The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, March 16, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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MARK ST?. OFFICE MORNING NEW?, I Savannah, Ga., March 15.18*3. ( /wrroN— The market was very quiet and were easy and sold down l-160. There *’ C * 8 „ steady though moderate inquiry, and. sidering the small offering*. a fair business bad The total sales for the day were 319 Od 'Change at the opening call, at 10 ■'ook a. in-, the market was bulletined easy 1 junchanged, with saies of 123 bales. At the *“ n-i call, at 1 o'clock p. m„ it was easy, the i,eing 66 bales At the third and last call, TTo'clocS p. m., it dosed quiet at a decline of in ail grades, with further sales of 1.6 The following are the ofijciul closing Jot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: AjUiig fair f’H Kddiing. Sdj tj* middling rV jood ordinary 9 ,>o Inlands —The day's business reflects no ;e in prices, widen continues steady under • r ,*T, t demand, and sraaii sales: ‘ M jce * > ©2l • lt ra line 19 Z (odium fine 16-a!ai7 toid medium 15>6&i6 ijd-um • nominal X-minoQ •••■• .....nominal Comparative Cotton Btatement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand March 15, 1893, and for the Bamr Time East Year. 4 1992- '93. | 189K92. Sea , Sea | 'lsland Upland, j Inland. Upland. j Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,795 7.789! 1,871 10.145 Received to-day 1,380’;.... ! 2,0'. B Received previously 31.^1 1 060.456, 40,504! 873,304 Total 33,<kK>. 660,030!! 42,375 880.2011 Exported to-day 275 110 H5O 507 Exported previously I 24,0.)9 €>16.613 j 36,365 1 831,175 ' Total 24.374 616.753 36,405 381,688 Stock on liAiui and on thip Ring—The market was very quiet and un changed. The sales during the day were only 133 parrels. Job lots are held at )£@)4c higher: Common ...... SVq Fair 816® 314 Good Prime 4 ® 4)4 Choice 4)6®4M Rough— Tide water $ TO® 90 Country lots 40® 60 Naval Storks—The mark t for spirits turpen tine was quiet though firm, and 1 rices were again advanced There was a slow inquiry and rather moderate trading. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was re ported steady at 35c for regulars, with sales of 200 casks. At the second call it closed quiet st 3 c for regulars. Rosin—The market was rather quiet with a very light demand, and only a nominal business doing. At the Board of Trade oh the first call the market was posted quiet at tie foil wing quotations: A, B, C,D. and E, Si 20; F, SI 25; O, 81 32)6; H, fl 95; I, 82 50; K. #3 20; M. $3 70; N. $3 95; window glass, 84 05; water white, 84 23. At the last call it closed unchanged. NAVAL UTOItkS STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on haDd April 1 3,392 39,034 Received to-day 293 1,543 Received previously... 274,471 993,639 Total .278,156 1,039,207 Exported to-day .... . Exported previously 269.839 945,743 Total '263, *B9 945,743 Stock on hand and on ship board to-day 8,267 93,464 Received same day last year.. 237 997 Financial—Money is in good demand, r Domestic Exchange The market is firm Banks and bankers are buying at par and sell ing at )6 Per cent premium. r’ reign Exchange The market is steady. Sterling, commercial demand. $4 88)6; sixty days, $4 88)4: ninety days, $4 3215; francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days, $5 21; Swiss sixty days, $5 2214. marks, sixty days. 94 9 1 6c. Securities—Southwestern stock and Central railroad debentures are in good demand, but offer.ugs are limited. Stocks and Bonds -City Bonds— Atlanta 5 per cent, long date, 109 bid. 11l asked; Atlanta 7 per cent, 114 hi 1, 113 asked; Augusta 7 per cent, long date, 108 bid, 114 asked; Augusta 6 per cent, long.late, 108 bid. 115 asked; Columbus 5 per cent. bid, 10414 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 1134$ bid, 11446 asked: new Savannah 5 per cent, quarterly, April coupons, 105)4 bid, 10534 asked: new Savannah 5 per cent May coupons. 104-14 bid, 105 asked. State Bonds —Georgia new 446 per cent, 112 bid, 113 asked; Georgia 7 per cent coupons January and July, maturity i598,103>6 bid.llo>6 asked: Georgia 3)6 per cent. 98 bid, 99 aske t Railroad Stocks Central common, 35 asked; Augusta and savannah 7 per cent. guaranteed. 105 asked; Geor gia common, 163 bid, 172 asked: South western 7 per cent, guaranteed. in cluding order for div, 80)6bid- 81)6asked; Cen tral 0 per cent certificates, with order for de faulted interest, 50 asked; Atlanla and west Point railroad stock. 98 bid, 100 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 95 hid. 98 asked. Railroad Bonds— Savannah, Florida and w extern Railroad Company general mortgage 6 per cent, inters-t coupons, October, 11) bid, illaskei; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent coupon, January aud July, maturity 1697, 108 bid, 109 asked; Central Railroad and Banking Company colateral gold 6s, 80 bid, 63 asked; Central consolidated morgage 7 per cent coupons, January and July, maturity 1893.105)6 bid, 106 A-k-d; Savannah and Western railroad 6 per cent, indorsed Dy Central railroa I, 61 bid 66 ksk and; Savannah, Americus and Montgomery " Per cent, 58 bid, 59 asked: Georgia rail road 6 per cent, 1910, 113 bid. 114 asked: Georgia Southern and Florida first mortgage 6 per cent. 7946 bid, 80)6 asked; Covington and Macon first mortgage 6 per cent. 70 uid. 80 asked: .Montgomery an 1 Eufauia first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, ex Jan coupons. 92 bid, 93 asked; Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta first mort gage 101 bid, 103 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, second mortgage, 109 bid, 112 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, general mortgage, 6 per cent. 94 bid, J> asked; South Georgia and*Florida indorsed firsts, 110)6bid. 11146 asked; South Georgia and Honda, second mtrigage, 109 bid, 110 asked; Augusta and Knoxville, first mortgage, 7 per cent, 85 bid. 90 asked; Gainesville. Jefferson cod Southern, first mortgage, guaranteed, i ; ' asked; Giinesvllle, Jefferson and South ern, not guaranteed. 