The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 15, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WATCHING THE PRIMARIES. PROHIBITION QIESTIOX IS IP IN MAW OOPXTICS. From All Report* the Opinion I* the Anti-Prohibit ton Ist* Will He In the Majority—Many Inter**tlnK Con tent* for Judge and Solicitor Gen eral Will He Settled—Only Con lirensional ltnce 1* in the Third Dlntriet. Atlanta. May 14.—The primary to-mor row promises to be one of the most in tensely interesting ever held in the stole. In the district, senatorial and county legislative races, the prohibition question has been made an issue to an unusual degree. Tnere is no class of people that keeps more in tou-ch with the general sentiment of the state than the men who run the affairs of the state at the Capitol. Reports have been coming in from all parts of the state, and If these have made any one thing clear, it is that state pro hibition is a dead letter, so far as the next general assembly is concerned. It is even doubtful if the prohis can muster a ma jority in the House, as they did at the last session. The new Senate will be more overwhelmingly anti-prohibition than the last. In several of the Judicial circuits there are some very warm contests on for Judge and solicitor. lr> two-thirds of the oauiu ties there are anywhere from Iwo to five candidates for the Legislature. In the senatorial districts there are sev eral warm contests over the prohibition question, notably in Coweta and Walton. Jn the first instance, Representative Post, prohl, is running against Judge Hardaway, enti; and in Walton, ex-Representative intone and ex-Representative Felker, anti and prohi respectively, are waging a bit ter fight. The antis are regarded sure winners in each of these contests. In 'Baldwin county, Hon. Daniel B. for. ford, prohibition candidate for the legislature, has withdrawn from the pri mary, declaring that he could not get justice. In the Cherokee Judgeship contest, there is a red hot fight being made on Judge George Gober. A similar fight Is being waged in Bar tow county, where spicy features have been injected into the campaign. The four-cornered legislative rare in Washington is attracting state attention from the fact that Hon. Thomas W. Hard wick is making a heroic fight to come back on his bill to disfranchise the negro. It will be remembered his bill only received three votes in the last House, those of himself, Hon. Roland Ellis of Bibb, and ex-Congressman Hiram P. Belief Forsyth. A point on Hardwick’s bill In Washington county is, that under the grandfather clause, the mulattoes of the state would not be disfranchised. This race is attract ing widespread attention. In the third district, represented by Ht>n. E. B. Lewis, there is a contest for con gressional honors. With this exception there are no other contests in the congress ional districts in the state. Congressman Lewis is opposed by Judge Allen Fort. The fight is very bitter and many sensa tional charges and counter charges have been made. POLITICS IN MUSCOGEE. End of a XX'nrm ( ampnlgn—('ann 1n k Factories to Be Built. Columbus, Ga., May 14.—The hottest campaign ever had over a Democratic primary, closed here to-night. Every county officer has opoosltton. Some of contests will be close, but the belief is that all of the present officials will win again on account of the Immense number of tickets printed and numerous combina tions. Seme surprises are likely to occur. Betting Is lively on the contest for ordi nary. Pou is the present incumbent. John D. Little practically has no oppo sition for representative. Miller, Hargett and Chapman are candidates for the oth er place. Chapman has the best chance to win, the way It looks to-night, but Miller has the indorsement of the Workingmen’s League, an unknown quantity In the vot ing. Local capitalists wl'l establish large canneries here. The plan Is to concentrate tlit canning business of the state here, utilizing the entire over-ripe and surplus fruit of Georgia orchards Tomatoes will iso be canned largely. It Is intended to make this city a canning center to rival Hahmore by concentrating the business At one point. The promoters of the move ment say they will get freight rates that wt'l enable them to compete with canner ies elsewhere. DWIVEW.IY FOII DOlTd.ttt. Hess of n Sudden Death—Other Yews of Interest. Douglas, Ga., May 14.