The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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PRESIDENTIAL POVERTY. ANDRSW JACKSON’S NIECE BEGS FOR A NIGHI’S LODGING. How One of the Washington Family Peddles Trinkets, and How Jeffer son’s Grandchildren Work for Their Living—Tyler’s Son Who is in the Treasury Department—Rough Esti mates of Presidential Wealth. From the World. Washington, Dec. 11.—A niece of An drew Jackson had to beg for a night’s lodg ing at a Washington hotel this week. Sixty years old and without a cent in her pocket, she arrived here from Washington Territo ry on her way to her friends at Staunton, Va. Her transportation from Chicago hail been furnished by charity, and it was char ity that gave her a night’s rest here and sent her on her way South. She had three grandchildren with her and she was abso lutely destitute. She has many friends at Staunton, and she seemed bright and cheer ful in the midst of her trouble. The chil dren were well dressed, and they showed no signs of the sorrow which seems to hang over the relatives and descendants of our Presidents. * Thomas Jefferson’s granddaughter, Sep tiina Meikleham, died here recently, leaving several grandchildren to battle with the world. One of her sons, owing to a severe sickness, is not at all strong mentally. One of her daughters is not well enough to work and the other is employed in one of the government departments. Another great granddaughter of Jefferson has charge of a school in Baltimore, and Monticello has long since passed out of the hands of the family. Just before Jefferson died he was so much in debt that a lottery scheme was gotten up to sell his property and relieve his necessi ties. He left practically nothing to his children, and they received some two sums of SIO,OOO each from the Legislatures of two of the Southern States. John Tyler left some property, but it all went to bis second wife. One of his sons, Gen. John Tyler, who drove a four-in-hand while bis father was in the White House, and who was then called the handsomest man in Washington, lives off a position in the Treasury Department, and one of Tyler’s most accomplished daughters, a lady who presided over the Executive Mansion after her mother’s death and until her father married Julia Gardner, is a guest at Corcoran’s Old Ladies’ Home here. A man whc claims to be one of the Washington family, and who, by the way, has a face strikingly like that of the President, peddles trinkets in a little booth in the Pension building. Dolly Madison, the President’s wife, was, during a part of her last days, furnished food by a colored man who had been in President Madison’s service. She got, however, a large sum of money from Congress for Madison’s papers, and it was this that eased her declining years. Most of the Presidents nave died poor, and few of them have made much out of office-holding. Monroe was so poor that his latter days were spent with his son-in law, Samuel L. Gouverneur, in New \ ork, and there he died. Harrison left nothing to speak of. Polk left about $150,000, in cluding Polk Place, at Nashville, where his widow now lives. It is a valuable block of ground, in the centre of the town, which has risen largely in value since the Presi dent’s death. Martin Van Buren made money out of politics. He started life poor and died well-to-do. One estimate puts his estate at SBOO,OOO, and he made money in real estate as well as In the law. Both of the Adamses were money-savers, if not money-makers. The letters of John Adams, the second President, to his wife, Abigail, repeatedly urge her to cut down the household ex penses and to practice economy. He lunched himself ou oat cake and lemonade and he walked far oftener than he rode. John Quincy Adams received nearly $500,000 from the government in salaries during his lifetime, and he possessed the Yankee thrift. The Adams family at pres ent is one of the richest in New England, and I was told at Kansas City that Charles Francis Adams had more than $1,000,000 in vested in real estate there. He has railroad stocks and bonds in addition, and he makes his money breed like Australian rabbits. Andrew Jackson spent more than his sal ary while he was in the White House, and he had to borrow money to keep up with his expenses. Thomas Jefferson borrowed the money that carried him out of Wash ington when he left the Presidency, and Andy Johnson, though he entertained con siderably, is supposed to have saved at least $50,000 during his White House career. He died, I am told, worth about SIOO,OOO, and the most of this came from economy. It was a pretty good estate for a tailor to leave. James Buchanan was making about $7,000 a year at the law when he entered Congress, and ho spent during the Presi dency what was left from his living ex penses in charity. He was not, however, a rich man when he died, and his estate of Wheatlands was sold a year or two ago. President Fillmore began life as a wool carder. During the three yeaas he was en gaged to his sweetheart he had not enough money to pay the expenses of the hundred and fifty miles which lay between her home in Saratoga county N. Y., and where he had begun to practise law. During the first years of their marrage his wife did the housework anil taught school, and still he died one of the richest of the Presidents. The greater part of his fortune, however, came from his second marriage to a rich woman of Buffalo, whom he courted after his first wife died. President Cleveland is supposed to be worth about SUX),OOO, and he owns, I am told, real estate