The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 23, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TO CELEBRATE THE DA Y. ARRANGING FOR THE JASPER MON UMENT UNVEILING. Last Night's Meeting at the Court House—The Delegates Present—Map ping Out the Programme for the Cel ebration—A Chance for Savannah to Display Herself. A meeting of delegates from the city gov ernment, the military and trade organiza tions and the various civic societies and as sociations was held at the court house last night for the purpose of acting upon the in vitation of the Jasper Monument Associa tion to participate in the celebration of the unveiling of the Jasper monument in Feb ruary. Col. J. H. Estill, chairman of the com mittee from the Monument Association, called the meeting to order and requested Capt. J. R. Dillon, secretary of the com mittee, to call the roll of delegates, and the following were present: Aldermen —IV. F. Reid. Georgia Historical Society—W. Harden. Fire Departmeiit—A. Fernandez. Travelers’ Protective Association —M. Deitsh, H. M. Bolev. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway —R. G. Fleming. Ford Dramatic Company—J. C. Shaw. Youths’ Historical Society—W. S. Byck. Board of Trade—J. R. Young, S. S. Gtick enbeimer, M. W. Dixon. Cotton Exchange— E. M. Green, B. Gor don, G. Hart ridge, C. R. Herron. Catholic Library Association —W. P. Dowling. First Volunteer Regiment—Col. Mercer, Lieut. Gaillard. Republican Blues—Lieut. Maccaw. Jasper Greens —Capt. Flannery. Oglethorpe Light Infantry—Capt. Falli gant, S. L. George. German Volunteers —Capt. John Derst, C. Steinbach, George Meyers. Savannah Volunteer Guards—Lieut. Wil- liamson, Lieut. Wood, Lieut. Screven,Lieut. Rogers. Chatham Artillery—Lieut. J. R. Saussy, J. A. G. Carson. Georgia Hussars—Lieut. Pritchard, F. D. Bloodwbrth, Thomas Ballantvne. Hibernian Society—C. F. Prendergast. St. Andrew’s Society—P. M. Dotigan. Workingmen’s Benevolent Society—J. J. McMahon, Robert Charlton. Savannah Yacht Club —J. N. Johnson, A. M. Martin. Harmonic Club—A. A. Solomons, Jr. Georgia Medical Society—R. P. Myers, J. C. LoHardy, G. H. Stone. Ancient Order Hibernians—P. J. O’Con nor. German Friendly Society—H.G. Ruekuck. St. John Baptist Total Abstinence and Beneficial Society—J. L. Gallagher. St. Patrick Total Abstinence and Bene ficial Society—W. F. Curry. Screven House—B. Dub. Jasper Monument Association—J. H. Es till, John Screven, G. A. Mercer, J. R. Dil lon. COL. GARRARD ELECTED CHAIRMAN. The chairman stated the purpose of the meeting, and announced that the first busi ness in order was the election oi a chairman and a vice chairman. Col. William Garrard and E. M. Green, Eq., were unanimously elected chairman and vice chairman, respectively. In the absence of Col. Garrard, Mr. Green took the chair, and on motion, Capt. J. R. Dillon was elected secretary pro tetn. Col. Mercer stated that as the purpose of the meeting was to consider whether there should be an elaborate celebration, he de sired t state that if the general committee wished to havo a military display it woul 1 have to provide for the expenses. The local companies, heasaid, are willing to do all they can to entertain visiting companies, but the First Regiment has just purchased an armory which it is fitting up, and the Guards have just built a handsome armory, rendering the financial condition of the mili tary such that it can do little if anything in the way of contributions. He was decidedly in favor of a celebration. Savannah is an old city and runs in an old rut, and he thought it would be a good thing to have a celebration, and bring jieople here to see the city and to awak-n the citizens. TnE CITIZENS MUST HELP. J. R. Saussy, Esq., representing the Chatham Artillery, sustained Col. Mercer’s views. He said that the citizens must do more for the military than they did during the Chatham Centennial. Then the Artil lery raised $27,000 of which the citizens subscribed $2,500. They must do more this time. The military is ready as it always is to participate in the glorification of Savan nah. but it looks to the citizens for the means. Capt. Flannery said that he did not under stand that the celebration was to be purely military. He thought there was to be a trades display and other attractions. His idea was that the unveiling of the monument should Ite the occasion of a celebration which will draw visitors here. Col. Estill said that he thought the busi ness of the meeting was to appoint commit tees. He thought that if a finance commit tee would canvass the town and see what funds could be received the general commit tee could then decide upon a programme, If there is to be nothing but a one day celebration It would not cost an y money, for the Monument Association had provided' for the expenses of the unveiling and hail nearly SI,OOO over, but if the citizens pro posed to ha vs a trades display, a military parade, fireworks and other attractions, it is necessary to know what they will sub scribe, for Savannah could not do as Atlanta had done—fence in the grounds and charge 50c. a head to get into the grounds. Mr. G. B. Pritchard moved that a com mittee consisting of one member from each of the organizations represented be ap pointed a finance committee, to see what funds can be raised. MAPPING OUT A PROGRAMME. Mr. S. S. Guckenheimer moved as a sub stitute that a committee of ten be appointed to map out a programme to be submitted to the citizens when they ore nskod to sub scribe, and report back to tho meeting. The chairman appointed Messrs. S. S. Guckenheimer, J. H. Estill, W. F. Reid, J. J. McMahon, J. Maccaw, J. R. Young, G. Hartridge, IV. P. Dowling, J. Flannery, and R. Fallipant. The committee withdrew, and in a short while made the following report: To the General Committee: Yonrcommittee appointed to suggest business for this meeting respectfully offer for consid eration the following resolutions as expressive of the intention and purpose* at your commit tee ia the matter of celebrating the unveiling of the Jasper monument. 