The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GRAND LODGE OF PYTHIANS. INTERESTING SESSION BEfilX IN FITZGF/RALD. Colony City 1* Full of Knight* nnd Their Friend*—There Are 800 in Attendance on tlie Grand Lodge. Snvnnnnh'n Dplegation Made a Splendid of Inf form Rank—Will lie u Content for Grand Chancellor. Fitzgerald, Ga., May 17.-The little city is full <f Pythians attending the Grand Lodge of Georgia. Visiting Knights and delegates have be*n arriving on every triin, and the hotels are crowded. Fully 6CO are in attendance. This morning occurred the grand j*i rode through the principal streets, and addresses of welcome at the Opera House. Mayor Thomas Wilson presented the keys of the city to the Knights in a happy talk. Addresses were made by Represen tative J. W. Austin, of Atlanta, Grand Prelate Frank Hooper, of Amerlcus, and C 1. D. B. Jay, of this city. The Grand Lodge transacted much bus iness at its session, having before it the changing of the term? of chancellor com manders to six months. Delegations of the uniform rank are present from Atlanta and Savannah. Gen. Harmon ami staff are present, and it is a certainty that he will he re-elected. The Savannah party presented a handsome ap pearance and received much applause on the line of march. There will probably be a contest for grand chancellor between present Grand Vice Chancellor Milton Smith of Macon, and Jos. L. Wiley of Atlanta. Mr. Wiley is strong in the Grand Lodge, and his friends are urging him for promotion. The Legrand Hotel, the Pythian headquarters, Is full of guests and all are pleased with their treatment. Three members of the order here, Messrs. Fred Clark, Ross A. Wilson and ex-Senator J. E. Mercer.have furnished this building of two hundred rooms, and are conducting it for the spe- e r al accommodation of the Pythians. Tho exemplification of the rank of knight by George F. Cooper Lodge of Amerlcus. was well rendered and nothing b;t praise was heard for their work. ARGUED IN NEW ORLEANS. Citicfttion of Patting Stamp* on Ex* pro** Receipt*. Atlanta, May 17.—Attorney General Ter rell returned to-day at neon from New Or leans where he went to argue the case in regard to the affixing of a stamp to every express company’s receipt. The expriss company now makes the shipper of a pack age furnish this stamp, but the Railroad Commission thinks the compiny should furnish the stamp. The express company applied for an in junction before Judge Spaer to prevent in fringement of the order of the Railroad Commission. Judge Speer granted the in junction and the commission appealed to the United States Circuit Court at New Orleans. Attorney General Terrell said this afternoon he was very hopeful that the court would uphold the commission. This opinion, he says, is based on several inti mations given out by the court during the progress of the argument. Railroad Com missioner Spencer R. Atkinson accompa nied Attorney General. COTTON MILL AT WARRENTON. Capital for a Yarn nnd Knitting; Plant Quickly SubMorilied. Warrenton, Ga., May 17.—Something like $25,000 w’as subscribed here yesterday for the purpose of erecting a yarn and knit ting mill. This amount will be increased at once to $40,000, which will give ample capital for an enterprise of this kind. Mr. J. F. Allen was elected president, and the following constitute the board of direct ors: B. L. Battle, C. C. Farmer, C. R. Fitzpatrick, William M. Hawes, L. G. Neal, N. C. Edwards. J. F. Allen, W. W. Flicker and C. N. Churchill. The mills will be known as the B. L. Battle Manufacturing Company in recog nition of Col. Battle’s large share takings and the further fact that he is largely in strumental in the organization of the en terprise. The directors were authorized to begin work at once and it is now expected to be in working shape by Oet. 1. DEATH OF MBS. ])YRI>. Wife of Acting; Adjutant General Plill G. Byrd. Rome, Ga., May 17.—Mrs. Kilo Hold Byrd, -wife of Acting Adjutant General Phil Byrd, died here at an early hour this morning. Gen. Byrd, who spends most of his time in Atlanta, came In last night before his wife became unconscious, and was at her bedside when she died. Mrs. Byrd was originally from Philadel phia, find was n Quakeress. She was about 38 years old. To her and Mr. Byrd there have been born eight children. She leaves two boys and three girls living. The funeral will take place to-morrow. Gov. Candler and other state officials sent telegrams of sympathy. MARIETTA PAPER MILL. Order of Court Foreclosing Mortgage Against It. Atlanta, May 17.