The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 06, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. OFFICE MORNING NEWS, j. Savannah, Ga., April 5, 1892. ) Cotton— The market does not vary. There moderate offerings generally, and this keeps * ricPS within a fairly steady range, though trading i g not at all active. The receipts at the ' u were large, and have a very quieting ef feot on controlling markets. The total sales J r ttie diy were 325 bales. On 'Change , [t be middsy call, at Ip. m., the market was bulletined steady and unchanged. The follow )ng are the official spot quotations of the Cot ton Exchange: Middling fa'f Good middling 814 Good ordinary M 9( , a Islands —The market was very quiet but ■teadv and unchanged. There were some light sales on the basis of quotations. I'ommon J® ®}' £t“ra fine 1 ‘!54®18 rto.ce Extra choice nominal 17 Comparative Cotton Statement. Rjcckipts, Exports and Stock os Hand April 5, 1892, and for tbs Sams Tins Last Year. 1891-’92. 1890-’9l. Isfand J£ and Upland j Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,871 10,145 ( 23 11,403' Received to-day 1,658 2,677 Received previously 41,446 902,458 44,281 993,791 Total 43,317 914,261 44,304 1,007,934 Exported to-day 100 j 5,820 110 6,166' (Exported previously 86,901 861,347 37,190 964,459 Total 37,001! 857,167 37,330 5~0,C25 Stock on hand and on ship board tnu day ...\ o.3lft| 47,0941 6,968 87,3091 Ripe—The market was quieter, with less inquiry and not so much doing. The sales for the day were *0 barrel*. The following: are the official quotations of the Board of Trade; small job lots are hold at M'&Hc higher: Fair. 4 <fri% Good 49£®414 Prime Rough. nominal. Country lots 70® 80 Tidewater $1 00® 1 25 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was very Arm, and hold higher. There was a good demand, with a small offering stock. The sales for the day w*re 225 casks of regulars at 34a At the Board of Trade on Che opening call the market was re ported firm at 84c bid for regulars. At the second call it closed firm at 34e bid for regulars. Hosin—There was quite an active inquiry, but business continue* restricted, owing to the 6nail stock in first hands. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was posted as Arm, with sales of 154 bales ai Che following quotations; A, 13, C, D and K 81 55; F, $1 60; G, $1 80; H, $2 00; 1. 82 20; K, $2 55: Itt, $2 60; N, $2 65; window glass, s*76; water white, $3 00. A* the last call it closed unchanged, with fur ther sales of 554 barrels. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT- Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 8.392 39,064 Received to-day 731 9:6 Received previously.. 931 8,181 Total __5,054_ _ 43,131 Eiported to-day 1,520 3.400 Exported previously 1,592 4.500 Total .JJ.022 7,900 Stock on hand and cm ship board to-day 5,032 85,231 Received same day last year.. 459 1,054 Financial— Money is easy. Domestic Exchange The market !■ quiet and steady. Banks and bankers are buying at par and selling at Vfj®V4 per cant premium Foreign Exchange The market is very Arm. Sterling, commercial demaod, $4 87; Sixtv days. $4 ninety days. $4 francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days, $5 19W: Belgian, sixty days. $5 21; martes. sixty days. 94 13-lfto. Securities—The market is generally quiet with a fair demand for Central railroad deben tures and city of Bavannah fives. Stocks and Bonds—City Bonds- Atlanta 6 per cent, long date, 109 bid. 111 asked; Atlanta < per cent, 114 bid. lift asked: Augusta 7 per cent, long date, 108 bid, I>4 asked; Augusta ft ter cent, long date, 102 bid. 106 asked; Colum bus 5 per cent, 100 bid, 102 asked; Macon 6 per c*nt, 113 bid, 114 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent quarterly July coupons, !02>4 bid, asiced; new Savannah 5 per cent May coupons. 103V4 bid. 104 asked. •State Bonds— Georgia new psr cent, bii. 111V$ asked; Georgia 7 per cent coupons January and July, maturity 1898, 110 bid, 1H assed; Georgia per cent. 99 bid, 100 asked Railroad Stocks— Central common, 66 bid, 69 M ked; Augusta a*nd Savannah 7 per cent gunr ar.teed, 112 bid, 116 asked: Georgia common, 174 bii, 177 asked; Southwestern? per cent guaran tee, 92 bid, 95 asked; Central 6 per cent cer tificates, G 8 bid, 70 asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, 99 hid, 101 asked; Atlanta aal West Point 6 per cent certificates, 90 bid. 95 asked Railroad Bonds— Savannah, Florida and M'estern Railway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest coupons, October, 109 Hi bid, asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage Consolidated 7 per cent coupons. January and July, maturity 1897, 109 bid, 110 asked: Central Railroad and Banking Company collateral gold 6s, 75 bid, 85 asked; Ceutral consolidated mortgage 7 per cent coupons, January aud July, maturity 1893, 101 bid, 192 as ted; Savannah and Western railroad 5 per rent, indorsed by Central railroad, 70 bid, <2 asked; Savannah, Americus and Mont gomery 6 per cent, 73 bid, 75 asked; Ooor railroad 6 per cent. 1897. 10<®lli bid. 10J ©lasked: Georgia Southern and Florida first mortgage 6 percent. 72 bid. 73 asked; Uovirigt in and Macon first mortgage, fl per cent. 70 bid, 80 asked; Montgomery and Eufaula urst mortgage, b per cent, indorsed try central railroad, 102 bid, 104 asked ; Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta, first aort-gag©, 102 bid. 104 asked; Charlotte, and Augusta, second mortgage, w <>id, 111 asted; Charlotte. Columbia and Au gusta. general mortgage, 6 per cent, 101 bid, as ked; South Georgia and Florida Indorsed {tots 108 bid, 109 asked; South Georgia and n irida second mortgage, bid, 107 askeand; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage, 7 per Z* n }\ *5 bid, 99 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson. •Qu Southern, first mortgage, guaranteed. 