The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 22, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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WAYCBOSS’ NEW POSTMASTER. No Changes in the Clerical Force to be Made for the Present. IVayeross, Ga., Oct. 21. —W. A. McNeil, •who has received the appointment as postmaster at this place, has sent on his bond and other papers to Washington. He will receive his commission when Postmaster-General Bissell returns to Washington. He will not take charge of the postoflice before Nov. 1. It is prob able that he will stay in the post office the last week in October in order to learn the routine of business. He will make no changes in the office for the present. John Hogan will continue as first assistant postmaster. Capt. T. ,T. Fuller has made a good postmaster. He will, upon vacating the office, probably return to his home at Eiackshear. Mr. McNeil has received many compli ments from the papers throughout South Georgia on his appointment. He has sold his grocery business to Mr. Humphrey and will devote his entire time to his new position. The increase in the business of the postoflice since 1888 has been great. The office pays about fa,200 a year besides office clerks and help. The increase in the mail matter handled this year, as compared with last year, has been proba bly 25 per cent. There is an enormous amount of work to be done for a place of this size. It is evident that another clerk will be necessary to facilitate the work. At present, the time consumed in distributing the mail after its arrival Is entirely too long. The business men are compelled to wait to get their mail longer than should be necessary. The people have not demanded a free delivery system over the city yet, but they would appreciate a quick distribution of the mails. Gun Dealer (who has just sold fancy sports man some cartridges)—You'll remember th' place, sur. when you come back, sur, fer we sells all kind o' fresh game.—Harlem Life. IWISCELLANcOUS. ’ J) Y consulting our many patrons you will I find that they have been well pleased with their bargains at our store where they paid only half price for their goods. Eise man's Clothing House. CJHERUYK old customers that have their A-lasts already fitted up. call on .us .and make themselves known. Vinson & Cos., 21 Drayton street. BUY your grapes at California Fruit Store, 2 io. for live pound basket. TDANCY, large No. 1 mackerel at Mutual CO- X' operative Association. A VINSON & CO. have on hand the largest and best assortment of shoemakers’ findings. Call and see us, No. 21 Drayton street, Cherry's old stand. H ERE you are—preserves, jams, loose mixed pickles and pickles in glass, all new. E. L. Mastick, Harris and Price streets. HERMITAGE and Old Crow whisky in - full quart bottles. Mutual Cooperative Association. A7INSON & CO. have just received a full supply of shoemakers' Undines..lower than any other establishment in the south-' ern states. 21 Drayton street. "LIINE vases, decorated cake plates, cuspi- X dors, tea sets; prices reasonable at Gardner's, 118 Broughton street. CIOOD work at reasonable prices. Send J your shoes to Okarma, the leading shoe maker. Under Marshall House. C“IALL at Vinson & Ca., No. 21 Drayton J street, for a lino, first-class lilting shoe, reasonable. (Cherry's old stand), TjIANCY, Urge No. I mackerel at Mutual Co s operative Association. HERE you are—Sherred oats; only 15cents . a package; best oatmeal in the land. E. L. Mastick. Harris and Price. DON’T wear your shoes too long before sending them to be repaired. \ inson & Cos., 21 Drayton street, shoemakers. Hermitage and out crow whisky in full quart bottles. Mutual Cooperative Association. IIOR choice steaks and roasts of beef, send to Cumiuiug’s market. 146 Price street. I3ATKONIZE home industry, young men, and have your shoes made at Vinson & Co's., 21 Drayton street. SMALL size canvassed hams at ttji cents pound. Mutual Cooperative Association. "V'CIU can have your shoes nicely roi aired at lowest prices by Okarma, the leading shoemaker. SEND your shoes to us to be repaired. Don't send to cobblers. We guarantee our work to be tjie best. Vinson &; Cos., Cherry’s old stand. TTERE you are—Ferris' delicacies, hams * I and bacon. They are the test, and therefore the cheapest; a tittle more in price, but so much better than other brands. E. L. Mastlck on Harris and Price streets. SMALL size canvassed hams at IS \\ cents pound. Mutual cooperative Association. (TALL at the Palace shoe making establish- J ment, SI Drayton street, tor a first-class French and perfect fitting shoes; $7.00 to SIO.OO jter pair for the finest workmanship that can be had. Vinson & Cos. HAVE your shoes made by Okarma, the leading shoemaker of Savannah, 99 Broughton. HERE they are—fancy imported English cromarty bloaters; nice for breakfast and supper, at E. L. Mastick's, Harris and Price streets. VJNOW FLAKE cracker dust in one pound s’ packages. Mutual Cooperative Asso ciation. IjFRESH trips and pickled pigs feet, for breakfast, at Cummings markot, 146 Pi i. e street. KENNICKELLS for job printing, picture framing and art materials. See us 135 York. L? NOW FLAKE cracker dust in one pound L 1 packages. Mutual Cooperative Asso ciation. 11 ERE you are—elqgant plum pudding, put a* up in cans. Try it, at E. l. Mastick’s, Harris and Price streets. K'KESH crapes, last shipment this season. , Helaware, Niagara and Agawam. Five hundred baskets just received and must bo sold. California Fruit Store, T. Samiison. ( FALIFOKNIA asnaragus in large size cans. v - Something extra lino, 35 cents can. Mu tual Cooperative Association. 