The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 21, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FLORIDA’S METROPOLIS. THE CITY TREASURER ORDERED TO CASH ALL WARRANTS. One Thousand Two Hundred and Eleven Boxes of Oranges Sold at Auction Under the Home Market Scheme—An Outline of the Pro gramme of the Opening Day of the Sub-Tropical Exposition. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 20. —The an nouncement of City Treasurer Stockton, that he will refuse to pay out any more city money on the order of the old board, com plicates matters greatly here. Mayor Bur bridge said he thought it was done without proper consideration, and that the City Council will not acquiesce in the step. He claims to be still Mayor, and the old Council members of the city government, and he doesn’t see how t he Treasurer can refuse to pay a warrants. They will remain in office till the Supreme Court deposes them, by legalizing the late election. Therefore, all warrants should be paid as usual to keep the city affairs in good shape. The Collector thought he w ould still continue paying over all collec tions to the Treasurer, but the Mayor re marked that perha|s the Council would ob ject, especially if the Treasurer refused to pay any warrants. At the City Council meeting to-nigbt resolutions were passed instructing the City Treasurer to pay all warrants that bore the indorsement of the Finance Committee. All the actual running exi<enses of the are to be paid. One thousand two hundred and eleven boxes of oranges were sold at the auction sales here to-day. The prices were fair: 92 for brights, $1 65 for golden russets and $1 35 for russets. THE SUB-TROPICAL. At the last meeting of the Executive Committee of the Sub-Tropical Exposition the programme for the opening was out lined. The details will be perfected soon and published. The programme includes a procession, headed by Gov. Perry and staff p.nd the various heaas of the departments, prominent clergymen, Mayors from sur rounding towns, irfvited guests, visiting military, etc. At 2 o'clock the special dedication ode, written expressly for this occasion (the music by Prof. J. Davenport Kerrison and the words by Dr. T. O. Summers) will be sung by a large trained choir, and then Director General Payne will deliver tho opening address of welcome, and Gov. Perry will also address the assemblage. Agents will be sent all through Georgia and other nearby States, to get up excur sions and it is expected that the railroads will offer every inducement in the way of low rates. The space in the building w ill be all taken up, and from the present out look the exposition will be a success in every particular. Ii 'u hops! to have Gilmore’s famous bund here at the opening. The to bacco exhi'oii **Ul lie peculiarly fine and complete an 1 probably be a great surprise to thousands who suppose that oranges are Florida’s main reliance. The following is a copy of the dedication tide: Hail! sun-decked queen of glory; Hail: Slate of song and story, Legends and allegory, Florida the fn Hail: to thy tropic bowers; Hail! to thv fruits and flowers. Sunshine aiul gentle showers, Life-renewing air. Hail: to thy waters wanton; Hail: to thy every fountain; Tho' bursting not from mountain, Sparkling and pure. Out from thy bosom gushes. Like maiden's laughing blushes. Or inanbood'sjtender flushes, Streamlets fresh and pure GREEN COVE’S DEPOT ROBBERS. The preliminary hearing in the case of the State of Florida vs. Marcus J. deMedi cis and Ford S. Perkins, charged with the larceny of railroad tickets at Orange Park, will come up before County Judge Cope land at Green Cove Springs Thursday. The judge sent down subpoenas to-day for the Sheriff here for William Greere, Harry Mor fan Mont B. deMedicis, G. IT. Walker and IT. Melton as witnesses. The accused are well known here and de Medicis was just cleared of the charge of rape last month. They were both captured in Atlanta and a complete set of burglars’ tools were found in their possession. They disposed of many of the tickets there. The Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railway will assist in the prosecution, as it was their tickets that were stolen. TO WRESTLE AT SAVANNAH. The contest between Greek George and Duncan C. Ross, will probably come off at •Savannah, as they think a better house can be obtained there. They left fur .Savannah this evening. A warrant was issued by Justice Magill this morning, for the arrest of G. W. Till man, (colored) a school teacher at Mayport. Tillman, it is said, forged the name of Dr. TV. H. Babcock to two teachers’ pay cer tificates and obtained SGS thereon, from Marcus Conant, of Mayport. Two dilapidated looking vehicles on the street this morning attracted considerable attention. The occupants proved to be a party from Wisconsin, consisting of two men, two women and six children, the families of G. L. Slater and J. J. Ruse. They left Detroit, Wis., Sept. 20, and came all the waj T by wagon. Their terrible hag gard appearance and the jaded look of the horse-i told of the hardships endured on the “overland route.” They were all bound for Mayport. SUICIDE AT PENSACOLA. The Body of the Owner of Clothing Found a W eek Ago Washed A shore. Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 30. —About ten days ago a suit of clothes and underwear was found oh Sullivan’s wharf hidden tinder a pile of wood. As there was no blood or other marks to indicate violence it was at the time generally supposed to be the plunder of some petty thiet who, being hemmed, took this method of temporarily disposing of his plunder. Developments made to-day, however, proved that this was not the case. Upon the rocks forming the breakwater for the wharf, near the spot where the clothes were discovered there drifted ashore the body of a middle aged white man. There were no marks of violence upon his person except two shot wounds w hich were evidently of years standing. It is unquestionably a case of suicide. The body was taken in charge by the Coroner. Up to this time there can be discovered no clew leading to the identity of the deceased. As Christmas times draw nigh the white citizens are suffering from depredations made upon their hen roosts by petty thieves, who are determined to have poultry for ('hristmas. No less than twelve robberies of this kind have occurred within the past few days. MURDER AT CHIPLEY. J. T. Pippin Shot Dead While Acting as City Marshal. Chiplev, Fla., Dec. 30.—A cold-blooded mnrder was committed here to-day. J. T. Pippin, a worthy citizen, while acting as Marshal attempted to arrest E. C. Lamb, who had violated a city ordinance, and in self-defense was forced to use his pistol, and ■hot Lamb twice, inflicting painful though not mortal wounds. A few moments after ward James Alien appeared on the scene and without the slightest provocation shot Mr. Pippin, killing him instantly. The murderer succeeded in making his 'escape, but the Mayor has telegraphed asking the Governor to offer a reward, and it is to be hoped that Allen will be arrested and brought to justice. F.xamine D. B. Lester’s stock and get his prices before buying your groceries. UP IN A BALLOON. A Lady Accompanies the Alronaut to Benefit Her Asthma. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 20. —Prof. King, an aeronaut, made his two hundredth ascension from Augusta this afternoon. Twenty-five thousand people assembled in and around the vacant lot on Greene street, whence the ascension was made, to witness the novel sight. Crowds had come in on special trains, and Augusta was full to overflowing with country folks, who shopped in the morning and swarmed around the air ship in the afternoon. For squares about the “Eyrie,” the name of the balloon, the fences, housetops and every available altitudinal lodging place were crowded with a mass of humanity. Half an hour before the ascension “Big Stove,” tho lire alarm bell, rang out the signal that all was ready, and clerks, proprietors and customers left the stores en masse to swell the throng already gathered. Exactly at 2:50 o’clock the “Eyrie” lightened off her ballast, arose gracefully and gradually above the house tops and spires, amid the wild shouts of thousands, and took a northeasterly direc tion, crossing the Savannah river and float ing over Hamburg, wbilft the occupants Prof. King and lady, waved their handkerchiefs in token of farewell. In seven minutes the balloon met a t hick rain charged cloud riftk and melted from view. The lady accompanying Prof. King is Mrs. Sleeper, of Washington, D. C., who has re sided in and near Augusta for some time, and who makes the voyage mainly in the hope of benefiting her health. She suffers from asthma. The direction taken by the balloon being northeasterly, will probably land the adventurers somewhere in the neighborhood of Columbia, S. C. After landing the professor and Mrs. Sleeper will return to Augusta by train, bringing the “Eyrie” with them. About seventeen years ago Prof. King made an ascension from Augusta and after a thrilling adven ture in attempting to land reached terra firma in Santee swamp, S. C. This was the last balloon ascension from Augusta up to that of to-day. KILLED BY A FALL. James Gainey a respected white citizen, fell from the root of Lombard's new found ry last evening, and died early the morn ing from the effects of the injuries sustained. He leaves a wife and several children. W. M. Nelson, proprietorjof the Nelson Hotel, of Columbia, 8. C., is in the city negotiating for the purchase of the Central Hotel business. Frank Gardner, a brakeman on the South Carolina Railroad, fell from the top of a freight car near Bamberg last night and was horribly mangled, death resulting instantaneously. He fell between the cars and the entire train ran over him. Gardner was from Charleston His father was en gineer of the train. Prof King returned to the city to-night by the South Carolina rail road. He landed his balloon without accident nine miles lieyond Aiken, in Shaw township, on the farm of W. T. Folure, who drove him and his lady companion to Aiken in time to catch the Augusta bound passenger train. The trip of twenty-seven miles was made in exactly one hour. The balloon was enveloped in thick clouds most of the way, but the Professor describes the voyage as one of the pleasantest of his pre vious 200. GEORGIA’S CAPITAL CITY Supreme Court Decisions—Remains of a Savannahian En Route Home. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 20.