The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MORRIS BRANDON DEFEATED. JACK SLCTON WON' IN' FI LTON BY A SMALL MAJORITY. Later Return* Changed the Result of tle Election—Labor Candldnte Led the Ticket —Hnlsey Y\' Defeated lor Ordinary hy Wilkinson—Small Majorities Led to a Desire for a Rcconiit Rat the Motion Was Voted Don n. Atlanta, May 16.—The returns from the Fifth ward at 4 o'clock this morning to the surprise of everybody changed Its legislative complexion and Jack Slaton was elected by thirty-nine majority over M rris Brandon, this vote bringing Kins up to second place. Houston lei the ticket by CCO. This ward also overcame the majority of Hulsey, the present ordinary, and elect ed Wilkinson by 46 votes. Wilkinson's small majority over Judge Hulsey led to a discussion of a recount of the ballots. At the meeting of the Executive Commit tee this afternoon the subject of a re count was brought up by William P. Hill. Capt. W. H. Brothertcn, moved that a re count be ordered in the ordinary’s race. Harvey Johnson seconded the motion and proposed to amend by including the leg islative race. Luther Rosser and John B. Ooodwyn (vigorously opposed a recount and the mo tion was defeated by a vote of 8 to 4. RESULTS IN' RICHMOND. Prediction* of Tuesday Night Were Rome Out hy Count. Augusta, May 16.—The consolidated re turns in Richmond county to-day con firmed the report sent last night. The only local contest that was In doubt un til the official count was for sheriff be tween P. J. O'Connor and John*W. Clark, afid Sheriff O’Connor won by 122 major ity. In the solicitor's race, Hammond car ried McDuffie and Columbia and Rey nolds carried Richmond county and Burke, The official majority of Reynolds Is 483 in the circuit. The Democratic Executive Committee to-day passed resolutions in favor of the Australian ballot and elected the follow ing delegates: To State Convention —Boykin Wright, J. S. Reynolds, W. B. Young. J. J. Cohen, J. C. C. Black, Hamilton Phlnizy, W. P. Eve, Warren Walker, T. 6. Raworth, James Tobin, J. J. Doughty, M. P. Car roll. To Eighteenth Senatorial District Con vention —William Nixon, J. W. Chaffee, George I’. Lamback, W. H. Lougee, Wil liam M. Bearden, A. J. Gouley. To Tenth Congressional District Con vention —C. Henry Cohen, Irvin Alexan der, P. M. Mulherin. W. T. Gary, T. S. Raworth, Frank X. Dorr. PRIMARY IN 11ULLOCH. Very Small Vote Cast—Summary of tlie Outcome. Statesboro. Ga., May 16.—1n the primary helrl yesterday only 312 votes were east out of a total white registration of 1.0E6. All tfTfc candidates for siate house of fices received 310 votes except R. E. Park for slate treasurer, G. R. Glenn for School Commissioner and O. B. Stevens for Commissioner of Agriculture, who fell short cne vote. One vote each was cast for W. A. Broughton for State School Commissioner and Pcpo Brown for Com miss oner of Agriculture. Two districts in the county held no election. Only a few Populists participated. A few who offered to vote declined to take the obligation, and were accordingly de n el the right to vote. The only Interest felt was In the solici tor's race. J. W. Overstreet, of our neigh toting county, carried the county by a majority of three-and-a-half to one, re ceiving 211 to Rawlings’ 71. Rawlings, however, carried the circuit by a major ity of a thousand or more, and hts elec tion Is not at all distasteful to the people of Bulloch with whom he has been asso ciated pleasantly for four years. PRIMARY IV JFI’FEHSOt, Interesting Results In gome Very Warm Contests. IjOuisvllle. Ga., May 16. —The primary In this county passed oft quietly yesterday. The official count to-day gave the result as follows: For repersentatives, S. F. Tarver and O. G. Johnson; solicitor general, B. T. Raw lings over J. W. Overstreet by a majority of 195. The contest for all county officers was the warmest in some time. The race for sheriff was the hottest ever known In the county, and Farmer was re-elected over B. J. Brown by a majority of 64. For ordinary, A. P. Wooten won oner T. F. Caulk by a majority of 97; for tax col lect, G. W. Kelly won over J. E. Hannah by a majority of 87; for tax receiver, O. B. Brown won over W. E. Clarke by a ma jority of 60; W. S. Murphey. clerk, and S. M. Clark, treasurer, were re-elected wl: 11- out opposition. There were about 915 vote* polled in the county. Prohibition cut no figure in this county. HESI'LT IV mini OOUNTT. Ellis Defeated Steed and Polhlll Dent Hodges. Macon, Ga., May 16.