—The citizens and business men of Douglas have raised a purse of about $250 to meet a most gener ous offer on the part of Supt. Alex Bon fieyrnan. for the Air Line Railroad peo ple, to contribute an equal amount for the purpose of grading a carriage drive from Douglas to Gaskin Springs, lessening the present distance of four miles to one and one-half miles. When completed, the XVoycross Air Line Railroad will put on cheap excursion rates to those grounds. Mr. P. Sailers of this city, who a few' days ago, accompanied his sister, Mrs. Missouri King back to their old home in Js'orth Carolina, was shocked on the next day after his return, to Douglas, to re ceive the sad tidings of her sudden death. She lived Just one week to an hour, after her arrival home. She dropped dead. He left her apparently in rhe best of health. Mr. O. F. Deen of Sellers & Dean, has •old his mercantile interests in the firm •I Douglas and Saginaw, to Mrs. Winnie V. Sellers, who will continue the business at both places. Ale* Akerman, supervisor of census for the Eleventh district, has called in one of Col Tee county’s negro enumerator's commissions, and would earn the grati tude of the people by calling in the other. Ill* gale t Property. Carrabelle, Fla., May 14.—A1l the land belonging to the Carrabe le Land t ltd Lumber Company In Liberty county an l all Its floating propery, such as barges, steam tugs, etc., have been sold to a .Mr! Cdnger of New Brunswick, N. J. The cash consideration was 195,000. A Guaranteed Care tor Piles. All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of PAZO OINTMENT to refund the money where It fails to cure any case of piles no mutter of how long standing. Cures ordinary cases In six days, the worst cases In fourteen days. One application gives ease and rest. Be lieves Itching instantly. This is anew discovery and Is the only pile remedy sold on a positive guarantee bo cure no pay. Price 50 cents. If yoflr druggist don’t keep it In stock •end us 50 cents In postage stamps and we will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medicine Cos.. Bt. Louis, Mo.—ad. —There are twenty-one locomotives in New Jersey maintaining evening schools, with a total enrollment of 12,163 pupils— Exchange Item. I 9/,o Of all ill health Is caused by Impure; Blood The cause is removed by purifying the blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla It cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, all Humors, Boils, Pimples, etc. Makes Rich Red Blood By increasing the red corpuscles which give the blood life and color. Remember, Hood’s is Peculiar To Itself CAMPAIGN IN THE THIRD. Lewis' Election Predicted—Politic* In Sumter County. Aroericus, Ga., May 14. —The red hoc congressional campaign In the Third dis trict practically ended Saturday with the debate between Hon. E. B. Lewis and Judge Allen Fort, end the battle of bal lots on Tuesday will determine the result. The campnign has been one of extreme bitterness and acrimony, and Its termina tion will prove a relief and blessing. As to the result, there can be but little doubt, as Mr. Lewis’ re-election seems as sured. His close friends, speaking ad visedly, declare that he will easily carry nine of the thirteen counties of the dis trict, and also has a fighting chance In two others. On the other hand Judge Fort's friends still express hope of suc cess, and profess to believe that he will have the requisite eighteen votes In the convention. Fort will make a fignt In Lewis' home county. Macon, while hun dreds of Lewis' ballots will be cast here in Sumter, where Judge Fort resides. In terest and excitement Is still at white heat, and the people of the Third district wiii be glad when the campaign ends with Tuesday's primary. There has been a large registration for the primary, the to tal reaching 1,400 voters. In the selection of two members of the Legislature for Sumter the light will be upon prohibition lines only, this being the only issue involved deeplte the fact that this is a "dry” count> already, and will be for the next two years, at least. The legislative candidates are W. T. Lane, B. L. Joiner, C. S. 8. Home, W. A. Webb, and E. C. Speer, the latter be ing the only open and avowed anti-pn>- hlbltiontst. Both prohis and antis very generally concede the re-election of Mr. Lane, while the fight for second place among the four other candidates Is quite spirited. Mr. I/ane Is an ardent "prohl." but an able man withal, and will draw votes from both aides. Hon. J. E. Hayes of Macon county, at present Mayor of Montezuma, will be the senator for this, the Thirteenth district, having been named by his county. Both Judge Z. A. Littlejohn and Solic itor General F. A. Hooper, will be nomi