The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, January 01, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SEOUGU_A\I>_VIORU)A., JEWS OK THE TWO STAPES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. It Macon English Sparrows Ms rn a Canary in Its Cm? A Negro Killed by A Train Near Crawford—A Burke County Man Charged with hubutl tuting a New Name in a Marriage License. UKORCIA. It is rumored that l'oonibsboro is ** *oii to tave anew hotel. Johnson, a blind man, living near Rai non nulls, Chattooga county, has n cat 11 .ears old. It is as sprightly as a kitten. A man named Daniel cut his thYoat t/vo Piles out of Blakely at the seen n hoi/-*es :his week. He v/as alive when lust Ward Iront. / The “Blue Bar” of I, L. oryCot Inn Avenue, Americas, was burned 7lmi lay night. The office of tho Recorirr lu i • narrow asc-apo. J An Athens boy sent his sweetheart Lumpkin county, a pair of operu r/'v***- k Christina* present. The you IS In i y ’. ther used tlio glasses to was/ out 1 vitb. I/Ou Jessie Alford, 12 vear-r/l da "r *f Janies Alford,who w ,s fry the ("• gia Pacific railroad, at Atlanta, 1/ul In 1 light eg crushed off Thursday byA freight car. The child is in a oritu coiifitiou. Rev. E. J. Coatt ' I 1 t ►veral years lias 1. i tb pint* >r of the Baptist eliurch of Hawk -villi*, is been “ forced to resign hi j--b te on a miiit of iis ill-health, and vv in with ii s family !o Macon. Thursday an inquest >.* hel lon the body >f John Floyd, who . hurl at Barfield's, in Jones county, las’ lu*- by being [Hilled ilown and jerk arou loy the beard ly a man named Or. o Gr* m. ltissup jweed that hedic l fi.n th juries. John L. Sunuiuo r, an oM and respected htizen of Ifcwson "iii'f, died very sud leiilv at his hoim/on W Iriosday He was In experienced A’ l scientific mineralogist Ind well ilifori/sl m>n Ho once ivpre- Lcnted his count/in tlicti orgia Senate. Near Greens/'ro Wash Wallace, a negro, Mi his wav ho 9 Monday night, under the influence of * , nNkv, attempted to cross a log while ti river wis up. Wash could tot resi-t i gravity under such circuui* fiances, am thing lut his hat and bundle aas been fr.'id. At Toorj -boro tl e storeof W. T. Hilton It (V> , t< * her wirh theirftock of goods, was tote lest i isi by fire Friday mom ng. It .as disc ered almut 4 o’clock, but too ]ato /doan . liiug. it is thought to tie tif incei/arv <,. m. The house and stock were p/tially insured. Linokitou V. irs: As usual the mountain trieinif’ leads in sensation. Just now there is (oipderable excitement in that neighbor nofsiroucen i-ig theelojiemeiit of Jim Turu nda niarried man, with n young girl 11 *yt 15 years old, Sundny night. The (.firs n ,nt i eB arc considerably wrought up, u Ttirnage will fare but middling, if flight. A train on the Georgia road struck a ■egru. Paul Buttice, at the crossing, a half nil" tielow Crawford, on Thursday, killing ■iini instantly. The first the engineer saw of him he jumped on the track and tried to beat the engine to the crossing. The engine ivgs cl .we to him and could not lie stopped. * ii" engineer blew his whistle but the negro paid no attention to it. . Austin Edmunds, who was arrested at Macon a few days ago for having, last Sat* unlay night, struck liis uncle, Richard Gary, en the head with force sufficient to render him insensible from that time until yester day, was tried before Recorder Baxter Fri day for lighting and disorderly conduct. The evidence before tho court sustained Austin in doaliiig the blow and his case was dismissed. It is said that Gary will die, but w hether from the blow or from other causes is yet to lie know n. The sins of the English sparrow are legion, but their treatment ot Mrs. George Smith's litttie canary, at Macon, Friday, w as anew departure in wickedness. The housemaid hung the cage in the window where the sun shone, and in ail hour or two she returned and found it surrounded by a flock of spar rows, who had peeked one eye out and broke one wing close t i the body. In some man ner they had got hold ol the little captive through the bars of its cage, and they wore still fighting it when discovered. At Vienna the last of the prisoners in the Dooly