99 asked; Ocean Steamship, 5 per cent, due in 1320. 94 bid, 86 asked; Gainesville, Jeffer-on aDd South ern. s-cond mortgage, guaranteed, 99 a-Ked; Columbus and Rome, first mortgage bonds, indorsed by Central railroad. 75 bd, ho asked; Columbus and West-rn. 6 percent, guaranteed. 87 bid, 92 asked; City and Sub urban Railway first mortgage. 7 per cent, k" tnd, 101 asked; Savannah and Atlantics per c “ t md-rsed. 55 bi<}, 65 asked; Electric Rail way fir t n origage os, 15 bd, 80 asked. Bank Stocks, etc. Southern Bans of the out-of Georgia, 200 bid, 207 as ed; Merchants' national Bank, 110 bid, ill askod; Savannah hank and Trust Company, 106)4 bid, 107)4 aske 1; -ational Bank of savannah, 135 bid, 137 ‘‘ k'-d; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company, ,*'■46 bid, 1:446 askod; C.tizens Bans i -4 hid, lO.Xasued; Chatham Real Estate and improvement Company, 51)6 hid, 55)6 asked; * v nnah Real state,l.oan an t Building Cotn ffny Stock. .0 bid, 65 sr .eh; Germania Bank. 9-I)6bit, 102)6 asked: Chat'.am Bank, bid, s asked; avannau Construction Company, M hoi. 67 asked. bai f.,<•.<. Savannah Gas Light stock. 20-54 P: - -1)4 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, 25 bid. fiie.-tric Light and Rower (Tympany, 59 Old; 62 askst. ' APPLES—Choice Baldwins, $4 00®4 25 barrel. Baco:- —Mamet steady. The B-ard of tads quotations nre as foliows: Mil ked “r rib sides, 12c; shoulders, 11)40; dry salted ,{t® r r| h sides, llfic: long clear, llfgc; beiliea, “H' ; shoulders, 10-ypo; hums. 16)4®170. Bagoing and Ties—The niarxet steady, mite lagging, 2)4®,, 7c; 21b, OHc; l*ih. irV Ouotatioi-B ere for large quantities: small whigi-er; sea island bagging in moderate supply at 13 iSUc. Iron Ti n-Largo ,ots. U 4: smaller lots, $1 07. , J^kr—Market higher; fair demand. Goscb ■ ; 46c; gilt edge, 25)6©26)6c', creamery, 2746 *7, Wc; Elgin, 320. 4 ARBAGk— Florida, Farr-1 crates, t'2 oo®2 23. ; fiKEss— Market lb m; fair demand, 11)6® 1346. ~ °f r uk -31arket dull; quoted at for .Vlocna. ' 4®29)4c; Java, 29)4®31)4c; Peaoerry, 24)40; fancy or standard No 1,23 c: choice or standard IS, ° prime or standard No 3,22 c; good or standard No 4, fair or standard r*>os, ord.narv or standard No C, 19'ac; common or standard No 7, lS54c. Dried Fruit—Apples.evaporated. com moa, b4 4 (5i7t40 Peaches, < alifornia evaporated, peeled -vap rated, unpe<led. 13<S15c. Currants, s&s>*o. Citron, 16c. Dried apricots. 14c. Dry Goods—The market is quiet, but tending up; g od demand. Printr, s@6t£c; Georgia brown shirtu g, 3-4. -8 do. 5Uc: 4 4 brown sheeting, 6V4c; white osnaburgs, *c; checks, 4F4v2i' c; brown drilling. V^c. Flour—Market dull and 'ower. F!xtro, S3 00; sauuly, 3 75; fancy, $4 00*. patent, $4 77; ftraight, $4 25. Fish—Market quiet. We quote full weights. Mackerel, No. 2, $7 75Q8 50. Herring. No 1, 25c; scaled, 25c. Cod, Mullet, half bar rel. $4 00. Grain—Corn—Market is steady. White corn. ; reta.l lot-i. 6.5 c; job lota, 63c; carload lots. C!c; mixed corn, retail lo s, 64c; job lots, i 62c; carload lor*. eOc. Oats—Mixed, retail lots. 1 50c; job lots, 47c; carload lota. 4c. .exas rust proof, retal lots. 54c; job lots, 52c; carloal lots, 5Cc. Bran—Retail lots, $1 05; job lots Si 00; i carload lots. 96c. Meal—Pearl, j*er barrel, 1 $3 15; per sack. Si 50; citv ground, Si 25. Pearl grits, per barrel, $3 25; per sack. Si 55; city grits, $1 - v 5 per sack Hay—Marxet steady. Northern, none. West ern in retail lots, $1 02)4; job lots, l /7Uc, carload lots. 92^c Wool, Etc.—Bides, the market is steady; receipts light; dry flint. 7o; salted, sc: dry butcher. 4c; green salted. Wool market nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand bur*, and black wools, 20c; blacks, 15c burry, Wax, 20c. Tallow, 4c. D^r skins, flint Ssc; salted, 30c Otter skins, 50cTA $6 00. Iron—Market very steady; Swede, 4->i(asc; refined. 2V4c. Lemons—Fair demand: Messina. S3 00®3 25. Lard—Market steady; pure, in tieroes. 13cV.j; 50ft) tins, 14c: compound, in tierces, 10)4c; in 501 h tins 10*4c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell ing at Si 10 per barrel, bulx and carloal lots special; calcined plaster. Si 60 i>er barrel; hair. sc; Rosendale cement, cement, retail. S2 50: carload lots £2 25 Liqi'Oßs—Market firm. High wine basis ?1 17; whisicy per gallon, rectified. 100 proof, Si 42 @l-0: choice grades. Si 75054 00; blended, $2 00©5 00. Wiues-Do mestic port, sherry, catuwba, low grades. 85c; fine grades. Si 00© 1 50; California light, muscatel and angelica.Si in proportion. Gins ic per gallon higher. Rum 2c higher. Naiuß- Market 6teady; base 60d, Si 75; 60d, Si 85; 40d, S2X); 30d, $2 00; 12d. $2 20 20d. $2 10; 10d, S3 25: Bd, $2 35; 6d, $2 50; 4d, 82 65; sd, $2 65; 3d, S3 95; 3d flDe. $3 35. Ni ts—Almonds. Tarragona. walnuts, French, 14c; Naples. 16c; pe caus 15c; Brazils, 9@ .0c; filberts, cocoa nuts, S3 <0 per hundred; assorted nuts, 50tt> and 255) boxes, 12(gH3c per Tb. Granges—Florida, uer bex, $1 75@2 25; lu dian river, $2 00. Onions—Crates. 81 60; barrels, 84 75. Oils—Market firm; demand fair Signal, 40®50c; West Virginia blacx, lard, 81 05; kerosene. Q3£c; neatsfoot. 50 7675 c: raa chinery, linseed, raw, 52c, boiled 55c; mineral seal, 18c; homelight. 14c; guardian, 13c. Potatoes—lrish, barrels 83 25: sacks, S3 00; den and fair. Shot—Higher; drop to B $155; B and larger, $1 80; buck. 8l 80. Salt— The demand is good and market firm. Carload lots 62c f. o. b.; job lots 75<2^800. Sugar*—Market steady; quoted at for cut loaf. 554 c: crushed, 5%c; powdered, s*4c; XXXX powdered, 5V4c; standard granulated, 6c; flne, sV£c; g anulated, 5)4'-*; cubes, mould A. 5)4c; diamond A, sc; confectioners'. 