100 asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and South- JJ®* not guaranteed. 9* bid, 10.) asked; Ocean oteamshiD 5 per cent, due in 1920. 96 bid. lul Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern wcond mortgage, guaranteed, 98 bid, 100 asked; and Rome first mortgage jjO&Gs, indorsed by Central railroad. 05 oid, asked; Columbus and Western 6 percent, guaranteed 103 bid, 105 asked; City and Sub- first mortgage 7 per cent, 100 , 102 asked; Savannah and Atlantic 5 per indorsed, 68 bid, 70 asked- Stocks, etc.— Southern Bank of the State V, <iejr * ,ia 237 bid. 240 asked; Merchants’ n,J l 0 i*nk, 125 bid, 130 asked; Savan- Bauk and Trust Company, 111 bid, .J asked; National Bank of Savannah, r asked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust p , Q “* 95 bid, 9ft asked; Chatham Real hiu an( * Improvement Company, 49V4 bid, Ch.k I Germania Bank, 100 bid, 101 asked: catuatn Bank, 51Vt Bid. 52V4 asked; Macon and Jonah Construction Company, nominal; AQnah Construction Company, 56 asked. —Savannah Gas Light stocks, 23 r # ; r i asked; Mutual Gas Light stoefs, 25 bid; Clri ‘ Light and Power Company, 75 asked. Apples—32 75@8 50. Q , J c ' JN ~Market steady. The Board of Trade s-Jiati ,ub are as follows: Smoked clear rtr. S1 . shoulders. dry salted clear tonS*' ,Si MC; long clear. bellies, 6V<c; ®2 Ulderß . sJ*s; hams, ll®lltfc. Ji,ii GQ L KO AND Ties—The market steady. t£r. sagging, 2Vilb, 7Wc; 2Tb. 7c; i ? • no tations are lor large quantities; smali oigher; sea Island bagging at 12®l*2V$c; ... * l , rav . 2V4lb, 7Vsc. Iron Ties—large lots. b mailer lots, $1 Ss®l 40. Ties in retail lota biehcr. firmer: fair demand, Gosc hen f creamery, 25^26c; ' addage—Florida, barrels and barrel crates, P*'*• '•omina'.lys2 13^ Ees e—Market steady, fair demand, I2(^ Coi fee—Market steady. Peaberry. 22c; fancy, air 06 *' J 34c; prime, 19c; good, 18c: I>pi *' Ol *dinarv. 16c; common, 15Vc. fhoa* and,R UIT —Apples, evaporated, bV^cjcom- Peaches. Caurorma evaporated, peeled.22(g24c; California evaporated, unpeeled, Dried apricots. lO^lCc. Dry Goods—The market is quiet; good de mand. Prints, 4ti£6Vlc; Georgia brown shirting, 34, -6 do, sc; 4-4 brown sheet ing. 6c; white osnaburgs, checks. yarns, 90c for the best makes; brown drillings, eVn^?V*a Flour- Market weak. Extra, $4 10®4 20; family, $1 3J®4 .50; fancy, $4 80®4 95; patent, choice parent, $5 20®5 4 . Fish—Market firm. We quote full weights; Mackerel, So. 2, halt barrels, nominal, $6 00® 6 60; No. 2. $7 00®8 00. Herring, No. 1. 25c; scaled, 25a Cod, 6®Ba Mullet, half barrel, $4 00. Grain —Corn—Market steady. White corn, retail lots, 65c; job iota 63c; carload lots, 61c; mixed corn, retail lots, 63c; job lots 61c; carload lots, 50c. Oats Advancing—Mixed, retail lots. 49c; joo lot, 47c; carload lota, 45c; Texas rust proof, retail ?sc; job lots, 70c; carload. 65c. Bran —Retail lots, $1 20; job lots, $1 15; carload lots. $l 10. Meal -Pearl, per barrel, $2 90; per sack, $1 30; city ground, $1 20. Pearl grits, per barrel, $3 00; per sack, $1 35; city grit*, $1 25 per sack. Hay—Market strong. Eastern and western in retail lots, $1 05; job lots, $l 00; carload lots, 95c. Northern, none Hides, Wool, Eto—Hides are in active ; demand; receipts light; dry flint, salted, 4V4c; dry butcher, Wool market nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand and burs, 22a Wax, 30c. Leers Kins, flint, 32c; salted, 17c. Otter skins, 50c®$4 00. Iron—Market very steady; Swede; 4>>4®sc; refined. 4Vtc. Lemons—Fair demand. Messina, $3 76®4 0-9. Lard—Market steady; pure in tiercos, 7V6c; 50Tb tins compound, in tierces, 3%jc; in 501 b tins fltfcC. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bams and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell ing at $1 io per barrel; bulk aud car oad lots special: calcined plaster, $1 60 per barrel; hair 4®sc; Rosendale cement, 91 30® 1 40; Portland cement, retail, $2 60: carload lots, $2 25 Liquors Market Arm. High wine basis $1 18: whisky per gallon, recetifled. sloß® 1 25; aecord iQg to proof; choice grades $1 50®2 50; straight, $1 50®4 00; blended, $2 00®5 00. Wines—Do mestic port, sherry, catawba. low grades, 60® 85c; fine grades, $1 00® 1 50; California light, muscatel aud angelica. 1 35®1 75. Nails—Market verv firm, fair demand; 3d, t 2 90; 4d and sd. $2 50; 6d. $2 30; Bd, $2 15; lOd. 210: 12d. $2 05; 30d, $2 00;50dto 60d, $1 90; 20d, $2 05; 40d, $1 95. Nuts—Almonds, Tarragona, 17®18c; Ivicas, 15® 16c; walnuts. Fi’ench, 12c; Naples, 16c; pe cans. 15c; Brazils, 7®*<c: filberts, 11c: Cocoa nuts, Baracoca, $3J0®3.50 per hundred; assort ed nuts. 501 b and boxes, 12® 1 Jc per lb. Oranges—Florida, air demand. $i 7500®2 50. Onions—Firm; barrels, $3 00®3 25; crates, $1 15. Potatoes—lrish, barbels, $2 25; sacks, $2 00. Shot—Easier: drop. $1 45; drop to B and larger, $1 70; buck. $1 70. Salt—The demand is moderate and market dull. Carload lots, 65c f. o. b.; job lots 75®80c. Oils—Market steady: demand fair. Signal, 40®50c; West Virginia black, 10®13c; lard. 00c; kerosene, !0c; neats foot, 60® 75c; machinery. 18®26c; linseed, raw, 43c; boiled, 45c; mineral seal. 18c; homelight. 14o: guardian, 14a Sugar Tne rnarnot is firm, demand good. Cut loaf, s£fcc; cubes. powdered. s Vic; granulated, 4?6c; confectioners’, standard A, wnlte extra C, 4%c; golden C, yellow. 3t^c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia, 22®26c; mar ket quiet for surar house at 30®40c; Cuba straight goods. 30®82c; sugar house molasses, 18® 20c. Tobacco—Market quiet and steady. Smoking, domestic, souud. 23®25c; fair, 28®85c; good, 3ft®4Bc; bright, 60®65c; fine fancy, 75®80c; extra fine, $1 00® 1 15: bright navies, 22®40c. Lumber.