The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 18, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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HAS SOLD EIIS OWN SKELETON. A Freak 'T/bo Can Dislocate Hla Joints ■Without Inconvenience. From the Brooklyn Eagle. A in Barnum’s Bide show, who Is in no sense of the word a fake, is Charles E. Hilliard. He dislocates his joints and re places them at will, to the groat astonish ment of the many visitors. The most emi nent physicians in this and other countries have tried to solve this man's peculiar gift, fcut all have failed, and he remaius as g: eat a puzzle, to himself as well as others, as when he first discovered he could loosen himself, so to speak, without doing any harm or causing any pain. Mr. Hilliard is of medium hight, litho and graceful, and is possessed of his share of manly beautv. An Eagle reporter interviewed this stumbling block to science yesterday—bearded him in his den, as it were—and drew from him a life history which is full of incident and novelty. "I was born at Martinsburg, IV. Va.,” he be„-an, “on Aug. 10, 1857. I grew up to a schooling age the samo as any other child. One day—l remember it well—l climbed into an orchard from which little boys were supposed to be excluded, and, catching sight a c a dog. quickly jumped the fence into the Voadway, turning my ankle when I struck the ground. It didn’t hurt any, so I kicked against the fence, and—snap —it went back into place again. I went home and scared my parents almost into hysterics by repeat ing my snap act, and they sent pest haste for a doctor. He twisted me and ham mered me, and found a lot of new places that could be broken without pain, finally giving up the puzzle with the consoling tneory that there wrs a screw loose somewhere. In school I soon learned to unjoint my head and could write on the blackboard aud look squarely at tne ■ school at the same time. I always cracked my ankles instead of snapping my Augers to attract the teacher’s attention, and if I found I was being beaten in a foot race 1 always managed to Lave a broken log or twisted foot for ten or fifteen minutes as an excuse for having lost. IVhea a bucket of coal was needed my wrist was always dislocated; during harvest time a dislocated knee came in handy. I couldn’t carry water with a dislocated shoulder, nor weed the garden with three broken fingers on each hand, s > I managed to have things pretty easy during my childhood. As I grew older 1 found there were fow joints in my body that I could not dislocate and it gradually got to worrying me. I consulted one doctor after another and one word, enigma, gives the result of all their investigations. When I gave it up in despair and had resolved not to bother myself any more about my fall ing, as I called it, the doctors began. Dr. St. Clair of the Port Huron Medical Col lege; Dr. Pauerest, Philadelphia; Dr. Bliss, New York; Dr. Howell, Baltimore; Dr. Chambers, St. Louiß; Dr. Doremus, Phil adelphia; Dr. Adolphus, Atlanta, Oa.and 1,000 and oue others tackled me one after another and as regularly gave me up as being an unexplainable mystery. I now began to get used to being "on exhibition through having so many doctors exper imenting with me, and^rtsolved to accept one of the many offers that kept pouring in upon mo to visit medical colleges through out this country and England, and after exhibiting for a time before surgeons and students at home I took an engage ment in the royal college in London, where they kept me for seven years, and yet could tell me no more when I left than when I entered. When I returned I took turns at the prominent colleges in the large cities, occasionally shifting otf to a season in a museum or side show for a change. I have become completely hardened to criti cism aud curiosity regarding my defect or gift, whichever you have a mind to call it, and am just as well satisfied here or in a museum as before a crowd of students that are aching for mv corpse whenever they see me. College work pays me best, though. I get |l5O a week at a college or where I am now, but I have worked as low as 175 in a museum, because I wanted a change so much. By the way, I suppose you read in the newspapers a tew years ago how I sold mv bones. I had received various offers from half a dozen cranks scattered over the country of from 81,000 to $4,000 for my body after death, money to bo paid on data of contract, but I paid no attention to them. Finally, one day while I was exhibiting at the Bellevue hospital, Philadelphia, Dr. Doremus came up to me with a pleasant smile, and the eqally pleasant greeting of ‘Well, Hilliard, now much for your bones to-day? ‘They’re $6,000 to-day,’ said I, laughing. ‘lt’s a go,’ he answered, and the next day he sent me a check for that amount, and I signed a contract giving him my skeleton after death, but reserving the right to use it myself until death occurs. 