The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 31, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A STRANGE INLUSTKY. Pretended Deaths to Get the Lite In surance Money. fro: ’ the .Veio Fort Sum. Within the few years anew and strange industry has -prang up among a certain class of our people, that of beating life insurances. It is comparatively easy to beat a fire insurance company, although fiicy are becoming sharper every year; but to get ahead of a life insurance company there must be a corpse as proof positive that a death has occurred. Only the keenest :a >-als or honest men drive. l to desperation ft,r the want of money attempt this swin dle and it is rare that a company has been beaten. I worked on two notable cases as a defective, and am certain that the details w jll interest the general reader. 4 bout tifteen years ago a merchant in an Ohio town, who was supposed to be a solid business an, took out a policy of SoG.UCO in a well-known eastern life insurance company. He was in the best of health ar d was readily passed by the examiner. Eighty da vs later he was dead. The local seent'called a- a matter of form, the doc tor in attendance certified to the death, and hosts of people attended the funeral. Tue remains were viewed by at least 500 people who bad known Mr. Harris, as we will call him in his lifetime, and the coffin was de posited on a slab in a vault for a week pre vious to burial. There oonld not have been the slightest cause for suspicion, ami it was not uutil several weeks after tiie money had been paid that anything came to the sur face. I was sent down to investigate, and the pointer I got was this: A servant girl in the doctor’s family—the doctor who had attended Mr. Harris—had seen the doctor have lots of money, and the family were making extravagant purchases. They fre frequently quarreled, and during cue of these quarrels the wife said: ‘ You dare not refuse mo monyl Don’t I knowhow you got it t Wouldn’t jv.a be sent to prison it it came out?” 1 got an interview with the girl, and she repeated all that and more. The doctor was poor before Mr. Harris’ death. After that he suddenly had plenty of money and was very extravagant. She did not connect the money' with the insurance, but had got it into her head that the doctor had killed and robbed someone. About this time it was found that Mr. Harris was heal over heels in debts, and that his wife re pudiated every obligation. I believed from the first: that I had a case, but I had to go slow. One hasty' move would set an alarm bed to ringing. I shadowed the doctor un til I found that he was flush. He was also mldic ed to drink, and after u little ina neuvring I got him to the point of his -ash. Ke claimed that he had about $5,000 in ready money. His practice scarcely brought him a living, and 1 felt sure that bis money had come from the life insur- ance. I called, as a real estate speculator, to offer the widow an investment. I found her to be very reserved and uncommunicative. She was nervous and ill at ease, aud I judged she had a fear of me. She did nut want any inrestmeuts, saving that she was thinking of going to a town in Indiana wi.ere -he hud relatives. The doctor had certified that Mr. Han i > died of rheuma tism of the heart. When I began to ques tion the wife about symptoms she was much confused, and made a poor show of answering iny questions. \V hen I left the bouse I knew that she was a party- to the conspiracy, She iad beo i told what to say and what to avoid saying, but the burden was proving very troublesome. My next move was to hunt out and interview people ■who had attended the funeraL 1 did not let my object be known, but reached my point in a round-about way. I soon ascer tained that a number of those who attended the funeral had been surprised at the change in the facial expression ot the de ceased. His whiskers hail been trimmed to a different shape, had more gray in them, and his face seemed fuller and broader. They would not have recognizee; him at first tight, but it was Mr. Harris, of course; who else could It be? I spent a full month in making cautious inquiries, aud 1 was then perfectly satisfied Mr. Harris was alive and iu hiding some where. It was not to be expected that he would write directly to ills wife, but I was satisfied that some agency bad been ap pointed before his death, and that she v-as intoned as to his movements. I could have had the body taken up, but how was 1 to pr ve that it was tuo b dy of s .me oi.e else! To unravel too case l must first find who the dad man was when be was alive. A body had been substituted. Where liwi it c me from? Mr. Harris bad been sick only two days. He bad died at 11 o'clock at night. Oil the opposite side of tae allay from bis barn was another in winch the coachman slept. I went there to asg bis opinion about horses, aud during my vi it the death of Mr. Harris was Lr< night up. ‘•That was a queer night,” he said in re ply. “About 10 o’iock at night someone drove up to his barn with a hor.