The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 15, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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TWO POEMS "Written Upon the Same Theme- One Never Eeiore Published. Savannah, Not. 'lo. — Editor Morning Xews : By the recent death of ill s. Anthony | Barclay, I am remuuiud of a fact which is 1 cnowu, probably, to but few of your leaders, namely: That she was a writer of ] wire than ordinary ability. Mr. Barclay, some \ earn befftre his death, • ,ent me from the North, us a gift, a copy of If he poems of John G. Saxe, and, in a note ."informing me of his having ordered the vol •>111110 sent me by the publisher, lie called my attention to one of the poems in it entitled “L<>ve and Folly,” remarking that Mis. bad some years before token t!ie jkune theme as the Stasis of a poem of her own. He then put me in the way <xf secur ing a manuscript copy of his wife’s lines, which copy, in his handwriting, ami with 1 iotes written by himself, has been .in my • .ossession ever since. I do not thin k the p oem has ever been published, and sand a ,py herewith that you may, if you see tit, ~j ve vour readers the benefit of it. I also (tend r. Base’s, ill order that the one may bo toi iipared with the other, venturing .the opinion, at the same time, that Mrs. Bnr g’s literary reputation will not suffer by the; comparison. 'Vit. Harden. AN ALLEGORY, BY MBS. BARCLAY. Onea a Juno and Apollo once united To ha ve the goddesses and gods invited To n* iet them on Parnassus’ top, To v lk. and talk, and have a hop. Fir t came great Jove, in thunder loud, With 1 ightning flashing from each cloud, When next appeared old Neptune s car, And tl ,en brave Mars, the God of War. Bacc'li is. and Saturn, all were there, To mnike their homage to the jiair. Yet : itill no female form is seen But oyal Juno's. Jove's great queen. Apol Jo sought in vain around: No i I her goddess graced the ground. He t hen of Hermes did demand Wha i meant this slight to his command; For then, as now, "twos understood Bv b kb and low, by bad and good, W’he t gods and kings send invitation Nont i have the right of a negation. Til' n out stept Mercury, to make excuses, With cap in hand, and wing'd caducous, And. .’bowing lowly at Apollo's feet, He and U the following tale repeat: •"Fie Graces, to make Love more charming, Had beck'd his brow at early morning With roses dip’t in sparkling dew, With buds and flowers of every hue That bloom lieneath fair Flora's care, To plea so the eye or scent the air. A mann’e sweet aud rare was wove. By cunn insr hands, for little Love; But, in ftheir baste to dress the boy <Tho’ Thi lia puts the blame on Joy), By some i nischance, one must suppose, A thorn v> as left beuenth the rose. Between ,1 ark Cirrha and Castalia’s fount Cupid and .Folly had a falling out. Their quart el to such height arose That from Scarp words they came to blows; Folly, in her extreme vexation, To show coni empt and indignation, Hid rudely sit ze the scented baud. And stamp't ft l the moistened sand." Here Herron 1 stop't. with grief oppressed, A deep sob rising from his breast: ‘ May none apifalfrom your behest: Forgive my teai\s, excuse my sighs— The tlinru has toM'. out both Love's eyes! Venus, of coiu-se, then cannot come. The Graces she wi\ want at home; The others, with the nine fair Muses, Have, one and all, s<\nt their excuses, Saying they’d not e'e\> visit Jove, Nor any god, without t weet Love. Now, need I paint the great dismay Which rested on each faye • hat day, When Folly’s crime wasVmblic known, And Love’s misfortune ftk’ly shown? Up rose each god, with A 'tigeance dread, To wreak it all on Folly's hyad. *T'he boy-god’s father stood Afhast, Then from his clarion blew a\ blast Whirl) told them all. both nets" and far, "flare not to tempt the God of. War." Juno, to quell this great eomnnxtion, Called all to show their true devotion By letting her. the only female tlyre, Pass sentence on this contumacious pair— in fact* she said, as Queen of Heaven, To her tfie right belonged, and shoukl be given. So, with a little slight demurring, They gave consent, anti, all concurring. They vowad them, by the sacred Styx, To bide by what she e’er should fix Now she is seated on her throne of state. All dread to learn what may be Folly’s fate, For still thov bear in mind the horrid doom Which sent Ner rival to her early tomb. With roval grace she raised her sceptre high, And bade the Assembled throng draw nigh, “You, Iris, quickly bear my mandate forth, From east to west, from south to north, That all the living- world may know What troubles wait on man below— Hence be it Folly's .Vsk to rove Through all the work! a guide to Love’.’’ The gods. then, by their acclamation, Gave their consent and approbation. Thus now 'tis shown, wiyrever Love may be, The goddess Folly one is V’U'e to see. LOVE AND A'OLLY. BY JOHN O. S.VIE. Cupid, you know, is paint >(d blind; The reason it were hard to' flnd. Unless, indeed, we may suppose The fable of La Fontame show s, Beyond a reasonable doubt, How the misfortune came abevt. 'Tis said that on a certain day. As Love and Folly were at play, They fell into a warm debate Upon a point of little weight, Until, so high the quarrel rose. From angry words they came to blows. Love, little used to warlike arts (Have with his famous bow and darts). Although he fought with all his might, Was quickly vanquished in the fight; Miss Polly dealt him such a slap Across the face, the little chap Fell in a swoon, and woke to find He could not see!—the boy was blind 1 Now when his doting mother came To know the case, the angry dame Behaved as any mother might tv hose only son had lost his sight . V.Tiate'er had caused the dreadful deed. Malicious aim, or want of heed, Such wrath in heaven was Seldom seen As Venus showed in speech and mien. She stunned Olympus with her cries For vengeance, “What! put, out his eyes! M.v precious Cupid 1 Let tho jade Straight down to Orcus be conveyed! That justice may bo duly done On her who maimed my darling son, And left the lad, bereaved of sight, To grope iu everlasting night!’' While Ve.nus thus for vengermee prayed On Folly—thoughtless, haplesp maid— Great Jove convenes a special court To hear the case and make report. In solemn council long they sit To judge what penalty is fit The crime to answer; and. bes&de Some restitution to provide (If aught, indeed, they can devise) For Master Cupid's ruined eyes. And thus, at last', it was decreed That Folly, for her wicked deed, In part the damage should restore By leading Cupid evermore 1 l'knvoi. And so it comes that still we see The maid where’er the boy may Be; Jxjve still is blind; and Folly still Directs the urchin where she will. MISS ADA DODD CAN SHOOT. It was Lucky for a Certain Tramp That She Didn’t Notch Hia Bar. From the New Yor Situ. Falling Waters, Pa., Nov. 11.—Miss Ada Dodd is the handsome 16-year-old daughter of Capt. David Dodd, who lives near this place. She keeps house for her father and brother, aud is known as the i>est shot with rilie or shcMgun anywhere in the region. A few days ago she was alone in the house, when a villainous looking tramp slouched up, seated himself in a chair on the porch, and ordered the girl to get him some dinner She went intp the house and took down her double-barreled rillo and told the tramp to leave. “Bah!” he replied, “I ain’t, afraid of any woman shooting. You can’t bluff me." At that moment a chicken ran across tlw yard. When it was several rods away and still on the run Miss Dodd bought the rifle to her shoulder aud filled. The chicken fell dead. The hall had cut its hand square off. The girl looked around to not* the effect of her snot on the tramp. He was half way across the yard and making for the fence, with his tattered coat tails straight out be hind him. He never stopped or looked back as far as ho could be seen flying down the road. “I puller! up to notch his ear the other bullet as he got over the fence," said Mis? Ada, in tolling her f ther of the inci dent, “but I hail to laugh so to see hi in scoot thm, I couldn’t take aim.” GRAIN AND PVO VISIONS. JL. 18. hull; Wholesale Grocer, Flour, flay, Grain and Provision Dealer. 17R1CSH MEAL and GRITS in white sacks. 1 Mill stuffs of all kinds. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also CO IV PEAS, every variety. Choice Texas Ked bust Proof Oats. Special prices car load lotg HAY aniKGRAJN Prompt attention givou all orders ane. 1 satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, r> ABERCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE, No. 4 WADLEY STREET, on line Central Railroad. feedT' HAY, GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF FEIED —fob stock AND CATTLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Private Family Trade* —ALSO— FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND PRODUCE. 