1 thought at first it was a joke, but soon found out it was a straight taaiwaction, and business from the word go. I’ll stay with Mr. Barnum, whom I liko very much, the rest of this season, but will probably drift to some college for the winter." Mr. Hilliard has never known what it was to bo ill, and is in perfect physical con dition. His disjointing aud rejointing are done quicklv, and among many others in clude the following dislocations, which will give those who did not see him last week some idea of his peculiar formation: Com plete dislocations of the wrists, elbows, fingers, ankles and knees; four different dis locations of the shoulders and four of the hips; eight dislocations at the same time, embracing shoulders, hips, knees a ad ankles; and twelve dislocations at the same time, embracing toes of each loot and the two ankles. While thus dislocated he shows seven different forms of what is known as club feet. Mr. Hilliard is married< well educated, and a very pleasing conversa tionalist. , A Treasure Hunt. From the o'alignan.i Messenger. Some eight months ago there started from Southampton a party of adventurers in search of vast treasure supposed to be hid den in one of the desert islands of the South Atlantic ocean. The destination of this band of treasure seekers was the island of 1 riuidad—not our fertile Trinidad in the *’ est Indies, but tho largest of a small vol canic group of rocks situated about 300 miles north of the tropic of Capricorn, and some 1,000 miles east of Rio Janeiro. 1\ hen it is stated that the expedition was directed by the veteran yachtsmnn, E. F. Anight, whose “Cruise of the Falcon” made such an impression a few years ago, it may be imagined that, Deo Javente, all would go wsll, aud that the wanderers might return laden with booty and covered with glory. Due million pounds sterling is a nice little sum to rusk something for, and this was the amount, roughly speaking, at which the wicked pirates’ treasure” was valued by those who, under Mr. Knight’s command, Se <r? ut v n t * la K°°d ship Alerte. ~“ e little island, with its satellites, the .“ r *'d a I as rocks, presents a most inhos pitable appearance, and the difficulty of lauding ls very great on account of tho surf and tne abrupt, jagged nature or the cliffs. But to return to the treasure, rt was supposed that some seventy years dgo a baud of pirates landed on the island and concealed their ill-gotten gain in a cave, the entrance to which had since been covered up by a landslip. Mr. Knight’s party proposed to dig away the landslip and trorn these shores fully equipped for almost any emergency iu this direction. On ho wuv out the little yacht—she was only itty tons—got caught in the doldrums and here was u good deal of squabbling on n’v- ’ L Ut eventua lly, after landing at amn, the island was reached and digging commenced. Alas, for the uncertainty of all human * our months of incessant toil meed to remove tho landslip, but did it wake the toilers millionaires / No, the find ..m 3 “bspldtely nothing but a few pieces of ma— just enough to show that people had in that cave; just enough to indicate probability that those worthies had re ts VfcM i whatever valuables there were on P rev i° us to the occurrence of the landslip. All yachtsmen will wish Mr. ■anight a safe return to the country, and i mpathizo with his disappointment. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTRA WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or •tore, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WOOD. Lash tnAdvLv. saon insertion. Everybody who has any want to surmly, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed, any wish to gratify, rhovld advertise in this column. CALENDAR. MAY SUNDAY I have read in Plato and Cicero savings that are very wise and beautiful; but I never read ia either of them, ‘'Como unto me, all yo that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." —Augustine New Moon 3:18p. m. ' SMOKE fa 'Cortez Cigars EVERY DAY. PERSONAL.. 01 BULL STREET is headquarters in Kavan *l nah for Photographs. $2 pays for one dozen Cabinets and S3 50 pays for one dozen and one extra io Bxlo gilt frame. Twenty-five years in the business. J. N. WILSON. I?OR ADOPTION, a fine, healthy female in fant; four months old. Address RE LIABLE, care Morning News. READ the Sunday Morning Newr. For sale at KIEFFER'S DRUG STORE, West Broad and Stewart streets. TWO DOLLARS pays tor one dozen Fine Cabinet Photographs; one extra in eight by ten gilt frame, with cord and nail, 50c. SAVAN NAH PHOTO CO., 149 Broughton. PERSONAL— I shall give my personal atten tion to the management of property this summer while owners are absent from the city. Come and see me. C. P. MILLER. Cl AP has anew lot of Garcia’s Light Figaros ‘ at 101 Bay street. LAUNEY A GOEBEL have presented a hand some framed Crayon Portrait of the whi ning baby at the Baby Show May 22d as a prize for the prettiest baby over one year and under three years. DON’T go to Tybee without calling on CAP for your cigars. The best 5c in town. 7 r PIS a breash* of etiquette, young lady, for X you to purchase dry goods or millinery after 6 o’clock. June 1 until Oct. 1 the stores will close at 6 p.m., Saturdays 10 V. M. PRIZES will be awarded at the “Baby Show” to prettiest baby aud finest baby over one and undr three years. Prizes also to prettiest baby and finest under one year. HURRAH for early closing! Dry goods and millinery stores close 6 p. M., Saturdays 10 p. M., June 1 until Oct. 1. MRS. DR. BALDWIN’S advertisement on page 2 will interest you. Read it. THE dry goods and millinery stores close 6 p. m., Saturdays 10 p. m., June 1 until Oct. L DON’T fail to get a copy of Sunday’s issue of the Morning News. For sale at BISHOP’S DRUG STORE, corner Hall and Price streets. WIVES, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and all friends of the working classes, are respectfully notified that the dry goods and millinery stores will close at 6p. M., Saturdays 10 P. M.. Juneluntil Oct. 1. JjMNE HORSES—2pair Black Carriage Horses, 2pairGrays, 1 pair Bays, 1 big style extra goercombination, number of extra nice single drivers aud work animals. All kinds of mules. GUILMARTIN & MEHKTENS, Boarding and Sale Stables. A FEW DAYS’ ADVERTISING in this column will surely bring great results Try it and be convinced. DON’T fail to got a copy of Sunday’s issue of the Morning News. Fur sale at BISHOP’S DRUG STORE, corner Hall and Price streets. BOARDING STABLE.