The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 30, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE ROW WITH CANADA A VISIT TO THB CANADIAN STATESMEN ANJ MILITIA How Task*** "Put t On" in Canada —Tba Sophomoric A-ra of Cana dian Stataaman—Canadian Gtrla— Small Houaes on Account of tba Cost of Haattn*. Ottawa, BepU 29. —lt it astooishi g bow "?tew Yorketr “put it on" when they g*i to Canada F*- me reason or other Lhey aeero to facer that they are visiting a for eign country c .like their own in tradition*, religion and external ctrcjmstatvMi. and heoc * an iff-ift to pose. I bare heeo stopping at a big hotel at Montreal for a few davi, which is truth affected by N w York people. One coxid te l the citizen o? the state* toe instant he en'ered the room by hi* air of lordly an* supreme superiority. I*, t* a cunoa* thing, for there is vary litt> to juxtify it, ina*- mucti as the Canadian are a wty.esome. we.Mrawwi. ciever and aaitafc'e people. It D undocqtsd f tba outward mazufestatioa of a feeing of soave superiority wtneb America** gwesraliy feel towards Cana- i BI ADOLPH CAROS. MINISTER OP IfTLITT A AXD DEFENSE. dian* When one inform* tbe average New Yorker that Canada it larger tha tbe United Slate* in area, he Atari-* first ,n sur prias and then with absolute incredulity, teat the fact* are the same There i* not *ll4s particular! v imivea'i ve abou' the c tie* of the dominion. The pate lie buildings are good, hot the bouses are inordinately unaii and in most uataocesi seemed cramped. lam told that this u on account of the expanses of heating in srm ter. wcieh a>e very great, a A hence the ph Uosopny of having a umali boose to * arm. The country is beautiful in some pace*, and although there uno distinct type of femi oine beauty, the darker tJa.uadian girl* are exceedingly pretty. The lack of 'general wealth tbroorbout toe country unotice*b e in the ahaecce of showy ecjuipages, well w*Ted street* and expHMiveiy built nousea. Nor do th# people eeam to" be inclin'd to pay much for aomaeatstita. A city of the .ze of Montreal, which I believe numbers 000, ha ae raguiar theater and ftepead* a poo travehng and excmdingly bad snow* for it* entertainment at this aeaaoa of the iear. During the week, for instance, there baa been only one theatricil performance in town. The feeling in Canada about the retali ation mease re . § very strong. It is the only question which intrudes itaelf into conver sation at ail poihte and about which all Can ad .an* speak with equal interest. It U, in fact, a vital interest with them, although it it only one of many in the United State*, and it i* indicative of tba. tendency the country is taking toward commercial union and an teration. The tremendous prosper!ty of the state of Michigan since it became a part of the union i* taken a* a fair indication of what the state of prosperity would be if the boundary line were thrown down and there were no restrictions in the trade of the two countries. The theory which Add* the readiest acceptance nere i* that of Krastus Wiman. He lias pointed out that Canada is a series of states among which there is free trade, and thst within its border* it i* prosperous. In the same way the United mates i* acoliecti /ti of state* which trade with each other on a baai* of absolute equality, a. and everything within it* bor bers is also prosperous. Yet tbe*e two giants of commerce, the Dominion and the United (Hate*, lie side by side, divide! by a barbed wire fence 4,000 miles long, which hampers the interchange ofgoodsaud fa ces both countries to g> to no end of bother, confusion and expense. A* the custom* which the United States pays to Cana la average about the same a* those that Can ada pa/a to the United States there would seem to b# no proper reason why the 4,000 mile barbed-wire fence should not no kicked down and the two countries be a! lowed to trade in peace and equality. Toen they could whoop thing* ■ pall along the line by putting up a wire fence of ind.sjiutabK majestic and heroic proportion* ail round the North American continent, barring out from competition with the two count: its tbe whole civilized world; but wit in this protective fence the vanoui commercial in terest* .and trade* of the entire continent would mingle as freely and unrestrictedly as the droia ol water in Lake Superior. This i lea of commercial union u of verv recent birth and it i growiug vigorously, f find that many of the most enterprising business men now in Canada favor it strongly. There is, however, a consider able tory (dement here and a great deal is said about loyalty to great Britain, what is due to to the mot tier country, and soon, but more selfish interests are getting a large and \nprossive start of loyalty. Canada is anti always has been perfectly independent in commercial matters, keeping her old mother outoi competition as rigidly as tier many, and hence it mav be reasonably pre dicted that tbs commercial spirit wdi carry her into commercial union some day. Trie President's action on the fishery mat ter ha* curiously enough accomplished what an endlesa amount of internal agita tion had failed to do. The Canadians have been driven together, and a feeling of pa triotism ha* been developed. This senti ment has, low ever, little to do with Great Britain. It believes iu Canada itself a* a nation and encourages the independ ence. Once Canada arrives at the point where she believes implicitly iu herself and ceases to rely on Great Britain, one-half of the battle is won. And this is very much the case even now. Canadians point to the many commissi u.s which have been entore l Into by Great Britain w ith the United Htat< ns to boundary and other matte: s, and rightly or wrongly, many Canadians think that their inter sis have been sacri ficed in order that; Great Brtain should maintain le-r own position tix-a-ris to the Americans. Wir-n CanaiVi got* into a equaoLl with toe sta'esol ii|fie:' it imp r toii' e t'li i-o i.