-e and wagon aud opeued tho side door. 1 heard them fussing around and go. up, but when 1 got out they were driving down tho ahoy. My wife says it was death come to bring a c ilin for the dying man, andl sometmios wonder if I didn't dream it all.” I wa:; now satisfied that tho body was brought there by vehicle. If so, it must have have oniy a short d.s.ance. I got a team nu! drove out to the country house, aud from the moment X set eyes en tho superin tendent I knew no had s >mething to c n ceal. 1, therefore, weat right to the point by asking: “Vi hat was tho name of the subject you furnished to Dr. Lawton on Aug. 14 f’ He turned pale, aud began to tremble. “You know you oau be sent to state prison?” “Ail—all county houses do it,” he pro tested. If i hadn’t sid him, ths doctors Would have dug him up.” “What did you get?” “Ten dollars.” “h 1 ) ‘ u mean to tell mo that you only ?ot $lO out of the $30,000?” “Wnat *3o,ooo f’ “1 he Ihi i is insurance money.” “I did net even snow that Harris was in ‘ - Dr. LAwt >n wanted the body for a ‘•a ton, and I sol lit to him. He sent and t it m tho evening.” W but was the man’s name?” i s-pn Shearer. Ho had been here a aid had no f r iouds.” j- hen did he di. ?” , ’ p in., and they took him about 9.” , ouid you kuow tbe body?” . o.n a thousand. The left arm bad D Yroken. There woro many scars. Tae t ’ffinuu the right toot bad been om pau,j. > '-d not know that tho bojy had been lor tliat of Harris, and when I I, y V bo was vory iudigaaut and offoied !! ’ l **ne mmy hunt. ii. admitted i.eie tj a j. r at resemblances between o l i n ®n* but fcbut Sh"nn*r was the t lsevral years. I wu* full on the , , L ' n ', hut if i sprung too trap too soon u11.,'..,,.. 1 moved quietly for i "ore, aud then tho ei vaht girl 'ught. on of i.'iwi. .She bn 1 over n'liru ttdt<*to r reading n letter to tie "<, i!*uo believed t, t< letter was ;ruiu * asked if everything was ail , Fit, K*on,e direction. utsnit u butl* >■• iiiutt and gave n town in Kinss as hoiudn* The girl could not remember •e town it],* name Harris had u*uin.xi, , ' , **'* t hoelim i |he look* 1 *' ,r 'i *llo In a haystack as I i_rted ' ,JI thet be a aid g., pi me i*l, t ,w( u ,| that lie would ciienge hit •hi" arsi '5% mu, n u |,ih,e *>, ■ in 1 tut six w-k < before 1 found u ’ul *i'/ 4 *' “'* u ' ■ u ” <1 " /•♦in l vul.i/e hi <• *u lidltt fiotil tiioai.g we,., j .ui ne/oiim in a sh • • op. I 'lifced 111 to get toe lost Im lof joy Uoiyt I*J l, and od set lh*e aquai - *>.* 1 1 sloro ii. ,/i ,-i i.iin vv'e “ ’ “ • and Urn dr v, elate i roan #**• Img ** * in the otiea, „ u-e plotter a* wonder led/ VxWi; UU'IWMMM* Me Wee a voung man of 24, living in a town in Illinois. Ho took out premiums amounting to $15,000, and thirty days subsequently went in bathing in a river aud was drowned. There were ten witnesses to the tact that ho was seen to sink, having ap parently been taken w ith a cramp, and, though strict search had been made, the body had not been found. Fending the pay ment of the policy tho company sent me out to look over tbe ground. I found, first, that the young man was alone in the world, and that his character stood well. Secondly, the testimony of the ten wit nesses could not be put aside. It seemed as plain a case as one could ask for, and there was oniy one queer circumstance ab ut it. Ho had made a will a few day's previous to his death iu favor of another young man. about bis own age. Tho two were room mates, but I could not find that Wakeful, the policy holder, was under a .y gro it ob iigations to Scotten, who hud been made his heir. They simply passed for chums. Seotten’s exp.aoations were very smoky, and after my talk with him I was quite sa - isfled that there was a plan on foot to beat the company. The spot selected by tho bathers wns a portion of a deep mill pond near where water was taken into a flume to run a grist mill. This mill was owned by Scotten’s father, but munaged by hired belli. I had several of the boys go down with me and locate the spot whero Wakeful went down. It was 40 feet above the gates to the flume. Tho body had been dragged for in vain, aud the idea was that the current had car ried it over the dam and down to tiie lake. I ! ouifd upon quiet inquiry that \Vakeful was considered the besi swimmer and diver in tho neighborhood. I experimented a lit tle my.-elf, and although ouly a fair swim mer, I found that by diving at the spot where the young man went down I could remain under water almost to t e gales. I was perfectly satisfied now that I had the plan. Wakeful had reached aud passed under the gates, gone and wu the fiume, and then climbed out by' the beams of the miii. He had skipped out, to wait £ r tho money to be paid to Scotten, and then both were t > gooff together, i had this theory alldown line, when lo! a body was found ten miles down the river and identified at that of W akeful. I was willing to surrender, and I went about feeling that I deserved to be kicked. A strange feeiing drew me to the mill, however. If Wakeful had not worked the game ho could have done it, a <1 I somehow wanted to see the route he would take. 1 swam down the flume, dodged to the lett of tha water wheel, and caught a brace. Pulling myself up ou t ie timbers I walked along uutill found a pair of stairs and an opening iending to tho first story of the mill. It was after hours and the mill was closed. I had been standing quietly for a few minutes, when a side door which I had not noticed opened and young Scotten ap peared. He did not look about him at all, but started upstairs, aud 1 saw that ho had a parcel under his arm. 1 followed him to the garret of the mill, and there sat Wake ful as big as life. The plan was just .'hat I ha l surmised, although all but cue two conspirat rs were honest in their declara tions. Wakeful was to remain until the money .was paid a-.d then th ; a r were go ing to Europe. In-tea iof going there they weat to prison for live years apiece. A" Fatal Affray. Winchester, Va., May 29.