The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 19, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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IVTKLLTGENCE. ' HTF - - ' DAT. ' 1 , 5:28 ars Hi** " 6:3S •••■"** _ *2'l4 AM. 3:06 P M Monday, Aug 19. -8A yjRIVED yesterday. ARB* v,Anne Baltimore, with V v, r Id L4WI *?S% Jos 4 Roberts & Cos. and way teA2l<lj -yietilock, Agt. U3lilflp Tor A routine yesterday. AF.RI vEP Jers Schwarz. Ensenada, in bal , W ‘ AT tybee yesterday. l’eterson, Montevideo, m tfS-Mww- sailed yesterday. spotless, Baltimore. wnTTEE TO MARINERS. H f tvUnited States Hydrographic branch of t'r l - , the Custom House has been estabhshe^in^^ it savannah > will be furnished and all of charge. Captains are SSHi to call at the g \ V atters. Ensign US N, in charge, pro tem. CONSIGNEES. , and <avannah Railway, Aug 1. v >lßhs A Sons. Lindaav & M ..Transfer OAK*. a wr , j Morrison, Mrs J palmer Bros. V.exander, luesei a , uski Southern Cot- f E MiU B W S SO^ n ry'ico, M Y Henderson, H H Spring, E and Western Railway, Per *“? office W W Amair, C O Haines, Aug 1. -I o r Jr ai Beley & Sou, I rank & Cos, B H bevy A 810, A a L > Jones _ M Feret & Cos, Memhard Bum a l. F McDonough & Cos, H Myers A Bros. Aniolu.vr,j >aie & w g Kj? •’asseis. S, r ll( J cker &F , h Groat, O King. A lA,ffle * ,| £ po, Siillwell, M & Cos, E Ebberwein. blat . • j u_ g ra j t h Bros, Dr D B Hunting UbJ 1 Bro , H Solomon & Son, Oox. “ UvrsATJR Einstein. M F Beals, jKi 11 'per- ~ , t c.,, T Steffens, Decker &F, Ahramv A B Hull Si Tddeman & Broi Miles & n H Hus' Frierson A Cos, IV D Simkins & Cos. 11 1 ’ * Son, Geo Meyer, CAUray r° U H P Smart Hamn ond, H & Cos, T O’Brien Tc rXit v Cos V V Schwarz. M Maclean & Cos, ' v U hi m no Flannery & Cos, Herron &G. H M Comer & Cos, Woods & Cos, Garnett, S&. Cos. LIST OF VESSELS Up, Cleared and Sailed for this Port. STEAMSHIPS. Peconic (Br), Evans, Palermo via New York, sld July 29 Elena Cosulich (Ausi, Cosulich, at Sunderland Hairi- ure (Br), BauicK, at Cadiz July 15 via Forman and Philadelphia. , _ , Amy Dora (Br), ruompson, Hamburg via Port Koval, S C, sld Aug 5. Pocaiise: ißr, Jenkins, Palermo via New \ork, sld July 27. Elviva (Bp. , from . sld Aug —. Helvetia (Br), Cochran, Loudon, sld Aug il. Kathleen Br. Thompson, , sld Aug —. County of Bolipe (Br), Fraser, , up Aug 15, BARKS. Emma and Robert (Qer), Schmiilfc, Buenos Ayres, sld June 21. f.aeta < It.ili, Leboffe. at Naples April 21. Fe.ix Men lelssohu (Ger>, Fretwurat, at Buenos Ayres April 25. • Elisa Both (Ger). Ahrens, Liverpool via Rio Janeiro, sld July 13. Yzabel < Port). Arango. Oporto via Rio Janeiro, aid April 16. Minerva (Nor). Joharmeseo, Shields, sld about June 1. Washington (Iran. Caflero, Girgenti, sld Juno 8. Martino 'ilento Utah, Ametrano, Buenos Ayres, sld May 18. Bn■•no3 Ayres Ger', A'nlera, Grimsby via Para, sld Juno 10. os-oiH:-), Davies, at Swansea May 17 via St Paul de Loasdo. \ ictori.i i Bn. Davis, Newport E, sld June 3 via Montevidei >. Sjomanden (Nor), Curson, Buenos Ayres, sld July 8. _ Socdre (Nor), Lie, Ensenada, sld July 8. Alice (Port), Ouevedo, Kio Janeiro, sld July 3. Eha, Tilton, New York, sld Aug 13. L-o ii la Itai>. Trapa ii, a* Buenos .Ayres May 6, ogar Nor), Hallgren. from , sld July —. Hetty (Ger). Heyl. Bergen, sld Aug 3. Louis-Non. Cornellsen. Hamburg, sld Aug 13. Sant Angelo tltal), Cariero at Bahia Blanca, Juno :JO. Sereia (Port), Reis, Rio Janeiro, sld July 5. BRIGS. GeorgianaFGeery,Conklin, New York, sld Aug SCHOONERS. Messina Nor), , from —. sld July —. n ! / riffl r , Philadelphia, up July 31. \’ ot / 1 /’ IT - ' anamau. Philadelphia, sld Aug 8. Is.mul t t . \ oorhe *s, Baltimore, up Aug 15. John H Cross, Rawley, Boston, up Aug —. buck notices. vdixg Brass: a novel by Herbert G. Dick hi- American News Company, 3.) Chambers SIIXet N w York. Paper, price 25 cents. Hus st ry will servo admirably to fill up a i idle hour or to while away the time on a steamship or railway car. T SvCm r r,V- E ? y' n , HIS Tales op Si-oar ’’ Llarke & Cos., New York. raper, price dO ceu ts. rnis is a eoUocvioa of very fair dialect Siories, and those who like stories of that kmd will fi and them interesting. b iford D l' C ak <3 . A ! ';- by R obert Fletcher Howe, wnts ’ M Cos., New York. .Paper 50 1S a , n ‘ iteresting story, and well 1 r ,5( lu - it is a story of sea and ‘ le ' a Qis full ot stirring incidents y^? s ’ r, ****** Novel of Life in ••bn Toi PuhliFmen 11 “■‘Jn nna ' The :nvN rk ’nr * Co ’ >° W 23d street, 1,. ti , If- td br, price 50 cents, ft- a ‘ ° presented some of the IS ar‘tlr7 tUrBSOf lif9i,lNew Y ' )rk ’ laii t . hold th I rea < H Bto i ry ’ “ n< ) Uatl llarc,l y out. eaders attentiun through >me N iwK; t B X f i' lK;U ' Fawcett - with a Pro •Vl • Vork. 1 Kerß ° a lielfort ‘. Clarke iaa'vl'X' lume “Snosticism is dealt with Ti; ~ v ) e!!tert aiuiug and instructive way subject win' AndYiG “ lak,i a stU(l y o£ th3 _ Jad this work valuable. _ At EstuFs! ~ DAILy Uornwo .News, fc. F F a vf Ward ” by ? Irs - E. Pron- KatoTaana 1 ? f Marbl -' by Africa" i r °°y ; All l- D. B. in South ebei', ’Fre-7a Tu VeSCeliusSheldon ; “Jez- BtoneCu S f ' D Russell; ‘The ‘ “ U'w.' t H bon> by William Heny Ge.da H-,i“ „ Hea ven and Earth,’’ bv r WiU Come,” J. :l^’r:.t -J NewTute I r ck, “ 8u “‘ London bportinig South J edition). Horseman. ( "■ Sporting )rk Week! v Sal.",®P. orts ®an, New Jr'is- r. Night, New York ii; , / ln Panion, Family Story ' r -i J New York Herald V B w a Ueri-H Timos ’ Tribune A-Cmer!nktP° S Sno n °‘be, Baltimore Pn i., | i,, Fnauirer, Cincinnati '' ■ Ne.v : ;' p "V i raSS ,\ Philadelphia \' l b'-.nstpuuon r, ® M - D -’nmc at, At 4'-™u-'a Chronicle ’ph M w n Telegraph, r; er. c e > Charleston News and Ulo: *' U, SV Ih. r“ World ’ Florida Timea “w Courier-Journal TL t . s ' r ', arklin? ’ Pur ®. Delicious. vtrk'wi" J b6 M te C Ister is conceded in fuprior p, ,i * Ba beers aro sola to be “ ■' d 'f.eak"v ll t ;Xr d |T the Par oxcol - ‘ r *. F ur *- v palatable and deliciou-5 r bule by ail first class grocers r Rochester R N Che^ er Brewinc i. h’jttlw; i' ’ . • a., aud sold - J - McdrathX *vv J °u U Lvons ; : t r ' -'loehlenbrokk J'n- B [ anch > VV. O. “eh. r -brock &. Uierks and John JUST THINK OF THE WIDOWS. Why There Are Fo Many More of Them Than of Widowers. FYonuhe Westminster Review. In the article which we published in , March last on “Work ad Women”®fe stated that “it is not the spinsters who con stitute the surplus female population and by whoui the labor market is flooded, but the widows, and adducing statistics in evi dence, we added: “That the widows num ber as many as 1,410,6iH and the widowers 589,644, being an excess of 821,940 women. So great an excess of widows over widow ers was scarcely to be expected, and must be regarded as a deplorable thi ig, which seems to suggest at once some default or vice in our social life.” The greater longevity of women than of men becomes a factor in the advanced stages of life. On reference to the ce sus of England and Wales for 1881 we ilnd toat .vers of 65 and upward numbered 180,124 aud widows of corresponding age 372.377, whereas at 55 the widowers numbered 93,995 aud the wid ows 259,811; and, again, at 45 the widowers 73,928 and the widows 193,680, so that the excess is still greater where longevity has nothing to do with it. For every 100 wid owers in France there are 194 widows. How young, too, in our own country some are left widows is shown by the census of Eng land and Wales of 1881, at which date th re were 52,019 widows at the age of 25. Fifty two thousand widows seem a great number at an age when, according to some authori ties, most women should first marry, es pecially in these times. As long as women do not submit to the fate which weighs on their natural mates or companions, but marry men old enough to be their fathers, grandfathers or great grandfathers (often widowers),from unwill ingness to face the battle of life, or from love of ease and show, so long will there be a gross inequality between the number of widows and widowers. That marriage on the part of men is becoming later through the gre iter struggle of life, the advantages and fascinations of club life and other rea sons, is a well-known fact. Now, from the fact of men not only marrying often when far advanced in manhood, but sometimes when nearer the end than the beginning, to which must be added remarriage often more than once, and marrying then not women of corresponding or approximately corresponding age, but young women, it must follow in the ordinary course of things, without the necessity of any calcu lation or reference to statistics, that, such women must be left widows long before the natural termination of their lives. Some have seen in the fact of woman’s greater longevity a reason why she should marry a man somewhat younger than herself, so that she may hope to have a companion in her latter nays as well as in her earlier—a season, indeed, in which sho often stands sorely in need of a protector. The difficulty of finding a suitable companion later in life should certainly dictato to women the importance, so far as practicable, of secur ing a lifelong companion. It is hardly nec essary to mention that to do so is one of the essential conditions of true marriage—the ideal marriage, which, be it said by the way, is often a very different thing from the base, mercenary counterfeit! of to-day, which pass under the euphemism of “holy matrimony.’’ It is obvious that the idea of endeavoring to procure a companion for life should, for many reasons, bo uppermost in the mind of a woman intent on marrying. Does obser vation show that woman invariably ex r cises the foresight just indicated? We think not, but should say rather to the contrary. So eager are some, we do not say all, to ea ter the bonds of wedlock, that if they can reasonably hope that the prospected coveted husband will get through the marriage cere mony and the honeymoon, they seem toler ably contented. Eve i in this limited fore cast they are sometlimes led astray by enthusiasm. Only last spring we knew an elderly swain of 65 summers, or thora abouts, who, being captivated by a fair young charmer, must needs marry tier; it is true he got through the ceremony, but he was not so successful with the honeymoon, for it came to pass on the fifth day that hi soul was required of him. These anurous veterans, nevertheless, da not always so ex peditiously shuffle off tais mortal coil aud leave this sphere of marriage for the one where “they never marry, nor are given in marriage,” but rather seem tv take anew lease of life. What is, however, the lease of life of a man of 50 or 60 in comparison witu t at of a maid of 20 or 25? One of the correspondents of the Daily Telegraph correspondence of last autu on showed well how the union of May and De cember was one of the most fertile sources of the failure of marriage. While May was full of pleasure to come, De cember was chewing the end of past ones. The one had lived, the other wanted to live, and here they parted company on' the threshold of their married life. A young woman marrying a man of like age may have to exercise self-denial, the very quint essence of true marriage, but she inspires and encourages him; sbe is the key to un lock the treasures aud stores of nis man hood; she is the right person i.i the right place. On the contrary, for many obvi ms reasons, in marrying a man at the end of his manhood she often drags him down. Gross disparity was forbidden by Jewish law-givers, and also by the most en ligh ened of Pagan legisla ors. Is it wise or prudent to permit the vigor of manho and tv be dissipated or wasted, and to allow poster ity to owe its origin to the waning strength of old men? It is certainly contrary to the warning voice of the intelligent aud disinterested of the medical profession, who are unquestionably the best counselors on this subj set. Marriage in its essence is the duty of one sex toward the other and may be approxi mately expressed as the co nplemontiugand supplementing development and utilization respectively of manhood aud womanhood, and we are not aware, apart from this, that it differs from any other union between man and woman so far as morality is con cerned. The key is not more necessary to the lock, nor the cord to tne bow, than are man and woman to each other in respect to the perfection of humau life; they are, in deed, as the poet Longfellow says, “Useless each without the oilier.” This w.dow inakicg vice of marital disparity is but one feature in that hymeneal protanatiou which is the curse and disgrace of our age, as it was that of the decline of Rome. Looking on our society of to-day the reader will realize the truth conveyed in the words of Mr. Hepworth Dixon, in the “White Con quest.” Nature puts the sexes on earth in pairs and man destroys that balance at the cost of his moral death.” The “social evil” is but the reflection or shadow of an unsocial evil and we must not, therefore, wonder if all the agencies of the pbilanthropi t and the missionary efforts of the evaug list fail when we know how imp issible it is to remove a shadow while that which causes the shadow re mains. Self Defense Against a Dangerous Foe Forewarned is not forearmed in the case of those who incur the risk of an attack from that dangerous foe, malaria, unprovided with a means of defense. But if those in peril are aided, sustained and reinforced with the great fortifying safeguard, llostotter’s Stomach Bit ters, miasma, prolific breeder of evils mani fested in the saape of bilious remittent and chills and fever, ague cake, dumb ague, and the calentura of the Isthmus and Central American coast, is nullified and rendered harmless. Our western pioneer settlers and miners, dwellers in tropic lowlands, aud visiian s of and dwellers in malarious localities in this country and many quarters of the globe, have for years been ac quainted with tho fact and are constantly pro vided with this unparalleled defensive medicine and remedy. All disorder of the stomach, liver and bowels, rheuiua ic and kidney complaints vnd rheumatism are conquered by it. Weddings. Wedding invitations and cards printed or engraved at tho shortest notice aud in the latest stylos. We carry an extensive and well selected stock of fine papers, envelopes and cards especially for such orders. Sam ples amt on application. Morning News Printing House, Savannah, Ga. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1889. LOTTERY. OFFICIAL DRAWING —or THE— LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY, SINGLE NUMBER, CLASS “H.” Drawn at Yen Orleans, La., on Tuesday, Aug. 13, ISS9. FULL PRIZES: ALL GENUINE Louisiana State Lottery Tickets are dated Now Orleans, and agree to pay ad prizes in New Orleans, where the Com pany holds its Charter from the State, and where both the purchaser of a ticket and the Company are equally protected by the laws of the State and of the United States. Tickets dated and issued from other cities in tho name of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, prom ising t • pay prizes in other places than New Or leans, are not Louisiana State Lottery Tickets at all. but an' counterfeits and cheats intended to deceive and defraud the unwarv sT“REMEMBER that ONE DOLLAR Is the price of the smallest part or fraction of a ticket issued in any dra wing. Anything in our name offered at a loss price, is either a counterfeit or a swindle. REMEMBER further, when exam ining to see if your ticket has drawn a prize, never to accept anything but our official draw ings, which are copyrighted un ler the Act of Congress, and cannot be rennnted correctly under penalty of the law. -Yo. Jh'ize. | i\"o. Prize, i Ao. t > ue. 67.. 800:23431....$ 300147945.... 300 88.. 800182518.... 800 IMAV...S 500 90 200:22875 200 48255 ... 800 375.. 800 22753... 300118363. .. 300 379 200 22812 200 48:111! . .500 411.. 800122847.... 300 48380.... 200 47 3 500 22868 300! 457525 .. 200 506.. 500 33028.. . 500 48633.... 200 727 200123156.... 300 48643 300 903.. 800; 23324... 300,48798 Bio 1073.. 200 23325.... 200 48581 ... 300 1085 300 j 23865.... 500 (9095 200 1086 ... 800123555.... 80o| 49133.... 300 1225 500'23576.... 200 49263 . . 200 13.13 200 23698.... 200149490... 200 1583 200123713... 200 49523 . 300 1721.. 200 j 23737 200 49591... 200 1798.. 200; 23906.... 300 49756.... 200 1803.. 20024133.... 20050089.... 300 1948.. 500 24415.... 200 5(11-11. . 3K) 2011 200 2450 V... 300 50833... 3UO 2135 300;21>27 200 50247 200 2369 200184594.. . 200 50322 .. 200 2403 800124632.... 800 50573 . 200 2592.. 200 24823.... 800150675.... 200 2694.. 500 84950.... 800 50724... 200 3187 200 24960... 300.50984.... 500 3270 200 25076.... 20 1 51201... 200 3521 800125130.... 200151218... 200 3574.. 200 25311.... 1000 51181 .. 200 3096 500 25409... 500:51505.... 200 3763.. 20025610.... 500 51693-... 1000 4180 200(25864 500 51769... 200 4062 ... 200 1 26863 ... 200 51787 .. 200 4339.. 800,26149... 200 51843... 800 4523 200126578 800 51933.... 300 4541.. 300! 26701.... 200 31962... 200 5699.. 500 26916.... 200 52197. .. 200 5622.. 200,26.162.... 200 52291... 1000 5695.. 200;27113.... 200 52217.... 200 5867.. 200127132.... 1000 52311... 200 6120.. 300(27148 300 52577 ... 500 6419.. 20)27173.... 200 68600.... 600 6502 200127370... 300 52620 200 6782 300|27701 3l>); 531>67 200 6930.. 500 27704.... 200 53074 .. 200 6983.. 200 27877.... 200 53299.... 200 7027.. 200 28383.... 500 53529.... 200 7016.. 300|28386 ... 200 53566 ... 300 7121.. . 300.28408... 200 53688... 300 7255.. 600 28621.... 300 53752.... 300 7331.. 200(28820.... 200 53883.... 200 7378.. 200 28857.... 300 53929... 200 7415.. 800 8)068.... 500 54033... 200 7508.. 200 29330 ... 200 5 ! 122. 10000 7687.. 200139339.... 200 54493.... 200 7885.. 300129403.... 200 54576... 200 8423.. 200:29482.... 200 54626... 200 8024.. 200 29586... 500 54845... 300 8105.. 300 1 29740.... 200 55116... 200 8404.. 200123748... 500 55323... 200 8510.. 500 2 7 53.... 200 55411... 200 8513 300 29859.... 200 55031.... 200 8021.. 500! 30029... 200 55769... 200 8682 ... 300 lIOSiS. 10000 55772.... 200 8698.. 200 80287.... 800 55794... 200 8742 ... 200130317.... 500 55847 ... 200 8749.. 200(30535.... 500 55817... 300 8874.. 200{30376 200 55876. .. 500 9260 ... 200;3.1835 ... 5(8)55970.... 200 9306.. 1000 30975.... 200 50095.. 5000 9849.. 1000 31104 800 56308 ... 800 9967.. 300131392 ... 500 564'.6 ... 200 10036.. 2)0 31317.... 300 56534.... 800 10113 ... 200 31461 200 58565. .. 504 10181.. 500 3162 V... 200(56638.... 300 10287.. 300 31715.... 500 56824.... 200 10443.. 200 31795.... 204 56913.... 600 10532.. . 200 31885 200 56898.... 200 10568.. 200 32174.... 200 57110.... 800 10)06.... 500 32333 ... 500|57218.... 300 10955.. 200;32356.... 200157320.... 200 11088.. 300(32358.... 200,57382.... 200 11058 200:32514.... 1000 57794.... 200 11353.. 200 32538.... 200 57882.... 200 11464.. 200,32676.... 800 57919.... 300 11521.. 300; 32688.... 200 57945.... 200 11574.. 200:32746.... 900 57983 ... 200 11683.. 300 82889.... 204 57988.... 200 11708.. 300133252.... 200 58039.... 300 ’1742.... 200:33428.... 300 58049.... 200 11823.. 200! 38609.... 200 58240.... 500 12117.. 200 33576 304 58522.... 200 12354.. 300(33677.... 200 58576.... 200 12508.. 200 38702.... 500 58709.... 500 12634.. 300133185.... 300 59061.... 200 12683.. 2140! 33904.... 300 59076.... 200 12817.. 200 84450.... 800 59183.... 200 12822.. 300! 34629.... 200 59258.... 200 1-2844.... 309 31880.... 300,59316.... 300 12889.. 200 34951.... 200159318.... 200 13149.. 500 35008 200 54893.... 200 13160.. 200 35089.... 200 59338.... 200 13216.. 200 35136.... 200 59951... 2:X) 13256.. 300 35211.... 1000 60046.... 200 13416.. 1000 35215.... 300 60122... 300 13410.. 200,35282.... 800 60256... 200 13635.. 200 35315.... 300 60274.... 200 13664.. 300:35808.... 300 60541.... 500 13714.. 20);3'846.... 200 60757.... 300 18825.. 200 35935 300 60884.... 200 13849.. 200 36139 ... 200 60930 ... 300 13957.. 300136277.... 300'61120.... 