—Healthiest, coolest; best conditioned stock in city; roomy box stalls; large open pens for stock to Sunday in; shelters for trucks, wagons and drays: reason able board, or will rent stalls; we have more room than other stables combined. Personal attention of GUILMARTIN & MEHRTEN3. Telephone 351. HELP WANTED. PAINTERS WANTED—NeIson Morris Build ing, corner West Broad and Harris streets. A Lady with SI,OOO worth of collateral to de posit as security, can command a good appointment; will have coutrol ot money. Ad dress “SOLID.” News office. WANTED— Two young ladies to solicit sub scriptions among their friends for a work of art, to be raffled soon; salary or commission; good chance to make fifty dollars pin money. Address “CONNOISSEUR.” X\T ANTED, a stareber an t two boys at the \\ FRENDERGAST STEiM AND HAND LAUNDRY, 187 Hall street. \VTANTED, a smart, capable girl for general H housework; call Monday morning, Mas. WILLIAM KELLEY, 40 Abercorn streets. I BOOKKEEPER, who is competent and trust ■ ) worthy, can find good position by address ing DOUBLE ENTRY, Morning News office, WANTED, three reliable boys, who know city well, to do errands after school hours. Address THREE BOYS, this office. A \J ANTED, two experienced hands t > assist Vv at dressmaking. Mrs. KATE JONES, 19G Hull street. AVrANTED, a good washerwoman. Apply 54 V f Gaston street. ATETANTED, a boy between 16 and 18 years T V old; must come well recommended; state references. Address CONSTANT, this office. BOY WANTED—A white boy over 15. P. H. KIERNAN, 30Hj Whitaker street. \V, r ANTED, a bright, active boy about 15 1 V years of age to learn the drug business. Apply Drayton and New Houston streets. WANTED, 10 bright, tidy girls for our wrap ping department. Apply Monday after 9 o'clock. ALTMAYER’B. V\7"ANTED, energetic man to canvass Savan ) V nah for International Typewriter; strictly first-class machine. Address TYPEWRITER, Lumber City, Ga. \\T ANTED, a good cook. Apply Monday v V morning, with references, 100 New Hous ton street. WANTED, six good carpenters. Apply to O. U. GATES, 105 Congress, corner Drayton. WANTED, one hundred (100) railroadmen for station work, Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Apply Central Railroad Depot. WANTED, a Turner, at Waycross. Ga. For particulars inquire E. F. HARTFELDER, at Lloyd & Adams’. AGENTS should write for illustrated circular, terms and two weeks’ trial of Missouri Steam Washer; washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold and profitable. J. WORTH, 54 Beeckman street, New York city. TYrANTED, a live, energetic man to handle a > > grain. Hour and provision brokerage busi ness in Savannah. Prefer one who has some knowledge of the business. Will either give stated sa.ary or a portion of the profits. Answer with written references, stating experience and salary expected. Address X, care Hotel Wood land,'Kansas City, Mo, , THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1890—TWELVE PAGES. EMPLOY MEXT WANTED. A LADY will take charge of house during summer. Address “ALONE,” News. YfOUNG married man, sober, industrious, A wants poaitiou In grocery store. JONES, this office. SOBER, industrious, settled man wants posi tion as clerk or work of any kind. E., this office. SITUATION WANTED as assistant book- LJ keeper or general clerk in office by a young man; first-class references: content with mod erate salary. Address AS'ISTANT, Newsoftice. A\ T ANTED, by an Odd Fellow, ia good stand- T 1 ing and clever at figures, a position as agent or in any business capacity; best refer ences. S.. 14S Price street. YVTANTED, position by first-class waiter in • v hotel or private house. Address DAVIS, care of News office. AA RANTED, by a lad 17 years old, a position H in a w holesale house as entry clerk, or other in which be can make himself useful Address C.. this office. ROOMS WANTED. AVTANTED, room for single gentleman, fur “ nished or uni urnisbed; state location and price. ■EDITORIAL BOX 116. this office. \\T ANTED, furnished room and board in pri- v vate family by two young men; willing to pay fifty dollars per month. Best reference given. HOME. News office. MISCELLAN iIOU a WANTS. AATANTED, a buggy horse; must be gentle, T v stylish and a good traveler. 17 Broughton street, WANTED TO RENT, a conveniently located residence, with modern improvements; must be in perfect order. Apply 79 Charlton street. AA7ANTED.