The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ENTERTAINMENT DENOUNCED. DH. BROUGHTON HAS STIRRED l'P ANOTHER SENSATION. Declare* n Presentation Given In Atlnntn luist Night Wi MnklnK Light of Matrimony—The Enter tainment him! It* Promoter* De fended by Dr. Landrum—lt NVn* YY ritteu l>> 'lr*. M. A. Llpueomb of Lory Cobb Twelve Year* Ago. Atlanta, Ga.. May 18.—No sooner had Dr. L. G. Broughton returned from the Southern Baptist Convention in Hot Springs than he stirred up another sen sation. but this time some fifty lady members of the First Baptist Church are primarily- the object if his castigation. These ladies compose what is known as the Sorosls Society. Mrs. Yasser Woolley, the vice president, planned a unique entertainment at the Grand to night to raise funds to build a bay coa lage at the Baptist Orphans’ Home, at Hapeville. The entertainment is desig nated ‘‘The Llliputian and Brobdignagian .Wedding.” Dr. Broughton denounces the entertain ment as a farce and a mock of the sacred bond of matrimony. He says he believes if it were possible for God to weep He would do so to see this sacred lie made an occasion of frolic and frivolity, and charges that Atlanta already looks upon the marriage bond as a Joke, and points to the divorce courts for confirmation of this statement. He says it is a sicken ing spectacle to see a lot of children and men singing coon songs, and then wind ing up, according to published reports. With dancing. The Baptist ministers’ meeting last Monday condemned the emertainment. Drs. Broughton and Landrum were ab sent from this meeting. The latter comes out in a salty card, severely scoring Dr. Broughton and defending the entertain ment. He thinks Broughton's objection Will increase the attendance, and can’t see why the ladles should have consulted him before announcing the entertainment. Mrs. Vassar Woolley, speaking of the entertainment, says the ceremony that ■will be used to-night was written many years ago "by my aunt, Mrs. M. A. Lips comb, of Lucy Cobb Institute. A per formance was given in Athens twelve years ago, the same ss we are going to give <o-night. It was witnessed by Prof. William Rutherford, my grandfather, who was for thirty-live years professor of mathematics in the State University. No man in Georgia ever stood higher in the love and respect of the church folk of this country than he did, and he saw nothing wrong with it. Mrs. Lipscomb would not have written anything that was wrong. They and their friends who witnessed it in Athens yeans ago sanc tioned the entertainment and enjoyed it, and I, for one, cannot see how anybody could object to it. SMITH MAY MOW RESIGN. Orders Issuer for Free Delivery at Way cross. Waycross, Ga., May 18.—The County Hoard of Education adjourned this morn ing, having been in session all day yes terday and a part of to-day engaged in cm examination of the books of County School Commissioner Joe D. Smith, as recommended by the recent grand Jury. Commissioner Smith has not been seen, but it is. stated that in all probability he will tender his resignation, now that the charges preferred against him by the grand jury have been investigated and he is exonerated. His reason for resigning is chat he does not consider the com pensation allowed by the board this year suftvlent for Ihe amount of work requir ed. The board fixes the salary at S3UO. In other words, the time made by the commissioner shall not ex end 100 days at 13.00 per day. Mr. Smith has not yet taken up his ccmmislon sines his recent election, and it may be he will not do so. At ihe recent Baptist Sunday School Convention held by colored people in St. John's Baptist Church, this city, the fol lowing delegates were elected: Rev. R. H. pitman, president; Rev. P. R. Bryant, first vice president; Mrs. S. P. Carter, sec ond vice president; G. W. Manley, record ing secretary; Rev. S. M Sampson, assist ant secretary; Rev. G. W. Brown, corre sponding secretary; Rev. W. J. Kenney, treasurer. The. convention meets next year in Brunswick. The Postmaster General has issued or ders establishing the free delivery wy.stem In Waycross, beginning Oct. 1, and sup plies are being forwarded lo the office here. Three carriers will be required in addition to the force now employed In the Way cross office. Carriers will be compelled to undergo a rigid- civil service examination. E. R. Hendrix is to preside over the South Georgia Conference this year. The Postoffice at Race Pond In Charl ton county, will he re-estnbilslied as soon os the bond is received and approved, and the postmaster's commission is received. Mrs. M. E. Medlin, who has been ap pointed to the position, came to town to-day, and arranged her bond. It was for S3OO, and was signed by Misses Lydia and Nancy Smith, two of the famous "Seven Smith Sisters,” of Charlton and Pierce counties. Miss Anna Bell Dieas, a niece of Mrs. Medlin. will be