1. Rcsolx'ed. That the citizens of Savannah celebrate the occasion by a celebration extend ing over three days, namely: on the 11*1, 23d and 24th of February, IHKK. 2. Remind, Thai the celebration consist of a general trades display, a military and civic pa rade and review, a firemen's parade and contest, a display of fireworks, a torchlight procession, a rifle and gun club contest, a regatta, a fantas tical demonstration, and such other attractions as the Executive Committee may hereafter de termine upon. 3. Resolved, That the Chairman of the General Committee appoint at his earliest con venience an Executive committee and a Finance committee, and such other committees as the Executive committee may see proper to appoint in order to make the attractions such as will re flect upon the well established reputation of our city. The meeting then adjourned subject to the call of the chair. Vice Chairman Green announced that ho would leave the duty of appointing the committees to the Chairman, Col. Garrard. Died at the Hospital. The chief engineer of the British steam ship Fern Holme died at the city hospital Monday night, and was buried yesterday morning. He had been ailing for some time, and was sent to tho hospital about five days ago. EXPLOSION IN A GUN SHOP. A Cartridge Loader Explodes In a Clerk’s Hands. The neighborhood of Broughton and Bar nard streets was startled about 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, by a loud explosion ac companied by the rattling of broken glass on the sidewalk in front of P. O. Kessler's gun shop at No. 1(58 Broughton street. The report brought a large crowd of people in front of the establishment, the doors of which had been closed to keep back the crowd. The proprietor of the shop had a largo nmnlier of orders for cartridges for Thanks giving day and his clerk, Mr. L. D. Alexan der, was in the back part of the store charg ing the shells by means of a patent machine called the lightning cartridge loader. At the timo of the explosion there was about a half pound of powder in the glass globe of the machine, and Mr. Kessler, who had been sitting on the opposite side of the table to the machine, was called to the front of the store by a customer. He was gone but a few seconds when the explosion occurred. Tho machine was blown to fragments, a heavy iron casing, fully an inch thick, hieing burst into three pieces and the fragments going the full length of the store, through the front window into the street, smashing the window panes into a thousand pieces. The force of tho explosion broke open tho back door of the store. Mr. Kessler rail into the rear and found young Alexander in tho yard bleeding profusely from wounds in his lace, nook and wrists. He placed him in A chair and a physician was sent for. Dr. Keller arrived first and after him Dr. R. G. Norton came, and they together dressed Alexander’s wounds. His faeo was filled with part icles of glass, and a number of severe wounds were ou the right side of his faeo and neck. A pair of spectacles which he wore saved his eyes. His worst wound was on the right wrist, where a couple of arteries were severed. The wounded man would have bled to death had it not been for the timely arrival of the physicians. After the wounds were dressed Alexander was removed to the City Hospital, The cause of the explosion is un explained. Alexander said that there was no fire or matches near, and he was not smoking. MUSIC AND TABLEAUX. A Charming Entertainment by the Baptist Sunday School. A literary and musical entertainment by the children of the Baptist Sunday school was given at Masonic Temple lost night and was attended by a large number of friends of the school. The first scene was the children’s crusade against the “Sultan of Hulkydom,” with tableaux arranged by Mrs. Wray and Mrs. Raines given by little Daisy Wray and Ida Wade, assisted by Master Dick Raines. “Tile Days of the Week,” represented by five little girls and two boys, was very fine. “Tho Starless Crown,” by Miss Maude Keller, was very prettily given. The sunflower chorus was admirably ren dered by twenty-six children. A recitation, “Rock of Ages,” by Miss Bessie Purse fol lowed, and after that a solo, “The Ix>b sters,-'and a quadrille by Miss Ida Wade and three other little gii'ls. The recitation, “Tho Devil is Not,” by Master Mongin B. Nichols was well received. The tableau, “The Lost Child,” followed. The recitation of “Little Bennie” by Miss Ida Wade was applauded, and it was fol lowed by the tableau “Little Miss Muftit,” the entertainment closing with a humorous hit, tiie liest of the evening, a recitation, “There Ought to be a Law Against It,” by Miss Daisy Wray. After the stage entertainment refresh ments were served. Y. M, C. A. ENTERTAINMENTS. What the Association is Planning for the Winter. Tlie Young Men’s Christian Association is arranging a series of entertainments—so cial, musical and literary—to be given dur ing the winter. A series of receptions will be held, and a number of concerts will be given