2(40 14096.. 200!36284 ... 200 61207.... 200 14303.. 200! 36439 200161474... 200 14332.. 200!30578.... 200 61477.... 200 14517.. 200:36592.... 1000!6142.... 240 14567.. 200 36715.... 300 61507... 500 14655 200! 388® 500)61563 200 14923.. 200 36890.... 500)61581.... 300 14960.. 300)30926.... 300 61607... 200 14976.. 200 36939.... 200 1 61787.... 200 15266.. 200 37196 ... 200,!*. 5000 15444.. 1000137391.... 200)61883.... 800 15481.. 500 37473... 200,62300... 200 15547.. 200 37496.... 200162427.... 300 15550 .. 200;37848.... 200 62523 ... 200 15607. .. 500)37853 ... 200)62588.... 200 15426.. 200)87874.... 800162600.... 500 15630.. 500,37905.... 200 62637 ... 200 15746 .. 200 37982.... 500 j 62907.... 200 15758.. 800138465.... 1000163047 ... 200 15975. .. 500)38581.... 800)63101.... 200 16300 ... 300 38629.... 500)63211... 200 16301.. 500 38635.... 200)63501... 200 16439.. 200 38769.... 200163518.... 200 p;670 200 38915 204 <53510.25000 16841.. 200 39047.... 200163658.... 300 16844.. 300 39.121.... 200(63086.... 200 17094.. 200 39373... 290163199.... 300 17141 . 300 89390... 500:63883... 300 17403.. 200 33798.... 200)63996.... 300 17533 500 89877.... 200:64005.... 500 17563.. 500 39964.... 800i6WV1.... 500 17021 . . 300 40)39 ... 300)64060.... 200 17632.. 200 40170.... 200)64146.. 800 17696. .. 200 40177.... 300 61155... 200 17596 . 200 40181.. . 200J 61261.... 200 18098 . 200 40406.... 200161462.... 200 18285.. 200 404i'9.... 50(4 G 46.3 800 18561 . 200 40427... 200)64801.... 200 18627 . 200 40885.... 304(64999.... 200 18731 . 500 40891... 200 65358.... 200 18755 . 500 41019.... 204 05385.... 200 18780 . 1000 41011 ... 800165400 ... 200 18988.. 200 41030... 300 65544... 500 19026 200 41)81 200)65342 209 19041 5000 11285.... 200 65878.... 500 19286 300 41149.... 204 65919... 200 19320 . 500 41752.... 800 66090.... 200 19316 . 200 41825.... 800 66131 ... 200 19348.. 1000 41980 ... 200 666 2 ... 800 19378 .. 200 42058... 200 66682... 200 19387 300 42066 200,66.83 200 19781 '. 300 42268.... 204 j 66841.... 200 1981! 200 42119.... 200)6)988.... 800 19854!!.. 200 42566.... 1000)67060.... 200 19855 . 200)42>73. 304 67255. .. 300 20157 " 200 42916.... 900:67282.... 200 20197"" 800|43*10. 5000 67293.... 500 20275'!!! 200 43213.... 200)67313... 200 20378 .. 300.43315.... 800)67370.... 300 20389.. 200 44161... 800167480.... 500 20439 .. 8U0U1183.... 200|67589 200 20452 . 200 44414... 300 67870.... 200 20514.. 200 44783.... 1000 68192... 300 20541.. 200 44855.... 200 68345.... 500 20637 . 200 44927.... 200 68164... 500 20850 . 300 45007.... 500 69,142.... 200 | 29952 . 209 45252.... 900 69146... 200 21027 .. 1000 45507... 100 ) 69188... 800 21058 .. 200 4.5664.... 200 69)96... 200) •>1134 .. 200,45790.... 800 69350.... 500 21231.. 200 40 M 5. .. 600 69522 ... 2do 21237 . 900146199.... 200 69555... 500 21367 . 200 46579.... 200 69591 200 2,374 300146598.... 200 69794... 200 01451 .. .300)46605.... 300 69927.... 200 21473 200 46695.... 200 69957.... 200 "1494 . 800! 46749.... 200 70908.... 200 21515.. 300146830.... 800 70U0... 500 21581 500146968.... 900 70718.... 200 2’894 .. 500,47.-30.... 800 71022.... 200 22085 .. 2W) 17254.... 200 71050.... 200 22)62... 200 47437.... 200 71429... 200 22231 .. 209 47524... 200 71 07.... 300 22276 .. 200 41585 . ■■. 200 71519 ... 500 IXITTKRY. -No. Prize. .Vo. Prize. • .Vo. Prize. 71608.. 200 80809 $ 300 90387 . 5 200 71644.. .. 1000 80874. .. 800*95.4 3UO 71907 ... 200 8098-2 300 90051 300 7-2377. . 200 81020 ... 200 50H> 72592. .. -Al 81062 1000 90725.... .309 72686 200 81165.... 300 90891 ... 200 72904 200 81469 ... 500 9 6.14 lOki 72965.. 200 81519... 800 91152... > 73002.. 200:81666.... 390 91176... 201 73223.. 200 81752.... 200 91372 .. 200 73249 20c *I7BB 300,91422 . 50) 73352. .. 200 81879 ... 200,91723.... i0 73389 30t>! 81996... 910:917*7.... 500 73440 200 62013 500 91951 .. K 1 73579. .. 200)88096 .. 800192012. .. 300 73704 ... 20010*106.... 300:92017 .. 201 73757 200,82121 200.9232.' ... 200 73899.. 200 82127 ... 900)92.81 200 74004 ... 200ih2164 ... 200,9143)1 .. 500 74060 200 82241 910 9 967 ... 300 74364 300 >2613 ... 900i92970.... 200 74698 ... 800)82788 300,98015. .. 200 74741 ... 9W-82836 ... 200)93 23. .. 3W 74756 30018254S ... 200 93090 ... 500 74992. .. 200,82901 ... 80) 92467 ... 300 75040 . 910 82917 .. 200 9)1532 .. 200 75109 ... 200 83117.... 300 9SM> .. 201 75147. . 200 83177 .. 500 94055 200 75353 5004)0 63370 .. 20“ 9410) ... 910 75513 .. 500 j 83*88 500 94356... 300 75562 800.83179 ... 200 91 HO .. 200 75636 W 83572 ... 200 94517 200 75657 900!83679 600194696 ... 209 75666 800'88760 1000 94698 .. 300 7565.... 300 63791. ... 800:94972 ... 500 75874 200)83824 200 95073 300 75958.. 300,83.-51.... 200,95081. . 300 76255.. 200 88935.... 200 95108.... 981 76264.. 300) 64042 9XI 95121.... 300 70321 3001841(3).... 200 95157... 9W 70359.. .. 200 84487.... 800 95185 AW 76401. .. 9XI 61514 300 9.7504 ... 21X1 76451 9XI 84695 200 9.-.055 9XI 76609 3(X1,61734 1000)95703 9XI 76510.. 9X1)84984... 