4s4c; white extra C, 4%c; extra C, golden C, 4' 4 c; yeliows, 4)4c Syrup - Florida and Georgia, new, market quiet for sugar house at Cuba straight goods, 28®30c; sugar house molassus, 15 ©2oc. Tobacco —Market quiet and steady. Smoking, domestic, 22©60; chewing, common, sound, 22©24c; fair. 28©i5c; good, 36©4*c; bright. 60© 65c; flne fancy, s©Boc; extra fine, 8l 00©1 15; bright navies. 22©40c. Lumber -Lemaud. both foreign and ooMtwtoa quiet aud running mostly Into the larger sizes. Large mills are generally full of these larger orders, but all mills are inquiring for small sizes and short lengths. We quote: Easy sizes 811 50© 13 00 Ordinary sizes 12 00© 16 50 Difficult size* 14 00 ©25 00 Flooring boards 1 4 50©22 00 Shipetuffs 15 50©25 00 FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—The market continues to show a hardening tendency although quie . Foreign business is more or less nominal. The rates from this and near-by < ieorgia ports are quoted nominally at $4 25©) 00 for a range includ ing Baltimore and Portland. Me. Timbsrsoc©l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and Windward, nominal; to Rosario, sl4 00© 15 00; to Buenos Ayres or Montevideo, 512 50; to Rio Janeiro, sls 00; to Spanish and Mediter ranean ports, £ll for orders, nominal for lumber, £4 f*s standard. By Steam—To New York. $7 00; to Philadel phia, $7 00; to Boston, $8 00; to Baltimore. $5 50. Naval Stores—The market is entirely nominal for spot vessels: vessels to arrive large Cork for order* 2s 6d and 3* 41; small 2s 9d and 4s for summer loading; South Ameri can rosin, 70c per barrel of 280 pounds: C astwise -Steam— to Boston, 11c per Joolbs on rosin, 90c on spirits; to New York, rosin, 7Hc per 100 lbs. spirits. 85c; to Philadel phia. rosin, 7)4° per lOJlbs, spirits, 80c; to Balti more. rosin 30c, spirits, 70c Cotton—By Steam—The market i* very dull and rates tforninal. Rates are per 100 pounds: Barcelona 46c Liverpool via New York. 28c Liverpool via Boston 88c Liverpi>ol via Baltimore 30c Havre via New York 40c Reval via New York . . 60c Genoa via New York 60c Amsterdam via New York 60c Amsterdam via Baltimore 43c Antwerp via New York 42c Bos'on bale $ 1 25 New York $ bale 10) Philadelphia $1 bale 1 00 Baltimore 1 00 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fow's 18 pair S 75 (J 485 Chickens 54 Brown 18 pair 50 ® 60 Turkeys $ pair 1 75 25 Turkeys, dressed, 19 15 18 © 20 Chickens, dressud, lb 14 & 17 Geese 13 pair t 00 <g>l 25 Eggs, country, 18 dozen 12 <t 14 Peanuts, fancy b, p, Va., 381 b 6W@ Peanuts, h. p., ?8 bb Peanuts, small, h. p., slb 4 ® Sweet potatoes, $ bush., yellow 50 60 Sweet potatoes. 18 bush., white. .. 40 (&50 Pocltky—Market is firm; demand good; halt and ttiree- uarter grown not wanted. Koos—Market is weaker and overstocked, fair demand. Pkasuts—Ample stock, demand light, prices Arm. MARKETS BY TS3L.SGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New Yohk. March 15, noon.—The following were the opening quotations: Erie . 21 H Lake Shore.... 12516 Nortbwes'ern 10'^ Norfolk and Western preferred 314a Richmond and West Point Terminal U!4 Western Union 93*4 Nbw York, March 15. 5:00 p. m.—Money on cal! easier,ranging from 12 to 3 per cent, .closing offered at 3 per cent.; prime mercantile paper per cent. Sterling exchange cosed steady; posted rates, 84 85H©4 87H; commercial bills, 84 BiH®4 8)45. Government bonds steady. Southern stati bonds dull. Railroad bonds fairly active. New York, March 15.—The bears have had a Held day at the New York Stock Exchange. One stock after another was taken In ha J and raided successfully, particularly in Sugar. The apparently well authenticated reports about liquidations for account of on- of the lead ing oiticiaH of the company had a dem .r a izing ((fleet on the other st cks. wuich have of I late neen inherently weak. Sugar dropped 3% to 92'q ami round amounts were thrown over | board New England declined Bs6 to 2146. ar - t ; Lucsawanna 3j4 to 13646 Xn the re 1 malnder of the list toe losses were equal to 1 4i to 1% per cent. Beading was relatively 1 firmer than the r st, and actually advanced fractionally. After tie tir-t hour or so Sugar began to strengthen, and buying was so per fi ,att e stock rose to s‘4 without anv iinD.u tant rea rtioD. Th-s naturally gave Dalis ; courage, ami a rally of to 2 per cent, ensue 1 ' in the general list, while .Manhattan jumped : from 157 to ltilSv- Before the upward move ment had gained much headway the market trot (mothers tback :rom the sudden break in Missouri Pacific trrfm mi to 48*. Rumors were m circulation that the earnings of tb company showed a tremei aoua falling off, and this, together withs. les ou stop orders, led to a serious drop in prices. All tbe other ooild stocks yi-llei in st m-iathy, and at same tune tne iiear* ma le a.i ons. aught up n Grang-n. and Sugar Tae at -r got back to WSJii. md so i e of t e other shares touche Ue lowest figures of the da v and week A decline in New Yuri Central from lOsto id *on the announcement about the pro -1,,,, ci i icrcase in th- capital sWKts t 1 Jto.'.OW.- iVk) did uot nelp matters. Theflnal sales were at a rally of Ai® 1 per cent., the .atter in ill souri . ai.flc, and the market closed somewhat ; steadier in to e. bales of listed stocks were 29i,- I uuo saarea; THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1893. The following were dosing bids: Atchison.T AS F. N. V. Central 105** Baltimore<St Ohio. 91 N. J. Central U&Hi Pacific. 83'4 Norfolk AW. pref. Chesapeake & 0.. 224 b Northern Paoiflc.. 15V% Chicago, B. &Q... do prof.. 3*&* Chicago Alton. .141 Northwestern IIOV4 Cotton Oil 47 do preferred... 