The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 21, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ▲ HE3R-W OCRS TO SMASH. Creditors Favinr a I Ively Time Becov cmr heir O. ode. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 30.—The cnlonj of Ru"ian Jews on Decatur street is agogover ti e failure of Juutts Gvttfieb. 'hemeiehant pri: ce < f that lie.ilitj. Gottlieb has heec givin got*! cred t hv the omaierclal agsn cies, and bis been iomeil large suras nl fl out any pa|r, but all is changed now. He ran nine stoies a 1 and suppl'u and a majority of ti e ted.: I* rs who go < ut from here every wee* with puck*. He had flourishing bra ctes at .1 adison, Newi.a-i, Marietta, Carters ilia, and B.irnrsvil!e. Gottlieb ms 10-t sight of last Monday, and' illy mag ter:a :z and today. During Ids cbdice hi neiKh r K>rs to..k t*osition of bis goods. Tuea £*v night the officers of Iho law received writ- of attach i ent, and when th y served tbe.ii f rand thestocs g oatly depleted. ONE FIRM IN LUCK. One lotof go. ds ia 1 never t een opened, ano lesterdaya Cincinnati man identified these ii the original packages. The sher.ff ha'a batch of attachments, ad each m ll brings in inquiries ab nit Gullet) and bis goods. A drummer had left bis sami Us at the Decatur street stores overnight, and these were aUo taKen off by Gttiieb’s neighbors. H. B. Cl flin of >ew y. rl; has tiecn made a preferred credit-r. Gottlieb ha* insiruatd that he ca t settle vuth bis creditors for about 2 J per cent., but they will n t li-te.i to it and a e keeping e >uty sheriffs busy searching the homes of th se who appropriated the goods of Gottlieb. CARRIED OFF BY TH* CART LOAD. At a house on Ca-tleberry street to- lay about a cert load of good, was fo ind se creted in ail sorts of hiding places, a td to night, oi a fecund visit, another butch "as discovered Hidden behind a cupboard. Sis or seveu other hauls have been just a- successful at the home; of Gottheb’s friends. The manager of the Cartersvilie house 1- here out of a job and mad os a hornet. The sheriff clo-ed him up Tnursdny evening. Speculation is busy as 1 1 what Gottiie > has done with his uioner, for las' week he was estimated Cos be worth from fCO.OOO to 170,000. GEORGIA'S t UHhfMK COURT. A Batch of Decisions Handed Down Yesterday. Atlanta, Ga., Per. 30.—The following supreme court decisions ware handed down to-day: Woodruff rs. the Georgia Pacific rail way; fiom the city court of Atlanta Re vet si and. Georgia railroad vs. D ugherty; from th" city court of Richmond county. Affirmed"; Siu.mons, Justice, dissenting. Herndon vs. Bnclthiud; from Libert Reversed. Ueotg'.a railroad va Brown; from Rich mond, Affirmed. Stabam vs. the state; from Jackson. Af firmed. Georgia railroad vs. Thompson; from Taliaferro. Affi-tued. Silvev & Cc. va. Chamblee; from Gwin nett. Reversed. Fowler vs. Jackson; from Gwinnett. Re versed. Mcore & Cos. v*. Hi ggins, administrator; from HalL Affirmed. Maim va Thompson; from Catoosa. Re versed. Crawford va Rials; from the city court Of Carters-, ills. Affirmed. Bishop vs. the stato; from Taliaferro. Affirmed. Hudson vs. Puett; from Hall. Affirmed. East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia ra.trend va Warmack; from Whitfield. Alfi mcd. Kn.g va the state; from Gordon. Re- Verse.l. Monroe va Simmons; from Pickens Re versed. Craw ford et a!, commissioners, va Glas gow ; fro pi Bartow. Affirmed, MARIETTA’S MOONSHINERS. The Kaycr of the City Denies Recant Binsitional t-p-cta a. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 30.—Exaggerated reports of tome blind tiger air sts around Jin riot tu h wing teen published throughout the country. Mayor Glover of that city au thorizes the following statement: "There is no such terreb o state of affairs as one uo acquaintel with the facts might tie led to suppose Of ouise, the info:tuition was fu. nisheil by the attaches of the marshal’s office and others in ter-s e t in the pr’secutran. There tg undoubtedly some li:-.d tiger business and we are trying to break it up; but the wholesale la n legsn. s: whch is talk dof does not exist. Anybrdy who k ows Mari et a and the people of Cobb county’ does net need this explanation, bit outsiders should k: ow that we are not barbarians up our way,” Wa YCKOS6’ TICKET. Col. J. L. Sweat Dtc'.iies a Nomination For Mayor. Waycrcss, Ga., Dec. 20.