—The following Supreme Court decisions were handed down to-day: # Head vs. the Georgia Pacific railroad; from Haralson. Reversed. Same et al. vs. Chandler; from Haralson. Affirmed. The remains of John T. O'Connor passed through hero to-night from Gainesville to Savannah for interment. Mr. O'Connor was killed on the Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern railway Aug. 19, 1886, and was buried in tne cemetery at Gainesville. The box containing the remains had the certificate of A. B. C. Dorsey, sexton. The Governor lias pardoned Obadiah Ross, convicted in Jefferson Superior Court in 1881 of the murder of Nathan Cornwell, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The Adjutant General has received from N. C. Monroe, Washington city, tho roster of the Third Georgia battalion. . CLARKE'S DESPERADO. He is Finally Captured After Being Fatally Wounded. Athens, Ga., Dec. 20. —Charlie Banks, the ex-convict and desperado, was captured last night at a late hour, after being shot nearly in two. Banks had made new threats to burn Capt. Mitchell’s house, and last night a posse was sent to guard the premises. Later on Banks was seen making his way to the house, where his wife was sleeping. On seeing the deputies he took to his heels and the posse fired upon him. Banks fell and dropped his pistol, but he soon arose and was off. He was captured again later on abou' a mile from the city. Banks is badly shot and but little hope is entertained for his recovery. He strongly maintains that he is innocent of any offense whatever. Columbus Chapters. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 20.—The grading of the new dummy line street railroad will be commenced to-morrow. This afternoon at Woodbury, on the Georgia Midland rail road, several freight cars jumped the track, delaying passenger trains about three hours. A brakeman named Henderson jumped from the moving train, dislocating his arm and severely hurting his side. The Columbus Guards have given an order for new uniforms. They will be of the best material and quite handsome. The Young Men’s Christian Association gave a concert to-night that was well at tended and greatly enjoyed. Acquitted of a Charge of Murder. WaVi hoss, Ga., Dec. 20. —Joe Arnold, who nine years ago murdered Pat Ward at Millwood, in this county, and was appre hended in Austin, Tex., and brought lan k by Slier iff Henderson was tried at the ad journed term of Ware Superior Court be fore Judge Adams, of Savannah. The trial was lengthy and the arguments exhaustive for and against the prisoner, who is ex tensively related in this county. The trial excited w idespread attention. The jury re turned a verdict of not guilty at'JilOo’clock to-night. Each Shot the Other. Midville, Ga., Dec. 20. —The town is in a state of excitement to-night about a shoot ing that occurred between ttie Town Mar shal, Benjamin Sherrod, and a negro named Henry Pughsly, an escaped convict, whom the Marshal was attempting to arrest. Shots were exe banged, both taking effect, instantly killing Sherrod and seriously, if not fatally, wounding the negro. Racing at New C rlea :s. New Orleans, Doc. 20.—The weather was dear and the track muddy to day. The events were as follows: Fihst Race.—Four and a half furlongs. I Watcheye won, with Festus second and Jim Wi liams third. Time 1:03. Sscoan Race.—Four and half furlongs, Hal lie li. won, with Claude I .million second and BolKiliuk third. Time 1:08>4. Third Race.—Heven eiglniis of a mile. Jennie ] McFarland won, with Phil Lewis second and Probus third. Time 1:45. Fourth Race -Five-eighths of a mile. Buck eye won. with Hnllie B. second and Katie Mao third. Time 1:14. Life seems hardly worth the lving to-day to inuny a tired, unhappy discouraged woman who is suffering from chronic fe male weakness, for which she has been able to find no relief. But there is a certain cure for all the painful complaints to which the weaker sex ig liable. We refer to Dr. Fierce’s “Favorite Prescription’ to the vir tues of which thousands of women can testi fy. Asa tonic and nervine it is uusurpassed. . All druggists. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1887. FATE WAS AGAINST HIM. The Pathetic Story of the Fall of Bank Cashier Arnold. Chicago, Dec. 20. —Charles E. H. Arnold, assistant cashier of 8. A. Kean & Co.’s banking house, who was held to the Crimi nal Court for embezzlement yesterday, has made a written confession. In it he savs that he will waive examination and plead guilty to any indictment charging him with stealing $2,500, which amount, he says, will cover everything. He winds up by saying: “As my life has been a burden to me since 15 years of age. 1 may find in prison peace and quietness, which is necessary for me, for anything which God in His will may let pass over me. It will be ruin and destruction for wife, child and myself in this world.” Arnold is 55 years old. He had no bad habits and was trusted implicitly by the firm, but his household expenses have lieeu very heavy on account of >he long' sick ness of his wife. For twelve or fourteen years she has been a confirmed invalid and he has watched her with tender devotion for years. Three or four weeks ago an erasure was noticed on one of Arnold’s books. Experts secretly worked on the books and discovered discrepancies. Arnold was charged with theft. At first he denied it, but finally broke down and confesssed tho charge. His arrest followed. PICKED UP AT SEA. • A Mate and Two Seamen Saved From a Grave in the Deep. New York, Dec. 20.—The Norwegian steamer Odin, which arrived to-day from Port de Paix, reports that Dec. 19, at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon, forty-five miles southeast of the five fathom bank lightship, they rescued the mate, David B. Campbell, and Seamen John Coleman and Frank Tay lor, from the wreck of the schooner 11. and E. Kelly from Norfolk for New Haven with lumber, and brought them to this port. Mate Campbell reports that the schooner sailed from Norfolk Dec. 16. On Dec. 17, during a strong easterly gale and snow storm, w hile making for harbor, the schooner went aground in the breakers lie tween Fenwick Island and the Capes of Dela ware. The steward was washed overboard by a heavy sea and drowned. Capt. Taylor died from exhaustion. The mate and two seamen stayed on the wreck until rescued by the Odin. TRAINS COLLIDE. A Fireman Killed and an Engineer Dangerously Injured. St. Louis, Dec. 20.