The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 RAIN IS NEEDED IN GEORGIA. MOISTURE NECESSARY TO BRING T P PLANTED COTTON. Late Planted Cotton Dn Tot Seem to Be Coni ins Up AVell—Corn Ik In About an Averatee Condition —Iriali Potatoes Belns Damaged by BojS. Short Yield of Apple* Exported. CiraKKlinpiiera Katina Up Cotton. Atlanta, May 22.—The weekly crop re, issued by the local bureau to-day, says: A continuance of semi-droughty condi tions characterized the weather of the week until Friday, when on that day and Saturday copious showers occurred in many parts of the state. The effect of the precipitation was markedly beneficial on land and growing crops, but still there Is need for more moisture, especially to bring up late plantings of cotton. The temperature conditions of the week, except the last two days, were seasonable and very favorable to cotton, and sun shine was abundant, clear days largely predominating. In the southern section cotton chopping Is about completed and it has continued In the middle section with fair to good stands reported. Chopping has begun in the northern counties with variable stands, early plantings being generally safe. There is much complaint that late planted cotton is not coming up well, ow ing mainly to lack of moisture, which must t>- supp 1 and, o ' else ce mi; atloa and giowtfr will be materially delayed. Corn is, on he whole, at about an av erage stand, although in numerous coun ties it is reported small and yellow; it has been plowed the second time in sev eral of the southern counties and is re ceiving first working in the north. Early grains are ripening in a few southern counties. Wheat rust seems to be de creasing. Irish potatoes are being damaged by bugs; sweet potato slips have been set In large quantities; sugar cane is grow ing well; also melons, Apple trees have blighted seriously and a short yield is expected. Peaches are shedding badly in some localities, but the abundantly loaded trees assure a fine crop. Gardens have improved and ate in general doing well, though still very late. Pastureage has deteriorated some- Nrhat during the dry spell. A correspondent In Coweta reporls the presence of grasshoppers, which have entirely eaten up large fields of cotton. COUNTRY'S CROP OOXDITIONS. Rome Crop* Hnve Made- Good Pro gresa During thr Wrek. Washington. May 22.—The weather bu reau's weekly summary of crops Issued to-day is as follows: Abundant rains have relieved drought conditions In the Middle Atlantic states, but diouglit continues in the Upper Mis souri valley, Minnesota and Northern "Wisconsin, and the need of rain is begin ning to be felt in portions of the East Gulf states and Florida. The temperature conditions of the Pacific coast, in the Upper Missouri valley, and over the greater part of the country east cf the Mississippi river have been favora ble for rapid growth, especially in the Ohio valley and Middle and South At lantic states, although complaints of cold "nights are received from Tennessee and the Central Gulf state*. Pacific coast crops have been making satisfactory growth. In the states of the Lower Missouri and Upper Mississippi valleys corn has experi enced less faworable conditions than In the previous week, owing to prevalence of low temperature and excessive moisture. In the Ohio valley and Middle Atlantic states the conditions have been highly favorable for germination and growth, as well as for planting. Winter wheat has made satisfactory ad vancement, though, too rank growth Is re ported from portions of Nebraska and Texas. Over the northern portions of the spring wheat region rain Is generally needed, but over the southern portion the crop is do ing well. Unfavorable reports regarding oats continue to come from the Ohio and Middle Atlantic states. Generally through out the Guif stales, Lower Missouri and Central Mississippi valleys, the outlook continues satisfactory. Cotton has made slow growth, especially over the central and western portions of the cotton belt, the nights being too cool. In Oklahoma and Texas there has been •too much rain, while rain is needed for late planted cotton In portion* of Alabama end Georgia. In Texas field* are grassy, "but elsewhere cultivation has made favor able progress. Transplanting of tobacco has begun in Kentucky, Ohio and Maryland, conditions being very favorable for this work in Vir ginia and North Carolina. The supply of plants dontlnues abundant. The fruit outlook continues encourag ing. Mrs. J. E. Morgan Fell Dead. Quitman, Ga., May 22.