The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CHARGE AGAINST RECEIVER. CLAIMED HE HAS BEEN I.EMMNO MONEY TO HIMSELF. It Is Allrxrd That Henderson Hn t’ned 97,000 of the Southern Home Building and 1/oan Association Knndi and Is Insolvent Stock holders of the Association Ask the Court to lleniove Him for These and Other Reasons. Atlanta. May 36—A sensational bill has been filed against W. H. Henderson, for merly secretary and manager of the Southern Home Building and Loan Asso ciation. and co-receiver of the company v. Ith Judge J. T. Pendleton, to have him i moved from the receivership. It Is alleged In the bill that Henderson, while manager, made loans to himself, amounting to some $7,0'0, of "which not a part of the principal and interest has been pall. It is charged that he Is a man of Intemperate and profligate habits and spends money far in excess of his means, and is an improper person to handle the funds for the association. It is also al leged that he Is wholly insolvent. Another ground on which Mr. Hender son's removal Is sought is that as receiv er It will be his duty to sue himself for money he owes the association. The petition states that the American Bonding and Trust Company, security on Mr. Henderson’s bond, has given him no tice that It will no longer be liable on, his bond, and If not relieved by his giving other security, will apply to the court for relief. The appointment of an expert bookkeeper Is asked to examine Into the affairs of the association prior to the re ceivership and subsequent. Judge New man has set the case for a hearing on. June 9. The petition was filed In liehaif of O. H. Crittenden of Texarkana, Tex., and G. W. Partin of Parsons, Tenn., by their attorneys, Malcolm, Johnston and West moreland Bros. SCIENTISTS AT WASHINGTON. They Find n Slight Error In the Longitude of the Place. Washington, Ga., May 26.—Prof. Pick ering of Harvard University lectured on the eclipse on Friday at the auditorium of the public school building. Besides the school, quite n large crowd was out to hear him. He said they had found, after coming here, in ascertaining the ex act longitude, that the maps were a lit tle wrong; that they thought the eclipse Would last eighty-eight seconds, Instead of eighty-five, ns Washington was Just five miles north of the. line of totality, but the difference was so slight It would not matter. Prof. Pickering will go next year to Borneo to observe a total eclipse which last six minutes. The scientists have been much enter tained while here, and their stay has been very pleasant. They have been entertained by the Frank Willis Literary Club, and It Is proposed to give them an old-fashioned Georgia barbecue. They admire our ancient Court House very much, and say that If It were In Bos ton It would be most carefully preserved. Representatives from St. Louis Univers ity. from Creighton University of Omaha, Neb., and from Xavier College, Cincin nati. have lately arrived here. Owing to the death of Father O’Brien, which cast gloom over all the institu tions under his charge, It has been de cided to have no public commencement at Sr Joseph's Academy this year. There will be private exercises attended only hv the parents, relatives and a few Invited friends. The school will close on the 20tli of June. So great interest was taken in the knitting mill that the superintendent was compelled to request the discontinuance o r visitors until the operatives should be come more accustomed to their work. The mill Is running on full time now with tYfcmty-rhree operatives, four skilled and tile rest learners. Mr. Edward Barrows, principal of the I-loop and Stave Factory, informs us that the business is paying well. Col. J. E. Strother has been appointed on Maj. Gen. Clement Evans’ staff. Col. Rtrother was a brave Con federate officer. honors at my conn. tfc* Cln Standing a nemarknlity Hiith One. Athens, Ga., May 26.