The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 06, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 (JHI\DINO on JUSTICE. THE COURTS RKStTMB THEIK SIT. •11NO FOii THE WINTh R'S WORK. Judge Ad&uaa Charges the Omnrt Jury on Romo Important Point* Tbs DU voivo Mill In Full Blast Resolutions on the Death of J. J. Abrams, Esq Tho City Court's Work Yostwrday morning the Superior Court convened for the lVot'mbwr term amt them uat a throng of w Itnosse* in attemlaTU's. The court nxwi an,l hall were crowded with jurors, grand amt petit, wttne-sw*, amt jvor tie. to suits that were to be there isMiv leretl \t lOo'cl-x'k Judge A. Pratt Adams walked into the court num atid t,x>k Ills evil upon the hench. Sheriff Rotmtt opene<l the court, which ptvxxxxlivl at (imv h> business. The fellow mg grand jurors were called and answered jvrereut Francis IV Rlood worth, Jam, vs M Barnard, Thomas Daniels, Thomas F. Stubbs, James R. Fiovd, Fred M Hull, Reuben L Rook well, Merritt \V. Dlson, l.ttcius V Wake man, Tomlinson K Johnson, John Sullivan, James K Gortnanv, Moses J Solomons, William 1. W.-tkoW, . ov>rge !\ Parish. John G Rutter. Horace A, Crane, Dattiei H.wan, Alls'it S Bacon. (tar land M. RvaU, William J. Marshall, Uoorgv* A Whitehead, George S Haines. A Jesse Ives, Gustav Kokstein, William U Morrell. Solicitor General dußignoti adminstored the oath and the grand jury retired, and elected Francis D. Uloodworth Foreman. JVDOK 40AMS' CHARUK. When the jury returned to the court isv>m after the election Judge Adams cwve them his charge, which was comprehensive and clear. He called their attention to those habitual violation' of law which must necessarily Iv a (art of a bulge'# charge until they shall have ,vassi. The sale of liquor on Sun iso , which was a gross viola tion of a just aim wist, law . the selling of liquor to minors, drunken men and habitual drunkards should also t>x-wi ve t lie attention of the grand jury. He did not know whether there wns any gambling in the city, but if there was the jury should pursue that over shadowing minister of iniquity and slay it. It was a matter of public congratulation that the necessity for anew jail has been recognised and t hat the new building is ahinv-t ready to 1> turned over. Judge Adams charged the jury to inspect it and make any suggest urns that it saw proper. THK jrSTK'KS OF THK TRACK. He charge,! the grand jury to examine the Kv'ks of the Justices of the IVace to see that they are j'rojierly kept; that no ex orbitant chargee air made for issuing war rant*, tor what ,nunee warrants are issues! and if the proper disposition had not Iren mate of the cases brought Irfore them thev should lie indicted for tualinaotioe. Tiie occasion W ill s>x'n aris> for guarding the Ballot !>ox. He feared that in tho jxast the pivqxvr attention had not Usui given to that matter, blit it was the most important duty of tiie grand jury to see that the punty of the ballot box was preserved. The purity of the ballot Isix is the only as surance of an honest government, and the frauds of corrupt men should not Iv jn'- niitted tothwrart the will of the peojvle. Bribery should lie punish,s!, and the rxxx'iver of a bribe is equally guilty with Urn giver. THK 014) COURT ROm Speaking of five court house, he said he did not doubt, that the grand jury would agree with its predecessors that the building is inadequate and the aooomniodaUons m sufficient and such that they slnwiKl not lie in an' civ tliaed community The building is unsightly an,! mocks lb,' dignity w Inch sh'Rild mark a temple ,vf justice He oal’tsi attention to the election which is to lie held next month to ,ietermine whether the city shall wet the title to the old cettve teay ia the Count v Oammretoners a< a site for anew os-art 'hixtse. an! said that, no mat ter w hat the result of the election should lie. it .Wight to be ao-eptei as a final seUJenMtel of the quest-sat whether the ,senetery sh.xvM be used as a court house sit*. A tine buAitng w ouki be a credit to the community. It would not des.x-r*;e the oea-i. but would be a testimonial to the humanity of the living Fortunately. tie added, it is largely in ihe power .vf the gran.! jury to give direction in th.s matter .1 CV W 4l*H's KSi' Ar*. The esosiv ,vf cvnincts from the oer.vtct ism)* is a k „ ledge. N-vt af, eonv ;. :s from 5! ' county have escaped Is :,w their ter-.-.s had expired. and there was otic notable .'as*' ,vf the escape of a c. nvict wh' i- voider a w-i .c-e for murder He was not tnr y advuws! as to l the case, but then ,s reasor. to bcl.eve that j there was negligence. an.l he thought it a ; jvroivr esse fix to. grand jury to snvwm ga:e a;si bring to li e attention of the chief i ,ixv. ;w . : Siate. " hen the Ju tg* bad finished his ehargv. , the grand ;,nry n : .re! to its txxmvv to con ss-ks' is' caeres to be brought lW.sre it. and the petn jv.txxrs were call*! and sworn The osjrt then ttnmj of siirw .if the ] noevssery iv.v:;.-is- .ncs.i,to the oner,; gof the term The hen s,y ,sv,-.rt will be as *,\i lows From v oYo.x-k to Ui. mot .ad .'hamb'-s nvaives. t'r.vm IP to i an.! from f-SJ to fi 'V jury tr.siv hut the tr-u*l o! rn ivs-tar.t crunsna: ,\a**s w;* permitted to run over lb**, hours. The .kvtet was taker. Bp and the oases aasignoi for trial. RTMtEVs KA-OTS rsTlKtv Judge Adams then .saiks! the divorce docket an.! prossohsi w ; h the aecond tnab tti -Ass whu-F. bat bad their first triad at the lass tern-, of (vxut The second vrer.ij.