assistant. Clinrlton County's Ticket. Waycross, Ga., May 18— The following ticket has been nominated for Charlton County: Senator, J. J. i'pchurch; repre s ntative, Newton Koddenberry; ordinary, G. W. Haddock; clerk, J. S. Mlze.l; sheriff, H. S. Mattox; treasurer, J. B. Grooms; tax collector, G. W. Allen, Jr.; tax assessor, J. J. Stokes; surveyor, J. C. Aden; coroner, G W. Chisholm; County Commissioners. J. W. Canady, A. Dowling and S. B. Roddenberry. Delegates to State Conventicn. J. J. Upchurch an<) B. G. McDonald; Congressional Convention, H. S. Mattox and W. M. Oliff; District Convention, J. P. Stallings, G. W. Rey nolds and S. C. Crews. The new Executive Committee selected by the Democracy of Charlton county, is as follows; B. F. Scott, chairman; G. \V. Reynolds, Charlie Peterson, E. B. Stokes, J. J. Mattox, B. G. McDonald, J. B. Brooks and S. C. Crews. The annual examination for teachers' license in Charlton county will be held at Folkston, June 16. lindy of n llahy Found. Macon, May 18,—The body of another boby was dragged from the bottom of the Ormulgee river to-day on a trot line. There Is no way to identify it. There are no signs of murder. This is the second case of the kind within a week. Both babies were white. Piles Cured YVltliuut the Knife. All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of PAZO OINTMENT to refund the money where it falls to cure any case of piles no matter of how long standing. Cures ordinary cases In six days, the worst cases In fourteen days. One application gives eaeo and rest. Re lieves itching Instantly. This Is anew discovery and is the only pile remedy sold on a positive guarantee no cure no pay. Price 60 cents. If your druggist don't keep it in stock send us 60 cents In postage stamps and we will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medicine Cos Bt. Louis, Mo.—ad. 44 Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow.” A. single microbe contains the germ of the most malig nant maladies. The blood is the means by ‘which microbes are sent on their deadly mis sion. Small at first, the mi crobe soon becomes a giant. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the arch enemy of all germs of whatever nature. Its small doses master these microbes by dtssolving and passing them off as refuse of the system. Female Weakness -"/ have hid female •weakness all my life and suffered day and night from headache. 1 have taken HoocTs Sarsaparilla and am now strong again.” Mrs. Gertie Landon, Harlem, Mo. . Rheumatism - "If I have a touch of rheumatism, I take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it soon cures me. It is the best rem edy I know of for that trouble.” H. W. Hutchinson, Newark Valley. N. V. Neuralgia —“ 1 took Hood’s Sarsapa rilla for neuralgia and in less than one month I was perfectly cured.” Annie M. Luck, Benfer, Pa. Hood'* Pill* cure liver HU; the non-irritating and only cathartic to take with Hood'* S*r*apAT-iHa. MRS. PHIL G. BY HD’S FUNEtRAL. Reward Offered for the Capture of John Moran. Rome, Ga., May 18.—Mrs. Phil G. Byrd's funeral took place from the First Baptist Church this afternoon. Gov. Candler and other prominent slate officials sent beau tiful floral designs, and the white casket was covered with flowers. Col. Byrd will carry his two young sons with him to Atlanta. Gov. Candler has authorized a reward of SIOO for the capture of John Moran, the young negro who attempted to assault Mrs. A. B. Camp. fj*> far efforts to catch him have been unavailing, though search ing parties are out night and day. TO CRUISE OX THE PRAIRIE. Ilran*wiek Naval Reserve* Will Go Out for a Week. Brunswick, Ga., May 18.—The United States cruiser Prairie, commanded by Capt. MacKenzie, arrived to-day, and is anchored off the quarantine station. The officers and crew will be entertained to morrow night by the Naval Reserves. On Monday morning the reserves will go aboard for the purpose of taking a cruise which will be of one week’s duration. The boys are till Jolly and expect a fine outing. CRAWFORD’S BIG VOTE. It IYIII lie Looked Into I>>- a Commit tee Front Bibb. Macon, May 18.—There is much excite ment here over a report that the vote in Crawford county was higher than the registration. It would defeat Polhlll’s nom ination If it should cause the Crawford vole to be thrown out. Committees have gone over there to Investigate It. Tullahnssee New# Notes. Tallahassee, Fla., May 181—At fWakuila Monday night the stores of W. L. Page and J. L. Hall were robbed of money and Jewelry. Tuesday night the store of J. L. Robinson, at Woodvllie, was broken Into and robbed of guns and money. An ef fort was made to open the sate, which was not successful, hut the safe was ren dered worthless. There Is no clew to these robberies. The Tallahassee Business League, Board of Trade, City Council and the Leon coun ty delagatlon to the Congressional Conven tion have united In a movement to pro vide for the reception and entertainment of the delegates to the First District Con gressional Convention to be held at the capital on May 80. In the Circuit Court Thursday Milly Swann, charged with the murder of her husband, was convicted of manslaughter. West Palm Beach has anew corpora tion, the Fast Coast Telephone Company, for which letters patent have been Issued from the office of the Secretary of State. The Governors of all the Gulf and South Atlantic stales hove responded affirma tively to a request from Gov. Bloxham to oppose a favorable report by the Senate Committee on the Vest-Hepburn health bill. Smith Georgia Hallway. Quitman, Ga.. May 18.