The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 01, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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IIjEI IjE STARS IN MIPpMER Eirth to Pass the Aaelion Point ' oi Its orbit Tuesday lorning. Still the Morni* Star and Keeping About Two H urs Ahead of tbe Sun—Mars Swiiginir Into a favorable Position fo Observation. The Constellations aid Fixed Stars. . 1 4 o'clock on the mcming of the 3rd the earth will pass thedphelion point of j.‘ s o rbit. The planet Mercury, which fc " s been recently visit* in the west, will ‘ e in aphelion and sta ionary on the nth. It will be in inferior conjunction on the t’oth. VENIS. Venus is still mornng star, and it may be seen at dawn shi(ig brightly in the e ist about two and l half hours in ad vance of the sun. fts motion is almost directly from us uot, and apparently to ward the sun. Its risition is not a very favorable one for observation. M AIS. This interesting wild is now swinging into a very favorable (osition for observa tion It is morning itar, and passes the m* ridian at 5:44 o'cldk. It is now almost exactly on the verni equinox. and this circumstance will eiable the observer to locate that important planet in the heav ens In October wt will be nearest to Mars, an opportunity to which astrono uj' is are looking witl much iutercst. satikn. Saturn is in the coistellalion Virgo and is about six degree) northwest of the bright star Spica. Jtcrosses the meridian at 6:33 o’clock p. m. It is now in tine position for observation, and a telescope will easily reveal ns rings and one or more of its eight moils. IRAJUS. T’ranus occupies a position about three degrees west of Alpha Libre. It is s arcely visible to the naked eye although an opera glass will reveal it distinctly. It crosses the meridian at 7:50 o’clock p. m., and is stationary on the 19th. Neptune and Jupiter ate not visible this month. HIE CONSTETXATIOXS ASU THE FIXED STAKS. Draco and Ursa Minor are above Pola ris in the north. Ursa Major is west, and Cassiopeia below and to the east. The Dolphin (Job's cottinl ii well up in the east. Cygnus is half way to the meridian, and Lyra nearly overhind. Capricornus is rising, Sagittarius is next, Scorpio, with its long tail swinging along the hori zon, is in the south, Lll/ra past the merid ian, Virgo midway, a4iJ Leo Slitting. Al most directly overhead is Arcturus, and a little to the northeast is the Northern Crown, a beautiful semi-circle of spark ling stars. The largo red star iu Scorpio is Antares. This star and Spica are im mediately in tho moon's path now. Otis Asumohe. STATISTICS OF THE PORT. June Arrivals and Tonnage-The Ves sels and Their Rigs. The Mousing News gives to-day the total number of vessels arriving at this port during the last month, with the rigs, nationality and not tonnage. The number does not include the arrivals at quarantine or Tybee, bu t only those ves sels which have arrived at the wharves and have discharged cargo, or in ballast and loading. It does not include river or inland coast steamers, nor does it includo vessels under 100 tons. The arrivals with their rig and nationality, are as follows: St’msb'ps. Shps. irks. Brig Sell's. T'l American 30 1 1 15 47 British 4 .. 4 Norwegian.. .. I 15 .. .. 16 Swedish 1 2 .. .. I! German ~ 1 .. .. 1 Belgium ... 1 .. .. |; Total ....35 2 19 1 15 72 Steam. Sail. Total American 47,419 7,600 55.079 British , 4,906 * 906 Norwegian .. 8.005 10.032 Swedish 2,550 2,650 German 812 842 Belgium 1.832 1,882 Total 54.217 21,084 75, SOI A Bin DAY FOR SHORT ENDERS. Horses With Big Odds Against Them TurnUp Winners at Chicago. Chicago, June 30.—When the racing commenced at Washington Park this afternoon the weather was delightful and the track lightning fast, but after the second race it began to rain, and the Queen Isabella stakes were run in a driving rain storm and over a muddy track. The stake feature was the third event, and with an even dozen starters, made it worth £10,145 to the winner. Marcus Daly’s filly, Gwendoline, with Midgley up, was made the favorite at 4 to 1, but the best she could do was third, tho winner turning up in Clara Bauer, a 20 to 1 shot. Summaries: first liace—One mile anil seventy yards. Imp Percy, 107. C. Weber. 12 to 1. won, with Plutus second and flora Thornton third. Time P 4 2 1. i-eiond Itaoe—Five-eighths of a mile, ltey Bel Pl| redes. ill, Vankurren. 8 to 5, won. with Diggs second and Hosita third Time 1 |4 Third liace The Queen Isabella stakes, o[ ,‘ mile Clara Hauer. 117. Kay. 20 to 1, won. "iih Seliku second and Gwendoline third. Time I:4i. fourth Race—One and one-sixteenth miles. Hhllura. 93. Chevalier, 20 to I. won, with ti cly second and Enthusiast third. Time 1:50 .. Filth Race- -Three-quarters of a mile. Imp. . omersuuli. 119, Kav.ato l, won. witn Banton second and Strathrol third. Time 1:17 1 1 Nxth Race Three-utarters of a mile. s *der Mary, 117. K. Williams. 3 to 1. won, "nh \melia Mav second and Tho Sculptor third, time l ; ioj^. MIKE DVEK LOSES {210,000. K:ice Track, Sheepshead Bay, Juno •P I'he weather was heavy and threat filing here to-day, witii every indication of ah approaching tii under storm. The attendance, however, was large, and “ • t 10,000 persons were present. Die card was rather attractive, and -contained two stake events—the Spring Mam s for 2-year-olds, and the Mermaid Mam s for il-year-oid liilies. 