Newspaper Page Text
Death of an A gad Citizen ot Jones
County—A Macon Man’s Arm Torn
Off by the txplosion of a Gun— A
Mac n B 'lrm Forced to Assign on .ac
count of Bad Collection &
The oostoffiee at Lifssy hag had the
“•tore” dropped from Rename, and appears
on the postal guide as plain Lifsey.
There will be a meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Glue Granite Company at Ogle
tbrope or Athens early in January for the
purpose of reorganizing the company.
Miles of stone curbing line the sidewalks
of Cuthbert. There are no streets but have
these improvement*. The wooden bridges
have been supplanted by sewer piping.
A lady operator has been placed in charge
of the Central’s telegraphic service at Cutb
bert. Hho takes the place of the operator
who went on strike with the brotherhood.
While J. W. Nunn of Brunswick was
shopping Saturday night he lost a pocket
book containing ( 185 in cash, and so far has
been unable to find or learn anything of the
lost money.
The Piles County Journal learns with
much pleasure that a large aoreage in fruit
trees is to be put out in Z-bul-n and
vicinity. Thousands of the famous Elberta
peaches are now being planted and to ihis
will be added apples, pecans, grapes, etc.
Dr. Charles F. Deems, pastor of the
Church of the Stranger, at New York, Is
stricken with paralysis and will be carried
to the DansviUa sanitarium. Dr. Deems is
78 years old, but bos rarely failed to preach
his usual Sunday morning sermon uutll last
Sunday. Dr. Deems is we.l known in Au
gusta, and is father in-law to Marlon Ver
dsry. formerly of that city, now of New
While engaged In target shooting at
North Highlands Sunday afternoon James
Martin of Phenix City, Ala., was acci
dentally (hot by a Mr. 1 ong of LaKayette,
Ala. The ball entered about an inch and a
half above the heart and inflicted a very
dangerous wound. Mr. Martin was carried
to hit home and there Dr. S. N. Jordan
dreased the wound and made him as oom
foftabie as possible.
John H. Collens is behind prison bars at
Thomaavillu Last Christmas eve Collens
was arrested at his home beyond the river.
Deputy Singletary made the arrest. The
prisoner was unable to furnish bond. Tbis
Christmas eve he was arrested at his home.
Again tbe charge was misdemeanor. Again
Deputy Singletary served tbe paper. CoJ-
Unt ia a white man. He ran away with
another man's wife.
A party of countrymen in their wagon
on their way home from Macon Friday
night, as they were passing the residenoe of
Frank Clark on the new Houston road,
fired several shots into the bouse, one of
whioh left tbe ball burled in tbe weather
boarding. The ball lodged near the sitting
room, in whiob were all the family. Provi
dentially the window, which was only a few
inches from where the bullet lodged, was
Laurence Graham, while fooling with a
gun at Mncoa Monday, bad bit arm torn
•way by an ezpli.aion. Tbe gun was o,d
and had not been fired for more than a veer.
Graham put a heavy ohargs in the barrel
and aimed at a pigeon on a house nenr by.
Instead of going off the barrel exploded.
Tbe arm from tbe elbow was torn away,
leaving a ghastly exposure of tbe bone.
Graham Is In a very weak state and it le
not thought be will reoovev.
The firm of Lazarus Brea of Maoon went
to tbe wall Tuesday morning and their
stores were closed by the sheriff under a
mortgage. This Arm has conducted for
sometime past a large jewelry establish
ment on Cherry street and a clothing house
on Mulberry. Tbe liabilities are about $20,-
000 sad the assets, it is said, will foot up to
nearly the earns amount. Tbe difficulty on
making oolteotions and the general string
ency of the time is given as the reason for
tbe failure.;
' Copdele hid a 11 rely Christmas. Blood
*nd liquor flowed freely. There were a
number of encounters between negroes.
Charlie Morris, a restaurant keeper, cut
Jhn Wilson’s throat, while Wilson was try
ing tq kill him with a pistol. Wilson is in a
dying condition. A row ocourred near ihw
fivoonah, Amerio is and Montgomery
depot between a drunken negro and one by
the name, of Tom Williams was killed
Instantly. Several bloody fights are
reported up and down the Savannah,
Ameriouiand Montgomery railroad.
'Sunday about noon, on the John (Vynn
place, about five miles from Columbus, a
man was driving a horse hitched to a
■wagoD, when a party of boys threw a
lighted cannon popper on the road, which
exploded directly in front of the animal.
The horse became very niuob frightened
and started to running, kicked himself
loose from the wagon, overturned the
driver, and dashing off at full speed jumped
through the window of a negro cabin Into
the midst of the occupants, carrying the
■ash with him.
Vinie Howard, a negro woman 78 years
of age, had a narrow escape from a hor
rible death at Columbus Sunday afternoon.
Tbs old woman is bed-ridden and utterly
helpless. She is in the habit of smoking a
clay pipe knd Sunday afternoon through
carelessness dropped some of the burning
tobacco among her bedclothes. She did
not notice this, hoe ever, or smell the burn
ing clotb until the flames in the cotton mat
tress which bad been slowly kindling burst
forth, and in an instant her meag ir gar
ments were enveloped in fire. She was
ba<Uy burned before the flames were ex
The contest over the ‘ ‘no fence” election
in Do'ugherty oountv which was appealed
bj a bill of injunction from the oourt of
ordinary to the superior oourt, ar.d has
been pauding ever since the election oc
curred In October, IStfl, has been decided
by Judge Bower in favor of the “no fence”
people. The cose was argued before Judge
Bower at Albany about tea days ago, and
his decision has just been received. He de
cides that the ordinary’s action, which de
clared the result in favor of "no fence" was
lirud, and he declines to Interpose. The
oase will probably be carried to the su
preme, court.
