The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, January 01, 1888, Image 1

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1 ESTABLISHED 1850. 1 1 J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor-! EUROPE'S FATE A BIDDLE. PEACEFUL AND WARLIKE RU MORS IN THE SAME BREATH. Advices from Vienna Lean a Little To ward Avoidance of Hostilities The Tone of the Cable Letter from Berlin Inclines to an Outbreak in February or June. <Copyright 188 V by the Sew York Associated Press.) Rerun, Dec. 31.—The year closed with out the relations between Russia and the alhed powers showing any symptoms of amelioration. The situation has Vffipme one of the greatest perplexity, f'Aich nothing less than some authoritative £4iv erance from the Czar or Kaiser canSjear up. If the new year’s imperial rcceijSns pass over unmarked by ejelnt declarations giving assurances of j will be held as certain that diplon l(Jt Xus failed to check the progress toward , w In rupture. The Cologne Gazette has announcement that mutual expand nks will soon be made which promise all danger of war, but reliable advice j* St. Petersburg deny that there is the j n est change in the (fiougl of affairs. Gen. Von bchwpjL a J the German Ambassador to RrH ar j has had frequent interviews with Erin jk Giers, the Russian Minister of Foreign A ffairs, one result of which has been an ar rangement for the publication of the forged documents, but judging from the tenor of an article published in the North German Gazette the interviews have left the situa ation unimproved. A VISITOR FROM AUSTRIA. Something is hoped to result from the prospective mission of Herr Von Kallay, the Austrian Minister of Finance to St. Peters burg. His visit appears to be dependent upon the Czar’s reception of the proposals transmitted through Prince Lobanoff, the Russian Embassador to Austria, fora revis ion of the treaty of Berlin. The Russian press concur in declaring that if these pro posals imply definite absorption of Bosnia into Austria, Russia will never consent. No diplomatic issue is expected nefore the mid die of January, after that, events will de velop with electric rapidity. The concentration of Russian troops in Poland appears to be suspended. The whole country lies deep in snow and ice. The roads are blocked and railway traffic is retarded. Galicia is in a similar condition. If an order were given to morrow for the mobilization of Austrian troops it would be impossible to execute it, except within a small radius of Vienna; but a few weeks hence, when the snow storm has abated and the surface of the country is settled into its w inter’s hardness military operations could lie easily effected. It is the opinion of mili tary authorities that Austria and Germany will agree upon winter as the best time 1 for a campaign in Poland, and that if war must be it should either commence in Feb ruary or be deferred until June. CONCENTRATION IN BESSARABIA. While the movements of troops in Poland are ceasing, forces are being concentrated in Bessarabia, and this fact leads to the be lief t hat. Russia either distrusts Roumanian neutrality or has other plans for a cam paign in Galicia. The forces now massed along the Bendor and Odessa dines are esti mated at 85,000 men. The stations are crowded with troops and artillery trans ports. Several corps in Southern Russia are already fully mobilized and echeloned along the Truth and Dniester rivers and the railways converging to Roumauia. The Black Sea fleet is being hurriedly equipped for active service. Four gunboats have been sent to Vilia, an arm of the Danube, and a numerous flotilla •of vessels designed for river service is being at Odessa. The formidable extent of these preparations give rise to a suspicion that the Czar contemplates a sud den descent upon Bulgaria, while acting on the defensive toward Galicia Reports emanating from Paris attribute to the Czar an intention to announce peace or war on the Russian new' year’s day, and war is predicted as Russia's choice. In dis cussing the issues the Russian press confl- assumes the defeat of the Austrians, Wolan, recently Russian Con sul at P<*sth, publishes a brochure, under permission of the St Petersburg Censor, predicting that Hungary will become a Russian province. The map shows Hun gary as part of Russia, all the towns having Slavonic names. The pamphlet, which is . Quoted by the Hungarian press, increases the eagerness for the final arbitrament of (War. i M. Lobanoff, in an interview with Count Kalnoky to-day, repeated his recent pacific declarations. Ho stated that aggressive de signs were foreign to Russia’s policy, but no •pecific importance is attached to these assurances while the militia position re mains unchanged. THE FORGED DOCUMENTS. Ihe text of the forged documents appears in to-night’s Reichsanzeiyer. An Assistant secretary in the Russian foreign office brought them to Berlin and examined 'them in conjunction with Count Herbert Bismarck. He returned to Gatschina on punday and reported to the Czar the result °* ™c inspection The Czar’s assent to Iho publication of the documents was obtained y/ pressure from Prince deGiers and Gen. von Kch weinitz. The Reivhsanzciger prints four letters, three of which pur- Ppit to have been written by 1 riuee Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, to the Countess of Flanders, sister of King Carol ol Roumauia. The first of the three letters is dated Aug. 87. In it Prince Fer ainand says he would not have gone so far it he had not received most salisiautory in formation from Berlin through n note writ ten by Prince Reuss, the German Ambas -4 t *2,' !l * Vi*una, explaining the secret views ot 1 rinee Bismarck. Prince Ferdinand inclosed this note to the Countess and begged her to induce King Carol to use his influence at St Petersburg. The second document is a forged letter to Prince Reuss, stating that Prince Ferdinand's taking possession of the Bulgarian throne was a question of personal initiative, to which the German government cannot, for the time ’•‘"’K. give official support. It va.s not, nowever, to be concluded that the German government would not give unofficial en couragement to Prince Ferdinand’s elite - I'Rse However unfavorable or hostile, says the letter, the acts of Germany in the iieanwln'e may appear the sentiment, so ictiy cherished by her, may one day be made apparent. . ~ SECRET ASSURANCES. . 