—Demand, both foreign and domes tic. somewhat quieter. Ihe mills are r enerally full of work for quick deliveries. Market is steady, with some signs of advance in prices as spring trade opens. We quote. Easy sizes sll 50®13 00 Ordinary sines 12 00®lft 50 Difficult sizes 14 00®25 60 Flooring boards 14 50®22 00 ShlDstuffs 15 50®25 00 FREIGHTS. Lumber— By Sail—There is very little doing coastwise aud but few cargoes offering. Own ers, however, show no disposition to force tonnage on the market. The rates from thil and near-by Georgia ports may be quoted at $4 25®5 00, for a range including Baltimore aud Portland, Me. Timbersoc®sl 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and Windward, nominal; to Rosario, $lO 00® 17 00; to Buenos Ayres or Montevideo. sl4 00; to Rio Janeiro, sl6 00; to Spanish and Mediter ranean ports, sl9 00: to United Kingdom for order*, nominal for lumber. £4 10s standard. By Btam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadel phia. $8 00; to Boston, $8 OO; to Baltimore, $6 W. Navajl Stores—Market is nominal. For eign-Cork, e tc.. small spot vessels, rosin, is 9d and 4s: Adriatic, rosin, 2s 9d; Genoa, 2s fld® 7V4; South America, rosin, 80c per barrel of 280 pounds. Coastwise—Steam—to Boston, 11c per lOOTbson rosin, 90c on spirits; to New Yore, rosin, 7V4c per lOOlbs, spirits, 80o; to Philadel phia, rosin, 3Vsc p© r lOOlbs. spirits, 80c; to Balti more, rosin, 70c, spirits, 70c. < oast wise quiet. Cotton—By Steam—The market is dull. Barcelona Hd Liverpool via New York, lb 21-fi4d Liverpool via Baltimore, lb 21 64d Havre via New dork. W lb 13-32d Bremen via New York, W lb 13-32d Reval via New York, lb 7-1 fld Genoa via New York 13 32d Barcelona via New York 15-32d Amsterdam via New York 800 Amsterdam via Baltimore ..• .... 65c Bremen via Baltimore 11-32(1 Antwerp via New York 5-lftd Boston $ bale $ l 25 Bea Island bale l 25 New York $ hale 1 00 Bea Island $ bale 1 00 Philadelphia $ bale 100 Sea Island bale 100 Rick—By Steam- New York $ barrel 60 Philadelphia barrel - 60 Baltimore $ barrel 60 Boston $ barrel 76 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $1 pair $ 80 ® 90 Chickens $4 grown R pair 60 ® Chickens W grown pair 45 ® 55 Turkeys $ pair....- 200 ®3 00 Geese iJW pair 1 00 ®1 25 Ducks pair 65 ® 75 Eggs, country, $ dozen 15 ® 17 Peanuts, fancy h. p. Va., 1b.... 6V4® Peanuts, b. p., $ Tb 4V4® Peanuts, small h. p., # 1b...... . 4V4® Peanuts, Tennessee h. p., lb .. 4 ® Sweet potatoes, V bush., yellow . 65 ® Sweet potatoes, 9? bush., white.. 50 ® 55 Poultry—Market quiet and moderately sup plied: demand light. Eggs—Market firm, supply light, demand good. Peanuts—Ample stock, demand light, prices steady. Scoar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market. Honey—Demand nominal. MAR&EIhS BY TfiLSJ-RAPfcL FINANCIAL. New York, April 5, noon.—Stocks opened quiet but steady. Money easy at lV*i®2 per cent. Exchange-4oog, fct short, $4 88® 4 88*4- State bonds dull but steady. Govern ment bonds dull but steady. Erie 30*4 Richra’d A W. Pt. Chicago A North.. ILJV4 Terminal 9% Lake Shore 131V4 Western Union 87*4 Norf. A W. pref... New York, April 5, 5:00 p. m.—Sterling ex change closed quiet but htealy at $4 4 89; commercial bills, $4 85^®4 Money' easy at IH®2 per cent.; closing offered at IV4 ®2 per cent. Government bonds closed dull but steady; four per cents 115*4. State bonds dull but steady. Sub-Treasury Balances—Coin. $109,854,000; currency, $19,001,000. The stock market to-day started off with a rush for higher prices, but the force was in sufficient to surmount the restraining elements, and the advance was effectually checked for the time being. The early trading was not only active but feverish, with some declines from the opening figures. The covering of shorts, however, with buying for long account, stimulated by the encouraging outlook, again forced prices upward, though no rapid rise was seen. The news of the refusal of the governor of New Jersey to slgu the bill legalizing the Reading combination, however, effectually put a atop to the new buying, though, as usual of late, there was shown no disposition to part with the stocks acquired, but only halt in the buying movement. Coal stocks were ap- Earently little Affected by the news, though oth New Jersey Central and Delaware and Hudson fell away materially, though this was tq be expected aftT their late material ad vances. Reading, while remaining active, was well supported around 55, aud Lackawanna showed no movement whatever. Liquidation iu New' England was started, however, and dis appointment over the poor response of the security holders to tho new plan of reorganiza tion of the Richmond and West Point, t Dgether with the open de darations of its failure by its enemies, induced heavy selling of the securi ties of that company. Preferred stock dropped 5 per cent, to 53. and the bonds were corre spondingly depressed. The effect of these movements upon the rest of the market, how ever, v'ero comparatively slight, and while the upward movement was checked, no serious de cline was seen outside of tho few stocks men tioned, and while the early advances were in most cases wiped out, the gains at the opening were retained until rtiry late in the day. when some concessions were made, owing to the steady and persistent pressure upon the leaders. New England especially displayed a in oat pronounced weakness, m which tho whole THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1892. list sympathized for the time being. The character of the trading in the rest of the list may be iudged from toe fact that Erie fluc tuated only and St. Paul only V* per cent, for the day. Market finally closed fairly aotive and rather heavy at close to the opening prices, despite a slight rally in the final dealings. The list is generally only slightlv changed from last night’s figures, but Riohmond and West Point preferred is down 4Vp and common only •.£, New England 2s£ and Bugar per cent. The ealea of listed stocks were 347,000 shares; unlisted. 15,000 shares. The following were the closing quotations of the New York Stock Exchange: Ala class A, 2-5.. 102f 4 Norf .AW. pref.. Ala. class B. 55... 