—Roland Ellis de feats Clem Steed, the Prohibition candi date for senator in this district by 613 votes. Ellis carried Bibb and Pike and Steed carried Monroe by a small major- Hope Polhlll beats Hodges In the Macon circuit 9 votes for solicitor general. Hodges hail 117 majority in Bibb, but Pol hill had 126 majority' In Houston anil Crawford. The other five candidates were lost in the race. L. J. Kilburn, Joseph H. Hall and Thom os S. Felder go to the Legislature, Carl ing, Johnson, tho two Ayers and Stro ll ckir being defeated. G. B. Westcolt de feated T. M. Butner, the vote being 2,051 for Westcott against 898 for Butner. Abe Davis was elected coroner. The County Commissioners are as follows: O. M. Da vis, W. E. J'nklns, John E. Bailey, W. L Henry and W. T. Shinholser. RESULTS IN MILLER COUNTY, Stevens and Grlua* Stricken From Many Tickets. Colquitt, Ga., May 16.—The Miller coun ty primary Tuesday passed quietly. James A. Bush was chosen for the state Senate by a small majority over P. N. J. Dozier. Col. John R. Irwin carried the county by eleven majority over his op ponent, J. A. Lalng for solicitor general A large vote was polled. The regular State House officers’ ticket was voted straight, except Hon. O. B. Stevens who was almost generally stricken from the ticket, as was also Congressman J. M. Griggs, but not to such great extent. The fact that Stevens anil Griggs were using their Influence In this county In behalf •I their friend, Jiunee A. Lalng, who was From Washington How a Little Boy Was Saved. Washinjton, I). C. “When onr boy was atout 16 months oitl lie broke mtt with a rash which was thought to be measios. In a few days he had a swelling on the left side of his neck and it was decided to be mumps. He was given medical attendance for about three weeks when the doctor said it was scrofula and ordered a salve. Ho wanted to lance the sore. but I would not let him and continued giving him medicine for about four months when the hunch broke in two places and became a running sore. Three doctors said it was scrofula and each ordered a blood medicine. A neighbor told me of a rase somewhat like our baby’s which was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I decided to give it to my boy and in a short while his health improved and his neck healed so nicely that I stopped giving him the medicine. The sore broke out again, however, whereupon I again gave him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and its persistent use has accomplished a com plete cure. J. do not think there will be even a scar left. I cannot speak too highly of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I rec ommend it everywhere I got a chance.” Mrs. Nettie Chase, 47 K St., N. E. Like Magic. “A complication of troubles, dys pepsia, chronic catarrh and inflam mation of the stomach, rheumatism, etc., made me miserable. Had no appetite until I took Hood’s Sarsapa rilla, which acted like magic. I am thoroughly cured.” N. B. Seeley, 1874 West 14th Ave., Denver, Col. If you have failed to get relief from other remedies try Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. It cures when all others tail, because it is Peculiar to Itself. a candidate for solicitor general of the Pataula circuit, accounts for the friends of Laing's opponents making such al terations in their ticket. UE LACY FOR SOLICITOR. Result* of the Flection lu the Oconee Circuit. Eastman, Ga., May 36.—Official returns from all the counties in the Oconee Cir cuit show the following results: Roberts for Judge, majority, approximately 3000; Delacy for solicitor, majority, approxi mately, 800; Every one here is highly pleased with the results. Wilcox County'll Vote. Abbeville, Ga., May 16.—The consoli dated returns for this county give for Judge, D. M. Roberts, 528; C. C. Smith, 292; J. H. Martin, for Congress, E. B. Lewis, 910; Allen Fort, 198; for solicitor, J. F. I>eLacy, 307; J. E. Wooten, 199; J. L. Bankston. 