-Ts were fcr.nd. and divorce* crartc-5 ;a the f.viewing .saacs, Rj-xab-th wa', vs Jim C, Fdl lliurotti Jnhrpor, vs VVT.dam Y Johasoa. 1-ula IV'wvty vw lv.she.~t rVwsbr, TT.'sa V H.-w arvi vs, I'Siarles H. ward, fVter Hey w.vvi vs Saßte Hrywvvv! TSswiias i' a'.lcer vs. Frigiroa M'aiher Kwrca L Rcc-tf,w\! ,s Kartar. V R*s'sf.s~vl. Janscs K Hog-an vs Ki-.ealvci!. Hgw > N -. -.a- V. bt-.g-ht -s M'a-v A'.'.brtgbt. S.mi,vr. K nh* vs V* v K t;*.a Wilitam Ranks vs Arm* Ra-A-s Hyrrs vs Varv Hyve\ w-ph ts vs htey RingWim. '.V .a IV.'k. .S -y vs M Pa'.tmnhetvy The case c# A Varv.iebetein et al vs J. J DaW and David Weds w-a> >iis . ssod by c.x. ■Mrt. IV.sUons for -vf the Dosplcs' 1 -van vAvn-qiaxy ar-d the Kuig r> .vf Fa tr.-.a> Had Akssa-sbV sin were fu-si The grand j urv thou .vame in with cts f v3.sw.tM: iteijcrr-cnts J ohr. l\ Treaplf. .•’•.-rying <! wwajvsis Jan-.-'* S Oo liv J.vt.n TV, h vcs Jama* Thtpsw and Coffee H.vrgmn, s .nple ;ar.vemy. Monroe Gor don. i ester Thi to—avt., Retr. jvj'.v.n Y oung and Alfnai tk aJtcm, bssngvary. arsl Idv ~ vVmp bail. assa;..'. with inhM V nnarviev TV WAurt then r.svk recess unr.. 4 CiYiadk i. x Atsm' ntvn We court convened j the aftwmootv F J. VX; and pops.s-,.iAt the reeo-r te.vm whxh ha.i beer, puses-, npoo the death *if the law J. J. Abram* Rsq .a mo .: Hr of the ta- In re viewing the .if Mr A beams a high tnbote was pa*, to hts carkal aha. ty as a law-yer. his th-vroiigl; kneerledgw the law. and t.!cam wbrchbe Aiways ev-. itesi a the pn .a-M vt ,vf ts. .-asca TV fo.icwiTig ree.vhita.vas were ther ,'4hredr kweoirsvi TMai i. ihe death of the .Vs-eaW -vemhes *vf the bar. Jacob J. Atvarns. ar. e.'se adwooaje ene; lawvvo- has hew io*u to a* m. fteawa. a srmng w-4 aewsec ftAeis. }*s paanss any *• loe .wm Jy o- r vrojsv,. has affhcselt tfemib IbenhiML. ThAJ iht* court saaS. 'or the agy as a Bitea dtenwovhe : smo aw-', that the Nark furatsb. a o N ,v*a,,!i tioas to ius Jannb 1 J ,-Y *..t J y Saxvrei. R;tv> 1. Ijes-re*. 1 k Kaauw T"ie -eav' were by Hentx Sic Akan, £wq J. K Beokw ;Ug Keq, syok-e at acme ktertt'. • the k.ndneas of Mt Abrams ymand the vss.7tpe,- awanhws of the ptw tnnoan. who were w*h the mar.v nteaaCMs that been the y.xmg advwvat, •a* asi that as. one of the vounger xnesn ber, lie did uot d,wiiv'that kiudmua to bo forgot ton. Judge Adams said thnt ho would roceivo tlie iv'solntions, and in ocivitviuiuv with their request, would adjourn the court ns soon ns the rv'turn of the gr ind jury was received, meanwhile no othej- business would Is' trans acted. VtOtlK tXIIICTMKNTS. After some time the grand jury came in with another batch of indictments, elnirg fug Abo Gnnt., George Ijiws and John Keonel w itli burglary. Joe Jrhnston with simple larceny. David Days, Sum Williams and AUs'i t Grant, alms Alls'rt. Mmire, with ii-Miiilt vvith intent to murder, and G. W. Ward, alias J. R. Woerner, the safe blower, with burglary . Judge Aliun* will proceed with the crimi nal doeket on Woiiuosilay, on w hleh day the cases of Sam Williams, On!!!,' Morgan, David Da vs, Janie* tj. Collins, James Du prvA-, J. \\'. William*, Albert Grant, Ren janin Young and Alf r,si WnlUm will lie trail On Thursday Al* Gant. George Sams, John Keonel, Tan! ('atntvU.ll, Ja' Johnston, (i W. Watvl the safe blower, and lsv-'ter I'atterson will lie tried. After the assignment of thee eases the court took recess until 9 o'elo,-k this morn ttvg. In the City Court. The City Court also reconvened, having adjourned over from last month. A num ber of jail ruses w ere trie,i and d!s|v*,si < f. Gabriel Marks was sent to the chain gang for six months tor larceny from the house of Norton Frierson. Joe Murphy pleaded guilty to larceny from the house and went lip for six niontlis. Charley Raker g't twelve month* tor stealing three ivsil- from A. Falk ft Ron Uiehan! Hoiks is to go to the chain-gang for mx months for stealing a luusiv’ box from D R Kennedy. Harrison Cis'per got twelve months for sti-alnig a ham from A. M ,V C W West. A nolle proa, was entered in the case of Allen Field*, chargixl with st,\aling chick cits, hut he crot six months for cheating and *w milling Hod Alston out of that same lot of fowls. !V>ra tlohiK-s alias Chusky Bacon got one year for receiving stolen pvxls, to which charge she pi,vide,! guilty, and one year for simple larceny, of which she was convicted. Charles Gillen went up for twelvemonth* for cheating John Burke out of s'.o Tom Young was trio! on a charge of v agrancy lint dismissed William Fisher got thirty days for carry ing iwin-oaied w ,va[s'ns J.vlm Wilson and John Bryant pleaded guilty to Is'ing a*vAissori,e after the fact in receiving four watches stolen from K J. Crane, and weiv> s,>nt to tho chain-gang for throe months William Ricks was found guilty of steal ing NiV'. from DanielSheftalland sent to the chain gang for six month* for simple lai cwiy. ihin Henderson gv't six months for steal ing thrv-e pwii-s ,'f sli,a* from the stoie of Warmv-k \ W illiams. Henry Sutton was se -t to the chain gang for mx months for committing assault and Ksttery on Dora Jackson. On VYeiinwsiay the case against Yellow stone Kit will be tried. In THE MAYOR'S COURT. Blue Monday for a Big Batch of Law- Breakers. The Mayor had quite a batch in his court yesterday morning Joa-phine Small w.v< up f'Vr being ,!mnk aisl disorvteriy. for which oiTense* site got ft- ,vr ten davis The case of tve rge Rvyer* was only a plain drunk and he was let off with f N or flw days t'lare ('arter and Amo B'.urt got drunk and had a most territVc fight in War ren square. Their twttie ,\*.t them ft- ,vr ton days each. IVvlly Sly aivi Annie Givs-ii ha,! also imbibed too freely, and in terfered with OflSeir Morgan m ihe ,i:s char-gv' -vf his duTv The g.