1 lie t hitil document is a letter from n-mee Ferdinand to the Countess of Flan ders, under date of Kept. Hi. He says that , in spite of the open war that Germany is a ß ß inst him, he receives assurances ■ y tew days from German agents that rrl . oismimk’s policy nuty change ’Peuiy m a most favorable manner, Oer- I I J s uftitude depending ic on the issue of i a grave question with Russia. , , foe fourth letter Prince Ferdinand in-' voi ms the countess that according t,o a com- j nunieation he has received from Berlin J unfate of Bulgaria has been discussed at J lectmgs between Prince Bismarck, Coimti Aaluoky and Count Crispi, and that the* * • * * • < 1/ 1- She fjurftting fsetoj*. result was favorable to Bulgaria. The central powers, he says, hope that Bulgaria will give no occasion to the powers to modify their friendly attitude. Prince Ferdinand denies that any of these documents are authentic. He says thfere was never any correspondence be tween him and the Countess of Flanders. The forgers remain undetected. The Rrichsanziger says: “The sole pur pose of the forgeries was to produce distrust among the powers. If the statements of the letters were well founded, German policy might have been reproached with duplicity and dishonesty. as the German government has always regarded, and still regards, Prince Ferdinand's venture as a violation of the treaties. The appearance of the documents does net add much which is not already known "f their contents. The statement that the fabricators have not been discovered is untrue. The Czar knows whence the forgeries pro ■eeded, but refuses to punish the perpetrators.” CONDITION OF THE CROWN PRINCE. The reports concerning the Crown Prince’s condition present the best aspect possible. Since Prince Bismarck renewed the pressure for a regency no adverse re ports regarding the Prince have been per mitted. Tiie opinion of Berlin experts that the disease is cancer has not altered, and Dr. Mackenzie’s latest diagnosis failed to dispel tlie belief that an ultimate cure is im possible. Prince Bismarck’s appeal to Crown Prince Frederick AV’illiani to con sent to the establishment of a regency, although repulsed, will now be renewed, in view of the danger of an outbreak of war. The best men in political and military circles feel the neces sity of there being, in the event of war, an active working Regent, competent to per form all political dm es and in touch with the army. It is inqossible for the Crown Princess to act as Regent. Official circles in discussing the question of the regency put the Princess entirely out of consideration. “Prince William is now in prime health. His old ailments have disappeared and he is showing himself an energetic worker for his coming trust of Germany. Only a small court party will continue to oppose a re gency if the Crown Prince remains an in valid. Vienna telegrams report snow in Hungary to a depth of 18 feet. The storms have been the severest ever exjerieneed. Tha Berlin police (ire actively engaged in raiding smoking clubs, which are the centres of the (Socialist propaganda. Dur ing the Christmas Ifolidays the authorities broke up several fifes and stopped a num ber of semi-pi ivate dramatic performances. Herr Kteinfatz, [former editor of the Burger Zeitung, uas been expelled from Homburg, and has taken refuge in London. Godfrey Walle, tj witness at the Chicago Anarchist trial, tvas discovered residing near Homburg ujider the name of Karl Miller. He was denounced among the So cialists and it is supposed he had returned to America. A thorough searrh of the barracks of the farrisons at Mainz, Breslau, Spandau and Vankfort has resulted in the finding of enormous quantities of Socialist pamphlets. A number of soldiers have been imprisoned on suspicion of laving been implicated in the circulation ol the pamphlets. RUSSIA’S HAUGHTINESS. The Czar Wants to Run Everything Hi* Own Way Vienna, Dec. tU.—The Sene Freic Presto publishes a Utter from St. Petersburg which says that Russia only desires an un reserved return to the Berlin treaty, and that the whole of Europe shall declare that everything that has happened in Bulgaria since Prince Alexander left that country is illegal. Russia, however, will make no sacrifice to restore the legal status there. If Germany should ask Russia to guarantee the neutrality of Bulgaria in the event of European complications, or if to set off concessions on the Bulgarian question Austria should ask Russia to safeguard her Eastern interest, Russia would refuse to negotiate on these subjects or adhere to terms of peace on that basis. Russia reserves to herself a free hand. The Russians do not desire war. The danger lies in tiie possibility that matters may develop into an affair of honor which would be doubly dangerous when tho ques tion affects the Czar’s authority. THU FORGED DOCUMENTS. St Petersburg, Dec. 31.