500 95760... 9X> 76559.. 9X185075 . . 1000 95783 ... 9XI 76571 200 85100 .. 299 95970.... ‘9XI 76088.. 500 j 85*07.... 200 9604 1 200 76704. . 200|n5.T.1210000i96178 . . 9XI 70723.. 500:85963 800,66362... 200 70723. .. 9XI j 86209.... 30) 90(746 . 300 76844 ... 300 86455.... 300196736.... 800 76846.. 500 86498 ... 200)97761.. .. 9XI 76947.. 500jbG815.... 200 96901.... 2i<o 77033.. 200 86828 500 96581.... 30(1 77085 800186889 ... 200 97037 2(XI 77172.. 200)87038.... 300 97100.... 300 77229.. 200)87137.... 200 97113.... 9XI 77420.. 800187186.... 800 97236 ... 9XI 7)559.... 500187292 500 9 7334 ... 9XI 77728.. 200'87 )75.... 500 97961.... 300 77953 21X1'87678 800198010 9XI 78117 1000!87692.... 200198061. .. 3tXI 78233.. 800 87833300000 98176.... 300 78273.. 200i88036.... 500|08293.... 800 7888* 300 j 88081.. . 800; 98311 800 78W5.... 200188083.... 800 08837 ... 800 78197 ... 9XV68301 800! 98515.... 21X1 78595. .. 300)88176 S<XI9S 18 . . 51 w 78672.. 300 58783 200 9*673 ... 200 78636 ~. 200188659.... 800)98868.... 9XI 79201 200188988 260 99101.... 3ix> 79876.. 200 89218... 800 99119.... 2(XI 798<5.... 300189486 SOOMihiai.... 9XI 79920.. 200 89529... 300,99122... 9XI 80130.. .. 2,1“ 89614 100 99188.. . 2111) 80828.. 300 89627 260 99343.... 900 80515 ... 9X189665 500 99391 • .. 9XI 80564.. 200 90051.... 200,92078.... 9XI 80604.. 300)90311 ... 200199724 ... 200 80614.. 200)903 ; 4... 200 99791.... 31X1 80722.. 200190301 300| APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 numbers from 87785 to 87885 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the num ber drawing the Capital Prize of $300.0(X1. SSOO 100 numbers from 85282 to 85352 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side 1 if the num ber drawing the Capital Prize of $109,000 . 3(X> 100 numbers from 75303 to 76493 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the num ber drawing the Capital Prize of $56,000.. 200 999 numbers ending with 35, being the two last figures of the number drawing tho Capita! Prize of $300,000 100 999 numbers ending with 82, being the two last figures of the number drawing the Second Capital Prize of $106,000 100 Prizes cashed in full witli mt and ■ We, the undersigned Bankers of New Orleans. La., will pay all prizes drawn in tlie Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our counters: R. M. WALMSLEY, President Louisiana Na tional Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, President State National Bank. A. BALDWIN, President N. O. National Bank. CARLKOHN, President Union National Bank. The subscribers having supervised the Single Number Drawing, Class 11, Louisiana State Lottery, hereby certify that the above are the numbers which were t his day draw* from the 100,000 placed in the wheel, with the prizes cor responding to them. Witness our hands at New Orleans. La., this Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1 SB!>. G.T. BEAUREGARD, J. A. EARLY, Com missioners. No. 87635 draws Capital Prize, $ 100,000, sold in San Francisco, Cal.. New Orleans. La.. St. Louis, Mo., Savannah. Ga., Corsicana, Tex., and Colon, Unite! States of Columbia. No. 85132 draws Second Capital Prize. slo().'Xx), sold in New 1 )r --leans. La.. San Francisco. Cal., Havana. Cuba, Mobile. Ala , Cairo, 111.. Austin, Tex., and Gun derson. Mont. No. 75853 draws Third Capital Prize, $50,000, sold in New York city. New Or leans, La., St. Louift Mo.. Havana, Cuba, Nor folk and Saltville, Va., and Fort Worth, Tex. No. 63540 draws $25,000. Nos 30242 and 54122 draw each SIO,OOO. Nos. 11X144, 43200, 50095, 61863 and 99681 draw each $5,000. THE WORK of sending the Official List to EVERY CORRESPONDENT begins immedi ately after the drawing and continues day and night until completed. Should any of our patrons experience any delay m rsceiving it, it is owing to their name being amo ig tne last on the list. Address Registered Lelters to NEW OR LEANS NATIONAL BANK. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Address: M. A. DAUPHIN, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, by the Louisiana State Lottery Co:n pan-, i 1 the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER A MIILON DISTRIBUTED. PM Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated by the Legislature, for Educa tional and charitable purposes, and its fran chise made a part of the present State Consti tution, in 18? y, by an overwhelming popular vote. its MAMMOTH OK tUIX;* take place £crai>Annually ijnm* rh.l December), ami it* GUAM) SIAiGLK M MBKH OII4\VI\GS take place in each of the other ten months of the year, and are all drawn Iri public, at he Academy of Mimic, .