—Any person having been cured i T of varicocele write particulars, where and how cured. Address Box 22, Elli-ville, Miss. C’l ENTLEMAN of fine business ability and A wide experience desires an opening for a small capital, with or without services, in profitable, safe, legitimate business; no saloons or fakes; no attention to anonymous replies; strict confidence. EXCELSIOR, News office. A XT’ ANTED, loan association stocks, bank m stocks; best prices paid. C. P. MILLER, 131 Congress street. IOAN ASSOCIATION STOCK of all kinds A wanted. ROWLAND & MYERS, dealers In stocks and bonds, 94 Bay street. AT’’ANTED, Chatham Real Estate and Ira i T provement Company stock; Series A. Ad dress. giving lowest price, CHARLTON H. WAY. READ the Sunday Morning News. For sale at KIEFFER’S DRUG STORE, West Broad and Stewart streets. ROOMS TO RENT. 170 R RENT, a very nicely furnished room, with privilege of bath room, in a private family; location near the business part of the city. Apply at 116 Hull street. f7OR RENT, a fiat of four rooms on second floor suitable for housekeeping; also, one furnished room suitable for gentlemen. 167 York street, facing Telfair Place. 17OR RENT, flat of rooms, 40 Macon street, between Habersham and Price. ROOMS TO RENT, cheap to right party; bath, gas, etc. Apply 37 Habersham street. A N elegant southern flat for rent cheap; gas, XTL bath, etc. Address “Private,” care Morn ing News. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms, best lo cation iu the city, 84 Liberty, corner Abercorn. I7OK RENT, desirable rooms for light house ■ keeping, 12 Macon street. COMFORTABLE ROOMS to rent, with or without b ard, at 39 Drayton street. I TOR RENT, on Broughton street, two flats with four or five rooms .with bath attached. Apply to WIMPY & TART, corner Whitaker and Hull streets. rpwo unfurnished rooms for rent: housekeep- A ing; six dollars a month. 101)4 Montgom ery. IT'OR RENT, cheap, one floor, three rooms, I parlor or upper floor, furnished or unfur nished. Barnar.l and Gordon lane. FOR RENT, one large front room. K 2 State street. IT'OR RENT, a flat of rooms, with use of bath, ' at 101 Liberty street. I‘l lit RENT, two unfurnished and one fur- U nished room, 43 York street, with or without board; also dinners served. IT'OR RENT, flat cf three nice rooms and piazza on Jones street. Address P. O. Box 53. I NOR RENT, comfortably furnished front room 301 Broughton street. FOR RENT’, new ahd elegantly furnished ro ms. Apply to Mrs. M. L. SAVARESE, State street, next to Odd Fellows’ new building. fTOR RENT, three rooms, with hath, hot and cold water, at 164 Jones street; rent cheap to a good party. ]7OR RENT, a furnished room, with bath, sec - ond floor, for single gentleman. App.y 204 Liberty street. RENT, a furnished room, with use of bath, second floor, for two gentlemen; south room. 204 Liberty street. QQ CONGRESS STREET.—Large furnished OJ rooms, suited for gentlemen or Ugh; housekeeping; use of bath. HOUSES AND STORES FOR KENT. IT'OR RENT, large house corner Liberty and A Barnard; will be done up in tip-top style by Aug. Ist. Also, house comer Harris and Tatt nall; possession given at once. Apply to I). B. LESTER. T7URNISHED HOUSE TO RENT-To rent, a A house iu a very desirable location, fur nished turousrhout; hut and cold water, stable and carriage h .Use, with flower garden; faces Calhoun square. Apply at 91 Gordon street. IT'OR RENT, medium-sized house on Perry, 1 near West Broad; rent reasonable. Apply at 307 Perry. IT'OR RENT, small house, six rooms and attic; bath room aud water closet Connected: just put in excellent condition; splendid location, York, between Line in aud Habersham; p uses sion given immediately. Apply York street. IT'OR RENT, a six room house on Fifth avenue ' and Habersham. Apply at Mrs. BRADY'S, near Belt Line junction. IT'OR RENT, a seven room house on Margaret A street, No. CO. THOS. A. FOLLIAUD, No. ] 1 West Broad street. NINE-ROOM house, 79 Duffy street, in Bacon blnck; ail modern improvements; furni ture nearly new. for sale. G. A. GREGORY. IT'OR RENT, small hon e, nicely located, on 1 Park extension, furnished or unfurnished; cheap rent. H. J. THOM Ah ON, 114 Bryan street. VTCELY furnished house for rent; good lcca i' tion. Address HOUSE, News office. IT'OR RENT, a #mall house; also a flat of -four . rooms. Apply 04 Broughton si reet. IT'OR RENT, desirable house, furnished, gas . water and street cars. Call at 211 Abercorn IT'OR RENT, two dwelling houses, just com ’ ( luted, corner of Henry and Whitaker streets. Apply to the undersigned. G. W. OWENS, 113 Bajr street. I 'OR THE SUMMER MONTHS. -Will rent my home in Atlanta, Ua., furnished, for the summer; modern conveniences; good location; eight rooms. Strangers please furnish refer ences. FRANK R. LOGAN. Atlanta, Ga. FOR KENT—MISCELLANEOUS. IT'OR RENT, warehouse on River street, for -1 meriy occupied by Artec ion loe Company. Apply to F. G. BELL, Business Office, Morning News. FOR SALE. ~ UA HEAD of mules suitable for turpentine £r yj ond farming purposes. A, McCORMICK. ANY one desiring an established business on easy terms, small capital, no risk, good re turns, address “SICKNESS,” News office. IT'OR SALE, lot 40x105 on New Houston near A 1 Cuyler street; also, lot on Waldburg near Cemetery 24x105. 0. H. DORSET!'. IJOOLER Brick store, hall aud dwelling combined, right at depot; will sell cheap. U JP. MILLER, Real Estate. FOR SALE. IT OF. SALE, road cart; also harness for small horse; both almost new. 17 Broughton street. ROWLAND & MYERS have an extensive list i of desirable property to offer at private sale. Drop up and see them. JOHNSON and Bermuda Crass Seed for sale at GARDNER’S, 30)* Bull street. IT'OR SALE, one share Davis Bros.’ Piano A dub No. 4. paid up to Aug. 18; amount paid in $29; will sell for $26. Address SADIE, 21)4 Drayton. (N OOD Cooking Butter 5 cents par pound at T J. H. SCHRODER S. Market Dock. IT'OR SALE, Small Pig Hams for picnics, and I everything else in the grocery line. For fresh goods and prompt delivery go to D. B. LESTERS. BLOCK OF LOTS on Kicill street, between Mercer and East Broad. ROWLAND A MYERS, dealers In real estate. 94 Bay street. IT'INE pure-blooded Setter pups for sale Ad- A dress S., Southern Express Company office. FOR SALE, fine lot on Montgomery street and First avenue, cheap. HARMON, WALKER & McHARKIE, Real Estate, 156 Broughton street. PLANTS cheap at OELCHIG'S NURSERY, • Lovers Lane. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.—A really good confectionery business can be bought to advantage; good reasons for selling. C. P. MILLER IT'OR SALE, ten acres of land on Lovers lane. * C. H. DOR3ETT. IT'OR SALE, two shares of Excelsior Loan . stock. Address G. E. M.. this office. IT'OR SALE. . Two l.WXbgallon locomotive tanks. Twenty-five standard 40,000-pound plat form cars. Five 20 ton freight locomotives, Two 30-ton freight or passenger locomo tives. with Westinghouse air brakes. Five 20-ton passenger locomotives, with Westkighouse air brakes. Apply for particulars to McDONOUGH & CO., Savannah, Ga. PLANTS cheap at OELCHIG’S NURSERY, Lovers Lane. IT'OR SALE, for five hundred dollars, a lot 30x115 on Eighth street, between West Broad and Burroughs. C. H. DORSETT. r I'RY TURPIN'S pure Cream Tartar and Soda I Baking Powder. For sale by all first-class grocers. Every can guaranteed. r pHEUE is everything to interest you in the A Sunday Mohnino Nkws. For sale at YONGE’S DRUG SI'ORE, Whitaker and Dully streets. IT'OR SALE, for live hundred dollars, a lot 30x90 on Second avenue near Bull. 0. H. DORSETT. _ lUMBF.P.! LUMBER!—2,O4O,OOO feet now on J hand, and mmt be sold to make room for largo stock arriving by every train. Special attention called to our $lO building lumber. All kinds of bard wood, white pine, poplar and cy press always iu stock. Hurd wood finishings for house and cabinet work. Designs and esti mates furnished for all kinds of office, store, bank, and church work. Window and door frames, mouldings, wood turning, etc., sash, doors, and blinds made to order on short notice. Our factory is one of the !> -st equipped in the south, and we employ skilled workmen only. Estimates promptly fnrnlshed for anything iu our line, and wo invite contractors and consum ers generally to visit our lumber yard aud fac tory ami get prices before purchasing else where. McDONOUGH & CO., Wheaton street, opposite S., F. &W. Ry. yard. Telephone 119 MOCKING BIRD CAGES. Bird Seed. Mocking Bird Food. Bird Medicine aud Manna at GARDNER’S, .30UJ Bull street. CLOCKS, mirrors, pictures, chromosand steel engravings for sale; less than auction prices, at Empire Bargain Store, Liberty and Jefferson streets. IT'OR SALE, for two thousand dollars, a seven room bouse with bath room on Jefferson street, near Bolton. C. H. DORSETT. fT'HF.RE is everything to Interest you in the A Sunday Mornino News. For sale at YONGE’S DRUG STORE, Whitaker and Duffy streets. \ FINE line of mirrors Just received: wilt be 7 ' sold at lowest prices, at Empire Bargain store, Liberty and Jefferson streets. ■VIEW ROAD CART and Harness for sale IN cheap. GUILMARTIN & MEHKTENS, Boarding and Sale Stables. ■5 CENTS gets the Sunday issue of the Morn * I ixo News. Be sure and read it. For sale at MULLRYNE’S DRUG STORE, West Broad and Waldburg streets. F'OR SALE, 6-inch Artesian Well Casing. D. U Y. DANCY. IT'OR SALE, 150,000 feet galvanized wire poul tnr netting at Now York wholesale prices. JACKSONVILLE MARBLE COMPANY, Jack-- souville, Fla. LOST. IOST, bank book No. 10.182, Savings Depart- M ment Southern Bank, and bank book No. 74 O. Savings Department Savannnb Bank and Trust Company, both made out in name An drew Nelson. Please leave with cashier at Lud den and Bates. BOARDING. BOARDERS WANTED at 191 Bmiiglfloii street; terms reus mable, Mhs, MORTON. SUMMER RESORTS. QUMMER BOARDING near tbe mountains; O brick house; cool rooms; lawn shade; two daily mails. For particulars address MISSES CURRY, Hamilton, Loudoun county, Va. CUMMER BOARDERS WANTED.—Healthy O location, beautiful scenery, lar K e shady grounds, fine water. Railroad connections good. Address Mss. A. E. SAUNDERS, Rocky Mount, Virginia. I >OARD IN THE MOUNTAINS. —Delightful Jj board in the mountains of Virginia. Large lawn, plenty of shade, miifc and Iresh vegeta bles. Address Mbs I. STOCKTON, Rio, Albe marle county, Virginia. Reference: Rev. Robb White, Savannah, Ga. SIIINGLKS. XTSE our CYPRESS SHINGLES, 4, 5 and 6 J inches wide, at 374ic . and 87!4c. per bundle cash: prices according "to quality. For sale at the mill by VALE ROYAL MANU FACTURIXG COMPANY. MISCELLANEOUS. IJIANO I.F.SSONS given to beginners and ad vanced pupils by MISS VIRGIE ASHLEY. Terms mo Jerate. Reference best in the city. 156 South Broad street. G' UITAR and piano lessons given; reasonable I rates. Mbs. CALDWELL, 174 Taylor street. YIfAREHOCSE and Mortgage Company or- V ganization stock wi ibe alloted to desir able parties; every dollar invested will be worth two within a year; for particulars, address Post office Box 20. BABY SHOW at Yonge’a Park Theater Thursday afternoon. -May 22, from 4 to 7; strawberry and ice cream festival at 8 o’clock, and dancing. Adinisßion to Baby Show, 10 cts; admission to festival, 15 cts. For benefit of St. Matthew’s