—The Czar has sanctioned the publishing of the alleged forged documents sent to him relative to Germany’s attitude tow-ards Russia and they will be published in Berlin. This decision is regarded as a very favorable symptom of the political situation. The imperial sanction has he n given to the es tablishment of a third class provision depot at Rowlo in addition to the previously es tablished second class magazine there. Persons i . political circles here are astorii hed at the continuously repeated press reports of Russia’s intention to cross ihe frontier of Austria or Germany or both frontiers. Toe official intercourse of Rus sia with Austria is friendly, while that with Germany leaves nothing to be desired. The Czar has no idea of occupying Bulgaria, but he is resolved not to recognize the present state of affaire, Prince Ferdinand or the Sobranje. If no change occurs in the gov ernment of That country, the Bulgarian question wiil remaiu for Russia an open one. The Czar disapproves and refuses to become responsible for the replacing of Prince Ferdinand by a Russian relative. Russia does not desire to make Bulgaria a Russian province, as Rotimania separates Bulgaria from Russia. Taking everything into consideration, the Russian people do not believe that war will occur, but they do not expect a speedy settlement of the Bulgarian question. The recent mili tary movements were taken solely for the pijrpose of assuring the safety of the fl intier and in consequence of the unfriend ly Idiaracler of the antecedent declaration* as to Austria’s jiolicy: It is expected that tlib recent conjectures and argumontsof tlii foreign press regarding tho immin ence of war will shortly be decidedly re futed from Russia. MACKENZIE AND THE PRINCE. Tiie Doctor Denies that He Ever Said the Dl.ease was Cancer. London, Doc. 31.—1n an interview to-day Pf. Mackenzie stated that he was greatly pleased with the improvement in tho condi f ini of Crown Prince Frederick William. [)-. Mackenzie said he had never admitted (but the disease from which the Crown Prince is suffering is cancer. The only statement he made which could he so construed was last November, when he said the now growth was apparently cancer-like. Tho microscope, by tiie use of which alone can the nature of the disease be ascertained, so far shows that it is not malignant. The malignant symptoms manifested in November have passed away. Dr. Mackenzie said, however, that if the disease is not cancer it certainly is very protracted. Immigration at New York. New Y < ikk . Dec. 31. —Immigration at this port during the past year shows an in crease of over 7UJXXI steerage and 10.0IK) cabin passengers. The total number of cabin passengers who arrived this year was 78.800, and of the steerage passengers, 371,- 371, and in 1880 the figures were 08,7-13 and 300,018. SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY. JANUARY 1, 1888. KAILS RED WITH BLOOD. FIVE MEN LOSE THEIR LIVES IN A CRASH IN PENNSYLVANIA. The Accident Occurred Because the Engineers of a Double-Headed Freight Train Failed to Wait for Their Or ders -Two Cannon Ball Trains Col lide at Summit, Ky., I’a., Dec. SI. —The fast Chi cago express on the New York, Pennsylva nia and Ohio railroad, consisting of two sleepers ana live day coaches, collided with freight train No. iff!, consisting of two en gines and sixty cars, three miles west of this city at 8 o’clock this morning. Five per sons were killed outright, among whom was one passenger. Thirteen others were wounded, nine of them fatally. Followiug are the names ot the killed, so far as ascer tained. VViiliam George, engineer, and Humes, fireman of the loading freight engine. E. P. Swan and Arthur Irwin, engineer and fireman of the Chicago express. Both trains present a terrible scene of de struction. When the collision occurred the fast express was making up lost time and going at top speed. The blame is said to rest with the engineer and conductor 'of the freight train who were running on the ex press train’s time. THE DEDA PASSENGER. The name of the passenger dead is Steven son, a commercial traveler of Toledo, who did shortly after being taken from the wreck. The injured passengers were all in the smoker, which was literally ground to kindling wood. The day coach and Iwth sleepers remained on the track and the pas sengers in them escaped uninjured. The Cincinnati sleeper had fourteen and the Chicago sixteen^passengers, Among the wounded are: Joseph Boynton, of Headville, express agent, seriously hurt and is delirious. Philip Faulk, of San Francisco,right arm fractured. S. A. Malone, of Salamanca, N. Y., right leg broken. Adolph Buser, of Cincinnati, both legs crus red. The physicians think that none of the injured will die. The wreck was caused by the freight engineers leaving Mead viile in advance of their orders. They were ordered to leave the yard as soon as train No. 8 arrived. They went in advance of its arrival. When Yardmaster Decker saw that they had gone he boarded a switch engine and under steam followed, but was unable to overtake the freight before the two trains met. A HORRIBLE SCENE. The scene of the wreck is horrible. The three engines are in a sold jam on the track and the baggage car and smoker are broken into kindling wood. The express car, a new Erie, is but slightly injured, though it ground both the baggage and smoking car to bits. Its strength saved the day coach from telescoping with the smoker. Fol lowing are additional names of injured; H. E. Holden, of New York, leg crushed. Adolph Wyuer, of Buffalo, leg broken. A. Hazen, of Paterson. N. J., log crushed. S. A. Malone, of Middlefield, 0., leg crushed. Michael O’Brien, a boy from Buffalo, slight bruises. K. Newton, of Shingle House, Pa., leg broken. David T. Dealand, of Titusville, leg broken. Charles E. French, of Sterling, Mass., leg broken. The wounded were brought here and all are in the hospital. No blame can be at tached to the railroad officials. The acci dent was purely the result of the freight engineer’s disregard of orders. The passen ger train was running fifty miles an hour. The first nows of the wreck came to Mead ville by trainmen on the Meadville and Linesville railroad, which runs parallel with the Now York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. CATTLE BURNED TO DEATH. Kout, Ind., Dec. SI. —To-day another disastrous wreck occurred on the lino of the Chicago and Atlantic railroad, six miles from this place, near the crossing of the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago and Chicago and Indiana coal railroads, at Wilders, Ind., by the collision of two sections of a fast stock train going east. The engineer of the rear section was unable to see the first, section on account of a blinding snow storm, and his engine went crashing into the rear car, demolishing the engine and caboose. One car of cattle was destroyed. The cattle were burned. The rear brake man was burned to a crisp. The other train hands had a narrow escape. COLLIDED IN A STORM. Chicago, Dei-. 