The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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BOYS’ Overcoats FUN FOR BOYS. By way of a slight diversion we offer this Week 2E3D Bays' DvErcaats, SIZES 4 TO 15 YEARS, at % SI.OO TO $2.00. & Prices render comment useless. BOYS’ JERSEYS. A Line of BOYS’ JERSEY SUITS, sizes 3 to 10 years, formerly sold from $5 to §B, TO CLEAN OUT—only s3*so for Choice. COME EARLY. \ DOTLETS * t The DOTLET is a NOVELTY in CHILDREN’S SUITS— a 3-piece Suit in all the New Shades, from 3to 6 year sizes. PRICES ARE LOW and IT SELLS ON SIGHT. K- Every mother should see the DOTLET. BASS BALL’S BRIGHT OUTLOOK. James H Manning to Manage Savan nah's League Team. Mr. D. A. Long, who has secured the franchise in the Southern Base Ball League for Savannah next season left for Charles ton last night after spending a couple of days in the city. Mr. I xing says that Savannah will have 1 -ague ball next year, and good ball at that. The franchise has been paid for, he says, and the manager engaged. James H. Manning of Birmingham Is the gentleman who has been engaged by Mr. Long to manage the Savannah team. Mr. Manning has a reputation in base ball circles both in the sooth and west. He came to Birmingham from Kansas City, where he was manager and captain of the club for several years, having been purchased by Kansas City from Detroit for $1,300. Asa manager in Birmingham he proved a great success. Mr. Lmg says it took a good bnce to secure his services, but as he has known Mr. Manning well in Birmingham he considers the money well Invested. Mr. Manning will have entire charge of select ing the team and the entire control of the team during the season. The Southern League has agree l upon a salary limit of SI,OOO, which Mr. Long oon ulers apply sufficient to secure a good team. The great reduction in salaries by the Na tional lx?ague makes it a great deal easier for t e Southern league to secure good players at this salary allowance. Mr. Long’s visit to Savannah was for the Purpose of looking up a site for grounds. He "as shown several suitable sites which re on the market. His idea is to secure a ‘He as near the residence portion of the 'ity as possible, and convenient to the street railway lines. He says that next season the Southern League will be next in importance to the National League, including twelve olubs. Cuarleston, Sa\anuah, Augusta and Nasb viUe are the new cities that have Come 'in, while Memphis. Birmingham, Chattauooga, Atlanta, Macon, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, com posing the Southern League last year, all re main in. if the other cities named can afford league hail Savannah should certainly be able to maintain berend. The clubs are in good hands this year, Mr. Long says. Ab Powell is in charge at New Orleans, John Kelly at Mobile, Mur'ay of Joliet probably at Mont gomery, Frank Graves at Memphis,Ted Sul livan at Nashville, Beldon Hill at Chatta nooga, Billy Earle at Birmingham, lieorge Burbridge at Maoon. Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston have not yet se cured their managers. It was proposed to Mr. Long while here ftat be form a stock company with a cap ltd of about $5,000 to manage the finances tf the Savannah club. With a local oom f*uy in charge, it is held that the in teres; "°uld be greater as they would have more tonbdence in the management than if a granger had entire oharge. ft alb AND CROSSTIiS. The Richmond end Danville people are •Sain trying to have the differentiation in tat ‘8 against Norfolk reduced. Last year mey tried to have it reduced to 9cents, and 6ow they are asking to have it reduced to 6 ** !lt *. The opposition to any reduction, however, is so great that they will hardly succ ed in then efforts. 1 'wing to a hitch in the arrangements *lib the Pullman people the parlor cars ° T ' r the South Bound railroad between Ba v*niiah and Columbia will not be put on hntu n „x;, Saturday. In the meantime pas ‘eugers for the north will have to obange ®* r ’ but once, at Columbia, at which point tlle y can take the Richmond and Dauville Vestibule sleeper, which runs through to ftew York without change. 'ux Way of ENCot’Riomo thx Bxshfou , firmly)—We must part for ever, he (ip alarm)—Why’ “he—l have discovered that I love you.