—^The honors In the graduating class of Lucy Cobh Institute were awarded yesterday. The graduating class consists of seven young ladies, al though quite a large number take the elective course. This graduating class !s one of remarkable record, the whole class Handing probably, ranking higher than that of any class that has ever graduated •t Lucy Cobb. Each girl in the class takes an honor, making a record above that which entitles them to this distinc tion. Miss Agnes C. Goss, the talented and accomplished young (laughter of l>r. Js ham H. Goss, of this city, bears off the first honor In the Latin, French and Eng lish section, with an average of 99.4?,. The Classic City is proud of her charm ing young daughler, who thus reflects credit upon her. In the Latin and English section, Miss Clare Felker of Monroe carries ofT first honor with an average of 99.76. while sec ond honor is shared by Miss Sinjetta La nier of West Point, 99.21; Miss Sarah Hun nicutt of Athens, 99.06, and Miss Hennie Lou Hughes of Danville 98.80. In the French and English section. Miss Augusta Rickman of Hendersonville, N. C., takes first honor, with an average of 9906, while Miss Mary Illges of Columbus receives second honor, with an average of 98.50 The honors In the other classes at Lucy Cobb Institute will be announced later. THE HEWS AT SYVAINNHORO. School Commencement—.%. Now Man ufacturing Enterprise. Swainsboro, May 26.—The Swainsboro High School closed last night, the com mencement exercises having continued Thursday and Friday night. This marked the closing of the most prosperous school that Swainsboro has perhaps ever had. During the last year the school has been under the management of Prof. W. W. Driskell and Misses Berlha Barnes and Julia Slade, assistants. Miss Daisy Winn was in charge of the department of mu sic. Miss Josle Bady won the medal for elo cution. She rendered "Aux Italians,’’ and did complete Justice to t,he subject. Mr. Jesse Thompson is now erecting a very fine ginnery, grist mill and ke fac tory at this place. The building is fire proof. the complete structure being made of Iron. SPECIAL, NOTICES. soricEr~^ vv^~v ' All bills against the Masonic Fair Asso ciation must be presented at the Fair building by Monday nooq, or payment will lie debarred. MASONIC FAIR ASSOCIATION, Jk Vac Wugcnen, Treasurer. * The Thorn Comes Forth With Point Forward.” *The thorn point of disease is an ache or pain. But the blood is the feeder of the whole body. Purify it with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Kidneys, liver and stomach will al once respond ? No thorn in this point. Blood Poisoning The surgeon said when he took out the brass shell received la wound at San Juan Hill two weeks before, that it would have poisoned me if it bad not been for toy pure blood. I told him it was Hood’s Sarsaparilla that made it pure.” George P, Cooper, Cos. G, 25th U. S. Inf., Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C. Rheumatism - ” Myself and a friend both sutlered from severe attacks of rheu matism. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured both. We would not be without It.” Wm. H. Lester, 65 Leonard St., Fall River. Mass. Hood’* Pill* cure liver ill* ; th* non Irritating and only~catliartlo to like with Hood's Sarnapartilfc IFECIAL NOTICES. CONFEDERATE VETERANS ASSO CIATION. All members going to the reunion at Louisville, Kv„ will take special train at Central Railroad depot at 9:30 a. m., city time, Monday. 28th May. ROBERT. FALLIGANT, President. JAMES W. McINTIRE, Secretary. GR AND PICNIC AND PRIZE DRILL GERMAN VOLUNTEERS, AT TYBEE, JINK 3, 1000. COMMITTEE: Lieut. R. W. Baughn, Chairman. Sergt. John P. Fischer, Corpl. Geo. Semken. Privates—Joe. Metzger, Ed. Krelger, Thos. Wiehrs, John Ranltz, Dick Breiten bach. Tickets can be had from committee, also at depot. East train leaves the island at 11:30 p. m. ENJOY YOURSELF WOODMAN’S CIRCLE PICNIC TO TYBEE, JUNE . Dancing until lOittO p. mu A Graham** Orchestra. SECOND ANNUAL PICNIC —of the— POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION TO TYBEE ISLAND, JUNE 7. Whole tickets, 50 cents. Half, 25 cents. Committee—Lieut. Owen Reilley, chair man; Sergt. W. H. Powell. Patrolmen—Frank Wall, Thomas Furrell, W. F. Crosby. Tickets good on any train. TRIP TO OLD OCEAN SUNDAY' AFTERNOON 3:30, from foot of Whitaker street. Music and refreshments on board. FARE 25c.. GEO. U. BEACH. BIDS FOR SUPPLIES FOR STATE SANITARIUM, MILLEIXifiVILLE, OA. Healed proposals will be received at the office of the Prudential Committee, Geor gia State Sanitarium, until the 20th day of June, 10 a. in., nexi, to furnish this insti tution with the following classes of sup plies for three months: Dry goods, notions, domestics, hosiery, shoes, hats, groceries, meat, flour, lard, syrup, hay, oats, bran, corn, brooms,crock ery, glassware, hardware, piping, plumbing supplies, whisky, spirits turpentine, drugs. Samples sent in with bids, if deemed needed and reasonable in price, will be purchased. For particulars and specifications, or any further information, address, DR. T. O. POWELL, Supt., Mllledgeville, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah, Ga., May 26, 1900.