605; for state senator, J. J. Dennard, 646; R. V. Bowen, 466. In the special sent from here yesterday it should have said that J. L. Bankston would carry this county, as this Is his homa county, and it gave him a good vote. This 'correction Is made in justice to Mr. Bankston. The primary for County of fices will be held July 31. Election in Berrltn County. Sparks. Ga.. May 16.—The consoli latel return* this morning show that the follow ing i>arties were elected yesterday: J. A. Alexander, for the 6enete; J. P. Knight, representative; A. W. Patterson, Or Jina ry; J. A. Sutton, clerk; W. L. Swindle, sheriff: M. W. Jones, tax collector: and Allen Hesters, tax receiver. J. I. Norwood was re-elected treasurer without opposi tion. The closest race was for clerk. Over 1,800 votes were polled. Results In Worth County. Sylvester, Ga., May 16.—For Congress, J. M. Griggs, 1,312; senator, A. O. Bacon, I, solicitor, W. E. Wooten, 1.217; for Judge. W. N. Spence, 616; T. A. Bush, 614; J. E. Donalson, 71; state senator, G. G. Ford, 1,152; for representative, W. L. Sikes; clerk, J. W. Warren; ordinary, J. W. Price; sheriff, J. N. Sumner: treas urer, J. W. AnJtmnn; Tax collector, N. J. Houston: receiver, O. W. Graves; sur veyor, E. Lindsey; coroner, A. j. Paul. For Senator From the Seventeenth. Sylvanta, Ga., May 16.—Hon. James H. Panlel, Rr., of Millen. will announce in the Sylvanta Telephone To-morrow as a candidate for state senator from this, the Seventeenth senatorial district, composed of the counties of Screven, Burke and Bulloch. Hen. T. W. Oliver, of Sylvania, has already announced his candidacy for the place, and they will both run subje:t To the Democratic nomination in Screven. The Vote In Telfnir. Mcßae, Ga., May 16 —The following coun ty officers were nominated in the primary yesterday: W. S. McDuffie, Ordinary; J. W. Cameron, clerk; J. D. Stewart, sheriff; D. C. Graham, treasurer; C. D. Beacham, tax receiver; Lewis Rawlins, tax cole-tor; D. R. Harrison, coroner; W. E. Graham, surveyor; D. C. McLennan, representa tive; D. M. Roberts, Judge; J. F. DeLacy, solicitor general. Protillritiou Wins In Sumter. Amerlcus, Ga., May 16.—Tho consolidat ed returns from Tuesday's primary show the nomination of W. T. Lane and B. L. Joiner for the Legislature. There were five candidates and prohibition was made thg issue of the campaign. Both nomi nees are ardent Prohibitionists anil the result shows the strength of that party in Sumter county. filnseugec's Election. Columbus, Oa., May 16—IJttle and Miller were nominated for representatives by large majorities. All the old county offi cers were renomianted, except Ordinary Pou, who was defeated by William Redi by 189 majority. Andrews won over Mar cus forr tax collector by only 58 majority in the county. Cl cm sen Wen from Grnruln. Athens, Ga., May 16.—Clemson defeated Georgia to-day by a score of 13 to 3. Georgia’s errors were costly and hits were scattered. Clemson bunched her htts. McMakln of Clemson struck out eleven men. Clemson: ten hits, nine er rors; Georgia: Nine hits, nine errors. Irwin Connty's Vote. Ocilla, Ga., May 16.—Irwin county gave Smith 125 majority for Judge and Wooten 17 majority for solicitor. Death of Charles Wood. Ma-on, May 15.—Police Sergt. Charlie Wood, who has been one of Georgia's best known and shrewdest detectives, died to day. Pythlnns From Amerlcus. Amerious, Ga., May 16.—A large delega tion of Knights of I’yehias went from Amerlcus anil neighboring towns this af ternoon to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Fitzgerald, the pnrty numbering half a hundred. The Amerlcus delegation will extend an invitation to the Grand Lodge to hold He next annual meeting here. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. 3IAY 17. 1900. ELECTION IN WARE COUNTY. Toomer Won for Representative. Other Wnycron New*. Waycross, Ga., May 16.