The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TO HAVE A NEW POSTMASTER. EARLY APPOINTMENT EXPECTED FOR BRUNSWICK. Believed That F. KT. Brown Will SuoC'oed Cpt. Synionn—Tlie IxOttcFn Poor-Year Term Iw Nearly Fin ished-Charlen A. Clark, a Colored Barber Had Strong Indorsement*, Ini t Has Withdrawn From the Race—Other Brunswick News. Brunswick, Ga., May 31.—The appoint ment of a postmaster for Brunswick to succeed Capt. W. F. Symons, the pres ent incumbent, is expected within the next few days. Capt. Symons was confirmed in June and has nearly seived his four years, except for a few days. It is generally conceded now’ that Mr. F. McC. Brown wi i be the new postmaster. He has secured the indorsement of the local Re publican Committee, the Eleventh Dis trict and the State Committee, and has no opposition at present from any source. Charles A. Ciark, the well-known col ored barber, was an applicant for the postmastership and secured one of the strongest indorsements from the business men and politicians of Glynn county that has ever been signed up. His indorse ments were from men in every walk of Ufe and represented all that a man need ed n that line. Members of both fac tions of the Democratic party in Glynn ccunty indorsed Clerk s paper and his Withdrawal from the race was somewhat In the nature of a surprise. Just why he wbhdrew Is not made public, but there is a well-founded rumor that his services in the past are to be ably recognized and he is to get “something good" from the powers that be. The st’e: g b of Clara’s petition and the cln?s of his indorsers have no room for hi> party to object to giving him some thing. as it indicates that he is very much liked here by Democrats as well as Republicans. DEWEY CANNOT lIE THEIR* B;unMwick Gun Club Shoot-Coming Southeastern F*alr. ■Brunswick, Ga., May 31.—Admiral Dewey bus written Clerk I>. C. Bodet that, owing to engagements for June, he cannot accept the invitation extended by Brunswick’s Oity Council to visit here. The announce ment from Admiral Dewey was received wbh regret, as Brunswickians had count ed strongly on getting him. The second annual shoot of the Bruns wick Gun Club will be held in this city under the auspices of the Southeastern Fair Association on June 26 and 27. The shoot will occur at the fair grounds, and wminq during the progress of the fair end mid-summer carnival, will be doubly interesting 10 sportsmen. Neatly printed Imitations are now being sent out an nouncing the shoot and giving a list of the events. Special rates of one fair for the round trip are announced on the railroads and S2OO added money makes the prizes to be shot for more valuable than usual. The shoot will commence at 9 o’clock, June 27, wiih entries to be made on the grounds be fore the match commences. Magna traps ami blue-rock targets are io be used, with the usual rules relating to weights of guns to be enforced. Black powder and ten guage guns will not be permitted, and costs of target is to be deducted from the purse, while all purses are to be divided accord ing to the Revised Rose system. Experts will be permitted to shoot for targets only. The Committee on* Arrangements are Messrs. C. L. Candler, chairman; Claud Dartt and J. B. Adams, with a reception committee, consisting of Messrs. A. D. Gale, chairman; J. H. Polhill, B. J. Ole wine, H. H. Harvey and C. M. Cowen. Mr. Charles Doerflinger, representing the Southeastern Fair Association, will leave to-morrow for a tour of the Plant System. He will bill every line of the Plant System as far as Montgomery and all through Georgia and Florida, and it io expected that big results will be secured from this extensive advertising. The fair people have out some excellent lithograph work and intend to pull for the crowds at the coming show to be held here from June 26 to 30th, inclusive. T hc local lioo Moos are arranging for a big concatenation in Brunswick on June 2# The Southeastern Fair Association has designated- that date as Hoo Hoo Day, and the local boys will entertain royally. The indications for a large attendance are splendid, and the Brunswick end will not In ‘k in doing their share to make all vis itors have a good time. BRUNSWICK'S COMING FI In. Every Effort Mode to Seenre Gooff Entertain inentn. Brunswick. Ga., May 31,-The second an- ! Dual fair and mid-summer carnival to be Riven under the auspices cf the Sjuth onstern Pair Association of this city