\ew Orlcan.i, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of Its Drawings and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attested as follows: lt We do hereby certify that we super vine the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawiiiqs of The Louisiana state fyjt tery Company , and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conrlueted ndth honesty , fairness , and in good faith toward all parties , and we authorize the Company to tne this certificate , with far similes of our signatures attached , in its advertisements.” , Commissioner*. We the unriersiqncrl Bank* and Bankers mill pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters. H. >l. WALMSLEY. Pren. Lmiistnna Nat. ilk. I‘IKRUE LANAUX. Pres. State Nat’l Ilk. A. BALDWIN. Pres. New Orleans Nat’l Ilk. CAIfL KUHN, Pres. Union National Bank. Grand Monthly Drawing At tbe Academy of Music. IVew Orleans, Tuesday, September 10, Capital Prize $300,000 100.000 Tirkets at 920 each; Halves glO; quarters g. 5; Tenths 92; Twentieths gl. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 PRIZE OF $300,009 is $109,000 1 PRIZE OF 100.000 is 100 000 1 PRIZE OF 59,000 is ] 50 (100 ; 1 PRIZE OF 25.000 is aj’ojl 2 PRIZES OF 10,000 arc SOOOO I 5 PRIZES OF 5.000 are 25 Oix) 25 PRIZES OF 1,000 are 25 (XX) i 1(X) PRIZES OF 600 are so’noo 200 PRIZES OF 300 are m OJO i 500 PRIZES OF 200 are 100.000 J J-OTTERY. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 190 Friz's of SSUO are $50,090 100 Prizes of 900 are SO.OOO 1(W Prizes of 900 are £O,OOO TERMINAL PHIZITS. 990 Prices of 100 are 99. r oo 999 Prices of lOu are 99.900 3.104 Prizes, amounting to SI.AMJkk) Note.—Tickets drawing Capital Prizes are not entitled to Terminal Prizes. AGENTS WANTED. fFor Club Rates, or any further in formation desired, write legibly to the under signed, cleAny stating your residence, witn State. County, Str- et and Number. More rapid return mail delivery will be assured by your enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. I!VfPOTANT. Address M. A. ft VI PHIS, New Orleans, 1,a., or AI. A. DAI PHIN’, t\ ashington. It. (\ By ordinary letter containing Money Order issued by all F.xpress Companies, New York Kx change. Draft or Postal Note, Address Registered Letters Contain ing^Currency to XKW ORLEANS VV UOWL H\>K, *\ew Orleami, La. “REMEMIIER, that the pavin*nt of Prizes is Cil \H\MEEI) 11V FOl li \\TIOY\L MASKS of New Orleans and the Tickets are signed by the President of an Institution, whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts: therefore, beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes.” ONE ROLLVK is the price of the smallest part or fraction of a Ticket Ixsi Kl> u\ uh in any Drawing. Anything in our name offered for less than a Dollar s a swindle. HANKS. Cheque Bank. (LIMITED.) Established in London in 1873. Head Office, 4, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. Bankers: Bank of England. REMITTANCES! \NY one having to send money to any part - in Europe will find the cheques of the CHEQUE HANK to be the most simple, the cheapest and the safest method of remitting. We cun furnish checks of any amount from lu shillings upward at the lowest current exchange. These checks are treated in England as CASH and are accepted for such by the hanks, hotels, railroad companies, steamship companies, gov ernment offices and all other public places, shops, etc. In the continent they can he ex changed at similar places without the least in convenience or loss of time, and THEY AL WAYS COMMAND THE 1110 REST OF EX CHANGE. No identification or indorsement required. No commission charged tor exchang ing. Wo solicit the patronage of the public and wo feel certain that a single trial of the Cheque Bank system will be sufficient to promote an entire adoption of this method for remittances and other money conveyances. M. S. COSULICH & CO.. Sole Sub-Agents for Savannah and Bruns wick. Ga. General United States Agency: E. J. Mathews, & Cos., No. 2 Wall stiver. New York, N. Y. MACHINERY. McDonough & Ballaulyue, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL AND TOl* RUNNING (H >RN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. V GENTS for Alert and Union Injecto-., the simplest anti most elToctive on the market; Gullett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Uin, tti ■ best in the market. All orders promptly attended tc Send for Price List. STOVES. "—GO TO— CORNWELL & CHIPMAN. , IB OK Stoves and Ranges, Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Household Goods, Hardware. ROOFS TINNED OR PAINTED, LEAKS STOPPED, GUTTERS FIXED. Etc. 156 Congress Street. PAINTS AN li Oli,s, JOHN G. BUTLER, 'll/"HITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES; SASHES, DOORS, BUNDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Solo Ag ct •>. LADD LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT HAIR AND LAND PLASTER 140 Congress street and 139 St. Julian stpv - Savannah. Geor-H MILL SUPPLIES. Is/E±H S”u_:p Julies JENKINS' PACKING, JENKINS’ VKLVJUk FOR BALK BY J. D. WEED & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. G. DAVIS & SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, PROVISION. HAY. GRAIN AND FLOUR, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 196 and 198 Bay Street. • Savannah, Ga. C ARRIAGE WORKS. CARRIAGE WORKS. SANBERG & CO.. St. Julian, Congress and Montgomery streets, FRANKLIN SQUARE. We offer to the public the best work la our line in the city. STABLES. Tennessee Sale and Boarding Stables HORSES boarded, VEHICLES kept in i he best of style, and your Horses fed on the best and given the best of attention. CHARLES R. MuTMNGER 33 West Broad Street, TERRA COTTA. PERTH AMBOT TERRA COTTA CU Architectural Terra Cotta, SPECIAL SIZES AND COLORS OK FRONT BRICK. 