The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 15, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HOW IT FEELS TO BE HANGED. A Man Who Escaped Lynchers Tells a “World"* Correspondent. From the Sew York World. Waco, Tex., Nov. 9.—On Saturday. Nov. 29, Justice W. G. Boyd, of Precinct No. 4, McLennan County, issued a warrant for the arrest of one Daniel Wells, who whs charged by Stephen Harvey with stealing two horses belonging to him. The warrant was placed in the hands of Constable Sparks for ser vice, and that oilicer kept Ins man under surveillance, but did not arrest him at once, owing to the fact that Mrs. Wells, wife of the accused, was ill, and al'O in considera tion of a knowledge of Wells' disposition and a confidence that he would not uttempt to run off. Last Sunday night Constable Sparks, his brother and Stephen Harvey, the prose cuting witness, were riding together along the road in the valley of Childer’s creek, when thev met Wells. The constable baited him, read the warrant by the light of the match and placed him under arrest. Wells expressed indignation that his accuser, Harvev, was one of what lie pres.lined to lie a posse comitatus, and Constable Sparks, humoring the whim, directed Harvey to leave, which order t ho latter obeyed. The constable and his brother, with the prisoner, took the road toward China Springs, about live miles distant, and were chatting as they rode. The Chiller's Creek prairie just along there is mottled with live oak groves and the road, winding with the 1 lends of the creek, turns frequently. It was a starlight night, hut the moon had not risen. Suddenly in the roadside a band of masked men appeared and, with loaded guns, commanded a halt. The constable and his brother drew their revolvers, but the maskers arose from every bush, until it apjieared to the officers and their prisoner as if fifty men, mounted and on foot, all disguised wo h handkerchiefs crossing at their noses and tied beuind their ears, were upon them. The maskers soon explained their business. With Win chester carbines, double-barreled shotguns and 45-calibre six-shooters leveled upon the constable, his brother and Wells, they eom jielled all three to dismount, and in a trice the Sparks brothers were relieved of their weapons and marched away into a thicket of young live oaks. There they were seated upon the ground and six men mounted guard around them and commanded silence. The others took Wells off to a space where another band was groUjM-d. When the two hands were united at least 100 masked men were assembled and quickly a drumhead court-martial was organized. One of the first questions addressed to Wells was: “When did you see John Nail last;’’ “I saw him to-night,’’ Wells replied with out a tremor. "Where did you see him!” the lynchers continued. “Near John Moore’s fence.” “Say your prayers," came the command. “I am not a praying man, Wells replied. Then two men stepped forward, and one of them drew from his pocket a cord about ten feet long, and the two bound Wells se curely. Two more advanced, and one of them drop|>cd a n< ose over his head and drew it up, placing the knot carefully, hangman fa-iiion, back of one ear. The noose being made secure about the prisoner’s neck, the oilier end of the lariat was tossed over a bough. A dozen men pulling on it drew Wells into the air. 11 was quickly let down. This was repeated three times. Each time the questions were asked about John Nail. He was al-o ordered to teii all he knew about Harvey’ hors.a. After the third hanging Wellssaid hoarse ly, but with unabated pluck: “Gentlemen, you may hang me if you wish to. I am in your bands. I will die saying that I did not steal the horse, and I don’t know anything against John Nail.” Finding that. Wells was in earnest the vigilante unbound their prisoner, took him back to the place where the t4|iurk3 brothers were guarded, restored to the latter their horses and weapons, and scattered in fifty directions. The three meu then resumed their journey. Scarcely a word was spoken by any of the party on the subject of the hanging. Wells was kept under guard until yesterday, and at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon Constable Sparks reached this city having him in charge. Here lie turned him over to Jailer Crim, and at this instant Daniel Wells is in a steel cell in the McLen nan county jail, safe from the vigiiants of Childer’s creek. “Lid they hurt you f the World, corre s| ondeut inquired of Wells. “Oil. not much,” lie replied. “How did you feel hanging up!” “How could I feel wit my hands tied?” “Howold are you?” “Twenty-six.” “Where were you raised?” “On Childer’s Creek, iast night.” “They say you hallooed when you were hanged ?’ “Hollci ed? You see I had a bile on my neck and the rope hurt it. You would have hollered, too. if you’d been in my place. I tried to pray, but somehow or other the prayers of my babyhood bad been stamped out aud would not come back when I wanted ’em to. and 1 was in a fix. 1 thought of all the meanness I had ever done in my life. A fellow thinks faster under them circumstances, and 1 could only say low and easy like: ‘God save me.’ ” Wells’ neck is black and blue all around and much swollen. There is a dangerous look in his eye which bodes mischief to his captors when he is rclea-ed. Up will appear in court for trial as soon as his case is ready to lie heard. Nothing has been done by the authorities with regard to the hanging. LEE C.iICK SANCaUNJ'3 FIRESIDE The Homo or One of th -■ Few Chinese Matrons in New York. From the Cleveland Leader. In New York the Chinese family lives in the same flat or building as that in which the pater iamilias does business. To tho wife is allotted one, two, or three rooms, according to his w ealth. From these she practically never stirs. Either her husband or servant does all the marketing and shop ping. Still worse, she must not receive calls front the other sex, excepting in rare cases when the husband presents an intimate friend. On such an occasion the visitor bows repeatedly, shakes his own hand vig orously for a minute or two, utters the usual stereotyiied remarks about the health of herself, family, cousin, and friends, and departs without having once looked at her face. Where is the American who could do that? She goes to no places of amuse ment, and never w'alks upon the street. She reads but Little, and that love stories, love poems, and religious books. But she can generally cook, weave, crochet, em broider, and “keep house’’ miraculously. Lee Chick Sou Chong, a merchant at 26 Mott street, captured by niv smiles, con sented to introduce me to *his wife and her boudoir, which 1 supposed would be as in teresting as the woman. His store was in the basement, and bis wife lived on the first floor above. I followed my guide through a d.rtv. uucarpeted hall to "a door at the furthest end. He rapped rather vigor ously with his knuckles on the portal, wtiich bad no outside knob or latch. After awhile it was unlocked on the inside, he pushod it open, and we stood on the inside. Almost in the rear of the room, with some sewing in her hand, stood the woman I had come to see. 8110 smiled at her husband and looked at me without fear or surprise, hut as a babe looks at anew ob ject before its innocent eyes. Lee Chick Sau Chong spoke to her in his peculiar language, and then turning to me said: “My wife.” Another moment amt the little brown fingers covered with rings were clasped in my gloved hand, ami we were looking a; each other as only two women can. What she saw is left to the imagination, but this is what I gazed upon With interest: A little woman, not more than live feet high, with the Slackest of eyes, which were larger ami more open than those of the average Chinaman. She had the typical Mongolian face, with a comp exion that from the exclusion of sunlight resembled bleached golden wax. Her blue black hair 1 was combed back without a part, dressed j over the ears like a half oyster shell, and I dowu the back of the head in a long oblong puff. Gold rings kept it all in place, but it ! iiad the appearance of beingsoaiied to make lit smooth and stiff. The forehead was ex ! tremely high, arid Hie eyebrows had a 1 habitually surprised curve. The cheeks were round, dotted with charming dimples, ] the nose a little inclined to flatness, but i withal piquant, the t eth exquisitely w hite and beautifullv shaped, and the lips either artificially dyed, or naturally a rich i carmine. With the air and look of childish ! innocence, Mrs. San Chong was not bad to look at. Hut her dress! It is hard to describe it so as to give an idea of its delicate beauty. It was a light blue silken robe trimmed with hands of crimson si!k. The upper rube was made with flowing sleeves, which disclosed a similar white sfik robe underneath. Tiie skirt or petticoat, of pain crimson, was made precisely straight, and touched the floor. Her tiny leet, not more than five inches in length, were covered w - itli while silk hosiery, and inserted in dainty Chinese slippers of blue silk, embroidered in gold, with white satin covered soles. Her arms w re loaded with bracelets of several kinds, and her cars held rings of enormous size. Her silver thimble, with which she had been sewing, still clasped the little brown finger. It was a silver bund worn on the second joint of the middle finger. Mrs. San Chong moved around with a quiet grwe and ease that would bo the envy of u Fifth avenue belle. The rooms, if not beautiful, possessed in an eminent degree that virtue which is next to godliness. In front of a small private altar joss sticks and sandalwood censers threw little smoke clouds of fieriurne iiito the air. Grotesque pictures, statuary, and bric-a-brac ornamented the walls. Hero and there banners and scrolls of gorgeous hue. and covered with quotations from the great poets and masters of China, reached from ceiling to floor. White curtains half concealed doors and windows. The furni ture was like some of the inhabitants of North street, a curious conglomeration of America and Canton. Canton, or Fuan Tung, by the wav. is the New York of Southern China. The lied is merely a small board bunk. Its dressing was rolled up and nut into blight-colored slips. These, covered with rugs, allow the bunk to be used as a sofa during the day. Several embroidery frames, with art work in various stages of progress, oc cupied a table in the corner. Our conversa tion was limited, but Lee Chick was a good English scholar, and did the translating. He is teaching .Mrs. San Chong English, but she forgets. She