—Judge Newman of the United States Court, to-day granted a final decree foreclosing the mortgage on the Marietta Paper Mill, and providing for Its sale. The mortgage Is for 175.00). It was executed to secure the bonded In debtedness of the Marietta Paper Manu facturing Company, David Ro'rinson, trus tee. The lime of the sale will be fixed by Mr. Sessions, the receiver. The sale will be at public outcry, but no Md will be recognized, unless accompanied by a certified check for $5,000. Pasco and Johnson at Tnnipn. ' Tampa, Fla., May 17. Trot. Emory It. Johnson and ex*Senator Pasco of Florida, mm bars of the Isthmian Canal Commls •<on. were h°re to-day Inquiring into in dustrial conditions relative to the pro posed waterway. They are of the opinion that the report of the commission will not bo completed before December next. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Pasco leave for Jack sonville to-night. Pnreliaae of I/nmbrr Mills. Pensacola, Fla., May 17.—The Boyer Lumber Company of this city, a newly or ganized corporation, has bought the mills of the Morrison Mill Company in Coving ton county, Ala., the consideration being 125/00. 'iiD Tonight Just before retiring. If your liver is sluggish, out of tune and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Hood's Pills you'll be all right la the morning. CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, PALATABLE. “APENTA” HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER. A Wineglassful a Dose. Sole Exporters: THE A POL LIN A RIS C 0.., Ld., London. DEATHS. KEATING—Died at Hluffton, S. C., May 15, Johanna, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Keating, of this city. riNERAt INVITATION**. MURPHY—The relatives and friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy and family are invited to attend the funeral of her son, Stephen TANARUS., from No. 608 Second avenue, west, at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. 1)1 RIAL OF FATHER OTIRIEN. Funeral Ceremonies largely Attend ed nt Washington. Washington, Ga., May 17.—The funeral services of Father James M. O’Brien were conducted from the Catholic Church on Tuesday. An immense throng of people from all the denominations packed the church. A special train from Augusta brought several hundred more, among whom were the Sacred Heart Cadets, a military company organized in Augusta by Father O’Brien during his pasto: ate n that city. The casket was buried beneath a wea th of floral offering?, among which was not and a cross from the Sacred Heart Church of Augusta, wreath from Mr. and Mrs. Stu t of Augusta, cross from Mr. A. T. Clark, Augusta, and a number of other handsome pieces from various parts of the state. Bishop Bevens of Springfield, Mas*, acted as celebrant of the mass. He w a assisted by Rev. Dr. Gunn, Junior and aeon, Atlanta, and Father Colbert of Atlanta, sub-deacon. Bishop Kelley of Savannah, Father L. Bazin, vicar general, Atlanta; Dr. Gunn, Atlantn; Rev. P. IT. M Mahon of Augusta, Rev. Dr. Boyd of Augusta, Rev. O’Shannahan of Savannah, Rev. Da vid of Sharon, also assisted Father McMa hon acting as master of ceremonies. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers: J. E. Poche, C. E. Irwin, J. J. Toorrtey, T. B. Green, J. H. Fitzpatrick, James A. Benson, Jr., Charles Poche, W. A. Maguire. After the mass Bishop Kei’ey mad*' a beautiful talk on the life and works of Father O'Brien. He said in his whole ex perience he had never know a better . nd truer man than Father James O’Brien. He made a touching allusion to his life work among the orphans. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Medal Won by Reiner of the South Carolina College. Columbia, S. C., May 17.