—The vote polled throughout the county yesterday wa* probably the largest ever known at a p i mary. This is accounted for by the fact that Populists have come back into the Democratic ranks. The large number of candidates is also partly resp nsib e fo • this. The election has bfen q .'I t and orderly throughout, there l>:lrg a notice able absence of treating, and no lowiy ism. Hon. W. G. Brantely. for Congress; J hr W. Bennett, for bo icitor general, ond Lemuel Johnson, for state senator, ie:< iv cd a solid vote, there bcirg no op. o-it o.i to either. The race for representative was a three cornered affair. Hon. J. R. McDona and, for re-election r.nd vindication, was op |x>sed by D. C. Carndchael and Col. VV. M Toomer. the latter gentl* man being elected by a handsome plurality. For sheriff. T. J. McClellan was re elect ed by a large majority over Ed Srrith. For tax collector, R. M. Lanier, present in. um bent. was a winner over Copt. J. J. Wilk inson. At this writing octunl figures ar> unobtainable. In the xmte t for *ax re ceiver the race Is very close between W. T. James and C. J. McDonald. J. A. Jones gets a gord majority over B. SJrmane for treasurer. Warren Lott < r li nary. and H. E. McVeigh, clerk, are re elected without opposition. Ruskin Colony has decided to give a big picnic tnd blow-out on the Fourth of July. The local lodge of Odd Fellows is mak ing extensive preparations for entertain ing visiting brother* next week, when tln- Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment will be held here. There will be about 175 rep resentatives with a large number of their friends in attendance, and a lodge of Si ters of Rehakah will be instituted. The programme, which will lasi three days, embraces speeches, music, parndes, ban quets, and a picnic at Waltertown. on the picturesque Satilla river. Cheap rotes on all railroads entering the town will insure large crowds. Monday at noon the Confederate Vet erans’ of Camp Harrison held u meeting at Jesup in the Superior Court room. The following delegates wer** elected to the Ijouisville re-union: D. R. Johnson. H. M. Grant horn and George W. NichoJ'.s. Cap tain Ben Miliken was elected major on General McGlashan's staff, and D. ft. Johnson captain. Misses Maud Johnson ond Kate Miliken were chosen as sponsors for Harison Camp. Rllch & Huxford lost their commissary at Screven by fire Saturday morning. Their loss is about $1,200, no insurance. The origin of the fire is a mystery. J. K, Wilson & Cos. have dissolved co partnership ond the Wnycross Steam Laundry will be run by S. H. Hunnicut in future. J. E. Wilson retires. MOD 111 NTING FOR A NEGRO. He Attempted to Assault a White Woman Near Rome. Rome. Ga., May 16.—This morning at Coosaville, fourteen miles below Rome, John Moran, a 16-year-old negro boy, at tempted to assault Mrs. A. B. Camp, wife of Sheriff Camp’s brother. The negro worked for Mr. Camp, and while a,)l the family but Mrs. Camp were In the field, Moran returned to the house on some pretext. Mrs. Camp was sitting on the back porch when the negro sipped up on her, grasped her about the throat and began choking her. She struggled desperately with the negro, and finally breaking loose screamed. Moran became frightened and at once fled. Weak and unnerved. Mrs. Camp gave the alarm, and a posse of desperate arm ed men have been on ihe lroy’s track since. Many rumors have reached the city, but owing to the isolation of the community nothing can be learned. When caught It Is believed Moran will be a victim of Judge Lynch. Mrs. Camp is a handsome and cultured lady, the daughter of ex-Sherlff Joe Lump kin. EFFIXGH AM HI SS ARS. Elected Officer* After Quite n Squally Session. Guyton, Ga., May 16—The Effingham Hussars had a heated contest ever the election of officers to-day at Springfield There are two factions about equally di tided as to number* The Guyton squail has elected ten new members and pre senteil them at the beginning of the met. lng to-dvy for confirmation by the troop, but upon ballot they were blackballed, hence they were not allowed to vote. Tills caused quite a disturbance and for awhile things were squally. Finally quiet was restored and the vote was polled. H. R. Dasher received six teen votes for captain and was elected by one vote over J. S. Neldlingef-. O. M. Morgan was elected first lieutenant and D. G. Heldt Jr. second lieutenant. John Delegal Is on trial for murder. The rase wns taken up this afternoon. The Jury has hern selected and the evidence Is being heard, the caso will not be con cluded to-day. UNDERWRITERS OF GEORGIA. n. M. Hull of Snvnnnnla Wa* Elected President. Augusta, May 16.