-avity .vf their offe;.-*- brvHight o-.i them the -s . 1,-; >- of , c ,vr thirty day s each Raster q'.ha.i thneatenei is' sh.v>; Frank C" er. with a rastwi and he got fli or thirty days, and Wiihiu Saiirdni-s got the same sen ten,-e f,vr Unrig off a pistol in the street- S YATKS LEVY DEAD On* of Sarwr.nAh* Most Prominent Ijiwyers Calltd by Grim Peatb. Mx\ S. Yates lj*ry. for a kaiji time on* of the iv: vl brilliant lawyers in this part of tb* State. died yesterday Maj l.e\i wit ■ alive of tYiar .i"! S O and was anv r.i berof one of the n> >4 prominent lsra.-ht.ish famill** Of li st -v:y He nfß.v ei to Jvt vannah bon on tea nwA.-.p and as s.\nr. after adn lied to it** '.tar. of * hi. h be al onoe Kvniw a brilliant member, 55* a- a ..vtitimm-i inf ennneßt literarv ability, a cv-Tovi, and a forv.hle wrm-r He was a wvil known eoatrtta.ior to tb* press. v>-;fc winch in after veal's la- became wrawtei At tii* .wit break of tb* war be became j Capra"! of the Ovr 1 .fht Guards. a <vm p* tin \ ....... .nr Rngtmmd.. and was a/iecwarv. Ml aye ,nf tbai ey: nei-t. He •: wal mlt do: v ,'M ta al M.nms Island Oharieiston harlwr. in tb* oairtpaifm in I'ptner t'ev; .* and in Ter.oesane lie was aftecwarC ■ lumt aod in)inand for s.'—.se t .meat J.'bnamY IsJarKi. Ohio. At Ibe .inv- ,nf tbe war be mKitae.l tbe* .if the Jaw wb e-h be oonUnnni l oalih oompe-ioi him to reun*. He was an .ember of several law f.rr.ns. bis last vartnor Kang tb* iate ,'u .cr Edward J. Hardee-. May Le\y was at .ane Unne of the Sana v.ah TXti'y .t.v- - >- Ontb* rev-yaaaaal >n .nf tbe v. iantoer soldiery in • s'.X be wa .-bonrt Carta.i. .nf tbe d.ntnston lAs i.t 1. fvttry a “id werroi as s-.K'b for ssnn* time. He was a men. her of tbe H.\vnl of Kdrana -ai at tbe time .nf his death h.. .. :. i’od avt* ni.'.r.tbs aj-o and he teaves no eh Atom. His fuitietl will take pisoe from ihe wew.den.s* dMs iVtavns, on Lafhjfnftte at S -fV oVbvk this aftwraocnt. l<voal PTra.>cai. K K Kep.nard went up to Atlanta last Oiltbt. Hor.ry MeAJpitv. Esq . of Athena, was us tbe city yossvT-.iay 1 joct. 0 V Carter is stat .oned lonapvs partly at Fort Clinch. Fhnnia Cron, ti M SomeA lienersl Manager of tb. 1 I.TU.V bi.n&msb.p Oor.'va: v. rerarnesi to tbe Bti iwnnvUT from Yew York after an ahsresv of tw o m.nntba He iierv-irTs that tb* n. * pier. Yo S.Y Yortb river, has lieen m j. . nek. and that ,t is a trswl fieyai.J and s. tbrwfnm. TV new sjoarrml-.i.' i. w, under w ay. and w -.;. be done tr time t. lb. neat season's ls.s t .ss Ken T\ *' K *'./*> nf " : 'irtor N. C , a. ir. tbe ,'Uy s .be unf Kcbmr.. .uon for tb* S-.-nax > Tnet.he <f that city Tb* bnddir.p was .lamasrsi by tb* Tb* so ,-nel.v s in debt aa.s it rtotw. are da It is Therefor*, neosasa-n to oail ujvnr. fihamtbie i>v.'o* for tb* m.ia*y v mak* tb* -needed retnai-s Mr Kelley is indorsed by tb* AnaerKnar. Pert Society Y ECi. S.ntM. Tb* ladies’ A unitary CWnromitt** of lb* Younp Sler.Y Cl.n>jaji Assvtsu.te wiii hoki it* rntpalar noontbly uneetiif at f Sf e'cio.iJ. this aftenssor. In ti* assVASU .r parlor. The idostrwtod hviar* by R*r.ry JFYitb tT.wi oa Taesday eremup new pr-emsas re In* 'try interes: ipp Tb* jyrnnas.BTr atwararns wh>.-b. is ia.-nßf*ci .."ed w . 1 he ready f>nr w .n aboßt ter .days. V wi* .n, ra-k.' is beiap ar ranpr.' for tv t. v•. ' *<for* tb* asn.nmah. a al an early to- !.*>• r< T> -• • Otser** s— T**.wr.h Baev.-w. *j. Tan iai . H*** ww chaapwi! wo -alts! smyes'iinp theta er.vyx , ih.nk KWte: of uai which 3 hnirsi rntal-iur *ei. *>* Aw !9es - Masi fttvri,, Sole onij a SS.TTW TIIF. MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1887. THROUGH THE CITY*. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. Ravannnh T/vige, Knight* of Honor, will meet to-night. There wore nine arrests yesterday and ail of them were for disorderly conduct. The Planters’ Rice Mill Company will hold it* annual meeting at tho Treasurer's office on Friday. Thursday w-ill be the Feast of the Immac ulate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is a holiday of obligation in the Roman Catholic church. The German American Mutual Iswn and Ruildiug Association will hold its fifteenth regular tnonthlv meeting at the Secretary's ontoe, No. ION Rav street, to-night. The Georgia Historical Six-iety has ar raugtsl for an address or essay to tie deliv eredeither by some member of the society or some prominent Georgian at each monthly meeting during the w inter. The MohHINU Nkws acknowhvlgee the re-eipt of a can of oysters fnvm the Belvi der,' Oyster Company, Bryan Neck. Gs. This coiiijvany is one of the new of tlie State and is engaged in the cultiva tion of those delicious bivalve*. The sain pies sent are equal to any oysters brought to this city. RIVER AND HARBOR NOTES. Happening* Among the Shipping and Along tha Wharvaa. The 'teamtug B. W. Morse, of Bath. Me., will lie sent out to tow the schooner Carrie A. Lane on to New York. She will also bring out a steam pump with which to keep the vessel free of water. The Norwegian hark Charlotte A Little field vvas cleared for Liverpool, with S.STJ tvirrols of rosin, weighing 1,ti07,91.N p,’um!s, valued at i'.TtM. Cargo and veesr'l cleared by Messrs, tv. R ishottcr A: Cos. The *teann>r Pope Catim ran up on one of the jetties while coming up the river Sun day. causing her to sj'ring a leak. She was taken lip yesterday morning on a sandbar above tne’oity and the leak was repatml. The -t,Miner return,x! to her wharf again last night. Messrs. Straoban ,Y 00, clearwi yesterilav the British Ivork Donegal for Trieste, w ith -t.t'iS liarreis of rosin, weighing 1 .