—Actual work on the grading of the roadbed of the South Georgia Railway extension to Tampa, be gan yesterday. Whitten F. McCrary, one of the contractors, arrived several days ago with 175 hands from Florida, and this numlwr will lie Increased to 400 as fast as l>osslble. The contractors have agreed to finish the road to Greenville by Nov. 1. The right-of-way from here to that place have been secured, and nothing remains to be done except the construction. The road will be a first-class one in every- re spect, the grade being one |>er cent. The standard sixty-tpouud steel rails will be used. Culninbu* New* Item*. Columbus, Ga.. May, 18.—The steamer J. W. Hires was sold at receiver’s sale this afternoon for $5,500. It was bought by the Columbus Steamboat Association. Camp Bcnnlng, Confederate Veterans, held an enthusiastic meeting to-night. The camp will send twenty-five delegates to the Louisville reunion, headed by Com mander W. S. Shepherd, Mrs. Matheson, wife of A, S. Matheson, who has been superintendent of the Eagle and Phoenix Mills for forty years, died this afternoon. —Doubtful—“These Boer* are on agri cultural people,” said the man who wears knickerbockers and smokes a short pipe. "Yea,” answered Mr. Corntossel. ”1 don’t purtend to know much al>out Inter national politics; but I must say I begin to feel kind o’ skittish about them fellers’ chances as soon as I found out they was a farmers’ alliance.”—Washington Star, —Simply Hadn’t Learned Yet.—The Rev. Dr. Queen, observing the Janitor wabbling about uncertainly on his new wheel In the street In front of the church, called out: "George, do you ever take a header?" "No, Doctah Queen,” replied George, with visible Indignation. ”1 neveh take nothin’ strong alt ’n cawiee!”—Chicago Trlbuue. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. MAY 19. 1900. SHOOTING OF R. V. HILTON, Attempt at Suieide—Other VnlrioMtn Vadosta, Ga., May 18.—News comes from Argyle of the mysterious shooting of Mr. R. V. Hiltcn > f that place. Wheth er the shooting was done by accident or with suicidal intent is not known. Mr. Hilton is an a* and man. and recently mar ried a young widow, his wife having died only a month before ihat. Since her death he has be-n very* de. c pondent and In ill health, so when the report came that he had been shot, the belief became g n ral that it was done by his own hand. The hall was fired from a pis*ol and enter ed his neck, ban ly miss.rg the ne k bone and big artery. If* says that the pistol dropped from his hand, but his 1 t le step son says that he did the shooting hlmseif. His condition has been vry precarious, though, with good musing it is believed that he will pull through alright. Mr. T. W. Terry o' Andilus a, Ala., for me ly of this city, rrrtvfd here to-day on a visit to relatives and brought the news of the accidental killing of his son-in law, Mr. Louis Johnson, at Geneva, this week. Mr. Johnson married Miss Trink Terry, daughter <f Mr. Terry, only a monih ago. This week the young husband went on a fishing trip down a river with some friends. They stopped to go n ramps for the night, and Mr. John son was taking the things out of the boat when the hammers of a shot gun struck the sides of the boat, emptying the con tents of the gun in his face and eyes, killing him instantly. News comes from Howell, a few miles below here, on tbe Atlanta, Valdosta and Western Road of a fire which came near proving disastrous there yesterday. Sparks from the up passenger train s?t firo to a wood rack. which communicated the flames to cars on the track. The entire wood pile was burned and one freight car was also consumed. By hard work the citizens managed to save the other cars and several residence structures W'hich were threatened with destruction. This morning little Jullen Ashley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maxcey Ashley', fe 1 from the top of a recan iree and was seriously injured. It was a miracle that he was not killed, as he fell probably thirty feet. He remained unconscious for most cf the day, but has recove re 1 some, and it is be lieved that he will get alright in a few days. A Sympathetic Strike. St. Louis, May' 19.