—A disastrous collision occurred this morning ne .r New'port, Ark., between a south-bound passenger train and a north-bound freight on the Iron Mountain railroad. The fireman of the passenger train was instantly killed and Engi neer Valentine seriously wounded, perhaps fatally. Roadmaster En glish was severely injured. The baggagemaster and express messenger were also hurt slightly. The passengers were well shaken up, but none of them were injured. The baggage and express cars were turned over and took fire, but the flames were speedily put out. Both locomotives and several freight cars were practically demolished. The engineer and fireman of the freight train escaped by jumping. HUNTING FOR CROOKEDNESS. All the Employes of a Passenger De partment Suspended. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 20.—A1l the officials and clerks in the passenger department of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie railr from General Passenger Agent Smith down, about fifty in number, have been temporarily re lieved from duty, and their desks are occu pied by a force of clerks from the auditing department of the road. The officials of tho road have for some time suspected some thing wrong in the passenger department, but were unable to locate or determine the character of the crookedness, such as it is, although suspicion attaches definitely to one or two men. In order to work without em barrassment In the invest gation, the entire force connected with ticket sales has been temporarily suspended. Pay of the Coal Miners. Pittsburg, Dec. 20. —The Railroad Coal Operators Association met here to-day, and notified tho officials of the Miners’ Association that unless the men working at the old rates came out for the Columbus scale, the operators now paying 5 per cent, advance will close down their mines. The Master Workman of the miners was present and promised that if two or three days’ time was given, the men at Scott’s, .Bigley’s and the Pennsylvania Coal Company’s mines would strike unless an advance was given them. The railroad ojxirators in this dis trict employ over 6,000 miners. To Be Returned to China. San Francisco, Dec. 20. —Orders were made in the United States Circuit and Dis trict Courts yesterday withdrawing the writs of habeas corpus in the cases of over fifty Chinese women who arrived here re cently and remanding the women to custody of the steamship company, to lie taken back to China. The orders were made at the re quest of the counsel for the women. The women are those who were detained by order of the Collector of the port on tho ground that they were imported for im moral purposes, concerning whom there has been considerable controversy between the Circuit Court and customs officials. Two Killed by a Falling Wall. Chicago, Dec. 20. — A dispatch from Joliet, 111., says: "The end wall of a newly completed five story stone block known as the Barber block fell in this afternoon, carrying with it a number of workmen. William Stage, the contractor, and John Palmer, a workman, were instuntlv killed. Edward Potts, Oden Johnson and 'William Benlorg were fatally injured." An Indiana Town Ablaze. Indianapolis, Ini>., Dee. 20.—At 1:30 o’clock this morning a request was received from Zionsville, a town in Boone county, about fifteen miles northwest of here, for aid in subduing a fire. A large portion of the town was burning, and the flames could be seen from the top of the court house tower in this city. A steamer was at once started by special train. End of a Strike. New York, Dec. 20.—The cab drivers and stablemen’s strike" was settled to-night and the men will all return to work to-mor row. The proprietors agreed to the scale of wages demanded by the men, viz: sl4 per week for drivers and sl2 per week for stablemen, but refused to sign contracts for a year as the men demanded. Another Cardinal for America. Boston, Dee. 20. —It is rumored that the Pope intends to make Archbishop Williams of Boston, a Cardinal, transfer Bishop Mc- Mahon of Hartford, to Boston as coadju tor to Archbishop Williams, and rai e Vicar General Byrne of Boston, to the Episopacy, with Hartford as his See. Nominated for Marshals. W ashington, Dec. 20.—Among the nomi nations sent to the Senate to-day by the President were the following: James K. Jordan to lie United States Marshal for the Western D strict of Virginia; William M. Nixon for the Eastern District of Tennessee. It Was Only a Hoax. Marshalltown, la., Dec. 20. Yester day's bomb sensation proves to lie a hoax. The public, however, was wrought up to a high pitch of excitement by the circum stances. A 25c. full regular Ladies’ Hose for 10c. at Weisbein's. ON RAIL AND CROSBTIE. Local and General Gossip in Railway Circles. The annual election for seven directors of the Augusta and Savannah railroad will be held at Olmstead & Co.’s banking house Jan. 2. Robert Thompson, of Key West, sued the street of that city for $25,000 for injuries sustained by his son, and secured a vordict of SIO,OOO. It is said that the English company own ing the Mexican railway from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico contemplates extending it to the Pacific coast, making the first trans continental Mexican railroad. Tho Charleston and Savannah Railway Company will sell during the Christmas holi days round trip tickets on the Port Royal and Augusta rail mad and the Florida rail