The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 15, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. 'savannah market. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14, 4p. m. \ Cotton —TJio market was more active at un changed prices, though with a hardening ten dency. The total sales for the day were 3.613 hales. On 'Change at the opening call at 10 a. m., the market was reported steady and unchanged, with sales of 860 bales. At the sec ond call, at 1 p. m., it was steady, the sales being 2,478 bales. At the third and last call, at 4 p. m . it closed steady and unchanged, with further sales of 985 bales. The follow ing are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 10)4 Good middling 9 15-16 Middling 954 Low middling 9)1 Good ordinary 843 Ordinary . 8% Sea Island—The market was quiet and easier. There was some little inquiry, and about 100 bags were sold on private terms, but said to be at considerably less than quotations. We quote: Common Georgias I Common Floridas f Nominal Medium 21%@22 Medium fine 22 ©22% Fine 23 ©23% Extra fine 25%®24 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Dec. 14, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1887-88. | 1886-87. Wand, Island. U P lan<l Stock on hand Sept 1 1 575| 6.818, 1,149 4,804 Received to-day. 2,553 4,082 Received previously 18,328 j 632,425* 15,661 563,307 Total 13.903; 641,802 I J 6.800 571,693 Exported to-day ....! .708 1 916 5.872, 'Exported previously 7,424| 497,617 ! 11,431 453,857 i Total 7,424 1 499,325 12.347 459,7291 ! Stock on hand and on ship i board this day 6,479; i42,477| 4,453; 111,964 ! Rice—The market was quiet but steady at un changed prices. The Board of Trade reports the market as dull, with sales of 150 barrets, at the following official quotations. Small job lots are held at %®%e higher: Fair 4%@5 Good 5%®5% Prime 5%@5% Rough- Tide water SI 15®1 30 Country lots 95®1 10 Naval Stores -The market for spirits tur pentine was strong and advancing. There was a good demand, and about 500 casks were sold at 35%c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 35c bid for regulars. At the closing call it was firm, with sales of 33 casks at 35%c for regulars. Rosin—The market was quiet but very steady. There was some inquiry, and about 1,780 barrels changed hands during the day. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported steady, at the fol lowing quotations: A, B. C, D E and F 92%c, G 97%c@$l 00, H $1 02%, I $1 10. K $1 35, M $1 50, N $1 70, window glass $2 30. water white $2 80. At the last call it was unchanged, with farther sales of 729 barrels. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2.543 77.408 Received to-day 713 1.949 Received previously 155,404 432,151 Total 158J160 511,508 Exported to-day 101 835 Exported previously 145,669 429,966 Total .145,770 430.801 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 12,890 80,707 Receipts same day last year 422 4,418 Financial —Money is in great demand, with the supply ample. Domestic Exchange—Easy. Banks and bank ers are buying sight drafts at % per cent dis count and selling at )£per cent discount to par. Foreign Exchange— The market is dull but steady. Commercial demand. $4 81; sixty days, $4 79; ninety days, $4 17%. francs Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 28; Swiss, $5 28)4; marks, sixty days, 94%. Securities—The iparket is lifeless, but partly because the offerings are so light. Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds — Atlanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked: Atlanta 7 percent, 118 bid. 121 asked: Augusta 7 per cent long date. 107 bid, 110 asked; Augusta 6s long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 100 hid, 105 asked: Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 askea; new Savannah 5 per cent, January coupons, 102 bid, 105% asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, February coupons, 101% bid, 102)4 asked. State Bonds—Ge orgia new 6s, 1889, 101 bid, 102 asked; Georgia new 4%5, 106 bid, 106% asked; Georgia 7 per cent gold, quarterly cou pons. 105% bid, 100% asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks— Central common, ex-divi dend 118% bid, 120 asked:Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, ex-dividend 129 bid, 132 asked; Georgia common, 195 bid, 198 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, ex-dividend 124)4 bid, 12u% asked; Central 6 per cent certificates, ex-interest 99 bid 100 asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, 107 hid, 109 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 percent certificates, ex-interest 100 bid, 102 asked. Railroad Bonds— Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 percent interest, coupons October, 111 bid, 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897, 111 bid, 112 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893, 110% bid, 111 asked: Georgia railroad 6s. 1897, 106 bid, 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889. 104 bid, 105 asked; Montgomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad. 108 hid, 109 asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage, 50 years, 6 per cent, 100% bid, 101)4 asked: Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 110% bid, 111)4 asked; Charlotte, Co lumbia and Augusta second mort gage, 109 bid, 110% asked; West ern Alabama second mortgage in dorsed 8 per cent. 106 bid, 107 asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid. 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, 111*4 bid, 112)4 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern first mortgage guaranteed, 115 bid. 116%. asked; Gainesvii'e, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaranteed by Central railroad, 103% hid. 104)4 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson aim Southern second mortgage f;uaranteed, 113 asked; Columbus and tome first mortgage bonds, indorsed bv Cen tral railroad. 