county jail took French leave of that Institution Thursday night, leaving behind a polite and apologetic note, explaining that the weather was too cold, and the accom modations not satisfactory, hence he was forced to seek more hospitable quarters. Throe otheis had escaped a short time pre viously. This jail was but recently finished nnd turned over to the commissioners, at a Post to the tax payers of this county of over $5,000. It is of brick, and finishe J af ter the “most unproved style.” The Ordinary of the county of Hancock having decided the contest over the recent local option election against the Prohibition ists, and that party having petitioned the Hon. Samuel Lumpkin, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Northern Circuit, to appoint three Justices of the Peace of the county to recount the ballot, that petition has been granted nnd the appointment made. The three whom the Judge appointed are John Turner, Samuel Chapman and Jeff Copeland, who are to begin the count on Jan. 16. A horrible aneident occurred at the Big 1 -edge rock quarry, one mile above Lithonia on Wednesday afternoon last. Mack Vin- I’eiit and a negro by the name of Bob Clark were blow n up while handling dynamite. Mr. Vincent was horribly mangled, his clothes being entirely blown off' of him, and he died in a few minutes after assistance arrived. He leaves a wife and child Both the negro’s eyes were blown out. He is suffering terribly but may recover. , There were no other ]iei-sons at' the works at the time of the explosion. At a convention at Albany Tbursdnv of the various colored Missionary Baptist churches in that section an association to he known as the Minister*’ and Don- nd Institute was organized. The object of the institute is the moral improvement of their ministry. A meeting will be held every month and the conduct of the ministers and deacons discussed. If am of the brethren have strayed the necessary , or fcEtioii will lie administered and efforts *niade to reform them without undue pub licitv. The officers of the body me: R,v. H R. Watson, President: Rev. \V. \\ Warren, Vice President: William H. Denm say. Secretary; Rev. D. A. Moselv, Treas urer. This year Coi. Smith, of Oglethorpe, made I.tKJO liules of cotton, which brought him upward of #OO,OOO. Besides this he has sold about elfi. POD worth of cotton seed oil and between #do,<XK)and fcdO.UOO w<>rth of fertihr ei s. He has raised about enough grain to supply his inmieuse farm and slaughtered several hundred head of hogs. Besides this income Col. Smith’s rents from ids hinds will be in the neighborhood ot Xiftl.uOO. lie has now applied for u charter and intends building it railroad of his own from Pleasant Hill, the name of his farm, to tap the Georgia mi I road, a'loiit a mile below Win terville. He has made arrangements for his iron and rolling stock, and early next year will put his eo,ivicts to work grading the mad. Col. Hmitli started file after the war with less than ipXKI and i>arties who are ac quainted with his affair* sav tliat he is to day worth not less than <M50,000. Tom Wood (colored), of Blakely, was the victim of a singular accident Thursday, which came near costing him liis life. While attempting to remove a band from the gin wheel at Htuckev’s gin, his clothing by some means got caught on the shaft and lie wag whirled rapidly around and thrown violently to the ground. Win n nicked up he was found to lie entirely dcdilute <jf clothes and nothing ranii ned' on liis i .erson i except his shoes and a collar. An examina tion revealed the fact that not a piece of h e doth t were torn, but every seam had 1 r, .ledcpen. It was just such an acci dent u would notagain happen in a I.'tki y ars. out his escape from instant dent h whs ivThn; sable, and bis life was probably save by tie- rc tfenness of the thread in hi* clot! ■. H* is pretty badly bruised, but win her hv bus any internal injuries bad not been : lined hi Inst accounts, ’Wayne b in (' Married, nt the n idem . of the groom, Mr. J. H. Ivey to Mis* C’ftira Lou Walton. J. S. Wales. .V>- t iry Public, officiated. The announcement if Ibis niimage was somewhat a -t miner, a* M" I vey was a widower