The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 17, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A WORD. A D VEHTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more , in (his column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD , Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any wont to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure,' indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. help wasted, * \\T ANTED Ex]>eriince<i salesmen to travel ' ' anil sell hard ware and other goods. Ail dress MERCHANT, care Carrier 7ft, Baltimore. WANTED, a Rirl as nurse for a child; must ’ * ,1)0 neat. Apply to S. KROUSKOKF, Broughton street. A CENTS WANTED for Ufe and Jr Pope l A'( XIII.; salary or commission. Room 10, Post Office building. W E need additional help In both stores: also ’’ a few boys. Apply at SCHREINER'S. ~\\T ANTED, man to take the agency of our v T safes; size 28x18x18 Inches; weight 500 lbs.; retail price $35; other sizes in proportion. A rare ehanoe to create a permanent business at home. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, us we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED. —We desire to establish a general agency in Savannah or vicinity, to control the sale of a staple article of daily consumption. Any energetic man with small oapital may se cure a permanent, paying business. For par ticulars address GREENWICH MANUFAC TURING CO., 40 Vesey street, N. Y. W ANTED —AGENTS-15c. SampleT Sash Holder by mail for 10c. (coin or stamps). Away ahead of anything of the kind ever in vented. Beats Weights. Success unparalleled. Outsells everything. $lO a day. BROHARD & CO., Clarksburg, W. Va. "emplov M KNT AVAXTKI). Tl 7 ANTED— By an active salesman, goods to W sell on commission. A. 8., 30 Drayton street. MIBCE L LAN EO U 8 W ANTS. "VIT'ANTED, Chatham, Jasper, Merchants’ and T t Mechanics’ Loan Association stock. ROBERT H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer. ROOMS TO KENT. FOR RENT, Dec. 21st, parlor floor containing three large rooms. Corner Broughton and Montgomery streets, RENT, two floors, containing eight rooms and bath room, over my store northeast corner of Broughton and Barnard streets; pos session given Nov. Ist. Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer. HOUSES ANI) STORES FOR RENT. f’OR RENT, two story house on Gordon street, east of Price. Apply to R, D. GUERARD. Abereorn and McDonough streets. RENT, a two-story and basement cjwell ing situated on Bryan street, second door east of Abereorn. Possession given immedi ately. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN & CO., 114 Bay street. I?OR RENT, a seven-room house. Apply to ’ LOUIS VOGEL’S VARIETY STORE, Jeff erson and Waldburg lane. FOR RENT, the desirable dweling No. 57 Charlton street; modern improvements. Possession given immediately. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN A CO., 114 Bay street. I ['OR RENT, brick house, two-story on base ment, corner Gaston and Barnard. Apply to LAUNEY & GOEBEL, 143 Broughton, FOR RENT, from Oot. Ist, splendid store No. 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison’s Block, next to comer of Abereorn: lias splendid cellar and is splendid stand for any business; second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON, Jr., 114 Bryan street. FOR AI.K. TX)R SALE, good business house and stock of JT fancy goods and millinery; splendid oppor tunity for milliner and dressmaker: good reasons for selling. Address Lock Box 244, Titusville, l’la. 11TE will have for sale this day, forty Carpets, It slightly worn, in other respects they are in good order. MARSHALL & McLEOD, 116J4 Broughton street. TAOLLS! DOLLB!—A large lot to be sold at La retail for less than cost. GAZAN, Bull cor ner Broughton. FOR SALE, two three-story frame metal roofed dwellings. Nos. 25 and 27 McDonough street, between Price and Houston streets. Ap ply to JNO. SULLIVAN & CO., 114 Bay street. TJ'CR SALE, stock of Groceries and Liquors in store corner of Walker and Guerard streets. To bo sold on account of owner having other business. Apply to G. GERKEN. I ,''OR SALE, a two-story on basement brick duelling, near the Park. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN & CO., 114 Bay street. TAOR SALE, laths, Shingles. Flooring, Ceiling, L Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 21L REPPARI) & CO. TOY TRUNKS, Goat Harness, lap Rohes, Horse Blankets and great big ten-cent Sponges, at NEIDLINGER & RABUN’S. FI'OR SALE, Splendid salt water river-front building lots, and five-acre farm lots with river privileges, at ROBEDEW; building lots in Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Appiy to Dn. FAL LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from 9 to 10 a. m. LOST AND FOUND. TOST, two promissory notes of Lilienthal & J Son in my favor. The public >s notified not to negotiate the same. J. W. TAYLOR. Xj'OUND, a pin. Call at 110 Taylor. REWARD. QUA REWARD. I have recovered two of the missing volumes of the bound files of the News. The following are still wanting: July to December, 1860. July to December, 1801. July to December, 1862. The volumes are undoubtedly In this city, probably in some law office, os lawyers are gen erally the borrowers of onr files. There is #lO waiting for the return of each or any of the above volumes, “and no questions asked.” J. H. ESTILL. PHOTOGRAPHY. piNE CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS A SPECIALTY. J. N. WILSON. __ 21 Bull street. HERMES & ROBINSON’S Excelsior Photo graphs still abend; also, fine Life size Oil Paintings in handsome frames, together with one dozen Cabinet Photographs. sls. Every de scription and size of picture made. Come and see us; we will surprise you. N. B. We have a beautiful picture of the Confederate Generals; elegant and unique In design; cheap; come and see them. 177 Congress street, Savannah, lla, JUST as fine Photos made on tho ground floor a< in the garret, at BISHOP’S, West Broad and Gaston. IMPORTANT.— We yet have time to make a few more of those fin • Crayons, in handsome frames, for sls before Christmas; bring them in. Mum. LAUNEY & GOEBEL, Savannah, Ga. O n LY first-class work done at BISHOP’S. ' ' Four fine Cabinet Photos, sl. Call and examine at BISHOP S, West Brood and Gaston. HOARDING. HOARDING, No. 18 Abereofn street, corner of St. Julian; handsomely furnished rooms, with excellent board; terms moderate; also table board. ’’ raekleT ‘ IyOTIC'E—i will raffia * very fine new, Side i’ bar, three-quarter seat, open Buggy. This Buggy received the first prize at the Atlanta Exposition. It can be seen at Chas. F. Graham 's Sitboa. Congress street. Chances only ?!. JOHN C. DeMARTTN ________ MIhCKLLAN KOD4S. JUST a new line of Fancy Whisk, Hair, Hat and <-iolhes Brushed, at ilEli/LH. MISCELLANEOUS. r PHOBE wishing Lace Curtains cleaned or l other work done in our line must bring it in by llrst of next week, ;u we close flrst. of Janu ary for one mouth. STEAM DYE WTIRKS, 134 State street. I ADIES ARE OFFERED embroidery needle J work at their own homes (town nf country! by a wholesale house; profitable: genuine; good pay can be made; everything furnished;particu lars free. Address ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK CO., 135 Eighth street, New York City. \\/ r E make a specialty of Colognes and Hand ” kerchief Extracts The assortment can not be surpassed at HEIDT'S. r PHE POPULAR Cough Remedies are Balsam I Wild Cherry, Honey ami Tar, also HEIDT'S Celebrated Cough Drops. Horses clipped with the latest im PROVED Clippers by JOHN C. DeMAR TIN. Satisfaction guaranteed. Drayton and Congress lane. YYT’ANTEf), the public to know that for two ' ' years yet I will represent the well-known Shoe House of A. EINSTEIN’S SONS on the Georgia Central railroad and its branches. SID A. PUGHSLEY. Jr. NEW GOODS are being added to the desirable line of reasonable priced Holiday Goods at HEIDT’S. IX>R TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS go Go LOUIS VOGEL'S, Jefferson and Waldburg lane. The cheapest place in the city. CAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 184 state O street, will close first of January for one month. MRS. MARY JANE McMASTER, M.~D~ Eclectic Physcian. Office No. 24 Lincoln street, corner of Broughton. Consultation free. All diseases successfully treated. IX>Y TRUNKS’ Toy Trunks! Toy Trunks! Call and see them. SAVANNAH TRUNK FACTORY, Whitaker and State. LUDDEN A BATES 8. M. il. CHICKERIN6 PIANOS. “ Sooerlatively Perfect! ” Messrs. Chickering <£ Sons: Gentlemen —After many years’ experi ence as a pianist in this country and Europe, and after having used the instru ments of the leading makers here and abroad, it is with pleasure that I give to you my matured opinion upon your pianos. In them I find the purest, truest and most musical tone, together with an action which will answer my demands equally in the most piannissimo playing and in the heaviest forte effects, and combining these qualities with an almost endless resonance. I can find tor them no mom fitting praise than that of the Great Maestro, Franz Liszt, who declares them “Superlatively Perfect.” (Signed) Julie Rive-King, New York, October 11, 1887. For the BEST Plano, mind you we say BEST, buy the Chicker ing. To be sure it’s not the Highest-Priced Piano sold, but it’s the BEST all the same. Quality tells, not prica Factory Prices, with Easiest Terms, at