106 bid, 107 asked; Columbus and Western 6 per cent guaranteed, 109 bid, 110 asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per cent, 107 bid. 108 asked. Bank Stocks Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. 198 bid. 202 asked; Mer chants' National Bank, 100 bid, 165 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 90 bid, 98 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 asked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Com pany, 107 bid, 108 asked. Gas Stocks -Savannah Gas Light stock, ex dividend. 20 tid. 20% asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, 20 bid, 23 asked Bacon.—Market firm and advancing: demand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9%c; shoulders, 7%c; drv salted clear rib sides, 8%; long clear, 3%c; bellies, B%c; shoulders, none; hams, 13c. Bagging and Ties— Market steady. We quote: Bagging—2% lbs, B®B%c; 2 lbs, 7%® i%o; 1% lbs 7@7%c, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties—Arrow and other brands, none; nominal. $l 25 per bundle, according to brand and quant ,ty. logging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Butter— Market steady; choice Goshen, 20c; gilt edge, 22@250; creamery, 25®26c. Cabbage— Northern, 130. t 'heese - Market steady; fair demand. We quote, 11®! 4e. Coffee- The market is higher. We quote: Fancy, 22e: choice. 21c: prime, 20%e; good, 20c; fair, 19%c: ordinary, 18%c; common, 18c. Dried Fruit—Apples, evaporated, U%c; peeled, 7)4c. Beaches, peeled, 20c; unpeeled, s®7c, Currants, 7c, Citron, 25c. Dry Goons- The market is firm; business fair. We quote: Prints, 4©Bc. Georgia brown shirt ing,B-l, 4%c; 7-8 do, 5%u; 1-4 brown sheeting, 6%c; white osnaburgs, 8%®9%e; checks, 6%@ 7c; yarns, B.'c for best makes; brown drillings, demand on account of high prices. We quote full weights; Mackrrel -No, i. $lO 00; No. 3, ha'f barrels, nominal, $7 00® 7 55; No. 2. A- 50. Herring—No. 1,20 c; scaled, 25c. Coil, Jetßc. Fruit—lemons—Demand light—We quote: $3 00®3 50. Apples—Northern, $3 00®4 25. Ft our—Market firm: demand moderate. We quote: Extra, $3 d®4 00; fancy, $4 75®5 00; choice (latent, $5 35®5 75; family, $4 40®4 60. Grain—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. Wequote: White corn, job lots, 72c; car loid lots, 70c; mixed job lots, fOc; carload lots, use. Oats steady, demand good. We quote: Mixed oats, 48c; carload lots, 46c. Bran, $1 25. Meal, 67%c. Grist, per bushel, 77%c. 11ay—Market very firm, with a fair demand; sock ample. We quote job lots: Western, $1 10; carload lots $1 00; Eastern, none; North ern, none. Hides. Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull: re ceipts light; dry flint, 10%e; salted, B%c; dry butcher, TVfc. Wool—Nominal; receipts light; prime, in bales, 23®25c; burrs, 10@15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3®4c. Deerskins, Hint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, 50c@$4 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4%®5c; refined, 2%c. Lard—Market steady; in tierces, 7%c; 50 lb tins. Bc. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 (ter barrel; Georgia, $l3O per barrel; calcined plaster, $1 85 per barrel; hair, 4c; Rosendale cement, $1 50; Portland cement, $2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, $1 50@5 50; rye, $1 50@6 00; rectified, $1 00®l 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. Wequote; 3d, $3 90 ; 4d and sd, $3 25 ; 6d. $3 00; Bd, $2 75; lOd to 60d, $2 50 per keg. Nuts—Almonds—Tarragona, 18®20c; I vivas, 17®18c; walnuts, French, 15c; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12; cocoanuts, Baraeoa, $6 00 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9® 10c; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 9%@!oc; water white, 13)4c; neatsfoot, 00®80c; machinery, 25®:10c; linseed raw, 57c; boiled, 60c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homellgbt, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel S3 75. Potatoes—Northern, $2 75®3 00. Peas—New crop in light supply and demand; cow peas, mixed, 75c; clay, 90c; speckled, $1 10; black eye, $1 50®1 75; white Crowder, $1 50© 1 75 Prunes—Turkish, 5)4c; French, 11c. Raisins—Demand light; market steady, lay ers, $3 00; London layers, new. $3 25 per box. Salt—'The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots. 70c fob; job lots. 75 ®9oc. SHOT-Drop $1 50; buck, $1 75. Sugar—The market is higher; cut loaf. 754 c; standard A, 7tic: extra C, O%U : yellow C, 8c; granulated, 7%e; powdered, 7%c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia dull at.3s@4oc; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 30®40c; Cuba, straight goods.‘2Bc In hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25c@$l 25; chewing, com mon, sound. 25®30c; fair, 30©35e; medium, 38 ®soc: bright, 50©75cj fine fancy, 85©90c; extra fine. 90c@.$l 10; bright navies, 45®750; dark navies, 4ff®soc. Lumber—There has been a slight falling off in inquiry, owing to the approaching holidays, but not sufficient to affect the market, inasmuch as the mills figure on losing two to four weeks about this time for repairs, etc., aud are gen erally filled up to Christmas. Prices remain steady except for very easy sizes, which are being taken at slightly shaded prices. We quote fob; Ordinary sizes sl2 50@16 00 Difficult sizes 15 00®21 50 Flooring boards 16 00©21 50 Sbipstuff 17 00@81 50 Timder—.Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00©11 00 900 “ “ 11 00© 12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft—- 700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00®10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By sail—There is a good demand for vessels here and at other Georgia ports for Philadelphia, New York and Eastward at full rates. Freight limits are from $5 00@6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and windward, nominal: to South America, sl3 00©14 00; to Spanish and Medi terranean ports, sll 00®12 00; to United King dom for orders, timber, 27®285; lumber, ±l3 15s. Steam—To New York, $6 00; to Philadelphia, $6 00: to Boston, $7 00. Naval Stores—Very dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10%d, and, or, 4s 1 %and; Adri atic, rosin, 3s: Genoa, rosin, 2s 10%d. Coast wise—Steam—To Boston, 45c on rosin, 90c on spirits; to New York, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Balti more, rosin 30c, spirits 70c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—By steam—The market is quiet, with ample room offering. Liverpool direct 5-16d Reval direct %and Bremen direct 1 l-32d Liverpool via New York 17' 11-32d Liverpool via Baltimore )( tt> 5-ltd Antwerp via New York V It 11-32,1 Havre via New York tb %c Havre via Baltimore 72c Bremen via New York tt> 11-16 c Reval via New York 25-64d Bremen via Baltimore 70c Amsterdam via New York 70c Amsterdam via Baltimore— 69c Boston U* bale : $ 1 75 tiea island bale , 1 00 New' York $ bale 1 50 Sea island $ bale 1 00 Philadelphia 19 bale 150 Sea island 19 bale 1 00 Baltimore 19 bale 1 50 Providence $ bale 1 75 By sail— Liverpool 19-64d Havre 5-16d Genoa 11-32d Bremen 21-64d Rice—By steam— New York 19 barrel 50 Philadelphia $ barrel 50 Baltimore 19 barrel 50 Boston 19 barrel 70 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls 19 pair $ 55 @ 65 Chickens, %to % grown 35 © 50 Ducks $1 pair 50 @ 75 Geese 19 pair 1 00 ®1 25 Turkeys $ pair 125 ©2 00 Turkeys, dressed 19 tb 10 © 18 Eggs, country, per dozen 23 ® 25 Peanuts—Fancy hp. Ya. 19 tb ® 6 Peanuts —Handpicked 19 lb ® 5 Peanuts —Ga $1 bushel, nominal 75 @ 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams 19 bush.. 50 @ 60 Sweet potatoes, white yams $ bush 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market overstocked: light demand. Enos—. Market strong, with a fair demand and supply ample. Peanuts—Fair stock; demand moderate: mar ket steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand; nominal. Sweet Potatoes—ln fair demand; receipts light. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. financial. New York, Dec. 14, noon.—Stocks active and strong. Money easy at 4@5 per cent. Exchange —long, $4 1%@4 81%: short, $4 84%©4 84%. State bonds neglected. Government bonds quiet but firm. Erie 28% Richm'd *W. Pt, Chicago & North. .105% Terminal 22% Lake Shore 94% Western Union. . 77% Norf. *W. pref.. 41 sp. m.—Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at 4®5 per cent., closing offered at 4. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold. $131,284,000: cur rency $19,228,000. Government bonds more active aud strong; four per cents 125%: four and a half per cents 107%. State bonds dull but steady. The stock market to-day was less active, but prices, after a buoyant opening, advanced steadily to the close. The news of the day was almost entirely of a favorable nature. The fea ture of the news were the settlement of the trunk line trouble and Western Union's dividend of 1)4 percent. There was an urgent demand from foreigners in the early trading, which sur prised the bears, and their operations for most of the day were confined to attempts to cover their outstanding contracts, which, even after the cessation of the outside demand, kept the market firm’and advancing for the remainder of the day. Reading and Lackawanna were the features of the morning hour, the crowd in the former being so large that sales wen; made at the opening % per cent, apart. Buying in these stocks is said to be largely for inside parties. The only important resistance to the Improve ment was from the Chicago party, while Mr. Connor, who has been credited with the princi pal part in the lab* depression, though he denies it, was to-day believed to lie. with the old bull combination, active in bringing about a rally. Union Pacific was still one of tue prune favorites, and Richmond and West Point, while less active than usual of late, was strong, notwith standing the refusal of certain gentlemen to serve on the board of directors. The Manhattan again advanced on a dividend. Fort Worth and Denver, on the strength of its very favorable annual report, was strong. There was very little bear news circulated, and there was more outside buying than has been noticed for some time. The opening was very strong at advances extending to % per cent,, and on active trailing further gain* were made, though there was n > marked movement except in a few specialties Tne volume of business suffered a marked decrease after the first demand was S': iplied, bit the appreciation of values, while slov. ceased only with the close of business, THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1887, which was quiet but firm, generally at or near the best figures reached. Total sales 280,000 shares. The principal gains were Canadian Pacific and Manhattan 2% per cent, each, Rich mond and West Point preferred 2)4, Union Pa cific 1%, others %to 1 per cent. The following were the closing quotations: Ala.classA, 2t05.106)4 New Orleans Pa- Ala.class 8,55...108 cifle, Ist inort... 75)4 Georgia 7s, mort.. 104 N, Y.UeuMal 108% N. Carolina 65.. .118)4 Norf. &\W pref... 41 % N. Carolina 4s 94 Nor. Pacific 21% So. Caro. (Brown ” pref... 45% consols 107 Pacific Mail 35 Tennessee set 71 Reading 65% Virginia6s ' 48 Richmond & Ale.. 5 Va. consolidated. 44 Richm’d* W. Pt. 22% Ch peake <6 Ohio. 4% Rock Island 110)4 Northwestern 105% fit. Paul 74% „ preferred ...ISS% “ preferred .110% Dela. and Lack 126% Texas Pacific 24% Erie 28% Term. Coal * Iron. 20% East Tennessee... 10% Union Pacific 56% Lake Shore 94% N. J. Central 74% L'ville&Nash 61% Missouri Pacific... 89 Memphis* Char. 46 Western Union... 77% Mobile* Ohio 9 Cotton Oilcertifl.. 29% Nash. * Chatt’a.. 77 COTTON. Liverpool, Dec. 14, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton active and higher; middling uplands 5 9-16d, middling Orleans 5%d; sales 15,000 bales, for speculation and export 3,000 bales; receipts 9,000 bales- American 7,300. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, De cember delivery 5 3ti-64®5 37-64d; December and January 5 37-64®5 38-6 id: January and February 5 87-64@5 39-64d; February and March 5 39-64® 5 40-64(1; March and April 541 -64©5 43-64d; April and May 5 43-64®5 44 64d; May and June 5 45-64 ®5 47-64d; June aud July 5 17-64©5 49-01d; July and August 5 50-64@5 51-64d. Market firm at the advance. The tenders of deliveries at to-day's clearings amounted to 600 bales new dockets and 300 bales old. •2 p. m.- Middling uplands 5%d, middling Or leans 5 11-16d. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. De cember delivery 5 39-64d, buyers; December and January 5 89-64d, buyers; January and February 5 40-64d, buyers: February and March 5 42-64d. sellers; March and April 5 44-64d, sellers; April and May 5 46-64d,sellers; May and June 5 48-64d, sellers; June and July 5 50-643. sellers; July and August 5 52-64d, sellers. Market firm at the advance. 4 p. m.—Futures: Uplands. low middling clause, December delivery 5 38-64d. buyers; De cember and January 5 38-64d, buyers; January and February 5 3i)-64d, buyers; February and March 5 41-64d,buyers: March and April 543-64d, sellers; April and May 5 45-64d. sellers; May and June 5 47-64d, sellers; June and July 5 49-64d. sellers; July and August 5 51-64d, sellers. Market closed quiet. Manchester. Dee, 14.—The Guardian says; ‘The market was very firm. Inquiry is mode rate in most departments, but a good business might be done in shipping yarns if sellers were a little easier to he dealt with. Yesterday’s ex perience confirms the impression in the dis ' ributing market that prices are not likely to make even a small advance until diminished supplies poke them tip The present position of manufacturers is unenviable. Yarns, even where they are easiest, are higher than they were three months ago, while goods are rarely higher, and in a few cases are actually lower. An opinion, based on the disbelief in the esti mates of the American cotton crop, prevail that the present prices of cotton, especially of Ameri can, are too high Buyers refraiu, therefore, from making extensive engagements. There is fair inquiry for export yarns, especially for lower counts. Business for China, Japan and India is only important where spinners are easy. Cloth sales'have been light. Wide shirttings are strong aud hardening. Heavy goods are quiet.” New York, Dec. 14. noon.—Cotton dull but firm: middling uplands 10 9-16 c, middling Or leans 10 11-16 c; safes 25 bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: December delivery at 10 48c: January 1058 c; February 10 69c; May 10 78c; March 10 85c; April 10 92c. 5 p. m.—Market closed firm; middling up lands 10 9-16 c, middling Orleans 10 11-lOc; sales to-day 26 bales; net receipts 717 bales, gross 19.262. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 132,000 bales, as follows- December delivery 10 57®10 59c, January 10 61® 10 tisc, February 10 74© 10 76c, March 10 83®10 840, April 10 91® 10 92c, May 10 99@110i;c, June 11 06®11 07c, July 11 10®11 11c, August 11 14@11 16c. Green * Co.’s report on cotton futures says: “The market has beeu a little nervous to-day, but on the whole had considerable strengtti. and made quite an advance along the entire line. At first ratters looked a little toppy, and evi dences of long cotton spilling were not want ing, with something of the same kind notice able throughout the season, but the demand came out fully, and took the cost up in spite of resistance. Buying was largely on New Orleans account, and burst out suddenly about the time of the ten-point advance at the latter place. With the buoyancy additionally stimulated by a light run of, and more or less cheer ful accounts from Liverpool, some 10® 12 points advance were made, with a small reaction from the highest, but the close was steady.” Galveston, Dec. 14.—Cotton firm; middling 9%c; net receipts 4.903 bales, gross 4,903; sales 2pcs bales; stock 110,748 bales; e xports, to Great Britain 6,354 bales, coastwise 4,557. Norfolk, Dec. 14.—Cotton steady; middling 10c; net receipts 3.354 bales, gross 3,354; sales 1,342 bales; stock 51,961 bales; exports, to Great Britain 4,900 bales, coastwise 1,297. Baltimore, Dec. 14. —Cotton nominal: middling 10%c; net receipts bales, gross 631; sales none; stock 13,374 bales; sales to spinners 100 bales: exports, coastwise 107 bales. Boston, Dec. 14.—Cotton quiet; middling 10%c; net receipts 934 bales, gross 9,063; sales none; stock none; exports, to Great Britain 50 bales. Wilmington. Dec. 14.—Cotton firm; mid dling 9 15-16 c; net receipts I,243bales,gross 1,213; sales none; 5t0ck22,977 bales; exports.coastwise 1,368 bales. PniLAOELPHiA, Dec. 14. — Cotton quiet; mid dling 10%c; net receipts 424 bales, gross 434; stock 16.061 bales. New Orleans, Dec. 14.—Cotton strong; middling 3 13 16c; net receipts 8,450 bales, gross 8,571; sales 13,500 bales; stock 352,991 bales; ex ports, to Great Britain 5,308 bales, coastwise 1,407. Mobile, Dec. 14.—Cotton firm; middling 9 11-16 c; net receipts 1,449 bales, gross 1,074; sales 1,500 bales; stock 36,185 bales; exports, coastwise 392 bales. Memphis, Dec. 14.—Cotton firm; middling 9 1116 c; receipts 6,474 bales; shipments 3,320 bales; sales 7,700 bales; stock 180,404 bales. Augusta, Dec. 14.—Cotton firm; middling9%c; receipts 1,448 bales; sales 1.506 bales. Charleston, Dec. 14.—Cotton firm at oqtside figures; middling 9 !5-l6e; net receipts 2.323 bales, gross 2,323; sales 1,90" bales; stock 48,041 bales; exports, coastwise 2,256 bales. Atlanta, Dec. 14.—Cotton firm; middling 9 11-16 c: receipts 788 bales. New York, Dec. 14.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 28,163 bales; exports, to Great Britain 18,566 bales, to the continent 1,400 bales. provisions, groceries. Ere. Liverpool, Dec. 14, 12:30 p. m.—Wheat dull: demand poor; holders offer freely. Corn dull; demand poor. New York, Dec. 14, noon.