—Mrs. J. E. Mor gan, formerly proprietress of a restaurant here, dropped dead this morning about 6 o’clock In her home. It Is supposed "death was duo to heart failure. ■Jefferson's Delegate),. Louisville. Ga.. May 22.—Messrs. J. W. W hire. J. R. Phillips, G. W. Warren and T H. Livingstone have been appointed delegates to the Democratic State Conven tion In Atlanta on June 14. The Best l'reserlptlon for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It 4s simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 60c.—od. SPECIAL .WIRES. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, lAnd everything In the building material line. We are headquarters for these goods, with the largest and most com plete stock In the South. Buy White Pine Doors, Sash and Blinds for your new borne. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. EXTRAS, EXTRAS, EXTRAS. Everything you can think of in vegeta bles. New Beans, Potatoes, Peas, Beets. The Choicest Roasts, Spring Lamb, Ex tra Steaks. M. S. GARDNER, 'Phones 575. Wayne and Whitaker. THE NEATEST, Cleanest, qulest place In town Is Helm ken's Cafe. One block from De Soto. Phone 646. RED HEART Is the beer to drink. Ask for It. By Jung Brewing Company. Branch Bull and River streets, WM. M. BRICKEN, Manager. PhODe 915. Apollinaris (“the QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS”) BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS n'TERAL INVITATIONS. BRINKMAN—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brinkman are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral of their Infant son, Henry, from their resi dence. anti Montgomery street, at 6 o'clock this afternoon. FARRIS—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Farris are invited to attend the funeral of the former from his late residence, 205 Anderson street, west, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. JENKINS—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jenkins, and of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flood and family are in vited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Fred Jenkins from No. 507 Bryan street, west, at 4 o’clock this afternoon. LEBEY—The relatives ar.d friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lebey are respectfully Invited to attend * the funeral of their youngest child, Charles Henry, from their residence, Seventh and Drayton streets, this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Laurel Grove. MEETING A. CLINTON LODGE NO. 54, F. dfc A. M. A regular communication of this Jk lodge will be held at Masonic Tem pie this (Wednesday) evening at '▼t 8 o'clock. The F. C. Degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges and visiting brethren are cordially invited to meet with us. A. S. COHEN. W. M, WARING RUSSELL, JR., Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR. The March Term of the Superior Court will be adjourned on Friday, next, 25th in stant. By order of His Honor Judge Falligant. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk. S. C. C. C. NOTICE TO SUPERIOR COI'BT Ji lt OR S. All Jurors are discharged until Thurs day morning, 24th instant; subject to fur ther notice if not then needed. By order of His Honor Judge Falligant. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk. S. C. C. C. DISSOLUTION. Savannah, Ga., May 23, 1900. The firm of Charles Ellis is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Charles Ellis will continue the business and assume all assets and liabilities. CLARA M. ELLIS (L.S.) Special Partner. CHARLES ELLIS (L.S.) Witness: J. A. PEARSON, Notary Pub lic, Chatham, County, Ga. CLOSING OUT IDEAL COFFEE POTS Today at 10 o’clock; 2-<qt., worth 80c, for 25c; 3-qt., worth 90c. for 27c; 4-qt., worth SIOO, for 29c. Lots of other goods at pro portionate reduction. Out of business June 1. JAMES S. SILVA, 31 Congress Street, West. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines an3 Boilers. Bl Y ONLY THE BEST GINGER ALE. The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromnc Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale U the best LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga. FANS, FANS. Keep cool and protect your busi ness by using our Electric Fans, ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Phone 62. 112 Drayton Street. MY CATTLE ARE SHIPPED TO ME DIRECT, And none better have ever been sent here. You can rest assured when I supply your meat that you are getting the best in the country. To-dny, Prime Beef and Mutton, Rice F,eld Lamb, Veal, etc., Matchless Corned Beef. . JOHN FUNK. 