Last Hunday night at his home in Jones
county, tan miles from Macon, John Bird,
one of the oldest and rao*t highly respected
citizen* of Jones oounty, died ot general de
b.litji. Mr. Bird was 88 yeari of age, and
bad beau living at ttis place where ho died
sixty-filne years. Ho was born in South
Carolina, and tu bis young manhood moved
to Georgia, and settled , ,11 the place he stiil
owned at tbe time of his death. Mrs. Bird,
who survives her husband, Is DC years old,
and is more aotive than most wome 1 of 0.
She still looks after the household affairs
and enj iv* perfect health. Mr. Bird leaves
five cUilureu, three tout and two daughters.
W. K. Morgan’* grocery store and the
residence of Mrs. E. Briesenick, at Bruns
wick, were burned Monday morning at 4 !
o’cloeii. Mr. Morgan’s slock of groceries
was iumured for SSOO, and upon the build
ing oeOupiml by Mr. Morgan and owned by
bi* wife, Mrs. Louisiana Morgan, there was
F-du insurance, held in compa
nies represented by Harvey &
Reach. Mrs Brie*e lek lost her
eftiire house furnish mgs, besides S3OO In
oa*h burned in a bureau drawer. Toe
building was owned by her and was prae
tßjidly destroyed, only a small part of the
■iructure. remaining unburned Mrs
Briese'.iick carried S6OO insurance on her
residence and 4700 on her furniture,cloth
ing and other household goods.
Albany Herald: A large crowd of the
colored elite of the city were gathered at
kb© Odd Fellow ball Monday night, the oc
casion being a big Ob ist uas supper. Be
tween ill and 11 o’clock the festivities were
v*ty .rudely interrupted l.y an unlooked for
ocourreuce. Through one of the window*
suddenly came crabbing a number of large
rocks, scattering tbe glass in every direc
tion, and failing in the very midst of the
assembled company. A number of person*
were struck, or made narrow escapes, but
only one was much hurt. Romeo Camp
bell, the porter in Messrs. Graff en
reld Sc. Co.’s store was struok in tbe face by
a large rock, which made two ugly gashes,
one above tbe eye and on the nose. One of
tbe men in t; e ball quickly opened a win
dow. and before tbe parties who threw the
rocks could make their escape, several shots
from a revolver had been sent whistling
after them, Georgs Winn receiving one in
bis arm as a Chrismas reminder.
There is talk of building anew railroad
through Waltoo county, Florida.
The cigar factories of Key We*t are closed
this week taking account of stock.
Tbe quarrel among the Fsrnandina pilots,
the Mirror says, has all been settled.
The steamships Hex and Lockwood have
been chartered to load phosphate at Fer
One thousand and fifty boxes of oranges
were shipped from Fuller’s wharf at Braid
entown last Saturday.
It is estimated that over 20.001 barrels of
lettuce will be shipped from the Kooky Point
neighborhood in Alachua county.
At the auction of the Union wharf at
Braidentown last Saturday the property
was bid in by Capt. John Fogarty for $l5O.
It is reported that tbe Panama Railroad
Company haa leased the Mailorv steamer
Lam pass to run between New York and
Seventy-five hands are now pushing the
work of railroad eur/aoing near Braideu
town, as fast as their united labors can ac
complish it.
The Farmers’ Association of Walton
County ore going extensively into the fruit
growing business, having just ordered and
received 18,000 (■each trees for planting.
James Ormond, after whom Ormond on
the Indian river was ns rued, recently died
in Atlanta, Ga. aged 77 years. He was an
eaily settler in Florida, from Scotlaud, but
In 1858 he moved to Atlanta.
Hon. George W. Wilson of Marlon oounty
is an aspirant for the office of internal reve
nue collector of Florida. A number of
citizens of Key Wes' have signed tbe peti
tion reoomtnanding Mr, Wilton.
A commission composed of O. B.
Wheeler, R. T. Young and A. 8. Perry,
has heen summoned by Sheriff Watson of
Manatee county and will report to day
what sum the A, G. C. and L. are due
Gaboury & Armstrong.
Arcadia Arcadian: We are reliably In
formed tbat tbs third party paper is now
an assured fact. The trade has been closed
for tbe De Soto County Times. Tbs outfit
will either be moved to Arcadia or Funta
Gorda and tbe publication of tbe paper
commenced about Jan. 1.
At tbe November eleotion Walton oounty
tied on 8. P. Darby, republican and Peo
pie's party candidate fur county judge,
and J. L. Campbell (democrat). Anew
eleotion was < rdered tor Deo. 20, and the
returns from all preoil,cts have just been
received. A canvass for all precincts give
Campbell a majority of 2ti.
Hare is how they treat preachers down in
Ooala. The Capitol says: ’’Rev. J. B. Ley,
the beloved and popular pastor of tun
Methodist church, received for his Christ
mas a handsome suit of clotbss, a solid gold
chain and looket and a turkey. Tbe suit
was presented by members of the ohurcb,
the chain and locket by a lady frisnd and
tbe turkey by W. M. Lucius."
Joe Wait n, a negro, in oharge of Con
stable David Klinger a fow nights ago at
Clear Water Harbor, attempted to shout the
officer but tbe revolver misted fire. He was
taking tbs prisoner to Tampa for trial for
house burning, and while on tbe way the
negro was met by his mother and given an
overcoat, in tbe pocknt of whiob as tbe
revolver. A struggle ensued between officer
and prisoner, when tbe shooting was at
tempted abd the offioer cane out on top.
The negro is in the state prison camp.
Phillips’ Digestible Oacd£
Is a valuable substitute for t* or coffee. It
nourishes, while they only stimulate A supe
rior drink for children and for nervous and deli
cate women. It is different from all other
Humor Has Already Selected Two
Sites Near Washington.
From the S~w York Sun.