(t'.D.iji.v jxxitvis. value,! at fl.tsV. and 'JJO Ksn-els of spirits turpetitine, measuring lLd'S - -* gal lons valued at N.-WU. Total vaiuatnvn of cargo 1 12,300. Cargo by Messrs. S. T. Shot tar A Cos. A survey was held yesterday on the schooner Helen A. Chase, which put inhe-re Sunday in a leaking oocdjtioa The survey was hek! by l\vrt Warden Wiggms am! t'ajq Leighton, of the brig Robert DiUevn. Thev recommend*! that a sufficient p,vrtion of the --arc" lx> ,iis,-hargoi, s,' that the .ven tre board i. ...ib. w beie the leak is suppose,! to be. can be got at. THE POOR ARE WITH US. The Advanoa Guard of the Winter's Travel South. The sunny South attracts by its genial winters ihe itinerants of the work! As the swallow is said to be the sign of the coming of spring, so is the street mendicant or traveling showman, as well as the well-to ,k' tv-unst's appearance in this latitude the harbinger of w inter. The troops of organ grinders- which ,vxne in company with the tourists, have not yet reached her*, but they are ptwbalvly en "oute, and with their sad fa.-xxi imwikeys will soon lie gat'ienng in the nickel' from delighted children and smiling .!atnos. A m,vnkey. at a distanoe, is a child's delight- and the story of his antics .s a source of never-failing pleasure for .lay s after he has ssaight .xiier sivnes. IV'pie who soe the organ grinder and his monkey a-.kvn think that psxidmg through the strix-ts with a heavy kva.! on one's Uv-k vs ivarv! work and that the jvxvrly .ire-sssi shewman. f,vr a sh-vwinan he is in his way. wed deserves the p.ttar. v he receives. The oivvxf o s;-,, this winter is a big gn**i\ twr. His kw!;ng a -is ovnsisi m uottig things that twa-s are not disposed to ,i,\ ,ian ~ig an,! turning avtuersauds. The master is as -doggy as the bear, and tlie latter Tvcogm*'* hi* antKvnry if not hi* re la; -oivship While there is always a motley gathering wherever the pair stop, the bnsj tMMS is wi, ntly n,vt very The i... s-- a:. 1 per., .as came in a> slowly the . ther day that the man propreted *o wrestle w :th hts ccmpaaKvo for five -sent* a round, Kit tberv w>re r>,' takers. It vs ahard life, th * tr-.j.igitig through the oocntrv loading a txvar. a. i if the boys who worrr the man an . -ug v pet knew that both of them j rvsla: v ori.-n <rc h-.-.agry, tliey wouk! at ast more kmd.y in the.r trwatment ev en if thev shorn.! prefer to sjveod their n ; y for fi reworks and toy . s Kvoryixxiy wav travels the business strvx-t- ,q Savar.nah has by this time seen the two ,a.fortunate* whose affix t.-ons appeal ioui'v tv- she sym pathtes of the kin!-beart<id. A txxvr w te woman w-: - lia* lost her bar,is. and a white mar. who has had b-vth arms cat off near the etv mx. They atv lv>th viators, but ar,' n.xt t-ye: h<-r The woman sits j ■.-i.tiy ,vn th,- walk letuag bar mis fortunes s;voak for her; she has nothing to at 1!. bat simply- seek* sums The mar is earning his living by selling lea.i-pencils. Then there are the kx-ai unfortunatos the old blind negro, who for years ha* beggeii from door to door, and who. it * sa. i. is hai'i-omeCy jvr.-vT.iixi for by the .daily <vc,r.t- .or* .vf chamtahV bus: rvo-s river. He a rival in a mulatto w- ( v man who is also bund. She is *.w sc ener get ic in her way, and therefore ajvrarer.tiT o.ves n.vt do * weil. There a number, t.xv, of wall known white uMteticurs. have is- particular a. meet They V- >r.g to a si..:ti*s* class that appear to have beer. Kvm '.vggarv Last- but not least., a-w the many veeer'ing jxvr. whoee w-ac.t- and suffer gs are never kticwm A few may lav e fi- end* who rKieve their wants- but many sr.flfer hunger ana odd and make so err. !n loose houday Lmes :t is bet right for th.w who are w-eii pr\'n.Vx! with this work!'* c.v'it te remember those wh- have tt.err. not. It it not alone the jxxvr that ask aims- but the rvx-r who are try ing t. heh th.-mwxves that sbo.-ld he nemi-KiKeYv!— an>.vrig them are oar fremk tlie orcsn grinder, the man with the grsix.y Iwar. the ,pksi pencil roan, the lame iv-y who s .Is tuxt.-hes. and a., other* who in thf-rr own way are tM-iarx. though they ask for help. The New City Ctrwrrory. Mr A. E. Show* i fmn|TiMil | i| rapxihi w .li, tb* n*w City I>ayc*arT. ami thirds bit can safely pr>nnr.* it* it. the mHt pert of next February He ha* been ousvMKrig tbs city ftf the last tire* W’sets wvtfc 'W. f.v4 and reqpoßsshl* ,iu:r|.rs. Th* *rh.-r .uinc and adanertßcag list wj2 d.-rahr la-t v:'> dzracwory from pnwM .rndtoa toons. 'll wii he • bonk worthy of pabronapw. and .w of winch lb* city may b* tasty- proud. Rots' Karonekhom Tweed Suita, im par ts and s\mo Cap tS St this w-set at jut mayar's 2* inch Wai TVnlb TV. at Alanay V * JtifomjLr * Art. nil .'Tj of "fhfahia and C*a;- tea.' Tnce-.nar ' •'Fbobard ib* Third.*' "As Yew l~t* It* •'Cynnheline.'' "Lady cf I.y.nnx.' ’ Tb* Jntmeibheok " ami other plays for san a: E*u..V News Ilepnt. Ftjo* & " Yow mat* a mistake whea yot la.