The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 15, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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THOM ASVILLS TOPIC3. A Saw Mill Burned—The Real Estate Market Booming. Tho>(asvili.e, Oi., April 14.—The saw. mill of Hancock Broi, at Metcalfe in this county, was completely destroyed by fire Friday night. There was no insurance. The" New York sleeper to Thomasville will be taken off after April 20. \V. S. Keefer has ordered a complete laundry on’fit and will establish a first-class laundry m this city. A number of tourists ami winter visitors still linger in Thomasville. Few of those who own houses here have gone yet. THE BEAL ESTATE MARKET. The real estate market has been quite ac tive in Thomasville this week. J. Wyman .Tones of Englewood, X. J., and associates, have bought an option on tiOO acres adjoin ing the city. The price to be paid for the tract is $50,000, SI,OOO of which has been put up as a forfeit. Tnese lands lie all in one body, and will be laid off, with beauti ful winding roads ami parks, and sold to p>,.ple who will improvo it. lie rge Fearn tins sold his Magnolia Park property to Hugh X. Camp of New York 11. M. Malletto sold the Dr. John H. Coyle Tome lot, on corner of Crawford and Jack sou streets, to the Thomasville Guards, who •will erect a handsome armory building on h. Tho location is the very best and the Hoards are enthusiastic over their purchase. Quite a number of smaller transactions have been made. The market is excited and prices are still advancing. Hon. William J. Northern This gentleman is now prominently be fore the people of Georgia as a candidate for the nomination of the Democratic party for governor of the state. He is a true and tried old-line democrat. He has never swerved from the democratic path, and has never strayed from its fold. What honors he ha* won and duties he has performed have been within the lines of the organized democracy. Asa democrat he will bear the standard of the party to victory if chosen to the high honor, and as one he will fight in the ranks if the democrats in nominating convention so ordain. In the future, as in the past, he will serve his state and his party wherever he is placed, with fidelity and ability. In both branches of the general assembly his record is without a flaw or a blot, as is his peMbnal and political record from his youtu up to this day. Early in life he became a cnureh member, and his life has been pure, temperate, consistent and eminently an ex ample worthy the emulation of the youth and mature manhood of the state, lu ev ery position he has occupied he has re flected credit upon himself and been useful to thoso wLom he has served. In the school room, in religious and agricultural ga!borings, in legislative hall?, and ou the platform, he has deserved and won the respect and es teem of all who know him. With no pur pose to disparage any one, in the humble judgment of the writer, he stands foremost vi this state as a friend of the farmers. His letters and addresses to them on agri cultural questions have been wise, earnest, and effective. The present marke i pro grass which Georgia farmers are making is greatly due to his untiring zeal and devo tion tothelr int.-rests. They owe him a debt of gratitude, which ai democrats and Georgians, inside, not outside cf the Democratic party, they propose to pay. They mean to make him the next democratic governor of the state. And I say, Go.i spied them! The farmers of Georgia are nearly all democrat a They have saved the stute from misrule in the past, and the best evidence of their good sense and patriotism is the great unanimity with which they are centering upon Will iam J. Xorthen ns chief executive. While he is the farmer*’ friend and will faithfully look after t ieir welfare, ho is a patriot ami statesman. His conservatism and his judgment will protect and guard every in terest. There will be no danger of ultra changes and radical measures aider his ad ministration. His good sense, good heart, and unquestioned integrity and large ex perience w ill uli guarantee against a wild and reckless administration. Why should he not have a walk-overt AV’hy should not the lawyers, merchants, mechanics, the politicians—all of