-udered a mik i iui matter Groat Cr.i ~j has to be icf.-n-eAto. i here upon l.or . vi i-oury, or wi, -1. happen - to be pi ' • r for the tim<- M-.i;*ub:tk • the math - into his gracious co’ i lottlSP'i and orders Canada majestically t, o , \>ttiiiig and say B'tldug uutil the home g\nru laent Ins nrrauge ! matte. *. J Tk The -itatesne iof Canada have to sfmtt 1 idly by until ll lit* Great Britain to isVo ber mandate. Tnat the liagh-.n lV~rr mer.t has treated Canada With (onu. uoV fairness in ragaid to certain interna lonnl •wtte’s, midlul f English trad- mt< rertiX or tlw Irisli que-tion in which Amu ha is' so much interested, council t denied. In regard Pi inn'ty esses, pariiculai 1 ,- ( fl Maine and • asuington territory and other tveindary dispute*. y u wj] hear evau 1 val Canad-aus eompiarr. that t y oa*e ioat territory equal to ha.l f Ear ft -wing : igEitr-noe or d-rfe-gard for the.r Interest* A* to to* recent nsbery beNtsa it is beLerr-i tere tta' bAh 1 e Mf b Carm beriain an-i > r Caarie- Tapper had str.-t injoctioc* laid np-n them to make * tr ity at w-y and Ca ada and Cintdia n > tereai- were ucdoobtedir aerriSoed to har meny in the Chirr, erlain treaty la s * rear. CanadiA'J knew thi*. but they were told to roam to. r. >ive a-nd did an. W ben toe Pr-jJect * raUiitU.ll message came, they were anxi to • ur-* into *, eeofc but once nyjn r-itrie the English on-mand for *i l*nc* aad *i>nce i- at.;, toe order of tbe <iay. Bn: Canadian* nave 'Li-, ieaaon, that heT can r. t longer aT .and to Er gland do tbeir treaty making, h-n they ooca get that p wr into ifae.r hand* they are no immeamrabi*- I;tacr>- from mdepeoieoce. which mean* u'timateiv. a Eieiatio*i. rio that :ron every pom: of view, whether by way of commerc-A. union or by toe attain rrent of tbe tr-atr m sing jw.we-. tbecoaii tion of f axaia wto the great couatir * uth of it can niy t>- a mar to- of ti It is as it evitable as tbit two tod:*- failing tbmogti toao- rexs: eonjom fr.-m the irre • tstibie forca of auraction. VAJ. SEW SJR rSED'S MIDDLETOW, COJf- XA.VDEB Or CAW A 111 AW MALITIA. There are oWy imprewive shades to tbe international controversy. Some of them are whimsical—the deadly ean.'-t-ies* of the “stateaßner'.'’ for instance, i have s en several great Ear -pean diploma son impres sive o'-cssiKin* and at toast two Bi it s . cabi net mu,liter* ar work. Tney were ali plac.d andea*y going men. So are the really in fiuentiai to.nkers at Washir.gto But here tbe amount of intensity and force : hat ap fear u;n the surface of poll tics would abash tbe pr ze >u:oric lehxto- of a lrack county college. Toe weight of na tions is feather weight compared to the lood of responsibility and power that the averag-C* adian politician came*. Hi* brow i heaped; bt* mien portent-/ua and t.- *peo.-h replete with dignity, impress, w new and verbal force. He doesn’t say much a* a rule, despite ms plentiful ampli tude of word*, but be ha* feelings and they are violent. Toe far: i* the Canadians are a trifle more imprs***i with tbeir own im portance than a strict consideration of the facts warrant. They *peak of a war with tbe United States in a pitying way at time* as tbAign toen: would not be much chance for u* ia the event of an outbreak. Tbe maa who hold* the resp-.-rxiible post of min ivter of militia, hir A. Caron, recently in dulged in a tot of fantastic and bombastic fol-ie-rol about the hardy and true-hearted sailors of the St. Lawrence gun boata and making mi ,ce meat of the United States. Tbe fact that we number 00,- 000,0'X) to Canada s 5,000.000 was not at the moment considered. IVnai they seem un able tojtborcKighly realize, x’-ept among the more alvanc**l stiudent*, I* that England will never flgot tbe United Slat s in Can ada-* interest. Why should she! Ca'iada to neither a source of profit nor honor to the mother country Great Britain has t e implacable and skillful hatred of Ireland on one side, th freakidi danger of France in another direction, wmle tbe steady and growing dislike of Germany is a menace which w,U loom big and f .rinoiable in the near future. She ha* all *be ran do to te*-r a cb-ar course at home and protect India and her other great s lurces of reve nue without attacking a country which ha* already licked ber solely to oblige a child which she knows will secede from her pro tection whenever the time is ripe. That England Is willing to have Cana la go her own way ha* been publicly asserted by Mr. J. Chamberlain himself, end tbe sly and pawky Joseph is generally understood to know whereof he speak*. Blakely Hall, READY TO COLLAPSE. The Iron and Steel Workers Aasem bly of the Knights. PITTSBUKG, Pa.. Sept. 29. —The iron and steel workers national district assembly of the Kn.ghts of Labor is bankrupt and in danger of disruption. Tbe Trader# Jour nal publishes a circular from National Sec ret-ry Lewis, who is uow ao ing as National Master Workman, In which n appeal is made to the members to fnruiulate some plan to keep tbe district fro u going to piece*. Secretary Lewis says National Mister Workman Conkling i* sick; there are no fund* to pay ex pen* a and tbe liabilities a ready amount to In conclusion he say* that unless a special effort is made to sustain it, the dis trict must go under. Tlie district includes a* mem bes a large proportion of Knights of labor iron and ->tr -I workers in differ ent purr* of the country, the largest repre sentations being in Pittsburg an i Chicago. Bond Purchases. Washington, Sept. 29,-The bonds offered to-day aggregated $474,000. AH were accepted a> 107*, 4 for IV, * and 130 for 4*. The total amount of bonds purchased under the circular of April 17 is $00,186,900, of which 441 .