chapel. DR. ULMER’S Tine. Sweet Gum and Heart Leaf is used by promineot physicians, north and south, in tne treatment of consump tion, catarrh, asthma, etc. SEE J. CRANE'S $2 75 solid gold rings; a beauty for the price, CALIFORNIA CLARET WINE, a pleaiiant summer drink: cool Beer and a full stock of Ale, Porter, Malt or Rye Whiskies; for fine Cigars lam headquarters iu my section. J. S. F. BARBOUR, New Houston aud Barnard streets. DN. THOMASON will go to any part of the • city to do stove and range work. 46 West Broad. IF A CERTAIN alderman would drink the popular Faust Beer (always Ice cold) at BAR BOUR’S GROCERY, Price and Hall streets, he would not be bilious—and may yet be the next mayor. I WANT everybody to know that I keep a large stock of Old Scuppernong Wine and can recommend It Ughly to those suffering from weakness and general debility. D. B. LESTER. _ DROP CP and see us before buying or selling property. You will find it to your interest to do so. ROWLAND & MYERS, Real Estate Dealers and Auctioneer-, 94 Bay street. DK. GR I . HAM’S Sand 10-cent counters con tain 160 doz. of household goods for vour selection, 145 Anderson streets MISCELLANEOUS. D" ItTuLMERStmc.'S SweetOnm and Heart Leaf has been used for tbe last tweoty years In the treatment of consumption, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, asthma, etc., with great suc cess ; cases of consumption considered incur able. have been reported as cured, and in all cases relief has been obtained. BOTH NEW and second hand stoves for sale cheap, D. N. THOMASON. 46 West Broad. £ C AAA REWARD will be paid for the v discovery of any fortune teller who can excel Mrs. Dr. Baldwin in her wonder ful revelat.ons of the past, present, and future. See large advertisement on page 2. 1 AC. Pina filled In, breastpins polished and IU made to look like new at J. CRANE'S for 10 cents. KEEP COOL, and drink Raaplierry Limeade, made from the fresh fruit. Pineapple Gem is delicious. Only at LIVINGSTON’S. I'HE finest imported Chow Chow, mixed or plain Pickles, McUrquarht's Bauoe, im ported and domestic Sardines, Crosse and Blackwell's Preserves, Jams and Orange Mar malade; everything to invite the appetite. J. 8. F. BARBOUR, New Houston and Barnard streets. CARPENTERS— Tbe Boases of Chicago are trying to get carpenters from all over the country to come to Chicago, but the strike is not ended. The Unions of Chicago ask ail car penters to stay away until the struggle la ovr. DR. ULMER’S Tinct. of Sweet Gum and Heart Leaf is a sovereign remedy for consump tion aud all diseases of the respiratory organa \\T ANTED, one million customers to try my * v Pure Grape Wine that lam selling at one dollar per gallon. D. B. LESTER. STOVE WORK of every kind promptly done and guaranteed. D. N. THOMASON, 48 W est Broad. I> UY A dozen Faust Beer (always ice cold) * from BARBOUR'S POPULAR GROCERY. Price and Hall streets; he will tell you who will be our next mayor. PRESCRIPTIONS prepared with care from the purest drugs and medicines at the BROUGHTON STREET PHARMACY. OVER six hundred lunched and everybody satisfied—Mayday record at JOHN FUNK’S 10 oenr lunch counter, liallroad Pavilion, Tvbee. C'LOTHING cleaned, repaired and dyed; gar > meats made to order; charges moderate: satisfaction guaranteed. A GETZ, Tailor, 29J4 Jefferson street. Latest styles just received. ANY STOVE or range, regardless of name or number, reimired and guaranteed. D. N. THOMASON, 46 West Broad street. | ACENTj PACKAGE DESICCATED COCOA 1' / NUT, sliced or grated Pineapple, Cali fornia Peaches, Apricots, Pears, and finest, 10-* cent bottle Flavoring Extract in town. J. S. F. BARBOUR, Now Houston and Barnard streets. DR. ULMER'S Liver Corrector was awarded I silver medal and diploma over all competi tors. U.l AA J. CRANE will clean your watch 6? I ' ‘ vl. and warrant it lor oue year for one dollar. IF’ you are sick, call and see Dr. GRAHAM at 145 Anderson street. You will never regret it. ' GIO TO LOGAN-Beof, Mutton, Fish and Game. IT'OR F’ine Groceries and*Fine Wines go to 7 D. B. LESTER. DON T ho induced to tnr “something just as good”—remember “Sure Death” is tne only roach exterminator that has given sal isfaction, and is for sale onlyat BISHOP'S DRUG STORE. r i'HE Mother Hubbard lamp, tho best in use, X by D, N. THOMASON. 45 West Broad, WE dou’t brag, but give convincing proof by selling you goods cheaper than the cheap est; try us. BROUGHTON STREET PHAR MACY. IpOR ail diseases arising from a disordered state of the liver use Dr. Ulmer’s Liver Cor rector. ALL TRAINS stop at the RAILROAD PA VILION, Tybee; parcels cared for, 10cents each. I FOLITICAL controversies are not of much benefit to either party, but Florida mullet from BARBOUR’S GROCERY, Price and Hall streets, is, and should be tried by all. Spring Lamb and Veal. STOVE PIPE a specialty by D. N. THOM AS- '7, 46 West Broad street. I DUKE and high-flavored Teas, Mocna, Java Rio and blended Coffee, roasted or ground. F’or a leader Barbour’s sixty five-cent Tea leads the van. Tho liest tea In trie city for the figure. J. S. F. BARBOUR, New Houston and Barnard streets. S BEDBUG KILLER will keep your JCi beds clean for one year. 25c. at LIVING STON’S. YVIIEN you are nervous and out of spirits T V use Dr. Ulmer’s Liver Corrector. ATTENTION TO ALL PLEASURE SEEKERS. —When you visit Tybee. call at the "TY BEE HOUSE,” where the best of Wines, Liq uors aud CLars can be had. Meals served at ail hours; prices to suit the times. Ct ASH paid for old broken gold and silver of J every description; are taken as part pay ment on watches, clocks and jewelry at J. CRANE’S, 98 Broughton street. TV’ you want delicious Strawberries? If so If go to S. W. BRANCH and buy the Bliss berry. SOAPS, Soaps; prices to suit all; cheap, cheaper, cheapest; examine for yourself. BROUGHTON STREET PHARMACY. 