in Buffalo which is rapidly advancing in value. President Arthur left much less than he was supposed to be worth. Garfield shortly beforo his death owed $30,000 to Gen. Swaim, and Grant did not add to his fortune by his White House career. Hayes made money out of the Presidency, and is rich through inheritances and economy. The Presidents, as a rule, havo not saved money during their Presi dency ; but the same abilities which made them Presidents would, if they had been used in the field of money-making and money-saving, have given them fortunes. Frank G. Carpenter. A DETECTIVE’S STORY. The Veil Drawn Aside, Revealing Some Skeletons in Family Closets. From the Brooklyn Standard-Union. “What has boon my best casof” inquired a police headquarters detective of a reporter yesterday, os they stood chatting together on tho steps of the municipal building. “My Imst ‘case’ was one out of which the least good results wore obtained, although I worked on it for a month or six weeks. Come up stairs and I will relate it to you.” Heated in tho oozy apartment allotted to the members of the secret service of Brooklyn, the reporter listened in silence to the following interesting recital: “This story, in which a husband’s bru tality, a wife’s sufferings, a naval Lieuten ant’s infatuation, a‘i laugh tor’s foolish con duct and an elderly nch married man’s duplicity are the various threads out of which tho plot is woven, is, so far as ro mance in real life is concerned, one of the most remarkable of it* kine that has ever appeared in print, outside the pages of tho sensational novel or flash story paper. Ail of the people concerned in the various in cidents relnting to the case are of tho high est social standing in Brooklyn and New i ork, and are congratulating themselves on having, as they supposed, succeeded in keeping the entire affair a secret from tho newspaper reporters of both cities. That is why mv labors were brought to so sudden u termination after 1 had succeeded in tracing the movements of tho actors in the drama, and secured the names of all tho iiarties con cerned as well. “Until about six months ago a wealthy manufacturing jeweler, whose place of business is in Maiden lane, Hew York, lived with his wife aud two daughters, the latter aged 10 and 15 respectively, in a handsome brown-stone house on the ‘Hill:’ The neigh bors considered them a happy family, but such was not tho case, os the husband was a man of violent temper, who abused noth wife and daughters in a most outrageous manner. On one occasion ho oven went so fur as to knock the woman down with iiis clenched fist and then left the house. She thereupon sought refuge with a lady friend residing in Forty-second street, New York, while tho daughters were taken by their uncle to the Clinton House in this city. “ VVhile they were at the Clinton' House the father visited the place and threatened to kill his brother-in-law for interfering, and demanded that the girls be given into his custody. The girls were frightened and called on one of the strange guests in the hotel for protection. The gentleman ap pealed to, after hearing their story, placed his room at their disposal and slept else where himself. On the following morning the girls went to their mother in New York. A few days later their mother secured apartments in a hotel on upper Broadway, where, with the lady who had harbored her when she first went to that city, they have since resided. “While the family were living in Brook lyn the elder daughter made the acquaint ance of a young naval Lieutenant, whose vessel was at that time stationed at the Brooklyn navy yard. It was the usual case of love at first sight—the couple losing no opportunity of being together. She at tended at the balls and receptions given on board the ship, aud in the afternoons would inspect the various points of interest about the yard, leaning upon the arm of the young officer. The mother was aware of her daughter’s conduct, but, seeing no harm in it, she allowed matters to go on as they had been doing without protest. “About five months ago the father, learn ing the whereabouts of his family, visited the hotel in New York at which they were stopping. A stormy interview between husband and wife followed. In a fit of pas sion the man beat his wife into almost in sensibility, and then departed. As the woman was about to become a mother, the brutal treatment which she received at tho hands of her husband brought on a danger ous illness, and for weeks her life was des paired of. Shortly after this event the two daughters disappeared most mysteriously, and in spite of a search instituted by the police of both cities, nothing was discovered as to their whereabouts for several days. Then a telegram signed by the younger girl, was received by the mother. It was date*! from Arlington, Pa., and begged for money w ith which to return to this city. “In her trouble the distracted mother sent for an old family friend in the person of a wealthy married gentleman, a private banker in New York, of mature years and large family. He heard the story, and not being willing to trust so important matter in the hands of a missionary, the old gen tleman decided to go after the runaways in person. That same night he reached Ar lington, and after giving the Lieutenant sufficient money to enable him to rejoin his ehip, he took the two girls to Philadelphia and found accommodations for them in a theatrical boarding-house on Spruce street. “After transacting some business in that city, which made it necessary for him to reniain there for two