(>31 ,700 are 4s and #18,555,200 are 4'd*. Their was $73,340,288, of which $58,415,353 was paid for G and $19,- 924,915 for 4'ys. Jneper Jottings. Jasper, Fla., Sept. 29.— Water courses have been very high. About 20 feet of the embankment at too county’s iron bridge across the Alapaba river was wnsln-d away and travel in the couuty was greatly inter fered with. Cotton has been very mucii damaged. The health of the entire c unty is good. Richmond # Taxes. Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. 29. —Some days ago Gov. Gordon passed mi order suspending the collection of the stale tax in Richmond county for ms year. To- av ho pawn'd another order modifying his former order so ns to allow tne collection of taxes on show* and upon the sale of liquor. Closed by tbo Sueriff. Atlanta, Ga., Ho t. 29.— The wh"lo*nle and retail liquor house of William Miekli berrv was closed by tile sheriff to-day t > satisfy a mortgage for #3,000 iu favor of Mrs. Mickleberry. Tooth-Poiuoned Food. Defective teeth poLop the food. BUZO DONT checks dental decay,, removes tar tar ir.crusted in the sinuses and upon tbe : surface of the teeth, and renders them masticitors of the food. Denial Impurito-s also contaminate the breutb. Ihese it removes. 711 E MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1888. WANTS A MELDS RIVE3. Augusta Offers Her Several Sites for a Winter He me Ga.. .Sept 29.—fa an icter v.c-w w.ti. A-nelie Rives Chandler m N w York t".a reeg. her -ushand tc-ki a fl ar'd reported that L-ey bad not decided ou the exact tocaiitr wuere they would spend the i wir.te'. Several gectieoaen interested in Augu-t* are des.rou* of nwi ins toe pres : erxr of the ccupto here, and wj wr.te them at their summer becoe, Rokeby on ttse Hn i sor. ;weiiing r n the attracuvetiess o 4 tbe Sand Hill*, and c-Ser-mg them tbe r£r>x t of eye.-a. Tery desurah.e ua for a winter home The owner* wli give tbe ebo;oe*t piece of property in tbe Murray Hiii syndi cate overlooking Fruit a id. tie hicre r i Pro per 3. Berckman. p.-eiea: of tbe American Potnoicgicai Scc.-ty. M'.cte Sato"* •'.wcers will offer any of tbe r tot* which are witfcm a vtont * throw of the reside ice of tc- late eoc-U cited Sta’.-5 Senator 3. P King tod witbm sight of the borne of Richard Henry Wikis, author of “Mr Life Is Like a Summer Rose.” Capt. F. H. Timberiaze. who owns pr -petty at Grovetow-i adyc, ning the fcoua f tbe late Paul H. Ha n-. aetbor of 'Mountain of*,' wui deed them s *j,le*vlid tot. i arles ficr.b er of tbe famous ptibL-hirig U .'lie of that name spent last wmter at Gr lep.wc. Tney bope to mcu’ce theaatc r of “Th : Quick or tbe Dead" to spend t e winter cere, where -he would eejoy tbe charm of balmy air and lovely scenery. BBIDGING WHIT2HALL STRhET. Another Conference Bet wean the City and tie H&Lroada. ATLa.vta, Ga., Sept. 29.—The bridging of Whitehall street crossing, which is At lanta* white elepoant. wi- tbe cause of anotcer oonfereoce to-da. b-tween a com mittee of tbe council, consisting of Alder naan Haa and Couuciimen Amerou* sed Woodward, representing the city, an i Gen eral Matager Belknap of tbs Central. Grvn of tne Georgm. Anderv.n of t_e Western mA At antic. Berkely t.t t:.e Richmond and Dan -il’e, and Gabbett -( the Atlanta and 3Ve*t Po.rt railroad. Tbs o rnminee did not h:nk that tbe cro*:- mg co .id be *u-?eea>fuliy bridged so a* to abate tbe ntnsano* Major* Green and Beutr.ap tnouget t at it could, but that toe city -L ul i pay half of tbe expense. A to ter was rea l from Senator Brown sta i g that tbe state r>vl iesoe-s cou.d not affor I to stand an v portioa of i he expense of build ing the bridge, owing to the fact that the lease of the Western and Atlantic r and wes nearing it- expiration. No definite was adopted. It is be lie v-d that t -e comnai tee will make a re part to the council Monday recommending the of an ordinan'- - prohibiting t'.e switching (<r making up of freight trains in tbe heart of t e city. COLUMBUS CHAPTER!. Business Better than in any September in Several Years. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 29.— Officer B. L Johnson, who ha* been oa the police force for several yean, tendered his resignation yesterday for tbe purpose of entering the mercantile business at Brewton. The ordinance of baptism wdi be admin istered bv Rev. J. W. Howard to a numbe of candidates to-morrow afternoon Chattahoochee superior court adj'.urned to-day. Tsylor ccuaty court will convene on Mon day. Card* are out for the marriage of M T. MrNamee of Opelika and Ml* Maui Rus sel] of this city. Tr.e Central railroad compress at this city ha* eomoresaed over 10,(XX) bale* of cotton since Sept. 11. Columbus is receiving cotton rapidly, and a prominent busb es-* man said t.