nated Tuesday without opposition. A large delegation of Knights Pythias and citizens generally will go from Amer- Icus next Wednorday to attend the an nua] meeting of the grand oemmandery, Knights of Pythias at Fitzgerald. An Invitation will be extended he Grand Lodge to meet In this city a year hence, and it Is hoped the Invitation will be ac cepted. The Grand Comma ndery of Geor gia, Knights Templar, meets here next year, and our people want the Pythlans as well. Cooper Lodge, Knights of Py thias of this city Is rno of the largest in the state. De Molay Commandery, No. 5, of Americua, also holds high rank in the Templar order In Georgia. The Retail Clerks Association of Macon, will have Its annual picnic here on the 23d Inst., and a crowd of 1,200 or 1,500 peo ple Is expected. NEGROES’ BODIES FOUND. They- Were the Men Charged With Killing ('-lelaiid. Brooksvllle, Fla., May 14.—Yesterday a party made a search of the Dean scrub, near Week's turpentine camp, In this comity, and found the decomposed bodies of two negroes tied together. These are the men who were arresiel st the camp cm May 8 charged with killit g Cleland, a white man, from ambush. The negroes were placed in the charge of dep uties to be brought to the jail at uls place, but Instead were taken Into the scrub and shot to death. SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Georgia State Hoard of Embalming. The first official call, as published In Atlanta, Savannah and Macon papers, for the examination of applicants for license to practice the art and science of em balming and sanitation as per the law enacted by the Georgia Legislature at the session of 1899, becoming effective •July 1, 1900, thereby making it unlawful and a misdemeanor to practice the art and science of embalming and sanitation In said state, unless license be granted by said board. The said law created a board of five members, who have been officially appointed and commissioned by the Hon. Allen D. Candler, Governor. The first examination will occur In the city of Maeon June 1 and 2, 1900, at 561 Mulberry street, beginning at 9:30 a. m., lasting only two days. Second examination at Savannah, Ga. Due notice will be given as to time and place. No further examination until fall or winter. L. H. BURGHARD, Secretary and Treasurer. W. E, I’LATT, President. A. XV. HARMON. We ask the support of the voters of Chatham eoanty fop A. XV. liar 111on for County Commissioner, i .MAX Y VOTERS. Wayno Superior Court. | Jerup, Qa., May 14.—Superior Court for ■ Wayne county conven'd this me mini?, with Judge Joseph W. Bennet premising, J Solicitor General John W. Bennett pres j ent. The following are among the visiting 'attorneys: Col. W. E. Kay. Judge Cotir 1 - land Symmes, A D. Gale and D. W. i Kraus of Brunswick; A. Wilson and A. E. Cochran of Waycross; J. W. Pop pell of Screven. Ga.. and N. J. Holton and W. W. Bennett of Baxley. Court will no? likely Inst for m>re than four or five days, as the docket is not very heavy. Mimt File u New Bond. Atlanta, May 14.—The United States Guarantee and Fidelity Company of Balti more, filed an appllra.l>n with Gov. Can dler to-dny to be relieved f om the bond of Sheriff W. T. Crocker of Polk county. The company charges that he made mis statements in securing ihe bond, and that he is dissipating to such an extent that it does not care to further carry the risk. The Governor ordered Sheriff Crocker to file anew bond with the ordinary of Polk county within ten days. Trip of the Lincoln Guard*. Atlanta, May 14.—Leave of absence was granted to-day to the Lincoln Guards, col ored, of Savannah, to go to Beach Haven to-morrow, and also to visit Thomaston, Ga., May 29. on the anniversary of the emancipation of the slaves. FINER Al, IhiV FT ATI ONI. CAHILL—The friends and acquaintances of James F. Cahill and of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Cahill and family, are requested to attend the funeral of the former from 518 Gordon street, east, at 4 o’clock this after noon. SCHNEIDER—The friends and relatives of Victor Schneider are invited to attend his funeral, from the undertaking estab lishment of J. Goette, at 5 o’clock this af ternoon. MEETINGS. DE KALB LODGE NO. 0, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will be held this evening at 8:30 o'clock at Met ropolitan Hall. Visiting brethren and members of sis ter lodges are cordially Invited to attend. C. H. DORSETT, N. G. W. W. GROSS, Secretary. SAVANNAH LODGE NO. 183, U. f. O. ELKS. A regular meeting of this lodge will be held this (Tuesday) evening