— The largest mess meeting held here f .r years assem bled at the court hou e to-nlgnt. Hon. J. L Sweat was placed iu noinina ion for naiyor by Coh John C. McDonald in a highly eulog stic speech. Col. Sweat arose amidst t ui.derous applause and declined to accept if ..oiuumted. He said be would rather lie worthy of tne eulogisui pro m.u eed upon l ira bv C. 1. McDonald tbau to be mayor f VVaycr is*, brt allegiance to the ticket he had presented fo: bade ac ceptance. Cos:. Sweat moved ibe rn' mination of the following ticket, which was unanimously carried: For Mayor—A. M. Knight. Aldermen—R. H. Mumhy, J. H. Glllon, J. G. Justice, W. W. Sharpe a. and W. A. McNeill. Board of Education—Capt. Lemuel John son, Judge H. P. Brewer and Capt. Simon W. Hitch. FLORIDA’3 MaTKOPOLIS. Chambers Sentenced Fx-Secretary t pinner Slowly Sinking. Jacksonville, Fi.a., D.-c. 30.—J. J. Chambers, who killed C-iarits Hunter in a gambling game at a weit end gambling house on Aug. 10, the deads of which have appeared in the News, was sentenced to day by Judge Young, * f the circuit court, to four years in the penitentiary/ Madison Hartndge, n weli-k iown Jivery etai Is ropiietor umi prominent citizen, died this at Lei noon. He Lad Uou a to g time. Oen. F. E. Spinner, ex-Secretary of the Treasury under President Lincoln, is slowlv sinking. He has Lieeu ailin : a long lime wltn h cancer on the face. He <. Spiune is in hig sath year, atid Ives here wiih bis i;e, hew. J. M. .SetiuinacLer, president vf Um First Natio. a I llm t. ( Oi.firmed by the Senate. Atlanta, O A.. Dec. 30.—The Senate to day c n mini the reupp mimed of Dr. fel u. and ■ ther trustees • f the •niP.ut.oed lit iaet night's aupatrhm, and i also id* apt* iniutent of M . Campbell as judge of the Decatur county co rt. Cotton c.r ied rt Carters I villa Ati.ahta, (>*., Ltoo. 20 —Tidny-tiro ha ie of cotton Here burned o 0 the depot p atiorm at Cftrterevtlia to-day. .be file •1* teased by a spark from • passing au firm* Ly in* utile - he. la. SyaatscM H. Y.. li*. U-At $iU rn K *Jf * **‘‘ f •****• ad>uaume *Lil ess e dfr-mu Jusu’sbig mu at t'<ry •.I gorge wob anal leu aoc *e. Another I*l fi,#4 M 4 sr'atoeb wlra so. an OtauAed wscesne MURDOCK GOB3 NORTH. The Robbery I ematns as Much of h Mystery as F ver. Atlanta, Oa, Dec. 30.— M. B. Pilgrim, a farmer, • as this morning arre ted r.ear Woodstock and brought to Atlanta, ci argi a wi!b implicati >n in the Markham house robbery. Treasurer Murdock failed to identify him after a rieid examirati c. The treasurer anl Miss Her e:t, hi- t aveling compamo , left to-day fo- the nmtb, and theal.cged robbery is’as rauen a mys ery as ever. Whatever inay be tne truih of it, it has ■ roved an excellent advertisement for the Bluebeard Companv. MUIiCAU Peculiar Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsapa rilla possesses the curative value of the best known reme- |CV l!ics ot 1,10 vegetable s* QUO S kingdom. Peculiar In Us strength and economy, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the only medicine of which can truly be said, “ One Hundred Doses One Dol lar.” Peculiar in Its medicinal merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un- SSSarsaparilla^S the title of “ The greatest blood purifier ever discovered.” Peculiar In its ‘‘good name at home,”—there is more of Hood’s Sarsa parilla sold In Lowell than of all other Mood purifiers. Peculiar lu its phenomenal record of Q . . I J n r abroad no otlierl CGUIUIS [reparation ever attained so rapidly nor held so steadfastly the confidence of all classes of people. Peculiar In the brain-work which It represents, Hood's Sarsaparilla com bines all the knowledge which modern 'esearcliy In medical science has S O ITS2IT developed, with many years practical experience In preparing medicines. Be sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla by all drufcgisU. jfl;*lxforf.s. Prepared only by C. I. UOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mam. 100 Doses One Dollar SPKCIA L KOTIC Eg. hi'KCI V L \(l riCE. OF ONE or THE LARGEST SALES OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. The attentions cf large or small syndicate* cr person 1 investor* is railed to the laLd lam now offering by the block only. Itex'ecds from Bull sirret to the Water ■ Road on both sid s of Ninth street, sml without excepli-m 1, on* of the most valuable and best investments now on the market. I would su gest an Imme ifate cull at my olflee, where plats can be seen aud all important information obtained of