will b held in Brunswick June 2C-30 inclusive and the officers and directors are making the most of the few weeks Intel venlng ti get everything in readiness for the gra <1 event. The ladies under direction of Mrs. Bolling Whitfield, President of the Wo man's Board, will add Several attractive features to those held last jear, umong them being a floral parade which will bring out all the talent and flowers of Brunswick in an effort to make the para e as pretty as possible. The Negro detriment is being ably •nonaged and will make a success of the •Work that will reflect much credit upon the managers. The fair association has been spending much money in improving the grounds and they are liberal in their ap propriations of funds for attractions At last meeting fifty dollars was do nated to the Brunswick Baseball Club through Mr. Henry Hirsch, manager, art! this will be used by the boys to .quip themselves witli uniforms and for the en tertainment of various clulgs that have been invited here during fair week. The baseliall grounds have teen enclosed and eome good ball will lie played. A contract has been entered into with the Brunswick Eight and Water Company for the complete lighting of the g.otmdt and buildings and these will lie kept o!>en every night. MaJ. ft. Ernest Dart, of the I'lr.-e Regiment has teen appointed a special committee to visit the various m li tary commands of the state and endeavor to secure their attendance the fair. The Fourth Regiment will be on Cumber land during that time and efforts will be made to get other regiments. The amuse ments secured are all Rood and the racts will be*up to the standard. Some hard work has been done for this fair and all interested have great encouragement fer Its being a big success. CONFIDENCE IN THE MONSOON. ftlrnclian Will Start with Ills New Boat To-morrow. Ga., May 31,-Mr. Frank D. After Dinner To assist digestion, relieve distress after eating or drinking too heartily, to prevent constipation, take Hood's Pills Sold everywhere. 25 cent* mm Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc. Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. CURE GUARANTEED even after all other remedies have failed, or money refunded. A DOCTOR WRITES: No. 1 Bt. Charles Bt., Boston. Maas.. May 19,1999. I don’t bolie.o in rocoinmonflina proprietar, articles, bat reard tor the truth coni pel * mo to pay "Coke iMudrud Cur.” is O. K. and tcoa’. 1 L l a, , :ig Y ( *y.‘, r ( t A For Sale by all Druggists and Barbers. Trea tise on hair and Scalp Troubles free on request. A. K. lIIIEISUU CO., - Chicago. Beware of Imitations. The only hair preparation admitted to tile Paris Exposition. For sale by Eippman Bros., Columbia Drug Cos. and Knight’s Pharmacy, Savan nah, Ga. M. Strachan will leave Brunswick about Saturday morning next for Savannah in his new yacht, Monsoon. Mr. Strachan has been out several days this week, giving the Monsoon a test of speed and getting her in shape for the trial races that are to tell whether the Brunswick or Savannah boat will engage the Marls of Charleston at Savannah, and while he has not given out a statement for publication, It is known that he now has the Monsoon in excellent shape for the trial. Her sailing qualities are unquestioned and lo cal yachtsmen have a great deal of con fidence in her beating the Charleston boat. FISHING IN' THE SATIbLA. tinny Sportsmen Attracted by Stories of llig' Catches. Brunswick, Ga., May 31.—Reports from the Satilla are to the effect that fishing there now Is at its best and the camps are crowded with fishermen from various parts of the state. Macon and Atlanta are among the distant cities represented and thirty-five people are there from the Tom Welch Fishing Club that Is located at various points along the Plant System. Fish are being caught by the hundreds, and the coming week promises to wit ness a big influx of visitors, attracted by siories of the marvelous catch that is being recorded daily. Mr. Dave Keller of Brunswick came down yesterday and says some of the fishermen are averag ing ninety a day, while none are falling much below fifty. Goodyear Resume* tVurk. Brunswick, Ga, May 31.—C01. C. P. Goodyear lias returned from a few months’ stay In Washington, and has re sumed work on the outer bar of Bruns wick. As soon as he became convinced thut this Congress would not make any appropriations for rivers and harbors, Col. Goodyear returned. While the gov ernment is stiff due him a good sum for work completed, he is not anyways un easy about it. Glynn County Drainage. Brunswick, Ga., May 31.