107 Northern Paoiflc.. 21 * N.Carolinaoonsfts.l2o do pref.. 62 N.Carollnaconsls. 97 Pacific Mail 341^ So Caro. (Brown Reading 55 consols), 6s 94 Richm’d A \V. Pt. Tennessee 6s 105 Terminal do 5s 101V4 Rock Island 85t4 do se. 85... 69 >4 St. Paul 77‘^S Virginia 6s ...... 50 do preferred.. 123 Va.fts oonsoli ted 40 Texas Pacific ... 10-4 Northwestern Tenn.Ooal Alron. 44^ do preferred.. .142 Union Pacific 44 Del*. A Lack 15 H NJ. Central .... l .'SV4 Ene Missouri Pacific.. 58V$ East Tennessee... 5Vu Western Union... 874* Lake Shore 1818 ft Cotton Oil Certi.. 86*6 L’ville A Nash... Brunswick Oo 8 Memphis A Char.. 50 Mobile A Ohio 4s Mobile and Ohio.. 37>4 Silver Certificates BfljJ Nashville A Chat. 85 Am Sugar Reft . 92*2 Texas Pa’flc. Ist. 83H do pref’d. N. Y. Central 11346 COTTON. Liverpool, April 5. noon.—Cotton opened dull; prices generally in buyers’ favor; Ameri can middling 35ftd; sales ft,ooo bales—American 5,200 bales; speculation and export 1,000 hales; receipts 23,000 bales- American 21,600. Futures—vmerican middling, low middling clause, April delivery and; April and May delivery 8 3fi-64d, also 3 35-ft4d; May and June delivery 8 37-648; June and July delivery 3 40-fl4d; July and August delivery 3 43-640; August and September delivery 3 4rt-64d; Sep tember and October delivery 3 48-ft4d; October and November delivery 3 51-64d. Futures easy. 4 p. m.—Futures: American middling, low middling clause. April delivery 335 64® 3 3ft 64d; April and .May delivery 3 85 64® 3 36-641; May and June delivery 3 87-64d, value; Juno and July delivery Z 39-64®340-64d; July and August delivery 8 42-64®3 43-64d; August and September delivery 3 46- 4® 846 64d; September de.ivery 3 48-64d, sellers; September and October delivery 3 48-64d. sellers ; October aud November delivery 3 60-64® 4 51-64d. Futures closed quiet but steady. New Yore, April 5, noon —Futures market opened steady, with sales as follows: April delivery 6 43c, May delivery 6 53c, June delivery 6 61c, July delivery ft 69c, August delivery 6 7ec, September delivery 6 86c. New York, April 5, 5:00 p. m.— Cotton closed dull; middling uplands 6 11-16 c, middling Or leans 7 1 10c; net receipts 1,63S gross re ceipts 7,982 bales; sales to day 94 bales. Futures Market closed quiet. with sales of 90,600 bales, as follows: April delivery 6 44®6 4*lo, May delivery 6 58®6 64c. June de livery 6 62®6 63c, July delivery ft 71 ®fl 72c, Au gust delivery 6 79®tt 80c, September delivery 6 88®fl 89c, October delivery ft 98®6 99c, No veinber delivery 7 08®7 09c, December de livery 7 18®7 19c, January delivery 7 28®7 29c. Hubbard. Price A Co.’s report say of cotton: “The decline in Liverpool was expected this morning, and was realized to the extent of 3-64d. Here opening prices were about 5 points below yesterday, but the market rallied to within a point or two of last night’s prices be fore the first hour of tho session Lad passed. There seems a very fair demand for contracts here upon every recession in values. No great weakness is looked for, unless the movement of the crop again assumes over whelming proportions. Up to to-day there is no indication of such being the case. During the afternoon the market was dull, without change of mportauce; closing steady at within about 3 poluts of yesterday’s prices “ Galveston, April 6.- Cotton closed firm; middling net receipts 1.810 bales, gross 1,310; sales 674 bales; stock 87,967 bales. Norfolk, April s.—Cotton closed steady; middling net receipts 1.226 bales, gross 1,22 ); sales 112 bales; stock 40,094 bales; exports coastwise 4,572 bales Baltimorb, April s.—Cotton closed nominal; middling net receipts bales, gross 2,914; sales bales; stock 87,712 bales. Boston, April 6.—Cotton closed dull; middling 6 11-16 o; net receipts 873 bales, gross 3,418; sales none; stock bales. Wilmington, April s.—Cotton closed nominal; middling net receipts 137 bales, gross 137; sales none; stock 15.208 bales. Philadelphia, April 5. -Cotton dosed quiet; middling ?o; net rooetpts 264 bales, gross 264; sales bales; stock 12,988 bales. New Orleans, April 6.—Cotton closed stead); middling n*t receipts 11,611 bales, gross 12,324; sales 2.600 balea; stock 841,824 hales; exports, to Great Britain 5,530 bales, to the continent 1,050 bales Futures—The market cloned firm, with sales of 31,000 bales, ns follows: April delivery 6 34c, May delivery 6 23c, June de livery ft 30c. July delivery 6 37c, August delivery 0 44c, September delivery 6 52c, October deliv ery 6 60c, November delivery 6 69c, I>ecember delivery 6 77c, January delivery c Mobile, April s.—Cotton closed quiet; middling net receipts 40ft bales, gross 40ft; sales 200 b<Ues; stock 23,108 bales; exports, coastwise 419 bales. Memphis, April s.—Cotton closed steady; middling 64£c; receipts 621 bales; ship ments 700 bales; sales 1,757 bales; stock 84,112 bales. Augusta, April s.—Cotton closed dull; middling 6V4®6 5-l6c; receipts 1.241 bales; ship ments 227 bales; sales 4i bales; stock 20,104 bales. Charleston, April s.—Cotton closed quiet; middling net receipts 382 bales, gross 332; sales 300 bales: stock 42,307 bales; exports, to the continent 4,239 bales, coastwise 200. New York, April s.—Consolidated net re ceipts at all the ports to-day were 20.619 bales; exports, to Great Britain 6,029 bales, to France 404 bales, to the continent 10,173 bales; stock at all the ports 1,014,052 bales. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Nr.w York, April 5, noon—Flour dull and steady. Wheat dull and steady. Corn quiet and firm. Pork quiet and unchange i at $9 60 ®ll 50. Lard dull and nominal at $6 52>$. Freights dull and weak. Nbw York, April ft, 5:00 p. m. Four, southern, dull and steady; common to fair extra. $3 15®3 75; good to choice, extra, $3 60®4 75; superfine, $4 75®4 80; buck wneat flour $2 25®2 35. Wheat was irregular and dull, closing easy; No. 3 red, 985-hc in store and elevator; afloat; options closed steady; No. 2 red, April delivery U3;/wc; May delivery so' w c; July delivery 89*4c. Corn dull but easy; No. 2 cash, 49 in elevator; afloat; ungraded mixed, steamer mixed 48®49*4c; options ci-s*i steady; April delivery 4Pc; May delivery 46c, July delivery 44%c. Oats active ami firmer; options dull but firmer; April delivery 35c; May deliv ery July delivery —c; spot. No. 2 wnite mixed western, 3J®3ftLfcc. Hops are fairly active and firm; State, common to choice, 10®22c; Pacific coast. 