—The tenth an nual contest of the Interstate Oratorical Association was held in the state capital here to-night. The medal was won by W. Gordon Belser of the South Carolina College. The speakers wore D. K. Lambuth of Vanderbilt, “The Man With the Hoe;” W. C. Monroe, University of Virginia, "The Voice of a Heritage;’’ W. G. Reiser. Souin Carolina College, “The Trend of Politics,’’ and J. B. Dibrell, University of Texas, “The Modern Demagogue.” Center College, Washington and Lee and Sewanee, were not represented. The judges were ex-Gov. John C. Shep pard and Justice Ira B. Jones, both form er speakers of the House of Representa tives of South Carolina, and Judge An drew Cratvford. NAMED NEGRO ENUMERATORS. llneh Indljrnatfon Over the Matter Expressed in Augusta, Ga., May 17.—1 t is announced here that Census Supervisor Smythe, In making his appointment* of enumerators, has named fourteen negroes, three of whom are women, to do the work In Au gusta. Indignation is expressed by the. citizens over this action, many declaring they will not submit to being interrogated by the black enumerators. Supervisor Smythe to day paid that 107 enumerators had been appointed in the Tenth Congressional dis trict, among tho number being eighteen negroes, fourteen of whom w r in the Augusta list, and of this number, three are women. Supervispr Smythe further says he can not remove anyone except for civil service cause. BJFEIHGHAM SUPERIOR COURT. John Delegnl Fonnd Guilty of Volnii tnry Mansinaghler, Guyton, Ga., May 17.—The trial of John Delegal in Effingham Superior Court occu pied most of the day Wednesday, and tho case was left to the Jqry at a late hour last night. The Jury spent the night lr the Jury room, and brought in a verdict this morning. Delegal was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and recom mended to the mercy of the court. The grand Jury completed the business for this term of court and were discharg ed last night. Several true bllia were found against merchants for selling intox icants in violation of the county law. TANARUS, a court is still sitting, but will, no doubt, ad journ Friday afternoon. Trades Display- at I'ensacala. Pensaco'a, Fls., May 17.—A line trades display took place here to-day- under the auspices of the Afro-American business and professional men's association. There were numerous e’aborate floats represen tative of the commercial and industrial enterprises of Pensacola owned and oper and by negroes. They demonstrate! the wonderful progress, educationally and in dustrially of Ihe race in this city. At the opera house to-night Cooker T. Wash ington delivered an address as a fitting close to the day. Tho Host Proaorlptlon for Malaria, Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 50c.—ad. Stouth Carolina Druggists. Charleston, 8. C., May 17.—The annual meeting of the Pharmaceutical Association of South Carolina, was held here to-day. The business transacted was of a routine nature. Dr. O. Y Owlngs of Columbia, was elected president. Dr J. H Johnson of Rock Hill, vies president, nnl Dr. F. M. Smith of this city, secretary, for the enstilng year. The delegates were en tertained at an Informal banquet to-night. —ln Sulu Society—"ls he a bachelor?" "Comparatively; he has only twelve wives."—Ufa. ' * THE MORNING NEWS; FRIDAY, MA 18. 1900. MBETHOS. i\£iiiss7r\rrT : o>rMA i vniiirr^ Attention Sir Knights: You will assemble at your asylum at 8:30 o'clock this evening, to attend the Masonic Fair. Every Sir Knight is expected to be present. Visiting Sir Knights are cordially Invit ed to attend. By order of H. E. WILSON, Eminent Com. W. S. ROCKWELL, Recorder. LAKDRI'JI I.ODLE NO. 4S. F. AND A.M. A regular communication of this A lodge will be held ihls (Friday) ev enlng nt Masonic Temple at 8:15 /xr\ o’clock. The F. C. Degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges and transient brothers cordially Invited to attend. By order GEO. T. CANN, W. M. W. C. TRAVIS. Secretary. HAI l’T LODGE \(. AN. I. o. O. F. A special meeting of the lodge has been called to-ntght (Friday) at 8:30 o'clock, to attend the Masonic Fair. Supper will be provided by this lodge for its members, and all brothers are in vited to attend. W. H. WADE N G THOS. GAMBLE, JR., Secretary. SPECIAL .NOTICE*. lp|||t A WELL STOCKED GROCERY STORE is the place wherfc you will save the most money. It pays to be economical In buying groceries 'as well as In buying anything else. You m;ty not save a for tune here on every article, but a few cents here and there counts In the long run, for