- to peg Tt K lesterY prices Tien's fiaai w gr v D. R Imoar * far b i t • ansiaa illr.a Omtkw and Sum . jad* -and ftentiemraY Ye>w and Qjft Emiwcwdf"*.: K. swa,'afl .toai<M bn- Wept. P, Oft THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mr. Charles N. West’s Essay Upon Sidney Lanier. The Georgia Historical Society held its December meeting last night at Hodgson Hall. Gen. Henry R. Jackson presided. After the routine business had been trans acted Charles N. West, Esq., read au in teresting essav upon Sidney I-nnier, one of Georgia's proudest litterateurs and musicians. The ball was well filled and would doubtless have been crowded had there been wider notice given of the ad dress. Tlie essay was listened to vvith the ekisost attention, and the essayist was voted the thanks of the society, and the Librarv Committee was directed to secure its publication in pamphlet form. At the conclusion of the uddivss the Libra rian submitted a handsomely framed letter, written by Henry ('lay, accepting an luvi tation from the atiieus to visit Savannah in INM. The sjiecial committee apjx'intixi at the last meeting to prepai-e suitable resolutions ujvon the death of K. J. I-iu-combe, an hon ored member of the society and one of its curators, submitted it* report, which was adopted. The Library Committee's report recom mending the purchase of now books was also adopted. A THROUGH ORANGE TRAIN. Special Trains Now Running Bet ween Jacksonville aud New York A special fast orange train is now being nra between Jacksonville and New York, carrying cars through to Washington. Bal timore, Philadelphia and other point*. It constitutes an all rail freight line between Jacksonville and Eastern cities, and orange tariffs have been issued to the above named cities. The new line is to bo known as the At lantic Coast Line Dispatch, and is oomjxvsed of cars tumished bv tho Pennsylvania rail road. tho Atlantic ( „i-t I ine and the roads of the l'lant system Let ween Jacksonville and Charleston, each furnishing cars in pro portion t*v their mileage. The ears being u-xl on these trains are of the most improved refrigerator style, lieing sujwvlievi with jvas*enger cxxi. h -proigs and air'lraki's, and make alnnvst as fa-i time as the mail trains thomsolves. The trains leave Jacksonville every afternoon at 6 o'clock, ox.vjvt Saturday, when they leave at;. m . in order to go; through tic,-rg;.i ar.,; b -nth t'aroUua av a- not te infringe oa the Sun dsy laws of the Th s is th, first through fruit car service that has ever !een put on botwten Florivia and the Northern and Eastern ci; - Here tofore ail fruit shq-ixvd to Washing; u and txvintis North end East was transferred at Portsmouth to steamers, ami shippoi thenoe to destination Under the new order of things the fruit goo* threugn without re handling. and. m alv-u; one-half the time it formerly took, while tho rats'* will be the same as formerly. THE ROAD COMMISSIONERS They Report All the Thoroughfares in Good Condition. The Roa-i Commissioners hold a mooting in the grand jury room ,vf the City Court yesterday morning. Gen. George P. Harri son presj,iing. and Mr. R_ Coakloy acting as Stx-retary. There were ah*v prose:Capß James McAipin. J F Sweat, Gvx-rge A. Keilar. Si' Srieft-xli. G-.-.g’.o Bov.:- jum. !Y, D. Ever t:, D E > -o.taV.. T B. !Y . Michael Her.nk. J 1 Rahn, t R Norris. L J. Thorupe-r. C. Ihicgan. May Ardor- SB. Cot. Go rcc S Oweivs. F. V Wail, iwx-rge Ferguson. K. Sack- W. H. Chaplin. Wtliuuu Gray. J C. Rowland, Caps. D. G. Purse and H. T. Smart. The rvwds were all rejv ;-ted in g.vxi condition. Several rcsig natt ms were ti-ierovi, but the ,*nly one a,wi4*xi was that of a commissi- :>er wh > had moved off the road for which he asrved. The December Number of the Archi tects aud Builders' Edition of the Scientific American. Contents; Arvh Construction. The Arrhi tei'tural Era, Optical Refinements in ArchUecture, The White Ash. The Rambo" Tree. Bathing E<tabt;-.hraent and Casing in Vittel Yossges, Iron Beams in the Place of Wood Beams. Rcx'ks f,r Architects' and Bunders'. Rricks. A t-rCMt Bun .ng Portland Ce ment. Buildings in t nariestixt. S C . Chateau at Ca-.ffienau,!rv. New Form of Chtrjte f.vr t hurchfts. Tube Chimes. Re movai of Churches An Unsafe Church. The Joan Crouse Mem trial College for Wvvmer.. l'..e Protecting Oom jV'-ands. A French Cottage. A fe.-VV- Col lage. A Sketch For a C.-ttage, Look at Your I'm:- i .n's and Wells Dwelluig* for #4.40. Pw .lings at M,vi, i-*:e Cost. I 'well uics at C'.en Ridge, Tlie Charter Gas and Gi>e Er.gtr-c. i \pr Fever Camtxi by Wed Water ~vf Shrucru - e. H-w tr Make a C.n.ful VYr-.’*..!,-. .Artificial f-xr P.rfe a.-ee. CvasSmiruon of Chimney Flues, l>jr Forostrv Pr -I l-.-m. Foundation* in Wt-t or -. ids. The Fopmar Hot Air Fur nace. Bow W Hav e Growm, Watswright Ho*:, r. F.- Nig'-iUrgae's Hr me. A g- YY Calif, rr/.a H.-ue rt..r.>rs of Fs.-.cry Chwraaves. Hcs> to Buiki an lev H-vuse. Blue Mars n ink. Oruamachal Keystones. Shakes;* are Nleraoria: at >; -*tf --rd I'pon Avon. A ' M tor. Naiis. Painting Cedar Pav eineahs. Woods. Imp - ved IXmbie Surface Ptaaer. P-ar.ts for Room Decoratico. A Large Contract fer Roofing Plate. Not Defective P'.umomg. Pro torti xr.. A Kcr.ier.y for r.ahbit. A Sul .nrlau A kCiW Resaden.v, Robumte a New Err vw Proixxrti -is of Rems. An Ir.-pr v-e Ham! an! Foot Pf '-ft Bam.! tsaw, ■ ixsw . ..s: A Slabie C rung f Y‘ R w a ktarbie Statue is Made. A G.vxi' A:. Fgypnaa Tetr.m.-e. A T wer or. the Mount of pins. Rswuade PjmSa riecis of Trees is Belg;rur A Tcw-er of Vtrtorr* t -nee of Wail* of Burring Rtuidirgx. Th: *Ba'k Yami Price iV For sale at Esc. - News TG- , ■!, 2', 5 Bali sgrto-t. P.-Chius- Cm rs a; from .V. to Jgi.