Wabhinoton, Deo. 24.—Real estate law
yers in Washington, and there are many of
them, are on the qui vice over the informa
tion that President-elect Grover Cleveland
is again on the lookout for a suburban resi
dence. He can lie accommodated in any
locality he prefers, for a presidential resi
dent is a good advertisement for any subur
ban property. Tbe tirst report was that
law partner Bissell hail, through repre
sentatives, bought the old Lay farm
on the Seventh street road from Don
Cameron for a price somewhere near SIOO,-
000, whiob would be a little over sl,uuo an
acre. The second rumor soon followed, and
was to the effect that it was not Don Cam
eron’s place, out ex-Gov. Shepherd’s Bleak
House estate, further up the road. Tbe price
was not given and tbe story was not so cir
cumstantial as the other. Then it was as
serted that ex-Marahul Al Wilson was look
ing for a country piace for Mr. Cleveland
in Maryland, somewhere along the beauti
ful rooky stream known a* the Northwest
Brandi. As it was Mr. Wilson whoiu 1886
bought Oak Visw for Mr. Cleveland, hit re
connoltsances lu that region were founda
tion enough for the story.
None of the agents or lawyers who have
charge of tbe lands said to have been bought
for ihe President-elect will say a word about
the alleged sale, it is believed that instead
of having bought a farm Mr, Clavoland has
taken an option on two places until he and
Mrs. Cleveland can inspect tb*m in person
aud decide which they want. One thing
teems oertain, Mr. aDd Mrs. Cleveland will
live in the white house just as little a* pos
sible during their four years' stay here, for
they found their life at (Jak View much
mors comfortable than town life in tbe hot
summer and fall months at the oapital.
Besides, a country borne will be all the
more desirable with a baby in the family.
The apparent choice of the presidential
representatives is the Lay fai tu. This is
now known as Itossie park, and embraces
ninety-one acres. Don Cameron bought it
five year* ago, and spent stveral thousand
dollars in subdividing, building roads,
plaiting trees, arid otherwise Improving it.
it was put on the market, but at such high
priest that nobody would buy, and it has
remained intact as one holding. It is
bounded on the north by the Bleak
Houe property, on tbe east by tbe
Heventh s reel road, on the south by
Congressman Cooper’s farm, which he
bought last summer for SU),OOu, aud on
the west by tbs proposed Rock Cresk park.
There 1* a fine large frame house on ihe
place aud the greater port of tha ninety-one
acres is in grass An eleoiric road runs in
In front of liostie park, and turns at the
northeastern corner off toward the pretty
suburb of Tak >ma Park, whiob would be
Mr. Cleveland’s nearest postoftice. HU
next-door neighbors would be Mr. Cooper,
the lively Indiana congressman; B. H.
Warner, a well-advertised real estate opera
tor, bank president and Youug Men’s
Christian Association man, and Louis P.
Hhoeinaker, a country gentleman with a
fine stable of riding horse* and a splendid
pack of hounds.
Bleak House is Inhabited only by the peo
ple who take care of tbe ptaoe during the
absence of Ibe owner in Mexico. The big
stone mansion, with its sumptuous furnish
lugs, Is never opened except for its regular
airing aud dustiDg. if Mr. Cleveland
should buy Bleak House he would have
probably tbe finest suburban place south of
Philadelphia. Shepherd fitted it up in the
sunniest period of hi* stormy career, and
not a dollar was withheld tbat could
in anywise add to the luxury of it* appoint
ments. Tbe region is cue of rare natural
beauty, and Seventh ■ reel road, a wide
highway, well macadamized for eight miles
out tutu tbe oouutry, it the most Important
Central Railroad of Georgia,
H. M. COMER. Kccxivka.
No. 17. No. 17. No. 8. No. Lda *rr*r-T dec 4. ISSC,. No. 2. No. 4. No. 4S. No. IS.
Daily. Daily. Dally. Daily. mznmiANi. ! Dally. Daily. Daily. Daily.
7:US aiu 7:tspm 8:46 pm 7:00 am Lv .. .Savannah Ar 7:20 pn, 6:00 am 5:45 am 6:05 pm
b 6:l3am pm Ar Griflftrv.L + ..Lv ll:32 am 8:25 pm
7:46am 385 pm,Ar.. . Atlanta.'. Lv 10:30am 6:sspmK :
j 1:40 pm 12:58 am Ar,.Chatt’av a Atl'a. Lv 2:2oam I:2opm. |
i 0:25 pm {Ar... Birmingham.. .Lvj ':25 am
10:00 am 11:55 pm' lAr Lyons. ... t , ..Lv j 1:30 am s:3opm
' Ar Lv 'J ,12:30 pm
8:15 pm I j Ar. Am*cus via Lyons . Lv J
8:50 pm ; \r. Mont y via Lyons. Lv I (7:00 am
| j 9:26 pm Ar.Mo >t'j via Atl'a Lv 11:30 pm I *
jtj| : ' ' < +
j 2:00 Din .6:10 pm Lv Savannah Ar 8:00am 4 35 pm.....
1 2:55pm 7:17 pm Ar Guyton;...; .Lv ain : 40 pm
j i 5:35 pm Ar.... Rocky Ford—Lv 5:85 am
••• ....! ! I ! ' 1 1 -.
tybH sc ti h.O t7E,KL
Sun. Dallr Sun. Sat. Sun. Daily Sun. Sat.
only. ez. Sun. only. only. only. ex. Sun. only. only.
9:8, u 10:50 Ik 2:30 pm 7:to pm Lv... .SAVANNAH Ar. 11:5 lam 4:10 PM 6:20 pm 9:30 pm
10:80 am 11:30 am 8:80 pm 8:20 pm Ar TVBjSK Lv. 11:01am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 8:40 pm
•Train* marked t run daily, except Sunday.
Sleeping oars o i night train* between Savannah and Aavusta; Savannah and Macon; Saran
nab and Atlanta. Macon and Montgomery
8:45 p. m train from Savannah will stop at Guyton.
Passengers for Svlvania. Wrlghtaville, Milledsrevil e and Eatonton should take 7:00 a. m, train.
For Carrolitoa Ft. 1 .ain*., Taibotton, take 8:45 p. m. train.
Ticket office 19 Bull street and iepot.