1 in' Spring stakes was won by Walt/.er, a prohibitive favorite, in an easy fashion. Garrison had the mount. I lie Mermaid stakes was secured ci'ilv. Hcldetnere, a six to one shot beat h'g'.iu-favorite Nalima by a nock. Die fifth race was tho best of the day and i mlcd in a dead heat between Ban lju,M and Ramapo, both horses making a M'ari'l conn st. The run off was won by Banquet amid the greatest exeitoment. A P. Dwyer made one of his greatest P tiil'i s of the year on Stonenell, in tho mst race, his wagers being-estimated at ’ "'dim Stonenell ran very disappoint j'P' .y, being easily beaten by two lengths orruction, on whom the betting was -‘"ld Roiltnau, the favorite, won the "’'Tieohase in easy fashion, but was dis '<nalitied and Lucknow, a 20 to 1 chance, ran set ond, was declared the winner, ■summaries follow: l i'llld'-f— futurity course. Correction, i ittletield, 13 to 10, won, with Stonenell Liselg third. Time 1:10 3-5. 1 > "ml Knee-The Spring slakes, futurity u > n- nlG.i'r. 126, Garrison. Ito 4. won. 1 i iavo ° second and Mirage third. Time o ,‘.'d, l ' Race—'['he Mermaid stakes, one ami te l u- lt l fnili’S Heldatnore. 117 Smiths. 6 , ■ 'on ith Nahjnu second andClemlntena '"Jf 1 , tmielijo, tth Rail 1 i >ne mile. Ducat. 117. Simms. . ;"on. with Captain T. second and Tom I I'?/ th| rd. Time I 39 4-5. . u n Knee ono and one eighth utiles. Ramapo, 125, Harrison. 4to n and Banquet. PS. Simms. 8 to 5. ran a dead heat for tlrst place. Redskin was third. Time 1 ST. In tbe run of Hanouet won. wuh Kamapo second. Time 2:02 15. Sixth Race—Steeplechase over the full course. Lucknow. P: to 1. won. with Japonica second and Mogul third, lime 5:20. Hod man. 2to 1, won the race, but was unquali fied. MOVEMENT OF MELONS. Destination of the Shipments Over the 8., F. & W. Thomasville, Ga., June 30.—'The cars of melons were shipped to-day as follows: To Atlanta, 5; Anniston, Ala., 2; Balti more, 7; Birmingham, Ala ,1 : Brunswick, Ga., 1 ; Butte, Mont., 1 ; Cincinnati, 0.. 6; Chicago, 111., 5; Charleston, S. C., 4; Cleveland, 0., 1; Chattanooga, Tenn., 1; Coumbus, 0., 8; Cold Water, Mich., I; Columbia, S. C.. I ; Chillicothe, 1 ; Detroit, Mich., 1 ; Decatur, 111 .I : Dubuque, la., 2; Kvansville, lnd., 1: Indianapolis, Ind , 4; Jersey City 1 : Knoxville, Tenn., 1 : Ixiuis ville, Ky.,3: Lexington, Ky.. 3; Memphis, Tenn., 1; New York 12; Nashville, Tenn., 8; Newark, N. J., 3; New Orleans, La., 5; Philadelphia, f>: Pittsburg, Pa., 3; Providence. K. 1., l; Savannah, Ga., I; St. Louis.iMu., 4; Washington, C. 11., 0., 1; Havana, Cuba, 1. Total 97. Total to date 1,582. Newnansville'B Delegates. Newnansville, Fla., June3o. Newnans ville precinct elected tho following dele gates to the county convention which meets at Gainsville on Jtily 10: W. C. Hovers, E. I). Hodges, G. I’. Olinstead, J. L. Dupuis, J N. D. Cloud, C. W. Stevens, T. 11. Cato, J. M. Shaw, Joeb Richard! and George W. Easterten The delegates go instructed to vote that all the county nominations be made by pri mary election. This will be contrary to the recent call made by tho county exec utive committee. A majority of the dele gates will favor only candidates who will pledge themselves in favor of a railroad commission aud other reforms badly needed. C. F. Hitch Dead. Homerville, Ga.. June 30.—C. F. Hitch, a citizen and prominent business man of this place, died this morning at Indian Springs, where he had gone three weeks ago for his healtn. lie had been suffering some time from a complication of diseases. His remains are i xpeeted to-night, and will be interred in the cemetery at this place to-morrow. Official Record for the Meriting Nevis. Local forecast fur Savannah and vicinity till midnight. July 1. lsl: Threatening weather, with occasional rains: slight changes In temperature: easterly winds, probably in creasing in force. Forecast for Georgia Generally fair: con tinued high temperature: variable winds. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah, i la., on June 30. 1814, with the normal for the day: Departure Total Trjlperatpke. front the departure j j normal j since Normal. Mean. or— Jan. 1,1894. '1 80 -1 j -|-12 Comparative rainfall statement: Departure | Total Vrrrrvi Amount from tho departure * 'j fo normal. since. June3o.’94. j or— Jan. 1,1894. .20 .08 .17 - 7 11 Maximum temperature, 87 : ; minimum tem perature. 72 c . The hight of the Savannah river at Augusta at H a. in. c7sth meridian time* yesterday was 12.2 feet, a fail of 2.5 feet during the preceding twenty four hours. The Cotton Bulletin for twenty four hours ending 6p. m., June HO. 1394, 75th Meridian lime. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations Districts. j Average. XT AMr a of Max Min. Rain names. jSjB Tea, Tern. fall. Atlanta ! 11 94 70 | .12 Augusta ! 11 94 66 39 Charleston j 5 88 70 .22 Galveston 1 22 90 74 .00 Little Rock 13 102 72 .CO Memphis 13 98 74 .05 Mobile 10 100 72 . 00 Montgomery 7 98 76 .00 New Orleans 1.3 *9B to .00 Savannah 13 96 70 ■ <0 Vicksburg 7 ! 9.8 74 j .21 Wilmington—j .. j .00 Stations of I Max. Min. Kain savannah Distrk t. Tem Tern. fall. Albany 104 j 72 ; 00 Alapuha 96 I 6 j .09 Amevicus 98 j 72 , .00 Bain bridge 100 72 00 Cordelc 102 j 70 | .20 Kastman 92 , 68 .05 Fort Caines 100 76 j .00 Gainesville,'Fla 90 ' 08 I .30 Mi lien 96 j 68 j .28 Quitman 98 1 01 Savannah 87 * 72 ! .08 Thomasville 94 j 70 , .12 Waycross 92 | 68 63 Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations for the Morning News : H Wind.| S: g p Name £ o |< ! P, State c 5 . 2-' ** or 3 ’ 8 !l f 5 OF Station. g p j : Wf.atheii. Norfolk ; 78 Si 10: .00 ( Cloudy Hatteras .. 