—James Swartz, a farmer of this cou ty, on Satur day beat and kicked George Ambrose a farmer of Berkely county, 'Vest Virginia, so badlay that Ambrose died to-day of his injuries. Both men were about 50 years old. Tha aiSray occurred at Ambrose’s home. Scrofula is a form of blood poison which descends from parent to child; sometimes it omits one generation to appear in the next. It is a taint which mu-t be eradicated from the system before a cure can be made. Swift’s Specific drives out the virus through pores of the skin, and thUR relieves the bio id of tho poison. Mercury and potash mixtures drv up the sores of scrofula and other blood diseases, only to bottle up the p i-ou in toe system, which, of course, is certain to break out at some weak spot, as the throat, nusal organs and luugs. Judging from what I have seen I regard Swift’s Specific tho king patent medicine of the day. I know several persons who hare been permanently cured of serious cases of blood poison by its use after prolonged and unsuccessful use of various other remedies. James C. Patton - , Attorney at Law, Dallas, Texas. Treatise ou Biood aud Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Cos., Drawer 3, At lanta, Ga. BARGAINS AT SILVA’S. Spring Clearing Sale of Surplus Stock:, Odd Lots, Remnants and slightly Imperfect Goods at I.es3 Than Cost to Make Boom for New Importations. A large lot of lamps very cheap. Special prices oil dinner sets, tea sots, chamber sets and fancy articles. A splendid opportunity to secure bar gains. Am opening spring stock of fly fans, ■water coolers, ice cream freezers, wire dish cover', and other summer goads, which will be sold at low figures. A large let of iuuch, market and other baskets. All this and much more nt ,Silva’s, 140 Broughton street. A Perfect Parlor Amusement. The Harmless Pistol with rubber vacuum tipped arrow. No sharp points to mar fur niture, will not break even glass. Complete with tr.rget. Price 50 cents. For sale at EstiU’s News Dep >t, 21)* Bull street Savannah Is now reveling in tbe Rochester Beer. We are only surprised it was not brought here before. It is sold in bottles only. If you wish a fresh, delicious beer, drink only the Rochester Be r. For sale by all first-class grocers and bars. Made only by the U cliosler Brewing Company of Roch-ster, N. Y., and sold only iu b >ttlw. For sale by John Lyons & Cos., J. McGrath, S. W. Branch and W. ( i. Cooper. Special Bargains. Straw lints at less than cost. Cambric handkerchief* with woven borders, that every 1> dy c insiders cheap at 10 rents, wo . ff-r this ivi ok at 5 cooth Gloria um brellas with gold caiis at $1 75; ilnunelshirt* for men an l boys, the bust two pair for 25 tent* seamless half hoeo in Savannah at '•The Famous” 14-1 Cungr. ** streot. THE BOOK FOR BOOKKEEPERS. It Will open Out Perfectly Flat From hirst to Last Page. Tho Nkws Printing House is the licensed rnanufaeturer of Bronson’s Flat Opening Blank Books (adopted by the United BUiiesgovernment). Ti ere it no l-ik made of equal itiejgth. It will open at any page and remain per fm tiy ilat. Tliere is no danger of the leaves tw ,miiig loos-. It is tho only elastic bind ing designed to open flat that lia* revival the iiuqualilied hid rneiipiiit of bookkeeper* oh well as IxxikU slrr*. Book* ruled to any paitvrii, mft>io to any sim and hound in any style. ... , . An are making books for a number of firms in tin* city and elsewhere, Mid will i mkn pi* 'iture In snowing tnoin Ui th'/so in terested. Ti.n tl'.KVivu N*w Suam Printing fiouM. li Wni sker straet. Mi aiiuan. Mai W. P Swiim. an ar*t dm ~ *' of Hat aey,ore.,ewendforUiafootoill" ■<„ a < -Hert tut umt He toot Ms *•/. and tor nearly a • eek war.d rwl In t!** mountaias. He ess l f -tf . ovoi red to, wave lowed. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1889. Weather Indications. * Special indications for Georgia: RAjfj Rain in eastern portion, fair during ‘ lay iu western portion, colder in southeast portion, slightly warmer in northwest portion, northerly winds. Special Prediction: Cool, fair weather is indicated for tho Atlantic coast from Now York southward to Georgia on Saturday. Warmer, fair weather will prevail in the Gulf states, Tennessee and tho Ohio valley on Saturday. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah. May 30. 1389, and the mean o£ same day for fifteen years. Departure j Total Mean Tkmperatcrb: , from the Departure . ; Meau Since for 15 years May 30, T 9. | -1- or Jan. 1,1889. ~~ I T6~~| ~1 1 - 309 Comparative rainfall statement: j Departure i Total Mean Dally Amount from the Departure Amouutfor! for Mean I Since 16 years. May 30, ’BO. -|- or Jan. 1,1389. .09 | .92 -j- 13 - ’..