Fur further information, and for schedules to points beyond our line, apply to ticket agents
or to J. O. HAILE, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Qa.
GEO. DOLE WAD LEY, Generai Superintendent.
W. F. BHELLMAN. Traffic Manaeer.
Savannah, Florida and Western Railway.
5 15 87 ' ' l 14 78 6
8:90 pm! 1:80pm 7:04 am Lv Savannah.. ..Ar I*l4 pm 6:2Bprn 6:30 at*
I0:8u pm| 3:85 pm 8:18 am; Ar Jeeup Lv 10:25 am 5:*4 pm 3:!oan
6:ooam, I ; Ar.. Brunswick, ET..Lv | i 1 B:sopa
12: Clam' s:oopm 8:45 am ..... . )r Waycroas.. ..Lv 9:15 aro s:lspm ! l:00ata
6:50 am: IfrOOn’n Ar.Bruaawick.B&W.Lv 7:10 sun 7:20 Dtp
10:40am 1:10am 8:00 pm Ar Albany Lv 3:soam i 3:45pm
7:80 out 8:00 pm 18:00 n'n Ar... Jacksonville ..Lv 7:00 am I:4spm 6:35 p®
2:00 pm 2 05am 4.40 pm At Sanford ... ..Lv+l: 15 am ■ 7rj>um 12:50 pm
i 7 45am 8:50 pm Ar.. . .Tatnpa Lv' 8:00 ptr. ~..(
i B:2tam 8:40 pm Ar... Port Tampa ...Ly, 7:2opm!
s:l3amJ j At LiveOax Lv'......:g1.. 6;05 pre
7:55am t Ar.... Gainesville Lv j i 3:l4)pu
4:2Sam; 11:62am Ar Valdosta. I.v. j B:’spmj . 9:2?pji
(:25 am ......... 1:22 pro Ar. . Thomasviilo . ..Lv ! : pm 7:25 on
8:80am 8:13 pro Ar—Monticei'o. Lv -18:91 n’n 4:3opis
8:B0. am j | 2:46 pm Ar—Dalnbrldge., ..Lv 12: •pm 5:00 or
11:45 am ' 3:35 pm Vr• ■Obatta:ioooneo..L ( ! 4905 pm
4:4sam' l:00ami Ar Maoon Lv 3:Bsam .. j !l0:l8pm
3:00 pmlll :00amj Ar. .. Columbus Lv : j (12:05 pm
8:00 am 4:00 am vr Atlanta. Lv i*:33 am ! 7:00 pn
6:00 pm! 7:10 ami 8:40 pm Ar.. Montgomery.r:LV 7:30 pm 7:90am 1 ! 8:00an
3:05 am 2:oopm 3:15 am Ar Mobile Lv l2:i! am
7:35 ami 7:*i pm 7:46 ann Ar .New Orleans... Lv I T’M pml 1..
ACCOMMODATION TRAINS 4 and 19 run between A* van nan and Jwsu, idaiiy) except Sunday
No. 19 eave* Savannah 8:56 p. m., arrives, Jssup 8:00 p. m.
No. 4 leaves Jesup 5:00 a. m., arrives Savannah 9:20 a. m.
Trains Nos. 27 and 14 oarry Pullman Cars between New York aud Port Tampa. No,*?
carries Pullman si-eplnir cars to Nshv Be, .0 ii*vil!a and CS.IOII >acL No. 73 oae.-i >i
Pullman care lietwenn New York and Jacksonville. Nos .5 and Scarry Pulirnau cars oetwee.n 3a
vannah and Jackson villa. Nos. 6 and 6 nave Pullman oars between Savannah and tia t* and
on W. dOesda)-* u • .at,unlays No 6ca rie. p-it): a see * *-v.i . r ... and on Thurs
da and Sun ‘a t Irw e -srum tram 8-ivi ne +*r-’7
Trains No*. 27 and 16 oonnsot at Jesup for Macon. Atlanta and the -west. Train 15 connects at
Waycr *s for Albany, Montgomery, New Orleans. Nashville, Evansville, Cincinnati
and St. Louis. Through Pullman Sleeper Wayoross to St. l-ouia. Trains 27 anis ooauects with Al*
bams Midland railway for Montgomery and the ' u hwesr..
Tickets sold to all points and sleeping oar berths secured at passenger station*, and tiecM
offio-. 28 Bui) street. F W. vNGIE '. Ot7 Tioket Agent.
IL G. FLEMING, Superintendent W. M. DAVIDSON, General Passenger Agent
Charleston and Savannah Railroad.
Schedule In Effect Oct. 3, 1892.
TRAINS leave and arrive at Savannah by Standard time, whioh Is 3S (hinutei slower than city
time.. T lr et Charleston. 73th meridlao.
NcJRY&WaRD. | ... f 5 ”! 7! Wifl'l .TYIKD.
33 "78 14 | -f -27 ’)S ' - *35 ’. *
—... j I .. t—.— tc.
m 1 8:43 pm 12:39 pm Lt.... Savannah. ..;*•!76:44 am 10:39am 6:4opm ..........
......... 12:12pm I:slam 5:06 pm ! Ar...Charleston..,Lv -4:00 am 7:ooam 3:l6pm -..:
......... &:IMam 6:15 pm Ar... .Allendaie....Lv .............. . - 3:25pm
....- j 6:2Bpm 7:44am Ar.. Richmond....Lv; 2:sßpm .........
3:46am !:47 pm Ar.. Philadelphia .Lvf 7;20 am .. .....!
•Daily except Sunday.
Train No. 14 stops on signal at all stations between Savannah And Yemasse© to receive and
discharge passengers,and at Green Pond Johns Island and DraytoD. Ttaiu No. 78 stops at Ridgeland
Green Pond and Ravcnel. and on signal at all stations south of Veroassee to receive and dis
charge passengers. Train No 27 stops at Ridgeland. Trains Noa. 15. 35, 86,Mtop at all stations.