—The Glynn county convicts are a.t work digging a lengthy canal in the upper part of the county and toward which Mr. Ward, the well-known Bladen merchant, is paying *SOO. The work will make that part of the county much healthier, and the cash paid by Mr. Ward will compensate the county for any benefits that might accrue to private individuals from public works. VALDOSTA TEACHERS TO MEET. Prof. Ashmore Will Speak Other Valilostn News. Valdosta, Ga., May Si.—' The Teachers’ Institute here will comprise the school teachers of Lowndes, Brooks, Berrien and Echols county, and there will be about 200 of them In all. At the same time a colored Peabody Institute Is tsf be held here, and 600 colored teachers are expected at that. Both institutes will be held at the same time, and some of ihe experts will lecture before both bodies. The town folks look forward to the night sessions with the greatest Interest, and some very fine attractions have been engaged for the night leotures. Among them is Prof. Otis Ashmore of Savannah, in his lecture on "The Wonders Revealed by the Telescope, and the Science of As tronomy." Among the other prominent educators and lecturers who will be here will be State School Commissioner G. R. Glenn, on the life of the poet, Sidney La nier: President J. Harris Campbell, of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College at Mllledgevllle; Prof. E. H. Webster of At lanta, and Prof. Charles Lane. President Chappell will lecture on the “Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson," while Prof. Lane will speak upon the "Lessons Not Learned 'in Books.” The carnival and street fair committees had a meeting to perfect their plans, and they are assured now of the success of their enterprise. The exiosltion people are as busy as bees with their coming event, and expect to get up the best show that has ever been seen In this part of the country. The farmers throughout this section are plant ing prize patches to put on exhibition of various farm products. The Best Prescription for Mnlarln, Chills and Fever, ia a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay- Price 60c —ad. SEVERE FIRE AT ARGYLB. I. title Town Sustained Heavy Losses • From the Flames. Valdosta. Ga., May 31.—A special from Argyle, on the Plan! System, says: A big Are swept our little town last night at 10 o’dlock. The Are originated in the store o! Wallace A Williams, leaping from there to the Plant System depot, thence to Grif fith & Bros.' store and then to Thomas J. Funk's establishment, converting all to ashea in two hours’ time. The fire burned ferociously, and it was Impossible to con trol it while fuel was in its path. Wallace & Williams' loss is estimated at $4.1)00. with lnsuranee of $3,000. Griffith Bros.’ loss A $2,500, with no Insurance. Funk saved all of his stock except some Ice. He had no Insurance. The loss to the railroad company was total, except the office papers, which were moved out. This Is the worst fire that Argyle has ever had, and the burned district makes the town look very differently from what it waa yesterday. The fire is supposed to have originated from the explosion of a lamp. The railroad cbmpany has already begun the work of repairing its losses, anil the depot is to be rebuilt as rapidly as the work can be done. It is not known whether the other parties will rebuild or not. —Reflection.—“Food for reflection,” ob served the Ostrich, with a certain rude wit. as he swallowed the fragments of , the mirror.—Detroit Journal, THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. JUNE 1, 1900. riAEHtI. INVITATIONS. Elkins, and of her daughter, Mrs. Cora B. Mallette, are invited to attend the funeral of Ihe former, from Laurel Grove Cemetery, this (Friday) morning at 9 o'clock. GOODWIN—The friends and acquaint ances of Mrs. M. A. Goodwin and family are respectfully invited to attend the fu neral of J. W. Goodwin, from the Cen tral Railroad depot, at 9 o’clock this (Friday) morning. Interment at Laurel Grove Cemetery. HUTTON—The friends and acquaint ances of Mr. John and Mrs. Mary A. Hut ton and family are invited to attend the funeral of the latter, from the Lawton Memorial, this,afternoon at 4:39 o’clock. MEETINGS. LANDItrM^ODGFNfL^4SriL~ANFAOr A regular communication of this ML lodge will be held this (Friday) ev ening at Masonic Temple at 8:30 <V\ o'clock. The M. M. de'gree will be conferred 1 . Members of sister lodges and transient brothers cordially Invited to attend. By order GEO. T. CANN, W. M. W. C. TRAVIS, Secretary. NOTICE. Savannah, Ga., May 31, 1900.