-19 Maximum temperature, 81 0 minimum tem perature, 71.0. The hight of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock a. in. yesterday (Augusta time) was (i.B feet—a fa'll of 0.1 feet during tlnVpnsc twenty-four hour;. Cotton Region Bulletin for twenty-four hours ending op. m,. May 30, 1889.75 th Meridian time. Districts. j Average. „ iN°.ofj Max. | Min. Rain- I tions (Temp Temp fall, t Atlanta 11 78 00 3.13 Augusta 84 66 .76 Charleston 7 84 08 .30 Galveston 13 74 56 .00 Little Rock ”14 68 50 .22 Memphis 10 73 44 100 Mobile 9 84 53 .61 Montgomery 7 78 66 .53 New Orleans 32 74 56 .12 Savannah . 13 84 00 .01 Vicksburg 5 <3 52 .22 Wilmington 10 82 60 .43 Summary .. Means I 78.0 58.0 .59 stations of I Mar. Min. Kun savannah DISTRICT. Temp Temp talll.t Alapaha 84 66 .23 Albany.. Bain bridge. 83 06 1 13 Eastman 80 02 07 Fort Gaines 95 64 133 Jesup Livo Oak 92 67 .30 Millen 80 69 .30 Quitman 82 68 .77 savannah 81 71 .22 Smithville 81 64 1.10 Thomasville 85 62 148 Waycross 82 68 .01 Summary ! j .... ! ••• Means.. ...1 84.0 I 60.0 i .64 *T Indicates trace, finches and hundredths. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah, May 30, 7:?6 p. m., City time. Temperature. I Direction. C' A 1 Velocity. JF Rainfall. NAME or STATIONS. Portland i 561N E'.. I .02 F<>ggv. Boston j 63 S W 10j .02 Cloudy. Block Island G> S 14 .... Cloudless. New York city.... 64 S lvl2, .02 PMv cloudy Philadelphia ' 70 S E 14 *T Cloudy. Detroit 40 XW 13 .28 ituming. Fort Buford 7 S 18'. . Cloudy. St. Vincent 62 SF. 14 .. P'tly cloudy Washington City.. 70S El 14 1.42 Cloudy. Norfolk 72 E li .1- Cloudy. Charlotte 60 S : *1.24 Raining. Hatteraa 74 S E2B .18,Cloudy. Titusville j 74 S 12, .12 Cloudy. Point Jupiter, Fla.' 70 N j.. 1 .10 Raining. Wilmington 70 S 8 .18 Ra.nittg. Charleston ! 74, S ,14 .02 Cloudy. Augusta 1 08 S ; ..i .<8 Cloudy* Savannah | 1 Jacksonville | 76 S I 8 *T Raining. Cedar Keys j 74 NW 8 *T Cloudy. Key West ®OB E . .02 Cloudy. Atlanta 62N\Vjl8; 82 Cloudy. Pensacola 68 N 14 .... P'tly cloudy Mobile 58 N 20 .... C oudy. Montgomery 64 NW 14 .02 Cloudy. Vicksburg 1 62 N 10 .... P’tly cloudy New Orleans j 64 NW 12 ... Cloudy. Shreveport ! 60 N 6 ! Cloudless. Fort Smith , GONE 6... Cloudless. Galveston t 70 N 18 Cloudless. Palestine 68. N .. Cloudless. Brownesville ' ! Rio Grande \ j i Knoxville 48 W . 1.30 Raining. Memphis 56 NW b P’tly cloudy Nashville 42 NW 12 02 Cl udy. Indian ipolis 48 NW 6 .28 Raining. Cincinnati 40 NW .. .061 Cloudy. Pittsburg fa'SW 12 .24 Raining. Buffalo. 54 N E 14 .04 Rainiug. Cleveland 56 W .66 P’tly cloudy Marquette 38 NW 10 P’tly cloudy Chicago 40 N . .02 Raining. Duluth 46 N E 8 .... Cloudless. Bt. Paul 54 N 8 10 Cloudless. Davenport 50 N V. 8 Cloudy. Cario.. ...j 52 NW 10 .01 Cloudy. St. Louis ! 50 N 16 Cloudless. Kansas City 68 N 0 .... Cloudless. Omaha 62 N F. 8 ... ,Cl-aidless. Yankton ! 64 8 E 6 .P'tly cloudy Bismarck 64 S E 10 Cl adless. Rapid City 6i S E2O ... P’tly cloudy *T denote* trace of rainfalt. C. F. Von lIEKiiMAN-v, Observer Slimil Corps. Tho Brown Cotto.i Gin Company, Now London, Coni;., manufacture Cotton Gins, Feeder.* anil Condensers; Lin tors of im proved patterns, with automatic feud, for Oil Mi la; lobs, Haws, and repair* lor Gins of ali makers. Write for nrie ts. Not Highway Robbery Under the 1a.., but to your p ickots. If you are ambitious to become a real estate owner, v. hy not start by buying a suit of "Thu Famous” n and save ?5 for the first install ment in a lot! “Try our 7.V. Tea. M. Lavin'* Estate.” “Bass’Ale. fltilnness Stout, Budweiscr Beer, at M. Lavin'* Estate.” l,lan ia an Animal That must bo clothe!, but needs something besides clothes. if you buy* of "The Famous” you will save enough in to i year* to build your-elf a homo. 144 Congress street. “Bowler & Drape l '* Celebrated Irish Ginger Ale. Best in the market. M. Laviu's Estate solo agent in Savannah.” 'iho Fashions lor Juno. The attention of tho ladies of .Savannah is respectfully called to the large variety of fashion lx* ks advertised at Estili’.s News Depot, No. 21}£ Bull streot. “Bost. Bottled Wine* and Liquors a specialty, for medicinal use or table luxuries. M. Laviu's Estate.” Highway Robbory Is committed every day up m uususpoctir.g parties underlie mask of friendship. Per haps you don't believe it? Well, goto "The Famous ” and see if you don’t buy as good a suit for CIO as von have paid sls for olso where. 144 Congress street. At tho Harnett liousa, tjaviiimah, Ga., you got all the comfort* of tho high-priced hotels, and nave from Cl t<> 12 per day. Try it and be oon viueed.— Hutton Home Journal. "Mouraja Coffee, assortment Of Canned Oood* an I Choice Urui'rrios constantly arriving at M. luivin't l.tiate.” A ■ avlngrt Hank Will give you lot rwd, or your mont-jr. " I ha t amove” d<>* oven better than that, i They save you money on your puridiar.m, ei ry tluui and at once. 141 Congress street. bad result, follow the use of Brady i crotiur as a r f' * HaMteMMk ( ., Uaaom. hautvrnat, limguadtaa, i etc . at M Lav in s Ls-ats. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUB ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. For 15 cents you can have “your say” in the Mounikg Nk'Vb, provided you say it in 15 words, and pay 1 cent for each added word. Tha CHEAP COLUMN embraces advertisements ot all kinds, vi*.: FOR SALE, HEAT. ESTATE, TO LEASE, SALE HOUSES, HOUSES AND CARRIAGES, SALE MISCELLANEOUS, BUSI NESS OPPORTUNITIES. PERSONAL, BOARD ING. WANTED HELP, WANTED SITUA TIONS. WANTED ROOMS,WANTED BOARD, FOR RENT ROOMS, WANTED AGENTS, WANTED HOUSES, WANTED MISCELLANE OUS, LOST AND FOUND, TO LOAN, RE MOVALS, AUCTIONS, EDUCATIONAL, PRO FESSIONAL, MUSICAL, ATTORNEYS, Etc. OUT OF TOWN ADVERTISERS will have their orders promptly attended to and will receive oopies of the paper with the adver tisement marked for inspection. Count the number of words in your “ad" and remit accordingly. Please remember that no adver tisement is inserted for less than 15 cents. LETTER BOXES In the Morning Nkuts are furnished without cost for the receipt of answers to advertisers, and all communicationt are itiictly confi dential. Persons having advertising accounts vrith th* Morning Nkws can send advertisement* BY TELEPHONE when it ia not convenient to write and forward them to the office. Telephone of Business Oftiee is No. 3UA. Calls answered until JO r. n. PERSONAL. IJHOTOGRAPHY.— Two dollars and fifty Oc-nts pays for ono dozuii Cabinet Photo graphs and one extra for Bxlo frame. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bail Street. I YYSPEPTICS, lave von tried tiie celebrated I t Tate Spring Water? A specific. Only 40c. gallon. Agency, HEIDT’S. IJREHH Buttercups, Peppermint Creams, Nougittinea, ilia hmalloiva. Chocolate Marsh mallows. Assorted Fine Chocolate Cream Drops, at HEIDT'H. / tOKNH, Bunions and Ingrowing Toenails s cured at onee, posislvely pain or drawing blood. No acid whatever applied. Pit'll-' APOLI’H lidlT/Nl it, Surgeon, Chir opo list and Manicure, Office 1-19 Broughton street. CUITS EVERYBODY, just what is wanted, i~ HEIDT’S Artesian Water Toilet S.-ap. Usc. box. Q VTURDAY'S Special liaig.iiu Prices at. O HEIDT’S. Try t lelr extra line Pineapple and Strawberry Fruit Juice Syrups. HELP WANTED. \COMI‘ Nr, steady an I wbtr barkeeper, .no otli <r need ARC VP. _8A !d>"N. \\J ANTED, immediately, a competent wnit il ress and house servant. K f. r.-noes re quired. Apply in person, 1 L Taylor si re -t. u ’A “TED, colored woman to cook and do \\ li. hi iiouse"orlt 198 Broughton street. _ v SAWYER W \ STUD for small mill,one who J\ understands shingle and lath saws specially. WILSON & CO., Sun Hi 1, Ga \ krAXTUP. salesman to sell a patent ledger ’ l and other specialties to merchants. W. B. PERSHING, South Bend, Ind. STATE OP WEATHER. KM PLOY M EXT WA NTED. \ YOUNG .'I AN of steady habits and strictly honest; Ca i furnish lie-t. references. I will reward any friend that will aid mein securing a position. Address STRICTLY BUSINESS, News office. MISCKLLAN KOIJS WANTS. \\T ANTED, a gentle horse and a top buggy; ' * t-oi:i must, be iu good order and cheap. C. 1.. News office. ROOM- I*o HUNT'. \ COUPLE g ing north for tho Bummer would rent their rooms (two with veranda) tili October 1. Delight fully utuated. with aouth ern exposure. Call or address 127 Charlton street. )R RENT, three connecting rooms, second floor singly furnished, together unfur nished. 70 Broughton street. HOUSES AND STOKES FOR RENT, I "'OR RENT, houB u 7 1 % T itl ghII si root, mo h*rn improvements. Apply to GEO.W. PARHISiI. RENT oN TVBKE ISLAND, a six-room hou.t 1 * with outbuilding* und stable, TUOS. A. FOLLIARD. I 7OR RENT, from June Ist, residence north wnt r nc r Jones and Abercorn streets. Apply W. A. CHAPLIN, 84 Bay street. FOR IU ST MISC KhLANKOiS. IT'OR RENT, wai-'hous ‘on River street, for- I im v': <<• upi *d by Artesian Ice Company. Apply to F. G. BELL, liusiucss Office, Morning Mews. fob Salsl \l r ANTED r r * SELL, an int r ■ tin Saw Mill \\ on •. S. F. .“id: splendid locat’on and excellent virgin fore.,l. <T yellow pine. Will sell a - , it san iile' 1 . i ’*r -rm.ition addrexs. with s; imp, l M )LY IJ M Hit RCj . <lordeie, (hi. \NUF.Ll i ’A. Mitsratel, Catawba and Sweet Scnpperiion cheap, at I>. 15. LESTER S. ISIXK ASSORTM?‘ ST of Geraniums reduced . to one .ollar and fifty cents a dozen. J. QA RDNER, \g nt for <>e Ic $ t lei f. ISQR s\,m:, anew Smith double-barreled Hammrl'*ss Shotgun; co 2. J 125; will gold f r '■>'). Can be san ut John Fernandez's cigar store. I X)R K/' T.K. a cavload of bunf cattle; also ' j,mm- ■<•!: c it-tlo. Apply to J., m . S. < NKW C'anno'l I'i I .** •• ; in Su nr Syrup only 15c. |AOR bALE. •>' the • ■ V \N ' Ml BREWING Jr rojllWXV, tfiaius; fre;*hdaily. for cal 1 \ Copt c.aliy inircu gowh, Price 8 cents per bu-diel. T)URIP; : lO -T iti v coats|>cr foot; Nozzles, It SpriulclfrH ail ];*•-is eli I>aj) and IT* r*o Bh‘*ets .n Ik w pnRSMi I r.-’r. r ; !en ■.:<*, e rnor Oortlon 1“ an i Tattnall b:reef - : tn* l'-rn lmp.-*vfm -'its, carr ace ijoti.s*,* and ; pruants’ ruorug; full ) >t, with fl'iwf-r (?ardei*. -M.KR I> L. HART H>UE. LOHI. : (T. whit * pointer pup; brown over cars; 1 j three m- nt im dd. Ue/.ard if r<.‘turned to 14ii Jsiherty street. sTUA V KIJ. ■ - “■ *2*j p c- r’: \VEI> from Wood o. ill*', on Kri l*y night, i* llir.-e hoivos, niar**. '’oil nid red bay hor.*. 