—Flour dull and heavy Wheat lower. • Corn lower. Pork quiet but steady; mess sls 25@15 50. Lard easier at $7 75. Old mess pork quiet but steady at sl4 50 ®l4 75. k 5:00 p. m.—Southern flour barely steady; trade moderate. Wheat -options advanced %©%c and closed steady near top; cash grades a shade lower and rather quiet; No. 2 red, December delivery 87%®87%c, January 88%@89%c, -May 92 9-16@93%e. Corn opened %©%c lower, later reacted %©%c, closing firm; ungraded 59 ©,60%c: No. 'j, December delivery nominal at 60%c, January delivery 60%®01%c, May o!%®. 62c Oats >/4©lc lower and heavy, closing firm, however; No. 2, December delivery 87®37%0, January 37%®37%c, May 39©39%c; No. 2, Ji® 37%cv mixed Western 36®38e. lions quiet but weak; State 4@lßc. Coffee, fair Rio on spot firm atlß%c; options active ami higher, closing weak; No. 7 Rio, December delivery 16 40® 10 70c, January 16 !5©16 40c, Mav 15 75@15 95c. Sugar steady; refined quiet Molasses steady. Cotton seed oil at 35®36c for crude and 40® 44c for reltued. Hides quiet. Wool quiet and weak. Pork quiet but steady: mess sls 25® for one year old, sl4 50®14 75 for two year old. Beef dull. Cut meats firm and very quiet. Mid dles dull. Lard opened 3®5 points lower, dos ing a trifle better, with less doing; Western steam, on spot quoted at $7 75, January delivery $7 68@771. May $7 98® 8 05. Freights dull. Chicago. Doe. 14.- Before business began on 'Change to-dav predictions of lower prices, with further breaks in grain markets, were made. Slav wheat opened %®%c lower than last night's close. There was good buying at this price and May firmed up %c in less than ten minutes. Buying was mostly by scalpers who sold short yesterday and took advantage of easy weariness to even up trades. In corn, May opened at 53%c, with sales at the same time at 63c There was an unexpected good demand at 53c, and ten minutes later May was up to 53%c. May pork opened unchanged. Heavy early pur chases of corn by two prominent local opera tor* advanced May to 58%c in the first half hour. The break at 10310 landed May corn at 52%c. Mav tKirk broke from sls 25 to sls 05. An hour alter the oiiening -May sold at sls aud was weak at that Tlie breaK continued and May wheat went down to 82®82%c. The lowest prices of the morning were reached by both com and wheat after the break directly after 10:30. At that time Mav wheat git down to 82©H2%c. There was so much excitement and so much selling when prices got down to this figure that the crowd found itself short before it knew It. A few attempts to even up made the crowd quite nervous and value* reacted. Before noun May I wheat was back to 83c, aud for a long time it held moderately steady around 82%©83c. May corn got down t<s 52%c on the break, and it re acted on covering by nervous shorts. The break was largely brought about by heavy sales by a Detroit plunger. Packers flooded the corn pit also, just before the break and helped the de cline for its influence on provisions. At 12:30 May corn was reasonably steady around 53 'o', but the crowd was still nervous. Provisions were featureless. Any little demand would firm prices up a trifle, but they would drop off of themselves when the demand was withdrawn. All the afternoon the markets were higher, being largely influenced by corn, in which there was free covering bv shorts. Slay corn advanced to 53%c. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull. Wheat, No. 2 red 77c. Corn. No. 2, 4T%c. Oats, No. 2, 30)4c. Mess pork. sll 25®14 50. Lard, (r'c 100 lbs.. $7 37%. Short rib sides, loose $7 45®7 50. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 so ®5 90. Short clear sides, boxed $7 80®7 85. Whisky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— Jan. delivery.... 75% 76% 76 Feb. delivery.... 76% 76% 76% May delivery.... 82% 88% 83 Corn, No. 2 Dec. delivery.... 47% 47% 47% Jan. delivery.... 47% 48% 48% May delivery— 53% 58% 53% Oats, No. 2 Dec. delivery.... 30% .... .... Jan. delivery.... 29% .... .... May delivery.... 32% 33% 83% Mess Pork— Jan. delivery sl4 60 sl4 70 sl4 70 Feb. delivery.... 14 72% 14 85 14 85 May delivery.... 15 25 .... .... Lard— Jan. delivery $7 42% $7 50 $7 50 Feb. delivery.... 7 57% 760 760 May delivery.... 7 87% 7 87% 785 Short Rms— Jan. delivery $7 52% $7 52% $7 50 Feb. delivery 7 62% 7 62% 7 60 May delivery 7 95 7 95 7 92 Baltimore, Dec. 14.—Flour steady but quiet: Howard street and Western super fine $2 37®2 75, extra sloo@3 60, family $3 95® 4 35, city mills superfine $2 37@2 tin, extra $3 00 ®3 60; Rio brands $4 50®4 75. Wheat- South ern easier and quiet; red 88©91c, anther 92©93e; Western lower and dull; No. 2 winter red, on spot 83©83%c. Com Southern easier and quiet : white si®ssc, yellow 65®56c; Western lower. St. Louis, Dec. 14.—Flour slow and weak at $2 20©2 ro. Wheat—No. 2 red, cash 80c; Decern her delivery 79%®79%c, May 83%e. Corn lower; cash 47®47%c, January delivery 46%®45%c, May 47%@48%c. Oats lower; cash 30c, May delivery 31%0 hid. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions weak: Pork, new sll 50. Lard $7 25. Dry salted meats—boxed shoulders $5 75® 6 00, long clear $7 50@7 67%, clear ribs $7 67%© 7 75. short clear sides $7 75@7 87%. Bacon— boxed shoulders $6 £O, iong clears and clear ribs $s 37%®8 50. short clear sides $8 50®8 67%. Hams steady at $lO 26@12 00. Cincinnati, Dec. 14.—Flour easy but slightly lower. Wheat easier; No. 2 red 85%c. Corn dull and lower to sell; No. 9 mixed 53®53%c. Oats easier; No. 2 mixed 34®34%c. Provisions —Lard ueglected at $7 35. Bulk meats quiet and unchanged; short rib $7 87%. Bacon quiet and unchanged; short clear 9c. Whisky un changed nt S! 05. Hogs easier; common and light $4 00®4 10, packing and butchers $5 25® 5 60. Louisville, Dec. 14.—Grain steady: Wheat- No. 2 red winter 85c. Corn unchanged; No. 2 mixed 54%c. Oats unchanged; No. 2 mixed33%e. Provisions Arm. New Orleans, Dec. 14.—Markets dull and un changed. NAVAL STORE3. London. Dec. 14.—Spirits turpentine 28s 3d. New York, Dec. 14, noon.