The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 INVITED BY FORT WORTH, TEX. PRESBYTERIANS MAY MEET IN THAT CITY' IN 1001. An Effort Will Bo Nlnde to Haie n Twentieth Cenlnry Fond of Jt,- iKHi.OOO for the Permanent Work i t the Church lleport, of the Treasurer, and tlie Committee on the Invalid Fnnd Work to Be Hone Next Week. Atlanta, May 19.—Devotional exercises opened the third days’ session of the Southern General Assembly of the Pres byterian Church. A few overtures were received, when the business of the day was begun. Some of these related to the hymn book question, protesting for the most part, against the hasty adoption of anew book. An overture was offered asking the as sembly to inaugurate a twentieth century movement, the plan being to raise at least $1,000,000 for the permanent work of the church. An invitalion was extended the assem bly from Broadway Church, Fort Worth, Tex., to have the sessions of the assem bly in that city In 1901. This question was referred and will be considered as the first business at the opening session next week. W. A. Alexander, treasurer of the Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States made his re port to the Southern assembly for 1900. The report showed receipts from May 3, 3999, lo May 11, 1900, amounting to $3,603, and disbursements for the same period of $2,338, leaving a balance of $1,266 In the treasurer’s hands. The report of the ad Interim Commit tee on the Invalid Fun was read by Prof. Francis R. Beattie, D. D., chairman of the committee. Methods In use in other genera! assemblies of the Presbyterian Church regarding the care of the Invalid ■workers in the church and the work which has been accomplished by the Southern assembly were contained in the report. At 12 o'clock the business session of tha assembly came to a close and a devotional service was conducted, when the assembly took an adjournment. The reports submitted to-day were lengthy. No discussions took place upon them as each will be taken up for final disposition after the committees to which the reports have been referred return a recommendation upon them. The assembly was In session less than an hour during the afternoon. An air of extreme lassitude prevailed and the Com missioners after appointing a select com mittee to which was referred the report of the hymn book correction made at the morning session, adjourned until Monday morning. Cumberland Presbyterians. Chattanooga, May 19.—Mrs. B. D. Cock rlll, fraternal delegate from the Woman’s Board of Missions, addreaesd the Cumber land Presbyterian General Assembly to day In reference to the work of the wo man’s board. She asked co-operation of the assembly in this and foreign fields. The report of the corresponding secretary the board of ministerial relief made the report for that board, showing a large amount of effective work accomplished. PRAIRIE IS AT BRUNSWICK. Reserve* to Be Given a Cruise—Vlo lntlons of Sunday ljm. Brunswick. Ga., May 19.—The officers and members of the crew of the steam ship Prairie are being entertained to night In great shape by the officers and members of the Brunswick Naval Re serves. The Prairie 13 here to take out the Brunswick boys on their annual cruise, and the day has been given to the crew for a day on shore, with the Brunswick boys at the armory. The enlisted men and petly officers of the reserves are do ing the honors splendidly, while the Ma rine Band Ls discoursing music and at the Oglethorpe the officers of the reserves are tendering bamjuet to the Prairie officers. The Prairie will sail from Brunswick Monday morning and take the reserves to Chesapeake bay, Old Point Comfort and other points along the Atlantic, re turning in six days to this port. The reserves are enthusiastic over the com ing cruise and will go in numbers. Recent local developments in-regard to illeged violations of the Sunday lows have ittracted much attention, and the pulpit now promises to take that matter up. Rev. J. B. Game of the First Methodist Phurch, announces his subject for to-mor row night, as the “'Sunday Laws and Their Observances.” and Indications point to a warm handltng of the subjeot. Coming election® at an early date in connection with the charges and pulpit orations, lend interest to the sermon an nounced by Rev. Game to-morrow night, and a big congregation promises to be on band. COMPANY IS NOT INSOLVENT. Southern Agricultural Works Can Pay All Their Debts. Atlanta, May 19.