The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 25, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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dragoon reaches savannah. f ,ST sew sloop op the yacht run ACROSS the riveh. stll . Made an Kxcei*tlonall- Fast Run 1 Kim Brooklyn to Tills Port—\% as Commanded by Mr. Charles G. Hails of the Rudder—Cauie Through the Inner Passage to Heaiifort, X. C., anil Thence by Open sea— Encountered Good Weather Ml the Way—Regatta of the Sa vannah Yacht Club to Take Place May 26—Mr. Julian Schley to Cap tain the Dragoon. The racing yacht Dragoon, the property 0 f , syndicate of the members of the Sa vannah Yacht Club, reached the city at j.j, u clock yesterday afternoon, and is anchored at the foot of Whitaker street, across the river. In appearance she bears out all of the nice things her recent pur chasers have said of her and her record on tl ,, uip South, from Brooklyn to Savan nah, lends a more than passing show of col r to the stories that are related of her 61 .,ed and seagoing qualities. The yacht was given an enthusiastic re ception as she came up the river, steamers and tugs blowing a welcome from their whistles and the occupants of offices along the river front waving flags and cheering finin their balconies. Everyone recognized in her Savannah’s champion in the racing contests of the coming season, and every one gave her glad welcome to the city, which she is hence to call her home, and whose yacht club's pennant she is to fly in the race for the Charleston cup. During the day she was Ihe attraction for a host of curiosity seekers, who watched her from the opposite bank of the stream to that near which she is anchored, shook ,heir heads knowingly and wisely and predicted great things from her in the con tests for yachting supremacy in Southern waters. The Dragoon was commanded on her trip by Mr. Charles G. Davis, yachting editor of the Rudder, and his crew com prised Messrs. H. P. Ashley, James Jack son, Thomas F. Day, and C. W. Brown ligg. She started from Bay Ridge, Brook lyn, on April 11, at noon, and hence has completed the voyage in about twelve days. From Brooklyn to Beaufort, N. C., she came by the Inner route, following the canals and rivers south to Chesa peake bay, through the bay to Norfolk and from Norfolk out to Beaufort. At Beaufort she left the protecting shelter of the inland passage and ventured out into the waters of the Atlantic. She left Beau fort Saturday afternoon and favored by brisk and sometimes high winds from the right quarter has made one of the fastest trips to Savannah that the records of voy ages by craft of her type present. She left all of the sailing vessels that she en countered far in the lurch and demon strated her ability to lose anything that carries sail and hails from ports south of New York. With the wind in her quar ter she is at her best and her new owners, as well as the gentlemen who sailed her iu this port, feel confident that she will win many honors for the Savannah Y'aeht Club. The Dragoon will to commanded this summer by Mr. Julian Schley, with a crew composed of Messrs. Paschal Strong, Edward Stoddard, Stein Bryan, Harry Strachan, Hubert Duckworth and Henry Backus. This selection was made by the governing committee of the syndicate that owns her yesterday morning, and a better one could not be made. Mr. Schley is a yachtsman and yachting enthusiast of wi Ic reputation, and the young gentlemen who will assist him in the management of the new flyer have a thorough acquaint ance with suils and ropes and all of the paraphernalia that belong to fast sloops, of the waters around Savannah and of the tricks of wind and tide, that will go lar towards carrying the Dragoon to vic tory in many a hard fought, or hard sail ed, race. lbe Dragoon’s first appearance in a race in Southern waters will be in the contest for the Charleston cup, to be sail ed some time during the early part of the coming month. She will race next in the regatta of the Savannah Y'aeht Club, that It was decided yesterday will take place on May 28. It is expected that she will wm both races hands down. The record sbe has won in Northern waters justifies this belief, and the trim and speedy ap pearance of the sloop gives additional col or to the expectation that her friends so confidently entertain. Mil her voyage to Savannah she encoun tcieit exceptionally good weather all of , h „," ay ' nKh the exception of a squall that t 3me upon her whlle ghe Wflg mak _ 1 M throu * h Chesapeake bay, rim >m h i h w° W ged her for ‘ some time to run under bare poles. She bore the fury wU * 'h; 0 " beautifully, proving that she ► win ght and • seaw °Uhy as she was Cc L b m ’ * Jurin: h-‘rt of the run Sht t .Vr 5 ° f elKh< kno:s an hour. tLs of fhi 8 l a. ,h l heartß ° f the mem ‘he fyndfeart? and their friends, hue irn.o, hni * not 86011 her before of i.itti ,i * n lhcir onth usiasm and pride had air v° WnerSh ‘ P the full <ul ° ‘hat possessed those who had. CHACK CIGLEHS TO HIDE. I “tries f,, r To-morrow’* Events ut Wheelmen'* Park. ihe local cycle racing season will open to-morrow, with the meet of the Savan a Cycle Track Association at Wheel- j n,n ° lraclt ' a,ld the indications are that 1 "id be an Interesting one. There are kIX races on the programme, a mile novice, ’ open, half mile open, one mile race, a match race and a flve-miie fin dP Pke PM* O - has not been by made UPj but there wi „ a number A uable prizes. V, n ,nf i ,tlo riders, who are entered, are T ,n, ■' r>uo ’ Cold Springs, N. Y'.; Hy Jacksonville, Fla.; J. C. Weld , , ouis - Mo.; Henry Strothotter. St. i '■ -' ,0 and J- S. Murehinsori, -Marion, S. laL i C ’ P ’ Connery, Thomas Cava ht u Eeckwlth, Angus Walden. Tins ,; , el,s bud Harry Houston of Savan i. !t ! ni l>e * cen that ‘he local entries are nit n whl ‘ e those from out of town c, tllan are usually received. All Tr . ' I 'ld's who are entered have been lu i systematically, and while there , I °' lj a large Held in some of the ' they will be sharply contested. 