—Will ail who are interested in the health and com fort of clerks employed in the retail stores of Savannah Join us In, signing an agree ment that will bind us not to enter a retail store after 5:30 p. m. from June 1 to Sept. 1, 1900? Those In sympathy with this movement are earnestly urged to leave their signa tures at Solomons & Cos., corner Bull and Charlton streets, and Theus Bros., corner Bull and Broughton streets, Mrs. John H. Hunter, Mrs. George J. Baldwin, Mrs. John J. McDonough, Mrs. T. M. Cunningham. Mrs. Roy Myers, Mrs. E. A. M. Schroeder, Mrs. Joe Ferst, Mrs. J. Rauers, Mrs. W. T. Hopkins, Mrs. S. E. Theus, Miss E. B. Hopkins. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Merchants and Miners Transporta tion Company will have on sale by steam ship D. H. Miller, appolntel lo sail June 14, Special Excursion Tickets to Republican National Convention, Philadelphia. For particulars apply ticket office. No. 39 Bull street. DR. 11. H. MARTIN, T Jones Street, YVest. Office hoars, 1> to 1, 4 to 3, and by appointment, Ollier open* Slay ilk, SPECIAL NOTICE. For rent for the summer two furnished residences. One Taylor, east of Abercorn; one Hall and Abercorn. These residences can also be leased from October by the year, furnished or unfurnished. We negotiate Real Estate larans at 5 per cent. Collect rents, buy and sell Real estate, sell Fire, Liability. Accident and Life Insuran e. W. ('. FRIPP * CO., Telephone 348. 27 Bay street, east. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 27. 1900. D BATHS. G ALLAH DR.—Mrs. B. A. Gnllaher died at 1:50 this (Sunday) morning. Funer al notice later. rt.NEUAL INVITATIONS. FRIERSON—The friends and acquaint ances of Mr. and Mrs. Norton Frierson and family are invited to attend the fun eral of Stewart Norton, their infant son, from the residence of the family, No. 314 Waldburg street, east, at 3:30 o’clock this (Sunday) afternoon. II'ECIAL NOTICES. T.yilLK D’ MOTE. 50c—DINNE R—soo Dinner 6 to 9 p. m., Sunday, May 27. Claret Wine. Little Neck Clums on the Half ShelL SOUP. Green Turtle. Potatoes ala Duchess. Sliced Tomatoes, French Dressing. Cjueen Olives, Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Chicken Puree de Morrons. Ribs New York Beef, Dish Gravy. ENTREES. Calf Diver ala Bretonne. Spanish Fritters, with Rum Sauce. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Mashed Squashes*. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. New’ Garden Peas. PASTRY AND DESSERT. , Potato Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers. Fruits. Strawberry Sherbet. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE .^STAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. TUB RIVER IS DOWN, SPRING IN SPLENDID CONDITION. You have no excuse now for not visiting the Famou* Sinvanee Spring*. Cure* Rhenmatlßin, Dy*- pepaia, nil kidney and Bladder Trou ble in from 3 to (i week*. Cure Idjunronteed. The mont dclllitful Summer Re wort South. No Mowquitoe*, No Mtt -1 ifrin. Delightful hree*e during the day, Bleep under blanket* every night. Elegant Bathing. Aeeoniinodntlou* and table wtrictly llrwt-cln*. Board SIO.OO per week and upward*— Ev euralon Ticket* for *ale by Plant System. SL WANES SPRINGS COMPANY. Suwanee, Fla., ANDREW HANLEY, Preside?!t and General Manager. TO-MORROW NIAY BE THE LAST DAY. I have still a great many goods that I am selling at almost give-away prices. A few Ideal Coffee Pots 2.