—Spirits turpentine firm at 37%c. Rosin firm at $1 05®1 10. 5:00 p. rn.—Rosin quiet at $1 05@1 10. Tur pentine steady at 37%c. Charleston, Dec. 14. — Spirits turpentine firm at 31)40. Rosin firm; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Dec. 14.—Spirits turpentine firm at :45c. Rosin firm; strained 82%c, good strained B;%c. Tar firm at $1 10. Crude tarpon tine firm; hard $1 05; yellow dip aud virgin $2 00. RICE. New Orleans, Dec. 14 —Rice dull and un changed. Fruit and Vegetable Markets. Philadelphia, Dec. 14.—Lai ge receipts have depressed the market. Fancy oranges are selling at $3 00®3 25 per box: choice, $2 75 per box; common to fair, $1 75© 2 60 pur box. A. B. & Son. Boston, Dec. 14.—The receipts of oranges for the (last week were 12.000 boxJ%: Fancy bright are selling at $3 00@3 25 per box; choice, $2 50 per box: fancy russets, $2 50 per box; choice, $2 00 per box. W. O. Rogers & Cos. New York. Dec. 14 —The Savannah steamer to-day brought 11.000 boxes of oranges, and the Charleston steamer yesterday brought 2,500 boxes. Notwithstanding t' e large business doing, the stock is accumulating, especially in ferior grades. Blights are selling at $2 stl®3 00 per box; russets $1 50®2 00 per box: tangarmes, $8 00 pur box; mandarins, $4 (Jo®s 00 pur box. Vegetables, if choice, meet with ready sale. G. S. Palmer. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 6:50 Sun Sets 5:00 High Water at Savannah 8:37 am, 8:50 i* m Thursday. Dec X 5, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel. Carroll, Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah, Smith, Boston —C G Anderson, Agent. DEPARTED Y'ESTERDAY. Steamer Katie, Bevill, Augusta and way land ings—J G Mediock, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah. Boston. Bark Tikoma (Br), Liverpool. MEMORANDA. New York. Dec 18— Arrived, schrs Wm W Con verse, Seaman. Savannah; Mabel Hooper, Hoo(er, Fen.andir.a; Nellie Floyd. Johnson, Georgetown, S C; B I Hazzard. Smith, do. cleared, sebr Sarah C Smith, Knott, Jackson ville. Liverpool. Dec 11—Arrived, steamship Chis wick (Br), (lowing, Savannah. Sailed 12th, bark Norman (Br), Dinsntore, Sa vannah. St Kitts. Nov 30—Sailed, schr Sadie Willcutt. Hart, Fernandina. Boston, Dee 12— Sailed, steamship Shawmut, Fuller, Savannah. Baltimore, Dec 12—Arrived, schr A Denike, Townsend, Savannah. Brunswick, Dec i—Arrived, bark Elsie Booth (Gerl, Ahrens, Barbados. Sailed 6th, schr Harold C Beecher, Bond, New Haven. Cleared 9th, steamer Handel (Br), Matthews, Liverpool; brig Rozeiia Smith (Br), Greene, Rio Janeiro. Bull River, S C, Dec 12—Cleared, bark Brides maid (Bn, Hancock, United Kingdom. Charleston, Dec 12— Arrived, schrs Stephen Bennett, S]M-ar, Rockporl via Tybee; Susan B Ray, Spaulding, Savannah. Jacksonville, Dec 10—Cleared, schrs Ridge wood, Weaver & Ettie, Hall, Lister, Mason (des tination not given). Mobile, Dec 12— Arrived, schr Mira A Pratt, Sherman, Key West. Pensacola, Dec 12— Arrived, schr Robert W Dasey, Tracy, Galveston. Cleared, hark San Francesco Garguilo (Br), James. Mobile; schrs Susie II Davidson,Carson, Baltimore; Henry P Simmons, Holloway, Wil mington; Phineas W Sprague, Strong, Philadel phia. Port Royal. 8 C, Dec 12-Arrived, schr Lizzie S Haynes. Sawyer, Charleston. Philadelphia. Dec 12—Arrived, bark Eliza J McManemy, Pascagoula via Bavan nan schr Gertrude LTrundy, Davis, Pensacola. Bull River, S C, Dec 13—Arrived, schr Willis S Shepard, Reeves, Savannah for Clark’s Cove. Arrived 13th, sebr Sallio Bissell, McGrath, Sailed, schr Bridesmaid (Br), Hancock, United Kingdom. Fernandina, Dec 14—Arrived, brig Henry B Cleaves, Charleston; schr Quaker City, Bow man, St Thomas. New York, Dec 14—Arrived out, steamship Ethiopia, New York for Glasgow. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Baltimore. Dec 12—Schr Wm Frederick sailed hence to day for Savannah, but collided with tug Volunteer, and returned for repairs. The damage wat not serious. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Baltimore, Dec 12—Sebr Carpincho (Br), from Wallace, NB, reports Dec 4, at 7 am, lat 39 00, passed a piece of wreckage, supposed of a ves sel s deck, the ends sticking up forward and the afterpart submerged—a dangerous obstruction. SPOKEN Bark Wimera (Nor), Sheen, from Pensacola for Buenos Ayres Nov 10. lat 1 N. lon 80 W. Brig Marena Moore, from Matanza* for Satilla River Dec 7,15 miles SE of Jupiter. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savaunah Railway. Dec 14—48 iiales cotton, 9 this spirits turoemine, 3 bbls rosin, 1 car stave*, ] car wood, 590 sacks fertilizers, 1 cat- cotton seed, 10 boxes bacon, 650 empty cans, .15 boxes supplies, 15 bbls tallow, 50 bbls oil, 114 bells sj>okes, HO caddies tobacco, 5 boxes tobacco. J case tolwL*co, 8 bdls chairs, 9 crates desks, 5 cases marble, 2 boxes clothing, 30 sacks peas, 1 buggy, 1 i>ale hides, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, Pec 14—679 bales cotton. 980 bbls resin, 401 bbls spirits turpentine, 1,068 boxes oranges, 100 bbls oranges, ISi boxes fruit, 10 halos hides, 7 bbls eggs, 6 bbls wine, 50 buggies and carriages. 520 sacks rice. 22 bbls syrup, 17 cars wood. 1 car coal. 5 oars cotton seed, 5 ooxes candy, 21 head horses. 60 pkgs mdse, and mdse. Per Central Railroad, Dec 14—1,812 bales cot ton, 37 lwiles yarn, 89 bales domestics. 4 bait's plaids. 10 bales hides, 86 pkgs tobacco, 65,500 lbs lard, 48,750 lbs bacon, 120 bbls lime, 206 bbls rosin, 27 bbls spirits turpentine. 3,590 lbs fruit. 220 sacks beans. 10 bbls meal, 80 bbls whisky. 10 hf bbls whisky, 125 qr bbls beer, 285-qr bbls beer, 61 pkgs furniture and h h goods, 8 hols Hour. 88 bead cattle, 1,451 bushels corn, 5 head horses, 2 cars lumlier. 14 cars wood, 15 tons pig iron, 15 nkgs wood in shape, 99,846 lbs sugar, 25 dozen brooms, 4 pkgs carriage material, 2 bales paper sttick, 107 pkgs mdse, 7 cars cotton seed, 150 bbls cotton seed oil, 61 pkgs etnpt ies, 210 kegs powder, 61 pkgs empties, 154 pkgs hardware, 350 sacks grits. EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for Boston— -3.139 bales upland cottou, 1,096 boxes oranges, 198 tons pig iron. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Nacoochee, for New York— Miss Minnie Chester. Mrs T Covney, J R Felch, I. McCormick, S C Chandler, Mr and Mrs N M Williams, J C Richd&le, and 2 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. Dec 14— A L*'tTler, Lizzie Rivers, M Y Henderson. .1 (' N Bischoff. Montague A Cos, A K Salas •& Cos. P Prenty, Alice Ijarke, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, M Feints Cos, K I) Premie. Blodgett, M A Cos, N v imons. Fartunate llamias, J 1) Weed A Cos, Standard Oil Cos. Per Savauu&n. Florida and Vvestern Railway, Dec 14--Transfer Office, Jno Flannery & Cos. W D Simklns & Cos, A A Aveillie, Butler AS, V Ehrlich & Pro, T P Bond A Cos, Strauss Bros, Kavanaugh &B, H Myers & Bros. F M Farley, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, ,1 W Ball. L Putxel. B H Dryfus, Harms A*.l. Iwuney A. G, F W Whine, J l> Weed & Cos, M Sterns, S Cohen, W (1 Marree, H Solomon & Son, M Y Henderson. G 51 D Riley. G V Hecker A Cos, Epstein AW, Eekman &V, McDonough A Cos. A S Bacon. Friersou A Cos. D A McGee, Dale, I) A Cos, Smith Bros A Cos. W B McKell, it B ('assels, Martin A H. T M Keller, 51 Ferst A Cos. Stillwell, PA M, Standard Oil Cos, Byck AS, Southern Cotton <MI i 'o. (i Osborne, S (luckenheimer A Son. Bendheirn Bros A Cos, J P Williams A Cos. T McMahon. Lippman Bros. W I Miller, W W Gordon A Cos, Garnett. S A Cos, Ellis. Y A Cos, J Rosenheim A Cos, Herron AG, 11 M Comer A Cos, Montague A Cos, 1) Y Dancy, Mohr Bros, Baldwin A Cos. MYA D I Melntire, Peacock, li A Cos, M Maclean, J S Wood A Bro, Chas Ellis. E T Roberts. Per Central Railroad, Dec 14—Fordg Agt. H M Comer A Cos. Baldwin A Cos. Slater. M A Cos, R I> Bogart, M Y’ A D I Melntire, Woods A Cos, Herron AG, Jno Flannery A Cos, Warren AA, >1 Maclean. Hammond. It A Cos. Montague A Cos. F M Farley, W W Gordon A Cos, Garnett, S A Cos, Butler A S. J P Williams A Cos, G Walter A Cos. J S Wood A Bro, Butler Bros, Moore, H A Cos, Dr D Cox, Fleming Bros, C Seiler, Kckmau A V, 1 G Haas, H H Livingston, A B Hull. Mrs M A Pate, II Myers A Bros, A Letiler. Mrs D Douglas, Epstein A IN, Harms AJ, C E Stulls, P (’ohen, J I) Weed A Cos, Ohlander Bros,Jno Lyons A Cos, Decker AF. Stillwell. PA M. M Y Henderson, Ludden A B, Cornwell A C, Southern Ex Cos. T SteiTen, CII Carson, I,ovell A L, B J Oubbedge. J G Butler, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, C E Marvin, G W Tiedeman, Mohr Bros, Smith Bros A Cos, S Guckenheimor A Son, Kckmati A V. Rieser A S. J P Williams A Cos, Peacock, H A Cos, M Ferst A Cos. BRICK. E. D. White. I. N. Stanley.%J. E. Brick. Established lSi5-4r. Brooklyn Clay Retort and Fire Brick Works, EDWARD D. WHITE & CO. Manufacturers of ciay Retort* Fire Brick, Tile, etc., and dealers in Fire Clay, Fire Sand, Ground Fire Brick. Fire Mortar. Manufactory: Van Dyke. Elizalieth, Partition and Richard streets. Ofllce: 88 Van Dyke street, Brooklyn, N. Y. OFFICIAL,. ORDINANCES. An Ordinance To permit McDonough A Cos. to build a rail road t rack across Wheaton street so as to connect the tracks of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company with the Uuniieryard of McDonough A Cos. Section 1. licit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermeu of the city of Savannah in Council assembled. That permission is hereby given the firm of McDonough A Cos. to connect the tracks of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company with the lumber yard of the said Mc- Donough A Cos. (heretofore known as Hawkins' yard) by means of a railroad track across Wheaton street, between Liberty street and Bdbo canal, to be used in the transportation of lumber and other merchandise, provided that the said track and three feet outside of it shall be well pav<d on Wheaton street, that said street shall not l> obstructed more than three miimtos at a time, and that the said Mayor and Alder men reserve the full right and jxnvor to further restrict and limit the use of the said street, and to withdraw the permission herein contained entirely. Bkc. 2. Be it further ordained, That it is also required that the said track lx* enclosed by gates oa Wheaton street extending the full length of Wheaton stn*et on both sides ,;f said track, v hieh said gates shall Iw* kept closed so as to prevent the crossing of said t rack by vehi cles or jiedeslrians immediately l>efore its use by trains or cars, and while the same is being so used. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That for every violation and disregard of any of the provisions contained in the precixling sections, the said McDonough A Cos., their succ s. ors or assigns, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty (50) dollars upon conviction before the Police Court of the City of Savannah. Sep. 4. Be it further ordained. That nil ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict w ith this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Council Nov. 30, 1887. RUPt HI. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frank K. Hebarer, Clerk of Council. An ordinance to suspend the ordinance passed in Council April 25, 1833, relative to obstruc tions of sidi-walks. Section 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of t lie city of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority aforesaid, That the ordinance passed in Council on Aj ril 25, 1883 relative to obstruction of sidewalks by tne displaying of dry goods, etc., be suspended from December 17th, to January 3d. 1888, inclusive, upon condition tlmt. the space occupied by dealers in displaying their goods shall not exceed two and a half feet from store to sidewalk, and shall not exceed three feet from the curb toward the street, but no goods or boxes shall be left on the pavement or street after 6 o'clock p. in. of each day. Ordinance panned in Council Nov. 30, 1887. RUFUS E. LENTER. Mayor. Frank E. Rebarer, Clerk of Council. Ordinance read for the first time Nov. 2, 1887, read a second t ime Nov. 16 and laid on the table. Taken from the table N0v.30, 1887*,and together with substitute, referred to a special committee of three, consisting of Aldermen Duncan, Myers and Wells. An Ordinance to amend an ordinance passed Nov. 3, )HhO. and entitled “an ordinance to provide for the improvement of the sidewalks of the city of Savannah.