1391i Cotton Oil pref . 79 Pacific Mail 23 East Teuneasee ... 4 Realing £3*^ do do pref.. 2> Riohm'dTerminal. 9** Erie . .„... 2074 Koch Is.and do preferred.. 464i St. Paul 75*^ Illinois i entra' . 9“t4 do preferred ... 123 Deia., Lack W.. 138*4 Silver Certificates. Lane Erie A VV... Am. Sugar Refi 97 do do prof.. 75 do do pref.. 95)^ Lake Shore TenneeseeCvalX I 26V4 L’ville Nash.... 73*4 do do pref..lO‘ Memphis A Caar. 40 Texas Paoiflc Michigan UnionPaciflo 85$J Missouri Pacific .. Waoasn 10 Mobile aud Ohio.. 33 Wabash pre'erred. 2’.**4 Nash., C. 3k St. L. 85 Western Union.... 92 ; a STATE BONDS. Alabama class A.. 101 Tennessee 01d5.... 62 Alabama class B. 104 Teun. new set 61 .101 Alabama class C.. 92 do do 55..10l Louisiaua consols. do do 3s . 75% North Carolina 4s. 97 Virginia 6s *SO North Can >lina Ms. 123 do ex mat oup. *37 So Caro. Browns *97 do oonaoli’ted . 37 •Bid. GOVERNMENT bonds. United States coupons, registered. 111 H United States4s coupons .. .... 112 Unit, and States *a bid 99^ New Yore. March 15.—Treasury balances: Coin, $73,125,000; currency, $22,984,0)0. cotton*. Liverpool, March 15, noon.—Cotton opened dull, wuh free supply offering; prices in buy ers' favor; American middling uplandssd; sales 6,000 bales—Amer.can 5.10) bales; sp**culation and export 500 bales; receipts S.UUO bales— American 6,400 Futures opened barely steady; demand moderate. Futures—American middling, low middling clause, March and April delivery 4 5.-04 J; April and May delivery 4 52-64©4 53-64 u; May and June delivery 4 54-641, also 4 53-64 1, also 4 54~64d. aiso 45* 64d; June aud July delivery 4 55-6td; July and August delivery 4 57-64(i, also 4 s*-64d; August and September delivery 4 57-64d, also 4 58-641; September and October del.very and; October and November delivery 4 58-64d. The tenders of deliveries at to-day’s clearings amounted to 400 bales new dockets and I.OJO bales old. 4 n. in.—Futures: American middling, low middling clause*. March delivery 4 50-64d, buyers; March and April delivery 4 50-64d, buyers; April and May delivery 4 51-64d, buyers; May and June delivery 4 5*2-64©4 54-64d; June and July delivery 4 54*64d. value; July and August delivery 4 55-64© \ f>S~64d; August and September delivery 4 55-64©4 56-643; Septem ber and Oct >ber delivery 4 53-o4d, sellers; October and November delivery 4 5l -64©4 52-64d. Futures closed easy. American middling fair 5 5 lGd, good mid dling 5 l-16d, middling 4 15 16d, low middling 4 13-ldd, good ordinary 4 l-ldd. ordinary 4V4s 1 Manchester, March 15.—The Guardian's commercial amcie says: "Medium business Is being done at full prices. The China demand is moderate, and there are a fair number of trans actions in India shirtings. Tee home trade is inactive and firmness checks business. Buyers in other directions are providing for their future wants. Ma ufacturers are gradually reducing the;r production. Printing cloths move slowly. Thare is an improved inquiry for bleaching sheeting*. Yarns are quiet, but firm " New York, March 15, noon.—Cotton futures opened easy, as follows: March delivery c, April delivery 8 75c, May delivery 8 84c, June delivery 393 c, July delivery 9 00c, August delivery 9 02c. Cottou contracts here opened steady at 2©3 points advance, fell 5©6 points, and now 3<©4 points below yesterday, with sales of 111,000 bales. New Yore. March 15, 5:00 p. m.—Middling uplands i6-i6c; middling Orleans 9 3-16 c; low middling uplands good ordinary 7 13-16 c; sales 1,733 bales. Spot cotton close! steady. Futures— Market closed steady, with sales of 2T7,6iXi bales, as follows: March delivery 8 72c, April delivery * 78c, May delivery 8 20. June delivery 9lc, July delivery 8 97c, August de livery 9 02c, September delivery 8 92c, October delivery 8 80c, November delivery 8 89c. Decem ber delivery 6 91c. Total c >nsol dated net receipts at all the ports to-day were 7,492 bales; exports, to Great Britain 2,935 bales, to the continent 1,000 bales, to France ; stock 874,054 bales. Galveston, March 15.—Cotton closed dull; middltDg s*4,c; net receipts i t s 63 bales, gross none; sales none; stock 70,253 bales- Norfolk, Marc 1 15, Cotton closed dull; middling net recoipts 186 bales, gross none; sales 7) baies; stoca 47,066 bales; exports, coastwise 857. Baltimore, March 15.—Cotton closed nominal: middling 9*40; net receipts 584 bales, gross 071; sales none; stoox 15,316 bales; exports, coast wise 500. Boston, March 15.—Cotton closed quiet; mid dling Sc; net receipts 900 bales, gross 5,578; sales noue;stock none; exports to Great Britain 2,955 halos. Wilmington. March 15.—-Cotton, nothing doing; middling net receipts 26 bales, gross none; sales none; stock 10,704 bales. Philadelphia, March 15.—Cotton closed quiet; middling net recoipts 312 bales, gross 1.041; sales noue; stock bales New Orleans. March 15.—Cotton closed quiet but steady; middling not receipts 2,478 bales, grots 2,592; saies 1.750 bales; stoot 291,143 ba.os; exp rts. coastwise 2.937 bales. New Orleans. March 15.—Cotton futures closed steady, with sales of 63.200 bales, as follows: March delivery 8 suc, April delivery 8 5 c. May delivery 8 G?c, June delivery 8 75c, July delivery 8 62c, August delivery 8 82c, Sep - tember delivery 8 68c. October delivery 8 00c, November delivery 8 600, December delivery 8 62c. Mobile, March 15.—Cotton closed quiet; middling net receipts 26 bales, gross none; sales 3 0 baieb; stoca 29,414 bales; exports. Coastwise 371 bales. Memphis, March !s.—Cotton closed quiet; middling ‘%c; net receipts 477 bales, gross 623; Halos 500 bales; block 10x,299 bales. Augusta, March 15.—Cotton olosed quiet; middling B££c; net receipts 91 bales, gross none; sales .53 bales; stoc* 36,154 ba es . Charleston, March 15.