169 BAY STREET, W. D. SIMKINS & CO. BAKER'S ( Of OA. " gold MEDAL, PAR 15,13717 BAKER’S ©JeafflCocoa. Warranted absolutely pure 4KK Cocoa, from which the excess of jjvx Oil has been removed. It has three off IhvYi tones the strength of Cocon mized iH i I 11 i-W with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, t ch I 1* Vvli\ and is therefore far more econora i ell Jt t| imm ical, coating less than one cent a MS | n|n oup. It is delicious, nourishing. Bfl J |S 1 1 strengthening, easily digested, fjoj I Pi! |l an<l admirably adapted for invai- f II as well as for persons in health. Sold by Oroccra everywhere. W, BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. ~ TYIM-l-TV REFERS. F S3 aeS t—< s— oo Does the work of one costing SIOO. Indorsed by LEADING BUSINESS MEN. GEO. BECKER & CO., 30 Great Jones St., New York City. Send for Circular. LEGAL NOTICES. (A EORGIA, Chatham County. In Chatham T Superior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac D, Laßoche, .Henry Love, Abraham Backer. I. Franklin Dozier, Win. E. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche V’-- Choppin, Arthur D. Chop*pin, George R. V-eard, Emma Estelle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgi on, Agnes B. Hodg son, (jeorge H. Hodgson, and Joseph C. Hodg son: ELIZABETH A. RILEY hi ving presented to me a pet it ion in writing, wVierem she alleges that a certain deed to lots aud 12 in Stephen ward, in the city af Savannah, was made by ISAAC D. LaROCHE end SAMUEL P. BELL, acting as Commissioners under a decree in equity in Chatham Superior l ourt, wherein you were parties, or are t\ 'presentatives of parties, or are interested adversely to her title to said lots of land, which said deed, a copy of which in substance is attael ed to said petition and duly sworn to, bears di\te the flth day of June. ISfiO, and the original of which deed said petitioner claims has been Jyst or de stroyed, and she wishes said copy established in lieu of said lost original. You are hereby commanded to show cause, if any you can, at t\je next Superior Court to be held in ait l for Viid county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, why said copy deed should not he established in lieu of the lost or destroyed original. And it further appearing that some of you, to wit: Abraham Backer, L. Franklin Dozier, Wm. E. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dover Pressley, Blanche E. Choppin, Ar mor B. Cxoppin, George R. Beard, Emma Es telle HodjVun, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodgson, G.Vh'ge H. Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson reside outside of the State of Georgia, It is therefore further ordered that you so re sesidiug outside of the State of Georgia be served by a publication of said rule nisi for three months befi ve the next term of said court to wit: Three mouths before the FIRST MON DAY' IN DECEMBEH NEXT in the Savannah Morning News, a public gazette of this State, published in this county. Witness the Honorable A P. Adams. Judge of said Court, this 21th day of August, A. D. issr. baKn vrd e. bee, Clerk S. 0., C. C. R. R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT’, Attorneys f'V Petitioners. A true copy of the original rude nisi issued in the above case. BA RN A \ 1, 1 E. BEE, Cler.t U. C„ C. C. Cv EORGIA, Chatham County..— Notice is X hereby given to all parties having de mands against HA) TIE J. DONl'J.t. Y, late of Chatham county, now deceased, to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amounts; and all persons indebted to svid deceased are hereby required to make immedi ate payment to me. WILLIAM H. PAYNE, Administrator Estate of Hattie J. Donelly, de ceased. Novkmiifh 14th. lEB7. f i EORGIA. Chath am County.— Whereas, JORDAN F. BROOKS, County Administra tor.has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of LYDIA BROUGHTON, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to Us and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) oo or before the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEM BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fimnu.t., Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 3!st day of October, IW. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerfc C. 0., C .C. _ Ct EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas, 1 MORD ABRAMS has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of Administration oil theestote of JACOB J. ABRAMIS, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern to lie and ap pear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the .FIRST MONDAY IN DECEM BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fbrbhx, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of October, 1137. I’HILrP M. RUSSELL. Jn., Clerk C. 0., C. C. ( \ EORGIA, Chatham County.