1 J ERE you are- some more of that tine Ful- J 1 ton market corned beef in small deli cious cuts, at E. 1,. Mastick’s. corner Harris and Price streets. TAELagare, Niagara, Agawam grapes, zr r> odbaskets received Saturday s steamer, 1 ■ Sampson. /C ALIFORNIA asparagus in large size cans. , Something extra tine, Scents can. Mu tual Cooperative Association. [J ERE you are—fine oyster crackers and , * cakes. A fresh lot at E. L. Mastick’s, torner Harris and Price streets. MILLINERY. S GRID SUGGESS: OUR OPENING. The display surpassed all former efforts. Our Trimmed llats wore the choicest, newest am! must unique in the city. All ad miring visltora KUid so. They know. HOW TO FILL ORDERS COME EARLY. MRS. E. N, LAWLER, 30 Whitaker Street. t" LOOK UP, an 4 not dowrn,” if you’re a suffering woman. Every one of the bodily troubles that come to women only has a guaranteed cure in Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion. That will bring you safe and certain help. It's a powerful general, as well as utertne, tonic and nervine, and it builds up and invigorates the entire female system. It regulates and pro motes all the proper func tions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, brings re freshing sleep, and restores health and strength. For ulcerations, displacements, bearirig-down sensations, periodical pains, and all “female complaints” and weak nesses, “ Favorite Proscriptfbn ” is the onlg guaranteed remedy* If it’ ever fails to beneilt or cure, you have your money back. In every case of Catarrh that seems hopeless, you can depend upon Doctor Rage’s Catarrh Remedy for a cure. It's proprietors are so sure of it that they’ll pay SSOO cash for any incurable case. , REAL ESTATE. BUY A HOME ON THE Installment Plan. Magnitlcent New Residence, elegant loca tion, near park; ten rooms, electric lights, gas, electric bells, hot and cold water, servant quarters, stable and all modern improve ments. Only $5,000. SI,OOO Cash, SI,OOO One or Two Years, Balance Ten Years’ Time, monthly payments. Call quiek. EDW. W. BROWN &, GO., Real Estate Dealers and Auctioneers, 107 BAY STREET. ’PHONE 567. VTICE pictures and other house fixing left 1A from auction at half price. Tarver's, Broughton street. HAVE you lost your key? To a trunk? A closet door? Well, you can get one fitted by the Chatham Trunk Factory, Whitaker and York streets. HAVING secured the services of Mr. J. D. Hargrave, late of Virginia, who is re puted to be the best stove repairer in this or any other state, I am now prepared to put all classes of heating and cooking stoves in thor ough repair for ail persons who may favor me with their patronage. AU work intrusted to me will meet with prompt attention and be fully guaranteed. I>.1 > . 11. Cotton, 21 Bay street. MAPLE SYRUP and buckwheat, at L. B. Greer's, New Houston and Barnard. KENOVATE your winter clothing by using Chinese Renovating Fluid. 25c a bottle, at Strong’s, 67 Bull street. jL'UESH ring. Frankfurters and bologna X sausages Just received at Henry Hirsch's. MONEY is scarce but our goods are cheap ill and you can dress just as well this year as last. We guarantee you a tine fit and tirst-class goods at Eiscmans Clothing House. I / lAA WORTH of goods bought at • P2-.V/, V7V/V/ New York bankrupt sale, at a bargain. Don’t believe what we write, but call and convince yourself that we can save you fifty cents on the dollar. M. Nathan, ISO Congress street. \ T EW GEORGIA SYRUP—Fresh made, -La from Effingham ribbon cane, at 50 cents per gallon: and yellow yam potatoes at 65 cents a bushel. Send postal to Canuet & Cos., 33 Williams street. i JUICES same as down town at L. B. Greer’s, New Houston and Barnard. ■VT OW is the time to plant flower seed. Call -LA at Strong s Pharmacy lor them. ifUNEST Butterine. The headquarters for very best, it’s good tor every one. Who tries it likes it, and Cohen Bros, sell it to everybody. Try it and you, too, will like it. (710 R the finest Neufcbatel, cream, Swiss X and other kinds of cheese, call at Henry Hirsch’s. \ T ES, your old trunk needs repairing, so X you must send it to the Chatham Trunk Factory. They do nice work and charge small prices. \XTE import our own skins and sole t V leather: our workmen perfect artists, tnsuring good shoes and neat uts. Vinson & Cos. THINE razors and pocketknives, also (he X usetul and convenient automatic kniie, at Gardner's, 118 Broughton street. AJABMK, veterinary surgeon. West • Broad, foot of south Broad, telephone 264, night. __ 171 OR PILES, use Floyd’s Acme Pile Oint- X m nt. Never fails to give relief. Can be had :.t strong s Pharmacy. TJROMPT DELIVERY and polite attention X at L. B. Greer’s, New Houston and Bar nard, now have on hand a full line of gents’ Y V furnishing goods that we are ottering to the public at haif price. You will be con vinced of their good quality by giving us a call. Eiseman's Clothing House. tlTf; sell the latest out patent leather pol- V Y ish: preserves and cleans patent leather stio sto perfection. Try It. Vinson & Cos.. 21 lnayton street. I )CAIN and self rising buckwheat, golden drip vanilla drip and silver syrup. Mu tual Cooperative Association. HERE you are. Imported saucr kraut, loose chow chow, at E. L. Masllck s, Harris and Price streets. CYHIPPED BEEF, 20c per lb, ut 1,. B. 1 Greers, New Houston and Barnard. SHOES half soled at quick notice and by the bett workmen in the sot,them states, Sent for and delivered. Vinson & Cos. rjVHE place to buy your candy, pure sugar X candy 10 cents per pound. Mutual Co operative Association. Cl ANARY birds, parrots, cages, seed, gravel, j etc., at Gardner's, 118 Broughton street^ tifHY do you wear that last winter's hat YV now when toucan get a stylish new one so cheap at Etseman s Clothing House. A \TE have on hand gold and silver polish YY for evening slippers: the very thing. Can be used on any kind of slipper cor shoe. For sale at Vinson &. Co.'s, No. 21 Drayton street. TTIINE sausages of all kinds, now at Cum- X ming s market. HO Price street. \TEW JELLY' anil preserves, in hulk, at a-A L. B. Greer a, New Houston and Bar nard. TAOli MEDICINES at Savannah Veterinary 1J Hospital. A. Jasme, veterinary surgeon, West Broad, foot South Hroad. X7OU Will And at Vinson A Cos 'g, 21 liray -1 ton F met. a full supply Of shoe rtnd.ugs. ( all ami price; also bring your shoes to be half soleu. lICAIN and sell-rising buckwheat, golden drip, vanilla drip uud silver syrup. Mu tual Cooperative Association. CENTS f<>- a trial size box of Royal Maea • ) ront Try it; you will like it. L. L. Mas tick Harris and Price streets. ________ / VIP Where dill you get vour shoes half * * solea so smooth and nice! At \ inson l, Cos. s, 21 Drayton street. 