Trains Nos. 14. 78, 27, .36 and 36 dailj . Connection for Port Royal and Augusta stations, Yemassee
to Augusta, made by train No, 14 and 36 dally. Con uection lor Besiitcut and Port Royal made
by No. 36 and 14 daily. . .
Trains Nos. 14, 37 aud 78 have Pullman sleepers between Savannah and New York.
No connection to or from Waiterboro on Sunday.
For tickets. Ihiliman car reservations and other information apply toF. W. ANOIER, Ticket
Agent. 22 Bull (treet, and at depot. M. DAVIDSON. Geo. Pass. Agent.
O. B. GADSDEN, Superlnfndent. E. P. McSWINEY, Division Baas Agent.
The Only South Atlantic Line to European Ports.
Commencing September 30tli, 1892, the following steamship* wi.l make regular sailing# from
Brunswick. Ga., to Liverpool and Bremen;
8. S.WIV ENHOE 1.893 TONS CLARK, Master
S. 8. HAYGREEN I,NS9 TuNH... Bl ACKLAW, Master.
8. 8. J. M. LOCKWUOD 1.772 TONS’ JENKINS. Master,
8. 8. BTORRA-LEE 1,784 TONB BAILEY. Master
Additional steamships will lie placed on the line as business warrants.
8. 8. Deerhill will sail from Liverpool to Brunswick September Ist
8. S Haygreen will 6ail from Brunswick for Liverpool September loth.
Consignments solicited to all points in the Ualted Kingdom aud Continent of Europe.
For freight, passage and general information, apply to
The Brunswick Terminal Cos., General Apis, itowick, Ga., or Messrs.
G i Dewolf k Ca, Agents, 28 Brunsmek St, Liverpool, Eng.
thoroughfare leading out of the oity. It
was down tbis road that Jubal Early came
in 1864 and threatened the safety of W ash
There wn* sharp fighting on both the
farm* that Mr. Cleveland is said to have in
mind for a home. The old barn on the Lay
farm was riddled with bullets, and for O'er
a quarter of a century the school boys have
been digging them out of the doors and
lintels with tbsir jaok knives. Just
south of the Lay farm is tbe
battle field of Fort Stevens, where
nearly 200 confederates Tit the dust
before the retreat was sounded. About
a mile north ot tbe Lay farm is tbe old
Montgomery Blair plaoe, where the barrel
of whisky 1* alleged to bare been drunk by
Early’s officers, by wbicb supposititious in
tervenlion cf providence the defense and
rescue of the capital by the union troops
were mads possible,
A few step* up tbe road from Mr. Cleve
land’s possible boms is a little cemetery
where lie tbs boys lu blue who fell at Fort
Bstveus. The place is maintained by the
general government, aud is beautifully im
sroved.5 roved. From a flag staff in this cemetery
lr. Cleveland may tee tbe national colors
from sunrise to sunset the year around. To
the south of tbe Lay farm, aud ou the
same side of the road Is a picturesque little
Gothio church known as “Battle Abbey,”
whither Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and llftle
Ruth may wend their way auy fair Huuday
and hear a stalwart Methodist sermon long
enough to give them some idea of eternity.
These proposed homes for the Cleveland
family are on the highest land in the Dis
trict of Columbia, in tbe regiOD where Mr.
Cleveland wanted to go lu 1886, and from
which he was only with groat difficulty
persuaded to turn bis far-o toward Oak
View. He then selected tbe former home
of Mayor Emery la the little village of
Brlghtwood, a mile and a half south of
where it Is now proposed he shall live. Mr.
( leveiand found Oak View a good pur
chase, buying it for $28,000 and selling it
for SIIO,OOO. It has boon out up into blockt
aud lots, rood* have been built, side
walks put down, terraos* graded,
houses built and various other im
provemefit* made, so that Mr. Cleve
land's Jersey heifer and the *eal-browu
hones would never recognize their former
pasture, blither of the other farms tbat Mr.
Cleveland is reported to have in view would
prove nearly as good an investment as Oak
View. They tiordor < n liock Creek park,
the eastern boundary of which in that
neighborhood , Hixteenth street extended.
That street lead* direcdy to the white boute
and through 'he most highly improved part
of the .elty. With the construction of a fine
boulevard along Hixteenth street extended
Mr. Cleveland's farm would be greatly im.
proved. What is wow tbe back would then
be the front But suoh a change oould be
philosophically borne in consideration of an
advauoe of 100 to 200 per cent id the mar
ket value of the tfaot.
•=— —— - •v I; L'-t..' e
smtmu loi mnhT
A troublesome skin disease earn,
me to scratch for ten months, and w,
cured by a few days' use of
M. H. Wolfp. SaSUB
Upper Marlboro, Met
I was curod some years ago of White Bwellirq
and h*"* had i
symptoms of ri- *7; tom of the di
rasa.'- Many prominent physician* attemlc
mo and failed; bt 8. 8.8. did the work.
PAUL W. KInkPATRIC*, Johnson City, Tenr.
I j -2li* on Blood *mj Skin Olot.r, ma: I-+ free. [+'
Rwikt “tkcipk: Comi-a\V, -*
tin Tori, tea ml Piulildlphik
CABIN ojo oo
STEERAGE .... .. 10 OO
(Via New Yokk.i
storage ..•ffr.v:::.—” a s
THE magnificent steamship* of these !Ins
are apiaonted to sail as follows-#tsadard
CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. J. W. Cathawxb
FRIDAY, Dea 30, 3 p. m.
DAY, Dec. 31, 4:00 p. m.
Jan. 2. 5:83 r. .
CHATTAHOOCHEE, (’apt. H. C. Daoqstt.
WEDNESDAY. Jan. 4, 7:00 a. m. ’
NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Smith, FRIDAY, Jan.
o ac 8:30 a. a.
SATURDAY. Jan. 7. 8:30 a. m.
CITY OF MACON, Capt. H. a Lewis,
THURSDAY. Dea 29, 1:30 r. u.
GATE CITY, Capt. Gunoina, THURSDAY, Jon
5, 8 A. M.