—Cotton closed nomi na.; middling 9c; net receipts 24-* bales, gross none; noue; sloes 34,39) bales. Atlaxta, March 15,—Cotton quiet; middling B%c; receipts 15 bales. Cincinnati, March 15.— Cotton closed quiet; middling I'VfcC; net receipts 2uß bales, gross none; sales none; stock 7,170 bales. Louisville. *'arcli 15.—Lottonclosed nominal; middling 9‘4c; net receipts uoue, gross no' o; >aie* none; stock none. St. Lours, March 15.—Cotton closed quiet; middling 8 15-16 c, net receipts 550 bales, gross 1,271 bales; sales 3tO; stoex 101,018 bales Houston, March 15.—Cotton closed easy; middling 8 13-1 Gc; net receipt* 1,070 bales, groa none; sales none; stock 28.101 bales. New York, March 15.—Consolidated net re ceipts of cotton at all the poitsup to and in cluiing to-day for the week were 33,143 bales, exports, to Great Br.tain 20,6 l 3 bales, to the c >ntmeut 10.640 bales, to France 9.473. *. , '.i . ksn Xew York, March 15. 5 p. m.—Flour more active and generally steady; winter wheat low prudes $2 1 ©2 55; southern flour quiet and steady; common to fair extra $2 10©4 10; (food to choice extra S3 15©4 25. Wheat imxleratety active for export and steady; No. 2 red in store and elevator 7o^c; afloat 75*4c: options fairly active and irregular, closiu*: steady under yesterday; No. 2 red March delivery 74c; April delivery 75c: May delivery 76*4c. Corn easier aud moderately active, closing steady; No. 2 red elevator; 539£©54c afloat; ungraded mixed s:©s4He; steamer mixed 52 ©s3c; options dull, opemccr an 1 c os.ii/ firm and uuenans: (1 to down; March delivery sic; April delivery May delivery 50v 4 c. Oats dull, lower and fieavy; options dull and weak; March delivery 38*4c; April delivery 38c; May delivery spot prices: No. 2 38H© 89*40; No. 2 -vLiUs 48f.iC; mixed western 39©.1c: white mixed western 42©S0c. Beef dull and weak: family sll 00©12 00; extra mess $3 bo©9 00. Beef hams quiet aid weak at S3O 00. Tierced beef dull and weak; city extra India mess $lB 00© 19 00. Cut meats quit and weak; pickled bellies 10 %c; snoulders 3Vi©94ic; pickled bams 13->4c. Middles dull aud weak: short clear |lO 75. in better demand and firm ami eosv; western steam closed at sl2 30; city fll 00; March de livery sl2 25; Sept mber delivery M! 25; refined dull and steadier; coutiuent sl2 50; South America sl2 75; compound $9 85. Pork qu et and steady; old mess sl9 00; new mess sl9 50; ex- ra pnm nominal. Molasses Foreign nom inal; New Orleans open kettle good to choice iu fair demand and firm at 3u©3Bc. l ean.its firm. Coffe —Ootious opened stead v ana closed bate v steady, 5 down to 10 up; March deliv ery 16 K)©l‘ 90; May de ivery 16 4d©iu 50: August delivery 16 20© 19 25; October delivery 16 20; i<ecemljer delivery 15 ‘>*©ls 95; spot Bio quiet ana steady; Nl> 7 Sugrar—Haw quiet and steady; fair refininx centrifugals >' teat 35it :; refined dull; standard 4 >l6© 4>4c; granulated 4 freights to Liver pool quiet and weak; cotton, by steam, 3-32d; grain, by steam, 154 * asked Chicago, March 15.—Clique brokers made their apj earance to-day when the wheat mar set wak weak r t and Lxgleston in terson bought peri.sps 00.000 bushel*, White, Cudahy. Boy den, Parker and 51 Ills also up what they Cos dd. Fur the time Pardridfie, Baldwin, Idnn, Schwar'z. Dupee and eaverns met the demand vrim tr<*e offtfrlnp's, but as the weather con !i --lions and the aritudeof tbe clique gradually •levcluped a <1 c.i lely buhish sentiment the short 4 snowed a gr iwing desire to cover and there wa< some investment buying. May was stronger tnan July, and, while it sold at3 pre mium at the start, it advanced to 3>£c over yes SPRING \m OPENING lUJG MILLINERY The grandest, most superb lines we ever had—three times over what you could find anywhere else in the city. Opening Days, March 15 and 16. SILKS. Silks for Horne Dress. Silks for Full Dress. Silks for Tea Gowns. Silks for Street Wear. Silks for Eveaing Wear. Our collection is varied and complete. Prices from 49 cents to $2 50 yard. Spring Dress Goods PERSIAN NOVELTIES. POPLIN NOVELTIES CHEVIOT NOVELTIES. CREPE NOVELTIES. IRIDESCENT NOVELTIES VELOUR NOVELTIES. terday. The disposition was to sell May and buy July, while to-day th**re has been liberal buying of May. with July to some extent neglected. May opened *4©Vic lower and closed higher than yesterday. Corn fluctuated but little, closing at last night's figures. In oats the close was steady at about the same as yes terday for May and June, and better for September A pronounced disposition on the part of ‘•shorts” to cover sent the market up above the final figures of yesterday, and a steady feeling was noticed up to the doss, pork leaving off 7Vsc higher than last night, lard and ribs sc. Chicago, March 15, 10:00 a. m.—Wheat opened lower at for May delivery, declined to 75V$c and advanced to 76*4c. Corn opened lower at for May delivery, and efined to 43$£e and advanced to 4?%©4ft94c. Pork opened 10c lower at sl7 30 for May delivery, declined to sl7 15Vi and rallied to SJ7 27*4- Lard opened 5c lower at $lO 95 for July delivery, rallied to sll 00 and declined to $lO 9.'Vi- Chicago, March 15.—Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat—No. 2 spring 72ft©7$0. Corn—No. 2 red 41Uo. Oats—No. 2 ;d)*ic. Mess pork i>er barrel sl7 39©17 85. Lard sl2 00©12 02J4. Short rib sides, salted shoulders, boxed, $9 62 65; short clear sides, boxed, slolo©lo 55. Whisky at $1 17. L iviing future* ranged Wo cat— Opsning. Closing. March May 7512 76^5:6% Ju.y 72%©73 72^i©78 Corn— March 41^ May- . .43% 43>i Julr 44)4 Oats— March 304* SOX May 32-M tK Jui.e ml 3g% Pork— May 17 30 17 5?4i Lard— May !l H 10 July 10 95 11 97)4 September 10 80 11 13 Ribs— May 10 10 10 20 Baltimore. Md.. March 15.