11l, —The night express for Milwaukee that left Chicago at 10:30 o’clock last night over the Chicago, Milwau kee and Bt. Paul railroad, smashed into a freight train at Shennerville, 111., miring a blinding snow storm. The engine and mail car of the pa simger train were derailed, to gether with several freight cars, making a bad wreck and giving the passengers a severe shaking up. No lives were lost, but Engineer Little was hurt seriously, and the fireman, whose name is unknown, is prob ably fatally injured. A COLLISION*IN MONTANA. Butte, Mont., Dec. 31.—A collision oc curred yesterday on the Utah and North ern railway near the city of Dillon, Mont., which resulted in the killing of Fireman Patrick and serious injury of Engineer John Sweeny. Many coal cars were com pletely wrecked. TEN KILLED IN KENTUCKY Louisville, Ky., Dec. 31.—A special to the Courier Journal from Junction City, Ky., says: “Two fast mail train-, Nos I and 8. met while running at full sped this evening, about twelve miles (Jelo-v Somer set, and causixl a frightful casualty. The particulars are very meagre and cannot l>o obtained with any accuracy from the rail road officers, but it is certain teat at least ten persons were killed, a number wounded and six or eight coaches burned. A man named With row, an old Danville •stage-driver, was among tiie killed. It is reported that both engineers and the baggage and express mes sengers on both trains were killed. Three coaches of each train were burned. The accident is said to lie due to the engineer and conductor of the north-bound train misconstruing their orders relative to tho place of passing. Tho wires are down aud particulars are difficult to obtain.” THE (RAILROAD'S ACCOUNT. The following account of the accident is furnished by the authorities of the Cincin nati Southern railroad: _ An accident on the Cincinnati Southern railroad occurred to-day. Limited trains No-. 1 and 3 collided about 10 o’clock to night near Greenwood. The accident was caused by the conductor and engineer misunderstanding their order*. They are Loth amongst the oldest employes. None of the passengers were injured. On the south-bound train the baggage master and mail agent were killed. On the north bound train the baggigomaster was killed and the fireman badly injured. The mail and baggage cars w hs- destroyed and the smoking cars of both trains are badiy dam aged. CROOKED BANK CASHIERS. A Herkimer Institution Loses $ 15,000 —A Rochester Man in Canada. Herkimer, N. Y., Dec. 31.—Marcus XV. Rasbach, Cashier of the Herkimer National Bank, has absconded with over $30,000 of the banks’funds. It is thought that Rns bach liegan sfieculating in 6tocks about a year ago. His investments were tmfor timate, and in order to cover his shortages and shrinkage he used the money of tho bank until he had become so doeply involved that he realized that, he could not extricate himself and that expos ure must soon follow'. Rasbach left Herkimer on Dec. 13 and has not been there since. He owned some property and his brokers in New York have slo,toil margins on stock transactions for Rasbaoh's ac count. These items will reduce the loss to llie bank perhaps $13,1100 or $15,01 SI. Nobody knows wtiere he has gone. CONVICTED OF CONSPIRACY. Phm.adei.piua, Dec. 31. The jury in the case of the officials of the defunct Shack amaxon Bank, charged with conspiracy and executed conspiracy to defraud the hank, to-night returned a verdict of conviction against George YV. Bumm, a director of tin bank, and Samuel P. Milligan, receiving teller. William 11. Bumm, another of the directors, who hud also stood trial, was acquitted. A motion for anew trial was entered, ponding which the two convicted oHic.iuls were released on bail. Thomas L. Huggard, cashier of tl> • bank, who was also indicted, withdrew his plea of not guilty during the trial, entered a plea of guilty and turned State's evi dence. an assistant cashier's shortage. Rochester, N. Y., Dec, 31.—Assistant Cashier William N. Smith of the German American Bank, of which Secretary of State Cook is president, is $9,000 short in his cash and has decamped. His bond in the Guarantee Company, of New York, is good for $5,000. Smith had always been regal’d ed as honest and faithful. He has a wife and three children here. He is probably in Canada. / PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Tiie President Will Probably Have Something to Say About Them. YVashinoton, Dec. 31.