 100 88690 100 96741.... 1000 81036.. 200 88790 100 96851.... 100 81185.. 100 88802 300 961X10.... 100 81320.. 1000 88823.... 100 96981.... 200 81456.. 100 88937 200 97071.... 218) 81513.. 200 89062 100 97325.... 100 81544.. 800 89543.... 600 97422.... 100 81627.. 100 89869.... 100 97553... 800 818)9.... 100 89880 800 97.692.... 1(H) 81983.. 200 89021 200,97637.... 200 81965.. 200 90024.... 100j971,44.... 100 82262 .. 200 90119 1000 97883.... 300 82864.. 100 90288 100 98194.... 100 82139.. 300 90287.... 100j98565.... 200 82542.. 100 90315.... 500 98685.... 200 82031.. 100 00348 100 08(07.... 100 82719.. 100 90303 200 98907.... 800 82751.. 600 90433 ... 100 98994.... 200 82863.. 500190484.... 100 99202... 100 83009.. 10090:.2:.... 1000 993-18.... 300 8341!.... 100 90655.... 200 993.2.... 200 83188.. 100190708.... 500 99434.... 200 83583.. 100 90757.... 100 99484.... 200 83732.. .. 500 911979 100| 99503.... 500 83983.. 200 00997.... 100 99737.... 200 84051.. 100 91244.... 100 99765.... 200 $1886.... 200 91424.... 100 99810.... 100 *44*6.5000 91442... 100:99892.... 100 84604.. 200 91617 . 200,09046... 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 numbers from 71361 to 71461 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of t he num ber drawing the Capital prize of $150,000 S3OO 100 numbers from 69318 to 69418 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the num ber drawing the Capital Prize of $50,000 200 100 numbers from 70083 to 70163 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of t lie imbi ber drawing the Capital Prize of $20,000.. 100 1000 numbers ending with It, being the two last figures of the number drawing the Capital Prize of $160,000. 50 The subscribers having supervised the Single Number Drawing, Class L, Louisiana State Lottery, hereby certify that the above are the numbers which were tliis day drawn from the 100,000 placed in the wheel, with the prizes cor responding to t hem. Witnessbur hands aLNew Orleans, La., this Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1887. G. T. BEAUREGARD, J. A. EARLY, Commissioners. Prizes cashed in full without deduction. No. 71411 draws Capital Prize $150,000, sold in New Orleans, Boston, Mass., Mempms, Teuu., Jackson, Miss., Newport News, Va.. Sioux Falls, Da<., Orleans, Neb., Jlissoula and Anaconda, Mont., and Vancouver, B. C., Canada. No. 6936s draws Second Capital Prize, $50,000, sold in Now York, New Orleans, Oakland, Cal.. Bur llngton. la.. Edinburg. 11l . Denver, Col., Monon gahela City, Pa., Mt. Vernon and Ehvood, Ind. and Oldhaiii, Duk. No. 70113 draws Third Capi tal Prize. $20,000. sold in Nashville. Tenn., Kan. sasCity, Mo., and East Las Vegas, N. Mex. No, 1528) draws SIO,OOO, sold in Memphis, Tenn . Kansas 1 ity, Mo., and Colorado, Tex. No. 30598 draws SIO,OOO, whole sold in Philadelphia, Pa. Nos. 13506, 69056, 84486, 94535, each draw SSOOO, sold in New York, New Orleans, Boston, Chi cago, San Francisco, Washington. D. C.. Wash ington, La., Spnngfi dd, ill.. Clarendon and Shatter, Tex., Silver King, Ariz., Guatemala, Central America, Und other points. L.S.L. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY lucorporaied oy the in loot*, for Educational ami Cuaruaoie purposes, and its iranchine made a part of t .*♦- preeent Butte Con stitution, in 1379, by an overwhelming popular voce. Its (irand Single Number Drawing* tako place monthly, and (tie . Semi-Annual Drawing!* icguiariy etery u month* (Juue anJ Decern at* rj. “ire do hereby certify that we supenn'se the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi A \nuaL Drawings of Uie Male Lot tery Company , aml in person manage and con trol ihe Drawings themselves, nut that the same are conducted vci'ti no nest y, j airness, and in ?ood jaun to war t ail parties , and we author i :e he ComjMtny to use Huh t ertijicate, with f'to timdes of our signature* attached . in its adver tisements. ” Commlssionars. Tf> Ih+ vnderdrmed Flank* and. Flanker* tniTt pay ad Prizes drawn in the Tunisia na State Ts>t fr ip ip > r "if*" Lc prp<-pntpd 't <>yir royntpri J. H. OGLESBY, Pres. Louisiana Nat’l Bank j PIERRE LANAUX, Pres State Nat'l Bank. : A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING In the Academy of Music, New Orleans, TUESDAY, December 13. 1887, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 ' T lckets at Iwn y Dollars each. halves $10; Quarters $6; Tenths $2; Twent etb sl. LIST OF WUZBS. 