—Flour dull. Wheat steadier: spot 7Me; March delivery 71J4c; May delivery !4®74J4c; milling wheat by sample 7g@74c. Corn steady; on spot March delivery 4744®474.,c; April delivery May 4H44c: July delivery 49c bid; white corn by sample 4844 c; yellow corn by sample 4r4£<3i4!)c Cincinnati, March 15.—Flour easy. Wheat steady; No. 2red69®7oa Corn firmer; No. 2 mixed 42c. Oats stro ig; No. 2 mixed 35c. Pork quiet and firm at sl7 75 I-ard dull at 8H 1244 Bulk meats quiet at $lO 1245. Bacon sll 50. Whisky in light demand at, $1 17. New Orleans. March 15.—Coffee dull and lower; Kio ordinary to fair l©2oc Sugar quiet; fully fair to prime 3 3-16Q3 :i-15c; fair to good fair : centrifugal off white 44$c; choice yellow clarified 4 1-16Q4 3-iec. Molasses strong: centrifugal choice 20c; prime to good prime :3<&l6c. Bt. Lop is. March 15—Flour barely steady. Wheat opened %c niguerand the close was tv and, 4<c a iove yesterday; No. 2 red cash 6444 c; May delivery 6634 c. Corn opened % tp44c loser and closed 44©44° under tester .ay; No. 2 mixed cash 37)$ q May delivery 1944 c. Oats dull; No. 2 cash car lots on trac at 31)t©32c; May deliv ery 32-)sc. Whisky quiet at $t 17. Bagging and iron cotton ties unchanged. Provisions, with the exception of lard, wuich advanced to sl2 00. were dull at previous quotations. NAVAL STORES. New Yore, March 15,5; 0 p. m—Rosin quiet and steady ; strained common to good 81 40© 1 45. Spirits turpentine quiet and firm at 3 ©3#)4c tVimiNdTON. March ]V Rosin firm; strained 81 10; good strained 81 15. Turpentine firm at 3ic. 'lar stearly a' $1 10. Crude turoin tine steady; hard $1 uu; eoftand virgin Si 70. Charleston, March 15. Soirits turcontine firm at 34c. Rosin firm at $1 30 for good straiued. petrolecm. oils, etc. New York, March 15—Cotton seed oil quiet and steady; cr ide 45©47c; yellow 68©57c. Petroleum quiet; refined nominal. RICE. New York, March 15 Aice firm and fairly active; domestic fair to extra 3)4©6c; Japan 4)4 ©sc. > iw Orleans, March 15—Rice quiet and weak; ordinary to good 24$©au,c. New Yoric .vlardet key.ew. .Yeporfsrf by Palmer. Rivmhuro rt Cos., ftuo eerso-s to <J. a. Palm ir. lfi# Head* St.. V. Y. New York. March 13.— f 'rauget, Indian and Halifax river. s3fK>©3 50; other b-lghtv se ected s./.es, 42 50©2 75; .traigbi lines, $2 00© 2 25; russets, $1 7:.©2 00, grapedrult.Blo © Juu; tangerines, $2 00©4 00; mandarins. $2 00 ©2 50; LEOPOLD ABLER, Successor to A. R. ALTMAYER Si CO. FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON. Every Pattern Hat and Bonnet in line with the ruling fashion. The ladies that sell the millinery are apt to be critical They study the subject constantly. Their lives are spent with millinery. It is inter esting to notice the enthusiastic approval with wh'ch they welcome the incoming spring stock. Just a proof of the wisdom that has controlled the collection. The Latest designs, choice models of Bonnets, Round Hats and Toques. Dress and Suit Hats from New York, Paris and London will be on exhibition next WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 15th and Kith. Straw Goods. Our Hat Department in cludes the largest assortment of Fine Imported Novelties ever brought to Savannah. All kinds of Plateaux, Leg horns, Chips and Fancy Straws. Boys’ Spring Clothing. .Boys’ School Suits, 4 to 13 years, $1 50. Boys’ Flannel and Plaid Kilt Suits, 2s to 5 years,sl 25 to $lO. 50 Different Styles, New Novelties in Jersey, Sailor, Kilt and Junior Suits. Boys’ Long Pants Suits, elegantly trimmed and shaped in the most superior style, 14 to 18 years, $4. strawberries, to®')Oc: aaparaarus, Charleston, prime. 8800@9 00 er dozen bundles; medium, $4 00<ai>00; t.eef, $i 00<a>l 25; cabbage. JIOO4O 826; Hjcu-plam. bo*e, 84 00(£6 00; frroen pea*. 82 00484 00; lettuce, half barrel baskets, 8? 00 r<&3 00; Charleston, thirds, gl 00@l 60; str nff beans. |4 OOigS 00; tomatoes, rarr ers, s.'l M>4B 6 00; bushel crates, #3i;o@4 00; eftgt, 16>4c; duck, 804082 c; (terse, 6 >®7so. Nfw y oks, March 15.—Granites unchanged; strawberr es, 35®4.’>c; beets, 75c@l 05; cab bage. $1 50®3 v 5; peas, 82 00® 3 50; beans. $4 50®5 50; lettuce. 81 00®2 60; t "net. es, $3 00 Gi'iOO; ig,s, 1614©17c; duclt. 30®32:; (terse, bu®7sc. i'almkk, Kivemuiku & Cos. StIII'IMNU IN 1 ELLIGKNCK. Scrßises ... 6:05 Sun Sets 5:54 Hioh Watek at Savannah s:4lam, 5:67 pm (Standard time ) Thursday, March 16, 1838. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Carl Ko- ow [Nor], Pedersen, Blue fields, with bauanas and coeoanuts to Kava uaukh & Brennan. Bcbr llarbeeon Hickman, Henderson, Phila delphia, with coal to D K Thomas, vessel to master Steamer Katie, Bevllle, Auzusta an 1 way laudmcs—W T Gibson, Ma iaifar. Steamer Alpha. Strobhar. Beaufort and Port Royal—CH MeJlock, A<ent- CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Concettina [ltal], Crlscuolo, Trieste— Chr U Dahl & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer E G Barker, Finney, St Helena— Master. SAILED YESTERDAY. BteamshlD Tallaaassej, New York. Steamship Wm Lawrence. Baltimore. Bark Avanli [NorJ, Hamburg. Schr Nellie V, oodbury. Port Morant, Ja. MEMORANDA. New York. March 13—Arrived, sebrs George H Ames, Marshall, Darien, Ga; Bertram N White, Frothing ham. Charleston; Genevieve, Haley, Charleston. Cleared—Schr Edward Stewart, Kent, Eernan dina; Abbie C Stubbs, Coombs, Fernandina; steamship Ocean Prince [.Br], Evans, Eernan dina. , „ Sailed—Scbr Maine, Brunswick, (la. Boston, Marcn 13-Cleared, schr Isaiah K Stetson. Larrabee, Palatka, Els. and sailed; Ada Keune ly, Fernandina. Baltimore, March 13-Arrived, schr Ida Law reuce. Campbell, Savannah. Cleared—Steamship Great Northern [Br|, Adams,Port Royal, SC; schr S B Marts,Steelman, Port Royal, aud both sailed; Walter W Kaon, Vannaiuen, Brunswick, Oa; Jesse W Starr, Lynch, Jacksonville. Brunswick, Ga, March 12—Arrived, bark Con stancy [Sp], Zaraenea, Havana; schrs Otello, Sweetland. JacksonvUie; MK Haw by, Baxter, New York; Florence Randall, Bishop, and James Baird, Mullen. New York. 13tu—Cleared, snip Catalina [Sp], Maas, Alicante; bark Adele [Swj, IVrsson. Liverpool. Sailed—Sebrs J E dußikuon, Boston: Audi L Henderson. New York: Artnur McArdie, Boston; Emma J Meyer, Eatbla. Belfast, die, March 13 -Sailed, schr Mary H Brock way. Beaufort. SC. Chatham, March 13—Passed, brig U B Husaey, from Weymouth, Mass., lor CbarEston. Darieu, Us, March 12- Arilved, steamer Ra leigh. Sears, eew York. 13th—Cleared, bark Engelbrekt (*], Eckman, Dordrecnt Galveston, March 13-Sailed, schr Nathan F Cobb, C'sokson. .doolie . „ Jacksonville. March 12—Arrived, schr Marion Hill. Armstrong, Philadelphia. Pensacola, March h—Arrived, schrs Clare L Dy.