L (68. Southern Music House HOLIDAY GOODS. Xmas Presents. Fine Florida Oranges. Apples, Cocoanuts, eta Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, etc., in car loads or less, at lowest prices. Potatoes, Onions, Cabbage,etc. Peanuts, Peas, Stock Feed, etc. —at— T. P. BOND & CO.’S, Xmas Groods. r |\HE finest line of Plush Cases in the city. A consisting of Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Dressing Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, etc. Also, a line of beautiful Vases. Visit ing Card Cases, Writing Tablets, Perfume Baskets, Odor Cases, Cut Glass Bottles, Perfum ery, etc., at 1.. C. Fst ronst’s Drug Store, comer Bull and Perry street lane. FOR SALE. BRICK YARD FOR SALE. WELL LOCATED AND EQUIPPED. FINE CLAY. AND GOOD SHIPPING FACILITIES. A Good Chance for Investment In a paying business. Address MACON BRICK CO„ Macon, Ga. DYES. X jES T~ DO your own Dyeing, at home, with PEER LESS DYES. They will dye everything. They are sold everywhere. Price 10c. a package -10 colors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount in packages, or for fastness of color, or.non-fading qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale by B. E. Uj.meu, M. 0., Pharmacist, corner Broughton and Holton streets; P. B. Rkid, Druggist and AjWhe cary, corner Jones and Abercorn streets; Edward J. Kikfter, Druggist, corner West Broad and Stewart streets. BROKERS. aTiT-E IA I? T RID cJiT SECURITY BROKER. BUYS AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stocks anil Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. wx. t. annul am s. w. cummixo. w. T. WILLIAMS & CO., • Brokers. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. Private direct wire to our office. Constant quotations flora Chicago and New York. COTTON EXCHAN Or 111. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1887. DRY GOODS, Ei,’L. Useful Xnias Presents AT Mi 4 Doner’s, Successors to B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. 2ffA DOZEN Ladies’ White Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, wide and narrow hems, from 10c. to 75c. each.' 500 dozen Ladies Colored Bordered Hem stitched Linen Handkerchiefs, all different styles, from 10c. to 75c. each. 150 dozen Ladies’ Mourning Hemstitched Lin en Handkerchiefs, very choice patterns, from 10c. to 75c. each. 75 dozen Lillies’ White and Fancy Embroid ered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, exquisite styles, from 25c. to 75c. each. 100 dozen Children s Colored Bordered Hem stitched Linen Handkerchiefs, all new designs, at lie. each. GENTLEMEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS. 125 dozen Gentlemen's White Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs from 10c. to 'lie. each. 200 dozen Gentlemen's White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs from 20c. to 75c. each. 175 dozen Gentlemen’s Colored Bordered Fine Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, all new de signs, from 20c. to 50c. each. WHITE SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. 100 dozen White Hemstitched Silk Handker chiefs, wide and narrow hems, in pure and cream white, from 50e. to $1 50 each. 75 dozen Pure anil Cream White Brocaded Silk Handkerchiefs from 50c. to $1 50. COLORED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. 500 dozen Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, in all the latest designs and colorings, from 50c. to $1 50 each. Ladies’ White Embroidered Aprons from $1 to $2 each. Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves. A full line of Pocketbooks from 10c. to $1 each. A large assortment of Gentlemen s Neckwear, comprising all the latest novelties, from 25c. to $1 each. Children’s Fancy Scarfs and Bows at 25c. each. SILK UMBRELLAS. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gloria Twilled and Puritan Silk Umbrellas, in Gold, Silver, Oxided mountings. Ladies' Mourning Umbrellas, in Puritan and Gloria Silks. HOSIERY, HOSIERY’. A full line of Ladies' Unbleached Balbriggan Hose, in all grades and sizes, from $3 to $9 per dozen. Full lines Ladies’ Colored Cotton and Lisle Hose. Ladies’ Black Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose front 25c. to $1 50 a pair. COLGATE’S EXTRACTS AND TOILET SOAPS. We have just received a complete assortment of Colgate's Celebrated Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Powder and Vaselines. ORPHAN & DOONKR. HOLIDAY GOODS. ’itlainatii! I have Established My Head quarters at LINDSAY & MOR GAN’S, as there I find the best assortment of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS in the City, which are both useful and ornamental, Read Over the List: Bedroom Suits. Parlor