by local talent. The literary enter tainments will consist of a course of talks on medical subjects, on law, on travel and war by prominent representa tives of the various professions in Savannah. All of these entertainments are intended to be free to memliers of the association. The Lecture Committee is arranging a series of lectures by distinguished lecturers to form a part of the cQurse. The first of these will probably lie by Mr. Henry Firth Wood, of New York, on “The Growth of the Bald Spot” The lecture is illustrated with twonty oil paintings, showing the gradual but steady growth of the bald spot. It is said to be a very fascinating and entertain ing lecture, and has I icon very favorably re ceived. The committee is also negotiating with other prominent lecturers. It is the intention to make the course of enter tainments throughout attractive and in structive. THE WEEK’S P-jAYS. Miss Blythe’s Last Night—“ The Devil’s Auction” on the Boards. Miss Helen Blythe closed her Savannah engagement last night. She is a popular actress and was very cordially received here. “Only a Woman’s Heart” is from the pen of Miss Blythe’s husband, who is her leading support, and it is a work worthy to succeed. The Ford Dramatic Association has very kind memories of Miss Blythe and her party. Tho Devil’s Auction. t The spectacular will hold the boards to night and to-morrow. “The Devil's Auc tion” is next to the “Black Crook” probably the best known spectacular play on the stage. Considered simply as a drama, from a position charitable in its liberality, “The Devil’s Auction” is beneath criticism; its story is puerile and, as unnatural. In deed, it is impossible to explain it upon any logical basis. But no one seeks the natural in the spectacular. The performance is simply a combination of scenery and effects. Its plot is altogether Arabian. The ballet divertisement is one of its leading attrac tions. This is always a drawing card. The play is so well known that there is not much that is new to bo said about it. The c.tnpany is the same that was here last year, and then it played before packed houses. To morrow a Thanksgiving matinee will be given, and also a night per Cotton for Liverpool. Messrs. James B. West & Cos., cleared yesterday the British steamship Chiswick, for Liverpool, with 3,300 bales of upland cotton, weighing 1,595,069 pounds, valued at $154,980 13, and 33 bales of sea island cotton, weighing 11,908 pounds, valued at $2,640, and 2213 halos ot damaged cotton, weighing 108,550 pounds, valued at $8,025. Total valuation of the cargo $165,645 13. To the Voters of the County. The undersigned having been an employe in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court continuously since October, 1869 (eighteen years), first as Transcribing Clerk, and sub sequently as Deputy, during the adminis tration of five (5) different incumbents, and Laving heretofore given way for other us pirauts for the office, and having recently been appointed Clerk by the Honorable, tho County Commissioners, until another elec tion is held, according to iaw, to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Col Barnard E. Bee, now comes before tho people and earnestly asks that he tie allowed to continue as an incumbent of the office for the unex pirod term. As to past conduct and com petency the public can judge for themselves. I therefore ask that my friends and others who may feel an interest in my behalf, to consider my claims before promising tueir vote or influence to any other aspirant for tho office. 1 am, very respectfully, etc., James K. P. Carr. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1887. SINKING AN ARTESIAN WELL. How the Morning News Eetabllshment la to Get Ita Extra Water Supply. It is a fact, though not generally known, that the first attempt to sink an artesian well in Savannah was made in the Morning News building in the fall of 1884. The establishment has had for years a re serve water supply in an ordinary well sunk below the basement of the building, but the growth of its business required more steam, and additional steam more water, and the failure of the city’s water supply on several occasions demons.rated the fact that the reserve water supply was totally inadequate to any extraordinary emergency. This is still the state of affairs, even to greater ex tent than it was at the time referred to. During the accidents to the water works some mouths since the fire department had to supply the Morning News office with water by a line of hose from the river, to enable it to get out the regular editions of the newspaper, while its job and manufac turing departments had on one occasion to stop operations for a whole day from a break in a water main. In the summer of the year referred to there was considerable said in the newspapers about artesian wells being bored in different towns in Middle Georgia, and the Morning News sent Mr. L. A. McCarthy, the engineer and machin ist of the establishment, to Fort Valley, where a well was being sunk, to investigate the modus operandi. Upon his return lie reiiorted that he thought it entirely practi cable to liore an artesian well in the base ment of tho Morning News building and that a flow of water could be obtained at a moderate cost. Acting on Ills report the necessary ap pliances were procured, and wont was be gun inOctolier 1834. Owing to the cramped position in which it had to be conducted the work progressed slowly, and when a depth of seventy-five feet was reached operations had to be