K. D. LaKOCHE. Rea' Estate. NOTICE. All persons arc cautioned against harbor ing or trust ne any of the crow of the British steamship FERNL.ANL>S, as neither the cop tain .or consignees will be responsible for aiiy debtscoatractyil bv them. KIOHaRDoON & BARNARD, t ousigneea FKEhll EVERY IIOCH IN THE DAY. PURE CANDIES. ELEGANT CANDIES. FRESH CANDIES, HOT CANDIES, cheap candies. Our Goods are as cheap as Pure Candies can be sold. We don’t attempt to compete with some goods sold in this market. Our Stickanj Bar Candies have a reputation In every slate that sends tourists to our city, and every year sends new customers, with standing order* for our Pure Stick and Ear Candies that they say they can’t buy at ho ne We have a fine line of 1 a.kets nni Bonbon Boxes, and wo know how to fill th m. We have Can ly made in lu window every afternoon; come in and sample tha goods Prices: ili Jed 15c., 5 pounds 030. Broken 20c. Fine Mixed 25c. 5 pound* St- Fancy Mixed 10c. 5 pounds $1 75. Ben b ms anil'Kiue Choco.ates 60c. per pound, 5’ pounds $2 50. FURBKR, The Confectioner. TO TUB CENTRAL R AILROAD VISITING STOCKHOLDERS: We extend you a cordial Invitation to visit our store Holiday Week, and espe cially to our great U liday Exhibit Mon day and Tuesday Afternoon and Night. Tuere wl I be Concerts by Cobb’s Or chestra from 3 to 0 and from 8 to 10. LUDDEN & BATES S. M. n„ Broughton Street. Fai annah, Ga. FINE LAUNDRY WORK. EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Broughton Street. Is leading all ethers in fine laundry work of every des ription. Our i ac) lurtains are elegantly done up. SHIKT3, COLLARS AND CUFFS, CLEAN, WHITE AND STIt-F. Our mangle work cannot be surpassed any where. Work called for and de ivered. MATHER & BATTEN. Telephones 90 and 13 i. Props. SPECIAL RATER TO YOUNG MEN. NOTICE. My office has been MOVED TO 5 DRAY TON STREET, corner Bay lane. DERIS J. MURPHY. Savannah, G a., Dec. 20, 1890. SPECIAL NOTICE. CHRISTMAS TURKEYS. Extra Fat and Fine. KILLED AND DRESSED TO ORDER. Leave your orders early, and get the choicest selections. TeL) bone 476 HENRY ITIRSCH. Con e. Dravton and .Hue 11 streets. 1 II it k k v s : NO WESTERN POULTRY. AH Fine Domestic Rice Field Turkeys, Fresh Killed on the Spot. GOLDEN PLUME KALAMAZOO CELERY. CRANBERRIES. VENISON, WOODCOCK and QUAIL, Everything fir a perfect Christmas dinner at JAB. J. JOYCE’S, Cornar Ab*rcorn anti Llaerty Streets. Telephone 107, cuhimYmam uooiis. A. N. O'KEEFFE Has th finest lm of C n 1 tm • Cards, Pressing Cases. Odor t'avs. ad I'mluiuu yoi all styles ti b> lon ml m eavaniian. Ati line t anuy, spec,ttl.y se.ected lor t bristc ~h pre cuts. LOWgai PRICKS p IEVaIL. At ( TIOA aA LB KTtRLta. ViSST aHOAO AMI i UARLTOK, •*■! par* in tbs south u> buy, tell or ex etsasge HußiEd, MULES, ULHJIKS, wagon*. hark Knit, carta it . Any b>nd of aa animal can be bad at well • a let of seui lee t j a repository. dpe'-iel '> tti e tv eoshniiMs no a. Jtfo e LKIWIIKO Tetsabnae THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1890—SIXTEEN PAGES. MARXIABKA. BAKTHFI.MESSI.OCKWO the 1 utueran c jU-c i Nov. *5. lsVi. by the Pev. W R. Bwian. Mr. Roseat C. Barthelmks* to Mias Flobi. and W. Lockwood, botu of thiacity. TORHACH PITT. - Married, on Pec. 1. ! IW>. at the residence of the or trie's sister. rs. K .3 Muse, bv th- Hev F-.ther Wldia n. Authur j TosHica. fourth sou of the late l>r Jame, C. Irsh-c .of South Shield.. £n land. to t hui TANARUS., vo.iugOht daughter of Mr*. James Pitt of this ci:y. rUVKR.VL INVITATIONS. HARMON.—The fr o .ds and acquaintance of M*. Ro-a Harmon an.i latnilv are repec: fully invited to attend the lineril of her da igbier. K: L*, THIS AFTERNOON’, at S o'clock, from N". Wv Alierc orn atre t. I N MEMIMIAM. SYMONS.—On Dec. 19, 1810. the family and friends of .Mr. William Symon? com-era rat-d th • first anniversary of his death Though hut a year has passed sine-' a fond husband and a loved fatter has bi n called to h;s eternal home, the 1 erejved beaits sorrowfully mourn h s lois. But ‘‘grievinr not as they who have no hope," they bless h s memory and for the reunion where Dart.ngs are no more. Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding. O’er tua spoils that death bath won. We would at this S- i-inu meeting Calmly say. Thy will be done. Tiiough cast down, we are not forsaken; Though afflict- <l. not alone; Thou and dst nire, and thou hast taken; Blessed Lord, tny will be done. Str. B. MEETINGS. HEBREW DoNKVOLF.YT SOCIETY, An adjourned regu ar meeting wH be held at Harmouie Club THIS (Sunday) EVENING at 7:3j o’clock. By order of ihe PRESIDENT. Emile Newman, Secretary. SAVA .!