or three days, the banker, accompanied by the girls, returned to New York. He learned during the jour ney that the elder girl had eloped with the Lieutenant, and taken her sister with her to give the proceeding the appearance of respectability, but no marriage ceremony had been performed. “When they reached New York the old gentleman placed the girls in a coach and ordered the driver to take them home to their mother. The younger, sister arrived there in safety, but the other did not ac company her. Instead of doing so she stepped out of the carriage while it was in motion and went to the Grand Central depot and boarded a train bound for Boston. Where she procured the money to pay the expenses of the trip is a profound mystery, as she had none when the banker found her in Arlington. “On reaching Boston tho girl went to a fashionable hotel on Tremont street, where she remained for a few days, acting while there as if expecting someone to join her. In this she was not disappointed, for in less than a week the respectable old banker bade his w ife good-by, telling her at the same time that business of the most urgent na ture called him to Boston, and that he would not be likelv to return inside of a week or ten days. With this explanation he left, and was next seen in that city by a private detective, in company with the runaway girl. At the end of ten days the old gentle man returned to New York alone In a few days later the young lady made her ap pearance at home, refusing all explanation as to how she had spent the time. The case was placed in my hands by the legal adviser of the banker’s wife, who, suspect ing that her husband’s conduct was open to question, decided to institute an investiga tion, with the intention of securing a divorce if her fears were verified. I secured all the above facts, but they were never made public, as the owners of the names implicated effected a private settlement of the whole matter. While Ido not, on that account, feel justified in giving you names. I may add that one of the actors in my drama was before Justice Courtney on civil action but last week, and that said civil action, in a measure, resulted from the affair described above.” SULLIVAN BEFORE THE PRINCE. The Mighty Boston Face Defacer to Spar Before Royalty. From the New York Star. London, Dec. B.— His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will see for the first time to-morrow how the Big ’un can handle his hands in true American style. The engage ment has been made and all the nobs will be at the Pelican Club to see John L. pound Jack Ashton around the ring and show how easy it is for a man who has nerve and sci ence to do the “Sleep, Baby, Sle p,” act. All the sporting men of any prominence will be present, and so will Iho Amei lean newspaper men, who have come here to see Kilrnin close Jem Smith’s eyes in gentle slumber. The committee having the spar ring match in charge wifi make it the event of tho season, and altogether it will be as nice and quiet a little bout os anyone would care to look at. No one will lie hurt unless, possibly, it is Ashton, and the Prince, who is a good one with tho gloves, may take it into his head to ask Sullivan to show him how ho nits so hard. If he does, John L. will have the pleasure of having a go at a real live prince, with tho c ances largely in favor of the Prince getting some good old-fashioned ad vice from America’s champion and Boston’s pet. The original programme for to-morrow’s sparring match was that Jem Smith was to receive favors at Sullivan’s hands, and Smith agreed to stand up lief ore him. To day Smith came up from Brighton fully prepared and expecting to meet John L. in the Pelican Club’s ring to-morrow. Ho ar rived hero in the best of spirits and seemed anxious to meet Sullivan in a friendly match. An hour later his manager tore into his presence aud told him he could not meet Sullivan. “Why not?” asked Smith. “Good heavens, man, d’ye want to bo murdered before yaire match? Don’t you know there’s no play in that man, ’n ’e cawn’t ’it an easy blow to save hisself? Don’t ye thunderin’ well know that Ws a ’ard ’itter, even when Vs in ha playful mood? No, me boy, ye cawn’t spar.” Smith was disappointed —badly disap pointed. He wanted to appear before Al bert Edward, and had set nis heart on it, only to be called off by his manager. A young cluli man, who affects to lie a real bad man, although he is not old enough to wear a moustache, asked Sullivan to-day if he was going to fight Mitchell.” “What'" roared John, “fight that blower; No! lam not going to fight him. There will be no fight. I’ll eat him before the fight begins" The young duo man is now willing to bet “fifty pun’ ” that Sullivan tolls the truth, THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1887. FACTS ABOUT CANCER. Its Causes, and What is Done for It— Increase in England and Here. From, the New York Sun. It seems to be admitted now by all the surgeons who have been consulted in the case of the Crown Prince of Russia, that the hero of Sailowa, Wdssenburg, and Worth is suffering from cancer of the larynx, a disease for which there is small chance of cure by operation. Iu this coun try cancer has attracted widespreadeatten tion during the last few years ou account of the number of prominent men who have fallen victims to it. The late Senator Hill of Georgia, Gen. Grant, John Roach, and several others of note have died of this pain ful malady. Cancer is pre-eminently a disease of the white race, and apparently of representa tives of an advanced degree of civilization. It