1 OK CUSTOM 11 OISE PLACES. Civil Service Examination lo lie Held June 21. !l tiext examination for the first and ■eond grades in the customs service will " hp, d ut the custom house June 21. The 1 11 1' uis Included in the first grade are tind' ir , ' nl ‘ ;er> °'erk ond day Inspector. i 'lie second grade messenger. All H1,:,l 1,1 " IH ,or this examination must he ". t•,’! ” n, l > lo form with the secretary I• i• ■ V <V i ! hoard of •examiners, Mr. T. o' at the custom house, by 1 i,ij, v . ’ May 22. Application blanks cun o* obtained upon request. AND Wwhimm JRT OFAcN SOT WOMEN Msfl> " BY' DrPierces CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL. “PRESENTS” AS KEEPSAKES OF A durable and welcome nature; appropriate souvenirs being constantly with the wear er; an accurate watch, a handsome and symbolic finger ring or a heart bracelet, are the very things that are always a reminder of the giver. Fegeas, the relia ble Jeweler, 28 East Broughton street, the place where It Is not necessary to be a major general to be well treated, and even the smallest purse can find something to suit. DO NOT RELIEVE WHAT YOU hear. Come and see for yourself. Druce, the spiritual medium, holds another of his successful seances this Tuesday night at 8 p. m. 214 West Oglethorpe avenue. Private consultations daily; all affairs of life, business and disease. Satisfaction or no charge. “MISS' jtf. Q. BENNETT WILL GIVE A grand reception at her dancing academy. Masonic Temple, Tuesday night, ..April 25. WARNiNG—NO BOYS OR NO SHOOT ing ate allowed at Jasper Springs. Mem bers only are allowed on the premises. “THE REASON WHY BABCOCK BF(D gies have no superiors is because the workmanship an{l w material is the finest to be had; there are no rough edges on a Babcock; to be had only at Savannah Car riage and Wagon Company. FILIPINO SOLITAIRE. THE GREAT est puzzle of the century; Jo paid for the first correct solution, with written detailed statement; price, 10 cents, mailed for 12 cents only, at C. P., agent; trade supplied, FURNITURE STORED, PACKED and shipped; competent workmen; relia ble service; moderate charges. J. N. Mc- Gillis, furniture. BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS/ beautiful styles Just received; prices mod erate. C. P. Miller, agent. “NEW LINES OF MATTINGsT shades, art squares, rugs and oilcloths, Just received; prices to suit everybody. C. P. Miller, agent. “STOVESrMEATERS AND TIN ROOFS repaired. P. H. Kiernan, 10 W. State street. FAIR WEATHER AND A COMFORT abIe and stylish Babcock buggy makes a good combination for a pleasant after noon's drive; we can furnish the Bab cock; see the weather-man about the other part. Savannah Carriage and Wagon Company. ' OTHELLO RANGES, DOMESTIC Sunshine, Home Sunshine, Excelsior Penn Cook. Royal Manhattan. Cotton Plant, for sale by P. 11. Kiernan, 10 Went State street. ENAMELED IRON BEDS AND springs, enameled cribs, dressers, ehtffon leres, etc. Toilet tables, great variety; close price. C. P. Miller, agent. MATTRESSES RENOVATED. FURXD lure packed and shipped by skilled work men; charges moderate. C. P. Miller, agent. "MOTH-PROOF CEDAR CHEST; SOL !d cedar and oak lined with cedar; special sizes to order. C. P. Miller, agent. PORCELAIN LINED BATH TUBS, eyphon jet water closets and the latest sanitary Improvements. Let me give you r. bid. P. H Kiernan, 10 West State street. BUY YOUR REFRIGERATOR THIS week, and buy it from Miller. The very best makes. Baldwin, Siberia, American, Erie and Leader. Mammoth stock, right price* and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Ice boxes, water coolers and Wonder freez ers. C. P. Miller, Agent. BROUGHTON BROS., CONTRACT ors; painting and paper hanging. Whita ker and Bay lane. MEDICAL. LADIES, CHICHESTER ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best; safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c stamps for particulars. “Relief for La dles ” in letter by return mall. At drug gist*. Chichester Chemical Cos., Philadel phia, Pa. _____ “HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief. I cure Ingrowtftg nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain. Charges reasonable; can give the best reference* In the city. Pa tient* treated at residences; orders can be left at Wheeler's drug store. Bull and State streets. Telephone 114. Lem Davis, surgeon, chiropodist. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS CAR ritige painter and u first-class wheelwright. Apply to P. Barrett, 113 West Broad street. “WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS BARBER at once. 305 East Broughton street. Jos. Augros. WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS, ALL round mechanic, wheelwright, blacksmith and sheer, Apply to 217 East Broad. " WANTED, AT ONCE, DRAUOHTB inan, who can make neat tracings. Eieh betg &, Witeover, architects. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, APRIL 25. 1899. HELP WANTED—MALE. sHOED maker and repairer. Rogers, 124 Drayton street. “ERECTING ENGINEER Wanted"; wanted, a first-class hyelraultc cotton com press engineer and machinist; none but an experienced man with references need apply. Address Compress, P. O. Box 207. Waco, Tex. WANTED, A COMPETEXT"cARPET layer; must be sober and industrious; state wages wanted. P. O. Box 31, Savannah. WANTED. RECRUITS FOR THE United States Marine Corps, unmarried men of good habits, between the ages of 21 and 35 years; must be free from all physical defects and disease and not less than 5 fejf 5 inches nor more than 6 feet in hight; must be citizens or naturalized citizens of the United States; enlistment for five years; duty abroad or in United States; pay, Jl3 to Jl6 per month; food, clothing and medical attendance free. For enlistment or further particulars, apply to Recruiting Officer. Morrison House. 106 Broughton street, east, Savannah. Ga. II ELF W'A X TED— FE M A LE. WANTED, SMALL COLORED GIRL to help around house. Call dt 501 Jefferson street. “WANTED; AT THE DA L.M ETTO House, a white girl as waitress; .also col ored boy to help cook. WANTED. A .FIRST-CLASS “cook) good wages. Apply 222 Second street, east. “y VANTEl>Ta“COLORED WOM AN FOR general housework. Apply 2305 Whitaker street, corner Ninth street, “WANTED. A MAID FOR INVALID lady. Apply 204 Hall street, east. “ AGENTS WANTED. "Profitable work" offered agents in every town to secure subscrip tions to the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. Good pay for good work. We want agents to work thoroughly and with business system to cover each section with our illustrated little booklets and other advertising mat ter. How well some of our agents hav* succeeded Is told In a little booklet we would like to send you—portraits of some of our best agents, with the story of how they made It pay. The Curtis Publishing Cos.. Philadelphia, Pa. ROOMS WANTED. four rooms with bath; centrally located. Address Flat, care News. “WANTED, FI.ATOR ROOMS FOR light housekeeping by a single lady, fur nished or unfurnished; locality no object. Address Flat, this office. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. A PARTNER WITH FIVE hundred dollars, in a business which will pay quick and large profits. Address P. B. S., 21 Bay street, east. “ WANTED. STABLE AND BUGGY house, neighborhood of Abercorn and Lib erty. Address D. T. M., News office. “HIGH PRICES PAID FOR ALL MET- Iy, iron, rubber, bones, bottles, type. Blumenfeld & Cos., 129 Broughton, west. “WANTED TO BUY OR RENT a'BEC“ ond-hand Remington typewriter; must be in first-class order. Address E. F. K., care Morning News. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT OR SALE. AT A SACRl fice, a desirable residence in best part of Guyton. Address 8., News office. “TYREE'ISLAND* FOR RENT, THREE cottages, opposite postoffice; artesian well on premises. 310 Oglethorpe avenue, east. ' FOR RENT, UNTIL NOV. 15, NICELY furnished house; centrally located. Address J. S. C., care Morning News. “FOR RENT. "DESIRABLE HOUSE, southern and eastern exposure; modern conveniences. Apply at residence, 909 Lin coln street, near Bolton. “fORRENT, FROM MAY 1 TO OCT. 1, residence 108 Ninth street, east; complete ly furnished. Apply Leigh M. White, at Est. S. W. Branch. “c 6 MFORTABLE; COSY HOUSE IN first-class order In thorough repair. 221 Wald burg street, east; right rent to right tenant. Estate Solomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT, 209 EAST HENRY street; possession immediately. Apply 205 Hjenry, east. FORBENT, HOUSE 441 BARNARD street. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. FOR RENT—ROOMS. '"nbskiwT :: urn4shfr7~l^^ gentlemen; private family. 414 East Gor don street. “FOR it ENT, FLAT FOUR CONNBCT ing rooms, with bath, sl2. Southwest cor ner Abercorn and Waldburg. “ELEGANT ROOM, FIRST FLOOR; large hall, third floor; Lyons' block; rent reasonable. Apply John Lyons. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. "oNeToF the NICEST RESIDENCES in Savannah under good rent and beautiful building lot, and two lots at Tybee at auc tion. See auction column. R. H. Tatem, Auctioneer. “RESIDENCE LOTS ON BOLTON Waldburg, New Houston, Duffy and Hen ry, oast of Habersham; the most desirable locations in city. W. J. Miscally, Jr. “for - the purpose“of di vis ionTI am offering the most eligible lots in city, north of Anderson street; lots are situated on Bolton, Waldburg, New Houston, Duffy and Henry; can make terms suitable. W. J. Miscally, Hr. “for sale, nice iiofse\and lot on the salts, 25 minutes’ ride from city; convenient to car line. Address M. J. Moore, 405 St. Nicholas street. THAT BEAUTIFUL FINISHED residence at Price and Liberty streets, on sixty feet lot at auction; also adjoining sixty feet lot and two lots at Tybee. See auction column. R. H. Tatem, Auctioneer. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTi for sale all over the city on easy terms. Robert H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. NOW YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO BUY the Parson's property; also the adjoining lot having sixty feet front, and two lots at Tybee. This Is gilt edge and under good rent. See auction column. R. H. Tatem, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. SUMMER LAP ROBES. A LARGE variety of styles to select from; fancy and plain designs; dark and light colors; patterns that will suit your taste. Savan nah Carriage and Wagjn Company. “FOR - BALR NEW, BEAUTIFUL launches, one launch 2 H. P., $300; one launch, 5 H. P., $750; one launch, 5 H. P., SBSO. Lippman Bros., Wholesale Drug gists and agents for Racine and Truscott Boat Companies. CYPREM SHINGLES, CALL ON UB for best manufactured cypress shingles at price* ranging from $1.50 to $3.25 per thou sand. according to grade; boats can load at the mills. .Vale Royal Shingle Mill*. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. grocery and liquor business in heaTt of city, including paid license for the year; low rent, including renewal privilege, for five years: business on a good paying basis and best of reason given for sell ing. Address Business, care Morning News. LOST AND FOUND. chain. Reward at 313 Gwinnett street, east. “LOST, ON MONDAY. ME \K THE LX tension, a purple velvet bag containing a gold watch, a purse with a sum of money and other articles. Return to the De Soto and receive reward. EDUCATIONAL. "YARTIBS^VHOnDU^NoUY^SIUTO attend a regular school can obtain pri vate lessons in shorthand and typewrit ing at 526 Rull street, near De Soto Ho tel; 'phone 2265, any hour after 11:30 a m SUMMER RESORTS. "THE GRAND," MOUNT VERNON, N. H„ George E. Bates, proprietor (for 15 years proprietor the Lafayette at Sarato ga Springs); most pleasant summer hotel in the finest location in New England; 1,100 feet above the sea, with views ex tending from 30' to 60 milt s In every di rection; pure bracing atr; finest water supply; for health, rest or recreation, no place can offer greater inducements; Mount Vernon is a beautiful village; the Grand is a fine, modern, select family ho tel; accommodates 200 guests; rates very moderate; all outside rooms, with im mense closets; best hair mattresses, elec tric bells, etc.; 400 feet broad balconies; extensive grounds; golf, tennis, croquet, etc.; beautiful lrt-acre pine grove; fine bowling alleys, billiard and pool tables; all free to guests; good stable; excellent cui sine; best of everything; season from May to November; send for prices and Illus trated booklet. MISCELLANEOUS. "^MATTmiIsSES^HOHOinj4FLrTu3NO^ vated and made 16 order at a reasonable price; moving, shipping, packing and stor ing furniture, a specialty; rates always suitable. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton, west. Fone 2464. DT.n NEWSPAPERS, 2<o for 25 cenTs, at Business Office Morning News. LEGAL SALES. ' UNDER and by Virtue of a judgement fl. fn., Issued out of Chatham Superior Court. In favor Mary Ann Jacobson, Mag gie Jacobson and Alexander Jacobson, vs. Charles W. Jacobson as administrator of estate of Charles A. Jacobson, deceased, T have levied on the following described property of the defendant, to wit: All the undivided one-half interest of the estate of C. A. Jacobson In that certain lot of land conveyed to W. P. La Roche and C. A. Jacobson, May 31, 1890, by deed, from Eleazor McQueene, recorded In the county reoords of said county, book of records 6 Ts, folio 300, which is described aa follows; All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying, and being in, the state of Georgia and county of Chatlyim and known and distinguished upon a map or plan of a tract of land drawn by John R* Tcbeau, surveyor of said county, March 2, 1888, as the fifteen and one-half acre tract of land, being bounded as follows; North by the Dutchtown road, east by lands of LaKoche, south by lands of Nich ols, and west by la rule of Cooper, Us said eastern bottedary nfipettelhg tg'on the map above referred to as being lands of Mc- Queene, said tract containing fifteen and one-half acres, more or less, and measur ing twelve (12) chains itl width and twelve and eighty-seven hundredths (12 87-100) chains in length, all of which will more fully appear by reference to said plat re corded In the county records of said coun ty Ir deed book 6 Ls, folio 177. Ah those certain s(x (6> lota of land lying and being in said county and state and known and designated in and upon a plan or map of subdivision of that portion of the Daniel R. Dillon tract, situated about two (2) miles from the city of Savannah, in a southeast direction from said city, drawn by K. J. Thomas, county engineer. Sept. 3, 1890, as lots numbered or lettered one (1) in section F, five (5), seven (7), nine (9), ten (10), and eleven (11), In sec tion C, said lots having a depth of one hundred (100) feet, with a width of forty (40) feet, more or less. And I will offer the said described prop erty for sale, at public outcry, before the court house door of Chatham county, In the city of Savannah, upon Tuesday, May 2, 1899, during the legal hours of sale to satisfy the said judgment fi. fa. (Ft. fa. from Ordinary’s Court lodged In my hands in favor of J, F. Brooks as guardian vs. Charles W. Jacobson as ad ministrator estate of Charles A. Jacobson, deceased). Defendant notified in writing of levy. Terms cash. Purchaser paying for ti tles. JOHN T. RONAN, Sheriff C. Cos., Ga. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Savannah, Ga., April 5, 1899.