-r [BrJ, Kodden. Koatau Sailed-Steamers : aracoa [Nor], for Havana: Amterdt 1, [BrJ, Tampico. 10th—Sailed, steamer scaw Fell [Br|, for Fleetwood; bark Nostra Signora de la salute ; Ital I Genoa. VMix— Arrived, barks Porro [NorJ. Larson, Para; Sevre [FrJ. Collier. Baoto*; acnr George faulane, Mueller, bt Jago Ciearei-Harks hub, [au*!. Kassovlcb. Dun dee; Luge Die M [ital!, Nag-sanco, Ayr. Port Royal, 8(J, Marcn IJ—Arrlfcd, scbr Aoria T JCbener, Spring r, Baltimore. Philadelphia, March 14— Arrived, scbr Matilda D Borda. i.ndicott, Suvannaii Cleared—Scar Susie F I aridson, Bowen, Brunswick. Perth Amboy—Bailed, prior to 11th, schr Hat tie i/uun, Poland, for ■ ’ bavaonan), Portland. Me, Match 13-Ballad, cbr 8 P Hitchcock. Biatr, Savannah, March 10 -Arrived at Bai UOPOLO ADLER. FLOWERS, FEATHERS. French Flowers in choice montures and natural effects. Fine Ostrich goods. Tips, Plumes and Fancy Novelties. NEW STYLES. NEW IDEAS, TO BE SEEN HERE DAILY. Wash Dress Goods New Lace Ginghams, 25 cents yard; entirely new ef fects. New Dotted Muslins, White Grounds, Corded Stripes and Dots, 39 cents yard; Black and Colored Lace Sateens, 25 cents yard; Nov -1 elty Silk Stripe Ginghams, 40 cents yard; Irish Lawns, 38 (inches wide. 15 cents yard. ley’s Mills, schr U H Holden, Pinkham, Fernau dina. West Tainpa, Fla. March 11— Arrived, steam ship Halifax (Hr], iiill, Jamaica, etc Hover. K, March 18—Passed. * mam ship Oak lands IBrJ. Moore, Furriandiua for Kastrup. Dtdfzyl, Manui 10—Arrived, hark Joimnue [Norll Hansen, Pensacola. Falmouth, March 12—Arrived, bark Natvig [NorJ. Hundblad. Moblfe. Fleetwood, March 18—Arrived, ship Lord Lyttoo [BrJ, Mobile. Great Yarmouth, Match 12—Arrived, bark Hedwig Biebe [Ger|, Kiaak. Darien. Genoa, Marco 10— Arrived, steamship Indian Prince [BrJ, Forsyth. Savannah. Liverpool, March ’2 Arrived, steamship Ash fleld [ Hr J. Townsend, Cooiaw, S(J. (Queenstown, Murch 18—Arrived, bark Prince Arthur [NorJ, Johansen, Daiien Bermuda, Marc i !o—ln port, harks John liar vey, Goliuaky. lying in hi ream; Norden [NorJ, Jans n, Tam a tor Norwich, discharging: Al pha [NorJ, bvendsen, Pascagoula for Port Eliza beth, about to dißobarge cargo; schrs Georgia L Brake, kolfleid, Apalachicola for Boston, nearly ready for M*a; Mark (tray. Sawyer, Fer nandina for Now York, repairing; Mlneola [Br|, Lent, repairing. Uucotulpau, Mexico. March I—Arrived, schr Apphia and Amelia, [BrJ, WlJaud, Mobile via Vera Cruz. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Bermuda, March 10 -Schr Mark Gray, from Ferimndina for New York (before reported), put In here do March 7 with rudder head sprung, loss of sails and deck load, having experienced a hurricane Feb 22, lat 44. lon 70 VO. Repairs are b iug effecto 1 with all possible dispatch. Sanely Hook. March IJ-bcftr Roger Drury, ash*pe oa the point of the Hook, is in the same position. The hand lias made up considerably on the beach inside. The wreckers are discharg ing lumber on a barge NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that on March 10, 1993, a gas lighted buoy, painted block and showing a fixed white light, was placed o IT the site of Wolf Trap Lighthouse, carried away by ice <n Jan 82. 1893. The buoy ha* beeu sunstituf ed for W olf Trap Shoal Buoy, block, first-class can. No. 13, off the east end of Wolf Trap Spit, Ches apeake Bay, Virginia. New Point Counort Lighthouse, HW % S, 7 1-J6 miles. Site of Wolf Trap Lighthouse, WSW % W, 9-10 mile. btringray Point Lighthouse, N by W 11 16 W, 10 13 10 mites Bearings are magnetic and given approxi mately; distance* arn in nautical miles. By orderot the lighthouse board. Jamlh A Gr*ek, Rear Admiral, IMN. Chairman Pilot charts and all nautical informa ion will be fuinisuca masters of vessel ire.j of charge in United States Hydrographic Office in tue custom house. Captains aie requested to call at the office. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad, March 19—1,077 bale* cotton, 183 bales domestics, z\iO bbls roun, 95 bids spirits turpentine, 250 pkgs md*e, 78 pkgs vegetables, lb bils hides, Vm) tons pig iron. 45 sacks flour, 8 boxes eggs, 1 obi eggs, 1 yeaning, J car butter, 1 car meat. 1 car coat 5 car* wood, 32 bbls clay, 10) bbls oil, J 4 ü bis rice, 2 bbls syrup. 28 uols whisky, 210 boU Mine. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Ry. March 15 410 haies col lo.i, !,109 bole r< sin, 194 hols snlrits turpentine, 100 bbis flour, 50 sacks fl nr, 5 tiorceH lard, 7 sacks bran, 1 car pouury. 97 bars iron, o boxes tobacco, 1 car coal, 4 boxes k k b 100 wnee.M, 12 pkgs wdiow ware, 34 jeauts paper, 32 pkgs furniture, 12(4 bbls whisk >, 25 oil iauks. 2 trucks. 10 bates hide*. 10,330 boxes fruit, 10 bb s fruit. MJO boxes vegetables. 42 refngerat rs bTries. 200 ce <ar iocs, 79 pkgs rndse, 1 car cypr sa, 24 cars lamb r, v cars wt>od per ‘ harleston and .Savannah Railway, March 15— 1 car mail, 1 car fertilisers. 4 cars wood, 25 pieces copper ; opts. 10 bbls wiue, 55 oags rice, 40 bd s paiis. Creel* wire. 13 nes s tuus, 2 boxes crackm s, 5 cases prserves. 3 bdis springs, 2 bah s t>ags. 1 b<ll wueels, 1 bdl hardware. 