1 ind'-r will phase notify SEVjßHti', BROWN, Wl lo<l sVill*'. SUMMER RESORTS. I- WEST 4’,T11 - I Bar iu* Visililig N*w '!•) York will ll'i l Ill's! rlass board, cxntral lo iitiou, in"ir ini.mpul notols anl theaters, wl large, cool ro .ni* t llEN'l Li.l, p-ival- family In .Sew Yormdty mi ll! I.'iit Uni.dmuii" rooms, mi suite <.r r,ri.,|v, to pur ; i Mimini r months. Iln uk >AN ,KJ, I'd West Korty-llfth mud Niov^orioaly^^^^^ IU)AKiII >'<•. 1, iiAl'.ld.l 044 a.SIKH a! kd*l tsoulh Brood l .i , . lah " I at terms low. \KKW BOAHBKIpi wanted hy private family In Liivion, Ga.; lunalton dellg tfol and only thr**.' muiutu. walk from cam; infer rut'', vu aiiy i. Address C* 14|IUliT, HW Hi ..ugi.lon lfi'.'l, m i I 'i'UE t i. iaHB —‘*l rales mala for h table istsrd for the summer waw*' aud in-al <a.cU at fvduns J rates at Ue H AIWETT I UutcJL PHOTOGRAPHY. rpwo D< iLLiBS pijn for odd dociß flMOtbl* l not Photographs, a many for eight by ten frame as you wish, at the SAVANNAH PHOTO CO.’S, 14J Broughton street. MISCKJLLtAJTEOXJ S* Special Prices at HKIDT'S. •O Fresh supply of Assorted Dainties, Crystal lized Ginger, Assorted Fruits, Extra Fine Hon Hons. Peppermint Creams, and those Fine Chocolate Creams. __ r pHK Best, the largest Sponges for the money, I m i Tooth Brushes to suit everybody, at HEIDT'S. IT'KOG POND CHILL ANT) FEVER CURE, I something vou nan rely upou. Depot, HEIDT’S PHARMACY. TV'IF SPRING AND BLOtTD MEDIOiNE, 5 HEIDT'S Concentrated Extract HarsaiMt rillrt, Delight, Yellow Dock, with iodide of Pota&h. GffC. POUND Assorted Extra Chocolate Cream Drops. Why pay fancy prices when at HKIDT’S the finest candies are sold low? OHE hit the nail a terrible whack. or at least she evidently tried, then bathed her thumb with arnica, and then sat down and cried but recollecting vat BT. JULIAN YONbK always kept h n elegant line of Pa peter! eg, Soaps, Toilet Articles, Soda Water, and the fres'.o t line f Pur ■ Candies in the city, she dried her tears. There is nothing that will atop the flow of tears so quickly an a nice, clean stock, well kept. SMALL Sugar Cured l ig Hams. Strips and Shoulders, cheap, at 1. B. LFSTFK'S. \ \ ’ ANTED, every lover of the weed to ask for 1 ? Woman's Heart Tobacco. For sale by retail grocers and tobacconists generally. f jp< >Bl ITTIEKS.- On and after this date you I ca-' get good Lit cattle at Deptford planta tion. eiih r on f<x>t or slaughtered. \Y, S. PEMBEUTI N A t JO. p()X‘S BOARDING STABLES. William and \ Wi-st Jlroad streets, are the coolest and best ventilated stables in the city; *-> box stalls, 20x20: water in each stall; thes * stalls are just ■ the thing T r heavy work or tender-footed stock, i; IS F GLEASON, Manager, NEW an l Second-hand Furniture bought, sold >r exchanged. Son l postal. CALI.A HANS Che ip Crockery Store, South Broad and Barnard streets. | u /uu \ CHENVERS can become possessors of a Woman’s Heart for the small sum of 5 cents. IjVYTUA LARGE Smo od Beef Tongues only li fide, each at I>. B. LESTERS. J FAMILIES ran be supplied with FRESH .n RSE\ BUTTER by leaving orders at tbe Women's Exchange, Drayton street, Savannah, or by addressing PANOLA FARM, Eatonton, Ga. IP AIR 56-H. P. DOUBLE ENGINES cheap, I GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Augusta, Ga. fTNHOMAS HKNDKUSdX. Undertaker, is now I located at corner of Hull and Drayton st reel s. r-/i H. P. RETURN TUBULAR BOILER for i v* sale cheap. GEO. K. LOMBARD & CO., Augusta. Ga. I> EFORE you tmy or sell property consult > ROBT. H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer. 1 A RETURN TUBULAR BOILERS and En I** gines cheap and good. GEO. U. LOM BARD A CO., Augusta, Ga. I\l VO ROES—A GOODRICH, attorney ar law, S ' 124 Dearborn street. Chicago; advice free; j 21 years experience; business quietly and legally transacted. CLOTHING, m ill Parties Preparing for the Sum mer Months and their An nual Outing will do well to Inspect Our Lines of Seasonable and Correct Apparel FOB CITY, SEASIDE or Mountain Wear. Wo ben to particularly call the attention of the Ladies to our perfect assortment of Chil dren’s Goods, and to our exquisite line of LADIES’ BLOUSES, The new and carrect waist for Tennis, Yacht ing and easy comfort. Respectfully, A. FALK & SONS, BPORTING goods. ILLS LOADED —1 tv — Winchester Repeating km Cos. —pxm— TRAP SHOOTING, VERY CHEAP. CALL AND GET PRICES FROM— G.S.McALPIN 31 WHITAKER ST. W AXCii J*S AN U JKWU.L.H.Y. Watches, Diaraonds, Silverware. A. L. DESBOUII.LONS, ai BULI. HTRKHIT. My STOCK it now c .nipU-Uj I Ui nn->l* ti >■. of LADD K'an'l (i ■ .NTJ.I'.Mk.m 001,11 Ami si: VKK WATCHKK <>f the hrel r ,t,. i m „ JKWBI.I'.Y In Diamond Hrttln*, 81-KKLP; . . U.VKKWAKK.. for ned-ilng Vto# •tit*, of Uio vt-ry t.i quality. in elegant conoa Specialty of 18 CARAT FINGER RINGS, BRACK!.I TS. WATCH CHAINS, OOLD and !,;■ '. i.U ih.nDr.D CAMv* AA‘I I.'MBKKIAaA (~ i -•,i • | Ai'l.K i. iiOl.H PKNS niul PEN CM.- K!Nr KKENiIf! CLOCKS, and many nr tj.'l. which for rarwty. deMim, quality aad prior* 'Wonot be lurpooeed. OI’I'ICAL GOODS OK ALL. U*>!( •TUPTIORH. Watehti Repaired by Coupeteat Workaei u. a. McCarthy, 4 1 HARNAItI) aTIiRET, (Under KalfiiM of PyUtla*' Hail). PLONIING AND GAS FITTING. 