- arur.iea. there is no place for vw- ety and ofaojoe hte W -.-BercV Ra*a-. T'.m'J buy that new pox jsfcoas ustil you have examuxxi -.vsepwi Roaer.bemi .v C*\ * larp stock. They oar. fit yea in any style and pnoev A Rarfc-air. in Er-ary Pareias* I* the mie of the "Famous.' nortbewss cor ner C.-.pnx- and Whitaker streets. We bosi oat no indanoneinw in one article we seih ar.i then .harps more on another so mate to. F.'a.L.vwly every ymrohase case of us s> a harper. eiietluc tt if- m Ciothinc. Gerntfamor, f rmtshfarap ftyods. Hats. Trsir.ti ,r I'nbrtaiat H. “ oats w-e O.' so l 'ia- enoupi. Two of the firm are <v ms*a*tiy an ttse kvobnnT in New York for p.vwif m oar line., wish the ready oast, hey ttf only at the lcw jm.oes. raarafiamin lap all the ciothiap thesrf. then-by savjap to oar pufrons the -Kanecd profit. 'which i> at ieasa pi - o. to R'- A oe a suit or eenviat Beside that, is enables as to have our ojoth inp made uy and trimmed hei3- than ords nanly done t y mans.:aota:*wv a we make their up for oar o*r sale and strive a- havi oor rustecnen phased, not only w he® rhev fmtthas. hurt ahe it the wearrap :f the fsrwßt We are thankful for the patron ape reoccT-ed. and oats thaak oaraei ra for as xr.aoh of sk. by tut food qaanty of Oi.uhinp for sari low 'poms' 1-jsdies heantfai French tsd A Soot* f . 9* thif week at AitzoayarY Choice oid Tort. Sherry. Catawba and STippwnnnp W me* at T R ’ mitm 'l Wmens A ?io '.jades Fa* French Kvd Shoes oar on.*y 'e fntan at viweot Bi—diiiriwi & OtvX Tbs tsarpajnf as Weaheott Baza - wil onbhmne nut' rurthnr nouoi. ant many ashen- are edjec thene*. ON RAIL AND CROSSTI3. Local and General Gossip In Railway Circles. J. C. Shaw, General Traveling Passen ger Agent of the Central railroad, left last night lor St. Louis, where he will establish his headquarters. An authority in regard to tourist travel estimates that the number of visitors from Great Britain to the United States next year will be over 50.CNXT, while he believes that the number of American tourists to Europe will increase from 83,000 this year to 100,000 in 1888. Although the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Company has been temporarily weak ened by enormous expenditures in following out a line of aggressive competition in the East, the earring capacity of this great sy>- ton makes an encouraging satisfactory showing of growth. The gross earnings of the entire system in INN' were f 18,81.,'40 and in 188f they were e-V,'<50,083, an in crease of about $3,!HO.000l The commit tea appointed at the cit mens' meeting m Pensacola last week to vx>rn municate with N. N. Clements on the sub ject of making Pensacola the Southern terminus of the Chicago and Gulf railroad, now permanently completct to Tusoaloosg. has written a letter of inquiry to the gen tleman. An answer to the letter has cot yet been received. When the reply arrives another meeting of the citissos will be called. nd a copy of the letter an>.i the re ply will be read. The Hit W<m County Ftotriot rejoices thus: “The long-looked-for completion of the Buena Vista and Ellavi ie railroad to Aniericus has been accomplished, and the firet passenger tram over the road rolled into that city last week. Our people now have direct communication with Americas, and no doubt ail concerned are heartily glad that the extension has been completed. Jim Stokes, the tireittvu on the road, hod the honor of milling in the first passenger train in the absence of the engineer. Mr. Waterhouse. The schedule has been changed so that parties going in on the tram wiU have s.x hours iu the city, ample time to transact any business. The train now leaves Buena Vista at 7:30 and arrives at Anwicus at i':SO. and returning leaves Americas at 3 and arrives at Buena Vista at 5 " SILVA'S OPENING. Fancy China and Glassware on Exhibi tion To-Day. Attention is directed to the advertisement of Jas. 8. Silva ,v Son. This firm has set aside To-day. the 6th, for their opening, when they ill display ail their choice holi day stock. They have male extensive improvements in their st 're tile past summer, and premise all who attend the sight of an array of pretty things such as has not been here be fore. A Grand Opening. To-morrow is the day for the Grand Open mg at Platshek's. The store is packed to overflowing with an assortment of Holiday Goods wonderful to behold. Up-stairs and down the counters are fillesi with new and boeutifu! Fancy Goods—all the latest novel ties —and thousands of articles just suited for Xmas presents. levs bv the carload have heen received, and will be open for inspection. Every conceivable thing in Toys is repre- Nentesi in Piatsiiek’s mammoth stock—Dolls bv tr,e thousand. and in fact such a dispay as must be s*x-n to be understood in its ooni piets-ness and extent- Hi member dav -,s the day, and all will be welcome at Platshek's Great Toy and Holiday Goods Establishment. The mar. that couldn't tell the difference tetweea a mule's ears and a lemon can plainly see the advantages of buying his Sh <es a: K vsenheim'-s. after examining their goods and learning their prices, JK Blankets down to F5 this week at A!t mayeris If you want to live well and save money, buy your Groceries from P. B. Lester. Ladies decant Plush Wraps, worth fos, f T 50 this week at A1 Quaver's. English Earn Pudding, Imported Jams, and everything luce in the eating line, at D. B. Lester s. If you want ‘fee best to Shoe in the city, buy them from J cwph Rosenheim & Cos. For chince Prunes, Dried Figs, Evapor atevi Apples, Fancy Crackers, go to P. B. Lester's Izadie • four-button tan embroidered hack Kid Gloves. 