—Lt/e. river and harbor. Richardson & Barnard cleared yesterday the British steamship Cambridge for Bremen with (1,821 balea of upland ootton, weighing 8,308,603 pounds, valued at $286,908. and I, saoks of oil cake, weighing 363,230 pound, valued at $3,840 22, and 10,908 sacks cotton seedlmeal,(weighing 1,000,300 pounds, valued at *9,740. Total valuation of cargo $209,888 22. Colored Royal Arch Masons. Branham Chapter No. 24, R. A. M„ (col ored) held a public installation of officers night before lest. Rev. Alex Harris, P. H. P., was master of ceremonies, assisted by J. A Phillips, installing deputy, and Phil lip Maxwell, marshal. The offioers installed were: H. P.—. Tames E. Whiteman. K.—J. G. Mangam. 8. —Richard Waring. Treasurer—Thomas Hayes. Recorder —James Andrews. C. H. —Caesar Biuson. P. 8. —R. G. Adams. R. A. C. —Richard Mangam. G. M. Ist V. —H. Middleton. G. M. 2d V.—M. Y. Jones. G. M. 3d V.—H. A. Hartley. G.—M. N. Burroughs. The installing ceremonies of this high de gree of colored Free Masons was impres sively oonduoted. Among the guests were Rev. Dr. J. J. Durham. John D. Campbell, G. M. of Georgia, 8. O. Cherry, Sol C. Johnson of the Tribune, the Labor Union Recorder ’* staff and others. A banquet fol lowed. Measuring the Baby. Ho measured the riotous baby Against the cottage wall A lily grew at the threshold, And the boy was just as tall. A royal tiger lily, With spots of purple and gold; And a heart like a jeweled chalice, The fragrant dew to hold. Without the bluebirds whistled. High up In the old roof trees; And to and fro at the window The rea rose rocked her bees. The soft pink fists of the baby Were never a moment still, Snatching at sunshius aud shadow That dancsd on the lattice sill. His eyes were the color of bluebells. His mouth like a tlowor unblown— Two little bare feet, like funny white mice, Peeped out from the snowy gown. And we thought with a thrill orVapture, That yet had a touch of pain, When June rolls around with ner roses We’ll measure the boy again. Ah me! in a darkened chamber, With the sunshine shut away. Through tears that fell like a bitter rain. We measured the boy to-day. And the little bare feet that were dimpled And sweet as a budding rose. Lay side by side together In the hush of a long repose. Up from the dainty pillow, White as the risen dawn. The fair little face lay smiling With tha light of heaven thereon; And the dear little hands, like rose leaves Dropped from the rose, lay still. Never to catch at the sunshine That crept to the durkeued sill. We measured the sleeping baby With ribbons white as snow. For the shining rosewood casket That awaited him below. And out of the silent chamber We went with a childless moan To the bight of the sinless angels Our little uga liad grvwn. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1892-TWELVE PAGES. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. i Dear Butrina Is had by those who do not get their Hats at LA FAR’S. A Stylish Hat is a badge of respectability, so go to LAFAR Sand make your choice from his largo assortment and don't delay. Harderfold Sanitary Underwear, so highly recommended by physicians, can be had only at his store. Nice Gloves, Suspenders. Silk Handkerchiefs. Umbrellas. Half Hose, Shirts, Etc., all of best makes, and late style LaFAR’S NEW STORE, 132 BROUGHTON ST., next to Furber's. FURNITURE. Look over our mammoth stock of Furni ture, Carpets, Mattings, Hhadei, Etc. BIG LINE OF PARLOR SUITES, You will find it varied in assortment, ex cellent in quality and low enough in price to be within the reach of nil our citizen*. New goods received daily. The A. J. Miller Cos. hardware; Bar, Band and Hoop Iron. WAGON MATERIAL. Naval Stores Supplies, FOR BALE BY EDWARD LOFELL’S SONS 155 Brougnton and 138-140 State Streets. Y ield to popular pressure and continue this week SATURDAYS Wonderfully Successful Sale of Suits and Overcoats AT $lO 2H sl2 Undeniably the most surprisingly large UJ£S for sttulll ]\d.OJSTIOY ever attempted in Georgia. It behooves you to step lively—if you want any. ytifSjr JmsSm FURNITURE AND CARPETS. READY FOR YOU. We are always ready with goods for all seasons in FURNITURE AND CARPETS. We keep a line of goods which cannot fail to ATTRACT THE ADMISATIOI OF ALL We have every conceivable style of FINE FURNITURE And every quality, design and fabric in ELEGANT CARPETS IF YOU WILL ONLY CALL AND SEE EMIL SCHWARZ. PRiNCE LINE OF STEAMERS. SAVANNAH 10 MEDITERRANEAN AND ADRIATIC PORTA The Steamship TUDOR PRiNCE -IB NOW LOADING FOR BAITCELON A., To bo followed by other firit-claaa steamer, aa the demand require!. For freight room ap ply to STRACHAN & CO., Agents. MURRELL’S LINE. FROM BRUNSWICK TO LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The Only South Atlantic Line to European Porta SHORT ROUTE TO EUROPE. Commencing September 80th, 189*. the following iteamahlp* will make retailer ealllnge from Brunewick, Oa.. to Liverpool and Bremen: I'w I.BM TONB CLARK, Mauler K 8 HAYGRLKN.. I,**9 TONS BI.ACKLAW, Maeter. 