road for one fare to Charleston. The first passenger train to pass over the Columbus and Western road from Birming ham to Cahaba river was that of Supt. Belknap. The Superintendent took a party of friends out with him to look at the road. The gross earnings of 108 American rail roads in November amounted to $30,758,648, an increase of $5,000,760 over November, 188(i, and $500,000 increase over October of this year. There are 61,260 miles of road now in operation, against 57,607 at this time last year. Up to Nov. 30 there have been constructed this year 1,828 miles of new railroad in the South; 3,718 are now in process of construc tion ; 6,057 miles additional have lieeu lo cated and are under survey, and 7,075 miles are projected, with a fair probability that they will be built at no distant day. It is said that the visit of Col. Scott, of. Pennsylvania Railroad fame, to the Kissim mee section several weeks ago, was not merely to inspect the investment he had made in the sugar company at St. Cloud, but he also had an eye on the building of a railroad from St. Cloud to Kissimmee, for the purpose of bringing the product of the sugar mill to market. The last span of the Columbus and West ern Railroad bridge across Coosa river has been swung ami the false work removed. The finishing touch #ill he put on the bridge this week. The ties have been dis tributed along the road from Coosa river to Coosa mountain tunnel, and the track will be laid across the bridge and up to the tun nel as soon as f t is completed from Sylla cauga to Childersburg. The Firemen’s Brotherhood fair in Macon is booming. The contest for the engineers’ watch and the firemen’s badge are exciting a good deal of interest among railroad men all over the State. Engineer Goldsby is making a hard fight, and his friends are supporting him nobly. John J. Gordon is Savannah’s candidate for tho firemen's badge, and he is backed as the winner. The contest will close in Macon Friday night, when the votes will be counted. A book will be opened at Fernandez’ this morning for the firemen's contest, and will be kept opm until to-morrow night, when it will tie closed in order to allow the votes to be made up, and forwarded to Macon. Sa vannah proposes to see her candidat s win, no matter what comes. Chief Engineer Carter, of the St. John’s River Railway Company, whose road is to run parallel with the river on its eastern bank from South Jacksonville to Palatka, was in Jacksonville Monday, and said that the entire survey had been completed and tiiat he is now busily engaged finishing up his maps and getting the right of way. The line will pass through some of the finest orange groves on the river, especially in the vicinity of Mandarin, which is noted for its fine groves, and also at several points run along in full view of the river. Col. Carter says that the work of getting the right of way will lie pushed with all possible rapidity, and as soon as that is done he hopes to be able to commence the work of construction. The portion leading from South Jacksonville to Mandarin will be completed first. A Wonderful Food and Medicine. Known and used by physicians all over the world. Scott's Emulsion not only gives flesh and strength by virtue of its own nu tritious properties, but creates an appetite for food that builds up the wasted body. “1 have been using Scott's Emulsion for seve ral years, and am pleased with its action. My patients say it is pleasant and palatab’e, and all grow stronger and gain flesh from the use of it. I use it in all cases of wasting diseases, and it is specially useful for chil dren when nutrient medication is needed, as in marasmus.” T. W. Pierce, M. D., fKuoxville, Ala. The Lucky One Found by Mrs. J. M Mason. She picked up her Argus-Leader and noticed that ticket 71,411 of the last draw ing of The Louisiana State Lottery had drawn the prize of $15,000. It struck her that her ticket was somewhere near that number. She was nearly tickled to death to find that it was 71,411. She had only put $1 in as a joke more than anything else, and she has decided that joking pays.— toioux Falls (Dak.) Argus-Leader , A lav. 15. Useful Holiday Presents Are not easy to select. Useless articles for mere show, just for the purpose and the day are mostly sought after. For a boy or youth, or even for a husband or father what is there nicer or more usfui than an Over coat, Suit of Clothing, half-dozen nice Shirts, fancy or white laundriod or unlauu driedl To one more distant related, or to a friend, a Hat, Umbrella, pair of Suspend ers, Silk Handkerchief, or a half-dozen Liuen ones, a nice valise make very suitable presents. . All of the above mentioned articles can lie bought at very low prices from the “Famous;” 144 Congress street, northeast corner Whitaker. We sell Boys’ Suits and Overcoats from $2 50 up, Men’s Suits and Overcoats from $5 up to $25. Scarfs, Suspenders, Socks for 25c. Gentlemen can even find in our place a nice present for their lady frionds in tho shaiie of a nice gold or silver-headed Gloria Umbrella at prices ranging from $2 50 up to $7. A nice leather-covered Trunk makes a good, useful present for a lady Sweet Mixed Pickles, Stuffed Mangoes and Currant Jams at D. B. Lester’s. Imported Sherry, $2, Catawba Wine sl, Old Duff Gordon Sherries from $3 to $4, at I). B. Lester’s. A 25c. Red Twill Flannel for 16c. at Weisbein’s. Varies the Monotony. (COMMUNICATED.) Editor Morning News: Dear Sir — After carefully analyzing the facts involved in discussing the “Sewerage System,” “The Old Cemetery,” “Court House,” “New Ho tel,” and “Public