—The Southern Agrl tultural Works is not insolvent, accord ing to a summary of debts and assets filed n the Bankruptcy Court by Its attorneys, Slaton and Phillips. The summary, which ls said to have been compiled from the books of the com pany, and from u report of the receiver, ■shows that the Southern Agricultural Works has 143,000 worth of property more than is necessary to discharge all of its liabilities. The debts amount to $306,- 127.43, while the assets are put down at 1349,220.83. I'resilient Adolph Landauer of Milwau kee, is reported as creditor to a large amount. According to the report the company owes him *48.000, of which sum $37,000 is secured, and SII,OOO is unsecured. The secured claims amount to $159,601.46, snd the unsecured to $147,325.97. The face value of the accounts trans ferred to Slaton & Phillips for services rendered, or to be rendered, in the bank ruptcy proceeding, ls $6,159.93. Receiver George Parrott has not yet filed his re port. showing the condition of the com pany. The expeTt examiners he has em ployed are still at work on the books. Percy H. Adams, the referee, has sent out notices for a creditors’ meeting June I, when a trustee will be elected. MARIS HAD ANOTHER MISHAP, Charleston Sportsmen Will Now Abandon Hollow Wood. Charleston, S. C., May 19.-Another mis hap has fallen the yacht Maris. This time it is one of her hollow spars that has brok en. Local yachtsmen are now convinced lhat it will he useless to experiment fur- Iher with hollow stick* on the cup chal lenger. They will confine themselves from how on to solid wood. They hid hot e I kiuch from their fancy rfi.-gp g lhty . He abandoning it with regret, S&contf Tame on Earth No Boils Nor Carbuncles Now A Good Blood Medicine. “ I became convinced of the merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla when I took it myself as a blood purifier. So, when my husband had boils and carbuncles I urged him to take Hood’s and the re sult was that when he had used but one bottle the boils had nearly all dis appeared. He continued the use of the medicine and nfter taking two bottles he was completely cured, and, as he expressed it, felt as if he was on earth for the second time. He has never had any boils since. We take Hood’s as a spring medicine and gladly recommend it.” Mrs. A. E. Staysa, Yonkers, N. Y. Scrofula from Birth. " I have found Hood’s to be the greatest blood purifier I ever took, and I have tried many medicines. I was a sufferer with scrofula from birth. My eyes were so badly affected I would be almost bl'iid for a week at a time. My neck began to swell so that I could not breathe freely. Medicines failed to do me any good until I began taking Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Today I have excellent health and my eyes give me very little trouble. I owe it all to Hood’s, which I recommend to ail suffering from any disease of the blood.” Miss Ketthi, McGuire, Silver Creek, Ky. That Tired Feeling. “ I cannot say too much for Hood’s Sarsaparilla as a remedy for that tired and worn out feeling one has in the spring. Asa strength builder and appetite creator it has no equal.” Mrs. L. B. Woodard, 285 Ballou Street, Woonsocket, R. I. Hood’s is Peculiar to Itself. SPECIAL. NOTICES. NOTICE TO SUPERIOR COURT JU RORS. All Petit Jurors are hereby discharged until Wednesday morning, 23rd instant. By order of His Honor Judge Faliigant. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C„ C. C. NOTICE TO CITY' COURT JURORS. The petit jurors of the City Court need not appear until Tuesday, May 22, 1900, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thos. M. Norwood, Judge. WARING RUSSELL, JR., Clerk. MR. PETER SAMPSON tho well known citizen and very popular Greek, who has been conducting business for sevearl years on the northwest corner of Bryan and Jefferson streets his friends will be surprised to hear that he ts lying In the St. Joseph's Infirmary very ill with the fever, In a private room, No. 30. The doctor advised him to go there on account of his neighborhood being eo noisy. SPECIAL, NOTICE. I will not be responsible for anything bought and charged to me without a written older. MARK APPLE. SPECIAL. NOTICE. The Merchants and Miners Transporta tion Company will have on sale Steamship D. H. Miller, appointed to sail June 14th, special excursion tfekets to Republican National Convention, Philadelphia. For particulars apply ticket office, 39 Bull Street. ANNOUNCEMENT. We beg to announce that we have open ed a first-class drug store at corner Park avenue and Barnard street, where we in vite the public. PARK AVENUE DRUG SVORH, J. L. Brannen, Proprietor. THE GERMAN SOCIAL CLUB Will give their annual picnic at Tybee, May 34th, at the Chatham Club House. Train will leave as usual. GEORGE SCHRODER, Chairman Committee. NOTICE. Having severed my connections with Mr. W. H. Hoffman, I take pleasure in inform ing my friends and the public that on Mon day, May 21, I will open a first-class studio in the Oollat building. Having had fif teen year®’ experience in every branch of photography, and will employ none but first-class help, I can safely say that there will be no better work produced in the