of only a few weei Minding. It applies as il lie bail tji-eii .gaged to Miss Md roan, Hi" timenp pointed urul the license ls uglit. But Imp Ui meet Miss \\ niton, for w bom lie must iiHvo entertained very warm feelings, he renewed tin* ardor of bis pursuit, which hurl been broken off bv ‘-ome slight misun and a standing, und agreed to marry her on !! " next day, letting the engagement with Miss McCroan take care of itself. They ■ ere marriod, and report say* that be uerelv erasisi the imiiio of Miss MeCioan from the license and inserfeil that of Mi-* Walton. Mis* Met'man has asserted hr rights, has employed skjlleil counsel who have commenced a suit f r breach of prom ise. There will be lively times, as Mr. Ivey is a man of means and is acknowledged to be the best twiner in the county. FLORIDA. Arrangement* are being maiie to plant oysters at Lake Worth. Mark Collins, a prominent citizen of Lees burg. died a few days ago. A company to man the chemical fire engine i* to bn organized nt Daytona. The State Convention of tin* Christian Church adjourned sino die at Jacksonville Friday, A negro, name unknown, was drowned in the Ifaulover Canal, Indian River, last Thursday. Gen. R. B. Ayers, Commander of St. Francis Barracks, was taken suddenly ill Thursday, and is now in a serious condition. Hick*, the negro who murdered Joe Mc- Millan at Moliiio one day last week, has in*en captured and lodged In jail at Pensa cola. Mr, Dizier, an extensive wholesale shoe manufacturer, of Massachusetts, has in - vested about $25,000 in St, Augustine real estate. The lallies of Jacksonville have decided to hold their leap year party at the St. James, instead of at a private residence, on Janu ary 4. Capt. If. T. Blocker soys there are 210 persons living in Tallahassee lietweeti the ages of 05 and SO years—Oil w hites and 150 colored. A good showing for a population of less than 11,500. Robert Campbell, of Waldo, says tho neighborhood of Waldo has already shipped from so,ooo to 100,000 boxes of first-class oranges. Waldo's cold storage plant, he re ports, is a great success. Daytona Messenger: There is sixteen feet, of water on the Liar at the inlet and Uncle Sam never sj>ont a cent on it. There is more water than on the St. John’s bar, mid Uncle Sam has squandered over SOOO,OOO on that. Mr. A. J. Tison has sold to Mr. Julius King the material with which the Italian River Mirror, of Cocoa, was formerly pub lished. It is not known whether Mr. King will omimrk in the newspaper business or not. Mr. Walworth, of Boston, Mass., was in DeLand recently looking for a location to start a factory for the manufacture of ramie into jute and other textures. Ramie grows in great profusion in tho vicinity of Del and. The jury of inquest in tho case of D. W. Tillman, the negro school teacher found in a dying condition in the rear of Rickor’s saloon, at Jacksonville, Thursday morning, has reached the conclusion that he died from alcoholism and exposure. There is to Lie seen in tho office of Sin elair’s Real Estate Agency at Orlando the root from one cassava plant that is cer tainly wonderful both in size and weight. The main root is fully six feet in length, and it will weigh at least 75 pounds. Paul Diffetvw ietli, of Clear Water Har bor, accidentally shot and killed himself on the morning of Dec. 24. He was standing on a porch with his gur resting near his feet, when it .slipped off the porch, dis charged the load under his chin and killed him instantly. Lakeland Cracker: As an evidence of the appreciation of the public, for their faithful service in office, .Mr. T. E. Moody, re-elected Councilman at tho recent muni cipal election, received every vote polled, while Mr. J. A. Youmans received all but one. That’s popularity for you. Thursday morning, three and a half miles northwest of Jacksonville, a negro made an unsuccessful criminal assault on the wife of Frank B. Barclay, lx>okk<*eper for Blod gett, Moore &Cos Before his departure the brute stole valuable jewelry and other arti cles. Ho has not been arrested yet. At a meeting of the directors of tho South Florida Exposition, held in Sanford Wednesday last, the contract for the erec tion of the main