— The publication by the President of the reports of the Pa cific Railroad Commission is taken by Con gressmen as evidence that he will send them to Congress without recommendation, but this does not follow. Garbled reports were being printed all over the country and comments wore appearing in the newspapers. It was well to place the reports themselves before the country. They were more apt to be read, too, this week than next. The President has opinions on the Pacific railway ques tion. He is very apt to express them in sending in the reports of the commission. Among the Senators and Representatives in town there is the same diversity of opin ion aliout the reports as t here was the last Congress about the questions. HOW THEY STAND. The majority, so far as can be ascertained to-night, favor the majority report, Rep resentative Outhwaite. of Ohio, whe, in all probability, will be chairman <>f the Com mittee on Pacific Railways, will press his extension bill in this Uongiess as in th last. It will probably have t.he, support ot a majority of his conimitt-e and is likely to lie reported early- and also likely to be passed by the House. Of course in the Senate, where Senator Stanford’s personal influence is felt on both sides there is no hope for any severer measure, to say the least, but the chance, are that the Outhwaite bill, if it should reach the Senate, would lie amended so es to suit Senator Stanford's views. The su periority of Gov. Pattison’s report is gen erally recognized, but the majority report is regarded as more “practical,” to use the phrase most commonly applied to it. NATIONAL FINANCES. The Debt Reduced by $117,016,000 During the Past Year. Washington, Dec. Sl. —Tho receipts of the government from all sources duriug the present month were $39,335,885, and the ex penditures $10,400,688, leaving a net gain of receipts over expenditures of $18,924,608. Out of this ne ! gain, however, must be paid about $3,500,000 for interest upon the public debt, which will leave the actual surplus for December $15,434,603. The public debt was reduced during the month to the amount of $15,350,000. For the entire calendar year of 1877 tho debt was diminished by $117,- 016,000, the largest, reductions being made in June and November, when the payments on that account aggregated $16,853,000 and $16,838,000 respectively. DANISH HOGS ILL. The Raisers will Try to Sell Some of Them in This Country. Washington, Dec. 31.—Owing to the prevalence of a • disease of an epidemic character which has attacked hogs in Den mark, the government of Norway and Sweden has established a quarantine against Ihe importation of Danish hog products. The Treasury Department has been in formed. that, being thus deprived of their principal market, Danish hog raisers will endeavor to find a market in the United Statos, awl the department has token steps to prevent the importation of diseased hogs from Denmark. HUNDREDS KILLED. Terrible Results from An Explosion of Powder in China. • London, Dec. 31.—Mail advices from China, state that a powder magazine con taining 40,(XX) kilograms of lyiwder, ex ploded at A toy, Nov. 35, doing immense damage. The force of the explosion was very great, aud a fourth of the buildings of the town were laid in ruins. Fifty soldiers were blown to atoms, and several hundred inhabitants were killed. THREATS iN IRELAND. Persons who Aid Boycotted People Warned that They will be Killed. LONDON/sDec. 31.—There is much excite ment in Kildysart, Ireland, over threats made against persons who aid boycotted people. Tradesmen, bakers and merchant# have been notified that they will be blown to death if they furnish supplies to the police. En Route to Florida. Washington, Dec. BJ.—Representative B. V. White, of New York, left, Washington this morning fgr Ortnoud on-the-Halifax, Fla., to look after private interests and de liver an addrerzs on New Year's day. No Delegate to be Appointed. Washington, Dec. 31.—The President has decried that he will not appoint a dele gate Uf the medical congress to bo held at Lima, Peru, next week. STRIKING PLAYED OUT. THE READING EMPLOYES FAIL TO GO OUT IN A BODY. Several Hundred Men Went Out at the Willow Street Station at Phila delphia, but Their Places Were Soon Filled Business at Port Richmond Far from Paralyzed. Philadelphia, Dec. 31.—The action taken hy the local assemblies of the Knights of Labor last night indorsing the order of the Reading convention for a general strike of the Reading railroad employes did not materially effect, the business of the Rend ing company to-day. The men did not quit work with the alacrity which the lead ers anticipated, and in many cases they re fused point blank to strike, pre fening to renounce allegiani’e to the ICtiiglits of Labor. Tho most notable instance of obedience to the order of the Knights was at the freight depot at the Willow street wharf, where several hun dred freight handlers and laborers refused this uiot nmg to continue work. The retire mont of this large force delayed business for a time, but in the course of a few hours the company had gathered a large number of non-union men from various points and Jut them to work, and the work of loading and unloading freight at tho dejiot was pro ifceded with. , V’ THE BLOCKADE RAISED, r Tiie blockade was soon cleared up and the reported everything moving satis Wtf-torily. The presence of the green hau ls attracted a few of the strikers and a crowd of curious people to the wharves, but there was no excitement or disorder. At some of the other depots some few men went out, but their places w ere quickly filled with nonunion men and the movement of regu iar freight trains was but slightly affected. Thero were many applications for work at, the majn office of the company to-day, and those whoee services it was thought would be of benefit were given letters to the de partment superintendent. ALL QUIET AT PORT RICHMOND. Everythiug remained quiet at Port Rich mond to-day. The strike continued with unabated vigor so far ns the men of Local Assembly No. 68X5 were concerned, but the Reading company at Port Richmond seems to be fast approaching a condition that w ill make it independent of the old men. The strikers st.ll stood on tho streets and talked about sticking out to the end, but in the meantime the company was fast taking on ali the hands it needed, and was hourly getting nearer to the condition when it tain conduct its business with new