15®22c. Coffee—options opened steady 6 points down; April delivery 12 85®12 90; May delivery 12 55®1260; Juiy delivery 12 15® 12 20; Septem ber deliver / 12 05; spot Rio dull and nominal; No. 7,14 c. Sugar, raw, fair refining 3®B 1-lflc; centrifugals, 96° test, No. 6, 3£fcc; No. 3, refined quiet and steady; off A. 3)4®3-ltic; mould A, 4%c; standard A, i6fc®4Viic; confectioners’ A, 4V4®49fcc: cut loaf crushed, s®s*4c; powdered. granulated, 4%®4?4c; cubes, Mo lasses—Foreign dull; 90° test, 1 I%®l2V£c !in hhds; New Orleans firm and quiet; common to fancy 2;®3ftc. Petroleum quiet and steady; crude in bbls , Parkers’, $5 80; crude in bulk $3 30; refined New York $6 10: Philadelphia and Baltimore $6 05; m bulk, $3 55®0 60. Cotton seed oil was auiot; new crude 25c; crude off grades —c; new yellow 2 < 4£c. Wool quiet aud steady; domestic fleece 30®36c; pulled 2ft®33c; Texas lft®24c. Provisions —Pork active; old mess $9 50 (MO 00: new mess, 811 00®11 50; ex tra prime sll 50. Beef firm; family $9 50 ®lO £0; extra mess dull at $7 50®8 00. Beef bains dull at sl4 00® 14 50. Ticrcod beef quiet; city extra, India mess, sl4 00® 17 00. Cut meats were steady and quiet; pickled bellios 6J4c; pickled shoulders s>*c; hams 9’/4®oV4c. Middles were dull; short clear. April delivery at $6 45. Lard dull and steady; western steam sft 50 bid; city steam $3 95®ft 00; May delivery $3 51®3 52; June $ > 55; July delivery sft 62®6 C3; re fined % quiet; oontinent $7 00®7 !0; South America $7 50 Peanuts were quiet; fancy handpicked 4tfeo: farmers Freights to Liverpool were dull aud nominal; cotton, per steam. 7-04d grain, 2^d. Chicago, April s.—This being election day the Board of T rade was not in session. Banks were also closed. Baltimore, April 5. Flour dull; Howard street and western superfine $2 86®$ 10; extra $3 25®3 85; extra family $4 00®4 50; city mills, Rio brands, extra, $6 00®6 25; winter wheat patent $4 85®5 10; spring patent $5 00® 5 25; spring straight, $5 25®5 35; bakers’, $4 85 ®5 10. Wheat firmer; No. 2 red, on spot and month 96®9fl>4c; Southern wheat steady; Fultz. 90®95c; Longberry. 92®9ftc. Corn steady; spot 49®49Viic; month, 49®49V40; May 481£®49c; steamer mixed 57%®475fc Southern corn steady; white at 44®45Hc; yel low' at 44®43c. Cincinnati. April s.—Flour was dull; fam ily $8 40®3 60; winter patent s—; fancy $4 Oo®4 15. Wheat was dull: No. 2 red 89c. Corn stronger; No. 2 mixed oats in fair demand; No. 2 mixed 31c. Provisions—Pork barely steady; new mess at $lO 3714. Lard was neglected at $0 05. Bulk meats were quiet; short riba $5 75. Bacon was quiet; abort clear at $6 73. Sugar stronger. Hogs quiet; ooramon and light. $2 75®3 75; packing and butch ©rs. $3 70®4 00. Whiskv steady at $1 13, St. Louis, April B.—Flour was firmer and un changed; family $3 13®3 20; choice $3 50®fl 60; fancy $8 *k>®4 2Z; extra fancy §4 50; new patents $4 45® 4 65. Wheat closed firm, Uc for May aud for July above yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, at 84c; options—Apri 1 delivery closed at —c; Mav delivery closed at 84l*c; July deliv ery closed at 78c; August delivery closed at —o. Corn lower; No. 2 cash, mixed, 34 7 ftc; April delivery closed at —c; May deliv ery closed at 35c; July delivery closed at S.VmjC. Oats were better; No 2 cash 29c; May delivery closed at 294*c. Bagging was quiet at 6V4®Be. Iron cotton ties |i 40® 1 2ft. Provisions quiet and easy—Pork, new stand ard mesa. $lO 60® 10 S2tt; old, $8 60. Lard —prime steam at $6 00. Dry salt meats Boxed shoulders, loose, at. $4 (JO; loom $5 6ft; riba, $5 65; short clear s*> 80; boxed lots 15e more. Bacon—Boxed shoulders $5 25; longs sft 35; ribs sft 35; short clear sfl 50. Hams Sugar-cured, at $9 00® 10 50. Whlskv quiet at $1 13. New Orleans, April s.—Coffee steady; Rio, ordiuary to fair, 13.V4174*®c. Sugar firm aud quiet; open kettle, strictly prime and prime, 3U; fully fab-, 36$c; fair to good fair, 3Vfto: fair, ZH&Sfito; rood common to fair, *Ti®Bc; prime 2 15-I8®?c; fair to prime inferior 2V4c; centrifugals, choice to prime yellow, white, 4c; off white, 8 13-16®87flo; choice yellow clarified, S 7 **; prime yellow clarified, 894®3 13-16 c; off prime yellow clarified Z%c; seconds, 2Vi®rtyo. Molasses firm—open kettle, no sound goods offering; fermenting 15®22c; strictly prime, 19c; good fair to prime, 23®25c; centrifugals firm; prime to good prime. 15®17o; prime 19c; good common to good fair, 23®25c; choice to fancy, 320; good prime, 15® 17c; common, 6®9c; inferior, sV4®6c; prime, 20®21o; fair to good fair. 23®25c; good common 7®9c; syrups 24®29c. Bacon, boxed shoulders, sft 25; longs $7 25; ribs $7 25. Whisky quiet; western rectified $1 04® 1 08. NAVAL STORES. New York, April 5, noon—Spirits turpentine quiet and steady at 38c. Rosin dull and steady at $1 35®1 40. New Yore, April 5, 5:00 p. m Rosin dull and steady; straloed, common to good $1 85® 1 40, Turpentine quiet and steady at 37£4®8Sc. Charleston, April 5. Spirits turpentine steady at 33*40. Rosin firm; good strained at $1 27*. Wilmington, April 5. Spirits turpentine steady at 34 Rosin firm; strained at $1 15; good strained $1 20, Tar firm at $1 2ft Crude turpentine steady; hard $1 10; yellow dip $2 26; virgin $2 25 London, April 5, noon.—Spirits turpentine 20a and 9d. RICE. New York, April 5 —Rice was quiet; fair demand; domestic, fair to extra 4*®6*o; Japan s*®s*c. New Orleans, April 5. Rice dull: prime to good, 4®4*c; ordinary to good 4®4*c. New York Vegetable Market. New York, April s.