—The State Convention of tho Underwriters’ Association closed to-day, after a social session up the canal, and an elegant barbecue dinner at the locks. The election of state officers for the en suing years resulted: President —R. M. Hull. Savannah. First Vice President—Edgar Dunlap, At lanta. Second Vico President—l. W. Cabanlss, Macon. Secretary and Treasurer—John W. Walker, Augusta. Executive Committee—K. W. Cole and M. P. Pallllo, Atlanta; J. J. Cohen and F. M. Butt, Augusta: W. F. Train, Sa vannah; I. B. Kimball, Columbus. Atlanta was selected for next yoar’s convention. HaelrouMM% is at the roots. Clipping itefc V the ends of the hair is tuvl _ liketreuting thebranches of a tree with rotten fff (SStF roots. You must strike S even yjsf Sutherland f'jSl Sisters’ 4h..y inv i/orAtc tlio roots—feed them. This wnf* gives life, beauty —grace to the hair. Everyone VjMjgteZjJ should use them. kOLO CVEnYAHEfiC. 4 FRAUD! FRAUD!! Profiting- by our success, unscrupulous con cerns have*imitated our MURRAY HILL CLUB 1 label. The frand is easy to detect. Without our trade mark none is ni genuine. When our firm name T/Px on the package, you can feci con fldent of the content*. ’ JOS. A. MAGNUS & CO. C IIV €~Z INN AT~ I. o . OF SAVAielsi3 dT cAm LMiDB / II Goferess Street, West. Fiiona 383. DEATHS. COLE.—Died, Mr James Cole, at his residence, 816 East Lauvale street. Balti more, Md„ Wednesday, 9th inst. rL’XEKAL INVITATION!. MIDDLETON.—Died, Wednesday after noon, at 4:30 o’clock, at the Savannah Hos pital, Harry Middleton, in the 37th year of his age. Relatives ond friends of the family are invited to the services at the residence, 143 Price street, near Gaston, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Carriages reserved for the family. WALDRON.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Waldron are invited to attend the funeral of the for- ( mer from the late residence, 523 Little Jones street, west, this (Thursday) after noon at 4 p. m. MEETINGS. SOLOMON'S’ LODGE NO. 1, F. A A. 81. A regular communication of this lodge will be held at Masonic Tem pic this (Thursday) evening at 8:15 < V o'clock. The E. A. Degree will be conferred. Transient brethren and members of sis ter lodges fraternally invited to attend. JOHN W. PARKER. W. M. JAS. R. CAIN. Secretary. OCEYN CITY' LODGE NO. 5, Knight* of the Royal Arch. Savannoh, Ga.. May 16, 1900. The regular meeting of this lodge will be held at K. of P. Hall Thursday evening, May 17, 8 o'clock. H. E. DREE3ON, V. C. W. F. COURTENAY, Recorder. MILITARY' ORDERS. IRISH JASPER GRER\h ~ Savannah, Qa., May 17, ISOO. Order No. 12— The corps will assemble at the armory In citizens' dress this (Thursday) evening at 8:30 o’clock, for drill and meeting. A full attendance is requested, as business of Importance wit! be considered. P. F. GLEASON, Captain. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTH E TO WATER TAKERS. Office of Savannah Water Works, Savannah, Ga.. May 16, 19CO. The water will be shut off to-morrow (Thursday) morning. May 17, at 9 o’clock, and remain off for several hours In that section of the city as follows: Abercorn to East Broad streets, Gaston and Taylor streets. I. 17. KINSEY, Supt. HOUSEKEEPERS. NOW IS THE TIME TO USB PAXTON’S B—D B-G POI3ON. It wild keep your premises free from this disgusting little pest. Large bottle 25c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID and make your old clothes look like new. Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COM PANT. *28,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT. 24 President street, east. WHITE WARE SALE TO-DAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. White French and German China and Porcelain at almost given away prices. Not many days now before June 1. JAS. S. SILVA, 31 Congress, west. Decorated Ware sale to-morrow. LAWTON MEMORIAL, Entertainment to-tilght by Woodmen of the World. Address on "Woodcraft," musicals and recitations. The public cor dially invited. ______________ FOR SALE, Yacht Marie; 18-foot long, 646-foot beam, with ample lookers, leg of mutton sails, clinker built. 15 months old. Built at At lantic City, N. J. JOHN CARR, Bay and Habersham streets. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, May 11, 1900. All persons falling to take out dog badges by the 20th Inst, will be placed upon the Information docket without fur ther notice. WM. P. BAILEY, Clerk of Council. FOR SALE CHEAP, One set Shelf Bottles. One Soda Fountain. * One Prescription Case. Two Copper Founts. Above good vs new. DONNELLY PHARMACY, Liberty and Price streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. 75c—DINNER—75c Dinner 6 <o 9 p. m., Thursday, May 17. Claret Wine. SOUP. Mullaga tawny. FISH. Lake Troat, Parsley Sauce. Potatoes ala Hollandaise. Sliced Tomatoes, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTS. -Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy. Chicken Stuffed with Cyrrant Jelly. ENTREES. Kromeskies ala Venitienne. Boston Baked Beans. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. New Garden Peas. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanilla Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers, Fruits. Strawberry Frutt Cream. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west. SPECIAL NOTICE TO FACTORS AND OPERATORS. We have this day secured the agency on the celebrated “Auburn” Farm and Turpentine Wagons. All orders will be promptly filled, and don’t forget the guarantee on their "steel axles.” Address COHEN-IKULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Savannoh, Ga. Babcock’s and Studebaker’s Representa tives. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There Is no guesswork In our methods. We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the service® of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfeat In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot do compaued tr. value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle inferior glasses as a side line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON, Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B,—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Stfvannah Carriage and Wagon CO. As they will give up business in ihe city on Juno 1, I offer it for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. THE WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. DOORS, BASH, BLINDS, And everything In the building material line. We are headquarters for these goods, with the largest and most com plete stock In the South. Buy White Pine Doors, Sash and Blinds for your new borne. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGING. Wo carry complete assortment of latest style papers, and employ only best artists. Bee our goods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest. SAVANNAH EUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. BECKMANN'S CAFE. Headquarters for Imported Wurz burger and Pilsner Beers, J. W. Mo Culloeh’s Green River Whiskies, tha purest, without a headaohe. Try U. Phono 710. GEO. BECKMANN. Adjaecnt Post Office, WOLF’S FLOWERS AT CON IDA'S. I have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at his Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. BAR- gas SEN Je7 INC Ai' -T AMUSEMENTS. —OS— ARTS AND SCIENCES. —Gallery of Paintinqi end Sculpture— Open to daily, except Sunday, From 10 a. m. 10 6 p. m. admission 25c. Annual ticket#* S3. BUSIKEhS NOTICES. AHOOI, JWON! Dinna ye ken a gvde thing? SCOTCH ALE Brewed by Wm. Younger, in Edin burgh, Scotland. In white stone jugs of one full pint. Each 20c; per dozen $2.25. Scotch Ale Is sweet and extremely nour ishing. Popular with ladies. Will toneup the system wonderfully. 111 MCI GIL Comer Broughton and Whitaker. Tybec Lots tor Sale. lam offering on easy terms lots at Ty bee, located to suit any demand. are fine beach lots, distributed from near the site of the old Ocean House to the vicinity and beyond Hotel Tybee. Also Inlet lots, near the Chatham’s Club House, lots fronting on the railroad, and rear lots, well suited for living or for planting. Very easy terms will be given on the above. C. H. DORSETT. THE BEAUTY -OF— ROSES is enhanced when they are dis played in a brilliant Cut Glass Rose Bowl or Vase. Our Cut Glass, embracing everything, should be especially attractive to dainty housewives these spring days. HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, Jewelers, 143 Bull Street. CLEANEST IN THE CITY. Offices 507 Bull