“ Section i. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Havannah in Council assembled. That the above recited ordinance is hereby amended so as to include in divisio.i“A“ as a part t hereof both sides of Liberty street, from Wheaton to East Broad street, the north side of Bay street, between Drayton and Lin coln streets, the north side of Bay street, be tween Jefferson and West Broad street?. both sides of Montgomery street, between William son and Bay street, east wide of West Broad street, between River and Bay streets. H F/:. 2. Beit further ordained that all side walks on the j arts of the streets designated in the preceding section shall be paved in terms of the existing ordinance in relation to the paving of sidewalks by the fir t day of February, 1888; and if not paved by that time the work may be done by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah under the terms and provisions ami with all the rights and powers of section five of the said ordinance of November Bd, 1886, in cluding the manner and means of collection mentioned in said section five. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the side walk on the east side of East Broad street, be tween Liberty and Gaston streets, is hereby placed in Division K of the said ordinance of November 3. I*B6, and th> said sidewalk is hereby required to be graded under the terms of said ordinance, and in the manner thei eln provided by tho first day of February, ISBB. In case the said grading is not done by the first day of February then the said Mayor and Al dermen of tho city of Havannah may proceed in the manner pointed out in section five of the said ordinance, with all the rights an#rowers, including the manner and means of collection for the work done provided for by said section five. B*c. 4. Be it further ordained. That ail ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed In Council Nov. 3 \ 1887. RUFUS K. LESTER. Mayor. Attest,: Frank E. Rebarer. Clerk of Council. CLOTHING. A WINTER DRIVE ! VlfE offer below a line of OVERCOATS, which for genuine intrinsic merit cannot he excelled V > bv any establishment In this city. Our splendid facilities enable us to at all times sell the Rest Quality of Material and Workmanship on margins so close that other firms are at a loss to uuiiei stand how it is possible. WE QUOTE: Union Beaver Overcoats <ltAlian 0,0111 unln * $5 00 Chinchilla Overcoats <l,a,,an cloth Lin,ng1 ' $6 00 Fine Kersey Overcoats (55M25 uSSE) $lO OQ Esquimaux Beaver Overcoats (WaSsSuSiss:) sl2 00 Fine Corkscrew Overcoats Rumbold For Beaver ( Piped Corded Edge, * ) sls 00 Children’s Overcoats without capes). . $ I 25 to $7 50 PANTALOONS ! 150 pairs good Cassimere Pants at $2, worth $2 50. 150 pairs good Cassimere Pants at $3, worth $4. 100 pairs good Cassimere Pants at $4, worth $4 50. 100 pairs line Cassimere Pants at $5 50, worth $6 50. BIG BARGAINS ALL ALONG THE LINE. B, H. LEVY & BRO., FOR GOOD, RELIABLE WELL MADE ACETsT’S, BOYS’ AND CHIJLDREN’S CLOTHING, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, • GO TO MENKEN & ABRAHAMS * CLOTHING HOUSE! 158 BROUGHTON STREET. HATS AND MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC: Beautiful Holiday Presents AX , EMIL A. SCHWARZ’S. A PERSONAL INSPECTION OF MV HANDSOME UN ~F Parlor, Bedroom, Hall and Library Furniture WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT FOR ELEGANT DESIGNS, EXTENSIVR AND VARIED ASSORTMENT AND LOW PRICES WE ARE UNEQUALED. A Choice Variety of'Faney Leather, I’luHh and Reed Rookere' IVoveltif-H in Hecretaries, Cabinets, IV-deatulH, Writing Desks, Tables, JCa*els, Kto. I#f Special Sale of'Hugs, Crumb Cloths and Portiorre Poles for the Holidays. NOW IS THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. ACCOMMODATING TERMS. EMIL A. SCHWARZ, 125 and 137 Broughton Street. “shoes; clothing, notions, etc. Great Rush at Cohen’s This Week. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES MUST BE CLOSED OCT: 25 dozen Gents’ Red Woolen Undershirts, regular price sl, for 50c. 25 dozen Ladies’ $1 Vest for 50c. 35 dozen Ladies’ 50c. Vest for 25c. 50 dozen Gents’ Top Shirts, two Collars and Cuffs, regu lar price sl, for 50c. GRAND BARGAINS in SHOES 200 pair OENTB’ BALA., regular price 82, for $1 25. 200 pair BOYH' BA 1,8., regular price $1 50, for Si; filzes from 2to 5. 100 pair LADIES' FRENCH Kill SHOES, regular price $4, for $2 50. 200 pair LADIES’ KID BUTTON SHOES, regular price J 2. for $1 25. MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES AT YOUR OWN PRICES. Don’t Forget COHEN, Southwest Corner Broughton and Barnard Streets. iTTthogra PHY. THE’ LARGESTTITHOGRAPH 1C ESTABLISH MENtTnTtTTePsOUTH? THE Morning News Steam Printing House SAVANNAH. GEORG IA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS A Lithographing and Engraving Department which is complete within itself, and the largest concern of the kind in the South. It is thoroughly equipped, having five presses, and all the latest mechanical appliances in the art, the best of artists and the most skillful lithog raphers, all under the management of an experienced superintendent. It also has the advantage of being a part of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, banks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give this house an opportunity to figure on their work, when orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant it, a special agent will be sent to make estimates. J. H. ESTILL. 7