—The orange market is firm. Indian river $3 50®4 25; brights, selected, $2 75®3 25; straight lines, $2 50® I on; russets. $2 s'®3 (X); grape fruit, $2 00®2 50; straw berries, 30®40c; string beans. $2 00®3 00; wax, $3 00®4 00; pease, Florida, $ 00®5 00, Charles ton $. 00®8 00; asparagus. $5 00® 7 00, cabbage, $275®3 2o; lettuce, $4 00®5 00. Palmer, RivenNurg & Cos. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Sun Rises 6:00 Sunßets 4 6:43 High Water at Savannah. 2:37 am. 3:20 pm. (Standard Time.) Wednesday, April 6, 1892. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Nac jochee. Smith. New York—C G Anderson. Bark Lovfald [Nor], Haaverscn, Livetpool, with salt to O M Gilbert & 00, vessel to mas ter. Schr Aaron Renpard, Steelman, Philadelphia, with coal to the Mutual Gaslight Company, ves sel to Goo Harrias & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Nacoochee, Smith, New York—C G Anderson. Steamship Btuart Prince, fßrl, Hesketh, Bar celona— St rachan A Cos. Bark Godthaab [Nor], ,Bie. Rotterdam— Paterson, Downing & Cos. Brig Root Dillon, Leighton, New York— Gee Harries A Cos. Schr Robt H Parker, Smith, Newport Newt, Geo Harrias A 00. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Alpha. Btrobbar, Beaufort and Port Koyal—C fl Wedlock. Agt. Steamer Bellevue, Garnett. Darien and Brunswick—W T Gibson. Manager. Steamer Katie, Bevill, Augusta and way landings—C H Med lock. Agt. BAILED YESTERDAY. Brig Robert Dillon, Perth Amboy. Schr Robt H Parker, Newport News. Schr J B Martin [Br], Havana. MEMORANDA. New York. April s—Arrived, steamship Soale, Bremen; arrived out, steamship France, New York for London. New York, April 8 —Arrived, bark Altamaha, Hickman, Darien. Ga; schrs Roger Drury, De lay, Peusacola; Win Smith. Babbidgp, Fernan dina; Ann J Trainor, Derrickson, Jackson vile; Anna R Bishop, Rulon, Darien; Edwin A Gas kill, Smith, Charleston; Eva A Danenhowor, Johnson, Georgetown, S C. Buenos Ayres, March 17—Arrived, bark Prof Nordenskjold [Nor]. Lie, Savannah. Nuevitas.March 26—Arrived.schr Nettie Lang don, Ross, Jacksonville. Baltimore, April 3—Arrived, schrs Oliver H Booth, Van Gilder, Jacksonville; Young Broth ers, Show, Port Tampa. Fla. Bull River. April 3—Arrived, schr Blanche, Hopkins, Davis, Baltimore. Sailed—Schr Wm M Bird, Reed, New York. 1 oosaw, S C, April 3—Arrived, ,6chr Nellie W Hewlett, Buckalew, Norfolk. Cape Henry, April 3- Passed in, schrs SB Marts from Fernandinn for Baltimore. Pensacola, March 1O -Arrived, schr Anna A Ketchum, Lee, Galveston. Port Royal. April 3 Arrived, schr M Luelal Wood, Spaulding, Baltimore. Providence. R i—April s—Arrived, schr Al meda Willey, Copeland, Brunswick, MARITIME MISCELLANY. Boston, April 3—Capt B*ck of schr Morris W Child, at this port Sunday from Pensacola, re ports: March 28, lat 26 50 N, lon 78 SOW, the scoud mate. An*:us Carmen, 22 years of age, belonging iu Deer Island, Me, and Seaman August Anderson, a native of Russia, 2a years of age. were washed off the jibboom and lost. It was blowing a gale at the time and the vessel was nove to. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice to manners, pilot charts and all nau tical information will be furnished masters of vessels free of charge In United Slates Hydro graphic Office in the Custom House. Captains are requested to call at the office. Ltkut F. H. Sherman, In Charge Hydrographic Station. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad. April 5—1,269 bales cotton. 141 bales domestics, 3 bdl hides, 4.861 bushels corn. 63 pkgs tobacco. 618 bbls rosin, 49 bbls liquor, 215 bbls spirits turpentine. 169 bales hay. 10 bbls ineai. 2 curs lumber, 9 cords wood, 2 bbls syrup, 7 sacks potatoes, 3 sewing machine 264 pkgs mdse, 810 lbs household good, 1 bbl w lead, 46,100 lbs hardware, 5 cases eggs, 1 car coal Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. April 6 —s7B bales cotton, 1,373 bbls rosin, 498 bbls spirits turpentine, 2 ears hay. l car rock, 1 pipe, 150 bbls flour, 1 car corn, 16 cars lumber, 11 pk* household goods, 1 bbl syrup, 1 bdl hides, 7 boxes tobacco, 19 bbls whisky, 28 cast ings*. 30 kegs beer, 2ft cases pkgs furniture, 20 bbls beef, 19 boxes meat, 45 bbls rice. 22 i pkgs mdse. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, April 5 —3O bbls rosin, S bbfs spirits turpentine, 25 bags peauuts, 12 cases eges, 1 bbl potatoes, 1 bbl wine, 23 sacks peas, 10 boxes tools, 2 lot house hold goods, 1 boxed organ, 8 bdl pails, 8 bdl w buckets, 1 crate cans, 2 boxes soap, 2 bdl ex matls, 1 wiro spring, 81 boxes tobacco. 8 cigarettes. Per South Bound RailwarjApril 5—6 bales cotton, 1 oar sand, 11,000 bricks, 22 bbls rosin, 7 bbls spirits turpentine, 17 boxes tobacco. April 4—16 cars ties. 36 bbls rosin, 7 cars lumber, 1 carsancl,ll bbls spirits turpentine, 6 halos cot on, 15 boxes tobacco, 1 car brick. EXPORTS. Per steamship Stuart Prince [Brl, for Barce lona, bales upland cotton, weighing 2,341,752 pounds. Strachan & Cos. Per bark Godthaab [Nor], for Rotterdam— -3.400 bbls rosin, weighing 1.505,870 pounds. 