76 S E 12 .OOCloudy Wilmington T 4 N K 61 .38,(.'loudy Charlotte 6g ; N E L .32 Cloudy Raloigh - 761 E I, .On Cloudy Charleston. 78-N E 14 .00 Pt’ly cloudy Atlanta 82 j N 6 .00 Clear Augusta, ... 70 N 14 1 *'4 Raining Savannah ... 78 E 8* .03 Cloudy Jacksonville..... 80 NK; rr .oociear Titusville 80 E 12 .0 1 Pt'lycloudy Jupiter 76 S l: .00 Clear Key West 82 SW if. l Cloudy Tampa ' 74 NW 6' .72 Raining I'ensucula j 82 SW 8 T Cloudy Mobile 80 S E 12 .00 Ptlv cloudy Montgomery.... 91 NE L; .00,Clear Meridian 92 NW L: .00 Clear Vicksburg ! * New Orleans 91 N 6; .ooClear Fort Smith ! Galveston ' 81 s 8 tO Clear Corpus Christ!. ! B.'s F.ji6i .Oo!Ciear Palestine ... 92|NW|L| 001 Clear P. H. Smyth. Observer, Weather Bureau. HOTfcLS. YOU-:-CAN-:-DANCE Every Evening TO COBB'S FAMOUS MUSIC, take; a surf: BATH, Or bit on the wide verandas jfIOTEL TYBEE, And enjoy the cool breezes. RrtTES: to #*o.oo per week. #3.dl per liny. All meals 75 cent* BIIHSN & COWSN. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. JULY 1. ISOI. \C U RES OTHERS! Disease follows a run-down system with the liver inactive and the blood disordered. Pimples, Boils, Sores, Carbuncles, Ulcers, and like manifestions of impure blood, should lie driven out of the system with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. SMrs. Kuhn. 61S E. ltith St.. ,Ycit Fork <s7 y. writes as fol lows : “It pleases me to state that I hnd a running sore upon my neck, and had it operated upon threo times, find still it was not cured. 1 was also run-down very much. Then’ was a decided change after using Ur. Pierce's ..s'.isl i Golden Medical [ig rW covery. I took a ? few bottles and was Mrs. Kuhn. soon cured. Later tny husband bad a lump behind his ear; he tried your medi cine, and one bottle cured him. 1 shall always*recommend your medicines.” [why NQm^o;u?i CHEAP ADVERTISING, ONE CENT A WORD. A DVERTISEMENT9, 10 words aw more, In this column Inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash In Advance, ea<v inaertloa. Anybody who hss any want to supply, any thing to buy or soli, any business or sooocn mod a Ilona to secure indeod, anv wish to gratify, should Qdvortise in this column. PERSONAL. gold and‘*:lver." Look up the old v ’ trunk 1 etore going to the country and bring the old watch c am. nick-nacks tore exchanged for new ones, or get the cash at Fcvea’s, the reliable jeweler. 11J Broughton street. 'TUSSLE patwr of all kinds: stars spangles. * i-raids, etc., fur dre.v ing dolls. at.L.L Grass . \f EATS by the earload, the linest eter * l roughi to the city; we want you to see them: yu;. will say -o on when you try them. A 1 Bros., in the market. k > El RJGEKA buy cue while weather is hot; will sell them cheap this week. The Miller Company. Mbs M V HAM L.TOV, the dressmaker is now located at in Jones street. J FURNITURE repaired and polished, mat tresses renovated and leaned, furniture carefully {Kicked for shi, ping; all work guar anteed. Lewis Boriss, upholsterer and cabinet maker, No. 72 York s.reut. J \RKS ■: ’' i . erfect tit. satisfa t gaaranteed. 15! Montgomery street. MATTRESSES properly renovated; furni ture upholstered, repaired and safely {jacked. 1a by carriages r. novated; lowest prices; reliable work. Fox. Whitaker and Hull streets. \riAVi is attracting the attention of the ladies of our city. Mrs Grady will be glad to toll you about this it you will cull at 42 Liberty street. H AMMOCKS, woven wire, ralance, and other test types; mosquito nets, all kinds; closing out cheap, lhe Miller Com pany. r INHERE is no establishment in the country * bundling better beet, spring lamb. veal, otc.. than we ar . For tho choicest cuts, you must see Cohen Bros., iu the market. HECEIVED. from the largest importing houses of Now York, an assortment of line soring and summer goods. Suits made to order from #l6 up; pants from .ft. also cleaning, repairing and dyeing at reasonable prices. Call at A. Gotz\ The Tailor, 31 Jeffer son street. **II <>T nights, ain't they:" ‘Well, yes; * 1 but I sleep comfortably.” “How s > ' ' Why, because Fox. on Whitaker street, renovateu my mattresses thoroughly and has done s > satisfactorily for ten years, and more over, if you give him hair, you get it all back. Just try him once and sleep comfortably. IJKOPERTY owners who would avoid the annoyance of bad. leaky roof* and save their money, can protect themselves by using Armitage s asphalum roof paints; will out wear the most costly lead or oil paints, and are handsome, dura! le, preservative, inex pensive and fireproof. For sheds, burns, etc., try their two or three ply rooting. Call or address, J. Clement Courtenay, Agent, 103 Bay street. sJKK our umbrella covers before having your umbrella recovered elsewhere. J. J. < Iras 3. BRIDAL chamber suites; choice designs in oak. walnut, birch and mahogany Ex amine our mammoth stock. The Miller Com pany. I ADIIKS will do well by entrusting their J market orders to Cohen Bros., who at tend to furnishing all that they may want for dinner. ATTENTION, LADIES: “Emma'' Bust - V Developer will enlarge your bust f> inches. Guaranteed. Sealed instructions 2c. or 21 page illustrated catalogue 6c. by mail. Emma Toilet Bn, ar. Boston, Mass. !