'Vo this week, a: A tmaver s Joseph Rosenheim dr Cos. are receiving another largek4 of Btacy. Adams & Cc. 1 * oeiet ratoi Sores, all stv .es. ChMren's ani Xisre* But:--. Fb reia he* and spring beeL cheap a: 5' a: N ictoois'. Fin', line of Lancs' Ssdppers. ad dmertp r. sns. just received at V. ■ Shoe Store. Fme itnprmd (Ja, Martei. Otard and Hetmesey Brandies. at IX R Lester*. Joseph Koswabe-im A Cos. mat? s speeuCtT of Missee ano. Cfcij.irwj's >pr.r + H-- Sana. Try IX R Lasrar's IXomesur Champagne, equal to the imported for half the b.wt. Fes", aamtont of Gectiernen'k Suppers prnr shown. can he seen at Ros.en.hesn:’* Shoe Store. Where can ywe get prod Candy for 10c. and lie.! At D. R Lesser^ ia: cages. W e take plfwssnre in recoennoeadiag E*rk er's Self-Ramg Buckwheat. winch. by the •d.iitaoo fatly of cold water or jndk. wifi make almost lwamtaawonsly. tWirioM Bu.-kxbet Oaks* Always ready. Always tv .ahu*. and perfectly healthful For saje by alt grocers. W...;anjs A Hoyt* Misses' and Chiiirw's r-prtag He- State cm he bad only at J. seif it Roseoheßsa A OfiX B. R Lester :> o? firing great bargains m Tomatoes, this week, he sure and erne mm a oaR ’ .VmepX RoMßbam A Cos art sole agecte it. Sax-amah fee Staery Adams A Cos and 7a> i r A C*rr ? ,xentJe*nec s i -tv Shoes. '. ai ’* lasperta T Kit Fuciot. oec ir lilt .aty t)stu X )iiH> Ros<ff.he.Tt A Oa. hare jam re eetted another kff of tii **- rnkhrated A Shoes .: C mg-ess. UA..S and ©arson. Infants ti: Bun ot wilt taase. a hareaia at V* as Xkfente Mss?* and Chhdmht School Shoes. th hesa in the aSty. at irwess prices. at Raswn heim'-s- Shoe Store-. * Rf* Bata tauac Kyles ant ;noaa hms ahir. a: Sschah t* cisTwiit Eneas® Walcms Jack-eua, Pins® Wraps and a. rCher t im are rac osaiv. by the jam** a- tt- moioesc coooi a Sarannai. and the tnr** Eh' j-wwg. At the teamen Rots*, .raranzaat. 3a... yra. gee al uu* maters od tat ruxrts-pr.oec hr ak. ant are iraae f. soft par aar Try it sac : ootrjom. -haem' new Romt- WOl FROM CHIN TO BREAST. Death Averted by the Use cf Prickly Aeh, Poke Root, Potassium. I bad a necro working on my place who had a no ugly sore on his nock, extending from tuo chin to the breast Irene. It aa cat mg away rapidly, and a> supjvvred to be a cancer, lie had gotten to auch a state thai lie was not able to work. and eould only swallow milk or soup At this stage I decided to try Or Whitehead's Wired Puriiter on him ! Vii-Ux Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium P P I' The elTix't was ivrfevdly wonderful The sore begun to heal at once, and the man daily gained in etreugth and tlesh. till finally lire entire mass of impure flesh came out, and tho plare tilled up and srahbed over. This scab finally sited off and left :\ smooth scar whete once a most filthy eating sore had been The man is now work ins in the woods as a regular ham!, mid is in perfect health. P, F. McDUFKV. Mr. McDuffy is a well-known operator in naval stores at Gletimore, Ga. F. F P. is the only certain remedy for nil Blood Diseases. Asa tonic it is unrivaled. For sale bv all medicine dealers. Dr. W Rtf Kit ran can Ire consulted daily at the office of the Company, Odd Fellows' Hall building, without charge. Prescrip tions and examination /rer. All inquiries by nuui will also receive his personal atten tion. Weislrein continues to sell off his Jerseys at any price, at 35c., 50c., 75c., sl, etc., worth more than double. In the Way of Holiday Gifts The individual who could successfully com pile a cyclopedia? of holiday presents pecu Harly appropriate to any and every indi vidual idea would be a providential bene factor to the human race, which annually puxzles its head over this subject. A sou venir should be something of intrinsic value or merit, as it is an evidence of love, affec tion or esteem, and holiday buyers will find in our establishment hundreds of fitting objects and articles. and at prices suited to the scantest or most plethoric puree. We mention some few articles—our immense catalogue scarce covering all : Ladies' and (Tents' Toilet Sets in oxydizei silver, some thing new: a beantifuf line of Lemaire's Opera Glasses, Gold-beaded Umbrellas, a superb lire* of Ladies' Gold Watches, every variety and style of Ladies' Jewelry, an ex traordinary line of Diamond Jewelry, Chains. Lockets. Lace Pins. Rings, Gents' Gold and Sliver Watches, Chains, Charms, and Rings. Diamond Studs. Collar Buttons. Sleeve Buttons, etc., exquisite Bronze and Statuary, a royal display of plated and solid sterling Silverware, Clocks. \'&>es, etc. As the rstfie list for the splendid Diamond Necklace is rapidly filling up. those desirous of chances, or of "inspecting it before it is disposed of, should call early. We can duplicate New York prices, and nowhere in this country can there be found a better selected or more varied stock. Engraving carefully and well executed. The Jewelry Palace of the South. 157 Broughton street. M. Sternberg. G,'k, Pine and Lighttvood, For sale by R. B. Cassels. corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No.