1,520 bbls spirits turpentine, measuring 78,930 gallons, Paterson, Downing & Cos. Per brig Robt Dillon for New Y0rk—290,900 feet p p lumber, McDonough St Cos. Per schr Roht H Parker for Newport News, Va—549,482 feet p p lumber, Stillwell, |Millea & Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Nacoochee from New York Geqfge it, Clarke# W J Ueo Booth, Jr, F E Kane, Miss R Liraested. Miss E Hey wood, Wm Limsted, F G Hey wood, J P Kider, W Gollneky, E H Robbins, E L Wolff, J F Brunbeye. Miss Minnie Dub. Mrs B Bub, F Remmoad, F Underhill. Mrs M. Mills, and 1 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per steamship Nacoochee from New York— D A Altick’s Sons, ADepl S, K 8 Byck & Cos, A R Aitmayer & Oo.M S Al) A Byck, a 8 Bacon & Son, J ti Sutler, L Bluestein, S W Branch, T T Chapman. Cohen £ Bros, Cohen £ B. Cohen Si Cos, A H Champion's Son, E M Conner. W G Cooper. Dry tea & Dry fus & M, Decker Si F. a Ehrlich £ Bro, Engel A R. J R Einstein, Fretwell & N. M Fernt’a Sons & Cos Ecu man Si V, I Epstein Si Bro. G Eckstein St Cos. Docker Si F, G A Earn ham Gei! & (J, Miss Frank order notify Frank A Cos. B M Oarfunkel, S L Gerst, H P Green 37 00, S Guokenheimer St Son, C Gray & Son, Harrnea AJ, M D Hirsch A Cos. A Hanley, D Hogan. Jackson M St Cos, Hynes St B, H Juchter, S Krouskoff, Kolshorn A M, H J Grogen. ivavanaugh A H, A C Harinou, D Koh ler, Vincent Keeler, II H Livingston, S N Lang, Lloyd A A. Lippman Bros, H rt Leroin, B H A Bro, Llnasay & M, John A Lafar. E Lovell’s Sons. Joo Lyons A Cos, C A Munster, Melnhard Bros A Cos, PJ McEnneany A Cos, R D McDonnell A Cos. McDonough A Cos, W B Mali Si Cos, R S Mell, Mutual Co-op Ass’n, A J Miller Cos, Norton A H. A McAllister, V Me Murrey, A S Nichols, Oppenbelmer AS. A O Oelehig. order notify Moore A J. W J O'Dell, A J Ferramore, order notify Isaac Hans.E Noyes, Peacock H A Cos, Palmer Hardware Cos, Planters Rice Mills, M I'rager, order uotify Plant S 8 Lino, T J Mitchell, Port Tampa, Roggeu A E. A G Rhodes A Cos, W H Ray. Rendaute, S R Resin, order notify B H Levy A Bro, C D Rogers Solomons A Cos, H Solomon A Son, Stern A W, P B Snriuger. Savannah Plumbing Cos, Savannah Real Eat A B Cos, Savannah Grocery Cos. Cll Sawyer, S F A W Ry, Stubbs AT, Smith Bros, E A Schwarz, Southern Drug aud Cem 00, J B Shupirine A Bros, Savannah Soap Works. Joe Sognier, Screven House, Specialty Cos, P Samp son, John Schley, Mrs E J Thomas, J W Tyson. A Soiler, Q W Tiedoman A Bro, Theus Bros, J N Wilson, Teople A Cos, F Wackstein, Wylly A C, AV aruock A W, J 1) Weed A Cos, Geo Wagner, V H Ward, A M A C W West. J P Williams A Cos, N Wallace, T West A Cos, Watson A P, Steamer Katie, Steamer Alpha, Steamer Barker Steamer Bellevlew, Southern Ex Cos. P®rCentral Railroad. April s—Woods G A Cos, Baldwin A Co,J P Williams A Cos, J 8 Woods Bros, Greigg JAW, J F Williams. W W Gor don A Cos, Butler A S, Warren A A, Stubbs A T. Savannah Naval Storos Cos. Moore A 00, J N Segue. 51 Ferst’s Sons A Cos, M Y Henderson, W Bouhaw, Frank A Cos, Harmes AJ, Thomas Cooley, E Mclntvre, compt, Lippman Bros, M M (Taft, Savannah Grocery Cos, Mohr Bros, A S Thomas. A Ehrlich A Bro, C A Latnont, A M Howard, Greer, Kid well A Cos, New Home Sew ing Machine Cos. W I Miller, A B Hull A Cos T H Elec A Cos, standard Vlnfg aD<l Com Cos, ri Koh ler, Decker A F, War nock A W, M Boley A Son, G W Tiedoman A Bro, A H Champion's Son, Me Caulev, Stillwell A Cos. T J Davis, Ellis Y A Cos, J I) Wood A Cos, Peactxrk H A Cos, J S Shivers, Savannah Brewing Co,W A McLeod. J Jackson. W Pullen, J Harvey, Fleming A E. Davant A Hull. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, April 6 Dale, Dixon A Cos, Miss Gracie Berry, McDonough AB, G W Tied*unan A Bro, C T Law, Savannah C A W Cos, C Kolshorn A Bros, Savannah Furniture Cos, Lippman Bros. W W Kinar A Cos, B Crumin, l.indsay AM, O N Saussy, A S Nichols, Herman A K, Moore A Cos, Moinbard Bros A Cos. Savannah Steam Bakery, O Hausen, Peacock II A Cos, Solomons A Cos, U P Connery, M Y Henderson, Frank A Cos, K B hunting A Cos, H Juchter.A Ehrlich A Bro, Miss Ida M W 001, A Hanley. S Guokenheimer A Son, S W Branch, Kavanaugh A B. Eckinan A V. Nat Oash and Register Cos, Helusler A H, Lilly A Cos, Commercial Guano Cos. Standard OH 00, VVis nor A Cos, McKenna & W, Davant A H, Chatham Bank, 518 AD A Byck, L R Myers A Cos, J O Flanders. Per Charleston and Savannah Hallway, April 6 Smith Bros, M Ferst’s Sons A Cos, J Y Beach, Savannah Grocery Cos, Caesar Same. Dean New man, W P Green A Cos. Ellis Y A Cos, Mrs M Holmes, Ludden A B, A Lefiler A Son. H Solo moo A Son. McMillan Bros, Chestnut A O'N, A J Miller 00, Greigg JAW. Per South Bound Railroad, April B—M J Johnson, A H Champion’s Son. J H Johnston, G W Tiedeman A Bro. April 4—E Hurd, M J Johnson, Lemon A M, Georgia Lumber Cos, J H Johnson. Woods G A 00, G W Tiademau A Bro, Stubbs A TANARUS, Edwards A T. When Baby was si ok, ws gave her Csstorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mies, she clung to Castoria. Whs® she had Children, she gave them Castorlg IF TOTTJt liACn ACBKS. Or you are all worn out, really good 'nr noth- Ing, it ia general debility. Try It Hawn’S ritoN iijttfrs. It will cure you, cleanse your liver, and give a good appetite. THEY WILL MARRY AFTER EABTER Groat Preparations Are Making. They will wed after Eaator, And the preeenta will bo many, Sternberg's will supply them From their rich collection. Diamonds loose, and mounted, Jewelry in the latest shapes, Sterling silverware, ornaments, Onyx aud brass stands and tables. Birthday and anniversary gifts, Souvenirs of oooasions of note, Gold hoaded canes and umbrellas, Fine clocks, watches, chains, etc. Largest display in city, Lowest prices possible. — Ad. RtKRNBKRO’Si, OvficbofJ. F. Greer, County Judge, 1 Green Cove Springs, r Clay County. Fla., May 83d, IH9I. I Gentlemen— Twenty-three years ago 1 was attacked with inflammatory rheumatism, I was attended by the most eminent physicians in the land. I visited the great Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and the noted Hot Springs of Arkansas and many other watering places, and alwaya oonsulting with the local physician for direc tions ; finally came to Florida ten years ago About two years ago 1 bad a severe attack of rheumatism, was confined to my room for twelve weeks and during the time I was Induced to try P. P. P. [Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Po tassium!, knowing that each ingredient was good for impuritt s of the blood, after using two smalt bottles I was relieved; at four differ ent times since I have had slight attacks and I have each time taken two small bottles of P. P. P , and been relieved, and I consider it tbo best medicine of its kind. Respectfully, J. E. Greer. rheumatism Is emphatically a blood disorder caused by in ability of the kidn-ys to throw off certain poi sons which accummulate In the tissues about the joints and muscles. P. P. P., very simple, quickly and surely cures this disease neutralizing Impurities In tha blood. Experience and sc ence both Indorse P. P. P., as tha only infallible blood purifier known.