—Notice Is hereby given that on TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1899, between the legal hours of sale, be fore the court house door of Chatham county, I, as trustee under that security deed executed on the ,16th day of July, 1898, by Edwin L. Neidlinger for the pose of securing his Indebtedness to the Citizens Bank of Savannah, which is re corded in the office of the clerk of the Su perior Court of the said county of Chat ham In mortgage book 4Cs, pages 447 et seq., will sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder the following prop erty, described in said security deed and conveyed to me as said trustee for the purposes therein expressed, to wit: All those certain lots and parcels of land sit uate, lying and being In the city of Sa vannah, In Chattiam county, Georgia, known and designated on the map or piati of the said city of Savannah as lot num ber fifty-four (54) and ihe western one half (H) of lot number fifty-three (53) in Brown ward, said lot number fifty-four being bounded on the'south by Liberty street, extending on said street sixty (60) feet from the corner of Drayton street on the north by a lane, on the east by’ lot fifty-three (53) and oil the west by Dray ton street, being ninety (90) feet deep; the said western one-half of lot fifty! three fronting on Liberty afreet thirty (30) feet adjoining said lot number fifty-four and being ninety (90) feet deep, bounded on the north by a lane, on the south by Liberty street, on the cast by the eastern half of said lot fifty-three and on the west by lot fifty-four of said ward; together with all and singular the Improvements easements, rights, members and appur! tenances to the said lots and parcels of land belonging or in any wise appertain ing. This sale Is made In pursuance of the powers vested In me by jjte said security deed. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. B. A. DENMARK, Trustee. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING By Competent Workmen at Reasonable Figure*. l. a. McCarthy. All work done under my supervision. A full supply of Globes, Chandeliers, Steam and Gas Fittings of all the latent styles, at 142 and 144 DRAYTON STREET. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. "aTTsleoFhopl 4 BEAUTIFUL HIVED FRONT LOTS AT AITTIOX. I* D. LA lionitl, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of a decree granted hy the Superior Court of Chatham coun ty. Georgia, I will ofTer for sale at public ! outcry, ot the usual place of public sales, before the Court House in said county, on the first Tuesday (being the second day) In Mny, 1599, between the legal hours of sale, if not previously disposed of at priv ate sale, the following spfendUl lots at Isle of Hope, Ga.. to wit: All those certain lots of land fronting south on the Isle of Hope river, being sub division of the Honaud property, as per niap made by Percy Sugdcn, C. F... May 8. 1896, and lettered A, B, C and D, and hav ing respectively 52 feet, to feet. 81 feet and 70 feet river front, with a depth of 040 fret, more or less; lots lettered A and C having dwellings thereon ready for oc cupancy. Any one desiring a summer home on the salts would do wofl to avail themselves of this opportunity, ns the Isle of Hope is well known to bo the most desirable surjfc mcr place in this section of the county. It is a beautiful place, good society, healthy. In easy access of the city, and these particular lots are on the coolest and most desirable side of the island. Terms—One-third cash, balance in one and two years, at 7 per cent. Sale subject to confirmation of said court. Purchaser paying for i>apers. JORDAN F. BROOKS. Substituted Trustee estate A. Honaud. TWO GOOD INVESTMENTS AND A TV DEE LOT AT AUCTION. C. If. DOR9RTT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House on TUES DAY, May 2, 1899, during the usual hours of sale, It No. 64 Screven ward, having a frontage of forty feet on Bolton street and a rectangular depth of one hundred and five feet to lane, and the improve ments thereon, consisting of a one-atory dwelling on the lane, with room to build two houses on the front. —also— The eastern one-half of lot No. 4 Car penters row, fronting forty-seven feet on East Boundary street by a rectangular depth of seventy-five feet, with the im provements thereon, consisting of a large two-story building, same being a short distance south of Broughton street, —also— Lot No. 60 Tybee Island, known as a front lot, being next to the corner of Ninth street, the Atlantic Club being on the opposite corner. lt 80x200 feet. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. FINE BUILDING LOTS. C. H. DOnSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order grant ed by the honorable court of Ordinary of Chatham county, l will sell at the court house, in Savannah, Ga., during the usual hours of sale, on TUBEDAY, May 2, 1899, for the purpose of the payment, of debts and for distribution, the following ns the prop erty of the estate Dora E. Roche, de ceased: The eastern one-hnlf of lot number 66 and the western one-half of lot number 67, Flannery ward, said lots taken as a whole having a southern front of sixty feet on Eighth street and a rectangular depth of one hundred and seventeen feet, and bounded north by a lane, east by the re. malnlng portion of said lot No. 67, south by Eighth street and west by the re maining portion of said lot No. 66. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. P. J. O'CONNOR, Administrator Estate Dora E. Roche, De ceased. STOCK OF MERCHANTS & ME" CIIANICS LAND CO. AT AUCTION, n. H. TATEM, Auctioneer, Will sell before the Court House door of Chatham county, during the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, Mny 2, 1830, Fifty (30) shares of the capital stock of the Merchants and Mechanics’ Land Cos. LEGAL SALES. CHATHAM SHERIFFS SALE. UNDER and by virtue of a mortgage fl. fa. Issued out of the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia, In favor of James H. Heldt against Edwin L. Neid ltnger, I have this, day levied upon the following two (2) lots of land, as the prop erty of the said defendant, to wit: All that certain lot of land and improve ments situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and state of Georgia, and designated on the map of said city as lot number fifteen (15), North Oglefhorpe ward, bounded north by Olive street, east by lot number fourteen (14) of said ward, south by Bry an Street, and west by lot number six teen (16) of said ward. All that certain lot of land and im provements, situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and state of Georgia, and known and des ignated on the map of said city as the eastern one J half ('A) of lot number for ty-three <4?). Lafayette ward, bounded north by Charlton street, east by Lincoln street, north by a lane and west by the western one-half of said lot number for ty-three (43). And I will offer the said above described property of the said defendant for sale at public outcry before the court house door of Chatham county, Georgia, In the city of Savannah, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May, 1839, it being the second day of said month, to satisfy said mortgage fl. fa. Terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. JOHN T. RONAN, Sheriff C. Cos., Ga. CITY SHERIFFS SALE. ’ Sheriff's Office, City Court of Savan nah, Savannah, Ga., April 3, 1889.—Under and by virtue of an execution issuing out of the City Court of Savannah In favor of John D. Palg" against C. E. Sanberg, I have this dav levied upon the following described property as the'property of de fendant to wit: "All that lot of land and Improvements In the city of Savannah, said county and state, known as lot number one (1), In C, J. Hull's sub-division of lota numbers thirty-live (35), thirty-six (36), thirty seven (37). thirty-eight (38) and thirty-nine (39), In Wylly ward, as appears by said plat of record In the clerk's office of the Superior Court of said county, deed book 2 Z Z Z, folio 170; said lot having a frontage of twenty-six and three-twelfths feet on West Broad street and a rectang ular depth along the south line of Duffy street of ninety feet. And I will proceed to offer same for sale at puhlk- outcry on the. FIRST TUESDAY IN MAY, 1899, same being the second day of the month, during the legal and usual hours of sale, In front of the court house door In Chatham county, to satisfy said execution. Defendant notified of levy. Property described in execution Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. E. J. WHELAN, Sheriff C. C„ S. OLD NEWSPAPERS, 3DO for 23 cents, at Business filled Morning News, AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAY S. HANDSOME OAK AND WALNUT FURNITURE AT AUCTION ON THEM. 19E8. C. 11. DOR SETT, Auctioneer, Will soil on Thursday, 27tti Inst., at No. Whitaker street, next to the corner of Taylor, at II a. m , the contents of that residence, the owner having removed from the city. PARLOR AND HALL— Handsome parlor 6Ul||e in silk rep., cabinet, pictures, shades, matting, mahogany table, hat rack, lincoleum, jardiniere stands. CHAMBERS—EIegant walnut and oak suites, as good as new ; bed springs, mattresses, pillows, matting, hand some toilet sets, rugs, blankets, window shades, pictures. DINING ROOM—Massive oak sideboard and extension table, pictures, safe, fine refrigerator, chairs, mattresses, mats, lady’s desk, onyx tables, handsome rockers. KITCHEN—Cooking utensils, tables, etc. N. B All of the above articles are as good as new, having been in use but a few months. EXECUTOR'S SALE FINE RESIDENCES ON JONES ■ AND GORDON STREETS. C. 11. DOItSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of the provisions of the will of the late Mrs. Mary K. Will iams, and for the purpose of distribution, 1 will offer for sale at the Court House In Savannah, during the usual hours of aalc, on TUESDAY, May 2. 1899, the following w’t II located and ve-y desirable residences, being the property of said estate: Lot No. 1 Monterey word, situated on the southeast corner of Jones and Whita ker streets, and the Improvements thereon, known as No. 23 Jones street, west, which consists of u large and commodious two atory double residence. This is one of the most deslrablo residential corners In the city. This lot Is subject to an annual ground rent to the city of Savannah of $18.06, being 6 per cent, on SBOO.BO, which latter amount can be paid or not at the option of the owner. Lot No. 37 Monterey ward, Gordon, be tween Bull and Whitaker, and the im provements, which consists of two 3-atory on basement residences, known as Nos. 17 and 19 Gordon, west. These houses are well and substantially built, and are very roomy, well arranged and exceedingly de sirable as residences. Will be sold sepa rately. The