* ... What the English Say. The English allude to them as "topcoats." We call them Overcoats, It amounts toabout the same thing, however, and in this "cold wave” season it is simply a case of ‘ the rose aueiliag ass weetly under any other name.' We haves, id ir.s of Overcoats during the past week, but the piles don't seem to shrink a bit. We gave every buyer h.s gooi money's wont, and something over. too. You need never feel ashamed cf any of our Coal.s. whether the finest Satin-lined or the ordinary substantial plain Coat- Every single one carnets an air of rrespectabdity with it. The prices po-sibly have some thing to d> w;:n the demand. We are nr-t greedy A rery saniU profit suit* us. An Overcoat so/d is worth a dozen Uft oner to us. They've got to go r thrir own .< ison Don't think of buyi.g an overxm: without seeing us. You . \i regret it. Plenty of nice Under wear. Hi*\ correct shapes in Hats. etc. Our line of select salt* tor Gants. Youths and Rrys h ■is,;- own. and :h some extra "1 . .av suit-" aided The Pig Golden Arm. '. re Broughton street. is the beacon you si. aid steer toward. SIXO.N MtTTHEI-L. Adv.ce to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syren stml-i A ways be usee when chiiinm are cutting teeti It reiiexes the little sailer at once. :: produces natural, quiet sleep by r*Lr-nng the child from pam and toe httie cberut aw&kcs as “tngbx as a burt.on_ T It is x-f-ry gieasan; to taste. It Moths* toe child, softens the gums. Car- ail pain, re flex.* wto._ rev...otee toe bew-is. and is the hast known ranedy for diarrhoea. wbx.her arising from to tmng or ether causes. h 5 otu tc a home. cßehois has La'_-es' Faroe. Si-e* a-1 widths. A. E, C and F. prioes 5- VsoJ® V Oak Pine and Larwood, Frr saae by R R Gamete, rrmer Tmykr and East Broad streets. Telephone Ho ~7T. Wetshein wiii soil tins week his nne Tress Gvoxis s: greatly reduced pnofs. watchq avp jexx Rhhi. tfeiMS Fruits. J HAVE the fcnsK seiect. on of Lad.-ef and GaHhaati GC'LD "WATCHES of the test attea Also the prertiea: panem sz FIVE JEWELST. as Ladies "'lamonda sets of Eat WK*.l*ce Pms. rnaxoac Fmger Pars. B-ate lesa s’cd CSiama etc. G-cif .-p-ao-i Caw* aai rmhraliss. Freari CVxta at extraordi nary lew prices. Tines! SUrerwaca. Grid Fpcc ta.-ics. ant rumeroos pretty tLmgs apfropnate far holiday jeaseata. Dfstoailloas' Jmlry Stiff. 21 Bull Street “XMAS la fas: app—aafaxig and rrerybody nt the ctu is so nay and u rsor.-.y HOLIDAY fRESESTS. X '•• -V Ur-—-' er exoi.i a cord*, te.x-nat.ic-. Try fnenas and Uie jmt>:w t-r ri. rmr'.t an £ *x ajruw try x-e-y large "and wi asso-tr. si-a-t ct r i'£tc"eA -e-i't - Sh r S >f- and ? 2*er sVat Whk-i far ra—--T iosxi."y atio p-ices Df Mk; VtacSTr Ja r.OO* *■■..f u it Ttjormnnek. ■J. n. Blocs:, Lyons'RioA . bgy Wpsaker atcegt Boca and mux i*a;x tom, T.TIMM 4- BRI fast ii£l LM WBlffiffilll i'bl'Ji —TdtA\.nA I Paints. Oils. Vamishes. BRESHES, GLASiV Etc. Kwn—tes fir-nmoe; -tt uxu aon. Eatroai fuinu anc uit si^saatoy. * ' a~ts n* ~ r._ s-£ ’ ; Bar rate: ShnaA S*vc-*t C_ cmi a t r t O rdete is elicit * ri. LUDDES C BATES S. M. H. HUSTLING. ' On deck with the best selected stock of CHOICE IIOI.UDA.Y- GOODS Ever brought to Savannah, and bought to sell bought right and bought for YOU. TO-DAY You can secure some extra bargains, as w shall close out a Hi# of WALL POCKETS, Which, while good stock, we find a little slow and have marked down to actual cost. There are not many of them, and if you think you would like one, come early. F'Ft AIMED PICTURES. Now is the time to select your Holiday Present* inpictu: s. While we can always sup ply you with a large selection of engrav iugs. and can make frames to your order, at this season of the year our capacity is severely tested, and we work day and night, and even then find it difficult to keep up with our orders, so come now awl make your selections. Should we not have what you want already framed, select something from our cases, which are packed with the latest, newest and choicest pictures of the present day. ENGRAVINGS. OIL PAINTINGS. PASTELS AND ETCHINGS. THREE HUNDRED - STYLES OF MOULDINGS. PRICES THAT WILL PLKASE VOL ANNUAL OPENING. SILVA’S Annual Holiday OPENING, Tuesday, Dec. 6th. Everybody Invited. J. A. SILVA ft SON, 140 Broughton St. Opening FERN ITT RE AND CARPETS. ELEGANT STYLES IN FIXE FURNITURE TV a I TV fish -T.*b> WOODS, MAHOGANY, I VvT yIT Av CHERRY and WALNUT f- Par r. Beer ert T:r. ag-Room. Hall ant L-rs- Aire- actual hue of ODD PIECES and BRIC-A-BRAC. N ' : CARPETS. LACE CURTAINS. P* BTIERES etc., m latest designs and chvreoet re.-lares. MANY zT stock, reasonable Tr.l FS 2t INOKNPE —RATE warrant the v—- :vt can pieaaa all who wiL favor us with a cah. A. J. Miller & Cos. s FURNITURE Carpet Emporium, li\ 15! FROumx?!. CORNICES. CHAS. A. COX, # BABXABD FT SITA.XSAH, GA ■ ■■IITFACTCKMt Of— galvanized ieos cornices TH ROOfINC H iU ITT RiSI&S TV ccij h reuse usmg tnastmery is anas work Ev !re cny hr country week jvraz^j ftm. auaA Agert foe the creebrated Swedish RetaLs Paint. *■ re- • 're W a -er'i patent 75s Shiagd* brick’ ” E D Wsrers. L N Searetir. J E Batcw Eriablished ls>N-4- B’hd* ■- C e> = f.:d t~: - •e S''*. EZAiFT Z A’ri —E A CO MANUT a CTTTHEBB ref day Bct-rert* rrf B-irt. 11- etc., as* dealers is Ftre Cluj. Pare kin > -oand Tire Is-j-i. Free JCrertw Kastfanze-r Vat Ireke. Enxaheit. Parts.. * aai rhriau-i scrasu. Office: S* Vu I<yke sareeit Brrenktva. \ Y DAVIS. BEOS. I GDI OF I ml We cordially invite theciti zenr of Savannah to call and examine the elegant Kca v> e Parlor Grand Piano. Also the Kranich A* Bach Grand now on exhibition at our stores- We have 2o Pianos of the most reliable makers on our door for oar holiday trade. forcet our facilities for ’ur-imr. repairing. box:n±t and shipping Pianos and Or gans. The Knabe leads the world. DAVIS BROS