* ill CASTLE NO. 8, K. G. E. Suprema Chief Irving W. Kelly will visit the Casilaatt'e Vfntropodtan liali, TO MORROW (Monday) EVENING at 7:30 o’clock. Prepara tionshave been ma le to give him a grand re ception. Every member of havannati Castlo is earnestly requested to attend. T. J. SHEFTAI.L, N. C. Attest: P. S. Caij-aban. M. oi R. SAVANNAH PH MHING COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Savannah Plumbing Company will be held TUESDAY. Dec. 23, 1890, at the co npa iy's office, IftO Broughton street, at 8 o’clocs p. m. D. B. LESTEIt, President. MEETING OP STOCK HOLDERS. Central Railboad and Bankino Cos. of Ga ) Savannah. Ga , Dec. 3,189 U. j The annual meeting of the stockholders of thtr cimpuny will take place at the i'anVlng House, in iavannah, on TUESDAY, Dec. 21. at 10 o'clock a M. Stockholders ana their families will be passed fine over the company's road to the meeting from the 2t)th to the 21d, inclusive, and will be passed returning from the 23cl to the 27th. inclusive, upon presentation of their stock certificates to the conduct rs. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. SPECIAL NOTICES. On anti after Feb. 1, 1890, the bieie of meoiv. 11 rement of all advertuiaj tn the Mohsino News util be a gate, or at the rate of $1 40 an inch for the firtt insertion. 'TIB TIIE SEND \ V BEFORE ClinisT MAS! An opportune time to quietly and carefully con this brief list, aud decide just what you desire us to serve you with before Thursday, OUR FINE ROASTED COFFEES’ DRESSED TURKEYS! (Very fancy—fresh killed.) CELERY—I will have very large shipments of Fancy Celery arriving on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I bare taken especial care to procure a better quality than has been coming here It will be all white, crisp an l delicious. FIN E TEAS of every description. CHOCOLATES, COCOAS and PURE SPICES. OLIVES—Have some elegant large X X XOlives in buttles and in bulk. Will receive to-morrow 1 of delicious litt'e Tuscans. 75c. per gallon. OLD E OlL—The Duret, which I import, may be had in bulk by pint, quart or gailon. RF.ILY 8 Tomato Chutua 75c. for half gallon jug. SAUCES, PICKLES, PEPPER SAUCES, ETC. SWEET PICKLED PEACHES and PEARS. STUFFED MANGOES and PEPPERS. PICKL :d limes. SWEET SPICED PICKLES. Estragon. Tarragon and Malt Vinegars. Todd's Famous Smitnfl dd Hams. Pate de Foies Gras, Boned CHICKEN or TURKEY. Avery select line of Potted Meats and Fish. Extracts of Beef. Soups and Gravy Colorings. STUFFED OLIVES. STILTON CHEESE in Stone Jars. Roquefort, Dairy, Parma aud Gonyere Cheese. BUTTER—The Famous Ellington. The finest in the world, Costs you only 10. more than tub Butt r. Cream—Registered Jersey Sweet Cream. CAPE COD CRANBERRIEn— These are very fine, dark Berries. RAISINS-Without any exception the finest you ever saw. PRUNES D'ENTE in G'ass Jars and Tins. FIUS —Loyal pulled J aearoons in boxes and boskets Fancy layer Figs. GRAPES— I ha finest Almerias that any one of l ite years has had the not ve to bring hers. Tuey are beauties. Citron Dessert IVel.Orange Dessert Peel, Lemon Dessert Peel, in 1 lb tins. Evaporated P -aches. Nectarines, Apricots and Apple.-. Truffles iu various sizes, German Asparagus ia glass and tins, Brussels Sprouts la glass. Green Peas and Busn Peas iu glass. Frui sof all k nds in tins. Plum Puddings aud Mince Meat. Fruit Cakes inslb and lib tins. Fancy Wafersand Biscuits,Maraschino Cherries, Weisbade 1 Preserves, Gordon aid D.’s Pre serves, Kentish Preserves, Red Currant Jelly. Shelled Nuts of all kinds. Nuts of all kmJs ia Shell. Salted Almonds (Done to order). Maple Sugar. Maple Symp. Flavoring Extracts, and. ne-d I say anything in reference to our ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONERY, and the “ten hundred and ouo" Ftuo specialties at R B I L Y ’ 8. Telephone HI. __ SO Whitaker Street. TUB UKUKUD HTATK 111'ILIIIM; \\| LUO lesUUtTIU.V. OFFICERS— R. I>. GUERRA HD.. President K H. Mt. 1.1. Vice I'resi ant LEsTEK tll'HbCLi. Troaeu er R. K. UcKDKI.L .Secretary (J. ii WHAThr.Y Attorney auu Director of Ag.