is rare in the colored races. Among the negroes in the South, before emancipation, it wus externally infrequent. Some practi tioners of large experience had never seen a case in the negro before the late war. Dur ing tlie last ten years, however, a number have been observed. It is three times as frequent in women as in men. It is a disease of advanced life, over two-thirds of the cases occurring after the fortieth year. It is hereditary in about one-fourth of the cases. It often occurs, however, as a con sequence of injury or protracted inflamma tion in cases where no hereditary influence exists. Any organ or part of the body may be attacked by cancer. It is most frequent in the female breast, uterus, the stomach, liver, lips, and tongue, but it is also found in the brain and spinal cords, iu bones, and, in rare cases, oven in the heart. Cancer is un doubtedly becoming more frequent. In England the rate of increase of deaths of cancer per million of inhabitants was IU per cent, from 1801 to 1884. During the ten years ending 1879 the total number of deaths from cancer in England and Wales was 111, 300, an average of over 11,000 per year. The ratio of increase in this country seems to be even greater than abroad. The high pressure under which people live at present seems to have something to do with this increase. The statistics of the last census show that cancer is much more-prevalent in the Northern and Eastern Stales than in the South and West. Surgeons are begin ning to attribute to depressed conditions of the nervous system a large share in the causation of cancer. In the cases of Gen. Grant and Mr. Roach, tho outbreak of the disease seemed to follow closely upon business troubles which came upon them. Smoking is popularly credited with the production of cancer of the lips and tongue, and there seems good reason to accept this as a cause. Women, who are so frequently snbject to cancer, rarely suffer with the disease as it affects the lips and tongue. It is said that in some parts of Brit tany, where women smoke pipes ami cigar ettes, they suffer from cancer of the lips as often as the men. Cancer of the larynx or windpipe is one of the rarer forms of the malady. How ever, during twenty years, from 18(56 to 1886, the larynx has been extirpated for cancer about seventy-live times. It has been done three or four times during the present year in this country. About two-thirds of the cases succumb to the operation, while of those who recover a large proportion die from a recurrence of the disease. Cancer curers are found everywhere vaunting special caustics, warranted to re move the cancer with certainty and without danger. Most of these caustics contain a large proportion of arsenic, and if not used with great care may cause grave symptoms of poisoning. In several cases death has re sulted from absorption of the poison. All of these applications are more or less painful, and much slower in action than the judici ous use of the knife, hot iron, electric caut ery, or electrolysis. A temporizing policy is a bad one to adopt in dealing with a cancer. It should either be treated energetically or be let alone. In spite of the bad results following operations upon the larynx or stomach, the prospects of permanent cure when other organs are attacked are much more favorable. Recent statistics of cancer of the breast show that about one case in ten is pemamently cured by operation. Even when it recurs it is apt to be milder and less painful, and life is at all events prolonged. The most favorable results are shown by operations upon the lip, of which over one-half remain well after thorough extirpation. The fact that cancer is at first a local dis ease, and curable by operation, if taken in time, is becoming more generally known, and people no longer look upon it with the dread which it formerly inspired. The ear lier the aid of the surgeon is sought the more favorable the prospect of a thorough re moval of the growth and of a permanent cure. No medicine is known which will ar rest the disease. Unequalled —Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. HOLIDAY GOODS. Christmas Presents. There is nothing more acceptable and useful for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT than one of the now light and silent-running DOMESTIC SEW ING MACHINGS. I have all styles on hand in highly finished woods, viz: Mahogany, Hungaria Ash, French Walnut, Oak, Cherry, etc., etc., from the medium to the most costly, to match any style of furniture. This superior style of woodwork, together with the Domestic "Attach ments, are covered by letters patent, being man ufactured and used exclusively by the Domestic Sewing Machine Conqiany, thereby harmoniz ing with the DOMESTIC, the best machine ever made. Will sell them on easy installments; old machines taken as part payment. Machines sent on approval, accompanied by a competent instructor, who will fully explain the merits of the DOMESTIC. R. S. MELL, Office 47 Bull street. W. H. BRADLEY, Manager. N. B. Sole Agent for the Genuine Button . Hole attachment. Xmas Presents. Fine Florida Oranges. Apples, Cocoanuts, etc. Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran. eta. in car loads or less, at lowest prices. Potatoes, Onions, Cabbage,etc. Peanuts, Peas, Stock Feed, etc. —at— T. P. BOND & CO.’S, Xmas (roods. 'IMi E finest line of Plush Cases in the city, J. consisting of Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Dressing Cases. Manicure Sets. Slowing rets, etr. Also, a line of beautiful Vases, Visit ing Card Ca>s, Writing Tablets, Perfume Baskets, Odor Cases, Cut Glass Bottles, Perfum ery, etc., at L. C. Strong’s Drugstore, corner Bull und Perry street lane. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla CAPITA! i- $50,000 rfSRANSACT a regular banking business. (Jive JL particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts &. Cos. and Melville, Evans & (Jo., of London, England. New York correspondent; The Seaboard national Us,ak. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTRA WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure: indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELD W a \ TED. \CANTED, Traveling Agent for an Eastern i l Manufacturing Company on commission. Reference required. Address li., 14 and 10 India Square, Boston, Mass. Y\7ANTED, two smart boys at R. C. CON- H NELL'S Ten t'em Store, 1M Bryan street, WANTED, at MARSHALL HOUSE,a first t t class laundress. \\7 ANTED - At,EM'S 15c. Sample Sash * T Holder by mail for 10c. (coin or stamps). Away ahead of anything of the kind ever in vented. Boats Weights. Success unparalleled. Outsells everything. $lO a day. BROHAKD& CO., Clarksburg, W. Va. JEM PLOY M EVE W A VIED, \\f ANTED, by a middle aged man who lias I V some means but hates to he idle, a situa tion as salesman in a store, or on the road, or as oversiHir in lumtier mill, or in a hotel, or any honest situation. Can give ample security. Uses neither rum nor tobacco. Compensa tion moderate. Address ENERGETIC, No. 24 Lincoln street, Savannah, (ia. \\f ANTED, by competent white woman posi i* tion as nurse; experienced; has good ref erences. Address M. li.. (his office. CURST-CLASS COACHMAN Full HIKE. I I Apply to T. P. BURN, 156 Bay street. MISCELLAN EOUB AV A NTS. it’ANTED, nice residences, central location, it for two, three, four and live thousand dollars. ROBT. H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer, Pay Street. \yANTED, Chatham, Jasper, Merchants’ and V V Mechanics’ Loan Association stock. ROBERT H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer. ROOMS TO RENT. I NOR RENT, two nice connecting furnished rooms, with bath and closet attached. 41 Jefferson street. IVOR RENT, two floors, containing eight rooms and hath room, over my store northeast corner of Broughton and Barnard streets; nos session given Nov. Ist. Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer HOUSES AND STORES FOR KENT. Ivor RENT, a two-story and basement dwell Ing situated on Bryan street, second door east of Abercom. Possession given innnedi ately. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN & CO., 114 Bay street. IjVOli RENT, the desirable dweling No. 57 Charlton street; modern improvements. Possession given immediately. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN & CO., 114 Bay street. \ SMALL, comfortable brick house on Charl ton street, convenient to two lines street cars; rent moderate. Apply L. J., Morning News. lAOR RENT, a seven-room house. Apply to I LOUIS VOGEL’S VARIETY STOKE, Jeff erson and Waldburg lane. IAOR RENT, brick house, two-story ou base meut, corner Gaston and Barnard. Apply to LAUNEY A GOEBEL, 143 Broughton. IAOR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Ahercorn: has splendid cellar and Is splendid stand for any buy ness; second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON, Jr., 114 Bryan street. FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. I'aOR~~RKNL a Hnllett & Davis l’ianof octaves. Apply 84 Broughton street. FOR SALE. tjVOR SALE, General Merchandise Store in Marion county, Florida, on Florida Southern railroad; has post office. A splendid oppor tunity. For full particulars address 11. W. TANARUS., Foster Park, Fla. IjvOß SALE, two three-story frame metal 1 roofed dwellings, Nos. 25 and 27 McDonough street, between Price and Houston streets. Ap ply to JNO. SULLIVAN <& CO., 114 Bay street. IjVCR SALE, stock of Groceries aud Liquors in store corner of Walker and Ouerard street*. To be sold on account of owner having other business. Apply to C. GERKEN. TAOR SALE, a two-story on basement brick J 1 dwelling, near the Park. Apply to"JNO, SULLIVAN & CO., 114 Bay street. IAOR SALE, one fine pair Hack Horses, one double set of Brass mounted Harness. Ap ply to T. P. BURN, 155 Bay street. IVOR SALE, a good Milch Cow and Calf, per ’ feetly gentle. Northeast corner Duffy and Jeffersqn streets. TOOK SALE, fifteen Central Railroad debent- U ures, all in one block or lots of five. Ad dress M. M. M., care News. "Vf EXT WEEK NEW GOODS. But call at i. N once if you would get any of those reason able priced goods at HEIDT’S. TAOR SALE. Laths, Shingles. Flooring, Ceiling, U Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Brood streets. Telephone No. 211. REPP ARD & CO, rpOY TRUNKS, Ooat Harness, Isip Robes, X Horse Blankets and great big ten-cent Sponges, at NEIDIJNGER & RABUN'S. IAOR SALE, Splendid salt water river-front 1 building lots, and five-acre farm lots with river privileges, at ROSEDEW; building lots in Savannah, near East Broad aud Sixth streets, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Apply to Dr. FAL LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from a to 10 A, x. LOST AND FOUND. MISSING Will the fortunate holder of ssy alapaca umbrella, with monogram J. A. I). on handle, please telephone 175 and I will call for it? Recovered, a lost overcoat, which the owner can have by calling on Magistrate Naughtin, on Bryan street, beiween Bull and Drayton streets, and proving property and pay ing ail expenses. REWARD. £••>11 REWARD. I have, recovered two of the missing volumes of the bound files of the Morning Nkws. The following are still wanting: July to December, I*lo. July to December, 1881. July to December, 1882. The volumes aro undoubtedly In this city, probably in some law office, as lawyers are gen erally the borrowers of our files. There is $lO waiting for the return of each or any of the above volumes, “and no questions asked." J. H. EBTILL. PHOTOGRAPHY. pviNE CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS A SPECIALTY. J. N. WILSON. 