building was awarded to Mr. W. A. Miller. It is to t,e :;oxlso feet and is to be completed by Fell. 5. Work on the grounds is progrew ing satisfactorily and preparations for a grand exposition are being made. Ocala Free. Press: The Suinter’*ille Times is a little too previous in making the follow ing announcement; “Two of Ocala’s old landmarks passed away last week—Dr. Gary and Col. McConnell. They were two of the most prominent and useful men in I*iorida. .Both ot the ulxive citizens are still in the ring, although somewhat distig ured by Mother Time, and are halo and hearty. They will live to celebrate several more lumpy new year*. It must be verv consoling to them to read their i w.ioli.t uaries. At Key ‘Vest there is considerable excite ment because the Fecning Cull came out in n “red hot’ article saying the Spanish authorities in Cuba, especially Havana, are making ly y West a penal station to which t! ev banish, for statist periods, their worst criminals, convicted of murder, highway robbery, arson, raps, etc. It is proven by Hie perusal of Havana papers, which, giving an account of a murder, among other things says that Adolfo Fellies, the murdered man, had onh arrived in Havana Christmas from Key West, where he had been banish * 1 for a murder committed in December, lssii. ..The Kiruuiciul Committee of the Sub- Tropical Exposition regrets to state that now. on Hie eve of the opening of the ex position, they rue seriously emlmrrassed by 'lie no,; payment of stock subscriptions wim w hich, in good faith, their financial estimates weiv based. They now publicly k|>||eal to these subscribers for the help which tiie prompt payment of their out standing subscriptions will ait'ord, ami they isiniiiiontlv hope that their appeal wii! inert w it n a ready response. They also appeal to the many prominent citizens and property owners whose in vestments will lie enhanced in value liv the suveess of the exposition, " !io ha\ e thus far lulled to render any ma terial assistance. tlaufnmn liros., of Lawtv.v, have been olterod .s 1 .otHt for their coming straw I erry crop from MI,(XK) plants. If all the fraw bfirv hidl at tlif'O the straw he i ry crop of l.axvtev will bring t>VUX). The crop throe years ago sold for fl.o. The strawberry crop this year is too early, for many bto.sonis and liorries are in sight and are likely to be nijeMsi by fia>st Frank Kerehivul, of Joliet, ‘ HI., p m' iSnoiv. of Chicago, ill., with several other gentlemen, made a tour of inspection amongst the st raw berry fields Wednesday. 1 lie liest field of tliree-year-old plants they saw was that of Mr. Fisher, numbeing some 40,Out}. The average sute of the plants was not less than ten incites in diameter, healthy and strong, witn plenty of blossoms and berries in sight. Mr. Smith, last year, from JJ.'ttM i hi id - , .old, clear of all expenses. Worth of berries. Orlando lifi-nnl: A sensational elope ment nits suddenly brought to u close mgut THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1888. before last by tho unexpected appearance of the lady's pat/r familiiis just In time to prevent their tftkinp the midnight train of the South Florida railroad. We learned it was their intention to go to Jacksonville, where pro]s*r ]>a|iers would Lie taken out to make them Lapp) On the arrival of the lady’s father, wno was in quite a rage, a 1 serious difficulty was only prevented by the ! coolness anil forbearance of the would-be bridegroom, who finally succeeded in paci i fying the old g<*nt, when all three left and I went to the home of the bride. It is under i stood that peace now reigns, and the parties I will soon s ml out cards announcing the I event which will lie the culmination, ol their happiness. The parties are way up in i social standing, ami it is said none of their friends had the slightest intimation of their intentions. The Crescent City correspondent of the Morkiwi News writes, under date of Dec 2*, us follows: “C/uite a number of our orange growers near town are fertilizing their orange trees. Thanks to the niunin eence of Air. Emerson Brooks, the memliers of the Presbyterian church are having that building repainted, adding much to its comely appearance.