instance: 1-lb. cans Veal Loaf per can 10c 1-lb. Pig Feet per can 15c 1- Brawn per can 15c H-lb. cans Deviled Ham per can 10c H-lb. cans Chip Beef per can 15c H-lb. cans Boned Chicken per can 25c 2- cans Corned Beef per can 20c JOHN T. EVANS & CO., 1 Congress and Barnard streets. Fone 286. THE RIVER IS DOWN, SPUING IN SPLENDID CONDITION. You have no exenso now for not visiting the Famous Snwnnee Spring*. Cure* II lieu mot I win, D>*. pepnia, all kidney nnd Bladder Trou ble in from it to 6 week*. Cure guaranteed. The moNt delightful Smuttier Re- Nort South. No Mosqultoe*, No Ma laria. Delightful breeze during; the day, sleep under blanket* every night. Elegant Bathing. Accommodation* nnd table strictly tlr*t-cln*. Hoard SIO.OO per week nnd upward*—Ex cursion Ticket* for sale by Plant System. SI WANKR SPRINGS COMPANY. Suwanee, Fin., ANDREW HANLEY, Preident nnd General Manager. FOR ABSOLUTE PURITY AND GREATEST SATISFACTION to consumers GORDON & DILWORTH'S PRESERVES, SWEET PICKLED FRUITS, CALVES' FOOT and FRUIT JELLIES, FRUIT SYRUPS, etc., cannot be equaled. We strongly recommend their Sweet Pickled Peaches and Tomato Sauce. The former making a delicious appetizer and the latter as fine a soup or meat dress ing as can be obtained. A. M. & C. W. WEST. HOUSE KEEPERS, NOW IS THE TIME TO USB PAXTON'S B-D B-G POISON. It win keep your premises free from this disgusting little pest. Large bottle 26c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID end make your old clothes look like new. La(ge bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. tli.-.,<H><>. One of our clients has placed In our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT, DECORATED GOODS. Special sole of odds and ends to-dny at 10 o'clock. Plates, Cups and Saucers, Dishes, etc., at about half the usual price of white goods. Next week closes me out. Better come quickly. JAS. S. SILVA, 31 Congress, west. Big bargains to-morrow also. SPECIAL NOTICE. Retail drug business established 27 years ago. A more satisfactory class of trade in every particular is not enjoyed by any business of the same class In the city. Tho present employes have been associated with the patrons of this store for many years, and their servlets can be retain, and. Satisfactory reasons will be given for sill <lV. C. FKIP* 6c CO. ©L Ef\P S . '' Write for catalogue and prices. I \ \* OPPENHEIB, SLOIII l CO. ■ SPECIAL NOTICES. hote? 75c—DIN N E R—7sc Dinner 6 to 9 p. m., Friday, May 18. Claret Wine. Little Neck Clams on half shell. SOUP. Puree of Split Peas. FISH. Baked Snapper, Wine Sauce. Sliced Cucumbers, Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives. ROASTS. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. Rice Field Lamb, Mint Sauce. ENTREES. Veal Kidneys, Fricasaed ala Parislenne. Charlottes of Apples ala Cognac. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, String Beans. Candied Yams, Stewed Tomatoes. Rice. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Sago Pudding, Fruit Sauce. Blackberry Pie. Assorted Cakes, Cheese, Crackers. Fruit, French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE .^STAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. A COOKING CLASS AT THE WOMAN’S EXCHANGE. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY’S from 10 a. m. to 12 noon. The ladles of Savannah are invited by the Southern Cotton Oil Company to at tend a corking class at the Woman’s Ex change, where a cooking expert will dem onstrate the qualities of Cooking Oil pre part and by the WESSON PROCESS and of the WESSON SALAD OIL. Demonstrations will be given from 10 a. m. to 12 noon every Tuesday and Fri day until further notice. Meun for Friday: Biscuits, Potatoes, Croquettes. Salad with Mayonaise. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June i, I offer it for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. THE W A V TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate or; the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture nnd pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. PH l Slt IA vs AAD THE PUBLIC. Should know that a priceless tonic for their health Is right at their doors. It is a tonic that has no equal—and Is imported by us from Scotland, and for convalescents It is one of the best tonics possible to ob tain. Certificate attached: Analytic!4 Laboratory. Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh. Scotland. 19th August. IS9*. I have examined a sample of Messrs. D. J. Tomson A Coy’s “Cherry Whisky Li queur,” and find the same to be com pounded from highly matured spirit and other pure materiel*. The taste and odour are most pleasing, and I have confidence In recommending this Liqueur as one of the most pure of the native manufac tured spirits I have yet come in contact with. W. IVISON MACADAM. F. R. S. E., F. I. C„ F. C. S„ etc. Analytical and Consulting Chemist. Agents in Savannah, Ga., Lippman Brothers. RYAN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Rooiqa 27 and 29 Provident Building. Competent office help supplied from this college. Students prepared directly tor business. Day and night sessions. Learn to operate the new models of the Reming ton Standard Typewriter, that being thn machine which the business world em ploys. Dearing A Hull. Bole Dealer* SEND ONE DOLLAR.-Cut this out and mall to us at oncie, enclosing one dol lar nnd we will send you a beautiful 21- plece China Tea set, handsomely decorat ed in three-color floral patterns. This eel consists of 6 cups, 6 saucers, 6 plates, tea pot, sugar bowl and cream pitcher. We will not send more than one set to a person. This offer'good for 30 days only. EARLE, DII.LMAN. WHEELER & CO., Chlnaware, Crockery, Glassware nnd Hrlc-a-Brae, 2 and 4 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. SPECIAL NOTICE. Mr. Walter Coney of Savannah, Ga., has been elected Second Vice President of this company, and will have control of the Savannah department of Its busi ness. PATERSON-DOWNING CO.. New York. BIDS FOR CEMETERY SITE. On behalf of the city of Savannah, bids will be received at the office of the under signed until 12m. Saturday. May 26, 1900, for suitable cemetery sites. Bids are In vited from those who have parcels of land containing 160 or more acres. The right Is reserved to accept or to reject any and all bids. ISAAC G. HAAS, V Chairman Special Committee. BL'SLNK** NOTICES. SMOKE LILLIAN RUSSELL CIGARS AH New Things In Jewelry. STYLISH, ELEGANT, USEFUL, ARE TO HE FOUND IN OUR ESTABLISH MENT. CHATELAINE WATCHES IN BEAU TIFUL ENAMELS—QUITE THE THING TO GO AVITH SUMMER TOILETS. CHARMING DESIGNS IN SHIRT WAIST SETS, GOLD AND SILVER. SLEEVE 111 TTONS, BELT CLASPS, ETC., IN GREAT VARIETY. THEUS BROS. Boiler for Sale. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell It for 5400, delivered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler is In good shape, ar.d would not be sold had it not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. SPECIAL .NOTICES. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 4-horee power, seats 16 per sons—s6so. These are the "Ideal” gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Racine, Wle., and used at all the fairs and exhibitions in the Western states. Starts In a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats. JUST ARRIVED, One carload of the handsomest and best line of work ever brought to the city. Kelley Springfield Rubber Tires applied in twenty-four hours. MARK APPLE. 320 Broughton, West. BECKMANN’S CAFE. Headquarters for Imported Wurz burger and Pilsner Beers. J. W. Me Culloch’s Green River Whiskies, the purest, without a headache. Trv it. Phone 710. GEO. BECKMANN. Adjacent Post Office. WOLF'S FLOWERS AT OONIDA’S. I have arranged with Paul Conida to carry ni his Bull street sto're at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 557. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WALL PAPER. Get oar prices on the best goods tor your building. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, May 11, 1900. All persons falling to take out dog badges by the 20th inst. will be placed upon the Information docket without fur ther notice. WM. P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. LOOK. The finest line of Mantels, Tiling and Grates In the city. Prices rock bottom. Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 519 " Our Ladies 9 Oxford Tips; ■ ■ Don't forget our remnant sale of Ladies’ Tan and Brown Oxford , , . • , • , ~ , Ties, as we save you money on ev are the daintiest that ever , . u ery pair of these you buy. clasped a shapely ankle, the trimmest that ever peeped from beneath a skirt, and the most styl ish shoes you ever wore. Our children’s low shoes are marvels of grace, beauty and style, together yMM with a solidity that makes them very satisfactory w wearing shoes. Try them. J r OOrCOV£IIJSJISr6^JI£wAr/fa The Leading Laundry OF THE CITY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, AMUSEMENTS. TELFAIir^CADEMY^ -OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. —Gallery ol Paintings and Sculpture- Open to visitor* dally, except Sunday, From 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. fltagls admission 25c. Annual ticket* n. BUSINESS NOTICES. Tybee Lots foITSaE I am offering on easy terms lots at Ty bee, located to suit any demand. These are fine beach lots, distributed from near the site of the old Ocean House to the vicinity and beyond Hotel Tybee. Also Inlet lots, near the Chatham's Club House, lots fronting on the railroad, and rear lots, well suited for living or for planting. Very easy terms will be given on the above. C. H. DORSJ3TT. TOR SALE, One lot *10x125 on Tenth street, near Jefferson. a One lot 30x125 on Ninth street, near Jefferson. Prices lower than anything else In the neighborhood, and terms very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. c. h. non SETT. r mm lii; For sale, a Forsnith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It is in good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use for it and want th* room It occupies. It will be an invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. • Address MORNING NEWS, Snvunnnh, Ga. MilM CAPITAL $350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on *ll points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W Q, CANN, Cashier. No. 1640, Chartered, 196* THE kills lilf it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. 5300,000. SURPLUS, 1100,000, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON. President. BEIKNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants nnd corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. BAR BEN COM LEOPOLD ADLER, C. S. ELLIS, President. vice PresldenL W. F. M'CATTLEY, Cashier. THE. CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the accounts ef Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banks, and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, lnsur. tag prompt return* Separate Sayings Department INTEREST COMPOUNDED 4*ll AR TERLY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults foe rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK,' SAVANNAH, GA. Capital J209.00* Undivided profits 60.000 This bank offers Its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Haa authority to act aa executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities is Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the 6avlng Department, Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice PresldenL JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F, HOGAN. Ass t Cashier The Citizens Bank OF SA VANIK AH. CAPITAL $500,000. TrflniiiictM u boatful Aaah.iiitf Bulne. Solicits Accounts of Individuals, Merchants, Banks and other Corpo rations. Collections handled with safety economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly Allowed on deposits in oar Saving* Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storags Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. President. MILLS B. LAKE. Vice President. GROHGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cnsliler, SOUTHERN BUNK of the Brate of Georgia. Capital 560, 01 Surplus and undivided profits—...—s3sß,ooo DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE Ob' GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking Business Collections mad. on all points accessible through banks and bankers Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Merchants and others solicited. Bate Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London U ana upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vine President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON. It. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FER3T. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRB*.