South than at my studio. Respectfully, JOHN H. MOORE. SECOND ANNUAL PICNIC —of the— * POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION TO TYBEE ISLAND, JUNE 7. Whole tickets, 60 cents. Half, 25 cents Committee—Lieut. Owen Reilley, chair man; Sergt. W. H. Powell. Patrolmen—Frank Wall, Thomas Furrell, W. F. Crosby. Tickets good on any train. NEW DIRECTORY. I respectfully notify the public that I shall publish a City Directory of Savannah for 1901, and solicit patronage for same. All orders reserved for me will be appre ciated H. A. GO'ETTE. WOW'S rLOWERS AT CONIDA’S. I have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at his Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 697. WARS tW SUNDAY. MAY 20. Bteamer Santee will leave foot of Aber corn street 9 n. m., Thunderbolt 11 a. m. Stop at Wilmington both ways, and Thun derbolt. SPECIAL notice. For rent for the summer two furnished residences. One Taylor, east of Abercorn; one Hall and Abercorn. These residences can also be leased from October by the year, furnished or unfurnished. We negotiate Real Estate la>an at 5 per oent. Collect rents, buy and sell Real estate, sell Fire, Liability. Accident and Life Insuran c, W. C. FRIPP & CO., l Telephone 3iß. 27 Bay, street, east. THE MORNIMG NEWS: SUNDAY. MAY 20. 1900. MARRIAGES. "TEEdtOßTON^Mir^fhomarpTLeTof Parkersburg, W. Va., and Miss Essie May bell Horton of Savannah, Ga., were mar ried at the residence of the bride's parents Tuesday, April 24, 8 p. m., by Rev. A. J. Smith. Parkersburg, W. Va., Stale Journal please copy. FUNERAL. INVITATIONS. BOURNE—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bourne and of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Henderson are invited to at tend the funeral of Annie Haoml, infant daughter of the former, from the resi dence of the latter, No. 104 Hull street, east, this (Sunday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Interment at Lauiel Grove Cemetery. MEETINGS. IcrI7DintV~EXCHANGE^ A meeting of this Exchange will be held tomorrow (Monday) morning at 11:30 o’clock. Every member is requested to be present, as important business will be transacted. Bv order JOHN R. EASON, President. Attest: HENRY M. WARD, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. TABLE IP MOTE. 75c—DINNER—75c Dinner 6 to 9 p. m., Sunday, May 20. Claret Wine. Little Neck Clams on half shell. SOUP. Green Turtle. FISH. Spanish Mackerel ala Vinitienne. Potatoes ala Duchess. Sliced Cucumbers, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTS. Prairie Chicken, Puree de Morrono. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. ENTREES. Vinaigrettes of Brains ala Provencale. Boston Baked Beans. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, New Garden Peas. Rice. Stewed Tomatoes, Candled Yams. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Blackberry Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Strawberry Sherbet. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE -ESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. LAST WEEK OF SILVA’S CLOSING OUT. Have to vacate store by June Ist. There are vet a lot of nice things left, but not many of a kind. A few Havlland Cups, ete., at 19c. Some Fine Thin Goblets at 9c. Nice Blown Tumblers (engraved) at 3c. Jardinieres 6c, 10c, 16c, 19c. A little lot of Granite Ironware. A few Rogers’ Knives and Forks. All must be sold quickly. JAMES S. SILVA, 31 Congress Street, West. THE RIVER IS DOWN, SPRING IN SPLENDID CONDITION. Yon have no exonse now for not visiting the. Fnnton* Suwanee Sprint:*, Cures Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, nil kidney and Bladder Tron hle ia from 0 to 6 weeks. Cure guaranteed. The most delightful Summer Re sort South. No Mosquitoes, No Mil iaria, Delightful hrerxe during the day, sleep under blankets every night. Elegant Bathing. Accommodations anil table strictly llrst-rluns. Board I*lo.oo per week and upwards—Ex cursion Tickets for NUle by Plant System. SUWANEE SPRINGS COMPANY. Suwanee, Fin., ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager, HOUSEKEEPERS, NOW IS THE TIME TO Uei. PAXTON S B-D B-G POISON It wPI keep your premises free from this disgusting little pest. Large bottle 26c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID and make your old clothes look like new. Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. MEET ME AT THE FOUNTAIN —of the— MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY ls an expression frequently passed over the telephone, heard In the parlor and on Ore street. They always serve the best Creams and Sherbets. Prompt delivery ls assured. Packed or in cartoons in quantity 8. COR. LIBERTY AND WHITAKER STS. AT MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY Can be found a full line of the Latest De signs of Vehicles, such as Buggies, Car riages, Traps and a large assortment^ of Runabouts. Would ask the public to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. As beautiful a line of Harness as ever brought to this city. Kelley-Sprlngfield Rubber Tires at MARK APPLE'S, 320 Broughton, West. SPECIAL NOTICE. Mr. Walter Coney of Savannah, Ga., has been elected Second Vice President of this company, and will have control of the Savannah department of its busi ness. PATEBSON-DOWNING CO.. L New York. LEADS. Write for catalogue and prices. \VY OPPENHEIB, BLOIT X GO. • m Derate in Belief mi Retail grocers nearly always have trouble in delivering But ter fresh and sweet. The reason is that it gets warm after it leaves the store. WE HAVE REMEDIED THAT. Our wag ons have been equipped with ice boxes for butter. Our cus tomers, therefore, get it firm and sweet as it comes from the maker. MUNSTER’S- -Corner Duffy and Drayton. That Will Make Savannah Famous. Offices 307 Ball Street and 35 Whitaker Street. ’Phones 700 and 400. Knight’s Pharmacy, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SELLS IT FOR LESS. Empty Capsules 5c per 100, Roachsalt, guaranteed, 6c; Insect Powder, P. D. & Cos., 40c; Gum Camphor 66c, Trusses 60c to $5.00, Abdominal Supporters SI.OO to $3.50, Hot Water Bottles 75c, Lopactic Pills 25c, Absorbent Cotton, pound, 36c, 6 yards Gauze 65c, Turkish Bath Soap 30c dozen, Atomizers 60c to $3.00. Large assortment Rogers & Gallets’, Pinauds’, Lublns’ and Caudry’s Soap, Perfeumes and Powders, We have the goods and the price. Try us. We will treat you right. Telephone 539. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY. Savannah, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. SOME WORDS ABOUT MALT MEAD (PATENTED,) NO ALCOHOL. Malt Mead is not an experiment. It is the result of years of study, observation and scientific investigation. I can say without fear of contradiction that Malt Mead is the only drink in this or any other market that can be taken with perfect safety and benefit on an empty stomich. I also guarantee Malt Mrad has none of those harmful acids that cause "uric acid,” "sour stomach,” "heartburn,” etc., in the human body, and is in every way an agreeable and reviving summer drink, which really cools without heating again. The price is 5c per pint bottle, at retail ev erywhere. Saloons, soda water founts and fruit stands supplied with Malt Mead in kegs. Where the Malt Mead in bottles is sold by dealers to he drank away from their premises ten cents per bottle or $1 00 rer dozen should be charged, and difference over 6c per bottle to be paid back when empties are returned. A trial is respectfully asked for the 20th Century Family Beverage. Respectfully, GEO. MEYER, Telephone 20. 1001 Henry street, east. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There ls no guesswork in our methods. We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect in every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle inferior glasses as a side line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON, Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. IHIJS FOR CEMETERY SITE. On behalf of the city of Savannah, bids will be received at the office of the under signed until 12m. Saturday, May 26, 1960, for suitable cemetery sites. Bids are in vited from those who have parcels of land containing 160 or more acres. The right Is reserved to accept or to reject any and all bids. ISAAC G. HAAS, Chairman Sdsclol Committee. BISI.tESS NOTICES. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS We have anticipated the desire of families going to the salts, or other near-by resorts, to have their grocery or* ders filled at “Branch’s.’ ’ Our shipping depart ment is thoroughly organized, with a view to giving prompt ser vice, with no breakage or mixing in transit. All goods put up un der supervision of an expert packer, and con stant satisfaction is guaranteed. Prompt at tention to orders by 'phone or otherwise. The S. W. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. SPECIAL NOTICES. sLoTT9TEia?TAirLirifr9rEmr^rrLL MAKE YOUR CHILDREN STRONG AND HEALTHY'. Mrs. M. Brice, Quitman, Ga., Feb. 24. 