'Phones 557. City Market. IF IT'S NICE WE HAVE IT. Minced Hum, Ham I.ouf, Veal Loaf, DeglnnlnK May 14 to Oct. 1 our store will lie closed at 7 p. nt., Sat urdays excepted. HARDEE & MARSHALL. Phone 055. GREENE and CO., 138 WHITAKER, Enlarge Photographs, make all kinds of Plctue Frames, clean OU Paintings. Wall Paper. Artist materials. Pictures of all kinds. Photograph Albums. THE AVAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Prlcas reasonable They also pack, move and Store furniture and pianos. C. H. MEDLOC'K. Supt and Mgr. THE MOKNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. MAY 23. 1300. SPECIAL NOTICES. TABLE IF HOTEL 50c—DIN N ER—soc Dinner 6 to 9 p. m., Wednesday, May 21. Claret Wine. iOl'P. Cream of Potato. FISH. Spanish Mackerel, Egg Sauce. Potatoes ala Hollandaise. Sliced Cucumbers, Queen Olives. Chow Chow. M. Pickle®, Young Onions. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. Stuffed Chicken, Panana Dressing. ENTREES. Fried Frog Legs, Tomato Sauce, Bananas, Fritters and Sugar. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes. Squashes, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes, New Garden Peas. PASTRY AND DESERT. Lemon Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers. Fruils. Blackberry Roil, Golden Sauce. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE -. -STAtTRANT, 111 Congress street, west. SI.OAT'S VEGETABLE BITTERS WILL MAKE YOUR CHILDREN STRONG AND HEALTHY. Mrs. M. Brice, Quitman, Ga., Feb. 24, 1898, says: "I have thought for some dm- I would write and thank you for the good your Bitters has done my baby. He was Just one year old when he began cutting his jaw teeth. His bowels wr- vry troublesome, and I tried "Scothirg Syrui,” “Castoria,” and ever so many th ngs, but nothing had the desired effect until I gave him Stoat's Bitters. Before I used that his appetite was very ptjpr and everything he ate disagreed with him. I gave him mail ed milk, condensed milk, cow’s milk, and everything I could think of, but nothing agreed with him. He cried four month*. The little fellow was so poor he did not look like the same baby. His eyes were weak, his complexion pale ard sallow, anl he was so weak he almost quit walking.but now, thanks to Sloat's Bitters, he is get ting as fat as a pig. can eat anything, and runs all over the house laughing and playing all the day long.” Ask your druggist for it. AT MARK APPLE’S REPOSITORY Can be found a full line of the Latest De signs of Vehicles, such as Buggies, Car riages, Traps and a large assortment of Runabouts. Would ask the public lo call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. As beautiful a line of Harness as ever brought to this city. Kel.ey-Springflekl Rubber Tires at MARK APPLE'S. 320 Broughton, West. RIDS \V A\TEII. Office Director of Public Works. Savan nah, Ga.. May 22. 1900.—Scaled bids will b. received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, city time, Saturday, May 2G, 1900, for pur chasing lamp posts as they stand in the streets of the city, their being 270, more or less. Locations will be furnished in this office upon application, the successful bidder to relay all sidewalks and pave ments where lamp posts are removed. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes to be marked “Bids for Lamp Posts.” Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. SPECIAL NOTICE. Just received a line of Confederate Vet erans Uniform Coats, all size*. B. H. LEVY & BRO. SPECIAL NOTICE. I will not be responsible for anything bought and charged to me without a written order. MARK APPLE BONDS EXECUTED By the Am. B. and T. Company of Balti more. We are authorized to execute local ly (immediately upon application), all bonds in Judicial proceedings in either the state or United States courts, and of ad ministrators and guardians. DEARING & HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Building. PICNIC Of St. John's Sunday School, At Tybee, Saturday, May 26. Trains leave city at 10:05 a. m. and 3:35 p. ni Tickets for sale at Thsus Bros., Solomon# & Cos. and Jones' Pharmacy. $25,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands 325,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT, 24 President street, east. BIDS FOR CEMETERY SITE. On behalf of the city of Savannah, bids will be received at the office of the .under signed until 12m. Saturday, May 26, 1900, for suitable cemetery sites. Bids are In vited from those who have parcels of land containing 150 or more acres. The right is reserved to accept or to reject any and all bids. Bidders will please state terms. ISAAC G. HAAS. Chairman Special Committee. SPECIAL NOTICE. For rent for the summer two furnished residences. One Taylor, cast of Abereorn; one Hall and Abereorn. These residences can also be leased from October by the year, furnished or unfurnished. We negotiate Real Estate la>ans at 5 per cent. Collect rents, buy oral sell Real estate, sell Fire, Liability, Accident and Life Insurance. VV. C. UR I Pl' tfc CO., Telephone 318. 