at 8:30 o'clock nt Elks’ Hall. Visiting brothers are cor dially Invited to attend. There will be an initiation. J. J. KIRBY, E. R. L. J. MAXWELL, Secretary. FOREST CITY VARNISH (OVI'AW. Meeting of the stockholders of the Forest City Varnish Company will be held at 25 Bryan street at 8 p. m. Wed nesday. A full meeting Is requested, ajs business of importance will be transac ted. J. W. KELLY, General Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE*. Savannah. Ga., May 4!h, 1900. The business heretofore conducted by Mrs. Marie E. Branch, as administratrix of the estate of H. M. Branch, deceased, under the name of ‘ Estate of S. W. Branch,” has this day bedn sold and con veyed to "The S. W. Branch Company,” said Company taking all of the assets of said business and assuming all of its lia bilities. We request for said Company a contin uance of the patronmge heretofore exten ded to said business. MARIE E. BRANCH, Admix. Est. H. M. Branch, dectased. MARIE E. BRANCH, HAMILTON M. BRANCH, MARGARET B. SEXTON, Heirs at I,aw of H. M. Branch, deceas'd. Savannah. Ga., May 4th. 1900. The business heretofore conduced under the name of "Estate of S. W. Branch,” by Mrs. Marie E. Branch, as administratrix of the estate of H. M. Branch, deceased has been this day purchased by the under signed, which takes all of the assets of said business and assumes all of the lia bilities thereof and requests a continuant erf the patronage heretofore accorded said estate. THE S. W. BRANCH COMPANY. XOTICE. Inte-ndcd Dissolution of Limited Partnership. Notice Is hereby given of the Intended dissolution of the firm of Charles Elils, lo take effect May 23, 1900. CHARLES ELLIS, CLARA M. ELLIS, Special Partner. Savannah, Go., April SO, 1900. Witness of Charles Ellis: Mary L. Ellis. J. A. Pearson, Not. Pub. C. C., Ga. Witness of Clara M. Ellis: Mary L Ellis. J. A. Pearson, Not. Pub. C. C., Ga. THE UNION CENTHAL LIFE desires first-class representatives In Savannah. Hr, T. S. Lot try, Depart ment tin linger, tvlll he In Snvnnnnh fills week lo have personal inter views with agents who wish to con sider contracts with this company. BUY ONLY TilE BEST GINGER ALE. The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., ol Belfast, Ireland, Irom the celebrated Cromav Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other Is a tonic. For Healthfulneas and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale Is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga. HtSKBT SALE To-day at 10 o'clock. About SSOO worth of old baskets, but still as serviceable s ever, at about 10 cents on the dollar. Lunch Backets 2c, 3c, 6c, 10c. Work Baskets lc, 2c, 3c, sc, 10c. Market, laundry and others as cheap. Selling out for good. JAS. 8. SILVA, 31 Congress, west. Tinware sale to-morrow, 10 o’clock. FANCY AND HE-PRESSED BRICK. We manufacture and sell all kinds of fancy and re-pressed brick, paving and building bricks. Our common brick are the best for building purposes, being larger than other kilns make, and cheaper. See samples and prices. BAVANNAiI BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Congress and Drayton streets. $25.tNN>. One of our clients has placed In our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT. *4 President street, east. THE JIORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. MAY 15. 1900. Obesity. Corpulency. The efficiency of “APENTA” The Best Natural Aperient Water, In removing fat and corpuiency, is proven by experience. FOR REPORTS by Professor Liebreich, Berlin, Professor Bogoslowsky, Moscow, Professor Althaus, London, and American Authorities, Address, United Agency Cos., sth Ave., cor. 42d St., New York, Sole Agents of THE APOLLINARIS CO.. Ld.. London. The Leading Laundry OF THE CITY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' iTEMttvXUsALEt We will move the balance of the stock of the Savannah Cartage and Wagon Cos. the last of this month. From Monday, the 14th, we will sell the following: 4 Top Delivery Wagons. 2 Open Delivery Wagonr 6 Top Buggies. 2 Surrles. 1 Runabout. 1 Stanhope. 5 Open Buggies. 8 Road Carts. 21 Sets Harness. 