1 HUN HEATING A SPECIALTY. SUMMER RESORTS. SI WANE SIMUIt MGS, Suwanee County, Florida. rpHK NEW SUMMER RESORT, situated In L the high and dry section of tiie state, one mil * fro.a Suwanee Station on the Savan nah, Florida and Western railway, with horse car to meet every tram; no long drives iu hacks of ten or twelve miles; easy of access to all parts of the state. It offers many induce* me ms as a SUMMER RESORT not equal *d by springs m the north Free from malaria and fogs; perfect system of water works an<l drainage; hot ande Md water, direct from the Springs, in every room, bath room to every cotta***; steam launch an I tow boat* on the river; billiard rooms, howling alley; cro quet. lawn tennis, dan el g and roller skating pavillioim for pleasure of guests. AS A HEM IiIDIAL AGENT it is well Known for its wonderful cures of Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Digests-s of th* Liver, Kid neys, Blood and Skin. Resident Physician in attendance. Kates; $12:50 per week; special inducements offered to families. Excursion Tic ets 011 sale from all point < on S., F. and W. radway, Brunswick and Western railroad, Florida Central and Peninsula. Jack sonviPo, Tampa and Key West ami Florida Bouthern systems. For further particulars, or pamphle t containing tostunoniaD, address L. W. SCON U.LH, Go oral Manager. Suwariee Sulphur Springs Cos., Suwanee. Fla. White Sulphur Springs, ff. Va,, Immediately on the C. & 0. Railroad. The Grand Central Hotel and Collates At this great health and pleasure resort, with a well earned reputation of a century for the m • denial virtues* 4 the waters and line summer elim ite, situated high up in the AlleghamcM, 2,000 f**et above the level of t e sea, are now open i t the season. Tlui ' igh standard of the t ai-iiu* • st il'diMtn*d hy the present management v. ib be mlly main ai:i"i in every rasped. We Lave Improved railroad service, with the finest v -tibul** trains parsing our doors daily to die north, east, south an i west. For pai givin full information in quire at gou. ml tic ,*t ufllees or to B i' i NKLI . Supeilptendent. Warn Sprifl£s, Georgia. V ORTH SIDE PINE MOUNTAIN, 1,250 feet is elevation, free from mosquitoes, dust or mud at all time <; d.rectiv on Georgia Midland railroad, • nly eleven .ours from Savannah; two daily mails; telegraph ami express oDices. The spri g Dow's 1.4 Hi gall uis water per minute (tem perature 0 t°)supplying six large swimming pools ainl ado ding t ie tin st bathing in the country. A sure euro for dyspepsia, rheumatism, outa ueous and kiduey diseases. Fine music, good live y. and bar with best liquors and cigars. Boa* and S3O to $ lit per month, including baths. Apply for disenpiivecirculars at Central rail road city ticket ofllc *. or to ( BAS. L. DAVIS, Proprietor. HOTEL BRISTOL 7 FIFTH AVENUE AND 4J ST., NEW YORK. IV'LEGANT suit,e. of from three to sir room. J •nc.’t, with hat.i. Location iinil cm.lllo the very hst. Special r.ilis to noutheru funtiles. s. (•;. bates. Manager. Montvals Springs Blount t Tuinty, TenneancA'. r ruis n -t *d health rosorl will bo open May I the 1 5tii, l*wy. Thq tnost c* lebrafod Dyspep tic water kno n. !■deg uit hotel and grounds. Ixcelie-it table. Telephone einneein with Knoxville. Address the proprietor for rates. .1. c. ENGEL, Proprietor. “T 1I K ELMW( VOD, " Maricttiq (reorgla. f IMHtf now an I imndom*ly furnished Hotel 1 electric 1 water and tint-elm In nil of its ap u iment - im ; been leased by M. G. xv hit i.rk, former owner and proprietor of the louse. Hie tabla. and servioa will satisfy tho most fa-didi. The beds Are ii; and class and delightful Addross M. G. WJHT- D K JK, Proprietor. C \ TSKILL MOUNTAINS, TREMPER HOUSE, < >peii .lime to Oct ibor. Tho manager may be seen at sth Ave Hotel, N. Y., Mondays and F’ri days, or add re s J. li. Tl: MPEH. Jit.. Phrnnlcla, N. Y. * LGL-IS F. GOODSELL, Manager, Formerly *f Cox/ u's, Wet Point, and Pulaski House, Savannah. BAT HiH Y V \RK Ili ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Open through*u t’e year. Elevation 2,C00 feet %\ ra tmmar t np ratur •. 74*: mag : tain euerji Hydraulic el( vat -r; elec’.ric light - aul h*) s; muii' 1 hall, tennis e'Mirt I idi and billiard parl;r and bowling alley. Beau it'll dmed and first-class lisery. No luon'iUitoes. For descriptive printed matter up idy i> JQHI B SALUDA HOTEL. This hotel is open all the y n (/o >d fair and go >d accommoda tions. Climate is u*• surpassed. Address 11. C. TA NXI it, S duda. Polk Cos., N C., Spartanburg and Asheville R R. M 1 LL si IPLIES. MILL SUPPLIES. HUBBT'Kand LEVTHFR BELTING, li Tucks I’ftc' .MA Kb stos Packing, Plumlm/-* Packing, Asbestos Wick Packing, 1 i'miip I'.urkin.', Sheet Rubber Packing, hmpir© P.mking, AkDchL Cement. Flax Fucking, Mill Saw File*, Avb- I i Pur' lag, Wrenches, and Gauge Ola* cs. Far, Anl • and Wagon Greases. Royal Lubricant. IIova! Frank Pin Lubri ant. Taflow, White and Colored Waste, Lamps, Lanterns. etc Machinery oil* of ail kind". Also, a l ull line .Sash, Doors, lUind-i and Build ers 1 Material. (Jet my prices before buying elsewhere. Andrew Hanley, Bay and Whitaker Ktroeta, - SAVANNAH. - - - - GEORGIA. lIKEK. HIRES’ROOT BEER The Pureit and HrH Ibrlnk in the World. Appetizing, ludirdous, sparkling. A Package (liquid) 2V. makes live gallons. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. \o Trouble. Family .Made. No boiling or Ntrai jinar. lUrortions simple, an<l if made uc or luigly there can b© n > mistake. Ask your Druggist or Grover fr it, nl take uo other, beo that you g i 141111* V. Try It a;ui you Will Not be Without it. THE ONLY GENUINE Mail’- by 1.. IIIHK"' I'lilledt'lplil., IVnna. SIM M I It GOOD-. SUMMER GOODS. REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS,eta AT CORNWELL & CHIPMAN’S, UllitvMM' Utuck. 141 (ingreee Hreet. r \ hr CENTS A WKAK "Ui !• the i I . v NOUNIKU NKWH d-lireied at bum. *trl y fcVLiIT HUICN AIK TIOK BAiM TQ-DAT. _ Temporary Adiffiaffi Sale OF GEORGIA FAMIUEN JOURNAL I. D. Laßoolie & Son, Auctioneers By virtue of an order granted on tho ISth day of May, ISS.I, by tho Honorable Hampton U. Forrill. Ordinary for Chatham county, wa will sol! for cash to the hlk'h 'st bidders, on premises, on Brouithton street, between Drey* ton and Ahe-corn streets, at 10 o’clock in tha morning, on FRIDAY, dlst day of May, 1880, The GEORGIA FAMILIES JOURNAL, i’RESt-F.S. TO'l'Kd, German and Roman, to •el her with nil the STAH iNERY, BOOKS, STOCK IN TKADK. etc., as a whole or in par ceis. behmjring to the estate ot the lata HENRY U. KUCKL CK. LENA KUOKUCK, Temporary Administratrix estate H. (J. Kuc kuak. AUCTION SVI.KS FUTURE DAY’S. Fine Large Dwelling lioiue in Ex cellent Ncigliborhoot STATE STREET, NEAR BULL, JY-ti -A.nctiion. TUESDAY, 4th June, i mo. at 11 o’clock, before tho Court House, LaHoche & MoLaughlin, Auc:io:iecr3 aid Dealers in Real Eslate, Will sell that magulAcantlv located residence known as No 118 tote treet, with all modern couvcnuuit s, cl>•., and being nearly opposite the new <’ tirt !!ouh, no v Guards* Armory, now Pest, .flit* • and. m i.t *t,convenient to every thing in the <• ty. Terms at silo. Corner Lot anil Improvements, Near New Tybee Depot, A-action. On TUESDAY, 4th Jun-% ISBO, at 11 o’clook, before tho Court Hoilso, Laßoche & McLaughlin, Auctioneers and Real Estate Dealers, Will sell part of Lot 37, Gilmervillo ward, and improvoment-H thereon, consisting of 4- Frame Houses, flltuatodon norttieost corner South Brood and McAllister streetm. lot CdxMJ feet, more or l *sa. Thla pro|w*rtv IwLig iu tin* i*n n-* il.tto vicinity of the Tybe • Depot, S , F. .t W. R. It. and tho wharve- hould command th* aittmtion of th so wishin , t > invest t icir muaiy. TWO BUCK HOUSES AND STORE Corner Indiaa and McGu re Streets -A_L junction. TUESDAY, 4th Juno, 18 0, at 11 o’clock, bofore tho Court House, Laßoche & McLaughlin, Auctioneers and Dealers iu Real Estate, Will sell those TWO NEW BRICK HOUSES, two stories each, wil l Sf re, on corner Indian and McGmr streets, and known as numbers BlJdj and ■# Indian treat, with small Frame House on McGuire stiver, an I ls*in - Lot ID of a subdivision of Wnn f Lor 7, fruiting 50 feet on Indian street and &7V6 fe t McGuire street. The property la c mveme if y located to thfl Central R. ft. wh irve and Cotton Presses, and is conHoquentiy never vacant. FOUR NEW HOUSES IN A CLASS RENTING LOCATION Jk.ti Auction. On TUESDAY, 4th Jim •, IHB3, at 11 o’clock, bt foro thu 'Jourt House, Laßoche & McLaughlin, Auctioneers and Dealer* in Ileal Estate, Will roll 4 METAL-ROOF FRAME HOUSES (new; fronting < n Zublv and l/iur**l streets, with wafer, etc , ec. Lot fronts (X) feet on Zubly street and 07 feet V Inches oa Laurel litrwt. This property is In first-class order, and being In such u good routing locality, will make it a g od paying investTieui. Valuable Property AT AUCTION. I.D. Laßoche & Son, Auctioneers. On TUESDAY, the 4th day of June, 18H9, we will oiler lief ore Lie <’ourt House door, during the usual hours of sale, FOLK FINK LOTS on east side of Waters road, near Lovers lane, each fisftf feet by 100 feet to h lan<*. Improvement* constat or one Double T< moment, one and a half story, rents for Bft each. Corner lot is ou a 60-foot street. —ALSO— FOUR I/)TH adjoining the above, containing 14 house*, all vind'-r rent to good paying tenant*, LEGAL no 1 ICES. /■GEORGIA. Chatham County. Whereas a " f petition ha* beeu filed in the fflc of tbo (>i dn-ary of < haLnam county by (JLUIK HOUR OUIN ct a , freeholders of and county, with the requisite number of name*, ac <rding to law. praying that an el*ction be neld under section 14. V(' and of <.*' iv: a u> determine the question of •Tehee*'or “No Fence” by the legal v< >r* of said county, ami that said petition u ill be game l on the Jo DAY OF JUNE NEXT, l&89, unless counter jx*titi< >n lie filed. .May llrn, lfttfJ IIAMFTOX ! . KERRILL, Ordinary C. C., <Ja* MACHINERY. ' McDoDOogb 4 Ballantyne, IRON FOUNDERS, Machiubh Boiler Makers aad BlaekiaitH mam PAcrriiEii* or STATIONAItV ANl> I' -UTAUI.B KNUINKSL VKK I I 'AI.A ’.DT -I* KUN.M II I'< >UN JMI.LS, ML’IiAH '! (I, i*i anX PANS. \C)l' NTS lor Al'Tt i ! Duloii liil—'t-r*. th. • mpl-Mt .u<J uiu* ■ ff-CUv. <>ii i lie nuirkot; (lullftt I.Dlit Draft Ma.:uou* Cullua Uiu, thj l’t In tlif market. Ml ’.r liTH proiii|itly atten led to. Head for rrlcw l.i-i WOIAI’S HEART TOBACCO. IN OONVKMIXMT 81ZB POCKET PIEOK9 AT 5 Cents. Art retail grucere Mid le' oourj.t for it. .HENRI SOLOMON & SON 3