-dar that he never knew so much busifie- done in this city in the month of September a* ha* been done this year. MURDER AT ATLANTA. Two Negroes Quarrel Cver Cards and One Uses His Knife. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 2D.—Marion Cun ningham was cut in the throat by William Merriwether and killed to-night about 8 o’clock in John Ryan's billiard room and saloon on Ivy street. The participants were negroes. They were playing card* for money when a quarrel ensued. After the cutting, Mer.dweathir ran u* of the Saloon and wa* pursued by several negr es, who eau-’ht him and held him until a policeman arretted him. An ir.que-it was held and a verdict was rendered to the efTect that the killing was murder. lo Repair a Bridge. Augusta, Oa., Sept. 29. —The city coun cil to-day awarded the contract for repair ing the bridge across the Savannah river which was swept away by the flood, to T. A. Hardeman lor SIO,OOO. " Considerable of the old structure remain* aud will r-e used. This accounts for the lowness of the bid. Mr. Hardeman i* from Indiana ami is one of the contractors on the tiiree C.'s road in South Carolina. There were only four bid ders. The high water washed away tbe water register, and since tee flood the bight of the river has beeu estimated. Anew register will be received in a few days. Pledger on the Stump. Athens, Ga.. Sept. 29.—W. A. Pledger (colored), the republica • candidate for the legislature f om Clarke county, addressed about 100 colored v iters at the court house this af'ernoon. F iger aeemed to be con fident of bis electi n if bis supporters will turn out on election day. He says if de feated he will leave for t e north and assist in putting Harrison and M rt ui through in the weak states. The race between Ho i. Henry C. Tuck, the demo ratio nominee, and Pledger will be close. Mr. Tuck’* sup porters are confident, however, of a large Dismissed from the Force. Allaxta, Ga., Sept. 29.—The board > f police commissioner*, iu secret session this afternoon, concluded lheir inv-stigstioa of tiie charges against Patrolman C. M. Hud son. wiiicb were that on the mgu: of Aug. 30 last he was detected while endeavoring to enter the saloon of Stephen Grady and William Mickleberry, on Alabama street, with false kevs or some other instrument. The commission, after tieing in sesaion two hours, found Hudson guilty and dismissed him from the force. The Sugar Pelt Railroad. * Kissimmee, Fla., Sept, 29.—The Sugar Belt railroad will in a few days be com pleted t > St. Cloud and Rtmnvmede, and frdm tlionee will be extended t > the At lantic coast some time this season. The vv rk has progressed rapidly upon this road in spite of the quarantine regulations,which lia; so completely paralized bu-iuess in every ot or portion of tbe tato. Tbe St. Cloud company will be ready to commence grinding the present crop of cane by Nov. 1. Hit Her with a Hatchet. Augusta. Ga., Sept. 29. —Robert Tark, n negro, and his wife had a brutal fight at their homo on Frazier’s hill, about two miles from this city, to-day. Tark struck the woman with a hatchet, splitting her ear and breaking her jawbone. Tark took to the swamp below the city ad cannot be b und by the county police who are after him. Ho has probably crossed the river and is in Carolina. Atlanta's Democratic League. Atlanta. Ga., Sept. 29. —President Ful ton C dville, of the Young Men’s Demo cratic L-ague, ha* called a meeting of the organization for Monday night, the object of which hs to u-siat in electing tb* candi date* of the Demucratic party in this county. STOEIE* OP TE* QUAEANTimS. The Annoyance# th-t Travelers Have to Put Up. A Savannah drumtoer raa tat been tr-avei-ng in Southwest Geo gia, aod whoee health certificate u c-vered with stamp mars, tests scene interest. 2 g ic /riee shoot Use quarantine in cons* of the son them towns. One agent si a little station ia tbe ajath Western part of the state is a sort of Pooh-Bah in his war, ::-as r.tjch as he mroopotiaes about all the offices is hi* village. He is railroad agent. telegraph operator, eipreaa agent, postmaster. and justice of the p-ac* resides owning tae largest shore in the pace. One of hit sour-e- of revence U the a ni:g of cewlth cert. Scales to the per.-ple of tbit locality. As he hard- oat th-ir r&-.rcwi ticket he re nu ds the nof tie qusr&ntine restrictions every where, and anggerts the advisabi-ity of their having a health certificate. Hese-.- iim fails to secure an r nediate order for a certificate, for w..i h be ch*-ge, 25 cents S me of these certifies es are very original A few days ago an id farmer living out in the country, and who had never been outside of his borne C/ontv. walked into the i station and bought a tickrt to Savannah, the first trip be had ever made. His ticket was handed out to him. and be was advised to get a health certificate. Ihe old gentle ms , said that b- “never had been sick in his life, but if them tcirgs went with the ticket be reckon he'd better have one. j These is curious times any way,” he added. J The certificate he got read’s# follows: “This I :s to ee-tify that Code Jerry Jon", the 1 bearer of these pr-.