Suits, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Hat Racks, Writing Desks, Music Cabinets, Rockers in Plush, Rockers in Leather. Rockers of Rattan. Reception Chairs. Easy Chairs, Hall Chairs, and many others, all of which can be found in all the latest designs and coverings. For the children can be had Bicycles and Tricycles, Veloci pedes, Doll Carriages, Wagons, Etc. NUF SAID, m IN AND SEE US. jilsaj 4 Morgan. UjEerT LUMBER! A. S. BACON, Office and Pinning MlU,*l-iherty and Eaet Broad Streets. A full stock of Dbkhbd and Korun Ll'Msr.a, Lath*, Bbjmcleb, Etu. ahvaya on hand. EaU mates given upon application. Prompt deli ve guaranteed. Telephone 117. DRY GOODS. We are too Busy to Say Much, But we will say Such Facts that will cause you to spend your Money with us provided Money is an ob ject to you. We have determined not to wait until after Christmas, when nobody wants Winter Goods, to make a closing out sale, but we will do it right now, while the public stands in need of such goods. We positively have reduced prices on all of our Winter Goods fully one-third, and therefore otter such bargains as will do you all good. We will close out at these reductions. Our elegant stock of DRESS GOODS. Our magnificent stock of BLACK SILKS. Our excellent stock of COLORED SI LKS. Our beautiful stock of Priestley’s MOURNING GO£)RS. Our immense stock of English tailor-made Walking Jackets, Our Plush Jackets and Wrap's,; Our Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, and our large stock of MISSES’ and CIIIL DREN’S GARMENTS. The same reductions—one-third ofl’—we offer in Blank ets, Shawls, Flannels, Ladies’ and Gent’s Underwear, Hosiery of all kinds, Comfortables, Housekeeping Goods, Gold Headed Umbrellas, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, etc. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR REAL BARGAINS. GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT OUR BAZAR. The Graiest, Most Eilensive, Tie Most Elegant, AS WELL AS THE CHEAPEST To be found anywhere in the city, We can’t enumerate the articles because the variety is too large. Do not fail to examine our stock; we simply offer you such a line as can only be found in a first-class house in New York. Special Bargains This "Week: A 35-bent fuU regular GENT’S HALF HOSE for .... ]oe. A 25-cent fuJl regular LADIES' HOSE for ------ 100. A 25-cent DAMASK TOWEL for 10c. A 25-cent CHILDREN’S UNDERSHIRT for 10c. A 25-cent GENT’S UNDERSHIRT for 10c. A 25-cent NECK SHAWL for 10c. A 25-cent HAIR BRUSH for sc. A 25-cent RED TWILL FLANNEL for lflc. A PURE LINEN DAMASK NAPKIN for 6c. A 5-cent PAPER NEEDLES for Ic. A 5-cent PAPER PINS for - -- -- -- -- Ic. A5O-cent JERSEY for -------- -25 c. DAVID WEISBEIN, 153 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. MILLINERY To the Public. Propectus lor Spring id Summer 1888. The unprecedented trade in our Millinery Business dar ing 1887 is owing to the constantly adding of Novelties and the immense increase of our stock, which is doubtless the Lai GiiST of Any Retail Millinery in America, exclusive of New York, and our three large floors cannot hold them. Already our importations, Direct from Europe, are ar riving, and ox Our Third Floor we are opening Novelties for Spring and Summer in Ribbons, French Flowers and Feathers in the Most Beautiful and Novel Shades. We are sorry to be compelled, for want of room, to close our Winter Season so soon, which has been so very successful, and from to-day all our Felt Hats, Fancy Feathers and Trimmed Hats will be sold at any price. Our Ribbon Sale will continue until further notice. S. KROUSKOIiTf, MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOUSE. FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC. C ARPETSi C ARI'ETS! CARPETS! Now is the time for Bargains in Carpets. A fine selection of Cotton Chains, Union’s Extra Supers, All Wool, Two and Three-Plys, Tapestries and Body Brus sels just arrived. Our line of Furniture is complete in all its departments. -Tust received, a carload of Cooking and Heating Stoves. So call on us for Bargains. We don’t in tend to be undersold, for cash or on easy terms. TEEPLE & CO. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. President. SAVANNAH, A. T LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. MANUFACTURERS of HASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS of all kind* and dewriptioui CASINGS and TRIMMINGS for all eUwoee of dwellings, PEWS and PEW ENDS of our own dosigi] and manufacture, TURNED and SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH HANDLES for Cotton Hooks, CEILINO, FLOORING, WALNSCOTTLNG, SHINULES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves TOYS. Hi's if MAMMOTH Toy&HolidayGoodsllonse. PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton St.. Caterers to the people, anno'inces that their Holiday Goods Opening has begun since Dec. 7th, which has been and will continue a Grand Success, all to the reason of having the Largest Variety, the Richest Selec tion, and the Lowest Prices in this city. WE MAKE NO MAG. WE MIND 01 It OWN AND THEREBY MANAGE TO PLEASE EVERYONE. READ WITH CARE The Grandest of All Lists in Holi day Goods introduced in this city this Season. TOyC in Foreign and Domestic Novelties, Hilo Wooden Wagons, Willow and Rattan Doll Carriages, Hooker and Hobby Horses, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Etc., Etc. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! parison here in Beauty, Assortment or Low Prices. In short, It's folly for you to purchase Dolls elsewhere wheu we can better suit you in every respect. 11l A SSVV II! If Dresden ware, Lava Ware, Bisque UMajllAllh, Ware, in the Newest Tints and Stylos of 1887-8. BRONZE WARE sta,liary an " CATIV in th most Fastidi us Ml ID ULAOOIIdnCi Results of modern In vention. PHI V A WARF In elegant flap and Saucer Seta, vllLla It mlu Cup, Saucer and Plate Sets, Moustache Cup and Saucer Sots, Highly Dec orated with and without appropriate emblems of esteem. TERRA COTTA WARE all species. ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS I PLUSH GOODS. Indies' mid Infants' Plush Toilet CaaM, Gents' Shaving Caaeß, Manicures, Smoking Sets, Fitted Card Boxes, Fitted Cases of Standard Silver ware, Match Safes, (dove, Handkerchief and Fan ('aaea, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases. Odor Stands. Whisk Broom Cases, Photograph ami Autograph Albums, Portfolio*, Music Kofis, Cushion and Bottle Sets, Etc., Etc. SATIN NOVELTIES Perfumed Sachets, $n Cushions, Cushion and Bolster Sets, Etc., Etc. wooden Ing Tables, Shoe Blackening Cases, Hat. Hacks, Baskets, on aud off Stands. Lined und U aimed, Etc., Etc. IIVPV f-Ace and Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Muf 11#-is. i.isif* and sdk Hosiery, Real Kid Gloves, Fine Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Fine Neckwear, Pix-ketbooks, Hand Bags, Lace Bed Sets, Felt Lambrequins, Table ('overs, Silk Chair Scarfs, Silk Umbrellas, Etc., Etc., Etc. ELEGANT PRESENTS IN LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOAKS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS of other Suitable Holiday Gifts, besides WE OFFER YOU The Lowest Legitimate Price ! The Politest Attention! Most Thorough Satisfaction! And the Best Selected Stock! CALL AND SEE US! P. 8. Country orders filled with care and promptness. Goods |>acked with care. Liberal allowances on orders for chumhes and charlt uble institutions. Correspondence solicited. GROCERIES. HEW CURRANTS, New Citron, New Nuts. Choice Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart. llock Candy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, at TZEEIEj Mutual Co-Operative Association, BARN A lIP AND BROUGHTON ST. I.ANE. HOTELS. PULASKI HOUSE, - Savannah, Ga., Under New Management. HAVING entirely refit toil, refurnished and made such extensive alterations ami re pairs. we fail justly say that our frier Is and patrons will find THE PULASKI first class in every reaped. The cuisine and service will Ire of ihe hignest character. WATSON A POWERS, Proprietors, formerly of Charleston Hotel. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla WINTER AND SUMMER. rp HF. MOST central House In the city. Near Jt Post Ofilce, Street Cars and all Kerries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bella Baths, Eta *2 60 to $6 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY'BANK Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - *50,000 rpRANSA<T a regular hanking bind nee*, (live I particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on Now York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sourilie, Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts & Cos. and MeiviUe. Evans A Cos., of London, England. New York Correspondent.* The boa board National Bank. SOAPS! SOAPS! PEARS’, RIEOF.R-S. COLGATE'S. CLEAV ER'S. KFCKKLAP.K'K. BAYLKY'S, LU BIN'S, PEMBLE’S MEDICATED just received at BUTLER’S PHARMACY. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. THIS BAY. MULES FOR SALE by j. McLaughlin & son. At 11 o'clock for account of all concerned. TWO MULES, good workers. ’"*■ without reserve. ALSO, A quantity of articles to close sale. LOTTERY. LC I *w* mm. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. *'B> do hereby certify that we *upen>i*<s the arrangement* for all the Monthly and SemU Annual Drawing* of the Louisiana State Ix>t teru Company , and in person manage and con trol the Drawing* themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fan nee*, and la good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certijicate, with fare timue* oj our Signature* attached, in it* aaver ....... Commissioner*. TTV file underdosed Hank* and. Hanker* wilt pot; all Prize* drawn in the l-nuisiana State Lot teries which mini he presented at our counter*. J. H. OGLESBY, Pres. Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat’l Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat’l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. itnprecedentecTattraction! (J Over Half a Million Distributed, LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated In 1868 for 26 years by the leigte lature for Educational and Charitable purposes —with a capital of $1, 600,600— t0 which a reserve fund of over $880,(100 bus since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State con stitution, adopted December &1, A. I). 1873. The only Lottery ever voted on and indortei by the people of any State. It never resile* or po*tpone*. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly, and the Grand Semi-Annual Drawings regularly etery six months (June and December). A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FIRST GRAND DRAWING CLASS A, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. January 10. ISS6—at a til Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. HT" Notice.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, $U ust oir intizEs. 1 CAPITAL TRIZE OF $150,0X1. ...$150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 80,000.... 60,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000.... 20.000 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 .. IMOOO ILA lt( IF. PRIZES OF 6,000... 30,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000 ... 20,000 50 PRIZES OF 600 ... 36,000 100 PRIZES OF 300.... 80,000 200 PRIZES OF 200 ... 40,000 500 PRIZES OF 100.... 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZKS. 100 Approximation Prizes of SBOO SBO,OOO 100 “ “ 200... 20,000 100 1 “ 100 ... 10.000 1.000 Terminal " 50. . . 50.000 2,179 Prize*, amounting tj $585,000 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further Information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nary letter. Currency by Ex press (at our expense, addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La orM. A. DAUPIIIN, Washington, D. V. Address Registered Letters to AiKW OIILKWb XWATiO.WL BWK, IVcw Orlcnna, L*. RPMPMRPP That of G*n r\ D IVI C. IYI DL. n ertL \ A Beauregard and Early, who are In charge of the drawings, in a guarantee of absolute Fairness &u<l integrity, that the chances are ail equal, and that no one ran possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. HE.MEMBER that the payment of all Prize* fa GUARANTEED BY F*l It NATIONAL DANHn of Now Orleans, and the Tickets ara signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonymous schemes. GROCERIES. O. DAVIS. K. A DAVIS. CL DAVIS <fc SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Provisions. Crraln and Elay. \LSO, FEED STUFF, RICE FLOUR, WHEAT BRAN. BLACK COW PEAS, BLACK-EYE PEAS, GEORGIA CROWDERS, CLAY BANK PEAS, VIRGINIA and GEORGIA PEANUTS. Orders by mail solicited. (f. DAVIS & SON, 196 and 196 Bay street, Savannah, Oa. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, WHOLESALE Grocer, Provision Dealer k Confn Merchant, NO. 161 BAY ST., SAVANNAH. OA. Jab. E. Grady. Jso. C. DeLettre. Jar. E. Oraiiy, Jr. GRADY, DeLETTRE & CO., Successors to Holcombe. Orady & Cos., "ITI7HOLESALE GROCERS, and dealers la > V PROVISIONS. CORN, HAY, FEED, Etc. Old Stand, corner Bay and Abereorc streets, SAVANNAH. GA. COMMISSION M 1 lt( HANTS. W. W. GORDON. r.D. BLOODWORTH. IiEIHNE OORDON. W. W. GORDON & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton, Rice, Naval Stores, 112 BAY STREET, - - SAVANNAH, GA. JOHN E. UAUNETT. THOMAS F. STUBBS. WM. S.TISOX. G-arnett, Stubbs & Cos., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, !H BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. Liberal advances made on consignments at cotton. : CROCKERY, ETC. GEO. W. ALLEN, IMPORTER OF CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Nos. 185 and 185j$ Broughton Street, savannah - Georgia P ISH AN 1) OYSTERS. ~ ESTABLISHED 1858 M. M. SULLIVAH, IVhnlesale Fish and Oyster Dealer, 150 Brum t and 152 Bay lane. Savannah, Ga. Fish enters for Cedar Keys received here hav, prompt attentiun. — ' 1 ri’O COUNTY OFFICEKS.-Books and Blansk JL required by county otHoers for the use of the courts, or for office use, supplied to order bj the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE, i Whitaker street, Sayosjudi. 3