8 - S' 1.77* TONS JENKINS. Maeter, g- g- CTORaA-LBB ...1.7A1 TONS BAILEY. Maater V EEK fi ILL ... 1.7 M TONS BAiNBKIDOE. Mattel. Additional ateamsbipa will be placed on the line a* buuinesa warrante. S' JJ* I , ** r l | *ll will aail from Liverpool to Brunewick September let B. 8 Haygreen will sail from Brunswick for IJverpool fleptemoer 30th. i 'onrigiimenta solicited to all pointe In the United kingdom and Continent of Europe, f or freight, passage and general information, apply to The Brans wick Terminal Cos., General Agents, Brunswick* Ga., or Messrs. G- KDmlt & Cos., Agents, 2H Brunswick St, Lrnrpi, % LOEB’S SANITARY Underwear Phis premier of Sanitary Underwear continues a GREAT SELLER. Why should people pay tribute to circumlocution. We import it direct from Stuttgarter, Germany, and save sub agents com missions and other trimmings. There is none better made. It ia PURE WOOL from the SHEEP. \ Roctora SIZES, Prescribe ft ALL WfcggP HEALTH COMFORT Sole Agents for Savannah. GLOVES MAITHATTAIT f!TZXrI'tZ:T^ KNOX STETSON P. P. P. Pimples PRICKLY ASH, HOKE ROOT Blotches AND POTASSIUM Makes ~ , n Old Sores Marve oils Cures V WMM VMI UW Are entirely removed byP.P. P. # mmmmmammmm Prickly Ash, Toko Root and Potassium, m m greatest blood purifier on earth. in Blood Poison SESS ——•— - - - Blood are cured b j P. P. P. Randall Pope, the retired druggfftof 111 • Jfadlson, Fla says : P. P. P. lathe beet M nQlinfllQf IOITI alterative and blood medicine on the niluUlUClllOlil A druggist haT . iiuf aoM all kinds of medicine, bis un solicited testimonial in of great impor tance to the wick and suffering. and Scrofula 701^. UIIU UUIUIUIU great plaasure in testifying to the C laD t<) 1 1*,' 1 1 DM Of tll popular TO mfldy for eruption* of the (kin known M _ _ P- P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Root and P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up Potoa!um.) I suffered for several to® weak and debilitated, gtveastmngtli years with an ut MgbUy and diaajrre *o weakened nerves, expels disease*, eablo eruption on my face and tried gl ving the patient health and happJueae various remedies to remove it, none of where sickness, gloomy feelings and which aceompliahed the object until lassitude first prevailed. this valuable preparation was resorted In blood poison, mercurial poison, ,Q - After taking three bottles, in ao malana, dyspepsia and In all blood and oordanee with directions. lam now so skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, tlraly cured. J. D. JOHNBTON, old chronic ulcers, tetter, sealdheod, we may say without fear of contra- n dietion that PP.P. is the beat blood a j . 77.7 purifier inthe world li B ”PrtnU*ident of the ... . „ . . nnvannah lirewery, says: he has had Ladies whose o—n* are poisoned rheumatism of the heart for several and whose blood is in an impure con- yearn, often unable to walk his coin was dltion, due to menstrual lnrwknlaritiee, so Intense; he had ppofeeoors h iPhlla are peculiarly benefited by tlie won- delphlabut received no relief until be de si U ’. Dl S cleansing pro- came to Havannah and tried P. P. P. Ertjes of P. P. P., Prlekiy Ash, Poke Two bottles made him a well man and wt and Potassium. he renders thaok. to P. P. P. All druggists aell it. UPPMAN Ii HOB , Proprietors, Ixlppm&ix’s Block, Huvumah, Oft, FIIRNITURK AND CARPETS. W E IT A. V E The largest assortment of Rattan Rockers, Parlor, Bed room and Dining Suites in the city. Carpets, Matting, Window Shades and Lace Curtains in large varieties. Don’t forget our line of BICYCLES and Cycle Sundries. M. BOLEY & SON, 186, 188 AND 190 BROUGHTON STREETi We are Sole Agents in Savan nah for FOSTER, PAUL & CO.’S Noted Gentlemen’s KID GLOVES. MEDICAL. 5