discontinued, because of additions and changes in the basement of the build ing, making it almost impossible to work the boring machinery. Soon after that the Morning News building was rebuilt and enlarged, and the old well was practically abandoned. The idea of securing a supply of artesian water was not given up, however, and it was the intention to have a well as soon as circumstances would permit. Everything being in such a condition that the work could be done without interfering with the daily routine business of the establishment, work w s commenced on anew well last week, and up to last night the piping had been sunk to a depth of 130 feet. The well is located almost in the centre of the build ing used by t he job department, immediate ly under the hatchways, which extend from thciiottom to the top of the building. A driving and boring derrick is built up the hatchways, and the machinery's driven by one of the engines in the basement. The well is four inches in diameter and it is expected that it will be about 400 feet in depth, which is the usual depth at which a supply of water is obtained from wells in this locality. Unless some unforseen acci dent occurs it is probable that the well will be finished within the next two wee .is. AT fc>T. PATRICK'S FAIR. Last Night’s Raffles and the Winners— The Most Popular Lady. There was a larger crowd at the Catholic Fair last night than there lias been at any time since it opened. The hall was crowded and at all the booths there was a rush of people. At the Mikado booth, presided over by Mrs. M. E. Grady, the following articles were won: A cake by John D. olan, a box of cigars by Mr. C. Saussy, dish of grapes by Miss Jenuie McGrath, a cake by Mr. Crane. At booth No. 2, presided over by Mrs. Oir copely, two marble top tables, donated by Ohlander Bros., and one pair of slippers, were won by P. Fitzpatrick, and a jar of preserves by Mrs. Beranc. At Table No. 3, presided over by Mrs. John Sullivan, the following were the raf fles: A hand-painted waste basket, donate! by Mrs. James E. Grady, won by R. E. Pepper; a handsome tidy, donated by Mrs. McMahon, won bv Mr. William Kehoe; tidy, won by Mrs. Clancy; fine glass pitcher, won by Eddie Powers; fine pair of blankets, donated by Mr. P. J. McSorley, won by Miss Katie Menke; plush robe, donated by Mrs. McEvoy, won by E. Knapp; beautiful picture, won by William Cooney; pair of cushions, won by John Y. Ryan; handsome lamp, donated by Mrs. Demers, won by Miss Regis Smith. The votes for the cork cottage, to be awarded the most popular miss, will be counted at 4 o’clock this after noon. AN ESCAPED CONVICT CAUGHT. A Runaway from the Augusta Camp Caught at Fort Bartow. Detective Wetherhorn captured an escaped convict named Bride Wolber (colored) on the Tybee railroad yesterday morning. Wolber was tried in the Warren County Court five years ago for receiving stolen goods. He was convicted and sen tenced to thirteen years in tho penitentiary. He served three years in the brick yard at Augusta, but one night he and a fellow convict named Bob Gardner were hauling brick in f arrows and passing one of the guards they noticed that he was asleep. They thought that would be as good a chance to escape as any they would be likelv to get, and they took ad vantage of it. They left the camp and made their way to the house of a colored man, who furnished them with two suits of clothes. They then separated, Walker coming here. Gardner has not been heard from since. On Monday Detective Wetherhorn found out that Walker was on tho Tyhcc railroad and yesterday morning he went down to Fort Bartow. He looked around and saw his man lying under a tree. He had just finished a job of work and laid down to rest. He was rudely awakened, and when he opened his eyes he found that he had been handcuffed. He was brought to the city and put in jail to await portation. • IT WAS NOT LOADED But it Served His Purpose all tlie Same A Policeman Bluffed. William Fisher was out on a drunk last night, and bo was unfortunate enough to run up against Officer Stegins, who proposed to give him a for tho night. Fisher did not want to be arrested, so he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the officer’s head. Under cover of the gun, he retreated and took refuge in a neighboring shanty. Ste gins called up Officer Neve and they went into tho house and captured Fisher. He was relieved of his pistol 'at the barracks and when Officer Stegins examined it he found that it was not loaded. THE LUTHERAN SYNOD. Deleg i tea to Begin Arriving To-Day— The Board of Missions’ Meeting. The delegates to the Lutheran Synod, which will convene In the Church of the Ascension to-morrow, will begin to arrive to-day. The majority, though, will reach here by to-morrow morning's trains. The Board of Missions will meet at noon to-day and will inaugurate tho work of one of the most important meetings that tho Lutheran Church South has ever held. Another Cold Wave. The most decided cold wave of the season is now ceiftral over the Northwest. The midnight reports to the signal service give the temperature at St. Vincent, Minn., as 10’ below zero. Cheyenne, W. TANARUS., reports 12" Inflow. The barometric pressure over that country is high, being above 30.50 inches. The advance of this second cold map u I! probably lie felt hereon Thurs day. ’l;ie in ii aiions for to-day are for warmer fair weather. SEEKLNG.MOXIEDFRIE’HS THE BIRMINGHAM AIR LINE PEO PLE IN A QUANDARY. The United States Construction and Improvement Company $40,000 in Debt to Its