-uc es. Negotiate* loans upnu real estate at the low fig. re of " per cent. par aniimu up m a basis of won years. snip lit the I rgee: pro iu to in simp -re of any I mu aesniMstion i.i Sai annnh if you aids to oorro* on eug ti ne, or buy you a enmf. rt-sb.e house, or lift auv ig g fumi off thut home or even to inv*>,i your money m •*! and ist tii* U**t p As.ul pioflr rjLs nt Ur* "tinoigi* Stole - 1.T7 St. Julian St resit. hs AOMIUbTKRBO li f e*d taotli ritrsrt <1 sitbout pain Plate vote to Hold act Robber e f,-ieu at AAVAKBAH WKTAI PLATK COMPANY 111 Coagnsee til reel I BHEC!AL_XOTICEA. KB O M 14 |. Yl v -^ /V ' LISTEN : There Is always an enormous demand a tew days before CurLtmas for a 3- ft BO X OF PURE, WHOLESOME, NICE PLAIN candy FOR THE LITTLE ONES -AND FOR CHRI3TMAS TREE PURPOSES. I have made special provision tor this purpose, and on MONDAY, DEC. 22, 1890. At 7;30 a M., I will start the sale of 4 TONS 8,0 00 LBS. Of delicious, fresh-made Ch icolate. Vanilla, Waluut, Raspberry, and Uicaory Nut V A It A M E L 8 CREAM peppermints: WINTERiiKEEN CREAMS: COFFEE CREAMS! RASPBERRY BLOW CANDY! VANILLA BLOW CANDY! Cinnamon, Molasses, Lemon, Choc, late. Orange, and Pistachio BLOW CANDIES. Ciunar on, VaUlla, Chocolate, Pistachio and Violet -STRINGS’— Peanut Squares ! Fill ert Diamonds I Almond, Lrazil Nut, Chocolate, Lemon, Raspberry, Hickory Nut, Marroo, Orau„e, Waluut, Violet, Marshmallow, pistachio, BUTTERCUPS! MARSHMALLOWS 1 CHOCOLATE CREAMS 1 These we will have ready packed, assorted, In 5-Ib boxe3 at S* on ff.r box, 81 73 PER BOX Depending on the assortment in the box. You know the reputation ot REILY’3 CONFECTIONERY. These boxes will not contain any of my FINE CANDIES. But they will contain caudles ot the description named as PURE. WHOLESOME. AND NICE As the best and purest materials can make them. Probably you received one of my circulars regarding this sale, and if so you are posted. There is an lute ertin; feature connected with it, w ich tne newspapers cannot publish. Call and inquire, or send for circular. JNO. J. BEILY, 30 Whitakbr St, Telephone 165. P. 8. —Owing to the ‘ avalanche" of business for tue past two days I am coraiAi'le: to post pone the sale of the $1 73 b x until TUESDAY morning at 11 o’c ock. Tne $1 boxes will be on sole TO-MORROW MONDAY. TUCK BKNTIMLM OF THE FillsT BRYAN BAPTIST CHURCH As it now stands: A canl was published in last Sunday's p iper, th M iixino Ntcwsof Dec, 14, by some and ssaustled part es of the c,lurch who tried to carry things their way. alter failing to do so. w iden wa- much to the likiug of an overvvheiniing u ajority of the members charg ing thorn with Ignorance, etc. We, tne officers, are m re than sorry that these so-cail grieved hundreds were so dissatisfied that tuey prolesled agat ist a majo-ity. We are for the p ace and har nony of tir memm-rs aia whole; id love and union with each o her, and ilesire to s ow to the uubl c our earn st intentions to t a: effect, li it as ihosegrieve ILmrwivd-. Tness gri< veil nuudre is seem ,u make an open ti.r. at against t e cuoice of the majority; vices that show any chnstia ity in them, or does it look like a pjc le de. ir ng peace and harmony In a church or the hmsiofGd? The grieved hun dreds ought certainly te willing to suhm tto the majority,and do the duties of Christians and not to let ttieir a o;ry pyssiou work them u.i to such a pilch a- to threaten violence iu ti e douse of God. We do not deem it nece-sary to sav anything more upon this subject, but will at t nd to the duties of our church anil the wel f i eof its m mo rs, and will try to perru .de our brethren of the giieved hundreds to co ■ e mid unre with us and serve God in sn.rit and in truta. Respect v 1 v. th followin; named offi cers: Black, Gad-den. Green, Jomson. Royal, Denslow, Lewis vV I ks, of the First Bryan Bap tist church. COMPLIMENT® OF Tilt SEASON. THE SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY, 131 Congress Street. The Laundry of the City. M. PRAGER, Proprietor. Telephones 383 and 333. SELLING OCT The wholesale stock of Holiday Goods, such as Bronzes, Clocks, Mirrors, etc., etc., comprising remnants o ' our wholesale stock in this line. Will be closed out at very low figures to make room for our re ,-n! ir stock. l adies and all are Invited to call and make their selection. These goods will be offered until New Year's. LIFPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists. Opposite the Market. TOY s7 TOY S : TOY S l FIREWORKS ! HORNS 1 THE CHEAPEST PLACE H? TOWN IS MRS. CLARITY'S. JEFFSIISON AND SOUTH BttOAD STREETS. Y OI R FAMILY DOCIOK Would ray "pbvsic to the dogs; take rao