bands. Supt. Keim, in explaining the situation at, Port Richmond to-day said: “At 7 o’clock this morning work wiu, resumed at the coal piers with the new men who were at work yesterday, augmented by new arrivals of some twenty or nioro Italians, who came with an interpreter, and probably fifty who made individual application for work at the Richmond street wharf. Ten wharf engines are at, work this morning, manned by three local engineers and about seven new en gineers. Four wharf engines are at, the round house under steam, but are lieing held for returning loyal engineers, who, be cause of intimidation, have not yet reported for duty. LOADING VESSELS. “Yesterday a schooner, which arrived during the afternoon, was loaded with a full cargo of coal and sailed late during the day. The work of wheeling coal into thq various vessels and chuting coal direct from cars to vessels is progressing all over the pier. Another steam collier sailed for an Eastern port to-day and the work of loading the others now in port is progress ing favorably.” General Huperintendant Kweigard said in reference to the published re|ort, that a committee of the Knights of Labor was to call on him, and give him official notifica tion of the action of the Reading conven tion, that he had heard nothing of the com mittee and knew nothing of it other than that what has been published. “No com mittee has been called,” lie said, “at least not to my knowledge Some members of the Knights of Labor organization quit work this morning, but their places have all been filled. 1 assure you tne company’s business is not suffering in the least.” labor’s executive board. “I am simply giving my own opinion,” said Secretory (laves, of the General Executive Board of the Knights of Labor, in diseusssng the situation, “but, it is my impression that the Executive Board will not interfere in the matter. It has not been asked to yei, and 1 do not believe it will be. Tho strike is in the hands of the Reading employes themselves, and I judge they are bettor able to handle it than any other body, lieing thoroughly familiar with every issue involved. So far as the Executive Board is concerned the members know nothing beyond what they have read in the newspapers. You see we are not of ficially informed of the strike unless we are asked to interfere, so that in this case we iiave only the same means of learning the news that the general public has.” “Do you regard the disbandment of Local Assembly No. 10835 a serious matter to the order?” “Not at all. This is an every day event, where one assembly disbands, live new ones are organized.” URGING A STRIKE. 0 Most, extraordinary efforts have been made by the striked in the coal regions and in Philadelphia all the forenoon to in duce the men in the shops in this city to strike. TelograhAi innumerable have been sent here limning all sorts of promises of support, and that, if the Reading men would join in the strike it would extend to every station ail over the Reading system. So far these telegrams have all been answered by a stern refusal, the small iiercentage of those in favor of a strike not daring to go out. Advices from the cool region this af ternoon say that the most serious difficulty there is on the Shamokm and Mahauoy di vision, where hardly a Uozsn uieu at e at work. The Gordon and Mahanoy planes are likewise idle, and under this condition of things not all the coal mined could bn shipped to tidewater if all the collieries were running. In the Mahanoy valley alone there are standing 4,(XX)loaded coal cars un able to move. NO STRIKE AT READING. Reading, Pa., Dec. 31.— Up to noon to day there was no signs of a strike of the Heading road’s men in this section. The company’s car and machine shops, which employ m their several departments 8,000 men, have nor, lieen ha busy as now in many years. Heretofore in winter many suspen sions were made, and the employes retained wore reduced to eight hours a day. Now every man has ton hours’ work, and many make over time. The several Knights of Labor assemblies of this city have held meetings, and the prevailing sentiment of the members was that a strike would be ill timed and not advisable, and that nothing would be gained thereby. There wasa notable i decrease in the number of coal cars which , passed through here to-day, commencing with this morning, and this is attributed to troubles in the coal regions and tha stop page at the Gordon and Mahanoy mines. General Dispatcher Bertolet said this morn ing: “We arc in excellent shape. We ran out twenty-five full coal trains from tne coal regions last night about, an average run compared with the same itay last, week. Our train.-, of course, are not running ns full, but it is sale to sav that we sent down fully .'I,OOO loaded coal cars last night. Seven teen trains of empty coal cars passed north through the Reading district for the mines.” Nearly 300 men nave been hired in this city within the past two days. Most of them were sent to Port Richmond and Tain Alto, while a few were sent to Tamamia, Gordon and Shainokin. \t Tam aqua. Gordon and Shainokin some eighty men won hired this morning and >ent to Port Richmond and other places. The officials in this city say that their troubles on the road in" this vicinity are over, that t hey expect to cope successfully with the men at Port Richmond and other I*>ints near Philadelphia, but that the greatest danger is from a coal strike. Glass Workers’ Strike. Boston, Dec. 31. —All the employes of the Union Glass Works of* Somerville, 16ft in number, finished up their work this morning and left, refusing to accept the manufacturers* list of rules for the coming year. WINTER'S WHISTLING WINDS. The Weather Still Very Cold and the Snow Very Deep. St. Paul. Dec. 31.