Building” questions, I have concluded that the public will bo in terested to know that after a good holiday trade thus far (and for which 1 arn duly grateful) I am in specially good trim for the trade of the remaining week before Christ mas. Plenty of Overcoats, fine, fancy and medium fine holiday Suits for ffcnts', Youths’ and Boys. Superb Silk Handker chiefs, brilliant Neckwear, plain and fancy Underwear, Gent’s dressed and undrt*sßed Kid Gloves, fine Silk Umbrellas, and nu merous other components of a gentleman's complete wardrobe, and all a I prices to run off thebulk of my st wk befoie Christ mas. “A dollar left us is worth two com ing to us,” and we propose to live right up to this motto it prices and attention will count. We guarantee complete fits in every case. We have a handsome line of Gents’ Smoking Jackets, elegant and appropriate holiday presents. Fine Hats fit all the proper shaiies. The Golden Arm, 159 Brought in St., Simon Mitchell. Maple New Orleans and Georgia Syrup at D. B. Lester's. Go to Lester's for Apricot-, Plums, Peaches, I’ears, Quinces and Green Gages, i Weather Indications. "1 Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Colder, fair weather, fresh to brisk I Inorthwesterly winds, veering to ' northerly, with a cold wave. Coruoarison of mean temperature at Savan nah, Dec. 20. 1887. and the mean of same day for fifteen years. Departure j Total Mr an Temperature ] from the ! Departure —! Mean | Since for 18 years Dec. 30. 'B*. -|-or |Jan. 1,1887. 52 0 j 61.0 j -|- 0.0 | - 376.0 Comparative raiufall statement: Mean Daily! Amount I SSS'tt? I Dc£2tL °v n i. 0r r, Mean Since 16 Years, j Dec. 20.'87. j or _ j au . j, 1887. .12 | 55 -|- 48 I —ll.Bl Maximum temperature 66, minimum tem perature 18. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:83 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 8.3 feet—a fail of 0.5 during the past twenty-four hours. Intoxicating Candy. From the Washington Post. The women of East Washington interested in the temperance cause are making war on the candy dealers who sell rock and rye drops to children. They claim that these drops are flavored with whisky or brandy, and that chil dren hnvebcen made intoxicated bv eat ing them The matter has been brought to the attention of the Assistant District Attorney, who proposes to bring it before the courts. President Lincoln said once that the best story he ever read in the papers of himself was this: Two Quakeresses were traveling on a rail road and were heard discussing the probable termination of the war. “1 think,” said the first, “that Jefferson will succeed.” "Why does thee think so?” asked the other. “Because Jefferson is a praying man.” “And so is Abraham a praying man,” objected the second. “Yes, but the Lord will think Abraham is joking," the first replied. —Boston Budget. POISON OAK. A Plague for 25 Years, But Cured by the Use of Prickly ABh, Poke Root and Potassium. % I>f,ar Sir -In 1861 I broke out with an attack of Poison Oak. Whether or notit came back oil me during the next three or four years I do not remember, hut from about 1865 to 1885 I suffered most severely from repeated attacks of this eruption. The use of some external remedies gave a relief—'twas only tem porary-s-tnl in 1879 I found that lodide of Potassium and Syrup of Sarsaparilla benefited me not a little. However, eveu then I was not cured, for from 1882 to 1885 the attacks were more severe, pro longed and frequent than ever, coming upon me as many as four, and even live times during the year. In the spring of 1885 I took a course of P. P. P., and from that time I have been free from eruptions of this poison. Only once, early in this month, a few bumps ap jieared on my wrists, but dried up in a day or two, being the dying throes, as it were, of this horrid and loathsome dis ease. After being plagued for about twenty-five years with Poison Oak I con sider myself cured, and by the use of about one bottle of P. P. P. D. WATSON WINN. Rev. Mr. Winn is rector of Grace church, Waycross, Ga, and adds his indorsement to the curative powers of P. P. P. Take P. P. P. and gain flesh and strength rapidly. It gives increased appetite, aids digestion and restores perfect health. It is sold in two sizes, $1 and $1 75, and is the cheapest as well as the best Blood Remedy made. For sale by all medicine dealers. Dr. Whitehead can be consulted daily at the office of the Company, Odd Fellows’ Hall building, without charge. Prescrip tions and examination fre... All inquiries by mail will also receive his personal atten tion. ___ Large stock of choice Preserves, Jellies and Jams at D. B. lister’s. Old Scuppernong Wine and Blackberry Brandy at D. B. Lister’s. Old Kentucky Rye $3 per gallon at Lester’s. uri)i)EN "abates s. m. h 7 So AND ORGAN SALE. Your chance to buy a fine Instrument at very Lowest Figures. Don’t miss it. Our 18th Christmas Piano and Organ Sale, and a gratifying success. Many In struments selected last week. We started to sell Twenty-five, but it will be Fifty at least. The magnificeut display of Representa tive Instruments manufactured expressly for this Holiday Sale captures all buyers who enter our doors. And the Christmas inducements close sales every time. No getting away from us this time. YVe mean business. ZDOJNTT MISS THIS CUM JRSIH. ( ON I'i.f I’IONS. IMPORTED CONFECTIONS IN HANDSOME BOXES. Elegant Baskets of Perfumery. Whitman’s (’rystalilzed Fruitsand other Candies In one and five pound boxes. Stuffed I’runes. Layer Figs and Dates. Layer Pecans anil other Nuts, all new. I-reserves in every form. Park & Tilford's Imported Cigars. All these goods very desirable for Holiday Presents. A. M. &C.W. WEST'S. Al‘ J LE 8. I (Ilk BAKRF.LR CHOICE APPLEB FOR HMJ SALE BY C. M. Gilbert & Cos. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. BROWNE. The friends and acquaintance of til'-late John Browne are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist at 1:30 a. m. THIS DAY. MEETINGS. I. O. O. F. MAGNOLIA EN- * CAMPMENT No. 1. Odd Fellows’ Tem- . _ SXTfsi pie, N. W. corner Bar- fw<o.R nard and State streets. J- •' Regular meeting Ft ttnk THIS (Wednesda fsSa. _ EVENING at 8 o’clock. Election of officers. FRED. FICKEN, C. P. J. S. Tyson, Scribe. GOLDEN RULE LODGE NO. *, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of this Lodge will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o’clock. Members of other Lodges and visiting brothers are invited to attend. By order of FRED EINSFELD, N. G. D. F. McCoy. Secretary. GEORGIA COUNCIL NO. 2, ROY AL AND SELECT MASTERS. The annnal convocation of the above,Council will be held THIS (Wednesday) EVENING at 8 o’clock, at the Masonic Temple. Transient com panions are fraternally invited to attend. By order of THOS. BALLANTYNE, Th. 111. M. H. T. Botts, Recorder. THE HIBER.MA.Y SOCIETY Will assemble in the base — M merit of the Cathedral of St. t juvAYOrtSu * John the Baptist, Harris ■ilß \ ViWiC, and Abercorn streets, THIS jGfsr*rt\ (Wednesday) MORNING at gT*' *V i 9:45 o'clock sharp, and Mig- ▼ proceed thence, via the Coast Line rail road, to attend the funeral of their late fel low member, John Browne, of Doboy. By order of P. W. MELDRIM, President. F. Prenderoast, Secretary. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. Central Railroad and Banking Cos. or Ga.. I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 7, 1887. j” The annual meeting of Stockholders of this Company will take place at the Banking House, in Savannah, on THURSDAY, Dec. 22, at 10 o'clock a. m Stockholders and their families will be passed five over the Company’s road to the meeting from the 19th to the 22<1 inclusive, and will be passed free returning from the 22d to the 24th inclusive, ou presentation of their stock certificates to the conductors. T. M, CUNNINGHAM. Cashier. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Special Notices ” will be charged $1 00 a Square each insertion. DIVIDEND."^* The Brush Electric Light and Power Cos., I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 20th, 1887. ( A dividend of THREE DOLLARS per share from the earnings of this Company has been declared, payable on and after January 1, 1888, to Stockholders of record THIS DAY. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, President. S. S. Guckenhkimer, Secretary. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. Augusta and Savannah Railroad, I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 21, 1887. ( The annual election for seven Directors of the Augusta and Savannah Railroad, will be held at the Banking house of < 'has. H. Olmstead & Cos. on MONDAY, January 2, 1888, between the hours of 10 a. M. and 1 p. m. W. S. LAWTON, President. SPECIAL NOTICE. We want every one who is interested in SAN TA CLAUS to read our advertisement in this issue, as it will be to your advantage. LINDSAY’ <fc MORGAN. ream: read: Useful Presents for Xmas: Boys’ or Girls’ Study Chair, World Type Writer, Unabridged Dictionary, Drawing Instruments, Writing Desk, Dickens, Scott, Carlyle, Thackeray, Goethe, from $6 a set up. at WYLLY /i CLARKE’S.^ MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH. The annual election for seven Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, Jar.. 10, 1888, between the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock. THOS. GADSDF.N. Cashier. Savannah. Ga., Dec. 11, 1887. KNARt; PIANOS FOR EXECUTIVE MAN SIONS. Messrs. Wm. Knabe A Cos. have just furnished to Gov. Beaver, of Pennsylvania, a beautiful Upright Grand Piano, ordered by him for the executive mansion at Harrisburg. The case is of artistic style, in rich variegated rosewood, and the instrumental part of tlie highest order of merit, with a tone of very rich and sympa thetic quality, and a touch of remarkable ease and elasticity. Avery fine Concert Grand was supplied by them recently to Gov. Fitzhugh Lee for the executive mansion at Richmond, Va., which, excepting on some of the outside orna mentation of the case, is a fac simile of the celebrated White House Knabe Grand, the piano of the. President’s mansion, described in our columns heretofore.— Baltimore American. See DAVIS BROS, for prices and terms. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Southwestern Railroad Company's Office, t Macon, Ga., Dec. 10,1887. f Dividend No. 68, of Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per share, will be paid the Stockholders of this company, on and after the 21st inst. Stockholders receiving their dividends in Macon will be paid at the Central Georgia Bank of this city, those in Savannah at the Central Railroad Bank of that city. W. 8. BRANTLEY. Secretary and Treas. PERSONAL. The housekeeper who would have light, deli cious and w holesome Buckw heat Cakes, Muffins, Waffles, etc., for breakfast should use llecker’s Self-raising Preparations. Our Baking Exhi bition will be continued during the week under the Metropolitan Hall. f, GEO. V. HECKER & CO. SEND YOl’R CHRISTMAS ORDERS For fresh killed Turkeys, Turkeys, Turkeys, Geese, Geese, Geese, Ducks, Ducks! Ducks, Chickens, Chickens, Chickens, Beef, Veal. Mut ton, Game and Vegetables ns cheap as the cheapest at ADAMS & FLEMING’S, Corner