4 cases i.andtes. I keg iron, 5 iron castings, 1 sac.a pota toes, 2 boxes back*, 1 trunk, 7 bdls plows, 1 rgan. 5 bol* twir.e, 1 case cheroots, 2: boxes tobacco. Per South Bound Railroad, March 15—152 bales cotton, 10 od.s domestics. 55 pkgs tobacco, 5 cases c<gar-', ocis>*s cigarett :i, 37 l>dl*i. ..ii pi)e. 2 bb!s fyrup, 11 pkgs vegetables, 11 kegs li piur. EXPORTS. per steamsbiD Tallahaasee for New York - 110 bale* u land cotton. 275 bags sa island cot too,Bil balesaoint>ittcsanti yarns and obbis rosin, 13 obis spirli* turpentui' 4 ,2 0 bo.s cotton eoed ui , 149,747 feel lumber, 202 bbls nye. 22 turtles. 0 bb.s fi-h. 8.405 boxes orangey 079 ob Vegeta bles, 154 boxes vegetables, 2V4 tons pig iron, 33j SUMMER ifnnv OPENING MILLINERY OUR STOCK THIS SEASON HAS NO EQUAL You Must Consult It. OpenioT Days, March 15 and lfiL Millinery Novelties. We are showing a complete assortment of Pine French Nov elties and Trimmings, the greater portion of which cannot be dup licated in Savannah. Some Good Things in Adler’s H silent French China Egg Cups. 2 cents each. Another lot of those Wooden Flour Buckets, 2'J cents, cents and 1!) cents. Real FRENCH CHINA Cus pidors, 44 cents. SPECIAL—SO pieces Real French Handsomely Decorated Tea Sets, $0 !)H. China Fruit Plates, gold and j fruit centers, special, 10 cents !each. rases eggs. 239 b<ils empty sa<;kH, 175 sacks rice chaff. 151 oars, 174 pkgs mdse. Per steamship Wm Lanienco for Baltimore -449 bales cotton. 11 bale 4 domestics and yarns, b;2 bbls rosin, 200 hfils spirits turpentine. 22 bble Oil. 40 bbls pitch, C3,:;71 fe< t lumber. 130 bble rice, 139 bbls vegetables, M) crates vegetables. 9 bbls oranges, 4.8. M) boxes oranges. 10 roll* leather, 34 casks clay, 10 hales hide*, 15 cases canned goods. 4 pkgs fruit, 376 pi>gs indse. Per bark Concettiua (Hall, for Trieste— 8.660 bbls rosin, weighing 1,279,230 pounds—B P ter Cos. PASBENGERB. Per steamship Tuliahasseo for New York— Rev W L Moore and wife, Mrs 8 A ( nnkshonk. Miss Mattie I Bootii. Ja*per Owen, 8 W Pierce. R Gray ami wife, L L Carlisle amt wife, Wm ll Wood ami wife, Mrs Fisko, Mrs C W Scovel, 1£ Johns and wife, Aaron Ward and wife, R O Brooks. Miss Frances M Bell and J J O’Neill. CONSIGNEES. Per Central Rai road, March 15 Butler AS, Hunter PA B W W Gordon A Cos, J 8 Wood A Bro, Woods GACo —A J Mnler Cos, J Parker, K A Schwarz. B Lucte, Wli alter. B Coihorn. Eckman A \’, McMillan Bros, Warnock A W, W H Reeuey. Meinhard Bros A Cos. W P Smith, McCauley 8 A Cos, ..Ire b Gardner, A B Hull A Cos. Lippman Bros, W M Jones. A C Oelchig, Tidewater Oil i o, ( ! M Louthcr, W H Coonerat. P* r Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. March J - M Ferst’s Sons A Cos. Char e§ a Conk lin Mf r C >,H r ixltz A J . Savannah Grocery Cos, J W Tee pie A Cos, A J Miller Cos, E A Schwarz. Savannah Furniture Cos. Peter Bowen, George Hasher, Linusny A M, J I) Weed A Cos, c Le ilia, .1 H Ha-iarn, G orgia LurnlMT Cos. I> it Boder. E Lovcdl’n Sons, Heuisler A H. P B Springer, J J Wall, W C McUoti .ugh, J Rosenheim A Cos, Vf \ Jordan, A Ehrlich A Br>, (4 W Tiedeman A Bro, W W Airnar. Hunter PA P, Me Aat t A M. W W Chisholm A Cos, Ellis Y A Cos, Edwards T A Cos. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, March 15—Leopold Adler Rev -1 Sad*o* y, ('apt W T Gibson, Palmer Hardware Cos, W w (inann, K Guckenheimor A Sons, Comer II A Cos, JL> Weed A Cos. Mutual G LCo, A Ehrlich A Bro, Hwinton it M, Brown liros, VVm utefi, J B Sanders, VV W Gordon A Cos, E Lovell’s Sons, Dudley liar, HeuiHlerA H.G W Parish. Specialty Cos, McMillan Bros, Ludden A B. A Lefller A Son, Savannah Grocery Cos. Singer Mfg Lo, P 11 Wel ters Brewing Cos, Collat Bro*. Per Soutu Bound Railroad, March 16—P W, Kushimz A (Jo. W 1 Miller. S Krouskoff. Frank A Cos, 8 Guokenbeimer A Sons, J KGfauv A Son, G W Tiedernan A Bro, Savannah Grocery Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro, H Solomon A Son, J Sulnvan, C EStults 4*fc o. Southeastern Piaster Cos, W 8 Lynch, Mutual G L Cos. liow’e Your Wife? Does sbe fed poorly all th-* time, suffer from lack of energy, ad a gei.eial “n i-account’* l.stlesH enervation? She needs a tonic Some thing is wrung with h*r blood. Run for a doc tor: Not at all, my dear *ir Get herabott e of P. P. P. [Prickly Ash, poke Root and Pot assium], the very Itont Woman's Regulator and Tonic extant. U reaches the source of trouble quietly and quickly, and before >ou know it, your wife will be another woman, and will bless tba kind fate that brought P. P. P. to her notice and redef. Our best physicians indorse and recommend it. and no well-conducted house hold where pure blood and irs cone inßaut hap piness ih appreciated, should be witbou it. For bal-i by reputable medicine dealers everywhere, Mr. Randall Pope, the ret Led druggist of Madison, Fla., says (Dec. 3. 1889) he reg Tils P, P P [Prickly Asn. Poke Root and Potassium] r. B the nest alternative on the market, and that he has seen more beneficial lesults from tno use or it tuan any other biood medicine. Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lost man* boo J, weakness caused by overtaxation of the will be cured by the powerful P. P. P., wnich gives hea th and strength to the wreck of the system.— ad. HllitS AND FUR . SEND YOUR HIDES AND FURS -TO— KANIIOLPH KIRKLAND. SAVANNAH, GA. He lAys for dry flint* 7 conts, dry suit 4*4 cents, <lr_v dammed 3)4 cents. Kreen salt 3 cents leseewax 21 cent*, de r skin* 28 cents, coon skins in to 00 cent*, otter skli.g No. 1 83 00, mink iki k No. 1, sl. 211 St. .Ttilinn St. t Y ERCMANTS. mnnutacriirar*.. mercnnniek .M cortuirations. and all oUi'ra in need oi nrn.tiiiK. uUiOKrapi.ioc. and tjonk boolta caa have Uteir orders promptly Oiled, at modems, nreae, at be MOIiNINO NSW* masOUf feOUtk. BWUe*karma 7