—8 y virtue of a resolution passed by the Democrat'o Executive Committee of the First Senator ial District of Georgia a convention to nominate a Senator to represent said dis trict in the next general assembly is rail ed to meet at the Court House in Chatham county, Georgia, on the 6th day of June, 1900, at 10 a. m. The delegates elected to this convention are requested to assemble at the time and place above named. M. A. O’BYRNE. Chairman Democratic Executive Commit tee, First Senatorial District. JAMES T. WELLS, Secretary. special notices. ia3tdiEvrTTFhqlFiHjFEMPLo\^^ We, the undersigned wholesale mer chants, hereby agree to close our respec tive places of business at 2 1 o’clock on Sat urdays, beginning June 2, 3900, and ending on Sept. 1, Inclusive: E. A. Weil & Cos., Meinhard & Schaul, I. Epbstein & Bro., Eekman & Vetsburg, IMax Solomon, Jos. Rosenheim & Sons, Frank & Cos., Lipp man Bros., Mohr Bros., Mark Apple, Co hen-Kulman Carriage and Wagon Cor EARLY CLOSING. All the leading Retail Merchants of the city have, agreed to close their places of business at 6 p. m., sharp, during the months of June, July, August and Septem ber; Saturdays excepted, and at 7 o'clock for balance of year. Committee—Mrs. Dr. T. B. Chisholm, Mrs. S. P. Hamilton l , Mrs. I. P. Mendr3, Mrs. Jno. Cook, and Miss Viola Kennedy. BASKET PICNIC —of— CHRIST CHI’RCH SUNDAY SCHOOL AT WARSAW, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1900. Steamer Santee leaves wharf foot of Abercorn street at 9 a. m.; leaves Thun derbolt at 10:30 a. m. Whole tickets 50c, children's tickets 26c, to be had ai ttie steamer or of any member of the school. Good music and a Jolly time. sin,ooo Wanted on Real Estate for one year, by a corporation. Address Lots, P. O. Box 366. ’ NOTICE^ Neither the master nor consignees of the Italian bark Ferruccio S., E. Scognamiglio, master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said vessel. J. F. MINIS & CO., Consignees. TABLE D’HOTE. 60c—DINNER—50o Dinner 6 to 9 p. 9., Friday, June L Claret Wine. SOUP. Puree of Split Peas. FISH. Mackinaw Trout, Wine Sauce. Potatoes ala Julienne. Sliced Cucumbers, Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives. ROASTED. Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce. Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy. ENTREES. Buttered Crabs on Toast. English Bread FYltie.s, Lem n Sau e. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, String Beans; Rice. Slewed Tomatoes, Mashed Squashes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. , Fruit Pie, Assorted Cakes, Fruits. Cheese, Crackers, Sago Pudding. French Coffee. At LEVAN S CAFE ...cSTAURANT, HI Congress street, west. WE INVITE YOI H ATTENTION to Ihe following line of Canned | Goods, put up expressly for pleasure iwrties, picnic or fishing trips: Deviled Ham In %-lb. tins at ~..10c I Veal I .os fln %-lb. tins at ...10c I 2-lb. cans Beefsteak and Onions..2sc I 1-lb. can Tenderloin of Beef at... 35 | 1-lb. can Pig’s Feet at 15c j 1-lb. can Veal Cutlets at 40c I 1-lb. can Pork Cutlets at 40c j %-lb. can Boned Chicken at 25c j H-lb. can Boned Turkey at 25c J 1-lb. can Sliced Tongue and Chlck- I en at 40c I 1-lb. can Chicken ala Marengo..4Jc | Ox Tongue in cans at 75c j Macedoln Stew in cans at 35c I j JOHN T. EVANS & CO.’S, j Congress and Barnard streets. I Fore 286. COL LL L> J EIIS^, OPPEKHEIMER, SLOAT&CO. PURE WHITE, Glean Work and No Damage OUR MOTTO. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phene 383. SPECIAL NOTICES. —at— THE WOMAN’S EXCHANGE. This morning from 30 to 12 nooo MISS JENNIE COHEN, Demonstrator. MENU TO-DAY. Broiled Steak. 1 Blackberry Pie. Cream Muffins. Demonstraiions every Tuesday and Fri day morning from 10 to 12, commencing at 10 o’clock sharp. Menu changed each demonstration. Ladies desiring admission for their cooks will apply for cards at the office of the Exchange. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. SAVANNAH HOTEL COMPANY. Savannah, Ga, 7th 'May, 1900. The Board (ft Directors has this day de clared a dividend of two per cent. (2 p.c.) on the capital stock of this company, to be paid on and after June 1, 1900, to the stock holders as of record of this date, at the Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. JA'COB HAUERS, President. W. E. Grady, Secretary. , AT MARK APPLE’S REPOSITORY Can be found a full line of the Latest De signs of Vehicles, s&ch as Buggies, Car riages, Traps and a large assortment of Runabouts. Would ask the public to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. As beautiful a line of Harness as ever brought to this city. Kelley-Springfield Rubber Tires at MARK APPLE’S, 320 Broughton, West. LBTT’I DISCOUNT NOTICB. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By paying your bills on as be fore tbe 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY A BRO. ”\\ II VT TO E AT.” A monthly magazine—mi authority spoil FOODS, COOKING, SERVING, TABLE DECORATION* and FURNISH INGS, and other attractive reading matter. We will take pleasnre in present ing a copy of the June number to In dies calling at our store. A. M. A C. W. WEST. ST. PAUL'S SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC, WARSAW, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1900. Whole tickets 50c, half tickets 26c. Schol ars 10c. Sold by Yonge’s drug store, teachers, and at boat. NOTICE. Savannah, May 29. As I am leaving the city for a time, I leave John J. Harte, my agent, to collect all bills and pay all debts until I re turn. LUKE CARSON. DR. H. H. MARTIN, 7 Jones Street, West. tllilor hours. to 1,4 to 5, and by appointment. Office open Muy 28, *25,000. One of our clients has placed in our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT, 24 President street, cask SPECIAL NOTICES. pauldTno^of^ijkngTsland^celK lIHATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pure cider is served on steamers on the American line, and at the Waldorf-As toria and leading family grocers in New York city. Paulding s Pippin eider is made from the pure juice of hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the effer vescence is natural, and we guarantee it to be the choicest cider in the world. Leading physicians in New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients, ils perfect purity is guaranteed. In Paulding’s Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton’s Pippins are used. The ap ples are left on the trees until late in Oc tober w hen they are hand picked and placed in a dry room to ripen. Paulding says "the apples are thorough ly crushed in his own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks.” The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great. You will know the difference between crushed app es and ground apples if you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which is not with Paulding’s crushed apples. This cider has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet cider, and everyone will find the Pauld ing's Pippin cider just right to take with dinner. Lippman Bros., Sole Agents in Savannah. HOUSEKEEPERS. NOW IS THE TIME TO USB PAXTON’S B-D B-G POISON. It wl£ keep your premises free from this disgusting Uttls pest. Large bottle 26c. USE DETERSIVE FLUID and make your old clothes look llks new. Large bottles 25c. SOLOMONS COMPANY. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—*2so. One 26-foot 4-horee power, seats 16 per sons—*6so. These are the "Ideal” gentleman’s launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Radlne, Wis., and used at all the fairs and exhibitions in the Western states. Starts In a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER. We have the largest stock of the beet goods. Get our prices before you pay more to others. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. LOOK. The finest line of Mantels, Tiling and Grates In the city. Prices rock bottom. Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Comer Congress and Drayton. Phone 519. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June l, I offer it for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. SPECIAL NOTICE. For rent for the summer two furnished residences. One Taylor, east of Abercorn; one Hail and Abercorn. These residences can also be leased from October by the year, furnished or unfurnished. We negotiate Real Estate Loans at 5 per cent. Collect rents, buy and sell Real estate, sell Fire, Liability. Aceklent and Life Insurance. W. C. FRIPP A CO., Telephone 318. 