l eads poetry, history, ami love stories, and spends all her day alone, her husband leaving in the morning and not returning until evening. She never visits; cannot lie induced to quit her quarters. All her food is cooked by' a servant in the store, and her husband carries ull the meals to her room. “Is your wife satisfied?” I asked Lee Chick. “No, she is not. She is perfectly happy in her home life, having no other de sire, but she is childless, the greatest afflic tion that can liefall a Chinese wife.” Lee Chick is also very much dissatisfied at the rate his family refuses to increase. Alter trying unsuccessfully to adopt some American child, he has decided to take this wife back to China and leave her there. He will tiien procure himself another. He has already'one wife in China an I two children, but she refuses to come to Ameri ca. Lee Chick wants an American for num ber three, and lie made the writer a pro posal. He was told that men outside of Utah were allowed but ono wife, and that if they were found to have one in Brook lyn and one in Harlem they would get into se ious trouble. “Two wives in one room in China no trouble,” was his reply. This is inconceivable, but it is true. \Vith all their addition in wives, di vorce and infidelity are very rare. The wile most appreciated is she who finds use for the most personal names. We drunk a social cup of tea from china cups about twice the size of a thimble, and alter wish ing one another a “Kung He Fa Toi,” the equivalent of "I wish you great prosperity,” the interview was over. It would seem that women never wear the breeches in the Ce lestial empire, but when I asked Lee Chick he sighed and said that there were just as many henpecked husbands in the Orient, "Alice samee Aintlika.” SUMMER SCENES IN MIKADO-LAND The Jayohs River Festivals Sacred Temples Converted Into Hotels. From a Yokohama Letter. Summer time is the picturesque time in Japan, too, and tiie religious festivals are carnivals of color and gayety. River parties are a favorite diversion, and a flatboat with open sides, a roof or awning hung round with lanterns, is tho theatre of the most charming scenes in Japanese life. Fancy one such boat with a group of people in silk, crape, or pretty cotton kimonos, sitting ou a red floorcloth, each with a lit tie tray of doll’s dishes filled with scraps and morsels of dainty things before them. The soft light from the paper lanterns makes it all rose color, and a pretty geisha has a small space left at one end. where she glides and poses through the measures of her dance, accompanied by a wailing samisen and a melancholy singer. Multiply that boat by a thousand and you have a river festival as Tokio delights in every summer. To the lanterns of the hundreds of boats are added the lanterns outlining the eaves and galler ies of the tea houses crowded along the river bank, and all is light, life, gayety,and the refinement of pleasure. Although sake flows freely, there is never anything coarse or boisterous, and the river festivals are al most poetic. In Tokio there is always a festival going on at someone of tke many temples, and there the crowds, the color, the merriment, and the drolleries are fas cinating. The Japanese give themselves up easily to pleasure and holiday making, and abandon themselves to it with the spirit of children, and at oue of these matsuris, or religious festivals, one sees how little foreign fashions and ways and Western progress have really touched the masses of tue people. Few summers resorts offer a lower tem perature than the seaports, the gain of a little coolness ut mountain places lieing made up for by the increased dampness, the number of things that hop, crawl, bite, and sting, and the absence of ninny of the custo mary goin forts. Up in the inoutituins the rains are frequent and the midday sun scorching, and the best of Japanese hotels leave so much to be desired that in the general summing up and average the sea ports are the best places. Many families rent temples for a few months in summer, and enjoy something between actual Japan ese life and Adirondack camping. The priest* are not uverse to turning a few pen nies bv the transaction, and the worshipers easily Hud another temple or declare a holi day. The sacred emblems and all the temple accessories ure put into the one cen tral shrine-room, sliding screens set in and drawn, and the temple is a spacious house, open to the air on all sides and capable of being divided iuto as many separate rooms as the family may require. Often the priests set the images aiid altar pieces on a high shelf, cover it with u curtain, and give up the whole place to foreign teuunts. In one such case near here the broad altar shelf or tal*e became a recessed sideboard of the dining room, and the gilded buddhas, kwau nous, ami lotus leaves were succeeded by rows of (Kitties, decanters and glasses. At one temple it was stipulated that the familv should give up the room in front of the al tar on a certain anniversary day ami allow the worshipers to come and pray. One occupant, being of an investiga iug mind, staid at home, left one screen a little drawn, and threw himself on a couch to quietly watch the faces and mien ol the worshipers. To his surprise he found that they ail limit where they could got a view through his open screen, and turned their eves to him instead of to Hakvn Muni’s golden statue. Throat UineMri commence with a Cough, Cold or Sore Throat. "Brown's Bronchial Trochee" give immediate relief. Bold only in bores. Place 25 eta. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1887. A TRAVELING .BLAND. It Slides Across the Elver from Mis souri to Illinois. Springfield, 111., Nov. 12.— The argu ments were concluded before Judge Gresham to-day in the suit of ex-State Treasurer Rutz against Benjamin Seeger and the city of St. Louis. The court allowed three weeks for the filing of ad ditional printed arguments, and, took the case under advisement. The points involved are novel and interesting. Arsenal Island formerly lay west of the main channel of the Mississippi river, just in front of the centre of the city of St. Louis, and belonged to that city. It contains about 500 acres. The city gave Seeger a nominal lease to the island * and put him in possession to take charge of it. Gradually the island moved away from its original anehoruge, slid down the river crossing the channel in its progress, and hailed on the Illinois side, just off land in Sr. Clair county owned by Edmund Rutz. It assumed this position about 1870. Then, in its work of river improvement, the Gov ernment built a dyke from the head of the island to the Illinois shore, and by natural deposits the remaining space bet weed the island and the original western lino of Itut’z farm has been entirely filled up, so that the watsr’s edge is now not nt Rutz’.s original western boundary, but at the west side of what was once Arsenal Island. In 1884 Rutz brought suit in the St. Clair County Circuit Court to eject Seeger from posses sion, claiming all accretion ou this shore frontageand riparian ownership to the centre of the river. The corporation of the city of St. Louis appeared in court at Belleville, was made a defendant in the suit as the actual owner, and had the case transferred to the Federal Court in this city. Tile defense is that the island has merely impinged upon Rutz’sfarm, is not a natural accretion and is entitled to move on again if the government will take its dike away; that it rests there as a deposit upon the bottom and that Rutz never iiad any ownership in the bed of the stream, but owned only to the water’s edge as it stool before the island migrated from Missouri to Illinois. The books present no case like this and its decision will be an original contribution to American jurispru dence. It is a lake-front, case with extra ordinary features of its own. POVERTY IN EUROPE. Four Thousand Children Starving in Vienna—Some of Them Dead. From the London Standard. An inquiry recently instituted into the condition of the Vienna poor attending the elementary schools resulted in appalling dis closures. Upward of 4,000 children were suffering from the pangs of hunger, some of them being on the verge of starvation. A long list of heartrending cases came to light, and no doubt was left that not a few of the unfortunate little ones had died of inanition. The intelligence, heralded abroad through the local press, at once became sensational, and the starving school children are now the idols of the hour. The children, cross-examined by a relief committee, corroborated the evidence already taken. It transpired that their principal food consisted of dry bread and occasionally a little weak soup or coffee. It is quite true that some of them affirmed that they were habitually given a glass of spirits to stifle the cravings of their appe tite and to keep out the cold. One boy positively stated that his father was a good man, and that when he could not give nim anything to eat he let him drink as much gin as he liked. "Ja, ja,” exclaimed his school-fellows, “and that is wliy you often come drunk to school.” The parents of the starving children are for the most part day laborers, though some undoubtedly belong to a less respectable class. As soon as the work of relieving the children was taken in hand subscriptions were opened at the editorial offices of the metropolitan press. Seldom has an appeal to public charity been more readily and more generously responded to. The poorer classes have largely contributed. The popular newspapers are full of adver tisements from people who cannot spare much money, but who offer to give one or two children their dailv food. Almost all these advertisements add that applications can be mode without distinction of religion. All the hotel and restaurant keepers are feeding a certain number of hungry chil dren every day. Weather Indications, I - " Special indications for Georgia: FAIR l’ llll ' weather, stationary tempera ____ ture, light south to west winds. Comnarlssn of mean temperature at Savan nah, Nov. 14 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. j Departure ! Total Mean Temperature I from the Departure Mean Since for 15 years Nov. 14. 'B7. j -I- or jJan. 1,1587. 58.0 | 61.0_ | -I- 3.0 | 594.0 Comparative rainfall statement: Mem, Daily Amount I Amount Tor for , Mean g incß lb s ears. Nov. 14, .j or _ j an . p iss7. dir I 01 : .06 I—l 217 Maximum temperature 68. minimum tern peiuture 52 The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time! was 6 4 feet—a fall of 0.1 during the past twenty-four nours. Observations taken at the spine moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Nov. 14, 9:86 p. m.. city time. Temperature, j I Direction. I f? I I * Velocity. I P | Rainfall Name o Stations. Portland I 88;.., y.. j... (Cloudy. Boston I 44 S |.. j lFuir. Block Island I 52 8 E Cloudy. New York city ... 