the various interests and classes unite upon him! It would boa grace ful compliment paid to the wishes, as well as the wisdom aid discretion displayed by the farmers in tbeir manifest choice, and give us all a good, safe gov ernor, who will red ct honor upon the state and worthily lili the ciiair which has been so nobly occupied and graced in the past by the long roll of statesmen who have Illus trated Georgia as her governors. Savannah. Brewer’s Lung Restorer is by far the best throat and lung medicine I have ever used, and I take pleasure in endorsing it as such. Having used it in my family, and seen it used in many cases, I know whereof I -peak.— Adc. T. J. Burney. Wedding Chimoe. Xow that Lent is over fashionable wed dings will be in order, and nothing con tributes more to the success of such events than the Wedding Gifts bought from Silva's, 140 Broughton street. There you have to select from an endless variety of Art Pot tery, Rich Cut Glassware, Fine Lamps, Satin Lined Case Goods, Dinner Sets, Tea Nets, Chamber Sets and a thousand and one other articles both useful and ornamental, besides ttie complete stock or staple every day bouse furnishings. An inspection of these goods is invited. —A dr. To Mothers. For upward of fifty years “Mrs, Win slow's Soothing Syrup” has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething with never-failing safety and suc cess. Ic soothes the child, softens the gums, days all pain, regulates the bowels, cures " ind colic, ana is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Mrs. Winslow’s fSoothing Syrup” is for sale by druggists in every Part of the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Adc. Quick Bales and Small Proffts. “ The Famous ” X. Y. Clothing House has been doing business in Savannah over ten years and has established the reputation of being the cheapest (for fine clothing) of any store anywhere. When it comes to a tug of ,v ar by a judge of clothing and a clo e b yer that tries every store "The Famous" always comes out victorious, for the reason that 1 am satisfied to make quick sales and ■‘' ■lull profits. The claim that vou can save -' per cent, by buying of "The. Famous" looks, perhaps, to the unsophisticated like blowing, but it is true, nevertheless, and has been proven many times. Only this "eek a youug man came in with a hew pair of trousers, and I happened to have the identical same goods and pattern. He had paid $7 for them. Mine were marked in I’iain figures to sell at $5. If you want to buy first-class Clothing, Hats, Shirts and e kwear at a reasonatile price go to “ The ■Famous” new store, 148 Broughton street. — 1 dv. Rheumatism was so hart that James liviu of 'avanuab could hardly walk from pain in bis 'ii'mlder and joints of his legs. P. P. P. 1 ‘ ickly Asn. P .Ire Root and Potassium) was ri- oried to and Irvin is well and happy. — Adv. Milton, Fla. I his is to certify that 1 have been afflicted " uli Scrofula or Blood Poison for a number of 3-ars. The best physicians of Mobile and this city said nothing could lie done for me. 1 also took a large quantity of .but found no re lict in anything that I took. My limbs were a "tass of ulcers, and when I was sent to a phy sician in Mobile rny entire body was a mass of sores. Ilial given up all hop*, and as a last resort tried P. p. p. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root arid l otas-ium), and after using four bottles ■niall size) the sores have entirely disappeared ami my general health was never better than at ine present time, and people that know me unk it a wonderful cure. Respectfully. Eliza Todd. CTUTICCRA REMEDIES. SPRING SPRING HI M< >Rs, whether itching, burning. bleeding:, scaly, crusted, pimply or blotcbv, whether of toe akin. *alp or blood, with loss ot hair, whether simple, scrofulous, or heredi tary . from infancy to age. are now speedily, permanently, and economically cured by that greatest of all known humor cures, the (f}ticura Resolvent A skill and blood tmrifier of incomparable purity and curative ix>wer. An acknowledged specific of world-wide celebrity. Entirely vegetable, safe, innocent, and palatable. F.ftVcts daily more great eur j s of skin, scalp, and blood humor* than all other skin and blood remedies before the public. Sale greater than the combined sales of all other blood and skin remedies. Sold everywhere. Price. sl. Potter Drig AND PHEMICA.L CORPORATION, Boston. for “How to Cure Spring Humors. '* FJCHTIOXB FOR iSTCORPOHAtIOX O TATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham County.