— Whereas, ljT ALFRED L. PARTRIDGE has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administra tion with the will annexed on the estilte of MARY DkRKNNK. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and odtn pnlsh all whom it may concern to hr- and appear be fore said court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honoeable Hampton L. Fkkriu,, Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 81st day of October, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL. Jr., _ Clerk C. O. C. C. o TATE OF GEOROT A. Chatham County Whereas, the estatd of SARAH McELU GOTT is unrepresented in terms of the law. These are therefor* to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern that administration on said estate cum testamento annexo will bo vested In the County Administrator or some other fit and nroner Peru >n unless objr tiions are filed on or before tho FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER NEXT Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ferbiia, Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 81st day of October, RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk U. O- C. C. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1887. DRY GOODS. Priestley’s lacl Dress Goots. YI7E to ftnnounoo that we have iu stock 25 ihlTerent tyles of the celebrated English mnnii > ▼ fmurer, EKIESTLEV. These goods arc a.s well known anions ladies as Coates’ Spool Col ton and we t herefore take pleasure in calling attention to them. Thev comprise iu part ot: V lUI ll.ll'l liuu: IZII (Will I U 111 culling Mil' fv. ' -- - - J 1 PRIESTLEY .3 Silk Warp Henrietta (Toih at 750.. $1 and $1 25. PRIESTLEY'S Ravenna Cloth, entirely new this season. PRIESTLEY'S Prap de Alma, always desirable. PRIESTLEY’S Melrose Cloth, a beautiful design. PRIESTLEY'S Panama Cloth: this is tin exceedingly handsome cloth. PRIESTLEY' S Black lmlia Cloth; everybody admirer it. PRIESTLEY'S Silk Warp Melrose Cloth. PRIESTLEY'S Black Diagonal Cloth. PRIESTLEY'S Black Hortense ('loth. PRIESTLEY'S Satin Striped Cloth. PRIESTLEY'S All Wool Nun's Veiling. PRIESTLEY’S Silk Warp Nun's Veiling. PRIESTLEY'’S Cashmere de Inde; extraordinarily beautiful. We call attention to the fact that our prices are strictly the lowest in the market, and invite ladles to examine these goods and compare prices. There Is nothing out this season in FANCY DRESS GOODS Which we have not in sto*k. We claim that our Dress Goods stock is superior to anything 3'et seen in this city, and we claim to be able to sell the i*st odsat such prices at hich only medium 3ualitieß can be purchased elsewhere. We know talk is cheap. We ask you to investigate. If we o not come up to promise we can't make you pure ase. Hence we cordially invite you to call pud satisfy vourself whether our promises are good or not. We have more to risk than you have IVI making this announcement. We risk our reputation. You risk a little of your time. Do You Think We Can Afford to Sham? If we have convinced you of the above facts, we beg you to look through our Silk, Velvet and Plush stocks. OUR BLACK AND COLORED SILKS Are unquestionably of the best wearing Silks in the market. We warrant, every yard to give s tisfaction We have them at all prices. We would kindly you to examine our $1 and Si 25 Silks. We feel that we can justly brag of tnem. You need not buy any, but we would like you to know what we have. Our Silk Plushes and Silk Velvets Are of every shade and hue in plain and fancy designs. We also desire you to sea our Moire Satins. They are very pretty und cheap. Braided and Beaded Trimmings. We have everything in that line to be found only in the most extensive trimming houses in New Y’ork, nnd we also insist that our prices are much below the fancy prices you have to pay for them elsewhere. Our English Walking Jackets, Dolmans, Wraps, Tailor-made, in Plush, Velvet, Silk, Cloth and Fancy Materials, is unsurpassed in style, general make-up, assortment and prices. You cannot afford to purchase elsewhere. It is absolutely necessary that you see our stock anil judge for yourself before purchasing Remember, we do not ask you to take this all in good faith, but 10 investigate what we have said, as it is to your benefit as well as ours. DRUMMER’S SAMPLES. We have purchased a large lot of Drummer’s Samples at 50c. on the dollar, and offer them correspondingly low. They comprise Hand-made Knitted Toboggans, Infant's Sacques, Infant's Caps. Silk and Worsted