street and 35 "Whitaker et. Telephones 700 and 400. Tor'saleT One lot 31>x125 on Tenth *treet, near Jefferson. One lot 30x128 on Ninth street, near Jefferson. Prices lower than anything else In the nelshborhood, and terms very easy. Both lots near the Elgrhth Street School. , C. H. DORSETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats S per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 4-horee power, seats 16 per sons—s6so. These are the "Ideal" gentleman’s launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Raidne, Wii., and used at all the fairs and exhibitions In the Western states. , Stans in a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats. RVAN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Rooms 27 and 29 Provident Building. Competent office help supplied fiom this college. Students prepared directly tot business. Dey and night sessions Learn to operate the new models of the Reming ton Standard Typewriter, that blng the machine which the business world em plays. Bearing A Hull. Bole Dealer*. BUY ONLY TflE HI ST GINGER ALE. The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Wheeler A Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has thooe waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other Is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Bole Southern Agents, Savannah, Ga. LEOPOLD ADLER. C . S. ELLIS. President. Vice President, w. F. M’CAULEY. Cashier THE, CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the accounta of Merchant*, Finns, Individuals. Banka, and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, lnsur. Ing prompt returns. Sep.-.rate Savings Department INTEREST COMPOUNDED RLAR. terlv on deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults for rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital *2OO on* Undivided profits fio*oou i tits cank o.icw its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad irinif-trator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities in Great Britain and Ireland and on tha Continent. Interest p*id or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Saving IDepartment .'Ofetv Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass’t Cashier. Tiis Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Irniikucift Miiiktiai *iaakiug Business. Solicit* Account! of Individual!, merchants, Bank* and other Corpo. ration*. Collection* linndled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed ou deposits In our Savin?* Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President, MILLS 11. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier, SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Capital J&O.OW Surplus and undivided profits—.. .—5338,1X10 DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking Business. Collections made on all points ~ ” accesctble through banks and bankers. Accounts of Banks) Bankers, Merchant! and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable Quarterly. Sells Stearltng Exchange on London H and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON, Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. SiiiiWiiii CAPITAL *350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid Quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on a!! points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEXQf D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President W. G. CANN, Cashier. r--- i'i. a No. 1640, Chartered, 1864 THE art# mom it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. $500,C00. SURPLUS. SIOO,OOO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent wits safe and conservative banking. -■ ■ ■ -3 BUSINESS NOTICES. BoierforSale! We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell It for SM, delivered at any railroad depot in Savannah. The boiler is In good shape, and would not be sc’d had it not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. lo Newspaper Piste. For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 2Tx42. It is in good order. Price SIOO. It cast originally $l,lOO, but we have no use for it and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any nowspoper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Snvaunuk, a *’