—To kj the Superior Court of said countv: The petition of J. A. LOGAN. J. P. DOOLAN, J. J. HIGGINS. W. M. BOHAN. GEORGE T. CANN. .J. F. CAXN, \Y. L. WILSON. G. R. BUTLER. I. N. WELLS. CHARLES ELLIS. Jit., and E. S. DERBY, all of said state and county, respectfully shows that they desire for them selves. tbeir associate* amt successors, to be in corporated and made a bod politic under the name and style of the SAVANNAH BUILDING COMPANY. That tne object of their association is pecu niary gain ana protit to its stockholders and the particular business they propose to carry ou is as follows: To own, buy, sod, lease, rent, grant, mortgage, encumber, improve and otherwise hold and deal in all kinds of property, real, per sonal, or mixed; to own. subscribe for. pur chase, receive, hold, or dispose of the stock, se curities, shams and obligations of other corpo rations, now or hereafter to be formed under the laws of any state or territory iu the Unite! States of America; to leud or borrow money ou note, bill, bond or pledge, dee.l, mortgage or other obi gat ion, with or without real or per sonal security, or to negotiate such loans for others; to enter into and carry out contracts and obligations for the building and construct ing of houses, stores, shops, an l all other build ings, aid for the building, constructing, equipping, improving, oparat ng and managing of roods, tramways, factories, warehouses, bridges, and buildings of all kinds and other public and pri ate work; to manufacture, sell and and al in any or u 1 articles of personal prop erty; to do a general merchandising, ware house, storage, commission and forwardin' business, and generally to do all acts and things necessary for the furtherance and in dutenauce of said association. The amount of caoital stock to be employed by them is the sum of te i thousand dollars, divided into snares of five hundred dollars each, all f't which has beeu subscribed for by your petitioners and their associates, and is to be actually paid in as the board of directors of said company may require, each subscriber being liable for the amount subscribed by him until his subscription is fully paid up and no further. The principal ol ice of doing business will be in Chatham county. Georgia, but petitioners desire, as said corporation, to have the power to transact said business anywhere within or out of this state, and also to have branch offices in such places as may be deemed be it, the principal office neing in the city of Savannah, in said Chatham count}’. Petitioners desire to be incorporated for the term ot twenty years, with the privilege of re newal at the expiration of that time. In addition to all the pow'ers necessary to the proper carrying out of those pow ers above te out and mentioned, and to the powers common to all corporations under the laws of Georgia, petitioners desire the following special powers: To increase or diminish the said capital stock, from timo to time.‘through its board of direc tors, in the judgment of said board, to any sum not exceeding five hunch e l thousand dollars nor less than ten thousand dollars: to receive in pa} ment of said capital stock, to be issued, money, land or personal property, as may be deter mine i by its board of directors. Wherefore* ]>etitioners pray that they, their associates and successors may be incorporated under said corporate name for the objects and purposes and with the powers afor said, with said capital stock and for the time aforesaid. And petioners will ever pray, etc. G T. A J. F. CANN, Petitioners' Attorneys. Filed in office and recorded this Ist day of April, Ml*. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C., C. l\. A true extract as appears of record iu this office this April Ist, 1890. JAMES K. P. CARR. Clerk S. C. C. C. LOTTERY. LOTTERY OF THE PUBLIC CHARITY. ESTABLISHED IN 1877, BY THE MEXICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. Operated Under a Twenty Year,' Contract by the Mexican International Im provement Company. Grand Monthly Drawings held in the Moresqo. Pavilion la the Alameda Park. City of Mexioa, and publicly conducted by Government Offi cials appointed (or the purpose by the Secro tary or the Interior and the Treasury. Grand Semi-Annual Drawing, May 5, 1890 CAPITAL PRIZE, $120,000. SBO,OOII Tickets at SB, $610,000. Wholes. $8; Halves, $4; Quarters, $2; Eighths, $!. Club Rates: $55 Worth of Tickets for SSO U. S. Currency. list ou PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $130,000 is. .$120,000 1 CAPITAL PRIZE #t--49.000 is .... .10.000 1 CAPIT AL PKI/.E OF 20,090 is 2*0,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF.. 5.000 is ... 5,000 2 PRIZES OF 2*.(MO are.... 4,000 5 PRIZES OF 1,000 are.... 5.000 20 PRIZES OF 500 are.. . 10,000 100 PRIZES OF 2*oo are.... 20.000 380 PRIZES OF 100 are.. . 38,000 329 PRIZES OF 40 are.... 21,160 APPROXIMATION’ PRIZES. 130 Prizes of $l2O app. to $120,000 Prize $ 18,000 150 lYizes of ion app. to 40.000 Prize. 15,090 ISO Prizes of 0 app. to 20,000 Prize. 9,000 799 Terminals of S4O decided by $120,009 Prize 31.960 2.289 Prizes Amountin'? to $957,120 All Prizes sold in the United States full paid In U. S. Currency. SPECIAL FEATURES By terms of contract the Company must de posit the sum of all prizes included in the scheme before selling a single ticket, and re ceive the following official permit: CERTIFICATE. —I hereby certify that the Bank of London and Mexico has on special depoerthe necessary funds to guarantee the payment of all prise* drawn by the Loteria de la Beneficencia Publica. A. CASTILLO. Interventor. Further, rhe Company is required to distrib ute 56 per cent, of the value of a'l the tickets is prizes- a larger proportion than ie given by any other Lottery. . ,„ . , . . Finally, the number of tickets is limited to 80,000—20.000 less than are sold by other Ic teric* using the same scheme. ‘or full particulars address U. Basasltt, Anartado 736. City of Mexico. Mexico. CHAS. A. COX 40 BARNARD ST.. SAVANNAH* GA* —MANUFACTURER OF— GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES AND— TIN ROOFING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Estimates for city or country work promptly the celebrated Swedish Metallic for Walter's Patent Tin Shlngtea THE MORNING NEWS : TUESDAY, APRIL 15. I*9o. FI'RNITURK AND CAKPETS. IE LEA O—O THERS FOLLOW. Our new Spring Stock is now ready for inspection, and we cordially invite the public to call and examine our goods and prices before making their purchases. MATTINGS, REFRIGERATORS. Oils cloths. BABY CARRIAGES. ICE BOXES. ETC. We are showing a very pretty line of Oak suites in nat ural, antique and XVI. century finish. CccecLib G-ixren if Desired- EMIL A. SCHWARZ, , _ A NE W LOT ' ■ ' - O Jp - FURNITURE, BABY CARRIAGES, CHAMBER SETS, SHADES, LOUNGES, PARLOR SUITS, DINING TABLES JUST UX IR IR, IXTTU XD AT 6 AND 8 WEST BROAD STREET. Also a Nice Line of Cedar Chests. Terms to suit any one. Very Liberal Discounts for Cash, A. S. THOMAS, 6 & 8 West Broad Street, Corner Bryan. _ REFRIGERATORS. The Leonard Cleanable Excel -A.ll OtUers - V''S*nd for Illustrated Catalogue showing designs a\nd reasons why they A Beautiful Pamphlet free to all. M. BOLEY <Xr SON, 186, 188, 190 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, - - - GA. CLOTHINU. MAKE NO MISTAKE! If you seek Style, .Quantity and Quality Fop your l> o L L AIiSIB BE SURE TO CALL ON Dryfus Bros. ,OK YOUR SUITS. Fancy Vests, Straw Hats, Fancy Shirts, Spring Derbys, " Fancy Neckwear, Stylish Trousers. LADIES’ BLOUSES. Menier Chocolate Paris Exposition, 1889 J- l coldVedall: LARGEST CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD YEARLY SALE EXCEEDS 30,000,000 POUNDS. PUREST, HEALTHIEST AND BEST. 5 Ask for YELLOW WRAPPER Menier Chocolates and tale no others- For Sale Everywhere* 1 BRANCH HOUSE, UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. 18 S 1 4CH Mi EIM EK * SON'., ! wholesale Agts. JOHN' LYONS & CO., Retail Agents. FLUMBBIi. l a. McCarthy, Barnard street, (Under KDlgbt* of Pythias* Hall), PLUMBING AND CAS FITTING. STEAM HEATING A SPECIALTY LKATHEIt GOODS. Neidlinger & Rabun COLE AOENTH for HOYTS SHORT LAP LEATHER BELTING. REVERE RUBBER COM PA VV‘B GIANT STITCH BDBELC.. Dealers fa SADDLES, H.VKXESS and MILL SUPPLIES. •SavjAryaAllA-jT * - 4 < ,<BH>rgia DANIEL HOGAN. UGTS ILL NEW THINGS V HOGAN’S. ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE □leanest Place —IN— SAVANNAH. A Superb Stock. WE have now open at specially low prices, beautiful novelties in plain an i fancy fine wove qplored Dress Fabrics in Glorias, Mohair, Beiges, Hauls, Serges, Ca-h meres, and Henriettas, and in our Mourning Department, inw hack Dress Materials in Camels' Hair, plain and bordered Serges, Crepoline, Batiste, Jacquard Weaves, etc. Side hand Ginghams, French Sateens, new printed Ponges, in exclusive designs ami colors. WE WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO AN ENTIRELY NEW LINE OF FANCY WASH SILKS, Tussar and Japanese Silks in dress patterns only; no two patterns alike. Also a handsome assortment of French (dallies in dress lengths. EMBROIDERIES. Immense Assortment. New effects In Jaconet, Nainsook, and ('am brie Edgings and Insertions in matched pat‘ terns. * 300 yards India Linen Flouncing, 45 inches wide, at 76c. a yard, worth 90c. 300 yards do. at sl, would be excellent value at $1 35 per yard. WHITE GOODS. A full line of India Linens, plain and striped Nainsooks, just received. Also plain and fi*- ur< and French I hniity. Hemstitched Lawns, 43 inches wide, at 4 ! c. and up to 85c. yard. CARPETS. Ingrain Carpets at 45c. and 50c. yard, reduced from 00c. and 65c. Tapestry Brussels reduced from 75c. aud 85c. to Gsc. and 75c. ZJVCatrbixLgs. New line Mattings just received. Extraordi nary bargains will beofferel during the week on all c asses of winter goods. Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets. Comfortables. Flannels, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Heavy Underwear, etc , will be absolutely sold regardless of cost, with a view of making room for our spring purchases. BOYS’ SUITS. 800 Boys’ Knee Pant Suits, slse* { to 14 years at a third less than former prices. DANE BOGAN Bronglitoaafld BarnardSts. , ms. PEA SSUf White Crowders, Black _j Eye, Pigeon, Clay, and A Speckled Peas. Seed Corn, Lemons, S Oranges, Hay, Crain and Feed. W. D. SIMKINS. KKAIi ESTATE. .i.KFULTON Real Estate and General Collecting Agent, S DRAYTON STREET. SPECIAL attention given to the collection of rents and the care of real estate. Patron age respectfully solicited. PRY GOODS. SPECIAL: No matter how low goods are quoted by competi tors, we will sell you equally as good or better goods for le3S money. MORRISON, FOYE & GO., LEADING DRV GOODS HOUSE. II GRAND CHANCE IS If! TO BUY , New Spring Dry Goods at Almost Giving Away Prices. Never before has otir ilore i>en ao crowded as in tta* past week Toe graat inducements whieb we are offering has been the cause, and we have proved to every cicse and careful buyer tnat WE ARE THE PEOPLE! LISTEN TO OUR LOW SCALE OF PRICES! Silk* an<l Dress Goods, (•rami display of China and India Silks-moat elegant display ever stum n. rhina S.Us J 1 mooes nub*. beautiful designs, ilk* ay an!: former price Hoc. Twenty inch iMirnh Silk in the following tie ,!r --able shades: Whit .(’ream. Pink. Blue, Lavipi der. Heliotrope, old ('aruinal. (lame*, ifrav and Black, at 3l‘c. per yard; formerly sold for 05 c. Black Surah Silk. B’a'k Grondrain Silk. Blank Fail’e Silk aud Black Satin Rhadrvmes at price* ran gin;? from 25e t > 500. a yard low r man our competitors. Sp c al drive in Black Silk Grenadines at $1 19 a yard. Forty -iuh Ad Wool Black French Chullic 49c.; former price ttsc Light weight All Wool Black Dress Goods nt reduced prices. Fifty pl*eesdouble width New Spring Dress GoodH at UK*.: worth 35c. Forty-inch Silk Finish Brilliant men, desirable shades, 49c.; sold elsewhere for Drapery Nets. Twenty-five pieces Black Silk Drapery Nets, newes’ and pivUl st patterns of this m*ason's importations, at prices that cannot bo matched south of New York. U9o. for Black Silk Drapery Nets; worth $1 50. Extraordinary Drives, Hood Brown Rea Island Cotton per yard. White (\ieok Nainsook, sat in finish, 4c. a yard; real value tl* ic. Ten cases Printed Lawns, linen finish, 4c. a yard. Seventy three pieces be*t Am-rican Cotton Chnllies, lark grounds, at 7c\; worth X 0 pieces Crinkle Seersucker at GJ4O.; regular price lOc. Two I’arasol lioins. One lot Black Silk Parasols, gold and silver mountings, at 