1 candy It' cents per pound. Mutual Co operative AawtM’iaUop- H ULUS nil aort- Bower seeds, p.ts. plant food and garden tools, at Oartuer s. It* UruugLtoti -treel. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1893. FALK.CLOTHING CEO. IT IS EASY To buy of us—No matter tvhat It Is that you want in the way of Men's or Boys’ Apparel yon are very apt to find It in our stock—You will also find that wo can fit you perfectly—That the price Is low—That the goods will give abundant satisfaction. ItJs safe to buy from us, because you can return anything that you don't like and get your money back. Come in and see how well we can tit you out for a little money. Falk CLothiria Cos, CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTA WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 10 Word* or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, any thing to buy or sell, any business or accom modations to secure;. indeed, any wish M gratify, should advertise In this column. Bfl AIR in a fearful state”—ln every case II the Georgia hair expert, 112'i Brough ton street, hair store, should be consulted when cutting, trimming, sinzeing, shampoo ing, or the treatment of the scalp is necessary in order to keep a beautiful head of bait’. BE SURE to attend the oyster roast at Tivoli Park, Thunderbolt, every Sunday. Fred Corkish. 1 PERSONAL, u chance to make a fortune. S3OO cash will buy a good business, well established, paying over one hundred per cent, profits. Address M.. postoflice box 119, city. riIHERE’S a certain saloon on the Bay where i prominent gentlemen take their lunch. They know it's good. Their wives would ask where it came from so they could get some at home. Anybody can get it from Cohen Bros.’, in the market. rpo EVERY purchaser of a stove at our X store on Monday we will give a hand some set of gold band French china cups and saucers. Sauls’ Variety Store, 22H Barnard street. T TNIVERSAL novelties, call and examine l m.v new stock, you will be sure to find something you need. Albert Duran, 06 Bull street MONDAY’S special sale of zephyrs at 5 cents per ounce. Remember Monday only. J. J. Grass DR. ,T. W. BUCHANAN has returned from Chicago where he has been talcing a post graduate course on crown and bridge work. Dr. Buchanan is now fully prepared to meet the demands of hiß many friends and acquaintances for the most scientific dental operations. MISS CANE has removed to 176 South Broad, between Barnard and Jefferson streets, and will continue doing fancy work and pinking. confectionery depot, 41V4 Bull L3 street. Savannah, Ga. We manufacture be fore the public every half hour our specialties, chocolates, cocoanut bon-bons, fruit paste bon-bons, butter cups, etc., etc. Guaranteed to be made from the best materials. We sell at retail only 25c a pound. Paul Conida, pro prietor. DANCING SCHOOL.—Mons. Berger re spectfully Informs his patrons and the Subtle in general that he wiil reopen his ancing school on Nov. 0. DID you ever try the fine mild corned beef which everybody is talking about and everybody buys and everybody eats? You uan get lg only at Cohen Bros.’, in them irlcet. SHOES to order at one day s notlco and less. We have plenty of workmen; the pick of the south as to ability of putting up fine work for our oustomers. Vinson & Cos.. No. 21 Drayton street. VE'V store, new goods, novelties of all kinds. Bicycles etc. Albert Duran, 66 Bull street." KENNICKELL’S for job printing, picture framing and art materials. See us 135 York. $T 11A FOR a pair of fine calf skin shoes •J W made to order. Same quality which cost3 $7 50 anywhere else. Work guar anteed and finish unsurpassed. E. I. Okarma, 99 Uroughton street, under Marshall house, and branch 73 Whitaker street. TITHE place to come yourself, or to send your A servant for nice steaks, roasts, vegeta bles and delicacies is Cumming’s market, 146 Price street. ALL the latest shades in embroidery silk of all kinds. Special sale for Monday, only at three cents per skein. J. J. Grass. \ r OU can have a fine suit of clothes made 1 to order from sl6. a tine pair of trousers fromjd, at A. Getz the tailor. Jefferson, near State street. He also does the best cleaning and dyeing in the city. /AUK MOTTO is Promptness, Polite and V " Courteous Attention to All. Remember we give our personal attention to repairing. Send your work to us. We appreciate favors and teturn same by giving value. Try the new shoemakers. Vinson & Cos., No. 21 Dray ton street. (Cherry’s old stand.) \VTEdye to lire. Mills & Cos.. English dyers t t and cleai ers. Dyeing and cleaning at the lowest prices. Gents suits dyed any color *2.00; steam cleaned $1.00; pants cleaned 40 cents: curtains 40 cents; gloves 5 cents. 84 Broughton street, between Liuooln and Aber corn. ALL the latest shades in embroidery silk of all kinds. Special salo for Monday, only, at three cents per skein. J. J. Grass. CIUMMING'S market supplies families with y the choicest meats and vegetables. Send your orders tin—o. 146 Price stroct, between Huntingdon at and Hall streets. Attention ladies:—“Emma” Bust Developer will enlarge your bust 5 Inches. Guaranteed. Sealed instructions 2c, or 24-page illustrated catalogue 6c. by mail. toilet Bazar, Boston, Mass. U7-HY do Cohen Bros, keep such ex cellent qualities of lieef. mutton, pork, and all the delicacies of the season? Because their trade requires it and they cater to the trade. Your orders are always carefully at tended to. and vou never make a mistake by sending to Cohen Bros, for the good things to cat which they have always at their popular stallsiu the market. . 