—At a meeting of 100 heads of labor unions, called last night, it was resolved at 12:50 o’clock, this (Sat urday) morning, to recommend to the con trolling central bodies, that a sympathetic strike be inaugurated to-day, of ail the labor unions In St. Loui9. All negotiations between the strikers and the St. Louis Transit Company' have been -terminated for the present, at least. Those in a position to know say it does not seem likely that another conference will be held between the strikers and the transit company until one side or the other has anew proposition to make. Nothing has been changed in the clause relating to the reinstatement of the men nnd the strike probably will continue un til a proposition Is reached and until one side recedes from it position. The strik ers declare they will hold out until they are promised reinstatement in the posi tions held by them prior to the strike. President Whitaker of the transit com pany' insists that he w’ill never consent to the discharge of the men who were em ployed to take the places of the strikers. —An Imitative Dog—"Bixby’s dog is a great imitator. He can stand on his hind legs and drink from a bottle.” ‘‘l suppose he has often seen his master do that.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. INVITATION*. CLOHESSY.—The relatives and friends of Mr. William Clohessy and of Mr. and Mrs. David Clohessy are invited lo attend the funeral of the former from No. 530 In dian street, at 4 o'clock this afternovn. SPECIAL .NOTICE*. SPECIAL NOTICE Savannah, May 15, 19 0. Messrs. Perdue & Egleston, Managers Equitable Life, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sirs: As my fire, accident and surety business has grown to such propor tions. I find I can give but very little of my time to life Insurance. Realizing that in so large a city as Sa vannah, the best interests of the Equitable can be better subserved by a corps of agents who can give their entire time to the affairs of the society, I, therefore, with regret, tender my resignation to take ef fect at once. In severing my long and plearont con nection with the Society, as well as your selves. I beg to assure you that you have my best wishes for continued success In this field. Yours very truly, GEO. S. HAINES. Atlanta, Ga.. May 17, 1901. Mr. Geo. S. Haines, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir: We have your favor of 15 h Inst, tendering your resignation as agent of the Equitable Life at Savannah, Ga., and note your reasons therefor. In ac cepting same allow us to say we do so with many regrets, both from a personal, as well as a business standpoint. As our relations have been so very pie leant dur ing the many years you haves) falhu ly and ably represented the Society at Sa vannah, we would be glad if you wou and publish your letter and this reply. Wishing you every success, we beg to re main, with highest regards, sincerely yours, PERDUE & EGLESTON, Managers. ' . SPECIAL !o TIC li. Mr. Walter Coney of Savannah, Ga., has been elected Second Vice President of this company, and will have control of the Savannah department of its busi ness. PATERSON-DOWNING CO., New York. “bids for CF.METF.RY site. On behalf of the city of Savannah, bids will he received at the office of the under signed until 12m. Saturday, May 26, 1900, for suitable cemetery sites. Bids are in vited from those who have parcels of land containing 150 or more acres. The right is reserved to accept or to reject any and all bids. ISAAC G. HAAS, Chairman Special Committee. WARSAW “ snnw, mav so. Steamer Santee will leave foot of Aber corn street 9 a. m.. Thunderbolt 11 a. m. Stop at Wilmington both ways, and Thun derbolt. CUTLERY TO-DAY. Last call on Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. 1 put on sale at 10 o’clock all that is left of these goods. Come early, as the lot is small. JA9. S. SILVA, 31 Congress, west. Next week Is last week. EXTRAS, EXTO AS, EXTH AS. Everything you can think of in vegeta bles. New Beans. Potatoes, Peas, Beets. The Choicest Roasts, Spring Lamb, Ex tra Steaks. M. S. GARDNER. i 'A’liyaus 676. lYVayue and .Whitaker, * THE ACADEMIE DE MEDECINE OF FRANCE HAS PLACED Abollinaris JL (“THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.") At the Head of All the Waters Examined for Purity and Freedom from Disease Germs.” SPECIAL NOTICES. TABLE D’ NOTE. 75c—DINNER—75c Dinner 6 to 9 p. m. Saturday, May 19. Claret Wine. Little Neck Clams on half shell. SOUP. Mulllgatawney. FISH. Broiled Spanish Mackerel. Butter Sauce. Potatoes ala Gaetromme. Sliced Tomatoes, Queen Olives,Chow Chow Mixed Pickles. ROASTS. Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy. Chicken with Currant Jelly. ENTREES. Haricot of Lam ala Bourgeolse. Banana Fritters, Fruit Sauce. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Baked Yams, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes, Green Peas. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanilla Custard Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Lemon Water Ice. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. W.ARM WEATHER SPECIALTIES. Ice Cream Salt for freezing. Small Pig Hams. Small Lean Breakfast Bacon. Fresh Eggs every day. Fancy California Oranges. Fell’s Fine Strawberries. s * A Fresh Cream every day. Hire’s Root Beer 10c. Ginger Ale SI.OO dozen. Ginger Ale, quart bottles, 25c. Angostura Bitters. Duffy’s Malt Whiskey. Bent's Water Crackers. IA t **A A > a. . Butter Thin Crackers 15c pakage. Saratoga Chips. cans Deviled Ham 10c. 1-lb. cans Veal Loaf 10c. —at— * JOHN T. EVANS & CO.’S, Congress and Barnard streets. Fone 256. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and Boilers. Httf ONLY THE BEST GINGER ALEL The best is the WheeleT Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Croinac Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer In Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents, Savannah, Ga. MANTELS. GRATES AND TILING. ~ We have the largest stock, prettieet de signs, lowest prices. Call and examine our before Beautify your new house with pretty mantels. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. “FANCY AND RE-PRESSED IIRICKr We manufacture and sell all kinds ot fancy and re-pressed brick, paving and building bricks. Our common brick are the best for building purposes, being larger than other kilns make, and cheaper. See samples end prices. SAVANNAH EUILDINQ SUPPLY CO., Congress and Drayton streets. A Mil MIR MEAL. People usually pay 50 cents for what they call a square meal. It costs only 25c at Chang's. Nobody In this city cooks like Chang. SAN FRANCISCO RESTAURANT, 114 Drayton Street. ' FOR~TiIE PICVIC.. Those delicious Hams. Ham Loaf, Veal Loaf, Tongue, Boneless Herring, Salmon, Vienna Sausage, Deviled Ham. Those Sardines at 10c! Lots of other nlcs things. F. A. HARMS. Phone 815. 444 Tattnall. White Onions, Pickles, etc. 925,0041. ——— One of our clients has placed in our hands $25,000 lo loan on good Savannah real estate at rensonoble rates of interest. BECKETT & BECKETT. Si President street, east. EXCURSIONS. Trip Around the Horn SUNDAY, 20TH. Steamer leaves foot Whitaker street 3:30 P. m. MUSIC AND REFRESHMENTS. FARE 25c. GEO. U. BEACH. BUSINESS NOTICES. BlerforSaiei We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell it for S4OO, delivered at any railroad depot in Savannah. The boiler is in good shape, and would not be sold had it not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE HIY’KR IS DOWN, SPRING IN Sri.ENDID CONDITION. Y'on liave no excuse now for not vlMltlng the Famous Snwanee Spring*. Cures Rheumatism, Dj*- pepsla. all kidney- and Bladder Trou ble in from 3 to O weeks. Cure gnaranteed. The mo*t delightful Summer Re sort South. No Mosquitoes, No Ma laria. Delightful breeze daring the day, sleep under blankets every night. Elegant Pnthlng. Accommodations and table strictly flrst-claas. Hour.l SIO.OO per week and upwards—Ex cursion Tickets for sale by Plant System. SUWANKE SPRINGS COMPANY. Suwanes, Fla., ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. HOUSEKEEPERS. NOW 13 THE TIME TO USB PAXTON’S B—D B-G POISON. It wIK keep your premises frss from this disgusting Uttle pest. Large bottle 26c. 1 ~Jt USE DETERSIVE FLUID end make your old clothes look like new. Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 4-horse power, seats 16 per sons—s6so. These are the "Ideal" gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Radlne, Wis., and used at all the fairs and exhibitions in the Western otates. Starts in a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and ‘full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats. BECKMANN’S CAFE. Headquarters for Imported Wurz burger and Pilsner Beers. J. W. Me Culloch’s Green River Whiskies, the purest, without a headache. Trv it. Phone 710. GEO. BECKMANN. Adjacent Post Office. WOLF’S FLOWEHB AT CONIDA’S. I have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at his Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for tleslgns or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, May, 11, 1900. All persons falling to lake ’ out dog Radges by the 20th Inst, will be placed upon the Information docket without fur ther notice. WM. P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad,’ now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the clly on June 1, I offer it for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. NEW SUGAR COIO. New Sugar Corn, New Bell Peppers, Snap Beans, New Irish Potatoes. Spring Lamb. Fine Cuts of Lamb. Everything good. We have lots to write up, but space forbids. Remember we have all you want and of the best, at the New Savannah Market. JAS. J. JOYCE. ’Phones 107. Pr.prieior. IT'S PRETTY WELL KNOWN NOW That the best meals are to be obtained at my stalls in the etty market To-day— Rieefleld lamb (genuine). Prime Beef and Mutton. Matchless Corned Beef and ail the de’ica cles. 