50 8 T' Cloudy. Philadelphia 50 S .1 .01 Cloudy. Detroit 50; S j.. 01 Cloudy. Fort Buford. 3!,NW,..j ...Clear. St. Vincent 28 W Clear. Washington city.. 40 8 |..| 01 Ruining. Norfolk 50 S 54 ltaming. Charlotte 50 8 W T* Clear. Hattoras 62 S ti 00 Cloudy. Titusville 6t> W o ...clear, Wilmington 58 SW .. —Clear. Charleston 00 W 8 Clear. Augusta 54.S W; . Clear. Havavnah 60 S W ti!,Clear. Jacksonville 04 B\V 8J .01 .Clear. Cellar Keys 04 IV ... Clear. Key West 74 N\V u Fair. Atlanta 50 \V Pi ,Clear. Pensacola 62 \V Clear. Mobile W W 0 ... Clear. .Montgomery ... 60 8W . . Clear. Vicksburg 80 W ..!.. Clear. Now Orleans 62 W 8 Clear. Shreveport 00 W|„ Clear. Fort Smith 6 j Clear. Galveston. 01 S W Clear. Corpus Christl,... 00| S 0 . Clear. Palestine 64 W Clear. Brownesville. 62 N K. ( dear. RloUrando 01 W Clear. Knoxville ! St W , |.... Clear. Memphis I ss! W j . . Clear. Nashville : sl!j W jSmoky. Indianapolis 4. 8 T* Cloudy. Cincinnati 4 N\V Cloudy. Pittsburg 40; 8 j..| 16 Fair. Buffalo 50! S .. 12 Uaiuing, Cleveland 4 ’ W .. T* Fair. Marquette 08 N K 02 Cloudy. Chicago 42 8 W Cloudy. Duluth. 86 8 Ei..j 01 I Paining. St. Paul 40 .... j T* < :loudy. Davenport 38 j.. [Clear. Cairo.. 50 N ~j Clear. St. Louis 44 NW .. Clear. laia ven worth... 44 Clear. Omaha ..| 41 S ! .j... Clear. Yankton |3sß El i Clear. Bismarck 38 N ..! . /Clear. Deudwood | 42 S W . .Clear. Cheyenne 50 NW Clear. North Platte ... . 52 \V Clear. Dodge City ! 40 NW Clear. bautaFe.... | 40 N i..l....|ciear. *T denotes trace of rainfall. G. N. SAi.tsauav Signal Corps. ON RAiL AND CRO3STIE. Local and General Gossip in Railway Circles. The books of the Southern Pacific rail way show that during July, August and September 17,000 passengers went to Cali fornia from tiie East and 44,000 came East. The Wall Street Daily Sews says the re sult of the Richmond and West Point Termi nal directors’ last meeting was the nomina tion of R. P. Flower and Mr. Rockefellar as directors of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia. India Railway Mileage. In the year ending March 31, 1887, 1,014 miles of railroad were built in India, the largest year’s work of that kind ever done there except, in 1884-85. The total railway mileage of Inuia is only about one-tenth as great, us that of the United States. But the fact that its mileage has doubled in each of the past two decades shows that India is dis playing a very creditable amount of activi ty in this direction. The World’s Steam Engines. According to the Berlin Bureau of Statis tics there is in the world the equivalent of 40,000,000 horse-power in steam engines, 3,000,000 being ill locomotives. In engines other than locomotives the United States comes first with 7,500,000h0r5e-power; Eng land next with 7,000,000 horse-p ower; Ger many, 4,500.000 horse-power; France, 8,000,- 000 horse-power, and Austria 1,500,000. Four-fifths of the steam engines now in op eration are said to have been built within the last twenty-five years. Liability of Sleeping Car Companies. A passenger who had purchased a ticket entitling him to ride in a sleeping car from Marshall to Dallas, enterel the car at Mar shall, taking with him his valise, contain ing articles necessary to a traveler, and deposited the valise ou the floor of the smoking-room, a fact which was known to tho porter. At Terrell the train was delayed on account of a wreck. * The pas senger went to the telegraph office to ascer tain how long the train would be delayed. He was gone a short time, and when he came back his valise was gone. He brought suit against the sleeping car company for the recovery of the value of the valise and its content-, and a judgment in his favor was sustained by the Supremo Court of Texas. The court held that “while a sleep ing car company is not liable as a common carrier or an innkeeper, yet it is its clear duty to use reasonable care to guard the passengers from theft, and if through the want of such care the personal effects of a passenger, such as he might reasonably carry with him, are stolen, the company is liable therefor.” Railways In Mexico. There has been a notable increase of rail way mileage in Mexico within a few years. Twenty years ago there were only about thirty miles of railway in the whole coun try ; ten years ago the mileage had reached only 676 miles, and as recently as 1880 it was but 987 miles. The following year this had grown to 2.000 miles, and the spirit of progress which had then begun to be in fused by enteiprising citizens of the United States has shown remarkable results, within seven years nearly 3,000 miles of completed railways having been added, while a very considerable addition of mileage is now un der construction and much more is pro jected. A few comparisons will be suggestivs in this connection. Mexico has now only about one mile of railway to every 200 square miles of area. To show as large a mileage compared to area as that of Ne braska Mexico must have 45,000 miles of road. To compare with Illinois her rail way system must be increased to 127,000 miles, and to equal Massachusetts in this re spect she must have over 182,000 miles of lines. Evidently there is room for the rail way bu ilder in our sister republic. The Ohio State Authorities Examine the Baking Powuers—> earching In vestigation as to their Merits. CLEVELAND’S THE BEST. The Commission appointed by the Ohio Legislature to examine food products has made its report on baking powders. The State Chemist, Prof. Weber, analyzed thirty different brands. Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder is in point of merit at the head of the list of all the cream of tartar baking powders. It contains the most cream of tartar and produces the largest amount of carbonic acid gas, the leavening agont. The following from the official re port will enable the public to form an in telligent opinion from unprejudiced and wholly disinterested sources, of the com parative merits of two of the powders ex amined: CLEVELAND’S. Carbonic Acid Gas 12.80 per ct. Bicarbonate of Soda 26.12 “ t b eam of Tartar .... . 54.70 “ Starch 9.00 “ Residuum 10.18 “ 100.00 •royal. Carbonic Acid Gas 11.80 per ct. Bicarbonate of Soda . 25.21 “ Cream of Tartar 50.44 “ Starch 17.10 “ Residuum 7.25 “ 100.00 -This powder contained a small percentage of ammonium carbonate, which was calculated as bicarbonate of soda above. It will lie seen from this report that Cleveland’s is entirely free from ammonia, and contains considerably more cream of tartar (the expensive ingredient of a pure baking powder) and yields more leavening gas than the Royal. Seven United States Senators spent the sum mer in Europe. They were rahner.Stockbridge, Hale, Frye. Spooner, Aldrich and Hawley. Sen ator Fainvell is now in Europe. State op Weather HOUSE ANI NON PAINTING. T. E. BROUGHTON &MT House, Sign and Ornamental Painling, - DKALKR3 IN— PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ETC. Estimates furnished and work guaranteed. Knights of Pythias' Building, 44 1-2 Bar nard Street, Savannah, Ga. PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER.” ORDERS FOR RULING. PRINTING, BINDING, OR BLANK BOOKS, Will always have careful attention. GEO. N. NICHOLS. PRINTER AND BINDER, 3;4 Bay Street. WOOD. A.S.BA CON, Planine Mill, Lumber and Wood Yard, Lilierty and East Brood sta., Havannah, ria. ALL Planing .Mill work correctly and prompt ly done. Good slock Dressed and Hough 1 .umber, FIRE WOOD, Oak, Plue, Lightwood and Lumber Kindlin’re. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. BURKE. The friends and acquaintance of Mr. .lowa Burke, James Burke, Edward Burke and Mrs. Surah Burke, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former at 3:30 p m. TUESDAY, from the First African Baptist Church. MEETINGS. THE tTfATHA.>I MUTUAL LOAN ASSO C’IATIOY The 70th regular monthly meeting of Series B. will be held at Metropolitan Hall, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at 8 o’clock. R. D. OUERARD, President. Wm D. Harden. Secretary NOTICE. The “Clam" Committee of Stockholders of the TYBEE RAILWAY COMPANY will meet at train at 10 o'clock a. at. city time, sharp, THIS DAY (Tuesday) to perfect arrangements and re ceive report of your Chairman. JNO. O. BUTLER. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisement* inserted under “Special Notices” will be charged $1 00 a Square each insertion. FOR HE V I FOKT' S, C STEAMER POPE CATLIN will leave on THURSDAY, Nov. 17th, at 30 o'clock a. m. from Steamer Katie’s wharf, and will make two trips a week thereafter, of which notice will be given. Freights received to day. H. A. STROBAR, Manager, SPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah, Nov. 14th, 1887. The late firm of OCTAVUS COHEN AND COMPANY was dissolved on the 10th inst. by the death of Mr. Octavos Cohen. CLAVIUS PHILLIPS, Surviving Copartner. NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against har boring or trusting any of the crew of the Ger man steamship DONAR, as neither the Captain nor Consignees will be responsible for any debts contracted by them. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Consignees. NOTICE. Neither the Captains nor Consignees of the British barks BAROMA, Thomas, Master, or TIKOMA. Pugh, Master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crews of said vessels. HOLST A CO- Agents, NOTICE. bills against the British steamship WYLO, Rogers, Master, must be presented at our office by or before 12 o’clock midday, THIS DAY, the 15th Nov., or payment thereof will be de barred. A. MINIS A SONS, Consignees. TURNER HALL. THURSDAY NIGHT, Nov. 17, a grand Wrest ling Match between GREEK GEORGE and BILL RAIN, Groeco-Roman and Catch-as-catch can. Greek George is to throw his opponent four times to win the match, or forfeits 875 and 26 per cent, gate money. Admission 25c., 50c., and sl. Sparring matches will take place. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice Is hereby given to any and all parties interested in the British steamship RESOLUTE and the wet cotton lately discharged therefrom that in default of any advice from the parties interested, I will, in accordance with the recom mendation of the Board of Survey, proceed to sell said wet cotton, at public auction, for ac count of whom it may concern, on FRIDAY, the 18th inst. R. C. REAVLEY. Master British Steamship Resolute. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 12, 1887. SPECIAL NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given to any and all parties interested in the British steamship NAPLES and or her cargo of cotton, that in consequence of the recommendation of the Board of Survey and the decision of the Naval Court in the mat ter of complaint before them, the wet cotton lately discnarged from my vessel will not be reloaded upon said ship and carried forward to Liverpool. Dut said cotton is held here su! >ject to the disposition of parties interested, upon satisfaction of the liens existing thereon. As said cotton is daily deteriorating prompt action is desired, in order that further interposi tion on my part may be unnecessary. C. RULFFS, Master British Steamship Naples. Savannah, Ga., Nov. Kith. 1887. ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist. Savannah. Ga. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES AND CAP TAINS OF VESSELS. Optics Health Officer, I Savannah. Ua., Nov. 1, INB7. f From Nov. Ist to May Ist, unless otherwise ordered, Captains of vessels having clean records, will be allowed to come to the city alter their vessels have been inspected by the Quaran tine Officer. Captains of vessels which are subjected to un ballasting at the Quarantine Station, will re turn to their vessels when unballasting is com menced, and there remain until this work is completed, in order to expedite same. J. T. McFABLANI), M. D„ Health Officer. NOTICE. Savannah, (5a., Nov. 3, 1887. The shareholders of the GERMANIA FIRE COMPANY, of .Savannah, Ga., are hereby noti fied to present their shares within thirty days from date, to the undersigued to receive their pro rata from the sale of the Germania Fire Com pany s Building. Office hours from 10 until 1 o'clock at 147 Con gress street JOSEPH ROOS, President. SADDLERY. ETC. STcGLASHAN SADDLERY CO. 187 BROUGHTON ST., UNDER TURNER HALL, MANUFACTURERS * DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Saiiry, Harness, lips, HORSE CLOTHING, ETC. A FULL LINE OF Scotch. Irish and Concord Team Collars. W will duplicate any Northern or Western bill of hand-made Harness, and warrant xaus faction. Trunks Covered, Harness and Saddle** Repaired, anti first rate workmanship guaran teed. Come and nee us and give us a trial. • ■■■■■■l I ■mi I W ■ DISSOLUTION. isr oTiei:. 1 JN and after the 10th instant the business now conducted by me will be carried on by Messrs. T. J. DAVIS & CO., and l beg for the new firm the patronage of ray many friends who have been so liberal to me, and feel assured that the now llrin will give them the Hme at tention as they received from mo, Mr. DAVIS having been my head man for the past four years. Messrs. T. J. DAVIS and J. G. HARDEE are authorized to collect all bills due the retiring Hrm. 0. S. McAI.PIN. AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE. TWO -NTGTTXS ONLY. MONDAY nod TUESDAY, Nov. 14 and 15. THE GREATEST MUSICAL COMEDY ON RECORD. Two Old Cronies! Rendered by the Great Wills Henshaw and Ten BroecL / At. the Head of the Most Powerful Vocal and Comedy Artists Ever Engaged for One Play. A Production Brimful of Bright, Catchy Original Music, Besides Selections from the Latest Opera. Seats on sale at DAVIS BROS’., Nov. 12. Next Attraction-THE WORLD, Nov. 16 and 17_ SAVANNAH THEATRE. TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY! THURSDAY. Y ’ | NOV. 16, 17. Spectacular production of the reigning Dramatic Sensation, THEWORLD In 6 Acts and 8 Tableaux. 810,000 for Scenery and Effects Alone. THE following scenes are all entirely new: The Harbor ana Shipping, Deck of an Ocean Steamer at Sea, The Sinking Ship. The Raft, oc cupying 10,000 feet of canvass and covering the entire stage from wall to wall with its surging waves and terrible realism. The Garden of Sicily, The Lunatic Asylum, The Revolving Scene, The Beautiful Moving Panorama and Ex quisitely Beautiful Effect, The Moon Upon tne Lake, The Hotel Parlor, etc. America's I avorite Sensitive Actor and Artist, .1. Z. LITTLE, and a Company of unexceptionable ability. NOTE.— Every scene produced as advertised. Seats on sale at Davis Bros.’ Nov. 15. Next Attraction-Helen Blythe, Nov. 21. 22. THANKSGIVING AT THUNDERBOLT. A TROTTING RACE —OVER THE— THUNDERBOLT PARK COURSE —FOR— A PERSE OF SIOO. OPEN to all Savannah Horses that have not beaten three minutes. Fifty dollars to first, S3O to second, S2O to third horse. Three or more to enter, same to start. Fee fifteen per cent, of purse. Entries to close on Saturday, Nov, 19th, at 6 o’clock, with M. J. DOYLE, Market square. A. R. ALTMAYER <fc CO. FRIENDS: Afrer a protracted struggle we have just consummated the purchase of FOURTEEN THOUSAND-SI4,OQC —worth of Dress Goods and Cloaks, including the very latest in Combina tion Suits, Wraps, Etc,, at a figure that will enable us to TIP THEM OUT LIVELY. These Goods were the stock of one of the largest houses that needed the money and was ready to sacrifice for it. We consider the pur chase a MASTER STOKE on our part, and we want our friends to have af i nger in the pie. We wish also to state that in addition to the above we propose to inaugurate a General Sale in nearly every department in the house. Prices quoted are stricly for this week only. SENSATION No. 1. 