[For /reiy it oalv J
DESSOUG, Capt. E. Chiustis, SATURDAY
Jan. 7, 9:00 A. M.
Through bills of lading given to Eastern and
Northwestern points and to ports of toe United
Kingdom and the continent.
For freight or passage apply to
C. G. ANDERSON. Agent,
Waldburg building, west of City Exchange,.
Merchants’ and >liaeri’lriaiportatioi Cotfy
For Baltimore.
CABIN #ls 00
INTERMEDIATE .. .77.....!"!. 10 00
Ticket* sold to all polute oo the Haltlmora and
Ohio Railroad.
THE STEAMSHIPS of this company are ap
pointed to (tall from Savannah for Balti
more ar follow*—standard time:
WM. LAWRENCE. Capt. J. W. Kirwam,
SATURDAY. Dea 81. 4 P. K.
Jan. 4, 7 p. m.
D. H. MILLER. Capt. Billups, SATURDAY,
Jan. 7, 9:00 p. a.
And from Baltimore every TUESDAY and
Through bills of lading given to all point*
West, all the manufacturing towns In New
England, and to ports of the United Kingdom
and the Continent.
J. J. CAROLAN, Agent.
50 Bay street.
J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager, Baltimore.
~ Plant Stoamsmp Line.
Port Tampa, Key West and
Lt. Port Tampa. Mob.. Thurs. and Bat. 10 p. it.
Ar. Key W#st. Tueg. Fri., and Sun. 4 p. m.
Ar. Havana, Wed., Sat. and Mon. 6 a.m.
Lv. Havana. Mon , Wed and Sab 12:80 p. m,
Ar. Key West, Mon., Wed. and Sat. 7:30 p. m.
Ar. Port Tampa. Tue*., Thur*. and Sun. 8 pm.
Connecting at Port Tampa with West India
fast mall train to and from northern and east
ern oities. For slate room accomodations ap
ply to F. B. ARMSTRONG. Ticket Agent.
Port Tampa. M. F. PLANT. Assistant Manager
W. M. DAVIDSON, General Passenger Agent.
iliDlAlb BuLVTi
Leaving Savannah. Tuesday* and Fridays at
So'olnck P M. Returning: Leaving Brunswick
Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. a. Leaving
Darien Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 p, a.
Arrive at Savannah Thursdays and Sundays at
it* For any information apply to
W. T. GIBSON, Manager,
Ethel's Wnarf.
STEAMER ALPHA, H. A. Stbobhar.
Will leave every Tuosday end Thursday at if
o'clock A. M.. returuh g every Wednesday and
Friday. No freight received after 10:30 a. m. on
sailing days. WiU touch at Bluffton on Tues
day and Friday.
Special tripe to Bluffton every Sunday at 10
a. m., returning, leave Bluffton at 7a. m. Mon
For further Information, apply to
C. H. Mi-DLOCK, Agent, Katie’s Wharf.
ii, ii- i '■■■■——— '■ i a
Electricity to Thunderbolt, Isle of Hope and
Intermediate points.
City and Suburban aod Savanaa'i, Thun
derbolt and Isle of Hope Railways.
On and after TUESDAY, Oct. 18, 1892.
Thunderbolt and Uonaventure cars leave
Bolton fftreet depot every half hour.
For isle of Hope from Second Avenue depot.
6:30, 7:45, 10. 11 am, 1, 4. 5:15, 7 pm.
For Ule of Hope from Bolton depot,
6:46, 0 am, 2:30, 6:45, 9:15 pm.
From Il of Hope Into Second Avenue de
pot, 7:16,8:20, 10:15 am. 12:20. 3:20,4:35, 10:15.
From Isle of Hope Into Bolton Street depot, 6,
7:50 a in. 1:35, 5:50, 7:45 p in.
For Moatg ornery, leave city (steam from
Sandfly.) 6:45. 10 am, 2:3d. 4, 7 p in. From
Montgomery. 7. 8 a in. 2:45, 4, 7 p m.
Freight for Isle Hope and Montgomery will
be received at Second Avenue only, and leave
•v ry day 10 a in. See sfieoiai aobedule In Sun
day's issue GEO. W. ALLEY, Bupt.
I >LANTH. Bouquets, Design*. Out Flovrere
1 furnished to order Leave order* at Savan
nah Piano Cos., cor Hull and York tu. The Balt
Railway paosea through the nursery. Teienboa*
P^afasaUr RiOroai
Doiiv doiiv CALLAHAN
Dai.y Daily. J 6 T gg point TO CHANGE DaU 7- Daily
12:46 pm a- Lv Favaunah Ar 7-SOn e '2 '4n'n
7:20 pm 11:26 am Lv allah.n Ar tgi S:u
840 P 1" 11:15 *-* Jacksonville Ar 2:50
12:33 n’t 2:23 pm Ar Hawthorne ...Lv 11:30 an, 252
2:23 am 6:44 Dm Ar Goal* Lv 10:14 am.‘"i-ita-U
3:25 am 4:40 pin Ar Wildwood Lv r :loam l'-^Oam
4:55 ain 5:43 Dm Ar Lacoochee Lr 8:04 am ,B am
S :^ ara Dodeaty ‘...Lv 7:46m
! : L 9 ,P mi ' r Plant City L- 4:3oam 8:20 pm
• :50am 3:AI tun Ar Tampa. Lv 1 5:30 am 7:lopm
3:40 am' 4:4opm Lv Wildwood.... Ar! 9:oßam 11:13pm
|,m Tavares I.v; 8:16 am 7:50 pm
* m l g : t>*n, Ar Apopka Lv, 7:28 am 5:15 pm
10d)5 amj .:10 pm Ar Orlando Lvj 7:00 am 3:lspm
5:40 am 6:55 pm Lv./ Lacooohee Ar 1 7:B2am 9-'li
7:58 am 9:10p ir Tarpon Spring* Lv . 7.,2 “S
8:10 am 9-25 pm Ar Sutheriaad Lv 7-os nm
9:32 am 10:40 pm Ar St Petersburg Lv; ” 5'46 pm
*9:00 am *5:06 pm Ar Dnnnellon. Lv *s;3s am *4 35 mn
Cfillaim ii tha transfer staiioa for all points in Soath
ITofidi reached by the F. C. i i! and iti eonaeotioai
7:25 pm 7:04 am|Lv Savannah.. .77. .Ar 7:.VJ pm
9:45 am SiSOp-nlAr Fornaidija Lv 10:10 am |t : r,o * “
•Dal! y except Sunday. tSeala, ~~— — ——
Solid trains Callahan to Ta nnA and Orlando. do** connection at Tampa with Sn in. 3 ,
for Port Tampa, Kay Wast and Havana. Close oonaectlon at Owens biro with So. fru a ,*•
Lakeland and Bartow. Close oonneotlon at Tavares with J, T. ami K. V. Ry for Oast7.,
Titusville. Pullman Buffet sleeping oars on night trains. Through short lime Jacksonville tAu?!