1898, says; "I have thought for some timi I would write and thank you for the good j'our Bitters has done my baby. He was just one year old when he began cutting his Jaw teeth. His bowels were very troublesome, and I tried “Scothlr g Syrup," "Castoria," and ever so many things, but nothing had the desired effect until I gave him Sloat’s Bitters. Before I used that his appetite was very pqar and everything he ate disagreed with him. I gave him malt ed milk, condensed milk, cow’s milk, and everything I could think of, but nothing agreed with him. He cried four months. The little fellow was so poor he did not look like the same baby. His eyes wore weak, his complexion pale and sallow, ant he was so weak he almost quit walking,but now, thanks to Sloat’s Bitters, he Is get ting as fat as a pig. can eat anything, and runs all over the house laughing and playing all the day long." Ask your druggist for It. RYAN’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, PROVIDENT BUILDING. DAY AND YIGIIT SESSIONS. Stenography (Munson, Graham or Pit man), Typewriting, English Branches, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. The attention of those desiring thorough and practical preparation for business, Is called to the exceptional advantages offered by this college. Short, thorough, practical courses. Latest and best methods. Each depart ment under the personal supervision of tire principal. Special attention given to placing graduates. Special night session for those who are employed during the day. Send for catalogue. M. E. RYAN. , Principal. SUMMER SUITS. I’m making swell Serge Suits now for $lB. The only thing to wear at this sea son. Of course I have other fabrics, os Worsteds. Flannels, Cheviots, whl.-h I am making for SIS and up. B. 3. ASMAN, Tailor. 129-0.41 Drayton Street. Only Expert Shoemakers , Build Our Shoes. Any kind of a SHOE will not go on every kind of a foot—there is a ■ ■ ■ BR shape and style of shoe espeelally 111 1 adapted to Y'OUR foot, and you are Bill Hi sure to get the correet thing here, ” L BYCK’S FIT LADIES’ f I I OXFORDS is the shoe that Trill fit from the time yon put It on until yon dis card it. See them in our west window. No other store to the same trouble or takes the U K j,c TO annie cure In fitting: shoes on | 1 | 1 U| YOUR feet n we. We will prove | | | I till# to you if you jflve us the rOOTCCY£jr£JtS*>**MANJDMIk The above SHOES give shape, symmetry, ' comfort and character to the foot. They fit ' snugly all around, and pinch nowhere. The Leading Laundry OF THE CITY. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383, THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts, st; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.50. RFI SINfiFR & fifl uLLuiSIUL!B w UUif full line of claret wines. BUSINESS NOTICES. FORSALE BY C. H. DORSGTT, 22 Congress, West. RESIDENCES. Southeast corner Whitaker and Perry. Southwest corner Whitaker and Perry. Southeast corner Abercorn and Taylor. Southwest center Abercorn and Taylor. Southeast corner Buil and Gordon. Southeast corner Abercorn and Hunt ingdn. •No. 718 Drayton, on Park Extension, near Hall. DOTS. Southwest corner York and Whitaker. Southeast corner Hall and Lincoln. Northeast corner Bolton and Habersham. Northeast corner Huntingdon and Bar nard. Northwest comer Waldburg and Haber sham. Northwest comer Bolton and Price. Southwest corner Barnard and Fifth. Southeast corner Barnard and Ninth. Southeast corner Barnard and Tenth. Northeast comer Montgomery and Eighth. Northwest corner Gwinnett and Barnard. Northeast comer Gwinnett and Tatnall. OUR EXPERIENCE In puachaslng goods sim plifies matters for the dis criminating buyer who purchases from us. He will find exactly the goods he needs, in assortments large enough to admit of careful and successful se lections. THEUS BROS. WATER SETS, ICED-TEA SETS. Dozens of "hot weather sets" in most brilliant and beautiful Cut Glass. Nothing looks cooler and more tempting when the thermometer 1b high than pretty Cut Glass. Our stock is unsurpassed any where for quality and cheapness. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers, 1 43 Bull Street. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed erntlonery and blank hooka Iroxa . Morning Neva. Savannah, Get. BUSINESS NOTICES. A. L. Desbouillons 43 BULL STREET. GOLD WATCHES in the very latest de signs, either plain or engraved, with Waltham, Elgin, Swiss, etc., moveme ts. MONOGRAMS engraved free of charge. Also WATCH CHAINS and CHARMS, LOCKETS. Boiler for Sale. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will ■ sell It for S4(W, delivered at any railroad depot in Savannah. The boiler is in good shape, and would not be sold had it not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA ' FOR SALET One lot .10x125 on Tenth street uear J effort! on. One lot 30x125 on Ninth street, near Jeffcraon. rrlee* lower than anythin* <*!** In the neighborhood, and term* very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. H. DORSETT. ¥ (towel Piste For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It Is la good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO. but we have no use for it and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to anj newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, *2.7,000. One of our clients has placed tn * ( |h hands *25,000 to loan on good Savanna.* real estate at reasonable rates of Interest- BECKETT * BECKETT, 24 President street, east