Stockings and Mitts. Also, a large line of Infant's and Children's Merino Embroidered Sacques and Cloaks. I 2 §: a £ E > S ® c O H S 5* cc (h C v $3 * OUR BAZAR Contains a most superb stock of all kinds of FANCY GOODS: Plush and Leather Work Boxes, Plusb and Leather Manicure Cases. Plush ami Leather Shaving Oases. Fans of the most elegant designs in Lace and Ostrich. Feathers, Bisque and Bronze Figures, aud thousands of other elegant articles suitable for Wedding Presents, etc. This Week We Offer in Our Bazar Two Articles at Special Sale. 100 dozen full regular SEAMLESS BALBRIGGAN LADIES’ HOSE at 10c., which cannot be had elsewhere for less than 25c. 250 dozen 40-iuch DAMASK TOWELS at 10c., worth 25c. David Weisbein, 153 KROUGIITON STHEKT. MILLINERY. KROUSK O FF’S Opening f in Fall ton 1881. However attractive and immense our previous season’s stock in Millinery has been, this season we excel all our previous selections. Every manufacturer and importer of note in the markets of the world is represented in the array, and display of Millinery goods. We are showing Hats in the finest Hatter’s Plush, Beaver, Felt, Straw and Fancy Combinations. Ribbons in Glacee, of all the novel shades. Fancy Birds and Wings, Velvets and Plushes of our own im portation, and we now offer you the advantages of our im mense stock. We continue the retail sale on our first fioor at wholesale prices. We also continue to sell our Celebrated XXX Ribbons at previous prices. TO-DAY, 500 dozen Felt Hats, in all the new shapes and colors, of Qo ppnfc S. KROUSKOFPS MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOUSE, ‘ BROUGHTON STREET. WATCH TUTS SPACE. 1 HAVE WATCHED THIS SPICE! NOW, WHO ARE D. A. ALTO'S SONS ? SASH, DOCKS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Roval Manufacturing Cos. President. SAVANNAH, GA. T - Bect'y and Treaa. LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. MANUFACTURERS of SASH. DOORS. BUNDS, MOULDINGS of all kind* and descriptions CAvSINGH and TRIMMINGS for all classes of dwellings. JPEwS and PEW ENDS of our own desizu and manufacture, T RNED and SCROLL BALUST ERS, ASH HANDLES for Cotton Hooks, CntLING, FLOORING, WAINSCOTTING, SHINGLES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory \ind Mills; Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Whaives BOOTS ANI> SHOES. HERE AGAIN We have been so very busy this week that we could not devote the time to write up our regular advertisement, and hope that you will forgive our seeming neglect and trust that the disappo.ntment will not occur again. The New York, Phil iclcl pliia and Boston steamers have this week brought us very large shipments of goods and hence our store is again stacked with the most desir able line of SHOES ranging in prices that cannot fail to suit your foot, eye or pocket. You ask, are they stylish? Really, what a su perfluous question! We ask you have we ever brought out anything in the Shoe line that was not the most stylish ever seen here? We have deter mined to keep our store jammed with good Shoes and have sent North this week the largest duplicate mail orders for Shoes that have ever been sent out of Savannah. Very truly yours, BYCK BROS. COTTON SHED WANTED. 18 CI^NTS Per Bushel (sl2 per ton) paid for good COTTON SEED Delivered in Carload Lots at Southern Cotton Oil Cos. Mills —AT— SAVANNAH, GA., ATLANTA, GA., COLUMBUS, GA. Priea subject to c)ian?e unless notified of ac ceptunce for certain quantity to be shipped by a future diite. Address nearest mill as above. < IA H I! I BCG. JAEGER System of Sanitary Underwear. UR second DIRECT IMPORTATION of this " / famous and popular UNDERWEAR has just been received through the Savannah Cus tom House. A complete line for Ladies & Gentlemen JAEGER SYSTEM ! JAEGER SYSTEM 1 JAEGER SYSTEM ! JAEGER SYSTEM ! SANITARY UNDERWEAR! SANITARY UNDERWEAR! And our usual complete stock of Gents’. Youth*' and Boys’ CLOTHING and OVERCOATS. 161 CONGRESS ST. B. H. LEVY & BRO. DRV GOODS. I AM PREPARED TO OFFER A VERY AT TRACTIVE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods Among: which will be found RARE GEMS IN COMBINATION SUITS. (NO TWO ALIKE.) My stock of domestics In SHEETING, SHIRT ING, PILLOW-CASE COTTONS are unsur passed. CALIFORNIA and WH FINER BLANKETS in variety. INFANTS’ and CRIB BLANKETS, TABLE DAMASK NAPKINS, DOYLIKSand a great, variety of HUCK and DAMASK TOWELS from 20c. to 80c. GERMAINE’S, 182 Broughton street, next to Furber's. IKON PIPE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE J. D. WEED & CO. CONTRACTORS. P' j. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, •St DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. EHT' *t W- > eiuptty furnished for building of. t>x FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC , I A TOUCHING STORY! This is the way our competitors feel like treating themselves, or have someone else do it for them, when they find out that wo have taken another of their customers away from them. THE CUSTOMER feels liko they ought to be treated in the same manner for not coming to us sooner, but console themselves with the fact that it is better late than never. Wedo not think that it is our winning ways altogether that does the drawing, but the BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF GOODS that we are offering, and at suebpriees that enable people to buy them. We want you to call and see the elegant line of BABY CARRIAGES that we have just received, and inspect all the other BEAUTIFUL GOODS at same time. LINDSAY & MORGAN. THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT o nr Furniture and Carpets THAT HAS EVER BEEN DISPLAYED SOUTH. I Have Just Received a New and Handsome Lot of PLUSP PARLOR SUITS, Which I am selling at lower prices than have ever been offered before in Savannah. Carpets, Oil Clotlis, Mattings In endless varieties: also 8 full line of JOHN CROSSLEY'S CELEBRATED ENGLISH WILTON VELVETS. Imu oIT a lot of slightly damaged KEEI> ftrui RATTAN CHAIRS at your own prices. Remember that I will not bo undersold. Accommodating terms. EMIL A. SCHWARZ, CARPETS! CAI! PETS PCA KITTS! Now is the time for Bargains in Carpets. A fine selection of Cotton Chains, Union’s Extra Supers, All Wool, Two and Three-I'lys, Tapestries and Body Brus sels just arrived. Our line of Furniture is complete in all its departments. Just received, a carload of Cooking and Heating Stoves. So call on us for Baigains. We don’t in tend to be undersold, for cash or on easy terms. TEEPLE & CO. SHOES, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, ETC. Shoes, Clothing, Motions. DRIVES AT COHENS THIS WEEK. The Place to Buy Boots and Shoes at Half Price, A.T COtIEN’S. The Place to Buy Men’s and Boys’ Shoes, JsJT COHEN’S. The Place to Buy Hals, Hosiery and Notions, Etc., AT COHEN’S, SOUTHWEST COR. BROUGHTON AND BARNARD STREETS. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’SIRON WORKS Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS a a I T AS induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than Vr 11 ever. To that end no pains or expense has been spared to maintain ■F th.-ir HIGH BTANARI) OF EXCELLENCE. ■ These Mills are of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with V: heavy WROUGHT IKON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to the M H operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. A They are heavy, strong and durable, run light and even, and are guaran iced cupahlc of grinding tbo heaviest fully matured R. All our Mills are fully warran’ed for one year. ■gttg|s99g&t IrmOnHMwi Dur l’aiis cast with the bottoms down. ft!-' VeoTlfi possess ,• in,mi hn.-is, durability mid uniformity of wBHV Hi id Li and. I’u THOSE MALE IN 17 HIK USUAL WAY V W Having unsurpassed facilities, i WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery Wm. Kehoe Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE’S IKON WORKS.’ Ik cast on all our Mills and Pane HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly Bt. Mark's.! Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. WINTER AND SUMMER THE MOST central House lu the city. Near Boat Office, Street Oars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture Electric Bella Bathe, tto. 1)2 SO to $S pet day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r | Ui.s POPULAR Hotel la now pni\ltl<> l with i a lbuiaeiigcr FJovator (the only one in tbo city > and has been remodeled and newly fur nished. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is also the owner of the establishment, spares neither pains nor expense in the entertainment ot his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House is supplied with every’ luxury that the uuukuts at home or abroad out afford. SOAP. SOAPS ! SOAPS" PEARS’, RIEGERS, COLGATE’S, CLEAV ER'S, KECKELAER’S, BAYLEY’S, LU BIN’S, FKMBLE’S MEDICATED just received at BUTLER’S PHARMACY. PAINTS AND OILS. JOHN Gh BUTLER; \ITHITE LEADS, COLORS. OILS, GLASS, Tv VARNISH. ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER. OK MKNT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Wnitaaer Sheet, Savannah, Georgia 5