r e ex and frerii a r." We say liKewisa. Walk ing in the south is not olways exhilarating, but driving is. DRIVING Is an agreeable pastime, a pleasure, a positive Benefit, it saves doctors’ bills, it promo:a , health, 1 give happiness. and at a moderate outlay. We have, O so many different styles and prices of vehicles that a.i a' ion ot our re, *>s 'ones \*rul 1 Mir ris- you, end th' prices are not high. Think ov rih b. and cull on THE SAVANNAH { c w ß agon co" D Bay and Montqqmeby Streets WHY HOI So many merchants in their deairs to buy “Ju4t a I ttle e raver" often send off for artistic priming, and quite often “yet etude." We dis play aanipls* an 1 furnish any quantity, Whether l.irgij or small, just udedred. We submit proofs, too, and. if unsatisfactory, no cure no pop, We are Commercial ao I Arti tic Prinaors, and base one of the largest and On t assortment* of artistic novelties ever shoes beie. EAa.aiueUasiu. BOiJINSON STEAM PSI .TIM J CO.. • Wbk*ker Mieul Teiepbeu* 4IS , SPECIAL NOTICES. TO T* NPA 3 K.l- TuuT'b Offick of ttxk Cttt of Sivannah. I Savannah. Ga., Decemoer 12. Ml. ( Notice Is hereby given to the taxpayer of the city of Swaonaa that, under an ordinance passed by tne council oa the lOti la-t, tun* se sment and valuatioa of prupt,' ty made for mualci al tAiatlon for the year !tJ. uad, r tne terms and prornuois of the ordinance of the city, paw and November 29. 1880, wi.l be con tinued as the basis of taxation by the city for the year 189! a< to the real estate, including improvements, Cjvered thereby in the abrnice of objections. Socn ' bjec'iorts. If any. must bo fl ed in this office within fifteen (15) days from this date. 1 1 the absence of objections within the time specified. t:ie and valuvion a'.realy meds will be consUered as satisfactory, and will be binding for the yetr ibl. CHAS. S HARDEE City Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THOSE MAKING TURKEY PRESENTS: On and after MONDAY, Doc. 82, I will fill all orders for TURKEYS. GEESE DUCKS, FRAIRTE FOWLS, VENISON anl QUAIL and CELERY. Send and place your orders. „ . , LOGAN. Telephone 386. City Market. MR. JOHN G. CARTER, ARTIST. Wl!l give lessons to a limited number of pupils in Landscape and Still Life Painting; alio in Charcoal Drawing. For terms etc., apply at Studio (between the hours of 10 A. M and gp. m ). Rooms 10 aud 11 Odd Fellows' building, corner of 8 ate and Barnard streets. INSURANCE AGENCY. Ja*. T. Stewaht * Son, Agents, Jas. Q. Yonoi, Manager. London and Laroaaidre Fire Insu anew Com pany of Liver ooi Anl New York Underwriters Agency of New York. OFFICE: No. 90 Bay Street. UK. T. F. HOUERSOA, DENTIBT. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Oerner Barnard and State Street*. TUB ai NUAk .MORNING NEIV* Will be found regularly on sale at the following places, MULL'S NKWS DEPOT. BU4 BuU street. CONNOR’S NEWS STAND. E. J. KIEFFER'S DRUG STORE Corner West Broad ana Stewart streets. T. A. MULLRYNE * CO.'S DRUG STORE West Broad and Waldbnrg streets. ST. J. R YONGE'S DRUG STORE. Comer Whitaker and Duffy streets. W. A. BISHOP'S DRUG STORE Corner Hail and Price streets. McCAULEY & CO.'S DRUG STORE, Corner New Houston and Drayton streets K. C. PACETTI, PRACTICAL WORKMAN. TIN ROOFINO. GUTTERS AND LEADERS. REPAIRING TIN ROOFS, Etc., Etc. Galvanized Cornices and Window Caps a specialty. Agent for Cortrlght Metal Roofing Shin tries. Corner Jefferson and State Streets, Parties who placed orders for Baskets in ad vance will kindly call and select same this evening, and s?e som| elegant novelties for Xmas and New Year's, BUTLER'S THARMACY. IT 18 A TAINT IN OAR BLuOU TO DO GOOD WORK. Waste and confusion are strangers tn our of fice, and the slovenly and incompetent can find no hold therein. When a thor >ugb machinist buy* a kit of tools he selects them of the fin; est steel, even though he pays more for them, and so it is with us; we have the best money c .n buy. Goi to it bund is not the road to r.cues In merit we will ne rich, as wail as money. TOWNSEND HAS A HEAD ON HIM which it cot bandaged with old ideas. He would be out of place in a j juk shop. He is a hustler TOWNSEND, —FINE PRINTER, CINDER AND RULER,— 83 and 88 Brvan Street, Savannah. Ga. PR IV AT ET BAM Of Brown Carriage Horses, perhaps the hind so.nest and best brok u team in Georgia; write 3' Marietta street, Atlanta, Ua , for particulars. •M.” HORSES ! mares": AT AUCTION. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, At 11 o'clock, iu front our stables, to close con signment, ONE SHOWY TROTTING HORSE. Shows 3-m!nute gait. TEN GOOD HORSES AND M ARES, Wacrauted sound. ONE GENTLE DONKEY AND HER COLT. GU.LMARTIN & MEHRTENS. Bit IDEM) NOTICE. Oglxtborpf. Savings and Tbust Cos.. I Savannah, Ga., Doc. kO, 1830. f A semi-annual diu end offs-i) Three Dollars per share uas e.i declared from t ie earnings of tue past six montns ,as of can. 1, 1831. iun i is p.iyahlj on aud alter MONDAY, DEC ■£!, 18,0.. JOHN M. nitYAN, DIVIDEND NOTICE. Southwestern Railroad Company. I oKii Macon. Ga., Dec. i9, isdh, ( Dividend No. T 4 o Three Dollars aud F.fty Cent* per share w.d tm pa and the suoch'ilJer- of tins .oin,a.,y ON' AND Ac iEH A ut: .So INS I. Seocubu tiers receiving riielr divi tends in Aiucou ne paid at tue C ml. a. Georgia Ban it of in, tit., those in Savannah at the Cent al Ha Ir ,ud liauk of mat cay. w. . ti vaNILY, Be* retdry and Treasurai* “WHO YV VN is Md E VI" “Uncle Adam," at 20 J*ffersou atre't. corner Congress i r#l lane, will loan you li orally on any •'PBraonar* property Cal l , or con maul cate by mail. Open ?a. m to 9p. a. ADAM STRAUSS, Janajer. SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 am prepared to do paving ia the boat and most satisfactory manner at the city'* contract prto*. JOHN D. OOULD. r#ie|>ene ISO. cm it lair m iTmi Will arrive Monday Morning Com* early aud exlMt oae v U.IJaM *1 uniflEU. Hem* and Fnea tstrvst SPECIAL NOTICES. IMPORTED SOLHLBAs'k HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTHES BE SUES. tk. T ? ' T , (I ‘ NU NAU * BRL’SHER The finest selection in the ci.y. Call and BOWLINSKI. Pjarnnacist. Broughton an 1 Dry- t- n -treet-. Telephone 433. FOR I'OUTY Tiln4#lK„.i, * The friends of Col CHARLES H. OLM STE iD announce him as a cand date for the offic-j of County Treasurer, and ask in his be half the votes and support of their fellow citi zens at the election WEDNESDAY, January 7 1891. * ’ Ul\ IOEND \OIK E Savanna n Bank and Trust Company ) Savannah, Ga . Dec. 18, ;-3.y f THIS hank has declared a semi an lual divi dend of I hr e Doi ars per snare to st-ssKholderg a- or record this date, payable on and after 3ist Deeemb-r. is.,o. Thetransf-r books wilt be closed from this date until Jan. 2nd, 1891. JAS. 11. I.Ch'TEB, Cashier. ELECTION FOR DIREC TORE Thk Mirchants' National Bank of Savannah ) Savannah. Ga , Dec. !4. 1890. f The annual election 'or Dire-tor- of t is bans Jli n 1J at its iianklag h mse on TUESD . Y Jan. 13,1891, between 12 and 1 o’clock. ELECTION FOB DIRECTORS. Central Railroad and Banking Cos. of Ga. I Savannah. Ga., Dec. 3, 1890. f An election for thirteen directors to manage the affairs of this company for the ensuing year will be hel lat t :e Banking House In Sa vunnah, MGND vY. the 3th of Jan :ary, 1801, betwem the hours of 10 o'clock a. and 2 o clock p. st. Stockhoid ;rs aud their families wi 1 be passed free over tha company's road to attend the election, from the 3rd to the 6th of January, inclusive, aid be pas-ed frei return ing, from the s:h to tbs 7th of January, inciu s:ve. on presentation of their stock certificates to the conductors. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. THE TITLE GUARANTEE AND LOAN COMPANY OF SAVANNAH 133 CONQRESS STBXET, Will pay interest at 6 per cent, per annum cn 6PECIAL DEPOSITS of CSOO and over for fixed periods of one or more years, and will issue certificates of deposit. INTEREST AT 4 PER CENT, compounded quarterly, on deposits in the Dime Savings Department. GEORGE H. STONE, EL. HACKETT, Prosi lent. Treasurer. DR. M SCHWAB dt SON. The well known Opticians, of No. 23 BuU street, inform the public that they carry the largest stock of Opiical Goods In the Stito, which they w ill sell at reasonable Drices during the month of December. We offer a fins lot of imported Opera. Field and Marine Glass s. also a fin - lot of M glc La ternr, below importation cost, and al: other Optic it Goods at sp cial prices for the Hoiday fade. <j 0 q bpcacies or Eve Giant-*, bought for H lidiy Pr.-sents, ean have th A lanscs cnanged within six m ntns free of charge. R member the pla e: No 23 Buii street, t urd door from Broughton str- -t. “ PRETTY CONCEITS” IN ADVERTISING NOVELTIE3. Anyonecha print a few common place cir culars cr hani bills, but it requires taste to design ‘’taking effects" iu stationary. We fu nish i lea?, a id have every conceivable de sign for hi.liiay and other announcements. Work executed on day of demand. Don’t wait tl. Christ na ; com mow for your New Year printing; select from anew aud varied line of Artistic Novelties. Commercial and Artistic P. luting a specialty by THE ROBINSON STEAM PRINTING CO., 6 Whitaker street. 