— * is well and sound at this writing, and has not brea near Jack soavihe, E.a., because be h.?s never been out of Buncombe county b-fo e. and to my knowledge Las never keen further on this r within Gopher station tee next to this . Given under my hand and seal, this the uav of It t& hardly ort cable that “Uncle Jerry" had any trouble getting through the quarantine linos, artr.ei with such acertifie ate. Everybody who has traveled in the south since tne fever broXe out has had an expe rience more or les= em oarra sing. It .s m exaggeration to say 'cat few people travel now without nee r. y compels the trip. In tbe first place health certificates are tine qua now, and many people either forget or neglect to provide themselves with these very essential document*. Oftentimes thete is no board f he* tc or authorized official to issue health certificates to the traveler from toe rural districts but of course this ex planation is not -at, factory to the quaran tine officer who is e countered at th- town where our traveler desires to atop. Result, trouble. So numerous ar the quarantines, and so strict ar# the reg ; iatio ,sand requiremeuta at many pants, that life is almost a burden to tUuee whoee business compels teem to be much cm the road—for instance, tbe drum mers. The festive knights of tne grip are g neraliy equal to any emergency, and are at home any wh* -e and in any position ia which they may be placed. But tee quar antine business has gotten the best of them, and has upset the calculations of even tbe veterans. BALL AND BAT. Results Of tbe Day’s Doings on the Diamond. Washington. Re >t. 29.—Baseball games were played to-diy with the following re sults: At St. Louis— St. Louis. 320001 100— 7 BrcxAlyn 1 0 0 1 ! 1 0 0 o—4 Bise hit#—St. Louis 17, Brooklyn 8. Errors— St. Loui* 3. Br -oclyn 4. Batteries—Chamher la.n an i Milligan F outz and Clarke. At Kansas City— Kansan City.. ..,..0 1023012 o—9 Athletic 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 4—lo Base hit#—Kansas City 7, Athletic 2. Errors —Kansas City 1, Athletic 7. Batte iea—Sulli van and Brennan, Seward and Robinson. At Cincinnati — Cincinnati ... 10200030 2—B Baltimore 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—l B ,*- hit*—CinciunaU 14,.Baltimore 7. Errors —Cincinnati 3, Baltimore 4. Batteries—iVey hing and Keenan, Cunningham an i O Bri-.-n. At Louisville— Louisville 0 0100200 I—4 Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0-4 Base hits—Louirfrille 11. Cleveland 4. Error*— louisville 8. Cleveland 3. Batteries—Ram sey and Kerins, Blakely and Snyder. At Washington — Seven innings, too cold to piav. Washington. 0 0 1 1 0 2 0— 4 Indianapolis 3 0 0 0 0 1 0— 4 Bane Ini*—Washington 9, Indianapolis 5 Er ror* Washington 1. Indianapolis 2. Batteries —Widner and Mack. Healy and Daily At Philadelphia— Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Pittsburjr 0 01 20 100 x— 4 Base hit, Pciladelnhut 1. Pittsburg 0. Error* —Philadelphia 5, Pittsburg 4. Batteries—San ders and ochriver. Galviu and Miller. At New York— New York 010000100-2 Detroit 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 x— 6 Base hit*—New York 8, Detroit 8. Errors— New York 5, Detroit 2. Batteries—Crane and Brown. Conway and GanzeL At Chicago— Chicago. 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 x— 3 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—o Base hits—Chicago 8, Boston 4. Errors— Chicago 1. Boston 0. Batteries—Tener and Far rell, Kadboume and Tate. RUNS OF THE RACERS. Six Events at Gravesend Under the Brooklyn Jockey Club’s Auspices. New York. Sept. 29. —Following is a summary of the races of the Brooklyn Jockey Club xo-day: First Rack—Five furlongs. Bniss.-ls won, with Smglestone second and Long Donee thirl, lima 1 hS'4. Mutuals paid $136. sacour Race—One and one-eighth miles. Frank Ward won, with Blue W ing second and Barrister third. Time 1:56. Third Raci—Six furlongs. Diable won. with Radiant second and Mudstone third. Time 1161* Foram Hack— One and one-eighth miles Kingston won. with Bella B. second and Terra Cotta third. Tim- 1:5644. Fifth Kaci- Six furlongs. Banner Bearer won, with Umpire second and Carnegie third. Time 1:18. Sixth Race—One mile. Now-or-Never won. with Pocatello second and My Own third. Time 1:1344- LATONIA’B FALL MEETING. Cincinnati, Boot. 29.—The fall meeting of the Latonla Jockey Club opened' to-day. The events were as follows: Fiust Rack Purse; ope lUlle Pink Cottage won, with Governor second and Erebus third. Time I GIG. Second Rais—Selling nurse: six furlongs, iihody Pringle won, with Kermesse second and Dee. Lodge third. Time 1:16. Third Race—Four and a half furlongs Remim won. with bnnlight second and Cherry Blomoui third. Time (KJV*. F . crth Race— Purse; five-eighths of a mile. Galen won with -Sportsman second and CasiuS tiiird. Time 1 Fifth Race— Merchant stakes for all ag-s. mile and a quarter. Julia L won with Poteen second and did Mac* third. Time 2:093-1. The Chesapeake and Ohio. Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 29.—An order was entered by the circuit court in this city to-day, an 1 also in the court at Richmond, W, taking the Chesai e*ke and Ohio railroad oht of tho hands of the receiver. President Ingalls ha* taken full charge of th" road, and it will be reorganized without delay. Hrsnarm—'You seem very happy. Wife—Why sli uldtl't It My jewel of a serv ant girl isn't going to leave me, after ail. Hunhand—w-hy not* W ite She bad engaged to work for Mrs. For tunatus. but she can t now. for this morning Mrs. Kortuuatus died. Wasn't It sweet of her? —The Cartoon. Lunch ..assets. Parents wishing lo supply their children with n Lunch Basket will Und a nice line to select from at Btrai ss Bros.' Every child wishes a nice Lunch Basket for school. You can find them at Strauss Bros.' Fine Mackerel aud t.'odtisb at Strauss Bros.' Loose Jellies and Preserves at Strauss Bros.’ Finest French Prunes at Strauss Bros.* _ Weather Indlcattona. 1 1 Soecia] iodicatioQ* far Georgia: fill Fair we tier, ihgfctiy warmer in j iaorthem portion, ratiooary tem f peratore in sctithern portiixi, nortb essberlv w.rviv. ooaioarsaoe if -nsaa le-utwratics sc Saeaae sepe n I*s. ae>s the mean at man day fer ftfleon yfw Departure To<■! v. Tnpainu from u Departure Mnu Btooe for 15 rear* Sept. * * --or Jan. I,IBSA i- t -4 r& d-f "STS: d*-. Tvia Sept 5. -as. _ j* .09 —. j —lO 04 Utrn un 72 1 minim am Sem peratnre 'A 0. The height of the river at Augusta at TJS3 o'eJork a. m. yesterday Augusta tima IM :0.- :ee* -a fa.l of 0.1 daring the past twentr-four hour*. Cotton Region Bulletin for 24 hoars end ing <S p. m., Sept. 22, lahs. "sth Handian tuna. District*- Avuua* .. * Mai Mia Rala ‘V *■ ><%nt Tetr ‘ p TeaJ P failt Atlanta .T 11 46 00" Aujrueta.. 1* * 44 v*- 1 Charleston j 7 72 S3 tt> Galveston jl9 7 s 58 T Little Bock. 4 99 M .00 Memphi* 14 *6 44 .03 Mobile 8 72 46 !yi Montgomery 5 70 4- <0 KewOrieaaa 10 74 52 •>< Savannaa. 13 74 50 .00 Victoocrg * 72 4a .00 Wiimingtoo .. 10 64 46 ,00 Arerage* , i station* jr Mai. Mis. Ram iataxsah dwbci Temp Temp fail.* Aiapaha 71 .OO Albany 7 2 40 .00 Baicbridge 75 50 09 Eastman Hi 40 .00 Fort Gaines f 74 47 oO Jerjp 74 5? 00 De Oak 92 55 00 M.iien 72 f* CD O-uyia*.... .. 75 58 30 Savannah. 72 54 i 00 Stmthvilie 75 45 00 I 77 51 .03 W ajcross..... 74 58 j .00 Averages j ! •Tlodicstestrwoe. -Inches and hundredths. Obser'.'aaons taken at tea urn moment of tune at all stations. Sept. . 1:36 a. cltyttms. Tomiw*rntum IHroctlon. I ) £; Ustnfaii. Name or Station* Norfolk 52 NW Oi Clear. Chariot** 46 NW Clear. Hatterae 38 NW Clear. Point Jupiter. Fla Titusnue 74 N H.... Cleat Wilmington—.... 54 N 4 ..., Clear. Charleston ........ 62 S ... Clear. Augusta *>• N 8 Clear. BataxsaH 62 N 6 Clear. Jackeonnlle 66 N . . Clear. Cedar Key* fri N 10 Clear. Key West S3 E 12 Clear. At1anta........... 1 54 S'W g .... Clear. Pensacola MSE 5 Cleat Mobile 62 5 6 Clear. Mcntgomerv ... | 62XW .. Ciear. New Onaan* 62 S 10 . Far. Galveston 70 E 12 .. Cloudy. Palestine 66 E Cloudy. Brownesvilla 74 E 02 Cloudy. RioGranc* T* denotes traoe of rainfalk L. A. Dekbos. Obaurver Signal Corps. A bronze btatpi of Buddha, meat .ring forty. flTe Chinese feet in height, is being cast in the Huang Tzu or Yellow Monastery outside of the Te-shiug 31en at Peking. Its ears will be so large that a man might be inserted in tneir cav ities. The work war undertaken at the instance of toe Thibetan Llamas, and when completed the statue will be forwarded to Thibet as an of fering to the Llama authorities there. MXDIGAL. Peculiar Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood’s Sarsapa rilla possesses the curative value of the best known reme- U A/ . Ji- dies of the veget ab 1 e !■ OOCI Skingdom. Peculiar in its strength and economy, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only medicine of which can truly be said, “ One Hundred Doses One Dol lar.” Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un woXSarsaparilla-Meu the title of “ The greatest blood purifier ever discovered.” Peculiar iu its "good name at home,” —there is more of Hood's Sarsa parilla sold in Lowell than of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar in its phenomenal record of q i • sale* abroad no othe r r CCUII ai preparation ever attained so rapidly nor held so steadfastly the confidence of all classes of people. Peculiar in the brain-work which it represents, Hood's Sarsaparilla com bines all the knowledge which modern research* *win medical science has I O I iSCIT developed, with many years practical experience in preparing medicines. Be sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all dnof gists, fl; six for £5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IQO Poses One Dollar AMTBEMEMTB. Fourth Annual Hop or thk— M. B. SOCIAL CLUB Wednesday Euniog, OcL 3, ISSS^ AT ARMORY HALL. Ticket* sl, admitting gentleman and ladies. COMMITTEE—J. W Davis. Chairman; E. S. Everitt, L. R. Register, D. V. Daly, M. F. Mc- Carthy, D. J. Ilood, E. R Hernandez, P. ,1. Conner*. railkoadsT Coast Line Railroad. Suburban Sunday Schedule. Cathedral Cemetery. Bonaven ture and Thunderbolt. SCHEDULE FOR THIS DAY STEAM CARS. Leave Savannah Ba. m . 9:35 a. m., 10:35a. m., 1145 a. m.. 2 p. m„ 3 p. m , 4 p. ra., 5 p. m., 0 n, m , 6:50 e m. Leave B maventure 7:30 a. m., 9:05 a. m., 10:05 a. rn., 11:05 a. in.. 12:40 p m.. 2:40 p. m., 3:30 p. m . 4:30 p m., 5:30 p. m.. 6:80 p. m. Liave Thunderbolt 7:10 a. m.. 9 am., to a. m . 11 a. m., 12:35 p.m., 2:35 p. m., 3:25 p. in., 4:25 p. m.. 5:25 p. m., 6:25 p. m. Itouud trip to Bonavcnture 3(V.; round trip to Ttiunderbolt 25e.; round trip to Cathedral Cerne- Ury 10c. Take Broughton Ktre,'t cars 25 minutes before departure of suburban trains. K. E. COBB, Superintendent. CONTRACTOR MARTIN COOLEY, Contractor and Builder, SAVANNAH. GA- I>ROroSAtS proniptlv submitted for Sewers, I Paring, Grading, rfridgs Building. Wharf Building, Pile Driviag. etas.. etc MARRIAGES. LHHiMTR- SPaNDLNBEHG MarrvedT cho Weduewiiy. Sept 25 h. a: the resideace of the bride's brekher. Mr. B H Snangenoerg. by the Re. A. M Wynn. Favv: M SPAVomoe. fortaerty of York, Pa. and Hgsav Lisdsem of Savannah. Ga. York Daily. Tort Fa., plvaae copy. FCVEIIAL INVITATIONS. BLATZ.