>AI’F.R dolls of all description to amuse th** little ones at J. J. Grass’. DO you want money? If ho. you can get all you want on your diamonds, watches, jewelry, clothiug, tools, guns, pistols, etc.., and on almost anything of value, at the Old Reliable Pawnbroker House, 179 Congress street. E. Muhl erg. manager. HELP WANTED. \l T \NTEI). first-class moulder, must be ca . pablo taking entire charge of foundry. Address “Foundry," Morning News. \NTEi), competent machinist to operate * t machine shop. Address “North," Morning News. N" 17USE—Competent nurse wanted; one accustomed to children, call at low llenry street. 1117 ANTED Are you a Catholic? Are you t> unemployed'- Will you work for $lB per week: Write to-day. J. E. Gay. 56 Fifth avenue, Chicago. 111. AA’HITE female cook, good wages, fine yy home; German preferred. Inquire at (Reinhart's) market, corner .South Broad and Jefferson. \ 17ANTED, a middle aged colored woman y\ for general hous< work, reference re quired Address ( hamberma and. Nows offiej. WANTED, ladies to do writing for me at ▼ home. Can earn f’o per month. Posi tion permanent. Send self addressed stamped envelope for reply. Address Hattie Dwire, Buchanan. Mich. Wf ANTED, agents. Sample sashlook free yy by mall for 2c stamp. Immense, un rivalled Only good one ever invented. Beats weights. Sales unparalleled. sl2 a day. Brohard (Box 05). Philadelphia. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. nO N'T you need a good cook, white or black, or other help* Tarver Intelli gence Bureau. \\ r ANTED, position by experienced nurse; yy monthly or otherwise. Address, Mrs. j. B. 151 Montgomery street. 1I r ANTED, a position as bookkeeper by yy Aug. 1: good reference furnished. Ad dress Energy, this office. RESPECTABLE colored girl wants situa tion to travel as ladies maid or chil dren's nurse. Address L. lb. No. 3o East Boundary street. MISCELLANEOUSWANTS*' ~ $•) "i w i to l"an on Improved city prop " erty at 7 1 , pec cent. Hammond J Read, Room 4.l’rovnlent building HOUSES WANTED—To Property Owners: Several twenty-live. tliir:y. thirty-five and forty-dollar houses wanted. Kuhns i ybanes, Room 12. Sorrel Building. V i 'ANTE o, second-hand premier or East W , Moraine News. WT ANTED, six thousand dollars for threo M or five year, gilt edge security. Ad dress Loan. Morning News. M SCELLANEUUS WANTS. _ U r ANT S2OJ for 90 days; will pay Mg Inter est and give mortgage on bou>rthold goods and some tine stock. Address ‘Bona fide." care of Morning News. \NTKD. to borrow t :09 for eight or tea '' m nths t*Tiattcl mortgage and in dorser given as security. Address Loan, this office. VV' - ANTED to borrow $t s)■* for a term of ft ’ * years on plantation and pine lands, near this city. Ample security. Address Veritas, this office. ROOMS TO RSNT. rinvo connecting rodms. f irnished and at i tended, for rent to a { arty of young men; 1 ath attached; gas; convenient ami delight ful, good neighborhood; second story above bast meat; no one else on same floor private family Address Box 119. Morning News. r P' > LET. three fine connecting rooms with E use of bath. 11 Loreh street. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen: southern exposure, gas, hot and cold water. 210 President street. RENT, hat of rooms, furnished or un -* furnished at No. |7 Jones. tIOR RENT, pleasant south rooms, fur nished. 82 Gaston street. r P Wo conno, ting rooms for rent, furnished * and attended, for gentlemen only; use >f hath, lonvenient to business. Address this office, < ’harlton street. N'ICELY furnished rooms for rent: gas. hot and colil ba H. 41 Montgomery street. F.AST BROAD, furnished hall room to rent. RENT, large front rooirs on second * floor, furnished or unfurnished. 169 Jones street. RENT, rooms large and small; furn t nisheu and attended. 155 South Broad. r RENT, three or four rooms with bath 1 111 i luffy st IjTOR RENT, two rooms furnished or un furnished. 185 President street, corner .Jefferson, RENT, large cool front room, fur nished. 98*i >outh Broad. rooms for gentlemen. TOO street. RENT, nice flat of rooms, only ten *- dollars per month, lo Macon street. RENT, furnished front room, parlor floor suitable for a couple or two gentle men 57 W hitak< r strei i DESIRABLE flat for rent, furnished or un* luruished for light housekeeping. 53* Abe r corn. AT. also single rooms; modern conven iences. 117 Barnard street. Piano, guitar, banjo, organ and singing taught. lARGE. pleasant front rooms for gentle- men, nicely furnished and attended:rea sonat le rent. 53 : t At'er< orn. lAKGE. neatly furnished room; every con- venience; one or two gentlemen; terms reasonable. 52 Habersham. Rooms to rent, furnished or unfurnished, at 44 West Broad. • r |' K KE Eor four room.s; water chVamc floor; Suitable for housekeeping. 62 Huber sham street. 1 \ ESI KABLE rooms, fnrn.idied. for gentle 7 men or light housekeeping. 1?3 Liberty VFLAT of four rooms, corner Harmon and Wheaton street a. f8 per month. of rooms near park extension, has all modern convenience; sure to please you. ( has. Morton, Savannah, Gu. }\ UK RENT, very nice, large room, fur nKned or unfurnished. G3 Jefferson street, corner Perry. DESIRABLE, nicely furnished room for rent, m 10ft Jones street. DIOR RENT few rooms with pri 1 vileges of oath. Apply 22 Broughton street. CTORRENT one desirable flat at 174 Lib 1 erty street. ULKGANT rooms -n the first floor; large hall, third floor, m Lyons block. John Lyons. HOUSES AND STORES FOH RENT. KENT, seven-room house. No. 27*, Broughton street, with stables in bark yard. Apply to C. H. Medlock, Alpha s wharf, or i > S (haghom. KI.N r. store and dwelling’, corner Mill and West Boundary. Apply 24Vi Indian. LKAL stores and houses in all sections ► of city can he rented low to Oct. l; call and see our list. Kuhns A Ybone;. r V' ‘ RKNT house 68 lord( n >;:• • 1 <’ .Schultz, 10H|4 Bay. r l l VVO-STOR\ dwelling Montgomery __ rt,>lt low - W. 11. Dooner. 