*>c, 27c and 29c. Tumblers 3c, 3V&o, 4c. Lot Fine China A. D. Coffees, wodth from 60c to sl, at 19c each. Some Granite Pans at 3c, 4c, sc, 6c, 7c and 9c. Pitchers sc, 9c, 13c, ICc. Some Nice Tea Pots 9c, 15c, 19c. Come and see if you find anything you need. Sal© begins at 10 o’clock. May be open Tuesday—may not. JAS. S. SILVA, 31 Congress, west. FOR RENT, from Sept. 1, store 127 Congress street, west, now occupied by M. Dryfus. Apply B. H. LEVY * BRO. FIRST OK THE SEASON. Peach Cream and Peach 'Sherbet, made from the first crate of new peaches to ar rive. Special attention to dinner orders. Packed in ice or in cartons, with ail the usual Creams and Sherbets on hand at MASONIC TEMFNJ3 PHARMACY. NOTICE. The first mortgage bonds of the South Georgia and Florida Railroad Company having matured Jan. 15, 1599, and the sec ond mortgage bonds of the same company having matured Sept. 6, 1899, j>arties hold ing same are requested to present them to the Metropolitan Trust Company of the city of New York for payment, where funds are deposited for that purpose. In terest ceased upon said bonds upon the above mentioned dales. J. MOULTRIE LEE, Treasurer. ANNOUNCEMENT. We beg to announce that we have open ed a first-class drug store at corner Park avenue and Barnard street, where we In vite the public, PARK AVENUE DRUG STORE, J. I- Brannen, Proprietor. GREENE A CO., 138 WHITAKER. Photographs enlarged. Wall Paper. Pic ture Frames of every description. Pic tures unframed. A lot of cheap Wall Pa per for small buyers. Satisfaction guar anteed. TRY R F.n HE ART. I, Is the beer to drink. Ask for It and you will be delighted with It. By Jung Brewing Company. Branch, Bull and River streets. WM. .M. CHICKEN, Manager. Phone 915 fj. GOLF PLAYERS - c . OPPENHEIMER, SLOAT&CO. a . Our shelves are filled with nice things O #"? | /"* for the Picnic. Everything you need. I ICIHC Canned Meats, all sorts; Canned Fish, all sorts; Pickles, all sorts; Tinned, Car t -rt i • tooned and Loose Biscuits, all sorts; krtfl/HflbilArt Condiments, all sorts. Also Carbonated kJHVVIUIUVUI Syrups. You can fill your basket here M and need nothing else. MUNSTER’S, Phone 554. Corner Duffy and Drayton. The Cleanest Laundry In the City. O dices .107 Bull Street and 35 Whitaker Street. ’Phone* 700 and 400. Knight’s Pharmacy, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SELLS IT FOR LESS. Empty Capsules 5c per 100, Roachsalt, guaranteed, sc; Insect Powder, P. D. & Cos., 40c; Gum Camphor 66c, Trusses 60c to $5.00, Abdominal Supporters SI.OO to $3.50 Hot Water Bottles 75c, Lopactic Pills 26c, Absorbent Cotton, pound, 35c, 5 yards Gauxe OSe; Turkish Bath Soap 30c dozen. Atomizers 60c to $3.00. Large assortment Hogers & Gallels’. Plnauds’, Lubins’ and Caudry’s Soap, Perfeumes and Powders We have the goods and the price. Try us. We will treat you right. Telephone 639. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY. Savannah, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. MALT MEAD, (PATENTED.) MISINGS. NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS. Mali Mead tloei not exlUllrnte, un less you pnt su’thln In it. To the ntnn wbo must hnve 1:1s dally nip, Men,l comes ns n choice bless ing ns It enables blm to protect his stomach nml regulate ills appetite. Drank In Its pure state Malt Mend cools, revives and strengthens, and being rich In fermented enrlionle neld gas. it revitalises the tired nnd thirsty. Be eveTywherei a trial so licited. GEO. MEY'ER, Telephone No. 20. 100 l Henry St., E. MASONIC FAIR TO CLOSE. The cash drawer Is overflowing with cash on account of the generosity of the good people of Savannah. Many of you have eaten late suppers at the Fair and now is the time to take SLOAT’S VEGETABLE BITTERS for that acute case of Indigestion contrac ted at the fair for the good of the Ma sons. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WATCH REPAIRING. Bring us all your watches or anything else. We do repairing well and cheap. Eyes tested—glasses fitted. J. & C. N. THOMAS, L 24 Whitaker Street Jewelers. SPECIAL NOTICES. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT By wearing glassee that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There is no guesswork In our methods. We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. W’e make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot he compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a 6ide line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON, Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. HOUSEKEEPERS. " NOW IS THE TIME TO USB PAXTON’S B—D B—G POISON. It will keep your premises free froth this disgusting llttls pest. Large bottle 25c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID end make your old clothes look Ilka new. Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. NATION 11, .M ATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. All kinds mattresses made to order. Fine curled hair nnd moss mattresses a special ly. Our medicated steam renovating pro cess of hair, feathers, moss, etc., is en dorsed by our local physicians as being the best germ destioyer In use. Your old mat tresses or feather beds made new at reas onable prices. We carry a full line of tick ings, hair, feathers and moss. Call and In spect our methods. JAS. R. DOONER, Prop., Bell Phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. YVOLK’S FLOWERS AT CONIDA'S. I have arranged with Paul Contda to carry at his Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. AT JOYCE’S. The best of Meats, Spring Lamb, Spring Chicken, Juicy Roasts, Fine Steaks. Cucumbers, Snap Beans. Green Peas, Beets, Squashes, Fresh Fruit. Orders filled at any time of the day. 'Phones 107. JAS. J. JOYCE. AT GARDNER’S. Snap Beans, Cucumbers. Green Peas, Squashec. All kinds of Meats and the best Meats. M. S. GARDNER, ’Phones 573 Wayne and Whitaker. P. S. More of that corned beef THE - —SULTO— -SHOE This shoe is a GENTLEWOMAN'S SHOE, and i s .. made from the BEST OF LEATHER and by the MOST SKILLED WORKMEN. It combines wearing QUALI TY, COMFORT and STYLE, is THOROUGHLY a high-grade article. Each season has its special footwear, and the exten sive variety of styles suitable for summer wear that we are showing in the $3 SULTO $3 line of shoes is worthy of special attention. These are Light, Elegant and Dressy styles for evening and house wear. Handsome, substantial shoes for street wear. Every possible requirement is met in these famous shoes for women. One Price To All. rooTCOvgpefts? ••■AOnx/nd. PURE WHITE, Glean Work and No Damage OUR MOTTO. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383, THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Foil Quarts, $1; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.50. rci oiufiCD %. nfl ULLOUI ULII W UUlf FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. Business notices. The Tybee Beach Company have In structed me to sell on very easy terms, a limited number of their holdings. These embrace all classes of lots. Among them are fine beach lots, in the popular loca tions, also some most desirable lots, where is the best fishing—near the “Chat ham's” Club House; also lots fronting on the railroad, and some splendid garden lots in the interior of the island. A call by telephone or postal will receive prompt at tention. C. H. DORSETT. A. L. Desbouillons We have 18 and 22-karat plain Gold Rings for Wedding rings in the latest shapes. Also a large assortment of Diamond Jewelry at the old price of Diamonds as long as they last. A. L. DESBOUILLONS. 43 Bull Street. See for Yourself And decide what is the best thing for a graduating gift. We have a few elegant Chati’.alne Watches left, desirable In every way, at summer prices. Broaches In charming de signs, Belt Clasps, Sleeve Buttons, Hat Pins, and the latest productions In Sliver Novelties. THEUS BROS. AGENTS FOR Cook's Toors And other personally conducted tours TO EUROPE. HENRY SOLOMON & SON, Bay and Jefferson street*. OLD NEWSPAPERS, 200 for 25 cents, al Business Office Morning News. BUSINESS NOTICES. The Holiday Equipment Will not be complete without a nice Umbrella, or a nice Cane, or both. We have them. Han<l*ome Umbrel las, for grentlemen or ladies, assorted handles, finished plain, in silver and in gold. These are new, and will not split. A handsome line of canes te select from. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bull Street. To Newsooper Piste For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It Is in good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no uee for it and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Snvnnnah, Ga. “FORSALtr One lot 30x125 on Tenth itreet, near Jefferson. One lot 3Dx123 on Ninth .tree!, near Jefferson. Price* lower than anything el** in the neighborhood, and term, very easy. Both lota near the Eighth Street School. C. H. DORSETT. Boiler for Sale. We have gold the Engine and Dyname advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell It for SIOO, delivered at any railroad depot in Savannah. The boiler Is In good shape, and would not be sold had It not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. _ IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL, and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books from Morning News, Savannah. Q**