lot is subject to an annual ground rent of $38.4* to the city of Savan nah. being 6 per cent, on $640.80 principal, payable at option of owner. Also Nine second morlgage 8 per rent, bonds of tho Savannah Board of Trade, ot $509 each. For further Information apply to auc tioneer or to H. A. CRANE, Executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Mary E. Williams. A FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE ON THE UAIIK AT AUCTION. C. 11. DOHSETT, Auctlo leer. Will sell at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, May 2, 1899, That elegant residence fronting the Park extension, known ns No. 711 YVhltu ker street, near Gwinnett. The house was built with special regard to comfort, convenience and durability, of selected material and by the most careful workmen. The rooms are large, high celling*, airy and well llghled. Great par ticularity was observed to secure the best sanitary plumbing, till* being done by day's work. The house pipes are exposes! and of braßs. fixtures nickel-plated, bath room wa Inscon ted and floored with white enamel tile. The mantels are all cabinet, massive, of oak. birdseye maple afid cher ry. The hall.*, .lining room and library are wainscoatod In quarter sawed oak and birdseye maple, paneled four-feet high, with book case built In library. The house is heated by hot air, has steel range, sta tionery agate tubs, electric lights, with complete system of disconnecting, ser vants’ quarters and stable. It Is a com plete residence, and splendidly located. It Is being sold because of the removal of the owner from the city. AT AUCTION. T'EN ACRES VALUABLE LAND FOR SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, SUBDI VISION Oil BUSINESS PURPOSES. C. M. DOItSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House, during the usual hours ol aale, on TUESDAY, May 2, 1899, Ten and one-half acres of fertile, clay sub-eull land, thoroughly drained and most eligibly located at the Intersection of the Augusta road with tho Central of Georgia Railway and the Georgia and Ala bama Railway. It Is Immediately across the road from the yards of the G. & A. Railway, and only a short distance from the shops and passenger station of the C. of Ga. Rail way, and from the wharves of the Ocean Steamship Company. For farming purposes the land Is unsur passed, for sub-dlvislon Into building lots It is peculiarly well located, and for pros pective uses for manufacturing and rail roads It possesses special facilities. The road is paved up to the land, and the cars of the West Savannah road pass In front of the land. RESIDENCE SITES, % HALL STREET LOTS AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House in Savannah during the usual hours of sale, on TUES DAY, May 2, 1899, Lots No. 48 and part of 49 Stephens ward, situated on the southeast corner of Hall and Lincoln streets, and together measuring clghty-six feet on Hall and one hundred and thirty-one feet on Lincoln street. This Is on© of the most desirable sites for a residence on the market. It will be sold in two parcels. Terms—One-fourth cash, balance In one, two and three years. Interest at 6 per cent, per annum. A RESIDENCE FRONTINGR)?- SYTII PARK AT AUCTION, c. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, May 2, 1899. The western half of lot No. 43 Monterey ward, fronting thirty feet on Gaston street, and extending one hundred und twenty feel to a lane, and the Improve ments, known as No. 8 Gaston street. West, consisting of a 3-story residence, containing four rooms In basement, three on parlor floor, and four rooms on bed room floor, and stables In the rear. This residence fronts on Forsyth Bark, and Is but one house removed from Bull street. The location and surroundings are .Jim-class, i AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. rRARTcHANcTFORIN^ MRNT. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE! KOISERT 11. TATEM, Auctioneer. Under decree of Chatham Superior Court in the case of Klixnbeth K. Maas et al., vs. i\ H. Maas et al., the undersigned, as executors of the will of Sarah M. Parsons, will pel I, at public outers', to tho higheat bidder. lefore the door of the court house of Chatham county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale, lots numbers (7 and 8) seven anti eight, Troup ward, in the city of Sa vannah. in said county. Each of said lots contains sixty (60) fret, more or less, front on Liberty street, by one hundred (100) feet, more or less, deep to a lane. Lot 7 is unimproved. Lot 8 has valuable im provements upon it, consisting of brick store and dwelling on southwest corner of Liberty and Price streets, and brick out buildings. Lot 7 lies adjoining lot Bon tho west. Each lot will he sold separately, and an opportunity that seldom occurs pre sents itself to the parties who are looking for safe aiul remunerative investments of capital. The property is a gilt-edged in vestment, and la sold for division between the owners. Terms cash. Bids nre sub* ject to confirmation by the court, purchas ers paying for titles. We will also sell at tho same time and place, lots (34 and 35) thirty-four and thirty-five. In the town of Tybee Island, In said county, each lo* having a western front on Second nvenue of (50) fifty feet, and a rectangular depth to the east of (100) one hundred feet. These lots are contiguous, and are bounded east by a lane and west by Second avenue, and they are a part of a twenty acre tract of land formerly known as the “Tilton tract. *8 Terms cash, purchasers paving for titles. DR. R. B. HARRIS. ROBERT t-f. TATEM, \ JOHN O. BUTLER, j Executors* will of Sarah M. Parsons. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. nY' n. 11. TATEM, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of Chatham county, Geor gia. I will sell at public outcry befor© tho court bouse door of Chatham county, In the city of Savannah, Ga., on TUESDAY, May 2. 1899, during the legal hours of sale, lot number seventeen. South Oglethorpei ward, on Farm street, city of Savannah, Ga.; one lot containing one and eight tenths acres, more or lese, about twelve miles from Savannah on Louisville road, tiounded on all sides by land of Edward Douglass; lot No. 6, west. In town ot Bloomlngdale, Ga., having an east front of one hundred Let,by a rectangular depth of two hundred feel, with improvements! one traet of land In Effingham county, containing four hundred ncrcs, more otf less, and bounded by lands of Crabtree, F. B. Cole. R. J. and J. HinetyJ one lot of land in Effingham county, con taining fifty-seven acres, more or loss, hounded by lands of R. A. Davis, S. F. Keller, John Loves and others; also one hair Interest in the following, viz.: Saw mill. one lot In Effingham county. Georgias two carts, two wagons, one rlc© hullerand one grist mill. The following articles will be eold at Bloomlngdale. Ga.. on the samo day, at 3:30 o'clock, viz.: Stock of gro ceries In store, one single wagon and har ness, and two mules; said property belong ing to estate of Joshua 1,. Zeigler, deceas ed. ond sold for payment of debts and dis tribution. Terms cash. For further Infor mation see auctioneer. WM. J. ZEIGLER, Administrator Estato Joshua L. Zeigler. EXECUTOR’S SALE. SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE / LOT. 11. 11. TATEM, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted April 3, 1X99, by lion. Hamilton L. Ferrill, judge of Ihe Court of Ordinary. Chatham county, Georgia. I will sell at public out rry on May 2, 1X99. being the first Tuesday in the. month, before the court house door of Chatham county, during the legal hours of sale, Ihe following described property, tie longing to the estate of Sarah H. Ashby, deceased: All that portion of all that certain lot or tract of land situate, lying and being in Ihe city of Savannah, nakl county and elate, with the Improvements, and desig nated on the map or plan of said city ad the eastern portion of Lot 44. Whit© wardj liounded on the north by New Houston street (now Park avenue), east by lot No, 45, said ward: south by lane and west by a'portion of said lot. Said portion of said lot having a frontage on New Houston street (now Bark avenue), of fifty-one (BIN feet, and a rectangular depth of ono hun dred and five (105) feet. Sold for tho payment of debts and dis tribution. Terms cash; purchaser paying for titles. LOUIS M. ASHBY, Executor, I Estate Sarah H. Ashby, deceased. | ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. IIY H. 11. TATEM, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of Chatham county, Geor gia, 1 will sell at public outcry before thd court house door of Chatham county. In the city of Savannah, Ga., on TUESDAY, May 2, 1899, during the legal hours\>f sate, lot No. 1, east, containing half-acre wills Improvements, In town of Bloomlngdale, Ga.; also the lot adjoining nakl lot No. 1, which has a west front of forty feet on North Church street, with a rectangular depth of two hundred and ten feet east ward; said lot being sixty feet from nortli rail of Central Railroad; said property be long to the estate of Suean H. Zeigler, de ceased, and sold for payment of debts and distribution. Terms cash, purchaser pay ing for titles. PRESTON J. ZEIGLER, Administrator Estate of Susan H. Zeigler, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY H. H. TATEM, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the ordinary of Chatham County, Georgia, I will sell before the court hous door of Chatham county on Tuesday, May 2d, 1899, during the legal hours of sale, an undivided four twenty-fifth Interest In lot No. 29, Franklin ward, in the city ol Sa vannah, county of Chatham, and state ot Georgia, with the improvements there on, belonging to estate of Amelia W. Meyer, deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution. Terms cash, purchaser pay ing for titles. GEORGE MEYER, Administrator Estate Amelia W. Meyer. TWO ELEGANT GASTON STREET RESIDENCES AT AUCTION. C. H. DOItSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House on TUES DAY, Mny 2, 1X99, during the usual hour* of sale, for account of all concerned, 'n,os© two elegant 4-story residences, with southern frontage, known as Nos. 2U4 and 296 Gaston ©treet, east, being next to the northeast corner of Abercorn and Gaslon streets. These houses are large, rommodkrus and airy, tain* very solidly built, and in pome of location and surroundings having au parlor advantage*. The property Is being sold to settle co partnership Interests, and affords an uru usual opportunity to secure a residence in one of the most desirable neighborhoods In the city. The houses will b© sold sepa rately and prospective bidder* may in* ab.'o to secure easy terma by conferring •It!) tilt; aucUuiiver before ih day ol tala. 3