410 Telephone. PUBLIC NIGHT SCHOOL. The Bourd of Education p -oposo to establish a night sebo 1 for yout s not more than 18y-ars of age who cannot attend the regular sessions of the public school. Provided, a sufficient number shall apply. Youth? who v 1,1 attend this school must register their names with i t superinteude it at the Chatham Academy be fore the 2Jth instant. W. H. BAKER, Superintendent. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. The National Bank or Savannah. ) Savannah. Ga , „ec. 14, ]8i)0. ( The annual election of eleven i'ir otO"s to ina' age tie affair? of The ,'ational Batik of Savannah for the ensuing year will te held at the ou e. No. 120 Bryan srree . ravan nah, Ga . on TUESDAY, Jm. 13, 1391, between the hours of 12 m and 1 o'clock p m TIIOS F. THOMSON. Ca hier. FRIED & HICKS, THE ONLY LADIES' RESTAURANT IN THE SOUTH. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. THE FINEST OYSTER COOK IN GEORGIA. FRIED <s: HICKS. 0.11 and 13 Market. TIIE CHATHAM BVNK. Savannah, Ga , Deo. 18. ICCO.1 C CO. The transfer books of this bank will be closed from Dec. 21 to Jan. J. 1890. inclusive. By order of the Board of Directors. R. F BURDELL, Cashier. DIVIDEND. Central Railroao avn Banktxo ) Company op Gkoroia. v Sa- annah, Ga.. Dec. 19, 1690. i A dividend of Four ($4) Do lars per share on the ear,iing? of this company and its and p >nd end'S *as been de dared, p tya .le on and after the 231 in it., ti do-'th ill-rs as f -ecird this Jay- T. M. CUNNINGHAM. Cas ier. CIUAIt3 AND TDBACCO, SMOKE A S. CUCKENHEIMER * SONS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS DOUGLASS OFFERS GREAT INDUCEMHNTS TO CHRISTMAS BUYERS THIS WEEK IN FINE DECORATED WARES, GUP GLASS, BISQUE DOLLS. BRiC-A-BRAC, VASES, BRONZES FINE CHINA. THE HOUSEKEEPER CAN ALSO SELECT A RANGE, STOVE, HEATER, OR FURNACE. CUTLERY, GAS FIXTURES, Corner CiraarJ aal ItoujVoa Lau JAS. DOUGLASS. STOVEs NOliTiT iffll Are offering fine DECORA T2 D French China DINNER & TEA SETS, CFANCY DECORATED Platis an! Cups aal Saaccrs, In cases suitable for Christmas Presents. DOLLS, BRIC-A-BRAC. PLATED WARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Iron King Cook, WEST SHORE AND NEW SPLENDID RANGES. Call and see us and get our prices before pur chasing. NORTON k HANLEY, York. President and Whitaker. BAN Ks. ' fjos. 1) 3VF.ED.“™“jnA , C. H')\\ l il\Sd IPresidetit. Vice Presiciont. JAS. 11. HUNTER, Cashier SAVANNAH GAM 4 TRUST CO, Savings Dsp't ALLo ' vs 40/ 0 Depoiifa cf SI ani l-parl Rjeflirei. lute: eat on Deposits Payable Quarterly. DIRECTORS: Joseph and. W'ef.d, of J. D. Weed & Cos. .lons' C. ltoxlanu. Capitalist. l\ A. Rkitze, Exclmtige an i Insurance. John L. ilakdf.v, Lapltalist. It. G Erwin, of Cbisuo’m, Erwin &dußlgnon. F.r.wAtiD Karow. ot i-ti auss & Cos. Isaac G. Haas. Genera: B: oker. M. Y Maclnivsk, of >1 Y. & D. L Maclntyre. John Lyons, of John Lyo-s & Cos. 'Valtkr C •n:v. of Paterson. Downing & Cos. i>. C. Bacon. Lumher, I WHOLESALE GROCERS. WE OFFER ' One carload JUGS—gallons, I gallon, 2 and 8 gallons. 73 Boxes ORANGES. 76 Boxes FI IS. 250 Boxes RAISINS. 75 Boxes D. S. BELLIES. 73 Barrels CANVASED SHOTTLDER3. 75 Barrels CANVASED BREAKFAST STRIPS. 59 Barr Ms CANVASED HAMi. Immense Stock of LIQUORS. All at Botto ti Prices. A. EHRLICH & BED. Wholesale G.-os-n Rnhri Xs'3 and 1.50 ISav St- PRINT.XG AND B:>JKBINDIMG. BRAiQ S HUTTON. Account J3o'-K Mai’.u fa” l urera, HOOli BINJJtCKS. AND GENERAL CO-LMERJIAL PRINTERS. 8 and 10 V.'hita erStreer. With our or-*bop, cumpleie *it 1 moieni maeninervand fa ilitn-s, a i'u.l liu ” d ' e „ !” Leather S. ck. together u itli o unpetent ivorl men. witu y. are ot pruc i ale t) erience in • ling first ci as a wore, we :ir. e.iaole Ito gua - autee sat sfai tion with our oro liictijn*. _ WE DO FINE COMMERCIAL P.J>T!N J. WE MAN' FACT HK all KINDS Or AC COUNT BOOKS TO ORD -R. cheerfully iriven; oruers promp execuieJ; quahty. gu ;ntitya and ancegnva* _ MERCHANTS, manifAcrurer-. merwhatVCftj corp<*rat:oLA. and fti* uiner* id need o*. j*rti ting:. iithoirraphiD . ami Llanw bt* £s C£jJ nav their orders promp*ly filted. n-oes. at the MORNING NEWS 1 WjmN9 BOUSE. 3 V. hitakai sbre-A