18 Cortlandt. New York, N. Y.; Drexel Build ing, Philadelphia, Pa.; 81 South Clark street, Chicago, 111.; Perth Amboy, N. J. REX MAGNUS. FOR SALE BY C.M. GILBERT & CO., Agents for Georgia and Florida, f n. CENTS A WEEK pay.-, for the W B !—w daily morning news, deiiv c_J p 1 ered EARLY EVERY MORNING MMI v w m any part of the city. POITMT. BALDWIN COUNTY, GEORGIA, JUGS, JARS, CHURNS, FLOIVER POTS, Urns, Fire and G rate Brick, Chimney Flues, Stove Tops, SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE, BORDER BRICK, ETC. ALL ORDERS FILLED WITH PROMPTNESS. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. STEVENS 13H05.& CO., s TK\ I : VS’ I >C)TTK HY (TA, EDUCATIONAL HOLLINS INSTITUTE "IE This Institute, for the higher education of young Indies, erupt ,ys 95 otTlcrnt and teachers, six of whom are Male Professors. It is finely equipped, iieautifully located and enjoys the advantages of Mineral Wafers and a salubrious Mountain Climate Languages, Litera ure, Science, Art Music, Elocution, etc., are taught under the best stun iar Is. Fur over a gen -rati mit has enjoyed the lull confidence of Uie better classes of s defy of nil religion; beliefs. Eighteen States repre sented last session Is always Tull. Next session opens Kept. 11, 1889. Apply for Register. Hol lins, P. 0., Va., CIIAS, H. COCKE, Business Manager. LITHOGRAPHY, STEAM PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, ETC. THE LARGEST LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH tiie Morning News Steam Printing House SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS A Lithographing and EngravingDspartment which is complete within ltpeir, ami the largest concern or the kind in the South. It is thoroughly equipped, having five presses, and ail the latest mechanical appliances in the art, the best of artists and the most sklilrul lithog raphers. all under the management of an experienced superintendent.. It also has the advantage of being a part of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, hanks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give this house an opportunity to figure on their work, when orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant it. a special agent will be sent to make estimates. S- r r -JU- A. “ IVE. Stem Ptiiili list #fttlmii Id ns o o £®r*Send your orders where they can bo fllloi expeditiously an l ecoaomloally by steam. MORNING NEWS BUILDING. SAVANNAH, A RUBBER BELTS, ETC. Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting. Leather Belting. Rubber Packing. Hemp Packing. Traction BeitGrease Manilla Rope. Coil Chain. PALMER BROS. FOOD PRODUCTS. L. HAYNES J. It ELTON. HAYNES & ELTON, PROPRIETORS OF—■ Forest City Mills, —MAICCrACTURCRK OP Flour, Grits and Meal, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, HAY AND ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED. KIESLING’S NURSERY, WHITE BLUFF ROAD. TO LA VTA Bouquets, Designs, Cut Flowers A furnished to order. Leave orders at DAVIS BROS.’, cor. Buil and York sts. The Belt Rail way passes through the nursery. Telephone :U. STEAM PRINTING PRESSES, STEAM LITHOGRAPHING PRESSES. STEAM RULING .MACHINES, STEAM SCORING MACHINES, fcTEAM BACK Forming MAOHJQUtft STEAM STAMPING PRESSES, STEAM NUMBERING MACHINSK STEAM CUTTING MACHINES, STEAM SEWING MVCHINES, STEAM BOOK SAWING MACKUeS*. STEAM STEREOTYPING MAOHINitJ, steam paper damping machine!. AT TIIE—. FUitNISIIING GOODS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! —a r Li si F-A. R S. STRAW - HATS AT COST. A Fine Line of Gents’ Under wear in Balbriggan and India Gauze. GLORIA AND SILK_ UMBRELLAS! A full line of E & W. COLLARS and CUFFS in ail tue lat-st styles; GENTS’ H. S. L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS in plain Whito and Fancy Borders. A full line of GENTS’ FULL DRESS SHIRTS- Kmbroidered Fronts. The celebrated MON ARCH SHIRT in all sizes. BATHING SUITS, BATHING CAPS and SHOES, HAMMOCKS : HAMMOCKS ! at Reduced Prices. Give an early call. Prompt and polite atten tion to all, ei £9 BULL STREET. UOTEIiS. THE MORRISON HOUSE C'ENTRAX.LY Iccafel, on line of rtreet cars, / off rs pleasant south rooms, with excellent board, lowest rates. With new baths, sewerage and ventilation perfect, the sanitary condition f the house is of the best. Corner Broughton end Drayton streete. Savannah. Ga. MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mervhaalcs. Corpora tints. aud all other* in need of bruiting. lithograph in z, and itank bocks can hate their orders promptly filled, at moderate r.rees, at the MORNING NEWS PRINTING UOUSE. 3 Whitaker street. 7