—Only points north of the international boundary and in Montana reported below zero temperature Inst night. It was still snowing at, St. Paul at mid night, but the fury of the storm had abated. All trains into St Paul were from one to four hours late. Sioux Falls, Dak., reports .trains badly delayed. Huron, Dak., reports the sending out of a relief train to meet the Chicago mail, stuck at Arlington. At Banners, Minn., snow was drifting badly. Rotary snow machines have done capital service on the Northern Pacific. Shoopee, Minn., says all north and south road* are blockaded. All the Northern Pa cific freight trains east of the Missouri river were abandoned yesterday. A FOOT OF SNOW. Davenport, la., Dec. 31. — A heavy snow storm has raged for twelve hours. Over 13 inches of snow has fallen. Freight trains have been generally abandoned, and passen ger trains go forward with double locomo tives. ANOTHER BLIZZARD. Dubuque, Dec. 31.—Another blizzard has lieen raging here for the past twenty-four hours. All freight trains are abandoned, and passenger trains are working along wit h double engines. Snow plows sire making very little progress. The situation is worse than during the recent storm. The present, one extends clear across the State, and is more violent beyond Fort Dodge thau on this side. Southern trains are expected to arrive without losing much time. The mer cury is above zero. STILL RAGING AT MINNEAPOLIS. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 31.—The blizzard, which set in yesterday morning is still raging and is expected to continue till night, The snowfall, although continuous, is Tight, but it has drifted badly. Trains on all roads throughout the Northwest are more or less delayed and on some roads travel has been abandoned Various points in Minnesota and Dakota announce the worst storm of the season, accompanied by unusually low temperature, THE BLIZZARD AT CHICAGO. Chicago, Dec. 31.—The blizzard that howled in this city yesterday afternoon drove everybody off the street and nearly blockaded traffic throughout the city. Street calx struggled along at, intervals early in the evening. The mails were nearly all from four to five hours behind time. The streets were deserted at 10 o’clock. At that hour the intensity of the storm was almost, unprecedented in this locality. The wind shifted into the east, and was blowing at the rate of thirty miles an hour. Suburban trains were also greatly delayed, and at one time completely blocked by drifts at Thirty-fifth street. SNOWING AT STAUNTON. Staunton, Va., Dec. 31. —It has been snowing heavily "all the morning, arid the indications are that it will reach a consider able depth. COLD IN VERMONT. Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 31.—The cold wave reached this se tion early last night. This morning the following temperature was reported: At Barre, 30’ below zero: at Calais, 33“ below; at East Calais, 30’ be low; at Hardwick. 31’ below; at Marsh field. 34’ below; at, Montpelier, 83’ below; at Moretowu, 30’ below; at Plainfield, 30° below; at West Randolph, 38* below, and at Stowe, 30’ below. SEVERE AT MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, Dec. 81.—The snow and wind storm of last night*and to-dav has lieen the most extensive that has occurred in this section in two year*. At daylight many of the street* were almost impassa ble and traffic was conducted with great difficulty. Trains on all roads were irotn two to three hours late. Freight trains were generally side tracked during the night, and the crew were directed to keep the tracks open for the regular pas senger trains. Six inches of snow fell all over the Southern part of Wisconsin, and as far North as Green Bay and Stevens Point, hi the extreme northern part of the State, the fall was somewhat heavier. The wind drifted the snow badly. During the storm the 7 o’clock St. Paul fast mail train from (Ihicago collided with a standing train at the New Union depot, demolishing the engine, and wrecking two sleepers some what. Nobody was hurt. SNOW AND SLEET. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 31.—Snow and sleet have been falling in this vicinity all day. Reports of the heaviest snowstorm for years come from Southwest Virginia. A STEAMER IN A STORM. The Passengers were Kept Below Decks for Eight Days. Queenstown, Dec. 31.—The steamer Lord Gough, from Philadelphia, Dec. 15, for Liverpool, arrived here at 4 o’clock this afternoon. She experienced terrible weather on her passage. For eight days the passen gers were not allowed on the upper deck. The hatches were battened down, hut despite this precaution a quantity of water p ne trated below the steerage from the teas shipped by the steamer. To add to the misery of the voyage the oil give out and at night everything was in darkness. All the coal in the starboard bunkers was con sumed and the steamer when she arrived had a heavy list to port. Archbishop Purcell's Finances. Cincinnati, Dec. 31.—in deciding a ques tion to-day in the case of J. B. Mannix, late assignee of Archbishop and Father Edward Purcell, as to how much of the assignee’s defalcation belonged to the estate of the archbishop and how much to the e-t.-te of his brother. Father Edward, Judge Hhcuorader l'or the Hr t time made a judicial announce ment of that defalcation, it. reaches the sum of (XX). of this amount S*)J,UOO be longed to the estate of Ai-ch bishop Purcell. i .5J2 A YEAB i | 5 CENTS A COPY f A COSTLY CHURCH AFIRE. IT COST $200,000 AND THE INSOR ANCE IS ONLY $85,000. The Edifice the Property of the Im manual Presbyterian Congregat'd at Milwaukee—The Entire City 11. luminated by the Flamer> A Shoe Factory Burned at Boston. Milwaukee, Dec. Ml.