1 PRIZE OF $300,000 is $ 1 PRIZE OF 100,01X1 is I(4'.,in 1 PRIZE OF 50,000 is 50.0 0 1 PRIZE OK 25,000 is J&'pg 2 PHIZES OF 10,(XX) ure 20,1X4) 5 PRIZES OF 5,0 X) are 25> 000 25 PRIZES OF *1,04) are avxw 100 PRIZES OF 500 are 50JXX) 900 PRIZES OF 800 are 60 000 500 PRIZES OF 200 are 100,000 APPROXIMATION PIIIZSS. 100 Prizes of SSOO approximating to $300,000 Prize are 50,000 100 Prizes or 3 X) approximating to sl<X>.ooo Prize are 30,000 100 Prizes of $214) approximating to $50,000 Priz are 20,(XX) terminal prizes. 1,000 Prizes of SIOO decided by $300,000 Prize are 100.000 1,000 Prizes of sloodecided by. .SIOO,OOO Prize are 100,000 8,130 Prizes amounting to $1,058,000 For Club Kates, or any further information npp.y to the undersigned. Your handuritiiig must lie distinct and Signature plain. More rapid return mail delivery will he assured by your enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POST AL NOTES, Express Money < )r ders or New York Exchange ii ord nary letter. Currency by Express lat o'T -x ''• ■sseii to M. A. DAI'PHI.V New Orleans. La or M. A. OAUPIIIM, Washington, O. V. Address Registered Letters n skt OHIdAAS XAIiO.VAI) RPfl\, Xew Orleans, La PPMPMRFP That the presence of Gen l\ L. IVI C. ivl DL I) e rals Beauregard and Early, who are in charge of the drawiugs, is a guarantee of absolute fairness and in It; ,-rity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. LOTTERY. REMEMBER that the pavmentof all Prizes is 1.1 VII\M Ei:i) 11V FOl'K NATIONAL H WKS of New Orleans, ami the Tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonymous schemes. GROCERIES? 75 BARRELS APPLES? * Off BARRELS EATING AND COOKING it) PEARS, 50 Barrels HEBRON POTATOES, 25 Sacks RIO and JAVA COFFEE. LIQUORS and WINES of all kinds, SUGAR, CANNED MEATS, Choice FLOUR, CANNED GOODS, NUTS and RAISINS, New TURKISH PRUNES, New CITRON, RUTTER. CHEE-E, LARD, SUGARS, SOAP, STARCH, CRACKERS, BROOMS, PAILS, CRANBERRIES, GRAPES, etc. For sale at lowest prices. A. H. CHAMPION. NEW RAISINS, PATRAS CURRANTS IN BARRELS, Vostizza- Currants in Cases CITRON IN 50-POUND TIN BOXES, THK FINEST IN PORTED. NEW NUTS A. ;NI3 FIGS. As Fruit Cuke is bpttor with some age, would it not be well to buy the Fruit at once?. A. M. & C. W. WEST. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. 33- HULL^ Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. FARES H MEAL and GRITS In white sacks. ' Mill stuffs of all kinds. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also COW' PEAS, every variety. Choice Texas Red h ust Proof Oats. Sjiecial prices car load lots HAY and GRAIN Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, 5 ABERCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE, No. 4 WADLEY STREET, on line Central Railroad. "feedT HAY, GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED _foe stock AND CATTLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Private & Family Trade —ALSO— FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND PRODUCE. 109 HAY STREET, W. D. SIMKINS & CO. PRODUCTS. tot City is. w r are making an extra quality of GRITS and MEAL, and can recommend it to the trade as superior to any in this market. Would be pleased to give special prices on application. We have on hand a choice lot of EMPTY BACKS, which we are selling cheap. BOND, HAYNES & ELTON BRICK. Wm. P. Bailey & Cos., BRICK MANUFACTURERS, KEEP CONSTANTLY on HAND, in large quantities, at their yard on the SPRINiJ FIELD PLANTATION, and will di liver t he name in any part of the city upon tho shortest notice. The best Well Brick, Pressed Brick, Hard Brown Brick. Gray Brick, Soft Brown Brick. Office—Corner Bull and Broughton, at SI MON GAZAN'S CIGAR STORE, where all or ders will receive prompt attention. IKON WORKS. McDonoii & mm, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Milkers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL am! TOP-RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, the simplest mid most effective on I he market; Gnllett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. TV PE-WRITERS Aik VOCE STAIIOSER FUR IT. Does Ihn work of OOP confine SIOO. Indorsed by LEADING BUSINESS MEN. GEO. BECKER i CO., 30 Great Jones St., New York City. Send for Circular. Homs. NEW HOTEL TOG NI, (Formerly St. Mark‘B.> Newman Street, near Bay. Jacksonville, [*Ta WINTER ANI) BUMMER. r r , IfE MOST central House in the city. Near 1 Post Office, Street Caro ani ail Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bella Baths, Etc. 60 to s:i per day. JOHN B. TOQNI, Proprietor. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. 'HI6 POPULAR Hotel Is now provkleii with 1 a Passenger Elevator (the only one iu tiio city land has been remodeled and newly fur Dished. The proprietor, who by recant purchase is also the owner of the establishment, spares neither ijains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The jiaironag© of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House ” in supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad can afford. ELECTRIC BELTS. Electric* lit-It Free. r p() INTRODUCE it and obtain Agents we wlh 1 .. ,fsr th&next sixty days goe away, free of charge, in eaca county in tne United Staten a limited number of our German Electro Galvan it Supensory Beits—price, $5. A ixwitivc and uu* liming cure for Nervous Debility, Varicocele. Emissions, Impotency. Etc. So(W reward paid If every Belt we manufacture does not gmierato a genuine electric current. Address at once ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY P. U. Box 176, Brooklyn. N. Y. PRESS GOODS, WRAPS, NOVELTIES, ETC. Iliil Great Itusli hints at Isteß London Cashmere, Celebrated Goods, Reduced - - At ECKSTEIN’S. Black Silks, Velour Finish, Warranted to Wear, • At ECKSTEIN’S, Our Silks and Silk Velvets, Choice, Reliable, Reduced - At ECKSTEIN’S. 50 Dozen Gents’ and Ladies’ Fine Lamb’s Wool Vests At ECKSTEIN’S. Ladies’ Berlin Saeqtics and Wraps Marked Down - At ECKSTEIN’S. 50 More Extra Fine California Blankets Low - - At ECKSTEIN’S. 100 Extra Choice Combination Suits, Bargams - - At ECKSTEIN'S. Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen, Grand Variety, - - At ECKSTEIN’S. Reliable Goods in Every Line Reduced This Week - At ECKSTEIN’S. GREAT RUSH CONTINUES THIS WEEK. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. MENMT ABRAHAMS, 158 BROUGHTON STREET, * ZDsTe-w aixcL ZEPaslfcLxorrLarbl© CLOTHING! IST ec^-wear, Slxiirrbs, U :n.cLe:r'-w-©air, TT zccLtoreHas., IR'U-'b'bex' Coa-trs. Latest styles in IT \T3, best $1 SHIRT in tho city. Suits made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. PARTIES in the COUNTRY can have goods expressed C. O. D. free of charge, with privihge of returning if not suited. MENJTCEIS' & ABRAHAMS. NEW YORK OFFICE, 650 Broadway. MILLINERY. “KROU S K OFFS"- Opeug of I Fill Season 188?. However attractive and immense our previous season’s stock in Millinery has been, this season we excel all our previous selections. Every manufacturer and importer of note in the markets of the world is represented in the array, and display of Millinery goods. We are showing Hats in the finest Hatter’s Plush, Beaver, Felt, Straw and Fancy Combinations. Ribbons in Glacee, of ill the novel hades. Fancy Birds and Wings, Velvets and Plushes of our own im portation, and we now offer you the advantages of our im mense stock. We continue the retail sale on our first floor at wholesale prices. We also continue to sell oi** Celebrated XXX Ribbons at previous prices. TO-DAY, 500 dozen Felt Ilats, in all the new shapes and colors, at 35 cents. & KROUSKOFFS MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOUSE; BROUGHTON STREET. SAMJ, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Man icing Cos. President. SAVANNAH, GA. 45eot y ami Treas. LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, .YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT M ANUFACTURERS of RASH. DOORS. BUNDS, MOULDINGS of all kinds and descriptions CASINOS and TRIMMINGS for all classes of dwellings, PEA'S ami I’ W ENDS of oar own design ami manufacture, T KS’ED and SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH HANDLES for Cottot Hooka, CEILING, FLOORING, WAINSCOTTING, SHINGLES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves CHOCK FRY, GLASSWARE, ETC. <* UAIN D 1> I(S PLAY A.T West’s China Palace of New Mat Gold and.Beautiful Decorations in Haviland & Co/s Celebrate# China. Pompadour Shape ail the Rage. New Borogue Ware. Satin Ware, in all Shades and Colors. Celladonna Burmese, Brilliantine and Beaded Ware. French and Belgian Rich Cut Glass Ware. All of our own direct importation. Gas Shades in all the Most Delicate Shapes and Tints. We run receiving on every steamer NEW GOODS from all countries, suitable for WXDDIKI and HOLLIDAY PRESENTS. Call and inspect the immense stock of STAPLE AND FANCI GOODS at WEST’S CHINA PALACE, 133 BROUGHTON STREET. We want AGENTS in every city and town. BIG COMMISSIONS. 7