49 Dozen Whips. And a lot of second-handed huggiea, sur rles and one two-horse farm wagon. An elegant Electric Fan and fixtures. AH will be sold without reserve. Bargains for Bargain Hunters. Call early and get first choice. SAVANNAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY'S STAND, 61 West Broad Street. COHEN-KXTLMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY, Babcock and Studebaker’s Sole Repre sentatives. A COOKING CLASS AT THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS from 10 a. m. to 12 noon. The ladles of Savannah are Invited by the Southern Cotton OH Company to at tend a corking class at the Woman's Ex change, where a cooking expert will dem onstrate the qualities of Cooking Oil pre pared by the WESSON PROCESS and of the WESSON SALAD OIL. Demonstrations will be given from 10 a. m. to 12 noon every Tuesday and Fri day until further notice. Change of menu at each demonstration. FOR ABSOLUTE PURITY AND GREATEST SATISFACTION to consumers GORDON & DILWORTH*S PRESERVES, SWEET PICKLED FRUITS, CALVES' FOOT and FRUIT JELLIES. FRUIT SYRUPS, etc., cannot be equaled. We strongly recommend their Sweet Pickled Peaches and Tomato Sauce. The former malting a delicious appetizer and the latter as fine a soup or meat dress ing as can be obtained. A. M. & C. W. WEST. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16- foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 4-horse power, seats IS per sons —$650. These are the "Ideal'' gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Racine, Wls., and used at all the fairs and exhibitions In the Western states. Starts In a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats. WOLF’S FLOWERS AT CONIDA’S. I have arranged with Paul Conida to carry at his Bull s’reet store at all time* a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. May 11, 1900. All persons falling to take out dog badges by the 20th Inst, will be placed upon the information docket without fur ther notice. IVM. P. BAILEY, Clerk of Council. LEVY’* DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By rating your bills oa or be fore (be 15th Inst. 11. H. LEVY A DRO. BECKMANN’S CAFE. Headquarters for Imported Wurz burger and Pilsner Beers, J. W. Me Culloeh’s Green River WhDkles, the purest, without a headache. Try It, Phone 710. GEO. BECKMANN. Adjacent Post Office. SPECIAL NOTICES. TABLE D’ HOTE. 75c—DINNER—75c Dinner 6 to 9 p, m., Tuesday, May 15. Claret Wine. Little Neck Clams on Half Shell. SOUP. Noodles. FISH. Blackfish, Egg Sauce. Potatoes ala Duchesse. Tomato Salad, French Dressing. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives. ROASTS. Ribs of Boston Beef, Dish Gravy. Chicken au Puree de Morrono. ENTREES. Creplnettes of Veal ala Toulouse. Macuroni ala Palermetane. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. String Beans, Baked Yams. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pumpkin Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Oranges, Water Ice. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. SUVVANF.E SPRINGS HOTEL, Suwnnee, Fla. Open All tlie Year. RATES REDUCED FOR THE SUM MER MONTHS TO SIO PER WEEK and upwards. Any person visiting: tlie springs for health or pleasure will not be disappointed. THE RISE IN THE RIVER DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WHATEVER. We hove, nt great expense, made Improvements that enable ns to furnish tire water DIRECT FROM THE SPRING, lot both bathing and drinking. WE Gl'Aß | AN TEE ANY PERSON VISITING THE ; SPRINGS THEIR BOARD FREE IF THE WATER FAILS TO CURE. No mnsqnltoes. No malaria. Clim ate delightful. Table unsurpassed. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. FOR SALE, The Vale Royal Manufacturing Com pany, having no use tsr tne property cor ner Gwinnett and Lincoln streets, ofier It for eaie. It will be Bold considerably less than It cost. Parties wishing such a residence will find It costs less to buy \ than to build. B.ze of lot 41.3 by 120 feet. The dwelling Is one of the best built, re cently painted and overhauled. Parties wishing to Inspect the property or learn terme and other particulars please apply to I. D. Laßoche, broker. BUSINESS NOTICES. Pttlfey Belt Rings Are the vogue this season. We have a choice assort ment of newest designs. Also Buckles of all kinds. OtIR SPRING AND SUM MER JEWELRY In all cor rect, because it is all new. See It. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bull Street. SMOKE LILLIAN RUSSELL CIGARS. CLEANEST IN THE CITY. Offices 307 Bull street and 35 Whitaker st. Telephones 700 and 400. • j i ' t- - ■; -j; V ' V • * ll : PALMER HARDWARE CO., AGENTS FOR P. & F. CORRIN, BUILDERS’ HA HD YV ARE. BAR- gaT" BEN cori- MMC .P-T AMUSEMENTS. nffiLFAIirAUADEMY^ -OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. —Gallery oi Paintings and Siulpture— Open to visitors dally, except Sunday, From 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. ©ingle admission 25c. Annual tickets XI. BUSINESS NOTICES. PICKLES SOMETHING SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE. BRANCH’S <3ir> BRAND. Trade Half Gtlloa ni" Bottles, Mixed /IP Gherkins and Chow, NONE BUT FINEST ARTICLES UNDER THIS BRAND. The S. W. Branch Cos., Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. Bolter for Sale. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell It for slOl, delivered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler Is in good shape, and would not be sold had It not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. io IwsieT mm. For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It Is In good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use lor It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga, Tybee Lots tor Sale! I am offering on easy terras lots at Ty bee, located to suit any demand. These are fine beach lots, distributed from near the site of the old Ocean House to the vicinity and beyond Hotel Tybee. Also Inlet lots, near the Chatham's Club House, lots fronting on the railroad, and rear lots, well suited for living or for planting. Very easy terms will be given on the above. C. H. DOR3ETT. FOR SALE; One lot 30x125 ou Tenth street near Jcffcrnon. One lot 30x125 on Ninth street, near Jefferson. Prices lower tlmn anything else In the neijthborliood, tint! terms very easy. Iloth lots near the Eighth Street School. C. 11. DOnSETT. SPECIAL NOTICED. URICK, RRICK, Hlt 1C Augusta brick and others. Good stock on hand. Lowest pricea, prompt delivery. See our sample* and prices before buying. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. ELLIS. President. Vice President, w. F. M'CAULEY. Cashier. THE CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the accounts of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banka, and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, lnsur. lng prompt returns. Separate Savings Department INTEREST COMPOUNDED qllAg. TERLY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults fee rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK, SAVANNAH. QA. Capital *2OO ota Undivided profits w.OOO This bank offers its services to corpora tions, merchants and Individuals. Has authority to act &3 executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. Tha Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Truiihuctk *4 ucuciiii Duukiug Business. Solicits Account* 0 f Individuals, Merchant!, Uaaki and other Corpo ration*. Collection* handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposit* In oar Saving* Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President© MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Capital S&o ,m Surplus and undivided profits—...—s3Bß,ooo DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a Seneral Banking business. Collections made on all points ' accessible through banks and bankers Accounts of £>anks, Bamteis, Merchants and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London a .nd upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vioe President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A WEIL. W. W. GORDON. Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLUL EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. 1111 l Hi M CAPITAL $350,000. Account* of banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on aii points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on oil the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W. G. CANN, Cashier. No. 1649. Chartered, 1864 THE Mil ini if OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS, SIOO,OOO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Acoount* of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. __ SPECIAL NOTICE*. HOUSEKEEPERS. NOW IS THE TIME TO USB PAXTON'S B-D B-G POISON. It wk keep your premises free from this disgusting little pest. Large bottle 25c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID and make your old clothes look like new- Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPET'S. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos,, telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomety street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. RYAN’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Rooms Zi end 29 Provident Building. Competent office help supplied from this college. Students prepared directly tor business. Day and night sessions. Leans to operate the new models of the Reming ton Standard Typewriter, that being th* machine which the business world *u* plays. Dealing & Hull. Sole Dealer*.