1 ADIES! Chichester’s English Pennyroyal JJ Pills (diamond brand) arc the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4 cents (stamps! for particulars Relief for Ladles. In letter by return mail. At druggists. Chiches ter Chemical Company. I'hllauolphfcr, Pa. \\ r E GUARANTEE style and lit In every ?T instance. Try us one time and be con vinced that we put up the best shoe for the lowest price that can be had Remember our shoes are made at home and by young men struggling for top place. Try us. Vinson A Cos., No. 21 Drayton street. (Cherry's old stand.i A (EOHDEOK PLAITING -Have your piait iV in,'rt'.dy for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Goods sent off on those duys only. J. J. G raas. rpONTB-Tonta. the ladies friend, will i positively enlarge the bust tlve Inches or money refunded Guaranteed - Not a pain ful Instrument, but a pleasant, efficient, ex ternal application. Price $2. Send stamp for uotiltdentlai circular. Mrs. Dr. 11. T. Miller, 21 tjuinry Strot't. Chicago SANTAO For men only. Greatest restorer and developer known Strengthens, in vigorates Prices 2. Guaranteed Stamp for confidential circular Dr. U. T Miller, 21 putney stri ct,Chicago. PERSONAL. SURELY you can got anew trunk in ex change for your old one. Send and seo how it's done at the Chatham Trunk Factory, corner Whitaker und York streets. ”\f OTHERS, don't let vour little ones sit on -e'T the earth, but go to J. J. Grass and get one ot those mats for them. \7TOLET plants, nil varieties, cut flowers and plants Asparagus, plumosusferns. See them at Strong's drug store. 63 Hull street. George Wagner, florist. Thunderbolt road. Telephone 498. Orders promptly filled. qJOLID~ COMFORT—After 1 have treated 1 ' your feet you will wish you had called on me sooner. I cure corns, bunions and In growing toe nail. L. Davis, Resident Chirop odist. 82 Uroughton street OVERCOATS, overcoats; 309 unredeemed overcoats at $2.25 each; 160 at $4 00 each: for sale at The Old Reliable Pawnbroker House, No. 179 Congress street, E. Mublberg, manager. SOUTHERN l’awnwnbroker and Loan of fice. Arthur Deutsch, Proprietor, 154 Bryan street, between Whitaker and Bar nard. Uiberal loans made on diamonds, jew elry. watches, clocks, clothing and any other personal property. AU transactions strictly confidential BUSINESS CHANCES. tP I to sl2 income per month, on an Invest 'rl ment of $35. and no work. Investigate immediately. Address L. Galitzkl, Schiller Building, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED. AITANTED, an experienced porter for a m grocery store. None but one that has worked in a grocery need apply. D.B. I.ester Grocery Company. \\T ANTED, fifty experienced hands, to ' ' make common pants. 185 Congress street., corner Jefferson. \\T ANTED, a 13 or 14-year old boy (colored) * v to make himself generally useful about the house. 47 Gwinnett street. TIT ANTED, a competent colored nurse, V V middle aged person, without encum brances. 163 Gaston street. ANTED, A young man or boy to do * v stenographic work and assist in office. Address, lock box Z. Jacksonville. Fla., giv ing age, reference and salary expected. TSTANTED, a competent female colored * cook for small family; must be a settled woman and furnish good references; good wages to the right party. A. P. Brant ley, Blackshear, Ga, TyANTED immediately, good butler, one t v who will be generally useful. Apply Mrs. Hannon, Thunderbolt, A VTANTED, un experienced saleslady, none If other need apply. Meyer * Walsh. WANT ED, a nurse, good wages paid a i T competent one. Apply 68 New Hous ton street. HOUSEKEEPER and nurse, immediately. White lady that cun read and write, to attend a mule invalid. 44 Jefferson streot. (1 UIL for housework that can wash and < iron for small family. 41 West Broad. A GOOD home for a resjfcctable won an of thirty; out of town. Tarver's intelli gence Bureau. \yANTED, three or four good solicitors. * ' Men of energy and self-confidence can easily make from $75 to $156 per month. Ap ply to morrow (Monday) evening between 6 and 7 o'clock at 32 Bull street, room No. 5, up stairs. AGENTS make a duv. Greatest kitchen utensil ever'invented. Retails 33cts. 2to 6 sold in every house. Sample, postage i aid five cents. McMakia & For shee. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS wanted In every town in the. state; prefer men who have had some experience in the insurance business. Will pay sulary or commission. Address D. R. Wimpy. 114 Broughton.street, Savannah, Ga. (Y ENERAL or local agents - Ladles or gents * $75 a week. Exclusive territory. 'The RapidlDish Washer. Washes all the dishes for a family in about one minute. Washes, rinses and dries them without wetting the hands. You push the buttenythe machine does The rest. Bright, polished dishes, and cheerful wives. No scalded fingers, no soiled hands or clothing. No broken dishes, no muss. Cheap, durable, warranted. Circulars free. W. i*. Harrison & Cos.. Clerk No. 13,Columbus, O. CSALESMAN, to sell goods to merchants by ’ ’ sample; sllO a month for workers: samples and case furnished free; inclose stamp. Model Mf'g. Cos., SuutU Bend. Itid. AV ANTED, immediately a good cook, white f or colored. H 0 Broughton street. \\T ANTED, an active man to collect and do “ v general office work. Address M. E. M., care Morning News. A Y r ANTED, an all round workman to take f charge of blacksmith and wheelwright shop. Rocay Ford Brick Cos., Rocky Ford, Ga. TyANTED, white servant to go toThunder ’ T bolt. Apply C. August, Thunderbolt. \y ANTED, a capable white girl to do house- ’ work. Apply at 107 Bull street. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. V\7 ANTED, fancy work of all descriptions and to do at home. Special attention to wedding outfits, parlor decorations, etc. Terms extremely low. Apply Rosuufeld A Murray. 1 PRINTER wants situation: can till any po sition in printing-office; 20 years’ experi ence; references. office. AAT ANTED, by a man that thoroughly un v v demands rice culture and truck farm ing. position, best of references furnished. Address J. 8., Morning News. ATOUNd man desires position in grocery 1 store or driving wagon. Address N. F., care Morning News. \\T ANTED, by young man 20 years old. po- v sition in grocery store; will work cheap; city reference. “Employment, ’News office. TIT ANTED. 17 year-old lad wants sltua v tlon. Understands double entry book keeping nnd collecting, and can make himself generally useful, ■small salary to start on. Address Energy, this office. A YOUNG man is desirous of obtaining a position for some sort of light out-door work, such as collecting for physician, real estate, or siml’ar. Best of dty reference or bond. /adreHs S.,care Nows. AN experienced shipping clerk and book keeper Wants a position Address L. care W. de Bruyn Kops. 76H Bay street. ROuMS WAN I ED. WANTED, by lady, a room for use of pi vv ano and lessons, or place as compan ion, governess for small children or Anything else to make a living. Address S. L. M., News office. f FAMILY of three, without children, want tlat of rooms with bath by Nov. 1. State price. Address "Reg. care News. A SMALL family wants two or throe con ax. nefting rooms, conveniently situated, state location and price. Address Uobt. L. Jackson, 5 Price street. WANTS. \VTANTED, to buy a trained goat. Address v Y “Goat,” Morning News. \\T ANTED, Excelsior and other loan end ’ v hank stocks, city bonds and Central railroad securities. Austin R. Myres, broker, 114 Bryan street. HOARD WANTED —Gouple with two-year old child and young man. State terms. Address 176 Duffy street. tilT H 4 " ' have to loan on Improved city rea l estate; suitable amounts; terms easy. Platshek & Cos., citi zens Bank Building. VAT ANTED, Georgia State Loan Assor-ia ” ’ lion stock; give series and lowest price. “Purchaser,” News office. ( W if I TO loan on improved city prop •F—4’’ ''' orty from one to Hvo veins. Hammond J. Read, Provident building Room 4. \\TANTED, To rent a nicely furnished * ’ house, medium size, located between South Broad and Gaston and between liar nurd and Abercnrn streets; will purchase If satisfactory. Address P O. Box 224. 4vX (mu W> have 10 loan in suitable i,vuv amounts ou improved city real estate; terms easy. Platshek4t Cos., citizens’ Buck Budding. ROOMS TO ILffi'K RENT, basement, parlor floor anti top * floor at 1"4 Liberty street, near Bull. J. E. Fulton Si Sou. Room 4, Board of Trade. ITfOR RENT, four pleasant rooms, with large I piazza and bath, sl3. 28 Henry street. JjYOH RENT, furnished rooms, with bath. 151 Jones street. XpOR RENT, a Hat of five rooms with bath -I nml closet, same floor: $lO per month, to nice family. 218 Jefferson street, third door from Duffy. IIK)B RENT, 50 Broughton street, large A. airy rooms, modern improvements: rent reasonable. Orear Si Cos.. 50 Broughton street. lAKGE, neatly furnished room on second A floor; bath connected. 89 Congress street. fTURNISHED rooms for rent at 125 Jones street; conveniences on floor with rooms. ROOMS FOR RENT, two rooms, second • floor, single or connecting, furnished or unfurnished. 155 South Broad. "CTOR RENT, three desirable rooms, with X privilege of bath. Apply 22 Broughton stroet. IJLKASANT and convenient rooms to rent, - •with or without boutd. 56 Barnard street. KENT, parlor ami top floor, sepa rately or together, as desired: partly furnished, wuter on each floor, large yard, wood houses, reasonable to right party. 96 Montgomery streot. AVERY desirable room at 95 McDon ough street, two doors front Drayton. fTOR RENT, parlor floor, dining room and kitchen in basement, 68 St. Julian street. HOOMS FOR RENT-Parlor flat of four 1 rooms, also furnished room with bourd, 172 Liberty street. A FLAT of four rooms suitable for light -LA- housekeeping, nt 115 Abercorn street. PRIVATE family, having large house, would rent one or two handsomely fur nished rooms to gentlemen. Central locality. Address R. F. t care Morning News office. IjlOR KENT, fiat, sultal le tor light house keeping, at 172 South Broad street. Ap ply after3 p. nt. Monday. KOOMS FOR KENT, furnished nr unfur nished. Apply I*., 1 Liberty street. SIDE ROOM, nicely furnished, gas, hot ami cold bath. $1.50. Comfort, Morning News. ONE nicely furnished room, hot and cold water, gas. 52 Habersham street. TjYUKNISHED or unfurnished rooms to rent. X 36 Houston street. I AKGE single and double rooms, with I board, 163 South Broad. House newly furnished. JiJOK RENT, tlireo nice rooms with con veniences. Slate stroet, third door from Price. Apply 43 Broughton. IJIOR KENT, three or four rooms furnished or unfurnished, second floor; gas and bath. 99 President street. IjTOR KENT, a flat of four connecting rooms with use of built. 38 < narlion street. TjtOß RENT, flat of threo rooms to parties X without children. 40 Liberty Street, ItlOK KENT, flat of four rooms, gas and use • of bath. Also hull room. 168 South Broad street. TJJOR KENT, flat of-rooms, with use of bath. X 193 Perry street. rtlJ BROUGHTON street, pleasant reoms, *” J nicely furnished, en suite or single, gus and bath, ROUSES A N DSTOUES FOR RE NT. FOR RENT, house. 