—The Immanuel Presbyterian church, one of the finest edi fices in this city, was totally destroyed hv tire at an early hour this morning. Noth ing hut the bare stone walls are left. The loss is $100,000 and the insurance is ISA,000, The building was erected in 1873 at a cent of #200,000. The organ was valued at IIS,- 000. A fierce blizzard was raging at the time and it was with the greatest difficulty that the fire engines reached the scene. No casualties occurred. “The Messiah" was given in the church last evening before a large audience, and it is believed that the lire was caused by over taxing one of the furnaces in order to heat the great building. A policeman discovered flames bursting from one of the windows shortly after 3:30 o'clock and gave an alarm promptly, but the tire had evidently been burning for hours, a-d the building was soon a mass of flames from basement to the battlement of the tail stone tower. The entire city was brilliantly illuminat'd, the northern portion tieing enveloped in i shower of sparks and firebrands. The build ing was constructed of gray rock and sfcoua. Its form was quadrilateral with a transept and tower on either side. The largest tow er was 147 feet from the sidewalk, termina ting without, a spire, as did the smallm* tower, which rose 100 feet. Besides the magnificent organ, the church contained a number of costly stained glass window s, and a massive and elaborately carved pul pit, HOUMA R DEVASTATION. New Orleans, Dec. 31. A sjieoiel dis patch to the Pinayvnc from Houma says: “The estimated loss by Thursday’s fire la #150,000 and the insurance #17,800. Many of the families burned out did not even save their wearing apparel.” SHOE FACTORY BURNED. Boston, Dec. 31.—Fire to-day ia Jones’ shoe factory at Strafford, burned the build ing to the ground with all its contents, in cluding the machinery and stock. The total loss is given at. $75,000 to $45,000, and the insurance at $85,000. It is doubtful if the firm will rebuild. The town has no lire department mid the fire was biudled by ail the able-bodied citizens, who formed a bucket brigade. The loss of the factorv is a severe blow to the town. The pay roll was $75,000 per y, nr. A TOWN NEARLY WIPED OUT. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 31.—A large por tion of Hicksville, 0., including the handle and stave mills, was burned to-day. The loss is $300,000. There is much suffering among the homeless. TWO FIRES at MEMPHIS. Memphis, Dec. 31.—Fire at 7:30 o’clock to-night burned thejarge wholesale grocery house of Porter & Mac res, No. 361 Front street. The stock was valued at #75,000, and insured for #07,500, The hooks of the firm wpre saved, and the business will ha continued as heretofore without interrup tion. The building was owned by Mr. Stewart, was valued at $15,000 and was fully insured. During the progress of the fire flames wore discovered on the third floor of the building at No. 3H4 Main street, occupied by Ottenheimer & >Srhavartz, re tail dry goods mid clothing dealers. They were extinguished after a stubborn fight. Tbe damage by water is about SIO,OOO, with full insurance. WOMEN BURNED TO DEATH. Two Accidents of a Similar Nature in One Night at Charleston. Charleston, S. C., Dec, 3L—Two women were burned to death to-night. Miss B. McKey, an aged maiden lady living at the Church Home, was in her room nearly consumed. She was sick, and had evidently got up to get medicine on the manetlpiece when her clothes caught fire. Nancy Graham, a colored woman living in Nassau street, was also burned to death in the same manr er. J. M. Easen, who has been County Audi tor, of Charleston, since Hampton’s election in 1876, died to-night, while the Bfc. Michael’s chimes were ringing out the old year. No news has been received from the steamer A lice Clark yet. The weather is calm and the steamer Eutaw is at work raising her. INDIANS AND BANDITS. Two Classen of Bad Citizens Make it Livefti on the Border. Nogales, Ari., Dec. 31. —News has been received that a small band of Apaches are roaming in the mountains in the Moetzuma district, killing and stealing. A number of travelers have been waylaid and shot on the roads entering Bavispe. A few days ago Clements 8. Lopez was killed at tiie Los Nogales ranch, just across the line in the United States. A troop of Federal soldiers started on the trail, but failed to find the Indian camp. The Captain of tbe custom house guards at Bavispe the other day found a number of cattle which had been killed by marauders. A PARTY OF BANDITS. The Prelect of the Sahuiaha district in forms the State authorities of Sonora that a party of bandits recently commenced depredations in the vicinity of the Trinidad mine. Some days ago J. E. Jesus Hortado was attacked by bandits near Trinidad who flrod several shots without effect. Darkness permitted Hortado to escape. A few night* ago a party made a charge on the house of Francisco Ortega in Ancijo Heudo del Neuvo and tired severul shots through the doors and windows and also attempted to forcean entrance. Ortega barricaded the doors and windows and opened lire on the band, driv ing them <>fl\ On the next day ten men were seen with government rifles in the vi cinity. The band is supposed to be desert ers from the regular army who were con fined at the national Federal prison on San Juan del Ulo, a small island in Vera Cru; bay. LYNCHING LOOKED FOR. A Black Fiend Murdera a Woman and Then Outrages Her. Galveston, Tex., Dec. 31.—A special dispatch from KUinger, Tex., to the yw says: “William Washington, a negro sus pected of murdering the wife of John Miller on Thursday night last, was cap ttired last night, lie confessed the crime, the details of which are horible, After s terrible struggle, he overpowered the woman, cut her throat and outraged her. Washington had been a servant in Miller'* family. It is expected that ho will be lynched to-night." A French Minister Resigns. Paris, Dec. 31.—M. De Mahy, Minister of Marine in M. Ti rant's Cabinet, which was formed Dec. 13, has ten acred Uis resigna tion.