21 Bull street. 1 TERM EH K ROBINSON'S Excelsior Photo i 1 graphs still ahead; also, flue Ltfe-sl/e Oil Paintings In lian lsome frames, together with one dozen Cabinet Photographs, sl3. Every de scription and size of picture made. Come and see us: we will surprise you. N. B.—We have a beuutiful picture of the Confederate Generals; elegant and unique in design; rheap; come and see them. 177 Congress street, Savannah, Ga. IMPORTANT.- Wo yet have time to make a few more of those line Crayons, In handsome frames, for sls before Christmas; bring them in. Mum. LAUNEY & GOEBEL, Savannah, Ga. BOARDING. TV?ANTED, boarders, at No. 83 Broughton VV and Abercorn streets RAFFLE. N OTICE.—I will raffle a very fine new, side bar. three-quarter seat, open Buggy. This Buggy received the first prize at the Atlanta Exposition. It can be seen at Chas. F. Graham's Kolfiou, Congress street. Chances only sl. JOHN C. ficMAMTIN. MISCELLANEOUS. r |'THK Popular Cough Remedies are Balsam, 1 Wild Cnerry, Honey and Tar; also, HKIDT'S Celebrated Cough Drops. I HAVE brought out from New York a confec tioner who has been eight years in the em ploy of Huyler, and we have on our counters, made fresh every day, a full hue of ftn© Bon Pons as made by Huyler. at 60e. per pound. FURBER, THE ( < >NFKCTI< INER. r TMiOSE wishing Lace Curtains cleaned or I other work done in our line must bring it in by first of next week, ns wo close first of Janu ary for one month. STEAM I>YE WORKS, 134 State street. I I BASKETS and Christmas tree ornaments, i 1 candy hexes and favors. I<arsrAßt assort ment ever shown in Savannah. PURSER, the confectioner. I fORSES CUPPED with the LATEST 1M- I I PROVED clippers by JOHN C. PeMAK TIN. Satisfaction guaranteed. Drayton and Congress lane. _____ I HAVE the largest line of Favor's fancy boxes and baskets ever shown in Savannah. FUR BER, THE CONFECTIONER YVANTED, the public to know that for two ▼ ▼ years yet I will represent the w ell known Shoe House of A. EINSTEIN'S SONS on the Georgia Central railroad and its branches. SI I>. A. PUGHBLEY. Jh. QAM INNAH BTEA M DYE MV (IRKS, 184 State O street, will close Unit of January for one month. Mrs m\ ky Vane momaster. m. and.. Eclectic Pliyscian. Office No. ‘JI Lincoln street, corner of Broughton. Consultation free. All diseases successfully treated. r SAVE ORDER for Cakes and Pies for the J Holidays with FURBER, THE CONFEC TIONER. r |' TRUNKS 1 Toj Trunks! Toy Trunks! I Call ami sen thorn. SAVANNAtI TRUNK FACT' iKY, Whitaker and State. IADIEB ARE OFFERED embroidery needle- J work at their own homes (town or country! by a wholesale house; profitable; genuine; good pay can lie made; everything furnished; particu lars free. Address ARTIST)(I NEEDLEWORK CO., 13S Eighth street. New York City. AIY LADIES’ KF.STAURANT will lie opened IVI to the public on Tuesday, the 18th. FUR HKR, THE <NINFKtTIOSER. \fiOOf> PRESENT is a lmmlkerehief extract of cologne, and the largest assortment is at HEIKTS. I .''OR TOYS ANI) HOLIDAY OOODS go to I 1 LOUIS VOGEL'S, Jefferson and Waldburg lane. The cheapest place In the city. I > EASON ABLE PRICES SELL HKIDT'S IV Holiday Goods early every year. So call at once. TVAE are making reduced prices on our can v V dies In five pound boxes for the Holidays. FURRER,|T)IE (’<)NFKCTK)NER. AXT ANTED, every boy to try a pound of that vV Pure Candy for SR oents at HEIDT’B. IADIES out shopping will find FURRER’S J RESTAURANT a great convenience. LUDDEN BATES s. M. 11. CHICKERING PIANOS. “ Snoerlatively Perfect!" Messrs. Chivkering cf 1 Sons: Gentlemen —After many years’ experi ence as a pianist in this country and Europe, and after having used the instru ments of the leading makers hero and abroad, it is with pleasure that I give to you my matured opinion upon your pianos. In them I find the purest, truest and most musical tone , together with an action which will answer my demands equally in the most piatwissimo playing and in the heaviest forte effects, and combining these qualities with an almost endless resonance. 1 can find for them no more fitting praise than that of the Great Maestro, Franz Liszt, who declares them “Superlatively Perfect.” (Signed) Julie Rive-King. New York, October 11, 1887. For th& BEST Piano, mind you we say BEST, buy the Chicker ing. To be sure it’s not the Highest-Priced Piano sold, but it’s the BEST all the same. Quality tells, not price. Factory Prices, with Easiest Terms, at L&B.lSouthern Music Honse NEW PUBLICATIONS. New Boooks at Estill’s News Depot 21K BULL STREET. Price. “In Ole Virginia,” by Thomas Nelson Page SI 25 “Free .Joe," by the, author of “Uncle Re mus” . 1 25 “At the Mercy of Tiberius - ' (Augusta Evans Wilson's last work) 2 00 “Ben Ilur,” a tale of the Christ 1 SO “Faust," by Goethe 25 “A Tale of Three Lions,” by H. Rider Hag gard 25 “Weeping Kerry,” by George Halse 25 “Lady Grace," by Henry Wood 25 “More True Than Truthful,” by Mrs. Clarke 25 "Forging the Fetb-rs." by Mrs. Alexander 25 “Driven Dallas," by John 8. Winter 25 ‘•ss,oooßeward,” by Geraldine Fleming,. 