— —There is quite a lull in the shipment of oranges, but soon after the holiil vs tile golden fruit will ls*gin to move. Messrs. Bench (ii Miller have placed the steamer Georgia on the line with the Crescent City, thus giving us a daily boat between this place and Jacksonville. After a long illness. Judge William Morrow died at his home on Saturday last and was buried in the city cemetery on Christinas day. At tho advanced age of aim- st 85 rears he passed from the stage of action not leaving a single stain oil the bright puth that he left behind,” Lakelund Cracker: Several young gentle men, all Sunday school scholars, w’ent to tho country a few* days since to get a few oranges, and, finding no one nt the grove, they proceeded to help themselves They “only took a few,” having only a one-horse wagon, and when they were ready to come home they started on a run —they did not feel guilty—merely ran to keep warm. Just at this junct ure, the owner appeared, and when he be gan to sprinkle buckshot around that crowd they made Maud S. ashamed of herself. Arriving in the city, someone told them tho Marshal was on their’track, but $lO from each of them would settle the troulile. It was pitiful to see those kids hustling around to “raiso the wind.” It took all they could raise to pay up, and when, several days after Christmas, they found the Mar slial had nothing to do with it, they were tho worst sold crowd you ever saw*. J. (1. Donald, John Crowley, Joseph Mad den, Paul Johnson and Patrick McCm saw an advertisement in the New York World that five boys were wanted for Florida. Upon applicat ion to A. E. King, of ‘.‘72 Sixth avenue, New York, and upon the payment of each and sls further for tickets they were given letters to the pro prietors of the Ht. James Hotel at Jackson ville, guaranteeing them employment as bell boys at $lB per month. Upon applica tion to the proprietor they wore informed lie had already employed bell boys, and had sent no order to King for any kind of help whatsoever. Then Donald and his eompan ions perceived that they had been grossly swindled, and immediately went to Mr. Dopple, of the Florida employment agency, of i K .VV. Bay street Jacksonville, a branch of King’s New York bureau, and demanded a return of the money paid King They were told that he had nothing to do with King, and had only sent him an order for waitresses, but he, however, to get rid of the boys, gave each of them $1 15 to depart for tho Ancient City where they obtained employment at barely living wages. Donald and Johnson have purchased tickets for New York, and will put the matter in the hands of Inspector Byrnes ujion their ar rival there. Over-Worked Women. For “worn-out,” “run-down,” debili tated school toaehors, milliners, seamstresses, housekeepers and over-worked women gen erally, Dr. Pierre’s Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a.“ Cure-all,” but admirably fulfills a single ness of purpose, being a most potent Spe rifle for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a power ful, general as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weak ness of stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Favorite I’re script.ion is sold by druggists under our positive guarantee Sis* wrapper around bottle. Price td a bottle, orsix bottles for .*5. A large treatise on Diseases of Women, profusely illustrated with colored plates and numerous woodcuts, sent for ten cents in stamps. Address, Wori.d’sDispensary Medical Association, (kid Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. POROUS PIASTERS. For Localized Rheumatism, PIi'WHW Sciatica, Neuralgia, Pleurisy, DEiilOUil and Lung and Chest Difficulties, Backache, Spine and Hip Pis ease. Lumbago, Sprains, Kid IV Till,’ nevand Liver Affections. Net 10 1 111, vous Action of the Heart, Cramps, Lameness, Stiffness nnntit ( ” " eakuess of the Joints or nhSI Muscles, Severe Aches. Pains DLO l and Stitches, Inflammation and all maladies for which Jtl ii'i'Mim Porous Plasters, Liniments LiM Mr Medicated Oils, Salves, Oint midi Idl. incuts and Lotions have been found useful. Beware of inti- Mt aliens and worthless stibsti tittes that may lie ottered Ask for a “ Benson’s I-Maater,” and take no 111 IT 1 Till VO sulwtitute under names simi !t| 11A 11U.W lar 1,1 "fapeine” or any other name i lORBETB. FOR StUEVFOffIHERE. MEDICAL. I\/J OTHER’S FRIEND makes rrra .fid Cllll.l) - 111IITII |gpj EASY' ■nmni'i. iu Mm Send for hook “To MoTHKRs.” mailed five. Bkadkiku) Ur.ui i.ATim Cos.. Atlanta, < la. CONTRACTORS. P. J. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DRA'. TON STREET, SAVANNAH. ESTIMATE!-; I.rompily tutuiiihcd tor building ot any class. GRAY A O’BRIEN. THIS WEEK WILL SELL * BALANCE OF THEIR UK Ml CIIIS WRAPS. ALSO )i® Goods, Underwear, A-lVl) BLANKETS. Besides Their Superb Stock t *— Boys 5 Clothing AT Manufacturers’ Prices, Be Convinced It Calliii on t o Gray & O’Brien DRY GOODS. 1888.-ECKSTEIN'S!" 1888. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. will give the new year a send off in Big Drives in all departments this week. Drive in Embroideries, 7c., lie., 15c. and 25c. Drive in Misses’ ITosc, 25c.; regular price 45c. Drive in Ladies’ Hose, 35c.; regular price 50c. Drive in Gents’ Half Hose, 25c.; regular price 50c. Drive in Towels, 25c.; 45-inch long. Drive in Fine Damask, 00c.; former price $1 25. Big drive in Dress Goods, 50c.; former price 85c. Tremendous drive in Combination Suits; your own price. Black and Colored Silks in great variety; compare our priced All these goods will be lound, with other attractions, on our Centre Counter.this week, and we respectfully invite the ladies to call and be convinced that our prices are as adver tised at G. ECKSTEIN & CO.’S. P. S. —A few of those fine Seal Plush Garments left--will be sold this week at New York cost. ABSTRACTS OF TITI.E. JlbztnuiS) of ¥itlc Isaac Beckett, CAST SIDE OF BULL STREET. NEAR BAT. SAVANNAH, C/U eeSTAACT of THE T'YLE* to ALL LANDS IN THIS ClTf AND COUNTY. TROW THE SETTLEMENT Of GEORGIA TO OAT^ "t w , tm rULL INFORMATION *9 TO TMCIW CMI9ACT** A.H D SUrnCICNCV 'ficurb' s/iact CCCCUSiovts A) /JJtCISQr 'CJfA/l/'iaoA o/ CLS af/lfuaJU&ty Im. /fw,fuxA//x//U£crrrZJ CUtdL Caw /ULCOi-MMOtAtcL /fiw S-Ocrk/ CU> XxscrrCAy of/fus r f_za/iZy jjjjytort of XfvJ> ccuiaiujiuty. df/j /aik Aas As&w cu C~su, fajJi/idly accom/dafud; cwlcL/jobmeswoup offta&cAjyd A' '&>* V° __ m 1 ■■ 8w s—> —A BOOTS AND SHOES. 1' A C T S! It is conceded by Everybody who has inspected or tried my SHOES that I have the largest, most com plete and lowest priced stock pf 800 I S AND BHOES to be found in the city. SHOES in every conceivable style can be found at A-. S. C O II E 3\ T ’ 8, 139 1-2 Bronghton Street, Between Whitaker and Bull. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. THE GROCER. I* HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE OLD WINES AND I.KiIJOKH. 21 Whitaker Street, SAVANNAH. CA. U N i)i ."{TAKER. JOHN H. FOX 7 XT mcLear-balteerir, Masonic Temple, CORNER LIBERTY AND WHITAKER bTU Uejidcucc. lit Abetcoro. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Oirislis Presents. J HAVE the finest selection of Cadies' and Uentlemen's GOLD WATCHES of the best makes. Also the prettiest pattern in FINB 4 JEWELRY, as Ladies' Diamonds, sets of Ear ings, Lace Pins, Diamond Finger Rings, Brace let s, Watch Chains, etc.; Gold-headed Canes and Umbrellas, Fine French Clocks, at extraordi* nary low prices. Finest Silverware, Gold Spo*- tacles, and numerous pretty things appropriate for holiday presents. Desbouillons’ Jewelry Store, Bull Street. XMAS i * fast approach : ne and everybody is on tha qui vice to buy and lo receive HOLIDAY PRESENTS. NOW is the time to make selections. I would, thcrefoiv, extend a cordial invitation to in y friends and the public to call early and ex amine my very large mid well assorted stock ot Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Which for variety, design, quality and prices can not bo surpassod anywhom All goods sold warrautod a*; i a presented. J\ lEEE. KOCH (Lyons’ Block), taj-a Whitaker LUMBER. la(IMBER! LUMBER! A. S. BACON, OfHeo and Planing Mill, Liberty and East Broad Streets. \ full stock of Dhksskd ano Roiioh Li-mbe*, levins,, Etc., always ou hand. Esti. mates given upon appHcal lon. i'roicpt delive c uarantccd. Talephouv 117.