43 Gaston. tpOK RENT, three nice houses, clean, airy. 1 and every convenience; Taylor street near East Broad. Apply W. Wolcdge. 4 7 Habersham. L'gk RENT, seven room house; all modern A improvements: 4t Gincolu street. Apply Joe Sognier* 22 : /* Drayton street. I/dr KENT, the splendid residence, No. * 137 Jefferson, nour Duffy street, five rooms, excluding bath and kitchen. Rent cheap Theo. G root. Real Estate Agent '.6 West Broad. FTOR RENT. 7 room house, 78 Duffy street. _ Ap; i> Meyer cv Walsh. !,: RENT dwellin • No. 174Habersham * street; eight rooms: apply 180 New Houston street. W. b. Guerard. IpOR RENT., dwell ii • No, m „ price A street; seven rooms; apply iso New Ho ■•: n stri el W ! < Jucfard; L' >R REN 1 from < let 1, the handsome A residence 213 Whitaker street, now oc cupied by Maj. Shdlman. Apply Julius Collat, 149 Hroughtort street. KENT, a 4 room house. 269 Lincoln A street* with kitchen and yard. Inquire corner Anderson. KENT, Seven-room house, 184 Mont- A gomery street. Apply 182 Montgomery street. KFNT. house 9 Floyd street, near l Hull: rent moderate to desirable tenant. J. E. pulton A- Sun, Hoard of 'Prude Building. T^O R REN I’, riouse. 82 Broughton street • near Abercorn. J. E. Fulton A Safi, Board of Trade Building. I/< >R KENT, house. 9 Hull street, near East A Broad; #l3 per month J. K. Fulton a* Son. Board of Trade Building. LN>K RF.NT. house, lft , Jones street; #10.50 1 per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. Board of Trade Building. Ji3OR RENT house 18ft West Bfoad street, A containing eight rooms; #l6 per month*, for summer months. J. E. Fulton & Son, Board of Trade Building. L'V >R RENT, b room house on < >ak street #lO r per month. J. E Fulton i Son. Beard of Trade Building. IjlOK RENT, that desirable residence 161 Liberty street; hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences. J. K. Fulton A Son, Board of Trade Building. IT’OR RENT, house l* r 0 Duffy street, second A west of Whitaker. $:5 per month. J. k. Fulton A Son Board of Trane Building. IjlOR RENT desirable residence IBS Duffs street: all modern convenience**, j. Fulton A Son. Board of Trade Building RENT, houses3V£ East Broad street; x #l2 per month. J E Fulton & Son. B< >a rd of i rade Building. 171 GU RENT small store 142 H Bryan street; #l2 per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. Board of Trade Building* hIOR RENT, store and residence above cor ner Farm and William street*- #ls per month. J. E. Fulton A Son, Board of Trade Building. j. I residence 147 Taylor street, also No. 149; furnished J E. Fultou & Son, Board of Tra • Building KENT. 2 story frame houses. 7 rooms: rent #1) per month; mok*rn convent cnees. Peter Reilly, I eal Estate Agent. 28 Drayton street. Ij3( >R RENT, a 5 room house on Wilmington inland. Apply to (/has. Jemdal. City market. HOUSES ANO STOKES FOR RENT^ T^H >H KENT. 2 story frame house, southwest * cornc~il,incoln and New Houston streets; has all modern conveniences, rent low. peter Reilly. Real Estate Agent. 28 Drayton street. RENT, modern hiuse. 141 Lilcrty A street, near the De Soto hotel cur give immediate {Kisscssion. A. T*. Solomon, cor ner Bay and .lofr**r* u n streets. RENT, on reasonable terms to desir able tenant, the residence corner of President and Lincoln streets adjoining my own. and pos-esMng every modern conven ience. W. W. Gordon. Jr . over Merchants' Bank. I<pOl< RENT, brick st' re, complete with A shelving etc . on Liberty near Montgomery street. Apply No. .0 Mont gomery. p>R RENT fn m Oct. ! a * Tty street: northwest corner liaher^ham and Liberty. At present occupied bv Mr. Oppenheim. G. H. Remshart, 118 Bryan street. house; hot and cold water, gas. etc., Apply drug store, next door. RENT from Oct l dwelling :50 Jones * street, so.'ond door w*si of Whitaker, at present occupied by Mrs. Partridge u. H. Remshart. of two {owners) would lot half house, ten rooms, modern conveniences: nicely located aud arranged for two families. Ezekiel Brown, general delivery, post office. Uh.>R KENT, bay-window house. 217 Jeffer * son All conveniences. Apply Louis Vogel, 220 Jefferson. CT >R RENT, store and dwelling, corner Bay * and F arm. Rent reasonable. Apply 02, Farm street. pOR R 1 NT th Tucker place at White * Bluff for the summer G. H. Remshart. liV >R RENT, dwelling 41 Jefferson street, * third door south of York. G. H. Remo hart. 1 IM Bryan street. RENT, dwelling 72 Henry street, he -1 tween Abercorn and Lincoln. Possession at once. G. H. Remshart. \% T ILL rent, with privilege of lease from ’/ Get j a portion, or all of premises h’3 Duffy street: house has all modern con ventenccs; servants' quarters: carriage house and stalile on rear of lot; possession given im metliately. Call on W. K. Thigpen or W W. Mallard. 135 Bay street, RENT, residence 27 Jones street. Ap ply. Mrs. F. A. Fulton. 