94 Gwinnett street, con talning 12 rooms, hot and cold water: *ls per mouth. J. E. Fulton A Son, Room 4, Board of Trade. XiTOK RENT, desirable residence, 198 New I Houston street, hot and cold water and all conveniences. J. E. Fulton A Mon, Room 4, Board of Trade. FOR RENT, house, 220 Montgomery street; $33 per mouth. J. E. Fulton Si Son, Room 4, Board of Trade. tflOR RENT, house, 46 Jones street, near Habersham; $25 per month. J. E. Ful ton Si Son, Room 4, Bonrd of Trade Building. IjFOU RENT, cheap to good tenant. 6 room - house. 272 West Broad. Apply Peruse s Drug Store. THOR RENT. No. 77 Henry street. All 1 modern improvements. Apply 7914 Hen ry street. TiVOE RENT, houses3!4 East Broad street; P sl3 per mouth. J. 16. Fultou Si Son, Room 4 Board of Trade. IjFOR rent, desirable house. 58 Habersham street; $25 per month. J E. Fulton A Son, Room 4, Board of Trade. tilOR RENT, house, 160 Duffy, near Whit aker, sls per month. J. E. Fulton Si Son, Room 4, Board of Trade. LJ(lit RENT, that desirable residence, 64 T Barnard street, facing Orleans square. J. E. Fultou & Mon, Room 4, Board of Trade. Clou RENT, Nov. 1, residence lf.B Henry; A all conveniences. Apply 1(0 Henry. rpo RENT, a house of four rooms and a A- kitchen. Apply 64 Broughton street. IjFOR RENT, three story house, No. 44 . Macon, betweun Habersham and Price. E. J. Kennedy. THOR RENT, store anl barroom, corner A- Bay and Fann. Apply 02, Farm street. IjFOR RENT, two new houses on New Hous - ton street; second and third door west of Barnard. Rental low to desirable parties. Apply to Appel & Schaul. THOR RENT, No. 92 Waldburg street. Ap -1 ply to R. S. Claghorn, 90 Bryan street. IFOR RENT, 208 New Houston street. Ap ply to It. S. Claghorn, 90 Bryan street. THOR RENT, house 150 Hull street between J 1 Whitaker and Barnard. Apply next door. 1710 it RENT. House 77 Jefferson street, near . Liberty, S3O per month. J. E. Fulton A Mon, Room 4, Board of Trade Building. IHOit RENT, House 46 Hull street, *2O per Aj month. J. E. F'ulton Si Son, Room 4, Board of Trade. IFOR RENT, Large house. Anderson street, 1 second west of Barnard; $25 per month. J. E. Fultou & Mon, Room 4, Board of Trade Building. J7VOR KENT, Store and residence above. 67 1 Oak street, $25 per mouth. J. E. Fulton A Son, Room 4, Board of Trade Building. T/lOli KENT. Small store. 142 Bryan street, I near Whitaker; sls per month. J. E. F’ulton A Son, Room 4, Board of Trade. TTIOIt RENT, several nicely located small A. houses at rentals ranging from $7 to $25 per month Waithour A Rivers, Agents, 103 St. Julian street. I IVOR RENT. Duffy and Bull strocls, south -1 west corner, that very desirably situated two story frame tenement, having all the modern improvements and conveniences; rent very reasonable. Apply to Waithour A Rivers, Agents, 103 Mt. Julian street. mHAT very desirable two story on English A basement frame tenement southeast corner of Ai ercorn and Dully streFts; has all the lat est improvements ana conveniences: rent very reasonable. Apply to Waithour A Rivers, Agents, 103 St. Julian street. LFOR RENT, that very desirable tenement, A No. 169 Jones street, a few doors west or Barnard: has all the modern Improvements and conveniences; rent very reasonable: jot session given immediately. Apply to Wal tbour A liivers, Agents IU3 St Ju lar ■ (4 ASTON street, first und second door east I of Alter, inn those two very desirable tenements, having been lately renovated throughout, are ottered lor rent; they have all the latest modern Improvements ami are In perfect condition. F'or terms, etc., apply to VVa'tbour A Rivers, Agents, lIM Ml. Julian street. UTORE. corner of Whitaker. St Julian and ► F Cut gr ks streets, can be rented from No vember ioy an acceptable tenant. This is otic of the tery bed stands In tbe city (or either a retail or wholesale business rent very reasonable. Apply to V\ allhour A Rivers, Agents. 103 St, Julian street -IFOK RENT, lug llurrls, and " Gwinnett streets. Apply to R b. Claghorn. 96 Bryan street- HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENX AITTIITAKER and Taylor streets, south tenement, having ull the conveniences and modern Improvements. Is offered for rent; possession given immediately; rent veiy rea sonable to acceptable tenant. Apply to Wttl thour 3t Rivers, Agents. 103 St.-Julian street. fit If AT very desirable three-story on base- I ment brick tenement, southwest corner of Drayton ami Congress streets, is offered for rt nt. ’J ills is one of the finest locations in the city for a good boarding house, being cen trally located und convenient to the business center. For terms, etc., apply to Walthour & Rivi Hi Agents. 103 St. Julian street. TiIORRENT, new-elght-roomhouseon Ander i son street, third door from Paulsen, elec tric lights hot and cold water und all modern convent, o -s. $25 per month. P. R. Cohen, 99 Congrt v, street. I Dor RENT. 101 Taylor streot. Apply to H. S. - flag horn, 96 Bryan street. SEVERAL very desirable houses. In best, location, at low rent. Salomon Cohen, 6 Bull street. 7|3(> RENT, No. 190 New Houston street X from Nov. 1, 1393. Titos. A. PoUiard. fIOR RENT, a large, nice houso. contain ing 8 rooms, on Whitaker street, north of Anderson. Possession given at once. Thos. A. Foil lard. iDOR RENT, No. 179 Henry street, contaln -1 ingT rooms and bath, with large yard. Possession given at once. Thos. A. Folllurd. rpo RENT. 4 nl e houses, containing 7 X rooms and bath, at $12.50 per month. Thos. A. Folilard. rpo RENT, anew houseon Gwinnett street X with ail modern improvements. Apply John Jnchter. southwest corner Hall and Tattnall streets. rpo KENT, store, Drayton and President X stieets. Apply to John Derat, Trustee. rpo RENT, 2 nice brick houses on Tattnall X street, north of Huntingdon, with all the latest Improvements, und will rent to a good tenant rlirap. Thos. A. Folilard. rpo RENT, a nice two-story house on 2 1 Avenue, east of Abercorn street, con taining seven rooms and bath. Thos. A. Fol llurd. LXiR RENT, two story houso with stables X and a largo yard, on Ogeechee toad, cor ner Sarah street. Inquire next door. H’OUSE for rent, 158'i Taylor; all im provements. M. F. Uowden, 2UO Brough ton street. 