—Ad. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. —Ad The Morning News City Delivery Is as perfect as money, experience and con stant care nan make it. The paper is de livered in any part of the city as far soutt as Estill avenue promptly BDd regularly, immediately after going to press, and witu as tittle delay as is possible to make oertalu delivery. The service is the best of any city in the south, and is under the immediate supervision of ihe business office. None but the oest carriers are employed, and our con stant aim is to make this important depart ment faultless, lu the southern part of the city prompt delivery is made r.y wagon, guaranteeing to those living a distance from the office an early service. The Morn ing News will be delivered regularly for one month, |100; three months, 30. Your subscription solicited. I-ADIES Needing atonic, or children who want build * ing up, should take BROWN'S IRON RITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, lull- CQolujo, Biliousness and Liver Complaint*. Old newspapers—2oo for 25 cents—at the business office. Morning News. For Cornr, Warts and Bunions L'sq calf Abbott's Last Indian Corn Paint. FURNITUBK AND CARPETS# (xt) TO * f k 1 —FOR — A COLUMBIA CENTURY. The most comfortable Bicycle on earth. A Columbia Roadster. Nothing can be said against it. A. WARWICK. Built on Honor and la-inch Cushion Tires. A. HARTFORD. The greatest Wheel made at the price, A Ormonde Cushion. The Lightest, Fastest and Handsomest A Ormonde Pneumatic. The Safest and Fastest Wheel made. Everybody appreciates the liberal terms that wo are giving also our teaching to ride, and the use of Wheel until the art it* acquired. Before you buy a Wheel come and see us, and take your choice of any of the above first-class Wheels. STXJNTIDIRIESz Out? lixxe is Complete. “W"© IfcLarve a co:m-p>etieTZLi man “bo do it. P„ P. P, Pimples PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT Blotches AND POTASSIUM Makes .^ v ;f Old Sores Marvelous Cures — 1 ——— Prick.]y Ash, Poks Root and Pntnmlum, tho (frostost blood pnrlfler on earth. m Blond Poison VIUUU I UI3UII poison, and .11 oth.r unpuntiea of the i Blood are cured by P. P. P. Kendall Pope, the retired dnurglstof a, e • Madison, Fla., any. : P. P. P. is the be UnniiniQtlPm alterative end blood modlolne on the lllltjllliidllhill market. He belli* adrugirtst And h- IIIIUHIIIUIIWIII lug sold all kinds of medicine, bis un eollcltod testimonial is of groat Impor tance to the sick and suffering. 2nd Scrofula TaauZhom Ct mngroncm^toka WIIU VWI UIUIU gTf'ftt pleasure In testifying to the *flV - - - ciut qualittfsinf thn popular remedy for eruptions of the skin known aa r P P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and P. P. P. purifies tho blood, builds up Potassium.) I suffered for several the weak aud debilitated, givesstrongth years with an unsightly and disogre to woukened nerves, expels diseases, cable eruption on my race, and tried giving the iMitieut health and happiness various remedies toremovelt, none of where sickness, gloomy feelings and which accomplished the object, until lassitude first prevailed. this valuable preparation was reported In blood poison, mercurial poison, *° After taking three bottles, in ao* malaria, dyspepsia and In all blood and cordance with directions, lam now ua skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, tirely cured. J. D, JOHNSTON, old chronic ulcers, tetter, sea id head, wm may say without fear of contra- Ga. p te Uood Ladies whose systems are poisoned rheumatism of the hmrt for several and whose blood is in an Impure con- year., often unable to walk hla pain wae dltion, duo to menstrual Irregularities, oo Intense; he had professor, in l'hila are peculiarly benefited by the won- delphlabut reoelred do relief until he rierful tonic and blood cleansing pro- came to Savannah and tried I‘. P. p, perries of P. P. P., Prickly Aah, Poke Two liottlss made him a well man and boot and Potassium. he renders thanks to P. P. P. All druggist* cell It. LIPPMAN BROS., Proprietors, Lippmon’s Bloc it, Bavannah, Gkk Ir . 's'utt’s AN t ttm j* M. tr. contains no opium or other anuuvnr, hot Dritrori the Kpocific Ailhnm f'olaon in the Bloat. 3 "HI W r nit up all night (rasping for breath tar fear oftU|nca JwWWßpK^xtP'i. TAFT trtßS. MEDICINE eo., 1 State St:. ROCHESTER N. Y. A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., 'Wholesale Agents. WHISKY. SOLOMON’S -:- ANSWER To the many inquiries of numerous friends nod patrons out of the city. We are in full blast again with everything fresh and new. We are receiving large quantities of GEORGIA BELLE and MOTHER HHIPTON FLOORS. One hundred varieties of the celebrated vE CRACKERS, these are the host that are made; we are receiving ether makes which we sell at very low prices. We have also CANDIES in all styles and qualities. Coffees, Teas, Cigars and Soaps, ALSO Old-Fashioned Rye and Knickerbocker Rye Whiskies in CaseSs We have from the reserved stocks of tlje best distillers of whom we have drawn supplies of liquors for many years. WHISKIES, GINS, RUMS and BRANDIES in bulk; of these we have a very large and complete assortment at lowest prices. SEND YOUR ORDERS ALONG, OUR GOODS ARE AL WAYS RELIABLE AND AT BOTTOM FIGURES. HENRY SOLOMON & SON, NEIDLINGER& RABUN, lE3l©a.c3-C3_ixa;X*ljex*s For New York Uniting & Packing Co.s Belting and Ha Sole Agents for HOYT’S LEATHER BELTING, Deal ers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars. Heavy Timber Harness made to order, 154= ST. JU.L.1AN.153 BItYAN STREETS. MKDICAU 7