19 Jones street I v ESI RAIIId', Anderson street house, just * renovated: eight-room, twenty dollars per month. J. F. Brooks. WALDBURG STREI eo. A. ( 9 > Mercer, Jr., over Southern Bank )R RENT, desirable seven room house, A No, 171 New Houston street, third door west of Barnard, large yard, with stable in same; rent low. Apply J. F. Brooks, 135*, Bay street. No. 208 Drayton street, north east corner of Waldburg, lino residence with all modern conveniences. Apply J. I’. Brooks, Bay street. F3OK RENT, several desirable houses in best localities. Apply to Champion A Garmant 118 Bryan street Tor sale. II GMING pigeons for sale. I will sell a few * pair of 1891 banded youngsters Mulh gan-Mahr strain at #2.50 per pair. Have six Silver Wyandotte hens tine show birds Have also now main sail. jib. mast, boom and puff suitable for sloop yacht about 21 feet long; all cheap for cash. Edmund K. Middle ton. CIOR bicycl© first class com •A- cost #1'0; will sell for #6O. Call at or address Drug store. Bolton anti Montgomery. (101 NTERS uml show eases for sale. Thomas L Wylly, successor to vVyllv A Clarke. hIUR SALE. #4.200 house on Taylor street.. near Abercorn. a delightful residence or investment netting over H percent A poly to Hammond J. Read, room 4. Provident Building. }j DUSES and lot.** in all parts of city on I terms to suit, and at any prce. Give me a call. Win J. MiscaJly, Jr., i’rovident Building. jib) BUSHELS Id peas By John F. 1 ' M f Tictjen West Broad and New streets 1 ( \ Af-RES of land on the salts: eight miles *' ' from the citv. For information address R. S. Buckner. 237 Duffy street. MV Mack horse for sale cheap. Apply Ja - coli Lippman. Druggist, corner Congress and Barnard streets. H i NEW Hour barrels complete for sale, Staf Lepli SAI.K, two adjoining lots in TatonvUle * wiil sell cheap for cash. .1 L Fulton A son. Cl<) R SALE . u A. deuces, C. 6.‘*t and 67 Jefferson street. J. E. Fulton tY Bon. SALE, a rnagnillccnt residenco on -A Jones street. J. E Fulton A son. SALE, a splendid residence on Duffy A J. E. Fulton A son. >K SAUv house 56 Waldburg street, near Lincoln. J. E. Fulton A Son. ITIORSALE, hotel In Fort Meade i Would exchange for Savannah real es tate. J. E. Fulton A Son IJdOH SALE, lot on Fifth street, near West Broad ton \ .Son. PIORSALE Miss Annie Blatz's beautiful place (33 acres ) can be bought by right party on easy terms, as she desires to go to Europe this Hutumpr. Situated on high land, overltu kin,: H*ri> river: is only ten minutes walk from Thunderbolt a prominent prome nade and hotels several hundred dollars L realized every summer from the shipments >f vegetables and fruit to northern markets; has all the comforts of a large farm as well as a mansion bv the salts for the s imner pure, cool well water graix* arbors, fruit trees in abundance and 1 tearing: Kleof Hope cars pass the large gates fronting house. This is surely a protit ale place for the right party. Kuhns & Yl ;in- • H- rn 12. Sorrel Bullalttg. lalOR SALE or rent, a nice residence In Fooler, near depot; large lot, one flower garden. William J. Mist ally, Jr . Provident Building. IJV •!< SALE or rent, the Goodwin residence 152 Gaston street, now being repaired and repainted. 20 rooms, bath rooms and closets on three floors one of th** most desir able residences in the city. Apply to S. I*. Goodwin. LpOR SALE, ten sharetfGeorgia State Build- A ing and Loan Association, first scries. Address Georgia, News office. IoIOR SALE, oak wood, ninety-five cents, pine wood seventy five cents a load dc livered. Cali or address Ogceehoe Wood Yard, Dgeechcc road and Second street. ("1 HARTER DAK cooking stove, large size J for sale, with all utensils and cold water attachment, cheap, used a short time; also onr* new oak refrigerator, large size 53 !/ , Abercorn. \ I ir.K, cream, fresh butter and curds. For *7* pure milk ami cream from well fed Jt r sey cows, call at >4 New Houston street I j7OK SALE, one share Excelsior Loan As Hoclatlon stock, not less than par. Ad dress B. J.. P. O. box 207. SALE, an elegant piece of property situated near Gaston street running from Howard to Barnard street*. There is a seven room brick house on Howard street with all conveniences and space on Barnard street for two houses. This property can be bought remarkably cheap. William J. Mis caily, Jr.. Provident Building. lARGE, blank books and letter books at a i discount. Thomas L. Wylly, successor to Wylly A Clarke. I7VJR SALK; second hand 14x20 eng’no, Good order, cheap; also 10. 12 and 15- horse power. Lombard Iron Works, Augusta, Ga. MULES and horsosforsale at McCormick’s Stables, West Broad and Alice streets. \ GENTLE horse, accustomed to being driven oy ladies; price #l9O. Apply 92 G winnett street. IyiORSALE. anew phaeton and harness a* m Harmon stable. IT'OUSALE.. place at Cattle Park. 10 acres, .r if>o fet river frond*. * hoi so and barn, fruit trees, artesian well, near electric curs. For further Information apply A. Humes, Cattle Park. __ \I)ELI< JHTFHL house at Guyton. Ga . for sale or rent. Apply to Dr. Sidney J. Lanier. 152 Liberty street. Savannah. Ga. / tA I S Baled unthrashetl oats i- forage ' ' and grain; you only pay for the oats get the straw free, at' sl6 ion retails at $1 per hundred at warehouse, I. J. Davis' or W. l). JSiinkins' cheaper than any other feed. J. F. Gullmartin & Cos. (IYPRESN SHINGLES for Tj bt other coast points list longer and are cheaper; boats can h*ad at the mill; prices are reduced t> sj.2ft and *1.50 per thousand. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. STOLEN. STOLEN a black sword rune with Ivory head, broken. Reward will he paid if re turned to me. G W. Aliev. LOST IOST, in theater Thursday night, ladies’ * double ease gold watch. Suitable re ward it returned to 214 Jefferson, corner I)ufly street. IOST. liver colored setter pup; four months * old; reward if returned to 6l* t Jones htre t 1 IBER \L REW VRD for pair soissors lo t ■ * on Jones Htreet. between Barnard and Tattnall. 17.’ Jones street. BIIArtO'NG. I>OAHD, with large, airy rooms; good y tahh*; reasonable terms. 145 Perry street. J>OOMS and board. 56 Barnard street. HOARD, with large, airy, well-furnished rooms; good table; summer terms. 163 South Broad. IF you want good board at reasonable rates apply to 149 Gordon street. SUMMER REBORTB. i SKILL MOUNTAINS- Meade’s Moun- V tain Horne. Woodstock, Lister county. New York Elevation two thousand feet. Accommodates one hundred. Accommoda tions lirst class. Kates reasonable. Savan nah reference, Austin K Myres. I <>T SPRINGS, N C near Ashevilk ; no * malaria: cool nights nil summer; spring water: tine, baths; magniticent scenery; first class board and very reasonable terms at Loretta Hall. Address Harry M. Swain, proprietor. N o. in E Twenty third street, near Fourth avenue; parties desiring to remain transiently in New- York city can find pleasant accommodations upon reasonable terms at the above address. Mrs. R. Leppor. \I r HEX visiting New York obtain home y y like accommodations at reasonat lo rates in private family. Address Mrs. E. 1). 242 West 44th street. / 10MFOUTABLE board; very desirable lo * cation on ear line. Address Miss E S. Tennent or Mrs. William A. Johnstone, Hen dersonville. N. C. I>< OMs. with or without board, delight l fullv situated, retired neighborhood, 358 West Fifty-fifth street. New York. Terms reasonable For particulars address as above K. I Donohoe Savannah reference. Misses Spellman and i Brien and postoffice box 104. EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER school for boys and girls. Miss M i: Ryan. ft 7 Hall street. SUMMER school Monday. July A. at 172 South Broad street. Miss K. H. Dev* ereux. AJ RS M. .1 CLARKE will open n summer >•1 school on Mondtiv. July 2 at her resi dence. 166 Habersham street, between Hall and Gwinnett. A] ISs !•’. M. KELLY will reopen school for -’I the summer, at 149 New Houston street. SCH K)L for Backward Boys opens Sept 20, 1 1 91. .it Ann Art or. Mich. Circulars sent. Re i x t fully. Kate J Kim ball. (t K< )RGIA Business College has removed to * postoffice building. Examine the legi ble. simple, non phonetic system of short hat fl taught by us. Tuition, day or night session, #5 a numlh "business opportunities. (UKND for little book, How to speculate successfully in the Grain and Stock Markets;’mailed free. Comstock, Hughes & Cos., Rialto Building, Chicago." SUCCESSFUL Speculation open to ail; try our syndicate system of speculation; increase your Income; Information free; send for circular. Thompson A Derr Cos., 38 Wall street. New Y’ork. Incorporated un der tbe. laws of state of New York. Capital #IOO,OOO. 1 ■ * - ■■■■■■—" -i MISCELLANEOUS. \I r E dye to lhe. Mills A Cos., English dyers y arid cleaners. Dyeing and ( loaning at the lowest prices. Gents' suits dyed any color #2 oo steam cleaned #l 00; pants cleaned 40cents; curtains 40 cents; gloves 5 cents. 84 Broughton street, between Lincoln and Aber corn. riMIE cheapest stove house in Savannah. I IjARF: SB canned goods for picnics. Every thing necessary for a day's outing. At E. L. Maslick's. Harris and Price streots. IjYoREST City Bakery, corner Whitaker and South Broad street lane; fresh bread of all kinds; French, water, and Vienna rolls, cakes and pies. lAOR the best custom-made shoes at low - prices go to Okarma. \ r OU will want something during this hot I weather t<-tempt your appetite. Semi to J. It. Baker; ho will send you something that you will enjoy. fPHK best of wood and big loads. Thoms -1 son. 4s West Broad. IjAor the picnic, all kinds of pickles, in all kinds of packages, at all kinds of prices to suit pur* baser. F. L Mautick, corner Harris and Price streets. }I ()W is this*' A No. 7 cook stove and fur- I nlture for #8 CorhWU A Chipman-. \LL orders left with me for Sunday din ners will t e proinply .tlellvered Sunday morning. ('. VV. Cummlutf, M 6 Price street IF’ you are not wearing a pair of russet shoes from Okurnia’.s, it will pay you to get a pair. STOVE and range repairing a specialty. Thomason, 4M West Broad street. steels .for sharpening carving J knives; guaranteed to give satisfac tion. ( orn well A ( hipmaa. IjIEKKIS hums and bacon "Comes a littte higher, but—." Always fresh at E. L. Mastick's, Harris and Price streets. rpilV a 3 pound box of candy forfiOcents I from the --avannah (’onfectlonery Depot. 44 1 2 Bull street Home made broken candy 10 cents per pound. rPHK Forest City Bakery can furnish picnic I parties, wedding-', etc., with the finest cakes, etc., on short notice. IF you want a good stove cheap now is your time We have them cheaper than ever. Thomason. 4* West Broad. j \ARS and oarlocks: to get rock-bottom * " prices you should give us a call; we will make pric. *to suit your pocket. Cornwell A Chipman. VLL work left at any of Okarma’sbranches through the city will bo promptly and neatly dome i \\ r h keep the famous T’mline” water l> ' ground flour; pure, healthy and whole l-orno; fresh every week, at K L. Mastiok m, 1. ::.- r Harris an i Trice streets. your orders for Sunday dinner to J. I*. Tordniv. (.ordon and Trice; he will deliver them Sunday morning. I \(>N The deceived. Huy only the best and I " finest m< ats. J- 11. Baker will sell you only this kind. IlfK soli you a No. 7 range and have it con ▼ ▼ nc. u and to boiler for fIT.JSO. Cornwell & Chlpman. I F your shoes need repairing drop in at Okarma .s; he will repair them while you wa ' 'NIHNK water ground flour fresh l every wool*. The tin the market Try it. At K. L. Mastick’s. corner Harris and Price sti 1 1 1 (* IV K us your orders when you want your * roots paunti i .uclJonald lioof Paint Company. West Broad street. MI SCE: L LJ. fi OUS. r | l !H b <*rest City Bakery makes a specialty * ' rolls every morning for breakfast. Ngw is the time to give your roof a Rood • at of paint and let Cornwell & Chip* rr> n and • the work for you. _ 1 > i > Mastic -\ca bvAi flour. Itwillsult any ■ > i,nrp *s4 and he enjoyed by ail who us® it . Mastick, corner Karris and Pried street-. SILK 1 ' !;a f s !