Contractors and Unable to Pay—The Great Consolidation Scheme Falls Through Other Schemes Working. The projectors of the Birmingham and Atlantic Air Line have failed in their ef forts to effect a consolidation with the Ma con, La Grange and Birmingham and the Birmingham, Georgia and Florida, and they are now looking around for another combi nation whereby they may maintain them selves. Should the existing company fail, there are others now waiting to take hold of the enterprise and push it through with money. The Birmingham and Atlantic started off some months ago with a flourish of trum pets. It represented that it had money enough to put the scheme through, and that a syndicate of English capitalists was pining for a chance to put up money on it. The backersof this scheme said that they did not want money. They were so strong that they stood behind the corpse of the Savan nah, Dublin and Western and pushed it forward at such a lively rate that every one thought the dead had come to life. A contract to build the road w’as given to Carpenter, Grant, Mundy & Cos., who began grading the Savannah end of tho line. The contract which Carpenter, Grant, Mundy & Cos. had with the United States Construction and Improvement Company, which was the company buil ling the line, was that the contractors should be paid at stated times, in cash, and that when twenty five miles of roadbed should be ready for the rails, the Construction Company should furnish the rails for the completion of that section of the line. WHAT WAS TO HAVE BEEN PONE. The construction company, too, was to have given the contractors the right of way into Savannah by June 24 last. All of these things are embodied in the contract, but they havo not been lived up to. The con tractors notified the construction company three months ago that twenty-five miles of road were ready for the rails, but they have not yet received a rail. The stipulated pay ments have not been mdt, and the construc tion company is now over $40,000 in arrears to th| contractors. Instead of having the right of way into Savannah five months ago the contractors have not got it yet. They say that they could have hud titty miles of road in operation by this time, but the construction company has been an ob struction company. The contractors spent $50,000 in their plant, and this together with the amount of work dono and not paid for made their in terest in the road not a slight one. True they were secured by the bonds of tho road and they hud the railroad indorse their con tract with the construction company, so as to bind them both. The contractors at tempted to get their money from the con struction company, but failed to do so. They saw the application of the Macon, laU range and Birming ham for a charter, and Messrs. Grant <V Carpenter went to Atlanta and defeated that bill, That saved the chance of building the read, and in order to get be hind the scheme sufficient capital to carry it through, the contractors engineered the pro posed consolidation between the Macon, La- Grange and Birmingham, the Birmingham. Georgia and Florida, the Birmingham and Atlantic Air-Line, and the Savannah, Dub lin and Western. The representatives of the various lines met in Atlanta and arrived at an agreement uncording to the articles of which the consolidation should be ef fected, the basis being the representation made by the Savannah, Dublin ami Wes tern of what work it had done. A commit tee was appointed to go over the line of the Savannah, Dublin and Western and see if its representations were true. GOING OVER THE ROAD. The committee made its trip and while it was well pleased with the Savannah end, it was very much dissatisfied with the Aia eon-Dublin section. The failure of this part of the line to come up to the representation resulted in the permanent dissolution of the conference. It was to have met first in At lanta to receive the oommitte’s report, but no meeting was held there. Griffin was then appointed as the meeting place but the representatives of the lines did not go to Griffin and the Macon, LaGrange and Bir mingham and the Birmingham, Georgia and Florida pulled out and the eousolida tion fell through. Then tho projectors of the Birmingham and Atlantic came to Savannah and held a long conference with the officers of the United States Construction and Improvement Com pany and the directors of tho Savannah, Dublin and Western. Tho object of this conference was to induce Mr. Branch, of Augusta, the President of the construction company, to consent to dissolve his com pany and let anew one, with money bebiud it, be formed. After a meeting, which came near breaking up in a row several times. Mr. Branch did consent to the dissolution of the United States Construction and Improve ment Company upon certain conditions. Having Mr. Branch’s consent to the pro posed pi m, it was thought that tho success of the enterprise was assured, and the meet ing broke up. Mr. Robert Langdon, President of the Savannah. Dublin and Western railway, went to Philadelphia to arrange certain matters there, Mr. Thomas Branch went to Augusta to prepare for the dissolution of his company, and Mr. W. E. H. Searcy, of the Birmingham and Atlantic, wont to Chatta nooga and Birmingham to try and bring back into the fold the two lines which had withdrawn after the Atlanta conference. THE NEW YOIIK CONFERENCE. These three gentlemen were to meet in New York a lew days later, and there they were to dissolve the United States Construc tion and Improvement Company and organ ize the new company. They were then to adjourn to Savannah and call a meeting for the purpose of electing directors. The Now York meeting did not materialize. The committee could not accomplish the work expected, and did not go to New York. The result of this was to throw the affairs of the concern back into their old state, and then the projectors began looking for another opportunity to make a profitable com bination. Maj. .T. A. A. West, the General Manager of the Birmingham and Atlantic, was seen yesterday and asked some pointed questions about the condition, financial and other wise, of the enterprise. He would not ma':e any positive replies, but answered only in a general way. asked if the United .States Construction and Improvement Com pany could pay the claims of the con tractor's. In answer to this he said that the company was endeavoring to live up to its contract. “The contractors claim that the company is indebted to them to the extent of $40,000 and more, do they not!” “We have acted in good faith, and our earn st endeavor has been to treat overyone honestly and fairly.” “Can tho company pay its debts?” “We ore in debt to our engineers, and we hope to pay them off in a few days. That was the object of my visit out of tho city. I hope we will have everything settled with them shortly.” THE CONTRACTORS’ CLAIMS. “Major, what will tho company do with the claim of the contractors!” “Why, you might make a claim against tho company. Anybody might do that. Weare working under a contract, though.” “So you are, but have you not violated that contract in not paying ttie contrac tors!” “No one has interpreted that contract hut me. If the time for payment had not arrived the payment ought not to be made, ought it?” "But do not the contractors claim that the time has arrived and passed, and that the company has failed to pay?” “I’ll tell you candidly. We have en deavored to live up to our contract with fairness to all parties concerned, and my in structions have been from the first to treat everybody honestly and fairly.” “Major, what objections have you to con firming or denying the positive statement that hits been made that the contractors claim that the company is £4O,<K)O behind in its payments to them '" “Such questions might be raised and I might answer them, but if they were brought out publicly there are a hundred sticks they would bring down on our heads.” This is the pith of a long conversation, during which the General Manager of the Birmingham and Atlantic Air-Line made only one positive assertion, viz: that the company was in debt to its engineers. This has been known here for some time, for the engineers have been coming til from the line and seeking work with other roads. 250 MEN AT WORK. There are only 250 men now employed on the entire line, and it does not take many engineers to keep them supplied with work. The contractors say, moreover, that they intend to cut their force down to a stili smaller number unless they sea something definite in the way of arranging the finan cial affairs of the road. While the confer ence was going on here Mr. Branch asked one of the contractors why they did not go ahead with the work, and the reply was: “Why don’t you put up some money?” “Do you want to bo paid before the road is built?” asked Mr. Branch. “No,” was the reply, “only show us that we will be paid when it is built and we will have cars run ning over it in a very short time.” The projectors have not given up the scheme, however. They will make efforts in other directions, and they will not give up the fight unless they are" forced to. THE CIRCUS TJ-DAY. The Parade This Morning:—Programme at the Grounds. Barrett's circus with its wild boy, sacred elephants. Royal Bengal tiger, roaring hippopotamus, showy horses and gay ridel's in tights and all things usually seen under a circus tent will be in Savannah to-day. The show will arrive on the Central railroad this morning from Augusta. The street jiarade will take place at 10 o'clock, and will end at the Anderson street circus grounds. There will be two performances, one at 2 p.m., and the other at 8 p. m. The tent door will be open an hur before the performances begin. The show is one of the oldest in the country, and is under tbo management of one of the most ex perienced circus men. Barrett is, next to P. T. Bamum, proba bly the most widely known showman m this country, and his name is a guarantee of his show. He has got together for his present tour one of the largest collections of animals and zoological curiosities that ha ever been brought South, among which is the dog-faced boy Jo-Jo, whose face bears a strange resem blance to that of a skye terrier. He looks as though nature had taken extra pains in designing him, and then executed the job in a most artistic manner. One of Barrett’s latest productions is a tremendous Bengal tiger which wa cap tured only a short time ago and was brought direct from Calcutta. The natives in Ben gal stated that he had Wstroyed and de voured fifty or more people, including two entire families who resided near his native jungle. He seemed to bear a charmed life, and could not be exterminated with either spear or bullets. He was finally caught in a huge trap, bound with ropes and thongs and forced into a strong cage in which he was conveyed on the ship to America. One of Barrett’s agents happened m Boston at the time of the arrival of the ship, and, after more or less parleying, closed a bargain for the animal. He is one of the curiosities of the menagerie. Not only in the menagerie, but all departments of the show are said to be kept full of the wonderful and striking. The circus is said to be one of the best that has ever been South. KILLED ON A SHIP. A Colored Deck Hand Falls Through an Open Hatchway. A colored man named Fred Turner was killed on board the steamship City of Macon yesterday afternoon about 6:15 o’clock. He was a green hand, unused to working aboard vessels, and yesterday was his first day at the wharves. He had been working all day, however, but in the evening he was walking about the deek of the vessel near the after hatch. He suddenly disapeared from sight, and several parties who happened to be near him at the time, saw that he had fallen down the hatchway. They ran to his assistance, but when they reached him he was dead. His back was broken at the waist, and his skull was badly crushed. His body was taken charge of by the Coroner. Turner was a man about 30 years of age aud from Augusta. He has no family here, and was not known here. Quarterly Conference. The Fourth Quarterly Conference for Trinity Methodist church, will be held at the lecture room to-night at 7:30 o’clock. The official members are expected to tie present. Thanksgiving Day at Tybee. Both Hotels null be open for the day. John Wright, at Seaside Pavilion, will have Oyster Roast and shooting for a turkey. Oyster Boast and CJatn Bake at George Wort hem’s. Trains will run as follows (standard time): Leave Savannah fl:3oa. m 2:30 p.m. Arrive Tybee 10:20 a.m. 3:20 p.m. Leave Tybee 11:20 a. m. 5:00 p. m. Arrive Savannah 12:20 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Tickets for sale at Fernandez’s cigar store and at depot ticket office. Thanksgiving Day. At the Ocean House, Tybee, Clam and Oyster Boast and Clam Chowder. Music by string band. ■Raspberry, Strawberry, Gooseberry, Green Gage, Damson and Bed Currant Jam at D. B. Lester s. Okra and Tomatoes 10c. a can at Strauss Bros’. Another lot of those flue Olivos at $1 a gallon at Strauss Bros’. Pure Grape Wine sl, at D. B. Lester’s. A special sale of Dress Goods at Weis bein’s. Strauss Bros, are selling Okra und Toma toes at 10c. a can. You can get two cans Boston Baked Beans for 35c. at Strauss Bros’. Oak, Pine and Lightwood, For sale by R. B. Cassols, cortier Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. Buy your Currants, Citron, Raisins, Spices and Nuts at Strauss Bros’. Gallon Apples and Peaches at Strauss Bros’. The Circus is Coming. The price of admission will buy your boy a pair of Knee Pants, also a Blue Felt Hat or Polo Cap at the Famous Now York Clothing House, lately moved to 144 Con gress street, corner Whitaker. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga., you get all the comforts of the high-priced ho els, and save from $1 to $3 nor day. Try it and be convinced.—Boston'Home Jour nal, 35c. Towels at 10c. at Welsbein’s Bazar. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the Mews Reporters. There were two arrests for disorderly con duct yesterday. The Savannah Turn Vereln will give their next ball on Dec. 8, instead of Thanksgiving night. The Arkwright Cotton Factory shut down last night to put in new machinery and for repairs to the factory building. A street car collision occurred at the Abercorn and Liberty street crossing yes terday morning. The Ab room street ear had tin axle broken and the woodwork was crushed in, but no one was injured. The accident was due to careless driving. Local Personal. Col. H. S. Haines went over to Charles ton yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Gwynn, of Tallahassee, are at the Screven. Mrs. G. A. Whitehead returned yesterday from the North. Mr. A. 8. Guckenheimer returned from New York yesterday. Mr. E. C. Cleveland, of Haverly’s Min strels, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Noel Perrin, of New York, are stopping at the Pulaski. Mrs. L. K. Everett and daughter, of New York, are stopping at the Screven. Lieut, and Mrs. C. P. Elliott, of Fort Pluaculuca, Ari., are at the Pulaski. Dr. and Mrs. Stanhope Brown, of New Orleans, arc quartered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. M. Case was a passenger on the Nacoochee from New York yesterday. Mr. K. G. Cooper, general manager of the Denver Republican, is making a trip through the South. Mr. M. T. Mannion and Mrs. Oscar T. Bacon and Miss Bacon, of New York, are registered at the Screven. Lieut. O. M. Carter returned yesterday from the North on the Nacoochee and left in the afternoon for Florida. Mr. H. S. Ilaupt is Secretary and Mr. Willie Wade is organist of the new Duffy Street Baptist Sunday School. Lieut. Edward Lawton, of the United States army, has arrived safely in Europe. He is on his way to Vienna to visit his father. Mr. C. D. Russell, Grand Patriarch arch of the Grand Encampment of Odd Fellows, left last night to make official visits to Alanta and Macon. Mr. William Clark, of Newark, N. J., a celebrated thread manufacturer, was in the city yesterday. He is a very heavy buyer of sea island cotton for his mills. He will go from here to Charleston, where his steam yacht, the Mohican, is anchored, and will proceed southward, after being joined by a party of friends from New York, for a hunting and fishing cruise. An Able Protector. If there is a more able protector against the incursions of disease than Hostettor's Stomach Hitters we have yet to Irani of it. Against the periodic attacks of fever and ague it affords a sure defense, it renews waning vitality anil counteracts the infirmities of age; it prevents dyspepsia from becoming chronic, and eventu ally annihilates it It rouses the liver and kid neys when dormant, and Insures a regular ha hit of body. To the nervous it is of inestimable benefit, imparting steadiness and vigor into an enfeebled physique. The term “delicate health” is usually another name for debility. While the Bitters is procurable, the weak need never de spairof physical re-enforcement. Persons whose avocations are sedentary and laborious, or in volve exposure to unfavorable climatic influ ences, will also lind the Bitters an able pro tector. Sale of Fine Paintings and Engravings Still continues. Entire lot to bo closed out regardless of cost. Now is the time to buy Fine Pictures at your own price. Ladies are invited to attend our sales, and every picture offered will be one of merit. Our afternoon sale commences at 3 p. m , and to those who wish to make their homes at tractive, no better chance can be offered. Remember this sale will continue after noon and evening until entire stock is dis posed of. Marshall & McLeod, 1165-2 Broughton street. Atmore’s Mince Meat by the pound or bucket. Strauss Bros. Sugar Corn, Extra Sifted Peas, Early June Peas, two and three pound Peaches, at lowest prices. Strauss Bios. Solid Gold-Headed Umbrellas at bargain prices at Weisbein’s. Atmore’a Mince Meat and English Plum Pudding at D. B. Lester’s. Boys’ Suits from 5 to 14 years, at special low prices, at Weisbein’s Bazar. Imported Ports and Sherries at D. B. Lester’s. Strauss Bros, are at 22 and 22% Barnard street, and havo everything in the Grocery line at robk bottom prices. A special sale at greatly reduced prices, of Walking Jackets, Circulars, Wraps, New markets aud Children’s Garments at Weis bein’s. To get good Raisins, Currants and Citron cheap, go to D. B. Lester’s. Ladies’ Black Jerseys at 25c. at Weisbein’s Bazar. Oak, Pine and Lightwood, For sale by R. B. Caseels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. Ladies’ full regular made Hose at 10c., worth 25c., at Weisbeiu’a Bazar. D. B. Lester sells pure Candy and Dried Figs at 10c. per pound. If you wish to economize, buy your Gro ceries from D. B. Lester. AVhere can you get the best goods for the least money ! At D. B. Lester’s. Thanksgiving. To the Public. —We have for the past eight years made it a rule on all special oc casions to have on hand a full stock of fine Turkeys, and we make it a point to get our orders in before the last day, and in this way always fill the orders on our books to the satisfaction of those who pluce them in our hands. As to prices, we can safely promise to offer lower rates than others, because our arrangements are more com plete. IVe make our money in buying goods right and selling them the same way. Wo urge our friends and the public generally, to favor us with their orders for Thanks giving Turkeys at once, and we can guaran tee satisfaction to all. Very respectfully, J. S. Collins & Cos., Nos. 14 and 15 Market Square. Pure Candy only 10c., and new Dried Figs for 10c. at D. B. I/ester’s. The groat sale of Black and Colored Silks will continue this week at Weisbein’s. Another Cold Wave Is surely coming, so lay in a supply of Underwear and Overcoats while there is a good choice to be hail at the Famous, 144 Congress street, corner Whitaker, where low prices are the rule. '1 ry D. B. Lester’s Old Kentucky Bye, S3 Tomatoes cheap at D. B. Lester’s. Got D. B. Lester’s prices before buying. BAKING POWDER, Y Croyal PotsDS? •lit | Absolutely P Tills Powder never varies. A marvel of Purltv Strength and Wholesomene&s. More eeonoml! cal than the ordinary kind, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low lest short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in can*. Royal Baking Powder Cos., ids Wall street. New York. UTiIiEN BATES s. m. hT ~~ FiillD PICTURES FOR ILIDAY PRESENTS. 0 We have a large stock of Oil Paintings, Engravings, Pastels, Etchings, Etc., which we are offering as low as flrst-class goods can be sold. Nothing makes as handsome and attrac tive a present for Wedding or Christmas as a Fine Painting ob Engraving Nicely Framed. Our stock is worth inspection. It costs nothing to look, and if our prices do not compare favorably with Auction and New York prices, we don’t want to sell you. L 4 L S, 11. 1 1 -wmmm tit m —wmiip— —m FURNITURE AND CARPETS. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! For quality and price We can do better than any other concern in the South. Our goods are all specially selected from the most renowned manufacturers, and embrace everything in the Furniture and Carpet trade. Our terms are moat liberal, and all goods are just as represented. A personal iuspeotion will convince you that we can sell you much CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. A. J. Miller & Co.’s FURNITURE Carpet Emporium, 118,150 and 152 BROUGHTON ST. " SPORTING GOODS. TO SPORTSMEN I WE HAVE IN STOCK A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF American Breech Loading Guns English Breech Loading Gnns. Boys’ Donble and Single Guns. Chamberlain Loaded Shells. Winchester Repeating Rifles. Winchester Repealing Shot Guns. Bunting Coats and Shoes. Hunters’ Leggins and Caps. 150,000 Paper Shells. For Sale at Lowest Possible Prices. Palmer Bros DUPONT’S POWDER. WOOD POWDER. DAVB BROfs. , JD. BROS. Knabe, Pianos, Kranich Organs, & Bach, Bans, Tunm & Estcy, Repairing, Behr Bros., Exchanging. Harrington, Call or Pianos, Estey write for and prices Kimball and Organs. . particulars. D. X). BROS. BEOS'