Orleans. Jacksonville to Thrnnasvllle. Montgruery and Olao.nnatl. Tlokete add and a,,;?
checked through to all points la the United States. Canada and Mexloo. Seal for bast n.J V
Florida published, and for any Information desired, to n * !>
n - A MAXWELL. Q. M A. O. MAODONFLL. O. P. A.. Jacksonville.
Nos. ?3 68 No. 87 Nos. 71 a6l BTATIONB Nos. 72 * 62j No. 78 j Nos 70 si
* 4 00pm *l2 40 pm •800 am Lv..,.. Jacksonville .... Ar *535 pm • 105 pm •835 am
•525 pm •150 pm •925 am Ar 1 (Lt •410 pm *ll 50 am i •810 am
tl2 45pro •200 pm +s)3s m Lt ) lAr +!2 25 pm *ll 35 am j+s2o pm
tllB pm *235 pm +lO 12 am I Lv...... Hastings Lv fll 2am *lO S* am 1 +430 pm
+lS3pm• 3 00 pm ttO 35 cm ]LV East Palatka Lv +ll 35 am *lO 35 am I +4 20 pin
t 1 26pm See train6s! +lO 65 am i.Ar 1 P.i.n,. jLv +ll 15am i !t4 00 pm'
■■ See train 6b... . [Lvf 1 1 Ar; S-e train 61 j ......
. See train 61 Sea train 4ojAr I 1 LvlSee train 48 Beo train 48 See tram 51
See train 52 jLwf " • Ban Mftceo •'' 1 Ar, .See train 45. See train 53
•448 pm !1v...., Ormond. Lv! * 8 48am
* 5 13 pm Lv Davtona ... Lv i •823 am
•527 pm ;Lv Port Oran e Lv j* 803 am
|•s4o pm .. Ar.... New Smyrna Lv j• 7 45 am’
The steamer “Courtney” is ap
pointed to leave Now Smyrna
Crulay^at for D *Roo^ledge Titusville This road is under construction
and Intermediate landings City j**™** Ne,r Smyrn ‘ “ and **
turning leaves Rockledye every ledge.
Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday Rocfciedge
at 6 a. m.
The Cincinnati and St. Auyuatlne spec al leaves Jacksonville at 12:80: arrives St. Augustine,
1:40 p. m. Returning, leaves St. Augustine at 2:90 p, tn.; arrives at Jacksonville at 3:35 p. m daily,
No. 06 No. 63 | No. 61 j No. to j No.' 64 j No. 68 ~
+ 310 pm +136 pm +lO 35 am Lv.... Fast Palatka Ar +ll 34 am +4SOpmi + 2 40 pm'
+ 380 pm +155 pm +lO 55 am lAr Palatka Lv +ll 15 am j +4 00 pm it 220 pm
j No. 55 ' No. 31 | No. 45 , " No. 4rt No. 48 I No. 52 No. 64*
+ 4 SO pm + 8 10 pm +lO 37 amjLvK.Pal’tka Ar +lO 15 am +ll 20am|t 2 45 pm + 4 10 pm
l+ 4 35 pmit 3 25pmltl0 52 amjAr Sa t Mat’oLv +lO 00am +ll 05 amjt 2 80 pin|+ 8 65
•Daily. +Daily, except Sunday.
At JACKSONVILLE with the 8., F. and W. R’y, JF. C. and P. R’y and Clyde Steamship Line.
At PALATKA with the G. 8. and F. R’y, J., T. and K. W. R’y and Florida Southern railroad
At NEW SMYRNA with steamer COURTNEY for Rockledge and intermediate landings on
Hillsborough snd Indian rivers.
W. L. CRAWFORD, Gen. Supt. JOSEPH RICHARDSON, Qen. Passenger Agent.
™ MASON YOUNG, Receiver.