—The friends and acquaintance of Mra Annie Blau are resy-ectfchy invited to ai tond the funeral of her son. Groans, from her reeideoce, corner of Lovers' lane and Waters road, at 3 o'clock THIS AFTERNOON. BLaNKE.— The friends and acq iaintanee <if Mr. act Mrs. Henry Bianfce and Mr and Mrs. D. H behaeoemaca. are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral of their oldest son. Hasbt, from their rosideoee. M :g-3merv and William :c street*. THIS AFTERNOON'at 3 o ckiek, DEATHS. RO-JF.-Dmm. at Kiigsrilie. Ga, Sept. 27, lteiß. in the 1 ftb year of usage. Robert Bkice. "econi s.:*a of Ja -, and Annie Roof, formerly residents of this city. f6''Brinswick p,tpers plpase copy. MEETINGS. AS!\ew.MEETIMIf There will he a mass meeting of the rO’yA-, of Savacnah at tie Theater cc TO-MORROW Monday EVENING at 8 o’clock. Messrs. Gor don, Reilly and Clifton, candidate* for the House, and F. G. dußignoo. candidate for Sen ate. are expected to be present and speak upon matters of local interest POST • D.”T. P. A. Meet at Guards' Arm ry SATURDAY, Oct. r >th. IS* 3 , 6 o'clock idem and Secretary. A fu'J attendance is THE GERMAN AMERICAN MITIAL LOAN AND BULBING ASSOCIATION. The regular monthly meet ing and second 2! > annual meeting "of the stockholders and directors of this Association will be held on i CESDAY NEXT. 2d ijctoter. at the office of the Secretarv. ;C7 Lav Street. By order of JOHN SCHWARZ. S. L Lazarj n. Preaidect. SPECIAL notices. Alrert lament* intertei m 9pteia: Sotioet" wvJ It c\arjt4 $1 Ou a Sjv art eacA injerfioiw NOTH E IO WATEK-TAKERS. Or mi M'atea Woaxs, i Savakwab. Sept. Si. :<* The water will tie sbut off at ten 10, o'clock TO-MORROW Monday MORNING, on Bay street from Wh'itaker to West Broad street, and cm Whitaker from Bay to Bryan .-inset, for the purpose of removing fire hydrant on Bay ani Jefferson streets, and will remain off a few hours A N. MILLER Superintendent. HO! FOR TYBEE ISLAND 1 SUNDAY*. SEPT. 3 oth, 1988. Grand Oyster Roast and Clam Chowder at GEORGE WORTHAM'S, all for 15 cents. Take the 9:39 a k. or 2:30 p. js. train. Fare for the round trip 50 cents. CHADWICK COPYING BOOK. Always remove the wet pad from the book when vou go to press. Use the Chadwick per directions, and we think you will use no other Letter Copying Book. L. B. DAVIS. Agent at Davis Bros.' SPECIAL NOTICE. Dr. LIND has rexoved his office from 1® Liberty Street to corner WHITAKER AND McDonough. PRICE OF COAL. Stove if. 50] (6 00 Chestnut 6 | Broken 6 Off Soft Parlor Coai js 00 WOOD of all kinds and lengths at lowest rates. G. I. TAGGART, State am WtiTEU M HOOI. BOOKS. A full line of School Books. Bags, Slates, aDd everything else used in the Public and Private Schools, for sale at NEW YORK PRICES. E M. CONNOR. Bull and Broughton Streets. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIED For the convenience of our patrons, we have obtained a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS. BAGS, SLATES, PENCILS, and all articles necessary for a scholar s complete outfit, which we will sell at lowest New York prices. A. N. O'KEEFFE A CO., Druggists. Broughton and Jefferson Streets. crmsiur sanitary association. INSPECTING ENGINEER’S OFFICE, 114 Bryan Street. PERCY BUGDEN, Civil and Sanitary En gineer, begs to inform the citizens of Savannah that he has opened the alwive office, where he can be consulted ou all sanitary matters. Hu will also be pleased to receive Instructions for any engineering and surveying work, laying out and surveying lots and estates, managing prop erties, etc , etc. Architectural work planned and sup rvised. Polite, prompt and personal atteti tion given to all instructions. SELECT SCHOOL! On MONDAY, Ist of October, MADAME CHASTEN ET will reopen her Select School, with competent Professors of English. French, German, Latin, Music and Drawing. SPECIAL NOTICE. . E. A. SCHULTZE, teacher of Voice Culture, Violin and Piano Playing, will return to Savan nah on October 15th, and resume his Music In structions. NOTICE. Orrici or the Ogeechee Canal Compact, I Savannah. Sept, 28, 1888. j Owing to the formation of bars, caused by the washing during the recent rainy weajher, the SAVANNAH RIVER LEVEL of the canal will not be open for navigation until further notice. HENRY BLUN, President pro tem. tsPECIAL NOTICE All pe-sons are hereby cautioned against shooting or trespassing on lands on Hutchinson Island leased by me. under penalty of the law. ___ T. H. MASSEY. LADIES ONLY. Ladies should not forget that BABYCTN'E is the purest powder they can use for their com plexion. Produces the loveliest and softest sain Guarante-d to tie absolutely pun; and perfectly harmless. It realiy nourishes und benefits the skin, and simply indisuensahle r— a toilu [loader. Recommended und sold by all druggists at 25c. per lxix. Manufactured by PARSONS A PIKE, Pbarnicomta. Savannah, Ha PROPOSALS WANTED. Savannah, Sept. 89, 1880. Bids will be recetv,id to OCTOBER 10 for Fifteen Hundred Cubic Yards more or less; of slmrp River Sand, delivery to commence within ten days thereafter, and the w nnla amount to be delivered vitnln thirty davs. '1 be rand must be delivered and banged m the yard of Uie company, situated on the Ogvecbee canal, foot of Bryan street, about 100 feet from the canal bank Sattit lesmust besubmitted with such bid , SOUTHERN VULCANITE PAVING CO. Address W. CTOMim, City. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR YELLOVV FEVER -IFFErIrjT" The ebartr ag comic opera ''‘OLTfETTF* will be snag at Theater NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT, Oct. 2d, for the benefit at the ‘ PiagTs* stricken CSty," by the Colored Amateurs. wb recently made a big hit at Ford * Opera Hone* All should attend and assist a worthy objec* Reserved seats at DAVTS BROS.’ JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE lot of FAUST. The Leading Beer for Family Use. Sales exceed ail others. For sale in lots to *mta S. W BRANCH, Broughton and Whitaker Streets. A BIRD'S EYE \IEW OF IT. ircßSk so. m.) (chap. L) Ask of the birds that soar above. Ask of them what they think. "Listen.' they say, ’the man we love '‘Knows the value of Printers’ Ink.” •‘THE STRAUSS PRINTING CO.* Has some new Fall Designs in faxct. fulcs and artist:- woas. ideas suggested tor anvthing, from a plain visiting card up to a mairunotj poster. BUSINESS MEN Who need Bid, Letter, Note or StatemenJ Heads, snould get our estimates. Commercial Work a Specialty 139 Bay Street. Telephone 410. PAVE YOUR ••SOAP.” * THE CHILDREN WILL NEED IT 1 There is no danger whatever of your heir* taken for a clam, or even failing in bu -ineas if you call on Townsend and get bright, clean sta. lionery. Townsend looks over his workshop, and p.tcbea in himself, an 1 as hi® money is at -take, be does everything in his power t* give satisfaction, l ine of t..e best equipped shot* m the South. Work wanted. TOWNSEND, FINE PRINTER. BINDER AND RULER 86 and 88 Bryan street. TELEPHONE ••■341." Savannah, Ga COUPON* Of the Columbus Railroad Company, due OC TOBER 1, 1889, will be paid on or after thsl date on presentation to the Ogiethcrpe* and Trust Company. No. 130 Bryan street. * JOHN M BRYAN, Cashier, REPPARD IRON COMPANY'! ~ Offtck Reppard Irow Coscpast, ) Savaksah, Ga., Sept 21, ISsS. f The Bdhrd of Directors of the P.EPPaP.3 IRON COMP AN f have deemred a dividend of Two Dollars an 1 Fifty Cents per share, pavab e on and after Oct. 1, 18-8 NORTON FRIF-RSON. Secretary and Treasurer. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES 1888. Office Collector State asp Oocvty Taxes, t Chatham Coott. Georgia SAVAhVAH. tept. 29. 1888. \ The Digest is now open for the collection of* the above taxes on all property, real and per sonal. the specific tax on professions, also the POLL TAX for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES cm all M ALE RESIDENTS of the city and county between the ages of 21 and 60 years. Office at the Court House. Hours 3a.m. to i P. M. JAMES J. McGOWAN, Tax Collector C. C. BIDS. Crrv or Savaxxah. t Office Clers of Corse il. Sept. 26, 18 : 8. i Proposals wilt be received at the office of the Clerk of Council until 12 m , WEDNESDAY, uet. 3. 1888, for building a Green House in the city lot near Forsyth Park For full particulars in regard to same apply at this office. By order of Council. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council CITIZENS’ SANITARY ASSOCIATION. Applications by mail for the position of In spector for this association will be received at the office of Dr. J. C. LeHARDY, Chairman Committee on Public Health. READY-MIXED PAINTS. The celebrated F. W. Devoe A Co.'s READY MIXED PAINTS ore conceded to be the best manufactured. The most satisfactory testimo nials can be produced by those who lusve used the point that it is superior to all other. It gives a beautiful finish, preserves the wood, and is pat up in quantities suitable to all classes of purchasers. E. J RIOTER. PROPOSALS WANTED. PROPOSALS FOR DREDGING IN' JEKYL X CREEK, GEORGIA.—U. S, Engineer Of fice, Savannah, Ga., Sept. 12, 1858. sealed pro. osals in triplicate will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M.. city time, on the 15th day of 'October, 1888, for dre-iging in Jekyl Creek, Georgia. Amount available about ft,NO. For blank forms for proposals and all necessary information, apply to O. M CARTER, First Lieutenant Corps of Engineers, U S. A. PROPOSALS FOR DREDGING IN' BRUNS- I WICK HARBOR. GEORGIA. —U. S. En gineer OrrioE, Savannah, Ga. Sept. 13, 1888 Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received at this olßce until 12 o'clock m.. city time, on the 15th day of October. 1888, for dreigine in Bruns wick Harbor, Georgia. Amount available about slß,ood. For blank forms for proposals aud all necessary information, apply to O. M. CARTER, First Lieutenant Corps of Engineers, U T . S. A. PROPOSALS >OR DREDGING IN SAVAN- I NAH RIVER. GEORGIA.—!'. S. Engineer Office, Savann.h, Ga., Sept. 12. Isß'.—Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., city time, on Oct. 15, 1888, fof dredging in Savannah River, Ooorg.a- Amount available about SA'i.Ouu, For blank forms for proposals and all necessary informa tion, apply to O. M. CARTr R, First Lieutenant Corps of Engineers, U. S A. FERTILIZERS.’ JOHN L. HAMMOND. " JOSEPH HULL HAMMOND. HULL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF FERTILIZERS, DEALERS IN FERTILIZER MATERIAL, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF KAINIT (German Potash Salt) at and from the robbotnNo ports: SAVANNAH. GA., PORT ROYAL S. C. BRUNSWICK, GA., JACKSONVILLE, FLA.. PENSACOLA, FLA., MOBILE. ALA. 118 BAY ST., SAVANNAH. GA. ,