25 “Major and Minor,” by Norris, 2 parts 50 “Paradise," by Lloyd S Hryce 30 Any of the above mailed on receipt, of price. Address WILLIAM K,STILL, Savannah, Ga. PRINTER AMD BOOKBINDER. Chips from the Old Block! the workmen employed by GEO.-N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER. Tlieir work has given repu tation to the Establishment. None better. ELECTRIC BELTS. STbls Belt or Regenera tor is made expressly for the cure of derange ments of the generative organs. A continuous stream of Electricity permeating thro' the parts must restore them to healthy action. Do not confound this with Electric Belts ad vertised to cure all His; It Is for the ok* specific purpose. For full In formation address CHBEVEB ELECTRIC BELT CO.. 103 Washington St., Chicago 111 MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mechanics. , corporations, and all others in need of printing, lithographing, and blank books can nave their orders promptly filled, at moderate prices, at Gw MORNING NEWS HUNTING lIC USE. 3 Whitaker isirteW TOYS. SaHTOii Toy&HolidavGoodsHousei PLATSHEKS, 138 Broughton St., Caterers to the people, announces that their Holiday Goods Opening has begun since Dec. 7th, which has been and will continue a Grand Success, all to the reason of havirig the Largest Variety, the Richest Selec tion, and the' Lowest Prices in this city. WE MAKE NO BRAG, U MIND 0111 OWN AND THEREBY MANAGE TO I'I.BASK KVKRVONE. READ WITH CARE The Grandest of All Lists in Holi day Goods introduced in this city this Season, in Foreign and Domestic Novelties, u Wooden Wagons, Willow and Rattan Doll Carriages, Hooker and Hobby Horses, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Etc., Etc. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! p&rtson here in Beauty, Assortment or Low Prices. In short, It's folly for you to purchase Dolls elsewhere when we can bettor suit you in every respect. 1.1 IWWtRF Dresdenware, Lava Ware, Bisque Ukiiiin.luh, Ware, in the Newest Tints and Styles of 1887-8. BRONZE WARE statliary an '' SITIN' UF MftWtlU' in * he most Fastidi us k .ll LA llLilrOiiallL Results of modern in vention. PIN Y \ W \ Rtf i n elegant Cup and Saucer Sots, LIiLiA " dlllj Cup, Saucer and Plate Sets, Moustache Cup and Saucer Sets, Highly Dec orated with and without appropriate emblems of esteem. TERRA COTTA WARE £J^ho2TSr all species. ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS IN I’LLSH GOODS. ladies’ and Infants' Plush Toilet Cases, Gents' Shaving Cases, Manicures, Smoking Sets, Fitted Card Boxes, Fitted Canes of Standard Silver ware, Match Safes, Glove, Handkerchief and Fan Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Odor Stands, Whisk Broom Cases, Photograph awl Autograph Albums, Portfolios, Music Rolls, Cushion and Bottle Seta, Etc., Etc. 'sMTIV in Handkerchief Bags, da 11 11 illMLLlluj perfumed Sachets, Pin Cushions, Cushion and Bolster Sets, Etc., Etc. WOODEN NOVELTIES jvXjn^ffimoif ing Tables, Shoe Blackening Cases, Hat Racks, Baskets, on and off Stands, Lined and Unlined, Etc., Etc. I IVtfM and Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Muf- LI.ALJ, Hers, Lisle and Silk Hosiery, Beal Kid Gloves, Fine Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Fine Neckwear, Pocketbooks, Hand Bags, Lace Bed Sets. Felt lambrequins. Table (Covers, Silk Chair Scarfs, Silk Umbrellas, Etc., Etc., Etc. ELEGANT PRESENTS IN LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOAKS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS ff&SftS.’SSS of other Suitable Holiday Gifts, besides WE OFFER YOU The Lowest Legitimate Price ! The Politest Attention ! Most Thorough Satisfaction! And the Best Selected Stock! CALL AND SEE US! P. 8.-Country orders filled with earn and promptness. Goods packed with care. Liberal allowances on orders for churches and charit able institutions. Correspondence solicited. FU HLItATiONsT" - 'rnK—— LaGrange Graphic T'HK LaGRANGE WEEKLY GRAPHIC, a largo 8-page, 48-column weekly paper, will mako its first apqiearance about January 3, 1888. The subscription price will be $1 peryear. The Graphic will lie a live, progressive arid newsy paper, carefully edited and neatly printed. Its success is already assured, and ft starts out with a large subscription fist. Address THE GRAPHIC. LaGrange, Ga._ THE BEST op a—Mi—iSSß 9AGRICULTURAL papers is DOLMAN’S RURAL WORLD, published weekly at $1 a year. It Is a very large 8-page, 7-colunm paper, devoted to Agriculture, Horti culture, Sorghum, the Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, the Apiary, the Grange and the Horne Circle. It* Market Reports are corrected to the latest moment of going to press, I( is the best dollar's worth published, sample copies free. Address C. D. COLMAN, 705 Olive street, it. Louis, Mo, FLORIDA “FARMERS’ ALLIANCE. The Only Paper Owned and Published by an Organization of Farmers in the South. The Official Organ of Farmers’ Alliance. VITE have a Georgia Department, edited by VV Joe M. Mass-y, Organizer of the National Alliance, Boston. Ga, This paper should be In every one’s house hold. The FARMERS’ ALLIANCE is the grandest and strongest reform movement of the age, and all who are interested In tho welfare and prosperity of our country should read the FLOIIiDA FARMERS’ ALLIANCE. Every department of farm life will bo well anil faithfully represented. Having a wide and rapidly increasing circulation, It offers one of the liest advertising mediums in the South. Subscription $1 per year. Sample copies free. THIS IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WEEK LY IN THE SOUTH. OSWALD WILSON, Editor and Business Manager, Marianna, Fla. A Box of Fine Cigars Free! \BOX of 25 Choice 'Havanas” (Cuban hand made) FREE postpaid to every new sub scriber, remitting for suhscrlntion for 1888 be fore March Ist. SEND IN YOURS AT ONCE. The Daily Key. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $6 PER ANNUM, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Remit by |xt office money order, registered letter or draft on the “John White Bank” of this city. GEO. EUGENE BRYSON, Manager. Key West. Fla. ;-r>''Mention paper In which you read this ad terlisvweuL SHOES. A. S. COHEN. Veteran $3 00 Shoe (GOODYEAR WELT, equal to Hand sewed.) Like their name they are BEYOND COMPETITION. Gentlemen should wear only those stamped VETERAN $3 00 SHOE The Best Shoe for the Price Made. FOR SALE ONLY BY A. S. COHEN, 1391-2 Broughton St Bet ween Whitaker and Bull. GROCERIES. MW CURRANTS, New Citron, New Nuts. Choice Mixed. Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart. Rock Candy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, at TIEUE Mutual Co-Operative Association, BARNARD AND BROUGHTON ST. LANE. PEANUT'S. PEANUTS. ONE ear load ehoiee Hand-pinked Virginia Peanuts just received and for sale low Dy C.M. GILBERT & CO. PLUMBER. l. a. McCarthy; Successor to Chas. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street. SAVANNAH, GA. Telephone 973. " — — . a PETIT IONS FOR INCORPORATION. CTATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham County.—To kt the Superior Court of said county: The |*titiou of the TYLER COTTON PRESS COMPANY OF SAVANNAH, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of this State respectfully shows; That the said corporation was duly created and made a body politic and corporate by an order of this honorable oonrt passed on the thirteenth day Of January, 1868, as wall more fullv appear l.y reference to 6Ue proceedings of said Superior Court of the dr 3 aforesaid. And your petitioner further shows that its charter wus amended by tula honorable court by an order itussed on the eighth ilny of February, 1884, as will more fully appear by reference to said order of (lie and of record in the minutes of this court of the ilute last uforesaid. And your petitioner further shows that under the statutes of this State and by the terms of the order creating it a body politic and corpo rate, its corporate existeuee was limited to tho period of twenty years, with the privilege of re newal; and that the said period of twenty year* will expire by limitation on the thirteenth day of January, 1888. And your petitioner desires that Its said char ter as amended may he renewed for a further period of I wenty years from the expiration of the time limited in tile original grant of its said charter, with all the rights, frunohises.privlleges, powers and Incidents conferred by its said char ter and the said amendment thereto. Wherefore your petitioner prays that an or der shall be passed to renew and continue ltx force for ( wenty years from the expiration or the time limited for the corporate existence or ? our petitioner, with all the rights, privilege*, ranchiscs ami powers in said charter and th* said amendment thereto contained. And your petitioner will ever pray. etc. J. R. BAUSBY, Attorney for Petitioner. STATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham County, Clerk's Office, Superior Court.—l, JAMES K P. CARR, Clerk of said Superior Court, do certify t hat the foregoing Is a true copy of the petition for renewal of charter filed m office and re corded on this the 30th day of November. A. D. 1887. JAMES K. P. CARR, [seal] Clerk S. C. C. C. LEGAL NOT It.’ EBL i 'EGRGIA, Chatham <oi ntv. Whereas, IJI LEMUEL C. DOWNS has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on th estate of SARAH W. JOHNSON, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to lie and appear be fore said court, to make objection (If any they have, on or liefore the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, otherwise said letters will be grunted Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill. Ordinary for ('Latham County, this 80th day ol Novemlier, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, J*., Clerk C. Q-, C. C. Gt EOROIA, Chatham County. Whereas, r JOHN .McINTOSH KELL has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administ ration do bonis non on the estate of EDWARD SWAR BRECK, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before saiil Court to make objection (if any they have) on or liefore the FIRST MONDAY IN JANU ARY NEXT, otherwise said letters will bo granted. WiuiettPlhe Honorable Hampton L. Ferrilu. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 30Ui day of November. 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk C. 0., C. C. G( EOROIA, Chatham County. Whereas, I HORACE A. CRANE has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Guardian on the estate of HEMAN A. CHARLTON, minor. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear be fore said court to make objection (if any they have) ou or liefore the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fkrrill, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 30th day of November, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk C. Q-, C. C. / ’ EOROIA. -Chatham County.—Notice is VT hereby given to all persons having demands against BARNARD E. BEE, deceased, to pre sent them to us properly made out within the time preeciibed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to us. November 23, 1887. RANDOLPH AXSON, JAMES J. McGOWAN. Qualified Executors of the wIU of B. & Bee, deceased- 3