•■ 1 hand sewed at Okarma’* for f. at . a ticket that entitles you to 20 shines. V'm SOMETHING n ' ' n!v real good oil stove in Savannah, at (7oruwell & Chip man's } rplil M f paint is the best thing * for roofs, Don't h*r:/et us. McDonald Roof Paint tlompany 23 West Broad street. IV )N r you \\ .inf t.* l ake four or five pies •• * a time? If sti „**t a pie rack; fits any stove. Cornwell ..V Cl Li pm an / Ot< Cummings for choice selections of " * Hunts He keeps everything to be found In a ii rat-class green grocery. 146 Price street. j. / 1 1< A XI I’E WA RE and a full line of tinware, * * at \ cry close tiguces. Cornwell St Chip* man. IiIRESH vegetables of all kinds received every day at J. P. Cordray’s, come* Gordon and Price streets __ I FISHERMENS supplies of all kinds, and at rock-bottom prices. Cornwell A Chipman. \LL candies sold at the Savannah Confeo* tionery Depot are fresh and pure, and of the finest kind. 25 cents per pound. SUMMER is coming, so prepare for a com* fortable resting place, by getting one of those everlasting wire hammocks; something new. at Cornwell xt Chipman’s. HA L'TI MORE and Busy Bee hams can b# had fresh every week from E. L. Maa tick, Harris and Price streets. _____ IK.MTNINg freezers; prices lower than i ever for the celebrated Lightning ica cream freezers, at Cornwell & Chipman’s. r IMI H best thing <m the market for the put* 1 pose. See Mr. G. 1. Taggart, and sen what he says about the McDonald roof paint for leaky roofs. Beware of imitations. Give us a trial. McDonald Roof Paint < ompany, 22 West Broad street, Savannah, Ga. _ yV’ATKR coolers, all kinds, at hard time# yy prices Cornwell & Chipman. ( T<X)L cabinet l eer on draught; light winea ' and bottled i.eer of all kinds, for summer drinks, at E. L. Mastick’s corner Harris and Price streets. IjTOR, fine beef, mutton, sausages, etc., call ‘ on J P Lord ray, corner Gordon and Price streets. in the way of vegetables ■A that the market affords can bo found aft Cummings. 146 Price street. MILLINERY. Ui.1.1.W RUSSELL MULL HATS Are all tho thro In Now York, and to soo all tho latest doslgns in Ntull Hats and in Ladies' and Chil dren's Eloant Trimmed Hats you must call on Mrs. £. N. LAWLER. Il l Hrotightnn Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. WYATT I)K K. BARCLAY, Attorney at Law, Darien, (iu. Claims in the Eastern Circuit and elsewhere given prompt attention. Practices in the Courts of the State and United States. I’. 11. KIKKNAN, Plumber and Tinner. Roofs tinned and repaired. Water Closets, Bath Tubs and Pipes fitted In with besi ma terial and workmanship. Telephone 100. 30!* Whitaker stroftt, NOTICE. Office Board of Sanitary Commissioners, Wednesday, June 20th 1894. So one will bfr allowed to leave the quarantine station from May Ist to November Ist without a permit from the Board of Sanitary Commissioners, except crew of quarantine tug: and the crevr of tug will not l e allowed to board any vessel lying in quarantine, nor will they bo allowed to engage in the work of disinfection of ves sels nor In the discharge of ballast. The mail man will not t e allowed to live at the quarunnno station, but must take tho mail from the station at tho head of th wharf, remaining in his boat. No one will lie allowed to visit tho quaran tine station, except by permission of th® Board of Sanitary Commissioners. Vessels from Santos Rio Janeiro and Ha vana must not enter the river, but must I>® sent to the South Atlantic quarantine sta tion at Sapelo sound. W F. BRUNNER, Sec'y Board of Sanitary Commissioners. CONSULTING OPTICIANS* A STARTLING FACT', That very few must be evident that it requires both knowl edge and skill to know what the eyes need and to IP them properly with glasses Those who trust this work to unlnetructed dealers are criminally careless of the most valuable of all the senses, their sight. In addition to graduating in Germany and my thirty years' practical experience I have taken a course and graduated in a school of optics in New York and learned the latest and (test methods of ascertain • f rh* eyes and their proper correction, so that! can fit you properly with glasses that will strengthen and improve your eyesight instead of rapidly ruining it as poorly fitted glasses will always do No charge for examination. I)K. M. SCHWAB & SON, Graduated Optidnos, No 23 Bull Street. A. S. BACON A SONS, Manufacturers of Office and Fine Saloon Fixtures and Interior Finish of all descriptions, Sash. Doors and liiinds. etc. if you are going to build and wish to save money call on A. S. lACON & HONS. P. O. Number. 95. Office Bryan and Whitaker. Tilkpiiones | MONEY TO LOAN. If you wish to buy or build a house or Im prove real estate, you can borrow money from Tin. TITI.K (11 AKANTKK AND 1.0. AN (WII'ANV. of Savannah, at rea sonable rates of Inti'rest and for lons’ or short time. . For particulars, call at the office of the company, 135 Congress street. C. H. DORSETT. PrcsidouU E. L. HACKKTT, Treasurer. ISAAC UECKETT. Secretary. 3