Whitaker and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 202. ART STUDENTS Who desire to enter the painting and modeling classes at the Telfair Academy of Arts and Sci ences can ascertain the necessary requirements by application to the undersigned, at the acad emy, between the hours of 3 and 4 p. m. CARLJL. BRANDT, Director, NOTICE. City of Savannah, I Office Chief of Police, Dec. 18, 1887. ( The following order is hereby published for the information of all concerned: General Order No. 40. I. The ordinances of the city forbid the firing of guns, pistols and other firearms ampcliere and at any time within the corporate limits. II The firing of skyrockets, wlieolroekets, Roman caudles, Mcrpents, firecrackers, or of any other article or thing containing gunpowder, and the making of bonfires, except in the extended portion of Forsyth Place, and in the public squares of llw city south of Liberty street; ami then only tire days before and ten days after Christmas day a nit the Fourth day of .luly in each ami every year, is also prohibited by tiie ordin voces of the city. 111. The members of the Police Department are hereby ordered to arrest all part es found violating these ordinances, and to be unusually vigilant in checking promptly ull Improper ir regularities and disorders detrimental to good order and the proper protection of life amt property. K. H. ANDERSON, Chief of Police. EJECTION FOR DIRECTORS. Central Railroad and Ban hi no Cos. or Ga., > Savannah, Ga.. Dec. Ist, 1887. f An election for Thirteen Directors to manage the affairs of this Company for the ensuing year will be held at the Banking House, in Ha vaniiah. MONDAY, the SECOND day of JANU ARY’, 1888, between the hours of 10 o'clock a, m., and 2 o’clock p. m. Stockholders and their families will lie passed free over the Comunnv’s road to attend the election from the 31 st De cember to 2nd January inclusive, and lie passed free returning from the 2nd to stb of January inclusive, on presentation of their stock certifi cates to the conductors. T. M. CUNNINGHAM. Casitier. SPECIAL NOTICES. ULMER’S LINER COKRECTOrT This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other, $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist. Savannah. Ga. AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE.' WEDNESDAY- AND THURSDAY-, Dec, 21 * 22, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON Supported by a remarkably efficient Dramatic Company, will present her successful new 4-act Drama, DRIFTIIG CLOUDS. Varied in character, intense in interest, replete with humor, novel in plot. THURSDAY NIGHT, Dec. 22, Miss Thompson’s ideal portraiture of JANE EYRE Seats on sale at Davis Bros.’ Dec. 20. Next Attraction—Louise Balfe, Dec, 26-27. Christinas at Thunderbolt A COMBINATION RACE, Trotters and Pacers, * will take place over the Thunderbolt Park Course on the above day, open to all horses now owned in Chatham county; each horse to put up $25: the track to add $25. Four or more horses to enter; same to start; three in five in harness, to be conducted according to rule. $75 to first, $35 to second, sls to third horse. Entries to close on Friday at 7 p. m , the 23d, inst., with M. J. DOY’LE, Savannah, Dec. 20,1887. Market Square. EXCURSIONS. fill lis FOR THE HOLIDAYS! THE SAVANNAH, FLORIDA AND WEST ERN RAILWAY COMPANY YVill sell round trip tickets to all local stations and to principal Southern points, except to points south of its line in Florida, at One Limited Fare. Tickets on sale December 22d to 26th. inclu sive, good to return until January 3d, and ou December 29th to January 2d, inclusive, good to return until January sth. For full partieu lars apply to YVM. BREN, Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street; J. B. OLIVEROS, Depot Ticket Agent, or WM. P. HARDEE. General Passenger Agent. GROCERIES. At Cooper’s. 28 WHITAKER ST. Gordon & Dilworth’s Pre serves. Cross and Blackwell’s Jams. Whitman’s Fine Candies. Cigarette Wafers. Stuffed Prunes. Boneless Sardinos. . Colgate’s and Oakey’s Fine Toilet Waters and Extracts. Lowest Prices. Mi G. COOPER, 28 WHITAKER STREET. DRY GOODS. DUAIAS’ HOLIDAY GOODS Useful, Ornamental and Reasonable. New All Val. Lace Handkerchiefs 50c. Satin and Fancy Suspenders cheap. Children’s Fancy Collars 25c. up. White ull Embroidered Ties 25c. up. Fancy Handle Umbrellas cheap. White Silk Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched, 50c, tosl 75. Drives in Handkerchiefs, ail kinds, 10c., 15c., 25c. Black and Colored Embroidered Cashmer* Scarfs reduced to sl. Black and Colored Cashmere Shawls reduced $1 50 and $2 50. Just received, Pocket.books and Hand Bags. Bargains in Fancy Hair Ornaments. Bargains in Fancy Lace I’ins. Drives in ladies’ Hose, formerly 80c. and Kte. now 25c. Drives in Gents’ Scarfs, 25c., 50c., 75c. Rubber Cloaks, Underwear, Shirts, Collars Cuffs. Full line ladies’, Gents’ and Children's Host cheap. Positive Reduction! Real Bargains! J AT H. A. DUMAS’, TfZTTsIu STREET. HO LI I >AY GOODS. Xmas Presents. Fine Florida Oranges. Apples, Cocoanuts, etc. Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, etc., car loads or less, at lowest prices. Potatoes, Onions, Cabbage,etc. Peanuts, Peas, Stock Feed, etc, —at— T. P. BOND & CO.’S, - Xmas Qoodfe. r rHE finest line of Plush Cases in tbe JJjL 1 consisting of Glove and Handlem Boxes. Dressing (:a*es. Manicure Gets, ets, etc. Also, a line of beautiful Vases. ’*• ing Card Cnees, Writing Tablets. F? rl . Baskets, Odor Cases, Cut Gloss Bottles. I *. cry, etc., at 1,. C. Strong’s Drugs*" Bull and Fares * tract Uue. ■’