27 Bay street, east. WOLF’S FLOWERS AT CONIDA’S. I have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at his Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 697. Ml wsfpf Foot Ef w \ °* m Shoes O $3.50 They are to the greatest degree com fortable, of best material, splendidly made. No matter what kind of a shoe you want we can suit you. We’ve all the prevailing styles. rOOTCOVSPFRS^A^M/WJf/NO. BUSINESS NOTICES. Drink Harvard Beer See for Yourself And decide what Is the best thing for a graduating gift. We have a few elegant Chatelaine Watches left, desirahle in evsrv way. at summer prices. Broaches In charming d e _ signs. Belt Clasps, Sleeve Buttons, Hat Pins, and the latest productions in Silver Novelties. THEUS BROS. 10 Newspaper Publishers. For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It Is in good order. Price SIOO. It coat originally *l,lOO, but we have no use for It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. . Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. FOR SALE. One lot 30z12S on Tenth street, near Jefferson. One lot 30x125 on Ninth street, near Jefferson. Prices lower than aaythlnjr else In the neighborhood, and terms -very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. H. DORSETT, Boiler for Sale. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will sell It for SIOO, delivered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler is in good shape, and would not be sold had It not to he taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH. GA. iSHfli CAPITAL *350,000, Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid Quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President W. a CANN, Cashier. SPECIAL NOTICES. BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorised to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in Judicial proceeding* in either the state or United Staten courts, and rtf administrators and guardians. DEA TNG A HULL, Agents. , Telephone 324. Provident Building. LEOPOLD ADLER. C. 8. ELLIB. President. Vice President. W. F. M’CAULEY. Cashier. THEGMTHfIMBfIfiK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the accounts of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Banks, and Corporations. Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, insur ing prompt returns. Sepjrate Savings Department' INTEREST COMPOUNDED Ml AH. TRULY ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults foe rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK, SAVANNAH, UA. Capital *2oo,me Undivided profits 60.001) This oank oilers ts services to corpora tions, merchants ana individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. *— pnia 01* compounded quariu... on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. • CAPITAL $500,000. iMU...... .. UlLlUg Business. Solicits Accounts of Individuals, Merchants, Banks and other Corpo rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposlta in our Savings Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President. MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. Capital JRO.uW Surplus and undivided profits— ...-4338,00# DEPOSITOR* OF THE STATE OF, GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking Business Collections made~ori~ari points accessible through banks and bankers Accounts or uaiiKj, Bankers, Merchants and otliera solicited. Safe Deposit Boxea for rent. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sella Stearllng Exchange on London O and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vioe President JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY WM W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W GORDON. Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERBT. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY No. 1640. Chartered, ISM THE UIR ini it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS. *IOO.OOO. UNITED STATES DBFUSii'JAL J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Acoounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent wita safe and conservative banking. ireciAL notice*. TUB WAV TO CLEAN CAIU’ETS. The only way to get your carpets P r °P7 erly taken up, cleaned and taken care for the summer ts to turn the Job over . the District Messenger and Delivery " telephone 2, or call at >32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an _ * 1 mate on the cost of the work. 1 ‘ ' reasonable. They also pack, move store furniture nnd pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr-