The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 27, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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MEN WHO LOVE DRESS. BOW THE PASSION GROWS UPON ITS VICTIM INSENSIBLY. Bo mo Notable Examples in New York— Robert Garrett, Berry Wall and Rob ert Hilliard-Frank Lord’s Perpetual Frock Coat Judge Fitch's Full Dross. New York, Nov. 26.—The interest which tnen take in their attire is more rapid and intense than tiiey are usually willing to ad mit. While there are no such possibilities for varieties, picturesqueness and general Intricacy in the clothes of men as there are in the complicated attire of women, the art yf the tailor has developed sufficiently with in the past few years to give a man who makes dress his study plenty of material to loader over. The number of men who make their clothes the most absorbing ob ject of their existence in New York is by jo means small, and some of the wardrobes which club and society men sport would astound a primeval citizen who considered a frock coat, a dross suit and some rough tweed clothes for business about all that a man could desire. When the statement was published that Robert Garrett had ninety pairs of trousers iu his wardrobe, it was re ceived with evidences of disbelief in some quarters, and yet there are numbers of inwi in New York wiio count their trousers by the score, and who are not particularly fop pish at that. The passion for wearing clothes grows on a man insidiously. A friend of mine, who is rather violently disturbed over the matter of his personal appearance, in discussing the matter tho other day, placidly remarked: ROBERT GARRETT ANT) HIS WARDROBE. “Frank R. Stockton once wrote a story that a man who hought a Queen Anne grate Was then lured on from one purchase to another under the spell of the decorative craze until he was obliged to build a Queen Anne cottage to match his belongings. The man who falls a victim to clothes does it a good deal in the same way, and Stockton ought to be able to write a corking good Story about a poor wretch who goes off in a sudden flight of vanity and extravagance and purchases a pair of overgaiters, from which he is led on to boa monumental and stupendous fop. It is when a man commits his first indiscretion in the way of elegan cies of attire th v. his downfall”begins. If you are dressed in rough clothes and wear heavy boots you will look well as long as your attire is in harmony, but the very in stant you buy a pair of overgaiters you ob serve that your trousers look a bit frayed at the bottom. You buy new ones. Then you find that you want to have them ironed to fie in the style. They are ironed. After this the conviction is slowly but surely forced upon you that the shoes are not quite up to the standard of gaiters. You buy new thoes, and patent leather ones, of course, ns there is no use going half way. By this time there is no shadow of doubt that tho coat looks rusty and, after you have bought anew coat and vest, you find that a fancy waistcoat is almost as necessary as food. You buy the waistcoat. Then, after a short struggle, you are obliged to admit that smooth-bosomed shirts are by no means in harmony with the rest of your attire. Hence pique and ribbed fronts, huge cuffs, tower ing collars. After this expensive cravats and, finally, if you are not very careful, a fierce and ungovernable yearning for a sin gle glass. This is the place to draw the line, though it is not always drawn by the well dressed men of New York. Then you want a rose in yqur buttonhole and, finally, you sally forth with the latest beaver hat and the reddest of gloves and feel yourself com pletely dressed. Then the trouble is that, by the time all this is accomplished, you suddenly discover that the overgaiters look a little bit frayed. Then tho boots need ro varnishing and theifs is a wrinkle in tho back of the coat, but, worst of all, the trousers bag a bit at the knees, and it is the unwritten law of swelldom that by bis trousers shall ye know him. From that time on about one-third of your life must tie given up to considerations of dress or you will miss accomplishing what has be come a cherished and overmastering ambi tion My advice to mankind is beware of the first step for fear you become a N JR son If f ~ SQL fe- I " E. BERRY WALL. What has always struck me as being rather curious is the unquestionable fact that in nine cases out of ten the most expensively dressed men are tho least dressed. Take Mr. Garrett ajain, since he seems to be the sensation of the day. I have seen him wear twenty suits a week and yet never look par ticularly showy or striking. His tendencies were toward sack suits, and he never felt absolutely at ease unless he had one on. As ho was pudgy and plump of ligure and lial a fut face, made fatter by a pair of side w hiskers, the sack suit only shortened his stature and made him look less imposing than any other possible style of clothing. A lot of men amused themselves watching Garrett and criticising his apparel about two years ago at Delmonico’s. He actually wore five or six suit of clothes in the course of the day, and they ranged in material from a dark gray to a heavy brown and reddish plaid. The coats were cut precisely alike and they fitted the rotund millionaire perfectly. But at no time did he look any thing more than n well-to-do young grocer or a ruddy cheeked truckman dressed for a Sunday 'outing. Garrett’s collars were t timed over, he wore sturdy English walk ing boots and a low crowned derby hat. There was no doubt that ho had fifty odd sack suits. It is curious how men w ill run into one fashion of apparel. Somebody told Frank Lord twenty years ago that he looked vastly attractive in a frock coat. Ho has never w orn anything else since. But he is one of the best dressed men in New York, for the coat is moulded well to the figure and the sombreuess of the attire is lightened by w hite overgaiters and a white waistcoat which shows above tho -lapels of the coat. He wears also a bright scarf, light gloves anil a big rose to help out the general effect. Another victim to a fixed fashion of attire is Judge Fitch, of the St. Nicholas Club, lie weal's evening dress morning, noon mid night. Winter and summer it is always the same. He is always clad in a clawhammer coat, low-cut waistcoat and light tie. Dur ing very hot weather he is apt to wear a light straw hat, the effect of which with the evening dress is decidedly odd. There was a good reason for the supremacy of Berry AVall among men of fashion, for, despite the fun that is made of him, he is unquestionably a well-dressed man in the fullest sense of the word. It is very seldom that he is betrayed into wearing loud or gaudy clothes, except at race meetings, where it is generally considered that a man is justified in light checks ami horsey clothes. I saw Berry Wall one day at Sleeps head Bay, clad in the coolest looking covering imaginable. He wore loose trousers of very light material, in a small, black and white check pattern. The coat was similar and without lining or pqekets. It was almost as thin as writing paper. Mr. Wall wore a shirt of heavy ribbed material, und the cravat and a very low waistcoat were made of precisely the same stuff. Everything was pure white, including the buttons and bind ing on the w aistcoat. The shoes w-ere of untanned leather, very low and light, and the hose black. Mr. H all wore a light straw hat, and was the picture of comfort and coolness amid a sweltering multitude. He wandered about with the careless air of a man who is at ease, though there were oc casional snoers at tho unusual nature of his attire. I rather suspect that the majority of the men present sincerely envied him. But Mr. AVall is not often led into extrava gances of this sort. He has a great many suits of clothes that are of irreproachably correct pattern and form. And, by the way, Berry AVall is by no means tho doit that the papers are so fond of painting him. He is simply an amiable and rather dissi pated man, with a fondness for clubs, racing and the lighter amusements of the hour, but he is not a bad companion or by any means an unpopular man among men. 808 HILLIARD. Mr. Bob Hilliard, w'ho has wrested the title of king of the dudes from AVall, goes in for elaboration in clothes. He will spend weeks in perfecting various harmonies in his attire, and will then appeal - in what might he called a symphony in one or more cardinal colors. One day everything he wears is either brown or assimilating closely to that shade, and then, again, the color of his scarf, luuidkerchief, gloves, shirt, waist coat, coat and gaiters will be gray, red or any other shade that happens to strike his fertile fancy. It is his originality in these details that has made him king of "the dudes in the face of the less violently assertive Berry AVall. The world seems to run on about the same, however, no matter how a man dresses, but it is worth observing that nobody ever thinks of the attire of Jay Gould and of the only millionaire who has ever shown a violeut leaning to ward foppery has been beaten out of his railroads and telegraph enterprises and generally badgered about until he has nothing left but his attire and what was formerly a colossal fortune. Blakely Hall. A BELLE OF BAD METAL. Vain, Selfish, Heartless, She Goeth Forth Conquering and to Conquer. Here from Harper's Bazar is a descrip tion, written with a scalpel’s point, of a somewhat cruel creature; Men are not individuals to the belle, but merely numerals—number seventeen, or whatever the case may be; as for their boat iDg hearts, their longing souls, she does not trouble herself at all; all that she wants is the offer of their devotion—their scalps to hang at her belt, so to speak, that all the world may see and count. She is by no means a sentimental girl, for she has no emotions unless we call her desire and de termination for conquest an emotion. She does not think of others. There are girls who love physical exercise for itself; they will ride over rough country, they will row against tho tide, tnoy will shoot and play tennis in the torrid zone, they will skate and tobog gan, they will walk before breakfast and swim for the mere love of it, not to show a pretty costume, a neat and shapely foot, a daring spirit of skill But the bolle, as a usual thing, cares for none of these employ ments unless they accentuate her charms, unless they add to her laurels. If shooting and dancing and rowing parties were all composed of the feminine element the belle would care for none of them. She cares nothing for walking without an escort; even talking, that exer cise in which she is supposed to excel, bores her if there are no men to listen. She has a contempt for the feminine intellect; but, surround her with admirers, and she is in her element—she sparkles and flashes if there is any brilliancy in her. There is no trouble she is not willing to take in order to win; she will dance in mid-summer, although she bates it; she will yacht, even at the risk of nausea; she will picnic, although she trem bles before spiders and snakes. She loves the reputation of belle, and if America does not furnish her a wide enough field, she goes to Eurojie or upon the stage. If she is one among a largo family, not content with pos sessing the lion’s share of personal attrac tion, she receives and accepts without a de mur tho best of everything in tho way of adornment. She is expected to make the great mutch of the family, but it is more often tho belle who becomes the old maid than her sister, who is reudy to love, and is not always reaching after a match that shall lie brilliant in everything but love. Tho old belle still believes in her power to fascinate; she cannot resign her kingdom gracefully; conquering hearts has become such a habit with her that she cannot live without the fond delusion that her charms are as fatal as ever. Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant l’urgativo Pellets." They oper ate without disturbance to the constitution, diet or occupation. For sick headache, con stipation, impure blood, dizziness, sour eructations from the stomach, bail taste in mouth, bilious attacks, pain in region of kidneys, internal fever, bloated feeling about stomach, rush of blood to head, take Dr. Pierce’s “Pellets,” By driuarist*. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT”A WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WOHD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column, HELP AVANTED. T\7ANTED, five salesmen for the People's ’ A Cyclopedia; good men can arrange for a salary of S4O weekly. Address, with stamp, GENERAL MANAGER, News office. 117 ANTED, an office boy, white; must write a A A good hand and be ready to make himself generally useful. Apply in writing to S., this office. W 7 ANTED, cash boys, at VV ___ L. & B. P. M. H, AIT ANTED, salesladies, at JJ L. & B. S, M. H. yyANTED, SALESLADIES, AT GUTMAN’S. Vl7 ANTED, a respectable girl as chambermaid A A and waitress. Apply, 158 Hull street. W7ANTED, good hands to work at dress- A A making. Apply at Mas. M. 13. ADAMS’, 37 Al>ercorn street. A XT ANTED TO SELL, two Counters; new; At very cheap. Apply at City Dispensary. \\T ANTED, a first-class steamboat engineer. if Apply at Jones’ Ship Yard. YX7ANTED, a seamstress. 48J4 Whitaker A A street, near York street lane. 'VATANTED, a bright, active boy,* about 12 AA' years old, willing to make himself useful in an office for small wages at start. Address P. O. Box No. 5. \ NURSE can find situation at No. SO Gwin nett street. None need apply without good recommendation. \LADY Wanted to introduce and sell PENNYROYAL PILLS, “Chichester's En glish." The Original and only Genuine. Send 4c. (stamps) for particulars bv return mail. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL 00'., Philadelphia, I’a. EM PLOY MENT WANTED. \ STEADY, reliable young man, single, in whom implicit confidence may tie placed, w ould like a position on a gentleman's place; is thoroughly competent and a first-cla-s gardener and florist in every branch, greenhouses, grape ries, fruits, vegetables; or would accept any situation where honesty and sobriety would he appreciated; am w illing and obliging and will work for my employer's interest; best of refer ence. Address WILLIAM REUI’KE, News office, Savannah, Ga. OVERSEER.— Employment wanted the en suing year by one who has had over thirty years’ experience in the cultivation of rice, cot ton and provisions on large plantations. Address OVERSEER, News office. V YOUNG MAN desirous of learning a trade wishes to place himself as an apprentice. Address APPRENTICE. Morning News office. TYTURSE.—Experienced ira'e nurse wants em 1A ployment; highest reference can be given. Apply M., Morning News office. Wf ANTED, a situation as cook, by a white I" woman. Address t.'t it >K, this office. YV7ANTED, situation with a first-class house A A as bookkeeper; strictly double entry; reference exchanged. R., this office. 1 YX7 ANTED, a traveler's place, either for salary II orcommission; shoes preferred; reference good. SID. A. PUGHSLEY, Jr.. Tennille, Ga. — l-- 1 11 ■ 1 ■> - MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED, for the United State* Army, Oav ii airy, Artilery and Infantry, able-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 3b years. Good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Desirable men especially needed for the Cavalry Regiments, both white and colored. Apply at No. ti Beaufain street, Charleston, S. C. Y7OUNG MAN wishes a small, nicely fur- I nished room, with or without board, north Of Liberty street. A. B. this offic . \T OUNG MAN wants board; quiet place; ten minutes from S., F. & AV. depot. B. 8., Morning News. BOOMS TO BENT. IT'OR RENT, three connecting rooms, fur ' nished or unfurnished, suitable for light housekeeping; will rent to single gentlemen. 55 Liberty street. IT'OR RENT, first December, a large room. . nicely furnished, on second floor; bath at tached. 89 Congress street. IT'OR RENT, beautifully furnished alcove ’ room, with or without board, by Northern family. Broughton street. IT'OR RENT, furnished or unfurnished large 1 south room; hall rooms. 153 South Broad. IT'OR RENT, furnished south room at 131 Hull * street. PAOR RENT, desirable rooms or flats, also stable, at 191 South Broad street. ITOR RENT, rooms, with or without board. 18(1 South Broad street. INOR RENT, furnished rooms, convenient to V business. Apply 152 State street. IT'OR RENT, furnished rooms convenient to 1 the Bay. Apply 12 Abercorn street. IT'OR RENT, two floors, containing eight rooms He and bath room, over my store northeast corner of Broughton and Barnard streets; pos session given Nov. Ist. Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer. HOUSES AND STOKES FOB KENT. IT'OR RENT, that commodious three-story on basement brick dwelling on southwest corner of Drayton and Broughton street lane; has all modern conveniences; rent low; possession given at any time. Apply to PETER REILLY. IT'OR RENT, the new brick dwelling on St. 1 Julian street, second door from Lincoln. Apply to MICHAEL FEELEY, St. Julian and Habersham streets. "IT'OR RENT, the house No. 155 Gordon street, I in good repair; possession given at once. Apply to D. J. MORRISON, Market Square. I TOR RENT, house on Liberty street, one door from Price. ‘Apply to Mrs. M. SMITH, on Harris street, one door West of West Broad. IT'OR RENT, house on Bolton, between Mont ' gomery and Jefferson streets. Apply to GEO. W. PARISH. IT'OR RENT. Dec. 1, seven-room house. Apply LOUIS VOGEL’S, Jefferson and Waldburg lane, IT’OR RENT, the small store at 176 Broughton ’ street. Apply on premises. B'OR RENT, that desirable residence on the southeast corner of Stone ami Montgomery streets. Apply to WALTIIOUR A RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. IT'OR RENT, tho store 165 Congress street, ’ Market square. For terms apply to GEO. W. OWENS, 113 Bay street. IT'OR RENT, brick house, two-story on base -1 meat, corner Gaston and Barnard. Apply to LAUNEY & GOEBEL, Ml Broughton. IT'OR RENT, brick store 109 Broughton street, between Drayton and Bull; possession given October 4th. Apply to LEWIS CASS. IT'OR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. 1 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Abercorn: has splendid cellar and Is splendid stand for any business; second and third stories can bo rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON, Jr,, 114 Bryan street. FOR BENT- MISCELLANEOUS. IT'OR RENT, masquerade costumes, all ebar- JT actors, for ladles, gentlemen and children, at MBS. M. HETTKRICH’S, 150 State street, next door to Whitaker. tX)R RENT, anew Square Piano; In perfect 1 condition. DAVIS BROS. FOB SALE. BEDROOM RET, imported from France, cost $400; marble tops, plate glass; also cherry Bet, framed pictures, flue range, etc., all cheap; block parlor suite, ten pieces. Address SMITH, this office. _ "IT'OR RALE, that desirable property comer I Anderson and West Broad streets, 90 feet front by 105 deep, with Improvements, Apply W Hull street. FOR SALE. tAA TOWN LOTS and 18 Garden Karins in 1' Hi Dublin, Ga ; all in one half mile of the Court House; will tie sold at public sale on Bth and 30th davs of December next: Dublin is growing rapidly, and those sales oiler splendkl opportunities to parties seeking investments or homes. D. M. HUGHES. I (TOR SALE, two shares Equitable Loan and Building Association stock; fourteenth In stallment paid ($140): will sell same for $l3O. Address CASH, care News office. I NOR SALE.—I have for sale ten milch cows ' with young calves; the last [have left and will still cheap. JAMES L. MEIIItTENS, White Bluff road. I NOR SALE, a large stock of Toys and Holi ' day Goods at lowest prices. LOUIS VOGEL, Jefferson and Waldburg lane. dh 4 A WILL BUY a No. 8 Gas Stove, in perfect ®lv order. Apply Monday at 108 Bolton street, one door east Montgomery-. 4 N elegant Wheeler & Wilson No. 8. Machine. 1 V cost SBS, will sell for S3O. Address L., care Morning News. _ 170 1{ SALE, a fln Black an I Tan Dog, eight ' nnmi its Did. Address C'LIM AX, News office. I7OR SALE, a fine lot of Milch Cows, at D. 1 COX'S Stables. West Broad street. ITV >R salk. Spring Wagon, cheap for cash; in 1 good order. 52 Reynolds street. I NOR SALE, lots Nos. 141 and 142 in Bonaven -1 ture (Vmetery; Property of Savannah Tiirn verein; will be sold very reasonable. Inquire of EUGENE LA Hit ’UK or M. L. BYt'K. IAORSAI.K. three story brick dwelling on Bol ton street; convenient to Whitaker streut cars; terms easy. I I>. LaROCHES SONS. I7OR SALE, schooner yacht "Ethel,” tbirty four tons, now lying at Darien. Address W. If. PATTERSON, Darien, Ga. I AOR SALE, cheap. Chandeliers, Show Cases, ' Iron Safe, Bar Tumblers and Glasses. G A ZAN, Bull-Broughton. LXtRSALE AT A BARGAIN, two top buggies; 1 first class work: new and all right. Apply to C. L. SIMMS, Boston, Ga. lAOR SALE. Splendid salt water river-front ' building lots, anil five aero farm lots with river privileges, at ROSEDEW; building lots in Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Apply to Dr. lAI LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from 9 to 10 a. a. LOST. T OST, a Lady’s Gold Watch and Chain, on I j Friday afternoon; photograph in locket. Finder wifi be rewarded by returning to No. 136 Broughton street. Ii ist. two lows tied together: the finder will j lie rewarded. Call at the corner of Mont gomery ami Stone streets: red basement house. I OST, small Scotch Terrier Dog; answers to j Inarm- of Prince. Suitable reward if re turned RADERICKS. 92 Bull street. REWARD. AOAA REWARD for information leading to IpiU'l tho parties or for the patents who placed the body of a mulatto child on our prem ises, corner Huntingdon and West Broud streets. FINN BROS. tftQ A REWARD.—I have recovered two of O,)' I the missing volumes of the bound files of the MousiMi News. The following are still fir anting: July to December, 1860. July to December, 1861. July to December, 1802. The volumes are undoubtedly iu this city, probably in some law office, ns lawyers are gen erally the borrowers of our flies. There is $lO waiting for the return of each or any of the above volumes, "and no questions asked.” J, 11. ESTILL. • BOARDING. 17IRST-CLASS boarding, lodging and flats of 1 rooms, with all desired conveniences, can be obtained at 180 Broughton street. PHOTOGRAPHY. T N. WILSON, fj . 21 BULL STREET, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS. TM ISC ELL AN F.OU 3. r ADIES now is the time to get, your fancy I J work ready for holiday presents. Just received the latest designs in stamping patterns at MRS. M. HETTERICH'B, 150 State street, next door to W’hitaker. '"I-'HOROUGH INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN in In 1 strumental Music on the Piano. Terms moderate. Satisfaction given. Call or address 194 Hull street. OATT! HAND ATTACHMENTS for all Sewing I Machines are the most reliable and give the easiest motion. For sale by R. S. MELL, 47 Bull street. r pHE “'Domestic” Fashion Review, a eont- X plete catalogue of fall and winter styles, sent by mail on receipt of twenty-live cents. R. S. MELL, 47 Bull street, Savannah, Oa. ORAL CLASS in German and French meets every Wednesday afternoon Chatham Academy; terms $1 month. Apply to Madame GRAUBERT. on premises. TFTANTED, every lady to bring their own \ V materials to have their hats and bonnets trimmed In the latest style at MILS. M. HIiT TERICH'S, 150 State street, next door to W’hit aker. IF you want your Clothing renewed, cleaned, repaired, braided, dyed, remodeled, altered to suit your taste go to S. WHITE'S, corner Jef ferson and State streets. FK. P. CARR, and Major Schwarz for elerk • ship office in Superior Court and LOGAN, the wide awake Butcher, for specialties in Northern Meats, City Market. f' O TO GEO. W\ HUMPHRIES to have your vT Mattresses Renovated or Furniture Re paired. 209 Charlton street. PAINTING in all its branches; Strictly first class work at the lowest prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR, corner Bull and Bryan streets. BECAUSE of the superior quality of Boracine Toilet Powder and being highly perfumed every mother recommends it. CHRISTMAS is near at hand, so is LOGAN, the Butcher, with always a good supply of Northern Meats. r pHE best, assortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail. A Clothes and Shoe Brushes at HEIDT’B DRUG STORE. PIANO TUNING.—By the year or single tun ings; low prices; work guaranteed. DAVIS BROS. Ct ALL and examine the New Button Hole At ) taehments for the ''Domestic” Sewing Ma chine at office. R. S. MELL, 47 Bull street. SIXTY-SEVEN and sixty eight are the num bers of LOGAN'S stalls, where the best of everything is always found, at living prices. INTELLIGENT, resftectahlo and reliable cooks, nurses and housemaids. Call at INTELLI GENCE OFFICE, 66 Whitaker street. IT'OR reliable drugs and toilet articles call on 1 G. M. HEIDT <fc Cos., Congress and Whita ker streets. PAPER HANGING a specialty by W. TAY- I I,i lit, 196, corner Bull and Bryan streets. IAINEHT facilities in the city for repairing T Watches at GERBER'S, 114 Broughton st, HAULING.— Pianos moved, boxed or shipped at reasonable rates. DAVIS BROS, CIOS PAINTING. Cheap, by AV. TAYLOR, 126, comer Bull and Bryan streets. AND a' who are you? LOGAN, the Butcher, stalls 67 and 68. HOT AND COLD BATHS at all hours, at the Pulaski House Barber Shop. M. F. GIB SON, Proprietor. SHIPPERS are hereby notified that there will be no break in the steamer Wadley's schedule on the Altamahu river while she Is laid up for repairs. The steamer ’“1011111110'' has been em ployed to take care of the Altamaha business via Doctortown. R. L. HICKS, Manager Steamer Wadley. I ADIES ARE OFFERED plain J their own homes (town or country Iby a wholesale house; profitable; genuine; good pay can be made; everything furnished; particulars free. Address ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK CO., 135 Eighth street. New York City. C'LOTHING cleaned, repaired, braided.altered ) and dyed; new snits cut and made in latest styles; charges moderate; satisfaction guaran teed. A. GETZ, tailor, 31 Jefferson street. IF you want man or maid servant call at In telligence Office, 56 Whitaker. K, M. BEN NETT. MISCK LL. A N KO U S. T WILL open and display on the 29th Instant a I tine line of Quadruple Plate Silverware, suitable for Wedding and Christmas Presents; have also a levantlful assortment of Leather and Plush Albums, Dressing Cases, Watcher, Jewelry of every description. New goods arriving every day. Call and get prices. M. S< ’HW AKZ BAUM, 147 Congress, near Whitaker street. Country orders solicited. NEW B*xl Lounges, Bedsteads. Mattresses and Single Lounges mew) for stile. Also, Ward robes. Sideboards, Easy Chairs, newly covered in plush, Sofas. Cane Chairs, Baby Carriages, Matting, Show Cases and Parlor and Bedroom Furniture generally. Also, furniture renovated, by PETER FOX. Practical Uphnlsterer.Sb Whita ker street, t ash or installments. HPHE PEOPLE'S CYCLOPEDIA OF UNIVER ft SAL KNOWLEDGE contains twenty thous and subjects more than either the Britannlca or American; buy no other until you examine the PEOPLE'S, as it's the latest and cheapest in the market; only S3O for the complete set; send for circular GENERAL MANAGER, News office. VTITEDNESP \VS, Thursda\ are the ▼ ▼ days when you cau smile at Northern Halibut. Mackerel, Smelts, Lobsters and Meats of all description at LOGAN'S stalls. City Market. IADIEB' and Gents' Solid Gold and BlltfW j Watches at GERBER'S, 114 Broughton st. LUDPXH 4k BATES 8. M. H. YOUR HOI IS NOT FURNISHED Ilia Fiano Nothing completes the furnishing of a house so well. No present you could make your family would be more acceptable or give them so much enjoyment and benefit. If you had begun paying $lO per month on a Piano two or three years ago you would now have it paid for. If you don't begin soon old age may overtake you, and you will go through life with an unfurnished uud cheerless home. . Why delay? Pianos are cheap, very cheap. Never so good for the money. Less than one half their cost formerly. And the terms aro so wonderfully easy. Only a few Dollars paid monthly will securo one. Start in and it will be yours and paid for before you know it. We can suit you in quality and prices. Just ont* look at our Warerooms will satisfy you on that point and that we lead in Best Instruments and Lowest Prices. Better Pianos for the money are simply not to be bad. Call and we will convince you of this fact. L.&B.S.M.H. 1 he Great Piano Depot of the Sou!l). MM————— I ■ ■HH i 1... I■! —————— MILLINERY. DANDY LIST OF CHEAP OFFERINGS. PLATSHEK’S, 138 BROUGHTON ST. One lot, extensive assorted, Ladles' and Chil dren's Fine Felt Hats, at the remarkable price of 38c. each. 100 dozen Ladies’ Black Straw Shapes, superior qualities, at the average price of 35c. each.; worth 35c. and 50c. One lot Fancy All-Silk Ribbon, this season’s latest gems, only 28c per yard. 30 dozen pairs Ladies’ 8-ply White Linen Cuffs, for one week only 9c. a pair; regular value at 15c. One limited lot ladies’ Good Muslin Chemise, Embroidered and Tucked Yoke, only 39c. each; worth 65c. fine lot 36-inch Gloria Umbrellas, a superior quality and neat handles, only *1 75 each. 30 dozen of the best quality Ladies’ Merino Vests, at 50c. each. Silk Bound and Stiched; cheap even for 75c. Owing to the large sale of the Lace Curtains we offered last week, we place on sale again 34 pairs Rich Pattern Nottingham I-ace Curtains, three yards long, full widl h and tape bound, only $1 15 per pair; grand value even for sl. Job lot Indies’ All-Wool Walking Jackets, Plush Trimmed Cuffs and Collars, only $1 75; worth fully 83 50. Several exceptional offers in Julies’ Beaded Dress Sets at sl, $1 35, 81 50, $1 75; worth very much more elsewhere. Full line of Dress Trimmings below competi tion. KID GLOVES! KID GLOVES! In the Largest Assortment, at Lowest Prices. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOAKS! P. S.—Mail orders solicited, POKj K MTs. The Great Southern Portrait Company The Great Southern Portrait Company FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS A VERY FINE CRAYON PORTRAIT A VERY FINE CRAYON PORTRAIT OAK, GILT OR BRONZE FRAMES. OAK, GILT OR BRONZE FRAMES. SIZE 30x34 GOOD WORK SIZE 30x21 GOOD WORK The Great Southern Portrait Company The Great Southern Portrait Company 42 AND 44 BULL STREET, AT DAVIS BROS.’ 43 AND 44 BULL STEEET, AT DAVIS BROS.’ 1. B.OAVIS, SECRETARY L MANAGER L, 8, DAVIS, SECRETARY & MANAGER TOY'S. To the Trade FOR— Tojs & Holidaj Goods. PLATSHEK’S, 138 BROUGHTON ST., The Leading Toy and Holiday Goods House of this city wants everyone to know that they have completed unpacking the most brilliant and richest so lected Dolls ! Dolls! Dolls ! Toys! Toys ! Toys! INCLUDING rare Domestic and Foreign Nov cities. Wooden Wagons, with wood and iron izlei; Velocipedes in wood and steel. Bicycles in steel and with rubber tire wheels, Girls* Tri cycles in steel and wood, Doll Carriages from the unliued willow to the handsome plush-lined rattan, Hobby Horses, bhooflys, b winging Horses, etc. AN EXCLUSIVE LINE BRIC-A-BRAC In Bisque, Lava, Terra Cotta, Venetian, Athe nian and Dresden Wares, that no other house here can duplicate In assortment, rarity or low prices. Plash and Satin Novelties. Perfect gems in the way of Work Boxes, Odor Stands, .lewd Boxes, Manicure Rets, Handker chief and Glove Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Kan Cases. Ladies' and Gents’ Toilet Cases, Playing Card Coses, with fittings; Rtandard Plated Ware in plush cases. Gents’ Smoking Cases, fitted Match Safes, Satin Lined Baskets, Portfolios, Autograph and Pho tograph Albums, and uny other produc tion in plush or satin you may desire: This line knowing no equal in this city both in originality of designs or lowness of prices. For Headquarters Come to Us! We have supplied (you many a year, we know what you want and we have it, the LARGEST VARIETY, LOWEST PRICES. inquiries elsewhere will only gain you loss of time and money, so It is advised you all should WRITE AT ONCE, or call in person for your selections. Further Information on prices, etc., will lie speedily given upon application. N. B. Goods packed with care and shipped without delay. SCHREINER’S Toy Houses, Congress Street, 129. Congress Street, 140. OPEN MONDAY, NOV. 28. COTTON SEED WANTED. ~ isf CENTS Per Bushel (sl2 per ton) paid for good COM® Delivered in Carload Lots at Southern Colton Oil Cos. Mills —AT— SAVANNAH, GA., ATLANTA, GA., COLUMBUS, GA Price subject to change unless notified of ac ceptance for certain quantity to be shipped by a future date. Address nearest mill ax above, ■gsu"" ".iu _u A'jgs TANARUS) COUNTY OFFICERS —Books and Blanak required by county officers for the use of the courts, or for office use, supplied to order by the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE. 3 Whitaker Wreet, Savannah. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. Attention, Grocers ! 40 Casks Plain Smoked Shoulders AT AUCTION. I. D. Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On MONDAY, the 28th day of November, 1887, before our store, IHB Bay street, we will sell, In lots to suit purchasers, 40 CASKS PLAIN RHOULDERS, smoked. This sale is without reserve, and all parties dealing in Meat will find it to their advantage to attend. Terms cash. SALE ““J ERSEYS, Ladies’ Cloaks, Etc. BY J. MCLAUGHLIN & SON. On MONDAY, 88th November, 1887, at 11 o’clock, 150 LADIES’ CLOAKS and JERSEYS. Sold without reserve for account of all con cerned. A. K. ALT MAY I’.it A (O. ' Q ’ J- Q A. R. ALI MAI RR & CO., overstock rmiLic e ’ w e needroom Benefactors. to show ou r im mense stock of Holiday Goods. Will low prices move ’em? We'll try. Here’s one chance in a life lime; $13,000 worth of Boys’ Tailor-made Clothing to select from. 6,000 genuine bargains in this department. Boys Tweed Suits (knee pants), sizes 4-13, were $3, we’ll sell this week for $1 60. Boys’ Cassimere Suits (knee pants), sizes 4-13, $2 75; were $6 50. $7 50 Cheviot Suits down to $3 75. Visit us. You’ll buy Boy!’ Clothing whether you need ’em or not. sl2 Combination Robes this week for $5 50. $25 ditto for $lO. S4O Combination Robes for sl9 48. 1,300 pairs Ladies’ Beauti ful Kid, pebble and straight goat, $3. Button Boots this week for $1 98. Phenomenal values. Visit us this week, it will pay you, and especially visit our second floor. One of the many inducements on this floor is 1 lot Ladies’ Very Nobby Striped and Checked English Walking Jackets, with satin lined "" hood, 1 R.ALTMAYERACO., very styk BEOTOHTOIT ish, this week, $5; bull ra ASPHALT PAVEMENT. Warren-Scharf Asphalt Paving Ca, 14 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. CONSTRUCT Genuine Trinidad Asphalt PAVEMENTS. This Pavement has been thor oughly tested in actual ser vice and is found to possess the following points of su periority: Ist. Cheaper than stone blocks equally well lair!. 2d. Durability; the company guarantees it for a period of years. Bd. Almost noiseless under traffic. 41 h. The cleanest pavement made. sth. A perfect sanitary pavement. Being im pervious to water and filth, it cannot exhale in* factious gases. (Jth. Easily and perfectly repaired when opened to lay ]ii|ies, etc. 7th. Haves wear and tear of herses and vehicles. Bth. Being smoother. less power Is required to haul over it than any other pavement. 9th. It enhances the value of abutting prop erty more than any other pavement. 10th. It is therefore, all things considered, the best and most economical pavement that can be laid on any street, whether the traffic is light o heavy. NADDLERY, ETC. McGLASHAN SADDLERY CO. 187 BROUGHTON ST.,' UNDER TURNER HALL, MAXUVACTCRERS A DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Saflfllery, Harness, Wliis, HORSE CLOTHING, ETC. A FULL LINE OF Scotch, Irish and Concord Team Collars, We will duplicate any Northern or Westsri bill of hand-made Harness, and warrant sari* faction. Trunks Covered, Harness and Saddle* Repaired, and ttrst rate workmanship guaraur teed. Owe and see us and give us a trial. 3