17 VERYTIIING of the liest at the RAILROAD f PAVILION LUNCH COUNTER; no fake sandwiches, but all cut while you wait. MARKETING delivered .on Sunday by LO OAN. DR. GRAHAM'S AFRICAN FLOWERS have no eq cal for females, colds, weak back and painful catamenia. 'V'O traveler should be without a bottle of Dr. i-s Ulmer’s Liver Corrector to ward otf the ill effects incidental to a change of climate and water. HUMPHREY’S SPECIFIC REMEDIES,- full line at SYMONS A MELL’S, West Broad and Charlton streets. | OGAN for Chops, Roasts and Poultry. IT is far easier to railroad an alderman out of council than It is to railroad BARBOUR, Price and Hall streets, out of his popular gro cery. He is here to stay. L-ook in and see if he is alive. OH! that aching tooth; no, only one second with Lightning Toothache Drops, the pun is gone. BROUGHTON STREET PHARMACY. WHEN you go to Tybee, remember you can get lunch at the RAILROAD PAVILION. lEMONS, Bananas, Cocoanuts, Chocolate, J Cocoa, Vermicelli, Macaroni, Gelatine, Cheese and Fancy Crackers. J. S. F\ BAR BOUR, New Houston and Barnard streets. YOUR life may be saved by a bottle of Dr. Ulmer's Liver Corrector. 'V'EVER MIND the tariff debate in congress— iA buy groceries from B IRUOUR, Price aud Hail streets. He will knock off the tariff. IffitESH SUPPLY Drugs, Medicines, Per fulnery, Toilet Articles, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco; prescriptions carefully compounded. At SYMONS A MELL’S. poULTRY and Vegetables at LOGAN’B. CENTS gets the Sunday issue ot the Mohn- O iso Nkws. Be sure and read it. For sale at MULLRYNE’S DRUG STORE. West Broad and Waldburg streets. IF you suffer pain, use Chain-Lightning Lini ment: sure relief; try it. BROUGHTON STREET PHARMACY. pOAJBTH, Steaks and Chops at LOGAN’S. IJOCKETKNIVES, Stationery, I Jimp Goods, J Tooth Brushes, and Combs and Brushes at reasonable prices at SYMONS A MELLB. CHOICE Western and Northern Beef, Mutton and Veal at LOGAN’S. - IF.AYF, orders for the Bliss Strawberries at j 8. W. BRANCH’S to secure prompt de livery. J) ICE FIELD Lamb and Veal at LOGAN’S. IF you desire a delightfully flavored cream or custard, use Dr. Ulmer's superior flavoring extracts. THE AFRICAN FLOWERS cure all blood dis eases. See DK, GRAHAM, 145 Anderson street. AUCTION SALE. TYBEE CITY LOTS At Auction on Tybee Island Tnesflay aifl Weteilay, May 27iS am 2811 Instant, Between Hours 11 O’clock A. M. and 2 O’clock P. M. Each Day. The sale will embrace several hundred valuable Lota on OCEAN FRONT WEST OF RAILWAY, PARK LOTS, and WATER FRONT LOTS ON TYBEE INLET, a magnificent sheet of salt water. Terms: Oue-third cash on execution papers, and bal ance in two equal payments with interest, and bond given for title. No charge for preparing bond for title or deed. Maps can be had on application. D. O. PURSE, Chairman Committee on Sale Lots Tybee Beach Cos. or C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. CO TO CRAIO’S BAKERY, 48 East Broad V I street, for Bread and Rolls, or hare them dellrered at your house; also Cakes and He*; all of the very best quality, fresh daily C PEAKING about pensions recalls to mind the O advantage of burin* Groceries from BAR BOUR, Price and Hall streets; then you will not need a pension. RP. WIMBERLY, recently with E. Moyle, • has opened the Chatham Trunk Factory, 85 Broughton street, second door west of Aber corn. Mr. Wimberly is prepared to do all man ner of repairing of Trunks, Traveling ltavs, and Sample Cases. He has In stock a line of first class Trunks, Sncbels. Bags, and travelers’ requisites. Mr. Wimberly is too well *nown in this city by his work to need further commen dation. A share of publlo patronage is solicited. Trunks, Cases, and all first class articles in his line made to order on short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Call or send word to' 85 Broughton street. MARKETING kept in cold storage and deliv ered on Sunday. LOGAN’S. FOR superior flavoring extracts of vanilla, lemon, etc., try l>r. Ulmer’s; these extracts are guaranteed to be absolutely pure. MARKETING delivered on Sunday. H. LO- ItA GAN, City Market. U'NGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES, 200.. worth al- Jj most double, LIVINGSrON’S I’iIAU MACY. MARKET HOURS: 7 to 10 dally, Saturdays all day. LOGAN’S. WE will offer this week the best bargains In furniture wo have ever offered at lowest possible prices; our stock must be disposed of to make room; come early and get the best goods at cheapest prices; will gives discount of 10 per cent, to all cash purchasers thts week; bedroom sets, pirlor suites, combination sets, mixed sets, chairs, tables, clocks, mattresses a speciality; inspect our stock and be convinced. Empire Bargain Company-, Liberty and Jeffer son. IOGAN, Calves’ IJvers, Sweetbread and J Burins. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. DWELLINGS IN SOUTHERN PORTION OF CITY -A_t A/uction. Rowland & Myers, Auctioneers. Will sell on TUESDAY, June the Bd, at the Court House, Two two-story frame dwolllngs situated on the oast side of Habersham street, second and third doors south of Anderson. The Belt Line oars pass immediately in front of this property, thereby making it convenient to all parts of the city 13,000 Feet of Lumber AT AUCTION. Harmon, Walker & McHarrie, AUCTIONEERS, Will sell on premises northeast corner Whitaker and South Broad, TUESDAY, May the noth, 1890, at 11 o'clock A. M., That building 90x180 known as “ilussSTs’ Parar Building.” Theie Is about SI,BOO worth of lumber in this building, and constructed in such a way that It can be removed at a small loss. Ample time will be given for removal of same. PRIVATE SALE. THE BEST CII AN CE Ever Offered in Savannah, By Laßochs & McLaughlin. NO. 110 BRYAN STREET. The finest BAR AND SALOON In the city, taking in over SIOO per day guaranteed. Sold because owner has changed business. We con sider this the best chance ever offered in the city. For terms and particulars call at office of La kochk & McLaughlin. STOVES. THE NEW PROCESS VAPOR STOVE. The latest and best arrangement for Cooking: It Is simply wonderful and will pay to investigate. Cornwoll & Chipman, UNDERTAKERS. ___ J. K. HENDERSON. T. H. HENDERSON. Thomas Mini's Sons, UNDERTAKERS, 50 Drayton Street, Corner of Hull, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. —DEALERS IK— METALLIC CASKETS AND CASES, ALSO WOOD CASES AND CASKErS. Orders by telegram will receive prompt at tention. Residence: 185 York street, upstairs. Telephone 388, both day and night. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD W MERE AT AUCTION.. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will sell on WEDNESDAY. May 21. 1890, at No*, 159 Gaston street, corner of Howard, com mencing at 11 o’clock am., the onntenta ofi said residence, the owner being about toleav* for Europe: PARLORS—Lace Curtains and Window Shade*. Rich Parlor Suite, two elegant Ebony Chair* in Embossed Plush, Reception Suite of Di van and two chairs, lambrequins richly embroidered. Mantel OrnameDts, French Clock, Table Soarfs, handsome Marble Top Center Table, Rugs, Expensive Vases. Wicker Rocker and Wicker Arm Chair, Steinway Gran 1 Plano, Ebonized Mahogany Mu-iu Stand with Mirror. DINING-ROOM—Rugs, Pole and Portiere, Wall Pocket, Dining-room Chair*, Folding Side Table, Walnut Sidelioard, Leather Lounger (made to order). Mirror, Fine Kerrigerator, Window Rhodes, Full dinner and Tea Ret of' French China, CutGlaa* Wiues, Uobloti, Decanters, Etc. HALL—Marble Top Table, Window Shades) i handsome Hall Stand and Hat Rack. BEDROOMS—Very fine and Massive Walnut Suite, Mirror and Marble Clock, Hair Mat tresses and Springs. Poles anil I.ace Cur tains, Walnut Wardrobes, handsome set of six pieces upholstered in Blue Gobelin. Fancy Rocker and Folding Chairs. iAmbre quins, Carpets, Window Shades. Full Wal nut Suite with extra large dressing ease, Feather Pillows and Shams, Walnut Crib, Wicker Sofa, very handsome Walnut Bed room Suite (third). Cottage Suite, Easy Chair, Carpet, Oil Cloth. BASEMENT—Cooking Utensils, Hose and Reel, Tables, Filter, New Baby Carriage, Etc. AT AUCTION.' VALUABLE Warehouse Property! On Extraordinarily Easy Terms, AT 142 CONGRESS STREET, ON Monday, May 26, ’9O. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will soil at his auction rooms, 142 Congress street, on MONDAY, May 26th, at 11 o tjloclc A. JL, The valuable warehouse, with railroad facili ties, known as the Latbrop warehouse, and lo cated near the cotton press on ’Williamson street, corner of Montgomery. This warehouse covers two lots, having a frontage of about one hundred and twenty feeft by an average depth of ninety feet, a:id 'being two stories m hight. The river atreet extension of the Central railroad gives this property about 180 feet front on that road, which adds to Its value for the handling of heavy goods or for manufacturing. The two lots are subject to an annual grouud rent of $370 73 ($145 CO and $225 12), whioh can be settled with the city upon a basis of seventy per cent., or It can remain unpaid for all time. Particular attention is Invited to the very easy terms of payment, to wit: Fifteen hun. dred dollars cash, and the balance divided into four annual payments, with interest at six peg cent, paid annually. /IN ATTRACTIVE HOME .A.t Auction. An Opportunity Seldom Offered. Harmon, Walker & McHarrie, AUCTIONEERS, Will sell on the premises, on Second Arenuel on THURSDAY, May 23d, 1890, at haif-paaS four, That well located residence, just built, and Dot yet occupied, on north side of Second avenue, fourth from Abercorn, east. This residence is two stories and contains seven rooms, including bath room; water ia house and yard; lot is 31x110. Its location com mends it to those seeking a’.tlrat-ciass neighbor hood. It is of easy access to any part of the city, being between two belt lines. Special attention is called to the terms, viz.: SI,OOO cash, balance in monthly payments equal to a good rental. ATAU CTION. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. By Laßoche £ McLaughlin. On MAY 27th, at 11 o'clock, at office No. 11$ Bryan street, Savannah, Go., we will sell 30 acres of land on Springfield, being on the extended limits of Gwinnett street. We think this land splendidly located for subdivision, and think very large profits can be made by any on* wishing to invest for said purpose. For terms and particulars call at office of Laroche* McLaughlin. 3