1 Lot ASSORTED DRESS GOODS, in Stripes, Checks, Solids. Etc., Etc., single and double fold, all the new fall shades, price 12hc.; positively good value at 23c. SENSATION No. 2. 1 Lot, the newest triumph in ALL WOOL CAMEL'S HAIR CLOTH, Ho to 45 inches wide, in Stripes, Checks, and all t he very latest shades, price 85c. This lot is a decided sensation and would be considered cheap at 75c. SENSATION No. 3. 1 Lot LADIES’ BEAUTIFUL OTTOMAN SILK SHORT WRAPS, trimmed with elegant beaded ornaments, silk lined and edged with fur, price gll 08; really cheap at 820. SENSATION No. 4. 1 Lot LADIES’ IMPORTED PLUSH SHORT WRAPS, the very cream of hie-h grade goods, with plush ornaments, satin lined and elegantly made, price sl7 98; actually worth $.*45. SENSATION No. 5. 1 Lot BOYS’ EVERYDAY ROUGH AND READY SUITS, two pairs Pants and a Polo Cap to each Suit, price $3 48; are cheap at $5. SENSATION No. 6. 1 Lot LADIES’ AMERICAN KID AND GOAT BUTTON BOOTS, (strictly solid), newest sty 14 lasts, silk worked burton holes, C. D. and E. widths, sizes to 8, price 48; excellent value for $2. We still continue the sale af the GENUINE CENTEMERI KII) GLOVES at the following unapproachable prices: 8 BUTTON 00c. 5 BUTTON TAN SHADES Si 25. 5-BUTTON BLACK 150. Bear in mind that the above broods arc not a lot made tip on purpose to sell cheap: they are goods of STERLING MERIT, and we guarantee that they are exactly as represented. Now fire away and bring down your game. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, A. R. ALTffIAYER k CO. t W'Mail orders receive careful and prompt attention. FURNISHING GOODS. Stitdied Back f kite liids FOE DRESSING. DENT’S CELEBRATED KID AND DRIVING GLOVES. UNDRESSED KID GLOVES, SHADES OF TAN. EMBROIDERED FRONT DRESS SHIRTS. LIGHT COLORED SCARFS FOR EVENING WEAR. WHITE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, ANY INITIAL EMBROIDERED. DUNLAP'S AND NASCIMENTO’S ELEGANT STYLES IN SILK AND DERBY HATS. BOYS’ DERBY'S. CHILDREN’S CAPS AND HATS. GLORIA CLOTH UMBRELLAS IN GOLD AND SILVER HEADS. DRESSING GOWNS AND SMOKI NO JACKETS. BUGGY ROBES AND FUR HUGS. CHILDREN’S KID AND FUR-TOP GLOVES. LADIES’ RIDING HATS AND GLOVES. DR. WARNER’S SANITARY UNDERWEAR —AND— BUCKSKIN WEATHER VESTS, ALL SIZES. BLACK HALF .HOSE, WHITE KIDS, LAWN BOWS AND SCARES. A FULL LINE OF GOODS FOB EVENING WEAR AT La FAR'S, U r/LJ_, STKKJiIT. BOY S’ CLOTHIMG> CARPET’S, ETc Daniel Slogan. MIS’ Ml! W E wili P lace on on MOND AY morn t V ING 500 as handsome Bovs' Si tits as ran be found south of New York, Prices of tailor made and perfect-fitting suits are i'or better grades $6 SO, $, 60. $8 60, $!) and $9 50. Also a large variety, fully 500, just as durabl# but not as fine, at the following prices • ! rV $2 26, $2 60, $3, $3 50. $4, $1 50 and so. SPECIAL SALE OF Tapestry and Ingrain■ Carpets DURING THE ENSUING WEEK. One lot Tapestry Carpets at 65a per yard One lot 3-Piy All Wool Carpets at 85c np . yard. 1 Onolot All Wool Extra Supers at 60c oar yard. * One lotlngrain Carpets at 55c. pier yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 50c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 40a per yard One lot Ingrain Ca-pets at 22*4c. per yard. 500 Smyrna Rugs RANGING PRICE FROM 85c. Each to $lO. Canton Matting. 100 rolls fresh Canton Matting, ranging m price from 20c. to 50c. per yard. Special Bargains Will also be found in the following goods during this week: Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Cloaks Shawls, Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Bed Cinnforts. Underwear’ Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ladles’ and Gents’ Silk Umbrellas, etc., etc. Daniel Hogan. BUY GOODS, Eli. Special Sale OF LINENS AND Housekeeping H& In our centre counter we will exhibit for this week the most extensivp and attractirt stock of Linens and Housekeeping Goodsto be found in any house in this city. All grades of Irish, (Scotch, Carman and Barns ley Table Damasks, % and J, Damask Nap kins. Damask and Hack Towels in plain and knotted lr riges. Plain White, Turkey and Colored Bordered Fringed Doylies. Cardinal and Turkey I bed Fringed Tabla Covers, in all sizes. Honeycomb aud Marseilles I Quilts, Blankets <6 Comforkl nnrm lI ) lot of ID-inch DoubJ \rrl 111 l SATIN DA MASK at Sir, ■ kjl LiVLIL j aud97c.;worthsl&fl2iH CROIIAS & DOONEBJ Successors to R F. McKEN" VAAOJiL—. I BELT GREASE; I To Mill Menl TURNER’S TRACTION I BELT GREASE I -AND- D Belting Preservative! Softens Leather and Makes Rubber Belting H More Durable. H This Grease effectually prevents slipping, reu- ■ ders the belts adhesive, heavy aud pliable •*" H will add one third to the power of the b lit H Its use enables the belt to oe run loot# ww B have same power. H —FOR SALE BY — B PALMER BROTHERS! SAVANNAH. I Recommended by H DALE, DIXON * CO.. . | J. W. TYNAN ■ and many REAL ESTATE. I W. J. MARBUAIA. H. A- M' l -* MARSHALL & McLEODf Auciioo and General Commission Mercbnts, ■ ■—DEALERS IN— H Real Estate and Stocks and flow® 11GV6 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ■ ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING o*i HOUSES AND COLLECTING RENTS. ■ , Empty Syrup Barrel* -FOR SALE BY- I C. M. GILBERT & CC ■ §; COR.|BAY AND BARNARD STS.