'Phones 557. JOHN FUNK, City Market, PALMER HARDWARE C 0„ Bay and Jefferson Streets, A* Up to Date Hardware. BALL BEARING!®,. The most complete line of Builders’ Hardware in the South. For Your Dinner To-day or to-morrow, as you please. Each article fresh and final Large Bananas. Large Tomatoes. Messina Lemons. Large Strawberries. Fine Limes. New Irish Potatoea. Prompt delivery a specialty. Telephone 554. MUNSTER’S- • Corner Duffy and Drayton. BAR- gffi BEN com- INC AMUSEMENTS. '~telfa!r^academy~ —OF— ARTS AND SCIENCES. —Gallery ol Paintings and Sculpture— Open to visitors dally, except Sunday, From 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Blurt, admission 25c. Annual tickets sl. BUSINESS NOTICES. Coll On us lor Picnic Goods Potted Ham (Armoar’s), 5c and 10c cart. Deviled Ham (Underwood’s), 15c and 26c can. Vienna Sausage (Cudahy’s), 10c can. Veal Loaf (Libby’s), 10c and 20: can. Sliced Smoke Beef, 15c and 25c can. Corned Beef (Armour’s), 15c can. Sardines (Imported), 10c can. Pickles, sweet and sour, 10c bottle, lynt Bottle Olives, 10c bottle. Fresh assortment Crackers. Abercorn Grocery Company, T. W. LYON, Manager. Telephone 702. 11l Whitaker street. Special Drive. Prices That Will Attract Housekeepers. 300 lbs. Evaporated Peaches 8c pound 200 lbs. Evaporated Apples 8c pound Large Prunes (only few left) 5c pound These are standard articles, need ed in every well-ordered household. Order early. The S. W. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. FOR SALE, One lot .‘tUxl23 on Tenth street, near JefTemnn. One lot 30x125 on Ninth street, near Jefferson. Prices lower than anything else In the neighborhood, and terms very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. H. DOR SETT. FNisflWiii For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27X42. It Is in good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use for it and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Snvunnnli. Go. SPECIAL NOTICES. the wav TG^xrcrirri?rr^ The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery etreet, and they will make you on esti mate or; the colt of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furnltui’b and pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. PTT.T.Ta President. Vice President. W. F. M’CAULEY. Cashier. THE CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account* of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banka and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, lnsuru lng prompt returns. Sepirate Savings Department INTEREST COMPOUNDED tIUAJL TERLY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults for rest Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK, SAVANNAH, GA. Capital $200,04 Undivided profits Uhls tank oilers its services to corpora, tions, merchants and individuals. Has - authority to act as exeoutor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities in Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F, HOGAN, Ass t Cashier. TfiTCifizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000.* Urua-ai aanklus Baslnes*. Solicits Accounts of Individuals, Merchants, Banks and other Corpo rations. Collections handled with safety, economy anil dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposits In oar Savings Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storags Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President. MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Capital Surplus and undivided profits—...—s3Bß,ooo DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General flanking Business. Collections made on ail point's accessible Through banks and bankers Accounts of oaiiKs, Lankt-rs, Merchants and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, interest paysbls quarterly. Sells Stearltng Exchange on London and and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIR W. W. GORDON. Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY IniMiUCi CAPITAL 9350,0410. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department interest P*l4 Quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities ot the world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President W. O. CANN, Cashier. , No. 1610. Chartered, 136$ THE ticiis mu mill 11 OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $600,000. SURPLUS, SIOO,OOO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR*. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received ujn the most favorabls terms consistent with eafe and conservative banking. SPECIAL NOTICES. Rooms 27 and 29 Provident Bulldin* Competent oißco help supplied from this college. Students prepared directly *“■ business. Day and night sessions. Lean* to operate the new models of the ton Standard Typewriter, that being <os machine which the business world •*” plays. Dearlng A Hull. Bole Dealer*