27 Bay street, cast. AMUSEMENTS. Tjnder~canvas~ ssrara. \\ \ v ? i THURSDAY, iUiU Z +o D $ ON SHOW LOT CORNER EAST BROAD AND EOLTON EFTS. TWO PERFORM. 1 ! DAILY AT 2 AND c . . . M. PRIMROSE and DOCKSTAOER’S BIG Canvas Theater Minstrel Cos. 100-All White Artists—loo ADMISSION. 25c. Box Feats 75c. orchestra chairs 50c. Reserved seats now on sale a-.t —-. GRAND STREET PARADE AT NOON. BUSINESS NOTICES. “THE VITAL QUESTiON” Ask for it. It will give you much helpful information about SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT. A bread without flour; whole some, nourishing, biood and muscle building; a food for athletes or dyspeptics. Contains all of the wheat that is good. PRICES: EACH PACKAGE, lac. TWO PACKAGES. 25c. DOZEN PACKAGES. $1.40. Makes the best toast in the world. Good for dressings, pudding, etc. The S. \V. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. OUR EXPERIENCE In puachasing goods sim plifies matters for the dis criminating buyer who purchases from us. He will find exactly the goods he needs, ii assortments large enough to admit of careful and successful se lections. THEUS BROS. srLciAL aoficus. SPUING IN SPLKNDID CONDITION. You linve no excuse now for not visiting- tlie Famous Savranoe Sj>rlnu*. Cores R liVumatinni, Dvn pepsin, nil kidney and Bladder Trou ble lu from 3 to C weeks. Cure Kiutrn nteed. Tlie most dolin'litful Summer Re sort South. No Mosquitoes. No >3n lnria. Delightful breeze during; tlie day, sleep under blankets every u i|*bt. KleKflnt Bathing. Accommodation* and table strictly first-class. Hoard SIO.OO per week and upwards—Ex cursion Tickets for sale by Plant System. SL\\’ANKE SPRINGS COMPANY. Suwauee, Fla., ANDREW H VNLEY, President and General Mnnajeer. am gfiKBBPBBIi NOW 13 THE TIME TO USE PAXTON S B-D B—G POISON. It wit*, keep your premise# free from this disgusting little pest. Large bottle 22c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID and make your old clothes look like new. Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughlon street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carri.ige and Wagon Cos. As lliey will give up business in the cliycn June l, I offer it for rent from that date. H P. SMART. BECK MAX.CAFE. Headquarters for Imported Wurz burger and Pilsner Beers, J. W. Me Culloch’s Green River Whiskies, the purest, without a headache. Try It. Phone 710. GEO. BECKMANN. Adjacent Pos, Office. WOLF'S FLOWERS AT COX I DA’S. I have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at hia Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Out Flowers. Ho will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. LOOK. The finest line of Manfels, Tiling and Grates In the city. Prices rock bottom. Bave money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 519. L E Aps Write for catalogue and prices. \ OPPERHEIMEIL Ml 8 CO. • RUSKm CEREAL. A substitute for Coffee. Delieloun, healthful, nouriMli in. Prepared name ns coffee Contains 33 per cent muscle and nerve food and 60 per cent of necessary elements for health of the body. A home product >9nde by the Jluxkiu Commonwealth, Husk in, Ga! PACKAGE 10 c foIUMSTER’S- -Corner Duffy and Drayton. “If it were not wholesome, we wouldn’t have it.” Knlght ; s F^Hormooy, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SELLS IT FOR LESS. Empty Capsules 5c per 100, Roachsalt, guaranteed, se; Insect Powder, P. D. & Cos., 40c; Gum Camphor 65c, Trusses 60c to $5.00, Abdominal Supporters SI.OO to $3.50, Hot Water Bottles 75c, Lopaeiic Pills 25c, Absorbent Cotton, pound, Sic, 5 yards Gauze 65c. Turkish Bath Soap 30c dozen, Atomizers 50c to $3.00. Large assortment Rogers & Gailets', Pinauds', Lubins’ and Caudry’s Soap, Perfeumgs and Powders, We have the goods and the price. Try us. We will treat you right. Telephone 539. KNIGHTS PHARMACY. Savannah, Ga. The Leading Laundry OF THE CITY SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383. THE ONLY Exclusive FamiSy Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts, SJ; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.50. grj CIUPCD P pn Sole Proprietors, 43 Whitaker Street. “LLOIiiIULSI 0& vOlf FULL LINE*!)” CLARET WINES. BUSINESS NOTICES. MUponTUs HARVARD BEER. UNION HOTEL, West Broad St. TORSALET One lot !t0x125 ou Tenth street, near Jeffersou. One lot 30x125 on Ninth street, uear Jefferson. Prices lower than anything; else In the neighborhood, aud terms very easy. Both lots ncur the Kitflith Street School. C. H. DOR SETT. Boiler tor Sal3. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell It for 5109, delivered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler is in good shape, and would not be gold had it not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 4-horee power, seats 16 per sons—s6so. These ,are the "Ideal” gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Racine, Wit., and used at all the fairs and exhibitions In the We* tern states. Starts In a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIFTMAN BROTHERS. Wholesale Druggists. Agents tor Racine Boats, BUSINESS NOTICES. irSpliiim For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It is in good order. Price $1(0. It cost originally $l,lOO. but we have no use for It and want the room it occupies. It will be an invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Capital $5(0,C0) Surplus and undivided profits—...—s3Bß,ooo DEiUSiTORX OF THE STATE O W GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking tsuaihess Collections made on all points “ accessible through banks and bankers. Account, oi uiiiilui, nanKoi'S, Mercnahta stid others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings. Interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London a •nd upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES STILT,IVAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL W. W. GORDON. Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLEB ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN .1. KIRBY. iiiMliil CAPITAL $350,04)0. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of tbs world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWDAND, Vice President W. H. CANN, Cashier. If you do your best, yet slip up in buying SHOES, there is no one to blame; but don’t handicap your boys by giving them poor shoes, and then scoldincr them because they wear out. We guarantee our Shoes, that means something bet ter than the ordinary, and means just what you mean. Our School Shoes are the RELIABLE kind, and that is the only kind your boys ought to wear. Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, tfU Cfl $2.00; sizes 11 to 2, UlidU jShaf _ Bros. FOOrCOV£Jt£JISn^MIJYX/NIX LEOPOLD ADLER, C. S. ELLIS. President Vice President. W. F. M'CATJLEY. Cashier. THE> CHATHAM SHNK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the accounts of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banks, and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection faculties. Insur ing prompt returns. Sepirate Saviors Department. mKHIiST 4X4 AI POUNDED qIIAS TERLY on deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults tat rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA HANK, SAVANNAH, GA. Capital $200,001 Undivided profits 60.009 This oank otters its services to corpora tions. merchants and Individual#. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on lbs Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIED EM AN. Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANSAU. „ CAPITAL, $500,000. 1 t . GtutiUi Business. Solicits Accounts of Individ* I *!** Merchant*, Bunks and other Corpo rations. Collections handled with aafetfi economy and dispatch. Interest compounded Quarteflf allowed on deposits In oar Saving* Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and fitomff* Vaults. BHANTLBY A. DK\MAHK, President MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEOItGE C. FitEEMAIf, Cashier. GO It DON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cnslief No. 1040. * Chartered, l#i THE 1 Allis HI Ml OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. $500,000. SURPLUS. $100,0(1 UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR*. J. A. G. CARSON. President. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Account# of banki) and bankers, mer chants and corporation! received upon the most favorable termf consistent wlto safe and conservative banking. M Morphine and Whi*kcy l> fl £ it. treated without pa " confiuemeiit. Care