'timhs table in effect dec. 10, lsaa,
No. 13. | No. 27. No. 71. No. 14. | No. 78 No. 66"
* 8 15pm •12 30pm t 8 50am Lv Jacksonville Ar * 6 30am 1 * 115 pm + 6 10pm
• 9 34pm* 123 pm + 9 Siam Ar Green Cove Springs .Lv 1 * 5 20am+12 03pm t 5 01pm
*lo44pm* 209 pm +!0 45amAr ....Palatka Lv|* 4 25am:+ll 10am + 4 00pm
•12 03am • 312 pm +l2 00 m'Ar Seville Lvi* BC3am t 9 48am + 2 4Rpm
*l2 41am • 340 pm +l2 39pmJAr DeLeon Springs Lv • 2 23am t 9 10am + 107 pm
430 pm t 1 ISprajArj , wr (.Lv + 8 10am + 1 20pm
* 8 25pm +l2 35pin!Lv \ uepana f Ar* + 9 15am + 2 06pm
* 4 06pmt 1 12pm;Ar Orange City Junction Lv|* 1 49am t 8 Ssam + 138 pm
+ 4 42pm t 1 88pm ! Ar Enterprise Lv + 7 55am + 1 07pm
.. + 7OOpm t 310 pin Ar Titusville \...Lv . + 6 20am+11 36atn
* 2 05am * 4 40pm + 2 00pm Ar :..Banford ..........Lv • 1 15am + 7 35am +l2sopm
t 6 50pm Ar... Tavares Lv ... t 6 30am
• 345 pm tl22lpm'Ar .Hawthorne, Lv + V 4?am * 2S4pn
* 4 35pm +1 20pm!Arj ILv + 8 00am • 1 80pm
* 330 pm +l2 lOpra'Lvl Gainesville f A r + 9 55am • 2 85pm
* 6 00pm + 2 23pm Ar Ooala . ......1...... Lv + 7 60am *l2 35pra
* T3spm + 4 05pm Ar Leesburg ........Lv + 615 am *lO !18am
|S 9 00pm + 525 pm Ar Pemberton :..Lvj * 9 10am
9 50pm + 6 20pm Ar Brookgville. Lv! *8 15ain
* 345 am • 5 52pm + 4 02pm Ar Orlando Lv|*ll 50pm + 6 40am
* 4 30am • 6 22pm + 5 15pm Ar Kissimmee. Lv *1! OOpmlt 5 Stam
* 7 45am * 855 pm Ar .Tampa Lv • 800 pm
? 825 am * 340 pm Ar Port Tampa % * 7 20pm
+ 710 am Lv Bartow ... ,Lv s3opm
+lo 00am Ar Arcadia Lv + 2 35pm 1
|+ll3oaml .. . ... Ar Punta Gorda ......Ly|t 1 IQpmi
•Daily +Daily except Sunday. JSunday only.
Trains 7 and 14 carrv through Pullman Buffet Sleepers dally between New York and Port
Tampa, connecting at Port Tampa Mondays, Thursdays ahd Saturdays for Key West and Havana.
Nos. 13 and i4 carry through Pullman sleeping cars between Cincinnati and Tampa
INDIAN RIVER rTRAMKR-are appointed to leave Titusville as follows- for ' Rock ledge,
Melbourne end way landings daily, except Sunday, at 5:30 a. m. For Jupiter and points on lake
Worth, Mondays and Thursdays, at 7:80 p. m.
J. N STROBHAR, Gen. Ross. Agent, Jacksonville. Fla
W. B. DENHAM, Acting General Superintendent.
IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1892.
ilil If IT I Savannah tiTNew YorkT2s hours 30 mlnutei
I ill r, i ...Savannah to Columbia, 4 hours 20 minute*
a- -A dUL XJ ( ...... Savannah to Asheville. 10 hour* 25 minute*
No. 10. No. 33 TANBUHG, CHARLOTTE, HOT SPRINGS, Eto. | No. 87. j No. 9.
409pm1020 am Lv Savannah.. Ar- 510 pm 1145 am
9 00pm 240 pm Ar.... Columbia Lv l29opin C4sain
6 50 pm Ar Spartanburg Lv Id 10 am
lO 00 pm kr .. Asheville I,v 700 am
6ou am 780 pui Ar \ Charlotte Lv 936 am 1130ptn
8 17am 924 pm Ar Salisbury.... .Lv 817 am 9 65pm
10 10 am 10 42 pm Ar Groeeusbro ....Lv 659 am 810 pm
6 37 pm Ar Hot Springs Lv 12 39 pm _
10 20 am 400 pm Lv •. Savannah Ar|U46am|
12 09 pm 612 pm Ar..... Fairfax ,Lvj
O2B pm Ar Allendale I.v 918a;n!
865 pm .Augusta Lv 7 06am •••■•
6 37 pm Ar .Beaufort Lv 7 30am .... *
650 pm Ar ..Port Royal.. Lv 7 15am 1
G3oam r.... Atlanta Lv|lllspm| •••
No. 10. No. 88. FROM EASTERN POINTS. No. 37. ' N0.9.
4 00pm 10 20am Lv Sava nab Ar 6 10pm;1145am
10 50 pm 240 pm Lv Columbia Ar 19 60 p m 645a in
6 65am 815 pm Lv Charlotte . .Ar! 936 SO p m
6 30pm 7 00am Ar Richmond Lv|l2 50 am 12 45 pm
12 01 pm 12 01 am Ar Danvll e Lvj 5 40 ain 63)p tn
250 pin 162 am Ar Lynchburg 5 Lv 340a in 827 P !U
926 pm 645 um Ar Y. asMngton . .Lv 10 43 p m 830 a m
1136 pm 8 05am Ar Baltimore Lv 920 p m 650a in
19i us 10 20ain Ar I'tilla l- lp .la Lvi 0 sft pin 0 35 ain
6 20am 13 50 pm AT- New York l,r| 4 30 p m 12 16
/ THKaBh kVILLE Eisntiu is ten hours the uuickest Hit ween savanuaij and the I’esorts of
Western North and South Carolina, througu bv davlignt.
Maenlhcent pari ir car* between Savannah and Columbia ou 87 and 38. an 1 clo*o connection
al Charlolt* with through Pullman palace buff -t sleeners of the Wa* ingt'in Southwestern Vesti
bule Limited to and from Richmond, Baltimore, Philodelpala, Washington, New York and all
eastern cities
Trains i>- twen Savannah and Columbia run by Central standard time.
Trains arrive aud depart from Central railroad pas* ng<-r station
I. M. FLbMINH. Gen ral Passenger Apent.
J. F GRAY, Soliciting I'oeseoger Agent.
f . FORD, Super'nt od ot.
VIRGIL WALKER Maeler of Transtwi'tAUoa
<lty Ticket Ofßae Me. 8 Bull street.
J.,St. A. &l. R. Railway,
DECEMBER 12, ’92.
I rill/istn iy the fnnilbr fist'm for a/7 points in Son tfi
/ Horid a ruche I by (he F. C. & P, and its mmtim