31 23: worth $1 75. One lot Black Silk Parasols, ten inch oxydized handles, reduced to $1 49 These goods cannot be duplicated anywhere else less than $3 59. MORRISON, =ESTATE ; DOES NOT CONTROL ALL OK THE DOLLAR COINING OPPORTUNITIES that !a e going nowadays. We lmye a FEW BONANZAS OURSELVES into which we pro pose to let the public THIS WEEK. He will not comment ou our HEAVY SALES of Spring Clothing, but merely say we have sold "1 its and cords” and shall have plenty left. HERE’S THE IDEA THIS WEEK. WE DISCOVER SOME LOTH OF Mil All SUMER CLOTHING LEFT OVER FROM LAST SEASON. They go an the DISSECTING TABLE. We add to them none BROKEN LINES OF Tills SEASON’S SUITS; tho knii'o Hashes, drops, and suits that have boen sold from ,XlO to |IS are uow cut to $lO a First-Class Suit. SOME HOUSES WILL SELL YOU LAST YEAR’S GOODS AT THIS YEAR’S PRICES WE ARE NOT BUILT THAT WAY. B. H. LEVY & BRO. STOVES. IDEAL BROILING. Broiling can be done in the oven of the Charier Oak Range or Stove with the Wire [NsMck Gauze Oven Door, more perfectly than over jn£/j' S \ltH /ns€£ps. Lay the steak, chops, nant or fish on a AnL. tSn TO™*. wire oroiler or meat mck, placing it in an JfCty/Z 1Y ordinary hake pan to catch tlic drippings. Allow it to remain in the oven with the Jt, door closed 25 or 20 minutes. No turning is required. Attheendof tliis time it will he found nicely cooked ready to serve. V This is thk ideai. way to bkoii, meats. W\ Tliere is no taint of coal-gas or smoke, aSkJKv///! \, and tire meats art! more tender and betterin flavor than tliose broiled over the coals. The convenience or broiling in the oven X&jrfcKNKr will be appreciated by every nouse-keeper, nNmbSPS' and B<,<,s another to the many reasons why NSW?' tlie Charter Oak Range or Stove w ith the Wire Game Oven Door should be preferred Send for Illustrated Circulars ar;n Peicc lists. to ulllc ’ ls uow * u :e market. Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges with Wire Gauze Oven Doors, are Manufactured by the Ejrccl.vior Manufacturing < ~ St. Lottln, Mo., and Sold by CLARK & DANIELS. Sole Agents. Savannah, Ga. B———H——■■MMgggjjip HOTELS. UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT! DUB’S SCKEVEN HOUSE OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Fire t-Cla* in All its Appointments. Large Sam pla Rooms for Commercial Traveler-. * 33. IPTXIP nui roN r. woods. John k. oarnett Charles r. malone. WOODS, GARNETT & CO., SUCCESSORS io woods & CO., 9 Cotton Factors and. Commission Merchants S3 Bay Street, - - Savannah, Ga. Liberal advances made on consignments of cotton. Prompt attention given to all businesa Special Sale Ladies’ Muslin Underwear. (.’ENTER COUNTERS TIRST FLOOR.) Good Cambric Corset Covers, well made, only 11c.: word. I9u. ladies' Chemise, good musl n. neatly made, | only 21c. la lies' Chemise, good muslin, lace trimmed, ; oul, 95c. Ladies' Chemise, good muslin, tucked yoke, Hamburg trimming, at 3!)c.: worth sc. ladies' Night Dresses, lac ■ trimmed, at 43 r. I .sdies’ Night Dresses, yoke solid embroidery, 98e : worth $1 SO. ■ l.udies’ Skirls arc., 39c., 18c. Ladies' Jersey Bibbed Underresta at 10c.; regular price 19c. GLOVES- 15c Per Pair. 300 dozen La lies'Taffeta Gloves, new spring shades, worth 35c. Broken sizes in Children's Hose at 25c.; worth BOc. and 80c. Ladies' Fine Gauze Fancy Striped Hose at 19c ; worth 35c. -0) dozen ladies' Corsets, regular $1 quality, for 75c. ladies’ Striped Flannelette Blouses at 49c.; worth 75c. MEN’S FURNISHINGS Who ever beard of Gent#' Unlaundered Shirl s, reinforced back and front, linen bosom nn.l lands, good mnsliu. 35c. each, or three for Si Q uits' Seamless Half Hose, unbleached or mixtures, 10c. a pair; worth 19c. Gents' good (lalliriggan Undervests, silk bound, only 25c. each. Gems' four-ply Linen Collars, standing or I turned. 9c. each. Gents' Neglige shirts in great variety at 48c. and 75c.; wort n 75c. and fI, FANS 10,009 Folding Fans from lc. Upwards. EMBROIDERIES. Grand bargains in Wide F.nibrolderies at sc. 6c., Bc. and lit-. Forty-five inch Swiss Flouncing at 49c., 75c. and 98c. BOYS’ WAISTS. Fifty dot. Boys' I’ercale Waists at 19c.; worth FOYE & CO. CLOTHING, CORNER FORU. HOTEL T V BEE, WILL OPEN ON OR BEFORE MAY Ist. One of the Hamtaoiuest Summer Resorts in the Union. 5