1 MONTGOMERY, north Gwinnett, good * locat ion, modern conveniences, terms reasonable to good tenant. XiOK RENT, two houses of the brick row X on Liberty street, between Price und Habersham streets. Apply. Peter Reilly. TjtOß RENT, small store, with residence nt * tarhi-il Convenient to Central railroad. Also small residence adjoining. Kent very low to un acceptable tenant. Peter Reilly. LDOK KENT, that very desirable residence, X No. 81 New Houston stroet. Every con venience. Possession Nov. 1. Peter Reilly. IjOR rent Desirable house at isle of X Hope. Apply lo John \V. Burroughs. CIHKAPEST bouse in Savannah. A Uhroom > house on Anderson street, third door from Barnard, with ull modern improve incuts, ut *25.00 por month. Apply at 173 South Broad street, or on premises. IDOH RENT, reasonable, new commodious X dwelling, corner Jlonry and Lincoln; all conveniences. Apply on premises. IDOK RENT, a large 3-story brlclt house, 60 West Broad stroet. Apply to Henry Uirsch, TTIIVE-ROOM houso, Charlton street near X West Broad. Ten dollars per month. Two hundred Gwlnnott. Wit) per month rents those nice 4-room *P 1"A houses with kitchen, on Niools streot near S. F. A W. depot. Apply Gresham’s grocery, West Broad and Jones streot, Hen ry Groot, TjFOK KENT, a two-story 7-roont house, with A water ami gas, on Charlton, between Jefferson and Montgomery streets. Apply 91 Montgomery. IjFOli RENT, two wharf stores and two on . Williamson street, at foot of Jefferson street. Apply to Herman Myers. Lion KENT, u good store on Broughton A 1 street, located under tbo Marshall Houde. Apply at that hotel. T7FOR RENT, a store on the southwestern A) corner of Broughton and Aberoorn; also store on Aberoorn, second door south of Broughton. For particulars, apply to S. Guckenhelmer A Sons, Bay and Jefferson streets. IFOR RENT, from Ist October, house No. 113V4 Duffy street, between Bull and Drayton. All modern conveniences and to bo put In thorough order. Apply to Champion & Garmuny, 118 Bryan street. IjFOR RENT, Oct. 1. 7-room dwelling, 200 1 Bolton street, corner Montgomery, *25.00 per mouth: till modern conveniences. Apply to J. T. Mhuptrine, 177 Congress street. riFWD comfortable houses for ront to good L tenants at reduced price. Apply corner Charlton- Whitaker, or 157 Broughton. Jacob Cohen. STORE No. 52 Fast Broad. Easy terms to acceptable tenant. Choice stand for gro cery. Vacant Ist October. W. J. ilarty. TJVJR RENT, residence, No. 161 Waldburg 1 street, from Oct. 1. Apply J. E. Fulton A Mott, 91 Bay street. ITIOR RENT, desirable residence. 183 Ilray - ton, fronting nark. Apply i’eter T. F’oyc, 153 Broughton mriit. IjFOR RENT, those desirable residences No. I 109 and 111 Barnard street, fronting on ( hatbam square. Possession given imme dlately. Apply R. S. Claghorn. THOR RENT, the premises. 161 Congress A. street, now occupied by Dryfus A Rich; possession Oct. 1. Apply to Geo. W. Owens, 124 Bryan street. THOR RENT, from Oct. 1, No. 194 Barnanl J’ and Bolton streets. All modern Improve ments. Apply at 183 Liberty etreeb |7!OR RENT, from October Ist, houses num JT bars 90G and 92 Jones street. Apply t Champion A Gurmiinv, 118 Bryan street. FOR SALE. ON MONDAY will sell Gilt Edge Shoe Pol ish for 20 cents. Star Shoe -Store. TjFOR SALE, green grocery, license and ttx- A tures. cheap, s7d. Address Butcher, care Morning News. LFOU SALE, lady's safety bicycle, In first- I class order. Cheap for cash. A. K. Wil son, 188 Cong ress. U* 1 O FOR No. 7 fiat-top coal cooking stove, •P I £ with all utensils. Sauls' Variety Store. 2214 Baruard street. ON MONDAY will sell men's hand-sewed shoes for $3.30, regular price $4.75. Star Shoe Store. Ml LK for sale. Any one wishlnrgood milk, rati ha ve it served at their door by apply ing at 201 Perry street. J. B. Barthelmess. IFOR SALE, fast mare, very kind, three years old, cheap. 43 West Broad street. ON MONDAY will sell ladies’ $3 50 and *3-shoe fur $2.45. Star Shoe Store. TF.OH SALE, a 2 story beer box. zmo lined, Jc 2 coils best block tin pipe (70feet i, 2 pat ent key lancets with coupling complete. 2 nickel plated drop faucets; till In first class order. George Beekmau, Jefferson und Con gress street lane. Rtf* FOR No. 6 stepstove, with utensils. pl/ i-auls’ Variety Store, 22)4 Barnard street. ___ TiFOK SALE. 96 Anderson street. Apply 95 A 1 Henry street. /AN MONDAY will sell children's spring \ r heel shoes, with patent leather tip, 65 cent*. Star .-hoe Store. 1.1011 SALE, at Ouilmartln A Co.'s, two fine Jc milkers and four fine springers, dj.) tiilt BUYS two houses and lot on •p—, I"A Lincoln Mm t netting over 10 tier cent. Win. J Mlscaliy, Jr., Provident Building. ON MONDAY will nell men's tan shoes for $1 W star shoe Store. KAf.E, ttie best paying business la the city. For particulars eali at 44f and 1(/F ON Hail street 'J bis Uan elegant sip i uatiuu m.d jtipt t!,e rigid jdacii for a nice realdebcq. Wiu J■ Miattaily, Jr riIATEMVILL® lots are all the rage; only Ia few left; Savannah s next annex. Sea Rosslgnoh ■% I YDDIjETON lots are only twelve dollars, aTI and are on weekly or monthly payments. Sco Kosslgno). _________ ACTON lots, at twenty dollars, are the acme of investments. Now Is your oj>- port unity. Rossignol. ItfAYNK lots: this beautiful subdivision ▼ t for only tlfty dollars, in weekly pay ments. See KoHsitfnol. TVTHKKE on earth has mortal done a* ▼ much for the poor to own land? Kossi#- nol. HMM.I v Of ▼ t topographical ascendency, and only sixty doizurd each; monthly payments. Koi sUrnoi. HOSSIGNOL’S AtJENT will visit his temvllle prope: tv this afternoon, for a little recreation and pleasure. _____ ]OT on Fifth street. Very cheap, and on i easy terms. lJon’twait too late. Ros sitfnol. LOTS. Seventh .street, next week on J monthly payments. See Uossignol, the real estate man. rpwo THOUSAND DOLLARS buys nice 1 home Paulsen and Anderson streets. See Ko-.ML'nol, real date. KOSSIGNOL, the largest real [estate dealer here, is located at M Bryan street. Call. T7MGHT HUNDKKD DOLLARS, on easy JOj payments, buys two nice houses on Rey nolds street. See Kossi^nol. fIIHRIB beautiful lots in Collinsville on I easy and accessible terms. Kossignol, tin’ real estate mao. 1 MAGNIFICI palatial in all -/V appointments and modern in all its con veniences. See Kossignol. TaIOTI lots and houses on any terms and any- J wh< $ P t*. - ult i lines RossignoL IOI’S south of Anderson street on monthly i payments. Come aud inquire. Ko.stijj* nol, the realty man. A BEAUTIFUL store property, suitable - for prosperous grocery trade. Don’t lose opportunity. Consult Kossitfnol. NOW IS the time to buy realty. The repeal of the Sherman act booms, liossig nol. tillVE THOUSAND dollars on easy pay -I merits buys one of the prettiest homes extant. Seo Kossitfnol. Jj OUSES AND lots in every part of the I city. 1 will call. Send me word. Kos slgnol. ( it k CENTS per set. lurpe Kold band, French "Lf china cups and saucers. Sauls’ Variety Store, ii2V£ Barnard street. ON MONDAY will sell shoe blacking, our regular goods, for 3 cents a box. Stay Shoo Storo. IAOR SALE, mocking bird; tlno singer; -1 very tame; wlii sell cheap. Address, Cheap, News office. BUYS a iot on Anderson streot :\Q *P 4 *)Vr feet wide. Good locality. Win. J. Mlscaily, Jr.,Provident Building. ON MONDAY will soli boys’ calf shoes for $1.05. Star Shoe Storo. IjlOR SALE, cheap on easy terms, or will a 1 exchange for city property; lift acre* of fertile land near the city. Address Laud, News oiUce. I OTS ON Ninth and Tenth streets. Wilf AJ sell on remarkably easy terms. Only a few left in this locality. Wm. J, Migcally* Jr, ( \N MONDAY will sell men’s tan bluchers J for $1.90; regular price jfl. Star Shoe Store. I‘IOR SALE, phaeton, suitable for lady or doctor, almost new. ut less than one half cash. A. S. Eiehberg, .'1 Bull street. <J* 1 l/l BUYS a corner lot on Lincoln tp street, in good locality. Wm. J. Miscully, .Jr. ON MONDAY will tell ladies* f6~und tfn shoes fur if., star Shos Store. IaOK SALE, grocery goml A. business, in a tino location; rent reasona ble; cause for selling, 111 heaitlp Address D. J.. Morning News. rJ-UOOM house on Anderson street, new ami ' with all conveniences, on u largo lot. Wm. J. Miscally, Jr. ON MONDAY will sell our ff 6 men s hand seuei shoes for >1,76. Star Shoe Store# SHINGLES for sale -To close out oid stock. we offer cypress shingles sl.f>o and s£.so nor thousand at mill. Boats can lund at mill. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. brick house and all conveniences ® on Howard street with large lot running through to Haruard street. Make me an offer, will sell cheap. Wm. J. Miscully, Jr. ON MONDAY~wufsel 1 G 1 y cerokTshoo Pol* ish for 20 conts. Star Shoo Store. IAORSALE, a paying and well established -F business in the city. For Information call at 40 and 4H, West Broad. IOT ON Barnard street near (Jaston 13 feet J wide. Malm offer, will sell* reasonable. Wm.J. Miscally, Jr. _ / vn .!< >’ I ) \>' will sell our men’s |8 V 7 the Veteran Shoe included, fors-V65. Star Shoe Store. IjIOR BALE* second-hand nrj) . Good order, cheap; ajso lu, 12 and 15- horse power. Lombard iron Works, Auguata, Ga. $0 (t( )(| HOUSE on Berrien: 0 rooms and i),HOv hath. Large lot. good location. Wm. J. Mlscaliy, Jr., Provident Building. I IFOR SALE, handsome, 3-story residence, 1 136 l’erry street, on Chippewa square. Address T. P. Bond Marietta. Ga. KUSSELL cottage at Thunderbolt. Cot tage has four rooms with kltchou at tached. Servants' quarters, feed house, sta ble. buggy shed and an elegant' garden in front. Lot 50x400. Give me a call and gel terms. Wm. J Mlscaliy, Jr. CFOWS— Whv can't I sell you nice young, J fresh, milker? Shall be us rnpresentei when she goes on the cars. J. E. Poag, Kook Hill, S- C. T.FOR SALE, the largest and best assorted F stock of white pine sash, doors, blinds, moldings, etc., etc., In the south; also all standard brands of pure white leads, colors, dry and In all mixed paints, varnishes, eto.; mill supplies; builders' Hardware is my spec ialty; lime, plaster and hair; direct Importa tions of Hoscndale and Portland cement; sewer, culvert and tlue pipe, all sizes, bends, traps, Ts, etc.; call or write for my pricos and get estimates before buying. Andrew Han ley. IOST last evening on Broughton street, a -( ladies' silver watch with Initial L. F. Finder will please return to this office and re ceive reward. I' OST, on Liberty between S. F. & W. rall i way office and Price street, a large of ficial envelope containin; papers addressed to F. G. (iußignon. Liberal reward if re turned to 56Liberty street. TOST on Wednesday, bank book No. 22.30$ i on Southern Bank State Georgia In name of Mary Ella Unite Finder will please re turn to B-, Bay street. BOAHOING. \\rANTED, a few nice table and room Tv boarders: very desirable rooms. 189 McDonough street. JjFUKNISH ED rooms and table board at 78 J Jiabershum, near Liberty street. S~ fevERAL gentlemen can find rooms and board, 166 Liberty street; table Hoarders also. rjFWO gentlemen can he accommodated with JL room and board In private family. “S,” News office. ' I VESIRABLE accommodation for a fat* AA boarders. Meals scat. Terms moder ate. 53 Jones street. ______________ \ISANTED, two young men or gontle- V v man and wife to board In private family: no other boarders: rtelifhtftuiy sit. rrtrV newly furnished bedroom; gas und use of hath; references exchanged- Address, X.. iwnVNewi. EDUCATIONAL. idtolir* wifitul. 17h Hull vtrset. Ilf AMTKIi. *<#w j/ tU* r>|r yuuiMr n tiMiy *>i<j La* vl Will i*a .: ui* rtua .uimi •Mfi- Ayyb Muf *id> 3